#fujiwara tokino
ritsukaaoyagi · 3 months
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lovelesswiki · 7 years
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this is the new header i made/colored for this blog. i ended adding most of the characters. this is the original image, if you’re interested. click for the larger resolution.
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yande-re-blog1 · 8 years
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moonless valentines for @gomonmikados !
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gavirn · 8 years
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「 Do I wanna know? 」
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The real Loveless unit- Loveless theory
So I posted yesterday about who I think the real Beloved unit is and I got asked about who I think the real Loveless unit is, which I also have a lot of theories about!
I think Ritsuka is definitely the Loveless Sacrifice. I don’t think that’s quite debatable. That leaves the question of WHO his Fighter is. Yun has said that we have seen the Loveless Fighter in-series, but we’re just not aware of who it is. I do think that Soubi truly is a blank, and the most popular consensus seems to be that Seimei is Ritsuka’s Fighter, but I don’t think so, since Seimei and Ritsuka spent so much time together and the Loveless name never appeared.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a clear-cut 100% positive idea of who it could be, but I have thought of several possibilities, so I’ll just lay them out here!:
Tokino--so this one I think might actually be the most possible. I said in my Beloved theory post that I thought that Tokino was a blank Fighter, but I’m actually thinking that that might be wrong, now that I’ve given it some consideration. Tokino and Ritsuka are actually a lot alike and they seemed to have the right sort of connection when they did meet! Their interactions seemed very easy and he and Soubi seemed to have a natural rivalry which I think was over Ritsuka’s attention deep down. They both have a deep love for one person and are very cold at first but then kind once you get to know them. They only met each other for a short amount of time, so their name wouldn’t have appeared, and their meeting was very monumental and filled with flowers and poetic speech, which is a lot like the other chapters in which Fighters and Sacrifices meet. Plus, Tokino sleeps a lot and there’s that one chapter in volume 4 that shows Ritsuka sleeping like. EVERYWHERE.
Nisei--Another one that I really see as possible. I think the Fighter-Sacrifice units are either very compatible (as in Ritsuka and Tokino’s case) or they work like moirails from Homestuck in that there’s one violent one in the pair and one calm one that acts to pacify and needs protecting. I think that Nisei/Ritsuka works in that very way and that’s why I think Nisei would be the perfect Fighter for Ritsuka. He’s strong and volatile and like Ritsuka, he wasn’t introduced to the Fighter-Sacrifice world in the ‘normal’ way. A lot of people think that Nisei is a foil to Soubi, but he isn’t. He’s a foil to Ritsuka. He’s Ritsuka’s exact opposite: he had loving parents, he had a solid and normal life, he’s violent and volatile, he ‘doesn’t feel love’...He’s Ritsuka’s exact opposite in every way. Opposites attract, and Ritsuka and Nisei definitely have some sort of connection, however negative it may currently be. This could be another reason that Seimei was so quick to seek out Nisei and ultimately, break him.
Yuiko--I actually think this one is the least possible, though it’s a theory shared by a lot of Loveless fans. While Ritsuka and Yuiko undoubtedly have a connection, neither of them have had their names appear, despite spending so much time with each other. Plus, I don’t think their first meeting was very ‘monumental’. Ritsuka doesn’t seem to remember it so clearly as he does his other meetings with the others mentioned here. i just think they have a very close friend relationship, though I don’t think Yuiko is ‘All That She Seems’, but I’ll get to that in another post.
Seven/Nana--Another ‘odd’ one that makes sense when you think about it! Seven went through great lengths to meet Ritsuka, to the point where she sent out teams with a code to get Ritsuka to meet her, and she wanted to do it alone in a fantasy place filled with flowers (seem familiar?). She played a game with Ritsuka from there, and seemed to be having fun with him, and later on even called him cute! They have very alike personalities, with both of them not having a lot of social skills. It’s also never said what Seven’s position is in the world or what, exactly, she does. She even goes as far as to give Ritsuka a good luck charm in later chapters! They seem extremely compatible.
Yamato--I know it seems like Yamato is/was part of the female Zero team, but hear me out for a second. Her name disappeared. Who’s to say that she couldn’t have gotten a new one? And who was she before becoming Zero? It doesn’t seem like Kouya and Yamato were ‘born’ Zero like Natsuo and Youji were, as they were given foster families and lives outside of the world, so it’s safe to wonder who they might’ve been before everything else. Yamato and Ritsuka seem to have a very solid connection, as evidenced by the time that they went out to lunch and had a conversation, as well as by Ritsuka’s comments about her during the battle. I think she could definitely be a candidate for the Loveless Fighter.
And finally...
Aoyagi Touji--The third Aoyagi brother, who I wrote about in this post! He seems to be extremely likely, since he’s already shown up at least once and has been hinted at, as well. I think he could definitely be the Loveless Fighter, given what may be true about him.
I’m curious to hear your thoughts!
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chapter 129.
