#simon talks literature
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skibasyndrome · 1 year ago
Hi ! May I invade your askbox with book relative stuffs ?
I saw your posts about your last reads and that gave my inspiration for my (always increasing) list of futur readings !
I love George Sand but I had only read her "rural" books, so I will give a try to "Gabriel".
I also looove classics, but mostly french an british ones, 18 or 19th century. What would you advise me if I want broaden my horizon and dive in german classics ?
About Amélie Nothomd, my favorite one is still her first (maybe because it's the first I read ?) : Hygiène de l'assassin. But her autobiographic novels are also great : Stupeur et tremblements and Metaphysique des tubes are my favorites.
Ok, I stop here ^^ Have a nice day !
Omg yay thank you, I love that you sent this ask!!!! 💜😍
Gabriel was actually the first book I read by her, and I was absolutely blown away, so I highly recommend it! And feel free to recommend your faves to me as well, I'd love to get more into her works :)
Regarding German literature... omg where to start lol. I gotta say that I kind of "specialize" in late 19th/early 20th century German literature, so that's where most of my recs are from, hope that's still fine :)
(I'm putting this behind a break because I think I've spammed people's dashes enough with book talk, sorry about that)
I think you posted something about enjoying Zola a while back (sadly haven't personally gotten around to reading one of his novels yet), but based on that I'd definitely point you into the direction of German naturalism as well, they were all very inspired by Zola:
Bahnwärter Thiel - Gerhart Hauptmann (novella, beautiful way of interweaving nature and psychology)
Papa Hamlet - Arno Holz & Johannes Schlaf (novella, sometimes credited with coming up with the so-called Sekundenstil)
Die Weber - Gerhart Hauptmann (play, very anti-capitalist, as most of my favorite books probably are, but this one's especially got a good flavor of revolution as well)
Theeeen someone whose works I really enjoy as well is Arthur Schnitzler, he's one of the main authors of the Wiener Moderne or the Vienna Modernist Movement I guess would be a translation, and his works are very focused on psychology and sexuality, which I always find interesting.
I especially like Lieutenant Gustl (often credited with establishing the stream of consciousness style in German literature!) and Traumnovelle.
And so that this doesn't get even longer I'll just add a last recommendation maybe, this time a bit more modern: Bertolt Brecht. He was an amazing playwright, developed his own style of theater with the goal of inviting the audience to start thinking about a in his opinion very necessary revolution. I especially love Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder and Der gute Mensch von Sezuan.
I hope this wasn't too all over the place and if you (or anyone reading this for that matter!!!) want any more specific recommendations (like novels, plays, poems etc; or like... idk, specific periods or movements etc) fell free to hit me up anytime, I love talking about this!!!
omg omg yes!!! Métaphysique des tubes was actually the first one I read by her and I loved it! Definitely going to check out the others you mentioned as well! 😍
And thank you again soooo much, this is fun!!!
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wilhelmified · 3 months ago
"I dreamt of swords last night.
I dreamt of battles last night.
I dreamt I fought by your side
armed and strong, last night."
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vampyrdolll · 8 months ago
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beelzebubgaylord · 4 months ago
I still cannot get over the little talk that Simon and Ralph had in chapter 7 when Simon saw Ralph gripping a rock in his hands with his jaw dropped and all stressed out and decided it was appropriate to comfort him. AND THEN RALPH KILLED BRO
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chicago-geniza · 5 months ago
Listening to The Girls of Slender Means and it's so funny that Muriel Spark evidently read The Need for Roots and got so annoyed she made up a fictional character from whole cloth in order to satirize Weil's ideological incoherence lol
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makingqueerhistory · 14 days ago
Stonewall Book Awards Nonfiction Winners 2025-1971
Some years had multiple nonfiction winners. How many have you read?
Sex With a Brain Injury: On Concussion and Recovery by Annie Liontas (Scribner, an imprint of Simon & Schuster LLC)
Hijab Butch Blues by Lamya H (The Dial Press)
The Women’s House of Detention: A Queer History of a Forgotten Prison by Hugh Ryan (Bold Type Books)
Faltas: Letters to Everyone in My Hometown Who Isn’t My Rapist by Cecilia Gentili (Little Puss Press)
Dear Senthuran: A Black Spirit Memoir by Akwaeke Emezi (Riverhead Books)
Queer Games Avant-Garde: How LGBTQ Game Makers are Reimagining the Medium of Video Games by Bonnie Ruberg (they/them) (Duke University Press)
How We Fight for Our Lives: A Memoir by Saeed Jones (Simon & Schuster)
Go the Way Your Blood Beats by Michael Amherst (London: Repeater Press)
Queer Threads: Crafting Identity and Community by John Chaich and Todd Oldham (Los Angeles: Ammo Books)
How to Survive a Plague: The inside story of how citizens and science tamed AIDS, by David France (New York: Alfred A. Knopf)
Speak Now: Marriage Equality on Trial, by Kenji Yoshino (New York: Crown Publishers)
Living Out Islam: Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims, by Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle (New York: New York University Press)
American Honor Killings: Desire and Rage Among Men, by David McConnell (New York : Akashic Books)
Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son, by Lori Duron (New York: Broadway Books, an imprint of Crown Publishing, a division of Random House, Inc.)
