#sneeg logs
Sneeg Log #1
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We were out getting a few things for our ever-diminishing food supply the other day when we came across this little guy. He was laying in one of those boxes that you’d see in the cartoons; the ones labeled “FREE CAT” with a free cat inside.
Charlie and I didn’t think too much about it, as we can’t really take care of a cat right now. But the second Ranboo peeked their head over the box, the cat immediately made a beeline towards them.
So we have a cat now. His name is Moose (that was Ranboo’s idea) and he and Ranboo are basically inseparable. It’s adorable, and it’s good that they’re happy, but I don’t know how to take care of a fucking cat! It’s like a little child that can only respond by biting and scratching! Now that I mention it… that’s still the case with a lot of little kids.
More updates on the way, if you know how to take care of a cat, please tell us. Also there’s what Moose looks like.
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ozzybutweirdthistime · 2 months
reasons why ozzy could never be an engineer:
i’m crying over a nintendo 2ds that i’m too stupid to fix
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samfordpines · 1 year
Punching the wall kicking screaming foaming at the mouth gl!sneeg protecting his younger siblings with his life bc its how hes found purpose within showfall's control
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mc-pumpkin · 9 months
Team Crab is experiencing all the wonderfully painful parts of Purgatory 🥰
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toast-anon · 2 months
y’all who is 🎬 for sneeglogs? Or who’s playing them at least? I don’t follow enough of the anonverse blogs to see if it’s one of y’all
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kanda-franca · 1 year
Boat Boys crumbs compilation bc I’m insane normal about them:
1) when Etho first logged in
you whisper to Etho: boat boy, you are going down
Etho whispers to you: the cow was a better partner than you
you whisper to Etho: what the heck man, you didn't have to get personal
Etho whispers to you: xD
2) After the elevator joke
Joel on everyone being ethogirls “well, I teamed with him in the life series, and gah, that guy’s annoying”
3) Joel wins round 1 HITW
Etho whispers to you: impressive!
Joel, screaming and typing in the general chat: THANK YOU ET HO
4) Also after round 1 HITW
Sneeg: Do you still hate (Etho)?
Joel, still screaming: No, I still love him now- again!
5) “*reading chat* ‘is boat boys back?’ i killed etho” <- non-answer
6) On killing Etho in Battle Box
“that’s the dream!”
7) Sneeg: Oh Etho wants Gridrunners
Joel: Wow, screw Etho
8) For finale game
Smallishbeans: etho what shall we do
Etho: parkour tag yay!
Smallishbeans: WE TAKE PARKOUR TAG
(etho did not want parkour tag)
If there are anymore please send my way. I’m actually just very normal about them
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elcucurucho · 4 months
sneeg and shadoune are living through the end of the hunger games if instead of not wanting to kill each other they were stuck in connect four stalemate. genuinely I think they’re both going to log out if this ties again. sneeg is pleading with twitch to end it
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mcytblrsexymen · 2 years
I dont get the polls, like a bunch of the contestants dont even count, Sneeg is not a minecraft youtuber, neither is Slimecicle, there are just npcs, I also dont really think Aimsey counts as an mcyt either? I mean, I get its fun and games but still :/ why are they even included since they dont really count i dont wanna be a party pooper or killjoy but I just dont get it :(
Like, what were the criteria for adding to the polls?
Im really not trying to be mean or anything, if it comes across that way im sorry
Okay first off, it was purely based on nominations, this is a democratic poll. We put out the nomination criteria, and collated the votes when people interpreted it. If more people had voted Karl Marx, we probably would have put him in, but unfortunately only one person made that joke. 😔
Second of all, I'm fascinated by your critera for what makes a minecraft youtuber. Sneeg has been recently streaming on Origins and uploading the videos to youtube, Slimecicle makes epic scripted minecraft dramas in an interconnected universe, and Aimsey is doing minecraft lore like once a week. If it's just that they do media other than minecraft, I literally just watched a Cleo crafting stream and watched them stream Mass Effect, and Tango streams horror media like once a week, so why didn't you name them?
But either way, it's a moot point, cause this is about characters, not streamers, which is why NPCs were allowed to be nominated. You can play minecraft once, log onto a server, and play an iconic character who'd be eligible to be nominated.
