#six years strong babey
crockettmarcel · 2 years
assumption: you had a Broadway/theater kid phase at some point
correct!! except not at some point bc I'm v much still in it
send an assumption about me
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
tumblr user shitpostingkats. talk to me about yuki judai and my best friend crow 5ds
*does a snappy salute* Absolutely!
Jaden Yuki/Yuki Judai
How I feel about this character: My monstrous little card game fella who I love SO much. Came into my house and kicked me in the ribs by being the actual textbook example of the "Aw! What a silly little guy!" to "He's a little bit fucked up actually" pipeline. I love how absolutely insane and messy he's allowed to be for a main character, not only did most of his arcs hit FAR too close to home, but it's just such a good example of how to take the archetypal plucky protag and deconstruct it a bit to add layers to the character. My second favorite yugioh character of all time, if I'm being subjective, my #1 fave if I'm being objective. Levels of queer neurodivergent swag I aspire to match.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I just can't deny Jaden his funky southern rock boyf. I read him as somewhere on the ace spectrum, in a QPR with Jesse/Johan that all their friends assume is a traditional romantic relationship. Also, Yusei Fudo, because I am a sucker for narrative parallels, celestial imagery, stupid aces with the social skills of a tennis shoe.
My non-romantic otp for this character: I think he and Chazz have this relationship where Chazz gets up in the night, goes down to his kitchen, flips on the lights, and Jaden is just there eating his cereal. They are BEST FRIENDS and Chazz will not admit this even if you put a gun to his head.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Man, I wish we'd gotten more time with Yubel, but I never really got the feeling that Jaden felt any strong romantic/partner emotions towards them. Him choosing to fuse with Yubel is less a "And I will now give up everything for you, my One True Soulmate", and more just a simple acknowledgement of "You've been hurt really horribly because of me, so I'm offering you kindness and accepting responsibility for our relationship, because you don't deserve to be in pain" Which, personally, I think is a lot more impactful and fulfilling of his personal arc.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I kinda wish he hadn't actually graduated high school? I mean, obviously they would never do that, but I remember watching the final season and thinking "Yeah, there's no way he's going to graduate." Idk, he's just got Highschool Dropout energy to me and I almost wanted to see that. Let him fail out of school because he was too busy sorting out his mental health! That's very valid of him!
Crow Hogan
How I feel about this character: Trans king! I look at one picture of Crow and my brain just maxes out "Trans! Bird! Guy!" He commits crime. He has five kids. He literally named himself after a yugioh card. There's just so much good big bro energy in this funky dude. I would trust him with my life.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Uh, probably no one? There's not really any named character in the series I feel he had romantic chemistry with. He and Broder probably dated for a bit then broke up and remained friends.
My non-romantic otp for this character: The first ep. he was introduced and we actually see Yusei smile for almost the first time all series and duel and have fun with it, the big hug and the way each others face lights up when they see each other for the first time in years. Your honor, they are very important.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He's older than Yusei. Yeah I don't care what canon says, Yusei is the family Babey and Crow is a full six months older than him.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Some more exploration on what Crow gaining his signer mark actually meant to him. Did he feel like a replacement? What exactly did it mean to him that the tail mark jumped to him just so the head could move to Yusei? He's kind of the only one who doesn't get a whole plotline on how they feel about being a signer, so I always feel like there's some untapped potential for an arc there.
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pokemedia-text-dump · 11 months
teko's uhhhhhh guide to hammer-swinging idiots i think
so i saw a certain @ConcernedRowlet's guide to pokemon care on chatter and i was immediately like "hey this is super good and all but you know what it needs? more memes and affectionate badmouthing of the pokemon in question" so allow me to enlighten you about how to care for these little hammer shitling goblins through the lens of my personal experiences and a shitload of sleep deprivation in the form of a rotumblr post
[ahem] "fuckin' tinkatink line! how do they work?"
[Image ID: A half-conscious Tinkaton sprawled out on its hammer, covered in grime and food debris. Its tongue is hanging out of its mouth slightly.] yes they truly are the pinnacle of grace, aren't they
these guys are all-female fairy/steel types and they're uhhhh so like you know those inventors in a lot of TV shows the ones who somehow come up with just the thing to save the day and can casually flaunt the rules of science because it's cool for the audience to watch like uhhh professor farnsworth or something ...yeah imagine that, but they're perpetually disheveled and constantly acting like they just did a line of cocaine and pounded back a six-pack of monster immediately after
let's start with tinkatink tiny babey the little rattle thing they hoist around that's supposed to be a hammer due to them not being very strong in this form it's less a "hammer" and more like "heavy-ass monster hunter greatsword" to them their technique with it is less "hit the enemy" and more of a "use the sheer weight and heft of the thing to swing yourself around in the hopes you manage to concuss something" sort of thing it's important to get them accustomed to using it quickly so they're less likely to hurt themselves trying to flail around, especially in battles
they're fiercely protective of their little scrap clump, and for good reason you know how i said they're not very strong well ferrovores (metal eaters like aggron or steelix) often eat their hammer  it's like a little iron-flavored sucker this is bad news for the tinkatink, because having the physical strength of a wet spaghetti noodle doesn't do much for self defense
this is not a wild pokemon exclusive thing, either if you have any ferrovorous pokemon in your squad be sure to establish early on that this thing is friend, not food it's important for the tinkatink too they're perfectionists when it comes to the hammer and will take it pretty hard if it gets eaten what you should do if this happens is assure them it's not their fault, and give them little pieces of scrap metal to help them along
now onto tinkatuff! bigger! stronger! dumber? these guys are sort of like the vigoroth of the line well uh if vigoroth didn't evolve into a fat lazy fuck, at any rate in this form, your buddy gets more of the hyperactive temperament the line is known for
they're also very stupid there i said it i'm sorry but they are dumb as all distortion like, they're not dumb in the sense that there's nothing going on up there like a slowbro or volcarona but they're morons in the same way as a frat boy with ADHD on top of having a ridiculous amount of ideas rattling around in their skulls (most of them poorly thought-out) they think they know everything when they really, really don't and since they have the impulse control of a two year old things can go...badly
[Video ID: A Tinkatuff, gleefully carrying a large fragment of a Copperajah tusk and cackling, while getting chased across the screen by a herd of Cufant. Leading them is a very angry-looking Copperajah with most of its left tusk missing. The trainer holding the Rotom Phone can be heard facepalming, then proceeding to mutter "I told you this was a bad idea, you pink idiot..." He then sends out a Ceruledge and starts running forward in an attempt to protect the Tinkatuff.]
in this form it's imperative for you to put a lot of effort into cleaning them this is because they get...filthy like really filthy here's a fun little experiment: attach a poke doll or other such plush toy to a pokemon's leash and let it drag through the dirt as it runs then briefly dunk it in whatever you're cooking for dinner  congratulations you're now in the ballpark of how dirty they get
in the wild they basically live in huge burrows of scrap metal and food waste they make in their forges they have little to no standards for cleanliness because of this told you they were like frat boys they eventually begrudgingly pick the bare minimum off of their trashpile-mates when their fur becomes super duper matted and stuff it's up to you to keep them from getting to this point by gently scrubbing, cleaning and thoroughly combing their fur on the regular fortunately they don't like, hate baths and stuff: they just really can't be assed to clean themselves in the slightest
ooh right right right the hammer almost forgot about that not long after evolving these guys will seek out any metal they can get their mitts on to beef up their hammer ...the "beefing up" usually consists of just taping on a few pieces of bent metal and lengthening the pole, but still, A for effort
but when i say any metal i mean any metal they can and will get it off of a large appliance, your plumbing, even a steel-type corpse if you leave them to their own devices they can literally smell metal so don't think your plumbing is safe either so as soon as they evolve it's best to get them more materials fortunately many stores in paldea (and a few other places) sell different types of sheet metal for the express purpose of sating their appetite and if not just going to your local hardware place is usually enough to tide them over or if you're really cheap you could just rummage for stuff in local scrapyards take her with you when you do this your partner has a good eye for what they're after, she'll know which kind of metal is right for her the hammer gets juiced up more and more as they get stronger so you're gonna have to provide them with more metal when it finally reaches a certain size and grandiose-ness you can often expect them to evolve not long after
on top of that, being the ADHD-ass little nutjobs that they are, they test their hammer by smashing it against whatever catches their eye they get much physically stronger here, so their swings have a bit of heft to them now unless you want a lot of ventilation in your home take measures to control this immediately fill a punching bag with rocks, let them go nuts with it, and put it back up again whenever they start beefing up their hammer some more this teaches them not to hit random stuff
and finally tinkaton! tinkaton are crafty very crafty they're still not smart by any means but they are crafty so crafty, in fact, that they often use other pokemon as tools
[Video ID: A Tinkaton, holding a Charcadet upside down above a hunk of metal that it's working on. The Charcadet's fire plume is shining brightly as the Tinkaton uses it to weld a handle to its creation like a blowtorch.]
there are close to no limits on what they can find uses for, so if one of your team members finds themselves getting used as a power drill or smth, don't be surprised: this even applies to their battle strategies
they get a lot stronger in this phase and i mean a lot you think some of the stuff fighting types like machamp and conkeldurr can handle are impressive try hurling around a 200lb+ blunt object like it's a long twig and still being able to lift more if they wanted to they could probably swing you around as a hammer too! ....not sure how well that would go, since you'd probably splatter as soon as they hit you against something, but they still could!
their hammer is very large and elaborate now it's almost a miracle that it's still built around the same rattle thing it had as a tinkatink! they don't need beds or blankets or anything because, get this, they just plant the hammer into the ground and pass out i always wonder how their back isn't torn to fucking pieces when they wake up from sleeping on a giant lump of metal if they trust you enough, they'll eventually start lightly bopping you on the head with it as a sign of affection!
in the wild, they live in large clans with other members of their line called "forges" these forges are equal part giant trash and scrap burrows and huge testing grounds for whatever crazy thing they decide to band together and build they also make prosthetics for wounded pokemon out of steel-type carcasses in exchange for scrap metal and berries!
forges typically give roving trainers a wide berth because they know pissing off humans is a bad idea very rarely a stray tinkatuff will ignore this because, again, they're foolhardy dumbasses if they go after you just hit it with a few status moves and it'll typically turn tail and get a stern talking to from the forge's elders or you could just use whirlwind or smth the different forges in paldea are proficient at utilizing different pokemon, and even form sort of partnerships with them for example the asado desert forge teams up with varoom and revavroom to use them as steeds [Image ID: A Tinkaton with a red scrap cloth headband riding a Revavroom, leading a pack of Tinkatuff and Tinkatink riding several Varoom.]
as you'd guess from this they're very social creatures it's important to let them bond with the rest of your team better in this form, as they serve as surrogates for their pack if you want you can also visit your local forge to let your tinkaton screw around with the forge members a bit for funsies
a common misconception is that tinkaton hunt down corviknight by tossing rocks (or sometimes other pokemon, such as falinks troopers) at them in the air with their hammer hence why squawkabilly is used as the flying taxi coach in paldea this is actually a lie and they get hard walled by corviknight (and then they get salty over not being able to do anything useful in the battle) they do it because to them it's funny as shit it's like their equivalent to miltank tipping they don't really do it to other people's corviknight because it's not as funny: they don't get as surprised because they're far closer to the ground
they're also super driven to build stuff what is "stuff?" nobody knows! not even them! sometimes they just get a flash of inspiration and start scribbling out plans for some sort of grandiose scrap metal behemoth and you just have to roll with it if you have a bit of engineering/mechanical know-how, you can feel free to join in the fun!
....unfortunately that's where the burglary sprees start
now i know what you're thinking you little smarty-nipple
"wehhhh but maybe yours is just a bad temperament or you're not raising it right or-"
N O .
i have worked with several of these rattata bastards and i can say with complete certainty that they're all a bunch of kleptomaniacal shitheads seriously if you took one of those Rabbid things from Rayman and gave them a hammer well uh you wouldn't exactly have a tinkaton but you'd be pretty arcdamn close
if they need metal and you don't give it to them they will steal things computer parts refrigerator doors stove hatches engine blocks it does not matter what it is or what it's made of if it ain't nailed down and it's made of metal they're taking that shit this is why it's really, really important to teach them to ask for your aid if they're in the mood to build something
they also need to hunt wild steel-types not often, mind you, kinda like pyroar prides but it's still sometimes tinkaton are hardwired to kill for their materials giving them sheet metal and stuff helps with the urge to build but not the urge to "disassemble" steel types you'll need to get the proper licenses to hunt pokemon and only go after any steel-types that are in season to do this what they're after is metal pokemon with only small bits of metal on their body, or those which have the metal-y bits on the inside, like lucario or togedemaru, are typically off the menu they also need you to help, and possibly your other pokemon remember what i said about them being pack hunters to them, you're the pack's leader, so they look to your guidance for hunting
unfortunately this, along with the stealing part, is why a lot of trainers end up abandoning/releasing them in this phase some people can't bring themselves to be complicit in outright hunting down pokemon, only capturing them, which is understandable being denied part of the enrichment it needs, the tinkaton begins lashing out in other areas to try and vent some of the stress it's built up with no other suitable outlets this can lead to your opponents or even other people getting seriously hurt if you're looking to raise one of these guys, please, look for a suitable alternative unless you're willing to really, really commit that said, give 'em what they need and rein them in here and there and you'll have a loyal (if slightly violent) partner who can come up with some truly amazing things like this [Image ID: A Tinkaton decked out in an imposing suit of armor made from assorted scrap metal and Steel-type hide, posing triumphantly atop its hammer, which is planted into the ground. The armor has a Corviknight's head plating as a helmet, and a segment of a Forretress' shell hanging from the back like a cape.]
finally, a few anecdotes from my own specimen of these dum-dum yokel gremlins
cotton likes eating her food on her hammer as well as sleeping on it, yet she doesn't like it getting cleaned ...she doesn't seem to make the correlation between a dirty hammer and more baths ...nor does she seem to care
she likes listening to "Sweet Release of DEATH - Sugary Spire" before battles because it gets her even more hyper than usual this helps because i like to use her as a support lead/damage dealer hybrid, because, as befitting their crafty nature, they learn a lot of support-oriented moves
anyway yeah that's all i got later nerds
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lavenderbexlatte · 3 years
Also, since you watch miraculous, how offended would you be if I said I want to beat up Marinette?
very offended but i understand, my favorite cartoon daughter is very annoying 😌✌
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jgvfhl · 2 years
The Number Lads Almost Blow Up
July!! What?? How?? Well, Happy Disability Pride Month, y'all 🖤❤️💛💚. But the Number Lads continue on their little ways. Please enjoy a rare Fours PoV chapter 💜! Also a reminder that Zero and all the members of the 118th are not my OCs: they belong to my dear friend @/23-bears. Here is a list to the Masterlist of chapters.
