#totally not my art blog i swear
crowce · 1 month
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Hello fans of these 3 specifically
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thearcadeattendant · 1 month
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Henry Emily time because hot damn the FNAF mood is strong.
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hewwo ! im vv new to fairy tail (started watching it w my bff maybe a year or so ago bc its her fav (then i only got super attached like a month ago)) and i wanna follow a bunch of ft blogs so i can fill my dash up w it! but i havent found many :(( any suggestions? artists especially would be great
Hey hey hey, Sorry it took me a lil bit to answer you, i've been uh, ive been havin one heck of a week.
But ya know, welcome to FT 👉😎👉, glad theres still new peeps jumping into it still.
I can't give you a super definite list, but i can give you a few peeps off the top of my head:
@kiliinstinct <- i gotta of course, plug my good good comrade, my braincell homie. They mostly write (current fic of focus is Flame's Desire, check it out 😏) but they also draw from time to time! And theyre gettin better every day
@pencilofawesomeness <- Pencil's blog is a bit multi fandom but! Their FT art tag has got tons of good stuff in there and i got a particular fondness for how they draw Natsu tbh. (Also they write fic as well, How To Raise Your Dragon Slayer which is their ongoing one *wink wink*)
@silken-sails <- Silky, nother good comrade (even tho theyre british rip😔). Super unique n stylized art style tbh.
@grayseyebrowscar <- Milo my insane comrade. 'Nother combo fic writer and artist. Their fics lean a lil more to silly good times which is always fun lol. Fun fics, fun art (its very shaped) . Win win 👍
@oryu404 <- Stingue expert with top notch colouring 👌👌👌
@celestialrayna <- Another Sting and Rogue expert, has a rlly cute chibi style.
@acnologias-ass <- probs one of the cutest art styles out there.
@zai-doodles <- literally god tier FT character redesigns
@heartonxions <- gajevy and just a team shadowgear afficiando overall. They keep giving Gajeel more piercings and i love it lol
@crowind1 <- the blog for Acnologia art.
Also, of course, I gotta plug the blogs i help run that can help you find other FT blogs easier:
@fairytail-redraw (where lotsa artists take a shot a redrawing the prompts of the month)
@ft-reboost (blog that reblogs art and fic to help give em more love)
@theguildawards (fandom awards event that you can skim through and see the lists of past nominees and winners)
But there's only so many blogs i can remember off the top of my head 😅
So if any other FT artists or fic writers wanna promo their own blog or you got some FT blogs you wanna reccomend as well feel free to reblog this and promo em 👍
It's all about that shameless promo babeeeeyyyy
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trans-rockstar-art · 5 months
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i caved (little concept drawing under the cut)
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lyraoctavia · 2 years
You think people will read my book if I pander to the whole vanilla extract thing even though I really don’t get it?
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definitely-hulu · 6 months
So ngl I've been procrastinating a lot and I've seen a bunch of those likes motivation posts and stuff and even though my blog ain't that popular, thought I'd try. Pls help me @totally-peacock-i-swear
At 25 notes, I'll start completing my math homework the day it's assigned (we get one everyday but they're due on Wednesdays)
At 50 notes, I'll draw in my sketchbook at least once a week (rn it's like once a month)
At 100 notes, I'll start working with my watercolor pencils and charcoal pencils (mostly supplies I hardly use, especially paints)
At 200 notes, I'll experiment with different art styles (realism, minimal, etc)
At 500 notes, I'll clean my room.
At 1,000 notes, I'll finish reading The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan (I abandoned it like 4-5 years ago)
At 1,500 notes, I'll CLEAN my room (and maybe closet)
At 2,000 notes, I'll write to chapter 10 in my book (25 if this gets over 25,000 (get it, 25k for chapter 25))
At 5,000 notes, I'll read 10 pages+ of whatever book I'm reading before going to bed (instead of watching yt, idk why this isn't in here sooner but oh well)
At 10,000 notes, I'll clean my OLD room!! (Basically I just took what I wanted for my new room and left the other one as a wasteland)
At 15,000 notes, I'll start a YouTube channel for all the videos I've wanted to do (mostly gameplay or bloxburg building, even featuring my voice, idk I've just been thinking it'd be cool to do that, recently)
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celestialalpacaron · 1 month
Ayo, someone by the name of Curly-B-Blog is redlining art of yours from 2020 (while pretending that it's actually Sai Scribble's work), and kind of being a dick about it. just thought you should know.