For Colored Boys Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Still Not Enough: Coming of Age, Coming Out, and Coming Home, edited by Keith Boykin (New York : Magnus Books)
Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture, by Jonathan D. Katz and David C. Ward (Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Books)
A Queer History of the United States (Revisioning American History), by Michael Bronski (Boston, Mass. : Beacon Press)
Inseparable: Desire between Women in Literature by Emma Donoghue, (Knopf)
Unfriendly Fire: How the Gay Ban Undermines the Military and Weakens America by Nathaniel Frank, (St. Martin's Press)
Dishonorable Passions: Sodomy Laws in America, 1861-2003 by William N. Eskridge, Jr., (Viking)
Dog Years: A Memoir by Mark Doty, (HarperCollins)
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel, (Houghton Mifflin)
The fabulous Sylvester: the legend, the music, the seventies in San Francisco by Joshua Gamson, (H. Holt)
Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and in People by Joan Roughgarden, (University of California Press)
Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin by John D'Emilio, (Free Press)
How Sex Changed: a History of Transsexuality in the United States by Joanne Meyerowitz, ( Harvard University Press)
The Scarlet Professor: Newton Arvin, a Literary Life Shattered by Scandal by Barry Werth, (Nan A. Talese)
Gaylaw: Challenging the Apartheid of the Closet by William N. Eskridge, (Harvard University Press)
My Lesbian Husband: Landscape of a Marriage by Barrie Jean Borich, (Greywolf Press)
Stagestruck: Theater, AIDS, and the Marketing of Gay America by Sarah Schulman, (Duke University Press)
The Shared Heart: Portraits and Stories Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young People by Adam Mastoon, (William Morrow and Co./Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books)
Geography of the Heart: A Memoir by Fenton Johnson, (Scribner)
Virtual Equality: The Mainstreaming of Gay and Lesbian Liberation by Urvashi Vaid, (Anchor Books)
Skin: Talking About Sex, Class & Literature Dorothy Allison, (Firebrand Books)
Uncommon Heroes: A Celebration of Heroes and Role Models for Gay and Lesbian Americans by Phillip Sherman and Samuel Bernstein, (Fletcher Press)
Family Values: Two Moms and Their Son by Phyllis Burke, (Random House)
Making History: The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, 1945-1990 by Eric Marcus, (HarperCollins)
Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth Century America by Lillian Faderman, (Columbia University Press)
Encyclopedia of Homosexuality edited by Wayne Dynes, (Garland)
In Search of Gay America: Women and Men in a Time of Change by Neil Miller, (Atlantic Monthly Press)
A Restricted Country by Joan Nestle, (Firebrand Books)
And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts, (St. Martin's Press)
The Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture by Walter Williams, (Beacon Press)
Sex and Germs: The Politics of AIDS by Cindy Patton, (South End Press)
Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds by Judy Grahn, (Beacon Press)
Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970 by John D'Emilio, (University of Chicago Press)
Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship and Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present by Lillian Faderman, (Morrow)
Black Lesbians: An Annotated Bibliography by J.R. Roberts, (Naiad Press)
The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies by Vito Russo, (Harper & Row)
The Cancer Journals by Audre Lorde, (Spinsters, Ink)
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century by John Boswell, (University of Chicago Press)
Now That You Know: What Every Parent Should Know About Homosexuality by Betty Fairchild and Nancy Hayward, (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich)
Our Right to Love: A Lesbian Resource Book edited by Ginny Vida, (Prentice-Hall)
Familiar Faces, Hidden Lives: The Story of Homosexual Men in America Today by Howard Brown, (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich)
Homosexuality: Lesbians and Gay Men in Society, History, and Literature edited by Jonathan Katz, (Arno Press) [Series of historically significant reprints]
Sex Variant Women in Literature: A Historical and Quantitative Survey by Jeannette Foster, (Vantage Press)
The Gay Mystique: The Myth and Reality of Male Homosexuality by Peter Fisher, (Stein & Day)
Lesbian/Woman by Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon (Glide Publications)
A Place for Us by Isabel Miller, (published in October, 1971 by McGraw Hill as Patience and Sarah )
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year ago
Book Recommendations 📚📒
Business and Leadership:
"Good to Great" by Jim Collins
"The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries
"Zero to One" by Peter Thiel
"Leaders Eat Last" by Simon Sinek
"Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcolm Gladwell
Success and Personal Development:
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey
"Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear
"Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" by Angela Duckworth
"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg
Mental Health and Well-being:
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
"Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" by David D. Burns
"The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown
"The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" by Edmund J. Bourne
"The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook" by Matthew McKay, Jeffrey C. Wood, and Jeffrey Brantley
Goal Setting and Achievement:
"Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want—Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible" by Brian Tracy
"The 12 Week Year" by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington
"Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel H. Pink
"The One Thing" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
"Smarter Faster Better" by Charles Duhigg
Relationships and Communication:
"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie
"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman
"Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" by Al Switzler, Joseph Grenny, and Ron McMillan
"Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life" by Marshall B. Rosenberg
"Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" by John Gray
Self-Help and Personal Growth:
"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson
"Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown
"Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins
"The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod
"You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero
Science and Popular Science:
"Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari
"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot
"Cosmos" by Carl Sagan
"A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson
"The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins
Health and Nutrition:
"The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II
"In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan
"Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker
"Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall
"The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan
Fiction and Literature:
"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
"1984" by George Orwell
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
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wroetojaw · 1 year ago
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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summary: cozy day in with your boyfriend and watching the sidemen
tags: fluff, w2s x reader
warnings: slight cursing (not really)
a/n: instead of doing my literature essay I completed this story hope you guys enjoy!! more stories and stories about other youtubers are coming soon! ⋆。˚
“Welcome to MoreSidemen, where the Sidemen, talk badly, about other youtubers” Simon says as the others cheer jokingly.
You giggle quietly while watching the video, leaning back into your boyfriend’s arms. Harry said you were one of the people they ranked and asked if you wanted to watch it with him. And, of course, you agreed because who wouldn’t. You watch Harry as he gets up from the couch to go get a snack.