Words: ~4300
Warnings: None! Just some numbers bein pals.
DressedtotheNines: so
DressedtotheNines: question
RedBoiiiii: ?
Leafs: wha
DressedtotheNines: anyone here know anything about zabraks?
Loopy: Trees! Your nerdiness will have paid off!
Leafs: just because my commanders are giant nerds does not mean i am
d0nut man: dude i had a hyperfixation on zabbys for like six months as a cadet, hit me
RedBoiiiii: ZABBYS
Loopy: that’s such a cute name i’m sure they all hate
d0nut man: yeah probably… never actually met one
DressedtotheNines: okay so… which zabraks have the big horns and the weird skin colors?
d0nut man: dathomirian zabraks
DressedtotheNines: cool. follow up: i need a recent history nerd
DressedtotheNines: any ideas why a pair of dathomirian zabraks are after general kenobi?
RedBoiiiii: i mean this is gen kenobi we’re talking about are we sure they’re not in love with him?
Leafs: sevenset seriously
Loopy: PFFT
DressedtotheNines: no they’re definitely trying to kill him
DEATH: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi: first Jedi to kill a Sith Lord in decades. Happened on Naboo about… 15 years ago? Maybe less? The Sith was dathomirian.
RedBoiiiii: is the commander a secret history buff??
DEATH: No I had to learn everything about the Jedi on Kamino to prepare for the war. Part of command track.
Double Trouble: oh this looks like fun *grabs bangcorn*
Leafs: i’m gonna guess no
DressedtotheNines: ah yes, i can find news articles about it
d0nut man: any videos??
DressedtotheNines: yeah not a chance, this happened on Naboo in the Royal Hangar in Theed when general skywalker was only nine
Loopy: little babey boy
high fives: ARE WE ROASTING SKYWALKER wait, no
high fives: got all excited :(
Loopy: nope we’re finding out who the weird zabraks are wanting to kill kenobi
high fives: sure they’re not in love with him?
DressedtotheNines: YES we are sure they are NOT
DEATH: Fives, show some decency
high fives: okay… :(
DEATH: You never know if Cody might find this chat
DressedtotheNines: SIR–
Double Trouble: COMMANDER
Leafs: is anyone else noticing the commander getting more and more chaotic
Loopy: it’s awesome
high fives: VINDICATION!!!!
DressedtotheNines: for legal purposes, I did not read that
DressedtotheNines: anyway i think i figured out who these zabraks are
Loopy: oooh
DressedtotheNines: so… the guy kenobi “killed” on Naboo…
Leafs: i don’t like those quotation marks
d0nut man: is it thE SAME GUY who’s going after him??
RedBoiiiii: how??
DressedtotheNines: [image file: these_creepy_weirdos]
DressedtotheNines: well the guy on bird legs is definitely the guy he killed on Naboo–same tattoos
high fives: damn did kenobi do that to him? the legs, i mean
DressedtotheNines: i guess?? and the other guy is his… brother?
Double Trouble: is he single
RedBoiiiii: there’s my boy
Double Trouble: the brother i mean. not the angry bird leg dude.
Leafs: do si do
Leafs: what the kark is wrong with you sometimes
high fives: no no hear him out–
Double Trouble: listen i don’t choose this life, i just look at very strong men and am gay, what do you want from me
d0nut man: wait why the hell is that dude so built??
high fives: idk man don’t look a gift fathier in the mouth
d0nut man: dathomirian zabbys aren’t normally that beefy…
Loopy: we’re not worried about the whole “two mysterious new Sith appeared and are going after one of the GAR’s best generals?” not even a little?
DressedtotheNines: I AM CONCERNED they’ve already killed a Jedi Master guys
high fives: fierfek who??
DressedtotheNines: Gallia, on Florrum
Loopy: damn
high fives: so since these guys are going after kenobi… should i worry about skywalker getting dragged in?
DEATH: If I ever had the misfortune of serving in the 501st, I think I would constantly be worried about Skywalker.
RedBoiiiii: yikes
high fives: yeah no that’s fair, it’s what rex does
CrispyDomino: I’m gone for one PT session and this happens… smh…
-scene break-
They weren’t dug into three feet of mud or snow, and that was a good thing. Fours kept reminding himself of that each time the boredom started creeping back in. The Republic base was only a temporary measure until General Mundi returned from the strategy conference in a few days, then they would be back on the ground, fighting through rows of tinnies like they were supposed to do. He was pretty sure the soldiers stationed on the base were already fed up with the Marines. The Nova Corps were… rough. They didn’t spend a lot of time on leave, so they were sometimes a little hard to keep in line. Commander Bacara and General Mundi were usually the only ones who could really manage it, although in very different ways.
It was even sunny. When was the last time they’d been somewhere decently sunny? Ages ago, probably. Most of the Marines not roped into working on the base spent a good amount of time in their underwear (or without)  lying in the sun and enjoying ration bars without added vitamin D. Some of the guys claimed they could taste a difference, but Fours never could.
Regardless, his boredom would be alleviated soon enough when the Numbers holocall started. Those never failed to be interesting. It had taken him a while to get used to the chaos, but it had grown on him. Sure, the commander had originally terrified him, but after they’d all seen his face, he found him slightly less intimidating. Commander Bacara so rarely showed his face.
He’d already scoped out a spot where he could take the call uninterrupted: there was a little room at one corner of base, probably an unused office or something. But it had a window, and this time of day, there was sunlight pouring in, and that was really what he wanted.
When he joined the call, Sevenset, Trees, Do-si-do, and Loops were already in the middle of a discussion about the merits of… fuzzy socks? Seemed normal for them.
“Fours!” Do-si-do exclaimed, pointing at him. “Fuzzy socks: wear ‘em alone or over normal socks? Quick!”
He floundered for several seconds under the intense questioning, looking at the four of them, then at Echo and Fives when they appeared as well.
“Maker, Do-si-do, did you have to give him a heart attack?” Trees muttered.
“I don’t…know?” he finally answered, quietly. He’d never had fuzzy socks.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Sevenset asked. “They’re fuzzy socks!”
Fives perked up, finally knowing what they were discussing. “Dude, fuzzy socks are amazing!”
Nines and Elevensies’ hologram appeared soon after. The conversation didn’t stop for them.
“But do you wear them by themselves or with other socks under them?” Do-si-do demanded again. At least it wasn’t at Fours.
Echo’s face crinkled in disgust. “What?”
“No,” Fives completed. “You have to wear other socks with them, otherwise you get the fuzzies stuck in your toenails for weeks.”
Do-si-do’s face lit up in triumph, while Sevenset groaned and let his face fall into his hands. The pilot pointed, presumably at his friend. “See? They understand! They’re not weirdos!”
Commander Sixes and Zero finally appeared while Sevenset was… mourning his loss? Again, seeing the commander’s face made Fours do a double take, but he hoped it wasn’t a noticeable one.
Fives continued on the ridiculous conversation like nothing had happened. “Why would you wear them naked? That’s–no! Your feet feel twice as sweaty doing that.” His twin nodded gravely.
Loops added, “But your boots fit better with just one pair on.”
Do-si-do shook his head. “Everyone knows you wear them without boots, indoors, so you can do sprinting hallway slides.”
The commander blinked rapidly, shook his head, and rubbed his eyes with a hand. “Do I even want to know what you’re discussing?”
“Fuzzy socks, sir,” Nines answered.
The commander lifted his head, raising one eyebrow at them. “Fuzzy socks?”
As a new round of explanations and debate started up, Fours noticed Elevensies looking at him curiously, his head tilted slightly to one side. Fours was wondering when someone would notice.
“Hey, guys,” he said. Once most of the others were paying attention, he asked, “Did Four’s hair always look like that?”
Now everyone was looking at him, and he shrunk down in his seat out of habit. Finally, Sevenset smiled and said, “I knew there was a dye job in there somewhere.”
Being back on a regular base meant Fours had been able to get his hands on hair dye again, and had spent the time to redo the two fuschia stripes on each side of his head.
“So you really like the color that much?” Nines wanted to know.
It was true the fuchsia paint of the Nova Corps wasn’t exactly the most popular color in the GAR. Many claimed it wasn’t “manly” enough. He nodded, brushing his fingertips over the strips. “I like it.”
Echo had a look on his face like he was thinking hard. “Commander, didn’t you do a mission with the Marines? That’s how you found Fours, right?”
His twin picked up his train of thought. “Why didn’t you tell us Fours had a fun dye job?”
The commander glanced at Fours, then answered, “It wasn’t there before.”
“It grows out quick,” Fours added.
“I feel that,” Do-si-do said with a frown, scrunching his own bleached curls. “It can be such a hassle out there.”
Loops took advantage of a momentary pause in conversation. “So. Strategy conference, huh, guys?”
The remark unleashed a chorus of groans from several members, notably Fives, Do-si-do, and Trees. Fours knew some of his brothers feeling the same way. Most clones didn’t do well with inactivity.
“It’s taking forever,” Do-si-do said, slumping in his seat. “What do they even do in there all day? Look at maps?”
“I feel bad for General Kenobi,” Echo said.
“Why?” Zero asked.
“Oh, he has to deal with a very bored General Skywalker.”
Nines chuckled. “Practically a death sentence.”
Zero suddenly launched out of his seat, slamming his hand down on whatever surface supported his holoprojector, making his hologram shake. “I think I figured out why that yellow zabrak trailing Kenobi is so beefy!” he announced with a huge smile.
There was a beat of silence–understandable, given the non sequitur–then Sevenset smiled and gestured that Zero should continue his thought. Fours would admit, he was curious.
The ARC sat down again, his face looking much like Sevenset’s when he was stirring up trouble. “Okay, so they’re both Dathomirian zabbys, right? Right. Not much known about that planet but what it does have going for it is a very strong connection to the Dark Side of the Force. Now what does that mean–well–”
“Wait, how did you find that out?” Echo interrupted. “The Force thing. You can’t just look that up.”
“Oh, no, I asked my general to check with the Temple Library, and that’s what she got.”
“Oh.” There was a slight hesitation in the reply, which made sense, considering most clones didn’t have that kind of relationship with their general. Fours certainly didn’t. General Mundi would probably be thrilled about a clone asking questions about the Force, but it didn’t mean Fours would feel confident in asking.
“Anyway, the Dark Side on Dathomir is a little funky,” Zero went on, “and the Nightsisters can harness it somehow. Since the Light Side has some healing and regenerative abilities, then why can’t the Dark Side make a normally fairly lean species into a slab of muscle?”
After another pause, Trees said, “That sounds like wild speculation.”
Fours wouldn’t know where to start, so it seemed a little more solid than speculation to him. The only zabraks he was familiar with were from Iridonia, and that was mostly because General Koth had assisted General Mundi at one point. The two Nines had sent holopics of seemed more… evil. In every single aspect of their beings.
“It’s not!” Zero protested. “I did research! I found out more about the guy with robo legs too. His name’s Maul, and the beefy dude is named Savage Opress.”
Nines perked up a little. “Anything useful if he goes after Kenobi with us around?”
“Didn’t you guys tackle Grievous?” Fives pointed out. “Is anything really going to stop you?”
“I was not one of the idiots dogpiling Grievous,” Nines defended himself.
“Why should we believe you?” Loops countered.
“Because unlike my commander and my brothers, I am not a moron.”
Fives cut back in. “But if some evil guy on robo legs came at your general, and you had the opportunity to tackle him for the greater good, would you do it?”
Fours couldn’t help a small smile when everyone turned to Nines, who spluttered indignantly for a second or two. “He has horns! Maybe use a droid popper first–”
“He’s dodging the question!” Zero said, pointing.
“And poppers wouldn’t work!” someone in his background called. Zero turned just in time to be swarmed by three brothers who squeezed in beside him. One, with an intricate black tattoo down his chin, continued, “Regular poppers are too weak for cybernetics. You’d need something strong enough to thoroughly shock a biological nervous system and a mechanical nervous system.”
“They have to know!”
Zero rolled his eyes. “What are you guys even doing here?”
A different clone, with what looked like aquatic life painted on his armor, patted Zero on the head. “Don’t worry about it, we were just passing by when we heard false information being given out on cybernetic limbs.”
“And also, who is this person with the robo legs?” the third asked. His armor was stunningly painted in a style reminiscent of some of the street art Fours had seen sprayed onto the buildings on Coruscant. “Asking for a friend. Several friends. Maybe.”
Zero looked at him flatly. “Jackal, you can’t lie.” Jackal pouted.
Finally, Sevenset asked the obvious. “Zero, who are these guys?”
“These,” Zero said, “would be the Enigma Triplets.” He introduced them in the order they had spoken. “This is Cass, that’s Beskar, and this is Jackal. They want to hack this guy’s cybernetics.”
“Hypothetically!” Jackal blurted.
“And I know for a fact that they were on duty in a different part of the ship,” Zero went on, “so this leads me to ask again: what are you doing here?”
Jackal and Cass shared an uncertain look. Beskar still looked passive. He must have been one of those clones blessed with the ability to tell a convincing lie.
Their brother was not convinced. “You didn’t hack the call, did you? You weren’t listening in?”
“Hey, don’t hack our frequency,” Sevenset said. “I worked hard for it.”
The “triplets” shared another look, definitely more guilty this time, even on Beskar’s face. Zero put his face in his hands with a sigh, and Beskar patted his pauldron. “We didn’t leave any back doors,” he said, trying to be comforting. “The security is still in place.”
“It better be,” Do-si-do warned, narrowing his eyes. “This chat has saved lives, I’ll have you know.”
Loops tilted his head, clearly thinking of something. “Wasn’t Enigma Company the one where everyone wants to hack General Grievous?” he asked.
All three of the triplets’ faces lit up like Life Day. “Yeah!” they answered.
“You had to ask, Loops?” Zero said with a look of fond exasperation.
“Maybe we can find this new guy and test out our theories on him,” Cass said, ignoring Zero.
The other two agreed enthusiastically. Nines raised a hand. “If you can manage it, I’ll be impressed. He’s got it out for Kenobi, and I don’t think he’s likely to give that up any time soon.”
Beskar nodded. “So what I’m hearing is we need to follow General Kenobi around for a week or so and set a bunch of traps for the angry horny bird man.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Jackal replied, completely serious despite several numbers–mostly Do-si-do, Sevenset, and Fives–having dissolved into quiet giggles.
Suddenly, Jackal’s face brightened again, and he waved. “Hi, Commander! How’s the arm?”
