#sirens 1x05
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beautyallaroundus25 · 18 days ago
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kajaono · 1 year ago
Ben and Maddie trying to have sex and being always interrupted by a third person is not really subtle storytelling but I love it
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cometsandstardust · 9 months ago
Assigning Elements of Supernatural to the 14 Fear Entities of the Magnus Archives
(inspired by a conversation with @rosalineandrosemary while i forced her to watch doctor who)
the buried:
- dean waking up in a coffin and crawling his way out of the dirt
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- 1x03 - dead in the water (specifically them all dying via drowning)
- 4x21 - when the levee breaks (being contained in a small space over a period of time)
- also can fit into the spiral or the web since sam is essentially detoxing and facing the mental repercussions
- 3x06 - red sky at morning (more drowning)
the corruption:
- 1x08 - bugs (obviously)
- lucifer’s affect on vince vincente’s body
- pestilence
- the toll of the trials on sam
the dark:
- any instance of the empty
- pamela being blinded by castiel
- any instance of the darkness
- eyes being gouged out in 1x05
the desolation:
- mary and jessica’s deaths
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- burning of bodies
- burning off sam’s tattoo
the end:
- the apocalypse(s) (duh)
- would also fit into extinction but i’m not including it
- any time anyone dies
- the entirety of s3, where sam is trying to save dean
- death and the reapers
the eye:
- the supernatural books
- 1x05 - bloody mary (the knowing of secrets)
- sam’s research - “so get this”
- men of letters library
- sam’s psychic visions
the flesh:
- cutting of hands for blood
- 4x04 - metamorphosis
- levithan-infected food
- 9x13 - the purge
- sam coughing up blood during the trials
the hunt:
- demon!dean
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- soulless!sam
- mark of cain
- sam and dean are both followers but not necessarily avatars
- werewolves and vampires
the lonely:
- the empty again
- also heaven
- sam and dean’s long drives on empty roads
- any angel (“things that appear human but don’t have any personality to them”)
the slaughter:
- sam being hunted through the bunker by demon!dean
- end world
- apocalypse world
- 8x06 - southern comfort
- war
the spiral:
- mystery spot (that needs no explanation)
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- sam’s hallucinations of lucifer
- any instance of time travel (?)
- jesse the antichrist (5x06)
- gabriel would absolutely be an avatar of the spiral
the stranger:
- any instance of possession (gadreel, lucifer, apocalypse!michael, etc.)
- anything with shapeshifters and leviathans
- anything with clowns
- 2x20 - what is and what should never be
- 4x02 - are you there, god? it’s me, dean winchester
- sirens
- 4x17 - it’s a terrible life
- 5x05 - fallen idols
- 5x12 - swap meat
- 5x15 - dead men don’t wear plaid
- also fits with the flesh when they go rabid at the end but more so the stranger
- 10x11 - there’s no place like home
- 12x05 - the one you’ve been waiting for
- all of the apocalypse world doppelgängers
- any instance of someone being without a soul
the vast:
- dean’s fear of flying
- the empty yet again
- 1x04 - phantom traveler
- 11x14 - the vessel
- adam and sam falling into the cage
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the web:
- 2x05 - simon said
- 4x18 - the monster at the end of this book
- specifically chuck’s whole thing
feel free to reblog/reply and add your input or ideas
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amuseoffyre · 1 year ago
I did a thread on the bird site last night about Ed's world being so tied up in sea/water analogies and connections but realised I didn't put together a full list of the references I can remember off the top of my head. Now, I will attempt to do so.
Before I get into the details, there's also recurring symbolism of Ed standing between two worlds and this is reflected in the above/below of the sea but also the tidelines/shore/docks as a place where land and sea meet and overlap.
There's a lot happening.
"treading water, waiting to drown" (1x03)
"Be a lighthouse" / "cracking up on the rocks" (1x04)
throwing unwanted people/hopes/dreams/fears into the sea (1x05, 1x10, 2x02, 2x03, 2x07)
the dock and lighthouse in his flashback to his father's death - the first sea versus land metaphor, where the horror rises from beneath the surface (1x06)
"something stirring in the brine" (1x06)
"plumb the depths" / sirens and krakens (1x06) being the thing to trigger a breakdown
"Edward Teach, born on a beach" (1x09)
the kiss happening on the shoreline (1x09)
the abandonment happening on a dock (1x09)
marooning the crew on a sandbar - a temporary island, which is what Stede and his crew were for him (1x10)
"sunshine one moment, cataracts the next" (2x02)
his purgatory begins with him waking at the high tideline - a symbolic meeting point between the land and the sea (2x03)
collecting paua on the beach with ties back to his mother (2x03)
"Jeff's Inn by the Sea" - another place on the edge of land and sea (2x03)
reveal about the Gravy Basket while standing on the shore (2x03)
becoming the cataract - the chaotic surge falling over a cliff and full submersion in the sea as a way to end his life (2x03)
mer!Stede - a creature of both land and sea who can be there with him when he's in his dark watery doom (2x03)
"caught in his whirlpool" (2x04)
"hanging out on this ladder" - again somewhere between the sea and the safety of the safe space ship (2x05)
"Man against beast - I'm the man and the beast was beneath the sea" (2x05)
"we're the fish, I think" (2x05)
"storm's coming but I just can't see it" tied in with flashbacks and a shot with a 50-50 split of sky and sea (2x06)
another abandonment that is planned on the dock by the water's edge (2x07)
"pirates and fishermen are nothing alike" - subtext of the entire conversation ties to "you can't catch the fish unless the fish chooses to be caught" (2x05) and Ed is choosing not to be caught and fleeing (2x07)
the opening of 2x08 on the water's edge, away from the sea
reclaiming an identity cast into the sea (2x08)
rising from the waves on the shoreline, a place where he becomes himself instead of trying to split himself into different sides (2x08)
finding one another on a beach - Ed Teach, reborn on a beach (2x08)
choosing to leave the sea and make a home on the line where the land meets the sea (2x08)
I love the symbolism of a man who has spent his life trying to be this *or* that realising that he can become this *and* that. Blurring the lines, moving away from the binary rules.
