#since getting my job. so im kinda glad this turned out. but.. funny guys
splashtail · 9 months
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a little inspired piece for @amethyst-halo 's rockapocalypse au ! traveling team of fake rock zombies ! it's been a long time since ive been inspired to draw anything of this scale 0_0 probably some years ! trolls is doing something special to my brain i kind of finagled the heights here a bit LOL plus the.. fact i sit kind of slanted, they kind of slide down along the whole piece but it looks ok ! so im happy ! i rly think this au is cool tho BNDJSNJSDA i really didnt mean for this to turn out so big...
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I Am So Glad You Asked!!!
So basically... Tokitoswap! a swap au in which the tokis and the kamados swap roles-- yui swapping w/ tan, and mui swapping with nezzy. 
aka: Two Twins Have A Bit Of A Worse Time Than Usual And Suddenly Find Themselves In The Middle Of A Thousand Year Struggle Between Humans And Demons (Which Are Real By The Way)!
. it also happens to be an exercize in having a concept, going “hey, wouldnt it be funny if--?” and then it sticks and you have to commit. i keep trying to explain in a way that Makes Sense, but im gonna be honest. theres just So Fucking Much going on and ive been trying to write this for hours and i dont even know where to start summarizing WAHAHAH. i dont know if its very Canon Aligned but it sure is very Me Aligned and i sure am gonna commit to the bit! anyway. 
its heavily in-progress and was supposed to be a clean one-role swap but! Well!!!! It Sure Isn’t Anymore!!! 
under the cut since im Incapable of keeping things short:
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funy lil swap au! ft:  Yui: “Older” Brother who Thinks he’s in charge. a beleaguered 14-year-old who stumbled into being a slayer and super isn’t prepared for this. Unfortunately, having your sole remaining family turn into a demon is kind of antithetical to “go home and pretend nothing happened.” he is handling this very well. (lie) a user of wind-breathing, his main priority is keeping him and mui safe, and is a bit overprotective. which is a problem, since mui will charge headfirst into the first sign of danger to protect him. their relationship is a bit messy, but they’re pretty much the only thing holding each other together. a kid trying so hard to act bigger than he is-- and inevitably, routinely failing.
Mui: Odd Little Creacher secretly hiding Rage More Powerful Than A Thousand Suns. just barely surviving the attack of their family one fateful night by That Man, he manages to completely break the curse and hunger or being a demon through his own sheer will. unfortunately, he also completely loses control of himself and, in order to make sure that energy doesnt completely tear him apart, his consciousness completely mists over-- leaving him rather airheaded and distant in an attempt to hold back the roaring of a new power he cannot control. . but hes so silly!! ^w^ couldn’t hurt a fly!!
Murata: Some Fucking Guy who just so happened to get roped into all this. is just absolutely baffled this kid is out here slaying demons like this, and is honestly doing his best to make sure he doesn’t stupidly get himself killed. despite being at a higher rank than them, though, he’s kind of... well, he hasn’t gotten the hang of water-breathing techniques. try as he might, he just cant quite reach the same skill level as some of his peers. even still though, he has to keep trying. he has a job to do, and promises to keep. 
Susamaru: Professionally identifies as a Problem. a user of beast-breathing, she just kind of... shows up one day and starts antagonizing. originally started fighting the twins for the honestly-kind-of-reasonable reason of “That Kid Is A Demon And Thats A Fucking Problem” but got distracted messing with yui enough to get. kinda curious about the other one. she’s loud and brash and fucking annoying, but at some point she just... asserted herself. and never left.  she’s an odd case. ridiculously skilled at the whole slaying-demons thing, she just... doesnt seem to take things seriously. has a penchant for irritating people on purpose-- but its purely for the extent of understanding how they work. what makes them tick. she’s here for a good time, not a long time. most of her peers don’t like her much, but once she’s decided that she likes someone, theres very little she wont do for them. and these nerds just so happen to be next on the list. 
. all in all, its just these dorks against the world. there’s just. a ridiculous amount of mess ive written about how they function and how their arcs shape up, and while there Are some other roles and etc written up, my brain has been completely laser focused on These Four In Particular, so . \o/ ! anyway, heres a bunch of ambient sketches from all over the place of Them(tm)
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 2 Episodes 8 and 9
Random thought that has nothing to do with anything: Was Viren ever married because I made fun of him last episode reaction because he’s not married but then I remembered that he has two kids but I’ve never heard any mention of their mother do we just assume that she died?
Episode 8
-“how may I serve you” he says in a tone that screams ‘I’m more powerful than you and you know it’
-so the trapping-people-inside-coins spell makes you look like a zombie, and the turning chains-into-snakes spell apparently makes you look like a ghost that hasn’t slept in a month
-“what are you doing”
“I’m pinching you, Soren”
“Well that’s just rude”
When you’re probably totally paralyzed but talking back to your sister is much more important
-“that was really pretty! But I still can’t move”
-The guy in Callum’s nightmare (vision?) doesn’t look like anyone we’ve seen before, are we really about to add a third(?) villain
-also I know nothing about anything what symbol was the one that was lighting up?
-“I’m not lying, I never lie” he says in the most untrustworthy tone I’ve ever heard
-finally he’s bandaging his hand, there should be blood literally all over his arm right now
-I know Aaravos’ name but I am very tempted just to keep calling him sparkly hands
-dream dude has Callum’s gloves, I think I know what’s about to go down
-if he’s about to tell Ezran about his dad I swear let him stay ignorant as long as he can please I can’t do this rn
-ik Soren is gonna walk again that’s not what I’m worried about, what I’m worried about is how much it will hurt to watch when he finds out
-well now look what you’ve done, this poor little boy
-the first thing he was worried about was Callum my heart
-he’s handling it SO WELL
-Hahahah Callum’s face when he sees dream Callum
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-seriously what symbol is that supposed to be am I supposed to just know
-we’re really bringing Harrow into this y’all are torturing him beyond the grave
-but also that fact that there are so many people Callum probably talked to much more than Harrow but he was the one to snap him out of it says a lot
-“Destiny is a book you write yourself” adding this to my possible senior quotes list
-the cube just fell into hell??? And dream Callum turned to dust??? Does this happen to everyone the first time they use dark magic???
-not Corvus blaming Rayla for letting Ezran go when she was literally the one to try to convince him to let her go with him while Corvus just stepped out of his way
-Soren being so chill about this is both incredibly heartbreaking but also kinda funny ngl
-he literally just had to lie there and watch as his sister trashed his hospital room and got dragged out
-this dream started super deep but now Callum is… a sail???
-this whole episode had been a fever dream honestly the only way this could get worse is if someone dies
-“you’re making this easy for me, young king!” Dude… his dad just died?? And you’re more focused on beating him at hide and seek?? Show some respect??
-Aaravos’ expression looks super shady no matter what he’s doing or saying if they’re trying to hide that he’s a villain they’re doing a very bad job
-imagine thinking you just got the king of Katolis killed very shortly after the last king got killed and when you tell his friend (who just happens to be an elf, in fact, she’s one of the elves who was on the mission that killed the first king) she laughs in your face and tells you that your king (who is like 9 years old) can talk to animals and is now riding away on a banther, oh and also his brother the prince has been lying on the ground with two black eyes and yelling out random delirious things since you found them and you still have no idea what happened to him, like what would you even do
-me too man, me too
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-“you big, dumb human” she says while looking at him with extreme concern in her eyes
-this dream is the most chaotic masterpiece I have ever seen
-I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am
-screw it I’m watching the next one
Episode 9
-I just realized that we haven’t seen Claudia and Ezran interact one on one until now this is adorable
-the fact that they’re telling jokes while both of them are in horrible mental states
-so mom left and it was probably definitely because of Viren, but she’s the one that left her children with him so they’re both awful
-also why do I always just randomly remember stuff that seems totally unrelated but then it always gets brought up an episode later
-that phrase being passed down to the next person every time they have to talk about hard stuff
-is this thing with his mom made up because he was like 5-6 when she died but here he’s his current age???
-Now THAT symbol I know
-“I understand the sky arcanum” that’s it? That’s all you had to hear? …I don’t get it but cool ig
-also how does he know it’s the sky arcanum? Like it is because the primal stone was a storm? Like we know it’s the sky arcanum because the sky symbol lit up but I didn’t see a single thing in that dream that pointed to sky
-girl what the heck are you about to do to those deer that you need to send Ezran away for it
-ooooooh ok I totally get it now it took me a second
-this is awesome but doesn’t he only know like two spells
-oh shoot there’s always at least one person who needs catching up, oh boy
-very thankful that they didn’t show what she did to the poor deer nobody needs to see that
-oh no Claudia’s punishment for whatever she did was turning her hair into e-girl hair during the bleached front pieces trend
-are they still looking for Viren because they’re not doing a very good job he’s literally on top of a tower in plain sight
-oh great he’s a zombie again
-ok they zoomed in on the rocks sinking and I’m taking that as a bad sign
-the butterfly thing Viren has is giving hawkmoth
-I’m sorry but whatever Aaravos was doing in the mirror just looked like a bunch of Tik Tok dances
-the fact that Aaravos is inside Viren’s head, both figuratively and literally
-and Opeli of course wins because she’s the best
-why weren’t they running the whole time?
-ok so not only can Ezran suddenly see through Zym’s eyes but also Corvus just let him go on his shoulders and flap around without a second thought
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Tell me more about this fake relationship au I’m interested 👀
So its not all that thought out right now, because I thought it up last night. I'll make a whole post on it when I'm done because it has become clear to me that this is about to become one of my AUs (aka way to thought out and researched). So you're about to get what my brain decided to spit ball at me last night. It was basically 3 dif scenarios. One was time travel of all things 🤷‍♀️
So the root of all these is that Jacques did something (again) that upset a lot of people, and people are huddled up in a group (in the training room? break room?) talking about it. Someone mentions how it doesnt matter what anyone does, it doesnt really effect the guy personally. Marrow says something along the lines of "I wish we could hurt him personally, just once, just to finally get a hit in" (is he allowed to say that on the job? idk but its fanfic so). And either Weiss or Winter suggests the fake dating/marriage idea. I like to think Winter has a lot of personality inside her, she just only expresses anger/irritation outwardly, which Marrow will discover through this journey 😏. So does she like the idea of facing her dad when he's mad? Its canon that she doesnt but Weiss seems to enjoy making him mad when she's not there to get yelled at so I'm transferring that to Winter and dialing it up a bit. So basically Marrow wants to take a potshot at either Jacques or just Atlas elite society in general and Winter is always down for pissing off her dad.
Now heres where things get shifty. Right now Im only coming up with Married For Years dynamic or Oh Shit This Is Serious level of situation which doesnt quite work with the prank vibes this began as. Like Winter and Marrow being forced to have dinner with her parents and stuff after they "eloped", which is just angst, and i was going for Winter and Marrow playing into whatever crazy thing the tabloids are saying. And like by doing this (real or fake) they could be breaking a lot of fraternization rules, turning a fake scandal into a real one. Granted the media, and therefore everyone Jacques has to talk to at functions, cares more about a Schnee dating a faunus. Winter and Ironwood are pretty tight so I dont think either would loose their job. They might try to get Ironwood to officiate their wedding, in a version where they go all in, and he has to say no because if he does that he will officially burn every bridge he has with Jacques and the military kinda needs his dust.
so basically i gotta decide if its gonna be funny, and in turn how much i can stretch their personalities before they get OOC, or it would be serious, with Winter and Marrow trying to keep this up when they dont actually know much about each other and the Ace Ops making unhelpful commentary (*cough* referring to Winter by names Marrow now knows Winter hates, like "cold-hearted" *cough*). I dont see it as "we were drunk and in Vegas and thought it was a funny idea" type thing but also that would be HILARIOUS and i just cant take it off the table yet. Im also having trouble coming up with why Marrow would agree to this, because someone would def try to talk him out of it and a lot is on the line for a prank
as for the time travel one (it was actually this first one that popped into my head and i dont even like that trope, and now its kinda my fav option for this) it was Winter (and Marrow?) ending up back in time during V7 or before era, and present!Marrow seeing a whole nother side of her when she slips and acts like this version of him is her husband, and the Ace Ops actually seeing her express emotion since future!Marrow has managed to pull some personality into her external expressions. And the whole reason they are happily married never wouldve happened if they hadnt gotten married to piss off Jacques. Also Ice Queen Schnee glaring at everyone but being soft around her fun guy husband. Like she's staring daggers at Harriet while Marrow hands her a ice pack and sits next to her on the couch before putting his arm around her and she leans in. Maybe the fight with Cinder left her with lasting injuries (it prob did. I mean she was in a exoskeleton just to walk in V8) and in the following year Marrow got hurt too, so Ruby is over in the corner calling them "old" when they start complaining about how the Atlas cold is making their bodies hurt and "this is why we moved to [insert warm location here]"
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Family Support
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A/N: Okay so you know how in season 7 episode 11 Reid was at the convention talking and like no one was really interacting with him there beside that one dude. I felt really bad cus he looked really sad that prentiss and that other lady were getting attention….sooooooo what if like reader surprised him by bringing along their kids. sorry this might be bad lol, no one really requested it I just thought of it. so enjoy!
