#she knew exactly what art was doing during lunch
tomatotales · 3 months
People claiming that Art baby trapped Tashi or he manipulated her into marriage are kinda crazy
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cheesysoup-arlo · 6 months
Like a dog pt. 1
(pt. 2)
Regina x reader angst?
Warnings: toxic Regina, slur (use of the word lesbo)
I listened to this song for most of the writing process lol
You loved Regina. You loved her so much and you would do anything for her. She was your girlfriend. She wouldn’t tell anyone that but you knew it and that was enough for you.
You’ve noticed Regina being a little more distant than usual since Cady joined the plastics. You didn’t think much of it until rumors of Aaron and Regina dating started spreading.
While hanging out at Regina’s house (with the plastics) you decided to try and bring it up. “Hey Gina, um I-“ before you could even get your words out Regina snapped “What (Y/N)” she said rolling her eyes. “You know never mind I’m probably being ridiculous” you say worried she’ll get mad “No, spit it out, Now” she demanded. “Um so I’ve been hearing rumors that you and Aaron are dating, I know us dating is a secret (only you and the plastics know) but I thought we were only seeing each other?” You say kind of rambling and nervous. “Oh my god you’re being ridiculous” Regina said annoyed “get over yourself, you’re a secret for a reason, people can’t know I’m some lesbo like you and Janis that would be gross” you suddenly felt really small and unwanted something that you weren’t used to feeling especially when you were with your girlfriend. “Yeah, right, exactly, I don’t even know why I brought it up, sorry” you mumbled out. “God you’re so insecure sometimes” Regina says leaning in to kiss you. You kiss her, the mean things she said don’t matter as much as that kiss. Kissing her soft sweet lips meant everything to you.
The next day at school you’re putting your stuff in your locker when Regina calls you over. “(Y/N) come” Regina commanded “Yes?” You say confused walking over to her, she normally doesn’t talk to you much at school. “Gretchen was right you are like a dog, you come crawling to me whenever I call” she laughs a little with her friends. “Ok bye bye puppy, see you later” she says waving you away and laughing. You go to the bathroom to cry. Why was your girlfriend being like this? Doesn’t she love you? You lost track of time while crying and missed class. You wipe your tears, trying to make yourself look presentable before your only class with Regina. When you walk into class you see Regina. You’re not as excited as you normally are but seeing her makes you a little happy even if she’s being mean to you. Regina notices you and says, “come here puppy come sit” she points to the seat next to her and of course you follow. Regina pulls you in for a kiss, she never does that in public so you were shocked. “Regina there’s people” you say worried. She rolls her eyes “just be grateful I kissed you” you decide being quiet would be the better option. Regina’s behavior confused you. “Meet me at my car during lunch” Regina whispered in your ear. You just nod. Lunch was after next period. When the bell rang you packed up your things to head to art. You bumped into someone. “Ow fuck sorry” you say picking up the stuff you dropped. “It’s ok” says a familiar voice. “Oh hi Janis” “hi (Y/N), heading to art?” “Um yeah, you know I sit like right behind you” “yeah I know but sometimes you ditch so I was just curious” Janis jokes making you laugh a little. You two walk to art together, talking a little about your recent projects. Rumors start spreading when the two openly out lesbians are seen walking together in the halls and laughing. You don’t go on your phone in art. So to your surprise when you open your phone after the bell rings for lunch and see loads of messages and post about you and Janis. And two text from Regina
Regina 💕: get your ass to my car
Regina💕: NOW
uh oh she’s angry. You run to her car. “Hey Regina” “get in the car” you do what you’re told. “So you’re cheating on me?” “WHAT NO” “oh come on (Y/N) why else would you be talking and giggling with Janis” “um maybe because I have art with her” “I don’t want to see you around her anymore” she kisses you then continues “you’re mine” you blush due to her possessiveness even if she only talked like this in private. “All yours” you say. She kisses you again. “Oh one more thing, don’t bring up Aaron anymore he’s being like so annoying and tried to kiss me” “ok” you say leaning in to kiss her again. She kisses you back kinda rough, biting your bottom lip then sticking her tongue in your mouth to assert dominance. You moan. “Oh you like that” Regina chuckles. You’re embarrassed and hide your face. She grabs you chin and makes you look at her “I want you to come over tonight after the girls leave” “ok?” You say a little confused “you’re gonna be a good little puppy and do whatever I say, ok?” You nod. “Good, now get out, I’ll see you tonight.” You leave a little confused but also excited because you get to see Regina later.
A/N: this has been in my notes app for like 3 days because I couldn’t tell if this was worth posting but here you go
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jus-a-lil-mouse · 11 months
(including this fantastic art from @this-is-z-art-blog )
Danny decided very quickly that he really, really did not like the new kid.
Kade Johnson (“That’s such a white boy name,” Tucker had said, eyes rolling) had started in the middle of November. A senior with blonde hair and blue eyes that rivaled Dash’s good looks. Smart and athletic. A model student. Charismatic. Friendly. Off.
“He’s just sort of… weird,” Danny had told Sam over lunch.
She had glanced at the senior in question, varsity jacket slung over his shoulder, laughing with the rest of the basketball team. “Yeah, Danny. He’s a popular kid who’s going to peak in high school.”
Danny shook his head. “It’s more than that.”
“Danny, I promise it’s not,” Sam replied. “Unless he’s, y’know…” she wiggled her fingers at him, flinging a bit of pizza sauce his way, “ghostly?”
“No. He’s normal,” Danny sighed. Sam raised an eyebrow at him. Danny rolled his eyes. “He’s human, I mean.”
Tucker dumped an armful of vending machine snacks on their lunch table, settling in next to Danny. “He’s telling you about his conspiracies too?”
“They’re not-“
“Yeah, new kid’s evil and out to get us,” Sam replied.
Danny grabbed the Ruffles and ate them as petulantly as he could, glaring at his two dearest friends in the world. “He’s weird,” Danny insisted weakly, glancing over at the senior again.
Clear blue eyes stared back at him, alive and bright. Unsettling. Kade grinned at him, showing off too-white teeth. Danny thought he might puke.
It had been nearly three weeks since Danny was able to sit at his seat. He didn’t even realize it was his seat until fucking Kade was there with impeccably clear skin and the vague hint of cologne hanging around him. Khakis (who wore nice pants to high school?) and a polo and his Varsity letter jacket. And Danny knew why he, a freshman, was in the Junior-level physics class - because he was fucking smart - but that didn’t explain why Kade, a senior, was in the Junior-level physics class - because Danny knew that Kade was also fucking smart. It was the only thing Jazz could talk about anymore.
And Danny was stuck staring at the back of Kade’s stupid head. Because Star had just given Danny’s seat away. Like “Lab Partners for Life” meant nothing to her. Every day Kade came in and sat down next to her and gave her a big grin. And Star gazed up at him adoringly and said “What do you think of my outfit today, Kade?” And Kade said “You look great, why don’t you sit next to me at lunch today?” Or “I don’t think that style suits you very well, sorry Star.” Or something equally weird and unrelated to physics. And Danny couldn’t see the whiteboard.
Danny had tried telling Tucker that Kade was weird. Tucker had put Danny’s cheeks between his hands and said “Hey, man. You can tell me if you’re gay. It’s okay.” And Danny said “You’re an ass, Tuck,” because Danny had already come out to him three years ago.
Danny had tried telling Sam. She’d said, “At least he’s gotten Dash to stop wearing those stupid ripped jeans. The khakis and polos are an improvement.” Which was true - all the A-listers wore exactly what Kade wanted them to. They probably shopped together.
At lunch Kade sat with the A-Listers of every grade. They all ate what he ate and sat where he asked them to. They all wore stupid matching friendship bracelets that were too bright. The charms hurt Danny’s eyes whenever they caught the light right, and they caught the light right all the time.
Danny hated that guy.
Danny was always a little bit prepared for an attack during school. After it had happened so many times already, it would be foolish not to keep a Thermos in his bag and be on edge all of the damn time. But it had been less frequent lately. All the ghosts seemed to be quieting down. It was suspicious, but Danny had been trying to take advantage of the sleep while he could. Growing boy and all that. Unfortunately, dull headaches throbbed in his head and his nights were frustratingly sleepless.
So it follows naturally that Skulker shows up while Danny is nearly asleep in English. He isn’t even fully awake when he transforms in the bathroom, Thermos in hand and backpack discarded in the corner.
He manages to be wide awake when he makes it onto the football field and finds Skulker staring down Kwan, who - to his credit - is staring right back. Danny’s able to get a good shot in while Skulker is distracted, and the following fight is short and sweet and incredibly routine. Danny touches down next to Kwan once it’s over. “Hey, man. You’re supposed to run away from ghosts.”
Kwan grins at him, bright and full of teeth. “It’s fine, Phantom! See, I’ve got this!” He held up his wrist and Danny winced as the sun caught the charm just right and blinded him. Kwan sheepishly put his arm back down. “Sorry. It’s an anti-ghost charm.”
“It’s a what,” Danny said flatly, reaching for Kwan’s wrist again. He braced himself for the brightness, and squinted to examine the bracelet.
“An anti-ghost charm!” Kwan repeated. “See, there’s a new student - his name is Kade - and he’s a genius. He knows all about ghosts. The charm is a little locket, see, and inside is special ingredients.”
“What ingredients?” Danny asked, trying to open the container.
Kwan kicked at the dirt. “Well, I’m not really supposed to ask… I don’t know,” he admitted. “But Kade says if I keep doing well, I can learn one day! Kade’s great.”
Danny grunted, finally wiggling the locket open. “Is that hair?” he asked, pulling a little knot of it out. It looked just like the clumps of Jazz’s hair that he found on his laundry - definitely human hair. And a small pin, and a little thorn that pricked Danny’s finger. “What the fuck,” Danny breathed, shaking his hand out. He glanced up at Kwan, who looked devastated that Danny had opened the locket.
“Kade will be upset that I opened it,” Kwan said quietly, as though confiding a great secret. “I might not get to sit at the table during lunch.” Danny did his best not to roll his eyes. “He says they lose their magic when you open them.”
“Why?” Danny asked, shoving the items back into the container and shutting the clasp. “It’s just some garbage - it doesn’t even do anything.”
“Yes it does,” Kwan insisted, suddenly loud again. Danny dropped his hand. “Kade says so. He knows all about ghosts.”
“I am a ghost,” Danny reminded him.
“Ghosts are liars. Kade says a ghost will tell you anything you want to hear to get what they want.” He took a step back. “You could be lying right now. Maybe you aren’t even saving us from the ghosts, like Kade says. I shouldn’t even be talking to you. What if someone sees?”
Danny rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Kade can save you next time Skulker comes around if he’s so great.” He left before he could hear Kwan’s response.
Danny is only a little pleased to be paired with Paulina for English today. Sure, she’s a bit unbearable to be around, but she’s pretty, so it evens out. The sickly sweet smell of her perfume worsens his headache, but at least she isn’t wearing one of those damn charms.
She gives him a disinterested glance as he sits next to her, worksheet in hand. He tries not to be that offended. And then he is offended, he decides, because she’s got a picture of Kade sticking out of her notebook.
“Did you do yesterday’s reading?” Danny asked. He knew the answer.
“No, I was busy at Kade’s house,” Paulina replied, looking at him as though he was stupid for thinking she’d do her homework. “I’m in the inner circle.”