You know, originally I was just gonna brush it off, but then I went back to look at my old SU art from 2020 and did so much self reflection from then till now.
I think this was around the time I was just learning how to do perspective and tried to use the perspective tool on Procreate for the first time? :0 and I remember telling Sai “Sai I have this STUPID idea, I CANT believe it this stupid joke it’s so DUMBBBB, it’s living rent free in my BRAIN I SWEAR THIS IS GONNA BE SO STUPID DCIUWHEFIUWHIRFUIW4F” and being super excited to show her the finished product. People still think Sai created the Cursed Skin Gloves comic and I think it’s hilarious wjhwnuhwijwuiw
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The comic was received very well and it made LOTS of people laugh and I’m still proud of this comic to this very day! :D and tbh if it wasn’t for my obsession for Sai’s Switcheroo AU I never would have found my passion in comic work! (love you you stinky hoe @saiscribbles 🩷)
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HOWEVER…. I definitely still had lots to learn! I wasn’t very good at perspective at the time I’ll admit, but I was definitely having lots of fun learning :3
And throughout the past 4 years, ALOT has happened.
I graduated from college with TWO fancy pieces of expensive papers in Visual Development in Animation and Illustration learning from Will Kim and Jeff Soto, and as a I was working with the funny voice man Cougar MacDowall as a comic/story artist and reached in total around 7 million views for my fan series FNAF Security Malware Breached (it was even #21 on the trending list around the time of my birthday 🩷 what a lovely gift), had an insane opportunity to work with Mike Geno and with the voice cast from The Amazing Digital Circus for a fan song as a background and character asset artist, Vivienne Medrano liking and sharing my silly Overlord Husk AU comics, currently on my route to getting my certificate from Aaron Blaise’s Character design program and graduating from Marc Brunet Art School, and now I am completing my first year as professional colorist and art assistant for my storyboard and comic mentor Michelle Lam, aka Mewtripled! (Also I’ll be heading out to Lightbox Expo 2024 on October 26 with Michelle and the team so if y’all ever wanna meetup hahahajaj wink wink wink wink wink)
So you can say I learned ALOT and I enjoyed every minute of what I do :D I try to be humble about my accomplishments because blah blah being humble good yes yes but this time I wanna be selfish and say HELL YEAH I DID ALL THIS!!! AND IM SO EXTREMELY PROUD OF MYSELF FIUGEIURGERGGRS
Now here’s my most recent comic page that I posted like 2 days ago without the text.
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That’s pretty freakin wild to me, I can’t believe I used to draw Steven Universe art like that back in 2020 LOL LIKE GUYS I DREW THIS!! WITH!!! MY HANDS!!! IS THAT NOT INSANE!!!???
Anyways moral of the story:
Learn from everyone and everything! Yes, even then mean ones too! If you can learn to work with anyone, I promise you’ll get to where you want to be faster. People can be a little mean on the internet, but that shouldn’t stop you from being where you want to be in the future. I’m so EXTREMELY grateful for all the opportunities and to all the kind professionals who were willing to give me a chance. Seriously, I’m so graciously thankful for everything, and I hope everyone here will support me and my silly little comics I will do now and in the future!
And one more thing:
Don’t be a jerk. Be to be nice to everyone :D nothing good comes out when you’re bad to everyone.
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loudclan-clangen · 3 months
(I thought of something funny)
Whenever Owlstar comes back to camp from solo walks, there's just this giant banner at the entrance reading "Welcome Back, Cheater."
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Slitsplash swears they didn't put it up, but appreciates whoever did it.
Meanwhile, Fiercestripe is smirking in the background. (She did it)
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They’re throwing him a party!
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(˃̣̣̥▽˂̣̣̥) These asks all flow together so well I genuinely cannot tell if they are multiple people or just one person who is SO PISSED. Made my night to see these all come in at about 2am. If Owlstar has 100 haters im one of them, if Owlstar has 1 hater it's me, if Owlstar has no haters im dead.
