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healthyfy-u · 2 years ago
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How can I get a deep sleep?
First you should know how much you are getting Deep sleep. Early wake up feeling exhausted not getting proper deep sleep it can be a issue of Energy, immune system, sign of more illness.
Many people don’t get the amount of sleep that they should. The recommended rest is at least 7+ hours a night, but there are many interruptions to this necessary sleep cycle. Whether someone is not feeling well or stays up with kids all night, they need to find some way to restore their normal sleep cycle when so much has changed. That’s what Revive Daily focuses on.
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captaindidiermanchione · 1 year ago
Healing Sleep Deep Meditation Hypnosis To Calm The Mind And Eliminate An...
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nsfwmiamiart · 2 months ago
(Second Draft Version) Incoming Text for YesJulz (@yesjulz):
Dear YesJulz,
I read your latest tweet, and it seems like you're dealing with a lot of haters. I tried to read through the Twitter thread to understand what you were talking about, and all I saw were "LeBron" pictures and some haters saying mean things like "You a side chick" — stuff like that.
I understand you're dealing with a lot of hate, and there is a solution for that: you must learn to mentally block the hate.
Can you do that? It's easy to mentally block people — you should learn to mentally block anyone who hates on you. They don’t exist in your world when you refuse to acknowledge them and block them completely from your mind.
How do you think I survive during this apocalypse? I have a very effective technique called "Mental block." I show no love to haters — none whatsoever. They don’t exist in my world.
Whenever they try to get my attention with their hate, I close my eyes and my ears to block it out. That’s how I survive, and I suggest you learn to use this technique too.
If you want to survive during this apocalypse, you must learn to mentally block all the noise from negative people full of hate. This is how you purify your home and make sure no negativity enters your ears or your heart. This is how you keep your heart pure.
Also, you should avoid looking at A.I. pictures because they’re bad for our hearts and mental health. They don’t tell you this, but A.I. pictures are very bad for our eyes. They do something to our hearts because they’re not real — they’re fake images produced by A.I.
I always avoid looking at A.I. pictures because they make me nauseous. It’s not good for our health to stare at them.
I hope this message was useful to you, and that you’ll teach all your friends to do the same. You should all practice the art of "Mental blocking" — it will save you a lot of time and energy.
You should know that a lot of negative-minded people wake up every day to slander others, and sometimes their negative words get into your ears, making you feel depressed and full of negative vibes.
Next time you encounter negative-minded people, you’ll know how to react. Use the "Mental blocking" technique to avoid their negative behavior.
I know you're a smart woman, and you'll figure it out.
You can buy earplugs to help block out the noisy people around you when they talk negatively. (Click on this blue link) Alpine SleepDeep Earplugs – Premium earplugs designed for maximum comfort and noise reduction during sleep.
From now on, you can use earplugs to protect your ears from their negativity-filled mouths.
You're welcome! This was a short lesson in "Surviving the apocalypse 101."
Your loyal friend, King Angelo
P.S. Here’s a joke you can use with anyone who hates on you: When your haters think of you in the future, they’ll remember this joke:
“Get the f**k out of my house, what do you say? Yeah, yeah, I know, get the f**k out now.”
It’s the most dismissive joke ever! Hilarious! It makes me laugh every time! 😂😂😂
Synopsis of the Letter:
In the letter, King Angelo offers advice to YesJulz on how to deal with online hate and negativity. He emphasizes the importance of mentally blocking out hate, suggesting a technique he calls "Mental block" to avoid acknowledging and being affected by negative people. He shares his own survival method during difficult times, which involves closing himself off to the hate of others. Angelo also warns against the harmful effects of A.I. images on mental health and suggests using earplugs to block out negativity. He encourages YesJulz to teach her friends this technique, helping them protect their peace and well-being. The letter ends with a humorous, dismissive joke that YesJulz can use in response to haters.
