#jim hopper x daughter! reader
chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Door Open (Part 1) - Billy Hargrove
Part 1
Billy x reader Hopper
Warnings: none really
Word count: 1,644
Summary: Hopper finds out his oldest daughter has a boyfriend and wants to meet him.
Authors Note: There is a part 2 that will be posted soon. It's already typed and in my queue.
Stranger Things Masterlist
Part 2
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“El door!” Hopper yelled out as noticed the door to his youngests room closed shut. With a boy in there.
“Why?” El questioned as she opened the door and stuck her head out.
“Why?!” Hopper asked with raised brows.
El nodded “yes”
“Because I said.” Hopper answered, looking her in the eyes.
“But why? Y/n gets to keep her’s shut.” El wondered out loud with squinted eyes.
“What?” Now Hopper was confused.
“Y/n gets to keep her door shut.” El looked Hopper in the eyes, upset with his ‘door open’ rule.
“Well, Y/n doesn’t have a boy over or a boyfriend.” Hopper told her still a little dumbfounded at this conversation.
“Say you.” El mumbled but apparently not low enough.
“Excuse me?” Hopper spoke, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Nothing.” El tried to cover up but Hopper wasn’t going to let it go, turning to go back into her room.
“El.” Hopper said using his deep angry voice, getting the young girl to turn around again to look at him.
El sighed wishing she said nothing to begin with. “She does.”
“She does what?” Hopper questioned his body tensing.
“Y/n, has a boyfriend.” El stated looking down at her feet. Not wanting to see Hopper’s face.
“Since when?” Hopper questioned but when El gave no answer he tired again. More stern this time. “El, since when?”
“8 months I think.” El said reluctantly, looking anywhere but at Hopper.
“8 mon-” Hopper couldn’t even believe this. How could he not have known this? How did he not notice anything? God sometimes he really thought Y/n should become a detective, she’d definitely be good at the undercover work.
“Please don’t tell her I said anything.” El pleaded before she went back into her room to continue hanging out with Mike.
All Hopper could do was nod numbly. He was going to have a talk with his oldest daughter when she got home.
^     ^     ^
“Y/n.” Hopper spoke as Y/n entered the cabin like normal.
“Hmmm?” Y/n hummed in acknowledgment that she was listening.
“We need to talk.” He stated from his spot on the couch. With a simmering expression, holding in his anger. Which isn’t exactly directed at his daughter.
“What about?” Y/n asked as she came around to sit on the couch alongside him.
“I heard through the grapevine that you have a boyfriend.” Hopper stated taking a sip of his beer before he continued and trained his eyes on his daughter. Watching her behavior. “That you’ve been together for almost a year. How come you never said anything?”
Y/n looked down to her lap, she had been caught and didn’t know what to say exactly. “I was nervous too.”
“To tell me?” Now he felt a little bad. “Why? You can tell me anything, you should know that.”
“Dad, you can be very protective, and intimidating…” It was going to go bad at this next part if it led to what she thought it would. “And I know that you don’t particularly like who he is.”
“I’m your dad, of course I’m going to be protective over you. Just like I'm with El. As for intimidating, that's my job as your father.” Hopper stated, he had to keep explaining his job as a father a lot recently to his girls. But now he really also wanted to know the bigger question. Who was the guy? “Now who is this boy that I apparently don’t like?”
Y/ shifted her eyes away from her father as she mumbled the name. “Billy.”
“Hargrove?!” Hopper screamed with bulging eyes and he stood up in shock, hoping he heard wrong.
“Yeah.” She confirmed, shrinking in on herself. But Hopper couldn’t even yell in that moment he was speechless.
“You don’t know him.” Y/n stated and Hopper just sent her a look. He’s met the kid and he doesn’t like his attitude. Y/n shook her head at his look knowing what he was thinking. “Not really. He acts like a completely different person at school and around town then he is with me.”
Hopper looked at his daughter for a moment. Really looked at her and he could tell this was important to her so he sighed, turning to face her seated form. “I wanna meet him.”
“What?” Now she was confused.
“I want to meet him. Bring him over for dinner tonight-”
“He can’t tonight, but he is available tomorrow.” Y/n spoke efficiently, cutting him off. She knew how Niel was, there was no way Billy could come on such short notice tonight.
“Fine. Tomorrow.” Hopper agreed.
“Okay.” Y/n nodded relieved and she got up off the couch and headed to her room.
“Oh.” Hopper spoke up before she could shut the door to her room. Turning to look at her dad waiting for him to continue, hoping that she wasn’t in more trouble. “Your door stay’s cracked from now on.”
Y/mn nodded letting out a breath of air, hoping to not be in even more trouble. But now she was going to tell Billy.
^     ^     ^
“He wants to meet me?” Billy looked very anxious since Y/n explained what had happened last night. But could you blame him? He’s had run-ins with Sheriff Hopper and they weren’t the friendly kind.
“Don’t look so afraid, Billy. It’s normal, he found out about you and he's gonna want to meet you.” Y/n said with a smile on her lips, slightly amused at his behavior. He just kept pacing with wide eyes.
Billy nodded at her words. “Ok. I got this.”
“Yes, you do.” Y/n nodded in encouragement. Meeting the parents was something Billy didn’t do, but he was willing to do it for Y/n. She got up off his bed and cupped his cheeks. “I believe in you.”
“Is he pissed?” he asked, looking into her eyes trying to get a read on his answer.
“No, not really. I was told that the door has to at least be cracked from now on. But otherwise he seems to be giving you a chance. That's good odds.” She told him with a cheerful look in her eyes and on her face. Y/n was optimistic, and Billy hoped she was right.
“Yeah, I guess.” Billy sighed, he needed to prepare himself for tonight.
“I know.” Y/n smirked, biting her lip as she looked up at him through her lashes.
“Haha” Billy mock laughed before pulling her into a very heated kiss.
^     ^     ^
“Are you nervous Billy?” Y/n asked watching him drive them to the Hopper residence. He was bouncing his leg and tapping his fingers.
“Yes.” Billy stated flat out glancing for a second away from the road to Y/n. His face said it all with a look of pure honesty and fear.
Y/n looked at him in shock, trying to hide her amusement at his confession. “I didn’t expect you to admit it.”
Billy shrugged one shoulder looking back to the road. “Well, I am. That tell you something?” 
Y/n reached over to grab his free hand in hers, hoping to provide him with some reassurance. “Calm down. It’ll be okay. I’ll be by your side the whole time. I promise.”
Once they pulled up, as they got out of the camaro El came running out of the house and hugged Y/n.
“Hey, El.” Y/n greeted, hugging the younger girl back.
“I’m sorry.” she mumbled feeling bad that she outed the girl that took her in as a little sister.
“Its all okay, really. I’m not mad, El.” Y/n stated trying to reassure her that she wasn’t mad. Y/n pulled out of the hug making El look her in the eyes so she would know how serious she was.
El nodded a little in relief and a little just to show she understood. Then she shifted her attention to Billy. Hopping he couldn’t be pissed that she outed his relationship with Y/n.
Billy shook his head coming to stand next to them. “I’m not either.”
“Stop standing there and come in and eat.” Hopper yelled as she stood in the open doorway with a hard expression on his face.
With that the 3 headed inside and sat down to eat. Conversation consisted of small talk mostly at first but there was a reason this dinner was taking place. They should get to it.
“How’s Max?” El asked halfway through their meal, wondering about her friend.
“She’s good.” Billy said before taking a sip of his soda.
“So Billy.” Hopper spoke up, putting his fork and knife down.
Billy gulped. “Yes, Sir.”
“What are your intentions with my daughter?” Hopper asked, cutting to the chase.
“No, its ok. He’s gonna ask at some point right?” Billy stopped her, like she said earlier. These things needed to be done and said. “My intentions are mainly pure with Y/n.”
“Mainly?” Hopper practically growled out, looking at the mullet haired boy with narrowed eyes.
“Well, we do makeout and. . . cuddle.” Billy choked out the last part while Y/n and El snickered. Yeah they cuddle, amongst other things.
“Nothing else?” Hopper ticked his jaw ready to wring the boys’ neck.
“Not really Sir.” Billy shook his head with a smile on his lips, taking a bite of his steak.
“Not really? What's 'not really’ supposed to mean?” Hopper leaned forward placing his forearms on the table, staring Billy in the eyes. He should tread carefully with the look he was giving Billy.
“Well the other things are all of and when y/n wants.” Billy stated looking Hopper in the eyes. He was being brave, Y/n thought. Stupidly brave.
“Hmmm.” Hopper hummed before he continued to eat. At least he seemed to respect his daughter.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila @cherriebat @fandom-princess-forevermore @goth-cowgirl-03
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steddielvr · 2 years
welcome to the family
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Female!Hopper!Reader, Jim Hopper x Daughter!Reader, Eleven Hopper x Sister!Reader
Summary: You invite your boyfriend Steve over for dinner for the first time with your dad and younger sister. (Set between season 2 and 3)
Word Count: 2.1k+
Warnings: extreme fluff, protective!hop&el, Steve being nervous and adorable as per usual
a/n: sooo this fic was my all time favourite fic that i wrote on my old account so i thought it would be perfect to have this be the first one that i reposted. i made some edits and added a few extra scenes and things and i hope you love it! 
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You had just finished setting the table with your younger sister whilst your dad worked on getting the food ready when a knock on the door echoed throughout the cabin. The three of you froze, heads shooting up, wide eyes flickering between one another in confusion. 
Typically, you would have recognised that knock anywhere, but the months of keeping your sister hidden from the outside world and not letting anyone other than yourself or your dad into the house made you all instinctively alert.
You wrap an arm around Eleven, pulling her protectively into your side as your dad slowly places down the bowl he was holding, making his way from behind the counter towards the front door, fists clenched tightly by his sides.
“Hey, uh, it’s Steve. Am I early?”
Your shoulders instantly relax at the familiar voice, Eleven releasing her tight hold around your waist as she feels the tension leave your body. She looks up at you in surprise and you give her a comforting grin in response, pressing a kiss to her growing hair before heading in the direction of the front door. 
However, you pause as you realise that your dad has already beaten you to it. He gives you a smug smirk, ushering you away and signalling that he’ll take care of it and you give him a stern look in response, meaning ‘play nice’.
He rolls his eyes and nods, holding his hands up in defence before turning towards the door. He carefully turns all of the locks, puffs his chest out and swings the door open to reveal your visibly nervous boyfriend, clutching a small bunch of nearly dead flowers in his sweaty hands. He smiles sheepishly at your dad, trying to discreetly wipe his hands off on his jeans.
“Hopper” He nods, before his eyes widen. “I mean Chief-I mean Mr Hopper-I mean sir-I..uh-” He stutters, face turning a light pink. Your dad cuts him off with a laugh disguised as a cough.
“Hopper’s fine, kid” He looks your boyfriend up and down, face emotionless and moves to the side, gesturing for him to come inside. 
The brunette gulps and walks inside, stumbling slightly over his feet. El comes to stand beside you, arm returning around your waist. You glance down at her, holding back a laugh at the look of amusement on her face. 
“Dinner will be ready shortly,” your dad announces after doing a quick check of the surroundings outside and relocking the door. “If you’ll excuse me.”
Steve nods quickly as Hopper turns, returning to the kitchen, busying himself with cutting up some vegetables for the coming meal. You watch as your boyfriend takes a deep, shaky breath, muttering inaudibly to himself before turning around, starting slightly once he realises he has an audience. His face instantly lights up and relaxes once he registers your warm, welcoming features looking back at him, making his way towards you quickly. God you looked gorgeous.
Your smile widens as he comes closer, blushing as he leans in to shyly peck your cheek before smiling nervously down at Eleven. He clears his throat before hurrying to separate the almost forgotten flowers in his hands into two bunches before holding them out in front of you and El. 
“I-uh-I got these for you. Both of you.” He clarifies, smiling gently at you and your sister.
You feel your heart turn to mush at the adorable boy in front of you, taking the first bunch of flowers with a grateful smile. You look towards El, who’s staring wide-eyed up at Steve. You nudge her gently, nodding your head towards the flowers. She takes them carefully, looking down at them in awe before raising her head with a small smile.
“Thank you” She whispers sheepishly, before running over to the kitchen to show Hop. 
You look at Steve with a wide grin, his face mirroring your own. You check that your dad’s attention is wholly captured by your sister’s excited presentation of her flowers before reaching over and putting your arms around his shoulders, kissing him quickly. 
“You’re too cute!” You gush, squishing his reddening cheeks affectionately. He chuckles at your antics, before his face turns serious.
“Your dad doesn’t like me..” He murmurs, sadness pooling in his brown eyes. You cup his face in your hands, pouting at him before giving him a comforting smile.
“He does.” You reassure, “He’s just protective. They both are” You mumble, looking over to your dad and sister in the kitchen area. You turn your attention back to Steve, who’s looking at you with so much love in his eyes you think you could cry. “Besides, with the amount of times you’ve saved my life over the past two years, there’s no way either of them could hate you.”
He opens his mouth to argue but you pull away from him as you spot your dad walking towards the table with El right behind him, both carrying full plates of food for the four of you. You take Steve’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and guide him over to the table. 
Hopper and El are already sitting down beside each other, and you move to take the seat across from El before an arm stops you. Steve scrambles to pull your chair out for you, making you giggle softly at his gentlemanly behaviour as you sit down. He takes his place beside you, wiping his clammy hands off again. 
You place a hand over his bouncing knee, making him turn his head towards you. You give his knee a squeeze, smiling reassuringly at him. Your dad watches the interaction carefully, the corner of his lips twitching upwards at the sight of his love-struck teen. But he would never let you see that. He clears his throat, catching both of your attentions, and motions towards the food.
“It all looks delicious” Steve praises, afraid to look your dad directly in the eye so opts to turning to Eleven instead. “Did you help make all of this?” he asks, mock surprise in his tone. 
Eleven grins and nods, appreciative of her help being recognised, eyes flickering over to you. You wink at her, causing her to let out a giggle. 
“Let’s eat, shall we?” Your dad’s tone is harsh and you look at him in shock, raising your eyebrows scoldingly at him. He shrugs his shoulders in response, attention turning to Steve.
“So, Steven,” he begins, tone menacing and face dead serious. “What are your intentions with my eldest daughter?” 
“Dad!” You scold, eyebrows knitted in anger. 
“Yeah, what are your intentions with my sister?” El mimics, arms crossed over her chest. Your head snaps to your little sister, eyes widening.
“Eleven!” You expect this from your dad, but he’s dragged her into this too?
