#which isn’t incorrect
thecampbellclub · 3 months
i need some drunk sad hughie on the edge of the gun after robins death for morale boost
#hughie campbell#he would be standing there in a haze holding her arms#for hours because he won’t let anyone take them#he won’t say what happened because he can’t comprehend it#his favorite hero as a kid just killed his future wife and his mind is shattered#the ambulance is called for hughie and his father comes#hugh is the only one who can get through to his son#but even then#hughie won’t let go of her arms until his dad physically tears them from his hands#and hughie collapses and his dad scoops him up#they take him to the hospital but he’s clealyy in severe shock#so he’s not speaking at all besides small whispers and sobs that are intelligible#when hugh takes him home he just wants to go to bed but hugh is concerned hughie may hurt himself#which isn’t incorrect#he leaves the door open and in the middle of the night sort of comes to#and he can’t handle it#he can feel her blood under his fingernails#even though they’d practically scrubbed him clean at the hospital#so he raids the liquor cabinet#like he’s a child sneaking booze from his parents#his dad finds him the next morning still hammered beyond belief and sick over a bowl he dragged from the kitchen cabinets#hugh isn’t sure how to help so he just sits by his son and rubs his back as he’s sick#because what are you meant to do when that happens to your son?#hughie clings onto his dad and scream sobs until he finally finally begins to feel the claws of exhaustion weighing on him#he sleeps on the sofa for the forserable future because everything reminds him of her#and hugh feels safer knowing hughie is in eyesight and not behind a door in the hallway where it’s less obvious to know if hughie is safe#hugh takes to sleeping in the love seat by the sofa to keep an eye on him#hughie knows what he’s doing and appreciates it but he can’t help but feel like a burden#i’m gonna perhaps write this
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apollo’s confidence in court: oh my god i’m the worst lawyer ever my client is going to go to JAIL because i can’t even do my JOB
apollo’s confidence outside of court: i’m the only smart one here, i’m the most normal guy in the world and NO ONE is doing it like i am, investigations are EASY, klavier gavin wants me carnally
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zootopiathingz · 17 days
Lucifer: it’s bad enough that I have to see his stupid face here at the hotel everyday, now you want to bring him on our trip?!
Charlie: just because he bugs you, doesn’t mean this will ruin your vacation!
Lucifer: he’s a huge reason why I even need a vacation!
Alastor, sitting right next to them eating cereal: I can see both sides.
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skywalkr-nberrie · 14 days
Anakin’s love and marriage to Padmé wasn’t the issue of why he fell to the dark side. He was already being groomed by Palpatine in becoming his apprentice, and Padmé not being there wouldn’t have changed that. She just made it easier. Anakin was born a slave, which doesn’t leave him in the right headspace, and ever since Shmi died, Anakin became more unstable. Inevitably, he became more obsessed with control and wanting the power to stop the ones he loves from dying. Had Padmé not been in his life, Anakin still would have fallen due to Palpatine’s manipulations and topped with the Jedi’s mistreatment of Anakin. The Jedi and even OW failed Anakin in a way where Anakin came to a point where he doubts their faith in him, and he in return loses his trust him them. He says so himself in the ROTS novel. None of that had anything to do with Padmé.
But to insinuate that Anakin only cared for gaining “power” and essentially his “greed” is to blame for his actions, is super reductive understanding of his character. Yes, Anakin was greedy for control, and power. But not because he’s power hungry and wants to rule the galaxy. He only ever wanted more power to keep his loved ones safe, to assume control over what happens to him. (and this would’ve happened even if he and Padmé weren’t together.) saying that if Anakin “truly cared about saving his wife”, he would have told OW or any of the masters about his situation but didn’t because he was “greedy” is again, incorrect. Because Anakin DID go to the Jedi for advice. He talked to Yoda. Anakin put his faith into the Jedi but they didn’t exactly lead him down the path he needed.