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lovelesswiki · 7 years
Post-Moonless predictions— Rematch (1/10)
[start] --> next part
for the last week or so, i’ve been talking about a large theory i’ve been writing. since finishing it, i’ve decided to publish it in parts, since it’s actually about 10 different theories all on one subject. since it’s all written out, i’ll try to be publishing one part of this per day.
essentially, this is a set of theories about what i believe will have to happen in order to properly lead up to a climax--the one we’ve been building up to for years and years now. so, these are what i theorize will happen after the first moonless vs beloved battle, broken up into ten different parts. each theory is explained and theres images for each one.
table of contents (bolded is the post you’re looking at):
moonless and beloved will rematch (1)
soubi will fall into a deep depression and possibly become suicidal (2)
ritsuka will arrive at seven voices, SM’s activity will be revealed (3)
SM will reveal that there was a mole in their organization (4)
kio will be the one to take ritsuka to goura (5)
ritsuka will find things out about soubi and the aoyagi family (6)
SM’s true purpose will be revealed. ritsuka will have to make a decision about good vs evil (7)
seventh SM member will be revealed (8)
nagisa will find out what really happened to sanae (9)
ritsuka will be asked to join SM to fill the aoyagi seat (10)
Theory: moonless and beloved will have to rematch. this will be the point of climax during the story. i know that a rematch will happen because the timelines between soubi and ritsuka will need to match up at some point and are currently out of sync. explanation below.
this is something i am 100% certain of, for multiple reasons.
first, mikado and tokino heavily imply that they want a rematch. they seem to be very determined to do what they set their goals to, and i dont doubt that this is one of those things. if they want a rematch, there will most likely be a rematch, plain and simple.
they havent done what they set out to do in the first place. their goal as a team is to take down seimei. mikado’s professional goal is to take out seimei. tokino’s goal is to defeat beloved. none of those goals have been achieved yet and because of that, tokino is the first to suggest a rematch.
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(mikado smiles and seems to agree. it’s not even implied. they want another go and i doubt that seimei would turn down a fight when mikado seems to be his greatest and most tangible obstacle right now.)
second, most fans seem to think that the climax of the story--or at least of this arc--will be ritsuka running into the beloved trio, and the only way this makes sense during the story is if it’s in a battle. it would be incredibly anticlimactic if he didnt interrupt a battle, so it doesn’t make sense storytelling-wise that ritsuka would just show up at the place seimei is staying and take soubi back. we’re very obviously building up to a huge confrontation between ritsuka and seimei, and i believe at this confrontation, both soubi and nisei have to be there, as well as moonless.
yun has also stated that the climax of the story would involve soubi having the realization of ‘it does matter’ and making a choice about something and deciding what he wants and what he wants to do. given what has taken place recently story-wise, i get the sense that we’re approaching that point very, very quickly. ill be expanding more on what i think the climax and the realization of ‘it does matter’ means for soubi in the next post in this series, but the takeaway for now that the climax (or the first of many) seems to be approaching very quickly.
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(2006ish interview with yun kouga. i’ll be editing and uploading this soon so people can see the interview entirely)
a rematch also makes complete sense in the timeline. ill be making another post on this, but a lot of people don’t realize that after soubi is taken from ritsuka their scenes are not temporally in sync with each other. if we take the main event, the moonless battle, as the ‘current’ timeline, then everything that’s happening with ritsuka is a flash-forward. how do i know this? there’s a lot of reasons:
at the point that seimei and soubi leave for the moonless battle, soubi has only been at the house for 1-3 days. nakahira tells soubi ’you came in late at night’ and soubi refuses to eat during his entire stay, so it could not have been long. furthermore, when moonless captures nisei just before seimei and soubi’s arrival, nisei is listening to ritsuka crying in his room, something that ritsuka stops doing in his timeline after a few days. the argument that soubi has only been there for 24 hours or less could also be made, since both seimei and nisei are shown in the same clothing that they were in during the graveyard scene. soubi is, too, but this is unreliable since soubi refuses to even get up off the couch at the house.
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(this actually seems to support the theory that soubi has been at the house for 24 hours or less)
on ritsuka’s side of things, a lot has happened. ritsuka has had enough time to fall back into a horrible depression that he’s shown to stay in for a few days, slightly come out of this depression, make up his mind about finding seimei multiple times, go through seimei’s things with the zeroes, go back to school, play tennis with his friends, and make up his mind yet again. even more than this, natsuo has had enough time to travel to see yamato, travel 8 hours to goura, travel 8 hours back, and travel back to the place he and youji live at soubi’s apartment. that trip alone is 3-4 days, maybe more, and natsuo is seen spending multiple days before and after the trip with ritsuka and youji. and still, through all of this, ritsuka hasn’t even left to attempt to find his brother.
so, on top of what he’s already done, ritsuka has a lot more to get done before he can actually go and find soubi. most of this series of theories will focus on that, since soubi’s storyline currently really only has one purpose, which we’ll get to in the next part of this. 
soubi’s timeline takes place over a course of 1-3 days, but ritsuka’s timeline takes place over a course of 1-3 weeks. they are not at all in sync, and there’s no way they can be. none of this even accounts for the time it takes to find soubi and seimei. because of all this, a rematch makes complete sense, because beloved and moonless both need the upcoming few weeks/month to figure out another plan that will surely end things, and they both need the time to find each other again. im very certain that there will be a rematch, because not even soubi running away makes sense temporally, since something would’ve happened that ritsuka would’ve caught wind of had he run away. 
