#sirius black x mom!reader
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bobluvbot · 11 months ago
late night cravings
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pairing: sirius black x afab!reader summary: you sneak off the night for a cheeky midnight snack, hoping sirius won’t notice (spoiler alert: he does, and he’s sulky about it)  wc: 4k cw: pregnancy & baby talk, descriptions of food and eating, brief allusions to sex (not directly stated), no physical traits of reader specified but sirius can hold things out of reader’s reach  a/n: so i had a lengthy angst fic for sirius’s debut on my blog and im halfway done on it but i cant seem to finish it bc it sends me to a depressing spiral each time <33333 so pls enjoy a very self-indulgent domestic excessively fluffy blurb with my beloved <33333 p.s this is not proofread so plz ignore mistakes ty <3
opening the tomato salsa jar turned out to be the hardest part. 
back in bed, you thought the trickiest part of your late night escapade from sirius black was his long limbs wound up tight with yours, even in low light of the small nightlight in the corner, you could still make out the intricate script and designs following the curves and dips of his strong arms, holding you close to his chest. 
you had it committed to memory by now, having explored sirius’s body well enough to memorize the way his skin feels against yours, with heartbeats and breaths falling in sync without much effort. 
judging by the way his breathing gets heavy after every exhale and the little snores that escape in between, you knew he was beyond knackered. it was day five of sirius’s new job as an deputy director at the auror office. the day he learned about the promotion was pure unadulterated happiness. after letting you know through an express owl, you mustered up enough vigor available to your seven months pregnant self to get out of the house and go to the local shops to get party supplies and food to celebrate sirius’s achievement. 
Coming in third out of the list of things he genuinely loved in this life, after you and his luscious locks of course, was his job as an auror. young sirius had never thought in his wildest dreams that he’d work at the ministry, much less actually enjoy it. can’t really blame sixteen year old sirius, starting an underground rock band with the marauders seemed like the perfect thing to do after gruelling hours of studying at hogwarts. 
defense against the dark arts came to him naturally, with some counterspells like second nature to him as being exposed with use of dark magic young gave him no choice but to grow up quickly and defend himself from the excruciating pain or the mind control that was from his own family’s doing. Winning the first wizarding war alongside his friends and found family has solidified sirius’s calling in eradicating the use of dark magic and making sure the next generation can have a safe and normal life without the looming threat of a megalomaniac sorting people with their blood status and taking over the wizarding world. 
that night, sirius walked into a dark and eerily quiet home that had his senses on overdrive. but when the lights turned on and he saw familiar faces of his loved ones all beaming with pride, and there you were in the center, looking ethereal and round and all his, with his favorite red velvet cake on hand and a ridiculously big balloon that says “congratulations” tied to the candle, he could have melted in a syrupy mess of gooey happiness right then and there if he hadn’t caught himself together last minute.
Sirius had thought– that after you agreeing to go on one date with him to hogsmeade, winning the quidditch cup and seeing the proud look on minerva’s face, going home for christmas break and euphemia welcoming him with a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug, remus teaching at the very same classroom you all were in years back, james and lily’s first kiss at the altar, holding little baby harry in his arms, you walking down the aisle with a bouquet of peonies in the most beautiful dress, and when you held his hand that one night and told him that you were expecting—- that he knew of love. but you do something extraordinary that has him scrambling to add to the endless list of why you’re the love of his life. he was so focused on you that he wasn’t prepared to catch pure muscle of james’s body as he flung himself to tackle his best friend in a hug. luckily, remus with a party hat was aptly standing between a toppling sirius and the living room wall, and he singlehandedly saved the two from creating a huge hole in the drywall. 
this was the life, sirius had thought after many hours of partying celebrating and eating, when he laid beside you in bed, limbs tangled, sated and dizzy and warm as you both came down from your highs. and he gets to spend it with you.
but as fun and exciting sirius’s new job is, it entailed an increased amount of responsibility as he was assisting the head auror. his least favorite part of the job was the boatloads of paperwork he has to deal with. An express owl almost dropped a howler letter into the soup you were making for dinner earlier that day and you opened it up panicking thinking it was an emergency. But no, it was just sirius whining that his hand hurt and is about to fall off and that he needs you to kiss it better. 
You did eventually, and one thing led to another and here you were, tucked in your husband’s warm embrace. you could stay here forever, only separating to drink water and bathroom trips, but the gnawing urge to eat something savory, sweet, tangy, and crunchy has possessed your entire being, the only way to quell it was to get up and go to the kitchen. the baby doesn’t seem to have a semblance of time yet, a fact you both envied and despised, because the clock on your nightstand said it was 3:48am in bold red numbers. A few months ago, you’d never be caught dead awake at this time, taking your precious sleep time seriously. The man himself would poke fun at you and say you’d gladly sleep through an earthquake or a housefire just as long as you get your seven to eight hours of sleep per day, and despite of your assumed role of contradicting and arguing with spontaneous and stubborn sirius, you had to agree.
But this was not about you anymore, or at least not quite yet for a good seventeen years, so you untangle yourself from sirius and your perfectly warm and cool side of the bed and waddle down the carpeted stairs, careful not to set foot on the creaky step that might risk waking sirius up. You need your secrets too, and you’re not in the mood to share food.
Grateful for the heavens that you and sirius stocked up on groceries two days ago, you had a wide selection of random items to munch on. A few days ago, you were introduced to the idea of a fluffernutter sandwich while scrolling through the short videos on your feed. Peanut butter and marshmallow fluff as spreads on their own was something you didn’t mind eating, but both together in a sandwich? You were enthralled, and the only way to quell the curiosity was to make it. So you did. 
You shovel and slather more than enough spread on each slice of bread, though you might have used the same spoon on both jars.. but who’s to tell you off otherwise, your snoozing husband upstairs? pfft. 
Smiling happily as if committing a particularly naughty crime, you place the spoon in your mouth, licking off the gooey mixture as you place the sandwich on a piece of paper towel (yes, you take the no dishwashing tonight seriously) on the table. humming, you mull over what to prepare next.
The baby needs something savory and tangy, but you’re not particularly keen on going through all the effort of heating up the soup from dinner, not to mention the amount of cutlery and dishes you’ll use for that, so you zero in on the tostada shells you chose rather than tortilla chips because its much more crispier. 
Opening the fridge, you see the laughing cow on a round packaging and decide its the one, so you grab two cheese wedges from it. 
Sirius had argued that the next aisle had actual, real blocks of cheese with a variety on display and that there was no point in getting artificially flavored ones. But you’ve gotten really good at giving him the stank face, which inadvertently ends 75 percent of nonsense bickering before it even starts; and since you’ve started showing more and more, sirius has admittedly gone softer on you, not that he was ever more but a pushover your entire relationship. Merely widening of eyes and a jut of your lower lip, even adding a slight tremble or two during times where you did actually fuck up, sirius can’t hold his stance longer than a minute before sighing and taking you in his arms. he might call you out for being a brat at times, but there’s no denying he loves it. And so the artificial wheel of cheese wedges got purchased and bagged home, and you’re meticulously spreading it over the golden shells, leaving little to no gaps of it bare. 
Laying it on another paper towel, your heart gets giddy on your chest knowing you’re in for a treat tonight. But not quite time to start munching, the baby reminds you that you still need something tangy to complete the meal. So comes your big predicament, should you get dill pickles or tomato salsa? 
It took you ten seconds too long of weighing down the pros-and-cons of choosing one and feeling like you made the wrong choice if you end up not liking it. It doesn’t help that the pregnancy hormones make you more anxious and tend to put you always on the verge of tears. So when the not-so-groundbreaking idea of just eating them both hits you, you feel the weight slide off your shoulders as you sigh. Because again, who’s gonna tell you that eating pickles this late at night can give you bad acid reflux, your snoozing husband? Pfft.
Snacking on some, you do manage to pick out the juiciest looking pickle chips and lay them atop of your tostadas. You and the little one are beyond excited to dive in. It’s looking like a mini upside-down pizza with the cheese spread first then the pickle as toppings. Only thing left now was the the tomato salsa slathered on top to seal the deal. 
Opening tight lids wasn’t an issue for you before, in fact, you took pride when friends hand you a jar or bottle to open because you could do it in a breeze. Chances were, the lid wasn’t even screwed on that tight, you were just built different, you’d say with a shrug once you give the items back. So when the tomato jar doesn’t budge after two attempts, you get puzzled.
Maybe your hands were slippery? You wipe them down with a tea towel and try again. No.
You weren’t holding it tight enough? Fingers held taut against the lid, you try three times. Still no.
Determined, you try different positions before letting the jar go, shooting it glares as if it’d get intimidated and just open up for you. You were also getting lightheaded, and passing out on the kitchen floor due to excessive stimulation of your vagal reflex because you were too stubborn to use magic or wake your husband up to open it for you doesn’t seem like the best way to spend the early Tuesday morning hours.
Magic was even out of the option (well, in your brain it was), because your wand’s tucked beside sirius’s on your nightstand, and frankly, you don’t have the patience to drag yourself upstairs just to flick a utility spell to open the wretched thing. So you do the next best option: lose hope. 
The disappointment was mutual between you and your baby. And the acid reflux did start to kick in, making your stomach grumble in both hunger and pain. This was all going so well until it isn’t, tears began to make its way up to your eyes.
“See, this is what you get for being greedy and eating all snacks by yourself,” sirius huffs behind you, deep voice still raspy with sleep. You didn’t even hear him getting out of bed and coming down the stairs, that’s how preoccupied you were with opening the jar.
He grabs the container away from you to open it, but not without throwing a scowl at your direction, handsome face contorted with furrowed eyebrows and downturned mouth, enough to express that he felt betrayed by this whole ordeal. If you were in a better mood, you’d poke his sides and tackle him playfully, teasing him for being sulky. But for now, you need the jar opened so you could eat in peace. You’ll deal with the sharing food issue later.
“t wasn’t supposed to take long,” you mumble, caught off guard and refusing to make eye contact, pretending the fridge magnets beside sirius’s head is ten times more interesting than his face. You don’t miss his raised eyebrow and snort at your response. 
The second attempt comes and he opens it with a satisfying pop. your mouth falls agape, eyeing the *now accessible* tomato salsa dip in disbelief. What the hell? 
And you couldn’t even take the smug grin spreading across sirius’s face by the millisecond. Refuse to. You try to snatch the open container away from him but he holds it higher and out of reach, making a show of puffing his chest, flexing his biceps, even giving it a kiss. This is all James’s doing, you need to have a talk with Lily soon about keeping these two separated.
“Sirius!” you try to plead your way out. the trademark innocent, pouty expression settles on your face like a second mask, hoping he’d go down this easy. 
It doesn’t work. He just chuckles, mocking your pleas and face while his free hand sneaks up and pinches your unsuspecting cheek to tease you further.
You yelp in mock outrage and swat his hand away, trying your best to keep your displeasure firm on your face, but you feel the giggles coming up. “This is why I sneak out alone to eat, you’re such a bully,” you huff, but take a seat in front of your makeshift spread. 
Sirius places the jar near you, but not without poking your exposed sides, armed with the knowledge that the easiest way to get you laughing (and eventually conceding in an argument) is knowing where your tickle zones are. “Oh yeah,” he drawls, plopping himself beside you. “That’s also why you’re the only one waking up with an upset stomach, stinking up our bathroom so early in the morning.”
Now this one got you appalled, embarrassed, disturbed, basically hit with all the feelings. You’ve been living together long before you got married, and he never brought up this issue until today. “That’s it. I’m leaving.” He makes a move to snatch the sandwich away but the embarrassment on your cheeks made you more agile, swatting his hand away and shielding the sandwich with your hands. “After I finish my meal,” you continue, shooting him a glare.
But see, one of the things that drove you nuts even way back at Hogwarts, was how Sirius Black mostly managed to outsmart you or be one step ahead of you in everything. After you turned him down without much thought whatsoever despite his grand declaration of interest, Sirius took it upon himself to show you (1) that you made a mistake for rejecting him, (2) that his ego won’t let you embarrass him like that again, (3) and that you won’t get rid of him that easily. Once he set his eyes on you, you were face to face with him in everything: grades, OWLs/NEWTs scores, Quidditch plays and bets, wins at the duelling club, even with the fucking gobstones tournament. He never let you catch a break.
Things were surely different now, since you vowed to be with him in sickness and health and untill death parts you both– hell, you’re carrying his child. So you figured maybe, maybe, he’ll let you catch a break this time. Let you eat in peace as you mull over his bathroom comment and how you’re going to get him back. 
But again, no. Unlike you, Sirius remembered to grab his wand from the nightstand. Not even batting an eye, he says nonchalantly, “Accio sandwich.” And the fluffernutter you protected with all your physical might managed to escape your watch, and land gracefully on his waiting palm. 
What irritated you more from this whole ordeal? The prodigal auror that climbed his way up the ranks and became the youngest deputy director, fully capable of complex spells and wielding different kinds of magic, felt the need to do a verbal Accio spell just to make a point to you.
Out of words, you just stare at him blankly. Too stunned to even cry in frustration because you knew you made a conscious, willing choice to be with this man. 
Maybe your best guilt-tripping expression comes best when you’re not trying. Color drains from his face when you remained silent and he scrambles to take a bite off the sandwich before handing it back to you, or rather placing it on your limp hand as you refuse to acknowledge it, still too hurt to budge. “‘m sorry, baby. Just wanted to eat with you since we didn’t get to earlier.”
He did arrive later than usual, deciding to finish the stack of case files and paperwork so he won’t have to sift through them again the next day. There were plans to wait for him before eating, but when the jitteriness and slightly nausea started to kick in, you had no choice in the matter. Sirius had been sulky and clingy the moment he got home, and as compromise, you stayed to watch him eat; listening and reacting animatedly as he ranted about his stressful day.
So you cut him off some slack, also exhausted from all the emotional stimulation sirius brought since he woke up. As a silent peace offering (also because you’re not ready to say sorry to his face), you slide the tostadas within his reach and finally take your bite of the goddamn sandwich. It was good, tasted as expected, sweet peanut butter. You’d probably have it again as a drunk at 3am meal.
Sirius also went and got snacks of his own: microwaved popcorn, pickles, toasted bread slathered with butter, and grapes. Together, you munched on the little spread of random food you could find in your kitchen at 4am in comfortable silence, which is surprising after the earlier bickering. No matter how cheesy it sounded in your head, sirius was the only person that can drive you to the brink of insanity and right back. You were in for a hell of a ride for the foreseeable future; and while there’s a lot of uncertainty right now and changes to be made when the little one gets here, you’re beyond happy that you get to do all this with him. 
Sleep was beginning to creep up on you. Of course he notices this right when you do, so a warm arm wrapped across your back urges you to settle on his lap, bodies melding into the familiar crevices like puzzle pieces, though you both had to adjust certain angles to accommodate your growing belly. You sit like this for a while; your head tucked securely in the crook of his neck, steady breaths lulling you to sleep, while sirius’s hands instinctively finds its way under your sleep shirt and on the natural curve of your belly, lithe fingers stroking and drawing soothing circles anywhere he could reach. 
you wish you could stay like this forever– cozy and soft and safe– but alas, you were carrying sirius black’s offspring. the baby decides to reward you with a round of kicks, probably giddy after feeling their father’s touch. Sirius chuckles and coos at your bump, while a muffled groan leaves your lips from the sudden onslaught of movement, but still refusing to move from this comfortable position.
Smooth cold lips touch the side of your forehead and you relish in the feeling. “Does it ever hurt, love? All that kicking and wiggling?” 
“Not really,” a content sigh leaves your lips. “Feels strange at times, seeing your belly move on its own.” 
To prove your point, two tiny bulges make a split second appearance just above where Sirius’s hand lay. His thumb soothes the area lovingly.
“Definitely getting stronger though; Lily told me during the later months, harry for some reason loved to kick downwards, making bathroom trips more frequent than it already is. Not excited for that.”