When Spencer told you he had a convention to go to with prentiss and a criminal author, you were very excited for him. Whenever he had one of these, he would get nervous but you would remind him that he was gonna do great. You knew it was very hard for him to talk in front of  people, but he tried his best. You knew he did. After the conventions, he would get a little sad because no one would ask him questions or interact with him either during or after the convention.
“I don't know why no one gets me, I mean they're there for a reason right? They should get my jokes and sayings right?” he would say to you as you came to comfort him after putting your two kids to sleep and laid next to him while he rubbed your belly carrying your third kid, you weren't far along, but you recently started showing. “Well spence, they don't have an iq of 187 or even have 3 phds and 2 BA’s handsome.” you said as he smiled at your comment.
“Right you’re right, i'm never doing those again, im terrible at talking.” he groaned as he placed his pillow on his face as he mumbled a little more making you giggle at your husband.
He would almost always do that when he came back from those conventions, so this time you were going to surprise him with your kids to see their dad talk about what he does. Your kids, Franklin and Diana, knew what you and Spence did, but not the specifics, of course, but then again they were not like normal kids. They inherited their father's smarts, and some of yours too, but you knew the smarts mainly came from him.
Their brains and knowledge aren't the same like most 9 and 6 year olds. They are a replica of Spencer in so many ways, but he would always tell you they look like you.
You told Hotch you were going, and he understood completely, you happily took your kids and headed to this convention.
As you went there it was filled with lots of people. Now you understood why he was scared, but you knew he would be great. As you took your seat you sat in the middle row and sat your kids. Prentiss was quick to see you and walked over to you.
“Hey y/n, i didn't know you were gonna come.” she said as your kids spoke up. “Hi aunty emily.” “Hi kiddos.” she said as she smiled looking at them. “Well i thought we could come here, to support daddy right?” you said as your kids nodded. She looked at you knowing you were hiding something, in a way she profiled you in seconds.
“Hey don't profile me.” you said as she playfully rolled her eyes. “Come on it's me, what's wrong?” she asked as you sighed.  “Okay fine fine, he said that he hates it when people come here and don't understand him and i thought why not bring people who do, and who better than those people being his family and kids and future boy or girl genius.” you said as she smiled at your love and support for spencer. Who knew years later you two would get married and have kids.
“y/n these kids are what 3 or 4? And future boy or girl genius isn't even born yet.” she said as you giggled.
“Actually Franklin's 9 and Dia is 6 and we know boy or girl genius already has lots of knowledge of this kinda stuff ” you said as she was shocked by their age. Time really was a son of a bitch when you had this job. “What? When were their bir-” she said as she got called. “Well tell me later, enjoy the show.” she told you as she walked back up to her chair. As Spencer walked out he looked very nervous, but you knew he was gonna end up doing great. He didn't notice you since you were in the middle row, which was expected. You just rubbed your small belly and whispered at the little fetus.
“Look it's daddy, Dia, he's gonna talk in a little.” Franklin whispered at his sister while she smiled looking at her dad. Then Patricia, the author spoke up, “In the end, I just write about violent crime. The real heroes are the people here beside me. Now, give a warm welcome to our next speaker, Dr. Spencer Reid of the BAU.” she said as you looked at your kids in awe while they were clapping for their dad. “Its daddy!'' Diana said as Franklin sat her on his lap for her to see him. “Hi im, uh dr. Spencer reid… sorry. Uh. Hi. I am here today to talk to you about paraphilias and their relation to violent crime.” he said as everyone just coughed and looked at him blankly.
“Does anybody know what dendrophilia is?” he asked as Franklin raised his hand and you noticed putting his hand down quickly. “Yeah whoever that was?” he said as Dia moved and let him stand. “It's a fetish for trees.” Franklin said as everyone turned over to him shocked that a 9 year old was responding to such a question. Spencer just smiled at the way his son just answered that question out of nowhere. He then looked over to you and Dia, he smiled and appreciated you doing this.
“Yes, that's right, little man.” he said as he continued on with his talk and people were more and more intrigued on what he had to say. You could say your job here was done but you and your kids stayed till it was over. You loved seeing your husband talk about the things you do on a daily basis, and seeing him be happy talking about it with people who are interested makes you even more happy. Seeing him happy made you happy.
After it was over you all walked over to him and he just embraced your two kids in a hug. “I didn't know you guys were gonna be here? Who’s idea was it?” he said in a cheerful voice as the kids shrugged. “Definitely our little brother.” Dia said as Spence looked at her in shock, you were also shocked because you didn't know she even wanted a brother. This was the first time she even mentioned it, Franklin though, he knew he wanted a sister. “No! Our little sister Dia,” Franklin said as you giggled at the way they fought with one another about what you were expecting.
“Come on, we all know it was their idea.” you said as you rubbed your belly. “Of course, huh so  mommy wasn't up to this then?” he asked as your kids shook their heads. “Hmm alright i believe you. Did you guys like it?” he asked as you all waited for prentiss to be done. “Yes daddy, you looked like a superhero up there, like spiderman.” Franklin said as Dia butt in. “no definitely not spiderman franklin, he was like superman.” she said as you two laughed at their nonsense fighting, which was so funny, they were like older people in little kids bodies.
As you waited you sat at a table where they could draw and he embraced you in a hug “Thank you for bringing them, you didn't have to do that.” he said as you smiled at him. “Well you're welcome bubs, but i did have to.” you said as he pursed his lips, “Well not necessarily,” he said as you squinted, “actually i did because one we’re your family and you've been to lots of baseball games and dance recitals, it was our turn to come support you.” you said as he kissed you which made your kids giggle at the sight of you kissing. How did he get so lucky to be with an amazing woman like you. He knew you were the one since he met you and he knew even more now.
“Plus, I figured we could have a non negative talk about you complaining tonight.” you said sheepishly as he sensed your joke. “Please you like it when I complain. It's how we made that little guy.” he said as you playfully slapped him, “not in front of the kids.” you said.
“Or girl!” Franklin said as you laughed even more. “But no really i'm happy you came, made my day seeing our little man answer that question.” he said as he smiled and you smiled too seeing how happy he was made you happy. “I'm glad my love, that's what i'm here for.” you said as you looked at your happy family, your smart, and beautiful family.
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a-singleboat · 4 years
Virtual Reality
Word Count: 2.4k
Request: hi! if your taking requests, i was wondering if you could write a damien x reader, where they meet through Twitch? add anything else you want i always love everything you write, thanks so much!! - anon
Warning(s): like, one swear
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It was a Thursday night when you first met him, or rather, heard of him. You had been streaming for five hours heading into your sixth when you decided it might be time for you to log off for the night. As per usual, you took at least thirty minutes at the end of your stream just to talk with your viewers, usually about how their lives were going in exchange for a story from your own day. 
Tonight, however, there was an influx of people asking if you’d ever heard of a streamer by the name of Damien Haas, which you hadn’t, and if you would do a collaboration with the man anytime soon. Apparently, your content was eerily similar and you were, and I quote, “Practically the female version of him, looks aside.” 
“Damien Haas…” you rolled yourself back closer to your desk, hands settled on your keyboard. You typed his name into the search bar, patiently waiting for Twitch to pull up his account. You clicked into the first one, making an impressed face at the purple checkmark next to his name. You squinted at the screen. “Is this him? In the profile picture with the LEDs in the background?” 
You glanced at your chat, chuckling as the viewers started spamming ‘yes’ and ‘oh my god it’s happening,’ and your personal favorite, ‘mom come pick me up the best crossover of 2020 is happening and im SCARED.’
“He plays a lot of Animal Crossing,” you observed, clicking on one of his videos and dragging the tab onto your main monitor so the stream could see it. You skipped through the beginning part, biting into a pretzel as you watched. 
“He’s kinda cute,” you commented, laughing as your stream freaked out once more. There were a few people commenting what looked like it could be a ship name though you ignored it. “Shame I’d never meet him, though.”
You paused his video, taking note of the time, before rolling out your shoulders. “I think it’s time for me to head out so I’m gonna end this stream with a huge thank you to you all for sticking with me through this entire stream and if you didn’t stay the entire time, I’m glad you decided to join in on the ride even halfway through. I’ll see you guys next time.”
You ended the stream, waving goodbye to your viewers before the light went out and you could relax the smile off your face. Don’t get it twisted, you loved streaming and you loved your viewers but just like any other job, it could get exhausting at times. You shut down your monitors, the screens turning blue before fading to black. You stretched, taking your phone up from its charger and launching yourself into bed, opening your phone and clicking on Twitter. 
Much like staying thirty minutes after you were done streaming to talk to viewers, you usually went on Twitter right after to answer questions and respond to DMs. This time, however, instead of opening the app to see a bunch of post-stream questions, your mentions were filled with the video clip of you saying, “He’s kinda cute,” as well as maybe a million people tagging both you and Damien in them. 
Well, shit. 
Soon enough, that was all that filled your timeline. You couldn’t move in one direction without running into another screencap of you admiring the man. God, you knew the consequences but something in the back of your mind was urging you to reach out to him.
After a few moments of contemplation, the lonely side of you won out, forcing you to message him against your better judgment. Without even thinking about it, you found his Twitter and sent this message:
Hey, I’m sorry about your mentions blowing up because of me tonight. My viewers recommended your Twitch to me and I spoke without thinking about it on Live. 
And with no expectation of his response, you fell asleep right there with your phone on your chest and the DM still open. 
You woke up the next morning with a sore neck and a dead phone, which was a terrible way to start your day. You rolled over, plugging your device into an outlet before crawling out of bed to start your day. When you weren’t streaming, you worked as a freelance editor for different YouTubers, helping their editors with their workload or even staying on as a Temp for different companies. Occasionally you edited the odd commercial here and there, but those gigs were rare. 
Most recently, you had received some material from a group of YouTubers, Smosh. This job was different, however, because if you did well on this you could be looking at a permanent place of employment through their parent company, Mythical Entertainment. 
You knew Mythical Entertainment, it was hard not to, especially since your aunt was one of the producers within the company, but tended to ignore everything the company did. The last you’d heard, they’d onboarded another YouTube group (which you did later find out to be Smosh, the same YouTubers whose video you were hired to edit). 
 After a quick shower and a half-assed attempt at a proper breakfast, you were ready to start your day. You situated yourself behind your monitors, opening the video clips that had been sent to you. The first was a sample video, something that gave you insight on what their editing style was actually like. 
But imagine your surprise when you’re staring down the same man you have called cute the night before, his approximately five-eleven stance taking up one-sixth of the space. He was standing next to a blond, who had been marked as “Shayne Topp.”
