#slenderverse german
analog-horror-deutsch · 3 months
Inoffizieller, deutsch übersetzter Marble Hornets YouTube-Kanal
Hier sind alle Folgen von Marble Hornets auf Deutsch übersetzt.
Übersetzte Kanal (Für einzelnen Videos von den Serien)
Was ist Marble Hornets?
Marble Hornets ist eine YouTube-Webserie und ein Alternate-Reality-Spiel, das vom Online-Mythos Slender Man inspiriert ist. Das erste Video wurde am 20. Juni 2009 auf YouTube veröffentlicht, nachdem sein Schöpfer Troy Wagner am Tag zuvor einen Beitrag im Forum „Something Awful“ geschrieben hatte. Aufgrund des Erfolgs der Serie erstellten viele YouTuber ihre eigene Serie, die ebenfalls etwas mit Slender Man zu tun hatte, und dann entstand ein Subgenre namens Slenderverse.
Worum geht es in dieser Serie?
Die Serie erzählt die Geschichte eines jungen Filmstudenten namens Jay. Nachdem sein Freund Alex Kralie aus unbekannten Gründen ein Filmprojekt für das College namens Marble Hornets abgebrochen hat, erhält Jay seine Kassetten und als er beginnt, sie anzusehen, bemerkt er, dass seinem Freund seltsame Dinge passiert sind. Jay wird wie sein Freund Alex paranoid und beginnt seine Suche nach Antworten.
Ist dieses Kanal von den Schöpfern des Serie verbunden und Offiziell?
Dieser Kanal und die Videos sind nicht der offizielle deutsche Kanal von Marble Hornets. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei um einen inoffiziellen Kanal handelt, der in keiner Verbindung zu den Machern der Serie steht. Es richtet sich ausschließlich an deutsche Fans, die kein Englisch verstehen und sich auch für Slender Man und Marble Hornets interessieren.
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TT!C!rp lore brian thomas AND HIS MOMMM?!?!?!?(Me and @ensegnity HATE BRIANS AND TIMS DAD IN THE TT!C!RP LORE!!! GRRRRGRGRRRR)
WOAHHH?!?!!??! REAL!!!!
A couple days after being out of the coma:
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Jay is german(said to by our friend)
And Brian(ME SAYING THIS) is Asian Philippino 💪💪(ADD, and the tism.)
Our german friend is also the lore police, me and Z(Who rps tim in the lore) were rping yesterday, and German kept yelling at us to do lore as german watched LMAO
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foressfaction · 1 month
The puppet theory CRP/slenderverse HEADCANON
WARNING: mentions of suicide, death, mutilation, sensitive back story topics and more.
What even is a Proxy, proxies to me are anti hero coded beings whose mind fell so weak they physically had to rely on a higher ranked being or entity. In this case, The Operator. And no this is not Slender man. The Operator is more lanky and disoriented. It has a neck that can extend and a mouth only shows when it is pissed off. It looks more like a dead tree. It communicates through static well like the slender man, but also uses telepathy to get into its victims minds. Sometimes the biggest indicator that it is around is a faint ringing noise and strong wind out of nowhere even if the weather is clear.
Its killing tactic is different from the slenderman, gathering its followers and proxies to do the job for it, taking in the weakest minds and turning them into emotionless killing machines with no mercy. It ruins their lives from the very beginning just to act as the hero in the end.
I focus on Toby a lot and like to think that it all fell into place with him ever since he was 4. He was unlucky enough to already have a form of schizophrenia and began to see this figure and draw a lot. It made him think it was a friend therefore he had to listen to it and fall for its tricks. Eventually it started to wreck his life by being the reason his sister died and why his dad was so morally fucked. It was putting an influence onto him and his family. At first it just wanted Toby to commit s*icide but bro was strong as fuck. Around his later teen years it got worse. After his sister's death it took control of his even weaker mind than before and put bad shit into his brain. It drove him to insanity and he ended the life of his father due to pue anger and brainwashing.
How does he qualify for the puppet theory? In the rewrite, a couple of snobby kids assaulted him and cut the operator symbol into his lower stomach due to the bullying of him drawing it everywhere himself. It had been carved inro him by a third party source, immediately making the influence of the operator extremely strong. The gateway was wide open now. It was like some unknown ritual. After that his hallucinations, nightmares and vision became more visceral and morbid.