He can be both land and sea. He can be both Ed and Blackbeard. He can have leather and silk. He can be strong and soft. He can be the big spoon and the little spoon. He can have it all :)
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highfunctioningflailgirl · 1 year ago
Damage Control: 1x05 Bloody Mary
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Dean’s used to wiping blood from his face - and from his little brother’s. He doesn’t know how many nosebleeds he’s stemmed or how often he’s dabbed at cuts and gashes. It doesn’t faze him anymore. But bleeding from their eyes? - That’s a new one.
They’re not really injured. Or at least Dean isn’t. He can still feel pressure in his sinuses and his head hurts a bit, but that skull-splitting pain is gone, and his vision has cleared. Sam seems a bit worse for wear. He’s unsteady on his feet, and Dean slings one arm around his waist to support him on their way out.
They stumble out of the antiquities store, past the cops Dean knocked out. One of them is beginning to stir, and Dean hurries to bundle a still-dazed Sam into the passenger seat of the Impala. He floors the gas pedal after sliding behind the wheel and starting the car. The engine roars, and pebbles spray, tires leaving rubber on the concrete as they speed away.
“You okay?” Dean asks Sam, who looks a little pale underneath all that blood on his face.
“Yeah,” Sam says, relatively convincingly. “Just a headache.”
“Me too.”
Keeping his ears pricked for police sirens, Dean slows down after a few blocks. They don’t need to draw any attention, and getting stopped for speeding would be a bad idea, looking the way they do.
“Wipe your face,” Dean tells Sam, digging a bandana out of his jacket pocket and handing it to his brother. “You’re a walking bloodbath.”
Sam flips the sunshade down and looks in the mirror. He recoils in disgust. “Ugh.” Wetting the bandana with some spittle, he starts rubbing at the bloody streaks running from his eyes all the way down his cheeks.
“Hey Dean,” he says, scrubbing. 
“What are you hiding?”
Dean frowns. “Come again?”
Sam twists his mouth to rub at a spot near his lips. “Bloody Mary only appears to those hiding a secret. What’s yours?”
Dean shrugs. “I don’t know.”
Sam gives him an arched side-eye. “Oh, come on. You’re as closed-up as they get. And I wasn’t with you for four years. I’m sure there’s a whole list of dark-and-twisted secrets you’re keeping from me.”
Blinking innocently, Dean shrugs again. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
In fact, it’s the truth. While he’s done a lot of things in his life he isn’t proud of and some of them happened while Sam was at Stanford, none of them seem to fit the criteria to summon Bloody Mary. He’s killed monsters, but never an innocent civilian. Sam knows about the credit card scams and hustling pool. And Dean’s love-em-and-leave-em attitude toward women may be a good enough reason to bust his nuts, but not to explode his skull. 
Sure, there’s been the Rhonda Hurley incident with the satin panties, and that boy in Oregon that Dean had felt confusedly attracted to in tenth grade, but those had been singular events, years ago, and, anyway, Dean doesn’t think Sam would care much about his sexual escapades. Why would Bloody Mary?
No. She must’ve regarded Dean as a threat. That’s why she’d attacked him as well. And the bitch had been right - he had ganked her after all. And probably bought himself six hundred years of bad luck in the process, breaking all those mirrors. Perfect.
“You know what?” Sam chimes into his thoughts. “Suit yourself. Keep your secret. I probably don’t even want to know. It’s fine.”
Sam doesn’t sound like it’s fine. Being the talker in the family, the one who’s always about sharing our thoughts and talking about our feelings, he’s clearly offended that Dean doesn’t want to open up to him. He really should know better. Dean’s always kept his emotions close to his chest, and, if anything, he’s become even more withdrawn in those four years alone on the road with Dad. 
“You’re one to talk,” Dean shoots back. “You said that you hadn’t told me everything about Jessica’s death. That there were some secrets you had to keep to yourself. Why don’t you tell me what’s really going on with that? Huh?”
It’s been bugging Dean ever since Stanford. That feeling that something bad is going on with Sam. His spidey senses have been tingling ever since Jess died. And now, knowing that Sam isn’t telling him the whole truth, he’s even more worried. But he also knows that, if he pushes his little brother, he will only push back. Only time and patience will make him talk. 
“I said I didn’t want to talk about it,” Sam says. He’s done cleaning his face. “And you will have to respect that.”
Dean huffs and rolls his eyes. 
“Bite me, Monte Cristo.” 
Sam gapes at Dean. “You’ve read Dumas?”
Dean grins secretively. “Oh, there are a lot of things you don’t know about me, little brother.”
“Touché.” Sam smirks. Then he tosses the bandana into Dean’s lap. “Your turn to clean up. You look like a horror movie extra.”
Dean pulls a face. “Ew. You spit on that!”
“Yeah, boo-hoo. Get over it. We can’t show up at Charlie’s like this. She’s gonna freak out!”
With a scathing glance at Sam, Dean picks the bandana up and disgustedly rubs at his cheeks. 
They drive on, leaving those secrets to stew inside them. 
Find the whole series here:
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lesbiandarvey · 2 years ago
list of casey mccall love confessions off the top of my head
“you could run for congress and win” (1x05 mary pat shelby) in the sorkinverse, that’s like the highest compliment you can give someone
“they offered me conan’s show.” (1x08 thespis). we’ve covered this he literally turned down a cushy late night show to stay with danny and work together in dallas
not a confession per se but that moment in (1x19 eli’s coming) when he tells dan about isaac having a stroke and it’s bad, he sits on the edge of the stage watching dan do his broadcast, waiting for dan.
“i’m right here.” (from 2x05 shane) when dans still reeling from talking about sam
when he tells dan that it’s actually dans office and that casey’s real office is down the hall (2x21 bells and a siren) he just wants to hang out with this bestie
when he tells dan to go for the job in la, i think casey’s exact quote is “you can do it on your own” (2x21 bells and a siren) meaning the most important thing to both of them—doing a sports broadcast and doing it well—casey trusts dan to do himself. his faith is in dan
and finally the most important one … “i wouldn’t trade the last ten years working with you for anything. not for anything danny i swear to god.” (2x19 april is the cruelest month) <- a love confession btw.
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endiness · 1 year ago
jaskier wearing his snow white 1x02 outfit in sirens of the deep despite it taking place sometime between 1x05 and 1x06 though
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venusanimus · 7 years ago
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foreign bi siren is just trying to figure out how to flirt with local bi hottie
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mermaidsandsirens · 7 years ago
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"We're going to change that." "We'll make it safe, for you. To be wherever you want to be."
