#sirius black/james potter
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arliedraws · 9 months ago
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Werewolf Pack Leader!Sirius Black/Human James Potter brainrot
But totally platonic. Like. Totally not homoerotic wrestling with your new werewolf best friend. Totally straight pinning them to the ground and taunting them.
And obviously, totally not being sad over the photo of your totally platonic new friend’s kid and wishing you were in that child’s life.
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padfootfest · 4 months ago
FIC #20
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always yours
Pairing: Sirius Black/James Potter
Rating: E
Warnings: No Archive Warnings
Word Count: 4,187
Summary: When James offers to help Sirius do some online dating, who is Sirius to turn that down?
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hum-suffer · 1 year ago
"James." Sirius breathes.
Gryffindor just won the match against Ravenclaw and consequently will go into the final match of the year against Hufflepuff three months later.
James, captain this year, is standing on the common table in the common room while he belts out a song in Hindi that Sirius recognises but doesn't know or understand the lyrics to. He just knows it's something about love at first sight.
An arrow sears itself through his heart.
James is phenomenal.
He's waving his frameless glasses around as some exaggerated prop while he acts out the lyrics of the song dramatically, the earthy brown of his eyes is dark enough to look black most of the time but right now it looks a different shade of the abyss. He looks like he has stars in his eyes. He's still wearing his quidditch robes, the back of which still reads Black.
(Because the robes used to be Sirius' when he was still a beater on the team and since Sirius has occupied James' original robes for his pyjamas, James adjusts. Happily, it seems.)
James jumps around on the table, swinging his hips and he's grinning, tapping his foot along with the rhythm. The crowd cheers him on, plays at his fingertips without any instructions. None of them even know English singing but they're providing chorus when he points at them.
James sings something and puts a hand on his chest, pointing at Sirius, who's sitting all the way to the fireplace. He jumps down and saunters over to Sirius as the song comes to a crescendo and the crowd sings the chorus behind them, fully drunk.
James plops down on Sirius' lap, giving Sirius a dazed smile.
Remus, who's sitting beside him, grins at Sirius wryly. "Congratulations on the marriage, Padfoot."
"Fuck off, mate."
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Come back to me (I want you back)
Sirius sits anxiously, fidgeting everywhere. Shaking his leg , twiddling his thumb and gnawing on his lip. Finally ,finally the door opens to James trudging inside. Sirius leaps up, "Prongs-" "Don't fucking talk to me, Sirius.' "James ,listen, please-" "What am I supposed to listen to? Your paltry apologies? You trying to excuse your disgusting behavior?" "James," the word falls out of his mouth, a plea and a request. 'Leave me alone."
post-prank prongsfoot
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jmagnabo92 · 2 years ago
To Win A Date
When James' boss decides to do a Date Auction with his players, Sirius does everything in his power to get James out of it, realizing his feelings along the way.
“You’ll never believe what they’re doing for the charity fundraiser this year,” James complains the second he enters their flat.
Sirius glances up at him from his spot on the couch where he’s doing his crossword, amused.  “It can’t be any worse than last year.”
James had complained for weeks about the dance-a-thon competition, where he had to dance with all manner of ladies and gentlemen that really wanted their piece of James Potter, famous Chaser for Puddlemere United.  The rules for the night had been simple – he could dance with anyone that paid the fee to support the fundraiser.  
James had danced with no less than fifty different patrons over the timespan of seven hours and had come home furious that he was nothing more than a dance partner – a pretty piece of meat – forced to dance the night away with the annoying people that paid for his company just to raise money just for his boss’ reputation.
“They’ve decided on a date auction.”
Sirius stops what he’s doing to look up and focus completely on James.  “Like someone buys a date with you?”
Sirius isn’t too sure that he likes that idea.  In fact, he’s pretty sure that it’d been difficult enough to watch James do the dance-a-thon (although he did manage to give him a break and cause him to dance with Sirius), he doesn’t want to watch him be forced to dress up and play piece of meat number one.  
“Uh, what exactly would this entail?”
“Apparently, I have to write some ‘about me’ thing, then we’ll gather at wherever they want to hold it – where I’ll show off my assets and smile and be charming, and then they’ll auction us off like pieces of meat.  Whoever wins me, gets a date with me to do whatever they want,” James states.
Sirius nearly chokes.  “Whatever they want?  Like would you have to sleep with them if they asked?”
“They said it’s just a date,” James says, rolling his eyes.  “But they pretty much implied that since we’re all single and it’s a good cause that we should do whatever they want.  Provided they paid enough.”
“They can’t expect that from you,” Sirius says, appalled.
“They technically didn’t say I had to do anything other than date the person.  Just one date – although they do have the option for more than one date, depending on how much I go for,” James states, rolling his eyes.
They both knew that James was a high earner.  Had been every time they used him to get money.  There’s no doubt given how attractive he is and what happened at the dance-a-thon that James would be a high-ticket option.
Sirius knows that he wouldn’t be able to deal with James dating someone else even for charity, but how could he go about dealing with this situation?  
Surely, James’ boss will see reason if Sirius points out that one of his players is rather uncomfortable with the idea and he offers all of the money in his vault for donation.  Even if the man is a piece of work.
“Don’t worry, Jay.  We’ll figure something out so you’re not being bought and paid for.”
James scoffs.  “Yeah, sure.  I’m going to take a shower; I feel gross after that conversation.”
Sirius nods.  “I get it.”