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
the final day. of the 30 day hardcore series. jimmy aka solidaritygaming has gone live. the final day is upon us. (although theres actually like 1 day 23 hours left. so idk what hes on about. if it were just him id say its cuz he doesnt stream on weekends but martyns title says final day too. theyre all a bunch of liars) ITS A LONG ONE GET READY
anyway. he logs on and immediately gets up to gay shit
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anyway he sees martyn and they start going ITS COOOOOOMING HOME ITS COOOOOOOMING HOME because theyre both football nerds. then sausage and mog comes over. martyn has a censor/beep on his soundboard and he says something with it and jimmy gets annoyed so martyn tells jimmy to **** himself. off to a great start
jimmy starts attacking him with a bow and martyn keeps pressing the button. martyn traps himself in an obsidian box.
sausage and mog are thinking about bringing the ender dragon to the overworld. idk how to do that but i wouldnt put it past them. they all want to do a raid too.
THERES FINALLY AN EXPLANATION FOR THE CHICKENS. martyn has a thing on his ship that fires out chicken eggs. they keep trying to guess when its going to fire by counting down. they keep saying theyre going to kiss each other if they get it right. ?? sure. then they start trying to get it to hit them on the head
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riveting content. they do this for like 10 minutes. they start gambling using martyns on-stream tamagotchi thing. its like a higher or lower thing using a roulette table. u say red or black then if its the right colour martynll say like... "red 7 higher or lower" then u have to guess if the next spin will be a higher or lower number?? i have no idea whats going on. but jimmy got the highest streak so WOOOO
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it hits martyn. low quality martyn getting hit with an egg.
THE DISCS ARE MISSING. someone has taken the discs. theres some in both sausages and martyns base. jimmy challenges martyn to a 1v1 (if they both survive the raid) and jimmy then turns to say if he survives he'll challenge sausage next.
sausage says theyre all going to kiss after the raid and jimmy says he does not kiss thieves.
they start to prep for the raid and jimmy gets a trident. he immediately starts attacking cpk who starts attacking him with his mace. jimmy gets his ass beat as sneeg and sausage start attacking him with their maces too. he calls out for martyn to save him.
when martyn does not come to rescue him scott logs in so he runs to scotts house. its actually really sweet do not talk to me.
s: whats new though? you normally get bullied.
j: no theyre really- theyre coming for me.
s: ah. are they being extra mean today?
j: theyre being very mean. very mean.
s: aw im sorry. (he says something else idk what he said though)
FULL CLIP/TIMESTAMP CUZ I DONT WANT TO. TRANSCRIBE IT ALL its so sweet. dont talk to me ever.
theyre doing the raid at the disc. sneeg brings a bunch of villagers out of... somewhere AND IT STARTS!!! the raid gang/everyone online is jimmy, martyn, sausage, sneeg, scott, mog, and cpk.
jimmy realises on wave 2 that he doesnt have a shield?? surely this wont go wrong. he keeps "accidentally" hitting sneeg with his trident. good thing it barely even does half a heart per hit.
martyn calls jimmy a potato/spud then says something like "you look like one of andys toys mr tater head" and jimmys like you know thats a sore subject. and martyns like oh i genuinely did not even think of that. then jimmy goes searching through cpks chests and martyn breaks them so back to normal.
jimmy gets a shield :) then he goes to sort out cpks chests because hes nice like that. he then threatens to kill martyn. hes THEN LIKE "im the bigger man arent i chat. tell me i am."
jims worried he missed the whole raid then he looks over and theres just. a ravager. so hes like okay nvm and goes back to the group. he immediately starts trying to kill martyn and i think its really funny that nobody really tries to stop jimmy. however neither of them kill each other so.
jimmy/cpk/scott get distracted trying to shoot sneeg then jimmy turns around AND THE ENTIRE NEXT WAVE IS BEHIND THEM so he just. screams.
jimmy flees to mogs base in the middle of the water and just starts shooting at anything that moves. mostly sneeg.
