recoveringradqueerhub · 9 months
Warning anti-Radqueers about a very dangerous user
there is a user called @francislikeseverybeing who’s post our host stumbled across recently, for people who do not know, this individual has openly admitted that they are blinding themselves in order to relieve their dysphoria.
This is a child, I hope I don’t have to explain why a child being encouraged to blind themselves is horrible.
This only goes to show how PRATs will groom minors into self harm with no care whatsoever about their physical wellbeing. Unfortunately we experienced this when we were in the rq community, atleast 20~ instances of minors being encouraged to hurt themselves or others.
Please try to talk some sense into them, please try to explain to them that this isn’t correct. I feel like they aren’t to far gone (they claimed that they are new to the Radqueer community) and it’s possible to make them understand that this is hurting them, hopefully they can understand they are being groomed and manipulated.
Note: this is not a invitation to harassment whatsoever, please understand that Francis is the victim in the situation, they are being hurt here
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
Radqueers be like: I’m the most excepting community ever!
And then do a 180 the second a person disagrees with their opinion
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
Anyone who censors the word “Endogenic” or something like that you are my worst fucking enemy.
My autistic brain cannot read asterisks half of the time & also it makes it sound like, I’m inappropriate to my brain???
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
Please remember that Radinclus ≠ Radqueer
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
Cw cult related topic
I understand what you mean with the cult thing, but I assume you just had a different experience then. I've been in an organised cult and disorganised cult before, and to me radqueer feels the same as the disorganised one. There was always the "if you don't like it, leave" said but they never *actually* let you leave is the thing, not safely at least. Organised cult won't say that at all, they'll tell you directly that you need to stay with them. But disorganised ones will tell you that you can leave, but that's after telling you no one else will take you in, they're the only people you can trust, outside the cult is dangerous, etc. So while they say you can leave, they don't mean it and if you leave they send people after you. Same as the radqueer community. You're told you can leave but they've told you all this stuff to make you stay because you're unsafe anywhere else and if you dare actually leave they will make sure you're unsafe anywhere else.
I am a survivor of a disorganized cult yes, and I still don’t believe rq is a cult. A common thing in Radqueer (from personal experience) is that they, don’t care if you’re apart of their beliefs. And I’m saying this as a person who was really into the community for awhile.
And talking to Radqueers, interacting with them, I came to a conclusion, one that I still hold.
Most Radqueers aren’t even apart of the community, because there hardly is one.
Upon leaving the community, they couldn’t fucking care less about me “leaving the community”, they only cared about me “Becoming an asshole.”
It’s more like an abusive family then a cult, Radqueer does not use legitimate cult tactics, it’s mostly children, it’s horribly disorganized, they do literally nothing about people “leaving”.
A common thing that RQ did was: “People everywhere love and except you, it’s just how the world is.” (Most) Radqueers don’t say that all antis are necessarily bad, just “misunderstood”, they don’t make attempts to isolate people.
Another thing: Radqueer itself is not a cult, but it has immense potential to be the cause of a cult, smaller groups within the community are far more isolated and cultish.
Also, keep in mind that: (again, most) Radqueers don’t really care about “gray areas”, blankqueers and neutrals and stuff like that.
Something is allowed to have cult-tactics and cult behaviors without being a cult.
I mean I literally just saw a post going on complaining about how a individual inside of the community was tired of the community, and announced they were leaving, most Radqueers just kinda congratulated them and parted ways, as long as you still hold some/most RQ beliefs you don’t even need to be Radqueer.
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
Finally a post I can agree with 😭
can someone explain to me the mental gymnastics prats have to do every day, to seriously think that one one hand, they are sooooo inclusive and not disrespectful towards actual trans people and on the other hand literally say: "just because I am trans[blank] it doesn't mean I AM [blank]!"
bro either ALL trans people ARE their trans identity (btw only transgender and transspecies are real in that way (transrace, transage and transabled in their original meanings mean other things)) or they are ALL NOT their trans identity
So EITHER if you are "transnazi", you are an actual nazi and transmen are real men OR you are not a nazi and are also denying that transmen are real men (works with any other gender too of course)
either way, you are transphobic LMAO
- Luna
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
I’m getting very scared of the amount of anti-Paraphiles following me, we are strictly anti-contact, but Paraphilias are a mental illness that cannot be controlled.
