#SO - 6k-ish words of domestic kidfic verse fluff coming your way soon 🤠
aqpippin · 2 months
six sentence sunday —
and now I’m covered in you 🌼
She doesn’t care if there’s a kid that needs help trying her shoelaces and that there’s laundry to be done and beds to be made and a kitchen light they could stand under and love each other just as well from there. She wouldn’t even care if the world was ending outside her bedroom window, if volcanoes were exploding and chasms were ripping themselves into the ground and the sky was falling around them. It could be the last moment of their lives or just the first in a long list of mornings where they’ll wake up wrapped in each other like this; Gigi doesn’t care. She wants to hold this scene in her hand like a snow globe and shake and shake and shake. She doesn’t ever want the snow to stop falling.
She wants to love Jackie like this - lazily and dream-drunk and as if the entire world is held here, in the space on top of the mattress - for the rest of her life.
Another five minutes would also suffice.
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