#airk tanthalos
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No because it kills me we're not getting another season. 😭
#willow series#willow 2022#kit tanthalos#elora danan#graydon hastur#thraxus boorman#jade claymore#airk tanthalos#willow ufgood#like whyy#it was such a good series#with so much potential#and great characters#it had some problems but easily fixable#i want it back#save willow#stuck in the labyrinth
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my babies,, <3
#willow#willow 2022#elora danan#kit tanthalos#jade claymore#graydon hastur#thraxus boorman#willow ufgood#airk tanthalos#save willow#my art
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#willow disney+#willow 2022#willow#willow series#jade claymore#airk tanthalos#a fun AU hc is that Jade and Airk are good friends and Jade bugs airk all the time by saying shit like this and Airk’s like stahp
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Willow textposts Tanthalos Twins Tuesday Edition!
#willow 2022#willow series#kit tanthalos#elora danan#jade claymore#save willow#tanthamore#graylora#ellie bamber#airk tanthalos
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Y'all think we should just like...storm Disney and lay siege to them until they agree to give us Willow back?
#willow 2022#willow series#elora danan#jade claymore#save willow#kit tanthalos#thraxus boorman#airk tanthalos#sorsha tanthalos#tanthamore#graydon hastur
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Forbidden Crown - III

Summary: Kit and Airk visit Azarenth to celebrate your fifteenth birthday, but when your mother delivers some earth-shattering news, your relationships with the twins crumble. After an ‘experiment’ gone wrong, you realize some things about yourself that could destroy your life, as well as those of the people around you.
Pairing: kit tanthalos x princess!reader
Contains: angst, boy-kissing, girl-kissing, implied vomiting (not graphic), half-smut, heavy petting, second base, forced marriage, nightmare
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: it’s getting steamy up in here
The day you turned fifteen was a cause of celebration for all of Azarenth. Your parents held an elaborate banquet in your honor, complete with minstrels and jesters, and invited the entire kingdom to celebrate. All day long, you received birthday wishes and blessings from the townspeople, indulged in your favorite foods, and drowned in a seemingly endless sea of presents. Luxurious garments, precious jewelry, fine craftsmanship; you were gracious for every one, but none compared to the greatest gift of them all.
“Tomorrow morning, the twins from Tir Asleen will be riding in for a visit.” Your mother informed you later that evening, after all the party guests had gone home.
You froze in your tracks, the news leaving you momentarily speechless. “Really? They’re visiting here?”
“Well I’d prefer not to have Kit stay,” your mother scoffed. “But heaven forbid I take one without the other.”
Far too excited to acknowledge your mother’s snide remark, you rushed to wrap your arms around her, expressions of gratitude flying from your lips. She stiffened at your touch, only obliging with a reluctant pat on your back.
Just when you felt like you were on top of the world, everything came crashing down in a matter of seconds.
“I expect you to be on your best behavior while they’re here, please put in the extra effort to make Airk feel comfortable. In five years’ time, you will be his bride.”
You froze again, the last sentence hitting you like a sledgehammer to a stone wall. Slowly, you removed your arms from her torso, stepping back to meet her gaze. “Pardon?”
“Sorsha and I decided it was time to tell you both,” she explained calmly. “We’ve been arranging this marriage to unite our kingdoms since you were young.”
Confusion, anger, betrayal; a plethora of emotions swarmed you as you stood there, stunned. “You’re telling me this now?”
“Darling, you’re fifteen now, a woman. We didn’t want to scare you when you were children but it’s high time you start to think about the future of Azarenth.”
Realization hit you like a pound of bricks. “That’s why you always put so much emphasis on a relationship with Airk? You were preparing us for marriage?”
“Well I see no reason for such commotion! From what you’ve told me, you and Airk get along quite well. I’m sure you’ll make a fine couple.”
She dismissed you with a wave of her hand before retreating to her bedchamber for the night, leaving you standing there in a puddle of conflicting feelings. On one hand, Airk was pleasant company, and he could make a fine ruler one day. On the other hand, your heart didn’t long for him, and just the thought of you two being expected to produce heirs made you feel ill.
In five years, in five short years, you would be Princess Airk Tanthalos. You closed your eyes, testing out the name once on your lips before running outside and dropping to your knees, emptying your stomach's contents into the street.
That night was spent tossing and turning in bed, fighting off images of a marriage to Airk before they overpowered you, transforming into a nightmare as you slipped into slumber.
You were walking through the Tir Asleen gardens with Kit, picking bouquets of flowers and laughing at nothing but your own contagious joy. Just when you were almost done arranging your flowers, she seized your hand without warning, forcing you to drop your bouquet and pulling you away from the garden.
“Kit! Where are we going?” You chuckled, but never received an answer.
Instead, she pulled you into the doors of the castle and led you through every room. Each room seemed to stretch on forever, the exit nothing more than an optical illusion. With every new step, Kit moved faster until you were practically chasing after her, each breath coming in ragged gasps as your feet slapped against the cold stone floor.
Finally, Kit led you back outside, where you seemed to have spent so long in the castle that the sky was now a dark black with no moon in sight. She continued to pull you until you stood in front of the garden once again, where she slowed her pace before pausing at the entrance. This time, instead of the garden being filled with fragrant flowers and low-hanging trees, it was furnished to look like a wedding ceremony, with Airk standing at the end of the aisle. All of the guests turned in their chairs, staring at you with stone-like expressions.
You looked down and found that your everyday clothing had been replaced with an extravagant wedding gown. “Kit,” you whispered, squeezing her hand. “Why have you brought me here?”
Kit turned to look at you, leaving you horrified as her face morphed into that of your mother’s. Her demeanor remained still and frosty as she dropped your hand like a forgotten promise.
“The future is upon us, Princess Airk Tanthalos.”
You shot up in bed, gasping for breath as your heart raced. Pressing a hand to your chest, you inhaled deeply, forcing yourself to calm down. The window facing outside showed the sky still an impenetrable black, clear and streaked with twinkling stars. You groaned, flopping back onto your mattress as you reluctantly prepared for the remainder of a restless night.
You practically sleepwalked through the next morning, the dark circles under your eyes hanging like crescent moons in the night sky. After grunting a barely perceptible greeting to your parents, you took your seat at the breakfast table and started on the meal the chefs had prepared for you. Each bite tasted like gray mush. You chewed mechanically, feeling as if your emotions were so dulled that even your taste buds were affected.
Silence filled the breakfast table as everyone noticed you weren’t your usual chipper self. Even your father noticed something was off and attempted to speak before your mother shot him an icy glare, placing her hand over his as an unspoken warning.
Before you even had time to pass out onto your plate, the familiar clip-clop of a horse-drawn carriage sounded from outside, signaling the twins' arrival. You stood up, trailing behind your parents as you stepped outside to greet your guests.
A creamy white horse stood just outside the castle entrance, attached to a rugged coachman steering a wooden carriage. Airk was the first to step out, shaking out his chestnut curls and smoothing the fabric of his thin tunic. The morning sun reflected off his green eyes, making them look like two polished emeralds.
Although you weren’t attracted to him, you had to admit, he had grown into a handsome lad. You began to wonder if there was a chance that marrying him wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, that maybe you could make it work, and learn to live somewhat content.
But then Kit stepped out of the carriage, and the very thought of marrying her brother became distasteful again. She was pale, and the dark circles under her eyes only accentuated her lack of color. Her clothing was loose, wrinkly, and her barely chin-length tresses were dyed black with an indigo plant.
To anyone else, she appeared as a tired mess, a pathetic excuse for a princess. But when you gazed upon her, all you saw was Kit. Your Kit. The girl you grew up with and simultaneously never saw, the one person who meant more to you than anyone else.
Your mother rushed to meet Airk, presenting a perfect curtsy and gushing over how handsome he’d gotten. To Kit, she offered nothing more than a brief nod and a stiff grin.
“Welcome to Azarenth, you two,” she greeted. “I trust you’ll feel right at home here.”