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our-vuriz · 3 months ago
I’m holding my breathBecause you gotta dive deepReal deepTo find the ethereal thingsWhere the mermaids and Gods sleepDeep and deeperDark and darkerBeyond the lightOnly pure blacknessDown there, where there’s onlyMuted soundsOnly the sound of your own heart beatingThundering between your temples Fear is in the hands of your demonsAnd guarding angelsHold my handShow me your faceShow me everythingDo…
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candacehughes · 1 year ago
candace marie hughes 2 weeks a month 1st 2 weeks of month, 2 days a week last 2 days of month 4th week of month- adult slaves sleepdeep schedule voiced card. on. paid. must mail card. on. paid. memory schedules listings on. paid.
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cryptidkelpie · 1 year ago
Anyone that has loop earplugs also tried alpine..? I got the loops quiets and while comfortable, they don’t reduce quite as much noise as I need them to when working or sleeping or after a long day of being on calls where I just don’t want to hear anything.
Been eyeing the Alpine Sleepdeeps, but I’m not sure whether to get the standard or small size. I use the small eartips for my loops (the medium get sore). Anyone have any recs?
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feelasmr-fan · 6 years ago
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stevenlee8 · 4 years ago
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#SoyGreen contains natural coffee flavor without the caffeine! #巧綠 含有天然咖啡香料,但不含有咖啡因! #sleepdeep #familyfriendly #soyyummy #plantnutrition #wellness #health #nutrition #fitness #fruitsandvegetables #plantbased #eatgreen #wholesomefood #dietandexercise #不怕睡不著 #老少咸宜 #怎麼可以這麼好喝 #植物營養 #健康的飲食 #健全身心 #營養 #鍛煉 #健康 #適當的營養 #蔬菜水果 #完整的食物 #健康生活 #飲食和運動 #健康習慣 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGyuPu1Fh5N/?igshid=l3bmihas0zvk
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healthyfy-u · 2 years ago
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What should I do to sleep better?
Sleep better is very imortant task of daily life. If you can’t make it daily so our life would be so frustrating because of sleep.
Daily busy schedule we hamper our sleep or also more reason like, tension, anxiety, overthinking and more on.
So, We give a better solution for that can be sleep you better.
What is Revive Daily?
Revive Daily is a nutritional supplement designed to give you a deep, restful sleep to promote anti-aging benefits and weight loss.
By taking four capsules of Revive Daily 45 to 60 minutes before bed, you can use a blend of safe, natural, non-habit-forming ingredients to get a restful sleep without side effects. When you get a restful sleep, your body produces the maximum possible amount of growth hormone (HGH) overnight while also accelerating fat loss and overall fat burning.
Support a deep, restful, and rejuvenating sleep
Support growth hormone (HGH) production overnight for anti-aging effects
Help you lose weight
Revive Daily Benefits
According to the manufacturer and the official Revive Daily website, the supplement supports deep sleep to provide a range of benefits, including:
Support a deep, rejuvenating sleep to help you wake up fresh and revitalized
Boost your mind, body, and metabolism throughout the next day
Significantly improve natural growth hormone (HGH) production for physical and cognitive benefits
Support anti-aging effects via growth hormone (HGH) production
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captaindidiermanchione · 1 year ago
Heavenly Sleep Deep Meditation And Healing Vibrations
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nsfwmiamiart · 2 months ago
(First Draft Version) Incoming Text for YesJulz (@yesjulz):
Dear YesJulz,
I read your latest tweet and it seems like you are dealing with a lot of haters, I tried to read the Twitter thread to understand what you were talking about and all I saw in that thread was "LeBron" pictures and some haters saying mean things like "You a side chick" stuff like that.
I understood that you are dealing with a lot of hate and there is a solution for that, you must learn to mentally block the hate.
Can you do that? It's easy to mentally block people, you should learn to mentally block anyone who hates on you, they don't exist on this earth, when you refuse to acknowledge them and block them completely from your mind.
How do you think I survive during this apocalypse? I have a very effective technique and it's called "Mental block", I show no love to haters, none whatsoever, they don't exist in my world.
Whenever they try to get my attention with their hate, I close my eyes and my ears to block their hate, that's how I survive during this apocalypse and I suggest you learn to use this technique as well.
If you want to survive during this apocalypse, you must learn to mentally block all the noise from negative people full of hate, this is how you purify your home and make sure that no negativity enters your ears, and your heart, this is how you keep your heart pure.