Steve places a hand over yours, calming you instantly. 
“It’s okay” He soothes, before staring directly at Hopper, hand still holding yours. 
“Sir, I love your daughter.” He starts, causing you to look over at him in shock. You’d said it to each other before, but the declaration in front of your family surprised you. “All of my intentions are good, I can promise you that. My only goal in our relationship is to make her happy every chance I can get and I know how lucky I am to have her. I would never dream of hurting her and I know we haven’t really talked about it before, but I can’t imagine my future without her in it.” He finishes his speech, now looking at you. 
Your eyes are full of tears, your face sporting a wide grin as you gaze at him in awe. You turn to your dad, surprised to see a wide smile on his face too. Glancing at El, her face mirrors his and they look at each other and nod. 
He turns back to Steve, holding his hand out over the table. Steve looks at it in surprise, before composing himself and taking it in a firm grip.
“That was a test.” He says. “We wanted to make sure you were good enough for our girl. And now that we see that you are..” He trails off, letting go of his hand and looking down at El with a smile.
“Welcome to our family!” She exclaims, grinning. 
Steve looks like he’s about to burst into tears as he looks at you, you squeezing his hand tightly as your expression mirrors his own. You know how much those four little words mean to him, what with his own family being so absent in his life. You turn to your family with a teary laugh.
“Thank you” Steve chokes out, covering his shaky voice with a cough. 
Hopper nods with a knowing smile, before gesturing to the food. 
“Well, we didn’t slave away in the kitchen all afternoon for this to go to waste. Eat up.” He jokes, nudging his shoulder against El’s. The table erupts into laughter as the four of you dig into your meals, your hand still clutched tightly in Steve’s own.
The remainder of the night is less awkward than the start. The conversation between the four of you flows easily and by the end of the night, you are all laughing together and sharing stories, your dad telling Steve your most embarrassing moments growing up, much to your dismay. Eleven had quickly warmed up to Steve and stayed glued to his side for most of the night, much to your delight.
When it was eventually time for Steve to bid goodnight to you all, your dad gave him an approving pat on the back and thanked him for looking after you when he couldn’t. As Steve made his way to the door, El wrapped him in a warm embrace, making him stumble before returning the embrace with a chuckle. You watched them with watery eyes and a wide smile, thankful that she felt so comfortable around him. 
“I’ll walk you out.” You offer as El releases him, ruffling her hair as she walks back past you to join your dad in the living room. You grab a coat from the rack by the door, helping Steve with the many locks before following him out onto the porch. 
Your eyes scan the surroundings out of habit before settling on your boyfriend’s glowing features once satisfied that it was safe. You grin at him, shuffling over to wrap your arms around his waist, nestling your head against his warm chest as his arms come up to cocoon you in his embrace. He sighs against your head, chest vibrating with a chuckle as he reaches up to cup your face in his warm hands, proceeding to litter every inch of your face with sloppy kisses. 
“Thank you.” he begins, pulling back to smile lovingly at you. “Not just for tonight, but for everything. For choosing me to love and to bring into your family. You’ll never know how thankful I am.”
Your heart warms at his words, shaking your head and cupping his face in your colder hands. “It’s me who should be thanking you. Most people would not be able to handle all of this,” you say, gesturing to the empty space surrounding you and the cabin you call home. “But you don’t even bat an eyelid. And how sweet you were with El...I just-I really love you. So much.”
His smile widens at your words, repeating them back to you without hesitation. He leans in, relieved at finally being able to give you a proper kiss before he is cut off by a loud knock on the glass beside you. Your heads snap to the window and are met with the disapproving glares of your dad and sister, shaking their heads at Steve and waiting until he steps hurriedly back from you before lowering the curtain with matching smirks.
“I guess that’s my cue.” Steve chuckles, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “I’ll call you as soon as I’m home.”
You nod, ignoring the fact that your family is probably still watching and rushing over to give him a soft kiss. You smile sheepishly when you pull back for air, chuckling at the expression on Steve’s face. “Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. I’ll be waiting for your call, Stevie.”
He laughs, giving you a mock salute before making his way off of the porch and back towards his car, parked discreetly off to the side of the cabin. You wait until he is safely inside and driving away before heading back through the cabin door and bolting it again. You roll your eyes at the pointed look from your dad and join your sister on the couch, wrapping her into your embrace as your dad chooses a movie for you to watch. You loved your little family to pieces and it made you so happy to know that Steve was welcomed into it with open arms. 
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madnessformunson · 2 years
she’s all i wanna be
Summary: you are insecure in your relationship with Eddie
Warnings: reader has a negative body image, mean girl behavior, bullying
I have no idea why the formatting is so weird lol
Your relationship with Eddie was new. It was fun and exciting but also scary. You had never had feelings like this for anyone before. He always made time for you, recently skipping D&D or cutting band practice short so he could squeeze in more time to spend with you. Because Eddie’s world was newly revolving around your every move, his friends were getting annoyed with you and your constant presence.
You walk into the cafeteria and sit at your usual spot at the Hellfire table. You didn’t know if you should without Eddie, but he had to meet with Miss Click about his last test grade. He assured you that the boys would love to have you sit with them.
You quietly sit and greet them with a weak smile and wave.
“Oh hey y/n, where is Eddie? Gareth questioned.
“He had to meet with Miss Click to go over his last exam, hope you don’t mind me sitting here” you said as you unpacked the contents of your lunchbox.
“And you aren’t waiting outside the classroom for him to be done” Jeff let out with a weak laugh.
Your face flushed because you had actually thought of doing that.
“I don’t get how he isn’t completely tired of you always hanging around him and pulling him away from what he loves. It’s so confusing since just a few months ago he couldn’t shut up about his crush on Chrissy, and now he’s with you instead” Mike said cruelly.
Your face was still red hot and you were fighting back the tears in your eyes.
“I guess he just settled for the off brand Chrissy” Jeff said with a laugh, as the rest of the boys chucked with him.
You quickly stood up and grabbed your belongings not able to listen anymore.
“Hey, we were just joking with you!” Mike called out and you ran out.
You left the school down an old trail you and Eddie frequently took when you just needed to get away. You headed to the rusted bench to take a minute to yourself when you heard Eddie’s laugh. You peer through the bushes only to see Eddie dramatically falling onto the ground in front of the one and only Chrissy Cunningham.
She was definitely flirting with him, twisting her perfect blonde hair as she asked him about Corroded Coffin. You saw enough, taking off to head in the direction of your house.
On your way home you couldn’t help but think negatively of yourself. She was definitely prettier than you. She had a smaller waist, long blonde hair and came from money. You didn’t have anything like that to offer, you’d probably choose her too.
As you walked past the drug store, you had a moment of thinking “maybe I can look like her” as you wondered in looking for some hair dye. You decided on a box of bleach, thinking that adding some highlights could maybe help your look.
As soon as you got home you rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind you. You pull out the instructions and read them over 3 times to ensure you know what you are doing. You decided you were ready, you started to mix the chemicals that smelt so strong you were sure you’d get high from the fumes. As neatly as you could you applied the paste to your hair and let it be for 45 minutes. You rinse the chemical off, throwing your hair up in a towel on your head as you wipe the fog off the mirror.
Then you were horrified. Once you pulled the towel off all you could feel was instant regret. Your roots were white blonde while other pieces were bright orange and another section still your original color. You were panicking trying to figure out your next move when there was a knock on the bathroom door.
“Hey y/n dad said dinner is ready” your little sister, El informed you.
You muttered some profanities before saying, “tell him I’m not hungry!”
You suddenly hear heavy footsteps approaching the bathroom door.
“None of that y/n, come on we are eating dinner” Hopper insisted.
“Sorry I can’t” you blurt out.
“Excuse me? You can’t? Open this door right now y/n”
You knew you couldn’t win. You slowly opened the door to reveal the mess you were currently dealing with.
“What the hell y/n” Hopper said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I know it looks really bad -“ you start
“Really bad is an understatement” El cuts you off with a giggle. You give her a death stare and she runs down the hallway.
“I can call Joyce tomorrow to see if she can come help you fix it after school,” Hopper said, rubbing his face with his hand.
“After school?! Dad no way that’s too long”
“She’s at work y/n, you’ll just have to wear a hat or something” he says as he lets out a laugh.
You continue just to give him an annoyed glare.
The next morning you tuck all of your hair into a beanie, then place the hood of your sweatshirt over top to further disguise yourself.
As you make your way downstairs for school, your father sees you and chuckles.
“I don’t know why you think this is funny” you say as you pour your bowl of cereal.
“This is one of those moments I will never let you forget,” he replies.
You just have to get through today, stay low and avoid Eddie that all you have to do. Standing at your locker you grab the books you need as you notice Eddie approaching you with a smile and wave. You took off to your class taking your seat and opening your book up as quickly as possible to bury your head in.
“Hey y/n I tried to call you last night but you didn’t answer” Eddie said as he took his seat behind you, chains hitting onto the desk.
“I was busy” you reply coldly.
“Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?” He said leaning forward.
Thankfully the bell rang and Miss Click walked in already telling everyone to quiet down.
“Ok class today I want you to turn to page 110- yes Miss Cunningham?” Miss Click said as Chrissy raised her hand.
“I just was thinking I’m pretty sure it’s against the dress code to wear hats inside and I just don’t think it would be fair if certain people were an exception to the rules”
“Why yes that is a rule, Miss Hopper you need to remove your hood”
Your heart sunk and your face instantly got red. You sat there like a statue for a minute trying to decide what to do.
“Miss Hopper if you don’t remove the hood this instant I will have to send you to the principal's office to call you father.”
You slowly pull the hood back and stare at Miss Click.
“The beanie too dear” Miss Click said.
As you pull it off your head you can hear the whole room gasp followed by laughter.
“Oh my” is all Miss Click could get out before you grabbed your books and bolted out of the room. You faintly heard Eddie calling your name but you didn’t turn back, you headed straight home with tears running down your face.
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pappydaddy · 2 years
my little girl (j.h.)
a/n: this is really short, i am so sorry. hopefully it's good, i was desensitizing myself to the song again (a yearly occurrence bc i bawl like a baby when i hear it). also, i aged the reader up to be an older teen starting university. i felt like it would make a better plotline, but the reader has a canonically late-year birthday (december) so she is seventeen. hope you don't mind lovely!
ps, i am trying a new format. we'll see if i like it...
fandom: stranger things | pairing: jim hopper x fem!teen!daughter!reader (father/daughter)
requested by the lovely @sunnysidesadie (hope you enjoy it💛!)
synopsis: visiting her old cabin when she misses her dad is normal for y/n. what isn't is her supposedly dead dad suddenly showing up. | based on this song by tim mcgraw (i grew up on country music, don't judge me) that always makes me cry so... | au where vecna stuff happens at another time
taglist: @rottenstyx | @boxofsilentwords | @badass-yn | @lexi-2004 | @i-always-come-back-xoxo | @rootbeerfaygo | *line through you user means i could not tag you lovelies!
warnings: grief mentioned | (believed to be) dead father | emotional? | not being able to trust things
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- not my gif -
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Standing in the ruins of her father’s cabin, Y/N’s chest ached. She often came here, ever since that day last summer. It looked the exact same as it did that night - a shell of a once lively house. Even if this wasn’t the home he raised her in, it was the cabin they made a home in such a short period of time. The Mind Flayer had ruined it, only the walls left standing. Everything else smashed and broken, even possession. 
  The sting of tears made Y/N’s eyes feel like they were burning out of her head. The Mind Flayer took her home, but the Russians took her father. In their greed to become the most feared country, they ripped the one thing Y/N loved the most from her. The one thing that she had in her life that was constant was gone. Sure, Jim Hopper was battling his demons, drinking, a bit aggressive in his parenting tactics, and a horrible communicator, but he was her father. He loved her with every fibre of his being. 
  Swallowing thickly, she spied a broken picture frame sticking out of the ruins, most likely from the wind pushing it around overtime. Slowly walking towards it, Y/N felt the old floor shifting under her. Soon, it wasn’t going to be safe to stand here. She feared that day. The bit of cabin was the only thing she had left of her father. He had sold their home when they had to protect El. Their prized possessions and keepsakes were either damaged or pillaged by teens who stumbled upon the empty cabin before they could finish off the Mind Flayer. 
  Bending down, she grabbed the picture, wiping off the dirt. It was her father and her. She was six, in a horribly itchy red and green dress. It was her elementary school Christmas Recital. She had on bright tights and a pair of shiny black shoes. Her grandmother had helped him dress her that time. Usually, for this recital, he would have put her in a green dress with her pink ballet tights. After that year, he had stuck to the same colour palette. Smiling down fondly at the picture, she couldn’t help but let a tear slip. “I miss you. So much,” She whispered, eyes squeezed closed. “I think you’d be proud of me, Dad,” She swallowed the hard ball that was forming in her throat, trying to ignore how her heart felt like it was being ripped in half. “I’m taking on this whole world. Just like you always told me to.” 
  Y/N stood there, looking in her full length mirror. It was her first day of senior year, it had to be perfect. Her shaking hands brushed over her outfit for the sixth time in that minute. Humming, she shuffled to the side, inspecting the outfit she had picked out last night for any flaw, turning up with nothing. However, she couldn’t find anything great about the outfit either. Light blue coloured mom jeans (brand new so fitting perfectly), converse, and a dark green mock neck sweater. There was nothing bad but nothing particularly amazing about the outfit. “Y/N, hurry up and eat your breakfast before you run out the door saying you’re too busy to eat.” Her dad told her, his voice nearing her partially open door. 
  “Coming.” She told him, but she didn’t move from her spot in front of the mirror. In the reflection, she saw her door being pushed open and her father appeared, clad in his brown uniform, his had noticeably missing. 
  “Y/N, I told you already, your outfit looks fine. I want you to eat before you leave,” He reminded her. Despite his gruff and aggressive appearance, her father’s words were spoken with a sense of softness. She sighed, slumping her shoulders as she turned away from the mirror. His brown eyes watched her. He was dense with the whole girl dad thing. It wasn’t easy trying to understand them, but he tried. Which is why he stepped into the room further, pushing the door closed behind him. “What’s going on? It’s gotta be more than worrying about your outfit.” 
  He sat on her bed seconds before she joined him. “I don’t know. My life is changing, should I really be wearing the same clothes I wear every first day?” 
  “What are you talking about,” He questioned, brows furrowed as he looked at her outfit. “Those pants and the shirt are all new. You’ve never worn them before.” She laughed at this, which wasn’t his intention, but he couldn’t help but smile and feel his heart melting. 