With that, she turned on her heel, marching back into the castle and leaving you to attend to your guests. You never really liked having your mother around; her chilly demeanor often irritating you to the point of submerging yourself into daydreams where you could run away, free from her parental confines. But now, as she walked away and you watched her figure grow smaller, you wanted nothing more than for her to return. Even if it was to make a snide comment, you would take anything to alleviate the tension that now floated between you and the twins.
Airk took a step towards you, clearing his throat and hiding his hands behind his back. “Happy birthday, Princess.”
You smiled in return, curtsying politely. The two of you stood there, silently staring at each other, the weight of what you both now knew settling between you.
“Yes, happy birthday, Princess.” Kit sneered, stomping over and offering an exaggerated curtsy.
Your smile faltered. “No need to be so formal.”
Kit scowled at you, her blue eyes, once bright oceans now beady cesspools filled with contempt. “Oh forgive me, your highness! I had no intention of offending her majesty, the future ruler of Tir Asleen!”
She scoffed, shaking her head and storming past you into the castle doors. Airk mumbled a quick apology on her behalf before following after her, leaving you outside, alone, caught in a whirlpool of heartache.
The rest of the day remained as tense as how it started. Kit had holed herself up in her designated guest room, so you were stuck with Airk. For the most part, you tried to avoid each other, save for occasionally crossing paths in the hallways and stuttering immediate apologies. When the kitchen maid rang the dinner bell, you reluctantly trudged to the dining room, dragging your feet all the way there to postpone interaction as much as possible.
Your mother eyed you critically as you were the last to take your seat at the table. “How kind of you to grace us with your presence.”
Pursing your lips out of disdain, you glanced over at Airk. He met your gaze, making accidental eye contact for a brief second before looking down and pretending to be transfixed by his supper. Your eyes traveled across the table to a seat left empty, Kit’s noticeable absence leaving a pang in your chest.
Sounds of silverware scratching against ceramic dishes filled the room as the four of you ate in silence. You and Airk kept your heads down, refusing to look up from your plates while your parents exchanged glances from across the table. Once finished, you pushed your plate away and requested to be excused, leaving without waiting for a response.
Grabbing your shawl off a nearby hook, you walked briskly out of the castle. The cold December air pricked against your skin as you hugged your shawl closer to you. Azarenth typically had a warmer climate with very few opportunities for cold weather, but something about this night felt especially frosty, enough for a handful of snowflakes to lazily drift down from the night sky.
You retreated to a small courtyard away from the main thoroughfares, a secluded area complete with a center fountain you often used as a refuge. Taking a seat on the edge of the fountain, you stared at your reflection in the water, your mirrored image looking just as tired and stressed as it had that morning. You groaned, splashing away your likeness before immediately pulling your hand back, shocked by the iciness of the water.
As you sat alone with your thoughts, the sound of footsteps approached. You turned your head to see Airk at the entrance, pausing as soon as you met his gaze. He looked sheepish, his hands hiding behind his back as he nervously shuffled his feet.
“Your father told me I might find you here,” he spoke softly, answering the question you never asked.
You didn’t respond, so he moved towards you, taking a seat beside you on the edge of the fountain. The two of you sat in silence for a moment, staring at your feet while you listened to the gentle roar of the water behind you.
“Your parents informed you of the arrangement, I imagine.” He said in a low voice, addressing the elephant in the room.
You sighed deeply, nodding your head in response. “I feel so betrayed.”
Airk raised his eyebrows.
“Not because you’d make a terrible spouse!” You quickly backtracked. “I just… I feel so…”
“Caught off guard?” Airk interrupted.
You nodded. His assumption was only half-true, but true nonetheless.
Airk puffed out his cheeks, taking a moment to choose his next words carefully. “Well, perhaps we could… test it out? See what it’s like?”
You eyed him with furrowed brows. “What do you mean?”
“Married life,” he clarified. “Perhaps we could… try some of the things married people do? Just to see how it feels?”
Your eyes widened as you leaned back in shock. “I’m not doing that!” You crossed your arms over your chest and drew inward, suddenly feeling very exposed despite being fully dressed.
“No, no! I would never ask you to do that!” Airk sputtered, vigorously shaking his head.
You sighed in relief. Airk laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to calm his nerves.
“No, certainly not. I…” he cleared his throat. “…was truly suggesting we… try a kiss? Surely, married couples kiss. Perhaps we could just see how it feels?”
You glanced at his lips and contemplated his proposal. He had a point. “Yes.”
“Are you certain?” Airk’s eyes widened in surprise.
You nodded. “Well, we’ll be expected to kiss at our wedding anyway. May be convenient to remove the element of surprise.”
Airk positioned himself to face you. “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
“I haven’t either,” you lied, thinking back to the innocent kisses you shared with Kit as children. Despite her spicy personality, she had always tasted so sweet. You wondered if Airk would taste just as sweet.
Before you knew it, Airk had leaned in and connected his mouth to yours. His lips were wet, soaked with spit, and his coarse stubble scratched at your chin. He didn’t taste sweet; he barely tasted like anything at all. There was no buzzing in your ears, nor bursts of warmth in your chest, just two mouths collided in a dispassionate exchange.
When Airk pulled away, you felt like crying. He stared at you expectantly. “Was that alright?”
You stared back at him, trying to suppress the nauseous feeling in your stomach. As he waited for your response, all you could think about was how different it was from kissing Kit, how you had never longed for him in the same way, and if you were arranged to marry his sister instead of him, would you be as upset?
Your mind raced with memories of Kit: stolen kisses behind trees, late night sneakaways, sharing secrets under covers. You thought back to when Kit introduced you to lewd literature, remembering how those pictures of women made you feel. Realization hit you like a punch in the gut, causing you to clutch your stomach and audibly gag.
Airk frowned. “Was it not?”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “I have to go.”
You stood up and practically fled from the courtyard, leaving Airk to sit alone, his face crumpled with hurt and immersed in a flood of confusion.
Frigid winds whipped your tear-stained face as you dashed through the outskirts of the castle, your footsteps echoing against the pavement. Your mind raced, a mixture of flashbacks and fear swarming this newfound epiphany. When you reached the castle entrance, you burst through the doors, darting past your parents and ignoring the questions they fired at you.
You had to find her. You needed to speak with her.
Rushing up the stairs, you ran through the corridors, past your own bedchamber, and paused in front of another. You doubled over, resting your hands on your knees in an attempt to catch your breath, heart pounding like a stampede of wild horses.
Finally somewhat calm, you stood straight, gazing not at the door, but at the nothingness that stood between you and it. With a deep breath, you disregarded all knowledge of basic etiquette and threw open the door, not bothering to knock.
“Kit!” You cried.
Startled, Kit whipped around to face the door, not expecting visitors. Upon seeing you, her face darkened. “Oh, you again. What have you come here for?”
“Kit, please, I need to talk to you…”
“Why?” Kit interrupted. “Because you need help planning your wedding? Are you here to boast about marrying my brother? How you’re going to live happily-ever-after and have hundreds of children? Would you like name suggestions?”
“You don’t understand…” you tried to swallow the lump growing in your throat. “I can’t marry Airk.”
Kit seemed taken aback by your admittance, but her demeanor quickly hardened again. “I hadn’t realized the Tanthalos blood wasn’t good enough for you.”
“That is not the reason…”
“My apologies, your highness!” Kit exclaimed, each word dripping with venom. “I shouldn’t have assumed you would want to be the future Queen of Tir Asleen! Our lowly kingdom must not meet your impossibly high standards!”
“Would you listen to me?!” You smacked her arm, unable to stop angry tears from streaming down your face. “You have no idea what you’re talking about!”
Kit flinched upon contact, but her hostility remained unyielding. Still, she crossed her arms over her chest and squinted, waiting for your explanation.
You sniffed, choking back a sob. “Airk kissed me.”
Kit’s expression barely shifted, but her eyes momentarily flickered with confusion. “Your fiancé kissed you? How distressing.”
“You don’t understand…” you drew inward as you stared at the floor, avoiding her piercing stare. “I hated it.”
You saw Kit’s arms drop to her sides out of your peripheral vision, body language softening slightly. She took a step towards you, and you squeezed your eyes tight.
“What are you saying?”