He presses kisses on your forehead, temple, hairline, anywhere he could reach without moving too much. “Things that you do and endure for this ‘lil troublemaker,” sirius murmurs. He doesn’t need to say it out loud, you could feel his body reverberating with awe and fondness. You try to bask in it for as long as you could, but a passing thought makes its presence known to you again.
“Do i really make the bathroom stink?” it comes out whinier than you intended it to be but you just had to know for peace of mind. 
Sirius’s whole frame vibrates as he tries to stifle his laughter, taking you with him. He’s laughing at your expense but you feel your own giggles brewing in your belly. You try to hold it in for longer, preserving some self respect. “A little bit,” he says solemnly. You groan, earlier mortified feeling returning in full swing. It triggers another round of chuckles.
“But dove, it’s nothing that my deep love and adoration for my lovely strong hot and sexy wife can’t handle.” He says assuredly, and you curse yourself for being so down bad for this man as blood rushes to your cheeks from his words. Good thing it’s dim and your face is still tucked in the crook of his neck. 
You do pinch his arm in response, and both your laughters compliment the comfortable silence. 
“Although,” he says after a while. “The betrayal of you eating without me still hurts.” 
“Siri.. i’m sorry,” you mumble. “‘y looked so tired, Didn’t wanna wake you up.”
He tuts and doesn’t say much after that. In sirius dictionary, this means he just wants some affection from you— for you to dote on him and coax out his forgiveness, even if you both know he’s not really mad; judging by his arms still wrapped securely around your frame and steady breaths that tickle and fan on your bare skin. 
So you mimic his actions from earlier, planting tiny kisses on his neck, collarbones, jawline, anywhere your lips could reach. Kissing his cheek seem to do the trick, his fake scowl quickly coming undone as a bashful smile breaks through the frown, and his tiny dimple you love so much making an appearance. The muggle maternity books did say dimples are genetic, so an image of a little Sirius running around and smiling up at you with those dimpled cheeks is a warming thought. 
“I am charming all the lids to be stuck at night as soon as i wake up tomorrow for work.” You poke a sensitive spot on his side, making him jolt, but you couldn’t resist laughter as it bubbles out of the surface. “You’re insufferable, I can’t believe I married a psychopath.”
“And you let him knock you up too. I’d say it takes one to know one, hm?” 
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cherry-pop-elf · 11 months ago
Honey, I’m Home-!
Sirius Black x Mom! Reader
Ever since Sirius was sent to Azkaban, you were the one in charge of raising Harry. Doing your best, and lucky to have Remus to help. Because of that, a certain Rat wasn’t able to avoid any of your gazes. When Harry’s third year came to a end, you were given quite a surprise at the train station
Warnings 18+, P in V, Female Reader, high emotions, hurt comfort, fluffy and heated sex, getting back together, implied breeding kink, taking care of your man with baths food and you, sir this bed is about to be destroyed with how hard he’s going to rail you. Also, implied Wolfstar/ Remus x You/Poly situation deal up in here hehehehe
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“Harry-!” You called, with a smile. Always there to pick him up from the station, every single time. As a good parent would. Ever since you found out he had such a risk to end up at the Dursleys, like hell you would let that happen. Made you pamper him a bit, given your good friends lost their lives for him. But like hell he didn’t deserve it.
“Shhh shh-!” Harry was soon hushing his friends, leaving you confused. Hermione and Ron quick to hush up, while Remus would set the last of the bags off the train. Wanting to help out, since there were so many Weasleys to worry about. The way he smiled, you were even more curious. You couldn’t recall the last time he looked so relieved. Was there a change in laws that permitted him to work at Hogwarts?
“Children, settle down. Settle down. Go on and show her the surprise.” He teases them, as he would help Molly with the rest of the Weasleys. He threw you a wink, which had you very confused. Not what did that Marauder have in mind this time?
“Mum…..Can we get a dog?” Harry asked you, as the trio stood next to each other. With cuts and bruises all over, but smiling. Even Ron seemed chipper, despite the fact he was in crutch. The hell did those three get into this time?
“A dog-? Harry….You know why we can’t get a dog.” You sighed, not wanting to have this discussion again. With out Sirius, you just couldn’t. Any dog was to painful of a reminder. Oh how you miss your padfoot. What you would give to see him again.
“Mum, please? He’s got no where else to go. Just look at him-“ Harry pleaded, as the trio stepped aside. The dog now exposed to you. Was so painfully skinny, yet also so furry at the same time. Matted fur, and just looking like a grim. He looked so much like Sirius, but so dead as well. Your heart just couldn’t say no this time.
The defeated sigh had them cheer, as Remus returned. Still giving you this coy smile, that had you furrow your brows. You felt like you were missing something, but you didn’t know what. You just knew that it was time to take everyone home.
With Harry hugging his friends goodbye, while this new dog stuck close to your legs, Remus would catch up quickly with Molly. Explaining something. You swore it was about Scabbers, but the new playmate was keeping your attention. Suddenly jumping on you, and licking your face.
“ACK-! HEEL HEEL-!” You called, as the dog was just to strong. How was something so fragile so durable? Reminded you of Sirius. How even in his dog form he was able to tackle people down. Was just making your heart hurt more, which in a morbid sense made you unable to refuse the dog either.
“Mum, Uncle Remus said you should head home with our new dog. He needs me to stay here and catch Mrs. Weasley up on stuff.” The way he fidgeted with his glasses told you it was a mixture of a lie and some truths. What the hell were these people planning? Was this some scheme to help you move on? Accept Sirius was never coming back? That hurt, but also a point was made. Who can escape Azkaban?
“Alright. But be home before dark.” You warned, as you kissed his forehead. Right on his scar, which made him smile. He made sure to give you a hug, before quickly returning to the red heads. Poor Molly looked ready to faint. Make that she did, and the twins had to catch her. Yeah, like hell you wanted to be involved with that.
“Alright, let’s-“ But the dog was running. Right through the wall, with no hesitation. You were flabbergasted, but had no time to think. Harry’s new dog was running off. No way you wanted his poor heart broken over that. So, you ran after it. Trying to catch up, but it seemed high on life.
“GET BACK HERE-!” You hollered, as the dog was running like it was the last thing it could ever do. You were so focused on trying to catch up to it, you barely noticed where you were running towards. By the time you finally caught up, you were wheezing. Hands on your knees, as the door the dog stopped at opened.
“About time Master and Mistress Black returned.” Kreacher sneered, as the dog hurried inside. Did he say what you think he said? No way. That can’t be Sirius. No way in hell. Looks like him, but he’s in Azkaban. You don’t just escape Azkaban. Sure, the daily prophet said he did. But it was more than likely gossip gone wild. You swore every week they said someone did, only for them to be returned the next day.
“Kreacher, phew, give me a minute here.” You coughed, as you stumbled inside. Left for the building to vanish, in the early morning fog. As if it was never there. Leaving you to be alone, with the elf and dog, as you hung up your coat.
You did your best with making the home more live able. The spare rooms built for whenever Harry wanted friends over for the summers. Along with just a safe haven for friends in need of a stay. You turned what was once a cage, into a proper home. Seemed the dog loved it, as it was quick to run up the stairs. Bolting past the curtained painting, and straight to your bedroom.
“How does it….No. no this can’t be. No way…” It was starting to become harder to deny, as you walked up the stairs. By the time you reached the door, you heard it. That familiar eerie bone cracking, when a animagus was changing forms. No way. It couldn’t be. It can’t-
“Home sweet home-“ That gruff voice sung to you, as you opened the door. There he was. Your husband. Your world. Your everything. Standing there, bending his back, as he sported a tattered Azkaban uniform. Bloody, dirty, hardly clothing at all. Hair a mangled mess, and in desempate need of a bath and shave. He was so sickly thin, the very thin fabric was just a sheet on him. Hardly could process it, when those dark eyes locked on yours. Hair so long now, and body tattered. No matter the design, it was still him. Your Sirius.
“Hardly changed a day…” He dreamily said, with that exhausted smile. He was so drained, but you could still see the pure joy in his eyes. He was home. He was with you, and could be there for Harry now. His best friend Remus was in his life again. He’s not in that damn prison, and he’s in your sight once more.
You didn’t care about the grime, as you practically fell into his arms. Sobbing in joy, as he held you close. Despite his thinner structure, he was able to hold you tightly. As tightly as he could, and sway with you. No need for words. Just gentle tears.
That was why Remus was so coy, and why Harry had you two run off. You two needed time to reconnect. Even so young, Harry could grasp how important this was. Guess you were rasing him right. Seemed also that Kreacher might have missed Sirius as well, because you could hear a bath being run. No one asked for it, but he did it. His own free choice. He missed him, in his own way.
“Darling, I love you so much. I really do, but I am so fucking gross right now. You know I’m being honest when even I’m unable to handle my own stink. I’ve had sex with Moony under a full moon. I’m GROSS gross right now. I will kill for a bath-“ He went on, making you just laugh with your tears. Despite the years in such a horrific prison, he was still himself. Guess he was always a little insane.
You didn’t let him go an inch, as you trailed after him to the bathroom. More than happy to help him wash. Just enjoying the needed intimate moment. Just a wife, washing her husband. By god was he filthy. By the time Harry and Remus returned, he was finally drying off. You had no idea if the bathtub will ever recover. Least he was now in his favorite black robe.
“I’ve got dinner handled, don’t worry-!” Remus called, as Sirius would come down the stairs with you. Unable to let go of his arm, and he hardly complained. He missed your touch all the same, as you two would enter the dinning room. Where Harry sat.
“Guess we better start from the beginning.” Harry murmured. You had already gotten used to your son’s insane adventures, but this one took the cake. He got his god father out of Azkaban, somehow-? Yeah, you were sitting down for this. Mindlessly playing with the exposed chest hair you could grab, as the trio of misfits began to explain.
Even while eating, more like Sirius devouring anything in sight, there was so much to discuss. Was mostly Remus, and Harry, speaking. Given Sirius was more so busy hiding during that time frame. Oh how your heart had broken, and repaired, over and over from it all. Your poor husband. But, he’s back now. He’s back, and he’s never leaving you again.
“I know you are my god father and all, but….Do I call you dad now-?” Harry asked. He’s thirteen, still a child after all. It’s going to be a lot to process, even by Wizard standards. With his meal finished, Sirius did have to think a moment. Dispite the fact Harry knew Sirius from stories, because of you and Remus, he was still a stranger after all.
“Uncle Padfoot will work just fine.” He smiled, as he ruffled Harry’s hair. That made the young teen give an awkward grin, as there was something to work with now. Uncle Moony and Uncle Padfoot. It’s a start, and you couldn’t be happier. Just staring with such love to him, with your head on his shoulder. Taking in that scent, as Remus was unable to stop his smile to.
“Harry, dear, why don’t we go out for a walk. Hm?” Remus asked him, making the boy raise a brow. Why would he want to….Oh. Right. Remus would give a gentle head nudge towards the door, and Harry was quick to get the message. Grabbing his jacket, wand, and chasing after his uncle. Not wanting to say another word, as he really rather not think about his mother’s sex life. Even if it’s with his god father.
The second the door closed, you were yanked from your chair. You gave a squeak, as you were tossed over his shoulder. Just like the old days at school. Whenever he wanted your attention, he simply tossed you over his shoulder. Forcing you to pay attention to him, as he would steal you to a private room for a discussion.
“I’m not letting you out of that bed until the head board breaks-“ He warned, as that had your heart racing. Twelve years is a long time, and there was most certainly some catching up to do. You couldn’t deny that, as you watch the stairs trail behind him. Escorting you to your once shared bedroom. Now together again.
You were plopped right on the bed, and he was on you like the hungry dog he was. Stealing you into his lips, and you couldn’t stop your moaning. It had been so long. You needed him as badly as he needed you. How you were enjoying the new long hair, and tangling your fingers into it. Needing as much skin as you could get from him.
He was more than happy to give it to you. The robe thrown aside, as he was pulling at your clothes. Not giving damn if they tore. Nothing else mattered in this moment. He wanted to fuck his wife, and by god was he going to. Twelve years, in Azkaban. He’s going to get all twelve years of pent up desire out in one night. Will your body recover? Do you even care?
“Sirius-“ You sighed, as he finally got your top off. His face buried into your chest, as he snapped your bra strap off. Tossing it aside, as he drank you up. Just feeling your skin on his, and savoring the long missed flesh against his bearded face. Feeling that freshly softened hair on your chest felt so good. Every single fiber of your existence was on fire. Felt like you might implode.
“Not a day passed by, that I wasn’t thinking of you. You, Remus, Harry, you three were what kept me sane. I knew you three were safe with each other. Waiting for me. I came back. I came back, like I promised.” He sighed, as you felt the tears on your chest. Gentle fingers played with his hair, as to try and calm him down. Comforting him.
“I always knew you would.” You felt so silly thinking Remus would ever try and help you move on. Hypocrite he would have been. Human emotions be human emotions, and they were being carnal right now. Needing to burn and burn and burn.
“Have me again, like you’ve had me before.” You asked him, as you cupped his face. Having that thick beard nuzzle into your palm, as those dark eyes stared up to yours. So much pain in his face, but comfort in his eyes. It’s a long journey to recover, but his soul was still there. His body is damaged, but a body can repair. A mind is harder, and that was the battle. A battle he won.
With a kiss to your palm, he would soon attack your lips. Growling into you, as he pulled away the rest of your clothes. Needing to devour your body. Soon marking away at your neck, your chest, your arms. If there was anything his lips could grasp, and making sure you were marked. As if to remind the world you belonged to him, and he wasn’t going anywhere. Not anymore.
“Sirius, how can you still be such a tease?” You whined, as he was grazing his teeth over your thigh. Leaving a bite on your flesh. Letting himself enjoy the flavor of the tingling flesh under his tongue.
“What? I’m an old dog. Old dogs have bad habits.” He teased, before he finally allowed you to get some attention. He really didn’t change, and you were shocked. Never thought being abused could be useful. Only a Black would have such a morbid survival skill.
Before any more depressing thoughts could fill your head, you were able to enjoy the familiar sight. Your husband between your legs, with his cock rubbing against you. The tip of his cock coming into view, whenever he rolled his hips up and down. Rubbing right on your clit, and making you whimper. Sure you’ve played with yourself, but nothing beats his touch.
You both were gripping tightly. Him on your thighs, while you grabbed his shoulders. Needing to feel him in your hands. You both needed it so badly, but both held a near fear. As if afraid that it was all a dream. Luckily, he had the nerve to test that fear. Test it, as he finally pushed in.
“Fuck, I’ve missed this-“ He moaned, as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. The way he growled, and his body just shivered. Aching, and moaning. Might spill just then, if he didn’t stop. Just savoring the feeling of being back inside of you, and how your eyes watered from pure comfort. To have your husband back.
He would lean down, and kiss away your tears, before he allowed himself to move. Just moaning for you, as his nails dug into your flesh. Marking you more, as you moaned into each others mouths. Needing to drink in every last thing you both could offer. So much to catch up on, and to make up for.
With the tender moment passing, you were soon reminded of the wild man you married. The feeling of your legs being pushed towards your shoulders, as he tried to get into you deeper. With his hands now on your ankles, as he was snapping his hips into yours. Needing to make sure you felt ever inch of him.
You loved it, and missed it, all. The feeling of your arms around his neck, and tangling your fingers into his hair. How he growled into you, and the snarls. Oh how you loved how animalistic he was for you. How he would bark and howl at the beg and call to you. Your big bad wolf.
It was all you missed. Had you in a mixture of tears, and pure desire. How he wanted to fight your tears, and kissed you. As heated as he could, to make up for the years parted. To taste you, and savor you all over again. Just the sounds of your moans, the creaking bed, and the flesh on flesh.
You didn’t know how long it lasted, but you felt him pull your lip. Sinking his teeth into it. A typical sign that he was close. A need to ground himself, to last a little longer. Oh how you missed his little habits. That thrill of pain again sent you over, as you came with him. To be as connected as possible.
You expected to get a moment to savor the after glow, but he kept true to his word. You were soon tossed onto your stomach, with the ass in the air. Of course he wanted doggy. It’s cheesey, but a favorite. Suppose one more round could be mustered.