Despite there being five other people in frame, your eyes kept moving back to Damien’s figure, watching his mannerisms through the screen and laughing along to his jokes when they fell upon deaf ears. 
Your eyes slid over to your phone, now decently charged after sitting for so long. On your screen were dozens of notifications. There were maybe two from your mom, asking if you’d be coming home for dinner sometime that week but the majority came from Twitter. You picked up the device, unlocking and responding to your mom with a, “yes,” before opening Twitter. 
Nothing much had changed from the night prior. Your mentions were still being flooded with the video from last night but newer content had been ushered in, namely fan edits using footage from your streams and, you assumed, his. 
The only major difference, however, was the fact that Damien had responded to your DM from the night prior. The first message read: 
It’s really no problem! My stream had mentioned your name before, too.
Followed by the second:
P.S. I think you’re cute, too.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. Mr. Damien Haas, the man that you had made a thoughtless comment on stream about, also thought that you were cute. Suddenly, the fact that you had been staring at him for the past hour seemed less stalkerish and more like a blooming crush. You wrote back:
Aw, thanks! Have you seen the newer fan edits? They’re all so talented.
You cringed at yourself. A cute boy started talking to you and you’ve suddenly forgotten how to be suave, not that you really were in the first place. But still, you liked to think you had some tact when talking to people that you found attractive. 
Not even a moment later, there came a response. 
Yes, I have, he responded. And I agree! They are all very talented individuals. 
You looked from the monitor in front of you. You had about a quarter of the footage left to go through before you could start editing but this technically wasn’t due until the following night. Feeling emboldened by the fact that he had actually responded, you replied:
Are you going to TwitchCon on Friday? We should meet up or something. 
Anxiously you awaited his response, taking his silence as an opportunity to watch a bit more of the footage and take down notes according to the sample they’d given you. Roughly thirty minutes later is when the next response came in, reading as an affirmative to both questions. 
You didn’t respond, choosing to leave your social media for after you’d finished editing the video. Your heart still pounded, however. Just the thought that there was a possibility for the two of you to meet was, simply put, insane. You’d just heard of the guy the night before and decided that he was going to be your latest hyperfixation. 
But who could blame you? He was a nice, funny guy that showed the slightest bit of attraction towards you. It didn’t help that you were a sucker for guys that were nice to you. 
Fast forward to the Friday of TwitchCon, also known as the first day of TwitchCon. You and Damien had been talking steadily over Twitter DMs and just last night you had gained his phone number, giving you even more access to the man than you had before. But of course, who were you if you didn’t tease your fans with the prospect of you meeting. 
The night before, at the end of your stream, you’d given your fans the little tidbit of information that you and Damien were, in fact, planning on meeting up sometime during TwitchCon and would be greeting fans together for an hour at your booth. 
That sent Twitter into a frenzy, both of your combined fans getting your ship name to trend within the hour, which confused the hell out of a bunch of locals. 
It was nearing the time you and Damien had set to meet up. The plan was you’d meet around twelve for lunch, take an hour for yourselves, before going back to your booth and meeting with fans for an hour or so as promised. 
You had never been more nervous than you were in that moment. Not only were you about to meet your three-day-old crush but apparently a very popular YouTuber. You tried not to let the thought mess with your head. One of your friends, Wilbur Soot (who you played Minecraft with from time to time) was poking fun at you for being nervous about meeting a popular YouTuber. 
After three years of streaming and gaining a solid following, you’d think you’d be used to meeting other popular content creators. But because it was him, you found yourself unable to think straight. 
“What if I fuck up?” you asked Wilbur anxiously. He’d flown in from London for this event at your insistence and because you’d offered to pay half his airfare to get there and back. He didn’t have his own booth as his arrival was very last minute, but he didn’t mind. He signed the occasional poster though his main purpose was to provide you mental and emotional support. 
“You won’t fuck up,” he comforted, leafing through one of the comics a fan had given you. The entire thing was hand-drawn, which was an insane fact in itself. It looked professional, which was what blew you away when you’d received it. “Well, you won’t fuck up as badly as you did when you first met Schlatt.”
You groaned in embarrassment. “Don’t remind me.”
Long story short, you’d dumped a red in color slushy on the man accidentally after tripping over an unmarked cable. It really wasn’t your fault but the boys hadn’t let you live it down since then. 
Half a moment later, Wilbur was poking your side. “Is that him?” he asked, jabbing his pointer finger into your side while looking in the opposite direction. He was looking at a familiar figure walking down the hallway toward your booth. He stopped for a moment to take a photo with a fan, talking to them about something, before continuing on his way toward you. 
Your eyes locked and you gave him a smile while trying to beat Wilbur into no longer poking you. He stopped when you slapped his arm the first time, sticking his tongue at you before going on his phone. You rolled your eyes at his half-assed attempt of pretending he wasn’t about to start listening in on your conversation. 
“Hey, Y/n, right?” Damien asked as he approached. You nodded, reaching out for a handshake but becoming pleasantly surprised when he instead pulled you in for a hug. 
“You ready for lunch?” you asked glaring slightly at Wilbur as he made kissy faces over Damien’s shoulder. Luckily, Damien hadn’t noticed your moron of a best friend. 
“Yeah, I saw this sushi place on the way in if you wanted to try that?”
“I’d be down,” you agreed, reaching behind your table to grab your bag. Wilbur was set to meet with a few other Minecraft streamers, meaning you didn’t have to worry about him while you had lunch. You looked over your shoulder, making sure everything was set for you to leave before saying goodbye to Wilbur. 
Over the course of lunch, you and Damien had gotten to know each other pretty well. Once the conversation moved away from your fans and, well, work, and more into personal details, you found that you actually weren’t all that similar. For starters, Damien loved watching anime while your guilty pleasure was Gilmore Girls. The one show you both had a love for, however, was Avatar the Last Airbender, which made sense. 
Another thing was that he actually enjoyed being in front of the camera while you tolerated it on most days, really only putting on your face cam for the last thirty minutes on most days. Despite that, he still classified himself as an introvert. 
You returned back to your booth much later than you anticipated, thoroughly shocked at the line that had formed with Wilbur at the front of it, entertaining the fans that had shown up early to meet both you and Damien. 
“Y/n!” one fan called, pointing in your direction. Immediately, the entire line turned and gaped at the sight of you and Damien walking together. You greeted them happily, stopping for pictures and verbally promising that you’d stay until you got to meet everyone personally. 
“You really love your fans,” Damien observed as you put your things back down behind the table. Wilbur had set up shop on your right side, chatting with a few people at the front of the line. 
“I wouldn’t be anywhere without them,” you admitted, pulling a silver sharpie from your bag. You handed a gold one to Damien. “I also wouldn’t have gotten to meet you without them, which I’m still sorry about, by the way. Your feed must have been chaotic.”
“You have no idea,” he chuckled. “But everything happens for a reason.”
You nodded, grinning up at him. “Yes, they do.” 
@beautiful-holland @toms-order @starlightfound @grandmascottlang @positiveparker @bippity-boppity-boopa @caswinchester2000 @andreasworlsboring101 @imladylunaticbitch​
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
eat your words* chris motionless x reader
Part 2/collab with @buryallyourbones can be found here, she did a great job so you should go read it! It will also be linked in my master list under "motionless in white2"
* - lunch date gone right ;)
Song: 3 musketeers by ppcocaine
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @theoneandonlykymberlee @cynic-spirit @thisplace-ishaunted @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @alilpunkrock @bleed-to-make-amends
i sat in the booth with chris and sipped my coffee. it had been a fairly long morning after he agreed to help me repaint my living room so i had offered to take him to lunch. it was a little fancier than we were  both dressed for but i didnt really care, they had amazing food and their coffee was to die for. it was kind of a date i suppose. we had been hanging out and going on dates for about two months already but neither of us had really labeled anything yet. not to mention we hadnt exactly told anyone we were seeing each other, not even the band. i sat and looked around the restaurant as i sipped my coffee.
"so, when we get back do we have to get right back into painting or is there room for something else first?"
he asked, brows raising quickly and making me laugh to myself. i shook my head at him as he took a drink of his own coffee.
"ill think about it, but for now i wanna eat lunch."
he nudged me with his elbow.
"right, but all im saying is you would make a lovely dessert."
i snorted at him as he wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my jaw lightly and squeezing my thigh.
"come on, what do you say?"
i rolled my eyes and sent him a knowing look.
"fine, but as soon as we are done we have to get back to work."
i said as he sat back up.
he said, looking up at the waitress as she came to take our lunch order. we gladly gave it to her before getting back to our conversation. then as i looked over i noticed the group of friends i had blown off and immediately felt panicked.
i said, looking to chris.
"what? whats wrong?"
he said a little worried. i pointed in their direction as they waited for the hostess to get back to seat them.
"those are the friends i told you about. i knew they were all going to lunch today but i didnt know they were coming here!"
i said quickly, grabbing his arm.
"you have to hide. they cant know about this yet."
he drew his brows and laughed a little bit. then his face fell.
"wait, you're serious?"
i nodded.
"yes im serious. we agreed to keep this a secret from people so if you dont want them knowing about you yet you need to hide."
he rolled his eyes at me.
"cant we just tell them im a relative or something?"
i let out a short laugh.
"no, they know all my relatives. they have been going to our family functions since we were five years old, just get under the table and be quiet."
i said, commanding him. he sighed as i pushed him under the table, i looked up just as my friends approached us.
"y/n! funny seeing you here. i thought you said you were busy today."
kayla asked, looking at me a little disappointed. i nodded slowly.
"i am, but i decided to come get lunch. i didnt realize you guys were coming here."
i lied. a smile spread across her face quickly.
"oh, do you want to come sit with us then?"
she asked and i jumped, chris' hand making its way between my thighs. i sent her a reassuring smile, trying not to let on what he was doing under the table. i was just glad this place had table cloths.
"uh, actually im waiting for someone."
i lied again. she drew her brows, looking to Janice a little confused.
"oh, okay."
i coughed uncomfortably as chris pressed his finger against my clit over my panties, stroking me lightly.
"its not like that, we just have a meeting so ive got to eat kinda quick-"
my breathing hitched as i felt him press his face between my legs. i closed them abruptly, him hitting his head against the table before grabbing my thighs tightly with his hands and prying them open. god i wish i wouldnt have changed into a skirt before we left.
"are you alright y/n?"
Janice asked, concern lacing her voice. i nodded as i felt him move my panties to the side, his tongue making its way up my folds.
"who me? yeah im doing great."
i said uncomfortably.
"are you sure you dont want to come sit with us for a bit? we can make it quick if youre pressed for time."
kayla offered and i nodded, trying not to moan as he sucked on my clit, pushing one finger into me.
i shuddered out, feeling a chill run up my spine. they both looked a little skeptical.
"okay, then i guess we'll see you later. and hopefully your meeting goes well, or whatever."
Kayla said, looking to Janice a little worried before ushering her away to their table. i sat back and swallowed hard, feeling chris add another finger and pumping them in and out of me. i bit my tongue hard as the waitress came over with our food. she set both plates down and topped off our mugs.
"you two need anything else?"
she asked politely. i sat forward abruptly as he curled his fingers into me and shook my head.
"nope, i think we're good."
i managed, watching her nod and walk away. i put my elbows on the table, folded my hands together and rested my head against them as he continued his tongues attack on my clit. i breathed hard, feeling the knot in my stomach build.
i whispered out, feeling his free hand massage my thigh. i sat back into the booth again, slouching down into it and reaching under the table to hold his head. i dug my head into the booth as i came around his fingers, trying not to moan at the feeling. my legs shook under the table as he licked me clean and put my panties back in place. i glared down at him as he poked his head out from under the table cloth.
"i fucking hate you."
i said as he returned to his place beside me. he smirked before taking a sip of his coffee and looking over at me with a devilish grin.
"you do not. but now i guess i dont have to wait for dessert."
he said with a wink, picking up his fork. i sighed out, sitting forward and moving to eat too.