MARTYN KILLS JIMMYS DOG. HONK IS GONE. jimmy is setting up a pvp arena he is so desperate to kill martyn.
sneeg wants to mess with his mace so scott holds a totem and sneeg hits him. he gets the achievement for doing 50 hearts of damage in one hit so.
anyway arena is ready. sneeg takes jimmy off to the side and gives him a god apple.
martyn burns all the discs he has on him and they start fighting. its kind of pathetic. jimmy DOES kill martyn but he has a totem so. cpk tries to give jimmy a totem BUT HIS INVENTORY IS FULL so martyn picks it up. he has like 3 totems on him now.
martyn says to call the fight quits. as soon as jimmy agrees martyn tries to attack him again. MOG COMES IN WITH THE STEEL CHAIR
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scott starts attacking jimmy (if he dies you have to die :( SHUT UP SCOTT) and jimmy takes a moment before he defends himself. he was not expecting martyn to die. theyre all bickering about it THEN JUST,, SAUSAGE YOU MOTHERFUCKER PUT YOUR MACE DOWN. THEN SNEEG KILLS MOG.
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im genuinely so emo about this ending btw do not talk to me. do not. if u do get the time/energy i so recommend watching the vod im so. oh my god. WHATEVER!!!
anyway stream ends soon after. among us video tomorrow. roblox channel video sunday. monday stream maybe at 6pm bst (an hour late since hes recording roblox with katherine). do not talk to me ever again ok bye im gonna be thinking about this for weeks.
HATE. HATE ON THIS PLANET HATE AND WAR. GRRRRRRAA ok starting from the beginning
Seapeekay get away from him. I don't trust you anymore. Not since the "I'm killing myself if you don't come to me fast enough" incident
YAYYY JIMMY ATTACKING PEOPLE WOOOOOOOOO ATTACK MORE PEOPLE YAYYYYYYY the way Martyn doesn't really retaliate either ugh. My property police...
I fucking love that "low quality Martyn getting hit with an egg" screenshot this is the best content I could ask for
"I do not kiss thieves" is terribly ironic but um. Jimmy saying to Sausage that he will not kiss him IS SO GOOD GO JIMMY GO YEAH!!!!!! Stop letting this sex pest get away with his sex pestery. Every other exchange Sausage has with Jimmy is seriously just "oooo let's be gay" or "oooo sex joke". I seriously don't get it. If it's ship bait then it's obnoxious. Tell him off Jimmy
HELL YEAH JIMMY ATTACKING PEOPLE WOOOOO wait but this time 3 people dogpile on him. Why. Stop that. Martyn didn't do that. And yet Seapeekay, Sausage and Sneeg start dogpiling him. Leave him alone. And he calls out for Martyn..?? STOPPP this is making so genuinely sad and upset NOOOOOOO!! This is awful!!!! Martyn please... where are you Martyn...., AND THEN SCOTT LOGS IN JUST TO SAVE JIMMY? AND THEY HAVE A REALLY NICE AND PLEASANT EXCHANGE? WHat the fuckk mannn. It's awesome I do like this but knowing Scott I KNOW this will come back to bite me in the ass and make me even more sad later
Jimmy "you know that's a sore subject" to Martyn basically calling him a toy noooo THIS IS MAKING ME SAD THIS IS MAKING ME UPSET!!!!!!!!!! At least Martyn didn't mean to get at Jimmy from that angle but mmgh...
"I'm the bigger man aren't I chat. Tell me I am." NOOO WHY'D HE SAY THIS! THIS MAKES ME SAD TOO!! Awwghh man he needs the confirmation... You ARE the bigger man Jim you have been... Go be awesome...!! But at the same time maybe you don't need to try and kill Martyn for like the 3rd time Jimmy it's okay... Tensions been high, few misunderstandings, it's okay Jimmy...
The way Jimmy starts attacking Martyn (oh well :( )and nobody stops him?? Oh but when he attacked Seapeekay then he got dogpiled by 3 people what. Are they like "Oh yeah that's just what Martyn and Jimmy do" or something. Huh. Ough I hate to see them fighting at a time like this though... But at least neither of them die... and then Martyn kills Jimmy's dog?? NOOO ARE YOU KIDDING ME NOOOO Honk... Honk shoo now...