Also, you should avoid looking at A.I. pictures because they are bad for our heart and mental health, they don't tell you this but A.I. pictures are very bad for our eyes, it does something to our hearts because it's not real, it's a fake image produced by A.I.
I always avoid looking at A.I. pictures because they make me nauseous, it's not good for our health to stare at A.I. pictures.
I hope this message was useful to you and you will teach all your friends to do the same, you should all practice the art of "Mental blocking" it will save you a lot of time and energy.
You should know that a lot of negative minded people wake up every day to slander people and sometimes their negative slander enters your ears, this makes you depressed and full of negative vibes.
Next time you see negative minded people, you will know how to react, you will use the "Mental blocking" technique to avoid their negative behavior.
I know you're a smart woman and you will figure it out.
You can buy ear plugs to help you block the noisy people around you when they talk negative around you. (Click on this blue link) Alpine SleepDeep Earplugs – Premium earplugs designed for maximum comfort and noise reduction during sleep.
From now on, you can use ear plugs to protect your ears from all their negative filled mouths full of hate.
You're welcome! This was a short lesson in "Surviving the apocalypse 101"
Your loyal friend,
King Angelo.
Here is a joke you should use with anyone who hates on you:
When your haters think of you in the future, they will remember this joke here:
“Get the fuck out of my house, what do you say? Yeah, yeah, I know, get the fuck out now.”
It's the most dismissive joke ever! Hilarious! It makes me laugh every time! 😂😂😂
Read this important reminder:
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larahedin · 5 years ago
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Sunset in the forest 3:30pm with these two post nap time. . . . #sunday#recovery #resteasy#sleepdeep#forestbathing#breatheyourbiome (at Issaquah, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6LD3amgIm4/?igshid=70sf3fifoq77
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nicky4447-blog · 6 years ago
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#goodnight #steeptight #sweetdreams #sleepdeep #gn #getuptomorrowwithbigsmile #hopetoseeyoursmile #withhope #everythingwillbealright #loveisallaroundyou https://www.instagram.com/p/ByvmqpdjkgT/?igshid=sauxkjsptkjw
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feelasmr-fan · 6 years ago
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amandaleona · 6 years ago
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BENEFITS OF YOGA: 12. Helps you sleep deeper. Yoga provides downtime for the nervous system and for that a better sleep. . . BENEFICIOS DEL YOGA: 12. Te ayuda a dormir mejor. La práctica de asana estira y relaja los músculos, el pranayama ayuda a disminuir la frecuencia cardiaca y todo esto nos prepara para el sueño. . . . . . . #inktober2018 #inktober #yogaart #yogaeveryday #benefitsofyoga #yogabenefitsinktober #amandaleon #yogaillustration #sleepdeeper #helpssleep #yogaforhealth #yogaforabetterlife #yogaartist https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo0oc9nBwmm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m50i22ywft4r
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onthesandsofdreams · 5 years ago
Between the Witch and the Hunter
Fandom: Wonder Woman Pairing: Steve x Diana Rating: T Summary:  Out of curiosity, one day Diana asks, “What would happen if someone comes after me? For being a witch, I mean.” Steve looks at her in the eyes. “Then I would come for you. I promise you Diana, I would come and bring you back.” Words: 1853 Notes: For @wondertrevnet‘ Lock Out Bingo. Square: Promises. Fills my first full bingo. Which you can see here. Chapter 4 out of 4. [WonderTrev Bingo Masterlist]
Read @ AO3 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
To Diana, promises are sacred. As a witch, she is bound by them in the same way that she may bound others to them. That is why she believes Steve Trevor when he says, “Diana, we will find Isabel Maru, I promise. She won’t hurt anyone else.”
It’s not only his words that convince Diana, but his eyes. They are clear, free of any sort of deception and always look at her in her own eyes. There’s no reason why not to believe Steve, he’s more than proven true in the time she’s been with ARGUS and working with him directly. The mass killing of people at the gala still weight heavily on her mind, but Steve reassures her and she believes him. Steve is a good man, and if someone understands, it’s him.