“So… the worksheet?” Danny said, hoping to redirect the conversation. “Lancer’s usually willing to fail us for not finishing before ghosts attack.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll keep you safe. Kade knows how to keep ghosts away. He knows everything. He’s protected the school so well!”
“I thought Phantom was protecting the school,” Danny said through gritted teeth.
Paulina tut-tutted at him. “No. Phantom is a ghost. Ghosts are evil,” she says, as though he is a child. “Kade tells us how to protect ourselves from ghosts. My perfume is ghost-repellant. And I do all of my meditations so that they can’t take over my mind. If you asked, Kade could help you too,” she added sweetly. “Your parents clearly don’t know anything about ghosts. Not like Kade.”
Danny recognized the insult for what it was, but Paulina also sounded genuine. She believed this nonsense. “Paulina, none of that works.” The perfume smelled bad, but it wasn’t repelling him. “How has he proven any of that works?”
“Um, it obviously works,” she replied. “Ghosts haven’t attacked the school in weeks, and even the attacks in town are stopping. That’s because of us. Kade is showing us how to protect the town, and soon… well, we won’t need Phantom ever again.”
She had a point. Ghost attacks were way down. Danny still felt like shit all the time, but at least he hadn’t needed to be doing vigilante business as well - he just thought he was finally winning. That after enough fights they’d stopped coming back. It made more sense than Paulina stopping the attacks, at least. “Paulina, Kade doesn’t have that kind of power. He’s just a guy.”
Paulina’s hand shot in the air. “Mr. Lancer, can I work by myself?” Lancer didn’t even look up from his monitor, just sighed and waved his hand in a ‘ do whatever’ motion. She turned back to him, angrier than Danny had ever seen her. “I don’t listen to unbelievers like you. I’m part of the inner circle.”
And then she was up and gone, seat vacated. Danny let his head thud onto the table. He also hadn’t done the reading. This worksheet was going to take him forever.
It’s mid-March when Danny finally realizes that something is wrong with Dash. Early March is when Dash’s ‘spring cleaning’ starts, and everyone who looks at him wrong gets shoved in a locker (at best) or a toilet (at worst). But Danny - despite being sleep-deprived, achey, and nauseous - has been snarking at him constantly for weeks, and hasn’t been shoved anywhere. His hair is blessedly free of toilet water. And Dash is wearing khakis and polos and he wears that stupid bracelet.
“I thought you’d be glad he stopped his brutishness,” Sam said when he brought it up. “I really think you need to see a doctor, Danny.”
Tucker hadn’t even tried listening to him. “You haven’t slept well in months, man. Of course you’re paranoid.” The kindness in his eyes made Danny want to hurl. Danny was the protector, not the protected.
He was on his own.
Which is why he nearly let out a breath of relief when Dash cornered him in the near-empty locker room after gym. The remaining boys cleared out quickly, leaving Danny and Dash alone. Finally, a fight. Ghosts hadn’t been seen in weeks. Danny felt more deathly than ever.
“Hey, uh, Fenton,” Dash started, and Danny froze. Was this not a fight?
“Baxter,” Danny replied coolly. “Come for spring cleaning?”
Dash looked scared, and Danny didn’t understand anything that was happening. “No. I wanted to apologize for my past behavior. It was juvenile, and will not be repeated.”
“Those are some pretty big words,” Danny says, and he can see the conflict in Dash’s eyes: to punch or not to punch? That is the question.
Dash takes a deep breath and sticks his hand out between them. “I apologize for my past behavior,” he repeats. Danny lets this hang between them, too.
“No,” Danny says. “Dude, what? Glad you cleared your conscience, but I’m not going to shake your hand and say we’re fine.”
“You have to,” Dash pleaded. “Everyone else did.”
“Yeah, man! Of course they did! You beat the shit out of us all the time!”
“I used to beat the shit of you all the time.”
“Dash, what is going on?” Danny asks, dropping his volume down.
Dash shifts uncomfortably. He mumbles something into the air dividing them, but Danny can’t quite catch it. He stays silent, waiting for Dash to break first. It only takes a moment. “Kade is going to save some of us. I’m supposed to be free of grudges or the negative emotions will cause the process to go wrong. I’ve been having extra one-on-one sessions,” Dash explains. “Kade says if I’m forgiven it’ll go well. Then we’ll all be okay. So you have to forgive me.”
“Dash, none of that makes any sense.”
“Well it’s not my fault you’re not in the inner circle. Maybe if you weren’t such a loser you’d be able to be saved too.”
“You’re so good at not continuing your past behavior,” Danny replies, and is almost glad for the cold bite of the locker on his back when Dash slams him into it.
“I am going to go to Kade’s. He is going to make it so I can’t die, and then we will make it so the whole town is safe and the ghosts won’t be able to touch us. Kade can cut us off from death! He’s done it before! So you’re going to forgive me and I’m gonna be a hero.” Dash’s eyes were bright and alive and sickening to look into.
Danny didn’t know what to say to that. So he didn’t say anything, and got shoved in a locker.
“I hate being right all the time,” Danny mutters to himself. He shuffles through a couple more papers on Kade’s desk, and then phases through the ceiling. The easiest realization was ‘Kade is leading a cult’. Next step was to visit Kade’s house by following him home from school. Thankfully, Kade was the kind of evil genius who left his plans out on his desk.
Gather recruits. Help guide them towards salvation. Cut off the town from the Ghost Zone. Be hailed as a savior.
The problem was this: Danny knew intimately that life and death were in balance. You couldn’t have one without the other. Kade had been leaching energy off of his fellow students to begin the process. Danny was being slowly cut off from death (explaining the headaches and the nausea and the bone-deep exhaustion). The whole town was. Of course there’d been less ghost attacks. Danny had been right to be suspicious. Amity Park’s veil was razor-thin, and this separation would probably cause it to implode spectacularly.
“I was so hoping you’d be here.”
Danny turns and sees Kade, eyes bright and alive and smile full of too-white teeth. “Here I am,” Danny says, spreading his arms open dramatically.
“Here you are!” Kade says. “The ghost boy himself! Are you here to foil my plans?” He asks it as though it is an inside joke, as though they are old friends. “Shall I give you my monologue?”
Danny settles. Gives the illusion of complacency. Shrugs. “Yeah, if that’s what you want to do with your day.”
“I am always searching for souls seeking redemption,” Kade replies, spreading his arms wide. “Daniel, I am a visionary. I am alive. I have removed all traces of death from myself. It cannot touch me.”
That last bit may have been true; being in the room with him was dizzying. Agitating. Looking at his face felt sickening.
“I could tell you all the details, but here are the highlights. I have saved my soul, made myself more alive than anyone has ever been. It was simple and bloody, but now I know how to save everyone.”
“If you upset the balance, everything will collapse in on itself. By separating them you’ll bring them closer together. Like a rubber band, y’know?”
Kade tuts at him. “What will you do, ghost? Stop me?”
“It’s what I do,” Danny shrugs, and prepares for a fight.
The fight doesn’t come; it never even starts. Kade is untouchable; the ectoblasts and wails just wash over him like a wave breaking on stone. Kade is grinning. His teeth are too white and his eyes are bright and Danny is tired.
“I told you, I cannot be touched by death,” Kade reminds him.
Danny is the world; he is balanced. He returns to life and lands a well-placed sucker punch. Kade hadn’t been expecting that, and soon enough they were tumbling on the ground. It’s been a while since Danny was in a fight, but it returns to him easily. His knuckles are bleeding. He is winning. “What are you?” Danny asks through bloody teeth. “You aren’t a ghost.”
“I am to life what a ghost is to death,” Kade hisses from the floor. “And you are an abomination.”
“Dude. That’s rude,” Danny replies.
Danny has spent years avoiding Dash Baxter, so when he hears those familiar footfalls in the hallway, he transforms. He lets Kade push him away. He makes sure Dash and Paulina have a good view of Kade, beaten and bloody, and Phantom looming over him. Kade pushes himself up off the floor, his “anti-ghost” charm swinging wildly off his bracelet as he attempts to steady himself.
He uses his best Superhero voice. “This evil-doer was attempting to upset the balance of forces sustaining the world. He intended to cause the apocalypse.” The apocalypse bit was a lie, but they wouldn’t know that. Danny gave them a thumbs up. He disappeared.
Sam and Tucker weren’t that impressed when he told them about it.
“Cults are small potatoes,” Sam says wisely.
“It wasn’t even a real cult, it was a high schooler with an entourage,” Tucker adds.
“He was a supernatural entity that wanted to destroy the world,” Danny argues.
Sam nods. “Yeah. Small potatoes.”
“I’m just glad you finally got some sleep, buddy,” Tucker says, swinging an arm around Danny’s shoulders.
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taccobelle · 1 year
Teenage Dirtbag
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Paring: Eddie x fem!reader, Eddie x Cheerleader!Reader
Word count: 2.9k
Summary: In the small town of Hawkins, Pixie Dunphy, and Eddie Munson couldn't be more different, living in a small town like Hawkins, where rumors define you. Pixie is a charming and independent girl who seems to have it all. Pixie is adored by many in Hawkins High, Eddie, on the other hand, is the school's freak. Their paths cross unexpectedly, igniting a love story that defies expectations, learning they have much more in common than they initially thought.
Authors note: Hiya! this is my very first story🫣 (that I have made public). I really hope you all enjoy reading this, I truly tried my hardest to make this as good as possible, but please be kind 🥹
Warnings: language, slow burn, opposites attract, she/her pronouns, the reader is FAB, Eddie might be a little shit, I gave the reader a nickname because y/n is so cringe. There is no mention of race, but I do occasionally describe what Pixie looks like, but those are subtle enough that you can ignore it!
Chapter One: The Notorious Rumors
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As I cautiously navigated the foreign halls of Hawkins High, my heart raced with anticipation and uncertainty, school would start next week, but the halls flooded with freshmen and their mentors, getting a tour of the decrepit building, an attempt of avoiding the inevitable, the freshmen being lost on their first day. You can’t help but relate to those poor kids. Entering the halls of this high school, knowing damn well that the fact that Hawkins High is small, is exactly what makes it that much scarier. Tiny meant close knit, everyone knew each other from birth, and you were just an unwelcome stranger. You huff in frustration, realizing the freshmen had one leg above you, they at least had pre-existing friends from junior high, you on the other hand, knew nobody.
Being the new girl in a sea of familiar faces would be like treading on uncharted territory. A group of teenage girls, all adorning white and green cheer uniforms, hairs perfectly in place, tied in a fashionable ponytail stood in front of the packed bulletin board, near the principals office. The group of girls chatted away, each holding printed out copies of extracurricular activities offered for the fall, pretending to show any interest in the activity. They looked as if they owned the building, displaying fake smiles, whispering about every person that walked by, commenting on their shoes, if they had volunteered to hand out sideways glances, they’d get their credits immediately. This all only heightened my anxieties, their presence made me feel like an outsider, an alien amidst the established cliques and well-worn friendships. But then, like a shimmering ray of sunshine piercing through stormy clouds, she appeared before me. “Hey there! You must be the new girl Higgins told me about, I’m Chrissy!" a cheerful voice called out, I turned to find a girl with a crooked smile, strawberry blonde ponytail, flashing a genuine smile that instantly dissolved my worries. You introduce yourself as Pixie Dunphy and explained that Pixie is not even actually your name, it was a nickname your grandpa had given you as a kid because of your short stature, and it just sort of stuck.
