#hopper x daughter!
odetokeons · 2 years
i love the tough, grumpy, intimidating, big guy and the small, but incredibly powerful and badass kid they reluctantly adopted cinematic universe
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stardustandmeteors · 2 months
Except for you | ford pines & reader (platonic)
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characters: Ford pines & the reader
summary: the reader had run away from Ford's watchful eye and hid in an abandoned shack after finding out he was gonna leave them behind in a dimension for her own safety, yet all she wanted to do was follow him, because he was her safe place.
This one shot (or a future story if y'all would like one) was inspired from TLOU Part 1, but it isn't gonna be word for word, just only bits and pieces like the abandoned shack and some dialogue I remember Ellie and Joel saying. Anyway, hope u like the one shot ^^
y/n sat on the window sill, her eyes looking out into the open and slightly broken dimension her companion and guardian dragged her into. It had many other creatures here, all refugees just like her before she ran into Ford. She scoffed at the thought of his name. He was supposed to protect her from the request of her mother, because of the attack on her planet and dimension. Bill had gotten there to destroy her world, he had no reason to, but he wanted to cause chaos. He liked chaos, and he wanted to watch the place burn. Ford had found herself and her mother huddled inside of a pocket inside of their home, and she had taken it up on herself to ask the man for help. Ford was hesitant, but took y/n with him in the end, the two leaving her dimension and planet to become nothing but rubble.
Their relationship from them on had been rocky, both of them were stubborn, and they always argued, but were there for one another, despite their clashing personalities. As their time together went on, the teen had grown an attachment to Ford, and had secretly thought of the older man as a parental figure she would come to look up to. But those were crushed when she found out he wanted to abandon her here because in his words, it was "too dangerous" for her to continue because she was only fourteen.
She still gazed out the window when she heard the footfalls of Ford, his breaths came out rapidly as he glared at the young girl who looked down in her lap at the journal she stole from him when she left. "Do you have any idea the hell I went through to find you?" Ford seethed.
She flipped a page in the journal, "is this what you were worried about in your dimensions? Finals and assignments?" She asked, ignoring his question. He quirked an angry brow. She looked at him.
"The hell are you talking about?" He questioned. She held up his very old and tattered journal from thirty years ago, the one from his college years. He thought he had lost that. Ford scoffed.
"come on, we're leaving," he said, turning around.
"what, so you can abandon me?" y/n stood from her spot by the window and tucked the journal away into her overcoat (the one Ford had gifted her when she turned fourteen). Ford turned around quickly, his hard cold stare present on his face.
"they are good people, they can protect you more than I can." Ford said. That made y/n even angrier.
"that's bullshit Ford, and you know!" She exclaimed, glaring at him. She didn't want to stay, she wanted to go with him, "everyone I care for in this lifetime has either left me or died, fucking everyone except for you!" She shoved him when she got close, which caused him to stumble a bit in surprise and shock. She could feel the tears already gathered at the corners of her eyes. "So please, don't tell me I'll be safer with these people, cause the truth is Ford, I'll just be more scared."
He ignored the gathered tears and gave her the same cold stare he's adopted on his travels to escaping Bill, she took a small Shakey breath, clutching her sides as she looked at the older man. "In the journal, I read about a man named Stanley. He's your brother, isn't he?"
It seemed all they knew how to do was scoff, "that has no concern to you kid, stay out of my family business." He said, going forwards to grab the journal from her pocket.
"well, I'm not Stanley, you can't treat me like how you treated your bother..." She wasn't sure if she should bring another point up for the man, but she was already digging herself into a bigger grave. "... I'm, also not her, you know."
"what?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
"I wasn't the only kid you decided to pick up, was I? I saw it in one of your other newer journals when you weren't looking. I'm not Lizzie." She said. He looked ready to go off on her. She knew she had crossed a line, but she couldn't help it. All these people and he only saw her as Stanley or Lizzie, not as her own person. He continued to glare at her.
"You're right, you're not like Stan..." He trailed off, "... Or my daughter... And I sure as hell ain't your dad." He spoke, his voice wavering as tears gathered in his eyes. He could see how broken she looked, and it had shattered his already crumbling heart from the way she was looking at him. He could tell she was beginning to lose hope in surviving. "After we get back, we go our separate ways." He said, his voice hardening.
"whatever you say... Sir." She growled.
He should've expected a response such as that to leave her mouth, but he couldn't help but be hurt by the lack of emotions behind her voice. She reverted back to calling him sir, from when he first took her under his wing after the destruction of her home world because of Bill. And now he regrets ever coming up with the idea of leaving her behind.
so, how was it? Would y'all like a full story like this for a Ford and Daughter Reader? If so, would u like it to be on Wattpad or AO3?
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rexterforeverafter · 2 months
Anyone else who saw the girl with the purple hair is like that's raven daughter for sure and maybe dexter daughter as well and the red hair is lizzie son, and the green brown hair maybe hopper daughter and briar? Im kinda not sure who's the mother but hey green soo ig hopper I'm not sure who's daughter is with the silverish hair? I think it will be Apple and Darling? Maybe because of the hair I'm not sure
Soo any thoughts?
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Door Open (Part 1) - Billy Hargrove
Part 1
Billy x reader Hopper
Warnings: none really
Word count: 1,644
Summary: Hopper finds out his oldest daughter has a boyfriend and wants to meet him.
Authors Note: There is a part 2 that will be posted soon. It's already typed and in my queue.
Stranger Things Masterlist
Part 2
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“El door!” Hopper yelled out as noticed the door to his youngests room closed shut. With a boy in there.
“Why?” El questioned as she opened the door and stuck her head out.
“Why?!” Hopper asked with raised brows.
El nodded “yes”
“Because I said.” Hopper answered, looking her in the eyes.
“But why? Y/n gets to keep her’s shut.” El wondered out loud with squinted eyes.
“What?” Now Hopper was confused.
“Y/n gets to keep her door shut.” El looked Hopper in the eyes, upset with his ‘door open’ rule.
“Well, Y/n doesn’t have a boy over or a boyfriend.” Hopper told her still a little dumbfounded at this conversation.
“Say you.” El mumbled but apparently not low enough.
“Excuse me?” Hopper spoke, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Nothing.” El tried to cover up but Hopper wasn’t going to let it go, turning to go back into her room.
“El.” Hopper said using his deep angry voice, getting the young girl to turn around again to look at him.
El sighed wishing she said nothing to begin with. “She does.”
“She does what?” Hopper questioned his body tensing.
“Y/n, has a boyfriend.” El stated looking down at her feet. Not wanting to see Hopper’s face.
“Since when?” Hopper questioned but when El gave no answer he tired again. More stern this time. “El, since when?”
“8 months I think.” El said reluctantly, looking anywhere but at Hopper.
“8 mon-” Hopper couldn’t even believe this. How could he not have known this? How did he not notice anything? God sometimes he really thought Y/n should become a detective, she’d definitely be good at the undercover work.
“Please don’t tell her I said anything.” El pleaded before she went back into her room to continue hanging out with Mike.
All Hopper could do was nod numbly. He was going to have a talk with his oldest daughter when she got home.
^     ^     ^
“Y/n.” Hopper spoke as Y/n entered the cabin like normal.
“Hmmm?” Y/n hummed in acknowledgment that she was listening.
“We need to talk.” He stated from his spot on the couch. With a simmering expression, holding in his anger. Which isn’t exactly directed at his daughter.
“What about?” Y/n asked as she came around to sit on the couch alongside him.
“I heard through the grapevine that you have a boyfriend.” Hopper stated taking a sip of his beer before he continued and trained his eyes on his daughter. Watching her behavior. “That you’ve been together for almost a year. How come you never said anything?”
Y/n looked down to her lap, she had been caught and didn’t know what to say exactly. “I was nervous too.”
“To tell me?” Now he felt a little bad. “Why? You can tell me anything, you should know that.”
“Dad, you can be very protective, and intimidating…” It was going to go bad at this next part if it led to what she thought it would. “And I know that you don’t particularly like who he is.”
“I’m your dad, of course I’m going to be protective over you. Just like I'm with El. As for intimidating, that's my job as your father.” Hopper stated, he had to keep explaining his job as a father a lot recently to his girls. But now he really also wanted to know the bigger question. Who was the guy? “Now who is this boy that I apparently don’t like?”
Y/ shifted her eyes away from her father as she mumbled the name. “Billy.”
“Hargrove?!” Hopper screamed with bulging eyes and he stood up in shock, hoping he heard wrong.
“Yeah.” She confirmed, shrinking in on herself. But Hopper couldn’t even yell in that moment he was speechless.
“You don’t know him.” Y/n stated and Hopper just sent her a look. He’s met the kid and he doesn’t like his attitude. Y/n shook her head at his look knowing what he was thinking. “Not really. He acts like a completely different person at school and around town then he is with me.”
Hopper looked at his daughter for a moment. Really looked at her and he could tell this was important to her so he sighed, turning to face her seated form. “I wanna meet him.”
“What?” Now she was confused.
“I want to meet him. Bring him over for dinner tonight-”
“He can’t tonight, but he is available tomorrow.” Y/n spoke efficiently, cutting him off. She knew how Niel was, there was no way Billy could come on such short notice tonight.
“Fine. Tomorrow.” Hopper agreed.
“Okay.” Y/n nodded relieved and she got up off the couch and headed to her room.
“Oh.” Hopper spoke up before she could shut the door to her room. Turning to look at her dad waiting for him to continue, hoping that she wasn’t in more trouble. “Your door stay’s cracked from now on.”
Y/mn nodded letting out a breath of air, hoping to not be in even more trouble. But now she was going to tell Billy.
^     ^     ^
“He wants to meet me?” Billy looked very anxious since Y/n explained what had happened last night. But could you blame him? He’s had run-ins with Sheriff Hopper and they weren’t the friendly kind.
“Don’t look so afraid, Billy. It’s normal, he found out about you and he's gonna want to meet you.” Y/n said with a smile on her lips, slightly amused at his behavior. He just kept pacing with wide eyes.
Billy nodded at her words. “Ok. I got this.”
“Yes, you do.” Y/n nodded in encouragement. Meeting the parents was something Billy didn’t do, but he was willing to do it for Y/n. She got up off his bed and cupped his cheeks. “I believe in you.”
“Is he pissed?” he asked, looking into her eyes trying to get a read on his answer.
“No, not really. I was told that the door has to at least be cracked from now on. But otherwise he seems to be giving you a chance. That's good odds.” She told him with a cheerful look in her eyes and on her face. Y/n was optimistic, and Billy hoped she was right.
“Yeah, I guess.” Billy sighed, he needed to prepare himself for tonight.
“I know.” Y/n smirked, biting her lip as she looked up at him through her lashes.
“Haha” Billy mock laughed before pulling her into a very heated kiss.
^     ^     ^
“Are you nervous Billy?” Y/n asked watching him drive them to the Hopper residence. He was bouncing his leg and tapping his fingers.
“Yes.” Billy stated flat out glancing for a second away from the road to Y/n. His face said it all with a look of pure honesty and fear.
Y/n looked at him in shock, trying to hide her amusement at his confession. “I didn’t expect you to admit it.”
Billy shrugged one shoulder looking back to the road. “Well, I am. That tell you something?” 
Y/n reached over to grab his free hand in hers, hoping to provide him with some reassurance. “Calm down. It’ll be okay. I’ll be by your side the whole time. I promise.”
Once they pulled up, as they got out of the camaro El came running out of the house and hugged Y/n.
“Hey, El.” Y/n greeted, hugging the younger girl back.
“I’m sorry.” she mumbled feeling bad that she outed the girl that took her in as a little sister.
“Its all okay, really. I’m not mad, El.” Y/n stated trying to reassure her that she wasn’t mad. Y/n pulled out of the hug making El look her in the eyes so she would know how serious she was.
El nodded a little in relief and a little just to show she understood. Then she shifted her attention to Billy. Hopping he couldn’t be pissed that she outed his relationship with Y/n.
Billy shook his head coming to stand next to them. “I’m not either.”
“Stop standing there and come in and eat.” Hopper yelled as she stood in the open doorway with a hard expression on his face.
With that the 3 headed inside and sat down to eat. Conversation consisted of small talk mostly at first but there was a reason this dinner was taking place. They should get to it.
“How’s Max?” El asked halfway through their meal, wondering about her friend.
“She’s good.” Billy said before taking a sip of his soda.
“So Billy.” Hopper spoke up, putting his fork and knife down.
Billy gulped. “Yes, Sir.”
“What are your intentions with my daughter?” Hopper asked, cutting to the chase.
“No, its ok. He’s gonna ask at some point right?” Billy stopped her, like she said earlier. These things needed to be done and said. “My intentions are mainly pure with Y/n.”
“Mainly?” Hopper practically growled out, looking at the mullet haired boy with narrowed eyes.
“Well, we do makeout and. . . cuddle.” Billy choked out the last part while Y/n and El snickered. Yeah they cuddle, amongst other things.
“Nothing else?” Hopper ticked his jaw ready to wring the boys’ neck.
“Not really Sir.” Billy shook his head with a smile on his lips, taking a bite of his steak.
“Not really? What's 'not really’ supposed to mean?” Hopper leaned forward placing his forearms on the table, staring Billy in the eyes. He should tread carefully with the look he was giving Billy.
“Well the other things are all of and when y/n wants.” Billy stated looking Hopper in the eyes. He was being brave, Y/n thought. Stupidly brave.
“Hmmm.” Hopper hummed before he continued to eat. At least he seemed to respect his daughter.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila @cherriebat @fandom-princess-forevermore @goth-cowgirl-03
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steddielvr · 2 years
welcome to the family
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Female!Hopper!Reader, Jim Hopper x Daughter!Reader, Eleven Hopper x Sister!Reader
Summary: You invite your boyfriend Steve over for dinner for the first time with your dad and younger sister. (Set between season 2 and 3)
Word Count: 2.1k+
Warnings: extreme fluff, protective!hop&el, Steve being nervous and adorable as per usual
a/n: sooo this fic was my all time favourite fic that i wrote on my old account so i thought it would be perfect to have this be the first one that i reposted. i made some edits and added a few extra scenes and things and i hope you love it! 
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You had just finished setting the table with your younger sister whilst your dad worked on getting the food ready when a knock on the door echoed throughout the cabin. The three of you froze, heads shooting up, wide eyes flickering between one another in confusion. 
Typically, you would have recognised that knock anywhere, but the months of keeping your sister hidden from the outside world and not letting anyone other than yourself or your dad into the house made you all instinctively alert.