There has also been a shift to them. Diana is not a fool, she knows that she’s falling for Steve. But she has her reservations – of course she does! Steve Trevor is a monster hunter and she’s a witch. Those two professions rarely mix. Those two sort of people rarely date. Diana knows of a grand total of two such couples.
But Diana also reads people better than most, and something inside her heart whispers that Steve Trevor feels the same, even if he won’t speak of it yet. It’s in the way he looks at her, in the way his hand holds her a moment too long, how he hurries to check on her, the tone of his voice and it leaves her breathless.
Out of curiosity, one day Diana asks, “What would happen if someone comes after me? For being a witch, I mean.”
Steve looks at her in the eyes. “Then I would come for you. I promise you Diana, I would come and bring you back.”
His answer is so simple, so honest and so painfully true that it almost feels like someone is squeezing her heart. Diana’s face softens. “Thank you Steve, I believe you.”
It’s one of Diana’s rare outings when it all comes to a head.
Diana is running low on some herbs and flowers for her potions, so she decides to go and get them. Steve offers to come with her, but she laughs and says that it’s not necessary, she knows the woods well and she should be back before they even notice she’s gone.
Steve reluctantly lets her go alone.
Diana drives two hours out of the city, the forest is beautiful during the summer and she relishes the alone time. Not that she minds the company of Steve, quite the opposite really, but she also values her time alone.
Diana wonders around, harvests some mushrooms, dandelions and other plants she will need. Allows herself a moment to clear her head before heading back to her car. Feels the sunlight on her face and breathes the clean air.
Once Diana makes her way back into her car, she notices another one, but she doesn’t care. It’s a wonderful day to visit the forest, hears some footsteps behind her, but doesn’t turn. That is her biggest mistake. It happens, one moment she’s unlocking the car, the next she feels a strong hit on the back of her head that unbalances her, she struggles to turn and fight off her attacker. It’s Isabel Maru. And she receives a handful of powder to her face.
As soon as the powder hits, Diana knows she’s truly in trouble. It’s sleepdeep, a power made of several plants that weakens the body and send you into a deep sleep. She sways as she stands, then, she slides down, fighting the weight of sleep as much as she can, but her limbs feel heavy and her mind is blanking out. A few moments later, Diana lays sleeping on the floor.
When Diana comes to, she finds herself tied to a chair in an empty room. Still groggy, she does her best to release herself, but the rope is made of an unknown material and much to her woe, it’s stronger than common rope.
“You won’t get out,” Dr. Isabel Maru’s voice make Diana go still. “That rope is made with steel threads, a fantastic discovery of mine, you see.”
Diana waits until Dr. Maru is in front of her to speak. “Steve will know this is a tramp,” she says with confidence. “And he won’t come.”
Dr. Maru chuckles, “He sounded quite worried when I spoke with him, so I’m sure he’ll come and I’ll be ready to take him down.”
Diana wants to curse, but she simply levels Dr. Maru with a calm look. “If that’s the case, he won’t come alone.”
“Oh no, I’m hoping he will bring his team with him. What a best way to rid the world of ARGUS’ best team? And all because a witch,” the smile that Dr. Maru gives her is twisted and makes her scar more prominent.
Diana has never been shallow enough to judge someone by their looks, but in this case, she’s sure that Dr. Maru’s outside matches her inside. “They are better than what you think. You won’t get away with everything you’ve done.”
Dr. Maru shrugs and begins to walk towards the door, “I’m ready. But you won’t make it out from here. Sweet dreams.”
As soon as Dr. Maru walks out the door, a gas is released and Diana does her best to hold her breath, but there’s only so much she can do, the gas puts her to sleep faster than what she’d like.
And for the next hours? Days? Diana wakes, only to be gassed again. She’s weaker than she’s ever felt before. And she worries.
‘Steve,’ Diana thinks. ‘Come find me.’
Diana wakes to screams and loud noises. The gas, whatever it is, has been making her weaker, but she still struggles to untie herself. “Steve,” she tries to yell, but her voice is nothing more than a rasp. “Steve, I’m here.” She swears to herself to learn to do astral projection if she gets out of here.
