#she was like... 7 ish i wanna say in the first one (idk i was just thinking kid)
boydykedevo · 10 months
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grown up iggy doodles... taako does let her use that axe eventually. she's more of a sword guy tho
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
On Repeat
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// Click for HQ
Whew,,, I finally finished these! Thank you @elderwisp / @elksun / @living-undead / @dejasenti99 AND @yukikocloud FOR THE TAGS!!!! Holy wow :0
Tagging :
@circusjuney / @butteredfrogs / @mmonetsims / @flovoid
@birdietrait / @venriliz / @retrotrait / @mattodore
plus anyone else who wants to do this! Also feel free to ignore esp if you've alr done this, idk who has and hasn't im sorry 😭😭
// Extras under the cut - below is very long, so open w/ caution if you don't wanna scroll a lot 😭
This has taken the piss outta me (albeit fun), so i'm kinda just gonna explain how I think the featured line in particular is akin to the OC/Ship and not the entire song... as much as I'd love to 😭 Also it's just SUPER hard (for me) to find songs that I relate to my OCs, lyrics as well so skdjhnsjk
Roo's Song Oil & Water by Origami Button "When did I become like the ones I never thought I'd welcome in my home"
The above line in particular is quite literally Roo in the current story/character arc- He's looking at himself from a third person view and going "Oh. I am what I hate." He's looking at his old self, in college, and how he treated Leo, to now, looking at his present self and seeing the way he creeps on Leo, how he clings to him despite being several states over. Roo looks at the progression of his stalker-ish behavior, his obsession, how it went from just general clinginess that Leo could bear, to something completely unbearable after 7 years of no contact, it saddens him. So taking it quite literally, if he was at his own door and he knew how awful he was, he would slam the door on himself. A painful self reflection for him :')
Leo's Song Truth or Dare by Ricky Montgomery "Hiding in the closet, trying not to vomit, didn't even want it"
The entire first verse for this song can be applicable to Leo. As a teenager (15-16), Leo went HEAVY on drugs as a form of escapism from his parents, of course they'd always find him and get on his ass HARD for doing that shit. After a while of being sober, Leo started going to house parties, great idea- Flash forward to his third house party, and he finally cut his year long sober streak for drugs. as many as he could fit in his body. He had terrible influences around him so they encouraged him to do this shit, it didn't take long for his body to feel the god awful effects of taking so many drugs, so he ended up in the bathroom for a while- He tried to hold back the vomit because he was,,, partially enjoying his high, but he couldn't hold it back for long and ended up passing out, but not before nearly gutting himself from vomiting so much. Cut forward in time, and people got worried, bashed open the bathroom door and found Leo's unconscious body slumped over the toilet 🙃 Obv he came out fine, but it's a major moment in his life, because looking back on it, he realizes that wasn't what he wanted, he just wanted attention, he wanted to be cool, he wanted to be rebellious, but he didn't want to (nearly) kill himself. The render isn't one-to-one with the situation, but the lyrics are accurate so :3
Onia's Song Bloodstream by Soccer Mommy Scene used in render "Now a river runs red from my knuckles into the sink and there's a pale girl staring through the mirror at me"
Overall, the song talks about how the artist (Soccer Mommy) has lost her childhood innocence and how she wants to go back to her childhood and putting Onia's Sheep in Wolf's clothing motif aside, Onia misses being a child, and misses not knowing the pain and burden of being the complete opposite of what her parents wanted, so she spirals over this a lot, and like the lyrics say, "a river runs red from my knuckles into the sink," She tends to lean towards harming herself, in this case, her hands, and her knuckles- I can't draw or simulate blood in either blender or GIMP, so the red light is supposed to simulate the blood-sodden sink that she's standing over, and of course, "pale girl," is Onia, she's staring at herself, but additionally I like to think she's staring past the mirror, or staring through it (wink wink), she's spacing out and thinking about who she should've been, or who she could've been.
Hero's Song Following Eyes by Soccer Mommy "An awful feeling started creeping over me and what I saw was like no horror I had seen"
I'm keeping this short and sweet. It's not easy to find a song (that I like) that's about being haunted or cursed so. I had to re-use her song from her intro post, which isn't bad, but I did hope to find a new song kdsjhnsjk Anyways. Hero's cursed, pretty much anywhere she goes, she is forced to perceive ~the horrors~, sometimes she's forced into a blank space, a void (SOMETIMES,,, not a lot,,, rarely moreso), where she'll be tormented for who even knows how long, this moment in particular, she was walking along this catwalk in the dark, she eventually felt something that felt similar to someone dragging their fingers up your spine, in a moment of fear, she turned around and just. saw. She looked onto this,,, being, what she saw was "like no horror I had seen,,," Although to be fair, the creature isn't all that horrifying (which in my defense.. I'm a blender novice so </333)
The Hiraeth Song Nomu by Good Kid "Four eyes entwined draw four separate lines and none of them point to you"
I think this song overall is a perfect example of Roo and Leo's relationship both after Leo's confession and after Roo tried to reconnect with Leo. After Leo confessed, he tried to keep their relationship going, but it didn't work out, so he gave up (Roo didn't realize Leo was pulling such a weight and he just let their friendship fall out) After Roo tried to reconnect (aka the CURRENT storyline), Roo has been trying to keep things together and has been trying to make things work, but Leo has long-since given up on their friendship as a whole. Now in terms of the lyric above; Post-Confession, every conversation they had together would not be the same, they couldn't look each other in the eyes, their eyes would connect momentarily and separate almost immediately; Nowadays, if they WERE to be living together or near each other, they just would NOT be able to talk to each other, because Leo would be fed up with Roo and trying to avoid as much eye contact and general verbal+physical contact as possible with him. Roo, on the other hand, is just terrible with eye contact so he would have a terrible time trying to engage in eye contact with Leo.
The Ithanel / It's All Wrong Song From Eden by Hozier "Babe there's something broken about this but I might be hoping about this oh what a sin"
Ithuriel and Nanel's entire relationship is inherently toxic, they are not toxic to each other, but the underlying (or moreso, the OVERWHELMING OVERLYING) dangers of this relationship makes it toxic, broken in a way. Nanel risks her life going to see Ithuriel outside of work-related interactions and Ithuriel risks her life by just. seeing, talking to and loving Nanel. Whether they know (they do) or care (they dont) about these dangers, they still want this relationship, they live on, literal, prayers that they are not caught and that they can continue to love each other in peace, but overall, their relationship, in the eyes of the heavenly council (ehhh W.I.P term for IAW lore stuff), is a sin, and nothing but a sin.
Ithuriel's Song What You Mean by Rome Hero Foxes "Cause every little god damn thing you do makes me wanna get close to you"
The lyrics speak for themselves... Ithuriel is very dedicated to Nanel, and literally every waking moment of seeing and knowing Nanel drives Ithuriel up the walls because she loves her so much.
Nanel's Song Future Me Hates Me by The Beths "It's getting dangerous, I could get hurt, I know, I've counted up the cons, they far outweight the pros."
This is semi-foreshadowing, but Nanel knows that her and Ithuriel's relationship is forbidden, wrong (not cuz its gay necessarily,, 😭), and the way Ithuriel's heavenly role works means that their relationship status and every interaction outside of a required interaction is a risky game of one or both of them being punished and sentenced to death. But ! Nanel loves Ithuriel wayyyy too much to let how insanely dangerous their relationship is to get in the way of them loving and being with e/o.
Nirvana's Song 1999 by Beabadoobee "And I'm not wasting time again, closure instead of s^x, and I'm not wasting time again" Idk if I need to censor s^x but i am justttt in case...
Oof, Nirvana... Nirvana has always been sxually active, she's always had one-night-stands with other men, she's tried to continue things after that ONS, but it never works, she's tried to have relationships with women, but they just use her for s^x. She's tired of wasting time with people who just want her for her body, she's tired of s^x, she just wants, well, closure, she wants someone who will love her for her, she wants a relationship without s^x, or at least isn't s^x-focused, she just wants to know someone will love her past her body. Although aforementioned is all just a habit so she will unfortunately end up right back where she started and continue this uncomfortable and sad spiral.
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iam-groot · 5 days
First off, I wanna start this by saying:
1. Go listen to EPIC. It's great. One might even say it's epic (*wink wink* *nudge nudge*)
2. Go watch Anniflamma's God Games animatic (any EPIC animatic, really. they're all so good)
Putting stuff under the cut just for my own sanity
Going through all the screenshots I took, gonna need more than one part. But welcome to part one!