  “Not the clothes, but the style. I’m graduating, my life is completely flipped upside down after this year, but here I am dressing the exact same way and doing my hair the exact same way, going to the exact same school to hang out with the exact same people,” She muttered, feeling stupid about her worries. “I don’t know,” She shrugged. “It’s scary and I don’t think I am ready for it.” She confessed, her eyes finally looking up at her. The same exact eyes looked back at her. Everybody said that she had her father’s eyes. 
  Her father sighed in understanding, smiling sadly down at her. “If anyone isn’t ready for you to graduate, it’s me. I mean, one second I am dropping you off at kindergarten then all of a sudden, you’re sixteen getting ready for your senior year,” He informed her, nudging her shoulder with his arm, making her laugh. She hated being so much younger than her classmates, but she was starting senior year as a sixteen year old, turning seventeen in December. He had to fight the sadness filling him, knowing his daughter is growing up, because she needed him to be her rock. She needed him to be her cheerleader. “Never in my mind did I ever think you weren’t ready. You are going to take on this whole wide world, chasing your dreams,” He suddenly turned serious. “And I will be here, cheering you on because you’re always going to be my little girl. And just know, as long as you know the road that takes you home again, I will be here for you.” 
  “Just the road? That’s the only way you’ll be there for me?” She asked. Hopper looked at her, ready to get mad that she took it like he wasn’t going to be there for her, but that crooked little smile played on her lips - the same crooked little smile she wore when she was a kid whenever she did anything she wasn’t supposed to. Instantly, his anger and his naturally icy heart was melting, just like it always did and just like it always will. 
  “Real smart, you little ass,” He laughed, making her join in on the laughter. “Now, I still want you to eat, but I would rather you not drive like a maniac trying to get to school in time so I will put a few more snacks on the counter for you to stuff in your bag on your way out. I’ll add some change to it so you can get a drink at lunch,” He informed her as he stood up, walking out the door. “Have a great day, Pumpkin. I love you. So much.” He told her, he couldn’t put how much he loved her into words - he wasn’t good at emotions and sappy stuff, but he was confident she was sure how much he loved her, even if she didn’t realise he loved her more than anything. 
  “I love you more.” She said back and he was instantly reminded of everytime she said that exact thing to him in the past. From the time she could speak to that moment. For a second, he wanted her to be that toothless seven year old cuddling her teddy bear as he tucked her in again. 
  “I hope you would be proud of me,” She added in as her eyes slowly blinked open. “I am kinda taking on the world by myself at the moment-” 
  “And I’m sure you’re taking the world by storm despite that.” A voice scared her, making her whirl around, the picture frame clutched to her chest as her heart tried to run out of her chest. There he stood. Shaved head, bruises, and a crooked smile - the same one she wore when she got in trouble. 
  “Dad?” She breathed out, eyes wide. Was it a ghost? Was it her mind playing horrible tricks? What a cruel joke the universe was playing on her if the man standing before her in clothes that were obviously not his was all her imagination. Tentatively, she stepped towards him as he stood on the ground, through the damaged front door that was nearly off its hinges completely.
  The man (or product of her grief) nodded. “It’s me, Pumpkin. For real.” He reassured her. He knew she was reluctant, not wanting to get her hopes up. The reality of the Upside Down has put them through hell and back. It was hard to trust anything the universe gave them. Win the lottery? Are they sure it wasn’t just a cruel trick the Upside Down conceived to put them through more hell? Supposedly dead father standing before you? Was Y/N sure it wasn’t secretly some sort of shape shifting creature set to destroy El? 
  She walked a few more steps, finally reaching the door frame. Hopper stayed in one spot, but now Y/N could see the people gathered off to the side, giving the father and daughter space. Joyce and Murray stood in the treeline, giving Y/N nods of reassurance. “Dad!” She broke into a smile, her heart delighted. She was too overcome with happiness to even think about questioning how he was standing there if he was dead. 
  The photo slipped from her grasp as she ran from the doorway, all the way down the rickety old steps. Arms out, she nearly tackled her father, hot tears streaming down her face as she actually felt the warmth of his embrace wrapping around her. He was real. He was here. His heart was beating. She could feel it hitting his chest. She could hear it as she pressed her ear against his chest, nearly squeezing the life out of him, “So you know the road that leads you home after all, even without me here, huh?” Hopper asked, the tearful chuckle rolling through his large form. 
  Pulling her head from his chest, her arms still attached to him like a little girl who is scared. She kind of was a little girl scared that her father would disappear if she let him go. “Huh?”
  “You’re here. You came here all the way from West Lafayette. You knew the way home when you needed me. You did exactly what I told you that morning,” He took in her confused expression. “Joyce told me you chose Purdue. Smart girl, they did offer you a full-ride. Wish I could have been there to see your first day.” 
  “I wish you could have been there too, Dad.” She admitted, squeezing him in a hug again. 
  “Part of me doesn’t want to let you go back. Sometimes I wish I could just have a pause button so you would stop growing up. I would have paused it until I escaped the Russian base.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as tears started to fall from his eyes. Y/N was too overwhelmed to actually process that little bit of information, hoping to remember to ask him about it later. Joyce and Murray shared a look. This was a side of Hopper nobody saw. He was vulnerable. He was speaking in ways they didn’t think possible.��
  “No matter what happens, Dad,” Y/N pulled away from the hug slightly. “I’m always going to be your little girl. Me believing you were dead while you were really just a prisoner in a forgein country for so many months isn’t going to change that.” She joked, laughing through the tears rolling down her cheeks, the bright smile Hopper loved so much on her face.
  “You’ll always be my little girl,” He repeated, pressing his lips together. “Pigtails and all in my mind.” He smiled as she rolled her eyes playfully at this, pushing his shoulder before embracing him yet again, still scared that he’ll disappear again.  
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skinnywalker · 2 years
"There's no way this should take five hours! Eleven gets her hair braided in mintues!"
"That's not the same thing dad. Her getting French braids from max and me getting my whole head done by a professional is totally different!"
Hopper groaned as they entered the salon.
"I hope you know I'm only doing this cause I love you kiddo."
"Yeah I know."
They leaned up and pecked his cheek before sitting in the salon chair. Hopper tried his best to hold back his grin.
"You better not butcher my kids hair now!"
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ddejavvu · 2 years
I think this more like a crossover, but I think dad figure!Hopper would like Remus if you're dating him </3 He just looks so innocent and soft spoken and Hopper is like 'well this boy is nice. You can date him' :]
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
AW hehe yes he's like oh? good grades? no detentions (remus is too smart to get caught)? respectful? called me sir? okay you have my blessing <3
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damn-stark · 2 years
Stop because this sound reminds me of y/n from Strange, before her development with Hopper of course, and the second part just reminds me of when she talked to him in her vision of him 🫠🥹
I miss writing for that fic…
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strangererotica · 4 months
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perv!mean!Hopper, dom!Steve, soft!dom!Eddie x sub!Reader
Includes: MFM relationship, Hopper is a dirty cop/really sleazy human, oral sex, anal sex, guilt/shame/angst, blood mention, surgery mention, abuse of power, vomit, fingering, praise kink, piss, deepthroating, cockwarming, masturbation, swallowing, unprotected vaginal sex, pregnancy, shame, lies, secrets, squirting, and bubble bath sex… 🫨
@wordynerdygurl @eddiesguitarskills
• Our story begins in Chief Hopper’s Blazer, parked somewhere secluded in the woods of Hawkins •
“You got somethin’ to say kid-,” Hopper sighed, irritated. “Just fuckin’ say it.”
He was in a bad mood today…impatient. And honestly, it was the last thing you needed. “Why’re you so quiet anyway?” he asked, his hand sliding between your thighs. “Usually by now, you’d have this sweet little cunt in my fa-.” Hopper stopped speaking when he realized you were wearing underwear.
“The hell is this?” he asked. “You know my rules. No fuckin’ panties when you’re with me.” Hopper cursed, stamping out his burned-down cigarette. “You on the rag or somethin?” he asked, adding “I told you, it doesn’t fuckin’ bother me. There’s towels in the back, and besides-.” Hopper squeezed your thigh, a wry grin on his lips. “-I like it when you make a mess…”
You met his eyes, his deep blue gaze almost sinister with hunger. It would be difficult to say no to Hopper, even with the information you’d been wrestling with since morning.
“Jim,” you began, and he looked at you strangely, since you rarely ever addressed him by anything other than ‘Chief.’
“Yeah?” he asked flatly.
Your heart was racing a mile a minute, as you recalled the way your morning had started…nausea roiling in your stomach on the way to the bathroom from bed, vomit spraying the toilet bowl, and the piece of plastic you’d held between trembling hands, watching as two bold lines of color bloomed in the result area of the test…
“I’m pregnant,” you murmured softly. Hopper stared at you for a moment, before bursting out laughing. “Christ!” he exclaimed, his eyes crinkled in amusement. “How about that?” You watched Hopper light his cigarette, stunned silent by his reaction. “You told him yet?”
“Have I told who?” you asked. Hopper frowned back at you, confused but still smirking. “Your loser boyfriend,” he clarified, snapping his lighter closed. “You told The Freak he’s about to be somebody’s daddy?” Hopper chuckled again at his own words, finding the idea of Eddie being a father hilarious.
The shock you were feeling began to morph into anger. “What if it’s yours?” you asked, a bitter lump rising in your throat. Hopper’s laughter died quickly, his eyes going dark. “It’s not,” he retorted coldly, shifting in his seat to face the road, and not you.
“How do you know?” you asked, and he quickly (almost defensively) replied “because it’s not.” Hopper blew a cloud of smoke at the dashboard, resting his elbow against the driver’s side door. “Can’t be. I had the surgery-.” Hopper made a snipping motion with his fingers. “-Vasectomy. The kid’s not mine…”
You had no reason to believe him. Hopper could see the doubt in your eyes, so he chose to elaborate. “Had it done years ago. After my daughter, uh…” Hopper paused, his voice wavering. “…after my kid died. I decided I never wanted to go through that kind of…” He sniffed, clearing his throat. “…loss, again. So-.” Hopper shook his head slightly, as if shaking away a bad memory. “-I got fixed. Can’t lose a kid I can’t have in the first place, y’know?”
You wanted to believe Hopper. It would relieve at least some of your anxiety, but not all of it. You still wouldn’t be sure whether the baby was Eddie or Steve’s; but at least the affair you were having with Hopper could remain hidden, if the baby couldn’t be his…
“Besides,” Hopper said, interrupting your thoughts. “Can’t risk knocking up a girl like you, right?”
His question caught you off guard. “Like me?” you asked.
“Yeah,” Hopper replied. “One of my girls.”
Your lips parted, a weight sinking in your chest. Hopper’s smile took on a cruel affect.
“Oh?” he teased. “You thought you were the only girl I screw around with out here?” He waved his hand to the window, indicating the forest around you. “Trust me sweetheart,” Hopper continued, taking another drag of his cigarette. “You aren’t the only pretty girl in Hawkins with a boyfriend she wants to keep out of jail...”
His callous attitude was breaking your heart. You felt like a complete idiot for giving so much of yourself to Hopper, far more than your body alone. You’d felt safe with him, for some ungodly reason you couldn’t identify now. Regardless of how good Hopper was at fucking you, the reality of his monstrous character was finally, truly sinking in.
Hopper noticed the look of sorrow that had washed over you, and it annoyed him. “Now let’s get one thing straight,” he told you, leaning closer. “I still own this-.” Hopper slid his hand further between your thighs till he was cupping your pussy, squeezing it so hard you winced. “I still own you,” he added, his tone harsh. “And unless you want Eddie to miss the birth of his kid ‘cause he’s rotting in a jail cell-.” Hopper ripped the crotch of your panties aside and forced two fingers inside you. “-Nothin’ about our little arrangement changes. Understand?”
You nodded resignedly, a tear trickling down your cheek. Hopper rested his cigarette between his lips, using the fingers that had been holding it to pull down your shirt, and your bra along with it. He rolled your nipple between his thumb and index finger, pinching till you yelped.
In some sense, he felt that you were at fault in all of this…that you’d fucked up by getting pregnant. And the main reason Hopper wanted to punish you, was out of fear. Because he knew there was a very real possibility that you were pregnant with his baby. The vasectomy story was a lie, a well-rehearsed one he’d told many girls before you. Hopper really was just a selfish asshole who came in multiple women every week, and didn’t care about the consequences his reckless behavior might cause.
But this time, Hopper was afraid. He’d managed to escape the consequences of his actions for too long now; the truth would eventually come out. Hopper felt like this time, he might have really fucked things up. His bad mood from earlier was now a simmering rage. And he was going to take out all of his frustration on you.
Hopper pulled his fingers out of you with a loud squelch. “Get your ass in the back,” he ordered.
You obeyed.
Eddie and Steve weren’t stupid. They’d seen you rush to the bathroom that morning, obviously feeling unwell. They’d found it suspicious when you stayed in there for over an hour, blowing them off each time they asked through the door if you were alright.
You’d locked yourself in the bathroom as if guarding a terrible secret inside it. As soon as you’d left to go meet a friend for lunch Hopper for sex, Steve and Eddie had done a bit of investigating. And it didn’t take them long to figure out the reason you’d been hiding in the bathroom, and why you’d looked so upset when you left it.
The positive pregnancy test was thrown into the back of the cabinet under the sink, but Steve managed to find it. Eddie covered his mouth in shock when he saw it, a big smile on his face. Steve was less enthusiastic, but not because he didn’t want you to be pregnant. Steve was uncomfortable with the possibility that Eddie, and not him, could be the baby’s father. If Steve was going to have kids with anyone, he’d want it to be you. The idea of Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson beating him to it…pissed Steve off.
For his part, Eddie was just happy. He was babbling excitedly to Steve about baby names, what the three of you would need to change around the apartment before the baby arrived, etc. He was buzzing with energy, while Steve was taking the news of your pregnancy in stride. He was happy for you, but he wanted to be happy for the two of you...excited for your baby and his. Not your baby and Eddie’s…
While Steve sat on the couch in silent contemplation, Eddie paced back and forth restlessly, chatting away at Steve about all his plans for the baby. “(Y/N)’ll be home soon,” Eddie told Steve. “When she walks in, we should both jump out and be like, hey mama!”
Steve rolled his eyes at Eddie. “Nobody’s jumping out at anybody, okay?” he retorted. “She hid the test, Ed. She didn’t want us to know.”
Eddie’s look of joy faded. He knew Steve was right.