"You look good in this video by the way," you complemented him as your eyes wandered back to the screen. "I reckon I look good in every video, don't know what you mean..." He remarked. You rolled your eyes and playfully shoved him when he sat back down next to you only to be grabed by the waist and pulled closer to him.
"They are our friends, so don't take any of these seriously," Simon continues with a disclaimer, knowing how the internet would react if he didn't. "Maybe not for much longer if I get ranked last for any of the nice ones." You say, half-accusingly glaring at Harry. He puts on a guilty look and shrugs.
"Which Youtuber would you most want backing you up in a fight, we have seven people." The said seven people then popped up at the bottom of the screen. It was you, Deji, Theo Baker, Callux, Danny Aarons, Randolph, and Calfreezy. “Oh shit, it’s my girlfriend oh no,” Harry says, putting his hands in his face. The guys laugh at him and Vik says, “someone’s sleeping in the dog house tonight.” "Bro you better watch what you say."
"Who'd you want most", "Well Deji has got to be number one", "Yea Deji number one," they say in agreement. "Hey! What about me," you say, turning around to pretend to punch Harry. He ducks out of the way and says, "Come on Y/N, he's literally a professional boxer". "Yeah well...I can throw a punch too." You grumble, turning back around to face the television.
"...Theo's up there because he's pretty w..." You hear your boyfriend say in the video. "I could take him down," you mutter. "I know you could okay Y/N," he says as he kisses the top of your head. The guys continue discussing their rankings, not once mentioning you at all. "Okay now hold on a sec, because I personally think Y/N could pack a punch you know, I feel like she's got the temper enough to take a bitch down." Simon reasons with the group.
"Remind me to give Simon a big hug the next time we see him." You say gleefully, happy someone finally recognized your strength. "Yeah, I agree. I think she has the ride-or-die kind of mindset because she will fight for you and what-not, god I love her." Harry says. You look up lovingly at him and kiss his cheek.
"So we're going Deji, Theo, Danny, Lux, Y/N, Freezy, Randy," they say as they list out their rankings. "Are we sure about Freezy and Randy?" Tobi asks, to which Harry responds, "Y/N loves getting into fights so yeah..." You glare at Harry, unsure if it was a compliment or not. "You know she's actually mad strong. The other time she accidentally turned around and elbowed my stomach and it had a huge bruise for a week," Josh added. "Does that mean you're just weak then?" Simon says. The lads just laughed and before Josh even tried to defend himself, Simon already started talking about the fan's rankings.
"Randy's third? And Danny's six?" Simon says in disbelief. "No way I think Randy and Danny swap," Harry says, he looks down the lists and sees you've been ranked at sixth. "Wait no way they voted Y/N as last. Guys have you seen her during our challenges, she would take a bitch down," Harry continues. You thanked him for 'defending your honor' and gave him a big smooch on the lips.
They continued to disagree with the fan rankings, but you honestly couldn't care less anymore. Knowing that your boyfriend thought you were tough and could hold your own was enough for you. You begin to dose off as the video continues playing, hearing Harry chuckle every now and then when his friends make a joke, as he combs your hair unconsciously.
However, one of the questions you hear as you fall asleep catches your attention. "Which youtuber is the most attractive?" You sit up, curious about what would be their rankings. The rest of boys in the video look at Harry, thinking that he would instantly say his girlfriend, but boy were they wrong. "Number one Callux," Harry says immediately. You both burst out laughing as he continues to try and correct himself, in the video, realising his girlfriend was also in the list. You pretended to act offended as Harry 'apologises profusely', peppering kisses all around your face. You couldn't help but giggle at your boyfriend's adorableness.
Laying back down in your boyfriend's arms as he wraps them tightly around you, with the video playing in the background, you look up at Harry, wondering how did you get so lucky and how much you love your life.
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Their reaction to seeing you reading
Task Force 141 x Reader headcanons
notes: I don't know if this was done before, but once I got the idea, I couldn't get it out of my head before writing it down. This is my first time writing headcanons, I hope I did the characters justice :). Let me know what you think about it!
find it on a03 masterlist
Captain 'John' Price
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He is headed towards the lounging area after staying overtime because of due paperwork. It is already dark outside and, when he sees the lights on, he thinks someone just forgot them that way.
You may understand his surprised reaction when he sees you sitting cross-legged on the couch, a book in your hands.
“Nearly gave me a heart attack, kid!”
You give him a sheepish smile and hide your face behind the book, staying true to the principle: out of mind, out of sight. You didn’t mean to stay long - you just wanted to finish the chapter. But it ended in a cliffhanger so you had to at least begin the next chapter and the vicious cycle went on.
It doesn’t take him long to realise that you are, in fact, holding a book. And he can’t hide his grin when he figures you must have lost track of time because of it.
“Didn’t take you for a reader, kid!”, he raises an eyebrow as he joins you on the couch, his eyes drifting to the cover. “And certainly did not know you read classics!”
“Always full of surprises, Captain!”, you smile at him as you look around, searching for something. A triumphant smile graces your lips when you find the piece of crumpled paper, and you proceed to put it on the page you remained at, before closing the book.
Definitely asks you about the book you’re reading and what else you’ve read, proceeding to compare your literary preferences
He may not read as much as he did when he was younger, but he can and will boast with the filled bookshelves he has at home
Encourages your reading habits when you are at the base and brings you reading snacks when you decide to spend your evenings in the base’s lounging room, curled up with whatever book you’re reading at the moment
Might sometimes join you with a book of his own. Nobody dares to say anything about the two operators who occasionally spend their lunch break with their noses stuck in a book.
Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley
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Never been much of a reader as he simply did not have the time, or the available resources
So at first, he does not understand why you are sobbing by yourself in the kitchen, frantically highlighting something with a neon marker
Who did that to you? Did he need to hunt down someone?