“I don’t want to marry Airk,” you repeated, finally looking up at her. “I don’t think I want to marry any prince.”
You took a seat on the edge of her bed and wiped your tear-stricken face. Kit stood stunned for a moment before moving to your side, placing a comforting arm around your shoulders.
“Do you think you might be a…?”
The word you’d both been raised to believe was dirty sat unspoken on her lips: sapphic.
You nodded, ashamed. The idea of a woman being attracted to other women was extremely frowned upon, especially for someone of nobility like yourself. But as you sank into Kit’s touch, societal expectations no longer seemed so scary. She always did make you feel safe.
“What am I going to do?” You wondered out loud, not exactly expecting an answer. Kit pulled you in closer, staring at you with unblinking eyes. You met her gaze.
“Kit, I…”
And suddenly her mouth was on yours, taking you by surprise and making you jump. She pulled back in fear, searching your face for any sign of resistance.
“I… I’m sorry…” she sputtered. “I must have misread something…”
Not wanting her to finish that sentence, you grabbed her face and kissed her ferociously, this time taking her by surprise. She gasped against your mouth, but soon returned the kiss with as much passion as you had given.
Kissing Kit was nothing like kissing Airk. Her lips weren’t wet; they were perfectly moist, and her skin was smooth against yours. That familiar grape-juice taste from when you were kids had aged gracefully along with her, now bursting with the flavors of sweet wine. Neither of you were very experienced kissers, but it wasn’t awkward like it was with Airk; there was no clumsy collision, just two mouths exploring each other in an act of tender intimacy.
Kit picked up her movements, kissing you hungrily with a passion that almost bordered on desperation. She grabbed at your waist, pushing you down on the bed until she hovered over you. You moaned at the unexpected feeling of your head against the soft mattress, and that was all the reassurance Kit needed to keep going. She placed a hand on your stomach and started to untie the laces of your corset, moving at a snail's pace in case you were to oppose. When you didn't, she removed the restrictive garment and inched her fingers up your blouse. You gasped at the feeling of her skin against yours, but when she pulled away to check in, you immediately brought her back to you, not wanting her to stop for anything.
You writhed underneath her as she explored the skin underneath your blouse. Longing coursed through your veins, each brush of her fingertips feeling like the warmth of a thousand suns. When she grazed her thumb across a particularly sensitive area, you moaned into her mouth, lifting your hips and pressing your core into her body. She shivered under the newfound contact, pulling away and looking down at you with apprehension.
“I’ve never really done anything like this before,” she admitted.
“P-pardon?” You sputtered through labored breaths, your body craving her in a way it had never craved anyone before.
“This…” she gestured at both of your bodies. “…is all new to me.”
“Likewise,” you whispered before leaning in to reassure her with a gentle kiss. “We don’t have to do anything more than this tonight. I promise I’m enjoying myself.”
Kit seemed to relax. “Would that be alright?”
“Truly,” you replied, because it was. It was more than alright. It was perfect.
Tag List: @chloepricesgirl @canmargesimpson @yourelliewillms @valenftcrush @camilleee222 @prettygirlfemme @slaytillieswooo @love4lyn @joanvisitsrome @athenalive @mih11 @j-pacifica @everybodyhatesari @vii-ofswords @sophi4v13
#kit tanthalos#kit tanthalos fanfiction#kit tanthalos x reader#kit tanthalos x reader smut#ruby cruz#ruby cruz x reader#ruby cruz x you#ruby cruz fanfiction#hazel callahan#hazel callahan x reader#hazel callahan x reader smut#hazel callahan fanfiction#hazel callahan smut#hazel callahan x you#willow#willow 2022#fanfic#airk tanthalos#writing#sapphic#lesbian#forced marriage#coming of age#fiction#smut#reader smut#steamy#series
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Graydon x Airk kofi requested by @littleblackraincloudofcourse 🫶🏼
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The EKosystem Discord server is hosting a Willow watch party every Saturday, starting February 15th. Each week we’ll watch one episode. Come join us for all 8 episodes and also Willow: Behind The Magic!
Invite link below:
#erin kellyman#jade claymore#willow#willow 2022#willow disney+#willow series#kit tanthalos#ruby cruz#tanthamore#airk tanthalos#thraxus boorman#graydon hastur#elora danan#willow ufgood#madmartigan#sorsha tanthalos
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just remembered willow was canceled, and we’ll never see the other two seasons the show was supposed to have and now i might as well kill myself
#GOD PLEASE BRING OUR FAMILY BACK TOGETHER#i miss them so bad you don’t understand#willow 2022#willow series#willow#kit tanthalos#jade claymore#tanthamore#elora danan#willow ufgood#boorman#airk tanthalos#graydon hastur#save willow#ruby cruz#erin kellyman#ellie bamber
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Kit Tanthalos x Princess!Reader (Enemies to Lovers)
Warning: enemies to lovers, Kit and reader being assholes to each other, lot of insults and arguing, Self hatred, cursing, alcohol?
Request: Hello😁 in ur recent post, you mentioned requests, and I was wondering if you could pls make a princess reader x kit enemies to lovers oneshot? 🙏 (@mydogatemywaffle )
Summary: Kit hated her, She hated Kit. Let's see how it works out when they have to have dinner together
─── ∘°❉°∘ ───
Like every summer, Queen Sorsha of Tir Asleen, invited a special group of royal families from other realms inside the barrier, to spend an entire week together. A week filled with games, sports and parties. The reason for these annual gatherings was for the new generations to bond and have strong friendships, making the alliances between realms stronger. The kings and queens would get together for once, and chat about life and sometimes discuss business, while the princes and princesses would battle, have parties and cherish the company of each other. Everyone really enjoys and appreciates these summer gatherings. Everyone except Princess Kit. In fact, she despised them. She hated having her brother flirt with her friends, she hated having to share her training sessions, she hated the fact she had to wear dresses on every meal, she hated not having time on her own, but most of all, what she precisely hated was her.
Y/n. Princess of Veloria, youngest of the 3 heirs to the crown and a complete total narc. They were thirteen, when Airk, Kit and the rest of the royal youths decided to spend a night in the wine cellar, drinking old disgusting wines and playing truth or dare. Kit didn’t actually play, as she invited Jade with her, and spent it talking about practise and sparring. That was until, Y/n found them and went running to Sorsha, and snitched on her so-called friends. They all got punished obviously, but Kit and Airk were grounded for the rest of summer, which meant no sparring with Jade. Call her exaggerated, but Kit swore that it was the worst 7 weeks in her life.
So ever since, Kit has held that stupid grudge against her like an oath, completely despising the girl, and promising to herself to one day get her revenge. It might sound childish, but if there was something Kit hated, it was a snitch. A teacher’s pet. Someone who followed every single rule, and really did what they actually wanted. She hated those types of people. And apparently, she was the only one since the rest of the princesses and princes seemed to have forgiven the younger girl. They would talk and spend time with her, even though she literally betrayed everyone.
“Kit” Airk opened her bedroom door, with a tight smile. He was wearing his v-cut blouse and tight pants. His hair was messy, meaning he must have been spending his afternoon with one of his newest conquest “The guest have arrived” he announces “Mother is expecting us in the entrance”
Kit's face turned sour as she placed her head on her ringed hands. She really wasn't ready to spend an entire week with a bunch of other people, but at the end of the day it was inevitable. She followed her brother down the staircase, both wearing completely different faces as they got to the entrance. Kit was completely over it and unamused while Airk was smirking and biting his tongue. He was probably excited to see Princess Lethia, from Thatch. Once they got to the entrance, they each stood at their mothers side, looking out the front yard, where fancy carriages rolled into place. The five biggest carriages, stationed themselves in a row, where a servant from the castle was waiting to open the door.
