#shiori yayoi
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ritsukaaoyagi · 2 months ago
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your-phantomfield · 3 months ago
KINK EVENT = Hand Holding, Missionary
Women's Side Men's Side
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A true romantic, this is one of Noel’s preferred positions. It’s the tenderness, the love; Noel so longs to be genuinely wanted, and this position promises that she is. It may be embarrassing, to have you looking at her like this, but the way you hold her hand assures her that she’s safe. That you want this. That you want her.
Chest to chest, she feels like her heartbeat might synchronize with yours. It’s everything she could ever dream of, poet and artist that she is. And somewhere deep in her coding, it scratches some kind of itch to ‘merge’ and ‘become one’ with another, something left over from the true intent behind her creation.
Not that she’d ever bother to analyze the instinct that deeply. To her, this is just about loving you, and cherishing what you share.
Now this isn’t Rachel’s favorite position. In fact, it’s not one she’s going to want to do often- she’s very interested in positions that are less reciprocal, more focused on her holding a position of power, and this level of intimacy isn’t something she can always handle.
But Rachel Alucard loves with so much more tenderness than she ever readily admits. Especially after her centuries of isolation and despair, expressions of pure, tender, steady love can mean the world to her. It may be the only time you ever see her act shy- averting her eyes, blushing, for once without any snappy commentary.
Don’t overuse this position, but trust that in your most intimate moments, she truly loves it.
TSUBAKI = YAYOI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This surely shouldn’t surprise anyone. The isolated princess of the Duodecim has always dreamed of enjoying the kind of deep, pure love spoken of in the books she reads and the dramas she watches. Something romantic, artistic, perfect, a shared moment between her and her soulmate.
It’s about the trust, the closeness, the dedication. If Tsubaki is having sex with you, she intends to spend her whole life with you, and she wants every loving moment you share to express her dedication.
Additionally, she can actually be a little shy about expressing these sorts of feelings; this kind of position keeps you close but also hides a lot of her body. She can stabilize her nerves by focusing on the way you’re holding her, able to view this as something shared, rather than her being on display.
Let’s be upfront; Shiori Kirihito is a little horndog. Any position where she’s able to see you at all is one she’s gonna enjoy. She actually gravitates more to positions where she’s worshiping you in some way, rather than looking right at you.
Which is why this position is so impactful for her. She’s never going to initiate it- how could she even dare? All her life, she’s never had the right to be anyone’s equal. You already shower her with so much more love than this servant, this tool could have ever deserved. She’s meant to be used, after all, and even in the way she loves you, she’s trying to be useful to you.
So hold her hands and face her head-on. Ask her to stop servicing you for a moment. To just lie with you and understand how much you love her.
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soimort48 · 1 year ago
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「GIRLS-PEDIA2024 SPRING」 原かれん・龍本弥生・石田優美・水田詩織
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lovelesswiki · 3 years ago
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Two additional new illustrations from Yun’s Loveless Game Book, one of Soubi and one of Yayoi. Interestingly enough, she notes Yayoi as one of the characters who has a story in the book. 
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kumeko · 4 years ago
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A/N: For Nameless, the loveless zine! I haven’t thought of this series for years and I feel very nostalgic just writing this.
It was instinctive, the way Soubi’s hand reached into his pocket, his fingers curling over the cool plastic. Entirely habitual and he almost pulled it out before remembering that he was sitting on a bench in the middle of a children’s park. There was a time when that wouldn’t have been a problem, when he would have lit his cigarette and felt the bitter sting of nicotine. That time wasn’t now. Soubi wasn’t sure what had changed, just as it did, and he eyed the lone straggler on the swings balefully. In the late evening, most of the kids had left for dinner, leaving behind the odd loner, and destroying any chance of a smoke break.
 Oh well, Yuiko would be here any moment anyways. Pulling out his phone, Soubi checked the time. 7:20. She should be here in another five minutes. What for, he wasn’t sure. All of her texts asking him to meet her were surprisingly evasive, only confirming the time, the place, and that he couldn’t forget to come. Maybe that was why she hadn’t called him to arrange this; Yuiko was a terrible liar and the second she’d opened her mouth, he would have known what this was all about.
Still, for the life of him, Soubi couldn’t figure out what Yuiko wanted. Even more so than most children her age, she was extremely up front about her emotions. It was oddly refreshing, compared to the Zeros or even Ritsuka; Soubi couldn’t remember the last time he’d met someone so guileless. Her teacher, perhaps, but he made it a point to avoid her.
 “Soubi!” A breathless, high-pitched voice cut through his thoughts and Soubi looked up in time to catch Yuiko as she dashed through the park toward him. Her comfy t-shirt and cotton shorts were grass stained and small twigs and leaves tangled in her long hair. Even her backpack looked dirty and he wondered idly if she’d ran through a forest to get here. “I’m sorry, I’m late—”
 “You’re not,” he interrupted, motioning to her to take a breath before continuing. There were already tears in her eyes and he didn’t want to start the conversation with her bawling.
 “I’m not?” Surprised, Yuiko pulled out her phone and gasped. “I’m not!”
 Soubi resisted the urge to smile. Maybe it was the naivete. He wasn’t used to interacting with someone like her. Patiently, he waited for her to calm down before asking, “What do you need?”
 “Need?” Yuiko fidgeted in front of him, her fingers playing with the hem of her shirt. She scuffed a shoe along the ground. “It’s not…I don’t…um…”
 “You?” he prodded, watching as her ears flattened slightly as she grew more and more nervous. Ritsuka’s ears and tail were like that too, displaying his feelings clearly for all to see. It was cute. Had he ever been this cute as a child? He couldn’t remember, but he doubted it.
 “I…” Yuiko paused again, her tail twitching anxiously as her eyes flickered from the ground to him and the back again. Unslinging her backpack, she held it tightly before taking a deep breath. “You…” She breathed in once more, long and slow, before hurriedly shoving her backpack at him. “This is for you!”
 What was? Soubi wondered, his blank expression stiffening as he studied the offering. Was it the bag or something in the bag? Both questions lay heavy on his tongue, unable to decide which one to utter.
 Before he uttered a word, Yuiko realized what she was doing and blushed an even brighter shade of red. “O-one second!” She quickly unzipped the bag and rummaged inside. Finding her prize, she yanked it out and pressed it into his hands. “For you,” she mumbled, looking away, tears glistening once more in her eyes.
 Soubi looked down at the springing object in his hands. It was an oddly-small flower wreath, a clumsy looking thing with stems sticking out together here and there. Despite that, it still held together surprisingly well. It wasn’t something he needed, but he nodded his thanks all the same. “A wreath.”
 “A flower crown,” Yuiko corrected, rubbing her eyes and looking at him once more. She pointed to her head. “You put it on.”
 “I see.” Soubi rotated the wreath in his hands, feeling utterly bemused. He was getting used to the antics of children now, with days spent with the Zeros or Ritsuka teaching him more than he’d ever expected. Somehow, the utter randomness of children surprised him. “That makes more sense.”
 “Yeah.” Yuiko glanced around before clearing her throat. Before Soubi could react, she shouted, “Happy Birthday!”
 The one kid in the playground perked his ears, glancing curiously at them. Soubi was only half-conscious of that. Instead, he stared blankly at Yuiko. “Birthday,” he repeated softly, not sure which was more surprising—someone remembering it or him uttering the word.
 Yuiko nodded, pushing her two index fingers against one another as she looked away. “I know it’s not a good gift, but I only found out today and it was the best thing I could make.”
 Well, that explained the grass stains. Soubi glanced at her hands, at the dirt on her nails and the roughness of her palms. She must have started immediately after class to get it done on time. Plopping the crown on his head, he nodded approvingly. “A little small but it fits.”