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I do! It was actually incredibly comical from my perspective because Eklutna showed up, did fuck all for 5 moons, got pregnant, then promptly died giving birth, to which i went "aw, that sucks" clicked on her kits, and SAW THAT THIER DAD WAS THE LEADER, SOMETHING THAT I DID NOT KNOW COULD HAPPEN. Eklutna didn't even have any romantic like for him, to my recollection, and Owlstar had like maybe a single tick for her? It was really just lucky rng I guess. Owl and Silt actually didn't break up in the game at all, in my original draft for the story, when i was just writing notes as i played, Siltsplash was a lot more... okay with it? Like they were pissed but their personality was a lot more demure so they didn't act on anything really. The exact quote from the draft was: "I won’t lie to you. I’m angry. Starclan, I’m more than angry, I’m furious. I have half the mind to tell you to leave and never come back.” They paused, seeing Owlstar deflate and taking some slight, bitter satisfaction in it before continuing, “But that wouldn’t be fair to those kits. They didn’t ask to be born, much less to you. They deserve to have a family, or as much of it as they are able to have, and starclan help me we’re in this together." It certainly fit with what I knew about them then, but given my ability to look forward and see future events, I decided that a break up made more sense.
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Don't be sorry! I am not currently in artfight, I'm considering it but I wouldn't be able to be very active due to school, and I don't want to take another break from this blog so soon after my last, so it's not very high up on my list of priorities. I'm kinda casually working on refs for the more popular characters, so there's a chance I'll get those done and join a team, especially if it's something you guys want me to do. If that happens I'll be sure to let you guys know! I am now in art fight! I gave into peer pressure again. (In a good way).
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I don't think even Silt knew. Siltsplash was OUT of it after their conversation with Owlstar, (see: the Eklutna hallucination), and they probably didn't even know where they were headed until they reached the nursery. But after setting eyes on the kits, Siltslpash knew that there was only one option. Yes, they "took the kids in the divorce" but truly they weren't thinking about revenge. They just saw kids who needed something that they could provide.
In terms of writing, though, since I have hundreds of moons of foresight, it was a total bait and switch. I needed to make sure that people had a reason to come back after the break and any comic with kittens in it usually gets a lot of attention, so it was a "marketing" decision to split up the moon the way that I did, in order to make sure that there wasn't too bad of a fall off in interaction for the blog.
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In game Eklutna had an affair with Owlstar, died giving birth, and the "died giving birth" event overwrote the "reveal affair" event so technically, in game Owlstar didn't reveal the affair... ever? (Though I had written in my notes that he told Siltsplash who took them as their own). Story wise, Owlstar hadn't planned to tell anyone until the kits started asking about who their father was. Then he would tell them, and would probably reveal it to the clan when they earned their names and were able to become deputy. But, when Eklutna died all that went out the window. For all his faults, Owlstar is not a bad dad, and he would never leave his kits orphaned, even if it would get him in a lot of trouble to do so. He really does care for them, and he feels terrible about how much he's screwed up their lives so far.
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He did bad, deitycrows, he did bad. He cheated on his mate and then his affair partner died in childbirth so he's not very popular rn, I've got to be honest.
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I don't think it helps at all but, Owlstar did really genuinely like Eklutna! Now, was that because she never opposed him on anything and flattered him with adoring compliments at every opportunity? Possibly. But the "Starclan said" thing was honestly just more of an excuse for him. He woulda had an affair anyway, he just wouldn't have intentionally had kits with her.
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:) Eklutna liked... the power that Owlstar held. She liked that he was chosen by Starclan to lead the clan, she liked that his kits are meant to inherit the position of leadership, and she liked that as the mother of his kits she would have a lot of control over both him and the leader after him. As far as his personality... he's kinda a clown but she could live with that.
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To be frank: The order of inheritance is ABSOLUTELY FUCKED. If Eklutna had lived, it would be easy. She would take over as deputy until one of the kits was old enough to hold the position. But, since she's dead and Owlstar's only heirs are literal infants, as their adoptive parent Siltsplash is still the deputy for now. What happens when the kits reach adulthood is kinda up for debate. As Owlstar's closest descendant, Songkit should be deputy upon earning his warrior name, BUT Siltsplash is very much against that plan, and the kits might not want to go against their most attentive parent. So the very unhelpful answer is: We have to wait and see what the characters decide.
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Thank you so much! I love to hear from first time viewers and see what you guys think of the characters! I'm glad that the dialogue worked so well and Eklutna definitely has Sol vibes! You look at both of them and go "in what world would this plan work the way you wanted it to???"
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dlsau · 3 months
Hi, we’re the Drawn Like Shit AU, and we’re drawn like shit. Ask us anything.