“If she wanted to tell us, she would’ve this morning,” Steve continued. “We have to respect her privacy. God only knows what’s going through her mind right now.” Eddie flopped down on the couch beside Steve, his leg bouncing nervously.
“Why wouldn’t she tell us?” Eddie asked, even though he knew the man beside him didn’t have an answer. Steve shrugged his shoulders in an attempt at indifference. “I’m sure she has her reasons,” he replied. “And she will tell us, when she’s ready...”
Hopper dropped you off a few streets over from the apartment complex, just as he always did after driving you out into the woods and fucking you. This time was different from the others. You were sore. Hopper had fucked you in the ass today, and not gently. It would take some time to recover, and the most appealing thing in the world to you right now was a warm bath you could lay back and relax in.
Standing outside the door to your apartment, you could hear Steve and Eddie talking inside. Part of you was happy they seemed to be bonding in your absence. Another part of you worried that they somehow knew about the pregnancy…or worse, about your affair with Hopper.
Your worries disappeared as soon as you opened the door. Steve and Eddie were busy in the kitchen making dinner, politely arguing about whether or not the pasta they were boiling was truly al dente. Your keys jingling got their attention. “Hey babe,” Steve called out. “Hope you’re hungry; Eddie and I boiled a shit ton of pasta by accident.”
Eddie held up the empty box the pasta had come from, idly inspecting it. “Yeah,” he commented as his eyes scanned the label. “Turns out one box yields, um…” Eddie pursed his lips, trying to do the math in his head. “…Waaaay more than we need,” he finished with a lighthearted grin in Steve’s direction. “Math was never my strong suit, okay?”
Steve left the stove and approached you, resting his big hands on your shoulders like protective mitts. The gesture was tender, warm, very unlike the affection you were used to getting from Steve. “Thought we’d eat in tonight,” he said, massaging your shoulders softly. “Maybe watch a movie together.” Steve was being so gentle, it took you completely by surprise, in the best way.
Eddie leaned in to your neck, nuzzling you with a soft kiss. “Dinner can wait,” he said, turning your chin to face him. “I think I’m in the mood to have dessert first…”
Steve nodded in agreement- “I second that,” -and let his hands glide down your arms, lingering around your wrists. “What d’you say, (y/n)?”
You realized how lucky you were, in that moment. These two beautiful men were standing there, wanting only to please you. A part of you wanted to reveal your pregnancy, but the possibility of ruining such a tender moment gave you pause. Guilt washed over your heart as you remembered your other secret, the one you were most afraid of confessing: Hopper.
“I think I’d like to have a bath first,” you told them. “And afterwards, I’ll absolutely be ready for dessert…”
The bath Steve ran for you was perfect. Big, fluffy piles of cotton candy-scented bubbles floated on top of the water, swallowing you in a warm hug as you sank beneath them. You let your hair fan out on the water’s surface, your eyes drifting closed as you tried to relax. A cassette player on the sink played a tape of ambient music that Eddie had chosen for you. The lights were dimmed, with a few candles flickering beside you on the edge of the tub.
It should have been the perfect atmosphere to relax in, but your mind was running circles. Additionally, the work Hopper had done on your ass earlier that day made sitting uncomfortable, even in a warm tub of bubbles. You tried to avoid thinking of the pregnancy, but it was impossible. Over the course of one day, you’d gone from worrying you were falling in love with Hopper to bitterly resenting the power he held over you. Could you really trust him, that there was no way the baby could be his? As much as you wanted it to be true, based on what you knew of Hopper’s character, you had plenty of reason to doubt him.
How could you have been so naive, to think that Hopper didn’t have similar arrangements with other girls? He’d taken such good care of you sexually, fucking you slowly, unselfishly. Maybe it really had been for him all this time; but Hopper made it seem like he was fucking you for your pleasure more than his own. Like he genuinely cared about you. The way he ate you out for hours on end, licking you till the pleasure turned to pain. Why would a man who had so many girls dedicate that much time to your satisfaction? To making sure you came at least six times in one afternoon? Was there something about you that Hopper couldn’t get from all his other girls?
You hated feeling jealous, especially over someone like him. Here you were, sitting in a beautiful bath prepared by Steve and Eddie, about to be fucked by both of them as soon as you were finished. And yet, you were jealous over a filthy son of a bitch that was twice your age and fucking who knows how many other girls?? You shook your head, bubbles fizzing at your ears. A quiet little sob escaped your lips, but not quiet enough for Eddie’s perceptive ears to miss.
He peeked around the doorframe, a concerned look on his face. “You good, (y/n)?” he asked. With a heavy sigh, you managed a smile, and rested your chin on the side of the tub. “I’d be better if you and Steve joined me,” you said.
Eddie’s lips quirked into a grin. He stuck his head around the corner and called for Steve, “get in here Harrington, she wants us in the tub with her.”
When Steve entered the bathroom, he was met with a view of you sucking Eddie off at the side of the tub. The image made Steve’s brain go a little hazy, and all he wanted was to be naked, too. Your eyes left Eddie’s and locked with Steve’s as you sucked. The look on Steve’s face made you grin around Eddie’s cock, the corners of your lips stinging at the stretch. “Fucking look at her,” Eddie marveled, running his fingers through your damp hair. “Look at how good she sucks it…”
Steve removed his shirt and began to work his belt undone. His cock was hard and leaking by this point, wet and ready for the moist heat of your mouth. He removed his pants and his boxers, kicking them aside as he made his way to the tub.
Eddie’s legs quivered as he stood beside the bath, with you on your knees in the tub taking his cock down your throat. Steve watched while masturbating to the view in front of him, massaging his cock in slow, patient pumps from base to tip. He knew he’d get the same treatment from your lips as Eddie, that all he had to do was enjoy the show till his turn came.
The soft gurgling sounds you made around Eddie’s cock had both men groaning. “Good fuckin’ girl,” Steve praised. “Takin’ such good care of Eddie’s cock…gonna take care of mine too, yeah?”
You nodded, your head bobbing on Eddie’s dick. Pulling your lips off his tip with a loud pop, you shifted in the water and reached for Steve. “Uh-uh,” he scolded, swatting away your touch. “No hands. You want my cock? Then find it with your mouth like a good little girl…”
Greedy, hungry to taste the sweet pearly liquid oozing from Steve’s tip, you did as he instructed. Clasping your hands behind your back, you leaned forward till Steve’s cock was bumping your mouth, smearing precum over your lips and chin. “Open up,” Eddie murmured down at you, patting his hand against your cheek. “Take care of Steve’s cock the way you took care of mine, pretty thing.”
As Steve pressed himself between your lips, his girth caused an even sharper sting than Eddie’s. Usually, this was the order you sucked them in; Eddie was a little longer than Steve but not as thick, so he generally went first and got your throat warmed up for Steve.
A hum of pleasure rolled deep in Steve’s chest as he fucked your mouth, watching his cock disappear between your lips again and again with every thrust. Eddie climbed into the tub, reaching for your hips and tugging them to meet his.
As Steve continued to use your mouth, Eddie pulled you onto his lap beneath the water. He splashed away a hill of bubbles to watch your pussy swallowing his cock under the water. Steve lifted his leg and braced his foot against the edge of the tub. This position gave him even deeper access to your throat, his balls slapping full and heavy against your chin as he took you. Gripping your hair in his fist, Steve used it as leverage to fuck your face as rough as possible, till your gag reflex activated and you smacked his thigh, telling him to pull back. Vomit spilled onto the ceramic bathroom tile. Steve wiped your lips clean with a towel and cradled your face in his hands. “You wanna stop, baby?” he asked, and you shook your head ‘no,’ in response.
Steve complied, burying his cock down your throat again without pause. Eddie’s dick was nestled balls-deep inside your cunt as he let you cockwarm him. The urge to buck up into you was deliriously tempting, but Eddie forced himself still, knowing he’d come too soon if he moved even slightly. The sounds you were making on Steve’s cock were beyond pornographic. Gulping, choking, gagging around the thick outline of his shaft, you forced every inch down your throat till you’d swallowed him completely.
Steve exhaled a flurry of curses, his hands in your hair gripping for dear life as his knees went weak. “Oh my-oh my god baby-how d’you-how d’you do that?” he gasped. “I’m gonna-fuck fuck fuck I’m gonna come honey, shit!”
Steve ejaculated so far down your throat, his cum slid straight to your stomach. Eddie completely lost it, watching Steve’s face contort in pleasure as he relieved himself inside your mouth. Unable to hold back any longer, Eddie bucked his hips upward, punching into you with a few hard, breathless thrusts. As Steve staggered back to lean against the bathroom sink, Eddie groaned into your shoulder and painted your pussy with cum. “Oh my god!” he exhaled, falling against the back of the tub, a big smile on his face. “That was…I’ve never come that hard in my life, (y/n)-.”
“Neither have I,” Steve chuckled, finding his breath again. He returned to the edge of the tub and caressed your cheek, smiling warmly down at you. “Good girl,” he said, and then left for the bedroom, ready to pass out in bed.
Eddie lifted you off of him, resting your ass on the side of the tub, and parted your legs over his shoulders. You held onto his hair as Eddie buried his face against your cunt, his tongue searching out and swallowing every drop of his orgasm. Your thighs were shaking, clamped around Eddie’s face as he ate you, licking your cunt clean, hoping to get you all dirty again.
His wish came true less than a minute later. Biting your bottom lip to keep from screaming, you came all over Eddie’s tongue. A mix of cum and piss squirted inside his mouth and ran down his chin in slippery streams, dripping into the tub. Eddie growled into your cunt, his hand furiously working his dick under the water, a second climax overtaking him as he swallowed your release. Thick ropes of semen expelled under the water, clinging to the hair on Eddie’s legs. He pulled you into the tub with him, soaking your bodies in both your cum and his, kissing you so deeply you’d swear Eddie’s tongue touched your soul.
Eddie gently rocked you in his arms, in the mix of bubbles, water and cum. His body stretched across yours and covered you like a protective shield. You felt safer than you ever had before, looking into the eyes of the man you loved more than anything, the man you would do anything for…
…even if that meant doing Jim Hopper, to keep Eddie safe. There he was, that horrible, cruel bastard, forcing his way into your mind again, even as you lay in Eddie’s arms. The urge to tell, at least one of your secrets, became overwhelming.
You held Eddie’s cheek and gently stroked his hair, your words barely above a whisper as you told him: “I’m pregnant.”
His eyes lit happily, the corners of his lips turning up into a grin. “I love you, (y/n),” Eddie said.
And that, you realized, was all the assurance you needed that no matter what happened from here on, things were going to be alright… 🖤
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munsonsprincess11111 · 7 months
Your under ar- where'd he go.
Eddie munson x hopper!reader
Summary: I'm living for Eddie x hoppers daughter so... Eddie gets arrested by hopper and daniels one night and he manages to run away. But he runs to your house. Still in cuffs.
"Don't make this harder, then it needs to be, munson," Hopper said, cuffing Eddie's hands behind his back. Eddie got caught driving while smoking a joint. Now he's pressed up against his van with hopper, cuffing him and Officer daniels taking notes.
Eddie starts to think. He could try to pick the cuffs, but the hopper would notice. Then he had an amazing idea. With his hands still close together, Eddie was able to slip two of the rings off of his left hand and hold them in his right.
He peeked over his shoulder quickly to see hopper looking at daniels as they spoke. Eddie moved his hands slightly to the left and threw them as hard as he could at the side of the van. Hopper let go of eddies back as his hand flew to the gun in his pocket. Officer daniels did the same.
With them both distracted Eddie bolted. He ran as fast as he could. "OH shit munson!" Hopper shouted behind him. But Eddie didn't stop. The to cops chase after him but they eventually run out of breath and have to stop. Giving Eddie the perfect escape route.
"How is that kid so fast?" Officer daniels pants. "Not a bloody clue" Hopper says whipping the swet off his head. But it leads Hopper to think. Where could he possibly go with cuffs on.
Your laying in your bed listening to music quietly as you rearrange your room... again...
Els sat in the living room watching TV. She hears a knock at the door. An eager, frustrated, sounding knock. Els not allowed to answer the door. "Y/n, there's someone banging on the door." She calls out for you.
You exit your room and approach the living room door grabbing the bat by the door and checking the guns still behind the door. This could be anyone from a drunk Nancy to the government looking for el. Your taking no chances.
You open the door and raise the bat as a warning. "Christ y/n don't hit me." Eddie shouts. You lower the back seeing it only being your boyfriend. You rush him Inside confused by his antics. Then you see his hands in cuffs behind his back and him out of breath dripping with swet.
"Are you OK? Why are you in cuffs? What happend?" You panic slightly. Eddie steps to you trying to hold you but being stopped by the handcuffs... then looking annoyed and just pissed.
"Babe I'm fine. I was smoking a joint while driving home and I got pulled by your amazing father and daniels. Calm down hunny." Eddie says smiling at you. You guide him to the kitchen.
You go through the draw of keys seeing if one will fit in the key hole of the cuffs. To your luck one do and you free Eddie. He rubs his wrists and you see the red imprints the cuffs left on him. "Thanks princess" he says hugging you finally. You hug him back.
He looks down and kisses you sweetly. "What would I do without ya?" HE says keeping his face close to yours.
"Still be in handcuffs." You laugh kissing Eddie. He nods raising his brows. You stay like that in the kitchen for a moment when you hear the front door unlock, open, and get closed and locked.
You hear the drop of your dad's heavy boots. "You OK dad?" El askes frowning at him.
"I'm fine we arrested munson boy but he ran away and now I've lost another set of perfectly good cuffs to that little shit." HE complains about to el hanging his coat up. As he sits in his recliner you enter the living room smiling.
Before hopper can say anything Eddie steps in behind you swinging the cuffs on one finger. "OH these cuffs Jim?" Eddie askes grinning ear to ear. You look to your dad and see the annoyance take over. "You really ran away from me and came to my house." HE says angrily. Eddie nods still grinning.
Then your dad's eyes snap to you. "We had the key so I unlocked them." You say smiling worriedly. "OH relax babe he's just annoyed you got to see me before he did." Eddie says trying to get you out the shit for helping him.
"You know what I'm to tired for this shit. Munson you win this one but I'll get ya next time." Hopper says leaning back in his seat as el passes him a cup of tea. He smiles at her.
"Sure hop maybe I'll let you win when I get some bail money in let you feel victorious." Eddie says sitting next to you pulling you into his side. Everyone stays quiet as the show plays on the TV. You yawn and suggest bed and your dad tells Eddie he can stay the night door stays open. You enter your room and Eddie closes the door.
