#snowflake developers
santhu2222 · 1 year
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Snowflake | Snowflake Developers | Snowflake data warehouse
Insignia consultancy specializes in providing expert Snowflake Developers for businesses looking to optimize their data storage and retrieval on the Snowflake platform.
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insignia2023 · 1 year
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Professional Web Development Company | Insignia Consultancy
Choose our professional web development company for expert solutions tailored to meet your digital requirements and achieve your business goals.
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eccentricstylist · 8 months
Hey Tumblr! I'm currently working on a 2D point and click winter adventure game set in a haunted mansion! :) I am a solo developer, so my budget is near $0 now. Depending on various input I receive / my time, I may consider doing the voice-acting for the characters in my game.
With that being said, do you feel like voice acting would have a major, positive impact on gameplay in this case? Any input would be appreciated! :)
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icybreaths · 6 months
|| Bleach || Jewel Stone || Character Development ||
Notes about what guide Jewel's actions and the lens through which she perceives the world.
|| Desires ||
Freedom. Jewel wants to have total control over her life and full autonomy to do whatever she wants. She doesn't want to be tied down to anything.
To find an occupation she's happy with. Jewel isn't content with her path in life and seeks to change it, but feels stuck in her position as a lieutenant. She's too prideful to transfer divisions or quit, and flatly refuses the idea of parting with her zanpakuto should she leave the Gotei.
To have full control over her zanpakuto and to hone it to its full power. A running theme in Jewel's story is control, and she struggles to control her own weapon, Hyouhakyoku. It's locked in a permanent Shikai state due to her immense spiritual energy and inability to fully control it. Not only this, but her zanpakuto's spirit despises the fact that Jewel cannot control it and inflicts frostbite upon her body as punishment. The bite of her blade rules her body every waking moment. It aches, numbs her senses, and makes her look like a corpse under her uniform at its worst. It is the most distracting thing in her life.
Achieve all of her goals on her own. Personal satisfaction. It's a pride thing.
To be alone. Ideally, she wants to rely on only herself.
To survive.
To always have a challenge. Jewel would never want to be the strongest shinigami or the strongest being. She's always looking for opponents stronger than herself to face. She wants to find her own limits and surpass them, and never stop that cycle.
|| Fears ||
To feel caged in any way. Being stuck with her current job forever. Imprisonment. The inverse of the freedom she desires. Jewel fears having her autonomy robbed from her and being forced to look at herself without a sense of control. Feeling like a cornered animal with no options would bring out the worst in her, and engaging with that side of her without her consent is a state of being she would want to avoid at all costs.
Losing control over her zanpakuto and being devoured by it. Hyouhakyoku is among the most powerful ice zanpakuto in Soul Society, being capable of creating a large scale ice age at its full power. It's a difficult responsibility and power to handle, and Jewel struggles to hone it, as much she hates to admit it. There are already considerable cracks in the surface to her facade of control, most notably in her reiatsu and how her zanpakuto is locked in a permanent Shikai state. An effect of her lack of control shows through on her body in the form of frostbite. Most of the time it's hidden underneath her clothing, but it may be seen on her fingers or her face, and is always seen during combat. At her worst, the frostbite has eaten parts of her down to her bones and will take days to heal. Full loss of control would kill her, but it's not death she fears, it's the failure in not being good enough to control her weapon. She doesn't want her efforts to amount to nothing.
Lightning. More on this here.
Platonic and romantic commitment. Jewel has been let down by friends, partners, and family figures alike over the centuries, and she has done others the same way. She has found significant connections with others to be nearly pointless. People have, lied, died, and betrayed her in the past. She perceives herself to not be the best kind of friend to have, and given the issues she has with her zanpakuto on top of it all, she keeps an emotional wall between herself and others, even those who've managed to get close to her. The closest ones know that Jewel doesn't let them all the way into her heart. In one way or another, people will leave her, so she chooses not to care too much about them. To her it's an inevitability, so why bother? At least, that's what she tells herself. In truth, it's a mindset she struggles with at times because there's a part of her soul that craves connections with others. She views the want as a flaw.
|| Misbeliefs ||
She can only count on herself. Jewel believes achieving goals and building herself up are things only she can do. She refuses to ask for help or rely on others to help her. Whatever happens she will figure out a way to pull herself through.