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
don’t forget me, the Abrosexual who frequently feels as though they are mspec mono 😎
”dni bi lesbians/bi gays!!!”
me (bi straight) and the besties (ace/aro lesbians and gays, non-bi mspec lesbians and gays, other mspec straights, mspec mspecs, mono monos, etc) on our way to interact (they never said we couldn’t):
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
BDS has added a specific MARVEL BOYCOTT because the next Captain America film features “Sabra/Ruth Bat-Seraph”—a character that personifies apartheid israel.
This character is known to:
work for mossad
continually talk about her hatred towards palestinians and arabs in the comics
have attacked the hulk for helping a palestinian child (hulk briefly convinced her that palestinians are humans)
have a syrian character (batal) as her antagonist
bear the name of a horrific massacre (the sabra massacre—where pregnant women were murdered and their babies were cut out of their wombs) *i am aware sabra refers to a fruit but let’s be real: it is still connected to a massacre carried out by israeli armed forces on innocent civilians. (here’s a longer statement)
Marvel is complicit in anti-Palestinian racism, israeli propaganda, and the glorification settler-colonial violence. Having this character in a movie by one of the biggest franchises in the world, especially now while there is a genocide going on, is appalling and disgusting. There is no new approach one can take when the character has always been grounded in racism and propaganda.
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
as another cult survivor, I disagree.
Radqueer is far too divided to be a cult, the community is incredibly broken up. Also, a common saying with in the community is: “If you don’t like it, leave.” From my cult experience, they did not want you leaving obviously, but in RQ you can say that your “neutral” on Radqueers and they still don’t care.
They aren’t nearly as organized as a cult either, the Radqueer community is a very disorganized mess of labels.
If Radqueer was a cult, they would be more controlling, they would be convincing people that nobody will love them except Radqueers (which some do). Also it wouldn’t be run by actual children, cult is a very specific group of abuse.
As a cult survivor I do definitely dislike the usage of the word “cult”. It’s not nearly organized, abusive or dangerous. Although it definitely has the potential to be a cult in the future.
Radqueers are a cult.
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I am a cult survivor, I have been one far before I was in the radqueer community. As a cult survivor, the radqueer community IS a cult. If you've never been in the community, and have only been an outside observer, it's understandable that you wouldn't realize this, but claiming radqueers are "just assholes" is a slap in the face to people like me who have been permanently traumatized by them.
Here is a commonly used model of how cults work:
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If you go through every single point in this, the radqueer community checks almost every one of them. People have already pointed this out many times before, however I will explain it again for people who haven't seen those posts.
(Skipping over ones that don't fully apply or that I haven't personally experienced. Most of these are pretty brief because I don't think anyone will read an entire essay for every point)
Rigid rules - radqueers force you to include everyone and everything, and never question what you're accepting lest you get labeled as "not a real radqueer" and harassed. You must accept any and all predatory relationships, or you'll receive the same treatment as "antis". If that isn't "rigid rules", I don't know what is.
Rewards and punishments - you coin a term people like, or make an "I love pro-cs" post? Everyone likes you, praises you, sends you asks telling you how amazing you are! You dare to question anything about the community? You get cast out, banned from servers, harassed, sent death threats, and doxxed.
Dependence and obedience - radqueers make their victims believe that this is the only community that will accept them. They say that every other community will hate them for their identity, and this is the only "real radinclus" community. This causes people to feel trapped there, or in other words become entirely dependent on the community for validation and support. They convince people that if they leave, or do anything wrong that causes them to be forced out, they'll have nowhere to go. This forces them into obedience for fear of being left all alone and being completely abandoned.
Deception - this one is very, very obvious. There's a reason why radqueers label themselves as "radically inclusive", "pro-consent", "pro-bodily autonomy" - they are not just saying these things because they don't understand what they mean. They're intentionally using uplifting, inclusive language that sounds really great and supportive to deceive people into joining them. This is also why they use emoji codes, so other radqueers will recognize them but people who don't know what radqueers are will be lured into their trap.
Propaganda - pretty similar to the above. They label everything as "radical inclusion" and tell people that they have to support all these things to be "truly inclusive". They make cute flags and emoji codes to make grooming, abuse, racism, ableism, and transphobia seem cool and fun, to further lead people into their trap. By definition, propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view". All these cutesy emojis, symbols, flags, and terms are propaganda.
Discourages access to outside sources of information - radqueers constantly say that all science, psychology, and medical information is "biased" and "bigoted". If you provide them with any information on how what they're doing is wrong, they pull out any number of excuses and then tell their "friends" how bigoted and exclusionist the source is. This makes it seem like radqueers are the only reliable source of information, and anything else is untrustworthy.
