#she was flirting with you
eidolons-stuff · 10 months
Wednesday: "Ever noticed how peculiar Enid's behaviour is when she's around me?"
Xavier: "That's because she's flirting"
Wednesday: "She what?"
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FNAF movie Vanessa sucks at “flirting” with Mike
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tiredbitchposts · 4 months
Speaking of a lesbian Shen Yuan, let's just get it out of the way this woman would NOT know how to act after transmitgation. Like, all it took for a male Shen Yuan to start acting like the world's biggest babygirl was dying and being reborn into a villain's body, what do you think would happen if he was a closeted lesbian who religiously consumed either porn or male centric media? She'd commit war crimes on the poor women who had the luck of interacting with her. This woman would squeeze Liu Qingge's biceps and playfully say she can always depend on her strong shimei to protect her, she'd U-haul a marriageble age Luo Binghe into her side room and treat her as one would a wife, she'd host her sect leader to talk about her peak's budget wearing exactly two layers because it's just so hot and we're all women here shijie, she'd invite Gongyi Xiao to her peak with a smile and too much subtext for it to sound like a simple discipline invite to anyone hearing it, she'd call Zhuzi-lang fascinating to her face with no type of irony or mockery. This woman would would do all that AND still think think someone means lebanese when they say they're a lesbian, again, the system doesn't know what type of evil they unleashed upon the PIDW world
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brainrotcharacters · 2 months
makes me giggle to think of X2 Logan meeting dp&w Logan when this is a thing
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#��don't tell me you fuckin liked it 🤨” “you have no idea 😃”#x2 logan is going to see that in the tva screens and go 🤨😳🏳️‍🌈⁉️#dp&w Logan going “you don't understand he's fucked up he's my favorite of these assholes”#and then turn around and yell at wade “FUCKTARD”#hear the distinct “oh he's adorable can't resist flirting with me across the room LOVE YOU TOO SHITFACE”#“KEEP AN EYE ON OUR DAUGHTER OR IT'S MY SWORDS IN YOUR DELICIOUS ABS IN THREE SECONDS”#x2 Logan going 🤨 at the daughter in question mary puppins#Logan being as hung up on Jean as he'd been might just Reconsider mr wade wilson#👀👀👀👀👀👀👀#pspsps Logan#one rainbow brigade bitch to another? i dont think jean can do that#she clawed u up that one time but see what walmart santa claus is doing here#he's riddling you with bullets ✅ fuckin emptying the cartridges on your scrumdiddlydumptruck ass#he's stabbing adamantium ADAMANTIUM swords in you up until the sword hilts ✅#Logan listen#jean needed to be with phoenix first before Doing All Those Things Which She Did With You#but Deadpool? Deadpool is in it for the shits and giggles#Look. I'm not a woman of science. But there seems to be Chemistry among us.#I'd hit the emergency meeting button but i don't fucking want to 😁#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool#wolverine#deadpool 3#deadpool 2024#logan howlett#wade wilson#poolverine#deadclaws#Deadpool and Wolverine Honda#Deadpool and Wolverine Honda Odyssey
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 271
“Grandmother is visiting,” Damian suddenly said with no warning and with his usual not-quite demanding tone. 
“Who?” Tim wasn’t the only one to startle, seeing as Bruce had practically froze, a downturn to his lips in a silent show of confusion. 
Damian scowled. “Are you deaf Drake? Grandmother is coming to Gotham to, quote, make sure I am being properly cared for.” None of them had known that Ras was with anyone actually. At least Tim was pretty sure that would have been in the files. 
“Oh?” Dick didn’t quite crouch to Damian’s height but it was a near thing. “She-” “He,” Damian corrected, interrupting him. They all exchanged a glance before Dick continued. 