It was when he got closer that he realised you were actually reading something and the content must have made you upset
No problem, he’ll track the writer down and-
"Oh, Ghost, didn’t see you there!", you looked up at him, a shy smile on your face.
He is at a loss for words and ends up nodding towards the open book: “Is it any good?”
“Well, I think it would be an insult to say Shakespeare is ‘just good’, don’t you think?”
All he’s thinking of are those literature classes he should have paid more attention to.
He quickly steers the conversation in another direction, asking you about training and whatnot. Something blooms in his chest when he sees you setting the book away in an instant, a warm smile gracing your features as you turn your attention towards him.
He spends the following evening researching Shakespeare’s works as much as he can. He’d caught a glimpse of the book you’d been reading, Hamlet, and he ends up ordering an annotated copy.
It takes him an entire week to get through it, but the look on your face when he asks you about the book is priceless.
You spend the entire afternoon talking about it (you talk, he mostly listens), and he was surprised he didn’t notice your reading habits earlier. When you talked about books, you could light up the room with your enthusiasm and passion.
Is the kind of man who would build you a bookshelf from scratch
“Your books wouldn’t fit in a standard bookshelf anyway. And I can paint the wood to match the tone of your walls.”
Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish
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The type of man that says he’ll wait for the movie to come out
And if there is a book adaptation, he'll definitely make you watch it with him to prove his point
You spend the next hours pointing out why the book was better than the movie, while he tries to convince you otherwise
Constantly teases you about your reading habits, but secretly, he loves to watch you read. The array of emotional states you seem to go through when reading fascinates him.
"Maybe we should start calling you Belle from now on, bonnie. You know, the Belle from Beauty and the Beast - the one who's always with her nose stuck in a book?"
One day a recruit decides to prank you and hides your current read in the men's showers.
Soap takes note of your distracted state, but doesn't push it. He knows you'll come to him when it feels right.
Until he stumbles upon what was left of your book when preparing to take a shower. He recognizes it only by the vibrant colour of the cover as the pages are wrinkled and illegible, due to the water exposure.
It does not take him long to find the culprit. He was too busy boasting about his "achievement" to his team-mates, in the locker room.
Soap makes sure he regrets his actions by assigning him to latrine duty for the following month.
He also makes it his personal mission to buy you another copy of the book. The only problem is that he does not remember the title. Or the author. Or the plot.
"It has this orange cover, with two people on it! And there's white text on it too!"
Safe to say, the librarian is unimpressed by his comprehensive description.
So he has to spend an entire night scrolling through an online library page to find it.
But it's all worth it in the end. He'll never forget the shocked expression on your face when he handed you the hastily wrapped book. Or the wide smile that spreads across your face, followed by a tight and warm hug.
He might buy you more books in the future, just to have you grin at him like that.
Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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Like Ghost, he didn't particularly care for reading. It was not that he didn't like it, he just had other priorities
He wasn't even aware of your reading habits until you were both stuck in a safe house, waiting to be evacuated.
You were leaning against the wall, next to him, when you pulled a book out of your pocket.
He had to do a double take- why did you have a leatherbound book in your pocket? Were you carrying it throughout the entire mission? What if you got shot - was the leather thick enough to stop the bullet if it got past your tac vest?
"Gaz, you're staring."
"Just took me by surprise, love."
You playfully rolled your eyes at the endearment, your hand leafing through the pages.
He knew you could feel him watching you, but he couldn't help himself. He felt like he just unlocked a new part of your personality.
"Is it any good?"
"Do you want to read it?"
"I wouldn't mind you reading to me..."
Once again, you rolled your eyes in fake annoyance but complied with his request and went back to the beginning of the chapter.
The story was quite gripping, something about a rich bachelor who must be in search of a wife. Kyle tried to focus on the story, but he was more intent on enjoying your calm and soothing voice.
He unintentionally fell asleep and you did not realise until you felt the weight of his body leaning against your shoulder.
As retaliation, you forced him to join you on a trip to the library. He did not bother to hide the fact that he did not see it as a punishment, not when he knew it would make you happy.
He let you drag across the entire fiction section and patiently listened to you describing all the books you've read. He also took a lot of mental notes on the books you intended to read in the future- if only the covers did not look so similar!
Eventually discovers he's more of an audiobook person.
So he would listen to the novel you were currently reading, excited to meet with you at the end of the day and discuss it with you.
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rememberwren · 2 months ago
Romeo!simon x Juliet!reader?
idk i played Juliet recently and i love her so much
Please if this doesn’t inspire you don’t write it I dont want to take up your valuable time
(also your pfp is gorgeous)
All I can think of is you asking to read the play with him and he becomes horribly in his head about it. He’s trying to read between the lines, wondering why you would choose this particular piece of literature.
“You think we’re doomed or something?”
“What? No!”
He just hums, looking unconvinced.
While you’re brushing your teeth that night, he sticks his head into the bathroom. “Is it because I’m bad at talking things out? Communicating? Because I’m working on it. Swear to you.”
You spit in the sink. “No! I just like the play!”
He texts you on the clock the next day: you worried I’m gonna die or something?
You roll your eyes. They both die, Simon
You think killing yourself is a reasonable response to finding out I’m dead?
You’re not dead! Jesus Christ!
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milkteahood · 10 months ago
a ghost for a knight
medieval au, chapter 2
chapter 1
Simon Riley x fem!reader
Summary: an ambush, or an organized crime almost gets you kidnapped
Slow burn romance, eventual smut, age gap (reader is in her 20s/ Simon is in his late 30s/ early 40s)
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Weeks turned into months and Simon became your shadow. Always there. As cold and dark as ever.