Reminder: This is NOT a song analysis. Think of it more as art appreciation
1. Athena's Gorgon Sheild.
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Look at how she puts that thing away flawless. Makes it feel like she is not there to fight. Not if she doesn't need to. She just wants to talk
2. AND THEN ALONG CAME ZEUS (this joke will be continued in another part. prepare yourselves)
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Him forming in the clouds was so cool. I did not see that shit coming. Idk. I just really thought it was neat
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When I saw this in the WIP, I couldn't stop thinking about the Thunder Bringer WIP for Zeus' first verse and like- ??? Hhhhh- Odysseus is a toy this man (god) and a dumb one at that. Why does Athena want his freedom so bad?
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I just wanted to appreciate his design. He's my favorite god. Has been for years. Everything about his design makes me feel good. The prosthetic. The chub. The HAIR (on his head AND his body). He's just my favorite. And I love him
5. Aphrodite Level
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I wanted to add this bit because this sequence made it look like Athena had mentally prepare herself to deal with Aphrodite. She's just like: "Alright. Here we go with this bitch."
6. Respectfully- RESPECTFULLY
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She is so pretty. Naked Aphrodite, my beloved. IN A RESPECTFUL WAY! ARES, BACK UP!
7. Speaking of Ares
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Me when my brother asks for anything when I just sat down and relaxed
8. A couple that gets scared together, stays together ❤️
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9. Snake-bird Athena my beloved
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She's so intimidating. So powerful. Anger slipping out as snakes. Her feathers ruffling up. Love it. No notes
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maybanksbabe · 1 year
Ok but dilf rafe taking his daughter to go see one of her favorite artists, she's about 7-8 ish and rafe's taking her to go see rockstar!r live, he gets her special backstage passes to go at least get an autograph bc of how much his little girl talks about her.
He's done some light research on the band when she first mentioned how much she loved the band. It started when he asked her what she was listening to when she used his iPad to listen to music when she's getting her homework done and her eyes light up when she mentions r and the rest of the band, talking about how good she sounds and how she acts in interviews bc she just seemed so nice and looks so cool. So he's sitting at the table looking at her as she goes on and on about r and decides to look up at any up coming concerts or at least some cool official merch.
When he does see that there is some live concerts coming up just in time for her birthday he decides to go all out with it. I'm talking backstage passes and bringing a couple friends with her. Then when rockstar!r show's up to like sign autographs and what not she ends up Infront of rafe and his darling little princess and he says something like "my daughter wants to be you when she grows up" because truthfully she does, the whole reason why he brought her and her friends on this trip, why he used his family's private jet just to go to LA (with the other kid's parents too) is because of his daughters nonstop praises about rockstar. She talks about rockstar!r when rafe takes her to school, when she's supposed to do her homework, and when they're making dinner together. She's obsessed with r, his little girl wants her hair like R's she wants her clothes to be like R's the whole nine yards so having her meet r in person, even just for a short time, would mean so much to him because it means so much to her.
Rockstar!r stops for a moment having heard what rafe said and smiles genuinely at the pair Infront of her, she walk over and bends down to rafe's daughters height and says something like "dream bigger little bird, you can be anything you wanna be" and signs her picture with a little note of encouragement on the back and she stands back up to look rafe in the eyes before saying goodbye "you guys are adorable and I hope you enjoyed the show" she looks down at the kids and finishes signing the other things little Cameron's friends give her before speaking again "but I've gotta go now, ok? And don't forget you can be anything you want to be" The little girl nods and squeals before quickly talking to her friends when she's out of earshot, rockstar!r takes one last look at the pair and catches rafe's eye. They look at each other before she heads off to her private room. He looks at her as if he's silently thanking her, she's looking at him and waves and then waves to the little girl who made her day and smiles when she rapidly waves back before finally reaching her dressing room.
Idk but rafe definitely buys more tickets to her shows after that, but only because his daughter really loves the band and what not... That's definitely the only reason 😉 It's definitely a fun thought to think about 🤷🏽‍♀️
🫠🫠 I love this!! So much!!!
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bloody-wonder · 1 year
mid-year book freak out tag
years go by... i still read books...
1. Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2023? moby dick! i totally did not expect to like this dusty tome so much but it was just too perfect a mix of tropy revenge tale, sea adventure mockumentary, and making stuff up and putting it into categories that caused pleasant vibrations in my neurodivergent brain. i have watched so many whale documentaries after reading this, you guys have no idea🐳
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2023? flamefall is the second book in the aurelian cycle and it’s the best sequel i’ve read so far this year. the addition of a slow burn mm master/servant story line improved things considerably, not to mention that it was my favorite character’s time to shine. this series is sooo good, please read it guys you won’t regret it i swear🙏
(ngl i’m a bit annoyed that fourth wing, this fireborne sjm-ified, is doing numbers out there and meanwhile there’s no fandom for the aurelian cycle to speak of😒)
also i simply have to mention defekt, book two of litenverse. i found the first book quite boring despite it’s shortness but the sequel has a sad lil guy🥺. highly recommend for fans of black mirror, severance or the murderbot diaries. you don’t reeeally need to read book one btw, i think you can just read the description and then jump straight to the good stuff
3. New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To? i want to read witch king but i keep putting it off cause everything i hear about it sounds suspiciously like *american author does mdzs* and idk how i feel about that😬
4. Most Anticipated Release For Second Half of 2023? i’m looking forward to system collapse the most bc it’s gonna be set chronologically after network effect and it’s longer than the other murderbot novellas too. very excited to see murderbot and art bicker again hehe
5. Biggest Disappointment? ig it’s the warrior’s apprentice😬 many people recced the vorkosigan saga to me as “the lymond chronicles in space” but based just on this first(-ish) book i have to say miles is uhhh,, not lymond😐 lymond’s key traits are that he’s queer and a cunt and baby miles is simply not that (yet). of all the other books that people mentioned on my overcompetent scheming bastard post this was the last one i hadn’t read so i was a bit disappointed that it didn’t pull me in like the lymond chronicles. however, of all the books mentioned there it’s also the only series i can see myself continuing any time soon so. it wasn’t all too bad ig🤷‍♀️
i was also somewhat disappointed by assassin’s apprentice but i will make myself push through the realm of the elderlings just bc i’m so intrigued by the fool👀
6. Biggest Surprise? apart from the life changing experience that was moby dick i gotta admit i didn’t expect to like the goblin emperor, what with it being one of those cozy hopepunk fantasies where people are nice and decent to each other🙄 but it really did grow on me by the end, it indeed made me feel cozy and soothed. now i wanna try katherine addison’s older darker stuff that was apparently so controversial she had to change her pen name or smth👀🤭  
7. Favorite New Author? so i read another book by christopher rice and can confirm that he’s now one of my favorite authors. the man’s early 2000s gay thrillers are very melodramatic and refreshingly juicy - you can really tell they were published in ye olden pre-twitter times
8. Newest Favorite Character? cyrano savinien hercule de bergerac. after just reading that first act where he monologues about his nose for three pages straight and then spends all the money he has to hijack a theater and cause a scene by duelling a guy on stage while insulting him in ballad form i thought wow but this is one of my sexy fucked up guys who like to swish their swords and run their mouths! please enter the mind rotation chamber, monsieur🙌
9. Newest Fictional Crush? power sur eater🐉 you guys are sleeping on the aurelian cycle and on the Glory and Tragedy of My Boy who has done nothing wrong ever in his life and i love him😭 seriously, if you’d like to watch a character like draco malfoy go through jaime lannister’s arc you gotta read this series
also csevet aisava? the guy who put sexy in bureaucracy?? it’s a crime that he and maia didn’t kiss tbh
💕Best Ship💕 the relationship of griff and delo in the aurelian cycle was SO dramatic and full of rawest scenes! kinda reminded me of captive prince at times, bc of the whole master/servant element. and the ending? “i will grow old in love, let them sing of others”?? i am Emotion🥺
10. Book That Made You Cry? furysong made me cry my eyes out like every ending to a ya series should. have i mentioned you should read the aurelian cycle btw? but also both moby dick and cyrano de bergerac made me laugh AND cry as only really good books do. there’s a part in moby dick about seeing whales in mountains and stars that made me remember i am a human being and was a small and happy human being once - like that scene in ratatouille when anton ego tastes ratatouille and the nostalgic memories hit him and he becomes not evil anymore. that was nice but i cried like a little bitch😭
11. Book That Made You Happy? re-reading twittering birds never fly without skipping all the yakuza plot scenes made me realize how hilarious this manga actually is! yashiro can obviously crack a joke but this time i discovered the comic relief goldmine that is nanahara
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skjdvnksjdvk like?!
