#maurauders fanfic
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mallowsweetmiri · 10 months ago
Best friend!James with no boundaries
This is inspired by @ddejavvu cause I can’t get enough of no boundary James
Summary: Y/N has been best friends with James since they were kids, and she’s constantly in his dorm hanging out. While he helps her get ready for an epic Gryffindor party, the rest of the marauders are forced to witness their questionable friendship boundaries.
Remus and Sirius exchange a knowing look as they enter the dorm. They’ve just got back from securing the liquor from Hogsmeade and it looks like you’re starting to prep for the party as well.
“James! Don’t lie, this top totally washes me out,” you pout, standing over James with your arms crossed as he sits on his bed and watches you model the outfit.
“Okay, okay. The color isn’t the best. Try this one on,” James sighs as he tosses you a tight fitting shirt. Without any regard for the now three boys in the room, you strip off the ugly top in exchange for the new one.
“Woah, woah, woah! What the hell are you doing?” Sirius exclaims, putting his hands over his eyes. Remus just rolls his eyes before moving to his trunk to put away the supplies. You completely ignore his comment as you slip on the new top, your breasts inches away from James face. He doesn’t seem too concerned.
“Oh, piss off, Black. Never seen a pair of tits before?” You quip, walking over to the mirror. Sirius shoots Remus a look of disgust but he just shrugs in return.
“Okay, this is the one,” James says proudly, coming up behind you in the mirror, “he’s not going to be able keep his hands off you tonight.” You sigh as you turn around to look up at James with innocent eyes.
“You really think so?” You pout, fiddling with the hem of your tight skirt. Sirius scoffs from across the room.
“I know so. Here, just pull this up a bit,” James bends down to hike up the back of your skirt and pulls the fabric of your shirt taut against your curves, “and put on that sexy perfume and there’s no way he’ll be able to resist you.”
Your smile spreads across your face as you reach up to kiss James on the cheek.
“Thank you James, I don’t know what I would do without you,” you pat him on the cheek before strutting out of the room, “See you tonight boys.”
James smiles proudly as you leave the room before falling back onto his bed.
“Are you serious, Prongs?” Sirius scoffs as he falls onto his own bed.
“What?” James asks, looking up dumbfounded from his bed.
“How can you just sit there with her tits in front of your face and act like that’s normal?” Sirius asks, his mouth open in astonishment. James only smiles back.
“Oh, please. She’s just my friend. Besides, someone has to help her make her tits look good, have you seen her fashion sense?” James snorts and falls back onto his bed, completely unbothered. Sirius turns to Remus for some sort of assurance that he’s not going crazy.
“At this point I’m not sure why you’re surprised,” Remus shrugs, putting his jacket in his trunk, “but her tits did look better in the second top.”
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amourane · 11 months ago
your fated one
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pairing: regulus black x fem!reader
genre: fluff, mentions of pregnancy
w/c: 1.2k
summary: you never believed in fate until you met regulus black.
warnings: none
a/n: i love regulus black sm with all my heart and soulll, also i've been in a fluffy mood lately can you tell???
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“Merlin.” You whispered as you held the pregnancy test in your hand, stomach churning at the two positive lines that were drawn on. 
Immense happiness filled your body before the dread came…how were you going to tell him?
Regulus lay in your shared bed, his dark hair tousled against the pillow. You stumbled out of the bathroom, head spinning from the new knowledge that had been bestowed upon you. Everything seemed surreal.
The morning sickness had been relentless, the missed period a silent alarm that something was amiss. Yet, the reality of it all hit you like a ton of bricks as you stood there, clutching the bathroom door frame for support. You and Regulus hadn’t even come close to discussing the topic of children. The both of you had basically just graduated from Hogwarts and the engagement ring that sat on your finger was the symbol of a promise of a life together.
Regulus glanced up from his book, concern etched into his features as he took in your distressed state. "Are you alright, love?" His voice was laced with worry, eyebrows furrowing as he approached you. "You don't look well."
Your throat felt dry, parched even. Your fingers were trembling as you felt tears prick your eyes. Merlin, what if he didn’t want the baby? Regulus was so young and so were you, having a child was something you hadn't even begun to fathom. 
“Y/n, darling?” There was a moment as his eyes caught sight of the object in your trembling hands, his expression shifted from confusion to realization. “Is that…?” 
His voice trailed off, eyes widening in astonishment when you nodded in approval. A wave of happiness washed over him and he felt warmth spread throughout his chest. His joy, however, was quickly tempered by concern as tears continued to streak down your face.
“Love, what’s wrong? Isn’t this meant to be a happy occasion? You’re pregnant!” He asked softly, bringing you to sit on the edge of the bed, his arm around you. “Do you not want the baby?”
“No! Of course I want the baby!” You shouted, voice cracking. “It’s just…we’re so young Reggie and we’re getting married soon, I don’t want to walk down the aisle looking like a fucking whale.” You wailed like a banshee and your fiancé broke out in laughter. 
“You are not going to look like a fucking whale darling, and we can postpone the wedding if it makes you feel any better, I’ll wait forever for you.” He cooed as he gave you a kiss. The tears didn’t stop but you felt happier. “I’ve always wanted a family and the journey we’re going to have together will be amazing. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“What if you love the baby more than me?”
“Not possible, I could never love anyone more than I love you.” He cupped your cheeks, adoring the way you acted like a petulant child at times. 
You sniffled, hands rubbing your belly. “I can’t believe it…”
Regulus's smile widened, his eyes alight with a newfound brightness. "Believe it or not, love, but fate has a funny way of bringing us together." He teased, his playful demeanor bringing a smile to your lips.
“Fuck that shit, I don’t believe in fate.”
“Love, we’re literally a witch and a wizard.” 
“Still don’t believe in it, you know me Reg.”
Regulus rolled his eyes, pushing you down onto the bed gently, peppering your face with sweet kisses. You could see the ways his eyes sparkled with something new. His smile was brighter than ever and his cheeks were rosy. You felt a new batch of tears brimming at your eyes and you soon started to cry again.
“Y/n?” He asked, wiping your tears away with his hand. “Are these tears happy or sad?”
“I just l-love you so much.” You sobbed. “I fucking love you Regulus Black.”
He bit his lip to hide the joyous laughter that was bubbling up inside of him but a chuckle escaped from his lips. You smacked his arm as a scowl took over your features.
“You prick, I’m here confessing my love to you and you’re laughing!”
Regulus bursted into laughter before summoning a mirror for you to look at your reflection. Your eyes were swollen and quite evident that you had been crying. Your hair was frazzled and all over the place.
“Even though you look like a mess, I still love you.”
"Good." You replied, a grin spreading across your face despite the lingering tears. "You're getting married to me."
Amidst the cheers and celebration, you and your newly-wed husband stood hand in hand, surrounded by friends and family. Little Leo, just five months old, nestled in your arms, his wide eyes already reflecting the familiar stormy grey of Regulus'.
“How’s little Leo doing?” Your husband cooed at your son and he giggled, tiny hands latching onto Regulus’ finger. “Me and Mama just got married. She’s officially Mrs Black now.”
Your heart melted at the words he said. The long dinner table was seated with chattering guests and you thought now was the perfect time to finally say the speech you had been preparing. Regulus still hadn’t a clue about what you were going to say so this was all going to be a surprise. 
Passing Leo into Regulus' loving arms, you pressed a kiss to your son's forehead before rising to your feet. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to you, curiosity and anticipation flickering in their gazes, including Regulus' and Leo's.
“Hi everyone.” You gave the faces you knew for decades a wave. “I've been waiting for this moment to share something I've wanted to say for a long time.”
You saw the way your husband’s face was knitted with confusion and you couldn’t suppress the grin that took over your face.
"Regulus Black, you have always been, and always will be, the light of my life. From the moment we met at eleven to this day at twenty-one, time has flown by, but my love for you has only grown stronger. You've given me the greatest joys in life, and I will never stop cherishing you. We've faced hardships together, but with you by my side, I know we can overcome anything. I cannot wait to continue this journey with you, raising our son together."
You could see the emotion welling in Regulus' eyes as you spoke, his expression mirroring the depth of your love.
“I used to say I didn’t believe in fate, that was a lie. I believed in fate the moment I met you Reg, you made me believe in it. We are destined for each other and I hope that I spend every second of my life with you. Fate brought us together and it will keep us together. Our family of three.”
You finished your speech and you saw Regulus’ eyes fill with tears as he got up and kissed you deeply without hesitation. The room erupted in cheers and congratulations, the love and happiness palpable in the air.
“We have fate to thank for this I guess.” He smiled as he rested his forehead against yours.
Tears were now running down your face as you gave your husband another kiss. Your gaze shifted to your son, cradled in Regulus' arms, and then back to your husband, a wave of love washing over you. 
