#six(ish) sentence Sunday
thesleepyskipper · 5 months
Six-ish Sentences Sunday
Thank you for the tag @jmagnabo92 and the open tag @kiwiana-writes!
Here's another snippet from my @aroyallybigbangrwrb Neighbours AU:
As soon as he set one foot out the door, Henry walked directly into the solid mass of Alex and his hard body and all of his muscles, many of which happened to be on display. He appeared to be heading out to the gym, or maybe for an early evening run, wearing a loose gray NYU t-shirt and navy shorts that hit mid-thigh, which was really a very pleasant sight overall. 
Alex chuckled and took out one of his air pods as he reached out with a strong hand on Henry’s chest to make sure he didn't trip and fall flat on his face. “Whoa there, buddy! What’s got you in such a big rush?” 
“Oh, nothing,” Henry stammered, trying to come up with an excuse, but just ending up being vague (and British) instead. “Just heading to Mrs. Gleason’s flat to see if she’s home.” 
“Is it Euchre night already?” Alex pondered. He pulled his phone out of his pocket quickly and glanced at it. “It’s normally Thursdays, and today’s still definitely Wednesday.” 
Henry had no idea there was a regular Euchre game in 2C, nor that Alex was a part of it. He was still learning the floor’s inner workings.
Tagging in @noahreids, @cha-melodius, @orchidscript, @cricketnationrise, @myheartalivewrites,
@ships-to-sail, @rmd-writes, @three-drink-amy, @sparklepocalypse, @magicandarchery,
@fullsunsets, @theprinceandagcd, @priincebutt, @onthewaytosomewhere, @dragonflylady77,
@suseagull04 and anyone else who wants to share!
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mollywog · 8 months
Snippet Sunday
I have WIP I should focus on, but today my mind kept wondering to a non-hijacked D13 reunion. I know it’s been done a hundred times, but here’s part of a hundred and one.
“Miss you need to leave,” the voice of one of the doctors interrupts us.
Anyone who thinks I’ll willingly go now that I have Peeta back must be mad. I straighten my spine and tell him as much. Peeta’s hand locked firmly in mine reassures me.
One of the other doctors, an older woman, with frown lines and a tight bun steps in, “this is all very unorthodox. We need to complete our assessment and protocol dictates that only a family member may be present outside of visiting hours. You are free to return then.”
Dread pools in my stomach at the mention of family. I hadn’t thought past our reunion; hadn’t planned the way to tell him his whole family is gone. But one glance at his face tells me I won’t need to. He already knows or at least suspects. I’ll be damned if I leave him now.
“I am his family. I'm his wife.”
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Six Seven Eight Sentence Sunday
Jamie has too many words he wants to say to Roy running through his head, mixing through each other like players on a pitch. He can’t keep track of the ball, of the words he wants to say, he can’t make them lineup, they all jumble together fighting for dominance.
I’m sorry.
It’s all my fault.
Don’t hate me.
Please forgive me.
I’m sorry.
Too many words that can never be enough.
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hawkeish · 21 days
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doing this because i’m in denial that my holidays will be over in less than 5 hours (happy first day back eve for any of my fellow comrades in England. stay strong)
have six sentences from the next chapter of hangout at the gallows
She felt empty as the Void. But she forced a ragged grin, because she was Hawke, and sometimes being Hawke meant that she had to play pretend. No, I’ve never heard of the word ‘regret’. No, there isn’t a gash deep in my thigh that’s dribbling white-hot poison. No, I don’t lie awake at night thinking about how I let my sister die in the wasteland that used to be our home.
Aveline’s eyes narrowed. The grin was not returned
tagging @katuary @canavaris @aymayzing @mrs-theirin @librivore42 but anyone else who wants to join in, go wild!
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aqpippin · 2 months
six sentence sunday —
and now I’m covered in you 🌼
She doesn’t care if there’s a kid that needs help trying her shoelaces and that there’s laundry to be done and beds to be made and a kitchen light they could stand under and love each other just as well from there. She wouldn’t even care if the world was ending outside her bedroom window, if volcanoes were exploding and chasms were ripping themselves into the ground and the sky was falling around them. It could be the last moment of their lives or just the first in a long list of mornings where they’ll wake up wrapped in each other like this; Gigi doesn’t care. She wants to hold this scene in her hand like a snow globe and shake and shake and shake. She doesn’t ever want the snow to stop falling.
She wants to love Jackie like this - lazily and dream-drunk and as if the entire world is held here, in the space on top of the mattress - for the rest of her life.
Another five minutes would also suffice.
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Hi, hello, hola! And a happy mid-Erotic Grope Fest to you all!!
Editing Ch. 2 of my EGF fic, Good morning, good night, good morning, continues apace! I was going to share a bit of that, but instead I found this tiny, completely unrelated story (a drablet?) when I was looking through editing notes:
Simon: (pauses in the middle of making out) Are we dating now? 