"oh no, now i think you get to wait even longer for the next round."
he looked at me sternly.
"you wouldnt."
he tested and i sent him a look, shoving my fork in my mouth.
"try me."
i said as i swallowed. he leaned in, looking between my eyes.
"is that a challenge?"
he quipped back and i smirked at him, getting closer too.
"i guess youll just have to wait and see."
he laughed once through his nose before pushing forward and kissing me harshly.
i heard Janice say and my eyes shot open. chris pulled away with a shocked look on his face too, both of our attention turning to her as she stood in front of the table.
"i was on my way to the bathroom... what? what is this?"
she asked, pointing between us and i could feel my face getting warmer.
"uh, jan, this is my friend chris."
i said reluctantly, watching her eyes move to me.
"i see youre very close."
she said reluctantly and he nodded, squeezing my thigh.
"you have no idea."
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jrueships · 3 years
(Hands you detective au)
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IWBFIEB im /j of course fr thank u for this ask I've had a detective kinda au in my mind 4EVER.. multichapter pg/kawhi detective au... I won't write it yet because uhhhh looks at mountain of wips... looks away.. but YEA it's definitely a THOUGHT. My hatred of c0ps vs my love for detective aus.... FIGHT!!!
But BASICALLY the idea I have with the detective au is like... kawhi leonard was just some guy looking for a job to support his adopted son, Terance. One day he helped with a crime near his house and badda Bing badda bang! A detective agency liked his 'eccentric' thought process. It's basically a play on monk/Sherlock where detectives find a guy who thinks different than them so they make him do everything basically LMAO.. except kawhi doesn't Want to so everything. Despite being known for his austere exterior, the deaths stack onto him. He really hates his line of work but just suppresses it all deep down. To his quiet dislike, he ends up climbing higher into the forensic ranks due to his knack of solving cases. He gets pushed up from Arson with Kyle Lowry, a funny but kind of sad little fellow who misses his old partner transferred to another state agency, to Vice (AKA drugs) with Paul George.
Paul George isn't your ordinary humbug black and white detective. Though he did carry a pack of cigarettes and a lighter with his own initialed insignia, he only carried it for Style Points and Aesthetic. He takes most his cases with a grain of salt, just glad to be getting a good pay. He shows up to scenes wearing flashy, expensive suits and a cute hat with a bow. His shoes are always shiny and his baby blue corvette (fitted with it's own radio and sirens) is worth more than Kawhi's shitty apartment. He's flashy and shines his badge to all the ladies. A failed actor, He's obsessed with acting like his job is a movie and he the handsome main character.
He's recently new to the job, having moved up to replace Damian Lillard -- who suddenly quit. Paul's vain and jealous of Kawhi having quicker success than him just for 'being weird'. He constantly shoots offhand comments and let's Kawhi know who's the leader in this forced partnership. Kawhi could honestly care less.
I think I want chapter 1 to be them getting to know each other whether they want to or not. Chapter one is pg's big asshole era so it starts off with them getting sent to their first case together by the commissioner. The commissioner gives his complaints to kawhi rather than pg so that gets pg all annoyed. Insert a bunch of sarcastic and biting comments here. This continues even in the car ride, with Pg lowkey trying to flex his flashy accessories and higher authority to Kawhi's silence. Then the car stops at a red light and who do they see but Damian Lillard driving his rinkadink motorcycle. He quit to become a private investigator, saying he won't work with corrupt cunts. He throws Kawhi his number, flips off paul, and tells them Goodluck on their criminal case before speeding off before the light hit green.
This sends Paul back into a spiel, ranting to Kawhi about how Stupid Dame was and how he must be outta his mind. Then he starts putting up dumb ground rules to reestablish his superiority like rule 72 always say I'm right. Rule 56 always tell me I look sexy rule 57 always follow that up with a no homo though rule- You get it. That goes on for a Long while, and when pg is finally done he looks back at Kawhi, who hasn't said a single word since getting in the car, and asks if he has any questions. Kawhi nods and asks "can you turn on the radio."
Pg does. Reluctantly. But only because his voice was starting to get sore from all that talking.
Chapter 2 ... I am still thinking. I have a case in mind for them to solve but... it's a lot to think!
But I really want there to be a scene where they have to chase a runaway culprit but his sprinklers turn on so pg refuses to run through them and get him. So he just kinda points at the culprit's retreating form and barks at kawhi like "gO GET HIM!!! THAT'S MY MONEY RUNNIN OUTTA THE BUILDING, YOU BOZO!!"
And I want there to be a scene where pg and kawhi are scoping out a suspect at a diner so they have to squeeze really close together in a booth and snoop in a dark corner. Pg ask kawhi to light his cig for him (while it's in his mouth that's very important) ... they start bonding a bit. Kawhi talks a little. Pg starts noticing that kawhi isn't this kinda special golden boy detective but just a guy whos trying to make a decent living. He comforts kawhi after he sees a bad body.
I also want a scene down the road where kawhi gets shot and the closest place for treatment is his apartment so pg drives (and kawhi gets blood all over his nice car MAN!! "Leonard I swear you're gonna live and you're gonna wash this SHIT off my car, man!!") him home and kicks open the door to start getting to work on healing that wound. Kawhi is more concerned with not letting Terance see him like this... pg shows his Caring side and is really nice to terance.. gives him his badge to play with in another room. Also hands him his sketchpad he uses to draw the suspects so he can doodle away. Mandatory terance asking if Paul is kawhi's boyfriend. Mandatory Paul dodging the question by saying he has to go help dad-KAWHI. And he does and paul REALLY realizes that kawhi is just some guy who just thinks different but that doesn't make him any better or worse than pg and it's like "oh. Maybe he's not so bad..."
And YEAH. I think I want the end to have a twist. Blah blah they find out the agency is corrupt (probably take money from drug dealing gangs to not bust em all). They both end up quitting detective work to join Damian's private agency to put a stop to dirty work.
BUT YEAH!! Those are my ideas for it!!! Kinda long I dunno!!!! Ummmm ! Yeah! Lmao! Buddycop dynamics have me by the THROAT 😭
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thegayraven · 3 years
ok so final thoughts on shadow and bone, in no particular order:
im glad they put a lot of work into mal and alina's relationship because i dont mind being more invested in them. and i really liked jessie and archie in the roles and they did a great job
i think its pretty funny that archie renaux and ben barnes are jokingly playing up the rivalry irl and as a nikolai girl im excited for him to get in the mix and offer up his hand in marriage
zoya could have been meaner. she just could have been meaner! i would have supported her being meaner. i appreciate her turning on the darkling sooner because i like zoya but i also want her to be a little meaner. she deserves it!
oh speaking of zoya the fact that they made it canon that she and the darkling have had a thing...? big skeevy vibes for me personally considering he has known her since she was like 9. just saying
did zoya and mal actually bang in this version? i feel like they didnt. also i think its lowkey really funny that zoya and alina have the exact same taste in men apparently. also i kinda hope zoya loses the bangs next season...they were ok but not my fave.
it took me a while to warm up to danielle as nina but ultimately i did like her and i think i will like her even more in season 2. same goes for whoever's playing matthias he was p cute and he did a good job. no idea what his accent was supposed to be (it was fine tho i liked it) and i wish they spoke more fjerdan between the two of them but thats fine
oh speaking of languages are we just pretending kerch and ravkan are the same language? because realistically only inej speaks ravkan between her, jesper and kaz right? lmao.
at the halfway point i felt the crows' plot was quite stupid but episode 5 improved things significantly and i am not immune to wanting to see characters i like team up. i will say that alina literally giving inej the sankta alina knife was kinda cheesy but its fine. super funny how mal and alina are literally on the same ship as the crows in the end but theyre like "nah nah its cool we travel separately from now on"
omg speaking of alina when i heard they were going to cast an asian actress and make alina part shu i did not think she was going to experience 60 microaggressions per minute...like ok i guess it makes sense for ravkans to be xenophobic considering like the country's hardships and the wars and the ensuing nationalism but oh my god.
also also, alina being shu is kinda cool because that gives her another thing to connect with tolya and tamar about, yes? i know shadow and bone is less popular than six of crows but tolya and tamar deserve SOME of the hype being afforded to nikolai and wylan
daisy head was soooooo good as genya and its so fucked up that they pronounce her name "jenya" in my heart it will ALWAYS be a hard G. i got kinda mad on her behalf when alina was chewing her out tho...like alina i totally get that ur mad. but you literally do not know what she has been through 🥲
i honestly think the guy playing david is a little too hot to be david i always imagined him dweebier but its what genya deserves and he was excellent in the role so im fine with it.
ben barnes was an excellent casting choice for the darkling. theres gonna be exponentially more darkling fuckers now but thats the price you pay for good casting i guess. i'll be honest he and jessie mei li have good chemistry and all but the makeout scene still weirded me out because he is 39 and shes around my age.
omg SPEAKING of the makeout scene it was extremely funny to me that he's all like "are you sure? [about having s*x presumably]" when theyve been making out for literally FIFTEEN SECONDS and have taken NO clothes off. like what is she supposed to be sure about? you have put the cart SOOOOOO far ahead of the horse my dude! but i guess in tv kiss + "are you sure" is just meant to tell the audience "these two plan on banging" so whatever.
the antler collar was much creepier than in the book but that is fine. i was expecting mal to be the one to be like "alina you spared the stag's life so actually you still own your own power" but shrug. oh and we have very little foreshadowing of mal being an amplifier so far...and there was NO mention of the sea serpent or the other amplifiers which disappointed me a little but only because sea serpent foreshadowing counts as nikolai foreshadowing.
oh im very neutral on the effects for alina's powers...at points i thought they looked kinda lame but in the fold they looked cool
kaz and inej kept having these (for them) very sweet heartfelt conversations and every single time i turned to my sister and was like "this is soooo sweet...but in the book they would NEVER say this." however i understand that tv is a different medium than books and freddy carter did well with what he was given. jesper and inej were PHENOMENAL though and im excited to see all the crows together.
i still have no idea if this show is coherent to those with no prior knowledge but i'd love to know what its like to watch with no prior knowledge. like my sister said she wouldnt have picked up on alina being "sickly" prior to using her powers if i hadnt told her thats a thing in the book. or like genya having purple embroidery on a red kefta to show shes sort of between corporalki and materialki. also if youre watching without having read the books is it obvious that the darkling is evil or?
speaking of keftas, based on the teaser trailer i was worried they would look bad. but they looked very good! mostly the costuming was excellent. nina was the only character whose costumes i didnt like as much and to be fair shes stuck in one outfit until the end of the show so im sure she'll look better next season. oh and jesper could have been in brighter colors imo.
i was a little upset that they didnt call the merchants merchers...and also that theres no mention of the dregs? is kaz just the leader of his own gang in this world?? to be fair establishing the dregs might have taken up too much time but i want answers next season. also it was kind of wild to me that kaz uses the crow club as collateral when like the audience barely knows whats up with the crow club.
here and there they had very fun scene transitions or good soundtrack moments and that was fun. only moment that u can think of that seemed poorly edited was the fight scene with mal in episode 1, which just felt weirdly choppy. i am not a cinnamon topography expert tho.
overall i am happy because the show was very entertaining (all i can ask for) and i think it was maybe even kinda good!
