#everlark fanfiction concept
mollywog · 21 days
A never reaped AU where Peeta becomes Mayor of District 12
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Any plot bunnies to share? 👀
Thanks for the ask @mollywog! I loved your post about how Peeta would have tossed the bread to anyone in despair.
There is a fic that I'm writing in my head lol that when I read your post, it just clicked that Peeta should throw the bread to someone else and Katniss witnesses it. It's an accidental marriage AU in district 12 where Katniss already has a crush on/feelings for Peeta and acknowledges it to herself, so when I saw your post I thought that her seeing him throw the bread to someone else would be one element that allows her to let herself have feelings for him (along with some other changes to canon), if that makes any sense? I'm working on an outline and have written bits and pieces and I really hope I can write it, but I have a long (long long) way to go. Thanks for the ask! ❤️
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waywardangel-wilds · 1 year
I read ice planet barbarians last night and I gotta say, I’ve read more explicit fanfiction. All everlark. All when I was way too young to read it.
But ya it is a fun concept, you know, the alien sex thing. I wonder if anyone’s done an everlark twist. I’ll go look. Hopefully it’ll be way more graphic.
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mollywog · 5 months
In-Panem, never-reaped AU where Katniss and Peeta get ‘fake-married’
Katniss wants them to believe the marriage is ‘real’.
Prim is ~14
Mrs Everdeen could support them both through her healing work and Katniss supplying game.
Yes - Katniss can better look out for Prim and her mother if they all live together. One household is less expensive than two. Implications: K&P there was only one bed.
No - Mrs. Everdeen and Prim are sentimental about the old house. Patients prefer their location in the Seam. Implications: less ‘forced proximity’ pressure for K&P - a more natural grow together?
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mollywog · 5 months
🐝 (fic title) - Dandelion Salad
can’t wait to see what you do w it 👀
Thank you @vasilissadragomir
Tags: Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark, modern AU, preschool teacher Peeta, environmental scientist Katniss
Summary: Parents rarely volunteer at school, so when their plant unit rolls around and Daisy Hawthorne boasts that her aunt knows everything about flowers, he’s surprised when said Aunt accepts his invitation to come talk to the class.
Fake Fic Ask
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mollywog · 12 days
Everlark Persuasion AU where Haymitch is Lady Russell and the eight year separation is the time between the first games and Victory Tour (with a touch of Hijacked Peeta in the mix)
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mollywog · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @thelettersfromnoone!!
From When the Stars Align…
“Roses, really?” Peeta mutters under his breath.
Not softly enough because Odair hears him, “the flowers offend you?”
“Who sent them?”
Katniss plucks the card from the blooms, “Sir Crane.”
He scoffs, “just the unimaginative choice I’d expect from Seneca. Everyone sends roses,” he can tell by the slight upturn of her lips, Katniss agrees, though she stays silent.
“So what would you send?” Finnick queries.
Anyone who wants to share, join in!!
@endlessnightlock @waywardangel-wilds @goldenslumberowo @jhsgf82 @thesunpersists
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mollywog · 3 months
I wish you would write a fic where Madge survives and ends up back in District Twelve with Katniss before Peeta comes home.
Thank you for playing @jomiddlemarch!!
I’ve actually written a little of a Never Hijacked Peeta idea for @thgcommentfeast that marginally fits this…
I was tickled by the idea of Gale begrudgingly agreeing to become a rescued-from-the-Quell-Peeta’s roommate in District 13… if sort of morphed into a Gadge concept, but anyways, hers a rough cut snippet…
Maybe she’d come back, and maybe she’d marry him, but he’d still have to live with the fact that he’d be second choice to a dead boy and what kind of victory was that?
So he told his mother he’d watch mandatory viewing at the Everdeens and he’d told the Everdeens he’d watch at home and instead he went to the Mayor's house.
He knew Madge was interested. He hadn’t missed the way she watched him when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. So when he showed up at her backdoor, she looked surprised, but didn't hesitate to sneak him up to her room.