Doubled with the fact that he knows the Council doesn’t trust him, and him not being sure he can trust them, (yes, including OW.) this led him to seeking answers in other and more dangerous places. Which was Palpatine. Whom Anakin is already vulnerable to and was being groomed by. Anakin’s fall to the darkside was due to his desperation and desire to save his wife, the love of his life. Not because he was greedy for more power and that he didn’t truly care about saving Padmé. That’s just a bad analysis of his character, intentions, and motivations. Anakin only became obsessed with the idea of “gaining power to rule and obtain authority” happened AFTER he fell. And that’s because the darkside plays with your sanity like that, makes you want and do things you normally wouldn’t do or want.
The main point is: Anakin’s fall doesn’t stem from his greed for wanting power because he seeks heroism, status, and authority. It was out of genuine love and desperation for his wife. Then again, his marriage to Padmé also isn’t to blame for his fall, because that was due to Anakin’s own fear of loss and abandonment. He would’ve fallen under any circumstance, with how unstable, vulnerable, and manipulated he was. That was the tragedy. He was always doomed to fall.
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Wei Wuxian: I’m this close to falling in love with Lan Zhan.
Jiang Cheng: Your fingertips are touching.
Wei Wuxian: Exactly.
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aaandbackstabbed · 3 months
Louie: damn it
Donald: Louie! We don’t use bad words in the house!
Della, somewhere in the distance: fucking, fuck!
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months
geralt: it’s pride month, company. you know what that means
cahir: huh
cahir: what
cahir: do you want us to find like
cahir: gay ciri
cahir: what
cahir: . . .
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padfoot-lupin77 · 3 months
When your mind starts speaking in Percy Jackson characters and it produces something actually funny (I know it starts like that old incorrect quote but bear with me):
P: *bursts in* Annabeth guess what!
A: oh hey what happened to “hello”, “how are you?”
P: hi, hello, Annabeth, guess what!
A: I’m all ears
P: the Babybel wrapper is indeed edible.
A: the fu- no it’s not.
G: *bursts in, out of breath* don’t tell him!
A: *starts laughing* oh I see
P: really, Grover? I didn’t expect that YOU of all people would lie to me about this
A: run me through the conversation, it must have been funny
G: so I was eating a Babybel, with the wrapping of course
A: makes sense, you’re a satyr
P: oh. Oh fuck.
G: and Percy thought that proved his point that the wrapping in indeed edible.
G: and it was so funny I didn’t want to break it to him
A: *facepalms*
P: I trusted you, Grover.
A: but the wrapper is waxen Percy, you can’t eat something waxen
P: waxen. Heh. That’s a funny word. But why waxen. Why not waxy.
A: it’s just the suffix
P: if something made of wax is waxen, something made of, say, fox, is foxen?
G: BAH how can something be made of fox???
P: *covers Grover’s ears* fox skin I mean
G: this conversation isn’t for me *runs*
A: you can’t add the suffix -en to an animal. It doesn’t work that way.
P: yes it does.
A: example?
P: fishen
A: that’s not a word
P: of course it is! Fishen chips, chips made of fish.
P: does the silence mean I’m right?
A: I- No just… Percy, my beloved idiot. That’s fish AND chips.
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
Remus: Did it hurt?
Virgil: What? When I fell from heaven?
Remus: When you fell from the vending machine.
Virgil: ....