Sirius waits until the shower is running to hop through the floo after getting clearance from the Woodstone’s house-elf. As with the Blacks, the Woodstones were quite made of money.  Thomas Woodstone probably didn’t even need to do the fundraisers for the team to give to charity (except that he likes using them to build his image into a ‘good guy’, especially after most of his family had been on the Death Eater side of the war).  He lucked out that he’d been out of the country for most of the war and unable to take the mark.  He’d bought Puddlemere just improve his image and make everyone forget about that little tidbit.  After all, everyone loved quidditch.
“Mr. Black, what an unpleasant surprise,” Thomas greets after he’s lead into his office by the house-elf.  
“The unpleasantness is all mine, Mr. Woodstone,” Sirius retorts.  “I’m here because I heard about your next planned fundraiser, and I think you’d be better off changing options.  Perhaps something along the lines of selling sweets?”
Thomas laughs.  “Don’t be daft, Mr. Black.  We both know that after last year, this fundraiser has been in the books.  It’s a great way to make money – especially with our number one player.”
Sirius clears his throat.  “How much would it cost?”
“Would what cost?”
“Don’t be daft – how much money would it take to make the fundraiser disappear?”
“You don’t have enough money in the world.”  Thomas laughs.  “You and I both know that our fundraisers aren’t about the money.  I like being in control.  I like pushing people outside of their comfort zone.”
Sirius frowns.  Of course, he realizes what a sadistic bastard Thomas Woodstone is.  Of course, it’s not about the money.  Of course, it’s about being in control of his players and looking good to anyone not in the know.
“Fine – what can I do to save James from offering himself up on a date for your stupid auction?”
“You could trade places with him.”
Sirius laughs.  “You can’t be serious – that would be majorly suspicious.”
“Well, then, I think we’re at an impasse.  Your friend will simply have to honor his commitment.”
Sirius laughs, again.  James didn’t need this job.  Sure, he loved playing, but he could get on any team he wants, plus, they both have money out the wazoo – they didn’t even need to work.
“Yeah, right.  James could quit – he doesn’t need this job, the way the team needs him.  We’ve got money and he’s got the talent that he could take anywhere.”
Thomas rolls his eyes, “Your posturing is too much for me.”
“Do you really think that James didn’t threaten that this afternoon?” Thomas questions.  “He knew what I was intending with this auction, but he, like all of my players, are under contract to complete the fundraisers I come up with until the end of the season.”
“What?  When did he sign a contract that allows you to sell him like a piece of meat?”
“When he signed his deal two years ago,” Thomas states.  “It was in the fine print, and I’m well aware that he won’t be dumb enough to sign another contract with the team after the season is over, so I have to make the most of the contract now.”
He’s trapped.  No wonder James was so furious.  
The smirk on Thomas’ face tells him everything that he needs to know.  Thomas wins this round.  
Sirius doesn’t go home.  He knows that he should, but the idea that bloody Woodstone has complete control over James like this makes him furious.  He always hated that man.  He always felt that since he was from a Death Eater family and just got lucky that he couldn’t join them from out of the country that he should rot in hell (well, Azkaban) with the rest of his family.
Of course, whenever he says that, one of their friends constantly tells him that people could say the same for him (as if he was ever into the Death Eater mantra).  Sirius may share the last name, but that means nothing since he never agreed with their rhetoric.  Unlike, Woodstone.
Not that it mattered.  Contracts in the wizarding world are far more binding that in the muggle one.  Thus, he was stuck and needed a drink.
He goes to the Apple’s Orchard, a muggle pub he enjoys, knowing that he wouldn’t be as bothered as if he went to a wizarding pub.  He sits down at the bar and orders his usual – whiskey neat, taking the swill almost as if it’s a shot, and causing the bartender to raise their eyebrows in surprise.
“Rough night?”
“You have no idea,” Sirius states.  
He hates Woodstone with a passion, and on top of that, he’s facing the fact that his best mate will be forced to date someone just for money.  And given that Woodstone clearly hates James, he wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more than one fundraiser like this in the near future.  He’s practically going to whore James out just because he can.  
“Hit me, again.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to talk about whatever’s bothering you?” the bartender, who’s nametag reads ‘Pete’, asks.
Sirius sighs.  “My best mate has … signed up to do this date auction.”  
Sirius can’t explain that James can’t get out of it, or the magic involved, but he can explain that Sirius doesn’t want him to do it and James is second guessing his choice.  Hence a quick explanation about the fundraiser.
“A date auction?  Is he good looking?”
Sirius scoffs.  “He’s gorgeous.  That’s not the issue.  The issue is that he made a deal to do this auction and that he’s second guessing and I don’t really approve of such a thing.  I mean, dating for money, it’s minutes away from prostitution and it feels wrong in so many ways.”
“How?  I mean, he’s single, right?”
“Yeah, he’s single.”
“So, an attractive man giving up an evening to raise money for a good cause – what’s wrong with that?”
“What’s wrong?” Sirius scoffs.  “What’s not wrong with it?  I mean, he’s going to go on a date for money and I just have to watch him do it.  There’s nothing I can do about it.  And worse, technically it could be multiple dates and then…”
Pete looks like he’s trying not to laugh.  “You sound like you want to be the one on the date with him.”
“What?  No, he’s – we’re just friends.”
“Sure sounds like you’re jealous of whoever ends up on that date.”
“I’m not jealous.”
Pete hums.  “Sure, you’re not.”
“I’m not!”
“Okay, then you should be fine with whoever opts to win his date.  And if you’re not fine with someone other than you winning it – then, maybe you reconsider your friendship.”
