like falling from a great height, singing
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chen-chen-chen-again-chen · 2 months ago
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drunk wwx nnnfhfjg
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chen-chen-chen-again-chen · 2 months ago
los angeles is such a beautiful city that has welcomed me with open arms. it is hard to describe to buckaroos outside area how devastating this is. i am very lucky, had small tree fall on tingle household but there was no damage. however several other buds have already lost so much to fires.
thought about not posting this because i personally do not want words of condolence, tingle household is just fine and others deserve these words much much more. but i have decided to say something just to put these feelings out into the timeline. we are fighting over here and eventually we will win
sometimes im in a position to say something positive in dark times, but right now i just want to say its okay to feel devastation too. thats what this is. it is horrible and we do not need to push through it with smiles. sometimes you can push through it with a heavy heart. both ways prove love
we will move through this together. with tears, with smiles, with whatever weve got.
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chen-chen-chen-again-chen · 2 months ago
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chen-chen-chen-again-chen · 2 months ago
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harrowhark getting her lobotomy done at claire's
(ps: merry christmas eve! you can't see but we just hit 10k on here... my christmas gift to the world, thank you dearly)
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chen-chen-chen-again-chen · 3 months ago
truly some people have no genre savviness whatsoever. A girl came back from the dead the other day and fresh out of the grave she laughed and laughed and lay down on the grass nearby to watch the sky, dirt still under her nails. I asked her if she’s sad about anything and she asked me why she should be. I asked her if she’s perhaps worried she’s a shadow of who she used to be and she said that if she is a shadow she is a joyous one, and anyway whoever she was she is her, now, and that’s enough. I inquired about revenge, about unfinished business, about what had filled her with the incessant need to claw her way out from beneath but she just said she’s here to live. I told her about ghosts, about zombies, tried to explain to her how her options lie between horror and tragedy but she just said if those are the stories meant for her then she’ll make another one. I said “isn’t it terribly lonely how in your triumph over death nobody was here to greet you?” and she just looked at me funny and said “what do you mean? The whole world was here, waiting”. Some people, I tell you.
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chen-chen-chen-again-chen · 4 months ago
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Those two keep getting distracted 🍁🧡🎃 | Inktober, day 7.
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he had it coming
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I think I found my new favorite rabbit hole. This voice actor does Shakespeare scenes in a southern accent and I need to see the whole damn play. Absolutely beautiful
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(I scheduled this for the Ides of March all the way back on October 23, 2022. You're welcome.)
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Beware the Ides of March [x]
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What’s That Thing? Part 6
I loved this question and noticed that it’s really hard to find English writing on the subject, so this is a great opportunity to teach ^^! Anonymous asked: “I’ve recently seen things about transparent kimono’s and it’s making me kinda curious, but obviously with Google search it just comes up with awkward sales deals and such so I was hoping I could ask you! Is this actually a thing? Is it seasonal? Do they wear extra layers or is it just not very transparent?” I know exactly what you’re referring to. They’re called Hagoromo (羽衣) and are named after the feathered robes that gods wear to fly to heaven. They’ve been used on stage for a very long time, but have recently become popular for weddings as it gives the traditional bride look an extra air of elegance and, well, a bit of an ethereal quality. They’re always worn on top of a furisode, usually a plain kakeshita, as they are incredibly sheer and more of an accent piece than a “main” piece of clothing. Here’s an example of what a hagoromo looks like on a modern bride: Front:
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Images courtesy of Watabe Weddings. Sometimes the hagoromo are just plain, but ones with flowers or patterns, like on the example above, are the most popular. They’re always worn like a hikizuri as the trailing section gives the illusion of a woman transformed into an ethereal being. Here’s another example in purple: Front:
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Images courtesy of Watabe Weddings. Since weddings take place all year round, hagoromo tend to be all seasonal and are not usually tied to one specific time of the year. Often times they’ll feature non-classical flowers such as orchids (like in the image above). They make for truly memorable outfits that will have people talking for many years to come. Due to cost, hagoromo will likely only be used for weddings in the future, but I wouldn’t be surprised if slightly shorter versions start popping up for Seijinshiki.
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Image courtesy of Makaranya. If you’re having problems finding hagoromo then try searching for “Ōgan Wasō” (オーガン和装), which literally means “Organza Japanese Style Clothing” as some sellers will list them under both names ^^
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The littlest things we know to be small = debut literary fiction
The dark wife: thriller, adapted into a Hulu original
The mailman’s niece = historical fiction
The mailman of Warsaw = also historical fiction but about war
The gate of wind = fantasy
The gate of wind and bones = young adult fantasy
A gathering of pelicans = mystery, part of a long running series that takes up a whole shelf at the library
The Group Project Partner Gambit = romance with a cartoon cover
Wendy Jenkins is Scared of Commitment = romance with a cartoon cover of gay people
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“My Lucy, my daughter…. Everyone said she was the spitting image of me—but she was better, I think. With her father’s sense of decency and my vigor. She was strong and stout and absolutely pink with life.
Until she met him.”
From chapter one, AWTWB, by Rainbow Rowell.
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aro lesbian camilla hect in a codependent qpr with her cringefail boy best friend send post no i will not be taking questions at this time
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what are you even supposed to do when your friends who are dating kiss in front of you Like do i just stand there or
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