The loud thunderstorm is what awoke you in the middle of the night. Your face scrunched up at the noise, your eyes slowly opening. You blinked a few times before raising yourself up on your elbows.
“Can’t sleep?”
His voice almost made you jump.
“Holy— you scared me” you paused, fist clutched over your chest “I’m still not used to this”
“You will be eventually”
“Or you could get out of my room”
“Are you even comfortable in that chair?”
An exasperated sigh left your lips as you allowed yourself to fall on your back. Simon started sleeping in your room ever since your little try to get away moment. If you could even call what he was doing sleep. He was always awake before you and if you woke up for any reason throughout the night, he seemed to always be awake for that too.
As the morning sun broke through the window, so did the smell of rain. Your maids were in the room, preparing your clothing, opening your windows and making sure everything was in check before waking you up. Simon was just outside the door. The only times he really left you alone was when you needed to change or bathe.
“Goodmorning” you said to him as you stepped out of your room.
“Goodmorning, your highness” he responded “what do you have in plan for the day?”
“Literature and music classes”
The conversation slowly faded as you were walking down the hallway. You got more used to Simon, as he did to you. The only thing that worried you was the quality of sleep he was getting, so while changing you mentioned to the maids that you wish for a second bed be prepared in your room, in the place of the chair Simon used.
After your classes, you found yourself in the library, enjoying a book while Simon was reading one too. He was hesitant at first but you mentioned how creepy it would be to just have him stare at you the whole time.
“Say Simon”
“How was your life before all this?”
“Before becoming a knight of your guard?”
“It was difficult” he said, raising his nose from his book. His brown eyes pierced through yours, almost as if he was begging you to stop asking questions. He couldn’t say no to you, so just please. Shut up. You got the hint.
It was very difficult without your daily activities. You were dying to sneak back into the catacombs of the castle. That was one place you could be alone, and one place no one would ever judge you. But you were scared. You didn’t want Simon to tell your dad about it.
It wouldn’t even matter you thought to yourself. This man is my prison as is.
Simon wasn’t very talkative and you really felt like your whole existence was a pain to him. Unfortunately, you couldn’t say the same. Still, growing fond of him wasn’t something you thought you’d experience. You also knew your feelings were misplaced. He wasn’t here because he wanted to. He was here because he was told to. His protective nature over you was nothing more than his need to stay alive. But still, you wondered. How can a man be so caring and not feel anything? You frowned at your own thoughts. Better said, how could you develop feelings for one of your guards. Did you really care about him? Or did you just love the attention. The attention your father never gave you, for he was always too busy running a kingdom.
“Your highness? Are you alright?”
His voice brought you back to reality. You didn’t know how long you have been out of it.
“Yes. Just lost in my thoughts”
He didn’t respond. Of course he didn’t. Your feelings weren’t exactly a priority. As long as your body was safe, your heart didn’t matter.
The rest of the day you didn’t really speak much. But Simon didn’t really seem to mind. On the contrary, he found a break from all your rambling quite refreshing. On the other hand, you were fuming. Mostly with yourself for allowing such thoughts to plague your mind. But could you really help it? Simon was always there. And he was the first person to not take your shit. Everyone else would jump off the castle if you ordered it so. But he would look straight into your eyes and tell you to quit being a brat.
A soft knock brought you back to reality. One of your servants walked in, bowed and began to speak.
“Your highness, the king is summoning you in the throne room” he spoke facing the floor.
“I see” you said and stood up. You didn’t look at the servant. Maybe if you did you would’ve seen he was not a man you recognized. He was not your servant at all.
Simon accompanied you to the throne room, but he stood outside, waiting for you. He wondered what it was all about but did not care too much.
Then, from inside the room, your scream pierced through his head.
Simon burst into the room just in time to see these strange men trying to take you away. The king was no where in sight.
“You’re going to be very valuable to an enemy kingdom” one man burst into laughter “who would’ve thought infiltrating this castle would be so damn easy” another snorted.
They didn’t see Simon, they were too busy celebrating their victory. So they also didn’t see when he took his sword and cleaved a man’s head off. Time stood still, you were covered in the blood that spilled everywhere and the men’s eyes were wide. Quickly, they tried to compose themselves. They were many and he was just one man. So they thought it would be easy to take him down. But oh, just how wrong they were. One by one, they all fell, they blood and guts spilling everywhere. Yet Simon stood calm, breathing heavily, he looked at the dead bodies, eyes as cold and dark as ever. Just like a ghost.
When he finally turned to look at you, Simon saw just how scared you were. You were hyperventilating and covered in blood.
“It’s alright now, your highness. Let’s take you back to your room” he spoke, picking you up.
You clung onto him, face buried into the crook of his neck, shaking uncontrollably. He felt almost amused at your reaction, but there was also something else. Something he didn’t really feel before. Something he quickly pushed aside. No, it was improper to even allow such thoughts.
The only people Simon trusted at this moment were his men. And he gave them clear orders to find and execute every single intruder and the rat.
Once back in your room, Simon barely managed to peel you off of him.
“Your highness. I have to secure the door”
You let go and sat on your bed. Simon locked the door and made sure no one saw you enter.
“What do you think happened?”
“I don’t know. But somehow criminals managed to enter the palace”
“Do you think my father is ok?” you asked, hugging your knees to your chest
“I hope so. But you are my main priority for now, you highness” he responded, making your heart skip a beat.
“You should however change. We will be safe here” he said, and pointed to the room connected to your main chamber. It was a bathroom “do you.. know how to do it yourself? I apologize, even your maids are a risk for now”
“I’m not dumb, Simon. Yes I can bathe myself” you responded with a soft chuckle.
That was good, Simon thought to himself. At least you were starting to relax.