You wrap an arm around Eleven, pulling her protectively into your side as your dad slowly places down the bowl he was holding, making his way from behind the counter towards the front door, fists clenched tightly by his sides.
“Hey, uh, it’s Steve. Am I early?”
Your shoulders instantly relax at the familiar voice, Eleven releasing her tight hold around your waist as she feels the tension leave your body. She looks up at you in surprise and you give her a comforting grin in response, pressing a kiss to her growing hair before heading in the direction of the front door. 
However, you pause as you realise that your dad has already beaten you to it. He gives you a smug smirk, ushering you away and signalling that he’ll take care of it and you give him a stern look in response, meaning ‘play nice’.
He rolls his eyes and nods, holding his hands up in defence before turning towards the door. He carefully turns all of the locks, puffs his chest out and swings the door open to reveal your visibly nervous boyfriend, clutching a small bunch of nearly dead flowers in his sweaty hands. He smiles sheepishly at your dad, trying to discreetly wipe his hands off on his jeans.
“Hopper” He nods, before his eyes widen. “I mean Chief-I mean Mr Hopper-I mean sir-I..uh-” He stutters, face turning a light pink. Your dad cuts him off with a laugh disguised as a cough.
“Hopper’s fine, kid” He looks your boyfriend up and down, face emotionless and moves to the side, gesturing for him to come inside. 
The brunette gulps and walks inside, stumbling slightly over his feet. El comes to stand beside you, arm returning around your waist. You glance down at her, holding back a laugh at the look of amusement on her face. 
“Dinner will be ready shortly,” your dad announces after doing a quick check of the surroundings outside and relocking the door. “If you’ll excuse me.”
Steve nods quickly as Hopper turns, returning to the kitchen, busying himself with cutting up some vegetables for the coming meal. You watch as your boyfriend takes a deep, shaky breath, muttering inaudibly to himself before turning around, starting slightly once he realises he has an audience. His face instantly lights up and relaxes once he registers your warm, welcoming features looking back at him, making his way towards you quickly. God you looked gorgeous.
Your smile widens as he comes closer, blushing as he leans in to shyly peck your cheek before smiling nervously down at Eleven. He clears his throat before hurrying to separate the almost forgotten flowers in his hands into two bunches before holding them out in front of you and El. 
“I-uh-I got these for you. Both of you.” He clarifies, smiling gently at you and your sister.
You feel your heart turn to mush at the adorable boy in front of you, taking the first bunch of flowers with a grateful smile. You look towards El, who’s staring wide-eyed up at Steve. You nudge her gently, nodding your head towards the flowers. She takes them carefully, looking down at them in awe before raising her head with a small smile.
“Thank you” She whispers sheepishly, before running over to the kitchen to show Hop. 
You look at Steve with a wide grin, his face mirroring your own. You check that your dad’s attention is wholly captured by your sister’s excited presentation of her flowers before reaching over and putting your arms around his shoulders, kissing him quickly. 
“You’re too cute!” You gush, squishing his reddening cheeks affectionately. He chuckles at your antics, before his face turns serious.
“Your dad doesn’t like me..” He murmurs, sadness pooling in his brown eyes. You cup his face in your hands, pouting at him before giving him a comforting smile.
“He does.” You reassure, “He’s just protective. They both are” You mumble, looking over to your dad and sister in the kitchen area. You turn your attention back to Steve, who’s looking at you with so much love in his eyes you think you could cry. “Besides, with the amount of times you’ve saved my life over the past two years, there’s no way either of them could hate you.”
He opens his mouth to argue but you pull away from him as you spot your dad walking towards the table with El right behind him, both carrying full plates of food for the four of you. You take Steve’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and guide him over to the table. 
Hopper and El are already sitting down beside each other, and you move to take the seat across from El before an arm stops you. Steve scrambles to pull your chair out for you, making you giggle softly at his gentlemanly behaviour as you sit down. He takes his place beside you, wiping his clammy hands off again. 
You place a hand over his bouncing knee, making him turn his head towards you. You give his knee a squeeze, smiling reassuringly at him. Your dad watches the interaction carefully, the corner of his lips twitching upwards at the sight of his love-struck teen. But he would never let you see that. He clears his throat, catching both of your attentions, and motions towards the food.
“It all looks delicious” Steve praises, afraid to look your dad directly in the eye so opts to turning to Eleven instead. “Did you help make all of this?” he asks, mock surprise in his tone. 
Eleven grins and nods, appreciative of her help being recognised, eyes flickering over to you. You wink at her, causing her to let out a giggle. 
“Let’s eat, shall we?” Your dad’s tone is harsh and you look at him in shock, raising your eyebrows scoldingly at him. He shrugs his shoulders in response, attention turning to Steve.
“So, Steven,” he begins, tone menacing and face dead serious. “What are your intentions with my eldest daughter?” 
“Dad!” You scold, eyebrows knitted in anger. 
“Yeah, what are your intentions with my sister?” El mimics, arms crossed over her chest. Your head snaps to your little sister, eyes widening.
“Eleven!” You expect this from your dad, but he’s dragged her into this too?
Steve places a hand over yours, calming you instantly. 
“It’s okay” He soothes, before staring directly at Hopper, hand still holding yours. 
“Sir, I love your daughter.” He starts, causing you to look over at him in shock. You’d said it to each other before, but the declaration in front of your family surprised you. “All of my intentions are good, I can promise you that. My only goal in our relationship is to make her happy every chance I can get and I know how lucky I am to have her. I would never dream of hurting her and I know we haven’t really talked about it before, but I can’t imagine my future without her in it.” He finishes his speech, now looking at you. 
Your eyes are full of tears, your face sporting a wide grin as you gaze at him in awe. You turn to your dad, surprised to see a wide smile on his face too. Glancing at El, her face mirrors his and they look at each other and nod. 
He turns back to Steve, holding his hand out over the table. Steve looks at it in surprise, before composing himself and taking it in a firm grip.
“That was a test.” He says. “We wanted to make sure you were good enough for our girl. And now that we see that you are..” He trails off, letting go of his hand and looking down at El with a smile.
“Welcome to our family!” She exclaims, grinning. 
Steve looks like he’s about to burst into tears as he looks at you, you squeezing his hand tightly as your expression mirrors his own. You know how much those four little words mean to him, what with his own family being so absent in his life. You turn to your family with a teary laugh.
“Thank you” Steve chokes out, covering his shaky voice with a cough. 
Hopper nods with a knowing smile, before gesturing to the food. 
“Well, we didn’t slave away in the kitchen all afternoon for this to go to waste. Eat up.” He jokes, nudging his shoulder against El’s. The table erupts into laughter as the four of you dig into your meals, your hand still clutched tightly in Steve’s own.
The remainder of the night is less awkward than the start. The conversation between the four of you flows easily and by the end of the night, you are all laughing together and sharing stories, your dad telling Steve your most embarrassing moments growing up, much to your dismay. Eleven had quickly warmed up to Steve and stayed glued to his side for most of the night, much to your delight.
When it was eventually time for Steve to bid goodnight to you all, your dad gave him an approving pat on the back and thanked him for looking after you when he couldn’t. As Steve made his way to the door, El wrapped him in a warm embrace, making him stumble before returning the embrace with a chuckle. You watched them with watery eyes and a wide smile, thankful that she felt so comfortable around him. 
“I’ll walk you out.” You offer as El releases him, ruffling her hair as she walks back past you to join your dad in the living room. You grab a coat from the rack by the door, helping Steve with the many locks before following him out onto the porch. 
Your eyes scan the surroundings out of habit before settling on your boyfriend’s glowing features once satisfied that it was safe. You grin at him, shuffling over to wrap your arms around his waist, nestling your head against his warm chest as his arms come up to cocoon you in his embrace. He sighs against your head, chest vibrating with a chuckle as he reaches up to cup your face in his warm hands, proceeding to litter every inch of your face with sloppy kisses. 
“Thank you.” he begins, pulling back to smile lovingly at you. “Not just for tonight, but for everything. For choosing me to love and to bring into your family. You’ll never know how thankful I am.”
Your heart warms at his words, shaking your head and cupping his face in your colder hands. “It’s me who should be thanking you. Most people would not be able to handle all of this,” you say, gesturing to the empty space surrounding you and the cabin you call home. “But you don’t even bat an eyelid. And how sweet you were with El...I just-I really love you. So much.”
His smile widens at your words, repeating them back to you without hesitation. He leans in, relieved at finally being able to give you a proper kiss before he is cut off by a loud knock on the glass beside you. Your heads snap to the window and are met with the disapproving glares of your dad and sister, shaking their heads at Steve and waiting until he steps hurriedly back from you before lowering the curtain with matching smirks.
“I guess that’s my cue.” Steve chuckles, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “I’ll call you as soon as I’m home.”
You nod, ignoring the fact that your family is probably still watching and rushing over to give him a soft kiss. You smile sheepishly when you pull back for air, chuckling at the expression on Steve’s face. “Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. I’ll be waiting for your call, Stevie.”
He laughs, giving you a mock salute before making his way off of the porch and back towards his car, parked discreetly off to the side of the cabin. You wait until he is safely inside and driving away before heading back through the cabin door and bolting it again. You roll your eyes at the pointed look from your dad and join your sister on the couch, wrapping her into your embrace as your dad chooses a movie for you to watch. You loved your little family to pieces and it made you so happy to know that Steve was welcomed into it with open arms. 
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shelbgrey · 8 months
Hi, I saw you were taking requests for once upon a time, can a I request this prompt “You saw the good in me when no one else did...so thank you” with August and maybe some smut? Thank you!
Hidden secrets(August Booth)
Paring: August Booth x Hopper!Reader, Archie Hopper x Daughter!Reader
Summary: august has been writing all day and his girlfriend wants his attention prompt: 1.9) “You saw the good in me when no one else did...so thank you”
AU! Where Gepetto finds out Archie was involved with his parents death and hasn't forgiven Archie since. August and y/n have to keep their relationship a secret because of their feuding fathers.
Warrings: SMUT! Teasing, Dry humping, slight hand job, female reader, unprotected sex, slight dirty talk?
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“dad, I'm going out” I said, peaking my head into his office. Pongo sat up from his bed next to mu dad's desk and greeted me with a nudge of his black nose and his waging tail. My dad looked up from the file he was reading and smiled.
“where are you going if you don't mind me asking?” my father asked kindly. That was the problem, he was too kind and it killed me to lie to him. The secret keeping wasn't exactly his fault, he hated the on going feud just as much as August and I did.
It was bad enough my dad still felt guilty about Gepetto's parents and when the secret was revealed he tunred on my father then making me and August Storybrooke's very own Romeo and Juliette, which sucks beacuse I hate Shakespeare. I'm sure my father would be supportive, because he's nothing less than loyal and kind, but me and August both agreed to keep our love a secret.
“going out with Ruby” I quickly lied which ment I'd have to shoot her a text, asking her to cover my ass. My dad nodded and waved good bye. “okay, love you Bug”
“love you too” I said and quickly left to meet up with August.
We met up at the toll bridge like we always did. “hey, beautiful” August smirked and handed me the spare helmet beofer claiming on the back of his motorcycle. The helmet I wore covered my face completely, it was a safety thing and he never let me get on the back of his bike without it. But if I was on the back of it no one in Storybrooke knew who I was and trust me the people of Storybrooke wanted to know who August was riding around town with.
No one knew about us except Ruby and Emma. Ruby knew because she was my best friend and I'd never lie to her and emma just found out by mistake, she had walked in on us one time because August forgot to lock the door to his place.
It didn't matter that there was nothing to do in town, it was nice just to hold on to him as we road around Storybrooke on his bike. With the helmets on we were just a couple without any worries, and we didn't have to deal with our his father.
We made a few laps around town then went threw the woods once before getting some food at Granny's. We could go in there and no one would question it, we got our usual spot which was in the very back and ate before heading back to his place to relax.
--------(3rd pov)--------
Later that afternoon August and y/n retired to his apartment to relax and so August could do some writing. The clacking of a typewriter filled August's ears as he concentrated on the story he was working on. His girlfriend of two years sighed as she layed on the bed they shared. It felt cold without him and the lazy day turned into something that dragged. Y/n tossed around in bed a bit before rolling on her stomach and watched August typing away on the typewriter he refused to replace with a computer. “Auggie?”
without looking up he spoke in a tone that said u. Wasn't fully listening. “Yes, Sweetheart?”
Y/n silently rolled out of bed and walked to where his desk stood on the other side of their bedroom. She stood behind the chair he was setting in and ran her hand through his wavy hair then kissed the side of his forehead. “Are you almost done?”
He looks up and sees her behind him. He smiles. "Not even halfway, darling.”
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him from behind as she placed gentle kisses on his scruffy jaw. “But I'm so bored without you”
a grin spreads across his face. “Oh, you're bored?”
Without thinking, he scooted his chair away from the desk to wrap his arms around her and pulled her down to his lap with a smirk. She got comfortable in his lap, facing him with her legs dangling off the sides of the chair as I straddled his lap. August scooted his chair back to its original place and got back to work, resting his chin on her shoulder so he could continue writing. 
his fingers move over the keys as he continues writing, now feeling the warmth of her body against his “I'll let you sit on my lap if you behave”
Y/n shifted in his lap, making sure to brush up against the sensitive area between his legs. She rested her head against his chest, pretending she didn't know what she just did. “I'll behave…”
August bites his lip as he hears her innocent sounding voice as his cheeks slowly turn red. "You better behave…” he leaned forward and continued to type. 
She shifted slightly again, purposely grinding against him. August couldn't concentrate on his typing, the warmth between his legs growing increasingly uncomfortable and yet, he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling. His chest rose and fell in tandem with her breaths as he tried to ignore the distraction. 
Her soft moans filled his ears, feeling him starting to grow harder. The roughness of his jeans provided a small amount of friction against her short-shorts covered core. Placing his hands on her hips to keep her still, he leaned in close, letting out a low growl "You're going to be in trouble if you keep that up…”
“Sorry... Just trying to get 'comfortable'” she teased, hiding her face in his neck.
August's heart races as her soft breath fanned across his neck. He tries to ignore the growing bulge in his pants, focusing on the story he's telling. His fingers started to fly over the keys, the snapping of the keys getting louder and more aggressive as he got lost in the rhythm of their dance.
August grew harder against her, his erection twitched against where she needed him most, the only thing keeping them apart was her shorts and his jeans. The arousal between them grew as she gripped his t-shirt in her fists, her arousal soaking through her shorts onto his jeans. 