Chrissy showed you around the school, going on about which teachers were a pain, and which weren’t, the school policies, and which table was the best to sit at during lunch. The halls of Hawkins high couldn’t have looked more like a maze to you, surprised how a school so small, could be so confusing, the walls filled with posters and fading pieces of art projects made by past students, lockers that resembled a bumpy road, adorned with dents and grooves from the years of nerds being shoved against them. The chipped paint on the wall gave away the lack of maintenance, and the yellowed lights above on the drop down ceiling flickered with every gust of wind. As you both rounded the corner, back to the bulletin board by the principals office, you see all the posters for sports and clubs the cheerleaders had been holding pretending to pass out to fulfill their community service hours requirement for graduation. “You know, we’re having tryouts this tomorrow at 10, I know it’s short notice, but u can talk to coach to let you bring in your physical when school starts off. . . It is just that I noticed you looking at the flyers” Chrissy’s voice startled you out of your day dream, her warm smile brought you back to reality. it is true that you had previously been eyeing the flyer, it is a sure way to make friends, and you had been part of the cheer team in your old school as well, you had thought about joining anyways, but the ironic group of girls that lacked any sort of cheerful bone in their body kind of made you get cold feet.
In the end of the tour, Chrissy and I stood by the front door waiting for your rides home, you both spend hours waiting for your parents to arrive to pick you up, you found out you both lived near each other, meeting her had given you hope. Hope that maybe things in Hawkins would be so bad, maybe you’d get along just fine. After finding you you two will basically be neighbors, she mentions something about a party on Saturday, something about it being the last of the summer before school started back up in the fall, the small amount you both had exchanged, made her invitation not feel unexpected, Chrissy even offered a ride. What could go wrong? I needed to socialize if I didn’t want to be some outcast. It felt like a golden ticket into a world of belonging and acceptance, a chance to shed the label of the "new girl" and find my place among the vibrant tapestry of high school life. In Hawkins, the opinions others had of you determined how others would treat you. In this tiny town, full of people with even tinier brains, one rumor could determine a person’s whole life. As I mulled over Chrissy’s invitation, a whirlwind of emotions swirled within me, excitement danced in my veins, a symphony of nerves and doubt as I imagined myself at the party, surrounded by laughter and music, feeling like I belonged for the first time since my arrival. I had never been the outcast, always had made friends easily in school, but it wasn’t anything like Hawkins. Hawkins felt claustrophobic, like a small box of a high school. Chrissy’s invitation was a glimmer of a future where I wouldn't be an alien, where I could forge connections and weave myself into the intricate threads of teenage camaraderie. In the face of uncertainty, I chose to embrace the invitation, to believe in the kindness behind Chrissy’s smile.           
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     When it came around the time of the party, you take one last look at yourself in the full-length mirror hanging from the inside of your closet door, boxes haphazardly stacked on top of each other full of unpacked clothes, decoration, and untouched sticker packets you have been saving for a “special day” to use them. You take a minute to look over every detail of your outfit. You had spent your whole Friday afternoon at the mall with Chrissy picking out the perfect outfit for tonight. You had settled on a pair of white Keds you already owned, with wool white socks that bunched up around your ankles, a bubblegum pink sweater with a white turtleneck collar underneath, and a denim pencil skirt that reached slightly below the middle of your thighs. Chrissy had convinced you to wear the skirt, it was a little short for your liking, considering you haven’t worn a skirt this short since you were about 14 and Jennifer McLaughlin pointed out how thick your thighs were, and offered to lend her mother’s copy of the Jazzercise VHS for the summer. You had tried curling your hair with the heatless curling rods you secretly took from your mother’s room, making a secret bet with yourself how long the curls would hold up, your hair being way too slick to hold them for more than 2 hours. You fixed your wispy bangs and tied half your hair you with your favorite scrunchie, matching the color of your eyeshadow, which was a pink of Pepto Bismol, and glossy lips. 
     You looked nice, nice was good; nice would get the kids at this god forsaken town to like you. Chrissy had said she’d be over to pick you up at your house at 8:30pm, you look at the digital clock laying on your desk, and curse under your breath, you were going to be late. “…shit” Pixie huffs out making haste to grab her purse and house keys her dad had given, he the new copies earlier today, making her promise not to lose it in 5 minutes like always. Once she got downstairs, she sees Chrissy sitting in the front seat of her boyfriend’s burgundy wood panel Ford Station Wagon Jason had gotten as a birthday gift earlier in the year. Pixie makes her way down the steps of her suburbia home, and made her way into the back seat, sitting behind Jason to get a better look at her friend. “It’s no problem at all, Jay would be coming this way anyways, I live two streets down” Crissy says with a cheery tone “So, you excited? You look so nice” Chrissy said, turning her body back to have a better look at her friend. I feel your face start to heat up from the comment, I gently smile and express my gratitude and buckle up, I clear my throat and say “Jeez, thanks Chris, you look amazing as well! I take a deep breath and chuckles out her answer “I’m a little nervous” I take a deep breath and continue with a chuckle “but I think it’ll be fun” I feel Jason’s eyes on me, preparing to say something.
   As they arrive Pixie looks out the window. The house was considerably larger than the others on the street, it was a pale shade of green, and was littered with teenagers talking around on the lawn. The song was booming from the inside of the house, and it belonged to one Steve Harrington, Chrissy said that the 16-year-old had the house to himself after his parents went on a business trip very often, frequently throwing the raddest parties that anyone who was someone, was invited to. Chrissy mumbled a quick hello to the girls sitting on the couch with red solo cups in their hands, grabbing my hand, dragging me across the sea of people in such haste you’d think her life depended on it. In high school, everyone has an “identifier” a descriptive word, that everyone will associate it to you for the full four years—or how many years it takes for you to graduate. Tommy Fletcher’s identifier was “Angel face” Tommy just had this face to him, that made people almost want to trust him from the get-go.
It was at that party where Pixie met Tommy, they hadn’t really talked much, but when Tommy asked if you wanted a ride home, you didn’t sense any malice in his words. That is how whispers began to ripple through the streets, carrying with them an account that had the power to stir curiosity and ignite judgment. It was a false rumor, a tangled web spun by idle minds, woven with threads of teenage gossip, and embellished with imaginations eager for scandal by the elder women of the town. According to the murmurs that churned like a hidden undercurrent. The vicious rumor began with none other than Tommy boy himself. Tommy felt the pressure of his friends’ questioning gazes after he had giving Pixie a ride home. Not confirming nor denying his pal’s suggestions of going past first base, when in fact Tommy had gone in for kiss as he parked his car in front of her modest house but failed miserably spilling Pixie’s drink on her lap. Too embarrassed to admit his lack of game, he just said something about not kissing and telling, and their futures forever altered. The truth, obscured by the thick fog of gossip, remained elusive, leaving Pixie to bear the burden of a rumor born from the whispers of a small town's collective imagination.
     That is how Pixie got her very own identifier, as a matter of fact, Pixie got multiple identifiers. From that party on, Pixie started to be known as "easy" and "Hawkins whore." The shit these people will come up with is unbelievable. The rumors spread like wildfire through the halls of Hawkins High, each murmur chipping away at Pixie's resilience, threatening to tarnish her spirit. But Pixie, with a strength hidden beneath her delicate frame, refused to let these cruel words define her. Instead, she clung to the unwavering support Chrissy had shown her, Chrissy saw beyond the gossip and knew them to be untrue, stood by her side, solidifying their friendship even further. Every day they’d walk to and from school together, seeing as they only lived two blocks away from each other. Chrissy's unwavering support and friendship became Pixie's sustenance, a constant reminder that she was not alone in the trenches of the American school system. With Chrissy's support, Pixie found the courage to rise above the malicious rumors, and chose to defy expectations thrust upon her, everyone thought she’d shrivel away and hide. Anyone else with an identifier like that would. But not Pixie, choosing to rebel against the rumors, and in defiance, Pixie joined the cheer squad the following month. It was a decision that sent shockwaves through the school, challenging the judgments and assumptions that had been cast upon her. Though some still regarded her with a lingering skepticism, Pixie discovered a newfound sense of belonging among the spirited cheerleaders. The support and camaraderie within the team became a shield, warding off the arrows of judgment that continued to be hurled her way. Yet, even with her newfound confidence and belonging, Pixie couldn't escape the persistent advances of boys who believed the rumors to be true. Their unwelcome attention became a bitter reminder that the stain of gossip could be stubborn to wash away. However, Pixie refused to let their misguided perceptions diminish her worth or tarnish her spirit. She stood tall, armed with resilience and an unwavering belief in her own truth. Pixie's journey through the tangled web of rumors and judgments was not without its scars. It tested her strength and resilience, leaving behind wounds that would heal with time. But she carried on, navigating the intricacies of high school life and her untiring belief in her own worth.
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     As Pixie walked out the house, the crisp morning air hit her skin, sending a chill down her spine. Pixie never dressed for the weather, she dressed for the fashion, always trying to mirror the magazine covers. Today’s ensemble would embrace the essence of the times, it included a pair of form-fitting acid-washed jeans, hugging her figure with a rebellious edge. The jeans, featuring strategically placed rips and frayed edges, you choose a pink oversized sweater, slouchy and comfortable. It would drape casually over your shoulders, and exposing your collarbone, and giving off an air of nonchalant confidence. To complete her outfit, she would slip into a pair of high-top sneakers, their pristine white canvas sneakers that exuded an athletic-chic air and added a touch of sporty flair to her look. Accessories played an integral role in Pixies fashion, a collection of jelly bracelets, stacked high on her wrists, would jingle melodically with each movement, letting everyone know once she had walked into a room, a testament to her trendsetting status. Oversized hoop earrings, gleaming with metallic finishes, framed her face perfectly and added a touch of glamour. Your makeup of the day was a delicate light purple eyeshadow, thick lashes made darker with mascara, eyebrows perfectly in place, and lips were adorned with gloss, shining n shades of hot pink, amplifying her radiant smile.
       As the students make their way into the halls of Hawkins High, Pixie’s day began like any other, spirit radiating with confidence, she gracefully navigated the bustling corridors. Conversations and laughter filled your ears as you weaved through the throng of students, your presence attracting friendly smiles like moths to a flame. As you approach your locker, the familiar chatter of your circle of friends caught your attention, pulling you in animated conversations, going on about the outfits in Whitney Houston’s new music video. As the bell rang, books and notebooks were quickly retrieved from the organized chaos of your locker. Walking into class before the second bell rang, you gave Ms. O’Donnell a tight-lipped smile, a silent apology for rushing into class right before the bell. It’s not like you absolutely loved Ms.O’Donell as a person, but the teacher adores you! Ever since you had helped the woman in the library carrying the mountain of books, she has taken a liking to you, always brushing minor tardies under the rug, you weren’t complaining. But you couldn’t deny the way your teacher’s voice never failed to lull you to sleep, just as you were about to start to doze off into a comfortable nap, a rushing mop of dark curls comes bursting into the room. “Late again Mr.Munson” O’Donnell’s graining voice pointed out the painfully obvious. 