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veeranger · 4 years
Thoughts on Halo Reach's plot and best to worst noble team members?
you know ive actually been a lot more critical towards reach lately because i think it fails on the biggest thing it advertised: noble team. characters have never really been the strong suit of bungie’s writing (idk who destiny is so dont @ me) and while this isnt usually a major issue, it is an issue when a game wants to sell you on this squad of your teammates it wants you to care about or at least be fond of. ODST and Reach both have a cast of characters that could be really interesting but since halo is a shooter and not really a storytelling kinda game series all they really get are a few lines here and there and some cool moments, nothing really solid or anything to get a glimpse at who they are. maybe thats kinda the point though since spartans are all fucked up broken people like inherently. i dont think thats why bungie did that though
as for reach’s actual plot, i think it works well for what it is, a playable tragedy that tells you the conclusion up front. halo fans who are any level above completely casual knew that reach got completely glassed right before the start of halo ce and the advertising of this was very clear. the fact that you’ve never heard of spartan 3′s or noble team before was a pretty clear indicator of what their fates would be before you even turned on your xbox. the game literally opens with your smashed helmet embedded in the ground as a tombstone to your inevitable heroic sacrifice. reach invokes the same kind of feeling as star wars rogue one, you just know things wont end well for our main characters but you know that their deaths will pave the way for the main series protagonist to eventually win the whole damn thing 3 games/movies from now. 
so even with this in mind you go through reach and you think “wow things are going pretty well, we’re holding out own against the covies and even striking back at key targets” and maybe you forget whats going to happen or you dont and you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. and boy fucking howdy does it drop. jorge dies thinking he just saved reach and as you fall through the atmosphere you realize how hopelessly fucked you are. thats where the game enters its second phase, the “we’re fucked but still fighting” phase, as opposed to the first half of the game where things were still somewhat hopeful. noble six wakes up like a week later to half the planet burning and civilians being slaughtered as they try to evac. the first level of the second half of the game features you busting your ass hard to clear an evac point for civilians only to see them all get shot down and die. its brutal stuff, especially for halo who had never shown the conflict though that lense. 
what follows is a parade of squadmate deaths as your numbers dwindle with every level until its just you and emile, and then just you. unlike in rogue one you actually aren’t immediately told what the key item in this quest is, in this case its cortana, the equivalent to the death star plans in rogue one, the most important thing in the universe since cortana will be the one to slipspace jump to halo 04 and kick off a series of events that will lead to the survival of humanity. but once you get this item suddenly it all makes sense, carter is told this is “what his spartans died for” and to you that means a lot more than it ever would to him. 
reach ends with a profoundly impactful epilogue level where you just. are doomed. you can’t hold out forever and even if you could there’s no rescue coming for you. noble six gave their life to save the universe and never even knew it. the fact that their death isnt a cutscene but you actually yourself have to try to stave off death or just take as many elites with you as you can before they get you, it really adds so much to the impact of the final noble team death. nevermind that six isnt a real character it does work in this case because you’re seeing it from a first person perspective.
so overall my thoughts on reach is that despite the major flaw of not making you care enough about noble team (unless you do, this is my personal view) it does its job very well in portraying the desperate struggle of humanity against a threat that they cannot possibly comprehend or rightfully stand up against, but despite devastating loss the small victories they achieved still ended up mattering in the end. 
now as for noble team i wont do a best to worst but ill give my thoughts on everyone
carter: hardass commander type, not much to say imo. his death scene was his best moment and i wish his relationship with kat had been fleshed out more because it was so so funny to see her pull his strings to get what she wants. you can tell he has the respect of everyone, especially emile. 
kat: the only girl! i actually like cat, im glad they gave her a buzzcut instead of trying to make her sexy or anything even if they did give her that ass in her armor. shes the typical smartass better than you genius character but it works, especially with that accent. i wish i could be friends with her, there was that scene right before she died where she confided in six that this was also her first glassing. her death was kind of shock value to me and i wish she could have at least died with a little more dignity like the rest of noble team but alas :(
jun: probably my least favorite. i cant really remember much of this guy. he’s the only one who got to live and i kind of hate him for that because he was the least interesting of the bunch. 
emile: certainly the most iconic of all the noble spartans. he comes off as sadistic but not a maniac, he listens to carter when he speaks and is on good terms with kat even through his obvious inability to really connect to other people. this is certainly because of the fact that he’s a spartan-3, he’s probably the most “inhuman” of the bunch. i wish his relationship with jorge was given a little more, i liked how despite his pushing jorge early in the game he still mourned his death, and yet refused to carry his dogtags because he knew six was the one who was entrusted with them. his death was very iconic i think everyone remembers that. 
jorge: the big man himself, his death is what set the tone for the second half of the game and was probably pretty impactful to most people playing. i always thought it was interesting that he was a spartan-2 and not a 3 like the rest of noble, i wonder why that was. his relationship with halsey was interesting and it showed that not all spartans hated the devil woman for what she did to them. his defining characteristic was his big heart and that was especially interesting for a spartan-2, that he managed to hold onto something like that through all the shit he probably went through. 
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Best friends.. but more💕
Takanobu Aone × fem!reader
Tags: NSFW,, biting,, daddy/princess petnames,, heart break
Tw: drinking, drunk sex,,
Word count: 1800+
Im a wee bit drunk atm if yall find any grammar errors or would like tags or tws I could add message me and let me know. Other than being drunk Im also new to tagging stories so sometimes I don't pay attention 😅
NSFW under the cut♡
It was sometimes rather odd being best friends with Aone. Everyone else in your class and well the whole school seemed to think he's so intimidating. Which is kinda funny considering its based on his height. When in reality hes just a big ol teddy bear.
You were rather glad no one really knew him like you did. Still he wasn't very talkative when you two hung out but you could tell by his body language that he always had a good time. Especially when you two played games together. Who would imagine this very stiff, quiet guy actually gets angry when he loses at video games. It wasnt very noticable until he'd always makes an excuse to go get snacks every time he would lose. You caught him quietly fuming to himself in the kitchen after a couple times. Which turned into many times of sneaking out of his room just to watch him and having your heart race trying to make it back so he wouldn't know that you essentially were stalking him in his own home. It was then you realized maybe your feelings toward him were for more than just friendship. A thought you'd never have expected to have towards your best friend. So you shook it off everytime you felt it a little more not wanting to hurt your relationship.
After graduation things stayed the same mostly. The only real difference was after you two had gotten jobs and places of your own and it was a bit harder to spend time together. So when you two had time to spare you were either at his house or him at your apartment. It was never abnormal for you two to stay the night together. Most of the time you'd drink and play games together. Which really wasnt very often lately because your boyfriend didn't like another guy spensing the night.
It didnt matter how many times you told him that Aone is just your best friend and nothing more. He never believed you. Finally after countless texts and calls of Aone asking to come over you decided to go to his place. You got drunk and vented to him about everything, eventually passing out. Being the sweet guy he is Aone helped you to the couch and covered you up. The very next day you woke up to multiple calls and messages from your boyfriend. It was clear he was pissed but you shrugged it off and stuffed your phone in your pocket. You explained the situation and Aone offered to drive you home. It didnt seem like too big a deal that was until you made it home. Your boyfriend standing next to his car outside your place. Seeing you with Aone made him furious. "I guess Im gonna go sort this out. I'll text you later." you said before exiting the car.
Immediately your boyfriend dragging you up to your apartment. Not even two seconds inside and he berates you with questions. "Were you at his place last night? Is that why you weren't home this morning? Did you fuck him? I cant believe-" you stopped him right there and told him plainly "No. I didn't fuck him. I missed my best friend and I got drunk and passed out. If it werent for that I'd have come home last night." None of it seeming to have any bit of a difference to him. He shook his head with a deep scowl on his face, "We're done." he said and walked out the door. You didnt try to stop him and just let him go.
It took a while for the sadness to hit but when it did you got pretty depressed because you actually really liked the guy. But in the end you werent going to give up your best friend time for some guy no matter how much you liked him.
A couple days after the break up you had went out drinking with your work and got absolutely shitfaced. Thankfully one of your coworkers got your phone. "Dont worry y/n I called a friend to come get you. He should be here any minute." You were barely coherent to what she said and ended up face down in your food crying.
Aone finally showing up, and everyone being in awe of his demeanor towards you. They all drunkenly tell him how good a boyfriend he is. He didnt correct them, just thanked them for calling and said that he'd take care of you. He rubbed your back and leaned down to say "Y/n Im here to take you home. Hop on my back Ill carry you." Your coworkers cheering him on yet again for being so sweet. You being wasted beyond belief got entirely too excited at the idea of a piggy back ride. It took a couple tries but you eventually got on his back.
The walk to his car was kind of cold and your nose was especially suffering. "Aoneee~ my nose its- *hiccup* c-cold." You said right before you snuggled your face into his warm neck. The smell of him almost making you melt. You leaned up into his ear "aoneeeee," you said with such a pouty tone, "A-o-ne Ivee got a seeecret.. I think I might like you.. e-even in high school." You lean back down to nuzzle your face into his neck not noticing how much the tall silent man was blushing. He didn't really say much back and honestly you didn't really notice from how drunk you were.
You hadnt even realized that at some point he had put you in his car. He decided to just take you back to his house since it was closer. You ended up falling asleep blabbering about how hot you were and trying to take off your clothes. Pulling up you were still out of it and thankfully clothed since you were too drunk to get them off. He picked you up and carried you inside up to his bed. Normally you would sleep on the couch but with how things were tonight he'd take the couch.
He laid you down and gathered up a tshirt and some of his sleeping pants, which were way too big. He woke you up enough to have you change clothes and tuck you in. "If you need anything at all Im right on the couch." He stood up to walk to the door. Only to have you grab his hand and pull him down over top of you. "don't go." You said in barely a whisper almost whining. Looking down at you in this way causing his body to react to you like it never has before. Almost making him leave immediately, seeing as how you werent in your right mind, but the way you tugged at him he let you win. He moved over to the other side of you whispering back "okay but once youre asleep im going to the couch."
He laid there looking at you thinking about what you had said when he picked you up and this overwhelming feeling of wanting you filled his mind. You in search of warmth rolled over to cuddle your back against him. Your body kind of going on its own at this point from your drunken and slightly horny state. He had no idea what to do and felt a panic wash over him before you grabbed his arm and wrapped it around you. Feeling the neediness of how his hand held your waist your ass began grinding against him. His hand gripping you tight trying to keep his composure forcing a low moan out of you and the words flowed out of your mouth, "Aone please♡ touch me please." Thats all it took for him to break. You could feel both hands now on your waist pulling you into him grinding his hard cock against your ass. Every thrust and his tightening grip forcing a moan out of you.
The pants he gave you slowing riding down leaving you in just his shirt. He freed a hand to roam over your body and leaned down just barely breathing over your neck before running his tongue along your skin to find the most sensitive spot. You gasped at how good it felt. A little further he thought, just a nip right there in that sensitive little spot. Grabbing your hips as you grinded against him begging for more. "Pleasee Aone more.. bite me more mmm please" gasping between every word. He obliged and sunk his teeth into you. He immediately felt your body tense up as you moaned for more from him "Aone♡ fuck- fuck me please."  "You sure?" He said back. Your hand reaching back to grab his lengthy throbbing cock "yesss~ mmmm fuck you're so big" stroking it listening to his quiet moans in your ear turning you on even more. Enjoying the feeling of your small hands fondling him so needily. Pushing him so close to his climax he had to remove your hand before wound up cumming all over your backside. The pleasure overcoming his mind he rolled you over to your back legs falling off to either side of him he looked you over as you watched him pull off his shirt, his muscles gleaming from all the sweat. "Fuck.." you gasp breathlessly.
"Like what you see, princess?" His words like honey to you. "Mmm fuck yes daddy, I like every.. last.. bit of what I see~" Barely able to get your words out before he thrust his big throbbing cock inside you. "Mmf♡ fuck~ oh fuck~~" Your moans fueling his lust filled mind as he went harder just to see your expressions as the pleasure took you over. Your words jumbled as you barely were able to get out anything between moans. The squelching between your legs at every thrust on top of the low moans coming from his lips driving you mad as you felt him hitting the deepest part of you. "Mmmf♡ i-i.. fuc- i-mmmm im cu-" your moan cutting you off as you came all over his thick cock. The feeling of your walls tightening around him sending him over the edge he grunted grinding himself deeper inside you painting your insides in his juices. His moans stifled by your mouth as you pulled him down into a deep kiss. Neither of you having the want to move just laid there intertwined. Exhaustion taking over you both passed out almost simultaneously.