The other two crowded in even tighter, squishing Zero further. “Yeah, d’you need any upgrades?” Cass asked excitedly.
Fours was confused. What was wrong with the commander’s arm? He didn’t think he’d missed any of the chat lately, even if he was reading most of the conversations after they’d happened. But he still read them all. He didn’t recall anything mentioning the commander being injured. Only on Umbara, but that was just a scuffle with that deranged Jedi, right?
The commander frowned, folding his arms. “I think you boys have done enough to my arm, thanks. You and the rest of your entire company.”
While the triplets started making excuses, Elevensies tentatively raised his hand.
“Yeah, kid, go ahead and ask,” the commander replied, looking resigned.
The youngest member paused to look at everyone, then asked, “What happened to your arm, sir?”
Everyone’s attention went to the commander. Fours noticed Zero, Echo, and Fives looking with a little less than avid curiosity, and he wondered. He knew Fives couldn’t lie, so he had a feeling those three had known something was different for a while now.
In reply, the commander began removing the armor below his elbow and setting the pieces out of sight. After he did that, he tugged each of his fingers loose from his glove, and pulled it off as well, holding the hand so they could see it. Wherever he was, there was enough light to glint off the metal as he turned his hand this way and that. The interlocking plates protecting the inner workings were black, like his armor, but they shone a dull blue in the light. From what he could see, the metal continued up and disappeared under his sleeve, leaving everyone to wonder how much of his arm he’d lost.
“When the kriff did that happen?” Sevenset asked, sounding genuinely concerned.
Sevenset’s face went from concerned to horrified. “Umbara?” he cried, his voice pitching up quite a bit.
“What?” Nines demanded. “I didn’t know about this.” He looked at Fives and Echo. “What happened? Did you know about this?”
Echo shrugged. “Maybe a little.” Fives looked guilty, which meant they had both definitely known about it.
Do-si-do gasped. “Wait! Was this because of that Jedi you guys definitely didn’t kill?”
Elevensies’ eyes widened. Fours couldn’t blame him. Trees groaned and facepalmed, probably muttering something about even more liability for treason.
The commander shrugged, unfazed by the outcry as he started putting his glove and armor back on. “Yeah, he knocked me out and when I woke up, my arm was gone.”
“This was months ago, Commander!” Sevenset pointed out.
“How did you get the new arm?” Fours found himself asking. No one in the Marines had any cybernetics, usually because his commander didn’t wait for medical evaluations before transferring an injured clone. He didn’t like to think about how many had “disappeared” afterwards.
“Our commander knows a guy,” Jackal chirped, a pleased smile on his face. The commander nodded, confirming the statement.
Sevenset spluttered for several seconds, which was amusing, before he settled on, “That’s it? Just ‘a guy?’ No explanation of why we had no idea you had lost an arm?”
The commander shrugged. “Nope.” That just made Sevenset more affronted, his mouth falling open in surprise. “Careful you don’t catch any mynocks in there,” the commander remarked as he clicked his vambrace closed.
That made the triplets around Zero crack up, and the noise must have jolted Sevenset out of his shock. He frowned, clearly not happy with the commander, but Fours didn’t think he would get any more information out of him about it right now.
“First Fours dyes his hair, now the commander has a cybernetic arm,” he said. “I’m just saying, I’m feeling a little out of the loop. Does anyone else have some life-altering or otherwise important information they want to share?”
To Fours’ surprise, Trees spoke. “General Unduli got a pet duck.”
“She did what?”
“Yeah, she found this duck and adopted it. Supposed to be our new mascot, I guess. Named it Duckfee. Commander Gree keeps trying to steal it to study it, and Commander Offee has yet to warm up to the name.”
Without warning, Nines, Loops, Trees, Do-si-do, Fives, and Echo all disappeared from the call. Fours sat up a little straighter, along with almost everyone else.
“What just happened?” Sevenset wondered, looking around, eyes narrowed.
“Where are they all located?” the commander asked.
Zero’s three companions had disappeared, but from the way he was talking to people out of view, they were still in the room. He turned to the projector. “Strategy conference, remember?”
“Right,” Sevenset nodded, still wary.
“So… maybe they all had to leave really suddenly?” Elevensies suggested.
“Unlikely,” the commander replied, opening his comm and typing a message in record time. “I’ll ask around.”
“Who, the same mysterious ‘guy’ who got you a whole cybernetic arm?” Sevenset said pointedly.
Commander Sixes raised an eyebrow at him. “No, this is Commander Neyo.”
The ARC mouthed an, “oh,” then leaned back in his seat and folded his arms.
After a few tense seconds, both Zero and the commander said, “That’s not good,” at the same time.
Fours sat forward, and Sevenset was on the edge of his seat, nearly falling off. “What? What happened?”
Again, the two others spoke at the same time, but this time two different things came out of their mouths.
Zero said, “One of our Cricklets might have blown up.”
Commander Sixes said, “The strategy conference almost blew up.”
The three other clones from the 118th rushed to Zero in distress. “Which Cricklet?” Cass demanded.
“The one on that top secret mission, obviously,” Jackal replied.
“No!” Beskar cried, looking over Zero’s shoulder at his datapad. “Not Rootkit!”
Fours raised a finger. “What about the entire conference almost blowing up?”
“Yeah, that seems like the more important piece of information regarding all of our friends just disappearing from our transmission,” Sevenset agreed.
“Neyo says a late cruiser came out of hyperspace, then blew to bits before it could crash into the space station,” the commander announced, reading off his comm. “Haven’t found out what happened yet, but it was definitely rigged as a bomb.”
Jackal’s mouth quirked down. “Was that the top secret mission Rootkit went on? With Skywalker’s droid?”
-scene break-
RedBoiiiii: is everyone okay??? no one blew up???
d0nut man: yeah what happened to the droids?? are they okay??
high fives: it was a fun light show!
CrispyDomino: yeah if you like heart attacks to go with your light shows
RedBoiiiii: DOMINO oh thank the Maker people are okay
Loopy: yeah most of us were in no danger whatsoever
Trees: unless you were the jedi and the guys in the main room
Loopy: true, they were front and center for the shrapnel blast
Double Trouble: DUDE that was WILD some windows almost shattered where i was!!
RedBoiiiii: you are not making me feel better
#1 Boy: what happened to the rest of the droids? Zero’s friends were very worried
d0nut man: they still are
high fives: oh the rest of the droids are fine, it’s just R2 still MIA :(
d0nut man: YAY!!!!!! Rootkit is safe :)
#1 Boy: nu R2 T_T
CrispyDomino: apparently the droids found a commando out there, presumed KIA on sarrish
DEATH: “Found?”
high fives: yeah i guess they crashed somewhere and found him
CrispyDomino: but he had some amnesia so that’s why he didn’t come back sooner
Trees: that’s not something you see every day
Double Trouble: i have never seen nines that excited about anything since i met him
DressedtotheNines: Gregor was one of my COs before he disappeared. We missed him.
#1 Boy: aw ^_^
Loopy: that’s sweet
DressedtotheNines: i’m guessing skywalker isn’t too happy about r2 being missing?
high fives: no he is royally pissed
CrispyDomino: yeah no one is surprised by it tbh
Submarine: glad to hear people aren’t dead and just have some head trauma?
CrispyDomino: yeah maybe if skywalker stopped pulling stunts he wouldn’t have so much head trauma
DressedtotheNines: while I won’t argue that point, I do think fours was referring to Gregor
Submarine: yes
CrispyDomino: oh
CrispyDomino: I’m still right
-scene break-
#1 Boy: hey… I know it’s the middle of the night on Trip Zip… but is anyone here to talk?
Double Trouble: i’m here! what’s up kiddo?
#1 Boy: do you know how bad an injury needs to be to be… dangerous?
RedBoiiiii: uhh you mean how bad until they “disappear?”
#1 Boy:  yeah… my squadmate… he had an accident on a mission
CrispyDomino: oh kriff, what happened? What’s the injury?
CrispyDomino: i mean here’s the thing: disappearing only happens when the injury gets reported
RedBoiiiii: which happens all the time on Coruscant. All. The. Time.
#1 Boy: really? T_T
Double Trouble: hey hey hey, doesn’t the guard have systems in place so that doesn’t happen???? didn’t sevens tell us that?
RedBoiiiii: well sure, but it’s not a miracle pipeline
#1 Boy: is he gonna be okay???
CrispyDomino: what’s the injury?
#1 Boy: he hurt his arm on a senatorial escort, his shoulder needs surgery
#1 Boy: but it’s not a guarantee fix–they said there’d be lasting damage
CrispyDomino: well. that’s better than it could be, by a long shot
RedBoiiiii: it’s not great, but… it’s not terrible i guess
RedBoiiiii: i might have some contacts to try but… i’m sorry
Double Trouble: I hope it turns out okay!
#1 Boy: i mean i know we’re at war and death happens and all that but… 
CrispyDomino: hey it’s never easy. I’m sorry this is happening
Double Trouble: When we can be, we’re here for ya, buddy
#1 Boy: thanks guys <3
The Angry Zebra Bros have arrived.... and what will happen to Elevensies' squadmate??? ooooooo...
@23-bears @theultimatesandwich @mercurydancer @darth-void @rndmpeep @gaeasun and @fate-and-destiny Come read about Duckfee!! if anyone wants to be added to/taken off of the informal taglist!
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animewatchermilli · 2 years
Okay so here’s a million random comments about Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun
I’m putting it under the cut since I’ve read chapters that aren’t localized...oh wait that’s the whole series!
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I love the spoopy boopy vibe of the art and music, like a kids halloween special.  It’s so nostalgic and makes me go :) It’s also a good juxtaposition for when the mood goes from spoopy boopy to “oh no” mood.
I love how you can actually have a break between plot-important and/or heavier moments to just absolute goof it up.  Just a whole class of goofing here, chapters and chapters of it.  Toss driving the plot out the window I need more chapters of the Love Trio silliness, no, ALL of misfit class silliness.  
I love how Iruma’s character development shows in minor ways as well as major.  Like with how much happier he is with Sullivan.  He goes from being polite and calling him “Grandpa” because he couldn’t say no and hating when Sully gave Iruma unwanted attention, to rolling around with Sully and giggling like a three year old.  By the 2nd year it feels like Iruma truly sees Sully as his Grandpa and is happy when he’s doted on.  
I absolutely LOVE the exam arcs in this series.  Because its not just “oh i gotta do this hard thing gotta defeat this strong guy yadadadada” its “we’re going to make up and entire story to fit this exam where all the teachers are evil heart stealers” its FUN!
Harvest Festival is the BEST!  All these kids had to do was get some grub while trying to survive the three days but then one of them literally made an army of beasts and was dubbed “Queen,” two other students build a house and take in other students who ended up gathering food together and call Sleepy boy “Lord,” and then they go to war???  The drama these kids get into!
Clara is the best I love her that is all.
Azz really grew on me.  Unlike Clara who became friends with Iruma immediately without measuring his strength the whole reason Az started following Iruma was because he was bested.  But slowly through the series it becomes clear that while Az still sees Iruma as amazing powerful beautiful and perfect (all of which is true) he grows to admire Iruma for his character and tenacity.  He’s still growing and evolving, and I’m really interested in seeing more future developments.
Clara might be the slowest to change, because aside from her introduction and maybe sorta liking Iruma maybe (?) her character was never in way of the plot.  Unlike most of the other students she’s quick to accept any difficulties and goes with the flow instead of fighting against the situation, regardless of the outcome.  
For example she never lost it when learning from Raim (although maybe it was Raim who lost it a few times trying to teach Baby-chan her ways...why did they assign her to Clara again?) while the other students were going through hell, and as far as I can remember there was never a time she outright disliked anyone, even the scary or mean characters met along the way.  
We didn’t even get a chapter where she learns to get along with Ameri, because by the time she and Ameri meet face to face she already accepted her as one of Iruma’s friends (or maybe mooooore...hmmm???) and it was Ameri who had to catch up.  The biggest development is the relationship between her and Azz, where they really confirmed that while they’re nothing alike they really do care for each other.
I’m just really interested in seeing Clara have a conflict that’s not just comedic.  Like her wings?  Or how her power grows.  Or her dad, who we still haven’t seen yet.  She’s so mysterious.
My cat.  keeps trying.  to sleep on my typing arm. help.
When we got to the 2nd year and met some of the first years my literal first thought was “oh, more babeys.”  Add them to the adoption list!
Babyls students go to school for six years (basically from middle school to highschool) but I don’t think we’ve seen any students past year 2 (now year 3.)  Where they be???
I really love Ameri and Iruma’s relationship beyond whether they get together.  I was charmed from the moment Iruma started reading the “forbidden texts” aloud with such sincerity and enthusiasm and Ameri’s happy smile.  They’re so good together.  They’re a lot of times in anime where its like “boy meet girl, thus girl must LIKE boy.” But here its perfectly clear why they like each other, even if their exact feelings don’t quite align.
Is this part of getting old?  Am I getting sentimental???
Okay it’s past midnight so that’s it for now.  Next time I’m going into predictions for the series and maybe next chapter if it’s not released yet.
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
mai — INTJ (NiTeFiSe)
Ni: introverted intuition is not a superpower but it could be. mai has a sharp abilily to sit down, observe, and wait. this allows her both a survival method in her strict homelife, and a very precise and unique understanding of the world around her. unlike azula (who uses Ne) mai isn’t usually versatile when things go unexpectedly, but we can’t say she’s surprised when it happens, either. her readings are nuanced but usually at least partially correct. mainly with ty lee, whom she understands as both having azula wrapped around her finger and wrapped around azula’s finger herself, which is not that acurrate but it’s still more acurrate than azula’s understanding of ty lee. without even trying (because she never lies; she puts layers and layers of disinterest and misery over her actual personality until no one and not even her can tell the difference anymore) she has everyone fooled into thinking she’s always in control of herself, always rational about the situations she finds herself into, even when that’s objectively untrue.
Te: because mai is so good at observing and staying in the background as things play out, the way she behaves during the boiling rock p2 is surprising because she isn’t usually that impulsive or even active in general if it isn’t in her own self-interest, but in a way it’s easy to understand why and how she does it. not only narratively and interms of character, but in her fighting method in general: she’s always waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and when she finds it, she takes it. her morality isn’t her strong point exactly because her Fi (values) is so underdeveloped. so yes, she is an observer most of the time, but when she finds the perfect moment to strike, she takes it without hesitating. that’s extroverted thinking babey!!!