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deanway · 7 years ago
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If Ben doesn’t let himself kiss ... kisses his girlfriend
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richardmaddendaily · 4 years ago
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Richard Madden | Sirens 1x05
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tvseries-movies-stills · 7 years ago
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Siren || 1x05 "Curse of the Starving Class" [HQ]
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raayllum · 2 years ago
TDP and Water Symbolism
With Book 5 all but being confirmed as Ocean, it made me want to take a look back at what water represents in the series in general. Most prominently, of course, for Rayla for obvious reasons, but also where and how water symbolism pops up for some other characters, such as Ezran and Callum, scattered throughout the show. 
Water often symbolizes healing and rebirth, rivers with pathways, destiny and drowning (particularly for women, such as Ophelia from Hamlet and the Lady of Shalott) and the Ocean unpredictability, power, chaos, and the depths. The Ocean is also often the site of obsession (Ahab and Moby Dick) as well as desire (siren myths) and the struggle to find your way home (Odysseus). There are some tenets of all of this throughout TDP, but we’ll work our way through as well as discuss the limited specifics of what we know of the Ocean primal from Tales of Xadia and additional information from Callum’s Spellbook. 
Water as Reflection 
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Lujanne: This is the Moon Nexus. It reflects the moon perfectly. When the moon is full, its light completely fills the lake.
This is the one that’s most overtly related to Aaravos, perhaps, as well as in line with Ocean and Moon’s direct connection in show. Water/ice reflects, mirrors reflect, and tether the two together. The characters who are most heavily associated with reflection in this manner are Viren and Callum, of course, with Rayla as well, although Claudia, Soren (with his sword), and Ezran (with his father’s sword and eventual crown) have their moments as well. 
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Moreover, all of this moments of reflection for Rayla are moments where she feels like she’s failing, or has failed. “I guess I was just afraid of being afraid” / “But you didn’t run. They have it all wrong” “Does it matter?” / “I’m not good enough and I never will be.” While many other characters are tied to reflection as noted above, Rayla (and Ethari and Callum with her) are the only characters we see be reflected by water in this way.
However, there are even more ways water is woven into Rayla’s arc, so let’s talk about it
Water as Fear, Bravery, and Shame 
Rayla’s first test as an assassin takes place in the rain, but she is unable to go through with it. This is a ‘failure’ that haunts her even into season four, perhaps best summed up in how she mirrors Runaan in these conversations from 1x01 and 1x08 respectively. 
Rayla: The human looked up at me and I saw the fear in his eyes. Runaan: Of course he was afraid! But you had a job to do!
Ezran: Yeah, but then you saw he was scared, and you knew he was a person, just like you. Rayla: That shouldn’t have mattered. I had a job to do. 
Rayla’s relationship to fear reaffirms the idea that recognizing personhood - her own or anyone else’s - is also a signifier of weakness (laid out more directly, perhaps, in the S1 novelization), and is incredibly Moonshadow of her: “Moonshadow elves aren’t supposed to show fear, ever.” Which is why Rayla is typically confronted with the water-shame duality when she is trying to either ignore someone else’s personhood, or is having her own erased, best seen with her crossing the river in 1x02 on her way to try and be a proper assassin.
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Which is why 1x05 is when the shift between what she’s supposed to be - an assassin - and who she truly is - a hero starts to transform water as only a weakness to a showcasing of bravery.
C: That was brave, Rayla. R: No, I already told you, I’m afraid of water. C: I know. That’s why doing what you did was so heroic. R: Oh... Thanks.
And why the assassin pool bearing the literal symbol of shame - the symbol of her just surviving when it was dictated that she shouldn’t have - is what justifies literally erasing her, and turning her into a Ghost. Which, we’ll return to the pond more later, don’t you worry.
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If you’d like more thoughts on Rayla with water in this specific trifecta (+ bonus Callum feels), I’d recommend checking out this old but very worthwhile meta I wrote on the subject a couple months after S3 came out and back before I had a water motif tag (like a fool). Through the Moon adds some layers to this, with Rayla being driven into the portal out of fear, primarily, that Viren is still out there, as well as out of love for her family and Callum. But again more on TTM as well later, because I want to talk about the real kicker, I think, which is 
The River As A Symbol of Destiny
This is something that ATLA actually used beforehand (mostly purely as a metaphor) that was then brought more directly to TDP as both a metaphorical and now literal/motif thing.
Destiny? What would a boy know of destiny? If a fish lives its whole life in a river, does it know the river’s destiny? No! Only that it flows on and on, out of his control. He may follow where it flows, but he cannot see the end. He cannot imagine the ocean.
—Avatar: The Last Airbender, 1x15, the Deserter
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V: Life is like a river. R: Oh great. That’s exactly what I was afraid of.  V: You can’t see too far ahead. I can’t see at all, as I might’ve mentioned before. You don’t know where the river of life will bend and turn. You don’t know where it will go at all.  R: How is that supposed to helpful? V: Don’t try to control where the river goes. There’s one thing you can know and control: yourself. Look at yourself. Who are you, Rayla? What do you stand for? Once you know that, then wherever the river takes you, you’ll be right where you were always meant to be.
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We see Rayla seemingly answer this question for herself by using something Callum told her as a basis for a new worldview: breaking the cycle. “Saving that dragon doesn’t just feel like the right thing to do, it feels like the right thing for me to do. It’s where I’m meant to be.” However, this is precisely the choice we see her walk back in 4x05.
So the River is tied to Destiny as a concept and having choice and self actualization for what you can control. This is tied, then, to Callum helping to give her a path forward for the choices she wants to make, tethering this to their relationship in general and the importance of giving each other agency.
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But this specific connection to the River of Destiny, per se, is imo solidified in Bloodmoon Huntress with these panels. 
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There’s a few in-universe reasons for this panel/callback, of course. The first is show that Rayla wasn’t always afraid of water and that nearly drowning in BH is what likely created that fear. It’s the first instance in the graphic novel of Rayla’s heroism and loyalty, her desire to protect/save other people before Suroh, a Skywing boy in big trouble, comes barrelling into her life - even if it’s just a tiny Adoraburr who is basically her best friend in an increasingly peerless childhood.