12. Favorite Book Adaptation You Saw This Year? i have a LOT of criticisms about martin crimp’s “free adaptation” of cyrano de bergerac but ngl it was fun to watch the play come to life on stage (even tho there were no swords, a crime😒) and even more fun to watch christian kiss cyrano on the mouth like god intended
13. Favorite Review You’ve Written This Year? so this year i actually started reviewing stuff on goodreads for the first time and it’s quite fun and really useful for refreshing your memory on what you thought of a book. i try to go for short and witty over in depth and analytical so i suppose the best examples of the reviews i have written so far would be the ones of moby dick and the goblin emperor
14. Most Beautiful Cover? the og red cover of fireborne slaps! the revolutionary red? the minimalist black dragon? the main characters’ profiles formed by its wings?? talented brilliant show stopping. idk who made the decision to redesign the covers after the first book but that decision was utterly stupid🤨
15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End of The Year? i need to finish some series (the diviners, the dreamhealers, the broken earth), then like i said i want to read witch king and also i’m doing the classics challenge again so i have to at least finish reading roxelana and re-read the picture of dorian gray (the uncensored edition👀). i have looked up my old mid year tags and was pleased to discover that i since have managed to read all the books mentioned there EXCEPT for you love me which has been a staple in my reading plans since 2021 so i’m gonna put it on this list again to honor the tradition lmao
overall i have to say my reading year is going well but i still miss the exhilaration of discovering new books worth obsessing over like it kept happening in 2019-2021 with the secret history, captive prince, all for the game, mdzs and lymond. last year i used to think i wasn’t doing a good job of finding books like this but now i’m starting to suspect that i have actually read ALL the good books and there aren’t any left :( but that’s absurd right?? or isn’t it?! anyways tell me what you’ve been reading so that i can maybe get intrigued by something and prove myself wrong on this🙏📚
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@figuringthengsout @counterwiddershins @fugitoidkry @magpiefngrl @sugarbabywenkexing @fandomreferencepending @pemberlaey @oliviermiraarmstrongs @hello-jumping-in-puddles @thehalcyonharbinger @pinkasrenzo @beeblackburn @weirdsociology @veliseraptor @theodoradove @sixappleseeds @doh-rae-me @venndaai 
talk to me about books guys! if you want to!!
goodreads │ old mid year tags 2020 2021 2022 
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drottni · 1 year
LBFAD Rewatch Part 10
1. When your cheap ass friend starts becoming generous and your immediate thought is "is she broken? Is she possessed ?"
2. Okay can we just talk about the creativity of the "shes deeply in love with me and thats why the Bone Orchid is killing her" arch. Like the way they stitched that in there so we could have the whole "I have to get her to hate me " angst. *chef kisses*
3. Xunfeng: Wait so the Moon Queen is not going to live long?
DFQC: Over my dead body >:(
Xunfeng: Or....hear me out. Over HER dead body! Eh? Eh!
DFQC: *jail for Xunfeng*
4. Xunfeng: I cannot give you the sword. You will destroy it. You are the last hope for the Moon tribe
DFQC: *angry exasperated face* If one more person says that to me---
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5. Xunfeng kicking DFQC while he is down:
Me: You little menace.
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6. Idk how many times I will gush over his acting, but ya'll. Wang Hedi looked soooo genuinely torn. Like his facial muscles rippling with checked anger. His tight grip loosening as Xunfeng's words start to hit home. The rippling anguish in his eyes as he realizes just what he is doing and how much of a risk he is taking. God.
7. Omg the absolute hell ish pressure cooker my poor baby DFQC is in. Like ya'll imagine everyone relying on you and just trusting in you to handle the enemy cuz you got mad crazy powers and you have to sit there and not have a panic attack because you no longer have the mad crazy powers and you will most likely lose either your people or the person you love. OOOH GOD. Get him out of there! I got second hand panic attacks watching this
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8. XLH: Im gonna make the Phoenix Crown out of the flowers Big Blockhead planted for me when I came to Cangyan sea.
Jieli: You're such a romantic you dweeb. Loser -_- (I love you, you beautiful innocent soul)
9. XLH: I dont care who I was. All that matters now is I will be his wife *blush*
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10. DFQC giving her an out. Telling her she still has time to save herself before the war. Hoping that she does leave but also that she doesn't. Her barely holding back tears as she continues to discuss the wedding. Both of them losing their shit as the reality sets in. AAAHHHHHH 😭😭 Reminding each other of their promise. "Whatever happens, we face it together". (him also realizing at this point the absolute betrayal hes going to have to put her through) omg.
11. If your demon hubby doesn't sit by your bedside while you sleep despite having 1001 and other things to look after, namely a whole ass war...drop him. DFQC supremacy.
12. "In this world what is real and what is fake? I only know that I love DFQC, that is real. It is more than enough" >>>>>>>>> any other love confession
13. DFQC: Because I know them well. One was my bestfriend. The other was the woman I wanted to marry.
Me on my first watch: was? WAS?? WAASSS?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
15. XLH: this food is the one I hate. THIS RIGHT HERE is going too far.
she's just like me fr. dont mess with food.
16. DFQC about to sacrifice his body, soul and spirit to save his people.
XLH: *in danger*
DFQC: Sacrifice is canceled. We are saving the love my of life. Again.
17. I dont even have words for that scene. Never getting over that. (actually i have words and they are too many.)
18. I just wanna say that in my first watch, I did not process that she actually died for the longest time. Despite the whole setup and slow mo. I just kept thinking nahhh DFQC going to think of something and save her. Aint no way he letting her die.
With this thought in my mind, I just imagine how it must have felt for him. How absolutely helpless and devastated. 😭
19. My mans out here straight up suicidal and burning his primordial spirit faster and faster, getting irritated with all his bros for trying to give him their primordial spirit 🥲🥲
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bullshit-bulltrue · 1 year
Hawk Talk
Okay so sorry if this is a little jumpy I'm having a so far two-day long anxiety attack anyway-
We got assigned seating in history and i got sat next to the biggest cunt wad i have ever met i fucking despise her and she's my desk partner
she was cordial and so was i but she has not fucking changed at all
And the cute boy from years ago is still cute and shy and such a sweetheart but he sits behind me ish and to the very far right
So I can't even look at him anymore without anyone noticing :(
And nyxie darling (@whennyxfallsinlove) was right, i was looking at him like a deer staring at headlights the first day because holy shit i REALLY *REALLY* liked him (still do) because he was one of the only genuine boys I met at the time and I was having a really difficult time and yk hanging out with him helped me out since things were happening in my home life that were difficult to say the least
So then the rest of class went smoothly
For math, there is no cute guys
But thats fine because I really like my teacher and he's taught ways to do math that are so much easier
Not only is he funny, but he also REALLY goes into depth of equations and helps out a lot!!
Sooo yeah
I had a mini heart attack bc after I left class I thought my phone fell outta my pocket but the pockets on my jeans are high (since the jeans are high-waisted duh) so it turns out my butt just didn't recognize the feeling since majority of my jeans don't have wider pocket space
But yeah
Anddd then I went to English class
And if you saw the recent small Hawk Talk posts of me interacting with nyxie, you'd know that there are two boys that are lowkey cute 👀
Idk they're cute by my standards but probably not everyone else's lmao
So I feel like I should call these guys smth??
So umm let's call one of them Baseball guy bc he likes baseball and I also didn't wanna ask his name but when I do, I'll probably make a nickname to refer to when I post about him
And the other we'll call D/Dee ig??
So yeah D was funny as usual
And the baseball guy talked more and lanie, him, and I were going through this box
It was a worry box and my English teacher (we'll call her Mrs. K) basically had a chest and put it at our table to write our worries on an index card and put it in there (anonymously, but some kids put their names so now we have Blackmail™️ . Probs won't need it, but it's good to have information on people)
And like she said that we could NOT under ANY circumstances go through it..
But we did 😘
So yeah that was fun because I didnt get caught
so i'm her favorite student while also being a little shit
So me and Lanie started following Cute Baseball Boy™️ to his locker because we're nosy bitches
But then I lost lanie so I sat on the floor until i was found like a 7-year-old who lost her mom at the supermarket
Aaand then we had lunch together !!