“We sure do.”
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thefearedashantis · 1 year ago
Dirty Laundry and Brown Sugar Oats
Pairing: Sirius Black x SAHM! Reader (stay at home mom)
Summary: You’ve had a very busy weekend
Word count: 1.5K
Warning: skipping meals
This weekend had been one from hell. Filled with celebratory moments, but from hell none the less. It started on Friday morning with the primary schools’ spring production. Claire’s class was participating with a little dance routine. Lots of classroom mothers were signing up to assist with corralling the children throughout the day and your youngest daughter had begged you too as well. In her own words “all you do is stay home anyway”.
You weren’t sure what to do with Emmerson at first but Lily had offered to watch him for a few hours, claiming it a perfect opportunity for he and Harry to have a play date. You were extremely grateful. He wouldn’t cause her any trouble. The only person he fussed with was you.
From eight in the morning to five in the evening you were swimming in kindergarteners. Bathroom trains, fixing hair, changing into costumes, breaking up arguments, forcing a quick nap time, practice, and then comforting the snifflers once the performance actually started. The ones that attempted to leap from the stage in a wash of tears, grabby hands extended.
Then Amelia had her spelling bee on Saturday morning. As soon as you'd gotten back with Claire, cleaned her up and made dinner you were off to test Lia on her words. She wouldn’t allow you to stop until she was free of mistakes and hesitance. She didn’t win, but she was abundantly proud of herself for giving it a shot. As were you and Sirius.
Emmy had his doctor’s appointment that same afternoon for some blood testing. He'd been falling ill a lot recently and you thought it couldn't hurt to do a full check up to see if everything was alright. A fresh scratch now pulsed under your eye as evidence of his struggle. And then from there you had to rush to get Lia to her soccer practice, take Claire to ballet and run a few errands around town. You'd spent that night tailoring some of Sirius formal shirts for a few meetings he had coming up in the week.
Sunday morning Remus as well as Lily, James and Harry came over for breakfast. You’d gone all out in preparation. The downside being once you were done you had no interest in the spread of food you’d prepared.
Now it was Sunday evening, the sun only just beginning to dip below the horizon. You’d just managed to get Emmy fed and settled to watch a few minutes of Tv. Lia is at the counter finishing up some homework and Claire is crowding you. Swerving around your legs, just as high as she’d been all weekend on excitement. Every second of every day from the moment she opened her eyes to the moment she closed them it was just demands that you stop whatever you were doing to watch her. For her to perform the same sequence of moves you’d watched her do on stage as if you hadn’t been paying attention then. And again, the other thousands of times she'd done it since.
She bumps herself into your legs from behind sending you stumbling.
“Mom you aren’t watching!”
The laundry basket in your hand tips, bulging with the dirty clothes you’d been putting off washing. A jumble of socks falls from it to the tiled floor. It takes everything in you not to snap, instead closing your eyes for a beat, breathing in and out before bending to reach for them. When you’re suddenly hit with the feeling of the ground shifting. Your vision blurs and your heart gives a painful stutter. An overwhelming ringing pingpongs between your ears and your mind grates to a halt. Where were you? What had you been doing a second ago?
Small hands press into your back. You’ve sat on the ground. The plastic of the basket still slippery in your hold where it rests atop your extended legs. You feel hot. Your stomach is cramping.
A shadow falls across you from above. You force your wavering gaze up to meet Lia’s face leaned over the countertop, frowning and squinting at you. “Mom?”
Claire screams, much too close your ears, her fist pounding into your spine. “You have to watch me! Look! Look!”
“Claire, stop it!” Lia scolds. She hops down from the stool and comes around to stand in front of you. You stare straight ahead at her blue sleep shorts before she squats down to grab at your face.
The haze over your mind begins to clear when she squishes at your cheeks gently “I’m fine sweets.” Resting the basket to the side you cover her hands with your own, struggling to swallow around your dry mouth “Just lost my balance there”
Claire mashes her chin into your shoulder, pressing her own cheek against both of your hands “You’re so clumsy sometimes.”
Lia’s still frowning; her eyes a little glassy. She watches you for another beat before bolting upright “I’m going to get dad.”
You pull her back to you in a panic “No! Lia I’m fine.”
Sirius was outside doing some yardwork. Things you’d been asking him to get to for months now. That’s where he’d spent most of his weekend and it made you feel like a bit of a nag. You don’t want to bother him anymore. Especially not for something so minor.
Lia jerks her hand from yours, sprinting for the front door shouting for Sirius.
In the meantime, you shift yourself slowly to rest your back against the cabinets. The effort of it has you breaking a small sweat. Your hands shake as you set the laundry aside.
“Are you sick?” Claire asks, collecting the dropped socks and plopping them into the basket. She presses her hand to your forehead checking for warmth.
“No Clair bear.” But she won’t take that as an answer of course so before she can scuttle off in search of the thermometer you redirect her attention. “Do you think Emmy would like to watch your performance?”
Her eyes light up “You’re right! I haven’t shown him yet.” She leaves you behind, completely forgotten, in search of your youngest. Seated on his playmat in the living room and occupied by the puppets moving across the television screen.
Time seems to jump between a long blink to rest your eyes and reopening them to find Sirius kneeled in front of you. Hair tied up atop his head, collar of his shirt dark and dampened. A smudge of dirt slashes across his cheek. A calm smile spreading his lips. “Are you cozy down here love?”
You roll your eyes at him. “You smell sweaty.”
“Lia, can you get mom a glass of water please?” You hadn’t even noticed her hanging back in the archway, standing so still and quiet with her hands clasped together. She goes without a word.
“Do you feel dizzy?”
“I can’t get up.” You’d plummet right back down to the ground if you tried.
Lia returns with your water. Sirius takes it from her with a small thank you before cupping your chin. With nimble fingers he tilts your head back slightly, pressing the chilled glass to your cracked lips. “Drink, slowly” He waits for you to down half the glass before setting it aside, watching you intently.
“What did you guys have for lunch? Maybe it didn’t agree with you.”
“We had peanut butter and jelly. Mom didn’t eat any though.” Lia answers 
“And you didn’t have any breakfast this morning my love. Did you eat at all today?”
In fact, you couldn’t remember the last time something of substance passed your lips, food or drink. When your days edged more on the hectic side, you’d sometimes forget they were necessities. A horrible habit you never managed to break.
Sirius reads this in your expression. He frowns disapprovingly at you. “When was the last time you ate something? Not random scraps, a whole meal”
“Breakfast Friday morning” and even that had only been a slice of buttered toast. You were running solely on the clementine you’d swiped from one of Claires classmates, a handful of nuts, and a half cup of tea somewhere else in there.   
“Is she going to be alright?” Lia has sat herself beside you, picking at her fingers anxiously as her eyes rack your body from head to toe. You feel a tinge of shame run through you then. To cause her such worry with your bad habits.
Sirius removes one of the rings from his finger and slides it onto one of hers. It’s far too big but it provides a nice distraction as she spins it absentmindedly around the digit. “Mom hasn’t been nourishing her body properly but she’ll be right as rain once we get some food into her.”
“Are you ready to get up?” he asks you.  
“No” you answer honestly. The room is still spinning.
Smiling reassuringly, he instead makes whispered conversation with Lia, asking what they should feed you. “Something light to not upset her stomach”
“That special ginger tea she gave me when i was sick last week.” 
“What else?”
“Brown sugar oats?” She glances at you for approval “You love oats. With some honey on top?”
“Delicious. Why don’t you go fill the kettle while I help mom to the table.” 
Once she’s gone Sirius turns back to you. He runs his hands up and down your bare legs, refusing to meet your gaze now. “Trying to give me a heart attack, are you?” he grumbles “Lia came outside frantic and I was sure the worst had happened” he pinches you on the thigh. Not particularly hard but enough to convey his upset.  
He soothes it with a kiss “You have to stop skipping meals like that. You have to stay strong and healthy so we can be together until we’re old and gray and Claire ships us off to a retirement home.” 
A laugh startles out of you “Lia would definitely let me live with her. Emmy might be kind enough to house you.”
The laughter dies, a cloud of seriousness rolling in to dampen it.
“Promise me” He must really be fed up with you.
“I’ve been working on it. Time just slipped through my hands this weekend.”
“Promise me” he pushes again.
You sigh, feigning annoyance at the dramatics you so enjoy when he forcibly links your pinky fingers together “I promise.”
“Great!” It’s slow going, but he gets you up off the floor and to the counter “Lia how about we cut up some fruit to go with that?”  
