#sneeg photo log
Sneeg Log #1
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We were out getting a few things for our ever-diminishing food supply the other day when we came across this little guy. He was laying in one of those boxes that you’d see in the cartoons; the ones labeled “FREE CAT” with a free cat inside.
Charlie and I didn’t think too much about it, as we can’t really take care of a cat right now. But the second Ranboo peeked their head over the box, the cat immediately made a beeline towards them.
So we have a cat now. His name is Moose (that was Ranboo’s idea) and he and Ranboo are basically inseparable. It’s adorable, and it’s good that they’re happy, but I don’t know how to take care of a fucking cat! It’s like a little child that can only respond by biting and scratching! Now that I mention it… that’s still the case with a lot of little kids.
More updates on the way, if you know how to take care of a cat, please tell us. Also there’s what Moose looks like.
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hellsitehypehouse · 3 years
Log 3;
My dingy room became a kitchen.
It happened quickly, so sudden the change startled me. Faster than my eyes could blink.
I smell cookies. An invitation was extended, I hear laughter and chatter from another room. Distant and unreachable.
I refresh the blog page.
Mod sootings has freed one anon.
There is hope.
  But...there is also a clinking sound. I glanced towards the window expecting to see windchimes. It's knives.
They've hung knives from the window...
The hope is gone.
I look back at my phone.
From cookie burger to poetry, Tumblr Sneeg debates to lip biting dream, even Jojo posing.
The HHH has everything I could need. Yet I feel empty.
Laughter echoes again. I am not apart of it.
Part of me wants to be there. Laughing with everyone.
Part of me wants to leave. To go home and cry into my pillows. To pet my cat.
My attempts to leave the entryway fail.
An invisible barrier keeps from doing either.
I'm reminded of the mods taking flash photos of box anon.
I am no diffrent.
My only victory, as tiny as it may be, is knowing that my logs will take up space in the ask box.
A minor annoyance at best, but being able to annoy gods surely is a victory in of itself.
sorry anon. im taking this one out of the inbox too
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Sneeg Log #2
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Anyways, here you go, Moose fans.
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