But then I found out she thought baseball guy is cute too :(
And idk how to feel about that
So I'd anything happens between them I'm gonna be kinda bummed bc I don't want her to get the wrong idea about me thinking he's cute
So im gonna have to find a way to not like him ig??
Or just keep shit to myself (with the intention of telling y'all every little detail)
Gonna je bummed if they start dating or smth but I'll be supportive nonetheless because they're both my friends and if they're happy then that's all that really matters to me
So anyway
Thus guy across from us at lunch was fucking hilarious
His friend kept putting a plate of school food someone forgot to throw away in his face and he let out the most high pitch ear piercing scream I have EVER heard lmaooo
Same bro, same
Felt that
And like I looked at him like wtf was that dude
And his eyes got SO wide
He kept frantically pointing to the girls that were sitting near him and even his friend 💀
So like that was funny
And then we got to gym !!
We didn't get to actually do anything :(
Basically what happened in PE: got gym clothes, got gym lockers (mine and lanie's are next to each other!!), and watched boys get play basketball (D was playing and he wasn't that bad)
Sooo yeah
Ik I said that I went basic white girl mode and watched the boys play
But like half the time I was just taking selfies on snap and scrolling through tumblr memes lmao
But the other half me and lanie were laughing at the boys clothes and haircuts bc they look like they rolled out of bed and asked a 5 year old to make their hair the shape of a fucking broccoli spout or whatever tf you call it
y'all it was that bad
(we also laughed abt that shit at lunch too)
Oh forgot something
While we were all going into the girl's locker room of the gym i thought lanie was right behind me but when i turned around i had to tilt my head up and look around for her head because she's way taller than me and she was at the very back of the crowd
So i went to the side and waited for her to get close to me
And she literally fucking said
L: damn girl i keep losing you, you're really speedy
Me: yeah i'm short but it means i walker faster than you, you're a fucking giant
L: well yeah to YOU. but like i'm tall enough to be your mom
And I lost it. I laughed so hard bc of the way she said it lol
Soo yeah that was the end of my school day
Hope you enjoyed <3
Oh and tagging people that wanted to hear about my day and/or have been reading my Hawk Talk posts (if you dont wanna be tagged lmk and i wont anymore, and lmk if u do wanna be tagged in the full day hawk talk posts!) : @cereal-is-a-soup100percent-true @whennyxfallsinlove @dizzeners @cau-lee-flower215 @sp1rit-realm
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neriyon · 5 months
10 Characters from 10 Fandoms
Tagged by @zylphiacrowley , ty ty~
These are mostly in whatever order they popped up in my head, since I was hit with the "instantly forget everything you've ever liked" beam when I started writing this.
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Hythlodaeus - Final Fantasy XIV I wuv purple wife guy... All the way from when he was just a weenwoon ghost. Honestly, FFXIV has sooo many good characters that picking just one feels kinda weird haha.
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DIY - Welcome to My Home Help, the bastard chuuni wizard in a big hat has me by the throat. Everyone else seems ready to strangle him (both npcs and other players). And then there's me who's spamming the heart emote at him every chance I can lol.
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Waka - Okami Another bastard of a man. Like FFXIV, Okami has tons of cool characters! But teen me latched into Waka so hard on my first playthrough. And listen. He's a pretty man with long hair, nice voice AND has a flute that he both plays and uses as a laser sword in battle. Yeah. Oh and he shows up to tell you mysterious (and funny) prophecies.
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Wei Wuxian - Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) I'll be honest, he came to mind while writing Waka's thing (club long haired flute playing guys lol). But yeah, he fits in the "morally grey, overly dramatic and little asshole-ish pretty boy with long hair" category I happen to like very much.
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Ukitake Jushiro - Bleach Long white hair! Twin swords! Gentle and silly old man who can kick your ass! Bleach was one of my first animes ever, and I still like the setting itself (and many of the characters).
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Courier - Arknights First one that had me going "oh I like him, he's never leaving my team". Also first one I E2'd, and he's still my go-to vanguard for almost every stage. Who can say no to that adorable little smile and voicelines offering to make you food~
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Blade - nu:carnival Cute white haired assassin android boy! I started this game thinking I'd fixate on Edmont based on the website character infos, but nope, Blade being cute airhead with love for cute things (and Darling) got me first.
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Sleeping Beauty (Briar Rose/Ibarahime) - SINoALICE Game may be gone but having played it for it's entire global run I felt I needed to include it haha. And! Who better than the character that got me into it~ Sleepy's basically what it says in the jar - she prefers to sleep 24/7 and will react violently if you try to force her awake.
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Devola & Popola - Nier Automata Cheating and putting them both (lol). I love 9S too, but kinda felt like they deserved to get mentioned so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Idk what it is about them, but I spent a very long time just standing next to them when they first showed up haha. I'm specifically mentioning the Automata ones, since I met them first, and am yet to finish my Replicant playthrough (ooops)
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Mashita Satoru - Death Mark I had hard time picking the last one since I didn't wanna go "too far back" in things I like/used to like, so I went with Death Mark since the second one came out not too long ago. The other characters are cool too, but Mashita is fan favorite for a reason. Guess we all love snarky detective who looks like he could really use some sleep.
Hoooo boy it was harder than I thought haha. I mainly only interact with FFXIV fandom, but at least I kinda.... glance towards these other 9 mentioned sometimes? Also purposefully skipping Ensemble Stars even tho I'm currently active player - I could not choose between Mika and Rei, and honestly straight up ignore 99,99% of the fandom.
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for pride month, i figured i'd do a non-exhaustive list of people/looks that have given me gender envy and inspired my sense of style as a transmasculine fellow.
this post is about to be long and also likely 'cringe' (which is dead, so i do not let it dictate my decisions, but just in case a non-mutual reads this and wants to send me hate-mail for my 'bad' taste: I KNOW.) since it includes several people i worshiped as a tweenager. if you don't wanna see me talking about five billion emo men, then you probably don't wanna read this :^)
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mulan (1998) was one of my first experiences with gender-nonconformity and experimentation. her dissatisfaction with living as a woman and her shame with feeling that way deeply resonated with me, and her transition into ping lit up light bulbs in my tiny mind, as well as the scene in which she is outed against her will due to an injury.
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from a very young age, i've always kinda wanted to embody the swagger of freddie mercury. i would say that as a 6 or 7-ish year old i experienced my first bout of true gender envy over him. i wished i could look and sound like a man because of him. i ended up shoving down these feelings for many years due to internalized shit and outside influences. yet he still remains forever in my heart as a major influence both as an artist, an outfit composer, and a person.
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eddie van halen is cool as shit. idk man. i dig his style. these patch work pants did irreparable damage to my psyche.
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ryan ross was a big idol of mine as a tween and still continues to inspire me to this day. i wished i could do my makeup like him and have his fop-y floppy 60s mop cut, which was probably the beginning of my obsession with having hair that looks Like That.
*bren.don. ur.ie gets a dishonorable mention here bc i don't wanna talk about him but when i was 13 i also wanted his p.o. era mop sooo bad like soo bad i was planning on getting my hair cut like that for real but instead life happened and i haven't had my hair cut since like 2019 and now i've committed to it being a mile long.
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pete wentz is at the forefront of writers that i would say have influenced my works. his influence is just about inseparable from anything i've done since 2018 at least. he just, like, gets me, you know? including, of course, his fashion sense, which lingers still through my daily wardrobe.
on the right, i added a pic of him recently that made me lose my mind.
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i'm grouping william beckett and gabe saporta together because both are scene fellows who had lesser but still notable affects on me. the former's hair and the latter's sense of style have stayed with me all these years for a reason, and that reason is because i wish i could look like them.
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renfield is just like me for real so of course i wish i could steal dwight frye's gender. the suspenders plus the vacant, hazy look in his eyes did things to me.
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the man, the myth, the legend, my most special of interests, mr sir peter wilton cushing obe. if i love him, and i feel unloved, then i must act like him and sound like him and look like him to feel truly loved, right? because i want someone to love me to the extent i love him? because i hate myself so much? it's psychosexual to me in a way but also 100% from my heart. i need to look like him ^
he cracked my egg. which i will be getting more into in the next entry. but! basically i realized that maybe it isn't normal to want to look exactly like a man, deeper voice and flatter chest and all. and then i was like what is stopping me from being trans actually besides other people's disapproval, which i had at that point stopped letting get in my way. so trans ellie canon and real from this point forward.