You change into one of Eddie's hoodies he left once and he just strips into boxers. You get into your bed and eddies hand finds your ass giving it a squeeze while smirking.
"Please stop getting in trouble with my dad I'm sick of getting the cuffs off of you." You mumble.
"NO promises." HE smirks eyes closed.
"Atleast try for me?" You ask moving closer.
"OK ill try." HE mumbles back in pretend annoyance.
"Thank you."
"I love you." He says kissing you sweetly.
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"You love it."
As you both start to drift off to sleep. Your door flings open "door. Stays. Open. For gods sake." You dad shouts walking off. You throw your head on the pillow as Eddie laughs quietly.
"See babe I'm made for causing trouble to your dad. I'm breaking the rules just laying here." HE smirks kissing you smirking.
He was an absolute idiot. But you wouldn't have him any other way.
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rainydayathogwarts · 11 months
Caught - Billy x Byers!reader, mom!Joyce x reader
Byers!Reader wc: ~1.4k Summary: reader sneaks out to meet her boyfriend Billy but bumps into someone unfortunate on her way out. More focused on the reader x mom!Joyce than reader x Billy. Just to make things clear also, it's a loving mother/daughter moment nothing gross or weird.
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You almost grinned, tiptoeing to your window in the dark room, purse in hand, careful not to trip over any of the clothes haphazardly thrown on the floor. You winced as you opened the window, careful not to make any sound as you pushed yourself up on your arms, throwing your legs over the ledge. You landed on the opposite side on the wall with a crunch of the leaves under your feet, quickly making your way up the street.
You had gotten used to this routine. Usually, if either you or Jonathan had plans, you'd both go, telling your mom you'd stick together when you actually snuck off to see Billy and Nancy. The plan was foolproof. You both understood each other and would head back home together, ensuring your mom that you were safe. But every now and then when Jonathan didn't have plans, you had to find your own way to go see Billy.
With everything that had happened the past two years in the Byers household, the last thing your mother was going to do was let you go out - especially alone. Especially to meet the boyfriend she didn't know you had. You spotted Billy's car a couple of houses down, waiting to drive you away when you froze, eyes widening.
Staring right back at you was Jim Hopper, the chief of police in Hawkins, Indiana. Standing behind him were Nancy, Steve, Robin and of course, Eleven, who were making their way to your house, inevitably for another meeting.
Hopper took the cigarette out of his mouth, throwing it on the floor and stepping on it, his eyebrows raised and you physically cringed, tugging your low cut top up your chest. He definitely knew what you were up to, especially in that short blue skirt you wore, specifically to give Billy easy access. Your eyes wandered behind him, looking back at the other teenagers who all looked equally as confused as each other, with the exception of Nancy who grinned widely at you.
The silence was deafening.
The sound of the front door opening averted Hopper's gaze back which gave you the perfect opportunity to run back to the side of the house, where your mom wouldn't see you. "We saw you guys standing out here, what are you doing?" You heard your mom say, and prayed Mr. Hopper would keep your secret, just this once.
You didn't hear his answer, the door closing behind them. You had two options, you decided; either you could sneak back in and leave Billy hanging, or you could make a run for it. You sighed, looking through your window one last time before sprinting up to Billy's car down the street so that your mom wouldn't see you leaving.
You slammed his car door behind you, lowering yourself in the passenger seat as you caught your breath, whisper-yelling "Go, Billy, go!" He chuckled, having seen the entire exchange and stated calmly "Well that was a close one wasn't it?" When you were far enough from your house, you straightened up, leaning over the controls to press a glossy kiss to Billy's cheek. He put a hand on your thigh, heading in the direction of the forest, where he parked and you both headed straight into his back seat.
It was an entanglement of sweaty bodies and humidity, causing Billy to reach behind your head to open the window, the awkward position causing you to whine at him. He pounded into you, your skirt bunched up at your waist, your top laying on the floor as he mouthed at your tits, leaving hickeys everywhere he could. Your nails scratched at his back, causing Billy to hiss as he quickened his pace, getting you both closer to the edge. It was blissful, both of you giggling and exchanging wet kisses when you were done, catching each other up on your day, oblivious to what was awaiting you at home.
It was only when you were standing in front of the house with the curtains open, making direct eye-contact with an angry looking Joyce Byers that it suddenly hit you that if the others were here for a meeting, they probably would have needed you too.
You picture it in your head, your mom opening the door to your room, her heart dropping when she sees you're not in bed. Hopper wincing when she yells your name, reassuring her that you're fine, you're not alone. You just headed out. You can imagine her livid during the meeting, worried yet furious because all this time she wanted you to be safe, you'd been betraying her trust to meet a silly boy. Jonathan feeling guilty, but he doesn't want to throw himself under the bus just so that she can be angry at the both of you. It's not his fault that you got caught and he didn't.
You see heads turning to look at you through the window, wanting to see what's busying Joyce's gaze and you put your head down, walking towards the front door. You push your key into the keyhole, twisting it once, twice, and you hear the door unlock each time. Your other hand comes up to rest on the doorknob, and you hit your head on the door, taking a deep breath. You pull your key out with a groan, pushing the door open, avoiding your mom's gaze to the best of your ability.
"Y/N Byers. Look at me right now." The room is absolutely silent at the tone of your mother's voice and you look up with a sigh, seeing Jonathan's eyes widen. He starts shaking his head at you from behind where your mother is now standing, walking towards you. You swallow once, knowing that there's something wrong - more wrong than just sneaking out, but you can't wrap your finger about it, and Jonathan certainly wasn't helping you guess.
It's only when Joyce's hand comes up, brushing a strand of hair behind your shoulder that you realise, jerking away from your mother as you rush to your bathroom to desperately cover your hickeys, knowing fully well that she's already gotten a good look at them. There's three aggressive knocks at the door "Y/N I've already seen, come out now."
Embarrassment tugs at your chest and tears start to prick your eyes, but you forcefully wipe them away. You put your makeup brush down, looking up at your half covered hickeys. You still had three on the opposite side of your neck that were on full display and one was half covered by your top, leaving the rest to the imagination. When you open the door, Joyce is sitting on your bed, and she pats the spot next to her. You trodded over to her, keeping enough space between you as you let her talk, keeping your head down.
"Now under regular circumstances, I'd be happy for you and ask who this young man is, but I'm really disappointed Y/N. I thought we had a deal." You sigh, picking at your nails, knowing that if you said something, it would come out louder and angrier than you'd meant it to be. "Is this the same boy who snuck in last month?" You furrow your eyebrows, finally looking at her. Despite everything, you laugh whole-heartedly. "That was probably Nancy, mom. She basically lives here."
You watch as her jaw drops. "Nancy as in Nancy in my living room Nancy?" You nod "Her and Jonathan are-?" She doesn't finish her sentence, sitting there silently instead. "Do I need to have a talk with you and your brother about using protection with boyfriends and girlfriends?" She asks genuinely, frowning slightly. "No mom! God no!" You yell, shaking your head. "So... You're using protection with this guy?" "Billy." You confirm, nodding at her. "-Because at least Jonathan could decide to not be involved, but you would have to carry it." Your face flushes red and your hand comes up to scratch the side of your head, hiding your face from her.
"If I show you a photo of Billy, will you please stop asking me humiliating questions?" You ask, already getting off the bed to retrieve a box of polaroids. You open the box and gasp, desperately trying to cover the photo of you and Billy making out on the top of the pile, accidentally pushing it away from you and sending all the polaroids flying. Joyce laughs, shaking her head as she mutters something about you embarrassing yourself.
You lean down, pulling some wholesome photos from the floor and handing them over to your mom, who observes them closely. She hums, going through them, and finally says "But even if you didn't use protection...You two would have beautiful babies."
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hauntedwitch04 · 1 year
Baby making with Daddy
Steve Harrington x Reader
Words: about 1.0k words
Warnings: smut, sexy time in the bathroom, and baby fever of Steve Fucking Harrington
Author’s note: Hi loves! I finally managed to write some more after the crazy week I had. It's note my best work, but I hope you like it, your witch Becky
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DAY 3: Sex pollen
"Now be quiet baby, or everyone will hear you moaning for Daddy as he puts a baby in your lap. "
Whispers Steve, as he pulls down your panties, in the Hoppers' bathroom where you have been hiding.
You ended up in this situation because of your husband's baby fever, which now seems to have taken over his entire brain.
When you arrived at Jim and Joyce's house today, you knew right away that there was going to be a problem, because you saw that Jonathan and Nancy had brought with them, for the first time, the daughter who had been born to them a few months ago. Immediately you had gone to see the newcomer, and you couldn't help but immediately fall in love with those soft little cheeks of hers and her toothless smile, but you hadn't missed your husband's glances.
In part, you were shocked that it lasted so long, but then at some point in the afternoon, when everyone had decided to hang out in the garden for a while, he had said that he wasn't feeling too well, and he asked you to go with him, and right away you understood his intentions.
You were not even in time to close the bathroom door, that your hips were already pressed against the sink and his lips were already leaving a long streak of saliva that went from your right earlobe to the hollow of your breast.
"God, love seeing you with that little girl is driving me crazy. Seeing you with her in your arms, or playing with her, I can't help but think if she was ours. I swear you'll be pregnant by tonight, if it's the last thing I do." He whispers into your neck as he lifts the skirt of your dress and with expert fingers grazes your center, already in involuntary spasms of pleasure and wetness from his words and gestures.
"Feel how wet you are baby. Who made you so wet?" He asks rhetorically, as he massages one of your breasts from above your dress.
"You daddy, you did it." You gasp as you try not to lose your wits, though it may be too late now.
"That's right baby, and now Daddy is going to fuck you so hard that you even forget your own name, and then put a beautiful baby boy or girl inside you. Do you like that idea?" He asks as he unzips his pants, and slowly massages his member, to prepare himself.
"Yes Daddy, please make me a mommy and you a daddy, I can't wait to have a baby of our own." Moan as he spins you around and pulls down your panties, now rendered useless because of how wet they are.
"Now be quiet baby, or everyone will hear you moaning for Daddy as he puts a baby in your lap. " He says in a sensual voice as he bends you over the bathroom sink. You feel his cock graze your entrance, then enter hard.
Immediately, however, all I feel is pure pleasure, as from how aroused you are, his member has slipped inside you smoothly. Steve immediately begins to move at a brisk pace as he grabs your hair, previously left neatly gathered, in a rudimentary tail to pull you up next to him, causing me to arch my back. He, as I pull you closer, lowers himself, making sure to meet you halfway, to kiss you with all the passion he has.
His thrusts continue to be strong, and you struggle more and more to hold back your moans. You feel your orgasm coming faster and faster and more and more violently, and you can't help but tell your husband, who immediately chuckles with amusement.
"Cum baby, let go, don't worry." He says, speeding up his thrusts, knowing that her orgasm was also now in the home stretch. "But know that this is not over, when we get home, I will fuck you so hard that besides being pregnant, you will have left the mark of your body her our mattress." He continued.
His words are too much, and immediately you are hit by an endless wave of pleasure. You feel every nerve in your body relax under that rush, as your pussy clenches tightly around his cock, wanting to squeeze every single drop of semen inside him into you. Your orgasm affects his, causing him to release everything inside you. You feel him lean against your back, before leaving a kiss between your shoulder blades.
"What's the word?" He asks rhetorically as he gives one last thrust, matching his cock for the umpteenth time against your cervix, making you moan.
"Thank you, Daddy." You whisper, while your voice is still slurred with pleasure. He slides his cock out of you, then continues talking
"That's my baby girl, now put your panties back on and let's go outside, I wouldn't want them to start suspecting something." He tells you, as he closes his pants, and looks one last time at your pussy, where some of his seed is starting to drip out, to pick it up with a finger and put it back in.
"Like they didn't hear you." You comment looking for your panties, to find them thrown across the bathroom, trying not to be distracted by his gesture.
"Watch your mouth baby, because it's not a given that you cum tonight if you don't play nice with Daddy." He says, slapping you on the ass, after you just put on your underwear, before leaving the bathroom.
Eventually a few weeks later it turned out that Steve had kept his promise and actually succeeded that night, even though you believe it had been the time in the Hoppers' bathroom.
@digitalhearts @samanddeansannoyingsis @minkiles @ash04w3 @123345566 @the-house-of-rose-and-ember @nightfiress @theyluvtrinity21 @supernatural-lvr @starsval
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justanoasisimagines · 2 months
Back Off
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Summary; Billy won't leave Lucas alone, the Chief's eldest daughter has had enough! Pairing; Billy Hargrove x Female!Hopper!Reader WordCount; 512 Warnings; Mentions of violence, A/N; Hey lovelies, my requests are open and my guidelines are pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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Billy strode through the parking lot full of swagger, confidence and arrogance. He couldn't see the hurricane marching toward him. You were mad. Beyond that. You were fuming. Billy had threatened Lucas again. You were tired of him sauntering around the place. "Hey, Hargrove!" The crowd parted in the middle, Billy turned with a smirk on his face. "Princess." "You don't call me that! Do you enjoy picking on little kids? Does it make you feel powerful does it?" Suddenly Billy was face to face with you, your eyes were fiery, standing mere inches from him. "I don't know what you're talking about." "Are those jeans cutting off your blood circulation? I'm talking about you threatening Lucas at the arcade." "See all I heard was you'd been admiring me, Sweetheart." With a quick swing of your fist, you punched Billy connecting with his jaw. Billy landed on the ground, and suddenly a crowd gathered. A chorus of O's added to the already bubbling tension. "Chief Hopper's Daughter finally got some punk to her. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to know what you've done." "Who do you think taught me how to punch? Stay away from those kids."
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Several days passed. Hawkins High buzzed about the altercation the other day. You were keeping an eye on Billy. You didn't trust him. "Hey, can you take the kids to the arcade? I've got a date tonight." Steve asked you as the ell rang signalling the end of the day. "Sure what time am I picking them up?" "Around five." With a nod, you left to get home before you had to go and pick up the misfits.
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"Do I need to remind you not to punch Hargrove?" Your father asked while you were slipping on your boots and jacket. "No, but I'm tired of harassing Lucas." Jim sighed as he stepped closer to you. "Kid, I don't care if you give him a verbal beatdown. Honestly, he deserves it. But you know someday he'll get his comeuppance. So whatever you do don't lay your hands on Hargrove got it."