Cutting to after the death of his dad, he was “taken in” as you would say, by that I mean he passed out cold in the middle of the fire he set to his neighborhood only to have a very vivid dream of the entity taking him somewhere. It took control of him then and practically saved him from being burned alive. He woke up in sweat in the middle od rhw woods somewhere with NO recollection of anything before the fire. That and a newly freshened carved symbol on his upper left arm. He now had two.
What exactly is the puppet theory and does it only affect proxies?
It only affects proxies, as youd have to have some form or relationship with the entity, good or bad. The theory goes as expected. The entity can take control of the proxy, like a puppet, it can make them do unspeakable things that aren't limited to just killing. It gets darker from there… mutilation is just one example of how it can use its human puppets to end people. (i'd feel like some of the crime scenes would look like the death scenes from the Terrifier movies if you've seen those films)
The puppet's eyes will go white and emit a soft glow. It'll speak in a different language usually from decent. For Toby it's German. It will make him go non verbal and responsive to anything mortal. Its literally just the operator taking physical form to harm people. It will hurt those that proxies might care about using their own bodies. It has no mercy. If it wants you dead it will go as far as using someone close to you to satisfy that need.
If a proxy had been controlled multiple times eventually their eyes would fade. They will stay white, usually starting in one eye rather than both at the same time. Once you start seeing that sign in a proxy it's considered too late unless a damn miracle happens.
When under the influence of the operator, Proxies might hurt or even eat small animals, walk on all fours, make feral noises, attack at random, go nonverbal and more. I can't go into too much detail. For Toby, he cannot keep weight on, he has hypermobility, unlimited stamina and of course cant feel pain.
If someone were to harm the proxy while they are being controlled, it would only hurt them and limit their human body when back to normal. The operator will not feel it or let that stop it from getting what it needs done.
For example, if you were to shoot Toby multiple times when he's trying to attack you, it wont do shit.. But when the entity decides to dip, he's left with the wounds and the physical limit of having them. Like any other person would if they were shot.
Being a puppet grants the proxy temporary immortality as well until it wants to replace them. There's so many times Toby really should have died but woke right back up like nothing and would just stare in disbelief that he survived that.
Is there a way to stop the control or restrain an influenced proxy? Yes actually. Even though the operator gives a human certain inhuman strengths, it's still limited to a human body. So rope, physical restraint and maybe multiple hits on the head will take one down. It's really not hard if you can just get them on the ground, taking their weapon source also works. Obviously taking limbs off will make the operator immobile in the body so it would be forced to leave and find another vessel.
It's safer to use the method of tying them to something or leaving them alone tied in the woods somewhere till the proxy comes to after the possession. However they will have no recollection of even being controlled.
There's times where Toby would wake up after slaughtering someone and their mutilated body is the first thing he sees. He knew he did it, but does not remember. And that tears him from the inside out.
I can honestly go on about his personal feelings with living as a puppet but it would be useless. He hates it, that's about all.
In short, the theory is just a morbid way to think about Proxies. Ofc not all proxies are puppets, but that's up to who you like to write about and have hcs for.
Disclaimer: I came up with this headcanon on my own but that's not to say others don't have very similar ones to mine. I'm not gatekeeping it. You guys can take it and run, just don't plagiarize my writing.
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mindsetecho · 2 months
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My names Echo and this is my tumblr blog :3 I’m a 18 year old autistic trans guy and by heart a creepypasta kid. (It turned out to not be a phase lol)
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Fandoms I’m in: Creepypasta, The Magnus archives, Slenderverse, MARBLE HORNETS, WTNV, CH&T, Hannibal & more
Hobby’s/Interests: Taxidermy, Bones, collecting dead stuff, Art, Writing, Reading, Photography, Unsettling metaphors, DIY stuff & Sewing
Musik!!!: METAL, Folk-ish, weird & Alternative Music
(prog metal, dsbm, post hardcore, gothic, new wave, emo, midwest emo, folk punk, Industrial, some indie & more)
Here is my Linktree!! Check out my Creepypasta/marble hornets crossover fanfic Im currently working on if you feel like it! (Or any other of my socials)
And! I have a Crp AU playlist on Spotify if anyone’s interested ^_^
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(Fun facts! I speak russian, English and German fluently plus currently am learning Norwegian. I’m pagan and practice witchcraft!)