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sherlock holmes is an entirely separate entry on this list than peter cushing because sherlock is a fictional character that has been portrayed in many different mediums and by many different actors, many of whom i at least kinda want to look like.
but most of all, i want to be like him, the idea of sherlock holmes. a protector who saves the meek and weak and who persecutes the oppressors. he is good, he is just, and he is loved by nearly all. also he is a major fucking nutjob, like me. he inspires me so much. this yearning helped me realize who i wanted to be, who i am. it makes my heart glow with hope and pride knowing that someone who so obviously has so much 'wrong' (wrong like me) with them can not just be a hero, but also one of the most definitive heroes in history.
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adam ant's gnc swag.... idk man he ignited my historical obsession with highwaymen.
final thoughts:
i am so happy to be a trans fag ! my life is so much better since i realized that i am a boy ! 🥰🥰🥰 i am trying to experiment more with my appearance and i am loving it.
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b1gwings · 10 months
15 Questions for 15* people
haiii i got tagged by @babacontainsmultitudes & @oakay :3 thx for tagging me this is fun !1!!
1. are you named after anyone? I named myself after Clay from the Wings of Fire book series :) I started going by Clay a little over three years ago, I think? When I was thinking about changing my name, I knew I wanted it to be after a character that was really important to me, and Clay checked all the boxes. I think he was the first character I ever looked at for real and went "wow he is so me" LMAO. he's also where my username comes from, too...
2. when was the last time you cried? i want to say it was listening to dndads or taz but i think the real answer is in the middle of finals week after an INCREDIBLY cathartic phone call with my mom
3. do you have kids? no and I don't think I ever want to LMAO
4. what sports do you/have you played? i don't play any sports right now. i played soccer when i was, like, five years old but i HATED it
5. do you use sarcasm? yes but in an autistic way. where allistic people think im being serious and other autistic people know im joking and then they respond to build on the bit and then i can't tell if they're still doing the bit or not. you know
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? IDK AUGHHGH. i think how someone's hair looks?? if they're wearing any cool jewelry??? im so bad at being aware when im meeting people LMAO
7. what’s your eye color? green-ish grey :]
8. scary movies or happy endings? i don't think these things are opposites but I think happy endings for sure. those little dudes have already gone through so much :( let them ride off into the sunset and live the rest of their lives in peace :(
9. any talents? idk lol ? i consider "talents" to be stuff that you're naturally good at, versus "skills" being things you actually put time into improving or whatever. i'm naturally good at sliding my joints around (sarcasm) and i can do funny voices sometimes (real)
10. where were you born? the swamp (florida, usa)
11. what are your hobbies? drawing, writing, and d&d i think are the main ones right now :] i've been drawing a lot more recently and not feeling super exhausted about it, which has been lovely!!
12. do you have any pets? YES!!! A WONDERFUL LITTLE DOG... her name is Buffy & she's a rescue so we don' tknow what kind of dog she is but she LOOKS like she could be some kind of rat terrier mix ? i love her with my whole entire heart. she's my best friend. lmk if u want me to send u pics of her :3
13. how tall are you? i don't even know. 5'6" i think? im taller than my mom who is 5'4" and shorter than my friend who is 5'8" so we'll go with that
14. favorite subject in school? in high school, art class was my favorite. I adored my teacher; he was the best ever. but i was MISERABLE when i took an art class in my first semester of college. im a creative writing major now, so probably that idk. history & social studies n that kind of stuff has always been super interesting to me, too
15. what is your dream job? i would LOVE to eventually be in some kind of writers' room one day. playing & running D&D games has opened my eyes to just how much I adore storytelling with collaborative aspects. being able to just...make something with other writers...building off of each others' ideas...getting excited about it together... it feels so magical to me.
*anyway i think i have to tag 15 ppl now but idk if i know 15 ppl so im just going to tag as many as i can think of (literally no pressure if u don't wanna do this lol)
@itsbrucey @maxwellamus @flowercrowns-n-punks @kronoose @meteortrails @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls @simonsnow-irl @lemonofthevalley @iersei @raemeh @phillycheesesteakcore @officialgleamstar
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pebblysand · 2 years
15 Questions - 15 People
tagged by @heartstopping-waves ❤️.
1. are you named after anyone? yep. my great-grandmother. although her name was the italian version of my name (she was italian). i have the frenchised one.
2. when was the last time you cried? ten days ago. out of exhaustion and stress. before that, idk, months ago. i don't cry a lot.
3. do you have kids? no. and i'm 90% sure i don't want any. the 10% left is wiggle room cause i'm - personally - never sure of anything. but it's highly unlikely.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? maybe? idk.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? idk, maybe their walk? clothes? i'm quite good at telling people's nationality just by looking at them though. especially french people, i can spot them from miles away lol.
6. what’s your eye colour? very very very dark brown. you can hardly see my pupils.
7. scary movies or happy ending? happy endings i think
8. any special talents? i mean. i've published 400,000+ words of my "special talent" on ao3.
9. where were you born? my mum lived in paris but she had a high risk pregnancy so i was actually born just outside of paris in the specialised maternity hospital where carla bruni later had her baby lmao. it's a super posh suburb and i'm so ashamed to admit it hahaha. we only lived in paris until i was 6 though, then moved to the south on the french riviera. i think i'm very southern in a lot of ways, and parisian in some. i wouldn't be caught dead saying my "ai"s the parisian way though 🤢.
10. what are your hobbies? writing. i have time for literally nothing else.
11. do you have any pets? no, but i want to adopt a dog in the next year-ish. my mum still has the family dog though and she is the love of my life.
12. what sports do you play/have you played? i never played sport outside school really. i tried lots (tennis, rugby, golf (lol), jazz dancing, etc). the only one i kind of like is skiing.
13. how tall are you? 168cm. is that 5'6"? that's what the internet says lol.
14. favourite subject at school? i wanna say history? i loved english but it was taught as a foreign language so i was always super bored. and french i didn't like much because i hated studying old men's classics. jean-jacques rousseau should be shot dead in his grave for the damage he inflicted on the french school curriculum.
15. dream job? i don't dream of labour lol. no - jokes aside, i guess writing full time properly.
okay i'm not tagging anyone because i'm 55 years late in this meme and i reckon everyone i know has already been tagged, but if you haven't feel free to tag yourself.
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buggerup-busters · 2 years
Widdershins Book 11 Predictions
okay lets have a shot. for the last time. I've never got a prediction right before but maybe we can make it happen this time.
firstly I wanna try guess the title, I want to say it'll be stage themed but I guess that hasn't been the case since book 7 now...
Widdershins: Take A Bow - I think this is my fave idea
Widdershins: Encore - this one makes less sense i just like the word encore :)
Widdershins: Closing Night - i'm not even sure if this is a thing they say about stages. like there's definitely opening night. idk about this. it does sound like the end of the series though so it has that going for it.
tbh @6-and-7 's suggestion of Widdershins: Anchors Away is probably my fave but if it is that I don't get a prediction point.
Ok so I saw Kate at Thought Bubble and I straight up asked if the next book is circus themed because I have been CONVINCED about this for months and anyway no. it's not. i guess the real clown... is me :(
Misc other predictions:
first they/them character :)
wheelchair user character (this one is me cheating bc i did actually ask if she could do this at TB)
I hardly feel like this will count because it's already so clearly set up but Nicola/Nyree canon
I feel like Nicola will get a subplot herself maybe? Girl's been through it she deserves something nice
Ben's twin siblings will be there!! and he will be mad but then stand up to them
I guess maybe this is kind of wishful thinking but I want to see Mal take a sort of advice-giving / mentor-ish role to Thea as she adapts to being a Witch, I think it would wrap up his arc of responsibility well
Ben finally on a cover?? my boy deserves it!!
I feel like there's got to be some sort of huge shakeup in how magic works. Having all 4 Witches finally... but maybe ending with magic diminishing? I don't get why it's not really used by Alexa's time... Do they make some sort of decision together to change how it works?
Florrie husband reveal??
I can't think of many more I'm always wrong anyway lol
if Vee + Lei don't make a proper appearance then at least a cameo OR they are mentioned by someone else
Eliza has been insufferable to everyone about the 4th Anchor being real
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typewriter83 · 6 months
Girl?? We wanted a chapter, not a whole banquet! Hehehe jokes apart, I just finished (and I wasn't the only one who finished today cof cof) reading the chapter and I have to say man, have to say so many things.