You woke up to an empty bed and your clothes folded neatly on the dresser. Only remembering bits and pieces from the night before but enough to know what had taken place in this bed right where you were laying. Your face as red as a beet you pulled the covers up over yourself, almost wanting to squeal. You heard the knob twisting and you laid back down pretending to be asleep. You could hear him walk in closer and closer until it felt like he was right over you and your eyes snapped open. His face directly above yours he leaned forward and kissed you and scooped you up with the covers you were rolled up in. Your face hot and embarrassed as to the suddenness, " Wh-what are you doing??" He smiled down at you continuing on, "Don't worry princess, Im just taking you to the bathroom so you can clean yourself up.. unless of course you want to continue last night?" Every bit of the night before flooded your head as he sat you down. You almost couldnt believe it. Slightly embarrassed you knew if you didn't take this chance now you'd hate yourself for it later. Dropping the blankets you pulled him into the bathroom. "You helped make the mess now you can help clean it." A tiny smirk crossed his mouth and you knew you were going to get way more than you bargained for.💕
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ohoshi · 4 years
omg first i need to talk about nct at song festival (gayo daechukjae) umm first of all mark and taeyongs rap was so good but ofc we all knew they would kill it. and then in nct U class, teacher taeyong looked so good...the way he bit that pointer stick thing in the beginning was so sexc (and the hair and the glasses ahdsfasjf) 😳 but also sungchans rap in that?? i was not expecting that but why am i even surprised anymore.. and also misfit live?? i loved nct's school uniform concept too for some reason ahahaha
and then xiaojun in resonance!! wow yes go shine xj!!! (also idk why but i found it so funny when it was doyoung's turn after xj, but xj was kinda blocking dy (who was really walking with a PURPOSE) so dy lightly pushed him out of the way) and then omg shotaro!! offstage he is so 😊 but damn in hard carry he was so good!! ahh and then also the thing where all the kpop artists at gayo daechukjae sang that song was so cute (i smiled so hard when nct came up 🥺)
yea for my job situation i think it will be okay, i talked to some people i know/mentors about it too and i think things will work out...they always do in the end right? 😊 now about anime LOL this is making me wanna start/rewatch an anime now hahahah! honestly i kind of have phases where i alternate between kdramas and animes, but i havent rly watched anime much lately besides haikyuu (which i was also surprised was still airing (but it's only season 2 so far?)). kpop (aka NCT) has been consuming my life lmao but im here for it 😂
weightlifting fairy was also my first kdrama!! yes i can totally give u some kdrama recs! besides the ones i mentioned before (which are most of my top ones), i also liked chicago typewriter, marriage not dating (i love the fake relationship trope hahaha), dinner mate, sky castle (it's kinda intense but it's so good and an iconic kdrama), cheer up, another miss oh, kingdom (if you like zombie things)...i heard startup is good and i want to watch it soon too! also i continued watching more of uncanny counter these past few days and i love it (but it's ongoing so no binging)
okay now svt: i watched some of your recs and youre so right all their choreos are so satisfying?! i also actually agree with you about black on black, i liked black on black and it was cool but it only featured like 5 members lmao and in the svt choreos it does feel like all of them are featured in some way in each performance? plus their choreos are just so great to watch!! also i've had left and right stuck in my head since i watched it LOL but i agree it's objectively better than dynamite (not an army though; also pls nobody come at us for this lmaoo)
also super random but can you tell me who is the one in the red/purple plaid shirt in the svt home dance practice?? i am kinda attracted by his dance moves LOL and i havent learned names yet 😭 i will continue watching all ur svt recs though hehehe and update you on the status of my fangirling :))
omg wait also i would never have guessed that you're not an english speaker just from these messages!! how did you know that i was prob a native speaker haha (i guess *technically* cantonese is my first language, but then i learned english in school so now i'm obviously more native in that lol and english is the only language i can read/write in)
OMGGF IKR as a multi stan i really enjoyed the rap collab especially because i really love monsta x's rap line (esp i.m!!! his rapping skill 😍) and of course mark and taeyong!!!! 😭 our boys 😭 our golden rappers 😭 SLAYED IT! omg the nct u got me 😳 taeyong looked so good???? wtf? and also sungchan? damn that boy keeps surprising me! the interesting part to me was when one member(johnny if i remember correctly) bumped into taeyong but it was done on purpose and how he uhhh kinda shook his body and his head but it all looked so cool and he never stopped rapping!!! love how they all 'performed' misfit manifesting wild teenagers in school (as they are tbh) IT WAS SO FUN AND COOL!!!
XIAOJUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAS SO!!!!!! GOOD!!!!!!! THE CONFIDENCE??? THE STAGE PRESENCE????? XIAOJUN CENTER???? XIAOJUN BEING RELEVANT????? i live 😭 he was so good he looked so good i was so happy and i'm so proud of him 😭 from here the only way to go is up! i hope he keeps surprising us! and omg i haven't noticed that part when doyoung pushed him bc he blocked him?? and i just rewatched it and it looks funny 🤣 but they held everything professionally 😌  no surprises there 😌
OH MY GOD THE HARD CARRY PERFORMANCE!!!!!!!!! first of all our boy shotaro DAMN 😳 he looked so good you couldn’t say that he just debuted a few months ago!! such a dancing machine! (but honestly i am not surprised because in make a wish he was rly good and he debuted as a dancer i expected from him to be good™ as he is!) and i love the duality od him <3 yk that kind of idol that you want to protect at all cost but the next second they're the one you seek protection from? yeH sign me uP! and don't even get me started on hyunjin, juyeon and moonbin!!!!! but i mean all 3 of them are main dancers of course they would look good™ 😌 (yeah shotaro performed with 3 main dancers of 3 different groups i mean the honor??????)
the end of the festival was so wholesome! It was a serotonin boost and me too i also smiled the whole time! so cute 😭 and ot23 were cutiesssss
yes! everything will work out in the end! don't stress about it!<3 oh haikyuu only has 2 seasons? wtf hsgsjsgs ok then i just watched when it had like 13 episodes, WHEN IT FIRST CAME OUT that's when i watched it lmao
OMG OK I HAVE WRITTEN DOWN ALL OF THESE DRAMAS (and from the previous ask) IN MY NOTES SO FAR im mostly excited about the fake relationship one 👀 i love fake relationship trope, too 🤧 oh no binging?? is that your thing?? usually i love to wait for the show to finish airing and then i binge watch it in a few days (or one day depends how busy i am)
SEVENTEEN!!!!: yeah all of their choreos are so satisfying (pointing this out one more time) they always pay attention to details (for example in home, bc you're familiar with it, they even choreograph the hands and pay attention to them while most of the other kpop choreos very often freestyle the whole arms sjagaj) here's a fun fact abt svt that makes me love them so much agsgsj: they're self produced! they produce their own music and they even come up with their own choreos!! (of course not on their own, woozi is a producer but he's not making songs on his own he coproduces them with [a producer name bc i guess that's irrelevant but if you’re curious: bumzu], they come up with their own choreo (to be precise, hoshi does! he is 1/2 main dancers in group and he is the main choreographer! he doesn't do everything on his own of course, he gets help from the rest of the performance team (which is a svt subunit consisted of their 2 main and 2 lead dancers: hoshi, dino, the8, jun) and of course some other infamous kpop choreography teams) and i think that, by now, all the members were credited at least once for the lyrics
I'M SO GLAD YOU HAVE LEFT AND RIGHT STUCK IN YOUR HEAD HAGSJSSGSG but i mean of course you would it's soo good and soo catchy (yeahhh no worries, this army has already gotten minor hate for having controversial opinions™ and for criticising her faves so idc anymore 💁🏻‍♀️ it's my opinion as a dancer and i stand by it, even can't you see me by txt is better than dynamite so literally 3 dance performance were better!!!! in a way!!!! and neither of the 3 won!!! yes i am salty!!!!!)
the guy in the red/purple shirt (the center guy when they do the 3 dances for the first time right??) IS DINO!!!! he's the maknae and 2/2 main dancers in svt so!!! of course you would be attracted by his moves!!!!!! JSGSJSN i'm curious to see if you end up staning svt and biasing dino hsfsjsgsha
CANTONESE IS YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE? damn i thought you couldn’t get more interesting here's a dumb question: can you understand xiaojun, hendery and lucas without titles??? not that i would know if they ever speak cantonese in front of the camera for i don't know the difference between chinese dialects</3
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Unforseen Chasm (part 8)
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 Part 8 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count:  1537 Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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It’s good to know you are receiving the letters. Trying to find a raven was rather difficult, but Thor managed to borrow his father’s. This feels almost like Harry Potter, doesn’t it? Writing via letter, and sending it through magical realms on a bird? Hehe.. I wasn’t sure the raven would even know how to find you.
I miss you and Lucky very much… I hope you’re giving him a kiss every night for me.
I am going to go mad. But I take solace knowing that Tony will ask you on a date very soon. Believe me, Shannon, that man is head over heels for you. It will be any day now.
That is good about Jane. She will be a great asset to the team, I’m so glad my data helped you.
I am sending the phone back with the raven. I hope you can upload the photos and see what I see. And as a matter of fact, King Odin has asked for my help. He is looking into getting me a job with some elite scientists. Thor told him of my work on Earth and he felt my skills should not go to waste. I am looking into studying their atmosphere.
Shannon, this world is incredible. They have fruit sweeter than candy, meat that needs no seasoning. They use and believe in magic. Queen Frigga and Loki are well versed in magic, probably what we would call witchcraft back home. I tried to take a picture of them performing magic, but the energy won’t show up. But yes, Frigga and Diane would get along great! 
Funny story, I got a “formal” portrait of the royal family. It took a lot of begging on my part, and convincing on Thor and Queen Frigga’s. It looks amazing. Odin is on the throne… you’ll see. Thor lets me take all the pictures I want. Frigga is shy, but she allows photos so long as it is in the evening. Odin forbids them except for the portrait. He was not amused when I tried to take a selfie with him. Loki, I tried to steal a few photos of him, but he is clever and wise to me.
I decided to drop a note at Loki’s door. He seems to be quietly brooding, constantly on edge. I thought maybe if I reached out, and gave him the chance to approach me, it might be better. I basically told him in the note I know what it’s like to be overlooked, to be unwanted. I told him that it doesn’t matter what his father thinks of him, or his brother. What matters is what he feels his worth is. I dropped that at his bedroom door this morning, so we shall see.
He hasn’t spoken to me since I broke up their fight two weeks ago. It’s killing me. I can’t explain it but I desperately wish to get to know him. I want to help him, and I don’t know how to get him to open up to me.
No promises about the battles, hehe. My footwork is getting better, or so Thor and Sif tell me. Tomorrow I will practice against Fandral, which makes me very freaking nervous. Wish me luck.
The books about Asgard actually aren’t foo far off the correct path. There are a few things I need to revise but so far we’ve gotten it mostly right. I am going to have to stress how stunning this world is. I may even update some of the politics. They run things somewhat differently.
I will ask Thor what he would like from Earth, for his gift, haha.
The news on my parents is promising. The data team here has been going through records and they’ve found birth records for my month and year. When they find a female baby with my similar characteristics they’ll let me know… I hope to know something soon.
I miss you.
Love, your bff,
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Dear Y/N/N,
It’s so good to hear from you again, I was hoping to get a letter soon enough you have no idea what’s been going on over here.  It feels like im awaiting my letter from Hogwarts except this is so much better! I’m sure Odin doesn’t mind that we’re using his raven. The raven thing works well, although it did give Lucky a good scare when it flew over his head to land on the lab table.
Speaking of Lucky, he’s been doing alright there’s a few times where he’ll cry because he misses you but I’ll be sure to let him know you asked for him. Ever since I snuck Lucky in and Tony caught me giving him a bath, he’s arranged for us to have a room to stay in. Although Tony won’t admit it, he does like seeing Lucky in the morning. Bruce even makes us have breakfast. Lately Lucky’s been disappearing a lot from my side, he usually lays down under my desk and watches me work, and you won’t believe where I found him. I found him sleeping in Tony’s bed. Seems he’s gotten Tony to actually get to bed most nights.