 “You look pretty,” Yuiko gushed, immediately cheering up. “You like it?”
 This time, he couldn’t stop his smile. “Yeah.”
Love was hard. Yayoi had read every romance book in the library and then stolen one or two from his mother’s secret stash, and this was the one lesson he’d learned from them all. Love was hard. Usually, there was an evil sheriff or hitman or villainous ex that appeared, coming between two star-crossed lovers.
 Yayoi would argue that sitting on a bench with his rival while waiting for his crush to arrive was equally as hard. He glanced to his right. As usual, Ritsuka looked entirely unperturbed, as though they weren’t sitting on a bench on opposite sides, the space between them too big for Yuiko to fit entirely. When she came back from the cafeteria, several bags of bread in hand, and sat down, she would force them to come closer. And they would, but not until she came back.
 It was a dance they went through every lunch. While Yayoi could say that Ritsuka wasn’t only a rival, they weren’t exactly friends either. He was Yuiko’s friend more than he was Yayoi’s, and that was something he was entirely fine with. There wasn’t a single romance story for the rival and the hero became friends. Still. Yayoi glanced again at Ritsuka. Would it kill the other boy to look at least uncomfortable? Then again, he couldn’t recall the last time he’d seen Ritsuka as anything other than collected. The boy had swept in like a fierce gale, throwing Yayoi’s life into disarray, and never looked the worse for wear for it.
 “Are you fine with this?” Yayoi asked, unable to stop the words spilling out of his mouth.
 Surprised, Ritsuka turned to him. “Fine with what?”
 Yayoi tensed, his neck warm as he realized he didn’t know where he planned to take this conversation. Hell, he didn’t even know what he meant by the question. Fine with the triangle, fine with the strange number of transfer students, fine with his mother—there were so many ways to take a single question. His ears flattened as he thought about it before finally gesturing at the space between them. “With all of this?”
 “You don’t like me, right?” Ritsuka shrugged, leaning back into the bench and staring at the sky. “It’s cool.”
 “That’s not true,” Yayoi blurted, his mouth moving before his mind could catch up. His hands itched to cover his mouth, to stop these treacherous words from escaping his throat. In romance, the hero defeated the rivals, winning the heroine’s hand. They didn’t start to like their rivals, didn’t start to think of them as friends.
 Yayoi wondered, not for the first time, if he wasn’t the hero and was just another doomed suitor.
 “It’s not?” Ritsuka looked at him, really looked at him, his eyes wide and mouth agape. “Really?”
 It was too late to shove the words back now and whether he liked it or not, Yayoi had meant them. Begrudgingly as it was, he did consider Ritsuka to be his friend. “Yeah.” He paused, steeling himself before pulling out a slightly crumpled envelope from his pocket. “Here.”
 Ritsuka glanced at the envelope before gingerly picking it up. “What’s it for?”
 “My birthday party.” Yayoi coughed, looking away. “You can come if you want.”
 If he had turned around, he would have seen a pleased smile and red cheeks, a boy beside himself with joy. But he didn’t, so Yayoi could only hope that Ritsuka’s ‘Yes’ was an honest one.
Kio was drunk. He knew that, from the way his fingertips buzzed to the tingle up his spine. His mouth was dry, his head pounded, and tomorrow morning he would be a mess of regrets. He was so drunk, he had gone from knowing he was drunk to denying it to knowing it once more.
 Needless to say, climbing the last set of stairs to his apartment was perhaps the hardest thing he’d ever had to do in his life. And that included getting kidnapped and beaten by a strange pair of Soubi’s ex-classmates. At least, he thought they were—Soubi had refused to explain the matter further and Kio was too afraid to ask. Their friendship had always felt delicate and while Soubi was opening up more now, he wasn’t sure what boundaries were still standing and which he could dance right past.
 That was perhaps the only reason he had accepted Soubi’s utter rejection of joining in for some birthday drinks. Well, that and the fact that Kio had asked at least ten times to no avail. If Soubi didn’t want to celebrate Kio getting one year closer to death, well, that was on him. It wasn’t like he had good taste in the first place, as evidenced by Seimei’s entire existence.
 “Woah!” Kio mumbled as he almost tripped over a step. Clutching the guard rail, he panted heavily and tried to regain his bearings. Were stairs supposed to be this hard? Was he out of shape? Next time, he was getting a ground-floor apartment. There would be none of this exercise nonsense.
 Glancing behind him, he realized he was halfway there. Just a little more, and he could dive into his futon and pass out. Future him would probably wish he’d changed first, but that was future, sober him’s problem. Drunk Kio only had one mission, and that was to get to bed. Finally reaching his door, he leaned against it and sighed. Almost there.
 His keys jangled as he tried to find the right one. As usual, it was the last one he tried. While the door swung open silently, Kio heard a thud. Looking down, he stared at a square package at his feet. Had that always been there? God, he was so drunk. He hadn’t even noticed that there had been something at his door. Crouching, he stared at it. It looked like a canvas. His fingers brushed against the slim sides. No, it had to be a canvas; he worked with them day in and day out and his body had memorized the weight and shape of the various sizes they came in.
 Mystified, he clumsily picked it up and stumbled into his apartment. Was it a delayed assignment? No, it was wrapped in the plainest wrapping paper that existed. A gift then, but there was no note, no card, no nothing. It could be for his neighbour, for all he knew. Eagerly, he tore through the flimsy wrapping. Black paint slowly appeared, followed by splashes of blue and yellow, before he finally revealed a butterfly painting.
 No, not just any butterfly painting—it was a remake of the one Soubi had made when they’d first met. Kio covered his mouth, giddy. The bastard cared. He had always known that, but it was one thing to believe it, another to find proof. Soubi cared.
 Suddenly, sleep was the last thing on his mind. Pulling out his phone, he drunk-dialed his friend. Future him would probably regret this too, but that was for future him to care about.
 Current him had to make sure Soubi knew exactly how happy he was.
 Surprised by the unexpected hand thrust in her face, Yuiko looked down from Youji’s smug expression, following his arm until she was staring cross-eyed at the small, rectangular paper in his hand. Scrawled messily on the white page was Badminton tournament. She squinted, not sure if she was reading it right, before looking back at him. “Thanks?’
 Next to Youji, Natuso sighed, looking utterly unimpressed. There was no one else in the classroom, but she knew that even if there were, his next words would have remained the same. The twins never changed what they said no matter who was around, and Yuiko envied that. “I know, I know, this is a five-year-old’s idea of a gift.”
 “Hey!” Ears flattened, brow furrowed, Youji glared at his twin and growled, “This is a good gift.”
 “Is it?” Natsuo snorted in disbelief. He ran a hand through his hair and scornfully added, “You just want to beat her at badminton. That has nothing to do with her at all. You’re supposed to think of the other person, stupid.”
 “Gift?” Yuiko interrupted, cutting through the brewing argument. She gently pried the voucher from Youji’s hand, staring at it curiously. It was ridiculously plain, without even an attempt at a border or sparkles or any decoration of any sort. He must have spent five minutes on it, max, before giving it to her.
 “For your birthday, duh,” Youji grumbled, but despite his tone, he was looking away. His ears twitched slightly, an embarrassed expression on his face. “You’re not getting anything better, no matter how you cry.”
 Yuiko didn’t listen, instead looking at the paper once more. A birthday gift. Certainly not one she wanted—she liked playing badminton, sure, but gifts were supposed to be special things. Things you can’t get otherwise, and they would always be able to play badminton.
 Yet it was a gift from Youji. She hadn’t expected this, not in the least. If anything, she’d thought the twins hadn’t liked her that much.