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The arcade was busy. Expected on a Friday night. The kids were off doing their own thing as were you. You kept an eye out for the most part. You were trying to make the most of your Friday night. "Stay away from my sister Sinclair, or you'll regret it." You moved away from Pac-Man, heading directly in Lucas's direction. He held Lucas by the collar. "How about you stay away from him or was one black eye not enough? Lucas, are you okay?" "Looks like you need a girl to fight your battles." "Looks like you need to pick on someone younger than you. Does it make you feel big and powerful? Clearly, you're lacking elsewhere. You should want to be like Lucas. He's good, kind and loyal to his friends. He's the type of person you should aim to be. Not someone like you who uses their looks to hide their inner ugliness." Billy's eyes widened as he left without saying a word.
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madnessformunson · 2 years
Double Daddy Part 9
Notes: sorry this chapter took so long and it’s pretty short, the next one is longer. Hope you all enjoy 🖤
Also when I pasted it into tumblr my formatting changed a lot so it looks really weird but I’m too lazy to try to fix it 🖤
You slam the front door once you follow in the house behind your dad. He is shaking his head as you cross your arms in frustration.
“You are not even trying to hear me out dad! You don’t know the whole story” you shout at him.
“I don’t need to know the whole story y/n, he clearly has been sleeping around with multiple people” Hopper states as he makes his way into the kitchen. Joyce is there preparing lunch but makes no effort to join in on your discussion.
“Dad we were anything serious” you start to argue but Hopper cuts you off, “somehow that doesn’t make this situation any better”
“He slept with Chrissy one time at a party where he was drunk at Dad. I’m not the biggest fan of the situation either but it is what it is, at the end of the day he is the father of my baby. I need to be able to get along with him.”
“I understand that y/n, it just-it just really upsets me that he upsets you so much, I don’t want you getting hurt by him” Hopper says as he pulls you into a hug.
It was a great warm hug. One of the best hugs you’ve had in such a long time. You don’t know if it was your raging hormones or the fact that you and your dad haven’t shared a hug like this in forever, but you started to cry.
“Oh honey I’m sorry” he says to you as he squeezes you tighter.
“It’s ok dad, I’m ok. I just need to be on good terms with Eddie because… I think I might want to keep the baby” you respond, still buried into his embrace.
“Y/n you know all I ever want is for you to be happy and healthy. It up to you if you decided you want to raise the baby but I really encourage you to weigh out all your options and make the best decision for not only you but the baby as well”
After that was said, hugs were released and the tears that had spilled out of your eyes were wiped.
“Here” Hopper said as he tossed his truck keys to you, “why don’t you go to your appointment and stop by Eddie’s on your way home. Curfew of 9pm sharp”
“10pm?” You said with a laugh and smile.
“9:30 and not a second passed” he agreed and you nodded as you made your way to the truck.
The appointment went well and everything was on the right one track. You are 16 weeks now.
After the appointment you drove to Eddie’s trailer. Once you pulled up you realized you didn’t know if Eddie had informed his uncle of your current situation. You dig through the truck until you find an old black pullover of yours. It definitely didn’t completely hide the bump but it made it not as prominent.
You slowly approach the door as your heart starts racing. You practiced what you thought you would say in the car on the way over but now? You had no idea. You knock lightly three times on the door. Wayne answered it in a rush, continuing to button up his work shirt.
“Hi Mr. Muson, I was wondering if Eddie was home” you said rather quietly.
“Kid I’m pretty sure you’ve known Eddie for years now and I’ve told you repeatedly to just call me Wayne” he said as he stepped out of the doorway so you could walk inside.
“It’s ok kid, haven’t seen you in a while around here” he said as his eyes drifted to your growing stomach then back up to your eyes.
You just stood there uncomfortably for a second.
“Well I’m off to work now, Eddie should be in his room. Make yourself at home” he stated as he turned to grab a to-go cup of coffee and headed out.
You approached Eddie’s door and knock, “hey Ed’s it’s me can I come in”
You hear movement and sniffling behind the door before it is opened to reveal Eddie. His eyes were red and glossy with puffy cheeks to match, you could tell he had been crying. His messy curls pulled into a loose bun at the back of his head, no shirt on his body, just some old black pajama pants.
“What are you doing here y/n?” Eddie said in a concerned voice.
“Just wanted to check on you, seemed like you had quite the life changing afternoon”
He gestured you in the room and you sat on the edge of his unmade bed while he took a spot in the desk chair. It’s was silent for a few moments before Eddie decided to break it.
“I am so so sorry y/n”
“I know” you said emotionless.
“No seriously I’m so so so sorry, I don’t know where my head has been the past couple months and I just-“ Eddie started but you soon cut him off.
“I don’t want to say it’s ok Eds cause it’s not but I’m willing to put it behind us. I’m willing to work together as a team so we can raise our daughter together” you said looking down at your shoes.
“I’ll figure out someway to make it up to you I swe- wait did you just say daughter?” Eddie said as he stood up to sit next to you on the bed.
You nod. “I had an appointment today, remember? They were able to tell me they are pretty sure the baby is a girl”
“Fuck I was suppose to take you to that appointment I’m so sorry-“
“No more sorry’s munson, I’ll give you a free pass for today since it was a really shitty day for you” you smile at him.
“I think-I think I want to keep her” you say to him in almost a whisper.
“Are you sure that’s what you want”
“I’m still going through all my options but every day I feel closer and closer to her, I want what is best for her of course but I also want to try to give that to her” you say, placing a hand on your rounded tummy.
You get back home not long after that. Joyce and Hopper sat in the dining room, just the two of them in the dimly lit room.
You greet them which breaks their deep conversation they were having.
“Hey sweetie, how was your appointment?” Joyce says as she motions you over to sit at the table with them.
“It was good, the doctor said we are healthy.” You said with a smile as you sat down.
“Your dad mentioned that you are thinking about keeping the baby?” Joyce asked as she took your hands into hers.
“Yeah I’m still trying to decide though, nothing is set yet” you wiggle in your seat, feeling uncomfortable with the conversation.
“I know that right now, this feels like the hardest part but it’s not dear. This is the easiest part, once the baby is here is when the real struggles begin. There are amazing and beautiful moments in raising a child, but there are also dark and lonely days. Children don’t come with a book. But I hope you know, whatever you decide your father and I will support you in any way we possibly can. And we will be incredibly proud of you, no matter what you choose.”
Tears break loose from the brim of your lids.
“Oh sweetie, I didn’t mean to upset you” Joyce says, taking you in for a hug.
You embrace the hug and then wipe your eyes with your sleeves, “this is so hard, I want to make the right decision but it doesn’t feel like there is a right one. I just want to do what’s best for her”
Your dad joins in the conversation now, “her? It’s a girl?”
You nod and more tears spill over.
“Oh sweetie congratulations!” Joyce says as she covers her mouth with her hands in excitement.
“You know we will help you in any way we can y/n, we love you both so much” your dad said as he got up to give you a hug as well.
“Thank you both so so much”
The next day Joyce came into your room early to wake you up. Honestly you were pretty pissed she woke you up because you were so tired, but you were trying to be nicer to everyone. She told you to get dressed and come down stairs as soon as you were ready.
You threw on your leggings which were the only pair of bottoms you had that fit you anymore. You topped it with an oversized sweatshirt and your sneakers.
You ran down the stairs and sat at the table, filling your plate up with the breakfast foods Joyce had made.
There was a knock at the door, followed by Steve entering the house before anyone came to open the door.
“Good morning!” He entered with a smile making his way over to the kitchen table.
You mumble as you stuff a biscuit into your mouth. Steve reaches over to grab a piece of food off your plate to which you promptly smacked it away.
“What are you doing here Steve? Don’t you have your own family to annoy in the mornings” Hopper said as he sipped his black coffee. Your dad's comment made you chuckle and Steve took a seat at the table.
“I know she’s moody because she’s pregnant but what’s your excuse?” Steve said with a laugh.
Hopper rolled his eyes, “seriously what are you doing here”
Just then Joyce enters back to the table, “I asked him to come over and take El and Will to the arcade for the day, I wanted to have some girl time with just y/n”
You almost choke on your food. Joyce has been amazing to you but ‘girl time’ still wasn’t something you enjoyed.
“Why can’t El come too? She’s a girl” you ask, not making eye contact.
“Because I don’t think she’s going to find going to the maternity and baby store that exciting”
“Do we have to go do that today?” You let out with a groan.
“Yes we do, you need more than one pair of pants y/n. Plus I already talked to Eddie and he will be meeting us there so we can look at some of the essentials you’ll be needing for the baby”
Your eyes grew wide “why would you invite Eddie? I thought we were having a girls day. I really really don’t want to do this”
“I just figured it would be good for him to tag along so he knows what you guys are gonna need if you decide to raise the baby”
“This should be considered torture” you let out another loud groan, placing your head into your hands.
“No torture would be me pulling out my old maternity clothes from the Rubbermaid container in the garage and telling you to wear those” Joyce replied as she started to eat her own breakfast.
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
Workplace Gossip
Jim Hopper x fem!younger!reader (reader is 25!) 
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: age gap relationship (legal ofc!!), jim being insecure in that, innuendos, billy flirting with the reader, mentions of his daughter and her cancer
Author’s Note: hello again!!! if you recognize this one, you probably red Hugs way back when. this is the revamped version as an attempt to return to the stranger things roots before i hit the old billy and steve ones!! lemme know what you guys think <;3
The original request; by anon, Hi! Loved your Hopper imagine! Can you do another one with him with the reader and him having a bit of an age gap? I don’t own these characters. They belong to the author/director 
(not my gif)
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You were rushing. You could feel the cold nipping at your sides, freezing the mobility in your hands but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You breathed through your mouth as you walked down the sidewalk. If you started to run you could get to your job interview in five minutes. You looked down at your wrist watch and cursed under your breath. Running in heels wasn’t your best idea but showing up late wasn’t exactly the best way to start a job. 
When you looked back up it was too late. You ran directly into a large man, causing an intake of breath from yourself and ‘shit’ from him.
“I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed. You caught sight of the badge on his chest and the hat on his head. Police. 
You couldn’t be detained for not paying attention, that was ridiculous. Right? 
“Where are you going so fast at 7 in the morning?” he asked, annoyance in his voice. 
“I have a job interview.” You bit your tongue. At the station. There was an opening for a secretary job. “I’m sorry again, I’m already running late.” He let you move aside and rush down the street, now running in heels that were too tall for you. He mumbled something about being morning people and kept walking. 
“I am so sorry, I got off on the bus at the wrong stop. I’m still figuring out Hawkins, I just moved here last week,” you explained, out of breath, perspiration beating down your forehead. So much for the business casual blouse you had sweat through. 
“It’s no worries honey,” a woman at the front said with a dismissive look. “You were the only one coming. As long as you’re not a criminal, you’re a shoo in.” You let out a breath of relief. 
“I’m not a criminal,” you promised. You handed her your resume, sitting down at the desk across from her. “I’m just out of college, 25. I’ve had jobs before during school but I’m looking for something more long term since moving here,” you explained. 
“Why did you move here?” she questioned. It sounded more like curiosity than an interview question. 
“It’s a small town, I’ve always wanted to live in a small town. Also, I wanted some independence. I’ve only ever really lived in dorms and such.” You fixed your hair eagerly. 
“You picked quite the place.” 
“So I’ve heard.”
“People who land in Hawkins never leave it. I should know, I was born and raised,” she muttered. She was shuffling through some papers like this wasn't a big deal to her. You cleared your throat.
“I’ve always just wanted to be part of a community,” you explained. “I like the small town community. I want to get to know the people. Grow my communication skills,” you suggested, even though it was only half true. You liked that no one ever left Hawkins. It left plenty of jobs for people like yourself, fresh out of college. 
The front door opened. You both turned and you saw a face you recognized. He was holding a small box of half a dozen donuts.
“Meet your new secretary Chief,” Flo said, standing up from her desk. “She gets started tomorrow.” She grabbed the box out of his hands, walking through the doorway to where all the officers desks were. You stood up as well, trying to put on a smile. He looked down at you, sizing you up it seemed. 
“You weren’t too late.” 
“No sir.” 
“Don’t bother with the sir crap,” he said, a gentleness to his voice. A casualness you admired. “Jim. Or Hopper.” 
“Jim Hopper.” 
“Yeah.” You extended a hand. 
“Y/N Y/L/N. It’s a pleasure to work with you,” you said, brightly smiling now. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around town,” he said, starting to walk through the doorway. You followed him, unsure if you were supposed to but also unsure how you could continue the conversation otherwise. 
“I just moved here last week.”
“Picked a hell of a place,” he grumbled. You laughed gently. 
“I’ve heard.” He started to pour himself a cup of coffee. He gestured the pot to you but you shook your head. You were still high on adrenaline from rushing here. “How is crime here?”
“Riveting,” he deadpanned. “You’ll do fine.” His voice was so soothing. You nodded, believing him deeply. 
He smiled slyly, leaning against the table. He took a sip of his black coffee. You looked at him through your lashes, knowing you were going to get into trouble with this one. If he looked at you like that everyday you would never want to leave Hawkins at all. 
“I promise.” 
Technically speaking, Flo never intended on counting down the days until Chief Hopper asked you out but then on day seven she realized she was. She watched as you came into the room and he adjusted himself in his seat, his eyes floated towards you with a gentle care, and your smile widened. You were good at the logistics. You were good at the job. That made everything else easier. 
You got the paperwork done that you needed to and sometimes, you got the paperwork he needed done as well. Powell suggested putting up a countdown to make it more obvious but everyone shut up about it. 
“Don’t you think she should go with someone closer to her age?” Callahan asked, leaning back in his chair. Flo gave him a hard look as she walked through the room. You and Jim were in his office, powering through paperwork. 
“Who, like you?” Powell questioned. 
“She’s cute!” he argued back. Powell, actually doing work, rolled his eyes. 
“Her frontal lobe is fully developed,” Flo argued. “She can make her own decisions. I, for one, would like to see the Chief happy since Diane.” 
“Only ancient people remember Diane.” Callahan was trying to balance a pencil on his nose. It fell. He made it look like he hadn’t been doing it to start with. “You think she likes him?”
“I think she loves him.”
“It’s been literally a week. She could not love anyone, let alone Jim Hopper, in that time.” 
“What about Jim Hopper?” You turned the corner, holding a small stack of papers. 
“He needs to do his own work. You’re babying the old man,” Callahan said, pointing his pencil at you. 
“He’s not that old,” you suggested.
“She’s right,” Hopper responded. “Watch your mouth Phil.” Callahan put his hands up in defeat and turned back to his desk. You put the things onto your desk to be finalized. You were coming to enjoy the steady, familiar pace of this new life. “I’m grabbing lunch.” He grabbed the keys to the cruiser. He paused, momentarily. No one else would’ve been able to catch it. You were watching him for his words, accepting them before they even came. “You comin?” he asked. You tried to hide the flush on your face as you glanced upwards, like you were attempting to make sure your schedule was full. 
