#simply existing makes people offended here
in-sufficientdata · 2 months
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ID: Bluesky post by Ro Salarian (@RoSalarian.bsky.social):
I often wonder if abusive people are drawn to the arts, or if a certain amount of notoriety just makes people turn to shit. I am involved in a lot of different art scenes, and every single one has a whisper network about some big names who nobody feels they can address directly.
Kelly Barnhill (@KellyBarnhill.bsky.social) quotes this on July 10, 2024 at 6:47pm EST and responds:
Sexual predation is clearly not limited to the arts, and so-called "whisper networks" exist in every profession. And ultimately these networks always, always fail. They don't reach the most vulnerable and they don't ever remove the offender or prevent future harm. end ID.
At the source, the thread continues:
When I was growing up, I had a friend whose house had a bad stair - a nail sticking up on one side, and on the other side if you stepped wrong, the whole tread could flip up and send you flying backwards. We had to be told to avoid that stair. It was dangerous. We couldn't forget.
The trouble was, it looked like every other stair. Sometimes we did get hurt. This went on for years. Finally, one of the other parents in the neighborhood was like THE CHILDREN ARE GETTING INJURED and the whole "rule" of avoidance, of letting people know, was thrown out. They fixed the stair.
Now, this was dumb, of course. Who just has a stair that looks like every other stair but is boobytrapped in this bonkers way? Well, lots of people, as it turned out. And this wasn't so bad, as injuries go - a skinned knee or the occasional puncture wound.
Imagine if they had a stair that was, say, secretly filled with bees. Or poisoned. Or a one-way portal to one of the various realms of Hell. And it was there, like any other stair, looking benign. Maybe it was even fancied up - attracted the eye and tickled the fancy. A rock star stair. Well.
It's problematic, is my point. Leaving a danger in plain view is problematic. Simply relying on a network of people warning people and washing our hands of the whole affair is problematic. And worse, it abdicates responsibility. This is not how grown-ups should behave.
Part of the problem stems from the Myth of Male Genius - organizations twist themselves in knots to protect their access to whatever Male Genius they've tied their careers to, be they philosophers or physicists, conductors or or inventors, teachers or hotshot attorneys. We've all experienced this.
And while it's [notallmen] or [notonlymen] or whatever tagline you want to throw at me - yes, I know, and yes, I agree, and yes I'm certain that toxic and predatory women exist and have also harmed but I honestly can't think of any at the moment - it all stems from a central problematic fallacy:
Here's a toxic fallacy that I'd like to see dismantled: that genius is rare. That it must be protected at all costs. That it must be allowed to misbehave because the misbehavior is tied to genius in some fundamental way that none of us can understand because we are not geniuses. WRONG.
For every "rockstar author" or "rockstar artist" or "rockstar scientist" or "rockstar academic" there are a thousand others who are just as talented, just as transformative, just as consequential. And by ascribing godlike abilities to those who are more ordinary than we'd like to admit, we allow the person on that pedestal to become unglued from consequence and unhooked from the ties that are supposed to bind us to one another. This is a moral injury and an injury of empathy as well. So it's bad for the "rockstar". And holy hell is it bad for every person they injure. And worse, what about the "genius" of the victims? What about the dreams deferred and the paths upended because the world they've entered has decided to make itself unacceptably dangerous, unacceptably callous. A busted stair in the middle of the ascent in some young woman's career, left for no reason.
Here's what I know: genius isn't godlike or magical or even that rare. Genius is cultivated, nurtured, supported, delighted in. It happens in the context of a myriad of tiny boosts, too numerous to count and too subtle to name. It is as common as breath, and just as precious.
The reason why predatory men are lauded, protected, demurred to, is because we've told a story to ourselves that their genius is special, and have allowed ourselves to believe that the only way to become special ourselves is to bathe in its light, regardless of consequence.
Let's be done with that story. Cultivate more lights. Be the light.
And also? Let's fix that fucking stair, shall we?
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nickssidewitch · 18 days
“ i told chris i can’t stream with you when you’re gonna stim out like a psychopath “ oh okay nick.
❕❗️ Nick’s Insensitive & Ableist “Stimming” Comment
Yeah this is something I reallyyyy want to talk about! ☝🏾
I love Nick, as we all know by my literal username lmao. But, it’s actually so disappointing to see Nick make a comment like that. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Associating stimming as something “negative” or “crazy” or “psycho” is straight-up ignorant, even if he wouldn’t call himself an ableist. Because at the end of the day, rhetoric matters, even if the intention wasn’t to hurt. You’re still putting out a certain narrative (in this case that people who stim are abnormal or crazy) even if your intention isn’t to actually say this.
Chris himself has commented about how he feels that he might have ADHD or something along those lines, so idk why TF Nick thought that was funny or cool. 🤔
Even if Chris never had those speculations, using rhetoric like that is still wrong. But it’s especially rude and ignorant when someone has literally expressed that they feel that they might have a certain diagnosis where stimming is common, normal, and soothing for them. And it’s even more rude because you’re streaming to hundreds of thousands of people. Dome are impressionable and will start saying shit like that, others are actually people who do stim who will be offended and feel bad for just… existing.
It may seem like “oh he’s just talking who cares”, but in reality, there wouldn’t be such an uproar if people didn’t care.
He genuinely needs to apologize for that. I feel that’s something he definitely should not gloss over since they’re words that literally came out if his mouth, and there are people within the fandom who do stim and will absolutely be offended by this, and ultimately they’ll feel unsafe or unwelcome in this community.
Stop telling people not to be offended by this! Stop telling people to not call them out! There’s a reason why Nick is being called out for this, and telling people to hush is hurting the communities who take offense to what was said, and it can make them feel unsafe within the fandom.
Fandoms are supposed to be here to make people feel united and respected while sharing a common interest. To send death threats or call someone rude names simply because they’re just looking out for the people within the fandom who have been hurt makes you 🫵🏾 a shitty person!
I really do hope Nick makes an effort to apologize for this, or to just acknowledge it as a whole. It would just be the right thing to do. ����✨
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
No Party Like a Costco Party
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!shy!reader
Summary: You enjoy going to Costco, so Tim decides to take you shopping on your birthday. With a little help from your best friend, it turns into a party.
Warnings: just fluff!
Word Count: 1.9k+ words
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“Tim!” Lucy calls as he walks into the bullpen.
He stops and watches her as she skips toward him. Even though he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, she continues smiling and bounces when she reaches him.
“What are you doing for my best friend’s birthday?” she asks.
“Nothing,” Tim answers. “I will be doing something for my girlfriend’s birthday, though.”
“Just admit that she likes me more than you.”
“Tim,” Lucy groans. She punches his arm playfully, then ignores his offended glare as she asks, “What do you have in mind?”
Tim shrugs and admits, “I’m not sure yet. I was thinking I may just take her to Costco or something.”
“Please tell me you’re kidding,” Wesley interjects.
“Why are you here?” Tim asks as he looks over. “And it’s none of your business, or yours, Lucy.”
“A trip to Costco is not romantic, Tim,” Wesley says. “But I have a client who needs my help. It seems you do, too, but Lucy can handle your girlfriend issues.”
“No one is handling anything!” Tim snaps.
“I’m with Wesley,” Angela comments from her desk.
“It never ends,” Tim sighs.
“She does love Costco,” Lucy agrees. “She’d enjoy going with you.”
“Wait,” Angela says. She chuckles as she looks up at Tim. “Your girlfriend, the shyest person I’ve ever met, likes going to Costco? The busiest store in existence?”
“Is it too late to back out of this conversation?” Tim asks.
“Absolutely,” Angela answers. “So, just a trip to Costco. That’s all the birthday girl gets?”
“I’d like to do more, but-“
“I’ve got it!” Lucy cheers, slapping Tim’s arm again.
“Stop hitting me!” he demands as he steps away from her.
“What if you surprise her at Costco? Like, her friends could ‘run into’ her while shopping, and then someone can have a cake or something at the café. It would be so fun, Tim!” Lucy suggests.