Being in control will avoid the ultimate failure. Messing up is inevitable, but as long she can make the choice to keep trying, she will. Control is everything, particularly with her weapon. She knows she'll figure it out on her own. She just needs time.
Given her past, love is a lost cause. Dying friendships and dead romances. Family betrayals and disappointing leadership. It all flows like a cycle. Jewel has seen it all, and at this point she thinks she's supposed to be alone -- not an idea that came out of sadness but an inevitability she's supposed to accept. She keeps others at a distance and uses them in a transactional way. Loneliness is a temporary disturbance that will pass.
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
Incorrect Quote 98
Jasmine, trying to have an emotional moment with her mother: Hurt people hurt people.
Suzy: Oh that's nice! I always say, "make people cry, make people cry," but yours includes the people who don't want to give you the satisfaction!
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sigmasolveinc · 4 months
Migrating Your On-Prem Data Warehouse to Snowflake Cloud
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In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to streamline their operations, enhance data analysis capabilities, and drive innovation. One of the most significant shifts in recent years has been the transition from on-premises data warehouses to cloud-based solutions, such as Snowflake. This cutting-edge cloud platform has revolutionized the way organizations manage and analyze their data, offering unparalleled scalability, performance, and cost-efficiency. If your organization is still relying on an on-premises data warehouse, it’s time to consider making the move to Snowflake. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key benefits of migrating to Snowflake and provide you with a step-by-step approach to ensure a smooth and successful transition.
Why Snowflake?
Snowflake is a fully managed, cloud-based data platform that offers a unique blend of performance, scalability, and flexibility. Here are some of the key advantages of adopting Snowflake:
Scalability on Demand: With Snowflake, you can instantly scale your computing resources up or down based on your evolving needs, without the need for complex hardware upgrades or capacity planning.
Cost Optimization: Snowflake’s pay-as-you-go pricing model ensures that you only pay for the resources you consume, eliminating the need for expensive upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure.
Seamless Data Integration: Snowflake simplifies data integration by providing native connectors to a wide range of data sources, enabling you to consolidate data from various systems into a centralized platform.
Advanced Analytics: Snowflake’s powerful analytics capabilities, including support for machine learning and data sharing, empower businesses to derive actionable insights from their data.
High Performance: Snowflake’s unique architecture, leveraging massively parallel processing (MPP) and columnar storage, delivers exceptional query performance, even for complex analytical workloads.
The Migration Process
Migrating your on-premises data warehouse to Snowflake can seem daunting, but with proper planning and execution, the process can be streamlined and efficient. Here’s a step-by-step approach to guide you through the migration:
Assess Your Current Environment: Begin by thoroughly evaluating your existing data warehouse infrastructure, including the data sources, schemas, workloads, and any custom configurations or transformations.
Plan Your Migration Strategy: Based on your assessment, develop a comprehensive migration plan that outlines the scope, timeline, and resources required for the transition. This plan should also address potential challenges and risk mitigation strategies.
Set Up Your Snowflake Account: Sign up for a Snowflake account and configure your virtual warehouse, ensuring that it meets your specific requirements in terms of compute resources, storage, and networking.
Data Extraction and Transformation: Extract your data from the on-premises data warehouse and perform any necessary transformations or cleansing to ensure data integrity and compatibility with Snowflake’s schema.
Load Data into Snowflake: Leverage Snowflake’s robust data ingestion tools, such as Snowpipe or the COPY command, to load your transformed data into your Snowflake account efficiently and securely.
Validate and Test: Once your data is loaded, perform thorough validation and testing to ensure data accuracy, consistency, and compatibility with your existing applications and processes.
Optimize and Tune: Continuously monitor and tune your Snowflake environment to ensure optimal performance and cost-efficiency, taking advantage of features like auto-scaling and multi-cluster warehouses.
Train and Transition: Provide comprehensive training to your team on the new Snowflake environment, ensuring a smooth transition and adoption of the new platform.
Ongoing Maintenance and Support: Establish a robust maintenance and support plan to ensure the long-term success of your Snowflake deployment, leveraging Snowflake’s extensive documentation, community resources, and support offerings.