First, you said this chapter would be just 🌶️.5, and I know it might be because of my virgin ass, but the chapter was a pretty 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ to me. And as much as it makes me happy, that makes me embarrased now bc I'm feeling like a little kid that searched for two people kissing on google and he thought it was porn😂😂 how do people think that what happened in this chapter was just 🌶️.5? Felt like I was on a brothel. Anyways.
So, I never thought they would start to have a thing this feast, and I'm loving it, because even if it's fast, doesn't feel forced at all. You write the guilt and their feelings for each other in such a lovely way. Like: he doesn't wanna stay in the same room with her but is already seeing red when she talks with another boy, doesn't wanna give in to her desires but can't help to feel his own when he goes to her house and see his girl in his shirt. With his last name written on it like he owns the girl who is wearing.
I'm happy they're being a thing and now he's willing to be at her side, see her more often. And I really hope their little secret goes smooth because I'm feeling like everything is risky at this story. Idk man, just Lil tomtom boy is getting his brother's tense feeling, maria sensing the akwardness... Feels risky. And jesse gave off a pretty observer person vibe in his first scene in Maria's house. Like he's always watching everything and everyone. Also, her house is above the clinic. I mean... Anways, I hope I'm just being paranoic. Bye.
I’ve wanted to give this ask/comment/review a proper reply, so it’s taken a couple days - and I may also want to print this and stick it to my fridge 😘
Bless you, Nonnie, you’re so sweet and adorable - I think my definition of spice might differ from others, maybe I’ve just read a lot (too much?) and think a 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ rating is well beyond the limits of my skill set - I’ve been writing since I was 15/16 and this past year is the first time in all those years I’ve posted anything that even remotely resembles 🌶️ writing. Maybe I just don’t have the confidence in my writing to label it what y’all see it as - a brothel, Nonnie, you need a time out 😉
Did it seem fast? Six-ish months? Yeah - compared to other stories where they’ve known each other for years, and then the build up; here they met in December and Joel came back in June after being gone several months. I guess there difference is that there was only this, never any other platonic relationship - even though Joel pushed it away and pushed her away for all those months.
So, you’re starting to see just how many people might be looking their way, right? Tommy and Maria are very protective of Ellie. Dina is Ellie’s new bestie, and where Dina goes, Jesse isn’t far behind, and he’s not too fond of Ellie because she has Tommy’s attention. Kenny is charmed by her and won’t be too thrilled when her attention is pulled away by Joel. It’s a mess, too many nosy people wandering around this small town.
I wonder who else might be watching… 🧐🧐
Mama Bear is taking a short break - probably until next Wednesday, then get back to working on chapter 7 and D&C part 9 - we’ll see who gets attention first!
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2,17, 20,23,38,52,69,74,75
Thank you for asking these, MOOTS THIS IS A PSA I'M SORRY SOME OF THIS IS TMI 2. Last time you had sex with the opposite gender? Jesus, like.. December 27th isssh? so so so long ago man. 17. 10 of your biggest turn ons? okay like as in looks or.. acts? I'll say looks etc? i'll answer both ish, so like TIDDIES, girls who look like they wanna make me cry, tonguesss, fishnets, winged eye liner?, confident girls who are vocal on what they want? (switch sub brain go brr), like a touchy touchy sort? like grab my neck bro,teasing, uhmm idk man spit/drool?
20. Have you had a vaginal orgasm? Unfortunately and probably thankfully, I do not have a Vagina.
23. Would you have sex with a trans* person? Yeah, like I don't wanna accidently say anything wrong here because I'm still like learning etc but I don't see trans people any differently? like if you're attracted to em, you're attracted to THEM? (I hope this makes sense) 38. What is your favorite thing about sex? Brain goes brrr. It's just fun and enjoyable? nothing else in that moment matters? not worrying about rent, bills to pay, work tomorrow like it's just pleasure and making/having someone else too all just in the moment with you?bliss. Like low-key why personally I like it so much it's almost.. escapism to an extent? like also low-key it's kinda a coping mech I guess because bruh if we can't even enjoy sex in life wtf is worth living for other than my cats
52. How many sexual partners have you have in the last month? FUCKING ZERO MAN LIKE CAN U NOT TELL
69. What was your most embarrassing sexual moments? Oh god, probably quite a few realistically? but a funny ish one was with my ex like.. 7 odd years ago, like it was our first time and she was about to get on top and I literally nervous farted a little toot and we both just giggled and kissed but yeah yaboi was nervous. (Bonus, tried to have sex with a girl once but it.. wasn't going in yknow, preheated the oven and everything but she referred to my nono parts as a basilisk (she was a big HP fan))
74. Can you remember who gave you the best sex of your life? Ooof. I mean it depends I guess? like I wouldn't want to offend anyone because some have been the best in different aspects? Like one time we were doing-the-do and I finished inside but they just kept riding and next thing yknow I'm finishing inside AGAIN that was p hot.
75. If you could sleep with ANYONE, who would it be? Oh my god WHY LIMIT ME TO ONE PERSON IMA WHORE. Consensually ofc my celeb crushes are infinite but Mélanie Laurent
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elizabeatrice · 5 years
Episode 12 - The Little Mermaid
Let’s Talk About JSHK Anime #3
Warning: Manga spoilers for The Little Mermaid arc, The Clock Keeper arc, and chapter 64!!! (just a bit, skip point no. 5, 6, and 10 if you don’t want to get spoiled) Also … this ended up way longer than I intended.
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Well that was one heck of a feels trip. It’s probably my new favorite episode, just because everyone is here being wholesome lmao.
This is mostly hananene meta I ain’t even gonna lie.
Before we begin, shout out to Black Canyon, our newest anime cutie pie. Just look at him, folks. Just chilling with his sunflower seed.
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He has no idea the kind of life his owner leads.
I said before that the best part of episode 12 is how it made Daydream worse, so now I’m gonna ramble about it.
“Maybe different species can’t understand each other after all.”
“Maybe it would be better if I were an apparition too.”
This is my favorite part of the episode. And no, not in the sense that I want Nene to die just so that she and Hanako can be together. But because of how Lerche actually explored deeper what was said only once in the manga.
Well, both in the manga and anime Nene ended up accepting the mermaid’s blood because of her desire to be popular, but the anime decided to revisit what she said earlier in the episode.
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Not only did that make her decision kinda less selfish, it’s also just … sad. Thinking that your friend, someone you really cared about, doesn’t trust you enough to tell you things about themselves, to the point where you’re willing to go to such lengths as turning into an apparition just to understand them.
And if you think about it, isn’t this part of her true wish? To have her feelings be reciprocated? Man I just realized that as I wrote this and I am mindblown.
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She thought she finally got her wish with Hanako. I mean, he said it himself in the first ep (”You wanted someone, anyone, to return your feelings, right? And as far as you’re concerned, sharing a bond with someone is the same thing, right?”). So it must’ve hit her really hard when she thought he didn’t trust her. Especially with all the wrong ideas the fishes were feeding her mind.
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Then we got this little flashback. At first I was like, “Girl, you really be thinking that he doesn’t care about you while recalling the moment he apologized to you and hugged you? Are you insane?”
But after some thinking of my own, it occurred to me. Maybe she was too used to having her feelings not reciprocated, she couldn’t believe it when someone finally did. Not to mention Hanako did kinda trick her with his fake confession a while back (heh, he’s not the only one with trust issues, eh?). And that just made the entire thing even sadder.
So when Nene said, “But I thought, if I were an apparition like you, I could get closer to you. Then, maybe I’d be able to understand you, Hanako-kun. Although I know I probably don’t mean anything to you.”
That was a harsh wake up call for Hanako.
(Btw even more full circle, Hanako brought up Nene’s wish to become human again in the first episode. Nice.)
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So. We got one daikon girl who’s afraid of not having her feelings reciprocated, and one ghost boy who’s afraid that daikon girl wouldn’t be his friend anymore if she knew about his past.
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While in actuality, said daikon girl already decided she wanted to and would be his friend no matter what, and ghost boy had grown to care about her more than he thought he would.
He heard what she said to Tsuchigomori. He knew all about regret, too.  I mean, honestly, I think if she had said no, he’d let her walk away right then and there, no questions asked. But she didn’t.