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Hey y'all, I'm hopping on the ask blog train with these totally great not at all knock off characters. They're here of their own free will. You should ask them questions or smth idk
(Real talk. I'm not super experienced when it comes to art, and I'm such a perfectionist that it's very hard for me to make things knowing the end product won't be totally amazing. But that's how you get better! This is my dilemma.
So, this blog is just a way for me to doodle and get used to drawing more often without putting so much pressure on myself. It doesn't have to turn out perfect if that's the bit!)
Don't be a stinker. If ur rude to me I'm gonna block u.
If you wanna send me some drawing tips, whether it’s how you draw the characters or general info that you think would be helpful, feel free! Just not too many at once please, I get overwhelmed 🥺
Will add more as they become necessary.
They are going to swear at you. Sorry.
Will add more as they become necessary.
That's it lol go nuts
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shakespearean-dream · 4 months
i would adore ur ted ideas he is so interesting 2 me!!!!!!
ask and you shall receive!!!!
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ted. teddigan. theodoreigan my boy. i have so many mixed feelings about u💔
this drawing was a pain in the ASS to make for some reason?? my first go at him was way too close to canon for my liking so i threw myself out there n got to a place i liked thankfully, plus halfway through i forgot how to draw hands and almost cried (joking) cause i thought i had them down at this point!!!!— but trust me, even if you have 9 years of art experience (like me unfortunately. someone take me out i’ve had a good life) ur gonna forget the basics sometimes. warm yourself up and try again cause i did and i eventually remembered 😭😭😭
doing these character studies and drawings have seriously improved my way and process of drawing faces which is so nice 🥲 i think i just need to start looking at the bigger picture again so i don’t forget how to draw everything else. like hands. or full bodies. foreshadowing ;)
i wanted my ted to look just a wee bit unsettling because my general consensus of him is that he is totally fucked in the head, lmfao. born a nepotism baby who ended up scamming people more for fun than for actual cash, horribly sexist but dependent on women to validate him, paranoid as all get out, selfish and self centered as all get out, just his canon personality’s all in one and turned up a notch. 🥲
i don’t think he’s totally beyond redemption, especially because he’s been cooped up with ellen, who is a highly decorated in the engineering field black woman, benny who’s gay and gorr “FREEDOM FIGHTIN’ LIBERAL🇺🇸🦅🦅🔥🔥” ister for 109 years. in that time he’s definitely slipped up and they’ve definitely corrected him (along with nimdok too LOL). i think with some intensive therapy, a shower and a trip to the tolerance museum (south park reference) he’ll be a little better.
i’m a mild ted/AM shipper (as seen in the bottom right hand corner) but more in the “ooohehheh they’re flirting!!… oh no. oh this is not going to end well. this is definitely a toxic relationship” way and less the “awh cute maybe they can have mutual redemption arcs!!!” way because i love seeing gay men suffer romantically (don’t cancel me i am a bisexual man suffering romantically i swear😭)
i’m not too partial to any other ships honestly, ted/ellen makes me nauseous (just cause of the way ted talks about/treats her in the franchise, no hate to my tellen shippers i promise) and i can only see gorrister with his wife 🥲 with benny and nimdok i have no clue if either of them rlly have romantic interests but im not a fan of them with anybody so erm… i do love the whole groups found family vibes though :”””] they’re all cute together and the mutual suffering but all the while growth is comforting to me
i think that’s about all my thoughts!!! another thank you for the support on this blog recently i love yall sm. i’ll eventually post on my transformers blog but i am STILL SCARED because robots are hard to draw. stay tuned for it though. 💀
thank you for reading if you did!!! let me know which of the guys yall want me to do next; benny, AM and nimdok are left on the chopping block. ❤️
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
-Hello! My name is Anomaly, happy to welcome you in my blog!-
(meet the artist)
Second blog
About Me:
Name: Anomaly
Favorite characters (borderline obsession): Error Sans, Horror Sans, Dust Sans, Science Sans, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Satan
Likes: Angst, Fluff, Horror stuff, Writing, Drawing, Lemon juice, Music, Creepy stuff (lmao)
Dislikes: Public speaking, Mushrooms, Unnecessary Loud People
My Main Series/Saga:
UNDERMINE (On-hold/being rewritten - 5/2/2024) [Link]
Overcopy 1 [Link]
Overcopy 2 [Link]
Overcopy 3 [Link]
Overcopy 4 [Link]
Overcopy 5 [Link]
Overcopy 6 [Link]
My Masterlists:
What is my blog about? / What can I find here?