August let out a groan as he felt the wetness seeping through his jeans. His fingers falter slightly on the keyboard, but he grits his teeth stubbornly and keeps typing. I smirked, knowing he wasn't gonna give up easily. She kissed his jaw instead of grinded against him. 
August shivers at the touch of her lips on his skin. His fingers continue to fly over the keyboard, but his mind is no longer focused on the story he's telling. All he can think about is her body and how much he wants her “you're making this extremely difficult for me…”
“Just trying to give you... Emotional support” she teased as she nipped down his jaw and continued to grinded against him again. The wet patch on his jeans grew bigger. Her breathing quickens as her core ached for him. August groans again as he feels her plush lips on his skin, her body pressing against his. He tries to maintain control, but it's becoming increasingly difficult. He can feel the bulge in his pants growing harder by the second. “you'll be giving me something else if you aren't careful…”
Y/n nipped at the skin under his ear then whispered, “like what?” she grinded against the sensitive area between his legs. 
August growls low in his throat, feeling the wetness against the fly of his jeans. He can't help but arch his back into the sensation, stopping his writing momentarily to hold her hips in place as he arched up into hers. She moaned as he arched his back, the zipper of his jeans pressed against her clothed clit. 
August bites his lip, feeling the need to give in to the desire building within him. He turned to face her, a hungry look in his eyes. She moaned, got desperate as she moved her hips faster. 
August's hands find her waist, pulling her closer to him as he crushes his lips against hers for a brushing, hungry kiss. His tongue sweeps into her mouth, tasting her fully as he pushes his rigid length against the fabric of her shorts.
She moaned against his lips, their tongues fought for the dominance he easily won. She tugged at his hair as their hips grinded against each other, making her grow wetter. As their mouths collided, a wave of heat rushed through him. He deepened the kiss, teasing her tongue with his own. She moaned against his lips, tugging at his hair. August groaned at the sensation as his hand snaked under her shirt, tracing a light pattern over your stomach. "You're making this awfully hard,”
“I could tell” she joked, pulling away from the kiss to look down at his erection pressing against his jeans. 
August chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving hers as he reached down to unbuckle his belt and unzipped his jeans. "I'm going to need some help with that," he murmured, taking hold of her hand and guiding it towards his hard length. "Touch me.”
Y/n's heart pounded as she stared into his blue eyes and slowly started to stroke him. His eyes fluttered shut as he tilted back. He let out a low groan as she stroked him, a look of pure lust and desire etched on his features. His breathing grew shallow and his body tensed, his hips jerking slightly in response to her touch.
She pressed her lips against his, her tongue danced with his. The feeling of her lips on his, the taste of her mouth mixed with his own was intoxicating. He groaned against her lips as she continued to stroke him, his hips bucking against her hand in an unconscious response to the pleasure she waw giving him "Fuck,”
Y/n teasingly rubbed her thumb over his leaking tip. His eyes grew wide as and his breath hitched as she teasingly rubbed his leaking tip. He couldn't contain a deep moan, his body shuddering with the effort to keep still "Jesus, baby," he gasped, his voice rough and husky. 
She slammed her lips against his for a rough kiss then pulled away. “W-we should go to the bed" y/n whispered against his ear as she continued to jerk him off. He was still in his chair and she was in his lap still. 
He nodded, gripping her tighter as he stood up. He kicked the chair aside and carried her to the bed, his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation "God, you're so fucking beautiful,”
He dropped her onto the bed, making her slightly bounce as he climbed on top of her. His pupils were blown with lust, leaving very little blue showing in his eyes. Their eyes locked as she teasingly reached for his cock and stroked him again as he placed his hands on the bed, holding himself over her. 
August groaned deeply, his hips jerking involuntarily in response to her touch. His eyes never left hers, the intensity of their gaze mirroring the fire burning within him. "Fuck, baby... I need you so bad,"
Her thighs clinched together at the noises he was making, rubbing her thighs together for some sorta friction and started stroking him faster. 
August gritted his teeth, his fingers digging into the sheets as she stroked him faster. He lowered his head, kissing her hungrily, his tongue sweeping into her mouth once more. The sight of her thighs rubbing together was driving him wild. She matched his hungry pace, kissing him and tangling her tongue with his. The grip she held on his cock tightened only slightly as she continued to stroke his leaking tip with her thumb making, His hips bucked violently. His muscles tense as he fought to maintain control. He groaned, his breath hot and ragged against her skin. "Fuck, baby... I can't wait much longer.”
She stroked him faster as she buried her face into his neck, nipping and kissing his neck. 
He groaned deeply, his body trembling with the effort to maintain control. "Take off your shorts," he commanded, his hands tightening on her hips. "I need to be inside you now.”
As she let go of his cock, he sat back on his knees at the end of the bed as she frantically tried to pull her shorts down. His cock twitched in anticipation. As soon as they were down around her ankles, he grabbed her hips, pushing her back onto the bed, positioning himself at her entrance. 
Y/n moaned as her back hit the bed with some force. Her hands racked into his hair, tugging desperately as his tip rub up against her aching core “A-August” 
"Relax, baby," he murmured, his voice rough and low. He dragged his tip down her folds, teasing her. 
He chuckled darkly against her neck as he continued to tease y/n like she did to him. “P-please stop teasing” she panted. 
August smirked and finally pushed inside her, filling her up in one swift motion. He groaned deeply, his hips meeting y/n's as he began to thrust slowly. “So tight…” he growled against her earlobe. 
Y/n let out a loud moan, throwing her head back against the pillow as he stretched her out. August picked up the pace, his hips slapping against hers as he took her hard and fast. His free hand gripped her hip tightly, holding her down while he claimed every inch of her body. “You feel so good…”he panted, his cock throbbing inside her.
Y/n dug her nails into his back and wrapped her legs around his waist as a desperate attempt to hold on as he moved harder and faster. I moaned and whimpered his name as the bed creaked and moved under their movements. 
"Fuck..." August groaned, his hips slamming against hers as he lost control. His cock pounded deep inside her, claiming her body as his own. The room was filled with the sounds of their passionate lovemaking and creaking of the bed moving under them.
“A-August!” y/n moaned out as he thrusted into her, hitting her g-spot with force over and over. 
"That's it, baby," he growled against her neck as he pounded into her, his hips meeting hers with each thrust as his grip tightened. He pulling her closer, claiming her completely. “You're mine…”
“I'm yours!” y/n moaned. 
"fuck yes," he growled, his lips brushing against her neck. His thrusts became harder and faster, his body trembling with the effort to hold back his impending orgasm. Y/n’s moans fueled his passion, driving him to greater heights of desire.
She felt a tight knot forming her stomach, making her heart pounded as she tightened around him every time his tip hit her g-spot. Y/n gripped his shoulders, moaning louder “I'm c-close”
"Cum for me, baby," he groaned, his hips slamming against hers as he thrust deeper and harder. His cock throbbed inside her, seeking release from the intense pleasure coursing through his body.
with one last thrust the knot snapped, triggering her climax. Her head fell back in pleasure as she came hard on his cock “August!” 
August let out a hoarse cry, his body trembling as he felt her tighten around him. He thrust one last time, feeling her clench around him as he released himself inside her. 
“Mmm…” y/n hummed softly and lovingly as she gently ran her fingers through his messy hair. 
"You're so beautiful," he whispered before pressing his lips against her in a slow, passionate kiss. Y/n blushed and kissed him back softly. She moaned against his lips as he slowly pulled out. August let out a soft moan, his cock throbbing from the pleasure. He leaned down to kiss her softly, his eyes locked with her e/c ones. “I love you” he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire.
--------(August's pov)--------
“there you are, where were you, My boy?” my father asked as I walked I to his shop early the next morning. My heart pounded against my chest when he asked my that, I knew I was supposed to remain truthful and selfless if I wanted to remain human. Hell, if I was still a hunck off wood my nose would be a mile long by now. Is it really selfish if I'm protecting y/n? And I'm not lying when I tell my father I was home all night.
“just at my apartment... Doing some writing” still technically not a lie... I was writing untill y/n districted me. I looked into my father's eyes and I knew he could tell I was hiding something. “I know when your lying, your nose may not grow anymore but I see the other signs”
I sighed, taking off my leather jacket and throwing it on the chair that sat in the corner of my father's work shop. “I'm telling you the truth Papa, I was at home”
“with whom, Son?” he pushed. Just out of instincted I reached up and scratched my twitching nose. It's stupid I have to remind myself I'm human and not some wooden lie detector. “you were with her again... Weren't you?”
I sighed and faced my father with pleading eyes. “yes! Yes I was with y/n... Papa whatever beef you have with Jiminy doesn't involve her or me” I stared at him from acrossed his work table, the frustration and emotions I felt since day one of my relationship boiled over. “you want me to be truthfull? Selfless? Well here's to truth, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love everything about her. Her eyes, her smiles, the ways she laughs, everything! Damnit, papa she's the kindest most selfless person in this whole damn town! It would be selfish of me just to keep our relationship a secret”
My father crossed his arms over his chest sighing. He looked down for just a moment before looking back up at me. “I've been the selfish one, I didn't relize the grudge I held effected not only your life but y/n. I'm truly greatful your heart is full of love and not hate like mine is. If you truly love y/n, then I won't get in your way. If anyone deserves a happy ending it's you, my son”
I was shocked, but relieved at the same time. A big smile few acrossed my face and I hugged my father, greatful he was so excepting.
Later that night I stayed up in the shop, working on a wooden jewelry box for y/n. The quiet was getting to me so I called y/n, putting my phone on speaker phone so I could sand the wood and talk to my Love.
“Hey!” her beautiful voice said.
I smiled, wishing I could see her instead of just hearing her. “hey, beautiful”
“what's up? It's late” she asked concerned. Yeah it was late, but it was nothing new for y/n to stay up so late. She was probably reading.
She was the one person I can't nor won't lie too, so I quickly cut to the chase, not wanting to worry her by beating around the bush. “my papa found out about us...or I told him” I spoke softly.
“I know you don't like lying to him... How did he take it?”
I smiled even though she couldn't see it. “well, I guess we're pretty damn lucky because he said as long as we love each he won't get in the way”
“that's great!”
I smiled softly, then there was a beat of silence between both ends of the phone. It felt like a breath of fresh air not having to hide anymore. There's no amout of words that could express my love for this woman. I don't know how I got so lucky. “hey, sweetheart?”
“yeah?” she asked softly.
“You saw the good in me when no one else did...so thank you” I smiled softly.
“I love you... You'll always be a hero in my eyes. I'm glad we don't have to hide anymore”
“me too... And I love you too” I smiled, I loved her more than ever and how didn't have be a hidden secret.
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madnessformunson · 2 years
she’s all i wanna be
Summary: you are insecure in your relationship with Eddie
Warnings: reader has a negative body image, mean girl behavior, bullying
I have no idea why the formatting is so weird lol
Your relationship with Eddie was new. It was fun and exciting but also scary. You had never had feelings like this for anyone before. He always made time for you, recently skipping D&D or cutting band practice short so he could squeeze in more time to spend with you. Because Eddie’s world was newly revolving around your every move, his friends were getting annoyed with you and your constant presence.
You walk into the cafeteria and sit at your usual spot at the Hellfire table. You didn’t know if you should without Eddie, but he had to meet with Miss Click about his last test grade. He assured you that the boys would love to have you sit with them.
You quietly sit and greet them with a weak smile and wave.
“Oh hey y/n, where is Eddie? Gareth questioned.
“He had to meet with Miss Click to go over his last exam, hope you don’t mind me sitting here” you said as you unpacked the contents of your lunchbox.
“And you aren’t waiting outside the classroom for him to be done” Jeff let out with a weak laugh.
Your face flushed because you had actually thought of doing that.
“I don’t get how he isn’t completely tired of you always hanging around him and pulling him away from what he loves. It’s so confusing since just a few months ago he couldn’t shut up about his crush on Chrissy, and now he’s with you instead” Mike said cruelly.
Your face was still red hot and you were fighting back the tears in your eyes.
“I guess he just settled for the off brand Chrissy” Jeff said with a laugh, as the rest of the boys chucked with him.
You quickly stood up and grabbed your belongings not able to listen anymore.
“Hey, we were just joking with you!” Mike called out and you ran out.
You left the school down an old trail you and Eddie frequently took when you just needed to get away. You headed to the rusted bench to take a minute to yourself when you heard Eddie’s laugh. You peer through the bushes only to see Eddie dramatically falling onto the ground in front of the one and only Chrissy Cunningham.
She was definitely flirting with him, twisting her perfect blonde hair as she asked him about Corroded Coffin. You saw enough, taking off to head in the direction of your house.
On your way home you couldn’t help but think negatively of yourself. She was definitely prettier than you. She had a smaller waist, long blonde hair and came from money. You didn’t have anything like that to offer, you’d probably choose her too.
As you walked past the drug store, you had a moment of thinking “maybe I can look like her” as you wondered in looking for some hair dye. You decided on a box of bleach, thinking that adding some highlights could maybe help your look.
As soon as you got home you rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind you. You pull out the instructions and read them over 3 times to ensure you know what you are doing. You decided you were ready, you started to mix the chemicals that smelt so strong you were sure you’d get high from the fumes. As neatly as you could you applied the paste to your hair and let it be for 45 minutes. You rinse the chemical off, throwing your hair up in a towel on your head as you wipe the fog off the mirror.
Then you were horrified. Once you pulled the towel off all you could feel was instant regret. Your roots were white blonde while other pieces were bright orange and another section still your original color. You were panicking trying to figure out your next move when there was a knock on the bathroom door.
“Hey y/n dad said dinner is ready” your little sister, El informed you.
You muttered some profanities before saying, “tell him I’m not hungry!”
You suddenly hear heavy footsteps approaching the bathroom door.
“None of that y/n, come on we are eating dinner” Hopper insisted.
“Sorry I can’t” you blurt out.
“Excuse me? You can’t? Open this door right now y/n”
You knew you couldn’t win. You slowly opened the door to reveal the mess you were currently dealing with.
“What the hell y/n” Hopper said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I know it looks really bad -“ you start
“Really bad is an understatement” El cuts you off with a giggle. You give her a death stare and she runs down the hallway.
“I can call Joyce tomorrow to see if she can come help you fix it after school,” Hopper said, rubbing his face with his hand.
“After school?! Dad no way that’s too long”
“She’s at work y/n, you’ll just have to wear a hat or something” he says as he lets out a laugh.
You continue just to give him an annoyed glare.
