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hometoursandotherstuff · 1 year ago
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In cities like Washington, DC, slugs are commuters that you can pick up to fill your car so you can go into the High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes that encourage ride sharing to cut down on traffic. Plus, the driver pays reduced tolls.
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Slugging etiquette:
The slug first in line gets the next ride to their destination and also gets to choose the front or back seat. Slugs should never take a ride out of turn.
Drivers are not to pick up sluggers en route to or standing outside the line, a practice referred to as "body snatching".
A woman is not to be left in the line alone, for her safety.
No eating, smoking, or putting on of makeup is allowed.
The driver has full control of the radio and climate controls.
Windows may not be opened unless the driver approves.
No money is exchanged or requested, as the driver and slugs all benefit from slugging.
Driver and passengers say "Thank you" at the end.
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flintstill · 29 days ago
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Bought some thin cotton yarn and a small crochet hook at the art thrift store today and am trying to crochet myself a hairnet so that my hair doesn’t touch my aquaphor-slathered face while I sleep and get nasty
I’ve only done three rounds but I’m tempted to unfurl it (again) to make it even looser and not just keep loosening as I go…
Also holy fuck my wrist
I appreciate now that knitting actually abuses my forearm muscle and thumb—but not my wrist. This feels totally different and is definitely right in the joint across my wrist
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retropopcult · 2 years ago
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Silver slugger Frank Thomas, aka, “The Big Hurt”, April 1997.  Hall of famer Thomas was one of the top hitters of the 1990s, arguably the best if it weren’t for steroids during that era.  With an impressive .301 lifetime batting average, he hit over .300 for ten seasons of his 20 year career including a .353 mark in 1994; averaged nearly 40 home runs a season during his first decade; was AL MVP twice; and won the batting title in 1997 (.347 average).  Drafted and played with the Chicago White Sox for most of his career, which unfortunately limited his post season opportunities although he finally did get a World Series ring in 2005.
Thomas, along with Ken Griffey, Jr and a few other elite players, did not take performance enhancing drugs during the 90s, unlike many of their peers.  On the contrary, he repeatedly asked for mandatory testing by the league and passed numerous random tests during his career.  Although he was voted an all-star five times, by today’s post-PED standards he probably would’ve been an all-star twice that.
He was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2014 and remains the only player in major league history to have seven consecutive seasons of a .300 average and at least 100 walks, 100 runs, 100 runs batted in, and 20 home runs.  He also joined fellow hall of famers Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Jimmie Foxx, and Mel Ott in hitting at least 500 home runs while maintaining a career .300+ batting average.
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sidobelei · 2 years ago
Salicylic acid usage and slugging
DO NOT USE SALICYLIC ACID WITH OTHER BHAs AND AHAs (look them up and make sure they don't appear in your other skincare products).
[Def. Salicylic acid (BHA) is mainly used to make pimples go away faster by breaking down the layers of dead skin on top of your pimple.]
It really fucked up my skin JESUS. Now i have sensitive patches of skin.
It should be fine if you use salicylic acid (BHA) for example in the morning and then use other BHAs or AHAs products at night because you washed your face before using the products, but i personally wouldn't take the risk. (Do not use BHA/AHA with other BHA/AHA.)
I used The Ordinary's mandelic acid (AHA) (for hyperpigmentation) at night and The Ordinary's salicylic acid (BHA) whenever i felt like i needed it which was almost twice a day every day (which was stupid because the instructions said to use once a day, but i digress). It was fine until i started to use it on my eyelids because i had a pimple on it. Boom after a few uses my eyelids became red, itchy, dry, and flaky.
My eyelids were like this for months. It was horrible. If i rubbed my eye once with my sleeve, I could see a bunch of skin flakes on it. Honestly i think i looked like i had 2 eye infections idk. It was kinda embarrassing.
I used Vaseline to try and control the dryness and had to reapply a few times during the day. Then i stopped washing my face in the morning with a cleanser and just opted for water instead (i still did the rest of my skincare routine for hydration and stuff).
After a while, my eyelids were finally better. I think it took like 2 whole seasons because i wasn't using the Vaseline regularly until the end.
I think this could apply also if you are prone to having dry skin during dry seasons: slug areas that are prone to being dry at night. Slugging is your best friend
[Def. Slugging is putting Vaseline on your face.]
When my dry patches are extra flaky and dry, i put on a thicker layer. I also put it during the daytime if i feel like the dryness could get worse throughout the day.
Prices in Canada (CAD):
The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution | 7.60$ / 30mL
The Ordinary Mandelic Acid 10% + HA | 8$ / 30mL
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that-one-girls-blog-posts · 2 years ago
if you have been wondering whether or not the lrp cicaplast b5 is worth it, it is, this is your sign, go get it🧖🏾‍♀️🤍
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skin-care-news · 2 years ago
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bedupolker · 6 months ago
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Interactions that probably happened in California at least once
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temothylol · 9 days ago
I mean fuck, I like gills, I like slugs, I like gettin' chummy, I like flippers, I like the muck, I like squid inking and tsunamis and sea creatures, I like doin' sea creature shit, swordfish , probably would
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birdblues · 5 months ago
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Blunthead Slug Snake
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julianplum · 5 months ago
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🍄 🍁 🐌 🐜 🪳✨ // Omphalotus illudens, the bioluminescent jack o' lantern mushroom // gouache on paper
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pngblog · 3 months ago
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scuba-divers · 1 year ago
'fairies dont exist' WRONG❗❗cyerce elegans
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canonkiller · 3 months ago
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asking for help can be done at any time, and it is free. you just have to let yourself accept it.
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lovertm · 8 months ago
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slug & snail nails by annaxnailz
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plushieanimals · 20 days ago
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amufun puchimaru sea creatures 🪸
nautilus / oarfish / ocean sunfish / bonito /coelacanth / stingray / nudibranch / shrimp / pufferfish
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