mellowpie · 2 years
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Really love the 'stomach has a mind of its own' prompt tbh
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mellowpie · 2 years
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Girl? The button popped on your skirt, lets go get that outfit off you.
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mellowpie · 2 years
You should go follow this artist!
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Fae Queen? Woops! They meant Fat Queen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mellowpie · 2 years
I should make a post proper post at some point, but may I introduce you to my favorite podcast, hosted by fat activists :
Unsolicited : fatties talk back
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"Join fat activists Marquisele Mercedes (she/her), Da’Shaun Harrison (they/them), Caleb Luna (they/them), Bryan Guffey (they/them), and Jordan Underwood (they/he) as they break down how and why anti-fatness shows up in our lives and relationships. Listen as they get endlessly sidetracked while re-answering old advice columns about weight, fitness, and more from fat liberationist perspectives."
They can sometimes hit up hard topics (racism, fatphobia in relation to racism, medical fatphobia, disability) so listen with care for yourself if that can be difficult things for you, but it's always from a positive lens on being fat n it's helped me a lot personally.
So I'm sharing for anyone who could need that podcast in their life. I definitely did.
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mellowpie · 2 years
Bro these,,, nothing bots are killing me LMAO idk what's going on but bruh this is so much, I dont even check my notifs anymore bc of them
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mellowpie · 2 years
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no bro
you really don’t
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mellowpie · 2 years
I know i stopped posting after the ban thing happened here. I haven’t put any new photos on here for a year.
If you’ve missed me, I’m opening my inbox to photo requests for a limited time. This wasn’t something i planned on doing, but i have to.
I have run into a huge sudden issue and won’t be able to get my apartment in the new state im moving to in about a week (holy cow that’s so soon) unless i can pay a large amount of extra money i cannot currently spare as it was not budgeted into my move.
Please pm me if interested. This will be a donation with a minimum of $10 for 2 photos of your request. This is a very casual thing, my MS makes it difficult for me to do anything too professional anymore, so if you want me to get fancy and put on a costume or do full makeup you might be disappointed lol.
No to P*rn, yes to nudity and other things. Just ask. ❤️
Also if you don’t want photos and just appreciate who i am and wanna help anyway, you can pm me for my payment info. You guys are incredible, thank you for always being there for me even when bans on tumblr and my health keep me away.
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mellowpie · 2 years
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Forgive me for spamming the tl tonight, I’m gonna be posting all the art from my twitter on here lmao 
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mellowpie · 2 years
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Shading studies and the UWU vs OWO headcanon that I now have  (poses and figures were studied from plus sized models on pinterest)
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mellowpie · 2 years
If you stopped masking, it’s time to start again, today. I’m not asking you to stay home, just to mask as well as possible, and do hand hygiene.
In multiple communities all over the USA and Canada, every pediatric hospital bed is full, mostly with babies and toddlers who have severe respiratory infections. It seems to be a combination of flu, RSV and COVID, sometimes more than one at a time in the same child.
We can sort out why this happened later. Right now, there’s an emergency that should be front page news, and isn’t, and the best way to stop it is to reduce the circulation of all respiratory viruses in our communities by masking everyone who can mask, before babies start dying because there isn’t enough care to go around.
Get your current flu shot and bivalent COVID booster if you haven’t already, but also please mask now.
Please do it for the babies! Nov 15, 2022.
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mellowpie · 2 years
The first step you as a thin person can do to start combatting fatphobia, both internal and external, even before listening to fat people and their stories, is start noticing it. Just work on yourself and play I Spy until you notice it.
Look around the streets of your city. Look at people, look at their bodies and sizes. Then look at everything else.
Look at the ads that exclusively show thin people selling everything - even things that have nothing to do with thinness. Toothpaste. Garden supplies. Jewelry.
Look at your social media feed. Are there fat people there? Do artists that you follow ever draw fat people? Are blorbos on your tumblr dashboard ever fat characters? Are your own ocs ever fat? Are comedians you watch on youtube fat? Do they make fat jokes?
Look at the seats in the bus you take to work. Ask yourself: Why are they this size? Look at the clothing sizes in the thrift store or regular store you go to for your socks and underwear. How big is the biggest basic t-shirt they offer? What about a basic blazer that one could wear to a job interview? Have you ever been to a plus size section? Does your store have one? What are the prices like there? Is the selection same as in 'regular' section?
Are you feeling extra curious? Open up a search engine, type in 'weight limit furniture' and click on a couple of top results. Just read. Ask one question: Why?
Why are there no fat people selling you toothpaste? This is not to endorse the amount of advertisement we are bombarded with, but it is representative of our current culture, however mad that makes you. Why is it only thin people are ever portrayed in any creation - be it something valuable like cinema or some forgettable trash like the latest cleaning supplies advert with an annoying jingle?
Why are fat people not in the art you view? Why are they not in your social media feed? Why are they not enjoying the same clothing and furniture options? Why?
And then, if you have fat friends, go and talk to them. If you don't have fat friends, ask yourself why you don't. Count the amount of fat people you see on streets every day versus the amount of fat people you see in any other medium. Recall the last time you saw a fat character in art AND that character was a positive one and treated with respect.
This is all before you get to know about medical fatphobia, struggle to build relationships both straight and/or queer. This is all before you go into statistics about employement and housing discrimination. That's before you read about 7 year old children on 500 calorie diets.
Just look around and for fucks sake, start noticing things.
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mellowpie · 2 years
Nothing makes me want to call math fake as much as the Monty Hall problem. Not even 0.999999... equaling 1. Yes I understand the proof yes it technically makes sense but I just hate the Monty Hall problem so, so much.
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mellowpie · 2 years
Hey dummies, invest in peanut butter (if you can)
fr. If you're struggling rn, and you're worried about your calories, buy ramen, buy a box of chicken/beef broth, and by a jar of crunchy peanut butter. Boil your water, toss your noodles in, when it's ready, poor your ramen into a bowl, put a dash of broth, a tablespoon of crunchy PB, and stir it together. the PB melts, the peanuts add texture to your ramen, and now you've got a good meal.
Also its just like, real tasty? and easier and cheaper to do than buying processed meat? lmao
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mellowpie · 2 years
and i’d like to give a special shoutout to bisexuals who are losers
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mellowpie · 2 years
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Festive Shortbread 5 Ways
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mellowpie · 2 years
People will literally see a sage green building and be like "what if it was white" 🙄
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mellowpie · 2 years
Being shadow banned on Twitter and Tumblr has ruined my business. I'm never going to be able to move away from my abuser now. I haven't made any money this month due to these bans.
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