You emerged from the bathroom with wet hair and a more comfortable gown, but most importantly, you weren’t covered in blood anymore.
“You should rest up” he said to you “me and my men will figure it out in the meantime”
“I don’t want to be alone”
“You won’t be. I will stay here. I have my men to check the perimeters”
He helped you get in bed and just as he was about to turn away, you grabbed his hand, squeezing it.
“Yes?” he asked, tilting his head.
He was waiting for you to continue.
“You can call me Y/N”
“I cannot”
“Yes. When it’s just us. You can”
If you wouldn't have paid attention, you would’ve missed the way his gaze softened ever so slightly.
“Alright then, get some rest then… Y/N” he said and gently stroked your hair after you let go of his hand.
tag list: @sushiumex
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paper-beats-writers-block · 2 months ago
chapter 16 of AWTWB is probably my absolute favorite bit of literature ever written ever. They yell. They scream. They cry. They talk. They touch. They kiss.
“I want you to slay a dragon before you give up on me again. I want you to try everything.” “I may get fed up with you, but I’ll never get bored of you”
Simon holding onto bazs face the whole time. The light coming back into his eyes. “you were right!” “I was right about what”
and the callback from CO 61 and he kisses me mirrored and repeated seamlessly in AWTWB 16
I could read this one chapter in ver and over again for the rest of my mortal life and be perfectly happy with it
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zee-has-commitment-issues · 2 months ago
Hello! 96 is a good one, I think. WYD Now? by Sadie Jean. She's a long one, I apologize.
When Simon was 18, he and Wilhelm broke up for university. Staying together didn’t make sense — they were going to opposite sides of the country, and Wilhelm was starting his military service. It wasn’t going to work anymore. It was mutual, and it hurt, but it was okay.
At 19, he began singing in his University’s choir. That’s how he’d gotten there in the first place, even if he wasn’t studying music anymore. He’d considered it briefly, but decided not to. It didn’t bring him the same joy it used to. Every time he tried to compose, the notes inevitably turned into songs about Wilhelm, to songs about them, to melodies wrapped in memories. He did his best not to think about how Wilhelm probably still thought he was majoring in music, about how they’d stopped keeping each other updated.
At 21, he thought he saw Wilhelm’s familiar face in the crowd at one of his performances. He had a slight moment of panic that was overshadowed by an immense sense of hope, and then the moment was gone. Wilhelm was a million miles away, living a life Simon knew nothing about, and if there was even a chance he was here, he’d be standing in the front row cheering Simon on the loudest. He always had, even when they weren’t together.
When Simon was done with that show, he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something fundamentally missing about his life. And he couldn’t figure out why.
Sure, he’d had that schoolboy fantasy life and all the romcom moments that came with it, but it was simply that: a fantasy. He never expected any of it to be real. There were talks about future apartments and the colors of their wedding and what they would name their children, but none of it had ever been real. They were just the musings of two young people who hadn’t yet learned the weight of time and distance.
But Simon still wore that stupid t-shirt to bed, with that stubborn stain from that ridiculous party. That stupid t-shirt that still made Simon think of Wille every time he wore it, because it had been Wille’s to begin with.
So, after debating about it for months, at 22, Simon decided to call Wilhelm again. They were both done with university now, stepping into the next chapters of their lives, and he figured it was time. At 22, he met Wilhelm at a coffee shop to catch up, not knowing what he was getting into.
And then there was Wilhelm. He looked older, more confident, maybe, as though time had chiseled away at the boy Simon once knew. But then Wilhelm smiled, and Simon saw it — saw him. Because no matter how much time had passed or how much they’d changed, Wilhelm was still just Wille.
“So... what are you doing now?” Simon had asked him. He didn’t know what he was looking for, really. He already knew Wilhelm had stepped down from the line of succession, knew he’d pursued literature and had probably stuck with it. “Are... are you seeing anyone?”
Oh, god. Where had that question even come from? Why should he even care?
Wilhelm laughed, soft and warm, a sound so achingly familiar it took Simon’s breath away. It was exactly as he remembered — gentle, beautiful, perfect. “Simme,” Wilhelm said, his voice carrying the kind of certainty that left no room for doubt, “we both know there was never anyone else for me.”
oops. that was a lot of words.
send me a number from my spotify wrapped and I'll write something
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wilhelmified · 2 months ago
thinking about writer wille. poet wille. literature student wille. wille, obsessed with writers and poets and literature and having shelves filled with books and lighting candles and writing books and reading books and highlighting his favorite lines in books and learning all these little poems and writing them on sticky notes for simon to read in the morning when he has to leave before simon wakes up and writing his own poems for simon and maybe even getting into song writing, maybe even writing song lyrics for/with simon and both of them finding it easier to express their feelings through writing and singing rather than talking and creating all these artworks together and healing through art and.
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unfortunate17 · 5 months ago
whats your fav wilmon headcanon? where do you think they’ll end up living after graduation?
you know I was going to reply that I don’t have very specific headcanons but I was thinking about it as I got ready for bed and -
I like to think that Wilmon, above all else, prioritize making experiences together and having fun doing things Wille always thought impossible for them. I think they do long distance for college and Simon is so afraid that it’s going to be hard, especially for Wille, but it ends up being one of the best things to happen to them - Wille learns to find his own interests and make friends and just be a regular young adult who makes mistakes in the kitchen and skips class. Ofc they see eachother on the weekends and holidays 🥰
I think Wille majors in something like Literature and writes a lot of poetry on the side, then does a 360 and goes on to get a PhD in a stem field just because he can change his mind now and do whatever he likes. All of the poetry he writes ends up being for Simon - and the first time Simon gets one, it’s as a birthday present, and he cries.