But the sounds Diana hears are loud, and her voice is still heavy with sleep. “Steve!” She tries over and over again, until she hears silence. Only hears people shuffling about. And then, the door is busted open and Steve rushes in, like a knight in a fairy tale.
“Diana!” Steve yells and rushes towards her. “Thank God, are you ok?” He asks, but doesn’t wait for her to answer to begin untying her from the chair.
“I’m fine,” Diana replies, thankful that she has not been gassed one more time. Her head’s clearer now. “Just… tired and so weak.” Diana is loathe to admit to her weakness, but she knows that Steve will not hold it against her.
“That’s fine,” Steve somehow manages to untie her. “I have you, you’re safe.”
“You promised,” Diana tells him. The rope falls off her and she begins to move her limbs.
Steve stands in front of her, a small smile on his face, “I did.” He watches her struggle for a bit, then moves to her side and slides and arm around her, “can you walk?”
“No, my limbs feel like gelatin.”
“No worries then,” Steve says and lifts her up in his arms.
Diana resist the urge to call him ‘her knight’. Because if knights were still a thing, Steve would be one of them, she’s sure. “Thank you,” she says and rests her head on his shoulder.
Steve get them out of Dr. Maru’s base, and immediately rushes Diana to the paramedics on the scene. Rides with her in the ambulance and stays with her during the whole ordeal. Diana has never been more thankful for anyone ever.
Diana is ordered rest, a week’s worth of it. The three days that she was under Dr. Maru have weakened her considerably, but it’s nothing that she won’t overcome. Steve rarely leaves her side during her week off. He’s the one who brings her meals – never forgets dessert –, brings her books to read, keeps her company and does everything he can to make her feel safe.
It’s Steve who tells her that Dr. Maru is imprisoned. That Diana will eventually be called as a witness, but she doesn’t have to worry too much.
Diana has made the choice to pursue this relationship. No matter what, Steve Trevor is a good man. One of honor and one she can trust, even in her weakest moments. One she feels safe with.
Funnily enough, it’s Steve who makes the first move.
“Did you know,” he says one day, as the walk together in the gardens outside of ARGUS. “That my mother is the hunter I inherited my powers?”
Diana freezes, she always thought that he had gotten them from his father. Hunters usually came from the paternal line. “No.” She says and waits.
Steve scratched the back of his head. “Yeah. My mom is awesome, but my dad? Well, my dad was a wizard.”
Diana’s head snaps towards him. “Impossible.”  But at the same time, it made sense. Steve was far too accepting of magic. Too calm, too... Gods be damned. Steve respected magic. Steve didn't treat witch and wizards as monsters. 
Steve laughs, “No Diana, I’m a halfling as they call us. Unfortunately, my father passed away when I was young, and I didn’t inherited his powers, my mom’s blood won out, I guess.”
Diana’s eyes are wide. “How…?”
Steve’s smile is dazzling, “Not every mixed marriage tells, my parents didn’t want to be on the radar so they didn’t ever mentioned it. As far as the world could tell, my dad was a humble shop owner.”
Diana feels like someone just pulled the rug from under her. Then she shakes her head and laughs, that makes sense. What better way to pass unnoticed, but to never have to admit the whole truth? Once her laughter abates, she asks, “Why are you telling me this?”
Steve grows serious, but his eyes are full of love and Diana can read the answer in them. “Because I love you, in this year that we have been working together, I have fallen in love with you.”
Diana is thankful that her feelings are not unwanted. She smiles. “Good thing then, because I love you too.”
Steve’s face lights up, like a boy with a new toy. But it’s his eyes that keep drawing her in, so full of love and tenderness. “May I kiss you?” He says as he caresses her cheek.
Diana doesn’t respond, but draws closer and gently touches her lips to his. For a moment, neither move, and then their lips meet and they pour into that kiss all the feelings they have for one another. It’s perfect in it’s own way.
They only part when breath becomes a necessity, but they still rest their foreheads against each other. They hold one another, unwilling to let go.
“Whatever comes,” Steve says. “We’ll face it together.”
Diana smiles. “Of course.”
As it turns out, there’s something that could be, between the witch and the hunter: Love.
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