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siriuslynettey · 3 months ago
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Hogwarts Christmas Aesthetic 🕯️🎄🧹
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hjparisian · 7 months ago
so long, london- remus j lupin x reader
p: remus lupin x fem!reader w: sad, angst, like one or two cuss words, mentions of death s: the deaths of lily and james potter and the imprisonment of sirius black have led to a rift between (y/n) and remus' relationship. both haunted by that one night, it was only a matter of time until one of them left a/n: please bear with me in this as im not super knowledgable about the mauraders era but i hope this is okay! if yall have a 1000 page doc about this era, send it my way
Halloween of 1981 had to have been one of the darkest days in history. Lily and James Potter were dead, killed by Voldemort. Peter Pettigrew, dead, killed by his own friend Sirius Black, who is now in Azkaban.
Remus was still grieving the death of Marlene McKinnon when he found out about what happened to his best friends. He could barely hold in his tears as he held (Y/N) in his arms, who was already sobbing at the news.
The two couldn't believe it. How could Sirius Black sell out his own best friend and his wife to the Dark Lord? How could he kill his friends? Had he been hiding his loyalty this whole time?
The days following James and Lily's deaths were spent in darkness. Remus would sit in the room he and (Y/N) shared, staring at the fairy lights stringed about the walls. (Y/N) would spend her mornings doing tasks for the Order, while at night she would wallow in the arms of Remus.
Just when they thought things were terrible, it unfortunately got worse.
(Y/N) and Remus' good friend Dorcas Meadowes was found dead. Killed by Voldemort himself. Why? They'll never know.
The two were distraught, (Y/N) more so than Remus as she was closer to Dorcas. It appeared that (Y/N) would follow in Remus' own routine, hiding away in the spare bedroom that they used to let their friends rest in when they were over. At nights, she would return to her and Remus' bedroom to shower and sleep.
Remus could hear her sobs during her showers.
As the days went on, (Y/N) had began to accept the fate of her friends. Or she was hiding her true emotions from Remus, who remained a mess at the loss of his mates. Each day, (Y/N) would try to talk with Remus and get him out of the house. Unfortunately, the only time he would leave was during the full moon so not to hurt her.
Remus began distancing himself from (Y/N). He'd wake up earlier than her, he would have lunch before her, he would keep himself locked in the bedroom during the day, wait 'til she was asleep to turn in.
Anything to be alone.
(Y/N) had tried to follow Remus' new routine, trying to catch him whenever she could. Even if she had to wake up earlier than she would, even if she had to stay up later to see Remus join her in bed. Anything she could to try to talk with Remus.
Silly girl.
It became rare for the two to even have a long lasting conversation, let alone a lighthearted, joyful chat. Any words spoken were those of sorrow and anger. The young woman had once attempted to talk to Remus about his mood changing, trying to get him to talk through it.
It ended in tears and slamming doors.
Since that talk, tensions between the two were higher than ever, and not in the way one may think. They began to have more arguments in a month than they ever had in their entire relationship.
Though one argument was not like the others.
"Rem, come on!" She pleaded with him. "You haven't been outside in months! Everybody is starting to assume you're dead!"
"Well let them think that! Everyone I cared or loved is already dead. Anyone who's ever loved me is gone."
"But what about me?" She asked him. "I'm still here Remus. But lately you act like I'm not!"
Remus stops his tracks in the living room. "Sorry that our friends dying has affected me so badly."
"Remus, you're acting like you're the only one affected by their deaths." She says to him. "I'm upset about it too. They were my friends as much as they were yours."
"You never knew James or Sirius or Peter like I did," Remus yells at her. "You never spent most of your school years with them, knowing every little thing about them."
"That doesn't mean we weren't friends and you know that Remus. You're acting like they were the only people you've lost," the woman says. "I lost Lily. I lost Marlene, Dorcas. Hell, have you even heard about what happened to Mary? She's gone missing Remus! They're saying she might've been killed."
"You don't need to remind me everyone that's gone, (Y/N)! I'm more than aware of what's happening and I don't need to be reminded."
The woman huffed. "Well with the way you're locked up here, it seems like it."
"Not everyone can carry on with their lives after finding out someone who was basically like family is dead!" Remus shouts.
"Well, sorry I've been busy distracting myself with work from the Order! Trying to do what I can to help anyone that left!"
All Remus could do was roll his eyes, frustration clouding his emotions. "Why even bother? They couldn't save our friends, now they're gone! You're being stupid."
"Bloody hell, I can't do this. I'm leaving." The boy declares, having enough of this.
Remus stomped out the door, slamming it behind him. All (Y/N) could do was dropped to her knees in tears, exhaustion hitting her. Sobs filled the empty room.
The man fled to the streets of London, finding shelter in a hotel near the heart of the city. He spent a few nights there, getting the space he felt he deserved. Remus had no one to talk to about this, and sitting in a lonely white bed had reminded him of it.
No James. No Lily.
No Sirius. No Marlene.
No Peter. No Dorcas.
No Mary.
He had no one. Except (Y/N).
Oh what an idiot he is.
Remus had let his anger get the best of him. He had yelled at his favorite girl and basically told her to fuck off. What a dick he is. The fight had began to flood his head, reminding him of how much he screwed up.
He had to go find her.
The werewolf quickly left the hotel, determined to return to where he and (Y/N) were last together.
He ran to the streets and waved his arms haphazardly, aiming to flag down the nearest cab. He stumbled inside the next one that stopped for him and told him the address.
As soon as the cab stopped by his house, Remus gave him money and ran to the door. He took the key from his pocket and unlocked their apartment door. He pushed the door open to a silent living room.
"Hello?" Remus calls out. "(Y/N) are you here?"
The young man began wandering through the apartment, which seemed slightly emptier than usual. His bedroom seemed the most off to him. He couldn't have been away that long, right?
A white envelope sitting against a vase on the night stand had caught his eye. 'Remus' was written on the front in pretty handwriting that he knew belonged to his girlfriend. He opened it up to reveal a letter for him.
He sat on the floor against his bed and began reading it. As he read through it, he felt his heart crumbling to pieces. It felt like everything was hitting him all at once.
I've decided it was time for me to say so long to the place I once called home.
As much as I love this place, London, England, I cannot bear being here anymore. All the memories I've made with everyone will haunt me knowing I've been the unfortunate one who was chosen to be alive out of them.
I'll be leaving the country to go who knows where. Anywhere will be better than here. I think I'd implode if I stayed here any longer.
I've also decided to start clean and leave my wizarding roots behind. As much as I loved being a witch, going to Hogwarts and learning magic, I can't think about it without being reminded of what happened. I don't want my past to follow me around.
I'm sorry I couldn't have done better, Remus. I'll miss you, and I hope your life gets better. Hope you find someone better.
The letter fell from his hands.
Remus couldn't believe it. He had lost the last person in his life that cared for him. His whole world was gone, taken from him.
He stood up and shoved the vase to the ground out of anger, watching it shatter. Water ran across the floor under the broken pieces and ruined flowers.
A wave of emotions hit Remus all at once. He didn't know what to feel. There was nothing he could do to change the past.
Poor young Remus. He was truly alone, forever.
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mo0ns-and-stars · 7 months ago
Listen I need I NEED a they both die at the end Jegulus AU does it exists already? If not can someone pls write it? Or do I have to try myself 🥲
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grangerhater · 2 years ago
pairing : james potter x reader
synopsis : you are drunk at a gryffindor party and you can’t stop thinking about your years long crush on your best friend
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I'm in the midst of a party at the Gryffindor common room. The room is filled with students celebrating the end of the year. I spot James across the room, and my heart flutters. We've been friends since first year at Hogwarts, but I've always had a little crush on him.
As the party rages around me, I can't help but think about James. He's smart, funny, and kind. Plus, he's always been there for me, no matter what. As I watch him talk to a group of students, I feel a lump in my throat. Could he possibly like me too?
As I sit at the party, my head spinning from too many drinks, my thoughts drift back to the first time I felt something for my best friend.
It all began one sunny afternoon in the Gryffindor common room in third year. I was sitting on one of the plush armchairs, engrossed in a book, when James sauntered over, a mischievous glint in his hazel eyes.
I looked up as James approached, immediately noticing his mischievous glint in his hazel eyes. "Hello there" I said with a small smile. I wasn't surprised to see him approach. We'd been friends for years, and it seemed like he was always up to something fun. "What's up?"
Suddenly, James snatched the book out of my hand and ran away. I let out a surprised gasp and sprang to my feet, ready to chase after him. "That was my book!" I exclaimed, laughing as I ran after him out of the common room and down the stairs. This was going to be a fun game of catch, I just knew it.
My heart was pounding as I tried to keep up with James' long stride. "Give me back my book!" I cried, laughing as I tried to close the distance between us. He had a step on me, though, and he was teasingly out of reach.