And, of course, at the time of BH’s release, we all assumed this was largely a reference and setup to Rayla’s choice to leave at the end of Through the Moon in order to, in her eyes, ultimately protect him (even at great cost to herself and their happiness together). This is because, of course, Callum is famously her best friend with a big speech in 3x01 all about it: “He’s my friend... My best friend.” 
This has taken on an even deeper meaning thanks to season four, though, following Aaravos taking control of Callum, his worry over a path of darkness, and Rayla’s associations with light.  Because, of course, there is every implication that Aaravos’ prison is 1) under the water in the Sea of the Castout and 2) that Callum already tends to get swept up in things unintentionally / without thinking. 
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All of this to say, of course, that Aaravos and his prison are the river that Callum has already been swept up by, symbolized by all of the above as well as the Ocean rune on the Key of Aaravos being displayed at particularly opportune times. 
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So Rayla, here, is not just speaking of her future desire to protect him in Through the Moon, but not even necessarily to keep from playing into Aaravos’ hands (which is what killing him would do) but to guide him and keep him safe, no matter what it takes. Which reflects the framing of the shots when she arrives: “Then take another path, dummy!” The River of Destiny is fast, but she won’t let him get swept away.
Even if choosing Rayla (and subsequently breaking out of the brainwashing) may not be enough to fully stop Aaravos’ plan (as he still has to get out, after all — this is one river that’s inevitable). 
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Of course, alongside destiny and shame, etc. there is also the dark side to water, re: drowning. We see this most prominently featured for each of the trio, with Ezran almost dying in 1x06, Callum’s dark magic dreams in 2x08, as well as Rayla nearly drowning in both BH and TTM, anchoring her childhood and much of her subsequent present day trauma tied together with a neat little bow, ready to unravel at a moment’s notice.
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The fact that Callum’s use of dark magic also ties itself to drowning, directly, when it could’ve been anything (something choking him, perhaps, to hammer home / foreshadow Aaravos’ future grip over him) is also interesting to me, precisely because it ties the two so together. And that, thus far, we haven’t seen this drowning motif extended to anyone outside of the main trio, either. 
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The fact that both in and outside of the dream scape, Callum smashing the primal stone is what causes him to at first metaphorically, and then literally begin drowning, is particularly apt, symbolism wise. Down to Berto, a winged creature, lifting Villads from the wreckage only for Callum to realize that he is the wing once he has a guiding presence in Sarai. This is a lovely parallel between the boys as well, with Sarai guiding Ezran under the ice in the book one novelization, and makes me think about love as a guiding force through the storm; Sarai for her sons, Rayla on either side of the storm for Callum, and Callum for her in TTM, and how this may be repeated in Book 5, whether it’s Rayla’s parents saving her somehow, Callum, both, or something else entirely.
(It should also be noted that Callum and Rayla mutually save each other in TTM as well. Callum goes in after her when she’s in danger, but loses the phoenix feather to guide them back on the way down. He manages to help Rayla grab it, and then she goes back for him, and they swim out together, toward the light.)
The Ocean Arcanum
(Almost) last but not least I want to talk about the associations given canonically to the Ocean arcanum in the series’ extended material from both the Primal Source quiz, Callum’s Sketchbook, and Tales of Xadia.
Like all rivers flow to the sea, you know everything and everyone is connected. A peaceful soul, you value friendship, love, and family above all else in life. Empathetic and outgoing, you make friends easily, and people are drawn to your personality. In life, you’re willing to go with the flow, and you can adapt to pretty much anything and keep a cool head. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and with love so easily given, betrayal and lies strike you deeply — you are icy and unforgiving only to those who dare strike at your big heart.
Flexibility, Transformation, Flow, Awareness, Navigation, Surface Level V.S. Depth
This is reflected in the magic that Ocean mages wield: dynamic, forceful, reaching everywhere and anywhere, within and without. It can also become surprisingly powerful in rain, giving this primal a powerful synergy with the Sky primal. Ocean magic also includes ice magic, giving mages another powerful offensive and defensive tool.
All of these were released years apart (the primal quiz shortly after S1 in 2018, Callum’s Spellbook after S3 in 2020, and Tales of Xadia in 2021) but they all have similar common threads. There is an emphasis on connection, ice magic, flexibility (change), as well as tantalizing teases regarding the Sky arcanum. And of course as previously touched upon, the Moon famously affects real life tides. 
But like, how do we know that this stuff is going to be consistently carried into the show, and it’s not just padding for supplementary material? Well, that’s because It Already Has.
Navigation and Transformation 
Are perhaps the most direct ones we’ll see in S5, building upon prior associations with water the show has displayed, particularly in S2. The Ocean is tied to Callum’s journey of discovering sky magic, as he learns the winds from Villads on the ship of the Ruthless, and then later is directed into his own consciousness by a similar manner. He’s learning how to navigate and Villads’ advice to Callum mirrors the exact advice he gives to Rayla about the river, too.
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Don’t try to control where the river winds go. There’s one thing you can know and control, yourself your sail. 
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This is jointly reflected by a con skit performed in 2019 to hype up S3 by Callum and Rayla’s VAs. While again this would be easy to write off, I hesitate to for three reasons: 1) we know thanks to TDP’s production schedule they were already working on S4 at this time, 2) the skit is called Written in the Stars and although silly, some of what is discussed matches up thematically and helped me call the Rayllum “light and darkness” motif months in advance, and 3) there are things from the S4 star chart referenced in the skit, such as Garlaf and his bandolier of skulls, the mama / baby banther, etc and most notably, the South Star, which Callum says: 
What about that? Brightest star in the sky. A single point of light. We call it the South Star. Humans used it to navigate, you know, to find their way in the endless darkness of the night.
So it seems pretty clear that Season Five, with Callum and Rayla now getting to navigate their relationship, in addition to water’s ties to Rayla’s emotional state (the surface vs depths reflecting both her and Aaravos’ possible pasts, his watery prison, etc) all being compounded together. Either Aaravos or Rayla (or maybe both of them) will be his South Star in S5. And, in addition to Callum’s Spellbook, this is the only real time navigation is brought up in series, so I’m gonna take it.
Now that that’s ‘settled’, let’s look at Ocean / water as Transformation. This is of course seen in how Callum goes into the water in his dreams in 2x08, but then resurfaces with help from his mother and is reborn in a sense, literally filled with new breath, as he comes to understand the Sky arcanum. We also see this idea of Transformation being tied to the Ocean and Moon arcanums an equal amount in something like Phoe-Phoe, and as well as in TTM in general.