Kit looked around and could clearly recognize which carriage belonged to each kingdom. The first one, on the left, was from Zenzai, on the north. The king and queen with a newborn in hand came out, both parents tall and with long dark hair. It was followed by Sanpuq, from the east coast. The King, who looked green from the car ride, and the Queen came out, along with two young blonde girls who were around the twins' age. In the middle carriage belonged to the kingdom of Thatch, which was the closest to Tir Asleen, just a bit far south. Out came the King, Queen, three rowdy and manly boys, and a young princess who batted her long lashes toward Airk with a faint smile. Behind it was the carriage from Marya, which came from the northeastern area of the land. Inside where a stone cold woman, who used to be the queen, followed by the new queen and her recent husband, who were holding each other like those corny couples on the tale’s Kit read when she was young. And finally, but not least, the carriage from Veloria. She could tell it was from Veloria, since it was the biggest and most flamboyant carriage she has ever seen in her life. The king, a 6 foot bearded man came out, then a frigid Queen who didn’t even bother taking her husband's hand to get out of the carriage. She was followed by two tall, muscular, empty head boys who eyed the other girl line. Eventually, the princess came out of the carriage. She was wearing a spotless and shimmering dress that was probably chosen by her mother like always. Kit couldn’t even look at the girl without feeling a furry inside her stomach, the word traitor running through her mind.
“My dearest friends!” Sorsha greeted with open arms and a wide genuine smile “It is a truly pleasure to have you all once again, here in Tir Asleen”
Kit’s mother proceeded to talk and give an hour long speech which she didn’t even bother paying attention to. Instead she was too busy thinking about taking her horse out for a ride to the rocky cliff side, and starring alongside Jade. Once her mother finally finished giving her last speech, Kit turned around on her hill as fast as possible, so she wouldn't have to greet the guest. She took a shortcut, running through the kitchen and laundry room which lead her towards the stables, her red haired best friend awaited for her
“Jade!” Kit shouted
“Your highness” Jade responded
“Let’s go!” The princesses went to the armory, took out the mask and their designated swords
“Right now?” Jade followed her inside the hut, completely confused “Don’t you have a guest to greet?”
“Well… I can’t entertain them if i'm busy training” Kit handed jade her mask and sword and walked out of the armory without a worry “So let’s go”
Both girls were quick to get their horses ready, saddling them up and leaving the castle grounds to their special cabot place.
Through a window in a room of the castle, Princess Y/n could see Kit riding her horse in a brutally smooth way, making it look so effortless. How could the Queen allow her daughter to do such… manly things? Was the Queen even aware of her daughter doing such unruly actions? Was the kingdom aware that their princess is not doing her chores and duties, but instead spending her time… having fun and doing what she likes? Y/n wasn't even allowed inside the armory or to see her brother’s dueling since her mom said it was a man’s job to do such rough and brutal things. But it really intrigued the young girl. It has always intrigued her, the feeling of running, of jumping and fighting. It all felt like such a careless activity. Her mouth turned sour from the jealousy that filled her gut.
The princess hated these annual reunions Queen Sorsha did. It wasn't for the people she had to spend time with, or the days in the carriage stuck with her family, but really she hated it because of her. Kit Tanthalos. Princess of Tir Asleen and a complete deviant. Her mother had told her she was the type of princess that doesn’t care about her duty to the realm, or even take responsibility. Instead, she would spend her days sword fighting as if she was some sort of knight. Y/n at first never really understood what she meant, but now that she was a month away from getting married, she understood what she meant. Becoming a Queen was a long and exhausting process, and Kit has spent it rolling around on the floor. Ever since she was a kid, her mom had warned her about that girl, and her disruptive behavior. The Princess grew up by her mom’s ideals, telling her to hate her and dislike her. But as the years went by, that hatred turned into pure jealousy. Kit could wear pants. She wasn't even allowed to own any. Kit could fight and learn to defend herself. While she had to learn how to embroider and knit. Kit could drink alcohol and behave how she wanted. Instead. She was micro-managed by everyone around her and was not even allowed to take a sip of wine. Y/n hated her, because she envied every little piece of her.
The princess groaned at the sight of the princess through the window, so she grabbed both ends of the curtains, and closed them dramatically. She turned towards the smallest chest she had, and took out her journal. The leather covered book was heavy and stuffed with loose papers and dried flowers she would keep. Then she walked towards the desk, sat down and took out the feather from the ink pot, and started writing. After spending 2 days in a carriage stuck with her mother, father and her two clueless brothers, and now having to stay an entire week with Kit, created an enormous amount of tension she needed to realize in her diary. She wrote down whatever came to mind, till her mother’s maid came in. The young princess was placed into a heavy and uncomfortable purple dress her mother had chosen, her hair was brushed harshly then placed in one of those hairstyles that left her with a powerful headache. Her mother eventually came in, and corrected every single detail about her, to look as perfect as possible.
Once everything was impeccable, the princess was allowed to leave her room to have dinner. Inside the dinner room, there were two large tables, both filled with different plates crammed with delicious food for them. She walked towards the table with the young royal’s and sat next to one of her two brothers, who was currently stuffing his face with the potato salad. The girl served herself some meat, but the glaring eyes of her mother that burned into her forehead, told her that maybe she should stick with salad. And so she did, she placed a small portion of salad, and ate it quietly, listening to Princess Lethia, who informed everynone about her wedding with the Duque from a nearby kingdom.
Then Kit made an entrance as she walked into the room, late and sweaty from training, laughing about something with a red haired girl who walked behind her. Kit quickly realized that the dining hall was not empty as usual, but instead filled with guests wearing fancy clothing and eating the very best baguette the kingdom’s kitchen staff could offer.
“Shit” she whispered as she looked around, then looked back at her best friend who had quickly exited the room before anyone could notice.
The princess stood up straight and turned toward the many pairs of eyes staring at her, bowed gently with a tight lipped smile
“Forgive my tardiness, i was training with my… squire” she grits through her teeth “Please, keep on dining”
The royal from both tables followed the order as they all went back to their conversations and plates. The princess then walked slowly toward the youth’s table to realize the only chair left was right in front of the girl she feared the most. The short haired girl took a seat on the lonely chair trying to ignore the girl in front of her, as she served herself food and wine for dinner. But the girl’s piercing stare was too hard for her to ignore. Before she could even place her fork in her mouth, Kit looked forward to seeing a pair of eyes staring right back at her.
“Princess Y/n” Kit tilted her head and closed her eyes with a fake smile “How are you finding the food?”
“Delightfull” the girl answered “How was your evening?”
“Great, actually” Kit responded as she shoved a piece of bread into her mouth “Just got back from a sparring match”
The sight of Kit eating with her mouthful, lights up a fire inside the other princess' chest. How dare she behave like… a commoner. Eating with her mouth full, showing up late for dinner, while wearing filthy rags and being covered in dirt and sweat. The girl breathed as deeply as she could with her corset on and tried her best to swallow her rage.
“Oh,” she says under her breath, as she grabs both her fork and knife and pretend to shovel the food in her plate around “still playing with swords, I see”
Their table started growing quiet, as some of them happened to have heard the princess remark. Kit’s fake smile lowered into a confused and mocking glare.
“If you call the art of sword fighting and self defending… playing with swords? Then yes, you can say im still doing it” she grabbed her goblet with wine and placed her wondering finger on the rim, circling the glass softly “What about you? Are you still… weaving like a decrepit maiden?”
Gasps from around the table roar, everyone laughing and whispering things to the person next to them. The heat on y/n’s face seemed to rise as she realized she was now under the eyes of so many, especially her mother’s eyes. She must not make a fool of herself.
“Kit maybe-” Airk tried to say but was quickly interrupted by the girl in front of her sister how dropped her fork on the plate
“At least I know how to take care of my kingdom” She spat “I’ve been told you are skipping your classes to spend it off playing with that squire of yours. How is that gonna help you in the future?”
