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tolkienpinupcalendar · 3 months ago
Sluttiest Tolkien Character Bracket Round 2
Gollum vs Snaga (the orc)
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Propaganda under the cut ↓
he wants it raw & wriggling…… kinky. also the absolute most scantily clad character perhaps of all time
why can’t he have some meat???? cmon won’t someone give him theirs ;))
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gnomescarfcomics · 11 months ago
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Middle-earth shots of the week
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soulinsentences · 3 months ago
Najteža bitka je ona koju vodiš unutar sebe, dok se svijet oko tebe divi tvojoj snazi.
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years ago
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Orcs of Moria: the Durbaghâsh ("Fire-rulers"), Urukûnai ("Death Orcs," the Uruk-Ungingûrz), and Snagahai (considered "Gongi" or "Lesser Goblins" by other Yrch) -- Liz Danforth illustration from Moria, MERP/Rolemaster supplement by Iron Crown Enterprises, 2nd ed 1994
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lifeinbooks · 5 months ago
Ponekad tvoja najveća snaga postane tvoja najgora slabost
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gtaradi · 1 year ago
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lilacerull0 · 2 months ago
iritantan esej u tagovima jer me probudila stvaralačka misao...
#ferranteposting#lila je onaj komadić ljudske naravi u kojoj neka baka ne dozvoljava da joj pomogneš s trgovinom iako se evidentno muči#da je pitaš da li joj je teško što su je udali s petnaestak godina ili što joj nisu dali da ide u školu#ona bi se tu začudila na pitanju jer joj je takav život bio prosto i nema tu neke preterane filozofije#mislim da to promiče ljudima ovde jer ona nije za sažaljevanje nego za pohvalu#ne zbog toga što su ti događaji sami po sebi definisani tim značenjem već zbog toga što ih ona tako nosi#normalno je videti je tako iz perspektive osobe u 21. veku kojoj je hvala bogu nezamislivo da doživi liline nedaće#i to nije relevantna izjava za sve ljude ovog sveta danas ali jeste za one koji imaju privilegiju da ferante čitaju a ne da ferante uistinu#žive zadovoljavajući u potpunosti detalje tih iskustava#kao ajde ja mislim da se vremena samo prividno menjaju ali je fakat da bi lila danas išla u školu makar malo duže#i samo bi doživela modifikovanu verziju svog iskustva kao što ga bezbroj lila u svetu već i doživljava#ali kao i dilan ona je usko povezana sa svojim ličnim 'sada' i upravo joj ta neodvojivost dozvoljava da#razume dalje od konkretnih brojki iza godina koje su je zakačile#ALI BUKVALNO the times they are a-changin' -> dilanov prelazak u rok muziku. to je njena priča#ona sanja o otvaranju vrata nekim novim naraštajima i u krajnjem dolazi do zaključka da su mnogi ljudi#pre nosili njeno lice i lica svih njih i da su isto tako sanjali o novom i zato je važno da ona ta saznanja o napulju iznosi#baš eleninoj ćerki a ne eleni lično i mnogo je serija propatila što nisu malo dublje u tu tematiku zašli#jer lila kao neko ko je fizički prikovan za svoje rodno mesto do momenta nestajanja vidi ceo svet kroz#prizmu napulja i što je najdivnije od svega ona ga zapravo iz te perspektive baš jasno sagledava#i snaga te percepcije na elenu deluje kao misao vodilja kroz sve#ona je ta koja putuje i gleda gradove koje lila zna samo kao delove rečenica i ona ih gleda i lilinim i svojim očima#a u eleninom činu pisanja se krije jedna istina života koju pored nje jedino enco spoznaje#a to je da se jedina revolucija od značaja krije u malom. možda će nju zaboraviti kao pisca#na šta aludira onih poslednjih nekoliko stranica i solare eto skončaše kao svi mafijaši pre njih#i lilin biznis s kompjuterima je pojeo zaborav ali elena neće zaboraviti lilu. i to je revolucija.#franko je meni tu dirljiv jer on dođe do polovine tog razmišljanja to jest uvidi da ne može on jedan#da nosi teret univerzuma ali njega to saznanje pojede isto kao što i lilu obeshrabri u tolikoj meri#da kao da snaga njene tuge rasplete radnju i dovede je do kulminacije#elena svojim sećanjem na sve ove ljude prekida začarani krug i čini ih drugačijima#svi su isti svi su ponovili prošlost i mnogi će njih ponavljati ali ELENA SE SEĆA!!!!!! njih baš takvih. i to znači nešto
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RG Snaga Aqua 2024 : un gant de foot ultra polyvalent
Le RG Snaga Aqua 2024 offre une expérience inégalée grâce à sa construction entièrement en néoprène. Imperméable et incroyablement flexible, ce gant de gardien de but garantit un ajustement parfait et un confort optimal. Doté de la mousse allemande Contact Aqua, ce modèle RG excelle dans toutes les conditions météorologiques, offrant une adhérence exceptionnelle même sous la pluie et restant…
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Le RG Snaga Aqua 2024 est disponible sur GBS France !
