#small kitchen cabinets
Why to choose bathroom mirror with lights?
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Lighted bathroom mirrors are being used for more than just checking your look before leaving the house. The whole appearance and feel of your bathroom may be greatly enhanced by using one of the beautiful bathroom mirrors with lights that are available today. Some advantages of picking an LED bathroom mirror for your house will be covered in this post.
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vintagehomecollection · 8 months
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Small Kitchens, 1986
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rvspecter · 28 days
i feel like if harvey was an influencer (coerced obvsly) he wud
a) be a chef making cooking videos
b) be ACCIDENTALLY SENSUAL AS FUCK - fondling the dough, rubbing the produce, massaging the chicken breasts
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that-butch-archivist · 2 months
Making a birthday cake for a friend tonight (something I haven't done for a while), and I forgot how much I love baking & cake decorating. I'll post pics when I'm done, I'm very excited. 🥰
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toyastales · 1 year
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This kitchen may be small but it is well designed and functional. I'm digging the wall alcove and oversized lighting.
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thecampbellclub · 3 months
i need some drunk sad hughie on the edge of the gun after robins death for morale boost
#hughie campbell#he would be standing there in a haze holding her arms#for hours because he won’t let anyone take them#he won’t say what happened because he can’t comprehend it#his favorite hero as a kid just killed his future wife and his mind is shattered#the ambulance is called for hughie and his father comes#hugh is the only one who can get through to his son#but even then#hughie won’t let go of her arms until his dad physically tears them from his hands#and hughie collapses and his dad scoops him up#they take him to the hospital but he’s clealyy in severe shock#so he’s not speaking at all besides small whispers and sobs that are intelligible#when hugh takes him home he just wants to go to bed but hugh is concerned hughie may hurt himself#which isn’t incorrect#he leaves the door open and in the middle of the night sort of comes to#and he can’t handle it#he can feel her blood under his fingernails#even though they’d practically scrubbed him clean at the hospital#so he raids the liquor cabinet#like he’s a child sneaking booze from his parents#his dad finds him the next morning still hammered beyond belief and sick over a bowl he dragged from the kitchen cabinets#hugh isn’t sure how to help so he just sits by his son and rubs his back as he’s sick#because what are you meant to do when that happens to your son?#hughie clings onto his dad and scream sobs until he finally finally begins to feel the claws of exhaustion weighing on him#he sleeps on the sofa for the forserable future because everything reminds him of her#and hugh feels safer knowing hughie is in eyesight and not behind a door in the hallway where it’s less obvious to know if hughie is safe#hugh takes to sleeping in the love seat by the sofa to keep an eye on him#hughie knows what he’s doing and appreciates it but he can’t help but feel like a burden#i’m gonna perhaps write this
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yardsards · 1 year
the past few years i just had an elderly cat with weak muscles and probable arthritis who couldn't jump more than a couple feet. so it is so odd to now have a cat with a full range of motion that can just. jump onto high places.
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qkmlh · 2 years
Outta curiosity (and because I do have one)
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buck-yyyy · 1 year
sorry for telling you all about my personal philosophies on life and how that ties into the art form that is the apartment i built in my head, do you still think i’m hot
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abasketofnothing · 1 month
Having roommates is so fucking weird why do we have two Britt filters, two paper towels holder, and even after I confirmed getting stuff for our bathroom together some still gets it girl why does no one communicate
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lesbiten · 1 month
pro tip: never move houses ever
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six-of-ravens · 2 months
ironically, this week's Nami's Life video is reminding me i need to reorganize my spice/pantry/baking supplies cabinets
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The ADHD experience is forgetting where you set you cup down five minutes ago, but being able to pick up where you end off in a conversation you had 10 years ago. It's remembering the fine details of a book but forgetting who gave it to you, or if you bought it yourself. It's remembering a thing your best friend mentioned an interest in, but forgetting their birthday even though you've been best friends for 10+ years.
When we are bored, we become the equivalent of a husky in a cubicle. When the boredom gets bad, we break down, crying, and fall into a deep depression.
It's randomly getting the intense and overwhelming craving for a bowl of plain rice or a slice of bread with a little butter on it, and craving nothing else. Just this dose of carbs that brings absolute satisfaction.
It's fighting to convince your body to move and acquire food and water, but you remain trapped on the sofa, your brain and body will not move even though you haven't eaten or had anything to drink in 12 hours. You need to use the bathroom, your bladder is raging, and the only thing that finally gets your brain to behave is the pain.
ADHD isn't just some cute thing of being distracted with a case of the zoomies. It's a nightmare that results in losing jobs, poor eating habits, insomnia so bad you're awake for three days and fall asleep only because you're exhausted, and your home is filthy even though you desperately want to clean it up. There's nothing enjoyable about this fuckery.
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
making gene’s house in animal crossing is so interesting,,,, the front part where he has brunch with lys sometimes is decently tidy, a normal kitchen with an espresso machine and a toaster and a rice cooker, of course paperwork stacked neatly on the table, a world map and a bulletin board, a photo of him with the other Champions and one of him with his family,,,, there are two lamps and an air conditioner that I didn’t realize were there and I moved a hallway to make more sense. there are sticky notes all over his fridge because of course there are 🥲
what’s also interesting is that he has two cabinets with League papers and reference books, but also two with various tchotchkes -- where did he get them?? what kinds of things does he collect -- are they things that he just got as gifts or did they come with the house?
also, now that I’ve filled the yard and house with plants (for his grass-type starters), I considered giving him a little pond outside -- and then remembered that the ocean is literally his backyard. there is so much water there.
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hyenaswine · 6 months
it's okay 🌈 attempting to tackle the garage was like going to an area of a video game that you're not meant to enter yet because your level isn't high enough & the enemies kill you instantly. i have to work on the stuff inside the house first to gain XP. last night before bed i took all the paper mess from the kitchen & dining room & consolidated it into one place so it's less visually overwhelming & looks more manageable. i don't think it'll be that hard to sort, i'm more worried about where to put stuff i want to keep since i feel like i'm low on room - that's why i entered the Garage Zone. but let's do the first step first & the second step second.
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vulcanette · 1 year
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Lil photo diary entry from my life 🤣♥️ thought you guys might like the trout phone I saw at the thrift store 🐟 📞
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