“Because if we ever go to war, I will actually defend and help them, while you… you would be stuck inside your castle like a snobby princess you are” Kit scoffed loudly
“Snobby?”Her words were harsh as she leaned into the table to get closer to the girl on the other side “That is quite a statement from someone who I bet you has their own collection of swords and weapons. I am rather certain that you waste your entire year fighting to impress whoever is closest'' The anger on her body starting to take over, overwhelming her till she felt pressure in her throat
“If you want to talk about collections, let's talk about your wardrobe, sweetheart.” Kit snarled as she leaned close to the table, her face a few inches away from the raging girl. “I’m sure that if we go to your room, we could find 4 chests filled with different dresses that were made just for you. And back in your castle you might as well have a room entirely for your stupid outfits” The blue-eyed girl slammed her cup into the table roughly, letting the wine drip from the cup to her hand “And to be perfectly clear, I do not fight and train to impress anyone. I don’t need to impress anyone. I fight to be able to defend my kingdom from the magic that is outside the barrier that might attack at any moment. What about you? How are you gonna defend yourself if Bavmorda ever returns? Are you gonna knit yourself a shield?” The room started growing quiet as the people from the other table stopped to listen carefully. “At least I am capable of making decisions on my own rather than following orders like a teacher’s pet. You are completely governed by everyone in your family, and you don’t even seem to bother. I wouldn’t be surprised if you ended up marrying a troll if your mother told you so” Kit laughed on her own as she shook her head and leaned back into her chair “I would even bet that that very same dress you are wearing this instant, was a order from your mother, and you followed it like the little suck-up you are”
Silence took over the room as everyone’s eyes were now focused on Y/n’s red face. She was not only humiliated in front of her friends, but in front of her mother. The young girl pushed back her seat loudly before running out the door, and slamming it loudly. Her quick footsteps of her tall heels could be heard from outside the dining room, but everyone tried to ignore them as they looked back into their plates. Queen Sorsha stood up slowly and gently, before walking towards the youth’s table and placing a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. Kit, who had grabbed her goblet of wine and was chugging it nervously, tried to ignore her mother’s claw on her shoulder, but the tightening grip quickly became deadly.
“Kit” She stated “A word. Outside. Right now”
Sorsha squeezed her shoulder harder before letting it go and then floated gracefully towards the door, her daughter following behind. The guards opened the big oak doors, letting the queen and her successor exit the dining hall, to a rather large hall. Once the door closes, Sorsha’s eyes turn dagger that stabs her daughter with pure rage.
“How dare you” she starts her voice sharply cutting through the tense air “How dare you have the audacity to insult the princess in front of everyone!”
“Mom-” Ruby tries to protest
“No! You embarrassed that poor girl in front of her family and friends!” Sorsha then steps forwards, the height difference becoming more significant and predominant “The situation between Veloria and Tir Alseen has been stable for centuries, and while I was about to propose a deal with the King, you raise havoc on the perfect circumstance! We have been waiting 32 moons for this deal!”
“She started it!” Kit argued, stomping her feet softly like a tantrum
“Oh don’t be such a childish Kit!” Her mother slaps her shoulder where her hand previously was, causing the girl to step back amazed “Just because your brother is getting the throne, doesn’t mean you don’t have any responsibilities. If anything were to happen to your brother, you would have to step up, and become the Queen of Tir Asleen, but at the moment you’re behaving like a toddler'' Before Kit could even say a single syllable, her mother hand pointed towards the end of the hall, where the young princess had ran a few moments ago, and said perfectly “Go apologize, now”
“What! NO!” Kit crossed her arms and tried to stand tall, only to be faced with her mother’s deathly glare
“Is either that, or your little training sessions with Jade might as well be canceled for the rest of the year'' Kit eye grew wide with the threat “Now go apologize, do not return until she has accepted your apology''
The guards took the queue to open the dining doors for the queen to walk through once again. Kit tried to follow her, quick behind her step, but once her mother entered the dining hall, the guards slammed both doors on the princess’ face. Her fist clenched tightly and her nose scrunched as she cursed her mother on the other side, her small but powerful body filled with fury and famine. She hasn't eaten anything since their royal guest arrived due to her training and now she won’t be able to eat anything unless she finds the stupid princess and apologizes to her.
─── ∘°❉°∘ ───
The Tir Asleen castle, to say the least, is extensive. It consisted of four different wings, three floors in each, thirteen towers and over a thousand rooms and quarters that Kit had probably never been to. So trying to look for a princess in a palace like this one, was a job that could take Kit forever. The girl knew the odds were not in her favor at the moment, so she walked around aimlessly, while talking on her own, planning the stupid apology her mother asked for. She took the random stairs, turned on hall corners, and opened every single door she found, as her words would echo through the empty walls.
“Dear princess” she would sass under her breath “I am so… profoundly sorry” she opened another door, to find an empty solar room, and closed it quickly “for calling you snobby and decrypt'' She walked to the other side of the hall to open another door “even though…” Kit turned the door handle again harder, but the door wouldnt budge “what the fuck?”
She leaned down to the door’s key hole, to see a vague purple figure hunched on the corner of the room, that perfectly resembled the princess dress. Something in her heart truly ached at the sight, but her brain couldn’t not be anything but annoyed so she just let it out in an annoyed sigh and eye roll. Kit knocked on the door as softly as she could, waiting for a response, but she only received silence. She knocked again, a bit harsher.
“Princess Y/n?” she called with pursed lips “I-” she tried to apologize, but she knew this wasn't the right way “can you open the door… please?”
The only noise that came back was the wind that was probably blowing in from the window. Kit knocked again, a bit harsher now. Her teeth biting the inside of her cheeks.
“Come on” her fist banging on the door “I came- I came to apologize” her nose scrunched up in disgust at her own words, so she leaned her forehead on the door.
Silence kept coming back as a response, Kit placed her ear on the door, and tried to listen carefully. After a few tries of paying attention to the absolute silence, looking for any life signal, Kit grabbed the handle and shook it up and down till the door budged open.
She walked inside the room carefully, to find it completely dark and the vague fume of a candle. The purple dress that was left on the corner of the room was completely empty.
The windows swing wide open as the wind blows harshly, the lacy white curtains dance with the wind's howl, and that was enough of an answer for Kit to where the princess was. The short haired girl ran to the window to look directly to the floor, to see the garden. Her eyes searched desperately until they found a white figure walking around the garden, slowly, and carefully. Kit then tried to piece the puzzle together to realize the thick vines that crawled up the first and second floor from outside the castle to the window’s edge.
“You have to be kidding me” Kit groaned and rolled her head back
The princess looked up at the sky and closed her eyes, and prayed quietly to anyone who would hear. She then placed her foot on the rim of the window, and carefully then placed her other foot on one of the vines and started climbing down. Carefully, she descended two entire floors of the castle till her leather boots stepped into the sturdy gravel of the garden floor. Kit dusted her sore hands on her pants, and with her head down she saw faint footsteps. And so she followed them into her mother’s garden.
The tall and groomed bushes appeared terrifying at night, creating creature-like shadows that seemed to follow her as she tried her hardest to track the barely visible footsteps on the gravel. The wind breeze made the leaves rustle, startling the princess making her take her dagger out, just for precaution. She wouldn’t admit to being scared, but her heartbeat would say otherwise. Her steps got slower, as she carefully turned around in circles, making sure no one was sneaking up on her, but once she completed her spin, on the far end of the bush tunnels, she could see the very same white figure seated on a fountain, with her hand on the water carefully playing with it. A sigh of relief came out of Kit's chest, as she placed her dagger on the leather scabbard around her thigh.
“Princess Y/n” She called, while trotting toward the fountain “I came-”
“Just leave me” the girl responded with a shaky voice
“You know i can’t do that” Kit huffed as she stopped walking
The girl sitting in the fountain stood up and turned around to face the princess. Her face was red stained with tears, her eyebrows lowered and nose scrunched. Her simple white gown, that was quite thin, danced with the cold night air, along with the rustling leaves that startled Kit. The crying girl then scoffed and shook her head.
“Sure you can” She sniffed, as she took a small step forward “I mean” she then took another step forward, making Kit look down to see the girl barefoot “You can insult me in front of everyone, you can embarrassed me in front of my family, you sure can kill me if you wanted to, with those crazy sword skills of yours” she then took another step “So i'm pretty sure, you can leave me the hell alone”
“I came to apologize” Kit repeated, trying to keep her cool, to not screw this up even more than she already did “I should have never-”
“But you did” the girl took another step closer towards kit, her tears reflexing the night light “And you were right”
“I am a snobby, suck-up, stupid, and privileged princess!” She then laughed “I mean, I can't even choose my own dinner! Everything I do is perfectly monitored by my mother! I have spent my entire life envying you because you” The girl took another step “you get to do whatever you want! You’re… free” her last words came out choked out as a tear ran down her face
Kit was left speechless, looking down at her fiddling hand.