Speaking of Tony, you can take solace because I overheard him talking to JARVIS about planning a dinner date for us two but he’s unaware that I heard. He asked me out the next day to say I’m nervous is an understatement i have no idea what to wear I wish you were here to help me pick my outfit. I don’t know about head over heels for me but he did seem different after he asked me out.
With looking at the research I was able to retrieve for her, I showed Pepper the results and was given the go ahead to fund any further research she makes so as long as I’m able to read through and add to our file. She’ll be getting a letter soon. I’ll let you know how she reacts seeing as you two are good friends.
I’ll be sure to upload the pictures onto the system and try to locate the heat signals off the energy from their magic. I’ve made some changes to the system. Just make sure its secured on to the raven good so we don’t lose it. Seems like Odin is a bit of a stiff man. Does he ever smile?
Good to hear that even on another planet you’ll be helping further some sort of research. They are very lucky to have you there. You have to tell me more about it when you start working.
It must look formal with how Sif and the other warriors were dressed it must be something out of a story book. In sure Queen Frigga is private about herself which is quite normal, are you planning a way to get pictures of Loki in anyway? Don’t tell me you plan on asking to be taught magic by either of them as cool as it would be there must be some risks.
Glad to hear your still trying to help Loki but I’m not sure he’s looking to connect just yet maybe give him some more time? Try and get to know him rather than just getting him to see you two are equals?  
Y/N, so help me I will find a way to get to Asgard, don’t you go riding into battle unaware of whether or not your truly Asgardian. Sounds to me like Sif has her work cut out, you always were a quick study kinda girl. Wish you the best of luck and that you knock Fandral off his feet.
I could send you the book to you so you can make the changes as you see? I’ve finished reading through it and with what you know now it’ll be even better.
Maybe I’ll send him poptarts he did seem to enjoy those when you told me. Haha
I’m sure you’ll get the answers you need soon enough, Y/N, try not to stress too much about that.
Lucky and I miss you too.
Your sister,
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @georgialouisea​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​ @livelikeawinchester​ @sammysbuttcheek​ @bran2015 @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @depressed-moose-78 @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @weclassygirl​ @adefectivedetective​
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ptilopseth · 5 years
LiSETH ft. wingman marina
hi guys i finally wrote a thing, it’s kinda dumb, RIP mobile users
[LISA🎸: Omg! Haha really
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: yeah there were no lights in there either Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: blake had to bring in richs studio light it was great Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: i mean at least the coffee was good??
LISA🎸: What kind of coffee was it??
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: snickerdoodle. and cookies too that shit slapped
LISA🎸: Nice!! I think I'm going to make snickerdoodle cookies for Roselia's next practice LISA🎸: Do you want to help?
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: hell yeah brother! save some for the sound guy :p
LISA🎸: Haha of course! Next practice is Wednesday so I was thinking about getting a head start tomorrow LISA🎸: Are you off?
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: later in the day yeah, popipa wants to do a gig at circle in the evening Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: if u meet me at circle around like 6ish we can get started Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: anything i should bring
LISA🎸: Sounds good!✨ LISA🎸: Nope! I have everything I need
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: hell ya.. im gonna bip now since i kinda gotta be up early for prep or else marinas gonna poon me
LISA🎸: Night! Good luck with PoPiPa tomorrow💙
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: kasumis a handful but the rest of them are okay gsdkjghk Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: night!!💚]
"Cheers!" All five members of Poppin' Party, plus Seth and Marina, clink their plastic glasses together in celebration of another successful live show. Kasumi, ecstatic as always, gets half a smile from Arisa, who pleads for Saya to help her. O-Tae and Rimi make small-talk about how they can synchronize their instruments more, while Marina and Seth make idle talk while Seth packs up. "Where are you going, Seth? I thought you liked to stay behind for a little bit." "Prior reservation, Marina." Seth zips his signature green backpack up and hoists it onto a shoulder. "I normally would, but this is really important." "Like, bad important?" "Nah. Just important." Marina raises an eyebrow. It's rare that Seth leaves early, but when he does, it's critical business. "What'cha doing, then? If you don't mind me asking." "Baking cookies." "With who?" "That's classified information." "Just tell me who." "No." "Why not?" "You're going to bully me about it." "I am not! Just tell me who it is." "Lisa." Marina laughs. "Lisa? I knew you liked her- I just didn't expect you two to be going on a date this early." "Shut the fuck up, Marina. I hate you." Seth takes a sip of his drink- Brisk raspberry tea- to cover the fact that he's clearly very flustered. "What's wrong with liking Lisa? You two would be cute together!" "Yukina and Sayo would probably kill her, Ako's a wild card, and Rinko... Rinko's fine. But the first two of them would get mad." "Why?" "They'd be all like, oh, 'Lisa, you're no longer totally dedicated to Roselia, either dump him or dump the band.' And I don't wanna be the reason she has to give up Roselia." "There's no guarantee they'd be mad, Seth. I mean, those reactions are a little in-character, but- it's best to be honest, you know?" "I do know." Seth opts to look at his drink instead of Marina. "I just don't wanna be honest." "Seth..." The person in question picks his head up. "Aren't you and Lisa already great friends? Her face lights up when she sees you! I can tell she's interested in what you like- I mean, she asked for another one of your Letterbomb shirt, right? And she always saves a pastry for you after practices. I think she's already a step ahead of you." "I hate when you're right." "Heh. Of course you do. Just ask her out, you big idiot." "No promises." The doorbell of CiRCLE rings, and in walks Lisa herself, dressed in her usual casualwear plus a fluffy beige coat and small messenger bag to serve as her purse. "Hiya, Lisa!" Kasumi says, turning to wave to her. Lisa gives an enthusiastic wave back, complete with her signature smile, before heading on over to where Marina and Seth are milling about." "Hey, you two! How was it?" Lisa asks, bubbly as ever. "Smashing success. Initial sounded fantastic." Seth replies. Marina nods in agreement. "Do you need help with anything, Marina? Just while I'm here, you know." "Nope. You're free to go." Marina nudges Seth in the arm as a sort of "go have fun on your date" message. "Okay! You ready, Seth?" "I've never baked before, but I'm sure I can figure it out." Seth finishes his tea and begins to walk out of CiRCLE with Lisa, throwing away his cup near the door. "Seth!" Marina calls as he's just about to exit. Seth, as well as Lisa, turn around, to see Marina giving an enthusiastic thumbs-up to her sound engineer. Seth replies with a thumbs-down, to which Marina shakes her head. Seth and Lisa turn back around. "What was that?" Lisa asks. "Dunno." Seth shrugs, and the two of them continue walking towards Lisa's place. [bandori 'five minutes later' introduction card] "-So I guess there were some hitches with Kasumi's vocals at the end, but I think that's 'cause I set the gain too high and just forgot to change it. Like- their vocals all go into separate channels, so there's no way I would've, like, turned it up for Rimi's part and forgot to have changed it, but, like, who knows." "I'm glad it went well, though. Didja have fun?" "Oh- yeah, of course. I'm kinda sad you weren't able to be there for Initial. it was fuckin' great." "I know, right? I remember hearing it when you drove me to school the other day. Which, by the way- thank you." "Oh, no problem. And Garret says I drive the Slowbalt..." Seth sighs, remembering how the two of them still arrived to school at eight despite Lisa saying she was running over that morning. Lisa laughs, and the two of them continue walking until Lisa pipes up as they reach her house. "Um, Seth?" Lisa stops walking, and Seth follows suit. "Yeah?" "Can we talk? It's nothing bad, I promise." "Huh? Yeah, sure. What's poppin'?" "Well... Yukina might get mad at me for doing this, but... I really like you. And I was wondering... if you wanted to be my boyfriend?" "Uh- I mean- I, uh- hm." "Sorry." "No, no! I just- I don't want to get you kicked out of Roselia. Because I know they mean a lot to you, and I didn't know how Yukina would react, and... you really care about me that much?" "Of course I do, or else I wouldn't have asked." "I... do want to be your boyfriend, Lisa. I love you." Lisa flashes a bright smile at Seth. "I love you too."
[LISA🎸: Thanks for helping me tonight! Couldn't have done it without you✨
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: no problem
LISA🎸: You ok?
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: brainfreaked over being ur bf
LISA🎸: Sorry haha LISA🎸: If it makes you uncomfortable we can work something out
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: no no that's not it, dw! its just weird Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: bassist of roselia and the sound engineer of circle dating.. wack timeline
LISA🎸: I don't think so LISA🎸: Do you mean that like 'I can't believe Lisa and I got together' or?
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: ya
LISA🎸: Aw Seth :( LISA🎸: Don't say stuff like that LISA🎸: I wouldn't have fallen in love with you without lots of good reasons LISA🎸: I can list them even
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: fire away
LISA🎸: Well you're super smart- you're taking three math classes after all LISA🎸: You know a billion more things about sound engineering than I do and that's saying something LISA🎸: You're super creative and I love seeing your stuff even if you don't like it LISA🎸: (BTW that last part of Letterbomb was really good, I think you did a good job with the fight scene) LISA🎸: And you're funny too, not to mention cute LISA🎸: There's a million things I see in you that you might not see in yourself LISA🎸: But I'm here to remind you of those things!⭐️
Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: [crying_cat.jpeg] Space Ishtar's Boyfriend: thank u sm lisa ilu
LISA🎸: No problem!! I love you💙]
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Fl4k Fl4k Fl4k Fl4k Fl-
i didn’t die i just fell in love with that skill tree creator and have done nothing for the past few days but make skill trees and sleep for 3 hour intervals. im very excited for the gameplay on Wednesday but oh man oh me oh my i gotta catch up on a lot of posts lol
tl;dr: Fl4k is a badass. Stop misgendering them or I’ll show up at your home at 3am local time every time and then eat your spine. Bonus: Mr. Chew being an ‘Eridian skag’ is probably due to some funky mutation from eridium/slag/eridian stuff. Kinda like how Threshers have the ability to make singularities because they are native to Elpis, which is a big ol’ Eridian base (which i totally addressed in this post lol). I also gave my opinion on Fl4k’s skills in general, if you’re interested in that. Overall, a very awesome trailer! Definitely lived up to the hype.
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i said it before, this trailer was one of the best ones. definitely #2 for me, Zane is still at #1 because i actually laughed during it. the music in this one is definitely the best out of all 4 tho. seems like they’re all variations of the same song, i like this one best. I need this soundtrack sooo bad.
also i know probably no one else following this blog watches one piece but like
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that first footstep with the studded boot and the sound effect immediately flung me back to katakuri. god katakuri was a badass. i was so excited to see that fight animated.
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mr chew spinning around is my favorite thing ever. i love that you can tell the personality of the pets just from watching the intro. 
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i know fl4k is like a real badass in this trailer, but i get the feeling they’re going to end up being at least a little soft for their pets. i mean... they have stuffed animals of them ffs.
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so... we’re near Sanctuary-III in this trailer? I gotta keep my eye out then. i also want to see if that one claptrap area guess i had is correct or not... this looks like an entryway for the garage so im guessing i wasn’t, but let’s seeeee
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there is a raised bit up and to the left
also im wondering if this means we’re going to have to rescue ellie from the CoV.
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hmmmmm i don’t think the signs match up.
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mr chew is the goodest boy. im so glad we can pet/interact with him!! i want to know what the names of the other pets are
also, a bit off topic but
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i could have sworn fl4k’s jabber was cryo/shock. it was blue, wasn’t it? i wonder if they changed it or if it’s skill upgrades change its color. i thought the upgrades just gave it better guns.
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yeah it was! i guess possibly upgrading it with the guns gives it a new color scheme? maybe? this could be the gunslinger upgrade!
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it looks like their jabber went through the most design changes out of all of the pets. that or this is yet another upgrade (since each pet has 3 states). maybe this is the beefcake version.