Sirius frowns.  He wasn’t jealous – definitely not, but Pete did give him an idea: he could buy James’ date himself, but he had to be careful.  He couldn’t tell James his plans.  He’ll just have to be supportive some other way until the auction and then BAM – get James’ date himself.  
Totally Foolproof.  
Sirius kept his plans to himself.  Difficult though that was since James had complained about not being able to get out of the date auction every chance he got for the last two weeks.  
He thought about telling James, but then James might talk him out of it.  He’d probably tease him about coming to the rescue or even maybe, possibly being attracted to James.  Which he isn’t – he’s just being a good best mate.
Or at least that’s what he told himself over and over again whenever he pictured someone else winning James’ date.  
Unfortunately, Pete’s words kept coming to the forefront of his mind whenever he thought it.  Sounds like you’re jealous.  Sounds like you want to date your friend.
But he doesn’t… of course he doesn’t.  They’ve been best mates for ten years, if he fancied James, wouldn’t he have noticed that by now?  
So, no.  He doesn’t fancy James.
“What do you think?” James questions, interrupting his musings as he enters the sitting room looking like Merlin’s gift to men.  
Okay, maybe he is a bit attracted to James, but that’s not the same as a fancy.  He just happens to know that James is attractive, that’s all.
Sirius swallows and clears his throat as he checks him out.   “You look – good.”
“Just good?” James questions as he turns to the mirror in the room.  “I was trying to look a bit better than good.  Woodstone said I had to look like I care.”
“Bloody Woodstone is the worst,” Sirius states.  “But I just – yeah, believe me, James.  He’s not going to be complaining.”
“Does that mean I look better than good?”
“You look like Merlin’s gift to men,” Sirius states, honestly.  
“That’s quite the endorsement coming from you,” James says, laughing.  “But seriously, good enough?”
Sirius nods, “I meant that, you know.  You look unbelievably good.”
“Really?” James asks, looking quite flattered.  “I thought you were just teasing.”
“Teasing can be real, can’t it?” Sirius questions.  “I mean – you had to realize that you’re attractive with all of those men and women that hit on you all the time.”
“Yeah, but…”
“But what?”
“But it’s not you.  All those men and women hitting on me aren’t the same as you,” James states.  
Sirius wants to ask what he means by that, but before he can, the floo flares.  
James groans.  “Time for this nightmare to start.”
“Maybe it won’t be so bad.”
“I can only hope.”
The place they chose for the auction was rather expensive, no doubt because Woodstone wanted to invite high money makers so that the auction would go off well and get the attention he wants.  Sirius says goodbye to James as he is taken in by his team, all of whom look about as thrilled to be here as James is.  
Sirius moves to one of the far corners and picks up a program.  He glances over the pictures and bios of the team to the order for team to be auctioned off.
He groans when he realizes that James is last on the list.  He was hoping that he could save them both the misery of not knowing who was going to buy James’ date sooner rather than later.  Instead, he’s going to be on pins and needles all night.  
He sighs.  He needs a drink and a paddle for bidding.  
It doesn’t take more than a few minutes to get his drink and paddle, but as he turns to go back to his far corner, he’s surprised to find that his path his blocked by Woodstone.  
“A paddle, Mr.  Black?” Thomas drawls.  “Thought you’d be against bidding on principle.”
“Maybe I changed my mind,” Sirius counters.  “After all, it is for a good cause.”
“Is that so?” Thomas questions.  “That seems quite odd considering you tried to use your influence to shut down the event.”
“Given that the event is still going to happen anyway, I’d say that clearly I was wrong about it being immoral,” Sirius states.  “Besides, just because I have a paddle doesn’t mean I’m going to use it.”
Thomas hums.  “I know what you’re doing.”
“Do you?”
“I do, and I thought you might do this,” Thomas states.  “Thus, I decided to institute a rule – no close friends or family can bid on their player.  Your bids will automatically be disqualified if you bid on James.”
“There’s no rule like that in the program,” Sirius states.  
“You obviously didn’t turn it over,” Thomas states.
He flips the program over and sees the rules:
1.     All bids are final.
2.     Payment is due at the end of the night.
3.     No close friends or family can bid on their player.
He glances up at Thomas when he finishes reading.  Thomas is smirking at him.
“Enjoy the event, I bet it’ll be much more interesting now,” Thomas states before turning and leaving.  
Damnit.  Sirius should’ve realized how obvious his plan would be.  Now he’d have to think of another plan.  
There weren’t many options.  He couldn’t bid on James himself, but he could potentially come up with an alias and bid as someone else.  The only problem with that is that Thomas would no doubt know what Sirius was up to, and thoroughly investigate whoever bids on James just to make sure that it’s not him.  
He could hire someone, but then, he wouldn’t know if he could trust them.  On the other hand, James was close to Trevor Jones on the team.  A good-looking man who had also been complaining about the date auction.
A quick look around lets him spot Trevor’s brother, Jeremy, looking quite uncomfortable and upset down at the program.  Clearly, he had wanted to do the same for his brother.  It would be perfect.
He makes his way over to Jeremy, and says, “Ready for tonight?”
“Not quite,” Jeremy admits.  “I had a plan to save Trevor from being bought and sold when he doesn’t want to do this, but then I saw this.”
He points at the third rule.  
“He doesn’t even know that I can’t help him out of this.  I’m not sure what to do.”
Sirius smiles.  “I had a similar plan for James, and I was thinking – I could get Trevor’s date, you could get James’ date, and it’s a win-win.  What do you say?”