One more became two, and three, and soon you had to chug a Pepper Up potion to keep up. You lost track of the rounds, before you were laid on your back. Soaked in sweat, and sticky from it all. Sheets hardly on the bed, and you were certain there were cracks in the wood. Hardly could breathe, but it seemed he was satisfied.
“Pretty sure you fucked a dozen kids into me.” You wheezed, as he chuckled. Enjoying a much needed cigarette, but still making sure you were comforted. Having your head in his lap, as he played with your face. Admiring all your features.
“Good.” He snickered, as you swatted at his hand. The both of you able to share a laugh, as there was a soft knock at the door. All Sirius had to do was give a sniff in the air, and he knew who it was. A whistle was given, before he grabbed a pillow for you. So you could cover up, despite the fact Remus has certainly saw you naked many times.
“Feeling better now-? Could have used a silencing charm. Had to tell Harry Kreacher was fixing a wardrobe.” Remus scoffed, with a tray of needed drinks and snacks. He would set it down on the bed side table, before joining on the bed. He deserved to catch up with Sirius to. Fine by you.
With some shifting, you were soon snuggled between the two men. Sirius still playing with your hair, as the two men remained sitting up. Keeping their voices low, so you could drift. Just able to be safe, and warm, again. Snuggling your husband, and comforted by the sound of old memories.
What a wonderful lullaby.
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iamgonnagetyouback · 4 months ago
The second one is for Harry. I don’t have a plot for him tbh. Anything works…maybe something like James and lily are still alive and the reader is Sirius’ and Remus’ daughter (if you’re comfortable with that else she’s just Sirius’s daughter) and that her and Harry have feelings for each other but they make sure that their parents don’t know about this because they think they won’t approve but secretly Sirius and James have made a bet even before they were born that they’d end up dating.
Gonna sign off as - 👀
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ⠀────۶ৎ bets
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synopsis: you and harry have been sneaking around for months, convinced your parents would lose their minds if they found out. but when you finally confess, expecting chaos, sirius just sighs, james holds out his hand, and—wait… they bet on this?! content warnings: lots of fluff, harry and reader thinking they’re sneaky (they’re not), sirius mourning his lost galleons author's note: hey angel ♡ thank you so much for requesting!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ᡣ𐭩 words.ᐟ 698
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The morning started off innocently enough. You and Harry decided, with great trepidation and a little bit of sweaty-palmed hand-holding, that it was time to come clean to your parents. You’d spent months sneaking around, dodging suspicious looks and sharing whispered secrets under that big oak tree in the Potter backyard. But enough was enough. Today was the day.
At breakfast, you sit on one side of the table, gripping Harry’s hand under it like a lifeline. Across from you, James is mid-story, waving his coffee cup wildly, nearly splashing Sirius, who’s cackling in support. Remus stands by the stove flipping pancakes, while Lily is engrossed in her tea. It’s almost too peaceful. Almost.
You exchange a look with Harry, both of you gulping in unison. Here goes nothing.
You clear your throat, trying to sound calm and confident but ending up squeaking, “We have something to tell you.”
Every head swivels toward you. Four pairs of eyes lock on, and it’s like they’ve turned into your jury.
Sirius’s brows lift, eyes flicking to your joined hands, a smirk already forming. “Oh, this is going to be good.”
James takes a leisurely sip of his coffee, not even trying to hide his amusement. “Go on then, let’s hear it.”
“Uh… well, Harry and I…” You glance at him, wide-eyed. “We’re together. Dating. You know, in a relationship.”
Silence. Deafening, horrible silence. You brace yourself for the absolute chaos about to ensue—a dramatic gasp from Sirius, a whole speech from Remus, something. But instead…
“Oh, finally,” Remus sighs, flipping another pancake like he’s completely unfazed.
“Pay up, Padfoot.” James holds out a hand to Sirius with a smirk that could only mean one thing: they knew.
“Are you—are you betting on us?” Harry sputters, his face turning beet red.
Sirius lets out a long, overly dramatic sigh as he fishes out a handful of Galleons and plunks them into James’s waiting hand. “Yep. And I had my money on last Christmas, but nooo, you two had to make it as painful and drawn-out as possible.”
James shrugs, looking positively delighted. “I told him you two would take forever. I mean, you’re related to Sirius, for Merlin’s sake.”
“Oh, come on!” you snap, indignant. “You didn’t even wait for us to tell you?”
Sirius leans forward, smirking like he’s the world’s wisest sage. “Kid, you were about as subtle as a hippogriff in a teashop. ‘Oh, dad, we’re just going out to ‘study.’’” He air-quotes aggressively. “Or, ‘Oh, daddy, it’s so peaceful under the oak tree.’”
“Do you know how many times I nearly hexed you?” Remus says, shaking his head, clearly unimpressed. “Once or twice would’ve been fine, but the ‘study dates’? Please.”
Harry’s face falls into his hands, groaning. “So you… knew? This entire time?”
James snorts, leaning back with the air of someone who has been utterly vindicated. “Son, I’ve known since you looked at her like she’d personally invented Quidditch.” He raises a smug eyebrow at Lily. “Which, by the way, was second year.”
Lily laughs softly. “Second year, James? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?”
“Oh, not at all,” James replies with a flirty expression. “I’d know that look anywhere—it’s exactly how I used to look at you.”
You and Harry exchange an exasperated look. “So… none of you are upset?” you ask, bewildered.
Remus grins, nudging you both toward the table. “Not at all. In fact, this is excellent news because now I can finally use your time together as leverage for chores.”
Lily laughs, patting your shoulder with a wink. “Honestly, we were all just waiting to see how long you’d last before one of you cracked.”
Sirius, meanwhile, is dramatically clutching his chest. “I was holding out for the Christmas confession! So many prime opportunities wasted! I could have retired on those winnings!”
“Oh, get over it,” James says with a slap on his back. “We all saw it coming from a kilometer away.”
And as you and Harry sit there, faces hot with embarrassment and disbelief, the rest of them toast to the “official family binding,” clinking glasses and laughing like this is the best entertainment they’ve had in years.
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© iamgonnagetyouback ⋆.˚ please do not copy, translate, or repost any of my work.
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thefearedashantis · 1 year ago
Dirty Laundry and Brown Sugar Oats
Pairing: Sirius Black x SAHM! Reader (stay at home mom)
Summary: You’ve had a very busy weekend
Word count: 1.5K
Warning: skipping meals
This weekend had been one from hell. Filled with celebratory moments, but from hell none the less. It started on Friday morning with the primary schools’ spring production. Claire’s class was participating with a little dance routine. Lots of classroom mothers were signing up to assist with corralling the children throughout the day and your youngest daughter had begged you too as well. In her own words “all you do is stay home anyway”.
You weren’t sure what to do with Emmerson at first but Lily had offered to watch him for a few hours, claiming it a perfect opportunity for he and Harry to have a play date. You were extremely grateful. He wouldn’t cause her any trouble. The only person he fussed with was you.
From eight in the morning to five in the evening you were swimming in kindergarteners. Bathroom trains, fixing hair, changing into costumes, breaking up arguments, forcing a quick nap time, practice, and then comforting the snifflers once the performance actually started. The ones that attempted to leap from the stage in a wash of tears, grabby hands extended.
Then Amelia had her spelling bee on Saturday morning. As soon as you'd gotten back with Claire, cleaned her up and made dinner you were off to test Lia on her words. She wouldn’t allow you to stop until she was free of mistakes and hesitance. She didn’t win, but she was abundantly proud of herself for giving it a shot. As were you and Sirius.
Emmy had his doctor’s appointment that same afternoon for some blood testing. He'd been falling ill a lot recently and you thought it couldn't hurt to do a full check up to see if everything was alright. A fresh scratch now pulsed under your eye as evidence of his struggle. And then from there you had to rush to get Lia to her soccer practice, take Claire to ballet and run a few errands around town. You'd spent that night tailoring some of Sirius formal shirts for a few meetings he had coming up in the week.
Sunday morning Remus as well as Lily, James and Harry came over for breakfast. You’d gone all out in preparation. The downside being once you were done you had no interest in the spread of food you’d prepared.
Now it was Sunday evening, the sun only just beginning to dip below the horizon. You’d just managed to get Emmy fed and settled to watch a few minutes of Tv. Lia is at the counter finishing up some homework and Claire is crowding you. Swerving around your legs, just as high as she’d been all weekend on excitement. Every second of every day from the moment she opened her eyes to the moment she closed them it was just demands that you stop whatever you were doing to watch her. For her to perform the same sequence of moves you’d watched her do on stage as if you hadn’t been paying attention then. And again, the other thousands of times she'd done it since.
She bumps herself into your legs from behind sending you stumbling.
“Mom you aren’t watching!”
The laundry basket in your hand tips, bulging with the dirty clothes you’d been putting off washing. A jumble of socks falls from it to the tiled floor. It takes everything in you not to snap, instead closing your eyes for a beat, breathing in and out before bending to reach for them. When you’re suddenly hit with the feeling of the ground shifting. Your vision blurs and your heart gives a painful stutter. An overwhelming ringing pingpongs between your ears and your mind grates to a halt. Where were you? What had you been doing a second ago?
Small hands press into your back. You’ve sat on the ground. The plastic of the basket still slippery in your hold where it rests atop your extended legs. You feel hot. Your stomach is cramping.
A shadow falls across you from above. You force your wavering gaze up to meet Lia’s face leaned over the countertop, frowning and squinting at you. “Mom?”
Claire screams, much too close your ears, her fist pounding into your spine. “You have to watch me! Look! Look!”
“Claire, stop it!” Lia scolds. She hops down from the stool and comes around to stand in front of you. You stare straight ahead at her blue sleep shorts before she squats down to grab at your face.
The haze over your mind begins to clear when she squishes at your cheeks gently “I’m fine sweets.” Resting the basket to the side you cover her hands with your own, struggling to swallow around your dry mouth “Just lost my balance there”
Claire mashes her chin into your shoulder, pressing her own cheek against both of your hands “You’re so clumsy sometimes.”
Lia’s still frowning; her eyes a little glassy. She watches you for another beat before bolting upright “I’m going to get dad.”
You pull her back to you in a panic “No! Lia I’m fine.”
Sirius was outside doing some yardwork. Things you’d been asking him to get to for months now. That’s where he’d spent most of his weekend and it made you feel like a bit of a nag. You don’t want to bother him anymore. Especially not for something so minor.
Lia jerks her hand from yours, sprinting for the front door shouting for Sirius.
In the meantime, you shift yourself slowly to rest your back against the cabinets. The effort of it has you breaking a small sweat. Your hands shake as you set the laundry aside.
“Are you sick?” Claire asks, collecting the dropped socks and plopping them into the basket. She presses her hand to your forehead checking for warmth.
“No Clair bear.” But she won’t take that as an answer of course so before she can scuttle off in search of the thermometer you redirect her attention. “Do you think Emmy would like to watch your performance?”
Her eyes light up “You’re right! I haven’t shown him yet.” She leaves you behind, completely forgotten, in search of your youngest. Seated on his playmat in the living room and occupied by the puppets moving across the television screen.
Time seems to jump between a long blink to rest your eyes and reopening them to find Sirius kneeled in front of you. Hair tied up atop his head, collar of his shirt dark and dampened. A smudge of dirt slashes across his cheek. A calm smile spreading his lips. “Are you cozy down here love?”
You roll your eyes at him. “You smell sweaty.”
“Lia, can you get mom a glass of water please?” You hadn’t even noticed her hanging back in the archway, standing so still and quiet with her hands clasped together. She goes without a word.
“Do you feel dizzy?”
“I can’t get up.” You’d plummet right back down to the ground if you tried.
Lia returns with your water. Sirius takes it from her with a small thank you before cupping your chin. With nimble fingers he tilts your head back slightly, pressing the chilled glass to your cracked lips. “Drink, slowly” He waits for you to down half the glass before setting it aside, watching you intently.
“What did you guys have for lunch? Maybe it didn’t agree with you.”
“We had peanut butter and jelly. Mom didn’t eat any though.” Lia answers 
“And you didn’t have any breakfast this morning my love. Did you eat at all today?”
In fact, you couldn’t remember the last time something of substance passed your lips, food or drink. When your days edged more on the hectic side, you’d sometimes forget they were necessities. A horrible habit you never managed to break.
Sirius reads this in your expression. He frowns disapprovingly at you. “When was the last time you ate something? Not random scraps, a whole meal”
“Breakfast Friday morning” and even that had only been a slice of buttered toast. You were running solely on the clementine you’d swiped from one of Claires classmates, a handful of nuts, and a half cup of tea somewhere else in there.   
“Is she going to be alright?” Lia has sat herself beside you, picking at her fingers anxiously as her eyes rack your body from head to toe. You feel a tinge of shame run through you then. To cause her such worry with your bad habits.
Sirius removes one of the rings from his finger and slides it onto one of hers. It’s far too big but it provides a nice distraction as she spins it absentmindedly around the digit. “Mom hasn’t been nourishing her body properly but she’ll be right as rain once we get some food into her.”
“Are you ready to get up?” he asks you.  
“No” you answer honestly. The room is still spinning.
Smiling reassuringly, he instead makes whispered conversation with Lia, asking what they should feed you. “Something light to not upset her stomach”
“That special ginger tea she gave me when i was sick last week.” 
“What else?”
“Brown sugar oats?” She glances at you for approval “You love oats. With some honey on top?”
“Delicious. Why don’t you go fill the kettle while I help mom to the table.” 
Once she’s gone Sirius turns back to you. He runs his hands up and down your bare legs, refusing to meet your gaze now. “Trying to give me a heart attack, are you?” he grumbles “Lia came outside frantic and I was sure the worst had happened” he pinches you on the thigh. Not particularly hard but enough to convey his upset.  
He soothes it with a kiss “You have to stop skipping meals like that. You have to stay strong and healthy so we can be together until we’re old and gray and Claire ships us off to a retirement home.” 
A laugh startles out of you “Lia would definitely let me live with her. Emmy might be kind enough to house you.”
The laughter dies, a cloud of seriousness rolling in to dampen it.
“Promise me” He must really be fed up with you.
“I’ve been working on it. Time just slipped through my hands this weekend.”
“Promise me” he pushes again.
You sigh, feigning annoyance at the dramatics you so enjoy when he forcibly links your pinky fingers together “I promise.”
“Great!” It’s slow going, but he gets you up off the floor and to the counter “Lia how about we cut up some fruit to go with that?”  
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[1] Parent-Teacher Conferences
Summary: James meets his favorite student's mother for the first time.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam), inspired by this post by @ravishinglavishingluvr
Next Part: Seeing Each Other Around Town Series Masterlist here
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teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james te—
specifically james as a kindergarten teacher
(see inspiration post)
(just kindergarten instead of preschool)
(yaknow, for the plot)
Okok lets get started :D:D:D
You’ve got a sweet baby boy of a son (I’m sorry if you don’t!! I also don’t but idk my stepmom is pregnant with a boy and I’m super excited and this mess is what came out so here you go)
And he’s five and in James’ kindergarten class
Baby boy is just the sweetest little thing
James loves him to death
He’s smart and nice and helpful and just an absolute gem
Like seriously tho James goes to the library during his lunch break to hang out with school librarian!Remus and school secretary!Sirius and just can’t shut up about how much he loves your son like James just talks about him the whole lunch period
And Remus and Sirius are like
“That’s great, James 😐"
But James doesn’t care he’s just too excited to have such a bright young boy in his class
And also (because James is nosy af) he’s super curious to see what kind of parents this kid has
So parent-teacher conferences roll around and he’s like “What kind of geniuses are raising this kid?? Let’s see em????”
And then nurse!reader rolls up to the 7:30 PM meeting, still in her hospital scrubs and profusely apologizing for being like three minutes late
And James is like
Not at ALLLLLL what he was expecting
(not that he’s complaining, you’re fucking adorable and a great break from all the stuffy parents he’s had to deal with all day)
So you and him sit down and talk about your son’s work at school
And James just gushes about him to you practically the whole time
Like legit James fell for him before he even met you
Meanwhile you’re like
1) damn i didn’t know my kid’s teacher was so pretty
(Not like that’s important ofc because you have priorities and your son always comes first.)