“That’s… it’s not a terrible idea,” Tim murmurs. “I don’t know how she’d feel about interacting with a bunch of people, though.”
“She loves us,” Angela reminds Tim. “Just a quick ‘hey, happy birthday’ and then she moves on. We don’t have to draw attention to her or anything.”
“Fine, yeah, let’s do it,” Tim agrees.
“Yay!” Lucy yells. “I’ll go invite the people she likes.”
Tim watches Lucy run through the bullpen and shakes his head. It’s a good thing you like Costco and Lucy, he thinks, because it’s certainly nothing he would have planned alone.
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“What are you doing?” you ask softly.
Tim sets his phone aside and then places his arm back around you. As he pulls you against his side, he sighs.
“Checking to see how many seconds are left until your birthday,” he jokes. “Lucy had a question.”
“Is it going to be terrible?”
“It’s your birthday. It’s going to be great.”
Tim jostles you gently, and when you turn your face against his shoulder, you feel him chuckle. He enjoys making you shy, or simply reminding you of how shy you were when you first met. With your birthday coming up, you know that Tim has something planned. You can only hope that it’s a good surprise. As Tim pulls you closer, you listen to his heartbeat.
“I got Kojo treats at Costco today,” you tell him.
“Of course, you did,” Tim murmurs before he kisses your head.
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“Go get ready, birthday girl,” Tim says.
He takes your plate to the kitchen, and you sneak Kojo a bite of your breakfast leftovers. Waking up to Tim making you breakfast was special, but since he told you that he had more planned for your birthday, you’ve grown more curious and more excited.
“To go where?” you ask.
You furrow your brows but stand and push your chair in regardless of your confusion. Tim isn’t a big fan of shopping, so you assume this particular shopping trip has to do with what day it is. After you’re dressed and ready, Tim takes your hand and leads you to his truck.
When he pulls into a turn lane, you feel confident you know where he’s taking you. You frequent Costco often; it's fun to browse and kill time in a place where you can disappear and go unnoticed every once in a while. Tim usually teases you for how much you use your Costco card, but he hasn’t made a single sarcastic comment today.
“Are we going to Costco?” you ask excitedly.
“We are,” Tim answers as he turns. “Unless you want to do something else.”
“No, this is great!”
Tim smiles and when he glances at you, you try to control your excitement and watch the road instead of him. You have a mental list of things you’d like to look at, and maybe treat yourself to since it is your birthday after all. Tim extends his hand over the console of his truck, and you happily lay your hand in his. He interlaces his fingers through yours and squeezes twice. The moment he parks, however, your hand is pulled from his as you exit the truck.
You walk through the entrance and take Tim’s hand again as you look at the promotional items in the front of the store. Tim watches you as you read signs and stop to touch an oversized stuffed animal. He knows what’s waiting for you inside, but seeing you so excited was worth the trip, he thinks.
“Well, look who it is.”
You turn quickly and smile when you see Angela. She pulls you into a hug as Tim and Wesley shake hands. They share a look, and you pinch your brows as you step back from Angela.
“Happy birthday,” she tells you. “Has Tim bought you anything yet?” “No,” you answer with a chuckle. “I’m just glad he finally came with me.”
“Tim Bradford saying no? I can’t imagine it.”
You laugh at Angela’s sarcasm, and Tim smiles at how happy you are. You’re always fun to be around, even if you are hiding against him because he made you shy, but birthday joy is a good look on you.
“There’s a sale on rings, Tim,” Wesley says.
Your eyes widen before you drop your gaze to the floor. There has been no discussion of getting engaged or married in your relationship with Tim, but it’s certainly somewhere you can see yourself going.
“It’s her birthday,” Tim chides. “Don’t do that to her.”
“Well, we have to get back to the kids,” Angela interjects. “They’ll riot soon if they don’t get their snacks. Enjoy the rest of your birthday!” “Thanks, Angela.”
You hug her once more and wave at Wesley before Tim lays his hands on your shoulders and steers you toward your favorite section of the store. He keeps a hand on you as you browse, moving when you do. It was a surprise to see someone you know, and on your birthday, no less, but you don’t think too much about the coincidence.
Until someone says, “Happy birthday!” down the aisle from you, at least.
“Hi, Sergeant Grey, Luna,” you greet.
You look toward Tim quickly, but he shrugs and lays his hand across your back.
“Will she ever call me anything other than Sergeant?” Wade asks Tim as Luna hugs you tightly.
“I’ve been trying to get her to call me Sergeant, but she won’t do it,” Tim laments.
“Ignore them,” Luna encourages you. “How’s the birthday going?”
“It’s great,” you answer. “Tim made me breakfast and hasn’t tortured me yet.”
“Yet,” Tim scoffs.
“We just ran into Angela and Wesley, too.”
“Small world,” Wade muses.
“Big city,” you argue, looking toward Tim.
“Do me a favor and buy yourself something amazing for your birthday, and I will see you at lunch next week,” Luna tells you. “Bye, Tim.”
Tim waves as they pass, and you cross your arms to look at him.
“What?” he asks with his brows raised.
“You’re doing something,” you accuse. “It’s too much of a coincidence.”
“I am doing something,” Tim admits. “Loving you.”
You drop your arms and tip your head back, which Tim takes as an opportunity to wrap you in a bear hug. You grip the back of his shirt, somewhere between shy because of the public affection and relieved because you need a hug.
“Alright, let’s go find you something to buy,” Tim declares. “For me to buy for you, I mean.”
“You don’t have to,” you say quietly.
“It’s your birthday, and it’s my boyfriend-ly duty.”
“That’s not a word,” you mumble as he leads you to the next aisle.
You browse several aisles before you see someone else you know, and now you’re convinced that Tim has orchestrated this. After running into at least a dozen people that you know and choosing not one but three things that you like, you and Tim approach the checkout lanes. He pays for your gifts and takes your hand.
As he leads you to the café seating area, you see your best friend, Lucy. Tim grumbles as you release his hand to approach her. You stop short when you see a birthday cake sitting on the table beside her.
“Happy birthday!” she calls as she rounds the table to hug you. “I’m so happy to see you!”
“You did all of this?” you ask, looking between Tim and Lucy.
“It was Tim’s idea, I just helped,” she says.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“Don’t get shy yet, you have half of Mid-Wilshire to share that cake with,” Tim replies.
On cue, everyone you’ve run into today approaches the table to give you more birthday wishes and a few gifts. The attention makes you shy, but they’re your friends, and you appreciate them and their kindness more than you can, or would, say.
Lucy passes you a piece of cake and stands beside you as everyone else begins eating.
“Was it really Tim’s idea?” you ask.
“Yeah. He said he was going to bring you to Costco, and I just recommended a cake,” she says. “Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for the cake; Tim ordered it. Oh! I also have a gift for you in my car, so don’t leave before I give it to you.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did. We’re best friends, and you are the kindest, most special person I have ever met. If anyone deserves this kind of love on their birthday, it’s you.”
You set your plate down to hug Lucy and only release her when Tim grabs your waist. He laughs when you lean against him but drops his head and whispers to ask if you’re okay. Very early in your relationship, he learned your tells. He knows when you’re overwhelmed, when you’re getting shy enough that he needs to give you a minute, and every other little thing about you.
“I’m great,” you answer. “Thank you for all of this.”
“It’s the least I could do.”
“Seriously, it is,” Wesley adds. “Making you use your Costco card to get into your birthday celebration was certainly… a choice.”
“It’s perfect,” you say. “And all my friends are here.” “Plus these people,” Lucy jokes as she gestures to everyone else.
“You’re just her best friend because you can carry both sides of the conversation, so she never gets shy with you,” Nyla teases.
“And our mutual disdain for Tim’s weird humour,” Lucy adds.
“What’s that?” Tim asks, tipping his head toward you. “You want to leave now? Okay, let’s go.”
You laugh as he tries to pull you away, but you’re enjoying your Costco birthday party too much to leave. When Wade offers to stand on the table and tell all the other customers that it’s your big day, however, you consider taking Tim up on that offer.