“That I can’t afford James.  We both know that he’s sure to make a lot tonight.”
“No worries, I can afford James,” Sirius states.  “I’ll give all of the money in my bank account to get James’ date, but I can’t bid on him myself so…”
Jeremy nods.  “Seems like switching who we bid on is a good plan, then?”
“I’m game if you are,” Sirius states.
“Works for me.”
That settled, he says, “I’ll go back to my corner, but good luck.  He’s the last spot.”
“Trevor’s in the middle – make sure you don’t miss him.”
“I won’t, I promise.”
Before long, the event starts with Thomas introducing everyone to annual fundraiser, explaining that this year’s fundraiser is a date auction, and reminding everyone of the rules.
“Now, to get us started – we’ve got the lovely Isaac Button.  He’s twenty-two, loves the outdoors and can cook you dinner himself without a house-elf.  Let’s start the bidding at 50 galleons.”
Sirius tunes out.  He doesn’t need to listen to the other players and how much they’re going for.  He only cares about Trevor and James.  He needs this to go well.  He can’t stand the thought that James might go on a date with someone else.  He doesn’t want it.  He wants James for himself.  
Okay that’s a little strong.  Sure, Sirius has come to realize that he fancies James – thank you very much Pete – but that doesn’t mean he’s ready to ask him out or anything.  This is just about saving him from someone who might take advantage of him.  
Nothing else.  
It’s not like he’s going to confess his undying love for his best mate out of nowhere.  
Well, he could but James might freak out.
Before he could wonder if James’ earlier comment meant something about his potential feelings, he hears: “And now, we have Trevor Jones.  He’s twenty-four, an excellent chaser, can play the piano, and knows the perfect places to take you out on the town.  Let’s start the bid at 50 galleons.”
There are a few different people that lift up their paddles and the price goes up and up as two women battle it out before it’s gets to 500 galleons.  At that point, Sirius raises his paddle for 550 galleons.
“I see 550, do I have 600?”
A woman in red, raises her paddle, glaring at Sirius.  
“I see 600, do I have 650?”
Sirius raises his paddle.  Back and forth he and the woman go before he blurts out, “1000 galleons.”
“1000 galleons, going once, twice, sold to bidder number 53.”
Satisfied, Sirius smiles at Trevor, who looks uncertainly between Sirius and Jeremy, but Jeremy’s smiling.  
Good.  One down, one to go.
Sirius zones out, again.  He doesn’t need pay attention to the other players on the team or their bids.  He doesn’t really care.  He feels for them, of course, but he needs to focus on James.  James needs him to fix this issue, and he needs to make sure that Jeremy follows through with his end of the deal.
“And finally, James Potter.  Star Chaser for Puddlemere United, he can fly like no other and is every man or woman’s dream date.  Not only is he gorgeous, but he can cook, he can dance, and he’s pretty much good at anything you might want him to do.  Let’s start the bidding at 500 galleons.”
That’s a lot higher than the others, but James still has many paddles in the air.  Thus, the battle has begun.  
Sirius can’t help glancing over at Jeremy, who seems to be waiting until there’s less paddles in the air.  It’s a good strategy.  The same strategy he’d used for Trevor, so he’s not upset, but he is anxious.  
James can’t go to some random person that might want him to do something he doesn’t want to do.  
This is the most intense battle of the night as James’ number is now more than 3000 galleons, and the battle is between a red-haired woman, a blonde-haired man, and Jeremy.  James keeps giving him looks as if expecting for Sirius to step in and end the madness.  
Except he can’t.  He wants to, but he can’t.  
Poor James.
Finally, after ten minutes, Jeremy yells, “5000 galleons.”
“5000 galleons, going once, twice, sold to bidder 45.”
Relief floods through Sirius.  They’d figured it out.  Now, Jeremy could give him James’ date and he could give him Trevor’s.  Although he doubted that they would actually go on a date.  
With the event now over, Sirius makes it over to Jeremy.  “Thank you for doing this.”
“Don’t thank me – I did it for my brother more than you and James,” Jeremy states.  “Although I am glad that we’re able to switch with each other.  We should go finalize our dates quickly lest Woodstone make something up so that our plan fails.”
“Good idea.”
They quickly make it over to the booth and settle up, relieved when trading the date vouchers were able to be traded once they were paid for.
“Looks like I got my dream date,” Sirius teases as they walk away and straight into James and Trevor.
“Trevor’s your dream date?” James questions, looking a bit upset.  
“No, I – I couldn’t bid on you, so Jeremy and I traded – you, my deer, are my dream date,” Sirius states, showing him the date voucher.  
James looks thoroughly stunned.  “I am your dream date?  Since when?”
Sirius laughs, somewhat awkwardly.  “It’s just a play on the whole date auction thing.  You know, I wanted to save you the awkwardness of going on a date with someone that might make you do things that you don’t want to do.  This way – you win.”
“I win?”
“Yeah, you were a high earner like expected and you don’t have to play a piece of meat for some stranger that might want you to compromise your virtue.”
“Compromise my virtue?” James questions.
“Well, for 5000 galleons, I expect anyone else would’ve expected far more than a simple date.”
Especially given the way some of those men and women had been not shy about the way they checked him out.  
“5000 galleons?” James asks, surprised.  
Sirius laughs, “You didn’t pay attention?”
“We weren’t allowed to hear the bids,” Trevor states.  “They put a spell on us so we wouldn’t know what we were worth.”