The next morning you tuck all of your hair into a beanie, then place the hood of your sweatshirt over top to further disguise yourself.
As you make your way downstairs for school, your father sees you and chuckles.
“I don’t know why you think this is funny” you say as you pour your bowl of cereal.
“This is one of those moments I will never let you forget,” he replies.
You just have to get through today, stay low and avoid Eddie that all you have to do. Standing at your locker you grab the books you need as you notice Eddie approaching you with a smile and wave. You took off to your class taking your seat and opening your book up as quickly as possible to bury your head in.
“Hey y/n I tried to call you last night but you didn’t answer” Eddie said as he took his seat behind you, chains hitting onto the desk.
“I was busy” you reply coldly.
“Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?” He said leaning forward.
Thankfully the bell rang and Miss Click walked in already telling everyone to quiet down.
“Ok class today I want you to turn to page 110- yes Miss Cunningham?” Miss Click said as Chrissy raised her hand.
“I just was thinking I’m pretty sure it’s against the dress code to wear hats inside and I just don’t think it would be fair if certain people were an exception to the rules”
“Why yes that is a rule, Miss Hopper you need to remove your hood”
Your heart sunk and your face instantly got red. You sat there like a statue for a minute trying to decide what to do.
“Miss Hopper if you don’t remove the hood this instant I will have to send you to the principal's office to call you father.”
You slowly pull the hood back and stare at Miss Click.
“The beanie too dear” Miss Click said.
As you pull it off your head you can hear the whole room gasp followed by laughter.
“Oh my” is all Miss Click could get out before you grabbed your books and bolted out of the room. You faintly heard Eddie calling your name but you didn’t turn back, you headed straight home with tears running down your face.
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chaos-is-beautifvl · 2 years
𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐩 𝐩𝐭. 𝟐
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: eddie munson x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after the first accidental and absolutely horrid incident with your dad, eddie isn’t all too keen on the idea of meeting him officially. spoiler alert: he has every reason to be worried || part one
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠: hopper!reader, fluff, tad bit of angst, ‘freak’ used derogatorily + affectionately, assumptions, hopper being this close 🤏 to having a heart attack, joyce being the best mom (besides steve), slight mean hopper bc he cares about his kids, mike again being a little shit, el being confused, jonathan needing to learn how to read the room & mentions of sex
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4596 (these are my blood, sweat, and tears - no actually, i think i got a paper cut)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: the long awaited sequel of doac is here! also, you guys are absolutely insane. 2,000+ NOTES??!! thank you so much! i hope you all enjoy part 2 as much as you did the first. feedback is golden, so please let me know what you think. feel free to send me a request. guidelines here and check out my other eddie fics here!
stay tuned for bonus chapters & maybe a part 3???
“I don’t think I can go through this again... Once was enough, but twice? No, no, no.”
Hopper was strewn across the couch, arms over his head and legs splayed out. He slumped over like he was tired of carrying the world’s weight on his shoulders.
“Can’t do what, Hop?” Joyce questioned, replacing the clothes in the dryer with the clothes in the washing machine. “Let your kid grow up?”
“Grow- Hold on, you’re on her side?”
Joyce rolled her eyes, starting the dryer and bringing her laundry basket over to the table to fold the clothes. “There are no sides.”
“No, no, you are. You’re on her side.”
“Okay, fine. I’m on your teenage daughter’s side, who has done nothing wrong.”
“Nothing wrong-?” Hopper sat up, ignoring the instant head rush that followed. “Joyce, she had a boy in her room - a boy - and if I hadn’t gotten there when I did, who knows what would have happened? I swear, it’s Mike all over again.”
Joyce tossed a pair of mismatched socks on the table, resisting the urge to roll her eyes again. She loves the man, but he constantly pushes her buttons. “I mean, she is at that age. It was only a matter of time before she got curious and started exploring her sexual-”
“Joyce!” Hopper groaned, covering his face with his palms as though that would prevent his ears from hearing her words. “Why the hell would you say that? You know something I don’t?”
She shot him an annoyed look, not withholding her eye-rolling. Heaving a sigh, Joyce turned to her laundry, taking note to sew the hole in Will’s shirt.
“She’s almost an adult. Do you expect her not to know or be interested in those things?” She refrained from using the forbidden ‘S’ word to prevent Hopper freaking out. Again.
“No! What kind of question even is that? What? Do you expect Jonathan and Will to be doing those things?” He threw his hands in the air, returning Joyce’s annoyed look. 
“Will, no. Jonathan, yes. I mean, c’mon, Hopper, you saying you weren’t like that when you were their age?”
The man could only grumble. Joyce was right. While he was significantly older, he hadn’t refined much since his teenage days. The problem was that even though he was as wild and free as ever, that didn’t mean he wanted to imagine or see his kids doing the same. The thought was grossly unfathomable to him.
Joyce sighed as she cast a glance at Hopper. She could see his inner turmoil, and although his reaction was overly exaggerated, she offered him some solace. 
“Look, Y/N is a good girl. I’m sure nothing is or was going on. It’s likely just what she said - they were playing around. Kids do that, you know. If you can somehow pull your head out of your ass, you’ll see why she didn’t tell you about him.” As Joyce was speaking, Hopper opened his mouth to spew what she knew were more excuses. She held her hand up, effectively shutting his mouth. 
“You don't even know the boy. He’s sweet, and he seems to care about Y/N a lot. That should make you happy.”
It did. Hopper wouldn’t admit it aloud, but he was glad that the little punk treated his daughter well, even if the man thought the boy had other intentions.
Joyce snapped as an idea came to mind. She turned to Hopper with a coy grin, and he didn’t like where she was headed. “Dinner. We’ll have dinner. And if you decide you still don’t like it, fine. But you have to try at least.”
After a few contemplative minutes, Hopper begrudgingly resigned, sinking further into the couch. “Fine. Dinner it is.”
You don't think you’ve ever seen Eddie so skittish. His eyes were wide and alert, and he constantly looked over his shoulder so he would be prepared if your crazy dad came charging at him again.
“D-Dinner?” Eddie sputtered over his words. “You want me to go to dinner with you and your dad? Your dad tried to kill me!”
The nearby patrons of the cafeteria stopped talking after Eddie's outburst, turning their full attention to you two. You smiled sheepishly, waving a hand dismissively. You were granted a reprieve when someone yelled across the cafeteria, and all staring was redirected.
You sighed, turning back to Eddie. “Look, I know my dad was…”
“Crazy, insane, deranged? Murderous, maybe?”
You grinned at Eddie's interruption. While you felt bad, seeing him so frantic was adorable. You hid your amusement behind your hand, clearing your throat and trying to get back to the issue. “You’re right. He was a bit murderous, but if he got to know you, he would love you.”
Eddie sent you a skeptical look, and you adjusted your words. “Love might be a bit strong, but he would definitely like you. I’m sure. I like you, and I happen to have very great judgment.”
“That’s debatable.” Mike interrupted as he plopped down in the seat next to you. 
You rolled your eyes, “Funny. Don’t think I asked for your opinion.”
“No, what’s funny is how Hopper tried to kill Eddie.” The boy opened a can of Coke, and the sizzling annoyed you just as much as he did. “He was like, ‘I'm going to kill you for dating my daughter’.”
Mike’s impression of Hopper wasn’t that far off, but his levity of the situation deterred your endeavors of convincing Eddie to come to dinner. Eddie was back on alert, not that he’d ever stopped being overly cautious.
“Dating?” Gareth asked as he and the rest of the crew joined the party. To say that you wanted you and Eddie to be alone was understated. “Congrats, guys. I didn’t even know.”
“Thanks, man. Just let me know if you see a man about yea high with a murderous look in his eyes.”
“Context, please.”
“Can we just leave it alone? Yes, Eddie and I are dating. No, you will not get any context.” You quickly shut down the impending questions that would follow once you and Eddie started explaining. 
You don’t think Eddie was paying much attention to the conversation anyway. He resorted to virtually sitting in your seat, hoping you might save him if your dad came around. You wanted to reassure him by explaining that even though your dad was homicidal the first time they met, he wouldn’t actually kill him. But, as you thought about it, you honestly didn’t put a thing past your dad. It is Hopper you're talking about. 
You overheard Dustin asking how nobody caught on to you two dating because he caught on after the first few times you hung out together. You couldn’t help but agree silently. You and Eddie had not been subtle about liking each other at all. 
Pushing the conversation to the back of your mind, you rekindled the one with Eddie. “He said he’d give you a chance, and, believe it or not, my dad hardly goes back on his word.”
Those were the wrong choice of words, it seemed, with how Eddie finally stopped glancing at all the available exits for his escape plan and whipped his head around to look at you with widened eyes.
He was progressively looking like a deer in headlights the more he thought about being brutally murdered by the chief of police. “So, he was, like, serious? About, you know, killing me?”
“Eddie, he never said he was going to kill you.” He didn't exactly say the words, but his actions proved otherwise. You didn't voice those thoughts, though.
Sighing, you grabbed Eddie’s hand. “I really like you, and it would take so much more than my, like you said, deranged dad to change that. And you totally don’t have to go if you don’t want to, but I want my dad to see you the way I do.”
Your words seemed to do the trick. Eddie laughed, and his grin resulted in one of your own. “Could’ve just told me you were obsessed with me, sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes, pushing him away from you, “Shut it, Munson.” Pursing your lips to hide your smile, you squeezed his hand, “So... dinner?”
Eddie leaned his head back, hair sweeping behind his shoulders. He hummed before sitting up and wrapping an arm around you. “Dinner.” He held up a finger before you could thank him. “But only because I feel bad you’re terribly infatuated with me.”
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
“Aww, aren’t you guys cute?”
“Shut up, Mike,” both of you groaned, resulting in laughter from the group.
You think that inviting Eddie to dinner was a grave mistake. Hopper had been staring Eddie down the entire time, which made for an awkward conversation.
Just when you were about to ask your dad to stop terrorizing your boyfriend, he stabbed a fork in his mashed potatoes. “So, Munson, what are your intentions with my daughter?”
“Dad!” You groaned, sending him an annoyed look.
“What? It’s a simple question. It shouldn’t be too difficult for him to answer. Or maybe it is with all those extra years in school.” He grumbled the last words under his breath, and you were so close to giving him a big piece of your mind when Eddie replied.
“It’s fine, Y/N. And, uh, sir, I have no ‘intentions’ with your daughter. I just think she’s really cool, and she’s such an amazing person. So, yeah,” Eddie glanced over at you, offering a grin. “No intentions, but I really like her, sir.”
You took a sip of water, hoping the coolness would diminish the heat that swarmed your face at his compliments. Eddie was never one to shy away from telling you how he felt, but your heart skipped a beat or two faster with how he looked at you.
Eddie’s response was a good one, and there was nothing Hopper could say as much as he tried, so he only grumbled as he ate his potatoes.
The conversation went back to normal - talk about school, the new mall they were building, blah, blah, blah. Then it took a surprising turn.
Jonathan was pretty quiet during the entire span of dinner, scarfing down as much food as he could. You knew it was due to the hefty amount of purple palm tree delight Argyle left him with on his last visit.
That’s what led to him speaking. “Hey, Eddie…” Jonathan squinted as if he wasn’t sure Eddie was the one sitting in front of him. Eddie hummed, and Jonathan nodded, convinced that Eddie was indeed sitting in front of him.
“You still, uh, you still coming on the trip with us, man?”
Eddie’s head shot up so quickly you would think he got whiplash. His mouth opened and closed like a fish. You sent a wild look to Jonathan, waving your hands to get him to stop talking.
You hadn’t exactly meant for it to be a secret; you just never got around to telling your dad about it. And, in light of recent events, you decided it was best to wait until things blew over, but Jonathan seemed intent on ruining that plan.
Mike raised an eyebrow at your frantic movements, and you coughed, reaching for your water when Joyce sent you a concerned look. It seemed you weren’t transparent enough because Jonathan continued, despite your attempts at diffusing the situation. 
“This chicken is so good, Joyce,” was said as you picked at the piece to prove your point.
“You know,” Jonathan blinked slowly, mistaking Eddie's nonresponse as confusion. “To the Cali trip. I talked to my man, Argyle, and he can’t wait to meet you, you know, thinks you’re pretty rad.”
The silence that followed was loud, terribly so. Your fork was lifted halfway to your mouth with the chicken you suddenly didn’t have an appetite for anymore. 
Mike’s expression developed into shock and slight amusement, which pissed you off, but it wasn’t the time to reprimand him. Will’s widened eyes caught your gaze, sharing your mortification. Joyce looked like she might be close to laughing with how her lips rolled together. You wanted to be annoyed, but honestly, you can’t fault her. 
And El, not knowing why the table’s facial expressions ranged from mortified to humorous, tilted her head in confusion. Her brows furrowed, and you made a special note to start explaining things more. She was lost most of the time, and it’s your job as her big sister to direct her on the right path. That’s something you’ll worry about later, though.
Meanwhile, Eddie looked like he might shit a brick - a perfectly rectangular one. You’re sure you look the same. 
And Jonathan, the cause of the array of facial charades, was just as confused as El until it settled in. You wonder if some genetic thing makes the Byers form similar expressions. His face morphed into shock, like the rest of the crowd. The next he made was guilty, and you’re so glad he feels that way about the mess he created. His shaggy hair flipped around as he turned to you. You could barely understand the words he tried to mouth, but they were apropos of the situation, like ‘I’m so sorry.’ 
He should be.
A harsh clang of silverware on the table made everyone jump, removing them from their stupor. You don’t know how you or anyone else could have forgotten about Hopper. You slowly dragged your eyes over to your dad, and his expression exceeded all your expectations of what it would be. It’s comical and terrifying, and the way Eddie’s face paled, you think he might have actually shit that brick.
Hopper’s face was red, resembling the color of the salad bowl. Like the first unpleasant time he met Eddie, literal steam came from his ears and nose, nostrils flaring as he gripped the table.
You were trying to think of anything that could appease the situation. You screwed up. Majorly. Totally. Tragically. Your heart attempted to flee your chest cavity in hopes of escaping what appeared to be a perfectly disastrous situation.
“What. The. Hell?!” Hopper’s words came out in disgruntled anger, interrupting your meticulous planning, and you wished you hadn't tried to introduce the two. After all, you are the daughter of a cop, and this cop is notorious for taking things over the top.
“Dad, wait, I can explain-” The words tumbled out of your mouth before you thought of an actual explanation.
“Oh, you sure can, missy. Please tell me why you not only lied about who was going on the trip, but you were going to sneak off with him and do god knows what.”