And 2) but like can my son read?? Can he do math?? Are you teaching him science sir????
And James is like “yeah but he’s NICE and KIND and EMPATHETIC
And you’re like
“……yeah…… bc that’s an important part of learning to be a good person … ofc I showed him how to be kind?? Like what????”
And James
(poor baby’s bar is on the floor from all the Karens who’s kids he teaches)
He’s just so enamored about how you’re just like naturally kind and caring??
And you imparted that onto your kid????
Your conference time is the last one on James’ schedule, and he absolutely irritates the fuck out of Remus and Sirius as he drives them back to their flat
Like he can’t shut up about you
And your kid
Like he just loves your son
And has a little puppy-love crush on you
Remus pretends to be annoyed and Sirius teases him
But when James drops them off they’re already planning your wedding
(Remus: “You know, we haven’t actually even met her …” Sirius: “So? Have you ever seen James this smitten??? It’ll happen, love. Trust the process.”
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Next Part: Seeing Each Other Around Town
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brun-brunette · 6 months ago
i think at this point i love marauders' tumblr side more than i love my mom
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immortalsoul · 1 year ago
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Celestial Beings
Chapter Nine: Sides
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Female Reader, Molly Weasley, Moldy Voldy (Voldemort)
Summary: (Y/n) wakes up much later than she planned only to head downstairs and overhear Remus and Sirius. She can't understand emotions well.
Word Count: 2,835
Warnings: Swearing, Threats, Mentions of Blood, Cutting (Accidental not Self-Harm), Arguing, Implications of drinking
Reminders: @nicolegrace2004 (not sure if this is the right blog but I'm hoping so)
(Y/n) awoke with a start as a knock sounded from the door. She looked around the room wildly, as if expecting someone or something else to be there. Another knock at the door finally shook her from her thoughts, causing her to throw the blankets off herself as she hurried to the door. She swung it open quickly, with a little too much force, making it hit the wall loudly.
“Shit! Sorry.” She muttered quickly, her thoughts still racing. “Didn’t mean to sleep, I-”
“Are you alright dear?” Molly asks worriedly, her eyebrows stitched together. “Sirius and Remus told me what happened, I won’t pry. It’s been a few hours since dinner, and no one’s heard a peep from you. Just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Oh.” (Y/n) takes a moment to breathe, unsure of how to respond. “I’m… I don’t know really, I think I’m alright though.” She assures Molly, giving her a small smile. “Sorry about missing dinner, I really didn’t think I was going to fall asleep.”
“It’s alright, I saved you a plate downstairs. I didn’t do too much tonight anyways, just a small casserole.” Molly waves it off. “They’re still waiting in the parlor for you, if you feel up for it. Don’t feel pressured to do anything that will… agitate yourself.” she says carefully.
“Right, yeah…” (Y/n) runs a hand through her hair, trying to quickly brush it back into place. “Which way to the parlor again?”
“All the way down the stairs, take a left, third door to your right nearest the exit.” Molly reminds her with a smile. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” (Y/n) says as she fixes her clothes. “Once again, so sorry about dinner. I’ll be sure to get there tomorrow.”
“Alright, well I’ve got to-” Molly gets cut off as a crash is heard down the hall. “Those silly kids, I swear if Tonks has them doing some stupid spell again… I’ll check in with you tomorrow, (y/n).” She quickly hurries off toward the sound of the crash as another occurs.
(Y/n) rushes down the stairs, adrenaline starting to fade as the nightmares fade fully into nothingness. As she gets to the bottom of the stairs she hears voices from the hall, talking rather loudly. Stopping just shy of the corner she listens in.
“We could always wait a little longer.” Sirius groans. “She didn’t look too good earlier, probably just lost track of time.”
“Or she just doesn’t want to see us…” Remus sighs. “We’ve been waiting hours Pads. I’d rather just head to bed.”
“You.” Sirius says bluntly. “You mean she doesn’t want to see, you.” (Y/n) hears him take a drink of something. “Which, even if that were the case, she’d still would like to know we waited I’m sure. Besides, what if she does want to come down here and we’re gone? It’d be like lying to her.”
“She’s the one who lied.” Remus retorts quickly, also pausing to take a drink. “She lied about the mirror, didn’t tell us about being able to read minds, and who knows what else she’s been lying about. You can’t just blindly trust people, Pads.” (Y/n) feels her heart drop.
“I’m not.” Sirius sighs. “But she deserves at least part of our trust by now, doesn’t she? She’s earned it.”
“By doing what? Sulking around?” Remus lets out a dry laugh. “We let her roam around, let her have her own room, she hasn’t helped us once.”
“She doesn’t need to.” Sirius takes another drink. “That’s not the goal remember?”
(Y/n) feels her cheeks getting warm with anger and embarrassment. Her fists balled up as she takes a step back, not wanting to know anything else. She turns to head to the kitchen as whispers swirl around her.
“You forgot didn’t you?” a familiar voice says from nowhere. “To them you’re nothing more than a means to an end. A pawn in their game.”
“Because you’ve always thought of me as anything other than a weapon, shut up.” (Y/n) mutters in response, shutting the kitchen door behind herself. “No need to pretend to care.”
“Pretend? You’re my blood, (y/n). Of course I care.” Voldemort tuts. “I can both care about you and discipline you. The two are not mutually exclusive. Besides, without me you’d have been murdered by the ministry when you were born. You’re special, and that scares them.”
“Special is just a nice word for abomination.” She retorts, finding the plate Molly had made for her, taking the foil off the top. “Your version of discipline is torture. Go away.”
“I see they’ve confused you.” his tone becomes more strained. “Don’t worry, we can fix that when you return.”
“No.” (Y/n) says, quicker than she could think. She freezes mid bite. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“No? No?!” Voldemort’s voice feels like daggers in her head now. “How dare you tell me no. After everything I’ve done for you? Fed you, kept you clothed, kept you alive! You’ll do as you’re told, as you’ve been taught, or I will make the ‘torture’ you’ve endured seem like child’s play. Next time you want to say no, just remember where I currently reside and whom I live with.”
(Y/n) feels the connection loosen, his voice fading into nothingness, leaving her to think on his threat. She looks down at the food and tosses it into the trash, no longer having an appetite. She shakily begins to wash the plate, the water burning her hands as she turns it to maximum heat.
“(Y/n)?” Sirius’s voice startles her, the plate slipping from her hand as she turns around. It shatters as it hit the floor near her feet.
“For fuck’s sake!” She shouts, her anxiety being quickly replaced by frustration. She quickly kneels down and starts gathering the broken pieces. “Sorry, I’ll clean it up.”
“Here let me help.” Sirius says softly, taking a step forward. She flinches as he crouches down.
“I said I’ll clean it up.” She snips. “It’s my mess.”
“It happens, it’s not an issue.” Sirius speaks quietly. He begins picking up some of the glass, conjuring a trashcan. “Here.”
“I don’t need your pity, I can do it myself.” (Y/n) grabs a piece of glass too tightly, slicing into her palm be accident. She drops it quickly, pulling her hand to her chest. “Damn it!”
“Let me see.” Sirius holds out his hand, waiting. “I’ll just worry more if you don’t let me see it, so if you want me out of your hair sooner, let me look.”
“Fine.” She reluctantly gives him her hand. After a few seconds she hears the sound of ripping fabric, before she feels cloth being wrapped around her hand. She looks at him confused. “Why not use magic?”
“Well, you can’t use yours so I’ve been trying to cut back using it myself.” He shrugs. “What’re you doing in here?”
“Molly left me a plate, I was hungry.” She lied easily. “Figured you two had gone to bed or something. Fell asleep by accident for a few hours, don’t expect either of you to wait for me.”
“If you were so hungry, why’d you toss the food?” He asks, pointing at the open trash.
“I.. I um…” she fumbles on her words, unable to find a good excuse. A quick sharp pain shoots behind her eyes, making her wince. “Stop asking questions.”
“(Y/n),” Sirius sighs, gathering the last of the glass. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but we’re trying to understand. We can’t do that if you keep lying to us.”
(Y/n) stands up slowly, looking away from him. She doesn’t say a word as she turns around, looking down at her hand. Sirius eyes her cautiously as he puts the trashcan back. (Y/n) shuts her eyes, muttering something to herself before she takes a deep breath and turns around.
“Am I really so hard to understand to you?” She asked him quietly, not looking at him. “Has it never occurred to you that I have no reason to tell you anything? Since I’ve been here my memories have been stolen and destroyed, I’ve been moved from one dungeon to a bright golden cage, I’ve been tortured with Unforgivables, and my own father has attacked me. Why would I show any vulnerability in a place that’s only ever been unsafe?
“I see the wardings and spells that you’ve put into place, including the ones that will nearly kill me to restrain me. I hear all the things everyone thinks about me, about each other.” (Y/n)‘s voice is shaky as she continues. “Why would I tell the truth when none of you ever do? You all pretend to be fine having me around, but I can hear you all wondering when the next shoe will drop. No one has even trusted me with knowing that Harry is going to be coming here before school starts. Too worried I’ll break, that I’ll lose it. But you want me to be truthful? No, you want me to be helpful? Wait, that’s not the goal though, right, Sirius?”
Sirius is too stunned to speak. (Y/n) huffs as she pushes past him and out the door. She pauses for a moment when she sees Remus staring at her in shock on the other side of the hall. They lock eyes for a moment, neither saying a word. She’s the first to look away, quickly going up the stairs, undoing the makeshift bandage.
(Y/n) tosses the cloth to the side, ignoring the stinging sensation on her hand. She makes it to her room quickly, slamming the door shut behind her. She drags a chair over and puts it in front of the door, angled just below the door knob. It doesn’t take long for there to be a knock at her door.
“(Y/n)? Can we talk?” Remus’s muffled voice asks. She watches as he turned the handle, trying to open the door but fails. “(Y/n) please, I know you overheard part of our conversation downstairs. We didn’t mean anything by it, we were just clearing the air.”
(Y/n) stays quiet, sitting down on her bed. There’s a soft thud sound outside the door, followed by the sound of something sliding. She looks at the door confused.
“You’re right.” Remus tells her through the door. “When we first let you up here, we wanted you to be helpful. We give you something, you give us something. And we are worried about you losing it. You said it yourself you’ve lost it before.”
(Y/n) flinches hearing his words.
“And we do have a goal. It’s not for you though, not entirely.” Remus sighs. “It sounds stupid, but we… we want you to be able to be yourself. Even if it’s just in this stupid place. And I know, what you’ve had to go through here, what you’re still going through… it’s not fair.”
(Y/n) sighs, standing up slowly.
“And I’ve been an ass.” Remus admits. “It was my idea to talk to you in the first place, to get you out of the cell. I want to trust you, but… I guess if anyone would understand it’d be you. I’m a werewolf, (y/n). I hear heartbeats the way you hear thoughts. It gets in the way sometimes, no matter how much I try to ignore it.”
(Y/n) moves the chair from the door, opening it up. She doesn’t say anything as Remus falls backward into the room, having been sat against it. The two of them stare at eachother in silence for a moment before she holds her hand out to help him up.
“I don’t mean to listen you know.” (Y/n) mutters after helping him. “You all have a habit of thinking loudly, I can’t always ignore it.”
“I’m sorry about yelling at you before.” Remus apologizes again. “About the mirror.”
“S’fine.” She shrugs. “Like I said before, I deserve worse than your anger.”
“Sirius was going to come up too.” Remus says awkwardly.
“I’m sorry about lying so much.” She blurts quickly. “It’s just… it’s the only way I survived growing up. Hard habits or whatever the saying is. I’m not used to this.”
“They really did do a number on you, huh?” Remus remarks. She freezes for a moment, looking down at her hurt hand.
“Yeah. I… I guess they did.” She takes a deep breath in. “I’m going to regret this…”
“Huh?” Remus looks at her confused.
“He’s in my head.” (Y/n) says quickly as the fire-like pain flares up behind her eyes. A wave of pain hits her hard causing her knees to buckle, sending her to the ground.
“Hey you don’t have to-” Remus tries to catch her but fails. He quickly crouches down. “You’ll just hurt yourself, stop.”
“I… I don’t want…” (Y/n) feels tears fall down her cheeks. “I can’t just do whatever he wants. I won’t!” She shouts, holding her head in her hands as the pain worsens. The whispers start swirling around her head.
“(Y/n) you need to stop.” Remus urges worriedly. “Talk about something else, anything else.”
“No!” She growls, swatting away one of his hands as he reaches for her. She manages to open her eyes, meeting his. “Let me help!”
“(Y/n)…” Remus looks at her eyes, panic running down his spine. Her eyes are bloodshot, her nose beginning to bleed. “Please stop.”
“You should really listen to him.” Her father’s voice rang out.“Stop trying to brute force your way through. It won’t work. Not without killing you.”
“Shut up!” She cried loudly, covering her ears. Remus backed up a bit.
“You think I’d have made a curse so easily broken?” Voldemort laughed loudly. “You were raised better than that, trained better than that. Just give it up, no matter what you do I’ll win.”
“(Y/n),” Remus said softly, gently placing his hand on her shoulder. “Please, stop. You’re hurting yourself, and you’re worrying me.”
“Look at how he pretends to care!” Voldemort barks. “Poor (y/n), to weak to help herself. You’re as disappointing as your mother was. I suggest you stop before you meet them same fate.”
“What?” (Y/n) asks stunned. “What does that mean?”
“I said you were worrying me.” Remus says confused. “I’m worried. You’re bleeding from your nose. Whatever you’re doing, it’s not going to help.”
“No, not you.” (Y/n) waves him off. She’s silent for a moment, trying to listen for her father, but is instead met with silence. The whispers melting into the background and the pain starting to subside.“Damn it!”
“Woah, hey what’s going on in here?” Sirius asks from the doorway, glass of scotch in one hand, bottle in the other.
“Curse.” Remus and (Y/n) both say in unison, the young woman flinching as she says it.
“Wanted to help.” She grumbles frustrated. “Turns out, not much help.”
“Okay, good.” Sirius smiles, turning toward his room. “Worried you two were fighting again. Heard yelling.”
“Are you okay?” Remus asks her, ignoring his drunk friend.
“Do we fight that often?” She asks confused. “And yeah, it goes as quick as it comes.” She flinches. “When I keep my mouth shut.”
“Right, sorry.” Remus lets out a sigh of relief. “Next time, more warning.”
“Sorry.” (Y/n) groans as she stands up, using the dresser as stability. “I um… I do think I just chose though.”
“Chose?” Sirius asks from the door, stopping in his tracks. “Chose what?”
“A side.” She looks at Remus worriedly. “Is that what I did?”
“Well… I guess yeah.” Remus looks at Sirius and then down at the bottle of scotch. “Did you bring more glasses?”
“No, but I could always just conjure some, why?” Sirius asks, a small smirk on his features.
“I think we all deserve a drink.” Remus says, helping (y/n) to her bed. “Any objections?”
“Merlin’s beard no.” (Y/n) says, gesturing to Sirius to come in. “Hurry before I change my mind.”
“Haven’t heard that one in a while…” Sirius jokingly mutters as he enters the room, shutting the door behind him. “Then again, was in Azkaban for a while. Not a lot of choice in there.”
“I’m sure you’ve had many happy partners.” (Y/n) says, taking the bottle from him as he gets close enough. She takes a big gulp of the alcohol straight from the bottle. She coughs lightly as it stings her throat. “Why’d I do that?”
“Drink from the bottle?” Sirius asks confused.
“No, why’d I do all of that?” She gestures toward the dresser area. “Choose a side, try to brute force, ow, the curse, fuck!” She grabs her head in pain.
“Worry about that tomorrow.” Remus says, taking the bottle from her and having a sip himself. “Tonight, we drink.”