Simon, on the other hand, has a very clear vision of his dream job, so he gets an audio engineering degree, and works behind the scenes producing and mixing music. He still sings occasionally ofc and everytime he uploads a video to social media, it blows up because you can always hear Wille clapping & cheering at the end of each one - and the internet is naturally obsessed with them.
Wille’s interest in fashion develops, but remains a hobby, and he starts to experiment with cuts and silhouettes - luckily he has the perfect (albeit reluctant) model at home. He goes out shopping with Felice and every time Simon’s like oh what did you get?, Wille shows him one thing he bought for himself and six other things that he thought Simon would look amazing in.
They spend their 20s just luxuriating in each other - visiting one another at work, trying different restaurants and bars, partying together - hosting friends and out at clubs, and TRAVELING. Simon has always wanted to see the world and Wille is determined to show it to him. I think home base will always be Stockholm for them, but they’re definitely globe trotters.
Ofc they fight and squabble like children - but they can never stay mad at each other for too long. Sometimes Simon cracks first, turning to show Wille something on his phone, forgetting that he’s supposed to be mad, and sometimes, it’s Wille - who’ll just slide up behind Simon to hold him as he sniffles and Simon always melts instantly. They learn to communicate better, especially when they move in together - Wille picks up a sport to channel his temper and Simon learns to actually vocalize his feelings and wants.
Wille’s relationship with his parents also improves drastically now that he’s no longer forced into being someone he doesn’t want to be. Him and his mother slowly start to understand each other better, especially as Wille gets older and starts wondering if he wants a family of his own and Kristina softens with age and love, especially when faced with Wilhelm’s sheer, unbridled happiness. When Linda gets married, her and Ludvig both attend the ceremony with Wille & Simon and it is the talk of the internet. Ofc Wilmon wedding rumors start to swirl everywhere after that.
Still, Simon and Wille don’t get engaged until they’re in their early 30s and stay engaged for a few years before they tie the knot in a small court house ceremony with little fanfare. Wille picks out Simon’s suit and alters it himself, and despite not being the Lit major, Simon writes him the most beautiful vows.
As for children - Simon kind of wants them, but Wille’s unsure. Maybe they have one, maybe they just get a pet. Either way, once they get married, they give a rare public interview where Simon and Wille finally talk about their tumultuous coming of age story. It’s so funny, Wille says, that he had to leave his crown and title behind to find his happily ever after. Simon jokes that it’s like a reverse Cinderella story.
And yet, what a fairytale they make: a troubled, delinquent prince who crossed paths with a small town boy with big dreams who changed the very trajectory of his life.
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willescrisis · 11 months ago
Wille's Crisis : an essay about Kris (1934) and Young Royals (2021)
While watching Young Royals’ third season, I couldn’t get Karin Boye’s novel Kris out of my head.  As a fan of Young Royals that feels very chill and very normal about it, I have hence written a five page brain-dump on how Malin Forst and Wilhelm’s characters and worlds are intertwined.  (Small disclamers : I’m quoting Amanda Doxtater’s 2020 english translation of the novel and I’m french-canadian, so english is my second language.)
Who is Karin Boye ? 
Karin Boye (1900-1940) was a leading figure in Swedish modernist literature and poetry. In 1920, at the age of 20, she studied one year in Stockholm to become a primary school teacher and after graduation, continued teaching, writing, militant engagement and several years of study in related fields. Among all of her works, the most explicitly autobiographical is her autofictive novel Kris (1934).  This powerful novel explores the homosexuality and crisis of religious faith of a young woman named Malin Forst.
Malin Forst & Wilhelm
During her studies in teaching, Karin’s 20-years-old alter-ego Malin goes through an existential crisis. She feels completely paralyzed by her guilt due to her selfish inaction in the face of universal suffering, her lack of trust in institutions (educational, medical, etc.) and, worst of all, her doubts about her relationship with God. Kris also deals with Malin’s relationship to her own sexuality with the meeting of a classmate, Siv, to whom she will become passionately obsessed without ever talking to her.
We meet 16-years-old Wilhelm as a first year student at Hillerska. His failures as a royal figure and his complicated relationships to his loved ones make him feel powerless and guilty. He is thrown off balance by his doubts of the monarchic system, but most importantly, by his doubts of his life’s role model, Erik. Young Royals also deals with Wilhelm’s relationship to his own sexuality with the meeting of a classmate, Simon… Are we seeing the parallels here ?
While Malin’s torments lead her to shut down, Wilhelm screams. But both feel paralysed and don’t know how to exist out of the system they grew up in. And it’s the meeting of a same-sex student that leads them to a freer path.
« I want to see Siv. I want to be where Siv is. » 
Previously, Malin considered the fusion of the will of the human with the will of God to be the most important of aspirations. Without this reference point, she has no will nor desire… until she meets another student, Siv. Her simple presence rekindles for the first time in the novel a desire, burning and forbidden: “I want to see Siv. I want to be where Siv is.” … And here is how this whole essay has come to exist. While watching season three, I joked endearingly with my friends about the way that Wille’s only hobby is to be with Simon, but I felt sad for him. Until I understood he’s on the first part of his self-discovery journey. His first true desire that stems from inside of him and wasn’t imposed by the system is “I want to see Simon. I want to be where Simon is.” 
Interestingly enough, Siv and Simon both become a new manifestation of something that Malin and Wilhelm have lost. We, the reader, meet Malin when she is ‘grieving’ her old relationship to God and deconstructing her understanding of God as a single entity. Amazed by Siv’s ‘perfection’, Malin raises her to a kind of divine position with great powers.  Wilhelm, for his part, feels at home with Simon because of the way he makes Wilhelm’s entire being comes alive, weightless and playful… A feeling of joy, innocence and safety he’s only ever felt with Erik before. 