Partnering for Success
While the migration process can be managed internally, many organizations choose to partner with experienced Snowflake consulting and implementation partners. These partners bring extensive expertise in data migration, cloud architecture, and Snowflake best practices, ensuring a seamless and efficient transition.
By leveraging the knowledge and resources of a trusted partner, you can accelerate your migration timeline, mitigate risks, and maximize the value derived from your Snowflake investment from day one.
Embracing the Future of Data
The move from on-premises data warehouses to Snowflake’s cloud platform represents a transformative shift in how businesses manage and leverage their data. By embracing this transition, organizations can unlock new levels of agility, scalability, and analytical power, positioning themselves for success in an increasingly data-driven world.
With careful planning, execution, and the right partnerships, migrating to Snowflake can be a seamless and rewarding experience, empowering your organization to harness the full potential of its data and drive innovation like never before. Original Source:https://locantotech.com/migrating-your-on-prem-data-warehouse-to-snowflake-cloud/
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intellibi · 7 months
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jobsbuster · 7 months
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aegissofttech · 1 year
The interview questions for Snowflake are like; What are the essential features of Snowflake?, Explain Snowflake Architecture, and more @ https://bit.ly/47qXudd
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insignia2023 · 1 year
The Role of Social Media Listening in Brand Reputation Management
In today's digital age, where social media platforms have become powerful communication channels, managing a brand's reputation has taken on a new level of complexity. Social media listening, also known as social media monitoring, has emerged as a crucial tool for brands to understand and proactively manage their reputation online. By actively listening to what consumers are saying on social media platforms, brands can gain valuable insights, address customer concerns, and safeguard their reputation. This blog explores the significance of social media listening in brand reputation management and highlights its benefits.
Understanding Consumer Sentiment:
Social media listening allows brands to tap into the pulse of their target audience. By monitoring conversations, mentions, and comments related to their brand, they can gain a deep understanding of consumer sentiment. This real-time feedback can provide valuable insights into customers' perceptions, opinions, and experiences with the brand. Identifying trends and patterns in consumer sentiment enables brands to make informed decisions and adapt their strategies accordingly.
Addressing Customer Concerns:
Social media platforms have become the go-to channels for customers to voice their concerns, complaints, or dissatisfaction. Ignoring or mishandling these issues can quickly escalate into a reputation crisis. Social media listening enables brands to promptly identify and address customer concerns. By responding promptly, empathetically, and transparently, brands can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction, win back trust, and mitigate potential damage to their reputation.
Identifying Influencers and Advocates:
Social media listening also helps brands identify influential individuals and brand advocates within their target audience. These influencers can have a significant impact on brand perception and customer behavior. By monitoring conversations, brands can engage with these influencers, build relationships, and leverage their influence to amplify positive messages about the brand. Similarly, identifying brand advocates allows companies to nurture and collaborate with these individuals to enhance brand reputation.
Crisis Management:
In the age of viral content and instant sharing, reputation crises can escalate rapidly on social media. Social media listening equips brands with the ability to detect and respond swiftly to emerging crises. By staying vigilant, monitoring key metrics, and proactively engaging with stakeholders, brands can effectively manage and mitigate the impact of a crisis on their reputation. Social media listening helps brands identify the root cause of the crisis, develop appropriate strategies, and implement timely damage control measures.
Social media listening has become an indispensable tool in brand reputation management. It enables brands to stay attuned to consumer sentiment, address customer concerns, identify influencers, and effectively manage reputation crises. By actively listening to their audience on social media platforms, brands can maintain a positive brand image, build customer trust, and foster long-term relationships. Embracing social media listening as a core component of reputation management strategies can significantly enhance a brand's ability to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape.
know more: https://insigniaconsultancy.com/Social-Media-Marketing.html
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rowanhoney · 2 years
You give me sun coded vibes - but like on a summers day when its slipping into the evening so it’s still warm and the sky is looking gold, but also on a winters morning when there’s a chill in the air but if you stand in the right sun spot you can feel the warmth .. I hope that makes sense
Oh my gosh love to you! You understand me! Sunrises, sunsets, light at transitional times 💞
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dragonstoned · 11 months
listen that was a romantic ass slow mo of a first meeting
four seasons planned...... look there is plenty of time to go there. it could happen. 'oh theyre just foils' yes they are but also why frame their twinned developments with intimacy and sex and orgasms. why are they building these associations and beaming it into our brains. why did akemi say she searched for love in mizus eyes????
anyway. just look ok
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all the dreamy little snowflakes while the music swells tenderly. lingering gobsmacked eye contact. no cishet explanation for any of this.