You blubbered over your words as you twisted your fingers. You knew your dad had a temper, that much was evident when he tried to attack Eddie, but this was worse. You hated when he was mad, even more so when he directed it toward you.
“What, you have nothing to say? Go on, tell me! Tell me why my daughter has become someone completely different since meeting this freak!”
Any thought of not talking back in fear of making your dad angrier disappeared. You could handle him being mad at you - you didn’t like it, but it was tolerable. What you refused to tolerate was him treating Eddie like shit.
Standing up, you slammed your hands down on the table, rattling the silverware and the people at the table. You weren’t known for your outbursts so seeing you in this state was surprising to everyone, even your dad, who raised an eyebrow.
“You do not get to talk to him like that. God, Dad, you wanna know why I didn’t tell you? I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d do this - overreact.”
Hopper’s eyes widened, and he stood as well. “You think this is overreacting? Oh, trust me, you haven’t seen overreacting yet.”
“Don’t you hear yourself, Dad? You haven’t even given him a chance, and yet, somehow, your mind is all made up. Do you see the problem there?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see everyone itching to get away from the table, and honestly, you wished you could do the same. But instead, here you were, arguing with your dad about your boyfriend while said boyfriend was sitting next to you, looking petrified.
Hopper sighed frustratedly, dragging a hand down his reddened face. “No, Y/N, the problem is with him. I don’t want my daughter dating someone one step away from being his dad-”
Eddie stood up this time, and all eyes shot to him. He cleared his throat, “You know what, I think I’m gonna go. The food was great, Mrs. Byers, but I have a chemistry test tomorrow. And, well, I wanna pass, so yeah.”
“Ed-” You felt terrible. You wanted this dinner and practically forced him to come even though he was reluctant, and now he was leaving early because your dad couldn’t keep his so wrong opinions about Eddie to himself.
“It’s okay, really,” Eddie grinned at you, trying to show that he wasn’t affected as you were. He whispered the last words, “Hey, at least I know what it’s like dating the daughter of a cop.”
His reassurances did little to reassure you. So, when he left, and everyone at the table was trying to make it seem like they weren’t there, you turned to your dad. There was so much you wanted to say to him. You would have told him how much of a literal asshole he was.
But all you could say was, “You didn’t even try, Dad. You said you would.”
With that, you walked off, following after Eddie, hoping your dad hadn’t ruined your relationship with the one person you didn’t want to lose.
The front door slammed shut, and Hopper had half a mind to tell you to come back inside, but he kept it to himself. It was tense then, and Joyce, who needed to have a lengthy chat with Hopper, told the kids to give them some space.
They hurried away, mumbling, "I have to use the bathroom anyway," and "do you guys wanna play video games?"
Once the table was clear, Joyce turned to Hopper, awaiting an explanation. Hopper plopped down in his chair, covering his face with his hands as he groaned vehemently.
“Do you see what I mean? And she says that I’m overreacting.”
Joyce’s muted response prompted the angry man to remove his hands from his face and send her an inquisitive eyebrow raise. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“C’mon, Hop, do I really have to say anything?”
“So you agree? I mean, I can’t be the only way that sees a major problem with-”
“Jesus, Hopper, are you serious?” Joyce furrowed her eyebrows as she glared at the man sitting next to her. She had put up with his initial disinterest in Eddie because most dads are like that, but she was annoyed now with him actively being an asshole.
“Look, I get it, she’s your daughter, but you’re going to ruin your relationship with her if you continue acting like this.” Hopper opened his mouth to no doubt spout a series of excuses when Joyce held up a hand, signaling him to shut up. “Do you really want to know why Y/N didn’t tell you? She was scared, Hop. Scared of how you might react because she likes a boy you wouldn’t give a first chance. And she hid it because she didn’t want to disappoint you.”
“But, Joyce-”
“No buts, Hop. Eddie, who is very sweet, by the way, hasn’t done anything wrong. You’re letting your judgment get in the way and doing the same thing you did with El to Y/N, and you saw how that worked out. So, you tell me, what is your problem?”
Hopper didn’t answer the question everyone was asking, instead sulking in his seat like a petulant child. He pulled out a cigarette and didn’t even bother to light it, just letting it hang between his pouting lips.
Joyce shook her head, crossing her arms, “We can sit here all night until you fess up, or you can just pull your head out of your stubborn ass and tell me what’s going on.”
The man rubbed his forehead, sitting up in his chair and hanging his head low. He stared at the chip in the floorboards before heaving a dreary sigh. “She’s my girl, Joyce. She’s my little girl, and yeah, maybe I was overreacting-”
“You think?” Hopper didn’t even have the energy to roll his eyes.
“Just- look, I know that she’s getting older. They’re both getting older. But she’s my girl, Joyce, my little girl. What if she gets older and she-” Hopper choked on his words. “What if she gets older and forgets all about her old man?”
“Hop…” Joyce sighed. “Our kids - they’re gonna get older. We can’t change that. But if there’s one thing I know about Y/N," she ducked her head to meet his eyes. “She is never going to forget her dad... as long he stops acting like an asshole.”
Hopper chuckled, wiping a stray tear from his face, “Yeah, you’re right.”
“Give him a chance, Hopper. He makes her happy.”
“Okay,” he resigned. He lit his cigarette, furrowing his brows, “How come you’re always right? Is it like a woman’s intuition thing?”
“No, you’re just a moron most of the time.”
“So,” Eddie inquired as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, “Got a place in mind?”
After storming out the front door, you made your way to Eddie’s van, thankful it was still there. You thought he would be long gone after your dad practically bit his head off, but no. He had just started his vehicle and was contemplating if this time Hopper would actually kill him when the passenger side door flung open.
“Please don’t kill me!” The words were frenzied as Eddie squeezed his eyes shut and held his hands in front of him as if that would protect him from Hopper’s rage.
You grabbed his hands, laughing as you slid into the van. “Wasn’t planning on it.”
“I don’t know. Anywhere with you is good.”
“M’kay, how about…” He hummed before taking a right turn to a lookout point. “Here?”
“Here’s good.”
For the first time, the air was awkward between you two. You didn’t like it, but you didn’t know what to say. What do you say to someone after your dad was an asshole to them during dinner and then proceeded to call them a freak more than once?
Eddie’s “so…” was said simultaneously with your “I’m so sorry.”
You made eye contact, and he let out a laugh you couldn’t help but copy. “Sorry,” he said after catching his breath, “you can go first.”
“My dad,” you started, looking away from him and instead focusing on the view outside. “My dad was an asshole to you, and I know that I can’t make up for that, but I am so sorry, Eddie. Believe me, if I knew he would act that way, I would have never pushed for dinner.”
You shook your head, forcing yourself to make eye contact so he could see your genuineness. “No, Eddie. He said some really hurtful things, and I’m really sorry. And, uh, I would totally understand if you, I don’t know, didn’t want to be with me anymore because, well, who wants to deal with a dad like mine.”
“Do you-” Eddie leaned forward, resting his arms on the steering wheel. “You don’t actually think I want that… right?”
You shrugged, toying with a stray thread on the hem of your shirt. “I would understand if you did.”
“Okay, let’s correct that, yeah? I definitely don’t want to break up. I wasn’t lying when I said all that to your dad.”
You stammered, trying to list all the possibilities why Eddie not wanting to be with you was reasonable. All of which included your dad. 
“I thought it was pretty hot, honestly.”
You raised an eyebrow, finally directing your gaze to him. He smiled sheepishly again, embarrassed. “Your dad is… he’s a work of art, but that has nothing to do with you. And I mean, the way you stood up to him - highly doubt anyone in their right mind would do that - I don’t know, it was interesting seeing you riled up over little ole me.”
“Pretty hot or interesting? Gotta pick, Munson.” You cracked a grin at the red tint that rose to his cheeks
“Hot,” he nodded, certain of his answer. “Definitely hot.”
Then the air was back to normal, and it felt good to breathe it in. You tutted and shook your head, “Who’s obsessed with who, now?”
“Oh, I’ve always been obsessed with you, sweetheart. You’re just in denial about being obsessed with me.”
You could only roll your eyes, turning to face the door so he wouldn’t see the smile on display. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, watching the night settle over Hawkins until Eddie spoke.
“What about you?” You acknowledged his question with a hum. “You sure you still want to be with me? I mean, I know you’re completely infatuated with me." That made you chuckle. “And you’re also pretty close with your dad. Believe me, I don’t want to stop what we have, but I also don’t want to mess that up.”
“I don't want that either.” Eddie frowned slightly, and you realized how your words sounded, so you corrected them. “What I mean is, I don’t want us to end. My dad means a lot to me, and I love him, but I also love you. And I really don’t want to lose you. I meant what I said before. It would take so much more than my crazy dad to make me not want you. Screw this whole goddamn town. I could care less what they think.”
You finished your rant with a huff. You felt relieved, finally having said everything you’ve been holding in since this whole fiasco with your dad and Eddie began.
You don’t know what you were expecting Eddie’s expression to be after your winded rant, but you certainly weren’t expecting to be met with a budding grin. Raising your eyebrow, you questioned why he looked so amused.
“You love me, huh?” You were confused until it hit you. You accidentally told Eddie, of all people, that you were in love with him. 
You’re never going to live this one down.
“Shut up.”
Eddie dramatically splayed himself across your lap. He threw his arm over his head, fanning himself with his hand as if he was but a distressed maiden. 
The brunet opened one eye, keeping the other squeezed shut. He held his hand up to his ear, “I’m sorry. I don’t think I quite heard you the first time. Could you repeat that again?” You rolled your eyes, looking away from his simpering grin before you gave in and wore one yourself.
“I said I hated you.”
“I can’t believe that you, Y/N Hopper, love me, Eddie the freak Munson.”
“Yeah, well, unfortunately, you’re my freak.”
Eddie smiled up at you, and this time, you mimicked him. “I guess it’s time to tell you that I’m in love with the daughter of a cop.”
🏷 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @this--is--music , @riotkayla , @lili-pond , @murnsondock , @ecikilljoy , @salembridger , @boomhauer , @under-the-clouds , @insssanemind , @reidstea , @th0rswh0res , @graywrites20 , @tracymbcm , @chrisevansangel , @lizziesfirstwife , @wiieiei , @iloveeddiemunsonnnn
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
♡ three clues - r.b ♡
requested by 🐍 anon <3 (i hate how i've written this it is not my best work sorry😭)
robin buckley x hopper!reader, dad!hopper x daughter!reader, fluff, humour, coming out
your dad, a seasoned detective, is the last to discover your sexuality
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hopper's mind raced as he backed silently out of the kitchen he'd just seen you and your best friend, robin, making out in. you on the counter and her standing in front of you. and your faces together. he was blinking rapidly, fearfully.
what had he missed?
clue one - robin had ten times more sleepovers than your childhood best friend.
his original solve - you'd just got closer this year. nothing weird about that.
"you see? it wasn't... obvious." your dad protested to joyce, who was filing away products on shelves and laughing.
"that one's a subtle clue. but there were other signs, hop."
hopper grunted, "yeah? like what?"
clue two - the matching jewelry, pyjamas, shoes, mixtapes
his original solve - friends do that... right?
clue three - all the cuddling and movie nights and sleep overs in the matching, skimpy pyjamas that made hopper remember you were too old to be told what to wear
his original solve - friends. friends. friends. that's just what girls do! right...?
joyce sighed, patting his shoulder, and he sagged, "i... i just thought they were friends?"
the shorter woman surveyed him for a moment, "it doesn't bother you, does it?"
he thought.
it certainly wasn't something he'd been exposed to much.
but neither was the upside down, and he'd adjusted to that just fine.
more than anything, he wanted you comfortable, loved, and happy. he'd lost a daughter before, and that wasn't in his control. he wouldn't lose one that he didn't have to.
ultimately he shook his head, "no. she's my daughter. and she could do worse than robin buckley, i guess."
joyce smiled, with an undertone of pride. the one thing she forgot to mention was that hopper should go on as if he didn't know, until they felt comfortable enough to tell him.
instead, hopper greeted you at the front door with a tiny rainbow flag decorating the mug on his home desk.
"where'd this come from, dad?" you questioned airily as you walked past, flicking it on the way, to place your bag down.
he shrugged, "my friend gave it to me, my gay friend, we're very close. she put it on my desk this morning."
there was a slight stress on his last two words, and an involuntary glance to the kitchen that made you wonder what he was thinking of, and how he held up in interrogatins with this, albeit uncharacteristic, flighty quality.
"o... kay? cool..."
hopper narrowed his eyes, "i'm not gay. but i'm really... erm, cool with the whole thing."
there was a grunt in his words that easily conveyed his discomfort, but you couldn't figure out why for the life of you. maybe you hadn't inherited his detective skills, because it was obvious to him what he was hinting at.
"do you have any... gay friends?"
you shrugged, "maybe."
he gave you a thumbs up.
jim hopper, your dad, gave you a thumbs up. you blinked in genuine shock.
mission failed. he'd try again tomorrow.
that night, you stayed on the phone to robin well past midnight, trying to silence your laughter with your pillow as you told her about your dad's strange behavior.
"a thumbs up? she giggled, "that's not like him. you'd think he suddenly realised you were gay or something."
you smiled, "imagine."
the smile dropped. robin went silent on the other end of the phone.
"you don't think-"
"d'ya reckon-"
"he can't."
"he could..."
clues number two and three that he'd definitely figured it out was the newspaper he left open on the counter the next morning, with an article circled aggressively in biro pen.
the third clue? the tiny heart drawn next to it.
maybe it was el. but it wasn't a coincidence, and you sighed.
how did he possibly figure it out? we were so subtle...
it was joyce you ran to first, also. and she laughed the laugh of someone who knows everything and can't believe others are so unfathomably clueless.
you told your dad anyway. with the real words, no skirting around it. he gave you a slightly stiff nod and a clap on the back. you knew what that meant.
i'm proud of you, kid.
@anordinarymuse @kingshitonly
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thetargaryenbride · 1 year
Nail To The Coffin - S2 - Chapter 1
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Warnings: None
Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!Byers!Reader
Word Count: 3436
A.N: We are starting Season 2 storyline! Reader will have some time to spare worrying over boys before things get super bad super fast haha. Did I use a Rhaenyra and Luke moment? Yes, I did. Bonus points if you recognize it~ You are pretty much the pillar of this family. I mean, slay <3 As always, please do make me know if I’ve written certain characters OOC and if you think there is something that can be corrected within the story. Thank you for reading. Hope you like it! 🖤 🥀
Masterlist || S1 - Chapter 8 || Chapter 2
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“Jonathan! Jonathan!” you yelled and your brother came rushing, hurrying to grab the piping hot tray off your hands. He encased his hands with the rim of his t-shirt but it wasn’t enough, making him hiss as he got burned a bit while placing it on the counter while you struggled to take off your oven mitts. You bolted to the front door after hearing the bell ringing, almost bumping into Will, and rushed outside.