End of Chapter Nine
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justsomerandomfanfic · 2 years ago
Under The Christmas Tree - Sirius Black X Female (Wife) Reader
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Title: Under The Christmas Tree
Sirius Black X Female (Wife) Reader
Additional Characters: James (Mentioned), Lily (Mentioned), Filch (Mentioned), Molly Weasley (Mentioned), Charlie Weasley (Mentioned), Minerva McGonagall (Mentioned), Harry Potter (Mentioned), Peter (Mentioned), Remus, Albus (Mentioned), Harry's Aunt and Uncle (Mentioned), and Hagrid (Mentioned)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 3,370
Warnings: Death mentioned, murder mentioned (J&L), slight angst, pregnancy mentioned, unapproving parents mentioned, Azkaban mentioned, Prisoner Of Azkaban timeline mentioned, Order Of The Phoenix references, grief mentioned, depression mentioned, anxiety, nervousness, teasing, bittersweet, abuse mentioned very briefly, crying, family reunion, pranks mentioned, Reader's children have chosen names, nervous Sirius, Sirius is smitten seriously, emotional, alcohol (wine), Reader is somewhat a Muggle, family fluff, and romantic fluff
You hummed to a Christmas song that was playing on the radio in the kitchen as you hung the fairy lights up on the ceiling of the living room, standing on the near top of the ladder you were on. You tried to reach up to hook the line of the lights to the hook on the ceiling, wobbling slightly as you tried to maintain your balance. After you managed to hook the last of the lights, you hopped down the ladder, brushing off imaginary dirt on your hands. You continued to hum as you turned on the lights, watching them with a smile as the lights twinkled and shined. You placed your hands on your hips victoriously, slowly turning around the small living room, admiring your finished work. Candles lit, the fire raging in the fireplace, and stockings hung over it. The Christmas tree was up, lights wrapped around it, and ornaments along with it; hung with the help from your children. Filius and Sybill Black, your twins, your pride and joy, had helped make sure everything would be perfect for tonight’s celebration. They called themselves 'Mom's Little Helpers' and you thought it was quite adorable. The house smelled like warm spices and pine needles as you breathed in deeply, smiling softly at the smell. With everything ready, now, you just had to find your husband.
Sirius Black was your one true love, and no other could compare to him. He made you feel whole. You had gone to Hogwarts with him, but your love didn't blossom until the fifth year. Sirius was such a great wizard, talented, kind, brave, and funny, not to mention incredibly handsome. It was easy to fall in love with him when you spent so much time with him and the other Marauders. 
Somehow, you had bewitched Sirius, making him fall for you completely. It was one of those sudden realizations for him, seeing you laughing and talking with your friends. He knew then. He knew that he loved you. He found himself only caring about you, and only you; completely forgetting about his playboy antics. He didn’t dare look at another witch. He even asked you to marry him when you were seventeen, after dating for three years. Your parents had opposed it, naturally, but you didn't care about them. In fact, they weren't worth thinking about anyway; you married Sirius right after you both graduated from the magical school, a couple months after Lily and James. 
You bought a small home, a cottage at the edge of a small wood, and only a couple minute walk from the closest town. You spent your days there together, reading, enjoying each other's company, and planning your future together. You loved your home. This place felt like a sanctuary, away from unapproving parents. A true place you could both call home. But, Sirius was taken away to Azkaban after you both found out that Lily and James were killed. You knew he didn't do it, he didn't kill Lily, James, or those twelve Muggles. You knew your husband. You knew your Sirius. If he was this so-called killer, why didn't he kill you? Being a Muggle-witch yourself. You tried to do something, but you couldn't and in the night… They took him away.
And that was the night you found out that you were pregnant. 
Your children, Filius and Sybill were born nine months later, twins. They looked just like their father, with curly, black hair. But, they had your beautiful eyes and your smile. It was hard in the beginning, seeing your Sirius's features on your children. You missed your husband so much, especially when your children started asking about their father and where he was. But, it wasn't your children's fault... It was Peter's. You tried to let go of the past, going forward with your life with your children, becoming a stay-at-home mother while Remus helped with some home expenses. You were so thankful that you had Remus to lean on when things become difficult. Especially Albus, he helped with clothing and small gifts for the twins. Even Minerva came to visit sometimes.
Because Sirius was taken from you, you cherished every moment with your children. Taking them to parks, having reading time in front of the fire, and even going through old pictures of you and Sirius. The kids loved seeing pictures of their father, and they loved being told stories by you about Sirius. It was bittersweet, but you wouldn't say no to your children if it ever came to them wanting to know more about their father. Soon, a couple years later, your children were sent letters from Hogwarts, and you had a blast finding their books, pets, and wands. Sybill, you little prankster, like her father, had chosen an owl, and Filius, sweet and a book fiend, like you, chose a cat. Their names were Feathers and Mittens The Third respectively. 
You were insanely proud of your babies, helping them run through the brick wall with ease. There was where you were reunited with Harry. You didn't know if he remembered you, he probably didn't, but you had taken care of him for a couple of months before he left to live with his aunt and uncle. You had heard from the grapevine that they were terrible people, and you hoped that Harry would stay safe at home and at school. You reintroduced yourself and your kids to the boy, telling him how you knew his parents, and how proud they would be of him. You were surprised when he said that Minerva spoke of you, and he thanked you for your kind words. You felt your heart warm as you wished him luck in his third year, and you were pleasantly surprised when your children began to bond with your godson. You shed a few tears as you watched Harry, Filius, and Sybill all get on the train, after hugging them all goodbye. Your twin's nerves dissipated as Harry helped them with their luggage, and they waved goodbye to you as the train started to rumble and go down the track. You smiled to yourself as you left the train station, beyond happy.
But, one night, there was a knock at your door, and you were confused. You weren't expecting anyone, not even Remus, and your children were at Hogwarts in their first year. You stood up from your comfy chair and opened the door. Looking down, you stared at the large dog in front of you with wide eyes. Not in fear, but in awe. You recognized that dog, your Sirius in his animagus form. You were quick to usher him in, finding a pair of his old clothes and finding out what had happened... How he escaped. That was two years ago and you were so happy to have Sirius back again. And you were never letting anyone take him away again. 
You sighed, leaning against the doorway of the bedroom, watching as Sirius tried to finish wrapping the presents. You bit your lip as you watched him struggle with the tape, before secretly using his wand to perfectly finish wrapping the gift. Sirius was beyond wonderful with the twins. He was a bit surprised at first and even a bit nervous when you had told him that you were pregnant the night he left. He felt terrible, but Sirius went right into 'dad mode' after he met them.
You loved to replay their meeting in your mind. You, yourself had been a bit nervous, but your excitement quickly overcame you. The children had known of their father's escape from Azkaban during their first year, along with hearing it from Harry and his friends. They were hesitant with the news, but they knew from you that their father would never harm anyone. You picked the twins up from the train station during the beginning of the holiday break, and drove them home. They told you how exciting and fun Hogwarts was, even with all the dangers they nearly dealt with. You were immensely worried for their safety, but they were insistent that they would be alright. They would protect each other.
You felt so excited as you entered the home, your children behind you. There, they froze upon seeing their father in the living room, sitting in his old chair. 
“Syb, Fili, honeys. This is your father, Sirius.” You spoke up, as Sirius fiddled with his hands before him, looking down at the two children before him with a small smile. “Sirius, this is Sybill and Filius.”
“Hello,” He spoke up, before you felt all the stress and nerves leave you as they ran into his arms.
“Dad!” They both cried, Sirius wrapped his arms around them tightly, holding them both close to him. He looked at you, his eyes filled with tears of complete joy as he smiled, before pulling you into the family group hug.
“They look just like you.” He had muttered to you and you couldn’t stop the tears that fell down your cheeks. “They have your beautiful smile.”
“Well, they have your hair. It’s sometimes unmanageable.” You laughed, before your children began to ramble and bombard Sirius with questions.
“Dad! Is it true that you pranked Professor McGonagall?” Filius asked, looking up at his father as Sybill jumped up and down beside him.
“Is it true that you pranked Filch with Slugulus Eructo? And does it work? I want to prank Franklin in my class, he stole my quill.” Sybill spoke as Sirius smiled with the shake of his head. 
“I did, but I wouldn’t do that spell, try Dungbombs, they work splendidly in stinking up the place.”
Sybill grinned mischievously, “I could hide a few in his bag.” She stated and Sirius laughed proudly, ruffling her curly black hair.
“Excellent idea, my dear!”
You let out an amused huff as you cursed yourself for retelling Sirius’s pranks, but it was nonetheless a beautiful sight.
You sighed again, laughing lightly as Sirius looked up, noticing he had been caught.
"What?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders, "I can't use this... Muggle tape." He spoke slowly, finding the right words for the item that had been discarded on the floor. 
"You can use it, Siri..." You spoke, pushing off the doorway and walking over. "You just have to be careful." You gave him a smile, sitting down in front of him as he smiled weakly, taking the tape into his hand once again. He then put the last present in the pile in front of him.
"I'm sorry. I'm just still getting used to this." He spoke, finally being able to peel off the tape. "It's been a long time." He muttered and you nodded.
"I know, baby." You began, placing your hand on top of his, making him look up at you. "You don't have to apologize. What matters now is that we're together again." You smiled softly, stroking his knuckles with your thumb. "We're here now. We're together." You finished, your gaze falling upon the twins as they ran past the room with Mittens The Third chasing them. "If you'd rather, you can use your wand. The kids won't know the difference."
"Remus will." Sirius spoke with a smirk, "Too smart for his own good."
You pat Sirius's hand, nodding, before scooting around to sit beside him, leaning your head on his shoulder. "He won't say anything though." You chuckled, "He's as polite as he is smart."
Sirius hummed, finishing the last present before setting down the tape and his wand. His arm came to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer, your head resting on his chest. He kissed the top of your head before laying his cheek on the top of yours. Tonight was going to be a long night.
The party was in full swing, Remus was with Sirius in the kitchen, drinking some wine as Bill and Fleur were chatting in the corner of the living room. Molly was with the twins, having gifted them matching red homemade sweaters with their initials. And even Albus was there, sitting by the fire with Hagrid. Music danced in the air and you could tell everyone was enjoying themselves. You leaned against the entranceway of the kitchen, swirling your drink softly in the tall glass as you watched everyone have a great time. 
Suddenly you heard a whistle, your guests chuckling in your direction as your daughter, Sybill, pointed up above you. "Mistletoe, Mom!"
Your eyebrows furrowed, "Mistletoe..? I didn't hang any of those." You looked up and sure enough, there was a little mistletoe above you, dropping your shoulders, you turned around as you heard quiet laughter. Narrowing your eyes, you crossed your arms as you stared at Sirius and Remus. "Sirius..." You scolded knowingly as he wiggled his eyebrows. 
"It was partially Remus's fault." He tried to blame but Remus shook his head, nibbling on a bar of chocolate you had gifted him.
"I tried to advise that he shouldn’t..." Remus spoke, "But we both know he doesn't listen."
You nodded, before speaking, "Sirius, get over here." Sirius said nothing but strutted over proudly, taking you in his arms, you blushed heavily as the guests of the party watched, cheered, hooted, and hollered. "I'm getting you back for this." You muttered as Sirius leaned down, his nose softly caressing yours. 
"Forgive me?" He whispered.
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling, "Of course." You whispered back.
"Good," Sirius responded before kissing you deeply, your fingers running through his hair. The guest cheered as Sirius pulled back slightly, looking deep into your eyes. "Happy Christmas, my love." He whispered, smiling as you nodded.
"Happy Christmas, my Siri." You replied.
You both turned as you watched Filius with his hands covering his eyes, he peeked out from them, and let out a breath as he noticed you had both stopped kissing. "Gross."
Sybill nudged her twin's arm, "You'll be doing that too when you're older, you know?" She spoke knowingly as Filius stuck out his tongue in disgust. 
"Ew, bloody hell, no!" And everyone let out a laugh at his remark.
The night was coming to an end, people had already left for their homes, whether with some Floo Powder or otherwise; the party was over. Your children were passed out on the couches, Sybill clutching a dragon plush from Charlie Weasley, her idol; Sybill dreamed of working with dragons someday. And Filius, little Fili, was on his back, mouth open as he softly snored, his new book from Albus on his stomach; raising up and down with each breath. You hummed, finishing the rest of your drink as you watched Sirius close Filius's book and place it aside before tossing blankets over both his children, making sure they are tucked in and warm. Sirius was such a good father, always protecting them from harm. He made sure they were healthy and safe whenever they were gone at school and he kept the house clean and even did the dishes. A perfect father, a perfect husband, and a perfect Sirius. He, himself, was perfect.
Sirius let out a sigh as he stood straight, peering down at his children as he played with the curl of his mustache, a small nervous habit of his before he turned to you. His small frown turned into a smile as he walked over to you, taking you in his arms as he gently swayed with you, humming a soft tune. You leaned your head on his chest, your arms looped around his waist. 
"I love you, Y/N." He muttered, planting a kiss on your head.
"I love you too." You answered before lifting your head. "I love you so much, Sirius." 
Sirius gazed down at you, his eyes soft as he pulled you into a deep kiss, holding your face with one hand as he held your waist with the other. You smiled softly, loving every second of your time with your husband. As he pulled away, his eyes widened slightly in realization. 
"I forgot," He began, pulling away from you to quickly speed-walk to your shared room. You bit your lip, excited and yet confused as you watched him come back down the hall to you with a small box in his hand. "Your present." He gifted it to you, placing it in your hands.
You smiled as you looked down at your gift, terribly wrapped with pieces of sticky tape. The wrapping paper was gold and red striped, reminding you of his house at Hogwarts. You loved it. Sirius watched with anticipation and anxiety as you walked to the tree, and sat down. Sirius followed, plopping down in front of you as you began to unwrap it, revealing a red box. You continued to worry on your bottom lip as you felt your heart skip a beat. Opening the box, you gasped. It was a small notebook, and on the cover, was an old moving photo of you and Sirius. Back when you were still in school. You were in the Gryffindor common room, sitting in Sirius's lap, your hand in his hair as his arms wrapped around your waist. You were laughing at something, as Sirius stared at you with such adoration. You remembered that night, he and James had just won the Quidditch cup. That was the night Sirius had asked you to marry him. 
"Oh, Sirius..." You sighed, tears forming in the corners of your eyes as you closed the notebook. "This is beautiful." You looked up at him, your hands gripping onto the fabric of his slightly unbuttoned red shirt tightly, "Thank you." You smiled as he wiped a tear from your cheek with the soft pad of his thumb.
"I thought maybe you'd need another notebook. You've been writing a lot lately." He explained as you let out a wet chuckle.
"Yeah, I have." You looked down at your new notebook. "Thank you, my darling."
"Of course," Sirius muttered, a smile enveloping his face as he felt his own cheeks flush. “Anything for you.”
You gently placed your notebook down beside you as you grabbed the last present under the tree beside you. It was a bit smaller than the box Sirius gave you. You felt your heart continue to race as you passed the box over to him, wrapped perfectly in red with gold stars, and a thick white ribbon. Sirius did his best to unwrap the present, making sure not to rip the wrapping paper as he did so. Revealing a brown box, he hesitated before he opened it. His reaction was identical. His eyes grew large as he saw what was inside, and you couldn't help but grow a bit nervous.
"I know you lost most of your things when... When they took you..." You began, swallowing thickly as you let your smile soften. "I was able to find another ring for you. The same one as the first, just... A bit different." You explained as Sirius took the silver ring out of the box. He held it up slightly, the soft fairy lights glinting beautifully off of it. Tilting it, Sirius noticed the small inscription inside of the ring, 'You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to.'
He smiled as he muttered the quote, before glancing up at you, "Well, done, my love. And thank you." He spoke, before sliding the ring on his ring finger. "I might have to steal that."
"Absolutely," You chuckled softly, placing your hand on his, your ring shining next to his. "By all means."