Insider/outsider doctrine - this is painfully clear with how they refer to everyone who disagrees with them as "antis". Even if you're just an outside observer, you pick up on this quickly.
All/nothing, good/evil, us/them dogma - once again, they refer to anyone who differs even slightly in opinion as an "anti" or "anti in training", and the second anyone decides to question why they're literally supporting nazis and blackface, they get labeled as an "anti" and "horrible person". They play the victim any time they get told that what they're doing is wrong, while crying and complaining about how much they're harassed and about how "mean" and "rude" anti-radqueers are.
Feeling chosen or special - radqueers very obviously convince themselves that they're so unique and special, which is why terms like transship or transhasapetcat exist. They want to seem really cool and special, and make completely normal things into obscure, "special" identities, like calling yourself translivesintheuk instead of just saying you wanna move to the UK. As someone who's been in their servers, they hoard identities like this because it makes them feel temporarily special and unique, which makes them convinced that what they're doing is right.
Guilt/manipulation - radqueers do this all the time. When someone says they aren't sure if they support something or not, radqueers immediately get all teary-eyed and upset, claiming that the person would be "basically an anti" if they decided not to support it. I've even seem someone cry and complain over being rejected by an anti-transnazi radqueer and claim that it was "ableist" that the person rejected them. Everyone defended and comforted the person who was rejected, immediately siding with them for fear of being "ableist", saying that it was wrong to be against literal nazis. This is very clear manipulation and guilt-tripping.
Phobia indoctrination - phobia indoctrination is where people in the cult make others terrified of leaving for fear of being hurt, killed, etc. As I've explained earlier, radqueers try to scare people into staying by saying that if they leave the community, no one will ever support or love them, and they'll never be accepted outside of it. People who went into the radqueer community after being anti-radqueer know firsthand how awful the harassment, doxxing, and death threats from radqueers are. People in the community who have doubts are very clearly too scared to leave, and people who don't have doubts have been convinced that no one will ever love them except for radqueers.
Anyways, I hope that this clears up how the radqueer community is a cult! Feel free to add on with your own experiences or additions, and please stop invalidating and shaming survivors.
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
Being anti Radqueer can be very tough sometimes, especially with how bold the rq community can be sometimes. They normalize terrible things and it’s very difficult to stay strong.
They love playing the victim, a common problem with PRATs is that they constantly complain about “trauma” that they experienced from antis. But pay attention, usually it’s things like concerned adults telling them that what they’re doing is wrong, or even just people saying that they’re being groomed.
Younger Radqueers don’t realize that they’re being groomed, they don’t realize how they are oversexualizing themselves and putting themselves in extreme danger. Radqueer is abusive, it helps no one.
I’ve legitimately struggled with sleeping and eating from the PTSD that this community gave me. I was exploited and abused for years, and I suffer for it. Radqueers can cry about the trauma antis gave them, but they don’t realize how much us recovering prats suffer.
Please stay strong, Radqueers won’t win. They don’t know what they’re doing and how hurtful it is. To my fellow recovering Radqueers, don’t worry, your trauma is real, your suffering is real.
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
Just saw screenshots sent from our co-host from a rq server. 😭
Their all like “you’re anti endo because you don’t support Tulpas!”
We support created systems, but Tulpas are different. We are partially a created system ourselves.
It’s nice to know Radqueers don’t do their homework, nor do they even bother asking me anything 💀
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
Just a reminder that you are not a bad person for struggling to let go of Radqueer beliefs, you are not a bad person for questioning things.
Give it time, recovery takes time ❤️
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recoveringradqueerhub · 10 months
as the Title suggests, I am a recovering Radqueer, I will be sharing my experiences, making blocklists, and criticizing the Radqueer “community”.
However, I feel like maybe I should introduce myself first.
I use They/he/ze pronouns, I am a intersex Transmasculine bisexual Otherkin. I am a minor . I am the host of a Traumagenic DID system of 16.
My stances:
Anti Radqueer
Neutral Para
Anti TransID
Critically inclusive
Mostly anti harassment
Strictly anti contact
I don’t care about proshipping, I have bigger things / focus’s on this blog, I may occasionally discuss shipcourse however
Neutral on Endos
Anti Tulpa
Narcissistic abuse doesn’t exist
Please be respectful ❤️
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