“Don’t ask me,” shrugged Jonathan when Will looked at him questioningly. Soon after, you let out a squeal that made the boys jump and then you were back inside and in their sight again.
“Was it them!?” asked Joyce who had just exited her room and ran to join you and you nodded vigorously.
“It’s official! I got the scholarship and my spot at UCLA is reserved! The only thing I’ll need to do is go sort out some documents after I graduate this year!” you explained excitedly as you waved a letter and your mother and brothers almost howled with just as much excitement before colliding with you for a tight hug. 
“UCLA! I-I can’t believe it! This university is pretty much known as a-a Public Ivy!” laughed Joyce wobbly as her eyes welled up. This was probably the first time you’ve seen your mother on the verge of crying from happiness instead of worry or hopelessness.
“The best thing about this is that you don’t have to worry about the money, mama,” you smiled and she shook her head as she planted kisses all over your face, making you laugh.
“I’m so, so proud of you!”  
“And guess what? The professors at the summer program who tested our knowledge and skills told me that I might even graduate earlier if I keep up the same energy! I can get my bachelor’s degree at twenty and then proceed with the master’s! And if I want to pursue Ph.D., I can apply to doctorate programs and who knows, maybe by the age of twenty-five I will be known as Doctor Byers and I’ll be going on expeditions and traveling the world for a living!” you gushed.
“That’s awesome! You’re gonna graduate earlier and develop a great career! Just like Tony Stark!” exclaimed Will and you ruffled his hair.
“Nobody can compare to Tony but I’m flattered you think so highly of me, kiddo,” you grinned.
Dreams do come true if one worked hard enough and believed in oneself.
All those sleepless nights, all those nosebleeds, all those heavy eye bags and dark circles were finally paying off.
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“Why is everyone staring at me?” you muttered as you looked around, noticing that all students were looking at you or whispering about you as you were walking down the hallway.
“Probably because our homeroom teacher praised you for being accepted into UCLA,” shrugged Steve. “Word spreads fast around here.”
“And here I thought my last year would be relatively peaceful,” you sighed.
“Hey, can we-can we talk?” suddenly asked Steve and you lifted a brow at his deflated tone before nodding and following him to the cafeteria so you could grab lunch.
He’s been deflated since the beginning of the school year but today at class, after the news about you got spread, he got even more deflated. You supposed it had something to do with the university because he was preparing to send an early-admission essay and he was probably stressing a lot over that because he felt like he wasn’t doing a good enough job with his studies. You blamed Tommy and his other ex-friends who were a bad influence on him and made him concentrate on other things rather than studying. Steve wasn’t stupid. When he wanted to, he could perform very well academically. He just needed to focus and work hard which had been nearly impossible with Tommy and Carol as friends.
“What is it that you wanted to talk about?” you asked as you shoved a spoonful of chicken soup in your mouth, uneasily watching him play with his food. You had sat at a very unusual spot too – at the very end of the cafeteria where there were barely any people around – contrast to your usual spot right at the center.
“What happened to us, Y/N/N?” he dropped his fork and finally looked at you, catching you off guard.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that things are… different… We don’t spend much time together anymore. We’ve barely hung out since last year,” he spoke out and your eyes darted around before locking with his.
“I don’t think the school cafeteria is the best place to discuss this.”
“Yeah, but that’s the thing! I barely see you outside of school! Are you…are you avoiding me or something?” he asked with a tinge of worry in his voice and you were quick to shake your head vigorously.
“What!? No! Of course not!” you raised your voice before lowering it again. “It’s just that…this past year has been crazy for me. I mean everything that happened with Will left a heavy toll on our family. I had to be there for him, you know. He was struggling and, frankly, he still is. It’s tough,” you explained. “And on top of all, I had to study my ass off so I could enter that summer program. And then summer came and I had to leave for LA. I promise I have not been avoiding you. It’s just that there were too many factors preventing me from normally hanging out with my friends,” you finished lamely and he let out a sigh, nodding in understanding. “Besides, you spend a lot of time with Nancy so that also made it difficult to hang out anywhere outside of school and… I didn’t really want to be a third-wheel,” you muttered and Steve’s eyes widened as he choked on thin air.
“Yeah, uh, no, don’t get me wrong! I’m not trying to blame you for all of this or anything! I just,” he ran a hand through his hair. “I also have a fault in this but I just wanted to kinda, you know, bring it up so we can, uh, work it out?” he smiled awkwardly as he shrugged and you chuckled lightly.
“I get it, Steve. I really do.”
“Then that’s-that’s great…It’s great!” he exclaimed before clearing up his throat. “So, uh, what do you say,” he drawled. “How about we fix that by you becoming my tutor!?” he offered lively and you hummed.
“Well, it sounds like a plan. We’ll get to hang out and study so you can catch up to things, get better grades and stop worrying about that damn college anymore!”
“Speaking of college… I know how important that is to you so I’ll do my best to help you out but,” you leaned in a bit closer. “You gotta promise me to not let your spirits down even if you don’t get in from the first try, ok?” you asked and he hesitantly nodded. 
The two of you finished your food and before you knew it, the bell rang, signifying the end of lunch break. You and Steve went to discard your trays before heading back to your lockers.
But as you walked down the hallway, you saw someone you were hoping to not see again making you stop dead in your tracks, face blanching. Steve turned to look at you questioningly but before he could say something, you grabbed him by the hand and dragged him away, practically dashing down the hallway and into the usually uninhabitable restroom of this school wing – the same one where Steve had dragged Nancy a couple of times for a make-out session.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” he asked and you took a couple of deep breaths as you put one hand on your hip and another on your chest, staring at the door as if expecting someone to burst inside. “It’s like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I suppose you could say that,” you snapped to look at him with wide eyes and his forehead scrunched up in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“The guy down the hallway, did you see him?”
“Uh, which one exactly?”
“The one almost every girl was gawking at?”
“Ah, the tall one with the mullet? Yeah, he’s new if I’m not mistaken. Saw him for the first time ever today. What about him?” furrowed his eyebrows Steve and you sighed as you went to lean against the wall, crossing your arms.
“His name is Billy Hargrove. I met him in LA a couple of times this summer. At parties and events. He’s pretty…wild…hard not to notice him,” you revealed and Steve’s eyes widened. “The first time we met wasn’t exactly…a pleasant experience. He tried to convince me to go out with him. He was very…persistent. When I turned him down, the look he sent me was just…chilling to the bone! His whole demeanor got so…” you tried to put it into words as you waved your hands. “It was so menacing. Then it suddenly changed into a charming one and he promised to meet again. And we did! We met again! And he tried to ask me out again. He never gave up. He said something like, the girls who play hard-to-get are the sweetest piece of the cake, or whatever,” you huffed and Steve frowned.
“What in the actual hell?”
“Yeah! Crazy!” you threw your arms in the air and Steve sneered as he thought of the guy. “I don’t know what the hell he’s doing in here of all places but I seriously don’t want to deal with him and his macho energy again,” you groaned and Steve squeezed your shoulder reassuringly before ushering you outside.
“It’s ok. Don’t sweat it. We’ll deal with him one way or another, ok? You just keep focusing on yourself and your brother. Doesn’t he have to go to the lab for examination today?” inquired the boy and your eyes widened.
“Shit! You’re right! I gotta-I gotta go!” you rushed to leave but returned to his side and shoved your book into his hands. “Please, put this in my locker! You know the code!”
“What about the tutoring!?” he yelled after you when you began jogging away.
“I’ll call you tonight to settle it!” you yelled back over your shoulder and he just shook his head but couldn’t help but smile anyways as he watched you go.  
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“Hey, buddy,” greeted Hopper once Will and your mom got out of her car.
You parked yours next to them and got out, jogging over to the man and giving him a quick hug that he accepted with a smile before the four of you headed inside.
Will looked at you as you walked and you gave him a reassuring smile, ruffling his hair and wrapping an arm around his shoulder in order to bring him closer. While doing so, your eyes landed on your left upper arm and suddenly, everything that happened almost a year ago came crashing once again. For the past year, you’ve had enough time to sort of get over your trauma – both the trauma caused by the Demogorgon and the trauma caused by your four ex-classmates who were now in Juvie much to your satisfaction. How the tables have turned.
But sometimes you couldn’t help but vividly remember everything that happened and it never failed to send shivers down your spine.
“You ok, kid?” asked Hopper, snapping you out of your train of thought and you looked up to see him watching you with slight concern.
“I’m good,” you nodded and sent him a smile but his stare lingered for a little while more before he too looked ahead, the four of you now nearing one of the doctor’s offices.
You pinched Will’s cheek lightly and winked at him as he hesitantly left your side and followed the doctors in order to change into a hospital gown.
You had to stand there and watch all these scientists walk around, grab things, inject your brother, weigh him, check his blood pressure, attach things to his head in order to analyze his brain activity or whatever. It honestly unnerved you, made you fidgety. You didn’t know what your brother felt like during every examination.
Probably like some freaky lab rat.
“All right, tell me what’s going on with you. Tell me about this episode you had,” asked Dr. Owens as he strolled closer to Will with his chair.
That was one doctor you could actually stand being around. He wasn’t cold and fake like the rest. He was kind, understanding, patient and always tried to make your brother feel more at ease which you appreciated. He was actually treating your brother like a human being and not just a nameless patient who paid his salary.
“Well, my friends were there, and then… they just weren’t. And I was back there again.”
“In the Upside Down?” Will nodded. “All right, so what happened next?”
“I heard this noise and…so I went outside and… it was worse.”
“How was it worse?”
“There was this storm,” he muttered and you crossed your arms as you stared off into the distance outside the windows.
There was something very bizarre going on here. Will told you about his vision last night after getting back home from the arcades. He told you about the raging red storm he saw and it threw you off because for the past couple of days, you’ve been having those weird dreams where you found yourself on a hill right outside Hawkins, overlooking the town, and the clear sky would suddenly darken and red lightning bolts would start raining all over. It was quite scary because no matter how much you’d try running away, the storm would always catch up.
“Okay, so how did you feel when you saw the storm?”
“I felt…frozen.”
“Heart racing?”
“Just frozen.”
“Frozen, cold frozen? Frozen to the touch?”
“No. Like how you feel when you’re scared and…you can’t breathe or talk or do anything,” he tried to put it into words. “I felt…I felt this evil, like it was looking at me,” he uttered quietly as he shifted his head a bit to look at you and you nodded, encouraging him to keep talking.
“It was evil? Well… What do you think the evil wanted?”
“To kill,” his eyes unfocused and suddenly he wasn’t looking at you, he was looking through you, almost zoning out.
“To kill you?”
“Not me…Everyone else.”
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After the whole examination ended, Hopper and Joyce went to Dr. Owens’ cabinet to talk, leaving you and Will sitting outside. You were tempted to join them inside and listen to what the doctor had to say but then again your mom was going to tell you everything anyways so you preferred to make Will company so he doesn’t feel all alone in those maddening grey, bland hallways.
Will was lightly swinging his legs back and forth, his hands fidgeting in his lap as his fingers dug into his cuticles. It seemed he had picked this habit from you which was not ok because if it was to get any worse, he’d start picking and pulling at his skin until blood’s drawn.
“Hey,” you stopped him by putting a hand over his and he looked at you with glistening eyes. “Don’t do that. You’ll develop a bad habit…trust me.”
“I don’t…I don’t know how to stop this,” he whispered but somehow you knew he didn’t mean the developing habit but rather the visions that were getting worse and worse.
“We’ll figure this out…ok? What we mustn’t do…is succumb to fear or hopelessness.”
“But I’m not like you,” he muttered and your lips twitched in a smile.
“In what way, sweet boy?”
“I’m not so…perfect…and strong…” he admitted and you closed your eyes, a soft breathy chuckle escaping as you cupped the side of his face and leaned in, placing a couple of kisses on his temple.
“I’m anything but,” you caressed his head as you began explaining your own clashes with trauma. “You only see me as such because I try my best to put up a tough front. Because I don’t want to worry anyone…but do you want to know the truth?” you asked and he nodded.
“Way back, after I was attacked, I was…frightened by everything and everyone. People would look at me as I passed them by in the hallways and my mind would immediately jump to the worst conclusion. Like, what if they also hate me? What if they are plotting to attack me? What if someone actually wants to kill me? The paranoia was so bad and… coupled with the horrible experience I had, it was like a blow after blow, you know? I’d cry myself to sleep almost every night for weeks,” you confessed and his eyes widened. “I had closed off to the world for some time…But then…I remembered that I had people in my life who make everything worth it. Mom, Jonathan, you, Eddie, Steve, the kids,” you listed with a smile. “Those people bring me so much happiness that they just manage to…banish the darkness, you know?” you shrugged and a smile began slowly growing on your brother’s face.
“It’s like…I can’t even explain it! It’s like you’re sick from something but then you get medicine and suddenly it’s all…gone…and you feel better. Think of us like… the sunrays that chase away the storm,” you ruffled his hair and he huddled closer to you, leaning on your side. You rubbed his arm and planted a kiss on the crown of his head as you stared at the grey wall ahead of you, falling deep in thought.
You had really believed that Will was getting better and better with each month. He had stopped having nightmares a couple of months ago and he was showing good progress. But now all those visions and nightmares were beginning to come back and not only for him but for you as well. You were probably being paranoid but you were starting to think that this wasn’t a mere coincidence and that those episodes of his were not just because of PTSD.
Before you had the chance to sink even more into this rabbit hole, your mom and Hopper exited the cabinet and ushered you to leave.
“C’mon, we’re gonna have so much fun tonight! Bob is coming, we’re all gonna gather and watch some super funny movie and eat popcorn!” you talked animatedly as you grabbed your brother’s hand and swung it back and forth as the two of you walked hand in hand, making Will smile more and more. “And oh! I’m going to prepare some of the new desserts I’ve been recently practicing making! I’m getting better and better! Which one do you want to try?”
“Apple pie!”
“Very thematic! Apple pie it is then!”
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After that, you had gotten home. You and your mom went into cooking mode and prepared a couple of delicious things while Bob made sure to record everything on his camera, throwing in funny comments here and there and making you all laugh.