I'm an artist, and a writer! There's a chance that I'll mash the two together, but I mostly separate art and writing.
How is it with requests?
My requests are always open, but I cannot guarantee that I'll answer right away, I'd say my rules aren't so strict, I'm just busy irl.
This blog isn't my only focus in my everyday life, so there are times where I just don't make posts for 5 days straight. The times where I post the most are on weekends, as I have more time.
Are there any special tags you use?
For personal questions, I simply use this tag: #anomalyasks
Old tag: #vicnityask
For announcing new things: #vicnitynews
And for posts, that are about my Au "Over-copy", I tag them all: #chaos sans
Can I draw fanart?
Yes! I have no problems with anyone drawing fanart for me, quite the opposite actually. It'd totally make my day if someone drew me fanart :)
Hope you'll enjoy my work! Hope you'll have a beautiful day/night! ^^
[5/2/2024] (A/N: Why am I always writing these things SO late? I swear, I probably have the WORST schedule known to men. 💀 This should've been the first thing I should've wrote dawg 😭)
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aquaticshopkeep · 2 months
I just had a feeling It'd be you.
Welcome back.
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The vent is currently: OPEN
Special Limited Stock: n/a
Sebastian is: Tired - Restless
Don't stick around too long, but if you buy something maybe I won't mind too much.
Some rules for the shop, and dont forget them when you get back here again.
Don't get too raunchy. Every manner of criminal comes through here, and as funny as you making a fool of yourself would be, I am a supposedly married man.
I'll kick you out if you can't behave. It's my shop, I don't have to sell you anything.
If your idiot self can't handle the dangers of the Blacksite, maybe you shouldn't have taken the offer. There will be death, swearing, and maaaaybe some moderate blood and gore.
I'll see you around, Friends.
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Post last updated [Sep 22]
OOC under the cut:
Mod is 18+, I go by Lash/Lashy and any pronouns are fine. I've been rping on an off tumblr for 10+ years
This blog is semi-selective as I burned out really bad trying to rp with anyone who came to my inbox. All asks are welcome, but I may not answer all that i receive.
Please don't randomly @ me on other peoples posts, especially if it's someone's art.
I follow from my main @lashydsdomain my main is 18+.
Do not follow my main if you are a minor or don't have an age visible.
Any interaction (Oc, OOC, canon, other fandoms, ect.) is welcome.
Other Sebastians too!
You dont need images to rp with me! I just like drawing stupid hot fish men.
Please only DM me if you're wanting to plan something for rp/ask something OOC you don't want answered publicly. If you message me trying to rp in DMs I will redirect you to this post.
I'm still developing head cannons for Sebastian and how I play him might not be fully cannon to the game. I've also yet to finish the game, and also intend to keep this blog spoiler free even once I do. Please don't spoil me, but mentioning the monsters of the game is totally fine.
Things to keep in mind for this blog:
• Sebastian does not like being touched randomly. You wouldn't like being touched by strangers either. He might be digital but he will still react negatively
• Even though it's in his file Sebastian does not know his name was cleared. He couldn't bring himself to finish reading what was written. And also its tasty angst.
Confused about the color coding? Here's a quick explanation
My own art will be posted here. Please do not use it for AI, don't take credit for my art or post it anywhere without permission. If you'd like to use my art as a profile icon just credit me somewhere.
If you'd like to post my art with credit somewhere (reblogs of posts from this blog are fine), shoot me a message to ask my permission.
The Sebastian on this blog has a slightly different design to the cannon one, but at his core is intended as the same character.
A reference of the big guy to see the differences (he still has tail bags, i just didn't draw them for this).
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If you ever draw fanart of my version of Sebastian, please tag me, I'd love to see it!
The black site banners were made by me! Feel free to use them just make sure you credit me somewhere (@ my main)
Might change things here if anything comes up, but that's all for now. Now bring the fish man some research.
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suzyandthefox · 2 months
Got a call out post today (Basically a hateful anon ask but in post form)
And let me just say
You really went out there
Fished out my reblogs from people who already blocked me/I have them blocked (they were like, 4 in total, not including reblog chains, out of 770 posts)
And accused me of grooming,Ableism, encouraging minors to interact with porn, and crossing boundaries all at once.