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babyleostuff · 1 year
let me take care of you | XU MINGHAO
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summary | taking care of Minghao after a long day of schedules
pairing | minghao x gn!reader
genre | fluff & comfort
word count | 1.3k
author’s note | honestly, I just want to take care of this man after seeing him having like 4 flights in a week
Soft tunes of "I Don't Understand But I Luv U '' were coming from the speaker in your living room, while you were finishing cooking a very late dinner for your boyfriend, who should land in Korea any minute now. With this being his fourth flight of the week, even he couldn't hide the exhaustion from you, no matter how hard he tried. Minghao did everything he could not to worry anyone about his well-being, as he was a very independent person and could take very good care of himself. It's great, you really admired that in him, but sometimes, you wish he’d lean a little bit more on you and let you take care of him.
"Just landed. Can't wait to see you."
You read the message with a huge grin on your face, while your heart skipped a bit - it has been so long since you got to have some time together for longer than an hour before sleep.
You never complained though, you knew what you were getting yourself into and even while being separated from your precious boyfriend for so long you wouldn't change it for a second.
Putting the ramen and other food on the heat to get ready, you went to your shared bedroom to put out some comfortable clothes for Minghao, so he could change into something more comfortable than his airport outfit, which you knew would be very fashionable, as per usual.
Speaking of, you quickly typed in your boyfriend's name in the Twitter search bar and to no surprise, he looked as dashing as usual.
Even seeing this short video of him, confidently walking in his long black coat, brought butterflies to your stomach.
You were so grateful that the landing in Korea was so much more peaceful than the one in China, feeling so bad for him as you saw so many people basically suffocating him during his previous flights.
Looking at all the girls surrounding him, you couldn't suppress a smile knowing that the only person who would hold him tonight is you. Not to be possessive, but he was yours, and only yours.
Being so busy with getting things ready for Minghao's arrival, you didn't even hear him entering your house.
“Hello? Anyone here?" he called out the second he noticed that there was no one there to greet him.
"Darling?" he tried again.
"Hao, is that you?" he heard your voice coming from the kitchen. Not a second after he saw your head appear from behind the kitchen island.
"What are you even doing dummy?" he asked in a jokingly offended tone, giving you one of his famous side eyes. Not caring about responding to him, you threw yourself in his embrace making him take a couple steps back, as he didn't expect the force.
"I swear, if they're going to make you fly one more time this week, I'm going to sue them," you said, nuzzling your head further into Mingaho's neck.
You could feel a slight chuckle vibrate through his body, as he lightly patted the back of your head, in a loving manner.
"I think you'll have to, darling. I'm going back after we finish filming on Monday," he gently untangled the two of you and took your face lightly in his hands, almost as if he was afraid to hurt you.
His gaze told you everything you needed to know without him actually saying it - how much he loved you and was happy to see you, how guilty at the same time he felt for leaving you so often, but also how exhausted he was. Even in spite of his tired state, he still looked at you like you were his entire world.
Being so close to him, feeling the smell of his expensive cologne, brought you so much peace and comfort. In no time, Minghao closed the space between you, capturing your lips in a delicate kiss, you both yearned for. In that single moment you felt as if nothing else existed in the world, but for the two of you, simply the feeling of her soft, perfect lips.
It is when you truly realized that he is yours and you are his. His hands stayed at the sides of your face, stroking your cheeks lightly.
"Come, I made you something to eat," you dragged your lovestruck boyfriend to the living room, making him sit on the sofa comfortably.
"You didn't have to do it, I mean it. In fact, you should be long asleep by now."
"Of course mum, whatever you say."
"I really can take care of myself, you know. This is unnecessary," he said as you put plates with food on the table. Not going to lie, you felt a little bit hurt by his statement - the only thing you wanted to do was to take care of him.
Almost as he could hear the thoughts running through your mind, he grabbed your slightly shaking hand.
"Hey, look at me," you didn't, feeling way too hurt to look him in the eye. "Darling, please. I didn't mean it like this. I'm just tired, this wasn't supposed to come out like this."
"But that's the thing Hao!" you exclaimed.
"You're tired, you just had a long flight for the hundredth time this week, and not once did you let me take care of you. I know that you like to be independent and think that you can do everything by yourself, I get it. I really do. But once, just once let me take care of you," you explained.
"I'm so sorry," the guilt in his eyes was even more noticeable now. "I just don't want to be a burden to anyone-" not letting him finish what he was about to say to you pressed a soft kiss to his silky lips. It was quick and innocent, but told Mingaho everything.
"You're not a burden to anyone Hao, and especially not to me. I'm your girlfriend, I love taking care of you, I really do," you smiled at him, caressing his cheek.
Pouting slightly, he nuzzled his cheek further into your hand, kissing it lightly.
"I love you. I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass sometimes."
"You're a pain in the ass everyday Xu Minghao," you laughed at his offended reaction. "But you're mine-" he didn't let you finish.
"Stop being so sappy, please. It's disgusting, bleh," now the both of you were laughing loudly, cuddling into each other.
After finishing your meal, you quickly did the dishes and turned off all the lights in the kitchen and living room, settling in the bedroom for the rest of the night.
While Minghao was taking a shower, you caught up with some emails and did some reading. A couple of minutes later he came out wearing the clothes you left for him.
"Ready for sleep?" you asked, putting all of the unnecessary stuff aside.
"Definitely. And please, no one disturb us till the evening tomorrow," he hummed as he got under the duvets on his side of the bed.
"Oh, I can guarantee you that," you said softly, as he laid his head in the crook of your head and put his strong arm over your waist.
Your hand automatically found its way to your boyfriend’s hair, stroking it gently. It made him sigh in relief, as he finally got to properly relax.
"I love you very much. Thank you for taking care of me."
"I love you too Hao. And thank you for letting me do so."
This was easily the best night of his week, soundly falling asleep in the arms of his one and only love.
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pretty-weird-ideas · 4 months
Anne Rice, Literature, and Literacy
As a Black book reader of Anne Rice, seeing racist IWTV fans doing the "Black kids in Brooklyn don't even know what a computer is" bit by stating Black fans that they are "anti-intellectual" for discouraging or telling Black fans to not read the books (or simply implying that reading the books aren't important) is disturbing.
Black people are allowed to protect their peace, and not read a book written with racist themes, by a well-known controversial author. Furthermore, the implication that not reading a specific series from an author that had a sharp downward turn in quality after Memnoch (I know hot take, I'm sorry) makes a person immature and unintelligent is a level of self-aggrandizing racism that not even Rick and Morty fans could pull off. Black people refusing to read racist content and instead choosing to prioritize content with Black characters and less harmful political themes being associated with a lack of culture and media literacy is repulsive.
Anne Rice fans (not fans of her books, but fans of HER) are in such a large fandom bubble that they have forgotten that people have been actively harmed by Anne Rice THE PERSON who was alive and isn't a figment of fandom imagination. You can READ her opinions and her political beliefs, you can read what she has said and done to real-life people who are still alive and are in fandom TODAY.
People have been harassed by Anne Rice, and people have been threatened and doxxed by Anne Rice and her supporters. She isn't a figment of imagination or a historical figure without living memories. Fanfiction.net isn't Fanfiction.net for no reason. AO3 isn't aggressively "like that" (positive and negative connotations) without cause. The existence of modern fandom culture was built by her horrid actions, and the further and further we get from acknowledging the harm and change she brought to fandom culture, the closer we get to losing fandom culture altogether.
I'm not going to say names, but once again it is repeated offenders who I have spoken about who have once again implied that Black fans are "encouraging" stupidity in Black people. That Black fans are unintelligent and that they are "uncultured" of their own volition. I'm not going to mince words here, the IWTV fandom is full of pieces of shit who believe that Black people are unintelligent and that their unintelligence is "self-inflicted". That their lack of interest in reading a singular book written by a controversial figure is a sign that they are inherently inferior. We've seen this with "Black culture encourages unintelligence" and "Black culture encourages violence" so seeing it within the confines of a space made up of queer losers (for lack of a better term as I am one myself) isn't surprising. But it is disappointing in ways that words, barring expletives, cannot describe. The xenophobia and racism towards African Americans in a show that centers African Americans is revolting. If I want to hear a rant about how Black Americans are encouraging vice and delinquency I could listen to Richard Spencer or Nick Fuentes wax poetic, I don't want to hear it from fans of a woman whose harassment campaigns towards critics are continuing from beyond the grave.