Thanks for reading and interacting!
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Happy rotting!!!
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oddballwriter · 2 years
Various MH & EMH Guys with an S/O who can Speak a Different Language
Summary: How Jay, Brian, Tim, Evan, Jeff, and HABIT react to a s/o who can speak a different language
Warnings: HABIT is here
Relationship: romantic 💕
Author’s snip: This idea came to me when thinking about a few headcanons that I have and then thinking about how some of the slenderverse guys would react to you speaking a different language.
Notes: There is no specific language and also if you can speak more than one foreign language that’s awesome. And if you have a native language feel free to place that here too. I just felt like making something for my bi-/multi-lingual peeps.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
Marble Hornets
He’s actually the one who gave me the idea for this because I hc that he knows how to speak Spanish
Idk where this hc came from but I just hc that he knows it to the point that he can hold a decent conversation and probably learned it from foreign language classes in high school or whatever
Idk the foreign language requirements for Alabama high schools but I’m just gonna assume that that’s where he got it from
Anyways, if you speak Spanish then it’s fun for him since you guys can talk in a completely different language which feels weirdly fresh to him. Maybe you can help his Spanish become better by doing that
If you speak another one that’s fine too
Jay would probably get curious and ask if you can teach him some words in that language or maybe even how to speak it a little
If English isn’t your first language and sometimes only remember how to say a word or thing in your native language then he’ll have a bit of fun trying to guess what your trying to say via you trying to describe it like it’s charades
You: It’s like… a bug…
Jay: Okay.
You: But like, it’s not born that way, it’s something else at first. Like a worm?
Jay: A caterpillar?
You: Caterpillar! Yes but then it turns into something?
Jay: Oh, a butterfly?
You: Butterfly! Yes!
He thinks it’s fancy that you can speak a foreign language
Even if it’s not one of the fancy or romantic languages like Spanish, French, or German or whatever languages are considered fancy to know
I actually think he wouldn’t really notice till you were on the phone with a relative or talking to someone who only speaks that language
Once he does he asks you what language you just spoke and what you said
He does the same as Jay where he’ll then ask you to teach him some words and even laugh at some that he thinks sound funny
It’s not to be mean when he laughs obviously
He just thinks that some of the words sound funny
If you forget how to say a word in English then he’ll let you take your time trying to remember
He does however think it’s cute when you try and describe it by trying to imitate the sound that it makes or describe what it looks like
He doesn’t know how to speak any languages other than English so he finds it interesting whenever you start speaking in any language other than English
Soon he actually likes it when you do at some point even if he has no idea what you’re saying
Idk he just likes hearing you talk
He’d gladly let you teach him some words
Hell, maybe at some point he’ll even ask you to teach him how to speak it so that he can have conversations with you and understand you
It’ll obviously take him a while to get the hang of it but he finds it pretty fun
If the language you speak has weird vocabulary and grammar he’s definitely gonna ask questions
Tim: Wait so even if there’s way more girls than boys in a group, you still use the plural for the boys in Spanish?
You: Yup.
Tim: That’s a bit sexist.
You: Haha, yeah.