GBS France renouvelle chaque fin d’année sa collection de gants de foot afin de permettre à ses fidèles clients d’être parfaitement équipés pour la 2e partie de la saison de football. Le RG Snaga Aqua 2024 est l’un des derniers modèles rajoutés et conviendra parfaitement à tous les gardiens de but, surtout en cette période de l’année. Optez pour les gants de foot RG Snaga Aqua 2024 pour vos…
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narkonianews · 1 year ago
Nove Promene u Nemačkoj: Vize, Radne Dozvole od Novembra 2023
U poslednjim izmenama Zakona o Doseljavanju, nekoliko važnih promena je uvedeno radi olakšavanja procesa doseljavanja i integracije stranaca u zemlju. Evo nekih ključnih promena: Saveti za Podnošenje Zahteva za Smanjenje Poreza Proces prijave: Nova verzija zakona pojednostavljuje proces prijave za doseljavanje. Sada postoji jedinstven obrazac za sve vrste doseljenika, što olakšava postupak i…
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soulinsentences · 2 months ago
Ponekad te život slomi samo da bi te ponovno izgradio još jačom.
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zdravljeirecepti · 2 years ago
Kako izliječiti sam sebe?
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lifeinbooks · 5 months ago
Nemam predodžbu koliko će mi snage trebati da nastavim živjeti poslije ovoga, ali odlazim.
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sirokobelo · 1 year ago
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Snaga je u miru ne u haosu
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gwaedhannen · 1 year ago
[Excerpt 12 from Sorrow Beyond Words: Collected Testimony of the War of Wrath, 4th Edition; edited by Elrond Peredhel.]
Editor's Note: The following is a partial listing of various graffiti and artefacts within the thrall quarters reported by the cleansers of Angband. The documentation was done at the command of Prince Ingwion, and a copy of the final report given to King Gil-Galad before the Prince returned to Valinor. The full report also contains medical examination information for every captive and corpse recovered, and is several thousand pages long.
[Sindarin Tengwar text, located in barrack 1443]: “Lenlim died here, and she did not forget the sun.”
A doll made of heavily-stained cloth and leather, in the form of an Eruchîn. Object shows heavy wear, and one arm is nearly torn off from the torso. Located in a refuse pit.
[Sindarin Tengwar text, located in barrack 933]: “They will offer you better food if you’re pregnant. Refuse.”
[Black Speech Tengwar text. Located in a mineshaft]: “snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga snaga“
Several bones from a foot, wrapped in cloth. Bite marks make age estimation impossible. Located in barrack 23.
[Sindarin Tengwar text, located in barrack 521]: “Feirdal is a snitch. Don’t trust him.”
[Sindarin Cirth text, located in barrack 521, on the opposite wall]: “Faranel is a hollow. Don’t trust her.”
[Taliska Tengwar text, located in a connecting tunnel]: “I told my son what rain is today. He doesn’t believe it exists.”
[Sindarin Cirth text, located in a mineshaft near a cave-in]: “[undecipherable] was here. Remember me.”
The handle of a rock hammer, with the head entirely worn off. Located in a dead-end tunnel. The rock wall at the end of the tunnel is heavily scratched and contains numerous broken fingernails and teeth.
[Sindarin Tengwar text, located in barrack 287]: “I came back. There is nothing beyond these stones for us.”
[Sindarin Tengwar text in three different hands, located in barrack 1242]:
"When I get to Mandos I am punching him in the face." "I’m aiming for the crotch instead." "We're not going to Mandos. Stay alive."
[Quenya Tengwar text, located in a latrine]: “The signs are compromised. Only believe your ears.”
[Taliska Tengwar text, located in barrack 932]: “They will offer you better food if you’re pregnant. Take the deal.”
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boozy-dwarf · 3 months ago
I've been on this outpost a long time, I know every corner better than I know myself. Over a year ago, a lot of Orcs were exiled here. A lot of labor for dirty work. Things are moving faster, but something strange is happening to me.
I can smell something. I walk down the corridors. Taking my polished weapon. I wander the courtyard. There's that smell everywhere. Outpost is soaked in it.
What is this smell doing to me? Do I remember… Do I remember… Аnything? No.
Something from the past carries this smell. I catch it, trying to remember, but it escapes my clawed fingers like smoke. Nasty, like a forgotten dream, memories hover near me and hide from me. That smell.
-Who is this old orc?
The cloaked figure asks his squire. There's that strange odor coming from the direction of the stables again, and it's making the nazgul nervous again.
-He? I don't know, probably one of the snaga who arrived.
The orc answered his master, looking at the frail figure. Down by the stables, a slave was carefully brushing his master's black horse. The animal was clearly not happy about it, but the slave was diligently doing his duty, trying to calm the agitated stallion.
The wind frolicking today carried from the stables up to the balcony, ruffling the hood of the black cloak.
The snaga? He brought so much disturbance to his “life”? All this time the source of the smell was an old orc?
-Bring him to me.
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I don't think they would have recognized each other, but such a meeting would have been interesting.
I think Ratbag, with his ability to adapt to any conditions, could live to a ripe old age. So it's possible that this terrible change in Talion's life happened while the sly bastard was still alive.
And I think it's an interesting topic, I mean a nazgul has poor eyesight but a good sense of smell, how would a “young” nazgul react to something from his former life?
Could there be a memory of it in his mind?
Would he remember what it was like to be alive?
Since the professor didn't leave us this information, my headcanon is Orcs live a bit longer than humans, about 150 years (Very doubtful, but... maybe?...). They are a mutilated form of the immortal and eternally beautiful elves - if I were Morgoth, I'd do my best to make these delicate flowers begin to wither as quickly as possible. What could be more fun than showing your creator that his immortal creatures could be mortal and they would be mortal.
Dear ficwriters, here's an idea for a fic
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