I don't want to be the person that begs people to read Black literature, but I wish a black person would walk up to white people and scoff when they say they haven't read N.K Jemisin or Octavia Butler. That we shall roll our eyes and say "What has literacy come to?" when someone says they don't know who Zora Neale Hurston is. Who walks around and rants about how "White culture is in such a bad spot because their people don't encourage listening to Jazz and Hip Hop. And how I shed my Black savior tears about how destructive their culture is,". Maybe then we would start to see shame.
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euniexenoblade · 25 days
What's the difference between sexual harassment and having sex in front of others without their consent? (Nothing else meant by this, just straight up having sex in front of someone who doesn't consent to be part of that.)
Sexual harassment is sexual harassment. "Public sex" is sex between consenting adults that in your hypothetical youve accidentally stumbled into. Intent matters here. You simply seeing two people have sex is not sexual assault and treating it like such shows more about what you (generalized you) think about sex as a whole. You don't have to be comfortable with seeing it or want to see it, but making you stumbling into something not intended for you into "sexual harassment," a targeted act meant to make you uncomfortable, is telling.
I've already explained what public sex is. It is simply the existence of sex in public, and the United States has defined "public" to include hotels, bathhouses and cars. There were literally laws on the books in places that were written in a way to ban gay sex in people's own homes if they rented.
Have you never accidentally walked in on people fucking? Or jerking off? It's the same thing. That's not harassment or a violation of consent, you walked in on something. Are two people fucking unaware you're there really deserving of prison and to be branded sex offenders for the rest of their lives?
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stormblessed95 · 24 days
Okay, I know this is inflammatory and if Stormblessed chooses to publish this ask I want all the weirdos out there to know this opinion stands only for me, but if there are parts of the show that lean more towards being “fanservice” (oh, how I loathe that word), it’s not the parts you think.
HYBE has no interest (and no reason to have an interest) in promoting specific ships. If you think that is what’s happening you are wrong, plain and simple. Just… what on earth could they stand to gain from that? BTS are seven or they are solo artists. Corporations care about money and there’s no money to make from highlighting one duo over another, and their content is, to a very great extent, done for the preexisting fans that already fill their coffers.
Are they making money from Jimin and Jungkook doing a travel show? Yes, probably. Would they have made the same money from any other ship doing a travel show? Yes, probably, especially if it involved at least one member from the maknaeline. (They’re simply more popular, I don’t make the rules.)
So IF there’s fanservice in AYS (aside from the members doing and filming things they may or may not have done if they were on their own and I’m not talking about their personal interactions I’m talking about playing with water guns and making up elaborate games, going climbing and riding go karts etc., they might have done those things if there were no cameras but they might also have spent the entire vacation sleeping) it’s reinforcing the OT7 brand. It’s calling Yoongi and Tae, it’s talking about missing the members, its Tae joining the show, it’s calling RM, or remarking that specific members would love this or that.
It’s easy to forget in between yapping solos and shippers fighting over crumbs in the trenches on Twitter that the single most important thing about BTS is that they are seven and that their genuine connection is their lifeblood, AND, it’s important to note, the members also know this. So I’m not saying it’s not genuine when they talk about missing members (after ten years attached at the hip I’m sure they’ve had a weird old time in the solo era) but leaving those clips in the show, highlighting them and using them for voiceovers is a conscious choice, one that flows like a thread through everything they’ve done as solo artists. There’s always a mention or a cameo, a little titbit that connects 1 to the other 6, because BTS are 7.
It's not just you. I'm cosigning this opinion. I'm also adding the fanservice was all the titties given to us 😂 y'all remember when ARMY would lose it over bare foreheads and were seeing JKs tattoos through a shitty microwave reflection 😂
Now, both anon and I are not saying the OT7 bond is fanservice, but it's highlighted within the show for a reason. I'm the reason. Most ARMY are the reason. We all fucking lose it over how much the members love each other. It's not "fanservice" but it's what pulls people in. Check how many "OT7 ARMY" accounts finally started posted about AYS when they would call a member or when Tae joined as proof. Their bond isn't fanservice. Hybe absolutely profits off it though. Let's not get all twisty and offended over y'all reading in between non existent lines here, okay?
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performing-personhood · 6 months
I learned a kind of funny thing and I need to tell you bc it's important, cmere. Lean in so the others can't hear okay?
Ok so like
I know that the reason we are the way we are is because at some point we took up some space - as people do - and someone turned to us and went "whoa, excuse you! What do you think you're doing" or something, right? And they were, like, surprised and offended that we took up space and told us to stay real small and subservient? And we were pretty young, you and me, and we didn't really grok Peopling yet and so we assumed that everyone else was going to have that expectation too?
Okay I just learned: that isn't true at all, that person was just an asshole.
Babe. BABE. This is big.
Ok do you realize ??? that most people when they're around someone - anyone, this is important, it's an unconscious reflex and happens rather automatically - and that person is like "I have an opinion and desires and also some needs and I am going to express them openly" Did you realize, because I didn't, that most people completely intuitively go "oh! There's another person here! Lemme just scootch over so they fit better :)" PEOPLE MAKE ROOM FOR YOU.
People don't ignore us, when we're silently having wants and needs and waiting our turn to be noticed, they just have similar very loud brains and have no idea because beung corporeal is Distracting™️. Not only do people just need a reminder that you're there, they're totally happy to accomodate. In a distinctly "ope! My bad, lemme just- here-" sort of way.
My spouse has a loud brain and drowns it out with Mario Kart. I've spent most of my life quietly entertaining myself in all of these instances, because at some point someone told me I was supposed to "go play" and nobody wanted to play with me so I entertained myself right? Okay. Well I recently had a sea change and decided I was gonna pop my headphones in and watch TV on my tablet when he was doing his Mario Karting. Because the boy will easily go for four hours and I just spontaneously realized that it would actually be ridiculous if he got butthurt at me for putting some quiet tv on for myself instead of watching a grown man play the same video game for hours.
You know what happened? Not only did nobody's feelings get hurt, but I have never made it more than twenty minutes into a show before he ends a match and switches the console off. And I have never asked him to do so. When I'm over there doing my own thing with my own TV show like a person instead of just scrolling on my phone trying real hard not to exist, somewhere in his unconscious he goes "there's a whole other human being on the other end of the sofa from me. I want to turn this off and engage with that person!"
Okay do you understand what I am telling you??
When you behave like a human person and treat yourself like a human person, other people also instinctively treat you like a human person and they're happy to be reminded that they get to engage with you. The person in our past that reacted differently and got mad at us for being a person, plainly and simply: they were just being an asshole to us.
The people we love want to engage with us. Almost all of them!!! And not only that?? Most other human beings feel the same way.
Huge. Big huge.
Don't take my word for it baby cakes okay, take a sec and muster up the courage (it'll be scary the first time, but the thinking about it is always scarier than doing it I swear) and then get back out there and practice being your very own human person occupying human people space, around someone who loves you, and just... watch what happens. The first time someone warmly, graciously, voluntarily accommodates you is the greatest feeling a corporeal being can experience, and you deserve it too.
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grabattheseballsss · 9 months
Somno with ghost ;P
Pairing: ghost x fem reader
[ CW: somnophilia duh, rape, groping, ghost being a creep, a weirdo even, what is he even doing here?, ghost using his rank and power for evil, he kinda doesn’t realise how creepy he is, plot twist? Not really ? Listen I wrote this in like 10 mins, I’m sick and bored be nice]
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For a new recruit, ghost was weirdly nice to you, you definitely have noticed given that he would verbally abuse anyone for making a simple mistake, yet whenever you fucked up, he’d be quiet, simply telling you to do better or just flat out ignoring it.