They don’t touch at first, or really speak for that matter; Just watch the screen in silence.. until the alliance splits at the tree. He turns away as the star-crossed-lover’s share a parting kiss to find Madge watching him. Her eyes dart to his lips. He knows what she wants, who she wants, and it’s definitely not Peeta Mellark, so he leans in to kiss her. She reciprocates eagerly: soft and warm and smelling like honeysuckle. Better still, she’s kissing him as if he isn’t second best.
His face is buried in her neck, her hips rolling into his thigh when the shout of his friend’s name on the screen catches their attention. He unceremoniously leaps from the bed to perch in front of the screen.
It’s chaos.
He can feel Madge creep up to his right to get a better view, but doesn’t spare her a glance as the both watch intently.
The broadcast can’t keep up with the action. Katniss’s vitals are blank, but she’s still listed as active. If he doesn’t trust the reporting, it’s confirmed by the panicked cry’s for Peeta off screen. Shots alternate between everyone but her, until the camera finally finds her. She’s standing in plain view, bow tilted towards the sky rather than at the two targets in sight. Her arrow flies, trailed by a golden tendril. Then the lightning strikes and the screen goes blank.
“What has she done?” Madge says with a breathy laugh, her eyes wide in awe, but Gale doesn’t have a chance to question her, before the power cuts out.
Writing ask
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mollywog · 4 months
Regarding WipWednesday and Regency!Everlark:
This isn’t my fandom but I’m a sucker for ask games. (I have read the books though!)
Katniss is always in demand as a partner, it seems. Peeta knows he has one shot at getting on her card at the upcoming Netherfield Ball. Is he going to ask for the first set, the second set, or the supper set?
Ooo oo oo okay so, most of my history knowledge is based on the vibes from fictional stories, so I did some poking around and found this: Ballroom etiquette
Let me tell you, realizing that a set lasted 30 min to an hour puts some things in perspective
Mr. Collins, awkward and solemn, apologizing instead of attending, and often moving wrong without being aware of it, gave her all the shame and misery which a disagreeable partner for a couple of dances can give. The moment of her release from him was ecstasy.
I’m picturing an AU inspired by Mary King (a la Pride and Prejudice)
Katniss is of the lower gentry with little dowry until a distant relative passes leaving the Everdeen sisters an inheritance. Overnight they become highly desirable partners.
Peeta has been in love with Katniss since they were children, but as a third son he’s expected to marry rich or take up a career. He’d planned on becoming a clergyman, against his family’s wishes, and upon securing a career begin wooing Katniss
But her inheritance puts a wrinkle in his plan: if he pursues her now, he’ll appear a fortune hunter, and if he doesn’t he risks her marrying before he’s settled.
Peeta notices Sir Cato and Mr. Marvel, known fortune hunters, approaching her at the Netherfield ball and decides to take the risk. He intercepts the pair and asks for her remaining set before the others can.
They’re immediately smitten, until Katniss overhears Mrs. Mellark, gloating that her son has ensnared the ‘simple girl’. This causes Katniss to believe Peeta’s affections are all an act and he’s after her money.
Heartbroken, she flees to the seaside to stay with her friend Ms Cresta.
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mollywog · 2 months
Snippet Sunday
A continuation of the fic no one asked for nor wants
“The Mellark’s aren’t accounted for.”
His spine stiffens as he readies his defense. He’s only ever been commended for the lives he helped save from the bombings back home, but it’s the ones he couldn’t reach that haunt him. He’s played it over and over in his head; There just wasn’t enough time to warn everyone and even if there was, there would always be the ones who wouldn’t have listened. He’s even begrudged to admit the number would have been fewer had Madge not been with him. But when his eyes flash to Katniss, he finds no accusation. And yet, it’s not an entirely innocent comment. He narrows his eyes.
“I think we’ll be discharged soon -“
“- but Plutarch is intent on keeping us in seperate compartments until they’ve worked out our angle.”