I felt a pang of frustration as James slowed his pace, just to taunt me. I redoubled my efforts and managed to close the gap, finally grabbing his arm and pulling him to a stop. I was breathless, but victorious. "I got you!" I grinned, clutching my book tightly to my chest.
James laughed, reaching out and gently tickling the underside of my chin with his fingertip, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'll keep the book as ransom until you give me a kiss," he said, raising an eyebrow. I felt my face flush with embarrassment, but I knew that if I wanted my book back, I'd have to play along. So I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, trying to ignore the way his breath caught in his throat.
I pulled away, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks as I waited for James to respond. He was silent for a beat, then he smiled again and handed me my book. "It was worth it," he said, leaning in to whisper in my ear. My heart skipped a beat as I felt the heat of his breath on my neck. He was so close, I could feel his heart pounding against mine. I had to breathe in slowly and clear my head before I could respond.
I nodded nervously, trying to keep my emotions in check. I couldn't deny that there was a spark between us, and this was just the latest in a long string of playful flirtations between us. I wanted to say something clever, to let him know that I felt the same way, but I couldn't seem to find the right words. So I just smiled back and tucked the book under one arm, trying to ignore the flutter in my stomach.
As I sat down at the party, I couldn't help but smile at the memories that were dancing in my head. It seemed like a lifetime ago that James and I were playing games like that in the Gryffindor common room. Now, we were both adults, but I felt the spark between us was just as strong as ever. I looked across the room and spotted James, laughing and surrounded by friends. I felt a small tug at my heart as I thought about all the years that had passed since that day in third year when we played this game of chase.
My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice calling my name. I looked up to see James approaching, a warm smile on his face. He sat down beside me and grabbed my hand, drawing me into a tight hug. "I've missed you" he said softly, leaning his head against mine. I felt the weight of the years drop away as we held each other, the memories of our past and our present colliding in that moment. This was what I had been waiting for all these years, I realized. This was my moment with James, and it was everything I had dreamed of.
As James and I sat together at the party, I couldn't help but think about how perfect the moment was. We had grown up together, shared laughs, secrets, and experiences. We knew each other inside and out, and our connection was undeniable. The years of chasing, flirting, and teasing had finally paid off. Here we were, sitting together at a party, as adults, and my heart was full. I felt happy, comfortable, and at peace, there was no one else I'd rather be spending this moment with.
As the party wound down, James and I found ourselves alone in the common room. The warmth of the night air was tinged with a slight chill, but it was nothing compared to the heat I felt in my heart. We sat together on a comfy couch in the corner of the room, our hands intertwined, just enjoying each other's company. The feeling of his presence felt so familiar, yet new at the same time. I smiled at him, our connection deeper than ever before.
I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his for a brief moment, our eyes still locked on each other. When we parted, there was a spark in James's eyes that made my heart beat faster. I couldn't keep a smile from forming on my lips as he leaned in again for another kiss, his hand still on my arm. This was a moment I would never forget, and I savored every second of our shared affection.
After another moment of tender kisses, James pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. I felt the heat of his body against mine and the smell of his cologne mixed with the scent of his hair. I was so immersed in the moment that I didn't want it to end. As I let out a contented sigh, I felt his hands slip around my waist, pulling me close as his lips met mine for another kiss. No words were necessary. We knew how we felt about each other.
I let myself get lost in the moment, enjoying every second of James's affection. I lost track of the time as we shared another passionate kiss, our hands gently running over each other's bodies. Slowly, I became aware that the common room was beginning to empty and that we might be interrupted at any moment. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was James and I, in each other's arms.
I reluctantly pulled away from James, my breathing still coming in short, irregular breaths. I could barely believe what had just happened between us. The fact that he felt the same way about me and the ease with which we shared our affection, was thrilling. I knew I couldn't keep this moment inside me any longer. "James," I whispered, my hand brushing against his face. "I hope you know how much I've wanted this for so long."
James smiled back at me, his hazel eyes shining in the dim light. "You have no idea," he said, his voice low and rumbling. "Ever since we met, I've dreamed of being with you. I thought one day you'd make your feelings known, but I couldn't wait any longer." He took my hand and pressed it to his chest. "And now, at last, I have you." My heart fluttered as he pulled me closer to him, his arms wrapping around me and his body pressing against mine. The heat between us rose again, and I felt my body responding to his touch.
I let myself relax in James's embrace, my face pressed into his neck. His scent, a mix of cologne and sweat and musk, was intoxicating. I ran my hands over his chest, feeling his warm skin under my fingertips. I wish could stay like this forever.
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sometimes being a lesbian is about reading a fan fiction longer than the bible where harry potters dad and his godfathers brother fall in love during the hunger games so that you can bond with your ex-girlfriends new girlfriend.
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mastermindmiko · 1 year ago
Pairing: James Potter + reader
word count: 2903 (this was actually supposed to be 1k or less, but ig more for you guys)
Summary: You and James are Quidditch rivals. You're Quidditch captain and he's Quidditch captain, it only makes sense, right? But what if there's maybe something else fueling your hatred?
Warnings: Injuries and kissing. Lmk if there's anything else
I wrote this all in one go, 1:30 am so if there's any mistakes please don't mind them, and lmk.
Hey! if you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
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"Hey, Diggory! watch out!" I scream as loudly as I can over the shouts of the crowds, while Amos barely registers my warning before he notices a bludger flying his way. His eyes widen and its only a second before he gets knocked off his broom and down to the ground hurtling at a great speed, with how fast he was going no one was going to be able to catch him.
I hear him thud to the ground and I hear madam Hootch call a time out while I zoom to reach him. I throw my broom to ground and drop to my knees. Amos is moaning on the ground in pain. He's got a hand over his chest, and I can only assume that he has at least a few broken ribs.
Several other players are coming off their brooms to check on the injured player. The rest of my teammates, the Hufflepuff team, come down and fuss over Amos. Madam Promfrey enters the field and shoos everyone from around him. I look around and I notice the person who was the cause of all of this.
"What the hell, Jordan?" I shout and the Gryffindor, who's looking guiltily at Amos while a few of my teammates help lift him up. Jordan opens his mouth to reply, but gets interrupted when someone steps in front of him to reply instead, "Calm down, Y/L/N. That's just the way the game works."
"Shut up, Potter." I say, then turning to madam Hootch, "That's an obvious foul, he's not allowed to do that." madam Hootch doesn't get to say anything before, once again Potter interrupts. I swear to Merlin that boy has no manners. He says, "It's not a foul, that's just the game, and if you don't think you can handle it then just quit."
"Why would I quit when I'm the best damn chaser in this school?"
"You're obviously more of an idiot than I thought you were if you think that you're the best chaser." Potter folds his arms and he looks at me with a smirk, the most annoying one I've ever seen in my whole life, if I might add. I lunge at him, but Amelia holds me back.
Potter only smirks more, and I narrow my eyes at him trying not to scowl. I turn back to whisper something to Smith, my team's beater, "Aim for Potter."
"There will be no aiming for anyone, miss Y/L/N. The match will not be continuing." madam Hootch announces, and my mouth drops at the news and I hear Potter gasp. I ask, "Why not?"
I heard another voice saying the words with me, so I turn to Potter to give him a glare. He only gives me a glare back before we turn to madam Hootch. She sighs, "There are only half the players there are supposed to be in the field. Half of each of you're teams are injured. We'll reschedule the game."
I huff, and madam Hootch puts her wand to her throat to announce the news to the crowds, they all groan in disappointment and start clearing out. I grab my broom from the ground and start marching back into the castle on my way to the hospital wing.
What's left of my team follow me to wing to check up on the rest of the team. Amos has already been put on the bed, and madam Pomfrey is pacing around the room going from one injured Quidditch player to another. I head over to Amos, and ask, "Are you okay?"
"I've been better." He groans, as madam Pomfrey hands him a glass of Skelegro. She tuts as Amos gags on the drink, and she frowns. I cautiously ask, "So, what's the damage?"
"You're not going to be able to play for a month." She says, and I gasp. She continues, "For the past year, every time there's a Hufflepuff and Gryffindor match most of the players end up here with me. Now, I'd expect this behavior from Gryffindors, but you, wouldn't have guessed in a million years."
I feel the guilt starting to fill me. I did push the players to take risks, but I never expected this to go this far. Amos finishes the cup and he nearly gags again before madam Pomfrey shoots him a glare. He says, "Maybe it's time, for the sake of team of course, that you forgive him..."
"No, absolutely not. It's one thing to toy with the team when it comes to Quidditch, but it's another when he manipulates my feelings into doing so." I say, and I head over the other players. I'm checking on Boot's broken leg when I hear the sound of it, the sound of his stupid strutting.