 A gift. For her.
 Smiling broadly, she hugged Youji tightly. “Thanks!”
 Natsuo’s jaw dropped. “Seriously?”
“Let’s hang out at my house,” Yuiko demanded, standing in front of Ritsuka’s desk. Well, it was as close to a demand as she could get, her cheeks dusted red and her voice rising an octave with each word. “Please?”
 Ritsuka was used to the beeline she made as soon as the bell rang to his desk, as though if she didn’t catch him immediately he’d slip away with the breeze. To be honest, with all that was happening around him, sometimes that was the case—between Soubi, the fights, and hunting for clues, it was sometimes hard for him to find time for his friends.
 Still, this was more direct than Yuiko usually was. He stared at her for a moment, watching as her face turned redder and redder as he kept silent. Well, it wasn’t a bad thing if she was getting more confident. Maybe one day she’d be able to fight those bullies away herself.
 Flustered, Yuiko pressed, “I really want—”
 “Sure,” he agreed, getting up.
 “—you to come…” Yuiko trailed off, a blank expression on her face before she realized what was happening. Surprised, she watched as he headed to the door. “Really?”
 “Yeah, let’s go.” Ritsuka grinned as she scrambled to grab her bag and coat. “What, you weren’t ready?”
 “Don’t tease me!” she wailed, almost tripping over a chair in her haste to get out. Stray hairs escaped her usually neat pigtails and she looked like she’d run a marathon and not just left a classroom.
 “Don’t make it so easy,” he countered, laughing as they slipped into an easy banter on their way home. It was strange. Truly strange. A year ago, even a few months ago, he could never have imagined this. Friends? Laughing? Smiling? A place that he could call his? All of them had been so far beyond his imagination that he couldn’t even picture it.
 Yet, here he was, walking home with someone as thought it was the norm. His mother and brother were the furthest thoughts from his mind, his focus instead entirely on the all-too red girl next to him. His best friend, possibly, but Ritsuka hadn’t yet mustered the courage to ask. Yuiko’s ears twitched nervously, her fingers pressing against one another, and her words ran into one another as though she was desperately trying to say something, anything. Clearly, she was up to something.
 “What’re you hiding?” he asked and that too was new. Knowing someone well enough to tell when they were lying. It was a permanence he hadn’t expected.
 “Whaat?” Yuiko yelped, her complexion turning even redder, if possible. Ritsuka imagined he could find every shade of red if he hung around her long enough. It was a pleasing thought. Shaking her head rapidly, she stuttered, “N-nothing, I’m just…Why do you think that?”
 “Hmmm?” It was tempting to push her even further. Yuiko was a terrible liar, which was a relief when compared to the Soubi’s and Seimei’s in his life. Everyone else was too good at hiding and he liked this feeling of having an upper hand for once. Still, whatever she was planning couldn’t be terrible, and it wouldn’t be bad to have a nice surprise for once. “Fine, keep your secrets.”
 “There aren’t any!” she shouted, her voice giving her away yet again.
 Ritsuka laughed. His tail swayed lazily as he wondered just what he should expect. Knowing Yuiko, it had to be something simple. Maybe a movie or a game. They could get Soubi to come over after and cook something too. Or invite Yayoi to play with them, or the Zero’s—and Ritsuka had a lot of people in his life these days. A lot of friends.
 “OK! WE’RE HOME!” Yuiko announced loudly as she stood in front of her door, shaking her keys slightly before slipping them in.
 Perplexed, Ritsuka followed her in through the door. Were her parents home? Was that why she was talking like—
 The loud shout jolted him out of his thoughts and Ritsuka’s jaw dropped as confetti rained through the hair. Standing in Yuiko’s living room were all of the people he’d been thinking of, and then some—Osamu and his teacher stood amongst the crowd.
 “Happy birthday!” Yuiko chimed in, looking at him eagerly.
 A surprise party. He would never have imagined that either, not even a few hours ago, but Ritsuka was finding that wasn’t a bad thing.
  The future, oddly enough, was something to look forward to.
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cyberdragonalex · 6 years ago
Today is Mai Natsume’s birthday...
Three birthday’s basically back to back April is quite the full month! That aside it’s Mai’s birthday today!
Mai is a great character imo. She’s sweet, caring, always putting others before herself, she isn’t afraid to stand up even to the likes of Relius Clover and she can kick some serious ass (like most of the cast) but enough with the surface level stuff. 
Mai’s character is rooted pretty deeply into self-reflection because of her situation in having to accept being a woman now, but also not being a human anymore. I’d delve deeper but I think it’s better to go read the two side series based around her “Blazblue Remix Heart” and “Blazblue Variable heart.” But here’s the wiki as an alternative if you just wanna get the nitty gritty right away without having to see Fanservice every chapter: https://blazblue.wiki/wiki/Mai_Natsume
Onto the fanart:
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These two have the same source: https://twitter.com/nunun333/status/1113461232625782785 and honestly all of these pics could have been by nunun333 because they really love Mai
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Taken from: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59721940
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Taken from: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56840741
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Taken from: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=51080572
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incorrectblazbluequotes · 8 years ago
Kajun: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your lifetime.
Noel: It would be nice to get my sense of purpose back.
Tsubaki: My childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Mai: My will to live! I haven’t seen this in 15 years.
Makoto: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Shiori: Mental stability my old friend!
Kajun: Guys, could you lighten up a little?
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dailyjidols · 3 years ago
October 2021 Monthly News Round-Up
It’s round-up time! Below the read more is a compilation of some notable news stories that we haven’t previously posted about.
This month features, an alt-idol staple has been 'sealed', the results of Girls Planet 999 have been annouced, and always more!
Member Yuki Harumoto has announced that she will be graduating. [x*] Member Yui Yokoyama has announced that she will graduate from the group on November 29th. She’ll be pursing acting afterwards. [x*]
The group has officially been ‘sealed’ i.e. on hiatus as of October 10th. [X]
Broken By The Scream
Member Mido Yae has announced that she will be leaving the group in December. She cited that a new opportunity has arisen for her, and she’s decided to leave the group to pursue it. [x*]
Member Aki Yamamoto has had her contract suspended. She was caught drinking underage (at this time she is 18, drinking age in Japan is 20), working at a cabaret club, and disobeying a request to wait at home after being a close contact to someone with COVID-19. [x*]
Leader Yuri Asakuri has announced she will graduating from the group in spring 2022. She intends to be a supporter or even producers of idols after her graduation. [x*]
Girls Planet 999 - Kep1er
The group has been set with six Korean members, two Japanese members Mashiro Sakamoto and Hikaru Ezaki, and one Chinese member. [x*] A small note: Kep1er is classified as a Kpop group so we will not be covering their activities unless they are related to Japanese promotions.