And then... And then Martyn and Jimmy fight in the arena... And Jimmy wins, and Martyn says to call it quits, and then he immediately attacks Jimmy again??? man all of this is no property police banter this is malice. Property police is on pretty rocky ground to begin with but I didn't think it'd come to this wow... They are just straight up fighting. Hatred and war on planet earth. And yet, when Mog comes in swinging and kills Martyn, he chokes up... Jimmy hadn't expected Martyn to just die so soon... Oh Boatemboys oh it's getting really miserable. And he fails to defend himself in time when SCOTT STARTS ATTACKING HIM? AND SAUSAGE GETS THE FINAL HIT? Oh Scott and Sausage oh I am. Putting you in a box and shipping you to Madagascar
And Scott's reasoning for attacking Jimmy "If Martyn dies you have to die" oh so Scott suddenly cares about Martyn huh. He suddenly doesn't care so much about Jimmy even though he makes a flower husbands reference like every SMP. Suddenly Jimmy has to die because Martyn died, huh. Did that cute little conversation earlier mean nothing to you Scott. I am so upset right now. I am so fucking upset.
I need to watch this VOD for sure sometime but wow. What I've gotten from this is: - further Sausage dismay - I do not trust Seapeekay - I do not trust Sneeg - Scott is Scott - Property Police had a lot of very nostalgic and nice moments and then they started fighting each other with malice like I've never seen before. (Also Martyn killing Jimmy's dog kinda symbolic to me. Big dogs...)
The only truly good thing here is MOG I LOVE MOG YAYY Mog is AWESOME Mog even came in to defend Jimmy from Martyn. Mog has done nothing wrong ever. He especially didn't deserve to die to Sneeg. The only thing well and good in this SMP is Mog which is funny because I have two nickels now (cough cough SOS SMP) (This SMP wasn't trying to be anything it wasn't though so I'm very much not putting it on the same level as SOS but where SOS was just kinda lame to me, This SMP just made me really upset from the characters' perspective so Mog ends up being one of the only truly positive aspects both times)
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the-fandom-queenxox · 2 years
Wait I just realized something.
So I was re-watching Owen's pov of Sneeg's arrival, right? Omg Martyn drops soo many hints in it, that I have just connected the dots.(I'm definitely reading to much into this but idc)
He's the first one to see and identify the dimensional rift, but this one I'm down to give a pass to, cause any of the other rats might have been able to identify it as that if he wasn't around or able to see it)
And when they're all in the secret club/disco Martyn asks Sneeg about how it felt during his dimensional travel. I don't really remember the wording of the question but it was something like "So what was traveling through dimensions like? Was it like in a flash or were you in the void for a bit?" He was gathering info!!!!
I know later in his rats finale pov when he is doing his like data log about the "rats dimension" he some-what mentions this event more so why he pushed Krow into the portal they opend for Sneeg but it's was a mention nonetheless
(I'm like 95% sure that I have read to much into this but I'm just here to share some thoughts)
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ingapotejtoo · 2 years
im sittin here, watching sneeg and phil bein on origins prayin for the starborne blorbo to log in.
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Sneeg Log #2
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Anyways, here you go, Moose fans.
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ozzybutweirdthistime · 2 months
the au would be centered around sneeg making logs of rgbtrios life after escaping showfall with pictures drawn by yours truly
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lunelicmoone · 1 year
sometimes ill just be living life and then i remember that we couldve gotten tntduo pictures at sneeg's wedding if quackity ever actually logged on to osmp
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miscellaneoussmp · 9 months
Update on the Blue Crabs: Natalan has logged off! It is now just Condi and Duxo until Sneeg returns! Duxo is asking about what time it is for Condi! Currently, it is 11 am. for Condi!
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Hey! My name is Z, but people call me Fallen/Fallen Down/ Cloud!
I'm working on a bio page at the moment, but for now you get the following (feel free to ask more)
About me:
Likes: Gen Loss/ranboo content, mcyt, music, theatre, storytelling,sing, art, ect.
Dislikes: parasocialism if we havent talked mainly
Rps I'm in/do/have done (for the resume):
@nikis-records for the sneeg logs au
->also half the cloud anon but I'm working on giving perms fully over to my friend so I'm not working on two lol
@hetch-but-not for my friend's au PLEASE CHECK IT OUT @founders-escape-au !!!! (Ily aloe /p)
@one-rat-of-a-friend for an ongoing ask blog rp thing
Please say hi to all of my rp pals, hello moots as well thank you. So much for keeping this short, please ask me about my rps/characters as well. Thank you again!
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