You weren’t stupid, you knew he liked you, I mean what other explanation do you have for him always grabbing your hips or waist to move past you, why else would he wrap himself around you from behind when showing you how to ‘fire a gun correctly’ as if you haven’t been doing so, how you’d always find him staring at you when you’re making yourself a midnight snack in your short pjs, how his eyes would not leave your figure as you leaned against the counter, waiting for your noodles to get ready.
You turned around to grab yourself a bowl, gasping when you saw his looming, obnoxiously large figure standing right behind you “oh my god! Seriously ghost, can you stop that?!” Your shaky tone only made him want to scare you more, so would he stop?
He only stared at you as you lightly slapped his arm and made your way to the counters, as you walked back to the pot that was done simmering, you felt him right behind you, you didn’t move, you didn’t know what to do or say in this situation
His arm made its way over your shoulder, you stared at his gloved hand as he grabbed the kettle, and slowly taking it, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding when he made his way to the sink, you quickly poured the noodles into the bowl and threw the pot into the sink, trying to leave as fast you could, before you could leave you heard him finally speak.
“You’re so dirty…” you turned to him with a confused look “excuse me?” You asked in a slightly offended tone, his head tips towards the sink
“Clean your dishes” he stated, you rolled your eyes “I’ll clean it when I finish my noodles” you mumbled as you existed the kitchen, relieved to be out of his sight.
Sitting down in the lounge area, you turned on the tv and watched some random show and ate your noodles, unfortunately for you, the masked man has returned, sitting down at the end of the couch you were sitting on, you looked up at him, his mask was rolled up to the bridge of his nose, his lips and chin exposed, he sipped his tea quietly “stop staring” he broke the silence making you gulp and apologise.
After a good 10 minutes of silence you decided to break it by asking him “why are you awake?”
He hummed “why are you awake ?” He asked back making you glare at him “I asked you first” you rolled your eyes and saw he was glaring down at you
“Ugh fine, I was hungry, obviously” you leaned your head against the couch’s pillow, staring up at him, about a minute or two of silence you snapped at him “well? Are you going to tell me why you’re awake ?”
He looked down at you, his brown eyes almost seeming black due to the dim lights in the room “I never agreed to telling you” he finally stated, making you scoff “ I can’t believe you…” you fake sobbed and got up, stretching your back and grabbing the bowl to wash it, you muttered a soft ‘good night’ as you left the room.
You walked into your room, yawning and flopping onto the bed, it was a hot night so your covers were rudely pushed away by your leg, and after a few minutes of staring up at the ceiling, your eyelids grew heavy and slowly, you were gone.
See, at this time of night, nobody was awake, it was damn near 2:50 am, these people wake up at 7 am on a relaxing day, so he knew no one would catch him peeking into the keyhole of your door, no one would catch him turning the knob on your door slowly, opening it and letting himself inside.
He promised himself, he promised to only look at you, to only go as far as touching you but nothing further, but how could he keep that promise when he saw you laid out on the bed, chest slowly rising and falling, lips parted slightly, how your soft plush thighs were slightly parted.
It’s as if you’re asking for it, as if you were waiting for him, to come and claim your smaller body, to have you beneath him, sweating, dizzy, and begging him for more.
Simon took a deep breath in, shuddering slightly as he bit his lower lip, sure to leave a bruise on his dry lips.
He walked to your side, kneeling by you, large, rough hands caress your cheek, index finger travelling to your patted mouth, sticking it in between your lips, coating his digit with your saliva, he took his mask off with his other hand as he took his now wet finger and sucking on it, it was disgusting, how any of your bodily fluids can turn this man into a dog in heat, it’s disgusting how his cock became fully erect as soon as he tasted your saliva, and it was even more disgusting how he has already lost it when he saw drool pooling out next to your squished cheek.
Oh how he wishes he was that silk pillowcase, what he wouldn’t do to be used by you in anyway, how he wanted to be your bed, pillows, covers, to be enveloping your body until you are him and he is you.
Simon doesn’t love, no he wasn’t raised in an environment that supported that, he knew he wanted to love someone the way his mother should’ve been loved, the way his father never did, he wanted to love someone until they are one, but with how many people he’s lost, it’s become much harder for him to let anyone in, but in his eyes he’s not doing anything wrong.
He doesn’t hit you, nor does he ever dream of doing so, he never calls you names, make you feel less than, so how would this be abusive ?
He’s a frustrated man in power, surely you can’t be mad if he took a hold of your hand and placed it on his aching bulge, right?
His promise now long gone as soon as he felt your soft hands against his clothed dick, he gently set your hand down and unbuckled his belt, keeping his cargos and boxers around his mid thigh, his twitching cock finally free, it stood up with pride, already leaking Pre-cum as it searched for your warm hand again
Simon took your hand again, wrapping your fingers around the head of his dick, his body shuddered at the skin contact, he took a second to breath before holding your closed hand in place, thrusting his dick in and out, slowly in order to not startle you, you looked way too beautiful asleep, unaware of your love using you, what would you if you were up? Would you help him? Would you wrap those beautiful lips around his swollen tip?
Or would you let him inside you? Would you let him feel this gummy walls tightening around his dick as he pounded into you? Would you be okay with him filling you up like you deserve to ?
The endless possibilities in simon’s mind only egged him on as he quickened his pace, his breathing becoming shorter and shorter, he was breathing like a dog in heat, so so close to finally finishing, his mind was only focused on where to dump his seed, your beautiful face? Those soft hands ? Maybe he should take your shirt off and spill all over that chest of yours
But oh the gods weren’t by simon’s side this night
That was the final straw, he moaned out as he spilled his seed all over your puffy, confused face
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there are literally so many reasons why we don't need a third Narnia adaptation
first of all, while they might not be the most accurate, the Disney movies are actually so good and, in my opinion, still manage to capture the heart and soul of the series and what it's truly about. The characters are each perfectly portrayed; the Pevensies act like actual siblings and yet love each other dearly and would die for each other even through all the petty arguments; the music creates perfect atmosphere and emotion and never fails to make me tear up or get shivers down my spine; and the CGI is honestly just absolutely stunning.
I really do not feel like we need another adaptation by Netflix.
Especially not through Netflix.
Netflix has already been known to mess up so many shows and movies by completely changing the source material or adding in unnecessary things that completely take away from the purpose of the story. I can already see them warping Narnia into something that barely even resembles the books, that strips it of its purpose and simply makes it about a fantasy world, nothing more. I've already seen posts saying that the new movies just can't end the way the books end, that heaven must be explained away, that Susan never forgets and falls down a dark path, that the faith aspect must be taken out so as not to offend new viewers.
Here's the thing.
If you take faith out of Narnia, you remove the very heart of the series. you remove the entire purpose. Because Narnia is entirely about faith, and trust, and Someone greater than yourself who sacrifices everything to save your own traitorous soul. the Disney movies did not shy away from portraying this faith as openly as possible. if anyone was offended, I've never seen proof. I have seen many nonbelievers talk about how much they were affected by Aslan's death, which goes to show that you simply don't have to be Christian to understand what Narnia is about, and to love and enjoy it.
So if these new remakes remove the faith aspect, then what is the point? four siblings go to a magical land and save it from a witch and befriend a talking lion with nothing special about him and live there as kings and queens and return home and live happily ever after? there is no sacrifice, there is no "he's not tame, but he is good," there is no creation, there is no redemption, there is no last battle, there is no "in your world, I have another name", there is no sister straying down a dark path because she has forgotten how to hope, and then returning because her story is unfinished and the road to heaven is paved with flowers that symbolize her name.
so then, what are you left with? Aslan is just a talking lion, nothing more. the stone table never cracks, the sun never rises. "That by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there" is forgotten entirely, because why would Aslan exist in our world if he is merely a talking lion in Narnia? Aslan's country is changed to be something else, and there is nothing about how Aslan suddenly no longer looks like a lion, and how the things that happened after are more great and beautiful than can be described. Edmund's life is never threatened because of his traitorous deeds; Aslan never offers his own life in place of a guilty boy, is never killed, is never resurrected.
the very core of Narnia is removed, and what you are left with is emptiness.
sure, it might make for a good fantasy story nonetheless. you might still have sweeping views and epic music and an intriguing plotline, but something will always feel like it is missing. like there is an empty hole, desperately needing to be filled.
of course, I don't know that all of that will happen; it's just speculation at this point. But I am fairly sure that it is safe to predict these upcoming movies as such. I highly doubt the producers will want to include the faith that shapes Narnia, because according to them, having a faith aspect means less viewers since too many people would be offended.
but if only they would look at the already wonderful existing adaptations, they would know that is simply not the case.