Member Naruhaworld has annouced that he will taking a break from activities from the group to focus on her school work. It’s not known when she’s anticipated to return to activities with the group. However, she still will appear in the collaboration with Yuki Kashiwagi and in the VOTE!! WACK SELECT 7 events. [x*]
Member Tomoko Kanazawa has announced that she will graduate from the group, and Hello! Project as a company. She will be focusing on treatment of her endometriosis. Her graduation is set for November 24th, and she will be part of the group’s next single in December as well. [x*]
Momoiro Clover Z
Member Shiori Tamai will be resting for one month after injuring her hand earlier this month. [x*]
Member Nanaho Kawano graduated from the group on October 13th. She will be performing at the group’s anniversary concert in November despite her graduation. [x*]
Saigo no Bansan/ Arrows Entertainment
Former members Sui, Rura Murakami and Rina Watanabe have been dismissed from the group and/or company due to breach of contract. [x*]
Members Akane Moriya and Rina Watanabe will graduate from the group after the activities with the 3rd single finish. A date has yet to be set for their graduation. [x*]
Member Suzuran Yamauchi announced that she will be graduating from the group on November 30th. Afterwards, she wants to pursue getting a golf teaching qualification. [x*] Member Mina Oba has announced that she will graduating the group in April 2022. [x*] Member Aika Sugiyama will graduate from the group next spring. She intends to become a choreographer with both ZEST and for other groups. [x*]
Member Miyu Sayaki has announced her graduation from the group. [x*] On October 12th, members Miyuna Kadowaki, Miria Imaizumi, Yayoi Nakahiro, and Yurina Minami all announced their withdrawal from the group. No specific reasons have been cited for their departure. Final activities for all four members have yet to be determined. [x*] [x*] [x*] [x*] It was later announced that Mira Imaizumi, Yayoi Nakahiro and Yurina Minami will leave on October 30th. Miyuna Kadawaki will leave the group on November 18th. [x*]
On October 2nd, it was announced that PARADISES and GO TO THE BEDS have ‘traded’ members i.e. the line-ups are the same but the names have been traded. The groups also updated the logo with this change. [x*]
Wings of Artemis
The group have added Yuuho Kronos the former leader of Star☆FioreNerd, and Juri Oberon have been added to the group as of October 10th. The duo will be replacing Mizuki Hermes, and Airi Venus who graduated the day before on October 9th. [x*]
Members Mizuha Kuraokaand Rui Umino have announced that they will be graduating at the end of November. Member Rina Takeda will be graduating in December. [x*]
=LOVE and ≠Me Sister Group
The sister group will be produced on Rino Sashihara, and have started recruitment for this unit began on October 15th. [x*]
Member Momo Sakurai has suspended her activities with the group due to poor physical condition. It’s unknown when she’ll return to the group. [x*]
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years ago
DanganSona Chatfic and shitzzz
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3C61CQd
by ThatOneKid123
Words: 654, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Danganronpa Chatfic
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Persona Series, Persona 5, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa 十神 - 佐藤友哉 | Dangan Ronpa: Togami - Satou Yuuya, Dangan Ronpa: Kirigiri, Dangan Ronpa Zero, Dangan Ronpa Another: Another Despair Academy, Super Dangan Ronpa Another 2: Sun of Hope & Moon of Despair, Dangan Ronpa Rebirth: Voices, Dangan Ronpa TheAfter: Future of Despair School
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Togami Byakuya, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Asahina Aoi, Fukawa Touko, Maizono Sayaka, Kuwata Leon, Fujisaki Chihiro, Oowada Mondo, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Yamada Hifumi, Celestia Ludenberg, Ogami Sakura, Ikusaba Mukuro, Enoshima Junko, Hinata Hajime, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Sonia Nevermind, Soda Kazuichi, Owari Akane, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter, Hanamura Teruteru, Koizumi Mahiru, Pekoyama Peko, Saionji Hiyoko, Mioda Ibuki, Tsumiki Mikan, Nidai Nekomaru, Tanaka Gundham, Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki, Kamukura Izuru, Naegi Komaru, Asahina Yuta, Aoba Satomi, Haneyama Ayaka, Yukimaru Takemichi, Kenichirou | Kenshiro, Owada Daiya, Mitarai Ryota, Kuzuryu Natsumi, Sato (Dangan Ronpa), Kurosaki Taro, Goryoku Tomohiko, Ichino Sosuke, Yoko Shoji (Dangan Ronpa), Nishizawa Kiriko, Someya Ryota, Kubo Daiki, Kisaragi Karen, Kashiki Suzuko, Hino Asukasei, Umesawa Aiko, Ikuta Kotomi, Kamii Tsubasa, Murasame Soshun, Saihara Shuichi, Harukawa Maki, Yumeno Himiko, Amami Rantaro, Akamatsu Kaede, Hoshi Ryoma, Tojo Kirumi, Yonaga Angie, Chabashira Tenko, Shinguji Korekiyo, Iruma Miu, Gokuhara Gonta, Oma Kokichi, Momota Kaito, Shirogane Tsumugi, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Otonashi Ryouko, Matsuda Yasuke, Samidare Yui, Togami Shinobu, Taira Akane, Kinjo Tsurugi, Mekaru Rei, Otori Teruya, Maki Kiyoka, Higa Mitsuhiro, Tomori Kizuna, Hatano Ayame, Inori Kanata, Yamaguchi Kakeru, Uehara Kinji, Kobashikawa Haruhiko, Iranami Satsuki, Kurokawa Mikako, Kisaragi Yamato, Utsuro (Dangan Ronpa), Sora (Dangan Ronpa), Maeda Yuki, Kabuya Yoruko, Hashimoto Shobai, Nijiue Iroha, Kagarin Yuri (Dangan Ronpa), Makunouchi Hajime, Mitsume Kokoro, Magorobi Emma, Chiebukuro Setsuka, Otonokoji Kanade, Otonokoji Hibiki, Kasai Shinji, Yomiuri Nikei, Sannoji Mikado, Nakajima Kanon, Fujimori Ayumu, Izumo Kasumi, Samejima Kazuomi, Sakuma Kego, Kagura Maiko, Himuro Nico, Tsuchiya Akira, Todoroki Aruma, Aisaka Misuzu, Rokudou Saiji, Yodogawa Seishi | Katagiri Zen, Mizuta Marin, Koga Mitsunari, Itsuki Mikoto, Oosone Narumi, Shimatate Konoe, Komyoin Chisa, Hashizawa Coco, Masuda Fitzgerald David, Nova Hold, Amagaya Issei, Ueda Kinji, Hatoyama Koin, Momori Marin, Kirigiri Miharu, Hishimeki Miruku, Matsouka Retsu, Seki Ryohei, Arumada Seiha, Hatami Tachihaki, Ryo Yukime, Tsukishima Tsuda(OC), Vermillion Natsuka | Tsukishima Natsuka(OC), Suzui Shiro(OC), Yayoi Orihime(OC), Yonamine Riku(OC), Amamiya Ren (Persona Series), Kurusu Akira, Sakamoto Ryuji, Takamaki Ann, Mishima Yuuki, Suzui Shiho, Kitagawa Yusuke, Togo Hifumi, Niijima Makoto, Sakura Futaba, Okumura Haru, Akechi Goro, Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Sophia (Persona Series), Maizono Shiori(OC)