You had overheard your brothers’ conversation when you went to call them for dinner. Jonathan had put everything into words perfectly which made you very happy.
The five of you had a wonderful evening and you were glad to see your brother smiling and laughing more.
“Y/N?” you felt someone shake your shoulder and you groaned.
“Just five more minutes, mom,” you drawled.
“Y/N,” your shoulder was shaken again, this time a bit more roughly, making you jerk out of your sleep and open your eyes to find Will sitting on the edge of the bed.
“What’s wrong, baby? Did you have a nightmare?” you slurred as you sat up and his response was jumping in your arms. You didn’t hesitate to hug him. He was shaking so badly and was obviously frightened beyond belief.
“I h-had another vision,” he sniffed and your eyes widened as you instantly sobered up. “It was right outside our h-home and it was getting worse and worse…A-and then…there was a huge shadow m-monster,” he whispered brokenly and you rocked him slightly.
“It’s ok, sweetie. It’s ok. I’m here now. No storm’s gonna get you while I’m here,” you hushed him as you stared at your reflection in the mirror.
These were definitely no PTSD visions or flashes. It was a warning. 
Something was coming and you could feel it in your bones.
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rcsewcrld · 11 months
the daughter of a cop
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steve harrington x hopper!oc childhood best friends to lovers, slow burn.
a multi-chapter, full length fanfic, following seasons 2 - 4, with valerie hopper integrated into them!
COMING SOON!! - this weekend??
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harringroveera · 5 months
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Yeah El’s not gonna stop doing that
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pappydaddy · 2 years
my little girl (j.h.)
a/n: this is really short, i am so sorry. hopefully it's good, i was desensitizing myself to the song again (a yearly occurrence bc i bawl like a baby when i hear it). also, i aged the reader up to be an older teen starting university. i felt like it would make a better plotline, but the reader has a canonically late-year birthday (december) so she is seventeen. hope you don't mind lovely!
ps, i am trying a new format. we'll see if i like it...
fandom: stranger things | pairing: jim hopper x fem!teen!daughter!reader (father/daughter)
requested by the lovely @sunnysidesadie (hope you enjoy it💛!)
synopsis: visiting her old cabin when she misses her dad is normal for y/n. what isn't is her supposedly dead dad suddenly showing up. | based on this song by tim mcgraw (i grew up on country music, don't judge me) that always makes me cry so... | au where vecna stuff happens at another time
taglist: @rottenstyx | @boxofsilentwords | @badass-yn | @lexi-2004 | @i-always-come-back-xoxo | @rootbeerfaygo | *line through you user means i could not tag you lovelies!
warnings: grief mentioned | (believed to be) dead father | emotional? | not being able to trust things
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- not my gif -
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Standing in the ruins of her father’s cabin, Y/N’s chest ached. She often came here, ever since that day last summer. It looked the exact same as it did that night - a shell of a once lively house. Even if this wasn’t the home he raised her in, it was the cabin they made a home in such a short period of time. The Mind Flayer had ruined it, only the walls left standing. Everything else smashed and broken, even possession. 
  The sting of tears made Y/N’s eyes feel like they were burning out of her head. The Mind Flayer took her home, but the Russians took her father. In their greed to become the most feared country, they ripped the one thing Y/N loved the most from her. The one thing that she had in her life that was constant was gone. Sure, Jim Hopper was battling his demons, drinking, a bit aggressive in his parenting tactics, and a horrible communicator, but he was her father. He loved her with every fibre of his being. 
  Swallowing thickly, she spied a broken picture frame sticking out of the ruins, most likely from the wind pushing it around overtime. Slowly walking towards it, Y/N felt the old floor shifting under her. Soon, it wasn’t going to be safe to stand here. She feared that day. The bit of cabin was the only thing she had left of her father. He had sold their home when they had to protect El. Their prized possessions and keepsakes were either damaged or pillaged by teens who stumbled upon the empty cabin before they could finish off the Mind Flayer. 
  Bending down, she grabbed the picture, wiping off the dirt. It was her father and her. She was six, in a horribly itchy red and green dress. It was her elementary school Christmas Recital. She had on bright tights and a pair of shiny black shoes. Her grandmother had helped him dress her that time. Usually, for this recital, he would have put her in a green dress with her pink ballet tights. After that year, he had stuck to the same colour palette. Smiling down fondly at the picture, she couldn’t help but let a tear slip. “I miss you. So much,” She whispered, eyes squeezed closed. “I think you’d be proud of me, Dad,” She swallowed the hard ball that was forming in her throat, trying to ignore how her heart felt like it was being ripped in half. “I’m taking on this whole world. Just like you always told me to.” 
  Y/N stood there, looking in her full length mirror. It was her first day of senior year, it had to be perfect. Her shaking hands brushed over her outfit for the sixth time in that minute. Humming, she shuffled to the side, inspecting the outfit she had picked out last night for any flaw, turning up with nothing. However, she couldn’t find anything great about the outfit either. Light blue coloured mom jeans (brand new so fitting perfectly), converse, and a dark green mock neck sweater. There was nothing bad but nothing particularly amazing about the outfit. “Y/N, hurry up and eat your breakfast before you run out the door saying you’re too busy to eat.” Her dad told her, his voice nearing her partially open door. 
  “Coming.” She told him, but she didn’t move from her spot in front of the mirror. In the reflection, she saw her door being pushed open and her father appeared, clad in his brown uniform, his had noticeably missing. 
  “Y/N, I told you already, your outfit looks fine. I want you to eat before you leave,” He reminded her. Despite his gruff and aggressive appearance, her father’s words were spoken with a sense of softness. She sighed, slumping her shoulders as she turned away from the mirror. His brown eyes watched her. He was dense with the whole girl dad thing. It wasn’t easy trying to understand them, but he tried. Which is why he stepped into the room further, pushing the door closed behind him. “What’s going on? It’s gotta be more than worrying about your outfit.” 
  He sat on her bed seconds before she joined him. “I don’t know. My life is changing, should I really be wearing the same clothes I wear every first day?” 
  “What are you talking about,” He questioned, brows furrowed as he looked at her outfit. “Those pants and the shirt are all new. You’ve never worn them before.” She laughed at this, which wasn’t his intention, but he couldn’t help but smile and feel his heart melting. 
  “Not the clothes, but the style. I’m graduating, my life is completely flipped upside down after this year, but here I am dressing the exact same way and doing my hair the exact same way, going to the exact same school to hang out with the exact same people,” She muttered, feeling stupid about her worries. “I don’t know,” She shrugged. “It’s scary and I don’t think I am ready for it.” She confessed, her eyes finally looking up at her. The same exact eyes looked back at her. Everybody said that she had her father’s eyes. 
  Her father sighed in understanding, smiling sadly down at her. “If anyone isn’t ready for you to graduate, it’s me. I mean, one second I am dropping you off at kindergarten then all of a sudden, you’re sixteen getting ready for your senior year,” He informed her, nudging her shoulder with his arm, making her laugh. She hated being so much younger than her classmates, but she was starting senior year as a sixteen year old, turning seventeen in December. He had to fight the sadness filling him, knowing his daughter is growing up, because she needed him to be her rock. She needed him to be her cheerleader. “Never in my mind did I ever think you weren’t ready. You are going to take on this whole wide world, chasing your dreams,” He suddenly turned serious. “And I will be here, cheering you on because you’re always going to be my little girl. And just know, as long as you know the road that takes you home again, I will be here for you.” 
  “Just the road? That’s the only way you’ll be there for me?” She asked. Hopper looked at her, ready to get mad that she took it like he wasn’t going to be there for her, but that crooked little smile played on her lips - the same crooked little smile she wore when she was a kid whenever she did anything she wasn’t supposed to. Instantly, his anger and his naturally icy heart was melting, just like it always did and just like it always will. 
  “Real smart, you little ass,” He laughed, making her join in on the laughter. “Now, I still want you to eat, but I would rather you not drive like a maniac trying to get to school in time so I will put a few more snacks on the counter for you to stuff in your bag on your way out. I’ll add some change to it so you can get a drink at lunch,” He informed her as he stood up, walking out the door. “Have a great day, Pumpkin. I love you. So much.” He told her, he couldn’t put how much he loved her into words - he wasn’t good at emotions and sappy stuff, but he was confident she was sure how much he loved her, even if she didn’t realise he loved her more than anything. 
  “I love you more.” She said back and he was instantly reminded of everytime she said that exact thing to him in the past. From the time she could speak to that moment. For a second, he wanted her to be that toothless seven year old cuddling her teddy bear as he tucked her in again. 
  “I hope you would be proud of me,” She added in as her eyes slowly blinked open. “I am kinda taking on the world by myself at the moment-” 
  “And I’m sure you’re taking the world by storm despite that.” A voice scared her, making her whirl around, the picture frame clutched to her chest as her heart tried to run out of her chest. There he stood. Shaved head, bruises, and a crooked smile - the same one she wore when she got in trouble. 
  “Dad?” She breathed out, eyes wide. Was it a ghost? Was it her mind playing horrible tricks? What a cruel joke the universe was playing on her if the man standing before her in clothes that were obviously not his was all her imagination. Tentatively, she stepped towards him as he stood on the ground, through the damaged front door that was nearly off its hinges completely.
  The man (or product of her grief) nodded. “It’s me, Pumpkin. For real.” He reassured her. He knew she was reluctant, not wanting to get her hopes up. The reality of the Upside Down has put them through hell and back. It was hard to trust anything the universe gave them. Win the lottery? Are they sure it wasn’t just a cruel trick the Upside Down conceived to put them through more hell? Supposedly dead father standing before you? Was Y/N sure it wasn’t secretly some sort of shape shifting creature set to destroy El? 
  She walked a few more steps, finally reaching the door frame. Hopper stayed in one spot, but now Y/N could see the people gathered off to the side, giving the father and daughter space. Joyce and Murray stood in the treeline, giving Y/N nods of reassurance. “Dad!” She broke into a smile, her heart delighted. She was too overcome with happiness to even think about questioning how he was standing there if he was dead. 
  The photo slipped from her grasp as she ran from the doorway, all the way down the rickety old steps. Arms out, she nearly tackled her father, hot tears streaming down her face as she actually felt the warmth of his embrace wrapping around her. He was real. He was here. His heart was beating. She could feel it hitting his chest. She could hear it as she pressed her ear against his chest, nearly squeezing the life out of him, “So you know the road that leads you home after all, even without me here, huh?” Hopper asked, the tearful chuckle rolling through his large form. 
  Pulling her head from his chest, her arms still attached to him like a little girl who is scared. She kind of was a little girl scared that her father would disappear if she let him go. “Huh?”
  “You’re here. You came here all the way from West Lafayette. You knew the way home when you needed me. You did exactly what I told you that morning,” He took in her confused expression. “Joyce told me you chose Purdue. Smart girl, they did offer you a full-ride. Wish I could have been there to see your first day.” 
  “I wish you could have been there too, Dad.” She admitted, squeezing him in a hug again. 
  “Part of me doesn’t want to let you go back. Sometimes I wish I could just have a pause button so you would stop growing up. I would have paused it until I escaped the Russian base.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as tears started to fall from his eyes. Y/N was too overwhelmed to actually process that little bit of information, hoping to remember to ask him about it later. Joyce and Murray shared a look. This was a side of Hopper nobody saw. He was vulnerable. He was speaking in ways they didn’t think possible. 
  “No matter what happens, Dad,” Y/N pulled away from the hug slightly. “I’m always going to be your little girl. Me believing you were dead while you were really just a prisoner in a forgein country for so many months isn’t going to change that.” She joked, laughing through the tears rolling down her cheeks, the bright smile Hopper loved so much on her face.
  “You’ll always be my little girl,” He repeated, pressing his lips together. “Pigtails and all in my mind.” He smiled as she rolled her eyes playfully at this, pushing his shoulder before embracing him yet again, still scared that he’ll disappear again.  
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skinnywalker · 2 years
"There's no way this should take five hours! Eleven gets her hair braided in mintues!"
"That's not the same thing dad. Her getting French braids from max and me getting my whole head done by a professional is totally different!"
Hopper groaned as they entered the salon.
"I hope you know I'm only doing this cause I love you kiddo."
"Yeah I know."
They leaned up and pecked his cheek before sitting in the salon chair. Hopper tried his best to hold back his grin.
"You better not butcher my kids hair now!"
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marvel-rhapsody · 2 years
Hawkins Living | Eddie Munson x Hopper!reader
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Hawkins Living | Eddie Munson x fem!Hopper!reader
Warnings: a couple curse words, not proofread or edited, I think that’s it??
Word count: 3200+
Find my masterlist here!
late August, 1982
(Y/N) Hopper does her best to navigate her way through Hawkins High on her first day.
Being the new kid in town is never fun, but somehow having your dad be the chief of police makes it worse. Everyone ignores her for the first part of the day. That is until lunch comes around.
(Y/N) finds herself sitting alone in the corner of the lunch room when a pair of hands slam down on the table in front of her lunch tray.
"So, you're the new kid, huh?"
She looks up to see a curly headed boy now sitting across from her.
"Uh, yeah. Lucky guess?"
He cracks a grin and a chuckle falls from his lips. "And your dad is Jim Hopper."
"Wow, word really travels fast here."
What the entirety of the school does not know is that she did not grow up around her father. Her parents were never technically together when her mom got pregnant. Her mother decided it was best to not tell Jim. After a couple months of going through the pregnancy alone, she found a new man, David. He had graduated a couple of years before she and Jim did. The two of them found each other and decided to start a life together. By the time Jim found out she was pregnant, she and David had moved south to Tennessee where David had found a job somewhere around Nashville.
That mother is now a school teacher, teaching junior English at Hawkins High. After her parents both passed away, she and David, her now husband, decided that it was time to move back home. Little did they know about the secrets that lie within Hawkins.
The boy shrugs before replying, "It's a small town, everyone has to have something to pass the time."
The bell rings, signaling that lunch is now over and it's time to head to fourth period.
(Y/N) goes to thank the boy for actually talking to her, but he's already gone. All she knows is that he probably has good taste in music based solely on the Black Sabbath t-shirt she notices he was  wearing.
A few weeks pass before she finally learns his name. Eddie Munson.
late May, 1985
Junior year just ended for (Y/N) Hopper. The only thing left to worry about for the summer is saving money for college and which colleges she actually wants to apply to.
A couple months back, she found that the record shop downtown was looking for a new employee. Luckily, her stepdad knew the owner, Doug, and helped her get the job.