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tripod-fish · 1 year
conservatives want to genocide trans people & imprison sex workers in the next election - cis people are in danger as well. nobody is talking about this, so REBLOG IT.
REBLOG THIS. i do not care if this doesn't fit with your blog. conservatives, if the next president is republican, want to implement things that involve killing/jailing trans people, information control, actively stopping efforts to stop climate change, etc. if a twitter thread is more digestible, you can find one i made here. RETWEET IT.
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so fucking nobody (that i've seen) is talking about this and i've only seen 1 tumblr post about it with less than 6k notes. @asterosian was the one who brought this to my attention, and here's his post: https://ganbreedings.tumblr.com/post/727921195127865344
the document, which can be found below this paragraph, is ~1000 pages long and i know nobody on tumblr has the patience to read that. use ctrl+f on this pdf (link is to view it in browser) to look up specific topics. in this post, i will be briefly discussing some of the things said using textual evidence and citations. https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
just some of the things this document talks about are:
wanting to imprison trans people for existing, make discrimination of people legal in the workplace, punish education about the existence of trans people, make sex work illegal, make education about sex illegal, make contraception unaffordable, ban the week-after pill, imply fatherhood is a requirement, ban education on real american history, ignore other governments, seal the borders, enforce the death penalty (including for trans people for just existing), stop efforts to end climate change, fund the military, claim OAR science is theoretical and downsize it and NOAA, eliminate critical race theory in education, want to eliminate teaching of critical race theory based on a gross misunderstanding, eliminate diversity, the teaching of marxism's existence, "deleting" words regarding queer and reproductive topics, and so much more.
we trans people are called pornography:
"Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology sexualization of children..." (page 37)
and conservatives want to outlaw pornography and say those who distribute it should be imprisoned. if trans people are pornography, is not going about our day outside distributing porn?
"Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned" (page 37)
they also support the death penalty and say that "child sexual abusers" should be given that. i am not disagreeing that CSA is bad; it is. i'm talking about how they're going to classify trans people as that for exposing minors to "porn" for simply going out in public. by saying this, they are using roundabout language and logic to say trans people should be given the death penalty.
"It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes...crimes involving...sexual abuse of children..." (page 554)
they don't want people to be taught about our existence. and they don't want sex taught at all; even safe sex.
"Educators and public librarians who purvey [porn] should be classed as registered sex offenders..." (page 37)
sex education needs to be taught, period. and if they're going to ban abortions and contraceptives, it especially needs to be taught.
"HHS should rescind...preventive services...preventive services include contraception..." (page 483)
"Eliminate the week-after-pill..." (page 485)
they want to ignore what other countries say.
"International organizations and agreements that erode our Constitution, rule of law, or popular sovereignty should not be reformed: They should be abandoned" (page 12)
they want the border SEALED and illegal immigration ended:
"Illegal immigration...ended...the border sealed..." (page 12)
and, of course, more xenophobic shit about china:
"Economic engagement with China ended..." (page 13)
"[Universities funded by the CCP should] lose their accreditation, charters, and eligibility for federal funds" (page 13).
they want to stop efforts to end climate change:
"Repeal climate change initiatives..." (page 508)
and downsize funds given to the government division (OAR) that forwards its information on climate change to the NOAA, and they want climate change research "disbanded":
"...[OAR climate change research is] theoretical..." (page 676)
"...disbanded..." (page 676)
they want critical race theory and gender ideology erased from schools because they "poison our children". they are erasing things from being taught; and critical race theory isn't about affirming one's characteristics. it's for showing that white people are on top and that it needs to change:
"...'critical race theory and 'gender ideology' should be excised from curricula in every public school in the country..." (page 5)
"These theories poison our children..." (page 5)
"...affirm the color of their skin fundamentally determines their identity and even their moral status..." (page 5)
and they straight up don't want america's history being taught. america is founded on racism, tears, oppression, etc. they don't want this taught because they don't want people knowing real american history. so they can't see history repeating itself:
"...racist, anti-American, ahistorical propaganda [in] America's classrooms" (page 8)
they want discrimination based on queer status and "sex characteristics" legal. this is said in regards to the military, but it won't stop there. and "sex characteristics" means YOU, cis people. you can be denied things just for having boobs or a beard. even if you're cis:
"Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics" (page 585)
"...abolish newly established diversity, equity, and inclusion offices and staff" (page 103)
and misinformation is present of course by saying gender-affirming care causes irreparable damage:
"...'gender transition' procedures or 'gender-affirming care,' which cause irreversible physical and mental harm to those who receive them"
and, quite abhorrently, and i quote, they want words related to queerness DELETED:
"This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity ('SOGI'), diversity, equity, and inclusion ('DEI'), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights..." (pages 4-5).
there is... SO much more i could cover. but i need to cut it short somewhere. and remember: this affects everyone.
cis people, you can be discriminated against for "sex characteristics", which includes things like breasts or facial hair. transphobic queer people, you can and will be discriminated against for your sexuality. your children are at danger of being taught deliberate misinformation at school. america is sealing itself off in a fascist bubble; as much as it hates countries like china and north korea, it is doing the exact same thing. and climate change regulations want to be repealed and climate change science is called "theoretical". this isn't even just about america anymore; this is about the whole world.
vote in the 2024 election. vote democrat. don't let the "mandate of leadership: the conservative promise" by the heritage foundation make this shithole country even worse.
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psychic-refugee · 10 days
I don’t want to claim that Wenclair as a ship doesn’t exist. Again, I’ve always been a big proponent that fandom is a) supposed to be fun and b) it’s up to interpretation and opinion. The latter makes your ship valid because that’s how you feel. Perhaps it doesn’t make your reasons rational or anchored in canon, but again we go back to a) where it’s supposed to be fun.
I don’t have a problem with Wenclair the ship. I have a problem with Wenclairs the people who have a well-documented history of harassment on non-fandom sites such as Instagram and Twitter of the celebrities in question.
Here are some of the reasons why I don’t specifically see Wenclair/I see a platonic relationship.
Gough and Millar framed Enid and Wednesday as a “sisterhood” and “friendship.” (NME, 24 Dec 2023) This is in DIRECT reaction to being asked about Wenclair. They are the authority of canon as they are the authors of Wednesday and Enid as we know them from this iteration of the Addams Family.
The fact they said its “possible” in the future means Wenclair is not currently true. I also think they were simply being polite and did not want to offend the Wenclairs. Given how badly some react to the possibility of Wenclair not being canon, I don’t blame Gough and Millar for trying to remain neutral about it.
Again, this is Millar and Gough, the true writers and authority of Wednesday.
Secondly, Jenna herself proclaimed no romance. She made an effort in an interview to stress Wednesday had no SO and would have no SO. This is right after joking about Wenclair being a possibility. I believe this is a direct consequence of Wenclairs harassment when they took her words too far and harassed anyone who disagreed with them or threatened the possibility of the ship. (Digital Spy, 8 June 2023)
Emma also wants Wednesday to be single. (Variety, 30 Jan 2023)
There has been no talk, joking or otherwise, of Wenclair being a possibility in almost two years. They in fact seem to be making an effort to not a) talk about it and b) distance themselves from it.
As of this post, none of the cast or writers have done promo for the novel nor have acknowledged it in any way. They also do not follow Meija on socials.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a) they completely avoid mentioning it anymore in interviews, b) stressing no romance, c) Jenna quit Twitter because of what I suspect a Wenclair sending her AI porn. (Entertainment Weekly, 25 Aug 2024), and d) Jenna won’t ever come out with who she’s dating. (Vanity Fair, 6 August 2024)
I think all of this ties into Wenclair harassment. (Tumblr, 29 August 2024)
Thirdly, one of my litmus tests of whether something could be platonic is if you switch out person A with a known family member of Person B.