     Eddie Munson, identifier: Freak. Eddie had a distinctive sense of style, everything that he wore screamed that. Eddie's wore a pair of well-worn dark denim jeans, cuffed at the bottom, bore the marks of a well-worn piece of clothing. He wore his favorite band T-shirt, faded just enough to give it character. Always adding layers to his outfit, Eddie wore his customized jean jacket, heavy with pins of various sizes. On his feet, Eddie would sport a pair of  worn-in white sneakers, his bulky studded belt and his  folded bandana tucked away in his back pocket. Eddie’s outfit, much like your own, perfectly reflect your personalities. Eddie looked down, being caught trying to sneak into the room, he  grinned had the back her O’Donnell’s head, and took a seat in the back of the room, near the right corner. You never understood why everyone hated him so much. I mean sure, he can be kind of annoying sometimes, with all his screeching and hollering in the halls, or his disinterest in school, but cult leader was a bit much, it’s literally a board game, nerd shit. He is just a geek, that has it out to lose his hearing, with the type of music he enjoys listening. You’ve come to learn not to judge a person solely based on rumors. 
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     You had always enjoyed joining extracurricular activities, you knew it looked nice in your college applications. So, when Higgins suggested you be the head of a study group afterschool, of course you said yes. Higgins had said I would be able to pick the time and date, but to be able to earn credit, It would have to be at least once a week. You had agreed to do it every Wednesday, after cheer practice, it’d be a taxing to administer this tutoring business, and cheer every week, you would have to rush to the library after cheer practice on Wednesdays. You were a little nervous to meet the kids you’d be tutoring. Higgins hadn’t given you names, only a number. It would be you, and two other students inside the stuffy study room in the back corner of the clammy library. 
     You slugged your compact backpack on your left shoulder, heavy with thick textbooks, the canvas material of the straps making a permanent dent on your soft skin, leaving a red mark where it rested. Making your way to through the empty school hallway, a profound sense of anticipation hangs suspended, the ache from practice making its way up your back thigh. The distant hum and flicker of fluorescent lights, their yellowed glow casting long shadows along the vacant corridor. That is when you meet the eyes of Principal Higgins, the look on his face displayed a certain amount of concern. As you approached him, he stood in the way of the entrance of the library. “There has been a change of plans Ms. Dunphy” he pauses, almost looking for words “…Ms. O’Donnell has informed me that Amelia Richardson won’t be needing tutoring any longer…so, it will be only you and Mr. Munson.” Munson? You hadn’t known you’d be tutoring Eddie. You don’t have anything against him per say, you feel bad for him even, in the unfair way people treat the guy. But one thing remains true, Eddie Munson was intimidating, perhaps it was on purpose. The hair, the clothes, the chains, and tattoos don’t really make him look like a boy next door. You would manage, you had never interacted with Eddie before, but he was hard to miss, making his presence known in every room possible. After you gave your principle a tiny acknowledgement as you passed by him, making your way to the study room. You knew Higgin’s worry stemmed from the fact that your father had recently made an extremely generous donation of new textbooks to the school earlier this year, he was rather important in town. As you make your way into the musty room, your body reacts before you can hold back. Stopping in your tracks, holding the handle, you lock eyes with the metal head. You knew he’d be the one you would tutor, you thought you’d have time before he showed up. He sat there like he was in his living room, feet up on the table, chewing on the end of a pencil, patiently waiting for your arrival. The foreign feeling of his eyes fully locked on yours, causing all the hairs in your body to stand up. “Cats gotcha tongue Tink?” 
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I really hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter, I have so much planned for these characters. Please be patient with me as I am definitely not a pro at this yet, but I will get the hang of it!
If you have any sort of constructive feedback, feel free to leave them down below! I’d love them 🫰🏼 leave a heart for support, or repost for double support 🫶🏼🥹
Much love,
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thatdammchickennugget · 11 months
Only A Matter Of Time - Chapter Two
pairing - remus lupin x original female character
summary - Rory and her friends start classes at Hogwarts.
warnings - slight bullying
wordcount - 2.8k
set - september to december 1976
series masterlist - previous chapter - next chapter
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The first couple days of classes went by surprisingly well. Rory liked most of her classes and teachers, especially Herbology with Professor Sprout, her head of house, and Potions with Professor Slughorn.
She ended up sharing Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms and Defence against the Dark Arts with the Gryffindors, sharing a table with Remus in all of them except Transfiguration, where she ended up sitting in between James and Sirius, with Remus on Sirius’ other side, as the tables were arranges in rows of five.
The last seat was filled up by Peter Pettigrew, who Rory had met at lunch on the first day of classes. Peter was a short boy who always seemed to walk with his eyes fixed on the ground. He was quite shy, and Rory found him a little adorable, with his mousy blond hair sticking up and the way his cheeks turned red when the attention turned to him. He also shared a dorm with Sirius, James and Remus and rounded up their little group of friends nicely.
Rory felt almost stupid now for her jealousy on her first day. She had known that Sirius was going to make other friends and she should have trusted him not to forget about her, he would never have left her behind like that.
She also could not find it in herself to be upset with James. It was as if the boy knew exactly what to say and do to have Rory wrapped around his finger and she wondered how he managed to be this charming at only eleven years old.
It was a good thing Sirius and James had found each other. The two really were two peas in a pod and the more Rory watched the two stir up trouble in class or roughhousing during their breaks, the more content she was sitting on the side-lines with Remus and Peter.
Remus had to be the most calm and level-headed kid Rory had ever seen, but she did not mind as she sat between him and Peter at breakfast. His nose was once again stuck in a book, Peter was munching on his eggs and Rory had her sketchbook open on her lap. Sirius and James were laughing loudly, attracting stares of many of the older students as they threw grapes at each other, trying to catch them with their mouths. It was supposed to be a competition, but Rory assumed that none of them were even keeping score.
Rory had been nervous about sitting at the Gryffindor table with them when they first asked her, not knowing if there was a rule against it. The boys had tried to convince her until Remus eventually just asked Professor McGonagall after their Transfiguration lesson and she informed him that there were no rules from keeping the houses separated during meals as long as it was not disturbing other students. Remus told Rory that the Professor actually seemed to encourage it.
“Looks like we’re getting mail, Rore,” Sirius told her when he looked up and recognized two of the owls sweeping into the hall. Sure enough, two letters were dropped on their table. Rory grimaced as she grabbed the sage green envelope, looking at the seal picturing an uppercase B with the wing of a dove behind it.
She waited for Sirius to tear his letter open before breaking the seal on hers and unfolding the paper. She leaned back in her seat when she noticed Peter nosily peeing over her shoulder.
Aurora, we are disappointed and disturbed to hear you have not been sorted into Slytherin as was expected of you. We will see fit to make sure you understand the family values and your responsibility in honouring the family name when we see you at Christmas. You are not to step even one more toe out of line. Be reminded that your cousin Atticus is watching over you and we will be informed about any trouble you get yourself in. It would be best for you to keep in close proximity to him as he will be able to introduce you to people worthy of your time. Behave yourself, Wilhelmina Blythe
Rory barely kept herself from rolling her eyes when she finished reading. She folded up the letter and put it into the pocket of her robe while Sirius crumpled his into a ball and threw it at her head.
“Are your folks as delighted as mine?” he asked her sarcastically and she stuck her tongue out at him. Hanging around those boys for one week has already done quite a number on her manners, she realized.
“Christmas is going to be fun this year,” she told him with a sigh and went back to her drawing, ignoring the questioning looks from James, Peter and Remus.
⌞☆⌟ ⌞☆⌟ ⌞☆⌟
Rory had managed to go detention-free for six full weeks before James and Sirius managed to pull her into trouble with them and she was fuming.
“We’re sorry, Rore. But it’s only detention,” James tried to grab her arm from behind her, but she dodged his attempt and shuffled over to Remus’ other side to get out of the Potter boys’ reach.
Sirius and James had caught some frogs the night before and unbeknownst to her, managed to hide some in her bag as well as theirs. Sirius said it was just in case their bags got searched, McGonagall would have never suspected her. They had planned to let them free in the great hall during lunch, but Rory had accidentally knocked her bag over with her foot, letting three of the frogs free in Transfiguration.
This caused a panic with some Hufflepuff girls sitting in front of the group of friends, resulting in some screams and someone fainting. Professor McGonagall was able to trace it back to her, knowing the two boys were in on it by the way they were trying to stifle their laughter, and had given all three of them a weeks’ worth of detention.
“You can’t be mad at us for this, it was an accident, really!” Sirius now tried to get her attention and she finally turned around to scold him one more time.
Walking backwards she unfortunately did not see where she was going, and Remus was much too busy making sure his friends were not about to be murdered by the short girl next to him to watch out for her. Her back collided with something hard, what she assumed to be the corner of a book digging into her shoulder painfully before both she and the person she had ran into lost their balance and landed on the floor.
She quickly turned to look who she just shoved to the floor by accident and found a pale face glaring at her. She recognized the boy to be Severus Snape, a first year Slytherin that had gotten into squabbles with James before.
She jumped to her feet, offering him a hand to help him up, but the boy pushed back his greasy black hair and pushed himself up, ignoring her outstretched hand. “Watch were you’re going.”
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. Are you hurt?” she ducked down to pick up the books he had dropped but he yanked them roughly out of her hands.
“Just get away from me,” he muttered and scrunched his nose up in disgust when he spotted her friends around her. The two Slytherin boys he was walking with came to stand on either of his sides and fixed Rory with a glare as well.
Sirius stepped forward and pushed her behind him slightly. “Calm down, she didn’t run into you on purpose, Snivellus.”
One of the other boys, she now recognized him as Oberon Parkinson, stepped forward. He mustered Remus with furrowed brows where he was standing next to the girl, holding the bag she had dropped. He then purposefully bumped his shoulder into hers and Sirius’ as he walked passed them, muttering ‘blood-traitors’ under his breath.
“Let’s just go,” Remus said, putting a hand on Rory’s shoulder, gently nudging her in the other direction. Rory was about to follow him, grabbing a hold of both James and Sirius’ sleeves to make sure they did not go and get into even more trouble.
Both of them looked ready to pounce on any of the Slytherins but let themselves be pulled along by the girl. Remus and her pushed them in front of them to put as much space between them and the Slytherins as possible, Peter following along. She took her bag back and slung it over her shoulder, wanting to get away from this situation.
She felt someone take a hold of her wrist and was harshly pulled around by the second year Slytherin that had stood by Severus. Evan Rosier, she thought his name was. He pulled her up to him and away from her friends by the arm as a smirk found it’s way onto his face.
“You really shouldn’t be hanging around their sort,” he told her nodding to someone behind her. She did not have to look to know he was talking about Remus and Peter.
Someone stepped up next to her and Evan looked even more amused when Remus took his hand from her arm, pulling her back into him. “Leave her alone.”
“And if I don’t?” Evan sneered at the slightly taller boy. He went to push against Remus’ chest, and he stumbled back a step. “What are you going to do about it, half-breed?”
Rory saw Remus’s shoulders tense and his jaw set tightly at the word. James and Sirius had by now managed to wriggle out of Peter’s grip and were running up to them. Remus took a step forward and pushed the older boy back.
She saw Evan pull his arm back to punch Remus and heard James scramble for his wand behind her, but before anyone else was able to react, she had grabbed the strap of her bag. Without a second thought she swung the bag, filled with her heavy school books, at the boy and hit him right in the crotch.
The older boy let out a yelp and his knees folded beneath him. The whole hallway fell silent as everyone stared at the group in shock. Remus was the first to shake himself out of it, grabbing Rory’s hand and turning back to his friends.
“Let’s go,” he told them and started walking, dragging the girl behind him. Sirius, Peter and James hurried after the pair, bursting into laughter as soon as they rounded a corner into the next hallway.
“That was even better than McGonagall’s face earlier!” Sirius was pretending to wipe tears from his eyes, a wide grin still on his face as he clapped his best friend on her back.
