#sherlock headcanons
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thegreatmousebafoon · 1 month ago
~pre-Johnlock, John took Rosie to a playground~
John: There you are Rosie- wait who the hell… SHERLOCK?!
Sherlock: ( climbing up a slide, hands in his pockets ) Hello, John.
Sherlock: ( climbing over the top of the playground, where you definitively aren’t supposed to. ) Healing my childhood trauma, Dr. Watson.
John: That’s not- ( Sherlock lays over the top of the monkey bars ) …. Is it working?
Sherlock: ( swings so he is hanging upsidedown from the monkey bars ) I believe so- it’s hard to tell as of now. Oh! Hello Rosie!
Rosie: BATMAN! Dad look- it’s Batman!
John: if this is Londons Batman, we’re fucked.
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one-awesome-beetle · 2 months ago
she/he/they sherlock what do we think chat
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liminaltey · 1 year ago
Sherlock feeling guilty about ruining his college principal’s life and comparing it to potentially ruining Victor’s father’s life made me think about PTSD
Which is interesting because in the first episode when he first met John and deduced John having it, he promptly said he didn’t have it
But despite his amazing intellectual abilities, Sherlock is still human, and it’s been proven he can be wrong, plus considering the countless amounts of intense traumatic situations he’s undoubtedly been through, the unwanted memories/hinted trauma blocking and unpleasant flashbacks, his severe anxiety/distress and guilt
What if he does have PTSD
Or am I looking too deep into it
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lxvenderjewel · 1 year ago
have some s&co picrews for ur troubles
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i don't like how john came out but then again i never like how i do john so
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t2316m · 5 months ago
Tim Drake has a hatred for Sherlock Holmes, has he ever read the books? No but his dad used to insultingly call him Sherlock as a kid when he was being too nosy or curious and now even when people say it as a compliment it just irks him
Jason being the resident classic literature nerd is dead set on at least having Tim read the books so he can either A. Actually like the books and accept that Sherlock is actually a pretty cool guy to be compared too, or B. Give actual tasteful criticism and insults based on the contents of the book
Jason could care less which happens he’s just tired of Tim ranting about his hatred for Sherlock despite not knowing a thing about Sherlock
Tim: Sherlock this, Sherlock that, I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that stupid hat
Jason: The hat really isn’t even mentioned in the books, You’d know if you read them
Tim: I’m not reading them, they really can’t be that good in fact Sherlock was so bad even his literal creator wanted nothing to do with him
Jason: Your dad wanted nothing to do with you and you’re still a pretty good detective
*Cue Dick yelling at Jason cause “that wasn’t nice”
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cthulhum · 11 months ago
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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dangcrabbit · 6 months ago
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Joking with my dad in the car led me to the idea that every time Holmes has his trademark “sudden contemplative silences,” he’s actually just having a seizure from chronic lack of sleep and cocaine abuse
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buckingham-ashtray · 8 months ago
No matter how it always ALWAYS seems like John Watson and Sherlock Holmes are love at first sight that’s never the entire truth because they never “fall” in love because they have been in love for one hundred and thirty seven years and they are in love in every universe so no matter when or where or how they meet they will always fall in love with each other all over again because their love is carved into Fate since the start of creation just as firmly as Olympus Mons stands on Mars because their love runs and fills all the arteries and veins and vessels mapping every inch of their bodies and bleeds through every universe into them because Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are destined to be in love CAN'T YOU SEE
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thegreatmousebafoon · 1 month ago
Y’all listen- listen- I SAID SHUT UP!!! LISTEN!!!!
…. I really like the idea of John and Sherlock dancing to Frank Sinatra songs :)))
It just makes me… so… giddy. I also feel like they would secretly love Sinatra- I like to imagine they keep secret playlists for each other with corny pop songs and slow jazz :DDD
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cardinalcheerio · 1 year ago
I have a headcannon that at some point in his early robin days, Jason decided he wanted to be like Alfred and committed to drinking tea, using British slang and the accent while being robin.
This obviously confused the rogues a lot.
Fighting Mr. Freeze:
Jason: aye, what in the bloody hell do you think your doin? (Horrible British and gotham accent mix)
Freeze: I am- wait. Robin? Are you ok?