“You are smart and you’re strong and talented. You can stand up for yourself and fight back” she continued “you can have fun!” her hands shook frustratedly “you can have fun whenever you want, how you want and with whomever you want. And im- im so jealous! Because it isn’t fair! How can you ride horses and learn to do many things when I'm not even allowed to drink wine! I can’t even choose my dress for the day without getting corrected! And i just wish” she took another step “everyday i wish i could just… be you” Her words broke in her mouth “Be careless, be reckless, be… Not perfect!”
“Then do it” Kit’s words left her mouth before she could even think about it
“Do it” her head kept talking, not even thinking about the consequences “Do something reckless”
“I can’t-”
“Yes” kit now stepped closer, the distance between them now gone, as she took y/n’s cold hands and held them “Yes you can. Do something that your mother would hate, do something without permission, do something because you want to, not because your mother told you so”
The words of encouragement and the proximity made the crying girl swallow harshly, with her heart beating out of her chest. She could feel this energy on her body run through her blood, pushing her to do something. Anything. And so she kissed Kit.
The kiss was short since the girl being kissed pushed her back roughly making them both fall on the gravel.
“What was that for!” Kit stood up trying not to trip as her hand covered her lower lip
“You told me to do something!” The girl on the floor screamed “I just-”
“So you kissed me?!”
“I panicked!” she stood up, dusting her white dress that was slightly dirty
Both girls are now standing with at least 10 feet of distance, but it certainly did not feel like it. They stared at each other, both of their chest rapidly heaving, hair being blown by the soft cold night wind, and their words stuck on each of the words. It felt like looking in a mirror for a second. Especially when they each saw the girl in front take a step forward. They synchronized, ran to each other and planted their lips together. Kit grabbed her waist quickly and pushed her close, as the other girl placed both hands in her hair. The pure adrenaline from both of their bodies softly mixed as they deepened the kiss. The event didn’t even become a worry for them, as they kept trying to pull themself even more. It felt like a magnet kept trying to push them together.
Their heated kiss got sadly interrupted as some soft giggles and footsteps started getting closer and closer until they heard a scream
Both girls pushed themselves away once again, and looked to see Airk with Lethia in one hand and a wine bottle on the other. His mouth was wide open and he looked between both girls. At kit first, then y/n, then back to kit.
“If mom ever find out about this” he said shaking his head raising the with the wine bottle, pointing it at both girls “you’re dead”
“Sneaking out with a girl who's getting married in a few months and one of Dad’s precious wines?” Kit eyed her brother and crossed her arms “I think im not the only one who is in trouble”
Airk stood straight, looked back at the girl in his hand who was looking away ashamed, then back at her sister and the princess in the sheer white dress.
“I saw nothing” He states “You saw nothing. No one saw anything” He then started walking back, dragging Lethia with him “come on, I know another spot” and then they both disappeared into the dark cold summer night.
Kit bit her lip as she looked over at the princess who was already staring at her with wide eyes, and batting her tearful lashes. Kit raised her eyebrow and smirked as she walked slowly closer.
“So” she said “where do we go from here?”
The other girl smiled and shrugged her shoulders
“I mean, you’re brother said it” she took a step closer, her bare feet on the gravel “no one saw anything”
Kit walked toward the girl, grabbed her waist and pulled her up so only her bare sole was on the gravel. She smiled wickedly and got closer
─── ∘°❉°∘ ───
#kit tanthalos#kit tanthalos x reader#kit tanthalos fanfic#ruby cruz#ruby cruz x reader#hazel callahan#ruby cruz bottoms#willow 2022#hazel callahan x reader#hazel callahan smut#jade claymore#airk tanthalos
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Living for the drama😻
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godddd okay so. airk the spare. never given responsibilities. wanting so bad to prove he's worthy, wanting it so bad evil uses it to turn him. graydon the spare elevated to the heir. never wanted that, doesn't want to face up to it, suddenly magical and making sacrifice plays.
kit the heir, doesnt want it, forced to get over her second banana to elora danan bitterness to become her sworn knight. dove the kitchen girl who dreamed of being a princess, suddenly elevated to elora danan, the empress? the chosen one? and finding out its not the dream life after all
narrative foils for days
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Why yes, yes they are twins
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Look I know it’s been said before (again and again) but I’m again thinking about it and still so obsessed with how Airk’s natural response to the whole 🎶join us we can make you infinitely powerful and we have wyrm’s milk wait who said that just forget that bit but uLtIMatE PoWEr yesss???” was to go “FUCK THAT SHIT I’m out” and walk the other way like a sane human being and the only reason he walked back was because of acute and deadly dehydration and then the reason he stayed was because pretty girl and let’s face it we all knew he was fucked at that point BUT he saw through her and went “yeah wait FUCK THIS SHIT” and walked the other way like a sane human being again till he came back because. you know. acute and deadly dehydration. damsel in distress he may be but let no one say he isn’t genre aware and genre savvy in very specific ways (okay yeah maybe he’s slightly genre blind in certain other ways particularly if there’s a hot mysterious girl involved but come on you gotta admire ‘spooky voice, scary city, promise of power with vague and undefined conditions that make you hope you didn’t sell your soul in this bargain? nope’)
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Kit is the one who's like "I'm a twin. I've had enough company. leave me alone!" (if you leave her she will cry) and Airk is the one who's like "I'm a twin. I need someone by my side at all times or I'll collapse." (he's actually fine by himself and is being dramatic)
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Forbidden Crown - IV

Summary: Your dreaded twentieth birthday has finally arrived, and you and your parents set off to Tir Asleen for one final time to plan your wedding to Prince Airk. However, at the celebration dinner, Sorsha delivers some shocking news, sending Kit into a spiral and creating conflict within the castle.
Pairing: kit tanthalos x princess!reader
Contains: angst, fighting, kissing, non-explicit mention of vomiting, forced marriage trope, mommy issues
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: this was supposed to be the smut chapter, but I decided to divide the two, since it seemed odd to add sexy time to such a dark chapter. Apologies in advance for all the angst, I promise it won’t last forever!
Ever since your mother’s announcement of your engagement, each birthday after your fifteenth seemed to creep up, startling you out of nowhere and filling your stomach with existential dread. The once joyous celebrations now felt like ticking time bombs, every well-wish serving as a countdown to a life you never wanted.
On the morning of your twentieth birthday, you woke up to nothing but nausea. When your handmaiden entered your room to get you ready for the day, she found you kneeled over your chamberpot, heaving up the shallow remains of your stomach's content. Needless to say, your twentieth birthday was spent hidden under your covers, drinking ginger tea and being waited on hand-and-foot.
Alas, it was only a matter of time before you began to feel better. After several days of sickness, your body had nothing more to heave. The moment some color started to return to your pale cheeks, your parents ushered you into the carriage and set off for Tir Asleen, where you would stay for two months while preparing for your wedding to Prince Airk Tanthalos.
As usual, the road to Tir Asleen was long and slow. You tried to numb yourself to your parents' endless chatter, but your mother decided to fuss over your appearance throughout the entire trip, as if you were a child again.
“This is the first time you’ve seen your fiancé in five years,” she would say. “You’ve grown into a lovely young woman since, it is important for Airk to notice!”
Your cheeks instinctually puffed out at the word ‘fiancé,’ but your stomach was so empty from the long illness that nothing could come up even if it wanted to. Instead, you opted for tucking your head in between your knees, closing your eyes and muffling all unwanted noise from the outside world.
Eventually, the gentle clip-clop of the carriage horse faded as you reached the front of the Tir Asleen castle. You uncovered your head and allowed your parents to exit first, using the extra seconds to let your blood flow redistribute itself.
After hearing the sound of your mother squealing pleasantries from outside, you decided to make your presence known. You stepped out of the carriage to see your mother engulfing Airk in a bear hug, showering him with words of flattery while he chuckled nervously and tried to mask his discomfort. Your father, who had been exchanging formalities with Queen Sorsha, was now gently patting his wife’s back, attempting to subtly pry her off the poor boy.