Fi: as i mentioned earlier, her introverted feeling is very underdeveloped and so Te which is all action and objective truth tends to crush most of the sense of morality in her (which is why estj is Like That), so she’s always acting in her own self-interest. however, mai is still extremely nice for the circumstances she finds herself in, and her betrayal of azula in order to save zuko comes from her very own moral code, to put it that way. she usually doesn’t enjoy talking about or expressing her feelings but she longs for a sincere, real connection and most of all an emotional truth, which no one has ever given to her. when zuko gives her one, making that choice at the boiling rock is easy for her. she doesn’t do it because it’s the right thing to do for the war, or the world, or even in her own self-interest, clearly, but because it’s the right thing to do for zuko, whom she cares about, and herself.
Se: this function tends to make the user contemplate at the very least making a few decisions in the heat of the moment (mind the irony i guess) as it’s a very present and immediate function. as mai is always observing, analyzing, and unknowingly making plans, and focusing on her own self-preservation, this turns to be quite difficult for her, but. but. much like she has a moment of sensibility once six months, she has a moment of impulsivity once every one year. mai’s irrational choice at the boiling rock is both a result of 1) how? her setting it all into motion in that specific way because of months of observing and picturing how things would play out, and 2) why? because of the sake of doing what feels right in that moment in particular; what is the immediate course of action that will get tangible results. it only comes out under pressure, and she executes it perfectly.
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1tsnoya · 4 years
hii! i know your request are closed but i guess i could consider this an emergency ask. my guinea pig of six years passed yesterday and i was wondering if i could get nishinoya comforting a female reader over the loss of a pet? i love your writing so much🥺 keep doing what you’re doing it’s amazing
a/n: i’m so sorry babey.. i know how upsetting it is to lose a pet. i hope you’re doing well, my inbox or messages are always open if you need someone to talk to<3 ily
“i’m here” oneshot
pairings: nishinoya x fem!reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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your hand turned the knob of your apartment door and creaked it open, your face was red and you couldn’t stop sniffling. a few hours prior, a childhood pet had passed. it was devastating, like losing a close friend. many will think that it’s crazy but pets have that effect on people, they show you so much love and can easily cheer you up after a long day.
however, it wasn’t like that today. instead, you felt an empty space in your heart.
“hi baby! how was your-” your boyfriend, yuu, had come rushing to the door to greet and kiss you, however he stopped midway after looking at your swollen eyes and broken expression, “(y/n)..what’s wrong?”
hearing those words for the tenth time that day made you crumble, you couldn’t help but start crying again. and as soon as you did, his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. tears were rushing down from your eyes to the sleeves of noya’s shirt.
“i’m here, okay?” one of his hands was rubbing your back while the other was still embracing you.
he was so warm and after such a terrible day, all you wanted was for him to tell you that. you soon opened your eyes and pulled away for a moment. his hand intertwined with yours and started gently pulling you to the couch.
you sat down, still upset, just wanting to be held by your boyfriend, “one second baby” he quickly stepped away to the kitchen. you rubbed your eyes and took a deep breath, when you opened them again, he was placing himself next to you while handing you a glass of water, “drink..it’ll help you calm down.”
you took a swig and cold water rushed down your throat, it made your cries calm down a bit, “what happened today?”
you took a shaky breath before your glassy eyes faced noya’s deep, brown ones. words started fumbling out of your mouth about what had just gone down earlier, his worried expression became sad for you, he knew how much you loved your pet, you told him stories about them all of the time and he would laugh at them with you.
yuu scootched a bit closer to you and he observed your upset face, “im so sorry..” a soft kiss was planted on your hand and he just looked at you.
nishinoya wasn’t that good with dealing with these kinds of situations, talking about feelings and comforting others was never his strong suit. he felt terrible because he knew how awful you felt.
after a few seconds of silence, he finally broke it, “when i was younger, i had a dog.” a small laugh escaped from the boy’s mouth, “he was my best friend... i couldn’t believe it when he died, well i mean he was old” his little ramble made you smile the tiniest bit, “but...i know how it feels. it really sucks. but i’m here for you.”
a tear rolled down your cheek as you looked at your boyfriend, his gentle hand soon placed itself on your cheek and his thumb wiped it away.
“when we have, you know, our house” he emphasized ‘our’ “we’re gonna get a ton of pets. as many as you want!” his face brightened at the thought of your relationship growing, “i just want to see you happy.”
his soft palm left your face and held one of the hands that you were fidgeting with, “i know it won’t be the same but, it’ll be okay.”
he kissed your forehead, “let’s go do something to help cheer you up. i don’t like seeing you sad.” noya stood up from the couch and your hands were still connected, “i’ll do whatever to make you smile.”
you sniffled one last time and your quiet voice finally spoke out, “really?”
he softly grinned at you, he meant every word that he said, “really really. i promise”
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queerlilacroses · 4 years
Nothing to fear but fear itself (TW Blood, Murder, Biphobia)
Richie had always been afraid of werewolves,  ever since he was a little kid the thought of them sent shivers up his spine. He didn’t know if it was the sharp claws, the big teeth or the fact it could be anyone, watching waiting to turn him into his worst fear.                                                                                                                                                              It has also been theorised that werewolves are a metaphor for a specific sexuality, bisexuality, not many people believe that bisexuals exist, at least that’s what Richie hears when he attempts to come out.  
   “There’s no such thing dear, I mean you can be gay or straight I don’t mind I know you’ve always been an odd child but there’s no such thing as both”. He had lamented over that loss for a while, honestly he know lots of people wouldn’t understand but his own mother! That was his biggest disappointment.
So he ran out on her, hiding in the Clubhouse™ that his good friend Ben had built, waiting hours until his best friends Bill, and Bev came frantic down falling down the hole of the clubhouse, “why didn’t they use the stairs”, he wondered aloud forgetting that he had disappeared without letting anyone know and it had been all day since he had ran out on his mother.
“WHY DIDN’T I… I was looking for you you’ve been missing for 6 hours you dummy”
“I’ve been wounded Bev darling, I…wait SIX HOURS”
“Yea is s-something wrong”
Whilst his friends had accepted him all those years ago Richie was still paranoid about his bisexuality despite knowing he wasn’t gay or straight there was a nagging doubt in the back of his mind watching, waiting to creep up on hm like a horror movie jump scare that made him spill popcorn all over the floor like an idiot.
The problem with horror movies is they are real; Vampires, Zombies, Witches and of course Werewolves which are the worst of them all. The first time Richie had seen a werewolf had been in a stupid movie , a teen movie, “supposedly a romance” Bev had mentioned nonchalantly as they walked past it at the Aladdin and well it was, for the first 20 minutes or so then it turned out the lead had a secret…the movie plagued him for months after that day after day, night after night all he could see was the male lead chasing him waiting to turn him into a werewolf. He never knew what to do or where to go Richie was traumatized.
Eddie, had been a new confusing figure in his life, they had met at gig which Eddie had helped organized and hit it off but there was something about him Richie wasn’t so sure of. Was it the smell of wet dog despite Eddie claiming to be allergic? Was it the fact that he refused to wear the silver chain that Richie got him as a present? Was it his oddly hairy body? Or was it the fact that anytime  a full moon was around no matter what Eddie would make and excuse and disappear so nobody would see him for days. It confused and scared the hell outta him so he had to confront his ‘boyfriend’ he isn’t sure honestly they haven’t labelled what they are yet and Richie’s kinda nervous that’s because Eddie doesn’t wanna be with a bi man and whilst all these thoughts are in his head he’s overthinking again and he needs to talk to Eddie.
“Eds,”                                                                                              “Urgh what?”                                                                     “Are we like?”                                                                             “Like what Richie use your words”       “Are we boyfriends?”                                                           “no we’re Italian farmers who love growing tomatoes of course we’re boyfriends”                                                                                                               “Geez okay I’m just making sure”                                                                                                      
“Especially cause you’ve been acting so weird, I mean I hardly see you, anytime you stay it’s daytime and the two occasions that we’ve stayed together you’re like a magician here one minute and then disappeared the next like some cruel trick it’s not fair Ed’s, I wanted to move forward with this relationship but it’s so hard when I can’t, don’t, know? Do you understand what I mean?                                                                                                                                          
“Uh no? Why would that ever make sense babe” sighed Eddie although he understood Richie well and knew him inside and out he didn’t understand how his brain worked? His ADHD flickering from thing to thing topic to topic and although Eddie could sometimes be known to ramble he couldn’t keep up.
“Well I mean with you? Why are you avoiding me at night? What’s the big secret?” Richie teased.
“I’m a werewolf”
“I’m one of those creatures you know the ones that come out on the full moon I turn into a wolf howl at the moon y’know all those stereotypes”
“Yea I remembered you saying that you were terrified of werewolves since you were 12 so I’ve been trying to avoid transforming and all the side effects around it whilst I’m around you so I guess that seems like I need to avoid you and I mean there’s the murder”
“Well I mean it’s not exactly murder more people get in the way of me as a 7 foot tall wolf and unfortunately I think my instincts kick in? Although it could be deer,  but there’s been bodies found and I…”
“Richie can you stop yelling, it’s been a long night I’m tired and sore, honestly I just want to rest…”
“WAIT WHAT,  YOU WERE OUT LAST NIGHT? Like it was a full moon ? I’m sorry I have to go call Bev or something, I-I can’t.
“WHERE ARE YOU- it’s your never mind” Eddie sighed as his voiced tailed off his head in his hands. This hadn’t been the way he wanted Richie to find out, honestly they’ve only been together for a few weeks and as soon as they talked he found out about his fear of werewolves and was horrified, he knew it might potentially be a dealbreaker and although he didn’t want to lose Richie. He had known that at one point that he’d have to sit down and tell him the story of the doctor, decided that his mother, who was a maniac bringing him to the hospital every time he even touched the ground too hard convinced he’d broken or dislocated his ankle needed something to worry about properly and turned him into a werewolf whilst he was at one of his many stays when he was eleven. His mother had been far more protective when she had found out, it was as if she had been normal beforehand, complete and utter curfew (“back straight after school Eddie-bear don’t talk to anybody, you don’t want them to find out!”), bars on the windows and even restraints at night as she was too paranoid, which wasn’t fun, especially as every night he just kept breaking out of them which in turn scared his mother more and more.
Shakily Richie reached into his pocket for his phone that he’d grabbed in his     haste to leave the apartment building, as it rang the word murder went in his stomach over and over again. “Hello?” Oh good she answered he wouldn’t have known what to do with himself otherwise I mean…. “Helloooo??” Oh right yeah she’s still on this phone.
“I-I Eddie, and…”
“What’s wrong with Eddie, depth breaths calm down and try to try me what happened.
“He.. he.. he’s a monster, a werewolf a murderer I don’t know if I can do this” sobbing he knelt on the pavement holding the phone thinking about how he didn’t want to lose Eddie, the problem was that he loved the shorter man despite them only dating a couple of weeks and he knew about the dangers of dating a monster.
They had learned about it in school which only fuelled Richie’s fear further the teachers explaining about scientific experiments gone wrong and turning ordinary people into creatures that could climb into his slightly opened window in the dead of night and maim them or if they were dating whilst in transformations they would completely forget their partner, ending up harming them. Listening to this had made him scared to moved his bed and slept under his window to make sure nothing got in, freaking out anytime a bug crawled on him.
“A werewolf? Yea probably. A murderer? Probably not and an I mean a monster definitely not. Don’t you love him? Don’t you want the chance for him to prove you wrong, honestly you’ve been scared for far too long. All this time people have been putting ideas into your head about ‘this that and the next thing to do with monsters and no offence Richie but I’m sick of hearing about it, time to march back to your apartment and make your own decisions about Eddie.
“Yea, yea I guess you’re right, I should maybe go back? I.. okay Bev darling I’ll speak to you later”.
Sitting up he decided that it was time to get back, not realising it was getting darker and darker as a full moon approached.
Waiting for Richie made him terrified he was transforming in an hour and he had no idea what would happen. Would they break up?? If they did it would be so much worse, the adrenaline in this body taking over, making him more angry and upset and he knew his wolf side would harm anything that got in his way, which could include his caring but stupid and scared boyfriend. Hearing the door creak open his head perked up realising that Richie hadn’t let for that long and that probably meant bad news, knots grew in his stomach as he waited in anticipation for Richie to say something, anything whilst looking at the clock ticking on closer and closer to his time of transformation.
“I’m home babey! I wanna talk to you, my love” he said in a singsong voice. This wasn’t good, he honestly knew Richie’s speech patterns very well and he almost never called him babey unless there was a big problem or something was wrong.  
“Yea I’m in here what’s happening”
“I just wanted to say, I talked to Bev and she put things into perspective, I think I love you and I shouldn’t judge you based on what happened when you were younger and I should try to get over it, I wanna keep dating you so I think it’s a good idea to see you at least once.
“Wait wait you want to stay with me? HOLD UP YOU THINK YOU LOVE ME”
“Well yea, I guess? I know we’ve only been dating for a few weeks and technically I only found out a few days ago but I have really strong feelings for you and I think I love you”.
“ I … okay… really don’t know what to say I love yo…” but before Eddie could finish off his sentence something happened, it was supposed to be a strange scary thing but Richie didn’t feel scared all he felt was concerned H could see the pain manifesting on Eddie’s face as he twisted and turned and hair grew from his body turning him taller, more muscular and then into a wolf.
Werewolves, although potentially not less dangerous were smaller than the stories, and Eddie didn’t seem to want to attack him honestly? Richie was very confused and conflicted between everything he had ever heard and feared vs the man who was his boyfriend who had just turned into what looked like a slightly taller dog still vigilant just sitting there. Well until it started talking, but you never hear about things like that when people are attempting to scare you.
“Well aren’t you going to say something? You’ve been looking at me in a daze for the last five minutes like I get the idea of you being scared like yea but can you please snap out of your like -why are you- dude why are you laughing?” Forgetting he was a wolf he attempted to walk over to Richie and ended up falling over four paws”.
Doubled over in laughter Richie realising his boyfriend was an idiot as a wolf decided that there something they needed to talk about “Eddieeeeeee we need to talk soooo I also have a secret”.
“Okay, and it is?
“I’m boisexual, well actually I’m bisexual but we both know I couldn’t come out without a pun”
“And an awful one at that I mean, what does that even mean rich? But honestly I know you told me about the time you dated Bev before she started dating Ben so I just assumed, why is that like a problem?”
“Oh…I- forgot about I just -I assumed like most gay guys you wouldn’t be down to date a bisexual guy I mean most of my life I’ve been told I don’t exist and-“
“Wait who told you this, how many people told you this? You know they’re wrong right I mean you’re bisexual”,
“thanks I means it was mainly my mum and a couple of ex-boyfriends, some teachers and stuff you know”
“Do you want to get your own back?”.