Nene’s wish finally came true here. And the best part? It wasn’t the work of magic or curses. Just Hanako finally shoving his fear aside, offering himself as he was, and letting her decide.
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And she still chose to be with him.
Heh. Lemme just. Sob for a bit.
Is my hananene trash brain reading too much into this? Idk. Maybe.
So props to the production team for managing to add even more weight to this arc. Which, they had to, since it’s the season finale and all. But I love what they did!
Onto my commentaries!
1. The KouNene
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Good shit. She was worried about him but he didn’t want her to worry so he just smiled it off? These two are precious. Thought they were gonna interact. Sadly not. Buuuut! (see point 12)
2. Hanako’s classroom visit
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He. Is. So. Adorable. Someone please take his babey license away he’s too dangerous.
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Hanako’s classroom visit is like my absolute favorite clingy Hanako moment, so I’m really happy I get to see it this season. Ugh. My kokoro. Hugging her from behind, that semi confession vibe … Smooth mf.
The Mokke brushing Nene’s hair!!! The radish hairdo tho lmao.
On a sidenote, as a history nerd I appreciate that they’re actually putting lessons in the background. And the teacher talked about Apollo 11 again??? While my boy was in the room? That ish both hurt and pleased me.
3. The Clock Keeper rumor drop
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Heeeeeehhhhh? What’s thiiiiiissss?
4. This freaking thing
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*flips table* Darn production team been knew I’m hananene trash how dare they do this to me.
And lookie here there’s Kodama chilling.
5. Fishies! (!!!manga spoiler for The Little Mermaid arc!!!)
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Pufferfish didn’t die. Well, good for him. Also I can’t believe they just call the other fish ‘yeah yeah’ lmao what the freak. Has it always been like that in the manga?
6. AOI AND AKANE (!!!spoilers for chapter 64!!!)
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I swear I did not intend this numbering coincidence.
*claps* Boi. Nene asking Aoi about cutting ties with someone she’s interested in? And then Akane just swooped in and say he’d rather cut his head off than cut ties with Aoi? What about getting impaled, huh, boy? Would that do?
The not-so-subtle call out to these two pairs’ parallel? BOI.
7. Nene and Yako
These two just chilling together having girl talk, and Yako let Nene pet her? That’s some adorable shit right there. Admit it Yako you like her.
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Yako also be really hitting home with what she said. It was extra heavy coming from her, considering what happened to her and Misaki. Boiiiiii.
8. Tsuchigomori
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Oh my God, his laughter. Just … oh my God.
Tsuchigomori in dad mode is always one of the highlights of the episode/chapter.
By the way, in this scene according to the sub, Nene asked Tsuchigomori who Tsukasa is. But she knew who he is already. Is it possible that the sub misinterpreted it? ‘Cause I think what she actually meant was, “What happened to him and Tsukasa-kun in the past?”
If someone who speaks Japanese could share their wisdom, please do!
9. The 5 pm bell and twilight
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Look how pretty they are!!!
Lo and behold, another important hananene interaction while the 5 pm bell plays in the background. Also, twilight? Y’all giving me Kimi no Na wa flashbacks.
“Twilight, when it’s neither day or night. When the world blurs and one might encounter something not human.”
Huh … kinda fits the ‘boundary’ concept but it still hurt.
Anyway they still had Hanako tell her what she already knew. And I did say in my ‘Walking Blind’ post that it’d be redundant. But since the episode kinda emphasized Nene’s desire to understand Hanako, having him actually tell her himself, even though she already knew it, was a big deal. It’s not about what she knows, it’s about him opening up to her. So I’m super cool with it.
10. The Broadcasting Club (!!!spoilers for The Clock Keeper arc!!!)
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I love how Natsuhiko and Sakura are actually decent people. When he told Mitsuba that he was free to choose to stay with them or not? That’s solid, man. Though, of course, Tsukasa might not be as kind.
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Speaking of, I know it couldn’t be anything else, but I’m still not sure if Tsukasa’s drawing was confirmation for season 2. Don’t wanna get my hopes up. Imma just enjoy what I currently have.
Kinda curious, though. Because Clock Keeper wasn’t Tsukasa’s doing. Maybe he was the one who released Mirai? But tbh I’d prefer if it wasn’t so. Because having more cases of supernaturals going loco without it being one of Tsukasa’s games is interesting, and kinda underlines the need of The Seven Wonders to keep supernaturals in check.
11. Kodama just chilling
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12. The Adventures of Minamoto and the Summer Vegetables
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You go, Kou! I’m rooting for you oh my God you’re so precious.
And look at that ikemen smile! Him supporting Kou is just top notch sweet y’all I can’t-
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Ngl this was the biggest surprise of the episode. Teru finding out that summer vegetables = Nene? Broooooo. Interesting. I don’t think this little addition warrants any changes to their future interaction, so it should be safe. Clever replacement, too, those veggies.
It’s so sweet that Nene delivered those veggies to Kou! Just imagine the Minamoto family having veggies for dinner. Awww.
(Also, Nene wrote her name in hiragana instead of kanji. Is that a reference to how bad Kou is with kanji? Lol, so sweet)
13. The Coda!!!
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Look at him. Just look at him. Look how lovesick he is y’all I can’t-
All in all, I love this episode. Sorry for how long this post is. I’m just dealing with so many feels right now. Gaaahhhhh.
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zpetlovesglitter · 4 years
The Wicked Powers Theories
The Wicked Powers has recently been getting me excited WAY too much - which says a lot about how weird I am since Cassie hasn’t even started on it yet (LOL).
aND, so, I kind of thought it’d be nice to jot down some predictions and theories on how the series might go and maybe some thoughts on THE SHIPS (that really do be the real TEA).
So.Here we go.And do let me know about any thoughts you have on this topic as well - I read anything about TWP like a crazed creature these days istg.
1)The POV has already been envisioned to be from Ty, Dru and Kit. I absolutely love this settlement since they are all very intriguing characters. Ty is an interesting person and his actions are always unpredictable, so we might enjoy this one. And,I believe he is at The Scholomance while the story progresses, followed by Livvy (Ghost Livvy, I mean).It’s still unclear what Livvy’s situation is, so I can’t wait to know more about that - it’s bound to be something unexpected. And, as for Dru, it’s kinda obvious. We all know that WE HAVE A LOVE TRIANGLE COMING UP. But, other than that, we also know she attends The Academy and finally starts to makes some friends and even has that really close Italian (..or was it Spanish???) Shadowhunter friend who’s her age and Cassie also revealed that the two are really tight indeed. And I will be honing in on the Love Triangle soon - I told you I’ll be trying to spill whatever tea I’m guessing at.  And, as for the last character WE HAVE KIT! OMFG YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE OLDER BROTHER KIT.LIKE GOSH DARN IT HE IS SO ADORABLE AND MINA IS SO EFFING CUTE I CAN’T EVEN-                          AND KIT’S TRAINING WITH JEM AND HE IS GOING TO BE A WELL-TRAINED SHADOWHUNTER IN TWP, SO YAYYYY!! And, I absolutely CANNOT wait for MinaXKit interactions, they are the cutest siblings ever and I absolutely know that Mina grows up to be sarcastic. I can’t wait for the possible sarcastic arguments between Kit and 4-year old Mina. YOU THINK I FORGOT ABOUT KITxTY? NOPE.THE REAL SHET’S COMING UP.
2)Now,we know that the storyline is going to have something to do with that Faerie Heirloom that was from the Rosales Family. And, Cassie also said it was going to be kind of an Arthurian Legend-ish story. If you don’t know the Arthurian Legend, I suggest you read on it. I’m not sure if Cassie meant the characters and LOVE Aspect of it or the LEGEND aspect of it as in the stuff about Excalibur and all. But, for now we’ll view it in both and examine it, shall we?
King Arthur's reign ends after his wife and best knight have an affair.
This is the drama in the legend.But, there are no relationships with the MCs yet. So idk. I’m clueless. Like, maybe Dru has a relationship?? Okay I’m clutching at practically nothingness so don’t judge me. :/
So,it’s obviously something to do with the LEGEND.
I am afraid I cannot say too much about it, since I have never read too deeply about it. But, here’s some of the basics:
-He managed to pull out Excalibur from the rock it was stuck in.
-He wielded Excalibur for the people and not for his own self-interest.
-He gets help from a wizard named Merlin.
-The peeps go on a quest.