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‘bitch’. i love how expressive fl4k is with just the eye. very well done.
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ohhh you know what that building is in the back?
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[we’re near the intro to the game!]*
and tbh i don’t think this place has the building for Ellie’s Scrap in it... i don’t see it anywhere. maybe this is the actual scrapyard and the building is on the other side?
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not quite sure tbh. but at least we know this place may also be near sanc-iii, just maybe not the same area as the actual Ellie’s Scrap.
i mean... there IS a shitload of cars everywhere. i wouldn’t surprised if it’s near her garage cause it looks like a scrapyard.
but also where in the fuck are all these ‘normal’ looking cars coming from?? it’s not like we see them being used on pandora. all the ones we see in bl1/2 are clearly dilapidated and rusting. big thonk. at least the vans/busses kinda make sense.
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oh yeah that is definitely the same building. [it’s the recruitment center!]*
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this scene with the rakk is my favorite out of all the trailers. so fuckin cool
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i do hope the jabber goes back to being blue at some point. i like the red design too, don’t get me wrong, but i much prefer the glowy blue. it’s my favorite color and you guys know i love glowing things 👀
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<Huge Selection!!!> lol
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cat/doggo/monkey. mr chew is my favorite pet but i love the jabber panting like a dog lol
i never knew this is where spiderant mouths were
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i always assumed they were below that... f r e a k y
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“he likes to chase cars”
fl4k probably took them to the scrapyard for this exact reason ngl. fl4k being a big softie to their pets confirmed
(also, notice how fl4k uses ‘he’ for mr chew. it’s almost as if they understand the concept of gender, chose their own pronouns, and your argument that they only are nonbinary only because they “don’t understand yet” is invalid! Fl4k is canonically nonbinary and uses they/them/theirs pronouns as confirmed by both SungWon Cho and their in-game skills. 
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Now that you know, use they/them/theirs for Fl4k or get off my blog. Because by not doing so, you are disrespecting the devs’ wishes for this character AND the nonbinary people who find representation in them and I won’t support that. if you feel like arguing your reasons to purposefully misgender them even after knowing this, please DM me so I can block you. thanks! 
For those of you out there actually making an effort: mistakes happen, especially if Fl4k is the first NB person you’ve learned about. Just make sure to correct yourself then move on, and we’re okay. Everyone has to learn sometime and it’s better to put in the effort than not care at all. It will become second nature.)
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Fl4k is such a badass, they really are way different than i expected (personality-wise), but i am not complaining. gearbox knows me better than i know myself, so i know i’m going to end up loving Fl4k anyway. ProZD did such a fantastic job, i honestly did not recognize him at first! i can tell with certain words now, but wow i am blown away. 
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i hope we’re able to climb that bird’s nest lookin’ thing in the back. it would be perfect for sniping and/or placing ur clone for maximum coverage.
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seriously, what a badass.
idk i feel obligated to give my opinions of Fl4k over here since they were recently released. I am digging them 100%, tho i was kinda surprised (not in a bad way) they’re not as... i guess soft as i was expecting from their character design with the plushes and the face on the backpack and the smiley face pin, but i imagine that’s different when they’re interacting with their pets. im super curious to see how this VH group’s dynamic is going to go. 
mechanically, their skills seem perfect for people who loved sniper Zer0 and in general Mordecai, with a splash of Salvador tossed in for good luck. I am a dirty melee Zer0 main and i prefered Phasewalking over Bloodwing (altho i still play mordy bc he’s best bl1 VH) so, while I am definitely going to give Fl4k a go, they’re not my main bl3 Vault Hunter, that’s reserved for Zane and his lovely ability to befuddle enemies and run around. Funnily enough, I’m not even a fan of pet classes, so Fl4k being second in my play order is pretty funny. Tho, yeah, Amara being last is also pretty weird. I guess I don’t necessarily enjoy melee, I just enjoy messing with the bad guys lol
ohh, also, I am most interested in the upgrade for mr. chew that gives him the ability to create singularities and is called ‘Eridian Skag’. 
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so I’m not saying my theory that the threshers on the moon were connected to Eridians was right, I’m just saying they’re the only form of wildlife we know that has a singularity ability (outside of Mr. Chew, apparently). 
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im just saying gearbox, you should hire me to write your deep lore for you cause i’d do it for free
im wondering if we’ll be seeing skags with wormhole abilities in bl3. maybe the constant exposure to slag is starting to mutate them further beyond just elemental bonuses (on badass skags). We know Maya’s phaselock has a singularity ability (so does Amara’s phasegrasp), and that is sorta ‘occurring naturally’ (you know, as natural as siren powers can get) unlike the singularity grenades we encounter which use our known technology. plus, uh, whatever happened to the destroyer’s eye in TPS that made it create a singularity/wormhole by injecting it with a fuckload of slag. that probably has something to do with this as well.
but geez i really hope mr. chew is okay with being all slag/eridium-ed up. i guess being badass elemental skags doesn’t appear to hurt them, just make them more powerful, unlike humans. maybe that has something to do with sentience, if slag/eridium/eridian stuff actually is driving bandits crazy. could explain why/if the jabber doesn’t get an element like the skag (eridian skag) and spiderant (fire) do, since they’re described as semi-sentient...
Fl4k is cool. Definitely a neat trailer- my second favorite for sure- and the skill tree drop blew me away because i was not expecting it. im expecting a lot of Fl4k mains in the first few weeks of gameplay because they look like a lot of fun!
EDIT: i was wrong, in the newest IGN vid, it turns out we ARE near the recruitment center, because that IS the recruitment center
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they gave them little orange flags! good to know!!
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 years
witch wolf? (5/5) chris motionless x wereworlf!reader
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
this is the final installment! thanks to everyone whos read this series (and liked it lol), i appreciate yall. im also thinking of turning this into an actual book but it will probably take me a hot minute since im working on another few projects right now. but as always when its ready i will let yall lovely people know. i will have it published to my wattpad when its done if any of yall wanna read an expanded version.
Song: lil red ridding hood by Amanda Seyfried
tag list: @thisplace-ishaunted @ryansitkowskiswifey @alilpunkrock @theoneandonlykymberlee @svintsandghosts @cynic-spirit @buryallyourbones @chriscrosscerulli
I walked down the hall, shoulder to shoulder with Chris. We had just arrived to the hotel and were the only two that had managed to slack off and be late to check in. Per usual.
"So, what kinda stuff can you actually do?"
He joked and I laughed at him, pushing my room key into the door and opening it for us.
"I don't know, what can a regular wolf do? What can a dog do?"
He sent me a look, dropping his bag on my bed.
"You know what I meant."
I shook my head, dropping my bag down too.
"I know I know but seriously, whatever they do so can I. Pretty much."
He sighed and sat down.
"Okay but is it closer to Remus lupin or serious black?"
He sent me a look as I sat down next to him.
"You saw me transform Chris, you tell me. You're the harry Potter expert after all."
I nudged him, making him smile at me.
"You are absolutely right but like I wanna know how it feels. Is it like being an actual dog or are you completely feral?"
I shook my head at him.
"When am I not completely feral?"
I joked. He just rolled his eyes at me. Sending me a look like 'really?'. I put my hands in the air in surrender.
"Okay okay, yes it's a bit of it all. When I first change I'm basically as feral as it gets. It takes so much energy changing into and changing back I'm pretty much starving almost immediately and can't think of anything other than eating or hunting."
He motioned to me.
"Which I saw when you completely annihilated that deer."
I laughed a little, nodding.
"Exactly, unless I absolutely eat my weight before hand but who has time for that ya know? Or at least I don't on the road, it's a little easier at home."
He just sent me a weird look and shook his head a little bit at the thought. I let out a nervous Laugh.
"I digress. Um, Aside from eating everything, Normally, when I don't have to run all night like now I just do normal dog slash wolf things."
I made a slashing motion with my hand for emphasis.
"At home I normally change out back so it's easier to clean up and then come in and just lounge around the house."
He drew his brows together.
"Wait don't you have a roommate though?"
I let out another nervous laugh.
"Yeah that was an interesting conversation to have when I interviewed her to be my roommate. But we got along great and she's a lunar type witch too and has helped me tremendously."
I nudged his arm again.
"Plus it's like having a self serving dog in the house and who wouldn't want that?."
We both laughed and he shook his head at me.
"Okay but When do you sleep?"
I shrugged.
"We both usually sleep during the day. She has a night job and I of course do this and traveling stuff and modeling and all that so I kind of make my own schedule. around the full moon usually of course."
He looked a little confused.
"And you took this job even knowing you'd change while on the road?"
I let out a short Laugh.
"Yeah I didn't really think about that when I did it to be honest. I was so excited that you guys wanted to work with me I jumped on the opportunity without even checking. But I'm making it work. Kind of."
He nodded in understanding.
"I guess that makes sense. But back to the question at hand. Are you really just like a big dog? Like at home and stuff?"
I looked at him a little funny.
He cracked a mischievous smile.
"So you like, like belly rubs and ear scratches and stuff?"
I sent him an annoyed look as he tried to stifle a laugh. I knew what he was doing.
"Actually yes you big dork."
I said in all seriousness and His face sort of went straight.
"Wait really?"
I raised a brow at him.
"Yes dummy, what dog wouldn't? Just cause I'm a changling doesn't mean I don't act on instinct. My tail wags when I'm happy, I shed all over the couch, and all my shit is constantly covered in dog hair. Not to mention the air fresheners we have to have because of the blatant dog smell. Not only that but when I'm changed I will beg for and eat everything. Thats one of the things my roommate hates about the transition."
I laughed a bit at the thought and He nodded in understanding. He sort of perked up at the dog smell thing and I could see him thinking back to when he was last to our house.
"Now that you mention it I did notice Your serious affinity for candles."
I smiled at him, amusement spreading across my features and making me shiver a little bit.
"I guess a lot of my behaviors probably make sense now huh?"
He side nodded a little bit, looking over at me.
"Kinda yeah."
I sighed.
I watched as a smile slowly crept it's way across his face.
"You do those things in human form too?"
I rolled my eyes at him, laughing a little bit and looking down at my intertwined fingers.
"Only sometimes."
I said, looking at him and winking at him. His face dropped.
"Wait really?"
I stuck my tongue out at him.
"You say that too much ya know that?"
He blushed, smiling and scratching the back of his neck.
"I guess it calls for it right now. I'm just in such disbelief I guess I just don't know what else to say."
I nodded slowly.
"I get that, it's not everyday you meet a monster. Or one that's willing to sit and chat about it for that matter."
He half smiled at me, nudging my arm.
"I don't think you're a monster."
I looked down at my lap, trying to hide the small blush creeping it's way onto my face.
"Thanks Chris, that means a lot, but you don't know me know me."
I looked back up at him and he frowned.
"Hey, aren't you the one who said my intuition was great or something?"
I laughed a little bit, looking back down and shaking my head.
"Actually I said you were intuitive when you felt like it but sure we'll go with that."
He sat upright, looking all high and mighty.
"Well I'd say that right now I'm feeling like it and I say you aren't a monster. Whether I know you well enough or not."
I looked up at him and smiled.
"Thanks Chris, that means a lot."
He looked down at me before exhaling deeply and slouching back down.
"What are friends for right? Assuming you see me as a friend."
I nodded.
"I wouldn't have let you see me change if I didn't. And, I guess you see me differently than I thought you did, at least enough to be scared out of your mind at the sight of me in my other form and still want to stick around."
He drapped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into his side, looking down at me.
"Something tells me you have had many a bad experience with that, but I'll assure you right now I'm not going anywhere. Big bad wolf or not."
I laughed at him and wrapped my arm around his waist, hugging him back.
"Well I'm glad to hear that. But does that make you red ridding hood now?"
He grinned at me.
"Only if you'd want me to be."
I nodded.
"I'll promise I won't eat you."
I said, winking at him and making him laugh.
"Thanks, that means a lot."
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