Ironic really, that a Gamemaker’s goals should align with his own. Though for how long, he’s uncertain. He hadn’t anticipated them needing to play up the lovers bit now they’re free of the arena.
“Besides Madge is alone here too and I’ve worked it out that she and I can room together -”
He shifts in his seat. He doesn’t suspect either is much for ‘girl talk’, but this adds an extra layer of delicacy to the situation. The last thing he needs is Madge telling the real story of why they were together that night…
“- but Peeta…” she trails off and his attention snaps back to the present.
oh no. Not that.
He’s beginning to understand the direction of this conversation. “Abernathy?” He suggests lamely. Where the fuck was that guy when you needed him?
“They’re drying him out somewhere in one of these rabbit holes, but we haven’t seen him since arriving and my mother says we shouldn’t expect him any time soon.”
“You’re telling me none of his wrestling buddies are here? No friends for him to bunk with?”
“Gale,” she drops her voice and he leans in to hear her, “I need someone we can trust.”
There’s that we again, her confidence in him is little consolation. He curses under his breath, “fine, I’ll room with Mellark.”
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mollywog · 14 days
Currently working on a small one shot based on this bit from an article on Regency era courtship:
Is it conceivable that unmarried couples only found themselves alone when the noble gentleman finally proposed? “That may have been the ideal, though in practice, couples seized every opportunity to snatch some time alone together,” says Holloway. “We have plenty of examples in couples’ letters where they describe themselves sneaking off to the back parlor to steal kisses to the great amusement of their family.”
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mollywog · 8 months
🚧 Work in Progress 🚧
In the Works
Complicated - Coming Up - How it all started
Laurel - Coming Up - a decision
When the Stars Align - Regencylark - Katniss Everdeen Mellark - the most sought after beard in ton
Forts - banana pancakes, Snow fun & bubbles & Jumping on the bed!
The Odds - Regencylark - Coming Up - A wedding, A Lady Mason backstory, a Prim and Odesta sequel, and a Hazelle side story
Regency One-shot - Katniss hiding in the hedge maze
The Fruit Stand - August Prompts
Wild Wednesday: Coming Up - an epiphany
Not Real - Fake Fic Ask Game - Roommate Peeta POV, HS Wrestling, Coffeeshop AU
Daydreams and Dandelions - Coming Up - conflict…
Anyway - This Would Have Happened Anyways story
New Dream - inspired by Cinderella… though it’s not even close
‘Mistletoe’ - has nothing to do with mistletoe. one-shot - Rebellion happened prior to the 74th games. (Octoberlark?)
Everyday Magic - Epilogue (Octoberlark)
Sound of Music AU - Katniss as a single Victor [x]
Where the Mockingjays Sing - inspired by Brigadoon - Modern day Peeta and Johanna stumble upon a Village, frozen in time.
The Hanging Tree - inspired by this - no real continuous story planned but a couple snippets from this universe…
Fake Dating - singer Katniss and Hockey star Finnick are required to stage a romance as Katniss falls hard for Finnick’s teammate [x]
Senior Year - wrestling tournament
The Orange Castle - Everlark AU inspired by The Blue Castle
Misadventures - Coming Up - Fine arts night
The Everdeens of Abernathy Orchard - Coming Up - the girls meet Haymitch
Other ideas - snapshots of the Victors of District 12 Post-War, Vignettes of Peeta admiring Katniss’s hands through the trilogy, fairy lights, Hayzelle
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mollywog · 1 month
Time Travel AU! ⏰
Ooo okay , how about a Somewhere in Time AU
Art student Peeta is celebrating a successful exhibit when a mysterious elderly woman approaches him, pressing a necklace with a single pearl pendent to his palm she bids him ‘Come back to me’ - hmm weird, but whatever.
Years later Peeta is a successful painter, but feeling unmoored and uninspired. He decides to escape to the Appalachian mountains: staying at a cabin resort.