“Did you guys hear the sound he made?” James laughed, throwing an arm around Rory’s shoulder as they walked. He pulled her into him, smiling down at her. “Merlin, you’re my hero, Rore.”
Rory felt her cheeks heat up by the attention she was receiving. She had regretted what she had done right away, not even able to imagine what her grandmother would have to say about it. But now, she was having trouble supressing the grin threatened to take over her face.
⌞☆⌟ ⌞☆⌟ ⌞☆⌟
The last letter from her grandmother felt heavy in her pocket as she plopped down next to Remus on one of the couches in the Gryffindor common room. It was their favourite one, the one right in front of the big fireplace. Usually, it was occupied by older students, and Rory wondered how long it would take until they were shoed away from the spot.
She had not told her friends about the letter she had received that morning. The boys had all woken up late this morning and missed breakfast. She was kind of glad they did, as nobody had been pestering her about what her family writing about.
Sirius has been the worst of the bunch. Rory knew he was able to read her like an open book, even though he usually was not the most perceptive person. She also knew that he was dreading Christmas break just as much as she was.
She was able to keep herself out of the boy’s mischief for the most part, only having gotten one more detention after that first time they got her into trouble. And this time she managed to do it all on her own, in a class she did not even share with her friends.
Professor Binn’s class had just been so boring, it was either doodling in her sketchbook or dozing off and taking a nap. She was not even paying attention to what she was drawing, but when the Professor made his way through the aisle and spotted what she was doing she found that she had absentmindedly drawn him in a very unflattering manner.
The boys had found it hilarious. The picture was now tacked to the wall between Sirius’ and James’ beds as they would not let her throw it away. She wondered why the Professor let her keep it in the first place, he had to have known it was not a good idea.
But nevertheless, everybody was able to tell that Rory and Sirius were in a bad mood. Their friends knew that they were not happy about going home for the break, but none of them knew why exactly.
Peter and James were trying to cheer Sirius up with a game of exploding snap, sitting on the floor in front of the sofa. Remus and Rory had exchanged large pieces of parchment the moment they had sat down.
Remus was reading over her charms essay, while she was checking his herbology homework. The two had quickly figured out a system. They complimented each other perfectly when it came to school. While Remus was really good at Charms, Transfiguration and Defence against the Dark Arts, Rory excelled at Potions, Herbology and Astronomy. The only class they both were not fond of was History of Magic, but they managed to get passing grades by studying together.
Rory found it hard to concentrate on what she was reading, but she did not want to let her friend down and forced herself to focus on the paper in front of her. Her mind kept wandering to Christmas break, her hands growing clammy at the thoughts of what her father and grandmother would throw at her.
The parchment was suddenly ripped from her hands, a grinning James appearing in front of her. “We don’t have classes again ‘till next year, nerds. Come play with us.”
“I’m not really in the mood, sorry,” Rory told James and tried to snatch the paper back from him.
“Okay, you don’t have to play if you don’t want to. But I’m not going to watch you two study tonight.” James folded both essays into smaller squares and then, much to Rory’s dismay, pushed them down the front of his pants. Point to James, she was not going to try and get them back from there.
With a sigh she settled further down into the sofa cushions, reaching over to her bag to get her sketchbook. She was working on colouring a sketch she had drawn of an asphodel flower, which was the last thing they had studied in herbology.
“So, what are you guys going to do over break?” James asked and looked around his friends.
“We’re going to my muggle grandparent’s house for Christmas,” Peter said with a smile. He had told Rory that he was excited to see some of his cousins there.
“My mum and I usually go to every Christmas market we can find. And then we spend Christmas and New Years at home, just me and my parents,” Remus put his book down, a small smile on his face as he talked.
“What’s a Christmas market?” Rory asked, Sirius and James wearing an equally confused expression.
“Uhm, there are stalls where you can buy different things. Usually it’s handmade things, woodwork or candles, stuff like that. And there’s food and warm drinks. Sometimes someone dresses up as Santa for the little kids. Oh, and there’s Christmas music,” Remus explained, and Rory could tell he was very fond of what he was describing. “It’s just this thing me and my mum have always done. She loves it.”
“Sounds fun. I wish I could go to one of those,” Rory told him and smiled awkwardly at the prefect staring her down as he walked by. Most Gryffindors had gotten used to her being here all of the time. She was sure she was not supposed to, but so far no one had snitched on them. It had not taken that much convincing from her friends for her to give in and sneak in here the first time a couple of weeks ago.
“Maybe you can come visit over break sometime. We can go together. I bet my mum would love to meet you guys.” “Yeah, maybe,” she forced a smile on her face when she said it. Sirius was watching her, his brows furrowed slightly. They both knew they would never be allowed to stay at Remus’ house.
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momo-de-avis · 2 years
How about CURSED portuguese history facts?
Holy shit I don't know who sent me this but it accidentally got burried under mounds of under asks and I think it's been sitting in my inbox for a year
I feel fully armed for a few cursed facts now given my job lmfao
Here we go
1. The Ginjinha of Lisbon (OF LISBON, not Óbidos) was initially created as a cough medicine. Recomended dose? 6 glasses a day. Ginjinha has around 23% of alcohol. Yeah that sure straightened you up really well (if you look at the posters they have on both doors, the door to the left actually says the recomended dose)
2. During World War II, Lisbon received thousands of jewish refugees. Despite the war, the fact remained that these people came from, compared to our backwards provincial country, progressive places. Do you know what the most shocking thing for lisboners were? Jewish women (who, again, were pretty progressive in comparison) were seen... At cafés. Hordes of men would actually gather around these women who were dead ass just having lunch at a café because portuguese women did not go to cafés alone, as it was considered indicent and a place jsut for men. This was between 1932-1945. There’s a super interesting account of a rare case of a Jewish family that actually stayed here, and the lady describes how she went out for lunch with her mother. Suddenly, the daughter says to her mother “I think we’re starting a revolution” and she turns and sees a row of men just fucking staring at them with their jaws on the floor (source: Lisboa Judaica the book, forgot the name of the author, but it’s Francisco something).
3. Praça do Municipio is where City Hall is located. It’s a late neo-classical building that, when it was unveiled, caused a huge scandal. If you look up at the building's pediment, you will see a bas-relief with several human figures. At the centre, there is a man with his whole dick out. Which, hey, that’s standard in classical imagery, the whole nudity standing for perfection if you follow the Roman canon of art and etc. But ah, my friend, this is Portugal in the 19th century, and my God, were we a backwards country, so this is exactly what generated a HUGE scandal. You see, the problem was WOMEN. They could not possibly see this dick. So, women were forced to cover their eyes when they crossed that square. It became such a scandalous thing, one guy actually set up stand selling fans and veils for women so they could cover their eyes and cross the square without having to look at this dude's genitals. Mind you, they're hard to spot. Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro did a caricature of the event. I can't find it online but I saw it in the book I am about to give you as a source: Lisboa Desconhecida e Insólita, by Anísio Franco.
4. John VI used to hide chicken legs inside his pockets out of fear of being poisoned. He died of poison.
5. Legend says when the statue of José I was unveiled, the one in Praça do Comércio, the queen allegedly said "he looks so ugly". Allegedly, that is why he is wearing a helmet. Yes, the sculptor did nothing about the ugliness, just sort of tried to disguise it. Reminding you that this is a legend. As far as I am aware, the statue was always made with the helmet, but I honestly prefer this version, so that’s the one I tell on my tours lmfao
6. In the 16th century, Manuel I loved collecting animals he knew nothing about, and then gift them to the Pope. We know about the rhinoceros already, which ended up being painted by Dürer, but did you know he also got an elephant? One day, though, he decided it would be a great ideal to have the rhinoceros and the elephant fight each other. He set up an arena in Praça do Comércio. People went buckwild for this. It was like WWE for them. And when the two animals confronted each other.... Nothing happened. Turns out elephants are not really made to fight and the two animals didn't really give a shit about each other. However, elephants are easily spooked, and with a sudden movement from the rhinoceros, that's what happened. The elephant took off from the arena and ran across the entire city back to his caretaker.... And miraculously, did not stomp a single person. The Rhinoceros was declared a winner but only because the elephant quit. People were a little disappointed at this, and ironically enough, it’s the elephant that’s reminded (he had a name but I forgot). Source: another ANísio Franco book, called something like Passeios por Lisboa, I forgot I’m sorry.
7. When the French invaded our country, they found John II's tomb... And beheaded him. No real reason, I guess. The body was put back together and properly buried again by some nuns who kind of felt bad about it.
8. This one is not funny at all. But I'll say this: don't ever look into the Braganza's involvement in slavery if you want to preserve your sanity. It's some of the most horrid shit you'll come across.
EDIT: a while ago I mentioned this in another context, and someone asked for a source. I remember now I said I needed to look it up but, as ever, I forgot. With all my due apologies, here it is: https://expresso.pt/sociedade/2015-12-08-O-segredo-dos-escravos-reprodutores
9. The Marquis of Pombal once stole the waters of Sintra, leaving the people with ONE public fountain in butt fuck nowhere. I've talked about this one on here before but it shows how fucking insane the man was.
10. The expression "ficar a ver navios", which means "to stand by watching the ships pass", is used when someone is waiting for something that will not happen (like, if someone is stood up on a date, you say they stayed there watching the ships pass). It actually comes from the expulsion of the jews in 1497. Manuel I promised jewish people who wished to leave ships to board and go to North Africa. However, he also knew, because he was a fucking idiot but not entirely stupid, that if he expelled the jews, the country's economy would basically collapse, because jewish people held a GREAT number of businesses in not just Lisbon, but major metropolitan centres. So, this was a lie. The ships he promised never came. For months, jewish people went to the Santa Catarina hill every day to look out for ships that would let them board and leave the country. The ships never came, thus, they were "watching the ships pass", but none of them stopping.
Okay this is all I can think of A YEAR LATER LOL
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Where Was The Tomato?
This features some altering of canon to make Nath less of a creep. Just letting you know.
Nathaniel Kurtzberg was prepping for the undead apocalypse, something that he had been hiding from his classmates. He had studied zombie movies, comics, games, and books religiously. He had been turned into Evillustrator after getting caught drawing zombie apocalypse plans in science class. He knew his stuff and kept that knowledge to himself in case he had to kill an undead friend. When Miss Bustier, or “Zombizou” barged into class and infected Sabrina, the redhead knew exactly what to do. Sure, this was an Akuma who would probably be defeated by Ladybug and Cat Noir in a span of an hour or so, but he wasn’t taking chances. While everyone else was panicking, he analzyed the infected. They seemed to act as love-hungry zombies, repeating “Kissou” over and over and spreading the infection via smooches. Nathaniel also knew that Chloe had caused the akumatization, as usual. So he figured that in order to avoid Zombizou’s wrath, he needed to get as far away from Bourgeois as possible. He couldn’t do it at the start, as people would look for him, wondering where he had gone. He waited until Mylene had been infected, causing a panic between the group. It seemed that as usual, most of his classmates were running around like headless chickens, attracting attention from love zombies. Why couldn’t they just keep calm and find a safe spot? Whatever, he still managed to slip away, and began looking for a place to hide. Maybe the classroom he had left? Zombizou would be looking for new places to infect, skipping the places she already visited. He had dived into the empty classroom, closing the windows and locking the door.
“Alright, more like yanderes than zombies, but I can make it out if I keep calm.” Nathaniel said aloud.