Remus: ‘Cause you’re a snack. *winks*
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Shouto: I accidentally made my therapist cry the other day
Shouto: she also insulted my father
Uraraka: that means that you win at therapy
Shouto: finally, something I’m good at
Uraraka: Todoroki, no-
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knowlesian · 6 months
“how dare people demonize my favorite character! they’re a saint and here’s my extensive and nuance-free take on why they have never done a single thing wrong. related, here’s my equally extensive and nuance-free rant about how a character who isn’t my favorite is a dumb bitch and deserves to die” is one of those stances i see constantly and will never quite understand
like my friend you just did the exact thing you’re mad about a n d its equal but opposite mirror! you even did both at once, which is honestly kind of impressive
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acourtofquestions · 15 days
Ugh I’ve been so MIA I hate it 😭🖤 but I finally got my hands on a book last night and I can’t even
🚨KoA kinda round up🚨 from the depths of a sleep deprived forgetful quick rambling tired soul fangirling
Aedion screaming please and I take it back as Lysandra stands as Aelin in front of a war
The witch towers with the yielding which is scaring the hell out of me
Aelin reuniting with Chaol seeing him walk and that hug cause healing
And then immediately recognizing Yrene and their moment
And then her and Hasar being the queens they are
Plus Borte being Borte and just so many great characters in one shot
And I’m just so proud of Elide
And guys please for the love of gods just go to Terrasen
And then you have the cadre in all their glory and the ways she describes them which cracks me up because it’s like “stern beautiful Rowan” “glowing golden Gavriel” “Fenrys darling” “miserable bastard Lorcan” and their dynamic I just can’t even🤣 like the two of them have the sibling dynamic down to a science of “we hate each other… but okay maybe not really I guess their fine”
But then they learn about Maeve and holy shit rip my soul out and slap me with it
And then Aelin crying to Rowan which killed a little bit of my soul and healed it to hear it put into words and then killed it again and then there’s her and Fenrys and Gavriel and Rowan
“IM SO SO TIRED ROWAN”🖤 (but also why are we having this talk on an ice covered river… guys drowning is a real issue, just like scoot back into the forrest please?)
“No one would have left you like that, no one”😭 (I did spend like 10 minutes on Reddit trying to figure out what the “do you want me to tell you about it” line meant but I’m pretty sure it was stuff like that😭)
🥺”We fight”🥹
Chaol and Yrene need to talk about the baby so they can celebrate for .5 seconds cause there both being adorable again
Also like is there a new third person view cause now chapters end like “2 minutes in someone chaol never expected walks in” but then 4 chapter later the convo starts & then halfway through someone walks in… it’s not even forshadowing its like a preview?
Also are all valg princes princesses?
But like where’s my babies where’s my 13 where’s my Manon? Where’s my Dorian? We need the king and witch queen! How about my flower child who’s all dopey and in love? But also like no news is good news? I WANT AELIN NOWHERE NEAR THE KEYS WITH HER DEATH PLOT THESE DAYS MMM NO and then I thought it was the 13 when the wiverns pulled up but no it’s a witch tour greatgreatgreat greatgreatgreatgreeeeeeaaattttt
And have I mentioned I’m dead inside and this book is my world and it’s falling apart but in the beautiful perfect kinda way that feels like watching deathly hallows again but better
Also like I’m waiting for Aelin to unleash a fire storm
And it’s Rhoe’s shield🥺🥹
So idk this is where we are today
Chapter 51 here I come let’s see what Lorcan and inevitably Elide are up to and try to do some better posting catch up since the sleep deprivation is at peak productivity and let’s hope all my bbs reunite for a few scenes now and not to die or something cause is that too much to ask
And I love how he just like ✨KAPOW💥 shifts I mean minus the trauma portion but the dramatic light flash effect would make Rhys (our lil wedding crasher) proud
PS PS I still love Nox
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rainia · 6 months
does anyone know of any articles etc that explain being nb and using they/them that I can send to my mother? My parents are progressive in some ways and behind in others, and while they’re very understanding of mtf and ftm trans people, they have not yet got their heads around a person identifying as nb. which is a problem for many reasons, not least because my cousin is nb and my mom keeps accidentally (?) misgendering them. So yeah, if yall know of anything I could send my parents it’d be much appreciated <3
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Sheridan: It’s not just that she’s cute, okay? It’s just that… she’s really, really cute.
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boltgunkiller-archive · 8 months
yesss i love brittana’s growth but also i love their s2 era i love the wlw cheating trope (not sorry) i love the misunderstandings and the tension and it adds so much to their dynamic + eventual dynamic + subsequent growth and maturity . that is a key part of their appeal 😢😢😢 raaahhhh i love brittana
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aaandbackstabbed · 15 days
Dewey: It’s okay guys, I’m not afraid of dying
Goldie: we’ll you should be. It’s awfully boring.
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