Look me in the eyes and tell me that he knows any type of foreign language or words that aren’t known in mainstream media or foods
He thinks it’s so fucking cool that you know how to speak a language fluently
He begs you to teach him how to speak that language
Of course he wants you to teach him how to cuss in it first /hj
But no, seriously, he wants you to teach him so bad cause he likes the thought of being able to talk shit about people with you in plain earshot of them and also just having a cool way to talk
He realizes that that’s easier said than done later but he’s still committed to trying
Once he gets the hang of it he thinks he’s so cool because he knows how to speak a foreign language
Let him bask in that glory, it’ll wear off in a bit
He also likes to guess what you’re saying whenever you forget how to say a word in English but he genuinely treats it like a game of charades
Here comes Mr. romantic lover boy 🙄 /hj
No, because he thinks it’s so attractive that you can speak a foreign language regardless of what language it even is
He also begs for you to teach him since he wants to be able to talk to you and even flirt with you in it
He likes to use you teaching him how speak that language as a form of date
Maybe once he knows enough to have a basic understanding then you guys can watch movies with the dub of that language so that it’s still a movie date but he’s also still learning how to speak it
So I have this hc that since he’s humanity’s bad habit. He inherently knows all of the languages in the world and maybe even some forgotten ones
He’s a weird inter-dimensional demon so it’s not that crazy to think that
Plus he canonically knows French since some of the videos he’s put in the EMH channel’s titles are in French
Im getting slightly off track, anyways
What I’m trying to say is that you can have a full on conversation with him in the language that you speak
Even languages if you’re tri- or multi-lingual
He won’t teach you any tho
He doesn’t have the patience for that
But 100% if you wanna talk in any language at all, you can just start speaking it and the second he realizes which one you’re speaking he’ll just start talking in it
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melvinhart-13 · 9 months
Till Death Do Us Part
Slenderverse OC
A quiet guy, likes to just "get the job done". He doesn't play around like Laughs does. Also created by the Macabre and was a German soldier back when he was "human".
Speaks in his mother tongue more often than English but uses it when it's necessary, not really fluent. He's a big guy, very strong but is somewhat slower than Laughs (ill make those character stat sheets later) and he's deathly afraid of heights, we dont know why but it's probably a past thing. Just refuses to get to high places. Probably the reason why the Macabre doesn't like him as much as Laughs. He's weak because of that.
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ax3dbuddy · 1 year
Intro to my blog
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Hi everyone, my name is Michael Tobias but you call me Mike or Toby, I'm 8teen, I'm half indigenous Canadian and half Mexican but I live in South Italy and can speak Italian, English, Spanish and German. I'm a cosplayer, artist and HUGE horror lover
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My special interests are fnaf, creepypasta, forensic science, reptiles (snakes in particular), spiders and raccoons
The fandoms im into are fnaf creepypasta john doe games life is strange identity v evangelion the legend of Zelda Pokémon popee the performer dhmis the world of mr plant league of legends devilman crybaby tbhk slenderverse black butler bsd and more
I like nu metal a lot, especially Korn, Limp Bizkit, System of a Down, Slipknot, Linking Park and Deftones
I also like different types of music like black veil brides, pierce the veil, will wood odetari 6arelyhuman the nbhd and more
I also like photography so you might find something photography related
Mentally stuck in the late 90s early 2000s
Byi know that im autistic and have adhd so I MIGHT infodump on my hyperfixations
This said
Welcome to my blog!
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eldritchwhispers official please tell me about your au :3
what is slenderman like in it
I'M GLAD YOU ASKED- Here comes the boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii So, I already drew him but almost no one saw it
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His name is Oakley Simon Woods, born June 9th, 1971. HE IS A FUCKING CINNAMON ROLL. WHO WILL KILL YOU. *A NUCLEAR CINNAMON ROLL.* Oakley's Backstory (CW: Everything. Seriously, his childhood was SO BAD) Basically, tl;dr: Oakley had a father named Jamie (aka Der Grossmann/The Morley Man). Jamie was a SUPREME asshole. And also a murderer, racist, homophobic/transphobic, abusive, and also... err, a little-kid enjoyer. (We hate Jamie in this household) Oakley's mother was Veronica Morley, a severely autistic/intellectually disabled 19 year old (who had the mental capacity of an ELEVEN year old. See where this is going?) Jamie viewed himself and his species (Ochroteids, aka Slenderbeings) as being superior to humankind. He viewed humans as slaves, food, and... err, incubation chambers (YOU CAN SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING) Jamie was a direct descendant of the ancient Ochroteid god Gorr'Rylaehotep, who was himself descended from the Iris. (to make a long story short, I decided Gemini Home Entertainment is a Slenderverse series because Morley Grove exists) So, since Jamie viewed himself as basically a "demigod" of sorts, he was an egotistical little motherfucker. And he wanted a son (because he's a mysogynist.) And then he came across Veronica, yada yada, look, just go on AO3 and read this bitch (TW: EVERYTHING) Oakley is not okay, HELP HIM. Yea, so Oakley is an omniromantic-pansexual, genderqueer, intersex person. Who uses any and all pronouns (They're such a good eldritch horror I love them so much) Oakley's personality can be summed up like this. Oakley: *sees any hot person* HELP *experiences pan panic* Any member of the Order: OUR LORD- Oakley: OH GOD FUCK YOU *snaps their neck*
HABIT: *steals Firebrand* Oakley: NO! MY SENPAI :( Oakley: *aggressively grabs Tim* WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE Tim: I am going to fucking stab you. Oakley, carrying a Nature's Mockery: LOOK! IS BABY! HABIT, disgusted: Oakley that is an eldritch abomination Oakley: NO. IS BABY.