“Wow,” Sirius states.  “Anyway, yeah.  I paid 5000 galleons, and it’s worth every one to make sure that you don’t have to play some piece of meat and compromise yourself.”
“I think I’m going to be ill,” James says, looking a bit woozy.  
Jeremy nudges Sirius.  “We’re good here, why don’t you take him home?”
Sirius nods.  “Yeah, I think I should.  Thanks for your help.”
“No, thank you – I appreciate saving my brother, too.”
He turns to James and says, “Let’s get you home.”
As soon as they get home, Sirius gets James into his bed and offers him a potion to help his wooziness.  Once he takes it, James sighs, obviously feeling better.
“There you go, James.  Just relax, everything’s alright now,” Sirius assures him, running a hand through his hair.  
“Do you have any idea of what could’ve happened if I earned that much, and it wasn’t you?”
Sirius barely contains his shiver.  The woman bidding against Jeremy looked quite like she wanted to skip the date and bed James.  It wouldn’t be a surprise given that amount of money that she would have paid to go the length of suggesting such a thing from James.  Something they both had been worried about ever since they discovered the date auction.
“I do,” Sirius states.  “Why do you think I did what I did?  I had the initial plan for me to bid on you myself, but Woodstone thought it through – knew I would do that and added a rule against it.”
“Hence bidding on Trevor for Jeremy and Jeremy bidding on me for you.”
“Exactly,” Sirius states.  “And now you don’t have to worry.  We’ll just have a nice date – dinner or dancing whatever you want and then, you know I wouldn’t take advantage of you.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” James states.  “Still, that’s a lot of money for us to do what we always do together.”
“You’re worth it,” Sirius says.  “Besides, you’ve already saved me – it’s my turn to save you.”
“That’s what this was, payback?”
“Of course not, but it helps,” Sirius assures him.  “I just – I know how worried you’ve been, and I couldn’t stand the thought of you in such pain.”
James smiles.  “Yeah, I get that.”
“Besides, you would’ve done the same for me.”
“Yeah, I would’ve.”
“Now, get some sleep.  We’ll plan out our date tomorrow.”
“Sounds good.”
The next morning was surprisingly awkward, Sirius wasn’t sure why until James says, “You realize that we have to go on a date now, right?”
Sirius hums.  “Yeah, but I mean – it doesn’t have to be any different than one of our normal nights together.”
Of course he wants it to be different – he wants it to be an official date, but he’s not going to say that.  After all, he wouldn’t want James to think he bought and paid for him just because he sort of realized that he maybe fancies James and didn’t want to be all jealous of James going out with someone else like he’d been when he dated Lily – not that he’d ever admit to be jealous of Lily.
It would be a terrible way to start a relationship.  
“Are you sure?”
“Well, yeah, I just got the date to protect you – I mean, it wasn’t, you know.”
“So, you – you don’t really want to date me?” James asks, sounding uncertain.
“Not like this,” Sirius states.  “Not when it was to save your virtue.”
James nods, “Right – of course.  Well, uh, either way, the voucher is for Friday.  We could do dinner, and just hang out.”
“Sounds perfect.”
Despite everything feeling much more normal over the last week leading up to the date, Sirius finds himself surprisingly nervous.  He had expected that they would go to one of their normal haunts, but James had surprised him with the news that he had to make it a proper date.  Somewhere fancy and intimate.  
Apparently, the voucher had a specific location for the date – one of Woodstone’s restaurants.  Just another way for Woodstone to be in control, Sirius supposes.
It just means this date won’t be one of their normal handouts, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be intimate, right?
Sirius is perfectly capable of being his normal best mate self, even in a much more romantic setting.  After all, it wasn’t a real date.  
A knock at his bedroom door jars him from his thoughts, “Hey, Si, you ready?”
Sirius does a quick look over at himself, he thinks he looks good – he didn’t want to look like he was trying too hard, but he did still want to dress to impress.  Especially if they’re going somewhere fancy and intimate.
He opens the door and jaw nearly drops at seeing James.  He looks even better than he did at that auction.  “Wow.”
James chuckles, “Is that a good wow?”
“Very good,” Sirius grins.  “You look – fantastic.”
James grins, “You don’t look so bad yourself.  Ready to go?”
“Yup.  I’m ready to go,” Sirius confirms.  “Are we taking the bike?”
“Yes, I thought – I figured that we usually do when we go out,” James says, shrugging.
While true, they haven’t exactly been that close to each other since before Sirius realized that he fancied James.  Now, all of a sudden, he’s going to have James pressed up against him in form fitting clothes and … well, he’s not sure what he’s going to feel, but it probably won’t be platonic.  
Still, he can’t say no when he just asked James what he’d prefer, so he’ll just have to suck it up.  It’s not that far to the restaurant.  
“Great.  Let’s go.”
They make their way out of their flat to the bike.  He gets on and waits for James to situate himself behind Sirius.
The second he does, Sirius knows he’s in trouble.  He can feel every inch of James’ body against his back, he can smell James’ cologne – a deliciously, surprisingly forestry scent, and once his arms lock around Sirius’ waist, he can’t help thinking how terribly close his hands are to piece of his body that is uncomfortably reacting to James’ presence.  
This is going to be a long ride.
Luckily, they make it to the restaurant without incident.  Sirius managed to focus on the road instead of James pressed up against him, but it wasn’t easy.  
At least they made it safely.  Sirius pulls into a spot and lets out a relieved sigh as James gets off the bike behind him.  
“Are you alright?” James questions, moving so he’s looking at Sirius directly.