Richie looked at the small wolf in surprise thinking about how he could play pranks and stuff or what they could do in order to get his own back but Eddie had something else in mind.
“Do you want to come with me to kill them”
 Maggie Tozier, was baking in the kitchen humming a light tune whilst taking a pie out of the oven, she hadn’t spoken to her son since he turned sixteen and came out as bisexual for the third time to her disbelief that it wasn’t a phase and after she decided not to accept him they both just stopped talking to each other and then a year later he up and left.
As Richie made his way to his childhood home with his boyfriend in tow he looked at his mom and realised there was no turning back, it was now or never, he could talk to his mom get clarification? If it all went wrong Eddie would be there to make sure he’s okay. Walking in announced he saw he face drop and her mouth open, unfortunately it didn’t seem to be in a nice way. “What are you doing here” her voice laced with disappointment at seeing her thirty-odd year old son standing in front her for the first time in years waiting for her approval or acceptance at last, but that would never come. “Do you still think you can live in cloud cuckoo land and date both boys and girls, I hate to tell you baby but people are going to take advantage of you, I don’t see a ring if you’d just stop all this nonsense I could-“
Before anyone knew what was happening Eddie had lunged at Maggie and grabbed at her arm to bite her, Richie frozen in shock and horror couldn’t do anything except gape at the site as he could see she was losing more and more blood out of her arm, thinking realising he didn’t have many options his adrenaline kicked in, he pondered back to all the times he’d been told he was invisible, bisexuality didn’t exist or he was a monster for trying to invade both communities and he snapped. Grabbing a butcher’s knife from the kitchen he could see his mother attempting to back away muffled screaming, and stabbed her stomach, hearing the organs squishing made his feel better so he did it again and again until he was cover in a pool of blood, surrounded by his mother whilst he was sobbing, Eddie in a corner waiting on him.
“I just murdered my mother”
“Well yea, I just thought you’d hurt her a little honestly but that was a full on murder, but I think she had it coming? Do you want to get cleaned up?”
“Mhmm, that’d be nice, but the problem is I liked it, I enjoyed stabbing her, is that weird?
“Weeelll that depends on who you ask, me, I’m fine with it I mean I enjoy maiming people as a wolf but to normal person I guess?? Hey do you wanna murder people when I’m in my wolf form”.
“You mean people who deserve it right? Not just random people on the street because I don’t know if I enjoy it that much”.
“Yep yea sure of course I won’t pressure you it’s only been your first murder  after all”.
That next night was the final full moon for the month and Richie was trying to think who he would want to murder next, one of his teachers who made him terrified of werewolves, one of the executives who said he’d never get a job in comedy (look at him now!) or one of his biphobic ex-boyfriends who made him feel so disgusting and pathetic that he decided not to date for six years and when he at last did date ‘forgot’ to disclose his sexuality every date he went on.
Tracing down his ex-boyfriend wasn’t as difficult as it seemed just follow the scent of disappointment and go to the nearest seedy gay bar. Julian, who was happily walking towards his car according to the police report, was ribbed in the heart with a duller kitchen knife as if to mimic a broken heart. One arm was ripped off and had teeth marks in it as if it was created by both man and dog.
Waking up next to Eddie, was one of the nice things about existing having had one of the weirdest dreams of his life, although as the blood dripped from the mattress that he couldn’t see he did know one thing though.
He wasn’t frightened of werewolves anymore.
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cryptocorvid · 4 years
rules: answer these 30 questions, then tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better I know nobody on tumblr yeehaw
name/nickname: lance/corax/medoh depending on where you know me from
gender: trans masc
star sign: pisces
height: like 5’5”
time: 4 pm give or take a few
birthday: march 7th
favourite bands: you me at six, mother mother, my chemical romance, fall out boy, twenty one pilots, bastille, marianas trench, the wombats, starset, pvris, all time low, I’m probably forgetting some
favourite solo artists: I’m a taylor swift stan first and human second, I also love patrick stump’s solo stuff and uhhhh there’s definitely more but I’m stupid
song stuck in my head: I saw a tweet about shake it by metro station three days ago and have been unable to think of anything else since
last movie I watched: GENUINELY I DO NOT REMEMBER ITS BEEN OVER A YEAR..... I think it was into the spiderverse but there’s a strong chance it was frozen 2
last show: the last airbender, also over a year ago
when did I create this blog: uhh sometime in 2020 I think but I started actually using it early this year
what I post: mostly just my art here
other blogs: @fine-with-my-spite for fandom shenanigans
last thing I googled: I have accidentally had my browser on incognito and this question is what made me realise this but APPARENTLY the last thing I googled was how long chickens live and I really have no answers for why
do I get asks often: not really but not surprising bc I’m not super active/this account is relatively new
why I chose my url: for that sweet sweet consistent branding babey B) it’s my handle literally everywhere else, it comes from a lot of suffering and wanting something that I wouldn’t get tired of with shifting interests, so. birds and cryptids. that about sums up everything I love.
following: 64
followers: 22
average hours of sleep: honestly like 2,,
lucky number: 7
instruments: I played recorder for like five minutes in primary school and it was literally as bad as it sounds
what I’m wearing: mbmbam t shirt and pyjama bottoms bc I don’t want to get dressed properly dabs
dream trip: one day I Will road trip and meet all my online friends
favourite food: coconut ice
nationality: british (derogatory)
last book I read: I don’t remember but I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume it was one of the taz graphic novels
top 3 fictional worlds I’d like to live in: uhhh this is actually hard because most of my fav fictional worlds are mid/post apocalyptic hell.
I gotta say pokemon even though if I saw a venomoth in real life I’d shit my pants to death. specifically I’d love to live in olivine city. I want to live near the sea and also ampharos.
my heart says botw/taz balance but preferably post calamity/hunger. can’t deal w the stress of actual impending doom. I just. clenches fist. love this specific portrayal of fantasy.
also post pacifist route undertale. basically any of my favourite fictional worlds after all the bullshit and misery happens and things are chill.
favourite colour: green and purple. I can’t choose you won’t make me.
as said above I know n o bod y so feel free to do this if you wanna and say I tagged you hjkkkds
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teethsies-chompies · 4 years
Songs to Sing
Have a six babey,,, I got full freedom to pretty much go wild w/ the other mods half of the council so. Here we are! I don’t have much to say about Six, but shes pretty neet :] 
TW: Implied suicide, implied abuse
Six took quick panicked breaths, her entire being was shaken. She just had to make it out, she had to go, she needed to leave. She just needed to find a way out, away from them. For people that claimed to protect her and claimed to love her, they weren’t very protective or very loving. And the worst thing was that she knew she was going to be caught, it was only a matter of time. She forced her legs to pick up the pace, after all she could hear them yelling after her.  
So when she met her, it was a game changer. Someone that actually cares? Someone actually loves her? It was baffling and bizarre to her to say the least. And to top it all off, the fact that this person was willing to go to bat for her. It was insane, and she couldn’t help but love the feeling. It made her think that maybe life was worth living, even if it's just for a little longer.
It didn’t take long for the two to get married, a few years after dating, they finally decided to make it official. The usual sort of thing. Their wedding was filled with only the closest of friends, and overall just people that made both the brides happy. And if that wasn’t enough, the cake was some of the best that anyone could have eaten.
This was when Six realized two vital things about herself. One, that she can’t deal with strong emotions. And two, that she could in fact feel, even if she didn’t like the feeling. The sight in front of her brought tears to her eyes. She respected this man, she looked up to him, only to get brought a note from the other assistant stating how he was dead. They both shared a look of sadness before the other assistant left. 
So she went home, and instead of weeping like most people expected her to, she let her emotions out a different way. She sang. She sang until her throat was raw, for it was all she knew how to do. It was how she coped. And when she finally quieted down, when her throat was swollen and she couldn’t make noise anymore, that's when she finally let herself rest. 
To say she’d expect what she woke up to was… Insanity. For when she woke up, she woke up to an email, simple enough, but it was what was in the email. And it wasn’t just the email, there was a letter as well. They wanted her on the council, and not just her, her wife as well. 
She was going to replace Six. The thought was still strange to her as she stood in his now cleaned out office. It was barren, and nothing like how he had it. She sighed gently and set down a box, she needed to get to work on fixing it up. She started to unpack, making the little office her own, because after all, it was hers now was it not? 
The one thought keeping her going was that this was what Six would want. He would want her to be happy, right? He would want her to keep going. After all, they were good friends for a reason… Right? She sighed, and opened up the small window in his, no, in her office. And she sat by it to sing, little did she know, the others heard her this time. Only this time they didn’t stop her from singing. 
So when it came time for her name, or callsign, it was One who spoke up, suggesting that instead of her keeping her old one, she take on a new one. She hesitantly agreed, being open to suggestions. So when her wife- Eight- finally spoke up, and simply said ‘Singer’ she knew it was the name.
If you were to tell Michelle Knight that she would end up here when she was younger, she would have laughed at you and shook her head. Hell, there were days when she still doesn’t believe it. Even though she says this while sitting in her office, in the O5 wing. 
She couldn’t believe that she was now known and will forever be known, as Six, “The Singer.”
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robinskey · 5 years
In My Mind (Steve x Hopper! Reader)
Request: Steve Harrington x hopper!reader where the reader has mind reading powers?
A/N: I was trying to find a way to connect the reader to the MKUltra experiments (like maybe her mom was an unknowingly pregnant test subject, like Terry Ives), but the timelines didn’t add up. So the reader is the daughter of Hopper and his ex-wife and older sister of the late Sara Hopper. I like the way it turned out, so hopefully you do, too! Thanks for requesting, anon. :)
Any text in italics are the thoughts of others.
Warnings: Some language (it’s all Stevie Babey’s fault, though, so you can’t be too mad about it)
“Are you excited for your first day of high school?”
The words are spoken by your father, who’s driving with the wheel in one hand a cigarette in the other. A thin haze of smoke clouds both the air and your esophagus. Usually, you’d chide him for his unhealthy vice. This time, however, you let it slide; he needed the nicotine to calm his nerves.
When your dad initially offered to drop you off on the first day of the new semester, you resisted. After all, you had your own car, and, considering you’d been able to navigate the big city for most of your life without incident, you were pretty sure you could find your way to Hawkins High. (Besides, as you’d told your father, “the new kid already starts at the bottom of the food chain, even without her daddy dropping her off.”) 
If you were any other moody teenager, you probably would have insisted on driving yourself. In fact, that’s what you were about to do when you felt an overwhelming wave of guilt and disappointment wash over you. The emotions weren’t your own; they belonged to your father. Yet, the feeling was strong enough for you to sense without even trying. Dad plastered a fake smile on his face, but his disheartened thoughts bounced around your head. 
God, you idiot, she’s a senior in high school. Of course she doesn’t want her old man around when she’s trying to make new friends. You’ve already missed your opportunity to be there for all her “firsts”.
“Actually, you know what? It might be nice to have a chauffeur,” you said. 
You’ll never forget how wide he beamed.
Thus, when he refers to the start of your eighth semester of high school as your “first day,” you happily play along.
“I’m excited for a fresh start,” you say, watching as the car passes by a frost-covered field. Despite the bitter cold, the sun shines down on the earth. Bright white patches of snow glitter in the light.
“Me, too, kid.”
Your father’s uncharacteristically quiet tone draws your attention to him. He stares back at you with glimmering irises. You don’t need to tap into this mind to know exactly what he’s thinking-or, more precisely, what he’s thinking about.
Once upon a time, you had been relatively close with your father. Your mother worked long hours at the office, trying to climb the corporate ladder, so you saw him a lot more often than you did her. He helped you and Sara with your homework and coached your softball team; the two of you were certified daddy’s girls.
Then, tragedy struck: Your sweet little sister was diagnosed with cancer. Despite their best efforts, the doctors couldn’t save her. Sara’s death wounded your mother deeply, but it destroyed your father. The deep depression into which he fell led to the dissolution of their marriage. 
Because your father was barely in a state of mind to take care of himself, let alone another human being, your mother received full custody in the divorce. You stayed in New York with your mother, and your father moved back to his hometown of Hawkins, Indiana. His decision to leave felt like abandonment when you needed him most.
The two of you spent five years without seeing each other in person. You rarely even spoke over the phone, unless he drunkenly dialed you or you called him-which, after he repeatedly answered with slurred speech, you eventually stopped doing. He missed holidays and birthdays, only occasionally sending a card in the mail, which often arrived several months late, and never invited you to visit.
All that changed in the fall of 1984, when your father invited you “home” for Thanksgiving break. He even offered to pay for your flight to Indiana. Hoping to mend your relationship, you agreed, headed to the airport after school, and arrived in Indiana that same day. Your father was waiting for you at the gate with a cheesy grin and a container of your favorite candy. After a tight embrace and a waterfall of shared tears, you spent the next few days catching up on five years of lost time. He introduced you to El, showed you around Hawkins, and took you to all his favorite places to get a bite to eat. You quickly understood why your dad had wanted to return to this little town; at the end of the trip, you didn’t want to leave it. 
“I want to move here,” you told your father on your last night in Hawkins.
“You can always stay with me.”
He didn’t realize you were seriously you took that offer until you called him a few weeks later.
“You actually want to come live with me?” he asked, shock evident in his tone.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Don’t you want to wait until graduation?”
It sounded like your father didn’t want you to move. But, as Dad later told you, he wanted you to come to Hawkins more than anything. He just wanted to make sure you were thinking things through-that this was actually what you wanted, not what you thought you should do. 
“I’ll stay here until the end of the semester,” you said, “but I don’t want to miss out on another six months of time I could spend with you. I can finish my senior year in Indiana.”
“If that’s what you want.”
It was what you wanted. 
At least, it’s what you thought you wanted. The way your stomach twists into a pretzel shape as you pull up to the school makes you doubt your conviction. You ramble about your fears of being accepted as you gather your belongings.
That’s when a firm hand lands on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“You’re going to kill it today, kiddo.”
“Thanks, Dad.” You press a quick kiss to his cheek, then hop out of the car. 
“And remember,” he says with a pointed finger, “if anyone treats you poorly, take note of their name. They may need to receive a visit from the Hawkins Chief of Police sometime down the road.”
You roll your eyes, but a small smirk tugs at your lips. 
“Bye, Sheriff!” you call over your shoulder.
As you walk into the school, you swear you can feel a hundred sets of eyes boring into your soul. Anyone else would have been be able to dismiss it as their own paranoia. However, you could hear the thoughts of your peers even louder than their whispers.
Who is that?
Was that the Sheriff’s car?
Where did she come from?