While you stood watching the amusing display from your family, you didn’t even notice Kit approaching you from behind, wrapping her arms around your waist and leaning into your ear.
“Good morrow, beautiful.” She whispered, her warm breath against your neck causing you to shudder involuntarily.
“Beautiful?” You giggled. “Be careful, our parents' eyes could be upon us.”
“Nonsense,” she replied, planting a soft kiss on your jawline. “They’re much too focused on my brother. It’s just one of the benefits of being the black sheep of the family.”
Sure enough, Kit was right. Your father had managed to successfully pry your mother away from Airk, and now both your parents were bombarding him with questions about his life the last five years while Sorsha stood proudly beside him.
With one final squeeze, Kit loosened her grasp until you could turn around to get a good look at her. She had always been pretty, at least in your eyes, but over the years had grown into a stunning young lady. Her hair was no longer a muddy indigo black, but rather restored back to her natural chocolate-brown, and styled akin to the tresses of woodland sprites. She had grown into herself, with her face defined by striking cheekbones and eyes that seemed to get bluer with every visit. The fabric of her tunic clung to her skin, accentuating every new curve as well as the definition on her upper arms, muscular from combat training.
Before you could even begin to speak, Kit placed her hands on either side of your head and ran them through your hair, gazing down at you lovingly. “Truly, beautiful.”
“I do apologize for her appearance, Prince Airk! She doesn’t usually look this dreadful! She’s been terribly ill!”
You turned around to see your mother leading Airk over to you, speaking loudly about your demeanor. Any confidence inspired by Kit vanished at her harsh remarks, and you drew into yourself.
“Good morrow, Princess,” Airk greeted you with an awkward bow and a tight-lipped smile. Ever since you audibly gagged and ran off after taking his first kiss, the two of you hadn’t necessarily spoken.
You cleared your throat, offering back a perfunctory curtsy. “And to you as well.”
“My, my! Someone has grown quite slender!” Sorsha’s voice called out, approaching the four of you with your father in tow.
You looked down at yourself. Sure enough, your ailment had withered you away, making your once perfectly-fitting gown now hang off you like the tendrils of a willow tree. Your mother noticed this too, because she immediately inserted herself between you and Airk to resume nitpicking your appearance.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, Airk and Sorsha! My daughter has had an illness. She’s feeling well now, but she still looks absolutely dreadful! I’m sure her gowns will fit right in due time, but…” she turned her attention towards your face. “…darling! Your complexion! You resemble a ghostly wight! Couldn’t you have bothered to apply a touch of rouge?”
“You’ve raised a beautiful daughter, your highness.” Kit stepped to your side and snaked her arm around your waist. Your breath hitched at her touch, and you worried your parents may catch on to your secret with how bold she was being. Still, you tried to hide the blush that crept onto your cheeks after she stood up for you.
Your mother looked between you and Kit, and you could've sworn you saw her eyes flicker with a hint of suspicion. However, she simply grimaced in Kit’s direction, offering pleasantries purely for display. “Yes, well, much obliged, Kit.”
Kit responded with a grin that was polite, yet cocky. Your mother cleared her throat, quickly recomposing herself before taking your hand and joining it with Airk’s.
“I must say, you two, I am absolutely elated for this union! A royal wedding, why I don’t believe I’ve attended one since my own! The two of you make a very attractive pair.”
Airk forced a grin in your direction, looking down at your conjoined hands instead of at you. As your mother continued to ramble on about the party planning, you peered over Airk’s shoulder and noticed a blond girl standing in the distance, carrying a serving tray, and glaring daggers into your soul…
“That would be Muffin Girl,” Kit explained later that day when you asked about the mysterious blond. The two of you had managed to break away from the group long enough to take a leisurely stroll through the Tir Asleen gardens.
“Muffin Girl?” You inquired.
“That or Miss Muffin, whichever you’d prefer.”
You shot her a quizzical expression, causing her to chuckle heartily. “Well it’s not her real name, clearly. She’s one of the kitchen maids, and her signature dish are these buttered muffins she serves at breakfast.”
“She was glaring at me earlier while my mother discussed wedding plans,” you said. “I almost thought she would break her tray in half.”
Kit hummed in agreement. “Jealousy. It makes sense. She is my brother's latest lover.”
“Pardon?” You froze in your tracks, eyes wide and mouth agape.
Kit leaned back against a tree, crossing her arms and gazing at you with a pointed brow. “I hate to inform you, Princess, but my brother has become quite the ladies’ man since your ‘dalliance’ in the courtyard. Muffin Girl is just his latest conquest.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Sure, you didn’t love Airk, or were even remotely attracted to him, but he was still your betrothed.
Kit smirked at your stunned expression. “Surely you’re not jealous, are you?” She moved closer until her face was mere inches from yours. “I can’t imagine it would drive you mad. My brother, your fiancé, rolling around in the grass with a scullion? Cheeks flushed, legs intertwined, her leaving little bruises on his…”
You cut her off with a playful smack on the shoulder. “Hold your tongue, Tanthalos.” She giggled at her lighthearted taunts, causing a smile to spread across your face. “I’m not jealous, rather shocked. He’s engaged… to me… and Queen Sorsha is allowing this affair?”
With another chuckle, Kit teasingly ruffled your hair. “Oh Princess… you really assume my mother is at all aware?”
You gasped, leaning in closer to Kit to whisper. “She doesn’t know?”
“I’m sure she suspects something, what with the aforementioned bruises, but knowing my mother, she’d rather stay with the mindset that her son is still a moralistic virgin.”
Kit pulled you in closer, pressing your body against hers until your noses barely brushed together. “I suppose this is just one more secret between us, don’t you think Princess?”
You giggled, quickly making sure the coast was clear before wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her in for a sweet kiss.
That evening, the six of you gathered for a hearty supper to celebrate your reunion. Servants bustled about carrying various dishes, including the mysterious ‘muffin girl.’ You couldn’t help but observe the longing glances exchanged between her and Airk, lingering between each course like a seed caught between teeth.
Just as you and Kit were stifling a laugh over their latest lust-filled gaze, Queen Sorsha rose, tapping silverware against her raised glass. The table quieted, all eyes fixed on the regal woman as you awaited her speech.
“Friends, family,” she began. “I am pleased that we’ve all gathered here this evening to begin wedding plans for the Prince of Tir Asleen and the Princess of Azarenth.”
Your parents clapped excitedly. Airk stared down at his lap while you and Kit exchanged vexed glances.
“Even more pleased,” Sorsha continued. “That the forthcoming ceremony will feature an extra element, making it a profoundly rare occasion!”
Her words puzzled you, and a quick look around the table confirmed that the twins seemed just as confused. Your parents however, shared knowing grins, clearly in on the secret.
“The King and Queen of Azarenth have graciously agreed to turn their daughter’s wedding into a double wedding!” Sorsha turned to meet her daughter’s gaze. “Kit…”
You whipped around to face Kit, who stared at her mother, frozen, her expression a mixture of confusion and fear. “You remember when we discussed the Prince of Galladoorn, don’t you?”
Kit nodded. “Sure we discussed him, but then he fell out of a tree and died, right?”
“Kit!” Sorsha scolded before quickly recomposing herself. “It’s true, Dermot Hastur had an untimely death,” she held her glass to her heart solemnly. “However, it appears Galladoorn is still interested in an alliance, and King Hastur has a younger son, Graydon.”
Your heart dropped as you realized what Sorsha was saying. Glancing back at Kit, you saw her face now stricken with terror. “Mother… no…”
Ignoring her daughter, Sorsha simply raised her glass again. “It’s my pleasure to announce the engagement of Prince Graydon Hastur to my daughter, Princess Kit Tanthalos!”
“No!” Kit exclaimed.
“What?” The shriek came from a disembodied voice. Only after you received shocked expressions from each member of the table did you realize the voice was yours.
Your mother squinted at you, the corners of her mouth flickering sardonically. “My dear, I didn’t expect you to be upset at sharing the limelight! After all, you and Kit are such good… friends.”