Anxious and desperate, Malin and Wilhelm are latching to their comfort person, making them their whole word in a way that has to change for them to grow up. After realizing Siv’s feeling for a fellow male classmate, Malin is shaken : “Only now could she see that she had embarken upon the false path of mistaking a person for what is highest and most beautiful.” Not only does this quote mirror Wilhelm letting go of his idealised conception of Erik, it is also mirrorring his realisation that Simon is not a perfectly stable and unbreakable anchor on which he can blindly rely on : “I have to take responsibilities for my own problem. I can’t drag him down with me.”
Don’t give it a name
An important part of Malin’s journey is relinquishing the power she gives to words, especially regarding God and her sexuality.  Throughout the novel, she refuses to name the emotion she feels for Siv. On the day of her meeting with Siv, Malin thinks:   “You, lips, I implore you to clamp so hard upon the unsayable, that not a word slips out to assert its malicious pettiness and obfuscation ! Be still, thoughts, don’t interrupt, for you have no idea what this is ! (...) Don’t give it a name, let it be just as it is, here in my blood and my eyes, life and sap ! The wonder of new creation need not be named.” 
Wilhelm’s complicated relationship to words is shown in the way that he shouts his love for Simon from every rooftop, but does not wish to label his sexual orientation. In season three, he says the word queer for the first time and his voice is seeped with discomfort. He is not claiming this word as part of his identity and rather feels constricted by it, probably in the same way that every other label put on him has made him suffocate.
Furthermore, both Malin and Wilhelm wish to express themselves and experience the world, not through the restrictive lens of language, but through the sensory world. In Kris, after seeing Siv for the first time, Malin’s five senses awaken. A dialogue takes place between the sense of sight and hearing, reminding me of the way that Wilhelm and Simon’s intimacy is developped through the gentle touch of noses, the sounds of breathing, the glow of golden light and fingers lingering slightly above the other’s body… ‘Sight’ says “I’m confused. I no longer know whether I am sight or not. I envelop things and follow them as if I were touch, I hold my breath in quiet anticipation as if I were hearing, I breathe in, like one intoxicated, as if I were smell, and I drink in long, deep, draughts as if I were taste. (...) Could I be standing at threshold of some new creation ?” To which ‘hearing’ responds “ (...) Admit it - isn’t  revelation through the senses at the same time the revelation of what lies beyond the senses, of what creates the senses, of the limitless feelings of eternal love ? (...)” 
Kris’s narration drastically changes points of view in unexpected moments, moving from the pov of human characters to the pov of abstract entities. The two most important are BLACK and WHITE, two sources of cosmic powers playing a chess game whose game board is humanity. 
On the one hand, WHITE represents the norm, also illustrated by threats from nature such as stormy and dangerous waters, cold, humidity and darkness, but also under the traits of the dominant society, whose rules and norms protect human beings while maintaining them in a position of submission and obedience.  WHITE uses the anxious desire of his pawns (humans) as a weapon to subject them to the norm. And at first, Wille is WHITE’s perfect pawn : an anxious mess who becomes more and more obediant as season three progresses and whose ‘protectors’ are also the ones leading to his demise. Little (most likely accidental) nods to that parralel : Wille looses to Alexander while playing the white pieces in season two and interrupts his conversation with Simon to scream “The water is cold today !” at his guards on their first date.
One the other hand, BLACK is a chaotic power of life associated with desire, burning fire and passion destabilizing the established order. In the context of Kris, the norm is heterosexuality, while fire is the forbidden desire: homosexuality.  This parallel is evident when Malin describes in this way the physical sensations caused by Siv’s sight: “There was no holy, burning voice within her. All that burned within her was a thirst for the forbidden after a single look cast in that direction”  And based on that, I absolutely refuse to believe that Lisa put the hallway scene after a BONFIRE by accident. 
I also don’t think the placement of the chess game during August’s confession to his friends is a coincidence. First, the board is oriented in a way where August sits at the junction between the black and white pieces, showcasing how the character is in a crucial moment in his journey : will he stay in WHITE’s cruches for ever or will he find the strenght to save himself ? And second, August puts a black king on the edge of the table. Not only does it foreshadow that Kronprins Wille is on his way out, it also indicates that it was a rebel and homosexual ‘power’ that guided him in his quest for self-determination, just as it was for Malin Forst. 
I natt gick Gud under or how to make the lake scene destroy me even more
The poem in prose I natt gick Gud under (Last night God succumbed) stands out from the other chapters of the novel Kris, as it recounts the most decisive transformation of the main character Malin Forst.  BLACK places Malin naked and at peace on the shore of a sea where she throws the words she denies. Finally at a safe distance from WHITE’s icy waters, she liberates herself from her paralysis to embrace her true feelings.
Last night God succumbed. 
Perhaps it was just the hollow shell of name that went under.
But that shell of a name drew with it the power of death. I cast it off. 
I see objects as they are, unwitting of the name attributed to them. I cast off their names. 
I stand utterly new, on the shore of a sea. Conscience is no longer mine. I cast it off.
The will to life has made me naked. The will to life has made me see. I shall meet whatever comes with naked, open eyes. 
Lisa describes the lake scene as almost religious. As he’s swimming naked in the lake, Wilhelm is shedding his crown prince shell. Leaving the waters, he is reborn.  When he is standing on the shore of the lake in his white clothes, Lisa says “that is when Wilhelm grows up.”  And for me, he’s ready to meet whatever comes with naked, open eyes. 
Thank you ! Thank you to whoever read this far. Kris is a very complex book that, despite having read twice, I still don’t fully understand, so if you have anything new to add to this reflection, you are welcome to do so !
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