Oakley: You touch my proxies, YOU FUCKING DIE. You make my proxies cry? YOU FUCKING DIE. Zalgo: Pfft, you're not a threat- Oakley: *Kills five thousand demons with his mind* Zalgo: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK-
Alex: *exists* Oakley: *blows up mind with mind* Alex: MY FUCKING MIND-
Oakley: *unplugs the wifi* BAD GERMANS DO NOT GET ANY WIFI. Sebastian: NEIN! Nicht meine Tentakel-Hentai! NEIN! Oakley, who is fluent in German: YOUR WHAT- *staring at each other* Oakley: *gives him the look* Sebastian: Sebastian: Weißt du was? Vergiss mein Tentakel-Hentai.
Oakley @ half of his proxies: You're submissive and breedable? Same tbh You get the idea. Sometimes he's stabby stabby, sometimes he's awwwww sometimes he needs to go to horni jail
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southeofficeworker · 8 months
Small information about me:
My name is Sou. I'm a polyglot (learning to be a translator) so if you ask German, French, Russian or Scottish person to write about, I'll try my best. And yes, English is not my first language.
Requests/rules information:
Im not exactly new to writing stuff, but it's been a while and such, so if it takes time or i don't write the request, meaning i don't understand how to write it, if that makes sense.
The reader is gender neutral by default. Will write fem and male if you mention the gender though.
I'm not the best on oneshots(my fantasy isn't that good), so try not to ask that. But er, i write headcanons! please, specify the relationship - platonic, romantic, strangers, or whatever, you get what i mean, if not then I'll think what i can do about it.
If I don't post for a while, means I'm working or just too tired to do it.
You can ask questions about me or my work, i don't mind.
Fandoms/chars ill mostly write about:
TF2: anyone, but with mercs it's easier than Ms Pauling or anyone else.
Freak Fortress: any char, I'll look up the information if i don't know them.
I will write about, but it's harder for me:
Harry Potter..?: well, i can try. Im not the best in it, but I'll try. Any characters, mostly from Maradeur era though.
Call of Duty: mostly Krueger and Nikto, but feel free to ask anyone else! (Please lord have mercy if you ask about Ramirez, i love that silly man)
Creepypasta: anyone.
Slenderverse: any?
DC: anyone, but Robins preferred(or supervillians)
Marvel: anyone I think.
What I'll write:
Platonic and romantic
x Reader, x S/O
Headcanons, AUs
NSFW(if you'll say pretty please, 'm lazy)
What I won't write:
Well, I'll write whatever your mind pleases, as long as it won't make me problematic because i write it.
But yeah, as other writers say:
No pedo, no weird shit.
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"Stevie" Cummings is an abusive rapist who likes putting their victim in a child's unicorn dress and talks about porn to their little sibling! They also pretend to be Asian when their family tree is Welsh and German! Ell Oh Ell! They also stan abusive racist characters and defend them to their dying breath lol! They also decided to start faking a OSDDID system after a breakup and to stalk and taunt their survivors, and make slight of the Gabby Petito case to threaten their victim, and are also anti-semitic and call converts "fake Jews' while pretending to be Jewish and make light of fascism! They're very active in the creepypasta, slenderverse and stranger things communities, you may also see them in Fort Collins Colorado in person. Steer clear!