He goes to survey his team and no doubt madam Pomfrey is telling him about the whole not playing for a month thing because I hear his loud gasp from all the way across the hospital wing. I roll my eyes, and Boot gives me a look. I mumble, "Shut up, Boot."
He lifts his arms up, surrendering and then I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I already know who it is, having done this three times already. I shove his arms off me and he pouts, "What's wrong, love? We're off the pitch, shouldn't we put our claws away?"
"Leave, Potter." I say, irritated obviously, and Amos opens his curtain from beside his bed so he's able to see the interaction. Corner does the same thing from the other side of Boot's bed, and despite the look I give to both of them, they keep watching. Potter says, "Why would I do that when you're here?"
His friends, Lupin and Black enter the hospital wing and he lifts up a finger to me, signaling that he'll be back before he goes off to them. I fold my arms over my chest, and I see Boot looking at me. I huff, "What?"
"I heard he just asked her out to make Amos jealous." Boot says, and Amos flushes. This morning, Potter asked out Evans in front of the Great Hall. Half of Hogwarts' population were looking at her for the reply while the other half was looking at me for a reaction. I pretended like nothing of interest was happening, but Amelia already had a supportive hand on my leg. She said yes, and they'll be going out tomorrow.
"Why would I care about that piece of information? You should be taking to Amos he's the one who's got his crush going out on a date." I say, avoiding my teammates' eyes. Boot replies, "Yes, but your crush is the one that asked her out."
"I don't know what you're talking about." I reply and I feel like I've had enough. I did know what he was talking about. Last year, the day before we left for summer break, I spilled about my crush on Potter to Amelia and the girl can't keep her mouth shut for two seconds, shouted it back out loud in the Great Hall. I thought that everyone would forget by the time that we went back to school last september, and almost everyone did.
However, only two days before Quidditch season started, Potter himself, asked me out. I couldn't believe it at first, knowing how much he used to babble on about Evans all the time. Then out of the corner of my eye, I notice a few certain people from the Gryffindor table looking at us eagerly, I recognize those few people as the Quidditch team. Of course, I said no, but I couldn't say that I wasn't hurt.
Croner's injury was in his shoulder and since he could eavesdrop on us so easily I'd assume that it's fine by now. I head out of the hospital wing, and back to my dorm for a shower.
Without Quidditch practice, I realize that I have a lot more time on my hands. It made me realize how much I suck at my regular subjects. I wasn't planning on using them anyway, I wanted to be a professional Quidditch player, so acing charms wasn't really on my agenda. I had a quiz tomorrow and when I finally lost hope of passing, I went to my favorite place, the kitchens.
The elves were always so nice and eager to please. The place was just a few steps away from my common room which meant that I could go whenever I want and not having to worry about getting caught by any Prefects.
I was eating a muffin while doodling some plays that might be beneficial for when we get back to playing. The door opens and Wigby rushes to greet whoever came. To my displeasure, Potter enters. He beams when he sees me, and I groan at his horribly disguised acting, as if he'd want to actually see me without an ulterior motive.
"What you've got there?" he asks, looking down at my paper, and I flip it over quickly, remembering that these are the team's plays. I huff, "None of your business, and what are you doing here anyways, it's after curfew."
"I could ask you the same thing." He says, and I roll my eyes when he hops on the counter beside me. I look away from him, but I can feel his gaze burning the side of my neck. He asks, "What would you recommend? You seem to be here a lot."
"I recommend you getting out." I say, and he chuckles at my reply though I don't get what's funny. Wigby comes to me and asks, "Do you need another muffin miss?"
"Yes Wigby that would be great." I smile and she turns to Potter and he says, "I'll have one of the muffins that she's having."
"Shouldn't you go to bed? You must be tired" I say before I can stop myself, as soon as Wigby leaves. He looks confused, and he scrunches up his face the way he always does when he's confused, it's the look he has all throughout potions. He asks, "Why would I be tired?"
"Because you had a date this morning." I reply like it's obvious and finally look at him. He chuckles and then shakes his head. Wigby hands over the muffins in a plate and he grabs one before saying, "Oh no, I didn't. Lily just wanted me to ask her out to make Diggory jealous."
So Boot was right, he's always the one who has all the gossip. I grab a bite swallow slowly, and then say, "Oh, well, I'm sorry."
"Because you like her, it mustn't feel good to help her get another guy." I explain and I look away from him. He gulps down the rest of the muffin and I wonder how he can eat so fast. He clears his throat, "Lily? No, I don't like her, not anymore. I was just trying to get back in her good graces after last year..."
He trails off and I already know what he's talking about. At the end of fifth year, Potter, Black, Lupin and Snape got into a big fight, and Lily got caught in the crossfire. It's all everyone talked about for days.
I don't say anything because I don't know what to say. There's a silence between us that I can't pinpoint if it's heavy or comfortable. He shuffles beside me, before he asks, "Now that we won't be playing for a while, would you like to go out with me?"
My blood goes cold, and I lose my appetite. I place my half eaten muffin back on the plate and I brush off the crumbs from my hands and jeans. I mumble, "I can't believe this."
"What?" He asks, confused again. I hop off of the kitchen island and I thank Widgby. I make my way to the door. He rushes after me and says, "Where are you going?"
"Away from you." I say, and I shut the door behind me, he catches it before it closes and he follows me. Maybe I can reach the common room before he does anything as audacious. He asks, "Why? I just asked a question-well technically two, but-"
"Why couldn't you just drop this?" I stop in my tracks, and turn to him with a glare. He stops as well and looks at me shocked. I have my finger lifted to his chest accusingly and he asks, "Drop what?"
"Acting as if you like me, when you're just trying to use me for Quidditch." I say, and he looks confused again. Merlin, he is not a good actor. I continue, "It's one thing to use your pranks to sabotage the team, but it's another to try and use my feelings as a means to get to that."
"I'm not-"
I scoff, and I don't let him finish before I storm off again. He jogs after me and attaches a hand to my wrist to stop me from going. He reasons, "I would never use anyone's feelings like that. I actually want to go out with you-"
"Please, and those feelings suddenly appeared for the first time two days before Quidditch season." I say, and he has that look in his eye look all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. He says, "So that's why you said no- I- I didn't even notice that Quidditch season was starting- well I did, but not in a way that correlates to me asking you out."
"It just took me so long to pluck up the courage to ask you out-"
"So I guess that's why you're whole team was looking at us." I say with anger. He stays calm and explains, "They all knew I liked you, that's why they were looking, they wanted to see how it would go."
"You really think I'm that stupid to believe this." I huff, and shove my arm out of his grip. I started walking away, and I feel relief as I see the common room getting closer and closer. He shouts while still walking faster to get to me, "I really do like you."
"Bullshit!" I shout, before he once again, grabs my wrist to hold me close to him. I only get a second to register what's going on before he pulls me close to his chest and crashes his lips to mine. He cups my face and holds me. My hands stay at my sides while my heart races.
He breaks away when he realizes that I wasn't reciprocating the kiss. He puts his arms down. He sighs then says, "I promise I wouldn't ever use your feelings against you like that. I like you."
He looks sincere. I don't say anything, and I see his cheeks turn a tinge of pink. In a way, he looks sort of defeated and maybe that's what makes me believe him. He stutters, "I'm sorry that I kissed you like that-"
I stand up on tip toes and reach up to wrap my arms around his neck. I cut him off by placing my lips on his. He doesn't waste a second in placing both hands on my waist. He pulls me flush against him, and for a split second I feel like I might faint from how fast my heart is going.
A bright light flashing into my eye, causes me to break away from him. Two prefects are looking at us with shocked expressions. I try to move away from James, but he pulls me closer. I acknowledge that this is how it's going to be like from now on. One of them turns to the other and says, "I told you I heard something."
The other one rolls his eyes and lowers his wand that was blinding me. He sighs, "You two have detention tomorrow, now, go to your common rooms."
I sit at the table for breakfast and already start piling food into my plate, I wasn't ready to fail today's quiz at all, and I definitely wasn't ready for my detention. I start munching on some of my eggs and that's when I see my teammates all looking at me with identical smirks.
I swallow my food and look at them all, weirded out by the fact they were watching me. I ask, "What's made me so interesting all of a sudden?"
"Boot said that he heard that you've got detention tonight." Amelia starts, and everyone's grins widen when I nod my head. Boot himself continued this time, "I heard it's because you were out after curfew snogging Potter."
I flush and pick at my food with a fork. Where does Boot get all this information from. Amos points a finger to my face and teases, "Oh, Look! She's blushing."