Sirius intertwined your fingers with his, the two of you scooting close together, before falling back on the ground as you stared up at the sparkling lights of the tree above you. The two of you lay there enjoying each other's company in silence, only broken by the sound of crickets chirping and the occasional owl hooting somewhere in the distance. Wrapped tightly in each other's embrace, your fingers caressing the tattoos on his chest, your breathing slowly evened out; eyes drifting shut. The two of you quickly fell asleep under the Christmas tree.
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stxr-slut · 5 months ago
What would we think about a barista!remus fic x parent!sirius and reader??
Like they both come into the store on spectate days and at first remus starts to just develop a simple crush on them from afar, but then they start coming in more frequently, and on soerwte days each of them come in with the same baby, and he relapses that the two people he'd been crushing on were together this whole time? Yet they'd both been rather flirty with him?
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unconventional-lawnchair · 6 months ago
Everything about this is MMMMMMMMMM. Obsessed, so fluffy, so cute, this writer is one of my favorites !!! This series inspired "We'll heal together" but this is EVERYTHING that one isn't.
And for the Black children 🥺🥺
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⌈ A Marauders Era Fix-It-Fic - featuring Reader as Walburga Black but better ⌋
LAST UPDATED : 01/09/24 | [dd/mm/yy]
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SERIES SUM. : Just another fix-it-fic where you fall into a fictional universe and take up the role of a villain but... in this instance, you replace Walburga Black.
You love the fandom but the Marauders Era has always been quite vague ...will you be able to live peacefully? One thing's for sure, you're getting a divorce and you're taking the kids!
UPDATE SCHEDULE : on the first day of every month, a new chapter will be posted the first chapter is the only exception ;)
i. ARRIVAL (special thanks to @thebestofoneshots for beta reading this chapter!) ii. SHOPPING (1/2) iii. SHOPPING (2/2) iv. BEGINNINGS v. SIRIUS : FIRST DAY vi. POTIONEER ...
DISCLAIMER : please read
TAGS : son sirius black/mother reader ; son regulus black/mother reader ; isekai au/transfering worlds au ; walburga black is evil ; not reader though hehe~ ; hurt/comfort ; fluff ; platonic fluff ; second chances ; reader basically adopts remus, barty crouch jr and peter pettigrew ; peter pettigrew redemption arc? ; but he never betrays the marauders in the first place so... ; remus gets a better life ; reader becomes a semi-political figure to help werewolves + house elves ; reader assumes a male alias ; alternating chapters from different povs directly effected by reader's actions ; reader is a powerful independent business woman and single mother ; reader is a milf ; reader secretly hates dumbledore ; reader hates orion black ; reader hates JKR (we all do) ; divorce ; mentions of child abuse (physical and mental and emotional) ; mentions of neglect ; angry reader ; canon jily ; mentions of wolfstar ; regulus being a precious baby ; sirius has his moments too ; reader being a powerful trio with minerva and pomfrey ; reader potentially adopting the black sisters (bellatrix, andromeda and narcissa) ; reader adopts everyone! ; there'll be ocs ; reader leaves to live her dream cottagecore life ; happy ending! ; i'll add more tags in the future
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unconventional-lawnchair · 4 months ago
Like my father {Blurb}
Sirius Black x Porter!Reader
Summary: Reader wants a man to love her like her father loves her mom. She just hasn't met him yet.. maybe.
AN: I needed a break from all the angst I'm writing.
Wc: 1494
Cw: use of Y/N, oblivious reader, idiots in love, not proof read
Part two
“Lily, I implore you to raise your standards.” You snarked as you entered the kitchen, giving your mother a kiss on the cheek and she playfully pinched your side.
“{Y/N} Euphemia Potter!” She scolded and you giggled, hurrying over to your father and kissing on the head.
“Good morning, princess.” He hummed and you smiled.
“Morning daddy!”
“Oi! Pops, she just insulted me!” James shouted across the table and Fleamont huffed, looking up at you. “Be nice to your brother, princess.”
“Daddy you know I can't.” You insisted as you walked across the table to give Lily a hug. Pressing your cheek to hers as she giggled.
“You're way too pretty for my wack of a brother.” You continued and your mother looked at her father fondly, taking his hand in her own, which he quickly squeezed in return.
“You're one to talk, you haven't dated anyone… ever. Not that anyone would date-” James smirked and Lily rolled her eyes, laying her head on his chest and pinching his side as he tried to continue.
“Thank you Lily.” You giggled and sat down at your seat, muttering a thank you to Sirius as he handed you your morning tea. Giving a low hum at the smell of the sugars and fragrant tea leaves he shifted for it. “Besides, I have standards that prevent me from stooping too low.”
“Standards?” James scoffed and you hummed as you took a sip of your tea, muttering another thanks to Sirius who began to serve you breakfast- a routine you two picked up at Hogwarts that was getting hard to break. “You have standards? You used to crush on boys left and right!”
“Yes but the second they didn't meet my standards they were gone.” You insisted with a hum and James shook his head with a scoff.
“What standards could you possibly be talking about?”
“Well…” You muttered and began to tap on your mug in thought. Slowly smiling to yourself. “I want a man who loves me like daddy loves mum.”
You could feel the room quiet as your words hung in the air. Your father glanced up from his breakfast, a soft smile spreading across his face, while your mother’s eyes sparkled with pride.
“Now that is a standard I can get behind,” Fleamont said, his voice warm and filled with affection. “A man who cherishes you and treats you with respect is worth waiting for.”
“Exactly!” You exclaimed, feeling a surge of confidence. “I want someone who understands the value of love and partnership, not just a fleeting crush. Someone who will stand by me through thick and thin, just like you two do.”
James rolled his eyes dramatically, leaning back and throwing his arm around Lily. “So, like us?”
You gave a long sigh before you slowly smiled. “Unfortunately, yes. You were gifted with dad’s love language, it's your only redeeming quality, I fear.”
Lily snickered and James gave an offended gasp.
“I want…” You trailed off as you put your hand to your cheek and crossed your leg over the other. “I want to come home to flowers. And tea made the way he knows I like. I want him to think about coming home to me at the end of the day.”
You didn't even seem to look when Sirius poured more tea into your cup, stirring in some sugar as you talked. Even though everyone else at the table noticed.
“I want a man who gets along with my parents too! And daddy has high enough standards as it is!”
You glanced over at your father, who was smiling proudly at you, his eyes twinkling with affection as he glanced at your mother who seemed to just be eating it up. “I do have high standards.” He mumbled with a playful grin, leaning in to kiss your mothers temple. “But I’m confident that any young man would be lucky to have you.”
“See?” You said, pointing at him with a mock-serious expression. “Even Dad agrees! So, boys, do take note: you’ve got to bring your A-game if you want to win my heart.”
James snorted, not noticing as Lily and Sirius seemed to make eye contact over the table. “What if they show up with flowers but no charm? Or worse, what if they have charm but no flowers? Sounds like a dilemma.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “That’s why I’m not settling for just flowers or just charm, James. It’s about the whole package. I want someone who knows me better than anyone. Someone who knows my favorite flower,” You held up your finger and Sirius smirked from beside you.
“My favorite movie,”
“My favorite book,”
“Little Woman.”
“And even my favorite meal!”
“Anything your mom cooks.”
“Exactly!” You turned to face Sirius with a bright smile. “See? It's not so hard, even my brothers best friend can figure it out.”
You smiled to yourself and took another sip of tea, not noticing your parents sharing a look and your brother giving you the most shocked expression.
Sirius just chuckled and picked a grape off his plate. “It's easy when you never shut it, Potter.” He then proceeded to flick it at you, quickly, you caught it and rolled it between your fingers.
“Oh! And playful too! I don't want to be dreadfully bored around the bloke.”
“Playful? So you want someone who can keep up with your incessant snark?” James interjected, eyebrows raised in mock disbelief. “Good luck finding that! You’ll be searching for ages.”
You shot him a playful glare. “I’ll have you know that my wit is one of my greatest assets, thank you very much. I need someone who can challenge me, not someone who’s going to sit there and nod while I talk.”
“Couldn’t agree more.” Lily chimed in, her voice light and teasing. “After all, who would want to date someone as dull as a rock?”
“Exactly!” You grinned. “I want someone who can banter with me, someone who can make me laugh until I cry; I want to marry my best friend.”
“Do you have other friends?” Sirius sassed and you gave him an offended but playful gasp.
“Excuse me?” You exclaimed, hand over your heart in mock horror. “I have plenty of friends, thank you very much! Just because you’re one of them doesn’t mean you can throw shade like that.”
“Friends who actually like you, though?” Sirius teased, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. “That’s the real question.”
James burst into laughter, shaking her head. “Honestly, {Y/N}, you might need to reconsider your definition of ‘friends’ if he’s the best you’ve got.”
“Hey now, I’ll have you know that Sirius is a very valuable friend.” You shot back, your eyes narrowing playfully. “And let's not forget, I was Lily’s favorite Potter first.”
“You still are!” Lily cooed as she reached across the table, James quickly lifting his hands to keep you two apart.
“Hey! Hands off my wife!” He playfully scolded and you laughed, before giving a dramatic sigh.
“I want a man… who’s patient and sweet. Who knows what he wants and will take his time for it.” You nodded as if to agree with yourself. “I want someone who doesn't see me as some fleeting crush. He sees me as someone to work for, who puts in the time and energy.”
James smirked, leaning forward with a teasing grin. “Good luck with that! You’re going to have to beat them off with a stick.”
“I’m serious, James!” You shot back, a hint of frustration lacing your voice. “I want someone who values me, not just for my looks or what I can do, but for who I am. Someone who appreciates my quirks and my drive. Someone who knows all my little weird things.”
“Wow, when did you become so profound?” Sirius said, feigning shock as he dramatically placed a hand over his heart. “I didn’t know you had it in you, Potter.”
“Oh, shut it, Black. I’m just stating facts.” You replied, your tone playful yet earnest. “I deserve someone who sees my worth and is willing to fight for it, just like my dad did for my mum.”
Your father smiled at that, clearly pleased with your sentiment. “That’s right, my dear. Love is about commitment and effort.” He stood up and walked around the table to kiss your temple. “You should never settle for less than you deserve.”
“Exactly!” You nodded, feeling empowered. “I want a man who knows that love isn’t a race.”
“Mhm.” You father agreed before he patted Sirius’s back as he passed. “Good luck, son.”
Sirius felt his face flush and he slowly smirked to himself, biting his cheek.
You looked at him and furrowed your brow, before you mother came over and kissed your cheek and dismissed herself as well.
“What was that for?” You huffed and Sirius shrugged.
“Who knows?”
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777heavengirl · 5 months ago
sirius black x reader (no longer just a one shot :3 ) ! warnings: the good kind of yearning.., friends to roommates to ?lovers?, bittersweetie, no war!au words count: 2,549 masterlist
a/n: might make a series of little blurbs as a continuation... undecided so lmk what u think!!!
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Being friends with Sirius Black was the worst idea you could've ever had. It was hell. He was charming, awfully so. Flirty and caring with his friends in a way that made your heart skip a beat and your breath catch in your throat. He was the type of friend with no physical boundaries, his legs often thrown over yours, his arms often over your shoulders, lips whispering jokes into your ear.
It was an even worse idea to agree to move in with him after you graduated. James had gone off with Lily and Remus and Peter decided to split an apartment. Sirius, naturally, found one in the same building and dropped the twin key in your hand on graduation day, a wicked smile on his face. He hadn't even properly asked you. He had assumed, well he hoped, that you'd accept no matter what. He knew you had no other plans, no other place to go. He knew you'd love to because he knew you. Because he was your best friend.
So he didn't ask. The small silver dog keychain attached to the key was enough for you. 
The answer was always going to be yes. 
Living with Sirius meant a lot of things. It meant an abnormal amount of blankets and cushions thrown about, it meant the ever-growing collection of pictures framed on your walls or merely pasted on if Sirius had his way. Ever since Lily gifted him a muggle camera for graduation, he hadn't stopped taking pictures. Of your friends, of you in the kitchen or on your couch, your first night in the apartment he took pictures of your every move. He titled them all, in the back or on the bottom of it.
Darling brushing her teeth, 1st night in #717. You smiled through your toothbrush, shirt askew, with pajama pants that did not match in the slightest.
Doll’s first tea in #717 You couldn't see your face in this one, it was a closer shot of your hands around the teacup Lily bought you fifth year, the delicate flower pattern on the hard porcelain contrasting against the soft of your skin.
He titled them all, with his cursive loops and cloying nicknames. He’d even owl copies of them to your mom— why they even communicated was beyond you— you’d then have to repeatedly remind her, when your parents phoned, that 717 was your apartment number, and no mom I am not dating Sirius, yes I know he’s a wonderful guy, yes I’ll tell him you said hello. His photography habit had gotten so bad he even took pictures of the ladybug that seemed to live in the leaves of the small English Lavander that sat on your windowsill.
 Living with Sirius meant putting up with his tendency to ignore the fact that you needed to get a job, in fact, he'd drag you everywhere with him to avoid you even applying, his hand intertwined with yours, warm palms pressed against one another. He did it all the time, holding your hand, pressing a kiss against your temple when he insisted on getting into the crowded muggle metro more often than not, your bodies pressed together as he held you when the tube moved. Every time you complained, that he was holding you hostage, that at this pace you'd never find a job, he'd ask, with his head cocked to the side "Why do you have to get a job anyway? It's not like we need it"
"Sirius I need to make money," the tube shook the two of you, his arm instinctively wrapping around you to pull you closer as the other one maintained a white-knuckled grip on the bar above. "How am I going to afford anything? It’s been two years my savings are gone-"
"You don't need it though," his words were low on your ear, and carefree as if they didn't hold any importance. "I have more than enough to maintain us— for anything you might want" Your face heated, and you looked down hiding the surprise that you prayed he wouldn't see.
"I can't just bum off of you," your words were a timid mumble, and he barely heard you over the intercom announcing the station, if it wasn't because he had been tilted down close to your face, he might've not heard you at all. 
"You're not bumming off of me love, I want to take care of you, yea?" he pressed a kiss to the side of your hair, and you didn't refute. Not for now. Because in moments like these, when he acted like it was the most obvious answer in the world and didn't seem to give it a second thought, you could feel the words claw at your throat from the inside. A confession poisoning you from the inside out. 
But then he'd look at you.
With his gray eyes, the steel cool of them making your lungs expand wider than you thought possible and your heart beat out of your chest. So you'd decide, every time, that it wasn't the right moment. There was never a right time to tell your best friend and roommate that you were in love with him though. And through his piercing gaze, you thought he could see you using everything within you to hold back. 
You guessed it could be worse.
Being in love with Sirius Black was actually the worst thing to ever happen to you. It got even worse when you moved in together. Waking up to his shirtless self making you coffee the way you liked it, his head disheveled and unruly from bed but somehow just as gorgeous as when he had it fresh and styled, his long dark locks looking nothing short of heavenly in either form. It was the intimacy really— the domesticity of it all— that screwed you. Eating your eggs and toast over the soft tunes of his music, going to the market together, his fingers eventually finding yours as his other hand carried the shopping. His laundry mixed in with yours, falling asleep on the couch together, old muggle movies playing on the TV he bought four months after moving in. You still didn't have a stand for it, it sat on two boxes full of books. Neither of you minded, there was no rush after all. But then you thought of his unpacked bags and the singular box of belongings, it had been a bit more than two years since you moved in. Two years since you started the routine of getting dragged everywhere he went, spending your days lounging around with Sirius like nothing else mattered. But his trunk still housed half his belongings. His walls had a couple of pictures he had sellotaped on, and the large David Bowie poster he had bought the summer after sixth year, yet his clothes would go in and out of his trunk, and his closet sat mostly empty save the lone leather jacket he insisted on hanging. 
The thought of his lack of settling made your tummy twist in discomfort. 
But, again, you guessed it could be worse. Godric forbid you ever confess.
He'd be walking out the door with his bags.