Relationships: Hatoyama Koin/Tomori Kizuna, Goryoku Tomohiko/Ikusaba Mukuro/Kurosaki Taro, Goryoku Tomohiko/Ikusaba Mukuro, Goryoku Tomohiko/Kurosaki Taro, Ikusaba Mukuro/Kurosaki Taro, Magorobi Emma/Togami Shinobu, Ichino Sosuke/Kinjo Tsurugi/Kurusu Akira, Ichino Sosuke/Kinjo Tsurugi, Ichino Sosuke/Kurusu Akira, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Matsuda Yasuke, Momota Kaito/Vermillion Natsuka | Tsukishima Natsuka(OC)/Yoko Shoji, Momota Kaito/Vermillion Natsuka | Tsukishima Natsuka(OC), Momota Kaito/Yoko Shoji, Vermillion Natsuka | Tsukishima Natsuka(OC)/Yoko Shoji, Hishimeki Miruku/Mekaru Rei, Amami Rantaro/Nova Hold/Pekoyama Peko, Amami Rantaro/Nova Hold, Amami Rantaro/Pekoyama Peko, Nova Hold/Pekoyama Peko, Hatami Tachihaki/Gokuhara Gonta, Seki Ryohei/Tsuchiya Akira/Tsukishima Tsuda(OC), Seki Ryohei/Tsuchiya Akira, Seki Ryohei/Tsukishima Tsuda(OC), Tsuchiya Akira/Tsukishima Tsuda(OC), Chiebukuro Setsuka/Hanamura Teruteru, Iranami Satsuki/Mizuta Marin/Nakajima Kanon, Iranami Satsuki/Mizuta Marin, Iranami Satsuki/Nakajima Kanon, Mizuta Marin/Nakajima Kanon, Mitarai Ryota/Sakura Futaba, Arumada Seiha/Enoshima Junko/Nishizawa Kiriko, Arumada Seiha/Enoshima Junko, Arumada Seiha/Nishizawa Kiriko, Enoshima Junko/Nishizawa Kiriko, Haneyama Ayaka/Otori Teruya, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter/Masuda Fitzgerald David, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter/Masuda Fitzgerald David/Shirogane Tsumugi, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter/Shirogane Tsumugi, Masuda Fitzgerald David/Shirogane Tsumugi, Aisaka Misuzu/Someya Ryota, Kubo Daiki/Oma Kokichi/Shinguji Korekiyo, Kubo Daiki/Oma Kokichi, Kubo Daiki/Shinguji Korekiyo, Oma Kokichi/Shinguji Korekiyo, Iruma Miu/Suzui Shiho, Celestia Ludenberg/Sakamoto Ryuji/Yayoi Orihime(OC), Celestia Ludenberg/Sakamoto Ryuji, Celestia Ludenberg/Yayoi Orihime(OC), Sakamoto Ryuji/Yayoi Orihime(OC), Asahina Aoi/Tanaka Gundham, Kisaragi Yamato/Komyoin Chisa/Kuzuryu Natsumi, Kisaragi Yamato/Komyoin Chisa, Kisaragi Yamato/Kuzuryu Natsumi, Fujisaki Chihiro/Togo Hifumi, Todoroki Aruma/Yamaguchi Kakeru/Yonamine Riku(OC), Todoroki Aruma/Yamaguchi Kakeru, Todoroki Aruma/Yonamine Riku(OC), Yamaguchi Kakeru/Yonamine Riku(OC), Hagakure Yasuhiro/Owari Akane, Kagarin Yuri/Momori Marin/Tsumiki Mikan, Kagarin Yuri/Momori Marin, Kagarin Yuri/Tsumiki Mikan, Mioda Ibuki/Saionji Hiyoko, Kenichirou | Kenshiro/Mishima Yuuki/Tojo Kirumi, Kenichirou | Kenshiro/Mishima Yuuki, Kenichirou | Kenshiro/Tojo Kirumi, Mishima Yuuki/Tojo Kirumi, Fukawa Touko/Kashiki Suzuko, Fujimori Ayumu/Hatano Ayame/Sato, Fujimori Ayumu/Hatano Ayame, Fujimori Ayumu/Sato, Hatano Ayame/Sato, Aoba Satomi/Sora, Nidai Nekomaru/Nijiue Iroha/Uehara Kinji, Nidai Nekomaru/Nijiue Iroha, Nidai Nekomaru/Uehara Kinji, Nijiue Iroha/Uehara Kinji, Asahina Yuta/Maeda Yuki, Kabuya Yoruko/Kagura Maiko/Kuwata Leon, Kabuya Yoruko/Kagura Maiko, Kabuya Yoruko/Kuwata Leon, Kagura Maiko/Kuwata Leon, Hashizawa Coco/Ueda Kinji, Himuro Nico/Kobashikawa Haruhiko/Otonokoji Hibiki, Himuro Nico/Kobashikawa Haruhiko, Himuro Nico/Otonokoji Hibiki, Kobashikawa Haruhiko/Otonokoji Hibiki, Kisaragi Karen/Samidare Yui, Saihara Shuichi/Shimatate Konoe/Yomiuri Nikei, Saihara Shuichi/Shimatate Konoe, Saihara Shuichi/Yomiuri Nikei, Shimatate Konoe/Yomiuri Nikei, Ryo Yukime/Samejima Kazuomi, Koizumi Mahiru/Makunouchi Hajime/Utsuro, Koizumi Mahiru/Makunouchi Hajime, Koizumi Mahiru/Utsuro, Makunouchi Hajime/Utsuro, Chabashira Tenko/Otonashi Ryouko, Hashimoto Shobai/Inori Kanata/Yukimaru Takemichi, Hashimoto Shobai/Inori Kanata, Hashimoto Shobai/Yukimaru Takemichi, Inori Kanata/Yukimaru Takemichi, Soda Kazuichi/Suzui Shiro(OC), Akechi Goro/Hino Asukasei Hino/Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Akechi Goro/Hino Asukasei, Akechi Goro/Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Hino Asukasei/Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Takamaki Ann/Umesawa Aiko, Amamiya Ren/Niijima Makoto/Yumeno Himiko, Amamiya Ren/Niijima Makoto, Amamiya Ren/Yumeno Himiko, Niijima Makoto/Yumeno Himiko, Kitagawa Yusuke/Koga Mitsunari, Akamatsu Kaede/Kirigiri Miharu/Sonia Nevermind, Akamatsu Kaede/Kirigiri Miharu, Akamatsu Kaede/Sonia Nevermind, Kirigiri Miharu/Sonia Nevermind, Matsouka Retsu/Yonaga Angie, Maizono Shiori(OC)/Ogami Sakura/Owada Daiya, Maizono Shiori(OC)/Ogami Sakura, Maizono Shiori(OC)/Owada Daiya, Ogami Sakura/Owada Daiya, Kasai Shinji/Yamada Hifumi, Izumo Kasumi/Kamukura Izuru/Oowada Mondo, Izumo Kasumi/Kamukura Izuru, Izumo Kasumi/Oowada Mondo, Kamukura Izuru/Oowada Mondo, Hinata Hajime/Oosone Narumi, Ikuta Kotomi/Kamii Tsubasa/Sannoji Mikado, Ikuta Kotomi/Kamii Tsubasa, Ikuta Kotomi/Sannoji Mikado, Kamii Tsubasa/Sannoji Mikado, Higa Mitsuhiro/Naegi Makoto, Maki Kiyoka/Mitsume Kokoro/Naegi Komaru, Maki Kiyoka/Mitsume Kokoro, Maki Kiyoka/Naegi Komaru, Mitsume Kokoro/Naegi Komaru, Kurokawa Mikako/Sophia (Persona Series), Komaeda Nagito/Otonokoji Kanade/Rokudou Saiji, Komaeda Nagito/Otonokoji Kanade, Komaeda Nagito/Rokudou Saiji, Otonokoji Kanade/Rokudou Saiji, Kirigiri Kyoko/Taira Akane, Harukawa Maki/Murasame Soshun/Sakuma Kego, Harukawa Maki/Murasame Soshun, Harukawa Maki/Sakuma Kego, Murasame Soshun/Sakuma Kego, Maizono Sayaka/Nanami Chiaki, Itsuki Mikoto/Togami Byakuya/Yodogawa Seishi | Katagiri Zen, Itsuki Mikoto/Togami Byakuya, Itsuki Mikoto/Yodogawa Seishi | Katagiri Zen, Togami Byakuya/Yodogawa Seishi | Katagiri Zen, Amagaya Issei/Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Hoshi Ryoma/K1-B0/Okumura Haru, Hoshi Ryoma/K1-B0, Hoshi Ryoma/Okumura Haru, K1-B0/Okumura Haru
Additional Tags: chatfic, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Fukawa Toko Isn't Obsessed With Togami Byakuya, Soda Kazuichi Isn't Obsessed With Sonia Nevermind, Matsouka Retsu Isn't Obsessed With Komyoin Chisa, Non-Incestuous Shinguji Korekiyo, Non-Incestusous Otonokoji Kanade, Otonokoji Hibiki & Kanade have a real healthy sibling relationship, Nakajima Kanon Isn't Obsessed With Kuwata Leon, Togami Shinobu Isn't Obsessed With Togami Byakuya, Hanamura Teruteru not being pervert, Naegi Makoto is a Ray of Sunshine, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Non-Despair Enoshima Junko, Alternate Universe - Twins, Amamiya Ren and Kurusu Akira Are Twins, Kirigiri Kyoko & Kirigiri Miharu Are Siblings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3C61CQd
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imasallstars · 4 years ago
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The Bandai Namco Ent. Festival 2nd Live artists have been announced! The event will occur on the 6th and 7th of February 2021! All the idolm@ster brances will be appearing on both days (so the full cast list will be posted for posterity)
IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls  LOVE LAIKA: Aya Suzaki (Minami Nitta), Sumire Uesaka (Anastasia)  ENJIN: Yuko Hara (Takumi Mukai), Mayumi Kaneko (Rina Fujimoto), Haruka Chisuga (Ryo Matsunaga), Tomo Muranaka (Aki Yamato), Kiyono Yasuno (Natsuki Kimura)  Dimension-3: Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Shiki Aoki (Asuka Ninomiya)
IDOLM@STER Million Live  Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Azusa Tadakoro (Shizuka Mogami), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki), Yukiyo Fujii (Megumi Tokoro), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi), Yuu Kahara (Emily Stewart), Megumi Toda (Ayumu Maihara), Rika Abe (Mizuki Makabe), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi)
DEEN, misono, BACK-ON
Aikatsu!  Aikatsu!/Aikatsu Stars!: Waka Kirishima, Ruka Endo, Sena Horikoshi, Risuko Sasakama, Rie Fujishiro  Aikatsu Friends!: Akane Matsunaga (Aine Yuki), Ibuki Kido (Mio Minato)  Aikatsu Parade!: Rin Aira (Raki Kiseki)  Aikatsu Planet!: Kaya Date (Mao Otoha/Hana), Rio Ogura (Ruli Tamaki/Ruli), Mizuki (Ayumi Tsukishiro/Q-PIT), Shizune Nagao (Kyoko Umekoji/Beat),  Rion Watanabe (Shiori Motoya/Shiori), Amy (Ann Kurimu/Ann), Narumi Uno (Meisa Hinata/Rose), Rurika Uno (Sala Itoi/Sala)