Even though the new mall, Starcourt, opened back in January, the shop is still going strong.
It's a warm Saturday morning when (Y/N) gets to work. She pets the store's cat, Fluffy, before setting her stuff down behind the counter and gathering the new releases to add to the shelves. After a few minutes of stocking the store, the bell above the front door dings, signaling the arrival of a customer.
"Hey, new girl."
(Y/N) can recognize that voice anywhere. "I was the new girl three years ago, Eddie."
Eddie slides past her to go to the counter to pet Fluffy. "Whatever, new girl."
(Y/N) rolls her eyes before grabbing the next cassette in the box.
"So, how's your boyfriend?" Eddie asks after a few moments of silence.
She cringes at the thought of Scott. He was one of the star senior basketball players, next to Steve Harrington, of course. Even though (Y/N) is not the most popular girl at school, she is pretty well-known around the school and town of Hawkins.
"Let's not talk about him," she replies, a hint of anger in her voice.
"Hit a nerve?"
She groans, knowing Eddie will refuse to leave it alone until she tells him what happened.
"I honestly should've known it was too good to be true. After two years of me literally following him around like a lost puppy and doing anything he asked, he had the audacity to cheat on me and sleep with Tiffany."
It's Eddie's turn to cringe now. Tiffany is your typical high school rom-com cheerleader; stupid, mean, and likes to pretend she's the nice girl even after sleeping with your boyfriend.
"Ouch, sorry."
(Y/N) shrugs, "It's cool, I guess. Kind of have my eyes on someone else anyways."
She pauses for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed that she would actually admit that to someone who probably doesn't care. Even though he's the one she has eyes for.
She and Eddie have come to know each other a little better since that fateful day her freshman year. See, (Y/N)'s mother is not only an English teacher at the high school, she's also the drama teacher. This means that she also sponsors the Hellfire Club. Since Eddie decided to start the club, (Y/N) has run into him on multiple occasions.
"Oh, yeah?"
A surge of confidence flows through her body when she speaks again. "Yeah... You probably know him. He's a metalhead, has the prettiest hair I've ever seen, and really likes Dungeons and Dragons."
Eddie's heart skips a beat after her confession, and (Y/N) feels her heart racing.
"So, if this said metalhead asked you out on a date, would you say yes?"
"I would."
mid-March, 1986
It's been almost 10 months since that wonderful day at the shop. (Y/N) finds herself falling more and more for Eddie with each day that passes.
It's the Friday before spring break. Tonight is the championship basketball game. Everyone is talking about it.
(Y/N) couldn't care less about the basketball game. Tonight also signifies the end of the big campaign she's helped Eddie plan. The Cult of Vecna.
No one knows that she and Eddie are together. They thought it would be best to save themselves from the bullies at Hawkins High. (Y/N) is tired of hiding. She's an adult, and so is Eddie. Who cares if they want to date?
She watches from the other side of the cafeteria as Eddie stands up on top of the table he sits at with the rest of the Hellfire Club. She can barely hear him over the pounding of her heart in her ears.
She stands up abruptly when Eddie jumps off the table.
"Where are you going?" a friend from the table she was sitting at asks.
"Just excuse me for a second, I'm going to go make a scene."
(Y/N) walks away from the table, making her way towards her boyfriend.
Everyone else in the cafeteria watches in anticipation.
A smile grows on her and Eddie's faces as she gets closer. When she reaches him, she pulls him into a searing kiss. After a few seconds, they pull apart, and look to the members of the club.
"You're dating Eddie? Our Eddie?" Dustin questions as if he can't believe what he just witnessed.
(Y/N) can only nod, not trusting herself to talk. She's usually not that bold in front of other people, but she's tired of pretending to not be dating the "freak".
(Y/N) was Dustin's babysitter after first moving to Hawkins. She has met some of her closest friends through him; Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin.
"I'm so confused," Mike says.
"She's my girlfriend, dipshit. Get used to it," Eddie says, flicking him on the forehead.
His other arm stays wrapped around his girl's side. He sits down, pulling her down into his lap.
"So, are you joining us tonight for the finale of the campaign?"
"Can she be our sub?" Dustin asks.
"As much as I'd like to do that, I helped him plan this whole thing... I'd have too much of an advantage," she replies to Dustin's question before replying to Eddie's. "I'm planning on being there."
The rest of the day and night goes by in a blur. The campaign ended beautifully after Erica Sinclair helped the Hellfire Club defeat Vecna.
(Y/N) and Eddie part ways for the night, him promising to come over in the morning for breakfast with her and her parents before they head out for vacation.
Even though it's spring break, (Y/N) decided that it would be best if she stayed in Hawkins so she could work a few extra shifts to earn more money for college. Time is running out before she starts school at Roane County Community College.
Saturday morning rolls around, and Eddie is a no-show.
"We've got to head on, sweetheart. Why don't you go by his place later? Maybe he overslept or something," her mother says before placing a kiss on her daughter's forehead. "You have the number of our hotel, so don't hesitate to call if you need us, okay?"
"Got it, ma. Have fun on your vacation."
(Y/N) watches as her mom and stepfather leave in their car before she rushes to the phone to call  Dustin.
"Henderson residence," Dustin's voice comes through the speaker. He sounds uneasy.
"Dustin! Have you heard from Eddie? He was supposed to come over and-"
She's cut off by the boy on the other side of the call.
"Meet us at Family Video in 10."
The line goes dead.
(Y/N) doesn't hesitate to throw the phone back onto the receiver and run to her room to change clothes before taking her car across town to the store.
When she arrives, she finds Dustin, Max, Robin, and Steve sitting around the computer.
"Finally!" Dustin exclaims. "Do you happen to know who Reefer Rick is?"
(Y/N) feels the color drain from her face. "Why? What's happening? I thought you knew where Eddie was?"
"We think he's at this Rick guy's house, but we don't know his last name."
"Lipton...He lives close to Lover's Lake," she says slowly. "Now can you PLEASE tell me what's going on? What's going on with Eddie?"
Max gives her a sympathetic smile. "I'll explain on the way."
"Don't worry, Steve will get him with his oar!" Dustin exclaims sarcastically.
"I don't think this is very funny," Steve says poking at a tarp with the oar.
Suddenly, the tarp flies from over the boat and Eddie jumps out, pinning Steve against the wall with a broken beer bottle gripped tightly in his hand.
"Eddie! It's me, it's Dustin. We're here to help!" Dustin yells.
(Y/N) feels like she can't move. Even though she knows Eddie had nothing to do with Chrissy's death, she doesn't know how to adjust to the situation.
The "fire" at Starcourt last year really took a toll on her mental state. Luckily, she had Eddie to help her through. Except he didn't actually know what took place that day. She lost her dad, someone she barely had time to get to know.
"Eddie, please," she finally speaks up. "We believe you. Whatever actually happened last night. It's okay... We're going to help you. Please, put down the bottle."
Eddie's gaze softens at the sound of his girlfriend's voice. His arm drops down to his side and Robin rushes over to Steve's aid.
(Y/N) throws her arms around Eddie's neck, and he holds onto her tightly.
"I was so scared."
"I know, Eds. We need you to tell us everything that happened."
Eddie sits down and takes a few breaths before explaining everything he experienced the night before.
In turn, Dustin explains the last few years in Hawkins and how everything has led up to this.
"So, you've all dealt with this stuff before?" Eddie asks.
The other five people in the room nod simultaneously.
"So the fire at the mall last year... that was?"
"Russians." Dustin replies.
Eddie shakes his head in disbelief.
(Y/N) can't help but feel bad for him. It was a lot for the whole lot of them during the events, so she can only imagine how he might feel after having everything dropped on him at once.
"What do we do?" Eddie asks.
"We need to keep you safe, for one. My parents are out of town, so you could come stay at my place," (Y/N) offers. "At least until we can find a safe house. And we need to find Nancy."
A couple of days have gone by when Jason Carver shows up at (Y/N)'s door.
"Hey, sweetheart," he grins as she opens the door carefully.
Her blood runs cold at the idea that he could find Eddie downstairs in the basement.
"What do you want, Carver?" she spits.
Jason puts his hands up in defense. "Just wanted to check up on you... Since, you know, your freak boyfriend killed my girl."
(Y/N) rolls her eyes. "You and I both know that he wouldn't do that. You'd have more motive to kill her before Eddie would."
She goes to shut the door before Jason stops the wood from completely shutting him out.
"Then you wouldn't mind if I took a look around, right? Want to make sure you don't have any murderers hiding in here."
"Get off my property before I call the cops, Jason."
(Y/N) slams the door shut and watches as Jason gets back into his Jeep and drives off. She then rushes down the stairs where Eddie, Dustin, Max, Nancy, Robin, and Steve sit.
"We need to get you to my dad's cabin," she says to Eddie. "Jason Carver just showed up, and I think he's going to tell the cops that I'm hiding you here."
The group quickly grabs all their belongings before they head out to the middle of the woods to hide Eddie in Hopper's old cabin.
Once there, Steve asks, "Wasn't this thing destroyed last year?"
"My stepdad and I repaired most of it... I was going to move in after I graduated, so it'll work for Eddie until we figure everything out." (Y/N) explains before adding, "It needs a good cleaning so that'll give you something to do while we work through this, Eds."
After a couple hours of cleaning, (Y/N) and Eddie crash on the couch in the living room.
Eddie is still shaken up after the past few days. Who can blame him? He's been through enough trauma in less than a week than some people experience in a lifetime.
"Thank you... for doing this," Eddie says, leaning back into the cushions.
"I love you, Eddie. And I'm going to do everything I can to keep you safe from all this."
Eddie chuckles, running his fingers through his curls. "I should be the one telling you that. God, I'm a coward."
(Y/N) reaches over and grabs his hands, lacing her fingers with his. "Listen to me, Eddie Munson. You are not a coward. You did the same thing any of us would do. This is scary, and we've gone through so much these past few years. You are brave for even still being here with us."
With that, the two of them sit for a while before they both drift off to sleep.
The next morning, they are awoken to the sound of a car pulling up outside.
(Y/N) glances out the window to see Steve, Dustin, and Robin get out of Steve's BMW. She opens the front door for them and they all make themselves as comfortable as they can in the tiny, wooden cabin.
"We have a plan," Dustin tells the couple. "When Vecna is attacking his victims, he goes into a sleep-like state in the Upside Down. If we can get through the rift in Eddie's house, we can get in and attack when Vecna leasts expects it."
Dustin then lays out what looks to be a series of maps. "This is Hawkins, which would also be how the Upside Down looks, just, you know, scarier. The Creel house is here-- he points to a red marked spot on the map-- and this is Eddie's house. We, me and the two of you, are going to distract the demobats while Robin, Steve, and Nancy get into the Creel house and attack Vecna's body. This is all in the Upside Down. In actual Hawkins, Lucas, Max, and Erica are going to be in the Creel house and Max is going to lure Vecna to her. Lucas will stand guard while she taunts him, and then Erica will signal for us to begin our plan."
"Are we sure this is going to work?" Eddie asks, fear seeping through his words.
"It's the best we've got..." Steve answers.
"Then let's do it."
"I'm buying more time," Eddie says before cutting the sheets that connect the Upside Down to his home.
"Eddie, no!" (Y/N) screams.
Eddie runs off and Dustin grabs a chair to help give (Y/N) a boost to get back into the Upside Down.
"Please stay here, Dustin. I can't let anything happen to you, okay?"
Dustin throws his arms around her, giving her a tight hug before helping her go back through the rift.
(Y/N) runs through the Upside Down before finding Eddie standing up against hundreds of demobats. She watches in horror as some attack him.
She grips her weapon tighter before running and slicing through what she can.
And like a switch was flipped, the remaining demobats fall to the ground.
(Y/N) falls to her knees in front of Eddie. He takes a couple deep breaths as he lays on the cold ground.
"You better not die on me, Munson, or I'll kill you myself."
"I didn't run this time, princess."
"I know, Eddie. You're a hero," she cries. "Now let's go home."
She helps her boyfriend off the ground before they get back to the trailer.
"Holy shit, you're okay!" Dustin exclaims after the two get back to the real world.
He wraps his arms around the couple, clearly happy that they are alive.
The three of them head back to the rendezvous point, Hopper's cabin, and wait for the rest of the team to arrive.
A couple days later, the group, minus Eddie, finds themselves at (Y/N)'s house.
"So, you're telling me that during our short vacation... Eddie was "framed" for murder, you defeated a creepy monster in the Upside Down, and met Victor Creel, the man who I had nightmares about for years?" (Y/N)'s mother asks.
(Y/N)'s mom and stepdad know all about the events that have taken place in Hawkins. (Y/N)'s mom was one of the key people that helped Joyce Byers prove that Will was still alive in another dimension.
"Uh, yeah, that's pretty much it," Dustin says.
"I want to go check on Eddie, so do you guys want to come with me?" (Y/N) asks.
The group follows her outside and into a couple different cars before heading out into the woods yet again.
When they get there, they see a van reading "Surfer Boy Pizza."
"It's a California car... Do you think it could be the Byers?" Steve asks.
They slowly make their way to the front door before Dustin does his special "secret" knock that he made Eddie learn so he would know that it was him.
The door creeps open, revealing Eddie and El.
"(Y/N)!" El exclaims, throwing her arms around her older sister.
"What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asks.
El pulls her inside, then into her old bedroom, and explains everything that happened in California.
"I'm so glad you're okay," (Y/N) sighs out.
Outside the bedroom door comes a creak in the floorboard and the door swings open.
The two girls rush over to the tall man in the doorway and he holds onto the two of them tightly.
"I never stopped believing," El says through tears.
"How are you here?" (Y/N) questions.
"It's a long story, but I'm here now, kid." Hopper says. "Now tell me why Munson is in my living room."
(Y/N) laughs. "About that..."
"You know I've busted him for drugs on multiple occasions, right?"
"Details, details..." (Y/N) says. "He's my boyfriend."
Hopper sighs, running a hand down his face. "Of course he is."
"He also saved my life..."
"I'll forgive him this time."
(Y/N) laughs again. "I'm glad you're home, dad."
"Me, too, kid."
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ddejavvu · 2 years
I think this more like a crossover, but I think dad figure!Hopper would like Remus if you're dating him </3 He just looks so innocent and soft spoken and Hopper is like 'well this boy is nice. You can date him' :]
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
AW hehe yes he's like oh? good grades? no detentions (remus is too smart to get caught)? respectful? called me sir? okay you have my blessing <3
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