“Oh, yeah, of course.  Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know, but you’re acting weird,” James states.  
“Weird, how?”
“I don’t know exactly, but you’ve been kind of weird the last few weeks,” James states.  “I thought maybe it was just because I’ve been complaining about the date auction and you were annoyed with me, but it’s been over for a week, and you’re acting even weirder.”
Sirius scoffs.  “You say I’m acting weird, but you can’t name how I’m acting weird?  Seems maybe you’ve misinterpreted something.”
“I haven’t – I know you better than anyone else, Sirius.  I know when you’re acting weird,” James insists.  “What are you hiding from me?”
“Nothing!” Sirius says, a bit too strongly.  
“Fine, lie to me.”  James frowns at him.  “Let’s just get this stupid date over with so that I can get out of your hair.”
Great, now James is angry with him.  
“Jay –”
“Don’t ‘Jay’ me,” James states, angrily.  “You’re my best mate – we agreed to never lie to each other after you had to run away from home, and I had no idea how bad it was there.  And now, you’re doing it again?  I just – I thought after ten years of being my best mate, you’d know that you can tell me anything.”
James has a point, Sirius knows.  It’s just – how do you tell your best mate that you suddenly realized that you fancied him?  
“It’s nothing like that – I promise,” Sirius states.
James is still shaking his head.  “Then, at least give me a hint.”
Sirius groans.  This isn’t going to be easy no matter what he says, but he knows how important honesty is to James.  Especially after that fateful summer night after fifth year.  
“I – it’s embarrassing.”
James laughs.  “You’re rarely embarrassed, Si.”
“It’s – I – I realized that I fancied someone … kind of suddenly.”
James laughs, again, and rolls his eyes.  “Right, like I believe that.”
“It’s the truth, and it’s been kind of hard for me to realize it all of a sudden.”
Rolling his eyes, James scoffs, “Fine, as long as it’s nothing like before sixth year, you can keep your secret.  Now, are you ready for dinner?”
Sirius isn’t sure if he should be relieved or upset that James completely dismissed the truth, but either way, he’s going to have to get through this dinner date with James knowing that James is at least a little bit suspicious of what’s wrong with him.  
He’s not sure what he should tell him, and yet, he takes a deep breath and says, “Yeah, ready.”
Sirius isn’t surprised when James barely makes it through ordering their dinners before he asks, “Okay, seriously, what’s the secret?”
Sirius rolls his eyes and tries to ignore the way James’ intense interest in him makes his stomach flutter.  
“Didn’t you just say that you don’t need to know, and I could keep my secret?”
“Did I?” James questions.  “That doesn’t sound like me.”
Sirius gives him a look.
“Oh, come on, since when do you keep secrets?  We tell each other everything.”
“I told you – I realized I fancied someone and that’s it.  There’s nothing to tell.”
“You could tell me who it is.”
“I’d rather not,” Sirius states.  Then he distracts James by mentioning quidditch and the next game, which is tomorrow.
His distraction works – for about ten minutes until their soups come out.
“I can’t believe I fell for your distraction.”
“I can’t believe you think I’m not allowed secrets,” Sirius complains.
“Oh, come on – I’ve told you about every one of my fancies,” James states.  “I gave you all of the nitty gritty details and to be fair, you’ve done the same to me.”
“It’s different this time.”
“How?” James questions, before pausing with his spoon half-way to his mouth.  “Wait, it’s not Woodstone, is it?”
“No, Merlin, no,” Sirius states, appalled.  “As if I could ever fancy a man like that.”
“Good because I don’t think I could live with that,” James says, relieved.  “Now, tell me – who is it?”
“It’s better left a mystery,” Sirius states.  “Now, will you please let it go?”
“Of course.”
Sirius doesn’t quite believe him, but he does allow the conversation to drift into other matters for a bit, long enough for their dinners to come out, but Sirius knew that it couldn’t last.  
“Is it Jeremy?”
“What?  No,” Sirius states.  “I barely know the bloke.”
“Yeah, but he is attractive.”
“No, I’m not into Jeremey, and I thought you said you would drop it?”
“You can’t blame my curiosity.”
“Haven’t you ever heard the phrase ‘curiosity killed the cat’?”
“I’m not a cat, Si,” James states.  “I just need to know – is it Trevor?  You did joke that he was a dream date.”
“No!  It’s not him either.”
“What about Scotty?”
“The beater?” Sirius questions.  “Why would I be attracted to him?  He’s gross.”
James continues to guess every player on his team, including the reserves, except himself over the course of their dinner, until finally, he says, “I’m running out of players here.  Who is it?”
“It’s you, dumbarse!” Sirius says, way too loudly and surprising himself.
Well, shit.
James looks utterly shocked.  
So shocked that Sirius reads it as utterly disgusted.  
“Oh, Merlin, that was a mistake – I have to – I have to go.”
Sirius rushes off, determined to put as much space between him and James as possible.  He couldn’t believe that he just outed himself to James like that.
He probably just ruined everything they’ve built together.  James’ll probably move out, they’ll stop being friends, and everything good in his life would be gone.  
He vaguely hears James behind him trying to get his attention, but he just speeds up.  He can’t do this right now – it was bad enough seeing that look on his face.  He had to get out of here, take a drive far, far away.  Somewhere James would have no idea about.  Somewhere James wouldn’t be able to follow him.
Maybe he could spend some time hiding out and by the time he came back, James will have forgotten all about it or at least decided that they didn’t need to discuss it.  Or maybe, he’ll be gone.  Yeah, that would probably be for the best.  