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low-kode · 2 years
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hermajestyimher · 5 months
Toughen up. Yeah, I said it. It's time you stop expecting the world around you to bend to your feelings. The harsh reality is that other people don't care about you and only you are responsible for your well-being. Stop taking what others say personally and stop placing so much value on the opinions of nobodies. So what if they don't like you? Do they even like themselves? Do YOU like them?.
Once you've mastered the art of detachment from the perception of others and lower your expectations of people who haven't made any pledge of commitment towards you, it will become easier to develop a thicker skin, to become more laser-focused on you and your own well-being, and to disregard that and those who do you no good.
In a world of snowflakes, be a diamond, which never breaks or bends under pressure.
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corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Fae!Danny But Make It Fantasy
I've already made a whole Changeling AU with fae!Danny, but guess what, I have decided not to achieve any level of chill with fae ideas.
We all know Danny is Ghost Kind. Now, what if he is a Fae Prince? A Prince of Winter, to be exact. Imagine all the ice castles (Elsa, I'm looking at you), the snowy lands, northern lights in his crown, a cape made of tiny ornate snowflakes. Crystalline ice swords, skin so white he doesn't even look alive, eyes clear and blue like a frozen lake. Formal gowns, ballrooms, duels and carriages pulled by horses made of snowstorms.
He used to be a changeling, put in place of Dan. Grew up in a village with his parents being witch hunters, or maybe just hunters in general. Meanwhile Dan, a human child whose place he took, grew up in a fae realm, surrounded by magic creatures and miracles.
But Danny couldn't hide he was a fae his whole life. He used to look human when he was a baby, but as the time went by, he started to look more and more fae-like. Jazz was the first to notice it, of course, but this was Danny, a child she practically raised, so she dealt with it. Their parents, though, did not.
Sam and Tucker are in the know, for sure. Sam used this opportunity to learn witchcraft - who is better to learn from than an actual fae? Tucker is a blacksmith, as is his family. The first thing he asked Danny when he discovered he is a fae, was "how in the seven kingdoms are you a fae, and you decided a blacksmith is your best friend?" because, honestly, not even Fentons have so much iron around them as Tucker does.
Now, you may be thinking of where the DC part comes in here.
Well, the Waynes are actually the royal family. Bruce is the King of Gotham, and his children are princes, princesses, and heirs. They are also protecting the country not only by the word of the law, but also from the other, more shady side. I think they should go by Shadows, not Bats, though, since I doubt a name like 'Batman' would fly in the fantasy world.
Constantine is a mage, the strongest one alive, and yet he couldn't care less for his uniqueness if he tried for a week. Diana is the Queen of Themyskira, of course. I think Krypton should be its own country or a continent, ruled by the family of El. Although Jon is the first heir to a throne, due to Kon being, well, a bastard in terms of medieval customs.
After Danny's race is found out by his parents, he leaves for the fae realm, and he offers his friends and his sister to join him. Tucker refuses, Sam and Jazz take him up on that, but Sam leaves shortly after - she mostly used it to get away from her overbearing parents. She is now a witch who lives in the woods all alone, and no one can find her. She keeps contact with Danny, though. Jazz is traveling both the fae and the human realms, just having fun with it.
Jason is part-fae. After he died, a cult has abducted his body - the cult leader being Ra's, of course - and used it for an experiment. They used some fae magic to bring him back, or, maybe, they have tried to merge a fae and a human, creating a chimera. This was the first option of Ra's trying to get closer to Bruce in order to take power. It was not a very successful option since both Jason and whatever was left of the fae inside him decided not to obey the madman.
Damian was... slightly more successful. He was not merged with anything, but his development was magically enhanced.
And now, while Danny is back in the fae realm and he is a crowned Prince of Winter, Clockwork has a problem. He knows humans are afraid of fae, but this is not a very productive way to go. And there is a timeline somewhere there that can fix it.
Of course, Danny is right in the middle of that timeline. Now, Clockwork just needs to find a way to help Danny make an alliance with humans.
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