IDOLM@STER 765PRO ALL STARS   Eriko Nakamura (Haruka Amami), Asami Imai (Chihaya Kisaragi), Mayako Nigo (Yayoi Takatsuki), Naomi Wakabayashi (Ritsuko Akizuki), Chiaki Takahashi (Azusa Miura), Rie Kugimiya (Iori Minase), Hiromi Hirata (Makoto Kikuchi), Akiko Hasegawa (Miki Hoshii)
IDOLM@STER SideM  Café Parade: Sho Karino (Yukihiro Kamiya), Takuya Kodama (Makio Uzuki), Daiki Kobayashi (Saki Mizushima)  S.E.M: Yoshiki Nakajima (Jiro Yamashita)  THE Kogado: Junta Terashima (Takeru Taiga), Daiki Hamano (Michiru Enjoji)    Legenders: Jun Kasama (Amehiko Kuzunoha),  Fumiyoshi Shioya (Sora Kitamura), Wataru Komada (Chris Koron)
IDOLM@STER Shiny Colors  Illumination Stars: Hitomi Sekine (Mano Sakuragi), Reina Kondo (Hiori Kazano), Mayu Mineda (Meguru Hachimiya)  L’Antica: Karin Isobe (Kogane Tsukioka), Chisa Suganuma (Mamimi Tanaka), Anna Yamaki (Sakuya Shirase), Runa Narumi (Yuika Mitsumine), Mizuki Yuina (Kiriko Yukoku)  Houkago Climax Girls: Mariko Nagai (Juri Saijo), Wakana Maruoka (Rinze Morino), Akiho Suzumoto (Natsuha Arisugawa)  Alstoremeria: Honoka Kuroki (Amana Osaki), Ryoko Maekawa (Tenka Osaki), Noriko Shibasaki (Chiyuki Kuwayama)  Straylight: Yuki Tanaka (Asahi Serizawa), Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko Mayuzumi), Sayaka Kitahara (Mei Izumi)  Noctchill: Yuu Wakui (Toru Asakura), Rio Tsuchiya (Madoka Higuchi), Saran Tajima (Koito Fukumaru), Miho Okasaki (Hinana Ichikawa) 
DENON-BU  Sotokanda Literature: Yuuka Shidomi (Reina Hidaka LIVE set), Miho Amane (Kazyne Shinonome LIVE set), Sena Horikoshi (Futaba Kayano LIVE set)  Jungumae Sandou: Yurie Kozakai (Mimito Sakurano LIVE set), Nichika Omori (Hina Minakami LIVE set), Rena Hasegawa (Shina Inubosaki LIVE set)
LOVE LIVE! SCHOOL IDOL PROJECT  AZALEA: Nanaka Suwa (Kanan Matsuura), Arisa Komiya (Dia Kurosawa), Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida)  Riko Sakurauchi&You Watanabe: Rikako Aida (Riko Sakurauchi), Shuka Saito (You Watanabe)  Hanamaru Kunikida&Ruby Kurosawa: Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida), Ai Furihata (Ruby Kurosawa)  SAINT SNOW: Asami Tano (Sarah Kazuno), Hinata Sato (Leah Kazuno)
LOVE LIVE! NIJIGASAKI SCHOOL IDOL CLUB   Aguri Onishi (Ayumu Uehara), Mayu Sagara (Kasumi Nakasu), Kaori Maeda (Shizuku Osaka), Miyu Kubota (Karin Asaka), Natsumi Murakami (Ai Miyashita), Tomori Kusunoki (Setsuna Yuki), Maria Sashide (Emma Verde), Chiemi Tanaka (Rina Tennoji), Moeka Koizumi (Shioriko Mifune)
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tsunflowers · 6 years ago
anime featuring adult women
there are a lot of great female characters in anime, but sometimes it feels like they’re all supporting characters in shows about men or they haven’t graduated high school yet. I wanted to compile a list of some anime with adult women front and center
kidou keisatsu patlabor on tv:
in the sci-fi future as imagined in 1988, human-piloted robots called labors are used regularly by all kinds of people, including criminals. to combat labor crime, the police develop a special unit of patrol labors—patlabor. instead of following the prestigious division one, we follow a cast of quirky characters in second-string division two, as they solve cases ranging from mundane to dangerous to paranormal
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izumi noa, and why I love her:
she’s incredibly strong-willed and stubborn. she’ll stand up to anyone. she’s obsessed with labors, not just piloting them herself but repairing them and learning about new developments in the field. even though division two is primarily men and there is the “men at work” vibe of so much military and police fiction, noa fits in easily with the guys and no one excludes her. the few times people do question her skills bc of her gender, they’re immediately shut down
other women in the cast:
nagumo shinobu, the captain of division one. we never actually see her or her unit at work, but they have a great reputation. I just love her bc she’s very funny always shutting down the captain of division two and I like that in-universe there are women in leadership roles like this
kanuka clancy, a visiting cop from new york. her relationship with noa is very strong, definitely shippable. she’s adept with a gun, a sword, and a giant robot. she’s the serious member of the team who yells at the others for being dumb but there are still times where she goes completely off the rails and ignores the law to do what she knows is right
wotakoi: love is hard for otaku:
momose narumi is an office worker and a fujoshi. she wants to keep the fujoshi part a secret this time around because things went south for her at her last job once people found out she was an otaku, but it turns out several of her new coworkers are fellow nerds. most importantly, her game-loving childhood friend hirotaka works at the same company, and the two of them reconnect as friends… and soon more than friends. it’s a romance drama involving only nerds
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momose narumi, and why I love her:
she’s a lot like your standard high school girl protagonist who runs out of the house because she’s late for school, but this time she’s late for work. she’s really funny and straightforward, except she thinks she has to hide that side of her at her job. she and hirotaka have a great childhood friends to lovers relationship. she’s kind of rude to him but he adores her (though he’s kind of bad at showing it). I love a cheerful girl/serious guy romance that’s done well and I think this one really is
other women in the cast:
koyanagi hanako, narumi’s new coworker who’s a fellow fujoshi. she’s also a cosplayer, specifically a crossplayer who specializes in cosplaying as handsome guys. she and narumi only met each other under their fandom nicknames before, but they were big fans of each other and hit it off instantly when they meet at work. they’re cute friends even if they always argue about who tops in their ships
in a futuristic society, people’s mental health is constantly measured by “psycho-pass” readings which track their emotional state and judge the likelihood that they will commit a crime. naive rookie cop tsunemori akane leads a team of enforcers, people who are considered “latent criminals” too dangerous to live in normal society but who are still useful to the police. akane develops a close relationship with enforcer kougami shinya in particular, but kougami has his own intense relationship with the elusive criminal makishima shogo. as the team of detectives investigate him, they uncover secrets about the system they never wanted to learn and their fates become entwined with makishima’s
psycho-pass is written by urobuchi gen (madoka magica, fate/zero) and if you’re familiar with him you know what to expect. the show is pretty grim and gory. content warnings for rape, violence, gore, body horror, police violence, the predatory lesbian trope, forced institutionalization, and probably a lot of other things I can’t remember. not a light watch, is what I’m saying