I wonder if I can kick Amos off the team right now, I'm sure that I'll find a better seeker somewhere else in Hufflepuff. I scowl at him and blush more. I stutter, "You need to find a new way to get information because that's a complete lie. I wouldn't-"
Luck is always on my side because just at that moment someone slides between me and Amelia, wrapping and arm around my shoulder. Making my friends' grins wider. James presses a kiss to my cheek and says, "Good morning, love."
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haystarlight · 1 year ago
I love how, as much as she messes with every single other time period in the hpverse, JKR doesn't seem to want to even get close to the Marauders. She touches Harry, his kids, young Dumbledore, Tom Riddle's family, the founders, etc. but it looks like she wouldn't touch the Marauders with a ten foot pole.
Allowing the fandom to fill in all the blanks to the point that that side of the fandom has created it's own mythology and headcanons so much that it's completely divorced from canon at this point. Half the stuff that comes out of there not even remotely canon compliant. They're not even hp characters anymore, just ocs with the same name as hp characters like
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eastwindmlk · 11 months ago
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Written for @jilymicrofics prompt: Care, Feb 3rd
A little @jilymicro-oops at 1849 words
Companion to Put on Bed Rest
Lily was never one for the cold; she disliked the way it crept into your very bones, the way it would bite at everything that was left exposed. And after a particularly nasty cold, courtesy of James Potter stuffing a snowball down her shirt—something for which he had apologised profusely and she had, in turn, pushed him into the lake over once the frost had thawed. She had learned to stay away from snowball fights. 
Even with James having caught something himself, she was not going to risk it. After a quiet stroll through the snow, she avoided the rumbustious crowd and left before they could spot her. Having retrieved herself a flask of hot chocolate from the kitchens, which she had every intention of spiking with some cherry liqueur her father had brought back from his trip to Austria, she made her way back to her bed. She planned on sitting down and devouring one of Hestia’s harlequin romances. 
She’d promised her that this one was particularly steamy, and that was just what she needed right now. Even if she would not admit it aloud, having been in such close proximity with James, who is patient, clever, responsible, and disgustingly handsome, she needed something to distract her from her own romantic mishaps. 
She had the hope that the whiles of Lucy Brown and her handsome doctor, Travis Walsh, would distract her from her own pathetic predicament. Maybe she’d even got to work off some of that tension that had been brewing just under the surface. 
Or not. 
Lily could see him sitting in the window the moment she pushed through the portrait hole. The same spot he always used when he wanted to be melodramatic and mope. It was where they would find him after a particularly poor quidditch practice. 
It was reserved for the little moments. Things that could easily be fixed, but he just wanted to commiserate. The spot was also notably empty after bigger disappointments. Like lost games or particularly poor news days. She’d learned those were days he would linger at the pitch. He would find somewhere up high to think. 
The redhead considered brushing past him, letting him wallow in his self-pity. Only to hear him sniffle and feel the overwhelming need to comfort him. She could hardly let him sit there like that, right? At the very least, she should check. She told herself, and before she knew it, she had said his name. “Potter?” she’d asked quietly. 
He turned around, his eyes watery and his skin clammy-looking. He looked like he should be in bed, not sitting around trying to read. Her hand darted out, her fingers brushing his forehead. He was burning up. Great. “You really should go to the hospital wing,” she informed him, worried that he might actually collapse not long from now. 
“I’m fine, Evans,” he protested, the words followed by a coughing fit. He was not fine; he was so much not fine that his usual easy smile looked more like a grimace than anything. He genuinely looked like he was in some sort of pain, and Lily resigned herself to taking him to bed.
If he was not going down to the hospital wing, he should at least be lying down. Which was the least she could do, she supposed. Make sure that James lays down and does not injure himself further sitting here. Once he was tucked in, she could resume her afternoon as planned. 
“Back to bed with you,” she ordered, jerking her thumb in the direction of the girls’ dorm. A mistake likely made out of habit. A mistake she did not realise she'd made until he'd managed to get up with a lot of huffing and groaning—his muscles stiff from either the cold or the flu he was nursing. And she barrelled past her, up to the girls' dormitories. The precise direction she had directed him in.
Lily watched, expecting the stairs to sound the alarm and send him sliding down on his arse at any moment now. Only when he made it to the curve in the spiral did she realise that he now had Head Boy privileges. He was not going to be barred from the girls' dorms, and panic struck here. Wondering in what state they'd left their room this morning. 
She dreaded the possibilities. There were plenty of embarrassing artefacts that James could find. Not just around her bed; he wouldn't even know which one was hers. But that did not mean he needed to stumble onto Marlene's knickers or Hestia's collection of raunchy novellas. Bounding up the stairs after him, her hands reached to grip onto his shirt, which caused him to stall and sway, leaving her space to push past him near the last step. 
“Oh no, you are not going in there! No, sir!” Lily protested, placing herself in his path to block the door to her dorm. But he still reached past her to the door handle. This close, she could feel his fever burning through her thick coat, see the sheen of sweat on his forehead, and see the bleary-eyed look behind his glasses. 
James gripped the handle, swaying into her dangerously, and she knew that he would not make it back down the stairs without risking a nasty fall. Never mind making it up the stairs to his own bed. “Fucking hell, Potter. You are really not leaving me any choice, are you?” Lily complained through gritted teeth, her arms wrapping around his middle as he staggered into her. 
She locked her knees as his full weight came down on her, even if it was just for a moment, until he got his footing back. Just don’t mind the mess, alright.” She pushed his hair back, her hand slick with sweat. The door opened, and they were hit with an overwhelming wave of lavender and eucalyptus, undoubtedly Marlene having spelled it up after endless complaints about the smell of her gear. Or maybe Dorcas, who had been complaining about the smell of their soggy boots that morning. 
Whoever it was had overdone it, big time. 
Lily blinked as her nose was assaulted. James started coughing, bending over her, and making her grunt at the added weight. Half carrying, half dragging him across the room. Just wanting to get him into a bed now. Once her hands were free, she could dispel the charm. 
“You have the same bed,” he remarked, barely able to breathe but no longer coughing. 
Letting James collapse into her bed, she quickly kicked yesterday's underwear under the bed before reprimanding him, "Catch your breath before offering commentary.” She gave him a stern look before shrugging off her coat and draping it over her trunk. She was about to ask about his remarks. Effidently, they'd picked the same spot in the dorm during their first year. It almost seemed like fate. 
Something was enticing about the look of James Potter in her bed; she thought she was going to be having regardless. However, she supposed he would be sweaty for different reasons. A thought shook from her mind when James remarked, “Your dorm is a lot nicer than mine.” His eyes caught hers with a tired smile. "Smells better too, once you've got used to it." 
Lily couldn't help but laugh, a little too enthusiastic. When she snorted, Lily wanted nothing more than the floorboards to swallow her up. Hand clamping over her mouth in fear of a repeat, her cheeks warming up in embarrassment. “That is because Marlene’s Quidditch gear isn’t here,” she told him with a roll of her eyes. “You should smell it then.” Hopefully, the little jest could distract him from her little inelegant moment.
She let him recover from the laughter while she dug through her bedside table, certain that her mother had sent her a jar of Vicks. Something that she thought might help him. 
“That might be the problem.” He sniffed. "Too much quidditch gear," he groaned, his fingers pressing into his temples just as she found the little dark blue jar. Holding it out triumphantly, only to realise that James would have no clue what it was or what it might do. Still, she sat on the bed and fixed his collar. 
"Can I? It'll help," she promised, already reaching to pull his shirt up, doing her utmost not to be too distracted by the underneath. Waiting for his permission before pushing the fabric up. Exposing his chest. She kept her face down, hiding her flush, as she carefully rubbed the balm into his chest. Only pausing to feel his heart race under her touch. Biting back a smile. 
Then he was right there, having pushed himself up to get closer to her. His teeth caught onto his lip, sure that this was it. He was going to kiss her, and she would let him. She would love that; it would have been perfect. Like a moment in one of her books. 
As quickly as that moment had come, his heat faded, making her chase it without thinking. Still chasing his lips, wanting that kiss. The enchantment broke when she nearly toppled forward. She had to catch herself on the pillow beside him, draw a shallow breath, and blink back to reality. 
Lily scrambled for what to say, cursing herself for blushing this easily. Or rather, that James could make her blush this easily; no one else seemed to have quite the same knack for it. “Um- I. Can you turn around?” Moving things along, the question made her hesitate long enough for her to explain. “I need to do your back, too.”
“Right, of course,” he stammered, twisting for her to be able to reach over. Her body pressed into his. Carefully repeating the process, she was unable to stop herself from admiring the sculpted back. Her fingers were absentmindedly gliding along his spine. He resists the urge to let her fingers walk along his ribs. She was likely already making him suspicious. 