And I have this reference from a website..I’ll hit u with the link as well, if you’d like to read more on it like I did
Arthurian legend, the body of stories and medieval romances, known as the matter of Britain, centring on the legendary king Arthur. Medieval writers, especially the French, variously treated stories of Arthur’s birth, the adventures of his knights, and the adulterous love between his knight Sir Lancelot and his queen, Guinevere. This last situation and the quest for the Holy Grail (the vessel used by Christ at the Last Supper and given to Joseph of Arimathea) brought about the dissolution of the knightly fellowship, the death of Arthur, and the destruction of his kingdom.
(I’ve linked it with the text above.)
So,now I thought this was interesting- the destruction part. After all, it’s something I’m expecting about the Shadowhunters. Will the Clave maybe be destroyed? Or maybe Faerie will be destroyed? So,there were three things that brought on this uh Destruction.FIRST, his wife and his best buddy were going behind his back and doing them lovey-dovey stuff. And they all go on some quest to retrieve something important to them. So, this sounds like something plausible to be the plot of TWP. Maybe the Heirloom’s missing? And who goes on the quest though? Maybe they venture through Faerie? BLAH MY HEAD HURTS SOME THINGS ARE BETTER TO BE SURPRISED WITH ;)
-----I kinda scrolled back up while writing about Janus down there and remembered CLARY MIGHT BE TAKEN HOSTAGE LIKE YESS AND THEY GO FIND HER MAYBE?
3)We will defo see Christina, Mark and Kieran at some point- no worries, Emma and Julian too. Happy Couples! XD
4)So,then we can look forward to Dru and Jaime’s interactions. I am absolutely excited for this the most, as a shipper of the two. If you remember, we saw Jaime ignoring her for a while back there at the end of QOAAD and then he says “See ya at the Academy soon ig”. I really do hope they meet and hang out as friends, at least. I am excited to see what kind of trope it’s gonna be tho. Like, do they ignore each other and remain awkward until they start the adventure stuff in the book where they eventually have to talk to each other after years or smth. Or, maybe they’re really good friends rn. But, what I’ll warn y’all shippers is that they might not end up together, and could wind up as brother-sister-ish kind of best buddies. Which is equally cute a relationship imo. It’s a really sweet thing to be, really. I lowkey hope Cassie spins something beautiful for their relationship like a sibling-like best friends kind of thing. But, I feel like they might have feelings for each other in secret. Or maybe they date. Or maybe they suppress their secret-feelings for the sake of friendship later on in the book and end up having that really sweet friendship I was talking about.There are SO many options and that is precisely why I am so freaking excited.
5)JAIME ROCIO ROSALES.       Like, I have this gut feeling that he might end up being my fave male protagonist character in TSC. He’s got it ALL. Like, the sense of humour, the looks, the bubbly yet brooding personality, the quirks and OFC THE FRICKING NAME ITSELF IS CUTE AF LIKE BRUH I CANNOT WAIT TO READ ABOUT HIM.I have so much to say about Jaime but I’d rather we let ourselves simply wait for the crumbs Cassie might give us or maybe reread all his parts in TDA like I do everyday or just wait for the book to come out rather than simp for someone we know nothing about yet....
6)Ash Morgenstern.         He’s a cute lil bean.        That was random and untrue lmao. He’s not a ‘lil bean’. He’s totally badass with dem wings and all, but we know he’s soft inside for Janus and ofc Dru, I believe. I find him the most intriguing character, honestly. I would love to know what goes through his head. He’s actually, like, the one character in TSC that I don’t have all figured out. He gon surprise us all for sure tho. He is awesome. That’s all I have to say for now. And he looks up to Janus which is SO GODDAMN SWEET AHHHH. And THE WINGS I CANNOT WAIT TO READ MORE ABOUT THE WINGS IT SOUNDED SO BADASS ISTG I LITERALLY CANNOT WAIT GOSH DARN IT. But he really do be a cute lil bean lowkey tho.
7)Kit and Ty LOL. I have no words really. But lemme tell you how it might go. There is definitely going to be some kind of reunion. AND THEN THAT’S WHERE IT GETS CUTE. They could either be awkward and we know what tension that gets us-perhaps some whisperings of My Watson...(?  ;) and maybe they go all sad and brooding with dem looks later OR, they could be the sweetie-pies they were before and be happy and all HIII BUDDDYYYY MISSED YAAA LESS GO BE DETECTIVES YAY BURN IT UP MAH BUDDY!! Either way it’s going to be cute af and we know it . TRUST IN CASSIE Y’ALL.I trust Cassie to let this ship sail the seven seas and seven more like it deserves.
8)Ash and Dru So, Ash has a strange lil fixation on Dru and I believe he even thought she was ‘pretty’ or something. It was definitely a good adjective, but I think he said ‘pretty’. idk but we know he likes her. and I can imagine a nice relationship. I can picture them with her hair flying in the wind and they meet for the first time or smth. IHNI WHAT IM SAYING. But, there will be DRAMA. They are going to be real cute with each other YOU CAN BET ON THAT.And, by cute I do not necessarily mean ‘Oh, you have the loveliest eyes’ or some shet like that. I have a feeling it’s going to be a case of ‘Well,that’s not weird or anything YOU WEIRDO - NO U - NO U - NO U’ However this relationship is going to go, I know that it’ll be a sweet one.And, for all you shippers of these two, I have no assurances that HE IS THE ONE or anything but he is definitely a candidate. Jaime is going to be some competition I can tell. So, idk. It depends on the Jaime x Dru ship to decide things for Ash x Dru ship imo, since it might be a no-brainer if the two have feelings for each other- I mean,Jaime is an actually perfect love interest in TSC, while Ash is strong potential Best-Friend material, so it’s ONLY if Jaime and Dru don’t like each other that way that Ash could make it as a love interest. So, if y’all wanna find out what’s in it for you guys, ask Cassie maybe about how the Jaime x Dru ship might go, the next time u wanna ask her ;)
9)Tavvy and maybe the kid Helen and Aline might have had We were getting hints of another baby, so HERE WE GO.Tavvy might have a playmate. :D. YAYYYYYYYYYY
10)Janus  I’m honestly worried about him. He is a worrisome character. I hate empathising with the antagonist, personally. AAAAHHHH . I hope we see some character development in him. I really don’t want to see him as an antagonist in the story. He’s sweet and feels cheated, but he should realise that it ain’t Jace’s fault but SEBASTIAN’S fault. I would like for him to make amends with Jace :( And, also, he might get the story started in TWP tho idk. But, seriously tho, when he went home in that short story and Ash asked, “I thought you were gone forever?” or something of that sort and he shook his head sadly and Ash went soft for him. Like, that fricking broke my heart. I love this relationship tho. And, i hope Clary and him can be good friends. But, I feel like he might end up dying to save her or smth and make us all cry . T_T
12)Thule We might learn more about the Thule world and maybe they restore it or maybe the Quest is in Thule. idk. we don’t know much, but Thule will most probably be explored a lot. Cassie wouldn’t have opened up Thule for no reason.
13)Zara and Emma  Showdown? Befriend e/o ? What’s in store for these two? If it’s a showdown we get to see CORTANA YAY I AM OBSESSED WITH CORTANA NOW BECAUSE OF CORDELIA AND HER OBSESSION GOSH DARN IT WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME
14)BIG WAR I see a huge war coming I just know it. It’s a climax so there MUST be a big war and so I cannot wait! Feel like there’s gonna be some deaths as well. Lowkey feel like Jia might die. I can feel it. :(
15)The best-friend shadowhunter of Dru is a nice thing to look forward to! I can’t wait to read about the two! And I love the fact that Dru is finally exposed to new people. And, for anyone who’s confused as to how she goes to the Academy, in QOAAD she only said she’ll have some maturity done AFTER some years .  Those years are over and she at the Academy now hecc yeah I BELIEVE THE BFF IS CALLED THAI AND SHE’S FROM THE SPANISH INSTITUTE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG???
16)Magnus Bane He is literally everywhere. He gon be here too. No worries for all the Magnus Bane stans. He’ll make it here without a doubt!  Good for you :).  and the entire community of shadowhunters they literally always need him  17)THE MAIN MAIN PLOT THE SHADOWHUNTERS SHOWDOWN IS OBVIOUSLY GOING TO ALSO BE RELATED TO THE PRINCES OF HELL COMING TOGETHER AND I AM TOO SCARED TO LOOK TOO INTO IT BUT WE KNOW SHIZ COMING GNJODIFPEDWEFHUGBJ VM
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