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tsunemori akane, and why I love her:
she’s incredibly principled. she sticks to what she believes is right despite immense pressure. it’s precisely because she’s naive and doesn’t understand the system that she is able to fight against it. she grows a huge amount over the course of the series but she never loses her compassion or her sense of right and wrong. she’s pretty badass too
other women in the cast:
karanomori shion, a lab analyst at the public safety bureau. she’s your typical sexy and flirtatious anime character but I think her position within the setting is interesting. although she’s categorized as a “latent criminal” unfit for society, she seems to be valued more than the enforcers. she’s also bisexual and dating a woman, though she plays into the “bisexuals can’t settle down” trope a little. she is not actually the best character or peak representation but I’m pretty attached to her and a certain type of woman will be too
kunizuka yayoi, a lesbian former musician and the only female enforcer. she’s shion’s girlfriend. there is a predatory lesbian character in this series, but it’s not kunizuka. I think her being a lesbian is handled pretty well. she has romantic and sexual relationships with women that are important to her, but she doesn’t hate men or flirt with every woman she meets (traits I hate to see in lesbian characters written by men). she’s really serious and calm but still cute and I love to see her growing respect for akane over the course of the show
death parade:
two people wake up in a strange bar with no memory of how they got there. a mysterious man with white hair named decim and his assistant, a woman known only as “the black haired woman,” ask them to play a game. the games are both absurd and dangerous, and as the contestants play them dark sides of themselves are revealed. decim’s job is to judge them based on their behavior while playing the games, but the black haired woman’s influence causes him to wonder if he’s doing the right thing
like it says in the title, the anime deals with the topic of death, and death by suicide comes up as well. I don’t remember everyone’s backstories but I think violence and abuse come up several times. there are also mannequins that move around on marionette strings which is kind of freaky
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the black haired woman, and why I love her:
it might be wrong to say that she’s the main character when she isn’t introduced until the end of the first episode and her name isn’t revealed for half the show but listen. she’s the emotional core of the show and the person who sets the events in motion. she’s a very emotional person and that’s her strength. her relationship with decim is the classic “woman teaches cold-hearted man to feel” trope but I think it’s an outstanding example bc it centers her emotional experience and the two of them are not explicitly in a romantic relationship. I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers but for her it’s almost unavoidable. I love the way that her story is slowly revealed over the course of the show culminating in an incredible sequence in episode 11. I think her depression is handled so well too. it’s heartbreaking
other women in the cast:
nona, the boss of the arbiters. she’s a schemer who knows a whole lot of things she’s keeping from everyone else. I really like her outfit above all else. baggy pants with suspenders… a great look
mayu, a high school girl who is a contestant in one of the games. she tries to be cutesy but is prone to anger and makes incredible faces. I like that she’s an obsessive fangirl character who’s played for humor but is also shown as being noble and sympathetic
sakura quest:
koharu yoshino is a woman who moved to tokyo to find a job but has no luck. when she finally gets a job offer, it’s to become “queen for a day” of rural manoyama village. upon arriving in manoyama, she learns that she was only hired because they thought she was someone else but they still want her to work there for an entire year. now she lives in a small town and is tasked with both revitalizing the citizens and drawing tourists in, along with the help of four friends. it may not sound funny and heartwarming but it really is. it’s a good story about connecting and reconnecting and also the head of the tourism board wears a chupacabra mask sometimes
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the main characters, and why I love them:
koharu yoshino, queen of manoyama. her struggle in the job market is unfortunately relatable to many people today and I love that she wishes she could have a job as a queen. she’s great and she really comes to love the town despite everything
shiori shinomiya, a very sweet manoyama native. she’s almost too nice but it makes it all the funnier when she gets intense
maki midorikawa, an aspiring actor who is famous among manoyama citizens for a small role she played in the past. she’s serious about acting but her family wishes she would get a more stable job. she can be kind of rude but she does love her friends and her town
sanae kouzuki, a web developer who moved to manoyama to escape the intensity of city life and the negative effects it had on her mental health. the problem is she hates rural life and is afraid of bugs but is too proud to admit it on her blog. the only true city girl among the five
ririko oribe, my favorite of the five. she’s shy but loves cryptids and the occult. it’s very easy to read her as autistic and the other characters affirm her interests and behavior. her love of cryptids even helps the town out when Spanish tourists come in search of a local legend. her relationship with her grandma is really good as well, with the two coming to understand and love each other over the course of the show
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melon---choly · 7 years ago
“boss, I don't feel so good.” -- one of the fuckin bang subordinates
died in infinity war
Iron Tager
Carl Clover
Naoto Kurogane
Noel Vermillion
Litchi Faye-Ling
Raquel Alucard
Kagura Mutsuki
Ragna the Bloodedge
Rachel Alucard
Roy Carmine
Hades Izanami
Homura Amanohokosaka
Celica A. Mercury
Akane Teruhiko
Taro Sasagae
Jin Kisaragi
Bang Shishigami
didnt die in infinity war
Amane Nishiki
Hibiki Kohaku
Makoto Nanaya
Tsubaki Yayoi
Trinity Glassfille
Ada Clover
Ikaruga Ninja 3
Ikaruga Ninja 4
Nine the Phantom
Ikargua Ninja 2
Shiori Kirihito
Relius Clover
Yûki Terumi
Mai Natsume
Ikaruga Ninja 1
Platinum the Trinity
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
Kajun Faycott
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soimort48 · 2 years ago
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「GIRLS-PEDIA 2023 SUMMER」 和田海佑・龍本弥生・水田詩織・黒田楓和
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lovelesswiki · 8 years ago
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this is the new header i made/colored for this blog. i ended adding most of the characters. this is the original image, if you’re interested. click for the larger resolution.