Bats: it's a phase. Just ignore it.
Freeze: keep forgetting he's a kid... anyways-
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inevitably-johnlocked · 1 year ago
Do you have any headcanons that absolutely cannot work at the same time but you love them anyway? If so what are they?
Hey Lovely!
Oh gosh... Hmmm. Honestly??? Not that I can think of, if you're going with "in the bubble of canon". I mean, if we can do AU's, I'd love an Assassin's Creed, Detroit Become Human, or Skyrim AU of Johnlock, LOL. But yeah, I guess I just don't really understand the question... Are you talking about like "Anderson loves Lego" or "Mycroft Only true love is his umbrella"? LOL If that's the meaning of this ask, then no, I don't think so... UNLESS we go with Mary is a Villain, always was a villain and was at the pool in TGG, but apparently that makes too much sense for canon BBCS.
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liminaltey · 1 year ago
Some Sherlock (and Co) headcanons me and my partner came up with
Aroace Sherlock in queer platonic relationship with John
John being 99.8% cishet yet still agrees to be Sherlock’s queer platonic partner and any future love interest of Watson’s can flip off if she has a problem with it cause they’re a package deal buy one Watson get one Sherlock free
Sherlock introducing John as his partner and internally giggling because it can mean 2 things
(Just thought of this one as I wrote the above, polyamorous qpp between John, Sherlock AND Mariana)
Sherlock being good at being aware of the world but not himself, John learns Sherlock’s stressed signs and notices them before Sherlock does himself so he becomes extra doting and patient
Sherlock is clingy, but doesn’t like to admit to it (he DOES however follow and hang John around like a cat that loves its owner, especially when he’s highly stressed)
Sherlock has looong curly-ish hair and gets his hair combed/brushed and braided by John and Mariana because he’s not very good at being consistent with hair care, he thinks it’s trivial and just throws it into a bun but won’t cut his hair bc sensory issues
Monthly Spa day for Sherlock, Mariana and Watson and Sherlock secretly loves when Mariana paints his nails
Sherlock aggressively dances while playing his violin change our minds
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i-dont-talk-for-days-on-end · 4 months ago
Obsessed with the headcanon that Sherlock Holmes only very rarely or even never says "I love you".* But Watson knows him, and he knows. It does not matter. He does not need to say it.
Bonus points if Watson does say it and it's just completely okay that Holmes can't say it back. He has his ways to show it, and Watson trusts him. I just don't think that Holmes - even at the best of times and comfortable in/with a relationship - would/could be very vocal about his feelings.
*This goes for both romantic and platonic interpretations of their relationship.
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moroniccats · 2 months ago
Shit my dad said to me while watching Granada Holmes 635566383949282663:
“I like to think that Mrs Hudson is running a secret underground gambling ring in baker street and whenever Holmes and Watson run off to solve crime, she and all the other landladies gather together to play poker”
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contact-guy · 1 year ago
Yes yes Holmes uses his talent for deduction to catch criminals but have you considered: the gifts so carefully considered they barely register as gifts. Watson, who has no family and few friends, doesn’t celebrate his birthday, hardly remembers it himself, and has certainly never told Holmes the date. And yet every year on that day they end up in a pleasant part of the country on business, with a little spare time to fish or stroll through the woods or eat a particularly good meal at the local inn. Every year Holmes gives Watson a small, oblique word of praise that sits in his mind like a warm ember. And every year Watson falls asleep thinking one year older, and it was quite a nice day.
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mintybagels · 8 months ago
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ok so im really normal about this interpretation of sherlock i swear
had this idea that he just lets his hair grow really long because to get it cut anywhere is sensory hell. eventually it just gets so long the itchiness gets too much and triggers a meltdown and he cuts it all off and now its super curly because its short again. After this john learns how to cut hair..
the whole podcast honestly just gets a lot of the experience correct. and as much as i like johnlock i do really hc these two as platonically married in this pod, aroace sherlock will just always be my fav shit. i could honestly ramble about my hcs for various sherlock media all day lol
anyway listen to this podcast plzplzplz
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