#shelper headcanon
lavenderfairiez · 2 months
any pipabeth headcanons 👀
• they were 100% each other's queer awakening
• (also kinda jercy) they for sure sat down with Percy and Jason and said that they might be into each other, and then Percy and Jason said the same thing. They had like one night where Annabeth and Piper were together and Percy and Jason were together
• when Piper met Shel the first person she Iris messaged about her was Annabeth (immediately followed by Leo)
• Piper definitely listens to Chappell Roan and thinks about Annabeth when she does (think specifically like good luck babe, casual, coffee, picture you)
I'm sure I have more, if I think of more I'll update this and tag u <3
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pjoedits · 1 month
Headcanon that Nico and Piper are huge Conan Gray fans and Will and Shel knew this and put in money to get the four of them tickets for a show and Nico wanted to get married right then and there and Piper literally just. fucking melted.
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valewritessss · 1 month
opinion on lesbian piper headcanon? (basically where she likes girls and was manipulated hy hera into likening jason, afterwards she did like him but later realized it was platonic and that’s when they broke up)
This is what I believe happened. Since I’m pretty sure (correct me if I’m wrong) her sexuality is not confirmed I wouldn’t say that shes in canon lesbian but I do think she is. I honestly think Annabeth was her awakening and she felt jealous of percabeth relationship but she was really jealous of Percy.
This is just my opinion!! No one has to agree with me!!
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holly-natnicole · 2 months
Frank: "I'm so happy, I could kiss you!"
Jason: "Um... Neat."
Jason *laying face down on his bed, next to Piper who is sitting cross-legged & Leo who lays on his back* "Who in the Worlds says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat, but I said it anyways because I'm bloody foolish."
Piper *playing with Leo a fighting videogame where their characters use magic and melee for combat* "Don't beat yourself up too much, Jace. Everyone get nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Shel confessed her romantic love for me?"
Jason: "Didn't you thank her?"
Piper: *pauses the game and looks up at the ceiling* "I fucking thanked her."
Leo: *puts his controller on the bed and claps sarcastically* "Wow. Good job, you two."
Jason: *tries to chuck a pillow at Leo without lifting his head, but it hits Piper's face instead*
Piper: *sets her controller on the floor* "That's it!!"
the Lost Trio: *has a pillow fight that makes the bedroom look as if a hurricane swept through it without that being Jason's doing*
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thebigqueer · 3 years
I just think Shel and Piper take long rides in the sunset and it would be romantic if Shel didn’t insist on playing “All Star” the entire time
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ToA: Shel Headcanons
I promised headcanons last night, now I’ll make those headcanons in my boredom. Tagging @eboylityerses because you seem interested.
Fic rec for Shelper here. I highly encourage y’all to read it and show the fic some love.
Unmarked spoilers for Tower of Nero in the headcanons under the cut.
Her full name is Shelby Lynn Chandler.
Since some people ran with her being Cherokee, I’m going to run with it too, though I suspect she might have ancestry from other indigenous tribes.
She’s the granddaughter of a friend of Piper’s grandfather, i.e. “an old family friend”, as Piper said.
She has a punk aesthetic, and her fashion choices show it.
Her favourite colours are black and blue.
She’s into hard rock and metal music, but her favourite song is Smoke and Mirrors by Imagine Dragons. Must be the “OPEN UP MY MIND” scream in the middle of the song. She enjoys pop sometimes, but not usually.
Her favourite animal is the Komodo dragon. She also likes penguins.
Reunited with Piper following an incident involving racism in high school (by timeline, in April). And their reunion is like, “Piper??? Is that you?? What are you doing in Tahle— wait, what happened to you and your dad?? Are you okay?”
They had been acquaintances of a sort prior to Piper’s demigod life and after everything they started to get to know each other?? On a deeper level??? And then they became friends... and then something more??
They only got into a relationship a couple of weeks before that scene in ToN (I headcanon that the bulk of ToN takes place in late July and THO occurred between the last couple of days in January to early February, because Rick clearly cannot into mathematics.)
She doesn’t have Clear Sight but she’s pretty understanding of Piper’s situation. A bit like a Paul Blofis scenario.
Didn’t stop Piper from making half-truth, mortal-friendly cover-ups in the beginning stages of their relationship though — it took her a good couple of months into the relationship to tell her.
It really be like:
“Wait, your absentee mom is Aphrodite?? Like the whole ass goddess of beauty Aphrodite???”
“Wait, you told me your ex-boyfriend died in a mission to take down a gang?? But the gang leader is actually some ancient Roman emperor that came back from the dead??? Wait, what do you mean that ancient Roman emperor was the Caligula????”
“Wait, that handgun you have, it’s actually a knife in disguise??”
Their first date was a pizza date.
They also go on a lot of museum and ice cream dates. And coffee shop dates.
She managed to convince Piper to dye her hair once or twice.
Piper’s decent with numbers, and Shel keeps getting her to check her homework for her.
Them listening to audiobooks together?? I think that sounds like a good idea.