The rapid-fire unspoken questions continue for the rest of the day. When the bell rings for lunch, you start to panic. If there’s one thing more terrifying than starting in a new school where you know no one, it’s walking into a high school cafeteria when you have no one to sit with. 
Thankfully, a curly-haired girl from your homeroom spots you in the hallway. She invites you to her table with a friendly grin that makes you feel instantly at ease. You chat as you make your way through the lunch line. 
After you get your trays, Nancy leads you to a corner of the cafeteria where two guys are already sitting across from each other, making casual conversation. The one facing you has pale skin and terrible posture. He greets Nancy warmly and smiles at you politely. After his initial reaction of who the hell is this, his thoughts turn more positive: Another girl for Nancy to befriend. That could be good for her.
“Y/N, this is my boyfriend, Jonathan,” Nancy says, taking a seat next to him.
That’s when the second boy finally turns around.
Big, brown eyes lock onto yours. They’re framed by thick, dark lashes. Other than a few freckles, his rosy complexion is blemish-free. And that hair-his mane is composed of fluffy brunette curls that simply defy gravity. 
You’re really glad he can’t read your mind because you can’t stop thinking about how you’ve never seen a human so...pretty. 
Luckily for you, he’s thinking the same thing. 
Damn, she’s gorgeous. Why have I never seen her before? Oh, shit-I’m staring. Come on, Steve get it together. It’s just a girl, and you’re-you’re King Steve Harrington. 
“King Steve Harrington”? Does this guy really call himself that? You chew on the inside of your cheek to keep from bursting out laughing. Steve licks his cotton-candy pink lips nervously.
God, how is she that beautiful?
“I’m Steve,” he says. “Steve Harrington.” 
“I know,” you blurt out. 
Steve tilts his head at a slight angle, confused as an untrained dog being told to sit.
“I, uh-I know your name’s Steve,” you say, which is true. “Nancy told me.”
Did I?
Before Nancy can ask her question out loud, you gesture to the empty spot next to Steve.
“Can I sit?” 
Steve nods, scooting over a bit to make room. Your arm brushes his as you slide onto the bench. Your skin burns, and you’re not sure if it’s due to your own flustered attitude or the heat radiating from Steve. There’s half a beat of silence; even the internal dialogue dies down for a moment. Then, Nancy and Jonathan launch into a discussion about the fourth-period pop quiz. You quickly tune out of their conversation and into the thoughts of the boy next to you.
How long do you have to know a girl before you ask her out?
While no bullies will be receiving a visit from your father, you have a sinking feeling that the sheriff will be having words with a particular student at Hawkins High in the near future.
Tag list: @novaddictx @anabundance0ffand0ms @readinthegarden12 @broadwayandnetflix
If you want to be added to the tag list for a specific character/my writing in general, leave a reply or send me a message! Thanks again for reading. <3
If you want to check out more of my writing, here’s my masterlist. :)
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ghostowned · 4 years
Tumblr media
(AMANDA CAMPANA, TWENTY TWO, DEMI WOMAN, SHE / HER ) ⮕ Hey, isn’t that [ BEATRIX MORTEL ]? I heard that they were a part of the crew. According to the wiki it says they’re the [ EMPATH ] of the group. Avid fans say that they’re [ INTUITIVE ], but that they can also be [ HEDONISTIC ]. Maybe that’s because they’re a [ PISCES ]. This gossip forum says they joined the group because of [ HER INTUITION PULLING HER TOWARDS THE GROUP ]. I wonder if that’s true. I also heard they [ DO NOT ] believe in ghosts. I wonder if their time in arcane inc will change that. ( pepper, twenty four, est.)
ABOUT THE MUN.  ooh, yuh, get it i guess !
hi, hey, hello everyone my name is pepper and i am very much writing this on three am christmas morning.... oof. but i wanted to pop by and semi quickly introduce my babey before knocking out so!! here we are!! but before we get into her, a bit about me to break the ice! my alias is inspired by the iconic duo salt and pepper and their classic song push it. i am an english major who learned how to spell passivist the other day, yes we exist. i am late to literally everything so me just showing up now,,, can we say on brand?? i am a hoe for pinterest and after i finish this intro i will probably start on bex’s pinterest board! i have never played the sims, rip, i am a hoe for pretty much all reality shows (my faves are bachelor, love island, and the cheesy netflix ones atm) and i am actually a huge scaredy cat! the last horror movie i watched was ready or not which i actually realy enjoyed but i have maybe watched? ten horror movies in my entire twenty four years of life. wild, i know. oh and i use she / her pronouns for anyone wondering! okay, now that that’s out the way, 
BIO.  being intuitive is just like... i don’t like this and no i will not elaborate
bex is actually a new muse and since she’s new to the group i still want her to have a bit of an air of mystery about her so i will not be elaborating too, too much on her backstory but 
actually a twin! i’d like to put in a wanted connection for her twin at some point because i think it’d be fun if they were both involved in the group but yeah, bex is half of a set. if you are interested in the connection hmu < 3
her and her sibling didn’t want for much at all growing up. their parents were pretty well off and so it wasn’t as if they were struggling. the worst thing about their childhood was that they often moved from city to city to support her father’s job. her dad was an author of supernatural and horror books and so he tended to go wherever the inspiration struck. so bex basically grew up in creepy houses and such! whenever her dad solved the mystery of one place nd finished his novel they would move. 
around the time that bex was six they lived in a very specific house. and when they moved from it bex found herself with this power. she is able to feel what people are feeling when she touches them or feel what someone else was feeling when she touches something that they’ve touched. think theo crain from hill house basically. it wasn’t something she was born with though, and since bex was already a pretty cheerful child with a pretty active imagination her mother tried to talk her out of the whole thing. 
bex’s mother was a child psychologist and it was with her help that bex learned that anything she thought she was feeling or seeing was just in her imagination. she was just really empathetic. and sometimes she found herself with imaginary friends. and maybe sometimes she had strange dreams, but this was all very normal. 
bex didn’t really have any choice but to believe her mom as a child. so for years she just ??? went with her powers unchecked, over stimulated and confused and scared. she didn’t deal with it well. and her parents didn’t understand. 
her dad found it fascinating though. wrote a whole book about her. it quickly became a best seller, and bex, his inspiration, pretty quickly became a bit of a celebrity in the horror novelist community. even bex, who absolutely loved attention, hated the whole thing. but she was too young for anyone to listen to her. 
suffice to say, the moment that bex turned eighteen she dipped. specifically she left to go to university. she studied up and got a bachelors degree in architecture. she is planning to get her masters next because she’s really passionate about her field, but well she stumbled into arcane first. 
it was completely by accident honestly. one day she was just living her life as normally as her life tended to get. and the next moment she saw one of their videos. and it was like everything clicked into place at once. she tried to ignore it, she really did, but it wasn’t long until she was seeing them everywhere. until she found herself drawing the arcane inc logo absently in the margins of her notes, or dreaming about the group at night, or mumbling lines of their show to herself when she was meant to be distractedly humming. it was weird, like really weird, and again bex would have brushed it off as nothing, but i imagine that at some point she actually saw them irl. maybe they reached out to her due to one of her father’s novels and bex likely having lived in that house before, or maybe she stumbled upon them completely coincidentally, but bex might not believe in ghosts but she sure believes in the universe. and who is she to say no to what the universe so obviously wants? details tbd sdkjsd
so here she is! having a good time in her gap year between uni and grad school. i’d say she’s been here since?? june of this year and she’s still going strong. she is still a bit skeptical about some things but she’s having a good time anyways. 
HEADCANNONS.  are my prophetic visions a joke to you
is she a mix of all the characters in hill house,,, maybe so 
for someone so smart bex is also dumb. she still thinks that for the most part she’s really empathetic, like yeah she can touch something and tell you how the last person who touched that thing felt but * bex vc * is it really that big of a deal? i mean it’s basically a party trick dkldsklds honestly bex’s mother just really got into her head a child, but she is prety sensitive to things like touch. tends to get cold really easily in places with spiritual energy so catch her wrapped up like nothing else (tends to always have her sweater over her hands in those places). the type to stick to you like glue and touch you like crazy when you’re in a good mood and keep a good distance away from you when you’re in a bad one. she’s pretty good at comforting and cheering people up, but she will not touch you when you are in a bad mood for the most part cause she doesn’t want those vibes?? gets super caught up in other people’s emotions sometimes, and her own and they all tend to blend together. like if you have a crush on someone and you’re in your feels about it and bex touches you she’s like damn do i have a crush on them? do i have a crush on you? are we about to KISS right now? and she will kiss you then tbh she’s big dumb sometimes smh. this is how she gets herself into trouble. 
in love with love and falls in love often and deeply. like she feeds off her partners emotions a lot too so bex is an a plus girlfriend tbh. things never work out though as bex’s partners usually think things are too intense or bex like feels the slightest inkling that they might want to break up with her and dumps them before they can get the chance, rip 
inspired by this tiktok tbh!
bex is also a diver and has been since she was young, and this is inspired by this tiktok
very fun and easy to get along with honestly. almost always has good vibes. if bex is sad she will simply find someone in a good mood and cling to them for a bit. very hot and cold tbh, like she does not explain why she avoided you a bit for a few days and suddenly wants to hold your hands like rip to the crew sdkjsdk
will respond to any nickname! i put trixie on the app but bex, trixie, bee, beck, trick, bea, and any other nickname will be accepted. bex loves nicknames cause they make her feel closer to people so if your muse wants to give her a nickname,,,, please do 🥺
will do anything to make herself feel good. all feelings are overwhelming for her, especially when she has to take other people’s feelings into account too so she tends to try and enjoy herself at all costs and she is a big fan of the little things. sleeping in, sex, dr*gs, drinking, like blowing bubbles, food, anything that is fun and makes you feel good, bex is into and will do over anything serious any day. 
an extrovert. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS. i can’t talk right now, i’m doing hot girl shit. * summons a malevolent demon *
an ex on bad terms, her twin, an fwb, an ewb, a close friend in the group, someone she has a crush on maybe or vice versa, someone who’s good vibes bex is constantly seeking out, someone who hates her omg, a smoking buddy, someone she formed an instant bond with, a sibling like relationship, a childhood friend she’s reunited with, a fan of her father’s novels, a confidante, someone who makes her feel safe when things get to be a bit too much for her, someone she regularly cheers up, someone bex hates? 
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cr-scribbles · 4 years
🔪Children:Rekindled Review Chapter  4🔪
Wow, it’s surely been a while since I’ve posted one of these, right? Well welcome back to my Children: Rekindled Review! I went away from this for a bit due to losing motivation to keep on going with these, but due to Children: Rekindled taking up most of my life again and I can’t escape from it, I’m back!
This time, we are going over chapter 4 which is definitely one of my favorites! I love most of the chapters for many reasons and I hope those are went over well during this. This review is going to be much more of me rambling on about the certain situation they are in now since I just spent an entire day writing this at some point and forgot to post it here. The second part is coming soon as well, although it might take a bit.
Here’s the link to the comic itself if you want to read it!! I highly suggest doing so -> http://children-rekindled.top/?c=1&p=1 <-
And also the three other reviews I did which I suggest checking out if you haven’t already!
https://cr-scribbles.tumblr.com/post/190287963009/cr-incorrect-quotes-i-need-to-go-to-school Let’s begin again, shall we?
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Starting right off, Sammy is already being a heckie! Well sort of. While I understand how he wants Michael to come along to listen, he should also realize that pushing it a bit more would just make things worse! Either way though, surely an interesting way to start a chapter. As someone who has read the original, I already knew what this was going to be about when I read the first line since of course that plan is murder. I just didn't expect it to immediately start off with some interaction between Sammy and Michael? I have been loving their interactions recently and especially the one in Chapter 5.
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WONDERFUL THING TO DROP ONTO MICHAEL SO QUICKLY HUH?? It would have been funny to be if it wasn't. Like Sammy just says that and Michael is like 'nah I'm just feeling sad because I blame myself for this' and then it's just awkward. What a turn of events that would be! Either way though, Sammy knows something is up and honestly it makes me wonder how much he really knows. He already knows the fact that they don't care about them so would there be anything else? I wonder if that is gonna be expanded on later, but who knows! Sammy probably does. Thinking about Sammy finding that out and only being six years old is heartbreaking to me as well. If he was alone during the time he was able to see that/wrap his head around it, that must have been a really hard time for him. At this point, I just wanna know more about what Sammy went through in the past, but is my babey heart ready? No.
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For one, Sammy yet again shows the fact that he knows a lot more going on than he probably should and honestly that has me quite interested. I wonder if he just listens in to conversations that the others have quite often, although with the more recent chapters, he can't really do that at the moment huh- What Sammy says in the middle panel really makes a strong point! It's sad just knowing that this company will hide the fact that multiple murders have happened there, just to save themselves. It's so understandable as to why Michael doesn't want to believe any of this. Once you realize the fact that the company is really this bad, everything just falls apart. I'm sure he's feeling absolutely awful now! Oh no!
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Sammy saying that Michael isn't the only one has me curious. Is he referring to himself not wanting to believe it either in the past or something else like the others? I wonder if he believes it's just a common feeling that someone shouldn't believe this is all going on and that's why he says that Michael isn't the only one. I really just hope Michael is going to be ok since being alone with your own thoughts already isn't that great on it's own, but being alone with all of those thoughts about the fact that you brought your friends to their deaths and also yours on your own birthday? That must be awful. I just wonder how Michael is doing even after this chapter, but after it ends, when we actually see him again, it's a week after.
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For the first panel, of course he gIVES EVERYONE THE CREEPS, HIS FIRST INTRODUCTION WAS SO STRANGE?? Like he got out of a puppet and was laughing like a crazy person before going to his friendly little self. Being alone in this place for who knows how long really does something to your head and I'm sure of that. I really wonder how long they even think he had been there before he tells them? Also I find it interesting and even a bit funny how no one even seems happy in the slightest when he comes. I mean of course being dead surely does something, but everyone just seems upset that this isn't going to be as important as he's saying or just nervous. Poor Daniel can't even see what's going on even still which already has me sobbing!
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OH GOD OH FUC WHY IS THERE THREE SAMMYS OH NO THEY'RE MULTIPLYING all jokes aside, I really do like the little detail of drawing Sammy three times in the first panel. I know it's most likely supposed to show his emotions throughout each of the lines he says and it surely does it well! A personal favorite of mine has always been the one in the middle. I don't know what it is about it, but it has that expression that just draws me in! Sammy all straightened up an with open eyes,, me and the boys love him! I also adore that smile of his a lot!! He looks so smug when he's saying that, just poking fun at his own wounded heart like it's nothing. We do get some more for Sammy which is nice! I really want to see one day how he was even like when he first came there, but that is for another day! I wonder if the way Sammy is not getting to the point right away is causing the others to get somewhat worried about what he's going to say. I would surely be impatient if someone made me wait all day and then just doesn't get to the point, but then again, maybe him just going over it slowly was good to settle them into the fact that they're going to murder soon. Saying it right away would have been much more of a chaotic time because they would have thought he was joking or something.