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nuggetqwq · 8 months
(Okay sooo i thought id make a Intro/Info Post thing,because i think sum Like that is v important :3)
• Nugget (Billy/Alex !!)
• any pronouns (He/They are preffered though)
• German Hobby Artist
• im a minor so don't be pullin' any weird shit
• metalhead
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• Metal Family
• At Dead of night
• Don't Hug me,Im Scared
• Black Christmas/Horror films in general
• Slenderverse
• Incredibox/mods
• The Black Phone
• Stranger Things
• IT
• Diary of a wimpy kid
• The Interpretation of shadows
• Ranfren
• Splatoon
• Sally Face
• Danganronpa
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(Rob Zombie,KMFDM,Genitorturers,KoRn,Skindred,SOAD,The garden,siouxsie and the banshees,Type O Negative,Christian death,Utsu-P,xmal deutschland)
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• i mostly repost stuff i Like that has something to do with my interests/fandoms I'm in or don't wanna forget,but i do Post my own Art from time to time and oc stuff!
My Tiktok:
My Spacehey:
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analog-horror-deutsch · 3 months
Marble Hornets 15. Jahrestag
Heute ist der 15. Jahrestag von den Webserie Marble Hornets, eine Serie das von Slender Man basiert.
Ich habe die Marble Hornets Videos alles nochmal neu übersetzt und verbessert. Schaut im mein zweiten Kanal ‪Marble Hornets (Deutsch)‬ vorbei wenn ihr gerne auf Deutsch schauen wollt.
(Nur wenn ihr wollt, ihr musst nicht wenn meine Übersetzung vielleicht schlecht klingt, das ist sowieso inoffiziell🙃)
Und hier ist denn komplette Video auf Deutsch übersetzt.
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eeeeuuughggg · 9 months
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· · ✩ ABOUT ME
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i'm ollie, 8teen, she/they, german-aussie, audhd, fibro and pots.
slenderverse, marble hornets, everymanhybrid, creepypasta, sallyface, final destination, heathers, fnaf, undertale, deltarune, phasmophobia, stardew valley
concerts, music, reading, playing guitar, photography, late night walks/drives, astronomy, playing pool, bugs + insects, science, writing
my dni list (found here), hot weather, swimming, ignorant people, exercise, sports, writers block, repetition, insensitive 'jokes', etc.
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azzurasgoddess · 1 year
I’ve always wanted to do this! I decided that a good introduction to my “page” would be to getting to know about me. Not only me, but the other people like you who’d like to stick around!
Here’s some things about me!:
♥ I’m into astrology! My big three is Cancer Sun, Leo Moon, and Leo Rising :)
♥ I love Academia, Floral, Gothic, Y2K, and 90s fashion! I’d love to connect with people with similar or even different tastes!
♥ I’m interested in learning languages! So far I’m studying German and Spanish, but I hope to learn other languages too!
♥ When I was in middle school I was obsessed with Creepypasta and Slenderverse. I don’t consider myself to be in the fandom anymore, but I do like to do my own depictions of the characters! I see a bunch of people who still love the fandom and I think it’s still neat!
♥ I like when people ramble about things they’re interested in. Not only does it let them let it out, but it’s a nice conversation starter for everyone so don’t be afraid to ramble!
♥ Flowers are my favorite thing in this world. Especially flower symbolism!
♥ There’s so much more, but I hope that I can connect with so many cool people!
Remember to give yourself a break!!
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time-keepers-blade · 2 years
All about my oc's!
This post is just gonna be covering all the bases regarding my oc's. Lmk if anyone wants know more abt my oc's.
Dustin Springs/Demix Desmonty
Demix is technically a double agent, as they are a character in an arg of mine as well as being a slenderverse oc. The two version of Demix do not intersect minus the name.
The slenderverse version of Demix is the character I'll most likely write for.
Demix Desmonty, formally know as Dustin Springs, is a non-human entity that was once a prominent member of the Desmonty family, a family of high-level entities that control the birth and death of the many realities and universes. In a sense, the family controls time altogether, earning them the nickname "The Timekeepers".
Demix was originally born well over 2,000 years ago, allowing them to watch the rise and fall of civilizations, realities, and universes. They were the youngest member of their family, being the only child to their two fathers. They kept mostly to themselves, observing the many versions of humanity from a distance, never choosing to directly interact.