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The Moon Arcanum is all about change.
Phoe-Phoe is reborn on the water. The water transforms Rayla’s fear to bravery. Rayla’s talk with Villads helps give her direction as much as he gives it to Callum, each unlocking how they are going to break the cycle; for Rayla, it’s being a protector and defender (even if still at cost to herself, but that’s a meta for another day). For Callum, he becomes a sky primal mage.
Which is to say, if you’ve been keeping track, Sky and Moon are uniquely tethered in series to the Ocean in ways none of the other primals currently seem to be. Sky and Ocean share overlap in spells and associations (drowning, navigation, breath, travel). Ocean and Moon likewise share overlap in association (transformation, reflections, depths, etc). So it would be exceedingly fitting if S5 is when Rayla and Callum end up fully reconciling, given that Ocean seems to, magically, be where Sky and Moon meet halfway. The water and experiences at the Nexus is what broke them apart, so of course water will also be what brings them together.
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Water as the Cycle
More generally, due to its varied associations, Water is tied to Life ad Death throughout the series. In some ways, it is probably associated with the Cycle directly as much as Moon is, both tied to inherently cyclical things that may change, but always come back to themselves. TTM makes this connection overt
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But it is there in other places as well. An assassin’s flower, placed in a circular pond of water, floats so long as they live and breathe. Rayla leaves and returns, consistently, like the tide, leaving over and over again, but also returning whenever she can (or whenever Callum chases after her to bring her back from the brink). 
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In a lot of ways, Callum and Rayla both do this to each other, leaving and then returning, always circling back to one another or moving in patterns. 
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Every time they walk away (die) they also return (live). This element of perpetual ebb and and flow and rebirth is also seen in other characters like Sol Regem, and even indeed the longstanding associations of boats and the underworld in Greek and Egyptian myth in particular, ferrying people to the afterlife (Greek myth a cited inspiration for the series, with the Egyptian mythos more sneakily woven in). 
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Seen perhaps most prominently in Callum reckoning with his stepfather’s death and reading Harrow’s letter in the belly of Villads’ boat. 
Book 5: Ocean is gonna Slap, and I cannot wait, thank you goodnight. 
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amuseoffyre · 1 year ago
After finishing my full rewatch, I've expanded the number of times Ed uses sea/water based analogies and metaphors to refer to himself and all the moments involving sea/shorelines and the liminality they represent.
“treading water, waiting to drown” (1x04)
“Be a lighthouse” / “cracking up on the rocks” (1x04)
throwing unwanted people/hopes/dreams/fears into the sea (1x05, 1x10, 2x02, 2x03, 2x07)
the dock and lighthouse in his flashback to his father’s death - the first sea versus land metaphor, where the horror rises from beneath the surface (1x06)
“something stirring in the brine” (1x06)
“plumb the depths” / sirens and krakens (1x06) being the thing to trigger a breakdown
extensive beach scenes as a division point between Stede and Ed thanks to Calico Jack (1x08)
“Edward Teach, born on a beach” (1x09)
the kiss happening on the shoreline (1x09)
the abandonment happening on a dock (1x09)
marooning the crew on a sandbar - a temporary island, which is what Stede and his crew were for him (1x10)
“sunshine one moment, cataracts the next” (2x02)
his purgatory begins with him waking at the high tideline - a symbolic meeting point between the land and the sea (2x03)
collecting paua on the beach with food and baskets with ties back to his mother (2x03)
“Jeff’s Inn by the Sea” - another place on the edge of land and sea (2x03)
reveal about the Gravy Basket while standing on the shore (2x03)
becoming the cataract - the chaotic surge falling over a cliff and full submersion in the sea as a way to end his life (2x03)
mer!Stede - a creature of both land and sea who can be there with him when he’s in his dark watery doom (2x03)
“caught in his whirlpool” (2x04)
“hanging out on this ladder” - again somewhere between the sea and the safety of the safe space ship (2x05)
“Man against beast - I’m the man and the beast was beneath the sea” (2x05)
“we’re the fish, I think” (2x05)
“storm’s coming but I just can’t see it” tied in with flashbacks and a shot with a 50-50 split of sky and sea (2x06)
another abandonment that is planned on the dock by the water’s edge (2x07)
“pirates and fishermen are nothing alike” - subtext of the entire conversation ties to “you can’t catch the fish unless the fish chooses to be caught” (2x05) and Ed is choosing not to be caught and fleeing (2x07)
the opening of 2x08 on the water’s edge, away from the sea
"I used to view the sea as a battlefield but now I can appreciate the bounty it has to offer" (2x08)
"no better than a heron, or a blade of grass, or sand or... like a wave or something" (2x08)
reclaiming an identity cast into the sea (2x08)
rising from the waves on the shoreline, a place where he becomes himself instead of trying to split himself into different sides - Edward Teach, reborn on a beach (2x08)
finding one another on a beach (2x08)
choosing to leave the sea and make a home on the line where the land meets the sea (2x08)
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weareascending · 2 years ago
For all of the frustrated Daemyra fans after 1x05, here is my salve:
He spots her amongst the throngs of people and hones in on her like a predator would its prey and stalks towards her with all the confidence and charm and mastery a dragon would, plucks off the moth of Sir Harwin enraptured by the beauty of her dragon flame and circles around her possessively, dangerously, wantonly.
“Is this what you want?”
He tries to hold back his jealousy as the dragon inside of him strains against the shackle of his decorum. The dragon inside of him that wants to take her - all consequences be damned.
She bites back with resentment, fangs bared, “I was not aware what I wanted mattered to you”.
He feels the sting but chose to ignore it.
“This is not for you…”
She looks at him pointedly, knowingly, piercingly.
“Laenor is a good man and a fine knight. He will bore you senseless”.
He speaks seductively, caressing each vowel and consonant in High Valyrian to draw her in, to get her to submit as he inches closer to her, their bodies almost touching.
“Marriage is only a political arrangement I hear.” Her voice drips with sarcasm but the bitterness is waning and her body opens towards him out of a need she cannot understand.
“Mine was recently dissolved.” He gleefully announces, eyes sparkling as he told her - any Ill feeling between them now laid aside.