For... Saying the word "carnal" in a post? (Literally no different from saying "fuck" or swearing) Accidentally reblogging from Nsfw /MDNI blogs while letting minors interact?
I'm going to say this once,
Minors are not mindless babies
And I'm not their parent
I am not responsible for them and what they do
The reason I let them interact is because I don't want to spend my entire Tumblr experience playing whack a mole with both minors and NSFW blogs,I want to check some nice art and some nice writing of my little fixation.
If you genuinely think I'm a groomer,I have no words for you, Please get out and interact with people.
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the-marron · 2 months
All-Forgotten Fics of Yours Truly
You know who constantly forgets to post stuff on Tumblr? Me.
And so now when I tried to find a link to one of my fics I couldn't because it's physically not there 🙃 I am a pro at social media. So now I decided to do a round up of all the Guardian stuff I haven't posted before, just for archival purposes 😅
1. To wild uncharted waters
Tonight, Shen Wei is abandoning all of Aoguang’s laws and heading towards the shore, for the second time in his entire life. All for Kunlun.
Also known as mermaid!au, written for @birdbird-blog ❤
2. What happens to the heart
“I bring an offering,” he starts, feeling the oddness of the words on his tongue. This is not an offering, not exactly. It’s not incense and gold worthy of a god, it’s not a string of worshipful words either, and yet with who they are, The Ghost King has no other word for it.
There is nothing else a ghost can offer to a god.
Novel-verse, an attempt at happy moment between Kunlun and Shen Wei
3. Spellbound
Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei Vs Ancient Couples Counseling
Also known as duck!SW fic
4. The Way of the Househusband
Zhao Yunlan vs household chores feat Shen Wei's existential crisis
Technically this one appeared on my self-rec post at some point and it was added to the art that inspired it but I technically didn't publish it here myself, so here it is. Domesticity, dear people, what else can I say.
5. hold every memory as you go
Wang Zheng was her first girl friend. It sounds sad when she thinks about it, that the first woman she felt true connection with was a dead girl found by her boss and Da Qing in the woods, but that's still a fact. She didn't have true friends before, not like that.
Also known as: not a fix it people, just Zhu Hong post-canon, thinking about everything she's lost and learning to move on with hope
6. I've got a dream
“I swear, if it turns out you have no idea where we are going, I will murder you and leave your body for the crows to find,” Chu Shuzhi said conversationally, stomping through the mud with the air of a man condemned to an unjust punishment. The object of his anger, Zhao Yunlan the Adventurer, just shrugged without turning back. Chu Nianzhi was certain that he had heard worse threats in his life, he used to work at the court after all. Though, in what capacity, Zhao Yunlan had never disclosed – ever since Nianzhi and Shuzhi met him at the inn, winning a strange map from a crowd of very suspicious looking men, all that they managed to get out of him was that he was on an adventure.
Written for an event, it has Chu brothers having The Time of Their Lives (Not) thanks to Zhao Yunlan who Apparently Has A Wife
7. Wish You Were Here
Instead of falling asleep, Shen Wei gets to experience the millennia of longing, year after a lonely year.
Written for a friend, featuring, well, lots of loneliness
And I think that's all from Guardian? The rest was here because of the Guardian Bingo, I am pretty sure
And now, as my treat from me to me, the forgotten Luolins:
1. Unscathed [WIP]
“Well, hello,” the man said, his lips tugging up in a smile. Not prepared for that, all Lin Nansheng could do in reply was to cough shallowly, the exertion of the chase getting to him. “You can let go, comrade, I won’t run.” Despite the lightness in his words, the voice was hushed, as if trying not to attract more attention. And yet, Lin Nansheng found himself letting go. The stranger used his free hand to support the bundle pressed against his chest.
A bitter and disillusioned Lin Nansheng gets pulled into much more excitement than he bargained for.
Post-canon longfic that I am still trying to write despite the lack of time. Totally not known as Godzilla AU, not at all good sir.
2. A Practical Arrangement
It was a pure accident that Luo Fei and Lan Xinjie knew each other, and that the lady came to Cen Zimo with questions about a possible accommodation for her friend was a sign from the heavens. Luo Fei wasn’t convinced of course, but the argument of 'practical arrangement' swayed him in the end.