Sirius could run away, and James could move out and that’ll be it – the end of an era.
He makes it out the doors and almost to the bike, when he feels someone pulling on his arm and the next thing he knows, he’s all turned around and pressed up against James, whose lips come crashing against his.  
It’s delightful and surprising.  He’d never let himself imagine kissing James, but damn, if he wasn’t a great kisser.  He doesn’t want it to end, but eventually, they both need air.  
“Merlin, that was –” James coughs.  “I know that we have a lot to talk about, but – can we just … continue our dinner date and – and talk about it later?”
Sirius can’t help being hesitant.  He’d just confessed that he was into his best mate, who chased after him and gave him one of the most amazing kisses of his life, and – and now, he just wants to go back to a dinner date that Sirius paid for due to this stupid date auction that started this whole mess?  How does that make any sense?  Then again, considering that he hadn’t intended to blurt it out or kiss James, it was only fair to concede.  He didn’t have to ruin their night together.
“Okay, yeah.  Yeah, let’s just pretend this didn’t happen.”
“No – I don’t want to ignore it, but I – I need time to process,” James states.  
“You just dropped this huge thing on me and yeah, I kind of want to kiss you and forget about dealing with all of these feelings right now, but I – I can’t,” James says, giving him a look.  “I can’t – I can’t risk screwing this up.  I – I need to think things through and at least, we could enjoy dinner together and it’ll … be enough to process and we can talk about it at home.”
Sirius nods.  After all, he’s had weeks to process this.  It’s only fair that he gives James time.  
“Yeah, I – I get it.  Let’s just go enjoy dinner.”
Sirius had expected that the dinner would be awkward after that, even as James leads the way inside, chatting about something that honestly went in one ear and out the other, but it wasn’t awkward at all.
Somehow, by the time that they sat down, again, James had managed to keep the chatter up and he was responding easily enough that it was almost like nothing had changed.  In fact, if Sirius didn’t know any better, he’d assume that it had all been a dream.
A dream with a mind-blowing kiss.  Surprise kiss though it was.  
Sirius couldn’t help thinking about that kiss, even as he and James toss back and forth jokes as if they’d just stepped out for some air.  It was just like any other night, except they’re a little more dressed up and this is technically a date.
Not that Sirius had really considered it a date.
No, that – this was not going to be their first date.  Sirius would want to plan a something a little more them for their first actual date.  
This date is just a practice.  Which means, he should be paying better attention to James and the words he’s saying instead of answering on remote and not really paying attention beyond watching James’ lips wondering if James’ thinking it through would mean that they’d be kissing again later or if James would decide that one kiss was enough.  
Sirius isn’t sure he could handle that, though.  Sure, he’d been thinking of running away but that was before James kissed him.  
James kissed him.  
Clearly, that meant there was some sort of attraction, but was it enough?  Or was James stalling for time so that he could figure out how to let Sirius down easy?
Sirius groans.  Will this date never end?
“Wow, Si,” James states.  “All you to do was say no.”
“Wait, what?” Sirius asks.  He’d completely missed what James asked.
“We were meant to go out dancing after the dinner… I asked if you were up for dancing?”
Sirius coughs.  He’s not sure that it’s a good idea to go out dancing with James, but he’s looking at him so hopefully.  
“Oh – er – yeah, that’s a good idea,” Sirius states.  “We should finish this –”
“Date?” James supplies.
“Non-official, not real technically, date off right,” Sirius states.  “Maybe – practice date?”
James chuckles.  “Practice date?  Interesting idea.  If that’s the case though – that this is a practice date, does that mean I get to mark you?”
Sirius chokes on his drink.  “And what sort of mark would you give me?”
James grins.  “I don’t know – depends on how you do on the dancing.  After all, I carried dinner, and you didn’t pay attention to a single thing I said.”
“I – I … you – it’s not fair,” Sirius complains.  “You just kiss me and then expect me to have dinner and then dancing?”
“That’s what I was promised for this ‘practice date’, so – are we dancing, or do I give you a T?”
“You’d give me a Troll?” Sirius scoffs.  “Did nothing before you forced me to talk count?”
“Fine, fine.  How about you’re at Dreadful, but you can bring it up if you kick arse at dancing?” James offers.  A grin on his face that has Sirius chuckling to himself.
Why did he fancy this man?
“Fine.  I’d be delighted to dance.”
Sirius had decided to tease James about how scoring system for their practice date as they finished their dinner and made their way over to the dance club down the block.  He still can’t believe this class A dork is teasing him about being bad at the date, but he could make it better.  
Thus, holding James’ hand during the walk and contributing to the conversation until entering the club where it’s loud and hard to hear.  He leads them to the middle of the club before during around and starting to dance.
He knows all of James’ moves and can’t help teasing him about how much he looks like a dork.  
“I’m a dork?  Like your moves are any better?”
“My moves are way better,” Sirius states as the music changes songs.  
They both laugh and enjoys smiling and dancing for several songs before the song changes to a slow song.  
“Maybe we should take a break, get a drink?”
James shakes his head as he wraps his arms around Sirius’ neck, pulling him close.  Sirius doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around James’ waist, pulling them flush against each other, and leaning his forehead against James’.  He could see deep into his eyes, and those brilliant hazel eyes are so inviting that he’s tempted to kiss him, again.
Deciding to go for it, Sirius presses his lips against James’, causing James to tighten his arms around Sirius’ neck.  