“Is he coming to the Manor or…” 
Damian scoffed again, a tiny bit of a flush against his face. “No, Grandmother will most likely be staying with Akhi-”
Now wait one moment-
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Wade doesn't want anyone staring at his beloved Peanut's precious assets
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superkitten-poison · 2 months
she's a fallen angel, she's dating the princess of hell, she's got the biggest kill count of the main cast. she's judgmental, she's guilt ridden, she'll spend the rest of her days repenting but doesnt think it'll ever be enough. she believes that without a purpose she's worthless and she doesn't know love that isn't total devotion. she's a fighter, she's a femme, she's protective, she's easily angered, she's one of the most levelheaded of the hotel. she would die for the woman she loves but she fell for the one person in hell who would never ask that of someone. she's socially awkward. she was named vagina and by god she will not change it.
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jambamthepaperman · 13 days
Rio if you want to kiss ur ex girlfriend who you are still very much in love with while she’s trying very hard not to admit to herself that she’s still in love with you, you’re gonna have to initiate it girl, no way she’s gonna try again after that mess
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disaster-magician · 3 months
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Sorry your crush is oblivious Qiu, better luck next time!
(Fake screenshots! These are fan made based on incorrect quotes and not in the game)
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hirayaea · 7 months
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xavier is just casually saying things like this in the office
tara for sure is squealing somewhere in the background
meanwhile, someone nero mutters, “some of us are single, you know…”
xavier doesn’t deny allegations when asked if you’re together
in fact, this man is so sly he fans the flames on purpose, but when you ask him about it he just goes: “hmmm? I told them we’re partners”
the next day, a “no flirting” sign is posted in the office
xavier is clueless, “who was flirting?” he asks, as he brings you a cup of iced coffee and mixes the gum syrup in front of you, drinking a bit of it himself before handing it to you
“we should share one coffee cup so there’s less trash”, he says, oblivious that tara is still giggling and the other men in the office want to shake him
somehow a sign also ends up at jeremiah’s flower shop
xavier asks where are the signs coming from???
jeremiah shrugs, “I don’t know about the one in your office, but I‘ve had that one for years”
source: memoria - fluffy trap
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horsegirlhob · 10 months
Spike absolutely haunts Riley I fucking know it
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musubiki · 9 months
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my best friend is the main character
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five-and-dimes · 1 month
Listen. Listen. In no universe will I pretend that Dream wasn’t in the wrong when he condemned Nada to Hell. That was fucked up.
But bear with me and trust that I know that while we take a step back from that for a second to talk about something else.
Nada saw Dream from afar, fell in love with him, and went on a quest to track him down. Once she finds Some Guy In A Mask (not realizing who he is) she talks about how she loves this mystery man so much. Mask Guy is like “For real?” and she’s like “For real for real!!” Then he takes off his mask and is like “this is amazing I absolutely love you too!!” and Nada is immediately like “oh shit, Dream?? Of the Endless??? Nvm gotta go”
Everything after that is 100% shitty of Dream. Not arguing that. However, treating this as fictional characters in a story….
A woman saw Dream, claimed to love him enough to track him down, and then as soon as she found out who he was she was horrified.
So anyway when I think about Dream not wanting to reveal his identity to Hob that’s what I’m thinking about.
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hamable · 28 days
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Annabel Cheddar on her way to Comida knowing she fumbled that space-age girlboss bag bc she’s still on the family health insurance
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lonelyspire · 4 months
another tidbit that is making me emotional in the septa scene is that rhaenyra has been so stiff since the beginning of the season, rigid with grief and having to hold herself in check because her council keeps undermining her, so she doesn't allow herself to emote very much besides expressing her sorrow but like. the second she's with alicent, particularly when speaking of the scenario of being found out and slain, she's back twenty years, making faces. the first few seconds especially, she's frowning and raising her eyebrows and scoffing etc but there's also an undercurrent of like rolling her eyes, of being facetious almost. and it's not an intensity that stems only from the urgency of the situation, it really is just how she reacts to alicent all the time, whether in the same room or miles away, there's always emotion bubbling out of her when it comes to alicent, and a fondness that can't be kept at bay, even when she's literally threatening to kill her (sort of in a jest) like. they're bound to destroy each other but also alicent is bringing something out of her that pierces through her heartbreak.
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rottengurlz · 1 month
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try to be gentle when you are ripping me apart 🔪
w/ @kashisun
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