One day he’s in the lobby when the girl at the desk plays an old recording of a Jazz singer from the 20s. He’s inspired. He runs back to his room to paint. The next day he asks the girl (Posy) about the singer and she tells him all about Katniss Everdeen: a local woman and distant relation of the Hawthornes who made it big as a jazz singer in the 1920s. She lends him her records and then shows him Katniss’s portrait hanging in the resort.
There’s something so familiar about the painting, the style, the woman. And then he notices… she’s wearing his necklace.
Peeta goes mad. He dedicates himself to finding out as much as he can about the woman: going to records stores, courthouses, libraries. He finally speaks to Posy’s mother and owner of the resort, Hazelle Hawthorne, who remembers Katniss. She pulls out a box of her possessions: amung them is a book about time travel by Dr Haymitch Abernathy.
Peeta goes to Haymitch who spins a tale about hypnotizing himself unto traveling back through time (I’d really have to watch the movie again to remember the particulars here)
Peeta buys an old suit and vintage coins and tries for himself - it doesn’t work
He’s been living in a fantasy world, this is crazy he needs to get back to his reality.
He’s getting ready to check out when Hazelle seeks him out to show him some photos she’s found. As he’s flipping through the stack he finds a photo of Katniss smiling in the arms of a man… a man that look’s shockingly like him… it can’t be?… can it?
He asks Hazelle if he can look at the portrait again. He has a sinking suspicion that he knows the artist, but the signature is tucked behind the frame - she agrees and there it is: Peeta Mellark March 19–,
Driven by the proof that he’d succeed, he’s finally able to manifest himself back in time to 19– when Katniss was just starting out her singing career.
Unfortunately there’s no other way for this to end but tragedy…
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mollywog · 1 month
You haven't thought about experimenting on a Dark!Peeta AU.
An Everllark with a Stepford Wives/Don't worry darling theme. Where Peeta takes advantage of a moment of Katniss' emotional weakness.
I know we love the good boy Peeta, but we need more dark!Peeta
Hey @aly-moon-11!!
My gut reaction was - I am too soft to write (or even think up) a Dark!Peeta fic. I struggle with villains and conflicts in my writing as is…
But the more I thought about it, I came up with this idea and in the spirit of the 5 facts in an AU ask game:
Katniss wakes in the hospital with a concussion and memory loss- she’s been in a car crash with her husband, Ryen, and his identical twin brother, Peeta. Rye is by her side when she wakes having only suffered minor injuries- he breaks the news - Peeta died in the crash.
They head home - the funerals’s a blur - between the concussion the medication her brain is foggy. She broke her heel in the crash and spends a lot of time in bed. Rye spends as much time as possible with her, carrying her from room to room. Despite everything she’s content something that feels out of the ordinary in her previous life.
She notices Rye doesn’t add sugar in his tea - Ryen teasing his brother that ‘tea without sugar’s just soup’ pops into her mind. When she asks him, he shrugs it off ‘tastes change’
Paperwork come from the insurance it says Peeta was driving… that doesn’t make sense, Rye needed the control of being in the driver seat.
Something’s not right but she can’t focus long enough to keep track of all the discrepancies. She stops taking her medications and memories begin to return. She hadn’t been happy in the marriage before the crash: abuse, infidelity, suspicion… the only bright spot had been her friendship with Peeta
Katniss confronts Rye with her memories. He doesn’t deny it but tells her, since the crash, it’s like he’s a new man. He wants them to start again. He’d never do those things now. He tells her he fell in love with her when he heard her sing the Valley song on the first day of Kindergarten. Can they start again?
They make love
But something still doesn’t feel right… She sneaks out of bed after Rye’s falls asleep and searches the attic until she finds an old yearbook confirming what she already suspected - she shared a kindergarten class with Peeta not Rye.
Lightning flashes and she looks up to find Rye, or rather Peeta. Standing over her and she can tell that he knows she’s figured it out. “Why couldn’t you just let us be happy?”
Fade to black.