They'd had several interactions with other prominent entities, including the infamous "HABIT" and "Slenderman". Despite having interactions with other entities, they've always chosen family over friends, always staying near to their fathers.
Unfortunately, Demix was a vulnerable soul, finding pain and discomfort very easily. Demix saw humanity, saw the wars and genocides, saw the ugliness and despair.
Demix despised humanity, and eventually, they despised theirself, hating their animalistic nature, wishing to be anything other than monster. Their self hatred lead to a deep depression, lasting them several hundreds of years. It all came to a halt when they took their own life in the early 1940's, human time.
Demix was reincarnated in the early 1990's as Destiny Chávez. Born to a young mother, dropped into the hands of a college-aged father, Destiny spent their early childhood within the custody of their father. Their father was quickly discovered by Demix's previous father, who chose to assimilated with Destiny's father. The assimilation process was inevitably painful, scary, torturous at moments. This lead the young father to seek a means of keeping Destiny safe, and so, he opted for placing his child on adoption.
Destiny was adopted at age 7 by Miranda and Steven Springs, whom chose to rename their new child to Destiny Springs. At around 15, Destiny came out as transgender, a decision that was met with enthusiastic support. Destiny chose his name to be Dustin, and by 18 he'd had his name and gender legally changed.
Though Dustin was born in North Carolina, he and his three closest friends chose to move out to a place far north; Princeton, New Jersey.
Zakariah Avons
A mysterious and mischievous friend of Dustin Springs. Born to a family of witches and mediums, he harbors the ability to see, communicate with, and even touch any non-human entities. He became best friends with Dustin in high school and chose to join him in the big move to Princeton, NJ.
Rosalinn Hall
This is my creepypasta oc. Born of German descent, she harbors the natural ability to control and create fire, pyrokenesis. This handy power leads to her being nabbed by the ever-so-infamous Slenderman.
Born to Melinda and William Hall, Rosalinn, or Rosie, spent her early years living in the woods of southern Mississippi, happily safe with her mother, father, and her older sister named Dawn.
In a tragic turn of events, Rosie's father is killed in military combat, causing Rosie's mother to become a widow. The grief-stricken family chose to move out of the woods and closer to the water, landing them in Gulfport, Mississippi.
Through attending high-school in the city, Rosie captures the attention of a traveler from Coloarado. After several months of stalking, the stranger begins to leave behind notes and cues, telling Rosie about her own family's history. Finding connection to a German farmer who had bared witness to the Slenderman, or Der Großman's attack on invasive soldiers, the stranger chooses to snatch Rosie on one of her daily walks, taking her directly to the faceless tree god itself.
Rosie is taken in and trained as a sort of "evidence swiper", being given the job of burning down any evidence of Der Großman's many shenanigans.
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ruination999 · 2 years
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Hi... Ψ(`_´ # )↝
˗ˏˋ ʙᴀꜱɪᴄ ´ˎ˗
... Astre.
... He/Him.
... <18.
... German and English.
... O!Ciel kin, demon kin.
˗ˏˋ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛꜱ ´ˎ˗
... Nature.
... Outerspace.
... Psychology.
... Science.
... Literature.
... Kuroshitsuji, Yana Toboso.
... Slenderverse ARGs, various.
... Death Note, Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata.
... Undertale & Deltarune, Toby Fox.
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [. ❛ not ur friend ❜ ఇ haroinfather.]
1:11 ━━━━━◉────── 2:11
˗ˏˋ ᴀʟʟ ʙʟᴏɢꜱ ´ˎ˗
... i; ruination999.
... ii; saccharine-sanctum.
... iii; ma1-adaptive.
... iv; disordered-anomaly.
... v; angelmoonlite.
... vi; mind222reality.
˗ˏˋ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴇʟꜱᴇ ´ˎ˗
... This blog was previously owned by someone else.
... German is my native language. Apologies for any mistakes.
... I do not typically follow fads.
... I dislike drama.
... Don't be weird.
... I bite.
(`   -  7
End... ⇀‸↼‶
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0 notes