She feels something indescribable take ahold of her as though made mad by passion and longing and his close proximity that calls to her like a siren.
“So take me then. Has this not been your purpose?” She taunts, her power and mental gymnastics shining.
She coos and draws her face closer to his own, relishing in the gravity she has over him.
“I am not yet married but the hours pass swiftly….”
He feels unhinged at what she is implying and he has to call on every fibre of his being not to throw her over his shoulder that instant and snatch her away.
“You are surely armed,” she drawls.
Their eye-contact is so intense that he feels he is fucking her right there and then and that she has the puppet strings of his heart and the keys to his inner demon; toying with his sanity as his eyes and consciousness cloud over with all-consuming desire.
She commands him, “Cut through my father’s kingsguard. Take me to dragonstone and make me your wife”.
He doesn’t need her to say anything more.
He grabs her possessively by her neck and pulls her form to his own and she bends for him like a willow, melting into his touch as he brings their two heads together.
Their lips are a hairs-breath away and his thick cologne overwhelms her as she is intoxicated by his presence and the tickle of his breath on her cheek.
He looks down at her adoringly and admires her for a moment as close as he can possibly get before a fervour infects him and he seizes her lips with his own, his grip tightening on her neck as he thinks darkly ‘mine… only mine’
She opens up to him and his ministrations fully and is lost within his embrace and his lips and his warmth and his heavy cologne all at once as all caution of their surroundings is thrown to the wind in the headiness of unadulterated rapture.
As she is floating in this frozen moment, she is ungracefully ripped from it by a sudden commotion from behind them.
Daemon brandishes his sword on instinct, the other arm wrapped around her waist territorially.
The crowd parts for them in the middle as they observe Ser Criston and Joffrey Lonmouth sprawled on the floor brawling.
Turning momentarily to spy an enraged Viserys and shocked Velaryons, Daemon makes a split second decision and takes advantage of the commotion by throwing a still dazed and breathless Rhaenyra over his shoulder and sashays them out of the Great Hall with as much finesse as he can muster.
Just as he is about to cross over the threshold, the Kingsgaurd are bellowed into action and Daemon manages to twirl and single-handedly cut 2 of them down like butter as he balances Rhaenyra’s lithe form.
His goldcloaks are outside and he whistles for them to come to action. 50 of them springing up out of their sentinel positions and descending on the Kingsgaurd on their tail.
Rhaenyra gasps as she watches everything escalate in the distance as Daemon carries her off, his arm tightly securing her waist.
“Did you plan all of this?” She asks incredulously.
She can’t see his face but she can practically feel the cocky curve of his mouth as he says, “When do I plan anything?”
His tone then becomes dark and husky and she trembles as he states, “You are mine Rhaenyra. You belong to me, with me and in my bed. You asked me to bring you to Dragonstone and that is what I will do. I will make you my wife in the tradition of our house and put a baby in you. That clear?”
She always knew Daemon was unhinged but to hear him so hell-bent was a novelty for her and one that equally terrified and aroused her.
She felt a heat pool between her legs and she shifted uncomfortably in his grasp that he only tightened.
He was heading to her room she realised from the familiar walls and surroundings she was passing - albeit strange looking at them in a backwards motion.
“Why are you taking us here? Don’t we need to escape?”
“Well observed, but to essentially abduct you in plain sight through the main gates would be suicide, Rhaenyra. I have 50 goldcloaks loyal to me and willing to die for me but not an entire army at my disposal… not yet anyway. We’ll leave through the secret passages down to the dragonpit and take off on Ceraxes and Syrax. Not before taking 4 or 5 dragon eggs of course…”
“4 or 5?! What the Seven Hells for?”
He entered her chamber soundlessly and brought her to her bed before throwing her off of him and onto it.
She could see his face now and it was dangerous and devilish and his eyes starved as he drank her in.
“For the number of babes I’m going to put inside you.”
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writersblockedx · 3 years ago
Protector of the Party: Chapter 5
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Chapter Five: The Mother
PAIRING - Steve Harrington X Reader BASED OFF - 1x05 WARNINGS - Mentions of mental illness, death and violence WORDS - 3K
Read on AO3 / Wattpad
Series Masterlist Masterlist
Y/n remembered sitting in the living room; the cartoons of the TV lulling in the background. Her and a pre-pubescent Steve chatting back and fourth about things that had absolutely no meaning. Then she recalled the lights. They flashed into the walls of their living room and the sirens blared loud enough to make a younger her jolt out her skin.
Her and Steve dragged themselves from the floor and stared blankly at the window as the cop cars pulled into the driveway. The sirens silenced. Hopper, then still occupying a full head of hair and having a uniform that fit his belly, was the first out of the car. Then the first to the door. His knuckles banged against the wood so hard that Y/n's mother dipped her head out from her room.
"Shit!" She cursed as her eyes settled on the police that were awaiting.
"Mum? What's going on?" A vulnerable Y/n had asked as her eyes switched between Hopper waiting behind the door, her mother and Steve. She had no idea what was happening.
Hopper knocked against the door again. "Y/m/n, open on! Come on, we just need to talk." His voice boomed through the walls.
Y/n glanced back to her mother who was shaking her head at her. She looked back at the window, spotting Aunty Claudia standing nervously behind one of the cop cars. "Please, Y/m/n, we don't want to have to break it down." And once more, Y/n looked between the door and her mother. She didn't like the idea of the door breaking down.
So, hesitantly, Y/n moved forwards. "Don't!" Swore her mother as she gripped the the doorway of the room she was standing between.
Y/n was conflicted. But she kept moving until she reached the door. "Y/n, don't you dare." She did dare. She clipped the lock open and Hopper rushed in.
Everything moved so quickly after that. Hopper was followed by what seemed like all of the Hawkins Police Department - and some more. Y/n's mother ran as fast and as far from the house as she was able. Claudia entered the house and attempted to calm the situation that lingered in the front room. The only thing that felt stable in that moment was Steve, and his fingers that had been interlocked with hers as her home was bombarded.
That was the last time Y/n saw her mother. Before she was shipped off permanently to the lab.
Loud knocking awoke Y/n that morning.
She practically gasped awake as her mind calmed, settled in the security of her room. Not the lab, not facing slimy vines or angered scientists.
"Hey!" Dustin yelled from behind the wood of the door. "Come on, we need to leave!"
Will's funeral.