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This would be pretty gross, right? To have a “fizzy” feeling for your father? Not to mention the addition of kissing full on the mouth in such a way, TWICE. To me this is a clear sexual reaction on Wednesday’s part and could not be construed as platonic.
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Here, if Morticia had saved Wednesday and had this moment, it could still work. It wouldn’t be weird, so this scene is not necessarily romantic.
I think pretty much every interaction with Enid could be replaced by Morticia or Pugsly, and it wouldn’t make it as off putting as the Tyler example.
Meija could have at any point described Wednesday’s feelings while in Enid’s presence as “fizzy” or anything remotely romantic and they chose not to.
If they meant for it to be romantic regardless, they don’t have the confidence to stand by their work and say it outright.
So, unless it’s Game of Thrones where sibling/family incest is the norm, then seeing Enid and Wednesday as platonic is a fair interpretation.
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zoophilic-disorder · 3 months
🌱 Welcome to my account for people like me (but really anyone).
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This is a primarily positivity blog for those with zoophilia, but I will work to have education, discussion, and community as well.
If you're a zoophile and struggle with finding any sort of community outside of pro-contact/animal abuse rings, please have hope. There are resources and places for you to be okay and not worry about harming an animal. These thoughts can be violent, scary, and deeply uncomfortable and unsettling, but you will be okay, and you will not act on them.
Feel free to send requests for posts! (ie. "Can you make affirmations for zoos who..."Can you make a positivity post for zoos who are..." or anything really, as long as it's relevant).
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🌱 This blog advocates for:
• destigmatization of paraphilias, primarily zoophilia.
• anti harassment against anyone.
• pro fiction- acting out fantasies and attractions in fictional settings to cope does not make you a bad person, and you are not failing at "repressing" your paraphilia.
• anti offending/contact stances for any paraphilia that's harmful to act on. there will be no posts that cater towards other stances.
• understanding that paraphilias cannot be "cured" and instead must be accepted and coped with healithy to survive.
• saving people. you should not die simply because you have a paraphilia, your life is valuable and wanted, and you are not disgusting.
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🌱 About Me & Tag Key below the line...
My name is Sprout (they/them)!
I'm 21 years old, and I'm physically disabled, which may cause me to post less than I want due to flareups. I'm also wasian- I'm unsure if this will be entirely relevant here, but I'm mentioning it regardless in case discussions come up about the POC community (especially asian) when it comes to paraphiles, and the differing experiences.
And of course, I've suspected being a zoophile since I was a young child.
I've struggled with thoughts, urges, and attractions for a long time, bringing in self-harmful or otherwise self-destructive behavior. I've been riddled with guilt for simply existing and having a disorder I had no control over, one that made me absolutely miserable (and still does to an extent).
Looking for community was impossible. It felt like there were two sides- people who wanted those like me dead, and people who genuinely wanted to act on their thoughts. Both were insufferable, but I ended up choosing the side that hated zoophiles out of disgust and fear.
I also wasn't certain at the time whether what I was experienced was zOCD, or an actual zoophilic disorder. This year, 2024, is when I finally came to the understanding I do not have zOCD, it became impossible to ignore anymore. I felt so ashamed and embarrassed, with nowhere to go.
I wonder if the reason the pro-beastiality side of the community got so large is because people kept running out of options and eventually gave up looking for a better one.
So I want to try and help mend that, and try to start proper support groups for those like me, who just want a shoulder to lean on, someone to talk to, and comfort.
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🌱 Tagging System
#🐾 discussion - talking about zoophilia in any way. I wish this was a general tag that all zoos would use so we could find each other, since any other zoo tag is entirely taken over by people who want us dead.
#🐾 help - resources and advice.
#🐾 positivity - positivity posts specifically for zoos.
#🐾 therian - posts catered towards therian with zoophilia.
#🐾 system - posts catered towards systems with zoophilia.
#🐾 sadist - posts catered towards zoosadists. (im not a zoosadist, if I spread misinformation please let me know).
#🍐 positivity - general posts for positivity, not aimed specifically at zoos.
#ask recieved - answering asks.
#snarling - discourse or potentially triggering discussion.
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callmelyc · 7 months
You can't really do much for Valentine's in space, especially if your boyfriend is on the other side of the Universe with the BoM.
No one says a word as Lance mopes through the castle. His messages to Keith were left on read, everyone else was too busy, and not even the mice were willing to spare him a stray moment of comfort.
So here Lance is, wandering around aimlessly sulking to himself dramatically. No one else seemed to know nor care what day it was, hell he only knew bc he happened to glance at the earth calendar Pidge made.
Not that is really mattered. Valentine's Day wasn't exactly a holiday people did a whole lot for if they weren't dating, but it made Lance miss Keith all the more.
A couples holiday Lance was sure Keith wasn't even aware of, spent alone in the castle halls on a slow day.
Oh woe is he.
Slowly but surely Lance realizes his feet carry him in a familiar direction. The path so ingrained that even when he yearns for a Keith that isn't there his feet will lead him straight to the other man's door.
Lance pauses before it, contemplating his options.
How pathetic. How rude. He is stronger than this! He's a bad bitch he doesn't need no man! He can totally survive without Keith!
. . .
Lance enters the room.
Simply walking in and existing in Keith's space makes Lances shoulders ease. He hates to admit how much he misses his boyfriend because Lance knows it hurts him when he does. Yet now he's alone looking at everything this man owns wishing he was here by his side.
He takes his time brushing fingers over the growing collection of photos and trinkets they'd finally managed to get Keith to agree to. They say cozily on the side table right in the entry way for him to look at every time he came and went. It had taken time to get the samurai to realize he was allowed to hold onto something no matter how small it may seem.
It started with a picture, a photo of the entire team on one rare day spent together between missions. From there his collection grew with gifts, trinkets, memories he could think back on with love. All gathered by his hands, all heartfelt gifts from the team, from his family.
Lance smiles softly at every single one. It's all proof that Keith was here, proof that he will return, proof that he considered this home.
It's when Lance lays down clutching a jacket Keith left behind that he realizes how special it is to have this space to see while he's gone. He has Keith's space to move in while Keith likely has nothing....
He makes a mental note to gather things to brighten up Keith's blade bunk, maybe it'll help brighten everyone's bunk. Lance has never been inside but he bets it's bland in there. Would Kolivan even allow such a thing? Lance doesn't care if he doesn't, he'll send Keith with things anyways! Maybe if he gathers enough things the whole of the blade can decorate their ship to be a little less doom and gloom–
Through all his thinking Lance tosses and turns in Keith's bed, rolling in his scent that lingers faintly in his absence. He'd be embarrassed but no one was there to judge him. Keith wouldn't ever know and neither would the team and even if they did Lance thinks he has a fair claim to Keith's room. It's his duty as his boyfriend to wallow in his absence! Lance is but a wife awaiting her husband to return from war....only, they're both at war...and–well, that's not the important part.
Lance squirms attempting to get his mind off the schematics. All his dramatics shuffle the blankets and pillows they'd both collected there for prime cuddle time, then, something pokes at Lances back.
He huffs, annoyed that something would dare cause discomfort during his time of pain and suffering.
When he flips over to look at the offending object he sees the sharp corner of an envelope folded up, it peeks just from under the pillow pile innocent in its appearance as if it always belonged there.
Lance slides it free, looking it over carefully only to find his name on the front.
It says nothing else so he opens it to pull free the folded paper inside.
Where would Keith even find paper in space? Not that it's the paper they were used to it's far too thick and oddly velvety but it's a novelty nonetheless.
He unfolds it. It's dated at the top to a time before Keith left and written like an old letter, not one too terribly long but it's even signed off like one you'd see in movies.
No one wrote letters anymore yet Keiths handwriting stares back at him so clearly.
