time-keepers-blade · 2 years
Small details about my oc's
I wanted to drop some random pieces of info about my oc's just for funsies.
☆Will absolutely suck down Barq's root beers. His favorite soda of all time. He's usually buying three 12 packs at a time because he truly does drink that much soda.
☆A sucker for sweet foods. He loves loves loves most chocolates, though he tends to lean more towards milk chocolate candies.
☆Absolutely an animal lover. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, frogs, lizards, snakes, you name it, he thinks it's cute. He's always wanted to grow old surrounded by lots of animals.
☆Despite his love of most animals, insects and arachnids scare him. It's just something to do with having so many legs and feet that makes his skin crawl.
☆Is a true 90's baby, obsessed with Nu Metal and Indie rock. He's the dude who still has Nirvana posters everywhere in his room, and he swears up and down that he doesn't have a crush on Kurt Cobain. (He does, but who can blame him?)
•He loves to cook. It's his love language to feed those around him. If he never feeds you, he probably doesn't like you. If you mention having a favorite food you best believe this dude is gonna start cooking it for you ALL the time.
°He's the tallest amongst his friend group, standing at 6 feet on the dot. He uses his height to his advantage literally every chance he gets.
•The gamer of the group. If he's not cooking, he's playing some niche video game that he saw online. He also loves horror games, which has lead to many sleepless nights of him fighting through several bosses and cursing out the game for every little jumpscare.
°A total romantic. His ideal date is cooking a big meal for his partner, decorating his entire house, then having your typical post-dinner movie marathon.
•Loves all things Halloween. The same goes for Dustin, actually. Both dudes are obsessed with the whole month of October, they both affectionately call it 'Espookie Month'
♡Lover of all things Christmas. She's the type that starts playing Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving. Hell, she'll play Christmas music at Thanksgiving dinner, it's her way of saying 'fuck you' to the original true story of Thanksgiving.
♡Despite her nickname being based on a rose, her favorite color is pink. She's tried dying her hair pink before, but it came out more of a pastel pink rather than a bright pink. She loved it either way.
♡Another animal lover, she wanted to be a veterinarian when she was younger.
♡Will eat anything with potatoes in it. For some reason, she's just obsessed with potatoes. To her, there's so many ways to cook and consume potatoes, wich means that they're truly the best vegetable out there.
♡Despite her main jobs revolving around destruction and fire, she has a major green thumb. When she has downtime, she's more than likely in her garden, tending to her plants. She grows veggies, herbs, flowers, all of it. Her favorite plant is the Aloe Vera, and her favorite flower is white wisteria.
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time-keepers-blade · 2 years
All about my oc's!
This post is just gonna be covering all the bases regarding my oc's. Lmk if anyone wants know more abt my oc's.
Dustin Springs/Demix Desmonty
Demix is technically a double agent, as they are a character in an arg of mine as well as being a slenderverse oc. The two version of Demix do not intersect minus the name.
The slenderverse version of Demix is the character I'll most likely write for.
Demix Desmonty, formally know as Dustin Springs, is a non-human entity that was once a prominent member of the Desmonty family, a family of high-level entities that control the birth and death of the many realities and universes. In a sense, the family controls time altogether, earning them the nickname "The Timekeepers".
Demix was originally born well over 2,000 years ago, allowing them to watch the rise and fall of civilizations, realities, and universes. They were the youngest member of their family, being the only child to their two fathers. They kept mostly to themselves, observing the many versions of humanity from a distance, never choosing to directly interact.
They'd had several interactions with other prominent entities, including the infamous "HABIT" and "Slenderman". Despite having interactions with other entities, they've always chosen family over friends, always staying near to their fathers.
Unfortunately, Demix was a vulnerable soul, finding pain and discomfort very easily. Demix saw humanity, saw the wars and genocides, saw the ugliness and despair.
Demix despised humanity, and eventually, they despised theirself, hating their animalistic nature, wishing to be anything other than monster. Their self hatred lead to a deep depression, lasting them several hundreds of years. It all came to a halt when they took their own life in the early 1940's, human time.
Demix was reincarnated in the early 1990's as Destiny Chávez. Born to a young mother, dropped into the hands of a college-aged father, Destiny spent their early childhood within the custody of their father. Their father was quickly discovered by Demix's previous father, who chose to assimilated with Destiny's father. The assimilation process was inevitably painful, scary, torturous at moments. This lead the young father to seek a means of keeping Destiny safe, and so, he opted for placing his child on adoption.
Destiny was adopted at age 7 by Miranda and Steven Springs, whom chose to rename their new child to Destiny Springs. At around 15, Destiny came out as transgender, a decision that was met with enthusiastic support. Destiny chose his name to be Dustin, and by 18 he'd had his name and gender legally changed.
Though Dustin was born in North Carolina, he and his three closest friends chose to move out to a place far north; Princeton, New Jersey.
Zakariah Avons
A mysterious and mischievous friend of Dustin Springs. Born to a family of witches and mediums, he harbors the ability to see, communicate with, and even touch any non-human entities. He became best friends with Dustin in high school and chose to join him in the big move to Princeton, NJ.
Rosalinn Hall
This is my creepypasta oc. Born of German descent, she harbors the natural ability to control and create fire, pyrokenesis. This handy power leads to her being nabbed by the ever-so-infamous Slenderman.
Born to Melinda and William Hall, Rosalinn, or Rosie, spent her early years living in the woods of southern Mississippi, happily safe with her mother, father, and her older sister named Dawn.
In a tragic turn of events, Rosie's father is killed in military combat, causing Rosie's mother to become a widow. The grief-stricken family chose to move out of the woods and closer to the water, landing them in Gulfport, Mississippi.
Through attending high-school in the city, Rosie captures the attention of a traveler from Coloarado. After several months of stalking, the stranger begins to leave behind notes and cues, telling Rosie about her own family's history. Finding connection to a German farmer who had bared witness to the Slenderman, or Der Großman's attack on invasive soldiers, the stranger chooses to snatch Rosie on one of her daily walks, taking her directly to the faceless tree god itself.
Rosie is taken in and trained as a sort of "evidence swiper", being given the job of burning down any evidence of Der Großman's many shenanigans.
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time-keepers-blade · 2 years
Heya everyone, my name's Dustin, welcome to my writing blog. I'd like to set some ground rules real quick, just so everyone is on the same page.
If I have reason to believe you are a minor (no age in bio, age below 18 in bio, interacting with other minors' blogs) I will block you immediately. I'm not in charge of babysitting a bunch of teenagers.
I will mostly write for Slenderverse, Creepypasta, and Sally Face below is a list of what I will and won't write for.
I WILL write for:
Short stories
General violence (fighting, murder, typical creepypasta/slenderverse type stuff)
I WON'T write for:
Sexual assault/rape
Detailed gore (I'm just not great at it ;-;)
Animal or domestic violence
Any kinks to do with piss or skat (no judgement, I'm just not into writing it)
Angst (again, I'm not great at it)
You can check my bio for the status on requests. I will not do commissions just yet, as I'm still working on the payment process.
Thank you for reading my pinnned post, enjoy the madness! <3
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