A funeral for a body that wasn't real - as Y/n and Hopper had discovered the night before. "Alright! I'll be out in five!" She shouted back before hearing his footsteps wonder away from the outside of her room.
Instinctively, Y/n's hand reached for her jacket. The same jacket she had on the night prior. In fact, she was still in the same clothes as she had been. Her hands rummaged around her jacket pockets before landing on the square photograph. She pulled it out and stared, her mother's eyes staring back at her. It was as if this photo were to assure her that what had happened last night, everything she had witnessed, it was all real.
That only made the point of Will's funeral a tricky one. But still, she rolled out of bed, tucked the photo back into her pocket and searched for black clothing.
She would attend. Pay her respects. Then she'd figure out what the hell to do with this very much, delicate, new information she had gathered.
People were scattered around the grave, closely knit to one another as they grieved and mourned the loss of such a young boy. But as Y/n stood there, staring down at the closed coffin, she couldn't help but be reminded of the stuffing Hopper had pulled out of the fake body. She felt like she wanted to scream. She wanted for people to know the truth, to tell Joyce that anything she had been seeing had been right. That the nonsense that came from her lips was reality. The only question now was what they were going to do about it?
Y/n had been standing behind Dustin as the crowd lined to drop the flowers into the grave; a final goodbye to the boy. She guided Dustin down the line as he threw his flower in without much thought. In fact, now that she thought about it, none of the kids seemed that upset considering they were attending a funeral. Y/n wondered whether they didn't quite understand the concept of death. But then Y/n recalled what Dustin had told her the night they found Will's 'body': that eleven, the girl who Dustin claimed was Mike's Swedish cousin, had super powers and knew Will was still alive.
After what she found yesterday, she couldn't tell whether that was really childish fiction or not.
But as she passed the grave, and let the white flower fall from the tips of her fingers, she still felt a sting of grievance. Even if she knew for absolute certain that body was not really Will. Then, once Dustin joined with his friends, Y/n made a B-line for Johnathan.
She grasped his forearm gently, "We need to talk." She spoke in a harsh whisper which alerted the boy; he knew whatever was the follow wasn't just some chit-chat.
"Yeah, we do." He said as if he too had something he needed to drop. Y/n watched as his eyes later followed over to Nancy Wheeler who was already starring at him. With her absence yesterday, spending her time breaking into a government lab, she seemed to have missed something. "Come on," Johnathan urged as he mentioned his head to quiet corner, before making the same motion towards Nancy, silently instructing her to follow the two.
And so the trio settled on a grass, leant against a rusting steel fence. Y/n glanced between Nancy and Johnathan and raised her brows. "Who first?"
The other two shared a look before Johnathan answered, "You go."
And then Y/n faced the trouble as to where to start. "Me and Hopper, we went to the morgue first, last night. He slipped his way into the freezer, and got his hands on Will's body." She paused, checking in with Johnathan who was still awaiting the point of the build up. For a moment, Y/n thought she might not be able to say it aloud. "Johnathan," She breathed, almost forgetting for a second Nancy was sat next to him too. "That body-" She pointed to the coffin. "-That isn't Will."
"What- What do you mean?" He questioned as his brows fell knitted.
"Me and Hopper we checked the body in the morgue, it was a fake. It was silicon wrapped around stuffing." She went on to explain, taking a moment before moving on. "So, then, we went to the lab, the same one my mom is meant to be in. Hopper has a theory that maybe they took Will, that he saw something he shouldn't have." Y/n paused, rummaging around in her coat pocket before pulling out the family photo, and handing over to Johnathan and Nancy. "I found that. But no sign of my mom, or Will. I can't remember much else from last night."
Both of the stared at the image. "And this lab, how long has your mother been with them?" Nancy asked before passing the photo back to Y/n.
And then they all shared the same expression: worry. "What did you want to talk about?" Y/n then moved along.
Nancy started, passing her own photo over. Y/n started down at ripped pieces of black and white, all tapped together to make a full image. She could only really make out the trees. "What is this?" The girl queried.
"Steve's house." Nancy responded. "The same night Barb went missing."
Y/n peeked over the image to look back at the preppy girl, "And what am I meant to be seeing."
Nancy leaned over, her finger tip pointing  at something in the background. Looked like a bear, maybe. "That. We think that's what took Will and Barbara." She informed. "It's some kind of creature, probably connected to the lab." It was beginning to seem like everything was connected to that lab.
"Here," Johnathan said as he passed over a sheet. Y/n could make out it was a blue print of Hawkins and that the red marks the boy had added, linked to his house and some points in the woods. "Whatever this thing is, it's not travelling far." He explained.
Y/n glanced up, "And your plan is to...? To Try and find it?" She didn't even try to hide the fact that she wasn't convinced.
"We might not find anything." He said.
"I found something." Nancy interjected. And maybe they would find something. Maybe they would find this creature and they would end up just like Will and just like Barbara. Or, maybe, there was a slight chance, they would find Will, the real Will.
Y/n dropped the papers to the grass, "Okay. We find it, then what?"
Both Nancy and Y/n waited for Johnathan to answer. He seemed to take a moment, stuck on a thought he wasn't sure he should voice or not. "Then we kill it."
And so that was the extent of their plan: find it, kill it. It wasn't much of a plan, but Y/n supposed they'd build on it, hopefully. She began to ponder as to whether this creature was what the lab were hiding. That's why they covered up Will's death. If this creature came from the lab, they'd want to sweep it under the rug as fast as they were able to.
The three of them walked towards Lorrie's car where Johnathan entered the passengers seat. "What are you doing?" Asked Nancy when the boy pulled out a pocket knife and took it to the glove compartment.
"Just give me a sec." He waved off as he wiggled through the lock. Y/n watched her best friend intently as, when he got the compartment open, he pulled out a pistol.
Nancy's eyes were quick to widen as they settled on the weapon. "Are you serious?" She scolded as if possessing a gun was their biggest worry right now.
Johnathan shoved some ammo into his pocket with it, as much as there was left. "What? You want to find this thing and take another photo? Yell at it?" He argued before exiting the car and coming to stand next to Y/n.
"He's right." Y/n added as her fingers dipped into her jacket cautiously, pulling out the same pistol she had stolen from Hopper's truck. "If were not careful, we might just end up in the same place as Will and Barb." Which was the only risk in doing this.