~2 months later she wakes in the hospital yet again - her mind a fog of of nightmarish visions and she can’t sort what’s real or not real.
The nurse arrives and explains that lightning had struck and their house had caught fire. Her husband had pulled her out of the flames and now they’re both here being treated for smoke inhalation and burns.
She’s lucky to have survived.
Even luckier that so had the baby…
In terms of more Dark!Peeta, here are some fics you might enjoy!
The Baker’s Son & Game of the Gods
Sociopath or killer Peeta | Bad Boy!Peeta | Dark!Peeta
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mollywog · 9 days
Hi! What's the new project you started? Anything you can share?
I might be back in my Regencylark era - I know, can you believe it? (But I mean, have you seen this?!? Look at it!!)
I read an analysis (that I can’t find 😩) once that suggested Haymitch’s warning before the Post Games Interview was part of the reason Katniss was so confused about her feelings for Peeta:
"Your only defense can be you were so madly in love you weren't responsible for your actions." Haymitch pulls back and adjusts my hairband. "Got it, sweetheart?" He could be talking about anything now.
"Got it," I say. "Did you tell Peeta this?"
"Don't have to," says Haymitch. "He's already there."
"But you think I'm not?" I say, taking the opportunity to straighten a bright red bow tie Cinna must have wrestled him into.
"Don't have to. He's already there."
Already thinking ahead of me in the Games again and well aware of the danger we're in? Or... already desperately in love? I don't know. I haven't even begun to separate out my feelings about Peeta. It's too complicated. What I did as part of the Games. As opposed to what I did out of anger at the Capitol. Or because of how it would be viewed back in District 12. Or simply because it was the only decent thing to do. Or what I did because I cared about him.
Which made me think of Anne and Lady Russell in Persuasion (Persuasion AU)
After letting the idea marinate I think I figured out how to turn it into a one or two shot… it’s one of those things that I’ll either crank out by the end of the day or abandon in frustration and revisit and finish in a couple months 🤷🏼‍♀️
If your familiar with Persuasion- I’m cutting straight to the letter scene in Peeta’s POV
“He is a fine young man is he not,” Finnick says of the infant in his arms.
“That he is. How fortunate that he should favor his mother in looks.”
Peeta need not see Katniss’s face to hear the smile in her words. He’s trying not to eavesdrop from his seat at the desk in the Odair sitting room, but the conversation is not private and Katniss Everdeen has always been his weakness. He’s lost his place more than once in the corespondence he’s supposed to be attending to. His brother will have to forgive him his repetitive ramblings.
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mollywog · 6 months
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Trying to think of a name for this ficlet that is more manageable than its current WIP name (The Prince, The Boy with the Bread, the Victor, and The Badly Burned Man). Once that’s straightened out, I’ll be unstoppable.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, sat a tiny kingdom ruled by a fierce queen and her benevolent husband.
Their union produced two stout boys, and after a time, a third prince was born into all the splendors that money and power could provide.
But the young Prince was lonely.
His mother ruled, his father advised, his brothers, much older, learned the ways of kings and consorts, but the youngest Prince was neither the heir, nor the spare. So he roamed the halls throughout the day seeking enterprise and friendship in the stable and kitchen, awaiting the evenings when his father would visit. Telling him tales of magic and man where love and kindness conquered the day.
It’s no wonder at five he finds himself instantly and irrevocably in love with a siren; How could he not?
They visit the village each year when the townspeople celebrate the harvest. She stands atop a crate in the square; not very big and no older than him, but even the Queen can’t hold the attention of a crowd as the girl does when she sings; every soul in the square stopped in motion to listen.
Her voice is high and clear and so filled with life, he thinks he may weep.
The last note rings out and the square comes back to life. No longer under her spell, the villagers applaud and continue along, but the Prince remains transfixed. As if feeling his gaze, she turns; Silver eyes meet blue briefly before vanishing into the crowd. He doesn’t catch another glimpse of the girl that day, but the die have been cast; He’s a goner.
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