The kiss is far more brilliant this time since he’d been expecting it, and he’s half-convinced that James actually wants to be with him.  He opens his mouth and runs his tongue along James’ lips, and James complies.  
The kiss turns to snogging and Sirius could almost forget the nightclub and the practice date and pretend they’re at home and he could drag him to one of their bedrooms or bugger him right in the sitting room, but suddenly, he finds himself all wet as someone throws a drink on them.
“Get a room!” the drink thrower yells, before going off somewhere so they don’t start a fight.
James coughs.  “Wow.  Wasn’t expecting that.”
“The kiss or the drink?”
“Both,” James admits.  “I did ask to think about it until we got home, but I – er …”
Sirius frowns.  “Oh, do you – er – need some space?  I just thought – with the teasing…”
James smiles at him.  “Let’s go home and talk about it?”
Sirius nods.  “Yeah, yeah, let’s do that.”
It doesn’t take very long to get home, even though Sirius is just as distracted by James being close to him as he was on the ride to the restaurant.  
It’s lucky though because as soon as they close the door to their flat before he can even begin to ask how to start this conversation, James is kissing him, again.
It’s hot and passionate and frankly, Sirius wants to carry James off to his bedroom and unwrap him like a present, but they needed to talk about it, so he pushes him back slightly.
“Weren’t you the one that wanted to talk?” Sirius questions.  
James coughs.  “Sorry, I – I know it’s my idea to talk, but I just couldn’t resist.”
“So, then, you – you’re attracted to me, too?” Sirius questions.  
James nods as he moves to their couch.  
“For how long?” Sirius questions as he sits opposite him.
“Remember when I broke up with Lily?”
“That was two years ago,” Sirius states, and James makes a face.
“Yeah, I – er – I realized that I didn’t want to spend as much time with her as I did you, and that you are one of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen, and you just have the most kissable lips…”
James moves closer to him, evidently wanting to kiss him, again.
Sirius stops him.  “We can kiss in a minute.  Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I – well – you were dating one of the players from another team, and I signed onto the Puddlemere team with the idea that I stayed single so I’d draw in a crowd and – and I didn’t think you – one of the most eligible bachelors in the country – would want to me, I guess.”  James pauses.  “And I didn’t want to risk ruining what we have.”
Sirius groans.  “I guess that makes sense given that I didn’t either.”
“And I would’ve said something if I thought you were into me, but you – you never showed interest until the date auction came up and I thought – well, you’re always obvious with your plans, so you’d get the date and I’d be able to, you know… feel you out,” James offers.  “I mean, it did work well, right?  You said I was Merlin’s gift to men and – and you were acting weird, so I thought –”
James pauses and searches Sirius eyes.  “You do want to be with me, don’t you?”
Sirius nods, so relieved and happy.  “I do – I do, James.  I want nothing more than to be with you.”
“Good, then, let’s start this relationship off with a real date.  You and me, tomorrow night?” James questions, a happy grin on his face.
“I’d love to,” Sirius smiles.  “But only if I get to spend tonight snogging you.”
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thatboisus · 7 months ago
me logging onto tumblr after consuming a new piece of media
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outromoony · 7 months ago
Me when the slow burn is slow burning
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randommultifandomrants · 10 months ago
Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
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natti-ice · 7 months ago
18+ mdni
that reality check hitting after reading smut
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arliedraws · 9 months ago
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Werewolf Pack Leader!Sirius Black and Human James Potter brainrot
(Dumbledore sent certified hottie James Potter to recruit the young hunky sweaty pack leader for a reason… 😏)
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aphrcdites · 2 years ago
the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
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hum-suffer · 1 year ago
The sheer lack of prongsfoot work in Tumblr and ao3 makes me want to scream sob and throw up
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cruel-seduction · 4 months ago
It’s like a full-blown addiction, but instead of drugs or booze, it’s this fictional guy who’s got her wrapped around his finger. She knows it’s fucked up—knows she’s out here daydreaming about someone who’s not even real—but who cares? This guy? He’s everything. He’s charming in the worst ways, flawed in every possible sense, but there’s just something about him that has her hooked. He doesn’t even know she exists, but she’s ready to fight anyone who says a word against him. Seriously, she’ll defend his honor like it’s a fucking life-or-death mission.
He’s a goddamn trainwreck, but he’s her trainwreck. She’ll put up with all his baggage, his emotional scars, his dark sides, because somehow, that brokenness makes him feel more real to her than any real guy could. He’s messed up, but she’ll fix him in her head every single time. Maybe it’s that thrill of knowing he’s dangerous and untouchable that makes him even more irresistible. He might break her heart in a hundred ways, but it’s the kind of heartbreak that makes her feel alive, even if it hurts like hell.
And it’s never gonna happen, right? She knows that. He’s not gonna waltz into her life and sweep her off her feet. But it doesn’t matter. Because she gets to have him on her terms—no messy reality, no awkward first dates, no risking her heart for real. He’s always there when she needs him, in that perfect little bubble of fantasy she’s built for herself. And maybe she’s a little crazy for it, but at least with him, she’s never disappointed. Every time she replays his scenes, reads the fanfics, imagines their future together—it's like a high she can never quite shake. She knows it's all just a mindfuck, but she’s never felt more alive.
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bethsvrse · 6 months ago
me staring at my ceiling after y/n does the most FLABBERGASTING thing ever
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bloodbruise · 1 year ago
the bitches traumatized by saltburn would never survive the fics in my ao3 history
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thatboisus · 5 months ago
reading a good ass fanfic up until it said something that just makes you want to stop reading
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