Nancy folded her arms across her chest and huffed. "This is a terrible idea." The princess stated.
"Yeah, well, it's the best idea we've got." Johnathan made sure to mention as he put the gun and the occupying ammo into his blazer.
"It's actually the only idea we've got." Y/n corrected.
Nancy still seemed uncertain about it all. "What? You can tell someone but they're not gonna believe you. You know that." Johnathan persuaded.
"Your mum would." She argued.
"She's been through enough."
"She deserves to know!"
Y/n watched as the two discussed the idea like a married couple would do. "Yeah, and I'll tell her...when this thing is dead." Johnathan told the girl. And Y/n had to agree with him. Not because she wasn't so fond of Nancy, the princess, Wheeler, but because she had seen Joyce recently. To add onto her the fact her son was trapped with a deadly creature, would only break her more.
So the trio separated ways with plan in mind. They would gather weapons and sustenance and whatever they thought might help to kill this thing. Y/n travelled through her house, scavenging the kitchen cupboards for screwdrivers and spanners, whatever she could get her hands on. The girl was lucky Claudia had stayed at the funeral with Dustin. She was certain questions would be asked that she just couldn't answer.
Y/n made her final stop at the storage cupboard that hadn't been opened for years now. She glanced around, finding old boxes that she moved to the side. Hidden behind them, a blunt crow bar. She took it; it might come in handy.
She was about to get changed into some more comfortable clothing before meeting Johnathan and Nancy when a knock came from the door. Y/n paused for a moment. A passing thought suggested it could be them, it could be the lab. Maybe they were here to make sure she didn't speak about what she had uncovered. Or maybe to put a bullet between her eyes.
So, slowly and hesitantly, the girl tiptoed to the front. She peeked through the slit in the curtains, her expression instantly dropping when her eyes settled on a car, Steve Harrington car. What he was doing at the Henderson house? Y/n wasn't quite sure. But, for now, he posed no threat and she swung the front door open, already eager to shoo him away.
"Dare I even ask what you want?" She scowled his way, arms crossed over her chest as she waited with one brow raise; Steve wouldn't admit it, but it intimidated him.
He fidgeted on his feet, "I came to apologise...again." Said Steve, more than sheepishly.
"You ever think that maybe I don't want to forgive you?" Y/n didn't have the energy to deal with pricks like Steve Harrington and their meaningless excuses.
He seemed to shake his head at a thought that had passed before reaching back up to meet Y/n's gaze. "What I did, lying to the police, saying you were at the party, trying to sell stuff, it was wrong-"
Y/n scoffed, cutting into Steve's explanation. "Yeah, no shit."
He bypassed the comment and continued as if it hadn't been said, "Look you know what my parents are like. They're- they're assholes!" He tried to defend. "I know it's no excuse for what I did. But I came clean to my parents, told them I lied and then they took me straight to the station." He paused to let out the breath he had been holding in. "Just- Basically, your name is out of it all now."
Y/n felt stunned. This wasn't a Steve Harrington meaningless apology, this was different, it was something. He had actually gone out and fixed what he had caused. "Okay, Steve." Her tone now came out genuine and soft, rather than the harsh snappy voice that Steve had once been met with. A grin seem like it was beginning to form on his lips as his shoulders relaxed. "And now we really don't need to ever see each other again." The grin faded.
The boy seemed confused as his brows furrowed as his head tilted like a dog. "What- Why would that-"
He trailed off when he noticed Y/n's gaze move from him and to the truck that was pulling into her driveway. Hopper, lacking his uniform and hat, sat in the drivers seat. "You should go." Y/n told him, tearing her eyes from the truck.
"What?" Steve had nothing else to say.
Y/n was already guiding him out the house. "Yeah, I'll see you around, Harrington." And then, literally, Steve was shoved off the porch. He didn't fuss, walking towards his car. He and Hopper met with the same puzzled expression as they passed one another. But said nothing on the matter as they both went on their ways.
Hopper was quiet when he came to face Y/n. The girl was about to say something, when he pushed his finger to his lip, silencing her. She watched as he dragged himself into the open home. Her eyes were glued to him, quietly debating if she should ask if the lab turned his brain to mush as his feet danced through the house. His eyes seemed to be searching for something.
He wondered all the way to Y/n's room, her following behind with no idea what he was doing. She stood in the doorway as he tiptoed around her room. His gaze became set on the light that hung over her on room. She was about to yell in objection when he reached for it, but he shushed her again with the point of a finger. Hopper unscrewed the lightbulb, shaking his head as he pulled out a chip, a microphone chip; they had been listening.
Hopper let the chip fall to the floor before using the heel of his boot to step on it like a bug.
Then it was safe to talk.
"What the hell was that?" Y/n exclaimed as her eyes felt trained on the scattered pieces of the chip.
"A bug." Hopper answered as he exited the girl's room, her right behind him. "They did the same to my place. Think they put it there when we came home, maybe."
"They took us back home?"
Hopper turned to look at Y/n, "How else do you think you woke up in your bed this morning?"
She shrugged as if she hadn't given much though to it. Which, considering she had just attended a funeral, was excusable. "I don't know, just thought you dropped me off. The last thing I remember was-" She stopped herself. Now that she thought about it, she couldn't pinpoint her last image of the lab. Y/n looked up at Hopper whose face said 'I told you so'. "What do we do now?" She questioned.
"We lay low." He answered as he continued towards the front door.
"You mean, do nothing?"
Huffing, Hopper stopped his steps and glanced back at the girl for what he wished would be the last time today. "If they're listening to us, they're watching us." He stated as his grasped open the front door.
He waved up his hand, already stepping out the house. "I gotta' go kid, sorry!" He rushed before walking away completely, forcing the girl to face his back.
She sighed as she watched the police truck reverse out from her drive. Y/n probably should have been more forceful in telling him to slow down. The creature that was looming over Hawkins, and probably the thing to have kidnapped Will, was something of importance. And probably something he should know. Alas, he left and Y/n was forced to close the door, locking herself inside.
She'd lay low; in case the lab really were watching her.
Taglist - @fanficfanatic204 @neverylee @myheartonthemove​ @satsuri3su @gobringmemyfood (Let me know whether you would like to be added or removed)
Chapter Six (An Unlikelihood of Situations) to be published tomorrow 9pm (BST)
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