You decided you'd be okay with letting it all rot inside of you. You didn't want to be too forward or rush into things when you, practically, knew he didn't feel the same. So you savored it, with everything you had in you. The stolen touches and even more stolen glances. The kiss he pressed against your cheek when he'd say goodbye, apparating away to go drink the night away with the rest of the marauders, James escaping from his soon-to-be father duties for a few hours. Sirius would press a kiss to your flushed cheeks when you'd go out with Lily as well, a small stay safe love, escaping his lips right before you slipped out the door.
"Tell him how I feel? Is pregnancy melting your brain, Lily?" You almost spit out your sweet cocktail. Lily flicked your forehead. 
"My brain is perfectly fine thank you very much," She huffed, the corners of her lips aching to break into a smile as she rubbed a hand over her pregnant belly.
"You two are practically together, you live together for Godric's sake" Marlene scoffed over her beer,
"Not to mention the shared bank account-" you slapped your forehead as Dorcas let the fact that he'd been basically spoiling you for a year slip, "And I've seen the way he looks at you sweets-" Dorcas's words were slurred by the alcohol in her system, and her head resting against Marlene's shoulder. "You don't look at someone that way unless you're in love with them"
Lily almost spit out her juice as she turned to you with wide eyes. "You got a shared vault now? James and I didn't even do that yet-"
You shook your head, "No no, crap Cas-" you took a shaky breath, as Marlene shook her head in disappointment and groaned out a small You're impossible. "He just keeps paying for things, and he won't let me get a job- honest, I've tried but he keeps planning things and I just never have any time-"
"So is he holding you captive or- I just don't see why you can't get a job" The three girls looked at you, incredulous looks on their faces as you struggled to explain.
"He just keeps saying to not worry-" You hid behind your hands now, embarrassment crawling up your neck. "I don't know- It's complete rubbish, he's insistent on the fact that he wants to take care of me" The girls let out a collective 'aww', all screaming eagerly over each other
"I should've kept it all to myself" you mumbled as you raised your now-empty glass at your waitress, the older woman shooting you a nod as she went to bring you another one. The girls booed at you, 
"Now that'd be no fun would it?" Lily shoved your shoulder playfully, Marlene and Dorcas giggling in agreement. 
Tell him how you feel.
The thought bounced in your head as you trudged up to your apartment. Fumbling with the keys as you tried to steady yourself. But you didn't need to, as Sirius opened the door. His shirt missing and his burgundy red pajama pants sat loosely at his hips, but you knew he hadn't slept yet. Otherwise, you would've been able to tell— his hair would be a mess, as he tended to bury his head between his pillows, blocking the world away while he slept.
"I could hear you fumbling your keys from down the hall doll" you giggled as you entered, your body instinctively falling into his for a hug. He couldn't help but laugh either, your cheek pressed against his chest as you mumbled out a thank you. The couple of drinks you had made you feel more than loose, giggly and you couldn't help but let the words slip from your lips.
"I love you, terribly so" you'd probably regret such a statement in the morning.
"I love you too darling" you groaned out a no as you peeled yourself off, it poured out of you instinctively. You threw yourself on the soft couch James's parents had given the two of you. We're throwing it out anyway lovies you keep it. You were sure, by Euphemia's playful glint, that this wasn't quite the case. But you appreciated it, the plush sofa softening your intentional fall. Sirius laughed as he approached the couch, crouching next to where your face was smushed into the smooth material of the sofa. His fingers moved the hair away from your face, his eyes locking in with yours as his lips split into a lazy smile.
"Knew you'd make fun of me," You mumbled and his lips twisted into an exaggerated pout now, repressing the need to laugh and you buried your face into the cushions with another groan. 
He would've been lying if he said his heart hadn't skipped a beat, a flicker of hope that maybe, you felt as he did. Maybe your heart ran quicker when he held your hand, maybe the goodnight kisses you pressed against his cheek, against his forehead meant more, maybe the smile you had given him when he presented you with the key to your shared apartment, the smile that made him feel as if he was staring straight into the sun, meant something more. 
But for now, that would have to wait.
As he got you up and into the bathroom, wiping your makeup off with a damp cloth, you gave a mumbled slurred summary of your night. He made you close your eyes as he wiped away the mascara, and you listed the vague number of drinks you'd had— plus the drinks you had to make up for Lily’s inability to drink right now, Marlene’s idea of course. His fingers curled around your chin as he moved your face, and at any other moment, you would've been positively frazzled. But as you spoke of the shaky walk home after Marlene dropped you off down the street, you could only revel in his touch as he hummed along and got you ready for bed. The stubborn lipstick made his cheeks flush as he wiped at your lips repeatedly, making them look plump and if he hadn't had the ounce of self-control he still vaguely maintained he would've kissed you right there and then. But it just wasn't the time for it, there's never a right time to tell your best friend and roommate you're in love with them, is there?
Stumbling around the room with you, the pajamas he managed to get over your form as he tried not to look at you in your underwear— not that you cared at the minute— it all made his heart swell. A stolen moment for him to think on later, the small giggles that escaped your face, or the innocent clutch you had on his hand. You ran your fingers down the features of his face as he helped you lay down. He tucked you into your bed with a kiss on your cheek and a giggle erupting from your chest.
His heart ached with longing but he guessed it could be worse. 
You could've said no to living with him. 
You gave him a faux pout, and he mirrored it. 
"What is it lovely?" 
"Missed you tonight-" he could feel the crimson intensify in his cheeks at your words, but he ignored the flush and moved a stray hair away from your face. 
"I missed you too love, next time let's go together yeah?" You hummed in agreement, a small love you slipping past right as your eyes fluttered shut, sleep covering you like a blanket.
"I fear I might be in love with you doll," he sighed, yet you didn't answer to his whispered confession. Your chest rose and fell steadily. Part of him was glad, the thought of your reaction to his feelings chilling him to the core. It could be worse, he thought. 
Yes, he'd rather have this than nothing at all. Godric forbid he ever confesses.
You'd be walking out the door with your bags.
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lucentloo · 2 months ago
Broken Vases and Hot Chocolate
Summary: A broken vase makes you believe the brief paradise you gained at the Potters will be shattered but James helps you realize that you won't get hurt again.
James Potter x fem!reader
Wc: 1070
Content Warning: Fem!reader, Black!reader, reader is Sirius' sister, flinching, past abuse, Mrs. Potter to the rescue with her emergency hot chocolate!, Comfort, James and reader are in a relationship.
A/N: Hello guys! I am posting one fic after the other and there might be more bc I've got a lot of free time but I wouldn't expect this for the future unfortunately. I hope you're enjoying the New Year and I hope you enjoy my fifth fic on this blog! Have a good rest of your day/night and make sure to have some water!
You knew deep down that this was a mistake; your instincts screamed at you that you shouldn’t have followed Sirius when he begged you to come along. The intensity in his gaze, the way his heart ached for you to join him—along with Regulus—made it impossible to say no. With a heavy heart, you left your little brother in the care of those who had inflicted pain upon you and stepped into the unknown alongside Sirius at the Potters’ house.
Sirius was relentless in his reassurances, insisting that the Potters were kind and that you had no reason to fear them. He spoke with such conviction, claiming they would never raise a finger against you, but as the shards of glass glistened ominously at your feet, doubt clouded your mind.
You had been playing a spirited game of pass with James, the vibrant quaffle soaring back and forth between you, laughter escaping your lips like music on the warm afternoon breeze. But in an unfortunate moment, the ball slipped through your fingers, crashing into one of Mrs. Potter’s beautiful vases. The sound was deafening, a shatter so loud it seemed to echo through the air, alerting not only James but likely every neighbor on the block. In that instant, the blissful atmosphere transformed into one of panic, leaving you with the weight of uncertainty and dread.
James muttered a string of curses under his breath, his frustration palpable in the air. You flinched at the disturbance it caused, instinctively dropping to your knees to swiftly clean up the mess sprawled across the floor. The cool surface pressed against your skin as you worked, your heart racing. Sirius had mentioned that the Potters were generally more forgiving than others, so perhaps if you hurried, you could erase the evidence of your mistake before they noticed. You hoped that your diligence would spare you from their displeasure.
“Woah! Hey, what are you doing?” James asks as he watches the glass dig into your knees as you clean it up with uncovered hands.
“I’m cleaning,” you responded in what you hoped was a collected voice but knew that there were some cracks in there.
James quickly put on his deer slippers Sirius gave him for Christmas and stepped over the glass to stop your hands. “Sweet thing, you don’t have to do that, it was my fault the throw was too hard, come on.” He says gently as he brushes off the few small flakes of glass off your palm.
‘But I didn’t catch it. If you just let me clean it up then there would be less trouble and-”
You were cut off by James who put his on your waist and hoisted you up like you weighed nothing. He carried you over to the couch and set you down gently. “There is no trouble, just a knocked-down vase. Sure I might get in trouble with my mom but it was a vase given to her by my grandma, and honestly? My mom's been complaining about it for years.”
The only thing you managed to get from that was the fact that James might get in trouble with his mom. You thought Sirius said that the Potters weren’t as bad as your guys’ parents.
When James went to leave you grabbed his hands tight. Anxiety courses through you as the image of Hogwarts golden boy getting hurt flashes through your mind. That’s not right, he’s too good to be hurt like that. “Tell them it was me, that it was my fault.” Your words are desperate and pleading and James’ eyebrows furrow in concern when he starts to realize what this is all about.
“It’s fine, it was my fault and I’m fine with taking the blame.”
“But I don’t want you to get-”
“Nobody’s gonna get hurt,” James says with conviction. He raises his hand and slowly places it on your cheek. When he wipes away your tears you finally realize how much you were crying and shaking. You sniffle and try to hide your face in embarrassment but James wouldn’t let you.
“No matter what happens here, what you or anybody else does, no one will get hurt. I promise.” He says the last two words a bit softer as his hand travels from your cheek to the back of your neck so he can move your head to his chest.
You let him as you slump against him. You start crying even more and he doesn’t move or give any indication of how uncomfortable he is while crouching. “That’s it, just let it out. No one’s gonna hurt you anymore.”
You hear the door open and hear the silence that follows. You try to move out of James' hold, and he lets you, but he keeps his hand on your back while he looks at his parents. Sirius gives you a concerned look but you look down in your lap.
“What happened, dear?” You look up as Mrs. Potter comes over to the two of you. You choke up before you answer and look over to the corner of the living room instead. When she follows your line of sight she relaxes and sighs. “Oh James, again?”
You look over to James who has now moved to help his dad and Sirius with the groceries. He wears a shit-eating grin as he shrugs. “That boy.” Mrs. Potter says and to your surprise laughs while shaking her head. With a single wave of her wand, the mess is cleared and your injuries are healed as she places her hand on your back as she stands up.
You both make your way to the kitchen. “Do you like hot chocolate? I say it’s a must in the holidays.” With that, your usual smile comes back and you nod. You make your way to where James and Sirius are talking by the counter.
“Thank you, James, for dealing with my mini freak out.” You say quietly as Sirius pulls you into his side.
James just smiles fondly. “How many times have I told you, sweetheart, it’s not dealing with you, it’s loving you. Two different things.” He kisses your head and squeezes your hand before going to help his mom with the hot chocolate.
“I still think it’s disgusting that he’s dating you.”
You laugh and nudge Sirius's side. “Sirius!”
He shrugs his shoulders and holds you closer. “Just saying.”
You smile warmly and lean in more, knowing you could use a few minutes of just hugging.
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thefearedashantis · 1 year ago
Garlic Toast and Bloody Noses
Pairing: Sirius Black x SAHM! Reader (stay at home mom)
Summary: Your eldest daughter got in trouble at school and Sirius is livid.
Word count: 3.1K
Warning: None (if you think it needs one lmk)
Emmerson is cranky, per usual. You weren’t sure how long a two-year-old could cry before tiring themselves out, but he was surely going for the record.
Nothing you did soothed him. Rocking, singing, a stroll around the block. He didn’t want to eat. He didn’t want to play. He didn’t want to sleep. The reasoning for his upset was simple enough. One you’d figured out shortly after he was born.
He hated you. Detested. Loathed. Abhorred. As much as the very idea broke your heart.
From the moment he took his first breathe he despised your very presence. Would absolutely scream his little head off until Sirius, or anyone really, rescued him from your grasp. Only then from the comfort of his fathers’ arms would he calm, then turn back to stare at you accusingly with watery eyes.
Well, his father wasn’t home at the moment, and you stare at the clock praying for the minutes to go by quicker. School and extracurricular activities having ended, Sirius and your other two children should be walking through the front door any second.
Your husband would enter your home silently, tuckered out from a long day. He’d take off his shoes and hang up his coat. Round the couch and lean down to peck you gently at the corner of your lips before prying your son from your arms. Wrestling his fat hands loose of your hair which he never failed to get an ironclad grip on. Then you’d stow away in the bathroom for a few quiet minutes after saying hello to your girls. Just to give yourself a little pep talk and allow the headache pulsing behind your eyes to recede. Give yourself some much-needed reassurance that this behaviour couldn’t last forever. At some point he’d warm up to you.
He had to, right?
You’re wretched from your thoughts at the slam of the front door. Followed by a gust of air whisking by you where you were slumped in the living room, thunderous footsteps banging up the stairs. Another door slams in the distance.
From the brief glimpse at the back of a muddy soccer uniform you know it must be Amelia, and that fact has you up on your feet in a panic. Because just as your youngest scorned your existence your eldest adored you. If she wasn’t at school she was virtually glued to your hip. She would never come home without stopping to throw herself at you like you’d been apart for an eternity.
Something was wrong.
You’ve barely placed Emmy into his playpen, a rigorous tussle, and taken a step into the hall when a small body crashes into your middle. Your kindergartner. Backpack, coat and shoes still on.
“Claire!” you try to match her enthusiasm.
“I’m hungry” she mumbles against your stomach, arms squeezing you tight.
“I made your favourite snack. It’s on the counter for you.”
Sirius appears in the archway just as Claire scurries away. He’s in a flurry, making long strides in the direction of the stairs without so much as acknowledging you. “You get back down here right now young lady!” His voice all but shakes the house, sending your heart scuttling into your throat. Sirius never raises his voice, especially not when angry. Sirius was hardly ever angry to begin with.
Your hand shoots out to grab at him before he can get too far, pulling him to a harsh stop. “Whoa, whoa whoa! What’s going on?”
“Lia got in a fight at school!” Claire calls from the kitchen.
And he’s teetering on you, trying to get you to let him go.
“What? Why didn’t you call me? What’s happened, is she alright?”
“I’d say she’s doing better than Isaac!” Now he’s moving, circling to the other end of the room, dragging you along with him. “I mean parents trust me to look after and teach their children! How does it seem when I can’t even discipline my own? She’s old enough to know not to hit others!”
Sirius was the music teacher at the local elementary school. The one both of your daughters attended. That being the case he usually handled anything pertaining to the girls while on the premises.  Didn’t mean you were out of the loop however. If one got so much as a scratch on the playground you were sent a text about it. For the entire day to have elapsed without him informing you on what had happened was odd.
“Sirius” you release his arm in favour of his face, rubbing at the space between his nape and ear in a manner you knew he found soothing “Honey, I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.”
But your attempts to pacify him prove worthless when his roaming eyes finally snap to yours with a steely coldness that has a chill running up your spine. You see none of the sticky affection you’re accustomed to within them. Nothing but distaste. There was no questioning Emmy’ parentage with that gaze.
“I told you the haircut wasn’t a good idea.”
Haircut? Was he still upset about that all these weeks later?
“What’s her hair have to do with anything?”
His eyes roll so hard you fear they’ll be lost in the back of his head. He shakes out of your hold. “Because you undermine me with every little thing when it comes to her! I try to put my foot down and you immediately slag it off!”
“It’s her hair Sirius. She wanted it short and you couldn’t give a good enough reason why she shouldn’t be allowed to have it that way.”
Emmy has finally gone quiet in his play pen. Standing and peeking over the edges at the two of you, gaze flitting back and forth like a ping pong ball whenever someone speaks. Probably wondering why his beloved father hasn’t come to pick him up yet.