Dear Lance,
I don't know when you'll find this and I don't know when I'll be back so I thought I'd leave something behind just in case. Hopefully you're reading this on Valentine's Day so that if we spend it apart you aren't without a symbol of my love to you.
Lance reads through the words like a dying man in the desert. He doesn't even make it halfway through the letter before the tears start to fall. Keith is so incredibly thoughtful when given the chance to show it and here's the proof right in Lances hands. The man had made sure Lance would know he was his Valentine because he knew how much Lance loved the silly holiday. It's so stupidly sweet itales Lances heart ache for him.
He writes the things he loves about Lance, he writes the way he feels when he looks at him. Keith writes like he's pouring his heart and soul into the papers pulp. As if he's allowing for Lance to hold his heart in his hands.
It's single handedly the most romantic gesture has ever received.
"Stupid...." Lance sniffles "I didn't get to send you off with any proof that I feel the same." He dries his eyes as to not get the paper wet before continuing to read.
You thanked me once, saying you were grateful to have met me, but all I could think was that I should be the one whose thanking you.
You changed my life, Lance. I should be the one thanking you, god, the entirety of the universe- whoever it is that needs to hear it- because I am thankful to have known you in this lifetime. I am thankful to know I will go the rest of my life with memories of you.
I never knew I was capable of love like this. It had always been imaginary before you. I love you Lance McClain, more than you'll ever know.
If your dream is to fly then mine is to watch you soar, to watch you smile,to watch you get everything I can possibly give to you because you deserve the world...no, the universe and if I could gift it to you I would on a silver platter. But, for now this letter will have to be enough, hopefully you can accept that for now sweetheart.
Happy valentines day, know I am always thinking of you.
-Keith K.
Lance immediately grabs his com-device, he doesn't care if Keith will leave him on read, doesn't care if that bastard won't pick up. He doesn't go to pour out his feelings just yet, no, he'll do that to Keith's stupid romantic face, but he does send him a warning.
Sharpshooter: If you don't come back soon I will hunt you down myself
It's marked read not long after. A brief . . . blinks before vanishing.
Samurai: Happy valentines day to you too Lance.
He blinks down at Keith's response, at the first response Lance has gotten from him in days.
"That son of a bitch!"
Nothing else he sends gains a response, every single message marked with that annoying little read checkmark.
OH. Now it's on! Lance thinks to himself as he begins to plot his revenge.
He will not be out romanced and if Keith thinks he knows what's coming? He hasn't the faintest clue.
Happy Valentines Day! 💘
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Do you have any tips about writing a dark comedy?
Thanks! :)
Dark Comedy Tips
*** Content warning for dark themes and references to methods of unaliving ***
1 - Employ Well-Timed "Gallows Humor" - Gallows humor is humor that treats serious, frightening, or painful subject matter in a light or satirical way.
One of my favorite uses of gallows humor is a literal one, and it happened in real life. Upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence--which was treason against the English crown--Benjamin Franklin reportedly quipped, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
The musical 1776 drew the gallows humor out from there...
Hancock: Alright, step right up, gentlemen. Don't miss your chance to commit treason. Franklin: Hancock is right. This document is our passport to the gallows. But there's no backing out now, for if we do not hang together, we shall most assuredly hang separately. Hancock: Gentlemen, forgive me if I don't join in the merriment, but if we are arrested now, my name is still the only one on the damn thing!
This scene qualifies as dark humor/gallows humor because there was a very real threat that these men would be punished--perhaps even hung--for their participation in the revolution and declaring independence from the British crown. Despite the very real threat, they're making jokes about it.
2 - Be Thoughtful About Jokes and Timing - It's super important, though, to be thoughtful about the types of jokes you make and the timing. Moments of real tragedy, where the reader is likely to be really upset, are not usually the best time or source for dark humor.
So, for example, the above scene from 1776 wouldn't have hit right if they'd just learned that one of the other congressmen had in fact just lost their life at the gallows.
And don't be an edgelord. Dark humor isn't about making deliberately outrageous jokes in an attempt to shock or offend people. You don't want to be heavy-handed.
3 - Meaning Matters - Ultimately, you want to avoid making jokes for the sake of making jokes. The goal with the humor is to hold up a mirror to how effed up the situation is. Franklin's quip about the Declaration of Independence being a "passport to the gallows" for anyone who signed it illustrates how truly absurd it is that simply signing a piece of paper to declare independence from a parent nation would be reason enough to end someone's life. It's a lot more nuanced than that, probably, but you get the point.
So, think about what you want the reader to take away from the story. What are you trying to say? What does it all mean? The bulk of your jokes should be building upon or delivering that message in some way.
4 - The More Absurd the Better - Absurdity based in reality is another common element of dark humor. Over-the-top escalation of conflict, boundaries pushed to their plausibly ridiculous limits, preposterous plot twists, logical conclusions taken to illogical places, and brutal emotional honesty... Hyperbole can be an effective tool to illustrate the absolute nonsense that is so much of human existence.
5 - Consistency is Key - Last but not least, it's important to be consistent. Dark humor isn't something you introduce suddenly. It should be there from the beginning, in whatever capacity it can be, so as not to give the reader tonal whiplash. They should know right from the start that this is a dark comedy. Your really want the dark and light elements to be woven seamlessly together.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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cauliflowertree · 2 years
hi fern!! could you do remus lupin with "you're cute when you're jealous."
maybe slytherin!reader?
remus lupin—honey sweet.
summary: remus finds your jealousy amusing.
word count: 0.5k
fanfic no. 034
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everyone seemed to be obsessed with the marauders, particularly the gryffindors—they all wanted to be a part of their group, sit with them at dinner or be their friend, the honorary fourth member, for no one ever seemed to count you, lily, marlene or dorcas. those who nurtured small crushes on the boys even cheered for them during quidditch matches, regardless of the house in which they belonged.
it was simply the way it was. and though remus told you time and time again he had eyes for no one but you, your jealousy could still get the better of you. you’d no cause for concern, but it was the blatant disregard these people had for your feelings, or your existence in general.
this time it was some gryffindor, it was always worse when they were gryffindor—they didn’t like that remus lupin was with a slytherin. they were congratulating him on his latest exam marks, top of the school; you were so proud. but surely your pride was the only one that mattered to remus. yours and his friends’.
out of the corner of his eye, remus could see you seething, your lips pressed in a tight, thin line, your countenance threatening. he tried to bite back a smile, for it was all very amusing to him, and not offend whoever was speaking to him. and when they were finally done with their little speech, they congratulated him one last time with a lingering arm touch.
“right!” you sounded from across the room, having had quite enough.
“thanks so much,” remus said quickly, shooing them off.
he walked over to you with haste, grasping your hand in his to walk you back over to where you’d been sitting. he laughed quietly, though this time he could understand your aggravation.
“it was nothing,” remus said calmly, caressing your cheek.
“it was not nothing. they were flirting with you. they always flirt with you. and they don’t care that you have me, that’s what makes it so frustrating,” you explained, leaning into his touch.
“it was nothing to me,” remus altered his previous statement, rubbing his thumb over your cheek. “you know, you’re cute when you’re jealous.”
you tried, and failed, to maintain an expression of anger, to dramatise the seriousness of the situation. but you could never stay angry for long when remus was around—it simply dissipated.
“awh, rem,” you laughed bashfully, pressing your forehead against his chest.
he knew how to diffuse all the anger built up inside you and replace it with nothing but adoration. he knew the very inner workings of your heart, like it was a mechanism he had taken time to learn and master.
“come here, darling,” remus instructed, lifting your head up by your jaw, “let me kiss you.”
you nodded, wetting your lips slightly in preparation for the long, lingering kiss remus left you with, perfectly aware of who would be watching.
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🏷 @cherrystrees @sw34terw34ther @imabee-oralizard @mad-elia @velvetcloxds @natashxromanovf @masivechaos @ell0ra-br3kk3r @garfieldsladybird @flesh--amnesiac @maricoolerthanme @uwiuwi @juneberrie @goodoldfashionedluvergirl
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