Pushing herself off the bed, she announced, “All done!" She needed a moment to compose herself as she replaced the jar on her bedside table. “I suggest you take a nap. Let it do its work.”
It would give her a little time to work through all the thoughts and feelings she had surrounding having him in her bed. She moved away to sit down on her trunk, giving him the space to get some rest, when his hand caught her wrist. Making her heart sputter. Letting herself be pulled into him. “Will you be here when I wake up?”
'Damn you, Potter!' She wanted to curse, but she did not trust her voice to be even. Just a moment and a very few breaths to compose herself were all she needed. So, in response, Lily leaned down and pressed a kiss on his forehead. She felt the fever burn through him. All he could do now was rest, and she would let him. 
“Sweet dreams, James," she told him, offering a smile that he would not see as his eyes drooped closed. 
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mallowsweetmiri · 10 months ago
Boyfriend!Remus Lupin but your cycles sync up
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amourane · 1 year ago
HIHI I WAS READING ONE OF YOUR FICS WHEN I CAME ACROSS YOUR BLOG AND WOW YOU WRITE SUPER GOOD. And I wanted to send in a request if that’s cool with you! here I go!
Could I request Sirius Black with a Male! (or GN! I prefer a male reader if that’s fine!) S/O who’s very tall and is really popular around the school? bonus if they dress in alternative and emo/scene clothing ? maybe for starters, the reader likes sirius a lot and they buy him drinks, snacks, etc bc they don’t rlly know how to tell him that they like him? and then confesses randomly during one of their little hang out sessions ??
I understand if you can’t do this or anything, feel free to decline this if you’d like! thank you so much and have a good day/or night.
and what if i do?
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pairing: sirius black x gn!reader
genre: fluff!
w/c: 1k
summary: you and sirius black were enamoured by one another and everyone was just waiting for you to admit it.
warnings: none!
a/n: thank you so so much for the request! i tried to write it the best as i could, i hope you enjoy <3
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There were many things that piqued Sirius Black’s interest but you were the most important. He didn’t know why he felt so drawn to you. Maybe it was the way your hair fell in your eyes or the way your laugh seemed to echo off every wall in the room or maybe it was the way whenever you looked at him he felt his cheeks flush a subtle pink. Whatever it was it drew him towards you as if he was a moth to a flame.
Sirius Black didn’t get crushes often but when he did fall he fell hard and that’s exactly what happened. He had approached you with the notion of copying some of your notes for Charms at first but when he saw the way your lips curved into that dreamy smile he forgot what he was going to say. 
There weren’t many times he went speechless yet whenever he was confronted with you nothing but a spew of incoherent mumbles would slip out of his mouth before he would disappear from embarrassment. His friends had teased him relentlessly at his newfound crush, mocking the way he would turn into a blithering idiot in front of you.
Unbeknownst to Sirius you had just a big of a crush. Every time he approached you you couldn’t help the grin that would tug at your lips. You had fancied him for a while and it made butterflies shoot in your stomach whenever his cheeks would dust in that pretty pink shade. 
You wouldn’t consider yourself popular by any means yet the majority of Hogwarts begged to differ. You never knew why so many people liked you but you guessed you drew attention to yourself in the best way possible. Your friends had tried to get you to understand the influence you had but you often found yourself zoning out to think about a certain boy instead.
It wasn’t long before Sirius finally mustered up the courage to talk to you without stumbling over his words. You simply watched the curly headed boy nervously try and initiate a conversation, a smile playing at your lips. It was out of character for the Sirius Black to act this way but you enjoyed it.
From then on a friendship blossomed. The two of you bonded over late night conversations and shared interests. The attraction between the two of you only grew stronger and everyone in Hogwarts knew about the mutual feelings you both had for each other, everyone but you and Sirius it seemed. 
It was in the late hours in the evening that you bumped into Sirius Black alone. You had been aimlessly walking back to your dorm after a study session in the library when you turned the corner to meet the face of the Gryffindor. 
“Hey Y/n, mind if I join you?” Sirius greeted you with a smile and the familiar expression made your heart flutter.
You couldn't help but return the smile, the corners of your mouth curling upwards. "Not at all. What brings you wandering the halls at this hour?"
He shrugged casually, falling into step beside you. "Just needed a break from the chaos. James was plotting another disastrous way to get Evans’ attention and I really couldn’t take anymore of his ranting. Plus, I figured I might bump into you." He threw you a flirty wink and you felt your own face heat up.
In the few weeks that you had known each other Sirius Black had definitely warmed up to you. Gone was the nervous nature, now replaced with a more flirty, more playful Sirius Black. Not that you minded of course. 
“Well it’s good that you did. I’ve been meaning to give you something.” You produced a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans from the depths of your pocket, holding it out to him with a sheepish grin. "I noticed you like these, so I thought I'd grab you some.”
Sirius accepted your gift with a chuckle. “Merlin Y/n, with all these gifts you’re going to make me think you fancy me or something.”
You didn’t think it was possible to get any hotter. 
It was true. You had been showering Sirius with gifts, from chocolate frogs to bottles of firewhisky. It seemed as though your pockets were endless as you gave him a new present every day with a grin on your face. His reactions were your favourite. The bright smile and twinkling eyes. You loved the way he would look at you and it simply made your heart pound.
It started out when you had planned to ask him out with a bag of fizzing whizzbees in your hand but you chickened out last minute and simply shoved the sweets in his hand before darting away. Ever since then you had bought gifts in hopes that you would eventually tell him how you felt.
“What if I do?” 
The words slipped out of your mouth before you had a chance to even think about what you said. Sirius stilled. It was too late to take the words back now so you might as well go through with it. 
“What if I do fancy you? Would that be a bad thing?”
Sirius’ eyes widened and you saw the way his expression was momentarily caught between shock and disbelief. You held your breath hoping that the pounding of your heart didn’t give you away.
But then, to your relief, a slow grin spread across Sirius' face, his eyes alight with amusement and something else, something deeper and more profound.
"Well, in that case," He said, his voice low and tinged with a hint of mischief, "I suppose I'd have to say I fancy you too."
The world stopped. Your heart leaped in your chest, a surge of euphoria coursing through your veins. A feeling you couldn’t describe consumed you and you felt as though you were dreaming.
“You do?” You croaked out in disbelief still not fully registering what he just said. 
“Of course I do.” Sirius grinned and now you could see the blush that had made its way onto his face. “Godric, how could I not Y/n? You’re smart and funny and just…just really fucking incredible.”
His words allowed warmth to flood into your body and you beamed at him. Without another word, you leaned in, closing the distance between you as your lips met in a sweet and tender kiss. And as you melted into each other's embrace, you knew that you wanted to stay with Sirius Black forever.
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thefearedashantis · 6 months ago
Touch Grass
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: Reader makes Remus stand barefoot in grass to help his chronic pain
Warning: its pretty short
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"Is this really necessary?"
You step into the grass with a frown “didn’t you say you were having a flare-up?”
“Then yes, it’s necessary.”
You and Remus have only been living in this house for a few months. It fell on the more expensive side of what you could afford, but you'd both agreed to cut back on a few luxuries until you developed a suitable spending cushion.
You'd chosen it because it was the only spot you'd viewed that really had your sole requirement. A yard. Even if only a measly few feet of it.
You thrived off being outside. A few minutes of sunlight and fresh air a day were enough to breeze you through a rough week. Sometimes, you would even retreat out here for hours at a time to just stare at the sky and listen to music. Falling asleep on more than one occasion.
All you had to do now was convince your indoorsy boyfriend just how beneficial the investment could be for him as well.
It's a beautiful day.
A perfectly clear blue sky. The neighbourhood in a lull as afternoon sweeps in. Signs of life drift over your high fence, allowing you to imagine what you couldn't physically see. Muffled chatter from a television, someone watching old reruns. The smell of freshly baked pastries, an oven timer chiming. The squeals and giggles of a child echoed by the rowdy grumble of a dog. That in particular was a sound you heard quite often these days. The people that lived directly beside you had a young son who relished in terrorizing their new Golden.
A gentle touch presses into your hip, startling you.
You turn to face Remus and almost break out into tears at the sight of him, already feeling guilty for forcing him off the couch.
He looks so frail for such an otherwise tall, imposing boy. Dark hair sticks to his damp forehead, sweater haphazardly thrown over his drooping shoulders. His skin is washed, cracked lips melded together in a grimace, and eyes glassy where they stare at you. Heavy lidded. He sways on bare feet. Fingers bunch into the fabric of your shirt and pull taught. You stumble a step at his grip.
Reaching out, your arms circle his waist “Here, lean on me." He's slumping forward before you've even finished offering. His face settles into the space between your neck and shoulder. He inhales deeply, suppressing a groan only for your benefit. With a sharp intake of air, he rubs his nose into your skin, allowing the next bellow of pain to slip free. The grisly sound of his teeth grinding makes your heart clench.