“Only if you’re paying.” 
“Student debt that much of a bitch?” You grabbed your coat and put it on. 
“I just like guys to pay on dates.” You walked past him, trying to suppress a smile. His eyes went wide as they floated to those around him. 
“You two take the day,” Flo said, pleasantly, like she had orchestrated this whole thing. 
“Literally go, Chief. Before I do,” Powell said. He had a small smile on his face too. He nodded, grabbing the door knob. 
“I’m gone.” -
By week three it was like you had only known this life. It was like it had been pre-made for you. Your body fit the mold of a life that had been waiting patiently for your arrival. Work, dates, drive-ins, socializing. Apparently Hopper knew everybody in this town and with a little work, you got him to introduce you to people. 
Never as the girlfriend. 
Just as the new secretary. 
You both tried to allow that to happen quietly. People would get used to seeing you two together eventually. There was no need to rush anything that didn’t have an exact label yet. You were just two people who happened to know each other. Intimately. 
You were eating french fries across from him at work, flipping through some papers. He narrowed his eyes at you. You tried to act like you didn’t notice. He wanted to tell you something. You glanced up at him, chewing slowly. 
“Yes Jim?”
“I have a daughter,” he said. 
“El. Yeah, I know.” You hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting her yet but you had heard lots about her. He was silent for a moment. 
“Sara. Her name was Sara,” he said, not meeting your eyes. “She died of cancer when she was 7. Everyone here knows.” He cleared his throat, sucking in air. “I thought it was unfair, if you didn’t know.” You knew he got divorced, Flo had told you that much. But you had no idea he had a daughter before El. 
“Oh,” you whispered. You racked your brain in an attempt to figure out how to salvage this situation. How did he want you to react? How should you react? “I’m sorry.” It felt inappropriate to be looking at paperwork so you put it down. “Thank you for telling me.” He nodded once, picking it up from you and then stealing one of your fries. 
“I have pictures of her at the house. I wanted you to know before you meet El.”
Eleven was wary but got used to you quickly. She liked that you acted a lot like Steve in some ways, even though you were eight years older than him. She liked that Max liked you. She liked that Mike liked you. 
She liked that Jim liked you. 
By week ten the cabin had become your second home. You laid on the couch while El watched a show. Jim had to work late tonight and you weren’t needed so you were always open to hanging out with her when you could. 
The light television buzzing was comforting. You flipped through a magazine, feeling the night begin to cause your eyes to droop. El was happily eating some eggos, whipped cream to top it off. You suggested throwing some chocolate chips on top of it too. 
“How’re you and Mike?” you asked, looking at the couple on TV. She had a dreamy look in her eyes. After hearing bits and pieces about how Jim came to have her, you were happy to see it. She deserved an easy life. 
“Good,” she said, shrugging. “How are you and Hopper?” You smiled a bit.
“We’re good.” 
“Good.” She pointed a finger at you. “The door stays open three inches.”
“El!” you teased, hitting her with the magazine. She erupted into giggles, whipped cream covering her smile. “You don’t even listen to that rule. There are like three rooms in this place!”
“More than one!” she argued, shrugging. You rolled your eyes. Headlights lit up the room. You had some of the blinds open but the sun had long set. It caused both you and El to wince. 
“You’re glad he’s home little lady,” you said, pointing the rolled up magazine at her. You both laughed as you got off the couch. You peaked out the window, out of habit, and saw a car you didn’t recognize. You squinted, unable to see more than the outline in the dark. A man got out of the car, shutting the door behind him. 
He walked in front of his headlights. You could see the outline of a mullet. He knocked on the door. Hopper, ever prepared, always left a baseball bat beside the door. You grabbed it nonchalantly, leaving it out of the eyesight of your guest. 
El had turned around. Hopper wouldn’t have knocked. 
Leaning against the door was the infamous Billy Hargrove. You had heard enough about him to be able to recognize him, not to mention you had seen him once or twice with Max. Jim’s words came back to you. 
“He has more parking tickets than the rest of the town combined.” 
“You’re being dramatic Jim.”
“Never get in that boy's car.”
“You jealous Jim?” 
He had rolled his eyes then but you could see what he was talking about now. There wasn’t a scratch on the car but there was a bruise on his face. 
“Hello. You are not who I was expecting to open the door.” El was hidden behind the couch, blocking his gaze from her. “Where’s the Chief?”
“Working,” you said, too meak for your liking. “Can I help you Billy?” He chewed on the toothpick between his teeth. He had a charming smile. You imagined lots of girls were the victims of that smile.
“I’m looking for my sister, Maxine. She around?” 
“Nope,” you said quickly. “I haven’t seen Max since this afternoon. She was at the arcade with El and everyone.” 
“You play taxi driver too?” he questioned, playing a bleeding heart. 
“When Jim can’t.” His eyes went wide but you suspected it was fake. 
“Wait, you aren’t El’s cousin from out of town or something? You’re sleeping with Hopper?” You flushed, immediately unable to stammer out a reasoning that benefited the situation. You hadn’t actually had an interaction like this. 
“Max isn’t here Billy,” you finally offered. 
He took the toothpick out of his mouth. 
“Well you know where I live if you ever want a good time,” he suggested. He tossed it aside. Littering. How attractive. He was starting to back away when you heard the sound of another car approaching. At the sight of someone else Jim stepped on the gas, pulling in at breakneck speed. He knew that car, even by the outline. “I never caught your name.”
“Y/N,” you said. 
“Thanks for the help Y/N.” He winked at you as he turned around. Jim hopped out of the car, shutting it aggressively. 
“What are you doing here Hargrove?” 
“Just looking for Max,” he said, hands in the air. “Your girl was mighty helpful.” Billy got into his car before anyone could punch him and backed out, rivaling Jim’s breakneck speed. 
“That fucking kid,” he grumbled as he walked in. You put your hand on his back, following him in. You kicked the front door shut behind you. “What’d he want?” 
“He just asked if Max was here.” You made the executive decision not to go further into that. “I said she wasn’t.” He took off his jacket. There was an aggression there you weren’t used to. He walked to the kitchen to get some food and probably a beer. 
“Thanks for watching her.”
“I can watch myself,” El said, looking up at him. There was a slight tinge in her voice that made you think she was telling the truth. 
“I know you can. But it makes me feel better if she’s here too.” 
“I don’t mind.” You followed him to the kitchen. He offered you a beer but you declined. “How was the rest of your day?”
“Good. Better now,” he muttered, kissing you on the forehead. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him. He embraced you, eyes lingering on the door. 
You didn’t think it ever really affected him. The age difference seemed like something you were used to from day one. But you knew Billy had affected him. The Hargrove boy was everything a young girl could want. He was bad as in bad boy. 
He didn’t say anything about it the rest of the night. 
You didn’t see Billy again for a couple more weeks. He became nothing more than a mindless thought in the back of your mind. You weren’t even that pre concerned with him the next day, though you could tell Jim seemed to be. You wanted to bring it up but felt like bringing it up would only make it worse. You waited until El was at Max’s, deciding that doing it alone would be the best route. 
He strayed near the phone in case El needed him.
“Callahan said he would finish that,” Jim was saying.
“When has he finished anything? Since I have moved here I have seen him get out of the chair two times. Maybe three!” You were eating pizza, the boxes strewn across the coffee table. The TV was on but neither of you were watching it. You laid on his back, rested comfortable between his legs. 
“That’s why we hired a new secretary.”
“I’m not an officer?” He laughed again. You turned around to him, giggling. “Could you imagine me with a gun? Jim, give me your gun, let’s see how that goes.” Your laughter melded, his arm resting around your chest.
“Absolutely not.”
“Exactly. Exactly.” 
You rested back down, snuggling into your spot. 
“Flo said she’d figure it out so you could have a day off without being called in. But I’m sure Harrington will lose a fight or something and we’ll both be called in.”
“Damn job.”
“Damn job is right!” You grabbed his hands, messing with his knuckles. “Let’s turn on the radio.”
“Oh God.” You stood up. 
“I’m done with my pizza, I wanna dance.”
“No you don’t.” 
“Yes I do. Try to keep up old man.” It just slipped out but you regretted saying it immediately. He didn’t show an outward reaction at first but he stood, eyebrows raised. 
“I seem to be able to keep up with you pretty well.” You tried to ignore the sly smile on his face. 
“Damn straight. Dance with me Hop.”
You offered your hand to him as you fumbled around the radio. He walked past you, turning it on. You scrambled away to turn off the TV when there was a knock on the door.
Both of you turned, surprised, caught off guard. 
“You expecting someone?” you asked.
“No. You?” 
“No sir.” 
You approached the door because you were closer. He stepped in front of you, opening it up. Max was on the other side, laughing bubbling from her lips. El was standing there too. 
“How did you get here?” he asked immediately. You saw Billy’s car before you saw Billy. You put your hand on Jim’s chest, pushing him back as gently as you could. It was like he could only see Billy at that moment, eyes red. 
“You’re back Y/N,” Billy called, leaning against his car door. He rested his hand on the top of the vehicle. 
“What the hell?” Hopper roared. He walked past the girls. 
“Inside. Quickly,” you hissed to them. They listened wordlessly. 
“You think it’s okay to drive my daughter around in that car? If I looked up the license of that car I would see so many tickets I could wallpaper my house!” 
“You haven’t taken me up on my offer,” he said, directly to you. “Shame.”
Billy wasn’t helping his case. Not in the slightest. 
“Hargrove get in your fucking car and go the fuck home,” you snarled. Billy watched your face and then finally paid Hopper a thought. 
“Offer stands.” He got in his car before Hopper could beat the shit out of him. Part of you wanted to see it. When his car was gone there was a heavy silence. 
“Fucking Hargrove,” he grumbled. You were both still standing out in the cold. You shivered. “Fucking Hargrove. He could’ve killed her.” He looked back at you. You were still watching where his car was. “Hey.” Your eyes snapped to him.
“Yeah. Fuck him.”
“What’s that?” 
“What’s what?” 
“The look on your face.”
“I don’t have a look.” His face fell a bit. He put a hand over his mouth, rubbing his beard in annoyance. 
“Do you like-”
“No.” You nipped that in the bud. This was the conversation you had been dying to have. 
“He’s closer to you-”
“No,” you said again. “Don’t say it. Don’t even dignify that thought with the words.” His face eased. “I love you.” 
His eyes went wide again. The words hung in the air like they were being let out to dry. You felt confident in them. Even your nerves wouldn’t let you take back such a true statement. 
“I don’t care about all of that. I never have.” He looked like he was searching for something. You opened your mouth to tell him he didn’t have to say it back but he was already speaking. 
“I love you too,” he breathed. The words came easy once he had said them. 
“Good,” he repeated back to you. You walked up to him, throwing your arms around him. He hugged you tightly. 
“Plus,” you muttered, “he’s not my type.” He chuckled into your hair. He wanted to kiss you. He never wanted to stop kissing you. He found, for a moment, a wordless moment, he had wished Billy would’ve taken El and Max back so he could have the house just for the two of you. He swept the thought away as quickly as it had come. But having you in his arms was too intoxicating. 
“I wanna listen to the radio,” you whispered. The laughter from him came louder now. 
“Alright. Alright c’mon.” You repressed claps. He had his hand on the small of your back as he led you back inside. 
“She said she loves him. I can feel it in the air,” Callahan muttered. He was chewing on a donut. His eyes were small. He was concentrating. 
“Entirely possible they fucked in the car,” Powell countered. 
“Calvin!” Flo exclaimed.
“That could be what you’re feeling. All I’m saying!”
“He said it back,” Callahan mused, his voice far away. 
“Now you’re stretching,” Powell promised. “Chief in love? Not in this lifetime.”
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eddiesghxst · 1 year
(*) indicates smut
(✩) indicates fluff
(✶) indicates dark themes
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demon hunter!harry x angel!reader*
demon hunter!harry mocking angel!reader*
demon hunter!harry takes angels virginity*
demon hunter!harry introduces angel to hickeys*
you give harry head in the shower and he washes your hair*
harry accidentally gets too rough*✩
princess!nat eating you out*✩
princess!nat fingering you on her throne*
eddie likes steve’s mean older stepsister, aka you
eddie has to tie his hair back when you sit on his face*
eddie’s a boob guy*✩
eddie’s a boob guy (pierced nips edition)*✩
eddie is a chronic napper (sleepy boy eddie)✩
more boob guy eddie✩
loser!eddie cums quickly*
loser!eddie making up for cumming too quickly*
eddie x virgin!reader*✩
more eddie x virgin!reader*
having a summer fling with eddie*✩
eddie x chubby!reader*✩
eddie steals your shampoo✩
eddie likes giving hickeys*
truck driver!eddie idea
more truck driver!eddie
eddie doesn’t tell anyone he has a girlfriend✩
perv!eddie x innocent best friend!reader*✶
eddie’s got sticky fingers (he likes to steal take things)✩
eddie being goofy during sex*✩
eddie gets nervous when he likes someone✩
eddie’s clumsy during sex*✩
eddie’s hopeless with women and he really likes you*
eddie finds out you have a clit piercing*
you find bsf!perv!eddie’s secret box dedicated to you*✶
steve and robin find bsf!perv!eddie’s box dedicated to you*
steve watches bsf!perv!eddie fuck you*
bsf!perv!eddie really likes you*
single dad!eddie takes his daughter to get a haircut and you’re her hairdresser✩
eddie’s trailer is loud during storms✩
eddie overhears you complaining about never cumming with a man*
eddie is protective over you✩
eddie jacking off in the restroom during a sleepover with you*
bsf!perv!eddie being lovesick✩
eddie fucking you from behind and pulling your hair*
eddie fucks you doggystyle fresh out of the shower*
bsf!perv!eddie gets love boners for you*✩
bf!eddie being cute and in love✩
older!eddie has a bad back but he likes fucking you*✩
soft dom!eddie vibes idk*✩
eddie making you squirt while fucking you from behind*
exhibitionism with eddie during movie night with the older gang*
period sex with eddie*
eddie will eat you out under any circumstance (even if you're all sweaty)*
eddie being petty to your little cousins during the holidays✩
you and summer!eddie fooling around on his bike*
eddie being nerdy n hot*
mechanic!eddie having an affinity for your shorts*
mermaid!reader gives virgin!pirate!eddie a blowjob/handy*
eddie fucks you until you squirt*
eddie is down bad for his cute girly!airhead!girlfriend✩
steve cums a lot*
you and steve’s baby’s first word✩
bsf!steve is going through a dry spell so you help him out*
STEDDIE (steve harrington x eddie munson)
eddie doesn’t turn on the lights at night to see and steve hates it✩
steve and eddie show shy!reader how to give head*
part two of steddie teaching reader how to give head*
steddie x reader with dom!eddie*
steve tries to parent trap you and your ex husband eddie*
hopper buys drugs from eddie and eddie’s gf (you) is cute *✶
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strangererotica · 7 months
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Perv!Dark!Jim Hopper x fem!reader • Jealousy, angst, posessive Hopper • Hopper has a corruption kink and some dark fantasies about reader
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Chief Jim Hopper knew he had a problem; several, in fact. There was his moderate abuse of alcohol which bordered on severe, especially under times of heightened stress (which to be fair, seemed like most of the time these days). Then there was his pill addiction, the ones he found himself leaning on throughout the day when the effects of the previous night’s alcohol had worn off. But the problem Hopper had that bothered him the most, perhaps, was the one that involved YOU…
He was absolutely, unequivocally in lust with you. Every time Hopper saw you, the limited bit of feminism he’d learned over the years flew right out the window. He wanted you, and not in a pretty way, or any way that implied romance, flowers, dating, none of that. He wanted you carnally, in a way that almost frightened him because of the strength behind it.