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We finally find out that Sammy can actually take out his knife! What a wonderful thing, but I wonder how painful it is! It's basically taking apart some wound you had gotten, but I would if the pain that was already there increases any bit when he takes it out. If he has to put it back in later, would that hurt as well? It would surely be painful if anything changed with the position, but then again, his appearance and how he was before he died never really changes so I'm sure it just goes back into place. Either way, the feeling must be surely painful! It's like dying all over again by placing the knife right back into the wound that had killed you before. Everyone also lOOKS SO SCARED AND I WANT TO HUG THEM ALL SFDJGFDS Yet again, poor Daniel can't even see what's happening, but I'm sure from his expression that he knows something is definitely off. Sammy laughing and Bianca putting her arm around Daniel to make sure he's safe could have obviously made him realize that something is definitely not right here. Francis also protects Charlie and honestly I love that so much! Francis is a caring boy to Charlie and my poor babey heart just goes sfjdhgfsd
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UHH MR SAMMY??? THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT WHAT THEY WANTED!! PLEASE RECONSIDER YOUR OPTION- I adore how his page looks though! The stab wound detail where his knife would be and also his eyes is just such cool details to add! The white and red also shows the intensity of this page, obviously being like 'this is something that is very important', since that is often what the white pages have been. First it was the deaths, not it was Sammy telling them that they have to kill the guard! Sammy convinces you to start killing guards ASMR I also like how this is how it's introduced that Sammy is insane! It's not like the original where he just ends up talking to himself and we all know immediately that trusting him is not a good idea, but in this, a new reader wouldn't really know fully till this scene which is a great place to reveal it! The hints were there, but this is where it's fully confirmed.
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Francis being the first to react is so reasonable to me especially considering his personality already. He is so protective, yet can also be aggressive and not really up for taking what people say. When Sammy is just telling them to murder, I'm sure Francis is showing his shock through absolute anger. Sammy basically just told them that what they need to do is be just like their murderer and go and murder innocent people! That's not good at all! Poor kids need someone to get them out of there, but of course no one is there for them. Also I love how Sammy still has those spiral eyes! I love that detail a lot and adore how it stays throughout his insanity since it really makes him terrifying. I always just imagined that it's either constantly swirling or even pulsating. Either one is terrifying to imagine, but it's also great because it fits him and his evil self so much.
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"Until we find the right one" So basically they just plan on killing innocent people for the sake of being free? I really wonder if there is a better way to do that than doing this. If the murderer is even smart, he would see the deaths of the night guards and begin to realize that something is going on. He would avoid taking the night guard shift because he wouldn't want to take that same fate. Even if they're hiding bodies, that is still so many people that they are going to end up murdering and stuffing all because they are attempting to find someone so they can be free. It's so sad to think about all the lives that are destroyed due to these murders, but then again, all of them had to go through the same, merciless fate. It's really sad to think about. Also I still adore how the puppet and even Sammy looks. The puppet has such a eerie and terrifying energy to it, especially with the cracks along the mask that are near it's eyes. The teeth in the mouth are also terrifying as though there is something inside of there. It makes me curious as to how it's moving. Could Sammy just possess it while talking about this conversation? If so then he's fast. I also love how the pictures in the background even changed! They look absolutely terrifying back there, just the puppet's face with those teeth and the eyes. It stares into the soul if you look long enough. Also can't Sammy just possess one of the other animatronics? If he wanted to use something stronger than the puppet, he could have just done that, but who knows.
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Something I really quickly wanted to point out is how much denial Charlie has been in so far. First it was her thinking that when Sammy said they were dead, it was all a dream. Now it's her not wanting to believe any of this is real. Honestly I really just want her and the others to be ok. This isn't a good situation at all and seeing them all just completely freak out is so sad to me. Like Bianca looks absolutely in shock that she had really waited all day, only to be given the option that they were going to become murderers to find their own murderer. Before, they thought they would only be there for a week or so, but this is much worse. All it is is chance. They could possibly get the murderer in a week, or they could get the murderer in a couple years. Or never depending on if the murderer ever even becomes a guard in the end. They could just be stuck there, having killed so many people, and never actually find the one that had killed them. While Sammy is reasonable to think that the world is unfair cause yes they did die and they were all innocent, but that does not mean that murder is ok. They should be more open for a choice that isn't just going around and killing innocent people till they find the right one, but in the end, from how the fnaf story goes, that is what they end up doing and it's really sad to me.
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oHOHO FRANCIS HAS SNAPPED!! BABEY BOY STARTED SWEARING, LET'S GOOOO Bianca is really not wrong with her statement either. I'm sure it is really horrible to be waiting for something all day and in the end, it's just someone trying to convince you that murdering innocent people to find your murderer is ok. I'm sure especially upon hearing that he has been doing this for around 10 years, everyone is terrified because they thought they would be getting out of this quickly. Back in Chapter 3, it was shown how absolutely exhausted everyone was and how impatient they were with waiting till the night. They're going to have to wait much longer than just one day and that is probably scary. Having to stay with this constant pain for years on end. I wonder how alone Sammy was. Was he really alone for 10 years? I thought at least by then, he would have entirely snapped to no return, but apparently he still has a good hold of himself if he wants to be kind. Also it's even more going along the fact that Sammy is insane cause while they are all yelling at him, he's just trying to balance the knife on his finger! His poor finger that is being stabbed by the point of the knife. I wonder if he's numb to stabbing at this point. Throughout the years, I'm sure he would be by now. aLSO OH NO THIS IS THE SADDEST PART OF THIS ENTIRE CHAPTER IM GONNA SOBBB Daniel just beginning to realize that they might be here for a while and Sammy just proceeding to make it worse has my heart. Daniel doesn't deserve any of this! None of them do! But they are still here and the fact that they will probably not leave for so long really is something scary, especially for Daniel. I'm sure for all of them, it's bad, but him being someone who can't see and will have to stay along with that for years to come must really be terrifying. Poor boy needs a hug right now.
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This is the second time Daniel has genuinely broke down and it really is a sad sight to see. This time though, it was much worse because he actually fell to the ground since in the last panel, him and Bianca are sitting and he's leaning into her, with his hands covering his face. I wonder exactly why he places his hands in front of his face. Was it a habit he used to do when he was alive where whenever he was about to cry, he would try hiding his face so that no one would see? It would surely be sad since I'm sure putting his hands along his empty eye sockets already hurts enough and is just a constant reminder that he really has nothing in there apart from the blood and flesh that is exposed. Daniel went from doing alright before back in Chapter 3, although he did have some emotional content when thinking about Mina, to him just entirely breaking down over the fact that he is going to have to stay there for so long and he really doesn't want to. Also the others have to understand that if Sammy has been there for 10 years, killing people would definitely just become a normal thing for him which is why it's not 'such a big deal'. Everyone is about to break down into tears and it's so sad to see here. Bianca is the only one that has not shown any sign of being about to break down and honestly I congratulate her for that. Probably one of the reasons for why she is one of my favorite characters is because she is always there for the others when they can't handle the situations going on. I relate to her character or at least my past self does because helping others instead of caring about my own mental health was a habit. I really wonder if we are ever going to get a scene where Bianca genuinely breaks down after she had been there for everyone else in the past and she just gets some comfort from Daniel that time since she had been helping him the most. I really want to either write, draw, or end up seeing that in the comic because that sort of content always has my heart.
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Wait a moment- Was Francis actually about to beat up Sammy just then before Bianca stopped him? That would have been really funny if he did, I do want to see someone put some sense into that insane boy. I wonder if Sammy is actually wrong when saying that they don't have a choice. Is there another way they could do this that isn't just going and killing innocent people until they find the right person? They could always try waiting till the murderer comes back to kill and then going after him then, but if that was possible, why wouldn't Sammy have just done that in the first place when the others were dying? I'm sure they were loud enough for him to hear, yet he didn't come to the rescue at all to get them and instead, only appeared when they came out of it. He would want to leave as much as them so of course he would take any opportunity he got to go kill their killer, but he didn't do a thing in the end and now they're all stuck here. I really wonder what happened. I really wonder how Bianca and Daniel are both feeling when hearing them yelling at each other. I'm sure Daniel is not having a nice time at all, especially once hearing what they were saying in the first panel about being stuck there forever. His trembling is just getting worse, poor babey. I'm so glad Bianca is being there for him to give him a protective hug, but apparently it really has done something to her too due to her comforting energy collapsing as she begins to cry. Poor girl also needs a big hug and it makes me so sad that they both just have to sit there and hear this while everyone else is about to beat one another up. Her offering to do it is what Sammy wanted, but I'm sure it's not how he expected this entire thing to go. I don't know what else he expected though, to be completely honest.
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Oh the first panel always hurts because you can just see the disbelief for a moment of Charlie's face as she proceeded what she just heard. Sammy also seems pretty surprised which is funny to me because he was the one who wanted to do all of this in the first place. I wonder when that eye effect stopped going over him too since by the time his eyes are shown again, they are gone. Did they leave just now or were they gone by the time he was arguing with Charlie and Francis about everything. I'm so curious as to when it even will show up again, but I love those eyes a lot. What an interesting ghost he is. The blood on Daniel's face looks like it's so much more than before and honestly that hurts a lot. Either it's just more detail on the blood or it's there to show he had been crying before and that made the blood just flow a lot more than it usually did. Either way though, the way he reacts to how Bianca is going to go kill the guard has me so sad. She was the one that was protecting and holding onto him and all she wants is for all of them to be ok, but now she is going and doing exactly what Sammy wanted her to do. Poor Bianca doesn't even realize that it's not going to be ok, especially from what she ends up saying later on in Chapter 5 about this night. It really saddens me how Daniel is just seeing his own best friend go and kill all to make them feel better. I wonder if he feels so helpless at the moment since there isn't much he can do to change Bianca's mind.
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I am afraid no one would be joking about the fact that they are going to go murder some possibly innocent person for the sake of their friends being free. I feel so bad for them all since just reading through this page makes me realize how terrified they are of Bianca doing this. Of course no one would believe being murdered on a special day and then coming back as a ghost, only to be told that they need to murder people to actually leave, but what could have prepared them for that either way? Bianca just looks so serious and done with what Sammy had to say. I'm so surprised she is just able to get away those tears so quickly to stand in front of her friends and tell them what she wants to do. She's doing it so that they can have a chance at being free and if it doesn't work, they don't need to worry about it anymore and can just move on to something else that could let them be free. I still don't know exactly what they would try to get that, but either way, it would be a lot better than killing people hopefully. Daniel's small "What if the guy is innocent" is honestly a line I really want to draw because that is most likely something that is on all of their minds. Anyone they harm could be entirely innocent and they are just taking someone else away just like how they were taken. It's so sad knowing how these kids end up getting later on in the story and how they no longer act like this later. I just want to hug all of them and tell them that there is going to be a happy ending..or at least Daniel, Bianca, Sammy, and Francis. I don't think Charlie and Michael could really be hugged anymore.
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Oh I absolutely adore this page since we get to see how Sammy goes from being this crazy murderer who is trying to convince everyone to this small child that is afraid Bianca might actually hurt him. Something else I really wanna draw one day is Bianca just looming over Sammy since she is obviously MUCH taller than him, especially in the first panel. If Sammy takes another bad move, he would definitely be hurt by her and that would surely be something interesting to watch. Could ghosts even get hurt? If they have the form they had before they died and it stays like that, I wonder if any of them can actually feel pain or get any more bruises. Is double death real? Honestly I would doubt it since that wouldn't make any sense. You can't just kill something that is already dead. I love how done Bianca is so much. She has been through enough with Sammy and at this point is just not wanting to deal with it anymore and Sammy knows that for sure. Even with the last panel, he looks sO NERVOUS AND IT HAS ME DYING
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With the first panel, I love how everyone looks shocked or just sad. Like Francis looks as though he can't believe any of it and the two others just look so distraught that their good friend is going to go kill someone. If I was in this sort of situation, I would probably be either both or just breaking down in tears in the corner of the room because I'm dead and my friends are going insane. I'm still really interested in how there is still those drawings up of the puppet. What causes them to change to be like that? That is obviously too ominous and eerie for it to actually be something around there so do they just change depending on the time? Like if Sammy is going crazy, does the other items around him begin to alter to show that craziness? Either way, both drawings are pretty creepy. Sammy's joyful self surely came back quickly and honestly I love what he says here. He sounds much more happier and less all psycho? Bianca surely isn't having any of it and I'm sure she just wants him to shut up at this point since they both know this person isn't going to be the one. It would be so rare to get it first try, especially after the murder and all, but they are still hoping, I assume. I also wonder how hard it would be if one of the animatronics ended up actually tripping and they needed to get them back up? Like would the one possessing them need to push themselves back up or actually get on the ground as well to do it. I don't really know how possession logic works anymore.
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This really makes me curious about if there is a way Bianca can just not possess Bonnie for the time being. Like does she have to be paying attention to be able to possess him? Could she ever do something like what Sammy does where he just gets entirely inside the animatronic, only really coming out when it's necessary? I don't really think that will happen to any of the main five or Sammy anymore due to the story being focused more on them, although it would still be them if they were just possessing the animatronics. Either way though, I wonder how hard it was for Bianca to get rid of those cables attached to the robots and how difficult it's going to be to get those back into place. Do they even put them back into place afterwards or do they let the employees that come around go ahead and do that? That's a question that might never be solved, but hey I'm still curious! Bianca just slamming the guitar on the floor is also pretty funny to me because Sammy seemed to get so upset at first about it just suddenly being dropped, but then he was like 'wait nah i don't even care for this company.' I just want them to mess up with all of the animatronics' stuff, but if that happens, the place would close and they don't want that cause they need more guards!
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Not much to say here apart from how I love how they added the shaking to Bonnie. Since Bianca was electrocuted, she would be constantly shaking. It's almost like Bonnie is just a part of her now so her shaking is just transferring over to Bonnie in that way. While it might also just be because it's hard to control such a huge robot with powerful strength, I just love how it's done here. That small detail is really great! Also Sammy still wanting to be on Bianca's good side is really funny to me. He's just trying his best and it's not good due to what he is doing.