Baz: (falls out of bed) 
Baz: (slips on a banana) 
Baz: (tumbles down the stairs) 
Baz: (stands up) 
Baz: (smooths back hair) 
Baz: (puts on a suit) 
Baz: Yes. 
(tags & more writing blather behind the cut)
I'm at that Weird Point in editing Chapter 2 of my EGF fic so many times that I have lost perspective. Random thoughts will drift across my mind: "Is this funny? Why did I ever think this was funny?" and "This is 5K and yet it feels like nothing happens??"
I feel well-adjusted enough (at the moment) for this reminder to kick in: "My job isn't to judge whether the thing is good or bad. My job, right now, is just to edit." Writing Do Be Like That. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In other fun news, I found some notes from when I was editing Chapter 20 of Jelly Babies and my spouse (known on the internets as Earlobegreytea) was peeking over my shoulder:
Earlobegreytea: Was there kissin’ in this chapter? 
Me: No
Earlobegreytea: Was there kissin’ in the previous chapter? 
Me: Also no 
Earlobegreytea: No kissin’ Earlobegreytea: Just thinking about kissin’ Earlobegreytea: Just thinking about kissin’ a little Earlobegreytea: Keep ‘em in suspension 
And then he kept muttering about kissin' while he went to pick up milk. 😘🐄🥛
I've been up since six this morning, so I'm kicking off SSS with a long list of hello tags. Come out and play! (Or just rest and be cosy. Tha's cool too) @aristocratic-otter @artsyunderstudy @bookish-bogwitch @captain-aralias @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla @dohrnaira @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @hushed-chorus @ionlydrinkhotwater @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @imagineacoolusername @johnwgrey @larkral @martsonmars @moodandmist @nightimedreamersworld @onepintobean @raenestee @sailor-blossoms @shemakesmeforget @shrekgogurt @tea-brigade @thewholelemon @tectonicduck @technetiumai @theimpossibledemon @whogaveyoupermission @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
I wrote myself a permission slip to have fun and play this weekend, so I'm going to grab mini donuts and play pinball at an arcade called Phantom Amusements which is, sadly, not run by ghosts (as far as I can tell). Happy Sunday!
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lowkeyed1 · 10 months
Six Sentence... Monday?
look idk what you want from me. my sense of time is sketchy at best. you get what you get! you can have some bonus sentences since i'm a day late, call that interest :) from my current unpublished WIP, 'What a Prince and Lover Ought to Be', a willow 2022 fanfic about airk stepping in to marry graydon in kit's place. ----- Graydon sighed, looking in the mirror. He was ridiculously overdressed. As if last night’s get-up with all the cords and braid and whatever wasn’t bad enough, for his wedding he had to wear a cape? And not any normal cape, but a floor-length cape! And a ceremonial crown that was twice as gaudy and twice as heavy as the one he wore last night. And a fucking scepter, really? He felt like a clown. Why not add some bells? Might as well put all this shit on a dressmaker’s dummy and marry that off instead. Kit would probably be more willing to have the dummy in her wedding bed.
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nobigsecrets · 9 months
Heads Up, Seven Up!
Rules: post the last seven lines you wrote! Then tag others!
“You’re not mad?” “No, I’m not mad,” Roy confirms. “But I’m still madly horny.” He’s horny and and his dick is still half-hard and he’s fucking intrigued by the lace Jamie's wearing, actually. Whatever Jamie was thinking putting it on—whether it was meant as a test or a coming out or what the fuck ever—Roy knows Jamie, he’s sure it will look spectacular on him. Roy pushes his body against Jamie a bit to make it a point. Jamie grins, a flicker of his usual confidence back in his eyes. “So impatient, old man,” he teases and grinds back against Roy.
This is what I've been writing on on and off for the past couple of months. I keep telling myself I want to finish it before starting (or going back to) anything else. Progress is slow but it's there, so I'm sticking to that plan for now. :)
Tagging anyone else who wants to share their progress!
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erzbethluna · 2 years
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Six Sentences Sunday (but is a drawing)💫
I mean it is already past midnight but never mind, I'm here sharing! Thank you all so much for all your support this last week 😭 I felt really seen and supported and loved. Thank you really, your kind words really helped me go through. Today I'm feeling better! I overslept around 13 hours, and it did wonders with my health! I finished my antibiotic shots, and I'm just coughing (hard) but I'm very, very much better! I'm starting to feel like an actual person! 🥰 I'm working in astounding collabs with @confused-bi-queer and @hushed-chorus, but I truly can't share without spoiling some important plot things!! So I did this little piece for Demi (@hushed-chorus) based on one of her latest Halloween fic "Call of the Sea" :) please check it if you haven't, is a spooky one shot! Thank you so much for your kind tags (and I tag you) @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @facewithoutheart @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ionlydrinkhotwater @confused-bi-queer @sailorblossoms @excalisbury @ileadacharmedlife @whogaveyoupermission @artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @moodandmist @johnwgrey @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @palimpsessed @martsonmars I Tag @cattocavo @bucketfishy @wellbelesbian @hushed-chorus @aristocratic-otter @basiltonbutliketheherb @larkral @tea-brigade @takitalks @frjsti @bookish-bogwitch @yeonjunenby @yellobb @gibbarts @dragoneggos
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lajulie24 · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday
Trying to get back into the writing habit again, so here’s a little snippet from the next chapter of “One Half Won’t Do”:
Leia felt almost giddy walking back to the command center, happily shooting down the little internal voice that liked to harp on how temporary all this was. How unreal.