“Because she looks like a boy!” Sirius throws his hands up, looking to the sky for some sort of backup he would not be receiving. “She already dresses like a boy, you’ve let her chop all her hair off and now she’s running around getting into trouble like some little delinquent!” With every word his face gets more and more red, voice trembling with raging effort.
You can’t seem to find anything to say for a long moment, just watching him breathe in and out in desperate rags. A minute passes, then two. When he manages to catch his breath and stumble over to the couch you follow closely behind. Leaning down near his ear so you won’t have to speak above a whisper.
“First of all Black, I don’t know who you’re speaking to in that tone but I suggest you check it, right now. Her hair and the way she dresses are nobody’s business but her own and they don’t make her a boy.” The fact those words could even leave his mouth after the childhood he had baffled you “And second I think you should stop and reevaluate the way you talk about your daughter, especially while she’s right upstairs to hear you.”
He turns his head. You’re so far into his space that your noses almost brush but you don’t back away. You would always stand firm when it came to your children. The one’s you two created and set out to raise together in the loving and supporting environment neither of you had gotten growing up.
 “Are you guys arguing?”
You straighten up at the squeak of Claire’s question. She stands behind the couch with a slight frown on her round face. Her snack of garlic toast held between two hands.
“No darling of course not,” a smile splits your expression for good measure “why don’t you come with me to check on Lia while Daddy says hello to Emmy hm?”
Claire is not convinced “sounded like arguing.”
You’re at the base of the stairs, swatting the girl up them, when Sirius calls back in a very small manner “I’m sorry.”
He appears more like himself now, the love of your life. Thin, long limbed, warm eyes with a hint of melancholy. Deflated of his anger and replenished with his token skittish composure.
“When I come back there will be no more yelling.”
He nods, and you’re off to discover the root of this grand affair.
Claire stands outside of Lia’ closed door when you arrive. Shifting from foot to foot as if nervous to go in. You reach over her and rap on the sticker covered wood with a firm knuckle. There’s no answer but you turn the knob and enter anyway.
The room is dark, lights off and curtains drawn. The only illumination comes from the device set up on the bedside table that projects stars and planets onto the ceiling. A balled-up form rests in the very corner of the bed, back to you, arms slung over the head.
“Is she crying?” Claire whispers. Well, her version of whispering. Which was just her regular speaking volume but slower.
“No.” Lia grinds out. She twists herself around so you can see her face. She wasn’t crying but she surely had been if the red of her eyes were evidence enough.
You make your way over to the bed, posting yourself up against the headboard. Claire opts to sit at the bottom, gazing up at the light show.
“Want to tell me what happened at school today?”
“Can I sit in your lap?”
Despite the circumstances a warm fuzzy feeling seeps throughout your chest, always happy to indulge in some physical affection. Lia is still quite small for her age. She crawls over your legs and slots her body against yours, burrowing as close as she can manage, sticking her nose into the material of your shirt and inhaling deeply. Her dark hair tickles your face. Not long enough for a scrunchy and too short for much other styling. It sticks up in amusing ends from sweat.
Claire must feel left out because she wraps a crummy hand around your socked foot.
“Daddy’s disappointed in me,” her voice is hoarse and wobbly. She keeps her eyes shut tight while speaking, nose scrunched.
“He’s not, he’s just…unsettled, stressed maybe.”
“Is there a difference?”
To an eight-year-old there might not be.
“Daddy was yelling” comes a whisper snaking up from the end of the bed.
“Be quiet Claire!” Lia tries to shoo the younger girl out of her room but she refuses to go.
“Loudly.” She continues “His face was all red.”
You fight a giggle “Eat your bread Claire bear.”
“Furious” she finishes around the last mouthful of her treat. She’s always been your chatty baby, forever excited for new vocabulary words.
You return your full attention to Amelia “Tell mom what happened bug.”
She doesn’t start immediately, instead relishing in the feeling of your fingers combing through her damp hair for a while. When she does start speaking the story is much worse than you thought it would be.
The boys in class have been bothering her for the last few months.
One in particular who sits directly behind her by the name of Isaac. He is the reason, she confesses, for originally wanting to cut her hair short despite loving the lack of inches now. It was in hopes of deterring him from yanking it by handfuls.
They apparently dislike her always trying to hang around with them and not the girls. Girls belonged with girls and boys belonged with boys as it went. Not allowed to mix. Cooties too easily spread. 
They took to stuffing things down the back of her shirt. Swiping her glasses off her face. Shoving her in the lunch line. Ripping the pages out of her notebooks. Pouring glue in her chair. Scratching mean names into her desk. Cornering her during recess while the teachers were distracted and pulling her pants down in front of everyone. Because if she wouldn’t play with the girls then she must be a boy but if she was a boy then they'd need proof. 
She tried to tell her homeroom teacher when it first started but the woman didn’t believe her because Isaac is a top student and his family name stood proud on the sign outside of the new gym complex. She must have done something to him to earn such treatment.
“Did you go to your father?”
Lia shakes her head “I started to once but he just told me to try sticking with the girls more.”
“What about me? I thought we didn’t keep secrets between us.”
“You always tell me to be brave and stick up for myself if someone bothers me. I was trying to build up the courage but—” she dissolves into a low whine, struggling to finish around her tears. “I don’t think Daddy likes me.”
Claires eyebrows furrow. Up until then you didn’t think the girl had even been listening “Why would you say that!” she shouts, looking seconds away from bursting into tears herself.
You’re quick to intervene “She doesn’t mean it. Your big sister is just really sad right now.”
“No, I mean it!” Lia insists, sitting up to rub at her eyes “He doesn’t like me! He complains about everything I do!” her head bobbles from side to side as she lists “Sit more lady like. Why don’t you wear any of the dresses grandma bought you. Why don’t you do ballet instead of soccer. Why don’t you grow your hair out like the other girls. Why don’t you have any girl friends”
You take her hands into yours, they’re cold. You feel unprepared to deal with her emotions, she’s so young to even be ruminating over such things. All you want to do is ease her heartache, as her mother. An adult in her life who should have all the answers, but has no clue where to start. What would be saying too much and what would be too little. “Oh, my love, your father had a really hard time growing up with his own dad. He was really strict with him. That’s no excuse for him to take it out on you, but I know he loves you very much”
She deflates back onto your chest “Yeah, but he doesn’t like me.”
She finishes the story. 
It was recess. She was climbing up onto the monkey bars and about to go across when Isaac caught her pant leg and tried to yank them down. On instinct she went to kick him off and accidentally struck him in the face.
“I didn’t mean to break his nose. Swear.”
Never in a million years would you think her capable of intentionally hurting some. You placate her with a kiss on the forehead anyway “how about you and mom go out for a treat? Huh? Just the two of us?”
She sniffles in contemplation “Ice cream?”
“Anything you want.”
“Can I come?” Claire crawls her way up to the headboard.
“I’ll bring you back some, but Lia’s had a very bad day and that means what?”
“She needs mommy time?”
You ease said girl out of your lap gently, laying her out on the pillows, and promising to be back in five minutes. Then you’d go for her treat.
On your way out of the room you notice Claire scooting closer. She sticks her pointer finger right in her sisters’ face. “Your eyes are puffy.”
The aggravated “Claire!” follows you down the stairs.
In the living room Sirius and Emmy sit in comfortable silence, your husband bouncing the now cheerful baby on his knee. His neck nearly snaps at your approach. Eyes already glassy with regret.
“Is she terribly upset?”
“Heartbroken more like” you say, not bothering to sugarcoat it for him “she thinks you don’t like her.”
He lowers his head in shameful anguish when you sit beside him. “I just, she’s so much like me when I was young.” No friends his own gender. Only interested in things typically deemed non-conforming “the things I went through in school, at home, it pains me to imagine that happening to her.”
How much had she told him of the bullying you wonder and why had he kept it from you. You'd been there for so much of his own struggle that it honestly hurts your feelings that he’d allowed himself to spiral so much without seeking you out. The number of times he showed up on your doorstep in the wee hours of the morning. The cuts and bruises you’d tended, caused over simplicities like nail polish, the length of his hair, the music he listened to. The way he dressed, acted, spoke. 
 “Ok, but you can’t just force her to change who she is in the name of protecting her. Just because she isn’t the girliest girl out there doesn’t give anyone the right to bully her, not even you. All you’re doing is teaching her that being herself is not ok. Then to go and blow up on her like that. It’s confusing Sirius. You know better.”
You don't say it, wouldn’t ever go that low, but you know he’s thinking it. He’s acting like his father.
Sirius sits with your words.
“Why did she hit him then?”
“She didn’t really. He tried to pull her pants down on the playset so she kicked out. It was an accident.”
“Pull her pants down?”
A fresh wave of anger rolls over his shoulders. You snatch Emmy from his grasp before planting a kiss onto his temple.
“No more of that. Go upstairs and talk to her before we leave.”
You’d get on him later for keeping secrets from you.
Sirius returns the kiss, lingering for a few seconds too long, pressing his nose into the fat of your cheek. He smells like peppermint.
“I love you.” Her murmurs. And you’re suddenly transported back to your childhood bedroom. The sun just creeping over the horizon and spilling through your window right onto his sleeping face. The lips so like Claires’, ears and brows so like Emersons’, freckles like Amelias’.  Hovering your finger over the bridge of his nose, skimming along his throat. Blowing gently at his thick lashes. Poking at the sliver of skin peeking out at his tummy where his shirt had risen up. When you’d fall asleep with him on the floor and always wake up to his breath on the back of your neck, legs tangled in bed with you. The fit of giggles sneaking him out the house before your parents woke up. 
“Love you too. Now go!”
You’re once again left with Emmy in the exact same place you’d started. He watches Sirius take the stairs two at a time before turning back to you, frown already forming. 
“And you my little man, i love you so much.”
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[2] Seeing Each Other Around Town
Summary: James discovers his favorite student and his mom are his across-the-street neighbors and now he can't stop seeing her everywhere.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam), inspired by this post by @ravishinglavishingluvr. Tiny little bit of angst in this one but it's negligible. Y'all this is gonna be a slow burn but we'll get there. Also I'm updating sorta regularly now yay!!!
A/N (23/5/24): FINALLY edited this. I'm out of school, so hopefully I'll have time to continue this series <3
Previous Part: Parent-Teacher Conferences Next Part: Career Fair Series Masterlist here
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Poor James is completely infatuated with you after parent-teacher conferences
He just can’t get you out of his head
And Sirius and Remus are usually the ones who suffer the consequences
Their apartment is on the way to school from James’ house, so they almost always carpool
And lately, the entire car ride, James Cant. Shut. Up. about you
(“Boys, you should’ve seen her—she’s so sweet—of course she’s Liam’s mom—Pads, you don’t understand—they’re so similar—Remus, she’s gorgeous—did you see her????”)
By the end of the week, Sirius and Remus are very amused with James’ adoration for you
But it also gets kinda irritating after a while, so they’re pretty thankful when the weekend rolls around and they (hopefully) get a small break from his incessant enamored babbling
Saturday rolls around, and James is up at six thirty (hard to break out of the habit when school starts at eight) and shuffling out to the lobby of his apartment building in his pajamas, robe, and slippers to get the mail and the newspaper
But just because James’ body wakes up early doesn’t mean James’ brain wakes up at the same time so he’s out by his mailbox looking confusedly at the newspaper and wondering why he suddenly can’t read
And after like a solid thirty seconds of him just squinting really hard he finally realizes it’s because he left his glasses inside
He’s doing his best guys, he’s doing his best
So James is about to turn around and go back to his own flat to get his glasses (and probably a cup of coffee) when he hears his own name— —just … well, kinda
“Mr. Potter?”
James just about jumps out of his skin because what teacher expects to see one of their students outside of school???? Like no thank you
Don’t get me wrong, James loves his kids to death and he’d die for them any day
But it’s the weekend
So no thanks
But then James realizes it’s Liam and he’s lowkey relieved because like
If he has to see a student outside of school, he’d rather it be this one
And then it occurs to James that if Liam is in his apartment building at six thirty in the morning, then he probably lives here
And if Liam lives here, then …
Poor James can’t help the full-body flush that rushes through him at your voice
Boy looks like someone dunked him in tomato juice
His head snaps from Liam (or at least the blurry shape that has Liam’s voice) to where your voice is coming from, and it hits him that you’re whispering (very tiredly and cutely, if you asked James) from the floor below his own, leaning over the railing to watch as your son presumably gets the mail
How the hell didn’t he notice you lived in his apartment building????????
Not that he’s complaining ofc :):):):):):)
James realizes after a minute that Liam asked if he’s alright, and he’s just like “Yeah!!” and utterly beaming
(Unbeknownst to James, you realize who exactly Liam is talking to and blush just as terribly as James does when you realize you’re still in pajamas and aren’t at all presentable)
You say good morning to him as well (from the balcony) and James is pretty sure he’s about to melt
(You call him Mr. Potter tho and it lowkey makes him cringe and remember that Liam is like RIGHT next to him)
So you and him exchange pleasantries like Romeo and Juliet with the balcony :) you get it?? :):):) while Liam gets the mail from your own mailbox and walks it up the stairs back to you
(he says “here you go, mama” in his sweet little voice as he hands the small stack to you and you say the gentlest “thank you, baby” back and James’ heart feels like goop in his chest)
James barely makes it back into is own apartment before he’s squealing and doing a goofy little dance out of overflowing joy
And the best part?
That's not the last time he sees you. Not even close.
Over the next several weeks, James begins to notice you everywhere around town
He sees you and Liam at the grocery store (you’re there with Liam and give him the choice between dino nuggets and spring rolls; he decisively choses the latter)
And on his way to work (on one of the few days where Remus and Sirius aren’t carpooling with him, as Remus was sick and Sirius stayed home to care for him), James sees you in your own car on your way to work
And when you and Liam go on walks on the weekends (James had taken to mowing Remus' mother's lawn, which was on your walking path, shirtless every Saturday morning—for entirely unrelated reasons, of course, and he will take no questions on the matter …)
James still isn’t sure how he hadn’t noticed you before because how could he have missed you?? You’re gorgeous????
(Of course, poor Remus and Sirius get to hear about his fawning even more now)
(They both find it cute though and they like to give him advice, so it’s fine)
So eventually one Friday night, James can’t sleep and is done with his lesson plans
And he’s just bored, so what does he do?
Go to the grocery store, of course
So James ventures out, once again in his pajamas, to the grocery store to get some treats to eat while he watches Antiques Roadshow until he falls asleep
And of course—he should’ve known at this point honestly—there you are
(Also in your pajamas)
And James says hi before he can really stop himself, and you look a little spooked for a second (because who tf would be talking to you in the grocery store at ten at night?) but then you realize it’s him and you say hi back with a sweet little smile that turns James' insides to warm fudge
Apparently, Liam is at Draco's birthday sleepover (Draco's a little shit, and James never understood how Liam could stand the kid) and you don’t have a shift at the hospital tonight, so you decided to indulge in some celebratory ice cream
James ends up helping you choose which ice cream you want (chocolate chip cookie dough—a classic) and as thanks, you go with him to the candy aisle to help him pick out treats
James ends up getting a container of pretty much every candy, cookie, and chip that grocery store because he didn’t want to leave yet lmao
And when you’re in line to check out, James mentions that there’s a career fair at school in a month and he’s wondering if you’d maybe want to come and talk about being a nurse????
Pretty please??????
James doesn’t notice how your face falls ever so slightly. You kind of forgot for a second that he’s your son’s teacher and not just some pretty guy that you’ve sorta had a crush on for the past couple weeks. Nothing could happen between the two of you—not if it meant messing with or—god forbid—hurting Liam’s education. But it’s okay. You’ll just suck it up and stick to your job and your son. It’s fine. It’s fine.
You’re agreeing in an instant, and James promises to email you the details so you can plan around it
James leaves the grocery store with like ten pounds worth of treats feeling full to the bursting with warmth and his eyes are glowing the rest of the night
He sees this really pretty pearl and gold necklace on Antiques Roadshow and catches himself thinking about how pretty it would look on you, but he doesn’t bother trying to stop himself at this point
It wouldn’t be any help anyway
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Next Part: Career Fair
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