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soraegeeks · 5 years ago
Review: You’re My Pet
You’re My Pet by Yayoi Ogawa
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I'm a huge proponent of the library system and of borrowing reads. I recently learned that I could borrow some things through my Prime account. I stumbled across two 90s/early 2000s manga that are out of print and have shown up digitally with new translations. That time period was NOTORIOUS for bad translations so I was excited to check these out.
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The first up is "You're My Pet" by Yayoi Ogawa. It's a josei manga about a 20-something office lady named Sumire Iwaya. The story starts after Sumire's been both demoted at her job and dumped by her boyfriend who cheated on her. She finds a young man in a box outside her condo and takes him in as a “pet”, a replacement for her dog, Momo. Sumire is a highly educated, capable woman who struggles with feelings of anxiety and inferiority and decides that the only way to fix her love life is to find a man with “The Three Highs”:  more educated, taller, and wealthy. Enter Hasumi Shigehito who fits all her qualifications. Throughout the 14 volumes we get some insight into Sumire’s insecurities (learning that she's afraid to go against others’ expectations and afraid of disappointing others), a rival for Hasumi’s affections (named Fukushima Shiori), and find out why "Momo" is a drifter.
Momo, the drifter,  is a modern dancer used to do classical ballet but was deemed too short to be successful. He's been floating through life and sometimes dances with his ex Rumi who still in love with him. (We don’t get much information on her until chapter 14 when she finally gets fleshed out.) Momo, or Takeshi Gouda, as we learn has a disorder that causes seizures and has been hiding from his family. His parents disagreed with his dance path wanting him to stay with ballet. Sumire learns that even though he's younger, and always seems upbeat, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have its own problems.
Sumire’s best friend Yuri is a housewife and mother one. Through her own trials she helps the Sumire to stand up for herself and try to think for herself.
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I'll be honest that at first I disliked Sumire’s characterization but I came to understand her anxiety and depression and sympathize with her. While all of the other women in her extended circle were content with working just enough to find a man to take care of them, Sumire struggled with her needs to advance herself but fit within social standards. So much so that only her Yuri and "Momo" got to see the real her. Something else I just liked was how mean and conniving some of the women in her office work. Spreading gossip and being hostile. Like Fukushima straight out the cleared war with her for Hasumi. The mangaka eventually gives us some back story on Fukushima and gives her a little more dimensionality. I still side-eyed her relationship with Hasumi, though.
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Also towards the end of the series it felt like it was just thrown together. Volume 14 had a lot of loose ends to tie up. In chapter 80, I originally missed some slipped in detail and conversation between the two kids and looking back it was cute foreshadowing. I'm going to pretend like the second half of chapter 81 doesn't exist. And the Final Chapter 82 was weird as well.
I won't spoil the end but everyone ends up where and with whom they should be. 
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amatsumugi89 · 8 years ago
Variable Heart, Chapter 9(misprint in Magazine? Seems to actually be chapter 10)
After Mai threw the spear, Fuzzy just laughed at it thinking it wasn't anything special. He ripped apart the strings and dodged the spear,however Mai called out to the spear and it changed direction mid-air and strikes the bone dragon which also made a cut in Fuzzy's face. Shiori and Taro is impressed by the spear and Kajun is proud of it. But at the same time she is a little worried over how much power it has right now. After the spear returned to Mai, Fuzzy is pissed over the wound Mai did to him.
Ragna is impressed that it's working on Fuzzy, and tells Mai that she did good(while calling her big tits). Isn't really happy over being called that, but soon Shiori kicks Ragna, while Bell uppercuts him. Afterwards Ragna says that it's helpful that Mai is her since she has a Immortal Breaker(Immortal defeating armament), since it's only about that thing that could defeat Fuzzy. Mai isn't aware that her spear is an Immortal Breaker. Ragna says that while it's a Nox imitation, it has effects are good enough, but Kajun corrects Ragna that it's the other way. That Nine created the Noxs using Legacy Weapon has a base. Ragna didn't recognize the name Legacy Weapon, but Kajun had more concerns about Mai's wellbeing. However, Taro interrupted them saying that Fuzzy is acting weird. Fuzzy began to quietly laugh and says that it really is an Legacy Weapon, however he also says it's not the first time he fought against one. Fuzzy then tells the “death” sleeping in this land to gather and sprouts wings from his back. Mai then feels her spear is vibrating. Ragna then states that this felling, that Fuzzy is probably is also an “imitation”. Fuzzy then apologize to Meifang saying that he might kill them.
Mai slashes the wings coming to attack her with her spear, but afterwards feel her strength in her legs becoming weaker. Fuzzy makes another attack that Mai is unable to evade, however Ragna catches it and asks Fuzzy where did he get this “power” from, but Fuzzy doesn't answer the question in a playful tone.
Kajun asks Mai if she is okay, but when Mai is about to say thanks for the concern, she falls down to her knees. Taro, Bell and Shiroi arrives to Mai and Bell notice something about the spear. Taro holds Kajun, Bell and Mai, and Kajun tells Taro to continue to evade Fuzzy's attacks in this state. Taro says that is almost impossible, but he'll do his best. While Mai shows some concern for Taro, Kajun tells Mai to listen to her. That while the spear is “finished”, it's “incomplete”. To put it simply, it's lacking something like a limiter. Bell then says it's like she thought, she can't feel any “suppression of will” in the spear. Kajun is surprised at what Bell said, but Bell tells Kajun to continue. And like any nox or Legacy Weapon, when it's power is used the wielder's soul will be used to power it. The stronger the power the more of the soul. And that's why a limiter is needed. Kajun apologize to Mai for giving Mai such a dangerous thing, but Mai tells Kajun to not worry about it, that Kajun gave it to Mai to save Mai. And that if Mai didn't have it, she wouldn't be able to protect anyone. Kajun thanks Mai for her words, and tell Mai to not use the spear anymore, but Mai refuses. That she can't run away now. And Mai says it's not because of the Azure, she just feels like she can't abandon Ragna. Kajun is a little against it, but Taro agrees with Mai. Since if Ragna didn't stop the last attack from Fuzzy, all of them would probably be dead by now. And also, while Taro had tried to distance himself from Fuzzy, it hasn't really worked out that well. And the most important part, Taro is at his limits. And Mai notices that wound Taro has in his back.
They also notices that Ragna is also struggling against Fuzzy and at his limits. Taro suggest he can use the spear, but Kajun denies it. Kajun explains that it has been tuned to only activate for Mai. Anyone else using it it will only be like a saff. Mai asks Kajun how many more times can she use the spear, and Kajun says at best twice, at worst one. Mai then asks Taro to do a thing for her. After explaining Taro ask her is she is really serious. Taro isn't really happy about Mai suggestion, but he thinks it's the only way. Shiori suddenly burst out asking what are they talking about and let her hear it also. And Taro tells her it's time to talk about their next move. Ragna is fighting Fuzzy and Ragna is in a bad state. And since Fuzzy wants to see it so badly, Ragna decides to use the Azure Grimore. But Taro, Mai, Bell and Kajun interrupts the activation, which pisses Fuzzy off.
Kajun creates some explosions towards Fuzzy that he evades, but soon one of Fuzzy's attacks strikes Bell and sends her flying. However Ragna catches her and tells Taro and Mai to continue with what they were doing.
Immortal Breaker(Immortal defeating armament): “In this world, there exist several different Immortal powers for different reasons, and on the other side there exist things that can counter that through forcing the target to “recognize death”. I've heard that Tsubaki's family, the Yayoi family, is safekeeping the “Sealed Weapon Izayoi” that has this power. One day I want to investigate this...!”
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