Technically it's not Luolin for it features an outsider POV of another deriv that has romantic plans re: LF, but let's be real here, I wouldn't break up Luolin for anyone so it's Luolin through and through. Sorry, Cen Zimo. (I am not)
3. we devour, like a falcon in the dive
A quiet moment of trust that morphs into something much more.
Based on art, first attempt to give these two an actual happy ending and not an ambigious one
4. only a touch of dust remains
He knows what he will find when he opens the door. He's known for a while, he's been preparing for it but still, the moment his hand touches the handle, he hesitates. He never hesitates, there is no reason for him to do so – there is nothing that can surprise him.
Angst. Outsider's POV. Did I mention angst?
5. All in the Scheme of Things
And then Wu-laoshi brought in Luo Fei – a tall, handsome man in a well-tailored suit whose words were outpaced only by his thoughts. It was with relief that Lin Nansheng realized that they didn’t manage to discuss anything and would have to meet again – he had a good excuse to see Luo Fei again.
Modern Teacher!au, a prequel to one of my fics from Weilan Derivs week 2022.
6. Unmoored Academicals [CROSSOVER]
A foreboding sense of familiarity washed over Zhao Yunlan. His mind had one, final thought of’ not again’, before the vortex of time opened for good and swallowed everything around him. -- The 'DCU moonlights as Shanghai University' crack that wouldn't leave my brain, with a dash of academia humour
Yeah, I wrote it mostly for crack reasons, but also to appreciate that while there are some similarities between them, SW and LNS are very different, as are LF and ZYL - it is a bit of a love letter to BY and Z1L's acting abilities, dressed up as a crack about a university jumping dimensions, just like Pratchett would have wanted
7. The man you seek is long gone
After returning from Hong Kong, Lin Nansheng tries to find out what happened to Luo Fei. -- Mostly canon compliant with some fix-ity changes added
Presumed dead fic, because everyone needs one 🤗
8. It's falsehood's flame, it's a crying shame
There is a man at the door, dressed in a rather expensive-looking suit, looking around with a faint air of distaste. He has a cane in his hand and a certain confidence around him – Lin Nansheng notices all of that, but it is dulled by the realization that the man is really handsome. * In an alternate universe, Chen Moqun becomes a crime boss instead of the Station Chief. Lin Nansheng follows him either way, until he encounters an unexpected complication in the form of Luo Fei.
Not-really (and yet) mafia!au which is also my first Luolin ever, written for @babischlong-six 😌❤
and now I am off to live that cryptid life because there are still at least a dozen weilan derivs fics that I haven't posted here either but I don't have the energy to do it today. Better to do something than nothing and all that ~
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[It is done]
[mod note: this is temporarily replacing the link to magma (the art drawing thing we have so we can draw together!) as pinned post so heres the link: https://magma.com/d/zzg8vd99i2]
[the reason gangle isnt included is because she went to go get snacks totally not because i forgot to draw her. nope]
[credits to shard anon, @theoneandonlysun, and the mod of zooble's blog for majority help! @eeboshmeebo also contributed to the art!!][if you helped with the art and you wanna be credited, message me please, because i might've missed you? a lot of people swung by i just wanna make sure i credit them all]
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[TA DAH!!! below the read more thing is the list of people featured + pings (sorry yall, i just wanna make sure you see art,,)]
[btw, bonus: @easton-likes-sandwiches my bad i couldn't include you (since easton is kinda. not in digital land.) but here ya go, a bonus!]
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1: @rook-specter [i hope i drew you correctly, i couldn't really find a sona to use]
2: @the-moth-from-elsewhere [btw i know you wanted to add details but imo i think it looks fine like this,,thanks for some of the help and support, though!!]
3: pickle anon [unsure if they have a blog, so i can't @]
4: shard anon!! [also unsure if they have a blog, but they helped alot!! ty ty]
5: @unfunnyaceartist [OK i know you only appeared for a bit but you agreed to move night.,,and your sona looks cool..so..obilgatory appearance in the art!]
6: @sugarcane-soup [I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO COLOR YOUR SONA,,i hope i did well]
7: @zooooble [zoob...]
8 and 9: [@askobjects firey and leafy look so goofy in this image,, i hope you like them]
10: @sign-anon [in the middle of drawing this i did NOT know sign anon died..whoops?]