You glared at your mother head-on, suppressing every urge to lunge at her from across the table. She said nothing more, instead turning away to innocently sip her wine.
Kit was in the midst of her own altercation, arguing her case with pleading eyes. “Mother, please… I cannot marry Prince Graydon!”
“And just why not?” Sorsha demanded. “Prince Graydon is an esteemed young man, his parents speak very highly of him.”
“I’ve never even met him!” Kit’s voice wavered in stifled sobs.
“You will before the wedding, now that is quite enough! It is your duty to your kingdom. I don’t want to hear another word about this until the alliance is signed, and that is final!”
Kit slammed her hands on the table, tears falling as she ran away. Sorsha screamed after her until the sound of her bedchamber door slamming reverberated across the room. The table fell silent, none of you knowing where to look. After a moment, Airk cleared his throat, breaking the tension as he rearranged the silverware on his plate.
“May I be excused, mother?” He muttered.
Sorsha sighed, dismissing him with a wave of her hand. He got up quietly, exiting the room and making a beeline for Kit’s door. The remaining four of you resumed picking at your food, the sound of silverware scratching against glass dishes only deepening the stillness of the room.
As you pushed your food around, you couldn’t help but steal glances in the direction of Kit’s door. You turned to your mother, wanting to speak.
“Let it be a passing thought,” she denied your unspoken request, not bothering to look up from her plate.
Fortunately, dinner didn't drag on much longer after the commotion subsided. Once everyone had hastily departed from the table, you made your way to Kit’s room and positioned yourself outside her door. Kit’s muffled sobs mingled with Airk’s whispered words from the other side of the wooden barrier, causing you to pause before entering, afraid of disrupting them.
Just when you were about to throw caution to the wind and grasp the handle, the door swung open, revealing Airk. He startled at your unexpected presence and closed Kit’s door behind him.
“Uh… hi…” he muttered lamely.
“Hello there,” you replied softly.
The two of you stood silently in front of Kit’s door, a multitude of unanswered questions hanging in the air that neither of you knew how to ask.
“She’s, uh…” Airk broke the silence, jerking his head towards Kit’s door. “…having a difficult time coming to terms… with everything.”
You nodded slowly. “Were you… able to get through to her? At all?”
“Inconsolable,” he admitted regretfully. “I haven’t seen her this distraught since… our father…”
You winced, recalling the initial heartbreak Kit faced when her father’s letters stopped arriving ten years ago.
“I understand…” he continued. “I also know what it’s like to be forced into a loveless marriage.”
His gaze bore into yours, carefully chosen words that riddled you with guilt. You knew you had no right to hurt feelings after that night in the courtyard, but you couldn’t help the sharp pang that hit your chest like a piercing arrow.
“Airk…” you sighed, overwhelmed with remorse. “Please let me apologize for that night…”
“No need,” he interrupted coolly. “It’s really quite alright…”
“It’s not,” you insisted. “My reaction… I assure you… had nothing to do with your character, or your appearance, or anything, really. It wasn’t about you, it was never about you, it…” you took a deep breath, your secret weighed on your shoulders as if it was carved from stone. “Airk… I’m in love with someone else.”
Airk looked taken aback. “Pardon?”
“My hand belongs to you…” your voice trembled. “…but my heart belongs to another.”
A single tear slipped down your cheek. You shut your eyes tightly, the burden of your secret lifting but replaced with overwhelming fear. Airk stood, silently, his expression cycling through shock, relief, confusion, and finally… sympathy.
“Likewise…” he whispered, causing you to look at him again. “There’s this… local maiden, a quiet beauty who carries herself with the gentle elegance of a dove. She may not have been born into privilege, but she’s captivated me. My heart belongs to her.”
He looked at you, expecting a reaction. You attempted to feign surprise, but ended up failing miserably. He smirked. “Was it that evident?”
You chuckled. “With all of your enticing stares at dinner, it almost felt as if I were intruding on something private!”
He laughed airily along with you, long-standing tension finally broken. You started to relax, feeling a weight lift as you and Airk came to an unspoken forgiveness. He smiled warmly, genuinely at you before his expression turned serious once again.
“I hope you know I would hate for my mother to receive word of this,” he said in a low voice.
You nodded in agreement. “You needn’t worry, my lips are sealed. I understand what it’s like… living with secrets.”
He waited for you to continue, but you simply folded your hands in front of you and smiled, silently refusing to speak further.
Airk departed soon after your conversation ended, leaving you once again face-to-face with Kit’s door. You raised your knuckle to the chestnut wood, giving it two gentle raps.
No response.
With a shaky hand, you turned the handle and opened the door with a slow, steady creak. Kit lay flat on her bed, motionless, staring at the ceiling. She made no indication of noticing your presence, so you stepped inside and carefully closed the door with a click.
No response.
Stars studded the now-blackened night sky through a small window in the corner. The room’s only light source was a flickering candle that cast shadows over Kit’s unmoving body and danced along the wrinkles of her garments. You stood near the entrance, watching the subtle rise and fall of her chest with each breath.
“Which is worse?”
The sudden sound of her voice startled you. “Pardon?”
“I’m wondering…” she sat up, dangling her legs over the edge of her bed. “…which is worse? Spending half a decade counting down the seconds until you’re forced into an unwanted marriage, or having it thrust upon you without warning?”
She met your gaze, expecting an answer. You had none. She continued.
“On the one hand, the first option reads torturously, like sitting on death row waiting for execution,” she contemplated, deep in thought. “But on the other hand, it allows for processing time, providing an opportunity to numb yourself to the situation.”
She looked back over to you, her expression stoic. “What do you think?”
“I think I won’t ever be numb to the situation,” you replied with a half-smile.
Kit gave a halfhearted chuckle, staring down at her feet. You moved to sit next to her on the bed, resting a soothing hand on her back. She sighed. “You don’t know how fortunate you are.”
You furrowed your brow. “How do you mean?”
“You’re betrothed to my brother,” she answered. “Someone you grew up with, someone you trust.”
You frowned. “Kit, Airk and I may have history, but I’m still being forced into a loveless marriage. You and I suffer the same plight.”
Kit’s eyes seemed to glaze over as she began to speak in a small voice. “You truly believe our situations are at all similar?”
You removed your hand from her back and leaned slightly away from her. “Kit…”
“Do you?” Her fingers clenched the bedsheets as she finally met your gaze. “I am marrying a man I’ve never met, so I can help form an alliance with a kingdom I’ve never visited! My entire life is conforming to the whims of my mother, do you have any idea what that’s like?”
“Have you observed my mother?” You shot back, standing up from the bed. “Sometimes I wonder whether or not she cares if I live or die, just as long as I marry Airk to keep up appearances like a performing minstrel!”
“Cry me a river, Princess!” Kit growled, also abandoning the bed. “My sincerest apologies that you have a mother that gave you fifteen years to become accustomed to her chosen spouse, and a father to give you away at the altar!”
You softened your gaze, realizing a large part of the reason for Kit’s distress. “Kit, I didn’t…”
“I’ll have to walk down the aisle with Airk!” She interrupted, angry tears now streaming down her face. “There was enough prattle when news of my father’s disappearance spread, and now all of Galladoorn and Tir Asleen combined is going to witness me being given away by my own brother. So don’t you dare stand there and claim that you and I ‘suffer the same plight!’”
“Kit!” Your voice wavered, a tightness in your chest threatened to unleash a flood of tears. “That was not my intent, and you know it. You're hurting, and you have my deepest sympathies…”
“I don’t need your sympathy…”
“Then don’t take it!” Your voice cut through the air, sharp and defensive. “All I said is that I share your pain in being forced into a marriage with someone you don’t love. I don’t understand why you’re so angry with me.”
Kit bit her lip, sniffling and wiping away tears. Her red, puffy eyes struggled to meet yours as she searched for more words to use as a line of defense.
“Because marriage isn’t about love, Princess,” she finally replied. “And frankly, your lack of realization is troubling.”
Her words brought a lump to your throat, like a boulder lodged within a narrow cave. Without another word, you spun on your heel and walked out of Kit’s room, making sure the wooden barrier slammed shut behind you before giving into the tears that had been threatening to fall.
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