This would be fine! All he had to do was keep quiet like always, and they wouldn’t notice him. Should he use a marker and draw kisses on himself, blend in with the rest of the infected? Probably not, they’d smell the marker, and uninfected kids might think he was a zombie himself. He would have kept on debating what to do, if he hadn’t heard a scream outside the room, a tall boy in a hoodie ran for dear life, before stopping at his door.
Nathaniel recognized the voice. It belonged to one of the boys in Mendeleiev’s class. He had seen the kid a few times during lunch, sitting by a tree, always writing in his notebook. Nath had found him to be pretty cute, and wished he would join the art class, even if he just knew how to write. The paranoid part in his brain screamed not to let him in, in case it attracted attention.
“I’M NOT INFECTED! I SWEAR TO GOD! PLEASE!” the boy screamed.
Nathaniel felt his heart ache for the boy, and decided to be a hero. He unlocked the doors and pulled the tall kid into the room, locking the door behind him. He was immediately hugged by the hooded kid, causing him to blush. He heard the other boy’s muffled cries of relief, causing his heart to melt even further.
“Thank you! I thought I was gonna die out there!” the boy sobbed, staring up at Nathaniel with tears in his eyes. Nathaniel just shushed him, taking the boy to one of the desks to sit down.
“Sshh! It’s ok, man. Just try not to attract any more attention, alright? This is a hiding spot I don’t want to lose.” Nathaniel explained.
“I-I’m sorry.” The other boy sniffed.
He gave the writer some time to calm down. Once he had composed himself, Nathaniel stuck out a hand.
“I don’t know how long this is gonna last, so I want to get to know the guy who’s hiding with me. I’m Nathaniel Kurtzberg.” He said.
“Yeah, I know who you are.” the writer mumbled. “I’ve seen some of your drawings on the school website. The movements, the expressions, the attitudes, they’re all so... vivid.” he gushed.
Nathaniel couldn’t help but blush. Some people had complimented his art before, but not in such detail, not with such genuine passion. “T-thanks.” he sputtered. “That means a lot to me... what’s your name?”
“Marc Anciel. Better known as ProseScript.” Marc replied, causing Nath’s eyes to widen in shock.
“You’re Marc Anciel? The one who writes those amazing short stories for DuPont’s website?” Nathaniel exclaimed. “I thought it was just the Literature teacher using a penname!”
Marc beamed a little, scratching his neck. “I didn’t feel comfortable revealing my identity. So I went with “ProseScript” instead.” Marc admitted. He showed his notebook to Nath, as if to backup his claim.
“God, the dialogue, the use of vivid descriptions, the wit, you’re amazing, Marc!” Nathaniel gushed. “I’m glad that if I’m gonna die in a love-zombie apocalypse, it’s with someone with such a talent.”
“Yeah, I feel the same way about you.” Marc said, starting to grow in confidence. He then gave a little chuckle.
“You know it’s funny. I’ve sorta been prepping for an apocalypse, shame it was the wrong kind of monster.” Marc giggled. This intrigued Nathaniel. Marc had been preparing for a monsterpocalypse as well? They really were perfect for each other.
“Oh? What kind?” Nathaniel asked. Marc opened his backpack and pulled out a small black notebook. As he showed off a few pages, Nath could see content dedicated to holy water, garlic, silver, a bucketload of ways to defeat bloodsuckers. Every type of vampire was in there. Like Nathaniel, Marc held a lot of knowledge for monsters, except he specialized in vampires.
“I thought the monsters would be trying to suck my blood, not my tongue.” Marc joked, before groaning in response.
“I’ve been prepping too! Except for zombies, not vampires.” Nathaniel responded. They shared a laugh over the absurdity of the situation. Then, Nathaniel felt his heart begin to beat rapidly. The realization hit him like a freight train. He was in love with Marc. But why? He only just met him! Sure he thought he was cute, but did he really want to have a crush on him? Normally, he’d hide such feelings, but this was an apocalypse. Those rules went out the window. In an unusual show of strength, he cleared his throat, and looked at Marc.
“Marc, I think... no, I know I love you.” Nathaniel admitted, relieved to get his confession out of the way. Marc gaped in response, before hugging the redhead once again.
“OMIGODOMIGOD YESS!” He yelped, before being shushed by Nath once again.
“Sorry! It’s just, I’ve had a crush on you for a while! I didn’t think you liked me back, I saw you giving googly eyes to Marinette-”
“Eh, I’m bi. That’s ok with you right?” Nathaniel asked.
“Oh totally, I’d never be biphobic. I’m just so happy the feeling’s mutual!” Marc replied.
“Well, when this is all over. Would you want to make a comic with me? As boyfriends?” Nathaniel asked.
“Yes yes, a thousand times yes!” Marc cheered. It was at this moment that Nathaniel got an idea. He heard the love zombies getting closer, and grabbed Marc.
“Kiss me.” he stated.
“Now? Doesn’t that seem a little fast?” Marc asked.
“There are infected coming, and we need to blend in. Plus... I want to see what it feels like.” Nath admitted. Marc nodded in understanding, and as the zombies passed their room, they ignored the seemingly “infected” boys kissing each other. As they moved out of sight, the boys pulled away from each other, grinning from ear to ear.
“That was amazing.” Nathaniel gushed.
“Not how I wanted my first kiss, but it felt awesome.” Marc replied.
And so the two boys spent the next hour or so, hanging out together, learning more and more about each other. At some point, Nathaniel’s classmates would come back, cured by Ladybug’s Miraculous, but he didn’t care. All that matters was that he survived Zombizou’s apocalypse, and found a partner while doing so.
And that was it! I thought it’d be cute for Nathaniel and Marc to meet during a zombie apocalypse. It also explains where Nath was during the second half of the episode. Lemme know what you think in the replies and reblogs. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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hatsumaki45 · 11 months
please could i request a dom jiu and sub yoohyeon? jiu fucks yoohyeon roughly after a long day of schedule
It was one of those Fridays that start at 200k/h. The first photo shoot started around 5 a.m. and the day had gone full steam ahead with outfit changes, travel, a quick lunch during the pre-comeback meeting and finally all afternoon in the recording studio working with Madoxx on the new song. As a bonus, JiU had a talk with the manager where they would fix next week's schedule, which meant arriving at least two hours late.
Just thinking about it made her frown, and seeking solace in her girlfriend's gorgeous image on this occasion didn't exactly go well. She found her way of sitting extremely sensual; upright in the chair, smiling playfully at SuA.... Leaning so far over the dancer that she seemed to pose before her eyes. The s-curve that formed following from her voluptuous boobs to her ass.... It was tempting.
She looked cute, but...
A body like hers, carved by demonic artists, experts in the anatomy of sin, worked for millennia to become pure perdition couldn't be sheathed in an oversized sports outfit of a bland gray. What kind of injustice was that?
Yoohyeon was a woman who was made to model her glistening nakedness, for every part of her body was the definition of perfection. But knowing that only further rooted Minji's impudent idea to keep her private. That work of art would only come undone in her hands... That waist would buckle before her eyes alone, those long legs would open just for her, the angelic voice would tremble over her lips until it became a heavenly outpouring....
But knowing she wouldn't have that pleasure for another two hours warmed her chest, and not exactly with lust.
She glanced at the watch on her wrist and at her girlfriend about to leave the recording studio. Adrenaline started coursing through her veins and with only a minute to spare Minji took two strides to the door, one of her hands wrapped around the blonde's waist and the other landed on the doorknob.
One movement was enough to lock them in.
Yoohyeon looked at her in bewilderment, slowly assimilating as her body was pressed between the door and her leader's body. It was hard to resist the sight when Minji was wearing dress pants that made her look so attractive, but she knew her true undoing lay in looking up. Meeting that blackened pair was the trigger, the starting point for accepting every venomous kiss in the worst situations.
Soon she found herself tangling her hands in the sea of black.
Lipsticks ran, a pink smear decorated Yoohyeon's jaw prior to the attack on her neck. There were no tender kisses, no playful glances, but stinging sensations of possessive bites, of fierce kisses that fed on pent-up sighs.
Minji looked at her, loved the way she gave her her whole neck as she closed her eyes, her chest heaving up and down, her legs spread just wide enough for the redhead to slide a hand between them as she cupped her chin.
-Puppy, -she called, her high-pitched timbre now muffled and almost melting her with the heat of calling her that way- I'm going to need you today when I get there...
One of her fingers slid down Yoohyeon's slit, smearing her wetness to then begin a massage over the pink button. In response a shuddering sigh filled the room.
-So try to behave yourself and wait for me in bed with that nice Dream Angels outfit that looks so sexy on you. Can you do that for me?
The blonde's proud smile made Minji consider being late for the meeting in order to teach his precious smugness a lesson, but her sense of responsibility and his girlfriend's response reminded her that it was worth the wait.
-You know I'll do anything you want.
-Good girl... -she replied, pulling her hand out of the other's pants to then shamelessly lick the wetness on her fingers- Now go, they're waiting for you.
The worst meetings, definitely, were those in which she had her mind on something else; not only because they were a waste of time, but because they made her look terrible to the CEO. The excuse was easy, she hadn't slept and had started work early, and it wasn't something the man ignored. But it was still annoying
But did the next day's schedule really matter when everything in their head was Yoohyeon? They would have managers behind the group going over the schedule every hour anyway.
But there it was, the end of the meeting a couple of ticks away from being over.
The CEO said goodbye and left, the managers greeted her, and it was a matter of grabbing her bag to run to the van waiting for her outside the building. The minutes sitting there faded away with unseemly scenes, Yoohyeon lying on the bed waiting for her, or distracted by her cell phone, or reading upside down with her cute butt in the foreground. Memories of Yoohyeon moaning in his ear, the taste of her skin making her chest burn, memory and more memories that drove her crazy.
She would have expected to throw herself on her girlfriend as soon as she set foot in the room, but it was Yoohyeon who took her by surprise. A passionate kiss slammed her against the door, and she didn't need any more to drop the bag on the floor and take possession of her girlfriend's tiny waist.
Minji allowed herself to watch and enjoy the eagerness with which Yoohyeon slid the bag down her shoulders, the messy kisses that now marked her neck. It was that image, knowing she was turning her into a mess, that calmed the hungry beast inside her, fed her ego enough to smile smugly and let herself be undressed, at least enough to be left in her underwear.
After that he restrained Yoohyeon from her wrists and switched places, leaving her with her limbs pinned above her head. Minji's free hand returned to her girlfriend's warm crotch, now thoroughly soaked and ready for her to slide her fingers inside. She did it so slowly that it took by surprise the rapid back and forth with which she began to fuck her. The moans in consequence were not long in coming, And Minji stood there, her ear to the side of those pathetic sounds and a dark smile she rarely let out.
Yoohyeon reached orgasm within seconds, but that was only the beginning. Minji that night needed her toy to release the accumulated stress of that week and she knew her puppy would fulfill her whims until she could take no more.
She carried her over the desk and took a seat between her legs to devour her, to make her scream with masterful tongue movements and her long fingers buried deep. She left her face down against the mattress, her knuckles white-knuckled around the sheets as she dug her teeth into her neck like a vampire. And when Yoohyeon finally fell back exhausted, thinking she had a breather, Minji had only taken a pause to fetch the strap and put it on, then returned to her girlfriend as she smeared lube all over the phallus.
-You look so pretty, puppy.... -She murmured, "So... so... so... pretty... If you know how much I love to strip you?