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Bianca talking about how conflicted she is about this entire situation really pulls at my heartstrings and I entirely believe that it's supposed to be like that. With what she says in the middle panel, she knows well that what she is doing is going to completely harm her relationship with the others, but she also just wants them to be happy. She is conflicted and doesn't know what to do so she's taking the only option she has at the moment which is just follow what Sammy says and get it over with. I feel like through this, she slowly begins to doubt her plan on killing this person because they could be entirely innocent. There is so many difficulties with this risk, but it's the only risk they can really take at the moment because there is nothing else they can really do.
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It is really sad to just see Bianca realizing that she doesn't even know what to think anymore. She acted so serious around the others and especially around Sammy, but right when she's actually alone, she just talks to herself about what she should do and what she wants or not. With how she was talking about how she hoped everyone forgave her, I really wanted to see her say 'I hope I can forgive myself' because honestly I feel like that is how she's feeling right now. She knows what she's doing is bad, but is taking the risk for everyone. If it is not the murderer than of course they'll just have to forgive her for what she did, but she would also need to take some time to forgive herself too because that probably stays on her chest for a long while. The fact that she could possibly kill an innocent person and she was really just hoping it was him. Watching these kids slowly fall into what Sammy wants them to do surely scares me for the future because obviously they are going to eventually do it, but it's just going to be so sad to see them go down that path. It's like the path of no return.
~~ fINALLY I GOT THIS DONE!! this took much longer than expected. The next part shall be out soon since I finished it up last night. For now, you have this! Remember to always scream. See y'all next time when I bring the other post!
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toxicpineapple · 5 years
my (personal favourite) writings from 2019
I don’t have anything for January because I guess I didn’t write/didn’t post anything then? At any rate, here are my favourite writings from every month of 2019.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17764769/chapters/41916899 : “To Give Life Meaning”, a 5+1 things Hinanami fic I wrote over the course of several days, mostly at night. The honourific situation with this one is messy and there are the beginnings of a lot of good lines? Like I know what I was trying to say. But it’s not the kind of thing that I would be happy posting nowadays. (Ignore the fact that it says it was completed in September of this year; I went through nine months later and separated the different sections into chapters so that it would be easier to read. I wrote and published all of it back in February.) This was the second Danganronpa fic I ever wrote.
Content warnings: Contains talk of suicide, and mentions of being suicidal. Generally in the past tense. Nobody is proactive in this fic.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18232343 : “Hold his hand”, the very first Amasai one-shot I ever wrote. I got the idea for this one late at night thinking about how Shuichi would react if his mom died. I was actually going to write this with Ryoma comforting him, or Kiyo maybe, but I ended up doing Rantaro because I watched all of his FTEs with Shuichi and was like… I do like this green man. Anyway, I’m glad I did, because if I hadn’t I don’t know if the Amasai series would… even exist. That’s really weird to think about.
Content warnings: Minor character death on the part of Shuichi’s mother. The focus of the piece isn’t her dying (as it is in fact from Rantaro’s perspective) so much as it is the conflicting emotions that it stirs up for Shuichi, but it’s still, y’know, someone’s mother dying. Anyway, read with caution.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18468478 : “Does it matter?”, a late-night fic where Aoi is conflicted about her sexuality and calls Makoto to talk about it. I wrote a lot of one-shots in April (I actually surprised myself going through them haha) but this one is my favourite because it touches on things that I don’t see addressed a lot. Makoto and Aoi are good friends. 10/10.
Content warnings: Internalised homophobia. It hasn’t triggered anybody that I know of because it’s mostly just Makoto giving advice and Aoi coming to the conclusion that she really likes Sakura in a not-so-platonic way, but y’know.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18776947 : “Shuichi thinks too much”, another installment in the Amasai drabbles series, and… wow. I literally only posted Amasai in the month of May. This one is my favourite (of the ones I posted in May, obviously) because it’s the one where Shuichi realises that Rantaro is claustrophobic and then they have a messy first kiss in the wake of Rantaro’s panic attack. I like fics where Character A kisses Character B and B has to be like… slow down partner… ur panicking. I also just like milking Rantaro angst so it’s a win-win. I go back and read this one periodically :)
Content warnings: Panic attacks, claustrophobia. Shuichi is exhausted in this fic haha but at least he has his shit together enough to know exactly what he’s feeling through the whole thing.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19210423 : “Quiet Moments”, an introspective drabble/character study in which Peko thinks about how much she loves Ibuki. Damn, I love Pekobuki. I haven’t written nearly enough for them. I wrote a lot of things in June (including an Undertale one-shot which was a strong contender for this spot just because this list is dominated by Danganronpa stuff) but this one is my favourite because it was just me… rambling about how much I love Ibuki… and projecting onto Peko. Which I do every time I write this pairing, but I didn’t make this list to call myself out, so yeah I’m just going to move on.
Content warnings: Peko briefly mentions that Fuyuhiko had to get an appendectomy within the piece, but it’s nothing intense.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19974424 : “Take his soul with a kiss”, a Grim Reaper AU in which Maki is Death and Kaito is a guy with the audacity to tell her to wait a week before grabbing her soul. I’ve finally hit the part of this summer where I was eating one meal a day and spending the rest of my time on my laptop writing fic. 14k words a day, babey! I wrote all my favourite pieces in July (Shuichi’s love hotel, the one where Rantaro pierces Shuichi’s ears, the domestic Hinanami, the one where Shuichi has a breakdown and everyone comforts him, that one where Shuichi is mean to Kokichi and then apologises) but this one definitely deserves to be here because it’s my favourite. I like Momoharu/Kaimaki/Harukaito (idk what y’all call it man) so, uh. Yeah.
Content warnings: Death is talked about a lot but I don’t want to spoil anything about the ending by saying shit so I’ll just??? It’s a Grim Reaper AU, procede with caution. Oh, and Kaito has a lung disease.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20442290/chapters/48499868 : “Causation and Correlation”, another 5+1 things fic (I have a good chunk of them) where Kyoko can hear death and so she goes around saving people. Also, in the end of the fic, someone saves her. It’s a cute fic and I love writing Kyoko so obviously this one is my favourite. (The one where Kokichi has parents and the Kaemugi fic I wrote that month are ones I really like too… this isn’t easy for me gamers ;w;) This is one of those fics where I was feeling extremely confident about my writing abilities the whole time I wrote it, and I’m still really proud of it.
Content warnings: Again, uh, death? Attempted murder, near-drowning, sickness, head injuries, and also attempted suicide. (Nobody dies in this fic, though.) Kyoko has her work cut out for her in this one.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20577251 : “Cigarette smoke”, a vaguely nonsensical Saimota piece I wrote where Kaito breaks down and Shuichi comforts him. I’ve only written Saimota twice and both times it’s been Kaito angst because you guys, you just, you don’t address his sadness at all unless it’s in Oumota (and we all know how I feel about Oumota). I should start referring to September as “the month of angst fics I wrote in the middle of the night” because that’s exactly what all of it was. This one wasn’t a vent fic, but there were a lot of them. September is also the month I started doing Amami week, so there’s a lot of that, too.
Content warnings: Kaito really… berates himself in this one. His internal dialogue is hard for me to read in this one because he’s super hard on himself. He also has a meltdown and starts hyperventilating at one point (and the way I write breakdowns is always super descriptive) so please make sure you’re happy and healthy before reading.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21195527 : “In the forever sense of the term”, what is probably my favourite Amasai fic at this moment, where Shuichi and Rantaro are forced to address Shuichi’s abandonment issues, and also there’s crying. A lot of it. From Shuichi mainly but a little bit from Rantaro too. I was surprised at how many fics I wrote in October because I was mostly focusing on Inktober I should think? I wrote a lot of original works in Inktober (though I ended up falling off the wagon at the end due to burnout) and it was a really fun experience! I think it strengthened my skills as a writer. Anyway this one is cathartic as hell.
Content warnings: The self loathing is strong with this one. It’s one of many mental breakdown fics that I’ve written this year. And there’s obviously the abandonment issues thing. Yikes.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21399748 : “One hundred and twenty six tiles on the ceiling”, where Himiko ends up bailing on plans she made with everyone to hang out and instead stays at home, stewing in self deprecation, until Ryoma shows up, and then everyone else comes to take care of her. Another one of those ones where everyone is there for someone after a breakdown. I like this one because Himiko is my baby and most of the angst the fandom puts out for her is centered around Tenko and Angie, which sucks because I headcanon her as having depression. Like, depression that is entirely unrelated to the people she knows kind of depression. I didn’t write a lot in November because I had a relapse, but I like this one anyway.
Content warnings: Depressive episode, disassociating, suicidal ideation, all the ugly things that come with depression. This isn’t a pretty fic. I don’t write depression as something that’s pretty or poetic because it’s not. It fucking sucks and that’s just how things are going to be.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21976864/chapters/52442179 : “An Ode to Yellow Carnations”, a 5+1 things fic where Tsumugi is a florist and Kaede takes different people to her shop until eventually she goes by herself. Is anyone surprised to see this one here? I wrote it for Tumblr’s Danganronpa Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2019 and went waaaay overboard with it. Which is probably why I like it so much. It took me ten days to actually complete, and I’ll frame it like I was diligently writing the whole time, but anyone who knows me knows that I never do things in that way. In truth I switched ideas for the fic four different times and then wrote half of it all in one night when I was hit with a surge of inspiration. I was really nervous that the person I wrote it for would hate it since it’s so long, lol. (Hi Alerane, I love you.) Anyway, I’m gonna think of December of this year as the month where I spent a really long time on a bunch of fics and then posted them all at once.
Content warnings: Very minor character death, mentions of alcohol use (nothing egregious, just recreational use on an outing with friends and all the characters are of age), also Kaede doesn’t go outside in this fic.
I’m going to try and get out one more fic before the year ends. To be honest I wasn’t expecting to have updated Search by now so I’ve been kind of sitting around wondering what I should write. Maybe I should just start on the Aki chapter, but I’m kind of putting that off because writing those chapters takes a lot of energy and Aki’s is probably going to double Tsubaki’s in length. (Which is great, since Tsubaki’s was already a monster of a chapter on its own.) I’ve had a really great year for writing, y’all. I’ve made lots of friends and learned a whole lot about myself, and my writing style, and the characters I’m trying to portray.
I didn’t include any long-term multi-chapters in this list, like The Best Lies or my Fanganronpa (rip… I swear I’ll pick it back up again soon, I love those characters) but if you want to track my progress as a writer without reading eleven different fics, I’d really recommend reading one of those, because you can see it happening as the chapters go on. There’s so much that I’d probably write differently from where I am now as a writer, because that’s just how things work. Life is like that. You do things a certain way in the moment, and then later, you wish you could’ve done them differently. It’s impossible to live your life without regrets, or things that you’d like to do over again.
But for what it’s worth, I’m really happy that I don’t have to. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me this year. It hasn’t been the best, but it’s been all that it’s been capable of being.
Here’s to a new decade.
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irresistiibles · 4 years
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Was that [LEE SUNGKYUNG]? Oh no no, that was just [KYOSHI], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [AVATAR]. They are [TWENTY SIX] years old and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
a couple months but kyoshi believes she’s been here almost her entire life
what is your character’s job
lowkey considered having her be a secret service agent then decided she deserved a chill job and a break while she is memoryless she owns a gym and is a self defense teacher there. does one on one lessons as well as group classes specifically for women
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
uuuuh tbd. while i’ve read her wiki i’m probs gonna buy and read the actual book on her and will give an update then. probably earlish in her life though anywhere between her being like 16 and 30 (which is a small range considering how long she lived
has any magic affected your character
no memories! she still has her bending but since she doesn’t remember it she doesn’t use it
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
time to info dump babey! i’ll be spoiling stuff from the avatar kyoshi book since there’s a bunch of canon lore there that’s never mentioned in the show but i’m barely mentioning stuff that happens in avatar so you don’t need to be worried about spoilers from there
she was the avatar two cycles before aang, so it was her, roku, and then aang
born in the earth kingdom as a daughter of two criminals. she was not actually born on kyoshi island (which wasn’t actually an island when she was born), her parents abandoned her on the then-peninsula when she was about five or six
ate fucking garbage to survive!! until meeting an airbending monk who basically became her adoptive father, then she just became a servant to survive
wasn’t discovered as the avatar until she was 16
there’s a bunch of wild shit that happens in her life including like her friends betraying her or dying that i won’t go into
strong! as! fuck! she actually wasn’t a great earthbender when she first started cause she had like no precision but could bend giant chunks of earth. fucking pulls a mountain out of the sea the first time she goes into the avatar state
there’s also one bit in the books where she straight up runs through a wall like, just, body slams her way through it
a big sense of justice. she was an avatar who got shit done. she killed a conqueror in the earth kingdom when he tried to take over the peninsula where she grew up by fucking using bending to split the earth and make an island!! and that’s how kyoshi island was born
and aang is like ‘well you didn’t technically kill the guy. he fell off a cliff cause he was stubborn’ which is like such a typical trope so the good guys can get out of murdering the bad guys and kyoshi is straight up like ‘i don’t see the difference. i would have killed him to protect my people and i still did nothing to stop him from dying. i absolutely killed that man’
also trained in a bunch of different fighting styles and does not need bending to kick ass
and responsible for starting the elite warrior group called the kyoshi warriors! 
listen like, she’ll absolutely smack a person down if they’re being awful but she’s less violence is fun and more ‘sometimes you have to do difficult shit to make things right and that’s just what it is’
speaking of getting shit done she held down the world as the avatar for 230 years!! 230!
she didn’t even really age because one of her teachers was this dude who used bending to restore his body so she just like!! bended herself to live that long
is also mega tall 6′6″ and has big feet (i promise this is a canon fact and not me just being gay for kyoshi)
rumored to have taken down a shark squid with one hand
a canon bisexual queen
the mva, or most valid avatar
in washington
believes she was born in korea but her parents shipped her off to live with her aunt in washington when she was young
they were on the poor side so kyoshi had to take up jobs starting young but they got by
not quite as shitty as her actual life so her hestiance for trust and crazy sense of justice is a little more chill
absolutely the tough but caring type.
can and will still beat someone down though and her bullshit tolerance is low she will call you out in a heartbeat.
runs a gym and teaches self defense classes and it’s like her favorite thing!
possible connections
i would love! a cute group of women who take her self defense classes. she may not have the kyoshi warriors here but she can have a version of them lol. she loves to teach
someone who works at the gym she owns
could def have an ex if anyone’s interested
some sort of incident where she bends by accident around someone so she can be like ‘hey what the fuck’
idk anything! since she’s unaware we could def come up with stuff for some fake memories with other unaware people
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