You're such a horrible person.
"Only for a few minutes Rem," you promise, sliding your hand into his hair to massage his scalp. He's putting much more weight on you than he usually allows. You have to lock your knees to steady you both.
“I'm burning” Remus complains.
You squint up at the sun. There's no cloud cover to protect you from its battering rays. "Sunlight is good for you." He'd been shut away in the house all week, with the curtains closed.
"Not if I end up with skin cancer."
You remind him of the sunscreen you'd so lovingly slathered on him prior to your journey outside. The citrusy aroma of it lingers on him. "The spf was pretty high."
This doesn't seem to appease him. Warm breath billows across the front of your face as Remus shifts to your other shoulder, hiding himself from direct contact. He does feel pretty warm. Overheating wouldn't do his exhausted body any good.
Tapping him twice, you try to dislodge your intertwined limbs. "I'll get you a hat." Some water as well. He could rest on the porch steps until you get back. You wait a beat for Remus to let go, and when he doesn't, tap him again.
"I'm fine like this," he mumbles, kissing the hollow of your throat lightly
You ask if he's sure but receive no response.
The two of you stand in the centre of your yard in comfortable silence for the next few minutes. Occasionally, Remus will groan and rearrange himself, to which you can provide little comfort other than a firm rub on the back. You don't want to disturb him, so you keep busy by wiggling your toes in the grass. It rained last night, the soil still damp. The cool ground feels good.
After a while, Remus eases some of his weight. Leaning up, he bumps your foreheads together. Cheek to Cheek, he rests his lips against your ear, sending a pleasant jolt down your spine. He whispers, "So what's the science behind this?"
"Well, it's called grounding." As soon as you say it, you feel stupid.
Remus has dealt with chronic pain for as long as you've known him. Has tried every remedy there was. Who were you to think you'd found all the answers from one of your silly little deep dives.
Your palms start to get clammy. How could you explain to him that you were forcing him into discomfort to satisfy your own curiosities.
"Go on, don't get shy now." Remus can feel the sudden tension in your posture. Pressing in closer, he virtually fuses your bodies together.
"Imagine your body is like a phone," you start. "You have to recharge it regularly for it to work properly. Grounding is like plugging your phone, yourself, in. When you do it, you connect your body to the electrical energy of the Earth. Simple things like walking barefoot on grass or leaning against a tree or deep breaths of fresh air can rejuvenate you." And just to sound like you have some sort of good reasoning you tack on "Its supposed to be anti-inflammatory." At least that's what every nature healing blog you'd read claimed.
Remus remains quiet as if he's waiting for you to say more. Your nerves fizzle with embarrassment.
"Is it working?" You wonder aloud, more to yourself than anything.
Remus tips the two of you side to side with a long hum. Nimble fingers play at the edge of your top, gliding upwards to push at the pluff of your tummy. "I'm not sure, but you’re soft."
You struggle to contain a giggle when they slide even higher. Up and up until they brush along the underside of your chest.
Yanking his hands down, you nip at his chin. "A few more minutes, and then we’ll go inside." Maybe you'd even reward him for not laughing outright at your idea.
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My back hurts - XoXo Jermaine
divider: @plutism
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siriuslynettey · 7 months ago
Sirius Comforting Remus After A Bad Full Moon
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As the perfectly circled bright moon in the sky started to set, and the sun began to rise, Remus’s human form had fully reappeared.
Tonight was a particularly bad night, one he could feel coming from a mile away, therefore, he had asked his friends if Sirius could be the sole one to comfort him tonight.
Sirius had already exited his animagus form and sat next to Remus, who lay in the bed that sat in The Shrieking Shack, unconscious from the intensity of the night.
“S..si-…” Remus incoherently mumbled as Sirius softly ran his fingers through his hair.
“It’s okay, it’s morning. It’s Over. The full moon is over.” Sirius reassured him.
“But it’s not over…..it’s forever….I’ll be doing this every thirty days, forever,” Remus turned his head from Sirius, tears beginning to weakly run from his eyes. “It will never be over…and I’m so tired.”
“But I’ll be here, each time,” Sirius took his hand and turned Remus’ face towards him, wiping some of his flowing tears away. “Forever.”
[And after Sirius is sent to Azkaban, his biggest stress/regret is not being with Remus, but he stares at the moon every single night, hoping Remus is too.]
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exhaustedcatte · 1 year ago
Happy Moony Day!
Lily Evans brandished her camcorder. Her father had shelled out a big sum after she’d gotten the wizard equivalent of an A* in her OWLs for her to buy whatever she wished.
“That a camera, Evans?” Sirius Black asked, prodding the lens with inky fingers.
“Don’t dirty it!” she snapped. “Yes, it’s a camera.”
“Ooh, Moony’s is differ–”
“That’s because I can record videos on here, Black.”
The portrait swung open, screaming garishly at—oh, it was Potter. She shared the Speared Knight’s sentiments. He was walking towards Sirius, sweaty from Quidditch but still in the sweat-soaked uniform. Couldn’t he shower in the stalls like everyone else? No, he had to parade his lean arms in the tight uniform. Yuck.
“–record for his birthday?”
“What was that?”
Sirius looked back, saw James taking two stairs at a time to their dorm. Watched Lily’s eyes tracking him and grinned.
“Alright,” she cleared her throat. “What is Remus to you Marauders?”
“Uncouth little bastard, he is! I got detention for the tickling hex he used on Flitwick, y’know?” Sirius said cheerfully. James shoved him. Peter lurched over the arm on Sirius’ left. Why they insisted on smushing themselves in one sofa, she didn’t want to know.
“What Mr Padfoot means to say,” James cut in pointedly, “is that Moony, my dear Moonman, is the sparkling Brains behind some–”
Peter coughed. Sirius slapped his back heartily.
James glared at the pair, “–most of our elaborate pranks. Padfoot and I haven’t got the patience, Pete too, but you know our Remus, he has the patience of ten saints. He’s our devious schemer.”
Lily hid a smile behind the flipped out screen of her camera. “He’s the people’s favourite though.”
“Ours too,” Sirius said matter-of-factly. James and Peter made googly-eyes at him, and Sirius scoffed, ears blushing.
Lily was cursed with ample curiosity, which was clawing up her throat.
Peter scratched his chin. “Moony is like the Backbone. He’s the the framework of our group. He’s not like Prongs, he can’t make everyone talk about their problems–”
“Aw,” James cooed loudly. “God knows he doesn’t discuss his own problems,” Sirius muttered.
“–and he isn’t everyone’s problem like Padfoot,” Peter grinned at Sirius’ hand-on-chest-betrayed face. “Moony helps you appreciate silence. He knows when to prod, when to hold back. And he also guides us through schoolwork even if he’s busy.”
Lily knew Peter meant himself in that misleading blanket statement but neither James nor Sirius corrected him. She found herself a bit touched.
“He’s amazing. He’s so steady and dependable, like. So generous too, I’d have died in our dorm two weeks into first year if not for him, actually.”
“Oh yes, we brewed that–” James’ eyes glinted with nostalgia.
Lily interjected immediately, “Sirius?”
“He’s our favourite,” he said, but his eyes were too clear, cheeks too pink.
They crowded the frame messily, “Happy birthday Moony! We love you!”
Sirius approached her later that evening when the common room was sparse. “Mind doing my bit solo?”
Lily shrugged, interested. “Sure.” She got it ready and pointed the lens at Sirius’ handsome face.
“Moony is the bravest person in Gryffindor.”
She’d heard this before. She’s not sure why it is, but she knew the three of them agreed on this unanimously.
“I know he’s the brain and the bones, but he’s also the Heart. James could just as easily be the Bones, I could be the Brain,” Sirius winked. “But we’re both too much of twats to be the Heart, Pete also. But Remus is–he’s so Good.”
Lily was shocked at the sincerity in Black’s voice. “Oh?”
“He’s been through a lot, our Moony, but as tender as our human hearts are, as much as they bruise, he just keeps on doing, fighting. He’s gentle in a way I haven’t learnt, kind in a way James has tried to emulate, hardworking in a way Peter tries to copy.
“Remus is my very core. He’s most of what’s good about me,” Sirius said.
She didn’t know if he realised the change from Our to My. She didn’t comment.
“James is my brother and Peter’s friendship is means everything, but Remus is a Very Important person to me,” he said quietly. “We love him so dearly.”
Lily offered an encouraging nod.
Sirius looked at the camera, no, behind it, and beamed. “Happy birthday Moony, be happy always.”
Remus walked into the frame, and Lily’s camera shook. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
It takes strength to be gentle and kind – The Smiths
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