Hopper knew he could control himself, at least physically. He wasn’t worried about that, wasn’t concerned that he’d hurt you. But mentally…he was out of control. The fantasies that filled his mind involving you were beyond pornographic; they were sinful. Everything sweet about you, everything pure, Hopper wanted to corrupt.
As the station’s new secretary, he saw you daily, heard your voice chatting on the phone and with your co-workers. And fuck, how he wanted you. He wanted to know if your pretty face would still look so sweet, so innocent, with his cum running down it? How distorted would your sweet voice sound with his cock rammed down your throat? Would you still be smiling if his hands were in your hair, yanking it backwards as he stretched your asshole beyond its capacity to take him?
Hopper knew he was sick. And sometimes, when he was alone and drunk, or high, he didn’t fucking care that he was sick. He didn’t mind being a monster, in those moments with his hand around his cock, lying on his back with his eyes closed, imagining your mouth around him instead. Servicing him, seducing him, your pretty eyes on his and only him.
He was your boss, after all. Your superior in every way. How Hopper wished he could take advantage of that superiority, to abuse his position of power as thoroughly as he longed to abuse your throat. It was all fantasy, of course, and therefore safe. A secret indulgence that Hopper took little pride in during sobriety, but that he found himself a slave to when intoxicated. Even at the station, he’d have no choice but to relieve himself in the privacy of his office.
Hearing your voice just outside his door, knowing what you were wearing as he’d seen you when he entered the station that morning, Hopper would lock his door and have his pants undone before he got back to his chair. He’d loosen the top buttons of his shirt, sit back and stroke himself to the sound of your voice beyond the door, hanging on your words, the gentle trill of your laughter. He’d imagine how pretty your moans would sound as he took you from behind, how sweetly you’d whimper as he pumped his cum inside you, then licked you clean.
Hopper would reach for whatever was nearby, usually his emptied coffee cup from that morning, and ejaculate into it. And what a poor substitute for your mouth it was, he’d think, breathless and leaning fully back in his chair, cock still leaking and twitching in his hand. He’d always toss the cup into the trash can and clean himself up, so no one suspected a thing. No one else at the station was aware of his perversions, and that’s how Hopper wanted it to be. He knew that if his secret got out, it would ruin his already faltering reputation within the community. Hawkins was his hometown, and had generally been sympathetic considering his past trauma and choice to return home after the death of his daughter. But this? Combined with the rumors of Hopper’s substance abuse, the fact that he was lusting after the new secretary at least ten years his junior would likely solidify his reputation as a degenerate and render him unfit for duty.
Hopper was lonely, very lonely. It had been months since he’d last had a woman, and even then, it was so casual and boring that it meant nothing to him. He hadn’t even wanted her, truthfully; she was just a wet, willing mouth to suck him off, parked behind The Hideaway bar downtown after they’d both indulged in far too many beers. She’d swallowed his cum, he’d fingered her in the front seat to climax, and that was the end of it. She’d left his car for her own, parked a few feet away, and they’d never seen each other since. She’d tried to get his attention in the weeks after, but Hopper wasn’t interested.
Because a week later, you’d come to work at the station, and Hopper’s world (at least, his internal world) had been flipped upside down. He’d never been more attracted to anyone in his life, never felt such an instinctive, primal yearning for a woman who he literally knew almost nothing about. But really, Hopper would ask himself, did he need to know more? He could see everything he wanted to take from you, from just one look in your direction. That body…those soft pink lips that would look even softer with his cum dripping out of them…Your eyes, beautiful eyes that he needed to see rolled back while gagging on his cock…
Hopper was reaching a breaking point, he feared. Although he knew he’d never hurt you, he needed to. He needed to know what you felt like around his dick, what sounds you’d make taking him. He wondered if you’d ever been with a man as big as him before? Hopper knew he was hung, at least three inches above the average man’s size. He was thick too, and he knew from experience that women appreciate a cock with not only length but girth as well. He knew he could pease you, could do things to your body that no other man ever had, if only you’d allow him. If only, if only, if only…
Hopper was drowning in ‘if only’s.’ One way or another, he would have you. The first step , he decided, was to approach you as a colleague. Not as your boss, necessarily, even though that’s what he was. He needed to be subtle about his approach, so as not to come across as abusing his position of power over you. This needed to go down smoothly, softly, a calculated plan of action that Hopper was dedicated to seeing through, from the beginning to where it ended with his cock buried inside you…
He planned to approach you at the station’s annual ‘Spring Fling,’ a community fundraising event for local charities held every year on the second Saturday in April. Hopper chose this event because it was outside of work, yet as an employee of the Hawkins P.D. you were sure to be there. The days leading up to the Spring Fling were the hardest for Hopper, both figuratively and literally. He’d never had to masturbate so often in his life, finding himself painfully hard through most of the work day just being near you. Thank god for the privacy of his office and the lock on its door. Hopper had begun taking extra coffee in the morning with the excuse that he was more tied than usual, with the actual intent of dumping the coffee out and using the empty cups to cum inside.
He groomed himself as usual the morning of the event, taking slightly longer to adjust himself in the mirror before leaving his trailer. Hopper had been a little self conscious about his weight in recent years, but he was tall and knew that his height worked as an advantage for him. Straightening in the mirror, pressing his shoulders back, he met his eyes in his reflection, their deep, intense blue. He was ready.
Hopper planned to make casual, friendly conversation with you, before inviting you to dinner. He’d control his body as best he could, force his eyes not to wander from your eyes to anywhere besides your lips, perhaps, and even then, for the briefest of moments. He needed to seal this deal, to secure your trust (although as Chief of Police and your employer, he was reasonably sure he already had it). No need to get ahead of himself, however, Hopper remembered. It was better to assume you had at least a neutral opinion of him before proceeding, rather than expect your automatic approval.
When he arrived at the Spring Fling, Hopper was surprised to see how just many people had turned out. The event usually drew a big crowd, but the majority of Hawkins seemed to be there this year. It was promising for the charities hoping to earn donations that day, but made Hopper’s effort to spot you in the crowd more difficult. He met up with officers Callahan and Powell, and lingered with them near the stage set up for music to be performed later, hoping that perhaps the trio of them would catch your eye and prompt you to say hello.
When Hopper did see you, he was awestruck. You were, to him, like something divine: an angel dressed in white, your long skirt moving gently in the light April breeze, the neckline low enough to display your breasts but modest enough to keep his mind actively wondering for more. Your hair was pinned up by bright yellow ribbons, tied together at the back of your head to create what looked to Hopper like the crown a princess in a fairytale might wear.
You were so effortlessly elegant, so perfectly innocent, moving through the crowd completely unaware of the effect you were having on Hopper, and likely most of the other men in attendance. Hopper opened his lips to speak as you approached, but was stopped short when he noticed the young man walking alongside you. Hopper hadn’t seen him before, had been so lost in the sight of you that anyone else near you had faded into the background of his vision, blurred by your presence.
The young man smiled and placed his arm around your waist, as if to claim you. Hopper’s jaw tightened; he’d seen this man before. Up close, he was barely a man at all, at least as Hopper perceived. This was a boy, in his early twenties Hopper assumed. Hopper wondered what this boy was doing for you, what he was doing to you, knowing full well that he could do it so much better, regardless of how good this boy was in bed-
“Chief!” you said brightly, pulling Hopper from his vindictive string of thoughts. “It’s so good to see you! I can’t believe this many people showed up today, isn’t it great?”
Hopper forced a polite smile onto his face.
“Yeah,” he replied. “I’m glad to see such a big turnout.” Hopper’s eyes narrowed slightly at the man with his arm around your waist. “You look beautiful, (y/n),” he said, and you smiled, cheeks going slightly pink. Because of course they did. Of course you blushed easily, because you were so sweet, so soft. And it made Hopper want to absolutely ruin you…
“Who’s your friend?” he asked, his tone slightly sharper than he’d intended. You smiled and looked up at the (admittedly handsome, Hopper conceded) man beside you. “This is Steve, my boyfriend,” you replied, your cheeks going pinker. The young man extended his hand to Hopper for a friendly shake. “Steve Harrington,” he said, his big brown eyes full of a joy that Hopper had only dreamed of ever experiencing. “My mom runs one of the charities participating here today, right over-.” He pointed awkwardly past Hopper, who didn’t bother to look, chuckling slightly. “-Over there,” Steve continued, adding “it’s good to meet you, Chief.”
Hopper studied the boy a moment longer, committing to memory all of the details about him he’d have to pick apart and analyze later. “Likewise,” Hopper lied, taking Steve’s hand and squeezing harder than he needed. Steve’s eyebrows rose but his smile remained polite. “Well uh, (y/n) tells me a lot about her new job,” Steve said, his tone pleasant as ever. Hopper’s eyes shifted back to you. “Does she?” he asked, and you smiled up at Steve.
“I tell him what I can,” you teased. “But not all the details; I can’t give away too much information about everything that goes on at the station-.” You playfully patted Hopper’s arm, and he swallowed. “-You know,” you continued. “Official police business and all that…”
Hopper knew you only were being friendly, but his paranoia made him wonder exactly how much you knew about what went on at the station? Specifically, his daily masturbation when you were just outside his door? Hopper forced the possibility away, refusing to entertain it. If you knew about it, you probably wouldn’t be so friendly towards him right now, or anytime for that matter. You’d probably think your boss was a pervert (and that’s exactly what Hopper knew he was) never speaking to him again unless you had to. You were too sweet, too innocent, to ever condone such carnal, almost animalistic behavior from a man, surely. At least, that’s what Hopper had always assumed. It’s why he wanted to test how far he could soil such a pretty little flower, to pluck every petal and see what you were capable of underneath?
“Only good things,” Steve assured Hopper. He nodded politely. “Well that’s good to hear,” Hopper said, but he wasn’t looking at Steve; he was looking at you. “(Y/N) is a real asset to the station. We’re lucky to have her.”
Steve smiled down at you warmly. “Me too,” he murmured, and you leaned into each other for a quick kiss. Hopper felt his blood boiling.
You noticed the odd look on the Chief’s face, and felt slightly embarrassed. Even though you weren’t at work, and in a casual setting, you worried maybe it was still unprofessional to give your boyfriend a kiss in this situation? In front of your boss? You were still learning the proper decorum for working at the station, and you hoped your innocent display with Steve hadn’t rubbed Hopper the wrong way. The last thing you wanted to be was unprofessional.
To lighten the mood, you decided to attempt a joke. “I think,” you told Steve, glancing from him to Hopper. “The reason the Chief likes me is because I get him those extra cups of coffee right away every time he asks for them.”
Hopper couldn’t help it; his eyes widened slightly. You were giggling, probably oblivious to the actual weight of what you’d said, but…Hopper’s paranoia lurched in his stomach. What if…what if you did know? He scanned your eyes for any sign of hidden meaning, for any indication that you were on to his behavior behind the office door. But all Hopper saw in your eyes was, as usual, a beautiful innocence that lay waiting to be corrupted…
Steve chimed in with “I’ll bet you need every last drop too, huh Chief?”
Hopper frowned at him, not understanding for a moment before he realized Steve was talking about coffee. “With your job, being so stressful, I mean.”
Hopper nodded, realizing that his dislike of Steve Harrington was rapidly shifting to hatred. “Yeah, it’s a job alright,” Hopper muttered in Steve’s direction, still avoiding looking at him.
You noticed a friend of your and Steve’s a few feet away, and waved to them. Steve saw them as well, and you both took a step in their direction. “Gotta go, boss,” you smiled warmly at Hopper. “See you Monday morning.”
Hopper grinned tightly, glancing very briefly at Steve when the younger man took his hand again. “Pleasure to meet ya, Chief,” Steve told him. Hopper didn’t return the sentiment.
The rest of the event dragged on for Hopper monotonously. Although he tried his best to avoid seeking you out in the crowd, he still found himself looking for the yellow ribbons adorning your hair, and the white dress that drifted so gently in the breeze. It was a welcome distraction in a way, having so many people around, speaking to him even though he had no interest in them or their conversation. There was only one person in the crowd that he cared about; and now, he knew that having you would be more of a challenge than ever.
Hopper felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned. He was looking at a woman, and it took him a solid thirty seconds to recognize that she was the woman he’d fucked in his car months ago. “Hello there, Sherrif,” she said with an overly flirtatious drawl, her voice and demeanor reeking of desperation. She slid her hand down Hopper’s arm, and he watched it, noting the harsh, tacky shade of her nail polish. He knew that you would never wear such a color. You kept your nails neat and pretty, painted in soft pastels like the flowers in your hair.
Hopper hated this woman’s hand on him. He hated the way her neon pink lipstick had transferred onto her teeth as she smiled up at him, waiting for validation. Hopper wondered how long it would take to wash that disgusting pink lipstick off his dick later? He smiled back at the woman, watching her light up at his attention, that he remembered her. There was nothing in this for Hopper, he realized, besides a quick fix to a problem only your body, your mouth, could solve for him.
He looked past the woman briefly just in time to see you and Steve leaving the event together, hardly able to keep your hands off each other. It was all the motivation Hopper needed to make yet another bad decision; and so he took the woman’s hand in his, and asked her a question he already knew the answer to: “What’re you doing tonight?”
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