She would likely never step foot in CHB but she would meet Piper’s demigod-side friends and family out in the mortal world... though seeing CHB from the perspective of a non-clear-sighted mortal would probably be very interesting.
I haven’t considered much about the distant future of these two. How long is the relationship going to last? Are they going to get married and stuff? I’ve never really thought about it and currently I don’t see them getting married, but who knows, I don’t usually think that far into the future, I don’t even know what I’m going to be doing, let alone a fictional couple. Hey, fandom, convince me.
Here are a couple of picrews that I made of Shel.
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pussyd0n · 3 years
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The girl on the left with brown hair is Piper and the girl on the right with black hair is Shell.
(I drew this on my phone with my fingers and I'm proud of how it came out . However Please don't look at Shell's hand , I can't draw hands for the life of me)
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heavensgateiowa · 3 years
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h-has this been done
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ethannku · 3 years
shelper hcs? i love your blog
ty so much 🥺
shel is a skater girl. they are also goth. they are also nonbinary and use she/they pronouns, but they prefer they/them from people they don’t know. they are also amab, although that’s not as important.
piper met shel at a skate park shortly after jason’s death. they were the only two at the skatepark, and piper was just like. crying and idly skating around, super slowly, so shel went up to her and asked what was wrong. piper just broke down, so shel hugged her and comforted her.
piper was super apologetic afterwards, and shel was confused bc a complete stranger just broke down in their arms, but hey, piper was cute, so shel didn’t really mind.
piper doesn’t actually tell shel what happened with jason and apollo and her entire past, but she does later on when she trusts shel more. by then they are pretty good friends and have held hands and done couple-y things without putting a label on it.
they were actually really slow getting into an official relationship because shel kinda knew that piper was trying to get over someone, but at the same time tristan would come home to find piper asleep in shel’s lap and shel would have to say “no we’re not dating yet mr. mclean, i’ll let you know when we are.”
shel freaked out when they found out that tristan mclean was piper’s dad. but in a cool way. meaning they saw him, made no outward indication that they knew who he was, but squealed like hell when they got home.
they finally got together when piper kissed shel after a day at the lake. they had a picnic and they were leaning against each other looking at the sunset when piper reached over and tugged shel into a kiss. they had to stop because they were smiling too much.
after that they did all the same things they normally did, but now with little kisses here and there. they’ve agreed not to put a label on it, but they both know that what they have is exclusive and they care a lot about each other.
okay these were some getting together hcs, but i hope they were what you were looking for!! thank you for sending an ask! 
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mallorykeen · 4 years
Shel plays the baxo, Piper sings because her voice is amazing
i think you mean banjo but i might be wrong
yes. they do. Piper has a guilty pleasure for country music but like the songs where its like kill your husband, not i love beer and my wife left me
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butchbarbie-psd · 3 years
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gayleafpool · 3 years
oooo what's ur ot3 if u have one???
and your opinion on he/they frank zhang???
i really like leo/piper/jason 😰 i hate piper/jason on its own but put them all together and u got me. also i like shelper but i also love pipeyna so get ready. what about the three of them
also of course!! i’m a transguy frank truther but nonbinary frank is amazing as well i am down for any trans headcanons
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And Shel too, for the character thing?
1: sexuality headcanon : lesbian
2: otp : Shelper
3: brotp : Shelper and Leo
4: notp : anyone who's not Piper I guess??
5: first headcanon that pops into my head : she's a goth girl. and a poet.
6: favorite line from this character : "Is he your dad's boyfriend ( her only line, still pretty iconic)
7: one way in which I relate to this character : loving black, piercing and alt clothes (yeah its canon because I said so)
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : nothing
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? : no one, but she will kick your ass if she wants to
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glassamphibians · 4 years
piper for the ask game!!
1: sexuality headcanon: i’ve always thought of her as someone who either didn’t really label themselves or used an umbrella term like sapphic or queer
2: otp: shelper? is that what its called? i know shel only existed for two seconds but she has a nose peircing so she’s clearly cool as hell
3: brotp: her, jason, and leo obviously best trio but i also think her and rachel would get along really well with their whole “im secretly very rich and hate it” thing
4: notp: her and leo?? they are siblings as far as im concerned
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: she’s really into bedroom pop idk why she just seems like she’d be into it
6: favorite line from this character: i dont remember what she said but when she put her and annabeth’s foreheads together and was “don’t think, feel”??? i think all three of us had a realization in that moment
7: one way in which I relate to this character: bad bitches with a weird relationship with femininity 💖💗💘💞
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: that scene with jason where shes like “i’m a dangerous girl 😉😉” makes me want to throw my book away i hate it why did that happen
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? gonna be honest i dont really understand either of these and i dont plan on changing that but i think problematic fave??
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thebigqueer · 3 years
piper and shel most likely met because shel's in theater and piper was all up being macho like "i'd never do theater" until she saw shel and immediately auditioned for the love interest
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I'm considering making a list of Shel (+Shelper) headcanons in the morning… morning because it's past midnight right now and I have school tomorrow. Remind me in… 8 hours?
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