If it’s temporary, I’m allowed to enjoy it while it lasts, she told herself, smiling and greeting the ground staff as she passed by. I’m allowed to have something.
That little voice was persistent as she pushed it down, a little speck of her screaming danger, danger, what the fuck are you doing?
Shut the fuck up, she answered, heading back to the command center.
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thesleepyskipper · 5 months
Six(-ish) Sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tags @jmagnabo92 and @duchessdepolignaca03!
Sooooo while I should be working on my RBB fic, instead I heard a song that was so perfectly Alex POV I immediately developed a backstory while driving and had to get this out of my head. It's half written already, so here's a little snippet...
Honestly, it’s still a shock to Alex that Henry even still works here, after two years of practically skipping through the halls, acting like he’s trying to win the award for being the world’s most pleasant human. Investment banking is a cutthroat world and Alex thrives on being the fucking best of the best. No matter who he has to take down in the process or how many hours he has to work in the week. Henry probably got this job because his grandmother plays croquet with the CEO or something insanely nepotistic like that.
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mollywog · 7 months
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A little peek at something new
The young Prince is declared dead; The kingdom’s in mourning. Even Katniss seems bereft though he can’t imagine why.
One day while tending him, she tells him a story: “When I was a girl I dreamed of marrying the prince; at five, becoming a princess and living in a palace was the ultimate fantasy. How could I not believe myself in love? But then I witnessed the cruelty of the Queen and I couldn’t imagine any castle or wealth comparing to kindness. That dream died, but in its place was a new one.”
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jamiesfootball · 7 months
Six Sentence Sunday
"He told Isaac?"
"Then how do you know?"
"Issac told me?" Colin said like it was obvious. "Why wouldn't he tell me? Isaac tells me every-"
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axl-ul · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @shellyscribbles (thank you a lot!! <3)
Mei’s eyes clutched, her knuckles on the cold ground turned white. Although she refused to say who she meant, the captain looked up anyway. In fact, even if the young woman wasn’t in a better state than a beggar, she charmed him. Yet when his index finger touched the other woman’s chin so he could see better under strange hair he felt his breath be snatched away. The woman, so odd and yet unearthly beautiful, the captain of the queen’s guard was intrigued. Everything about her rang with peculiar wonder - her yellow hair, her round eyes, the shape of her face, she didn’t even need to stand on her toes to face him. The captain grimaced,“Not only you’re a liar but a kidnapper, as well!“
Veeery soft tags which are also open for anyone who wants to join: @toribookworm22 @minutiaewriter @dogmomwrites @writingonesdreams @verba-writing @emberlyric @aohendo @aalinaaaaaa
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jabean-fanfiction · 2 years
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Okie Dokies, because it’s been too damn long since I’ve been able to write Star Wars stuff. Here’s more than six sentences…
From the upcoming chapter of my fic, A Light in the Dark:
The first sensation that Rey registered was the feeling of sand beneath her stocking feet. It was warm, comforting. It was home.
She curled her toes into the soft ground and blinked open her eyes, only to frown at what she saw.
This wasn’t Jakku.
This sand wasn’t the pale kind she found back home. The sand here was an obnoxious shade of orange.
“Orange?” Rey vocalised her disdain only to be shocked at the high pitch of her voice. A child’s voice–hers from when she was a little girl.
“Yes, it’s your favourite colour, ad’ika.” The voice came from somewhere close behind her. “Don’t you remember?” A man. She knew him; had heard his voice before.
Rey spun around to face the man and quickly lost her balance in the loose sand. She flopped over on her bum and peered up into the bright white sun as the man came closer and knelt down in front of her.
“Careful, little one.” He dusted the orange sand off her light grey pants. “You don’t want to get even more hurt.” The man’s voice was warm, just like the desert sun.
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otemporanerys · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
A little something I’m trying to get done for N7 day - tagging @korblez in lieu of WIP Wednesday --- There was something eerie about the exact hour when night finally surrendered to daytime. It was before most people roused and after most monsters had gone to sleep: being awake felt like an intrusion into a world men weren’t meant to see. It was that moment, that still, in-between widdershins hour, that the baron’s castle heaved into view. The design was functional rather than foreboding, squat and solid in the old style, except for the strange spindly spires in the front. At first, Anderson assumed it was merely an ill-advised attempt to make the castle seem more intimidating, but he looked up again and reeled. Each and every one of them was decorated with an impaled body, their dangling limbs backlit by the rising sun.
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