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gavirn · 8 years
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@e-lilit told me not to put tokino’s head on ritsu’s body so i absolutely had to put tokino’s head on ritsu’s body
(backstory: i was making covers for a mikado/tokino/nisei fanmix/fic thing in which i had to frankenstein nisei’s head onto ritsu’s body to get a pose i wanted and later had to frankenstein mikado’s legs onto nisei’s body to get another pose i wanted out of him, cat saw it and said it looked good, and i threatened to do this. she told me not to, so i did it.)
(mikado is supposed to be sitting on a grave)
(to anyone who doesnt read loveless, none of these three characters are in the original panel)
(i worked two days on this shit just to spite cat)
(i am convinced that i run on pure spite 90% of the time)
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gomonmikados · 8 years
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The Real Beloved Team- Loveless Theory
Seimei is weird. He seems to be... the outlier.
Seimei is incredibly strange in a variety of different ways. The most notable is his status in the Fighter-Sacrifice world. Supposedly, he's a Sacrifice. I say supposedly, because there's a lot of clear evidence that contridicts that, the most obvious being the fact that Seimei seems to be able to cast spells, as seen int he library with the Zeroes. There's also the strange fact that not once in the series so far have we seen Seimei actually fighting with one of his Fighters where he takes the position of the Sacrifice. He always forces both Soubi and Nisei to fight alone, rather than with Seimei himself.
From this evidence alone, we can make formulate the idea that Seimei is actually not a Sacrifice, but a Fighter, meaning that his power over Soubi and Nisei is completely superficial and all in their heads, rather than an actual bond. But that's a theory for a separate post.
So, that leaves the question--If Seimei is a Fighter, who is his Sacrifice?
The most common answer would be Ritsuka, but I don't think that's the case. Seimei's Sacrifice is none over that Gomon Mikado.
If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Yun Kouga made a clear point of saying how alike and in tune Mikado and Seimei are/were. Mikado says that Seimei was the only person who was truly 'like her' in the world, and the only person who could understand her. Seimei seems to back this up in the chapter where the Beloved-Moonless battle ended, in which he says "I thought you understood me." and "Didn't we always have a thing for each other?"
In early chapters, when Ritsuka is first introduced to the Fighter-Sacrifice world, Soubi states that the bond between a Fighter and their Sacrifice is the strongest bond there could be, and that Fighters and Sacrifices are bonded in that they understand each other better than anyone else. They seem to have a special sort of love and understanding for each other that regular pairings do not, and this connection is shown throughout the series with the different pairs we see.
However, Seimei and his Fighters do not share this bond with him. Nisei and Soubi both comment that they can't understand Seimei and that Seimei is extremely unpredictable and volatile. Similarly, Mikado and Tokino don't seem to have the right 'connection' with each other, either. This is shown in the Perfect Days side story, in which Mikado comments that Tokino is unable to predict what she is thinking while with Seimei, they had a different sort of connection and understanding with each other.
Mikado and Seimei do have that connection with each other, the connection that is only seen in other natural-made Fighter-Sacrifice pairings. I think it's safe to say that due to Seimei's abnormal behavior, he actually isn't a Sacrifice at all. He knows this, but, being power hungry, he wants to put himself into a position of power and instead assumes the position of a Sacrifice and leads everyone else to believe that that's what he is. Tokino, in the meantime, is a blank Fighter, and Mikado is fully under the impression that they are a bonded pair when, in reality, her real bond is with Seimei.
What do you guys think?
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paradoxi-kay · 11 years
You know, sometimes I really hate having my headcanon confirmed as canon-canon.
"There's no need to force Ritsuka to hear this!"
"Oh please! You agreed to listen to Mikado speak. So you have a responsibility to hear her out. Or maybe you already know, because it used to be your job. Is that what Aoyagi's Fighters do?!"
"Soubi wouldn't. He would never..."
"He did!!"
kouga-sensei why
why do you do this to my heart
viz why did you have to make a really stupid typo that hurts my soul
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gavirn · 8 years
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And Seimei rushes in out of nowhere and says, "Stop no you can't do that we were gonna fight you guys I swear." And Moonless starts their battle and throws out a shitton of spells. Then, when the Nisei gets incapacitated, they downgraded to a fuckton. Did I say downgrade? I meant upgrade.
And Seimei says, "Can you maybe chill?"
And Tokino says, "How 'bout maybe you chill?"
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