11: @boldtextanon [bold text anon is fine guys. Hes fine. i swear]
12: @yougotjinx3d [mage anon and vamp anon were drawn by sun if i remember correctly, so erm..ya!! they're silly people]
13: @bloodforvampanon [me when i GET YOU. but fr. silly guy]
14: crownon! [unsure if they have a blog, but erm..crow]
15: eepy anon!! [also unsure if they have a blog..they literally look so silly its crazy]
16: rat [you know who you are /silly]
17: @gummy-axolotl [I HOPE I GOT THE COLORS RIGHT,,HERE YOU GO!!!]
18: @liloblogs [im gonna be fr we got this close to confusing lilo with juko,,,im not very great at oc lore. but lilo is so silly]
19: panic anon! [i think they're also the same blog as lilo? unsure. but yea!! they are goofy and silly and probably terrified of the horror movies]
20: @justadustymoth [MOTh. moth,,,,, moths are so silly. like. fr..]
21: bow anon! [idk if you have a blog but i hope you like the design!!!!]
23: @eeboshmeebo [there was barely any room so i could only include a mask,,but i hope thats okay!! also ty for help on the mask]
25: FISH. ANON.. [you got included last minute HGKDHJSHJSHS but . fish]
26: @lightthepathwithalantern [i hope i drew lantern anon okay,,,they're so cool looking,,,]
28: @ru-bwee [thank you for. the plush images. I will use them to mark important events /silly]
29: @bob-the-cemetery-ghost [Oh no,,,also i hope you dont mind being a bit in the background i didnt know how else to include youuu]
[literal walls of text,,hope yall dont mind all the @]
[erm,,if yall don't mind,,i hate asking but reblogs please ? i wanna see the art around !!!!]
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sillypuppetmeister · 1 month
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It’s me, the great Antinous (and future king) of Ithaca!! (and the only person on this island that matters >:) )
AND this is my sick ass blog
Age: 20-28
Pronouns- Any (too busy being awesome and winning over Penelope to care so use whatever)
Family- My father is.. (sighs) Eupeithes. My sister is the VERY AWESOME @little-birdie-cass If you hurt her I will pummel you.
@lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol is my adopted little sister. Don’t even think about hurting either of them. Our pets are Pythia, Lycan, Phobos and many many many other creatures.
Appearance: hot and gorgeous and amazing.
sighs. he has dark curly hair tied in a ribbon. combination of designs. wears an eyepatch after the.. incident.. with Penelope. Wears bracelets and jewellery, lots of furs and cloaks and gold.
Death count: NONE!! because i’m awesome. Okay… except for… the siren. @totally-penelope-and-not-a-siren
.. okay. twice.
…. three times. courtesy of @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost
He’s died four times, but he’s stopped counting now. thank you @im-not-getting-paid-for-this
Eye count: … 1, thanks to @penelope-is-waiting.
But ALAS! I will continue in my GRAND QUEST! For her lovely hand in marriage.
White/Default colour text- OOC! Person behind this silly little guy. I’m 18+ y/o and I also use any pronouns (with a preference for it/itself). My main account is @captain-will where I share art and general silliness.
Both accounts share some suggestive/nsfw stuff so viewer discretion advised👍
Nothing explicit on this account, no imagery but keep it in mind. Also both me and Antinous swear like sailors.
If you’re uncomfortable with anything I post or say, tell me and poof! it will be gone.
Red- Antinous! A 20-28 year old suitor of Penelope from The Odyssey (Specifically my version of him, based on the original epic and my own headcanons, with references to Epic the Musical but he is NOT the epic the musical version. as my friend once put it about a different character, “he is a scumbag not a monster”).
Son of Eupeithes. Has some very.. complex.. emotional ties with his father (hates him).
Sometimes his posts will also come with this symbol🐺. Doesn’t mean anything, it’s just cool.
i don’t have a boyfriend but if i did his name would be eurymachus of ithaca son of polybus ( @eurymachus-of-ithaca) and our many boyfriends
no i don’t have a crush on telemachus i just. i
And I’m fucking PUMPED to be here 🐺🐺🐺🔥🔥🔥
#antin’s antics -> In character posts >:)
#antin sillies -> In or out of character depending, sometimes just answering asks as moi.
#rb -> Out of character reblogs
#me-> it’s a me
#ctessipus chats -> Ctesippus of Same, 19, another suitor
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