There was no coherent answer from the younger girl, and what came closest was soon a moan and scratches on the red-haired girl's back.
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shiviswriting · 1 year
Hermione has conflicts. No one would believe it if she said it out loud. But every situation, every detail is over analysed by her brain. But what is fascinating even to her is the speed with which each thought accelerates, finds connections and processes the information. Today, Hermione came back home with a decision to make that could possibly alter her life hereafter. She needed something to occupy her mind, but not too much.
She opted for washing the dishes.
Washing dishes is so mundane, but substantial. Hermione has this habit of cooking in large quantities and washing dishes the most muggle way (not using dishwasher but hands). She never knew cooking was satisfying or would keep her sane, until one their horcrux hunt, she secretly catalogued that she would pursue cooking post war. When she was young she saw her mother and Molly cooking. She has always wondered if cooking was like potions, after a fair bit of her share of making potions and cooking religiously she can assert its exactly opposite to it. Cooking is more of art while potions is science. She has grown to love art more than science. So, she cooks a lot. She makes amazing breakfast, then packs lunch for herself, Harry, Ron and sometimes Ginny and she also takes care of dinner. They all live together. On weekends someone is always at their home, sometimes it's Neville or Luna, sometimes it's Kingsley or Andromeda and almost every week the Slytherins come for their Friday ritual of dinner. She is never tired of cooking, if ever she is tired she bakes. It's funny how the boys or Ginny never hesitates to join and cook with her and help her. But tonight she wanted some time to just debate everything in her mind and later write everything out on the white board in her room.
She looked at the large sink and smiled. This sink was one of the checklist ticks when she was house hunting. It's large, farm style and just has this beautiful crack that just gives a character. Hermione several times wondered how did it crack or will it ever crack? Oh, she and her non-stop mind.
Today the sink was filled to the brim.
She cooked elaborately today, just because why not? She changed to her comfortable tank top and shorts, opened the windows and she put on her favourite apron. Teddy gave her those with his scribbles and family and friends wrote on it. The best part of magic is that Hermione always felt that stuff like this can be preserved forever.
She turned on the tap, she wet her hands and took some dishwasher in the scrub. And then started scrubbing. Today Kingsley called her to his cabin, it was a pre scheduled meeting and Hermione took lunch for him also, so they can eat during their meeting. Kingsley surprisingly has a palate for the so-called "muggle junk food". She introduced burger to him after the war at their meeting for drafting an international legislation on dark wizards. She introduced him to KFC and he is a changed man thereafter. As they sat and started munching, Kingsley worshipped his fried chicken with gravy and later started. Kinglsey is unique in the way that he doesn't beat around the bush.
"I wish you would accept the position of Minister of Magic"
Hermione did not expect this from him, he is exceptional in this post. "Why?" she asked as she dipped her chicken in the gravy
"I actually think this is the right time to retire and pursue what I always wanted to do, Hermione. And I can not think of anyone else perfectly suited for this title and job description. I just want to play my trumpet solo or in a band." Now this is not what Hermione thought of Kingsley. She thought he was more of a piano person. The picture of Kingsley with Trumpet is her new favourite image. 
But then Minister of Magic is not an ordinary post. She has seen Fudge, Scrimgeour, Thicknesse and Kingsley in her time in the magical world, read a few Autobiographies, biographies, articles and maybe written a few laws for and on this title. She has definitely imagined what it would be like to be Minister of Magic, not once but several times. But never in her dreams she actually, really and truly wanted to be one. She has not explored administration as much as she would like to accept this position.
Hermione knows Kingsley is not puzzled to see her while thinking. This is what she always does. She asked the deadline to make the decision and took her leave from the minister's cabin, leaving behind some Blueberry pie.
Hermione is methodical.
However mundane washing dishes maybe she never felt sulkiness towards the chore. Probably her OCD. She scrubs the big pan first, followed by the next smaller size and then the smallest. 
What would it mean to her to be minister of Magic? It would mean her higher purpose and goals will be more accessible. She does very well just because she has power, she can not change everything. But it is the first step towards the process. Centuries old magical laws, irrelevant and cruel systems can be altered with more ease than now.
She scrubs the pots. She avoids the scrubber, uses a more gentle brush to scrub away the residue. She doesn't mind scratches. What is anything without a scratch? But she just does not want the Teflon or whatever the non-stick material is to not peel off.
She can finally work on the discrimination against non-human magical creatures, squibs and make magical society more inclusive and less discriminatory. She will absolutely set an age for old folks to retire. She welcomes their inputs but not all are Dumbledore to be open minded.
Then spoons, whiskers, Ladle, Spatula, knives and a peeler. She pays attention to the handle and then the crevices.
Magical world has rarely been gender biased. She has always wondered if the role that Molly chooses to play or the acceptance of Ginny as a Quidditch star to be very heart warming. She has very rare similar references in the muggle world. The magical world somehow has some sort of gender sensitivity and inclusivity to an astonishing magnitude. However, if Hermione becomes a Minister of Magic, it will not be gender, but rather her muggle born status that would be highly discussed. Hermione has a deep understanding of the rootedness of the prejudices. She has seen, read and experienced in her lifetime. Hermione believes that prejudices are also a sort of power monger or political stance. The ability to discriminate and drive masses to hold the same ideas and exclude, bully and torture certain members of the same society are no ordinary feat.  At the same time a society has its fascinating ways of evolving and revolt against the same beliefs.
She starts washing the dishes so that the soap does not dry in the utensils. Further, she dries each of the dishes with a towel to prevent rust.
At the same time she is young, can she date? Can she just enter Diagon alley to browse Flourish and Blotts or go to Florean Fortescue's ice-cream? Not that she can do that easily now, but will she even have time? What if she over works herself. She does have a past of over working and driving herself to exhaustion. Overworking her was like a toxic boyfriend and she does not need that relationship.
She let the washed utensils dry.
What would Harry say? Harry would ask her what she wants and offer her the pros and cons. Ron would probably say that she should take it up. Ginny would say to go for what she wants and all Slytherins would encourage her for all the political gains.
She started scrubbing all the glasses and cups.
Arthur would be a better person to discuss this over a fancy Japanese place in muggle London. Bill would be of great advice too. She should take them both together probably. She also made a mental note to write a letter to Charlie, it's been ages.
She started washing the glasses and cups.
She wants kids at some point. Not now, but sometime in the future. She has not found the father yet. And the thought made her laugh. Because, accepting this job would not leave a lot of time to date and maybe not all dates would be apolitical. Maybe she would date a muggle. It was fun last time.
She liked the clinking sounds of glasses and cups.
She noticed Harry peering at her from the doorway. She waved hello, Harry wore his apron and started to dry the glasses with the towel, "So, Kingsley spoke to you?"
Hermione was not surprised.
Kingsley spoke to her before offering the job as Head Auror to Harry.
"What's on your mind?"
Hermione can never, ever speak out loud of what's on her mind, just because of the simple fact that it would scare people off. The magnitude and the way it processes, it's always very wild. "Just thinking about the pros and cons". Ron opened the door and smiled at them. Ron has the most comforting smile of all people.
Hermione feels home with these two.
He started arranging the glasses and cups in the rack.
"You are overqualified Hermione." Ron said right in cue as Kingsley has consulted him too. Both Harry and Hermione laughed at his expression, because Ron has always been the hype man she never needed.
Ron smiled so nostalgically and said "I wish to see more people with a scar across their face like the one Marietta Edgecombe had." Both Harry and Ron laughed at Hermione as her face started becoming red. She didn't need a reminder. She is a Gryffindor, maybe just 0.1 percentage Slytherin? She never really thought it was wrong of her to do something like that, at the same time Hermione was in her rebel age. Ron continued "You need to work in conflict management, Hermione. It can be extremely stressful with international conflicts and national issues. The science of muggle is always growing that it is not at all retrainable, we should really work on the implications of that." They have discussed this several times. Hogwarts muggle studies curriculum also should be revamped. She did write one a few years ago, but it continuously needs work.
Hermione doing the bowls.
"Hermione, whatever you decide we will always be here for you. However, you should not overwork. We both know your tendency to take more and honestly, nothing ever is enough for that brain of yours and capabilities."
Hermione swatted Harry with her elbow.
"You know, I often wonder... are we like dedicated to the public?" Harry asked with a serious expression. "It's nothing wrong and we seriously enjoy this bloody job. But we are so always in centre, dont you think?"
Ron with a deep thought said "I mean, there could be something called destiny right?"
Hermione couldn't agree more.
She has often wondered about the ability of them to not say no to anything that's dangerous, impulsive and heroic. "The hat probably made the right choice, Harry."  Harry quietly said "Hermione thanks for the lunch, it was so very tasty. Let's have dinner in that Mexican place in Muggle London. I am feeling Mexican today" as if talking out loud would stop her train of thoughts and he does not want to interrupt.
Hermione agreed.
One thing disturbed her is that she is young. Her teen self would have loved to make history by being the youngest woman Minister of Magic. But now, she just wants a hassle free life. Hermione is always "The Hermione Granger '' and she would always be "The Golden Girl". She can be a minister at any point in her life, if truly she wanted. Now all that she wants is peace, quiet and work in the backdrop. She wants some time for herself to understand herself without the burden of title and position of power. Hermione just wants to be Miss. Hermione Granger from the Department of Mysteries.
They changed into something comfortable. It was already midnight when they finished eating and were walking back. Ron asked if she had decided and Hermione did "Maybe after some years I would reconsider" and they smiled in agreement. 
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lovely-letters-for-ed · 7 months
Thank you, @sleepystede for always tagging me! (I love your name, Beedle, btw!! And I definitely had to google some banjolele music!)
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? The story is, one parent wanted Kimberly and the other wanted Emily, and that's how I got Kimaly. 😤💗✨
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Everyday just about. But for various reasons. Today, for instance, I was leaving back to work from lunch when I saw my cat sitting so serenely outside near some flowering trees, (it's becoming an early spring here, so everything is beginning to bloom.) He looked so peaceful in the late afternoon light; the gentle wind rustling in the trees behind him. I was overwhelmed by how much I love him that I actually started crying. 😭💕💕 See below for the happy kitty squints.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell no.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? I... was on our high school's tennis team for exactly one semester. I won one game by default because not only did my partner and I suck terribly, but so did the other team. We won with maybe a 0-1 score. It was very bad. 😂😂
DO YOU USE SARCASM? dO YoU uSe SaRcAsM? Just a little, (not sarcasm.)
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Face shape. Maybe like face shape in relation to their eyes. Yeah.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Definitely happy endings. Like, don't get me wrong, I enjoy relatively scary movies, but it's gotta have a good ending. I like to see people triumph at the end, or at least end with hope.
ANY TALENTS? I can draw. *Kermit nodding*
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? The States. In a hospital. Somewhere. I think in Oklahoma? 🤔
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Drawing. It's more like glorified doodling for months, until it becomes a full-fledged artwork. I recently started driving, and so I like going for very long drives.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? My old man baby boy sweet child precious meow meow I adopted from my coworker. He's the most social cat I've ever met. He's bursting with personality, and everyone in the neighborhood knows him (and f e e d s him 😭😭.)
Tumblr media
HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5'7. Though, fun fact, I had physical therapy on my neck last summer with cervical traction, and during my follow-up appointment, the nurse asked me my height as she was measuring me, to which I replied, "I'm 5'7." After a moment, she paused and said, "No, honey, actually, you're 5'8!"
FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? High school: Art class, of course. Though, I also loved English. Specifically, the writing and grammar bits. College: my whole art curriculum and Film Class.
DREAM JOB? I thought I knew, but it continues to change. I'd like to get into something that helps people, specifically LGBTQIA+. I'd like a job where I get to actively improve people's lives. Anyone have any ideas, please let me know! 🙌
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strangerobsession · 2 years
Queen of Freaks
Once upon a time, when my mother was in high school, she and all her nerd friends got a band kid voted prom king because they were all tired of the same kids winning every year. I present to you; my version of those events in the Stranger Things universe.
April Jenkins OC Bio
Warnings: Swearing, kinda bullying... more like a petty revenge screw over, slight angst, hurt comfort, minor implications of homophobia, happy ending
Word Count: 3,042
Summery: April wants to see a freak voted prom queen, so she decides to take matters in her own hands and run. Eddie enthusiastically champions her campaign.
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“Prom queen?” Eddie asked incredulously. “Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?”
April rolled her eyes, holding her hand out. Eddie obediently ripped a piece of masking tape off the roll around his wrist and stuck it to her finger.
“It’s a protest,” She insisted, taping a corner of the poster to the wall, and holding out her hand for more tape.
“A protest of what?” Eddie asked as he obliged her.
“It’s the same kids every year that win.” April glowered at the wall as she smoothed her poster out. “It’s the same rich popular kids every year that get voted king and queen. It’s stupid and I’m sick of it.”
“So you’re running out of spite?”
“Yes. Also, I’d like to see one of us on the prom court for once.” She turned to face Eddie, hand planted on her hips. “I figure if I round up all the nerds and freaks I could have enough numbers to overpower the popular kids. There are more theater kids, band kids, art kids, book nerds, and other various outcasts than there are people who are generally liked.”
“And almost all of them don’t give a single damn about prom court anyway,” Eddie said slowly, April’s plan suddenly dawning on him. “If you got word around, they’d probably all vote for you just because they don’t know or care about any of the other kids running.”
“Exactly!” She jumped once and clapped. “And I’ve already got my theater and chorus friends on my team. I just need to get word around to the rest of the losers.”
“Say no more, babe.” Eddie wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked down the hall. “You've got the might of Hellfire on your side. We’ll spread this shit like it’s the gospel.”
“Really? You wanna help?”
“Of course I do, you’re my girl.” He pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “Also, you’re totally right. I would love to see a freak become prom queen.”
. . .
Eddie didn’t really have friends outside of Hellfire, but he was familiar with the rest of his kind: the losers. He sold weed to a few of the band kids, chatted with a girl in English class about Lord of the Rings, and sat by a boy in woodshop who had similar tastes in music. 
He definitely wouldn’t call any of them friends, acquaintances was a more apt term. Now however, they were connections.
He casually mentioned April running for prom queen during his deals with the band kids, all of whom agreed to vote for her, and spread the word to all their friends. Cynthia, the book nerd, enthusiastically agreed to vote for April and to encourage all her other friends to vote too, remarking that she barely knew a thing about any of the others who were running. Scott from woodshop had shrugged, with a “I had no idea who to vote for anyway.”
“The little-known fact of us freaks, is that though we may be divided into factions, we can all come together when we need to.” Eddie proudly proclaimed during lunch.
Every member of Hellfire had gotten on the bandwagon, getting word to just about anyone who would remotely listen. They even championed Mark Dorsey, one of April’s friends from theater who’s agreed to run as her prom king. (Eddie wouldn’t have touched the title with a ten-foot pole. He liked Mark, and enthusiastically endorsed him.)
There was no way to tally any sense of vote before the voting actually occurred, but word on the street was that April and Mark seemed to be miles ahead of anyone else. Eddie was abnormally excited about participating in a school function- he even asked April to prom by getting down on one knee and presenting a plastic rhinestone tiara to her. He was happy and giddy for days on end.
Until he wasn’t.
Maybe it was some pathetically spiteful sense of payback that made him do it. Perhaps the idea that he and his girlfriend would lose to a pair of freaks was too much. Whatever the reason, Jason Carver, junior, star basketball player, and prospective prom king decided to have it out for Eddie.
Everyone knew he sold drugs. Everyone. It was an unspoken agreement that Eddie wasn’t to be ratted out. But Jason Carver decided to bust him despite this.
Eddie was suspended for the rest of the year, but he was assured he'd be allowed back the next year to finally graduate.
Suddenly, prom was the furthest from April’s mind. Eddie wouldn’t be able to take his final exams. He wouldn’t be able to graduate with her. Eddie, who had studied and worked his ass off so they could walk that stage together. Eddie, who’d proudly told her that ‘85 would be their year.
Eddie, who was now disallowed from any and all school functions until August.
Including prom.
“I don’t wanna go anymore,” April murmured against Eddie’s chest one night.
“Hmm?” Eddie glanced down at her, eyes glassy as he took a cigarette out of his lips.
“Prom,” She elaborated. “I don’t wanna do it anymore.”
“But you’re gonna win queen, babe.”
“We don’t know that.”
“We kinda do. You’ve got more than half the school on your side.”
“I don’t wanna go without you.” April’s voice broke, and a single tear slipped down her face. “You were supposed to be there to rub it in everyone’s stupid faces when I won. You were supposed to flip off Principal Higgins when you got your diploma. You were supposed to get out of here. This was supposed to be our year.” Her tears streamed faster. “You were supposed to graduate, Eddie! It’s not fair.”
He snuffed the cigarette out in the ashtray next to his bed and held April, guiding her face to his shoulder with a gentle hand on the back of her head. He cried with her, clutching her as he sniffled. 
“I know, baby. I know.”
“You don’t get it.” She sobbed. “It’s my fault. Jason knew Mark and I were beating him and Chrissy. He knows we’re gonna win. If I’d never ran-”
“Then you wouldn’t get to give Hawkins High the middle finger it needs.” Eddie wiped his eyes, pulling April back to meet her gaze. “It sucks. It sucks that we can’t graduate together. Jason Carver sucks. But you know what? He’s fucked himself. ‘Cause now he has to deal with me for another year, and I’m gonna make his life a living hell.”
April laughed weakly, a choked sob cutting through it. “The middle finger was supposed to be your thing, love.”
“Yeah, so now you gotta do it for me. Go to that stupid dance, win that stupid popularity contest, and rub it in Jason Carver’s stupid fucking face.” Eddie kissed her fingers, then the back of her hand, her wrist, her elbow, and all the way up to her shoulder. “You and Mark have to avenge me.”
“We’ll wipe the goddamn floor with him.” April agreed, determination shining through her wet eyes.
“That’s my girl,” Eddie cooed, kissing her brow. 
. . .
Eddie had driven her to prom. He’d met her at her house, marveled at her dress, taken all the pictures with her, then dropped her off with a kiss goodbye.
He never thought he’d be disappointed not to attend a school dance, but there he was: staring longingly at his girlfriend in the most queenly outfit he'd ever seen her in.
April wore a blue floor-length dress that seemed to flow off her like water with the silly plastic tiara Eddie had gotten her sparkling on her head. She wore two rings; a snake coiled around her finger that Eddie had bought her for her birthday, and one of his own rings that she’d taken months ago while he pretended not to notice. It was shaped like vampire fangs wrapped around her finger.
“I let you steal that, you know.” He remarked, bringing her fingers to his lips and kissing the ring as he helped her out of the van. 
“I know. I wasn’t trying to be sneaky about it.”
Eddie drew his hands up her arms to settle on the sides of her face. “I wish I could go in there with you,” He admitted quietly. “watch you kick Carver’s ass.”
“I’ll describe it to you in vivid detail.” April promised, kissing him quickly. “He’ll be nothing but a stain on the floor when I’m done with him.”
“Aw, c’mon.” He sniggered against her. “You’ve gotta at least leave some part of him intact. Who else will I torture next year?”
“Not his girlfriend.” April said firmly. “Chrissy seems nice. I overheard her scolding Jason for ratting you out the other day.”
“Huh, really? I’ll be damned.”
“Yeah. She seems way too sweet for him.”
“She shall be spared, then.” Eddie proclaimed magnanimously, bowing deeply to April.
She laughed, pulling his back up to full height. She kissed him again. “I’m gonna go. See you in a few hours?”
“Yeah,” He murmured, squeezing her one last time before letting go. “Knock ‘em dead, hot stuff.”
She walked away backwards, blowing him kisses before she turned around and disappeared into the gym. Eddie watched her go, a melancholy smile on his face. He didn’t see the other students around him, watching and whispering as they filed in as well. He only saw her.
. . .
“Well this is slightly less fun than I’d thought it’d be.” Mark announced, plopping down in the folding chair next to April. “I might leave after the vote is announced.”
“Me too,” She sighed, leaning back with a groan. “God, I wish Eddie were here.”
“Jason Carver is an asshole.” Mark decided. 
“He sure is.” April agreed. "We've gotta take him down."
"Can't let Eddie's sacrifice be in vain."
Mark was quiet for a minute. “I wish I could dance with my boyfriend.” He said carefully. 
April turned to face him fully. “You have a boyfriend?”
“Jamie.” He nodded, naming another theater kid.
“Jamie? Oh I should’ve known.” April laughed. “You two have been making googly eyes at each other since last year!”
“Yeah.” Mark laughed quietly, relief quickly spreading through his body as he relaxed into the plastic chair. “He’s here, but we don’t wanna dance or anything ‘cause…. Well you know.”
“Yeah.” April echoed, resting her face in her hand. “And here I am complaining about not being able to display my socially acceptable relationship for the whole school to see.”
“I didn’t tell you to make you feel bad,” Mark chuckled. “It’s okay, we can both have a sucky prom.”
April squeezed his hand briefly. “Thank you for trusting me.”
Mark smile crookedly as he squeezed back. "Don't tell anyone?"
"I'll take it to the grave, bubs."
The night dragged on agonizingly slow until Principal Higgins announced they were about to crown their prom court and asked all the candidates to come up to the raised platform. As April and Mark made their way over, none other than Chrissy Cunningham darted over and joined them.
“Hi! April, right?” She asked, fingers tangled nervously in the skirt of her flouncy pink dress. 
“Yeah. Hi?” April raised both brows at the cheerleader. Sure, she was nice. April hadn’t expected her to want to talk to her, though.
“I wanted to apologize for what Jason did to you and Eddie.” She said quietly as they neared the stage. “It was totally uncalled for; he did it purely out of spite because you ran for queen.”
“I figured.” April rolled her eyes, but spared the poor girl a smile. “It’s okay, though. If anything it just made me more indignant about this whole thing.”
Chrissy giggled. “I didn’t even want to run. It was Jason’s idea.” She shrugged. “Honestly; I voted for you two.”
April let out a bark of laughter, and Mark grinned like a madman. 
“I wish I could say I voted for you, but I definitely voted for myself.” April admitted.
“Me too,” Mark added, smiling sheepishly.
“That’s okay! That’s the whole point, isn’t it?” She winked, and squeezed both their arms. “Good luck!”
Stepping onto the stage, April and Chrissy shared a secret smile as they took their places in line. Principal Higgins, held a sealed envelope above his head. 
“The student body president has just given me the results.” He announced. “I’d like to thank each and every one of our candidates for running.”
He paused for applause, finger tucked into the fold of the envelope for dramatic effect, waiting to rip.
“Just get it over with,” April muttered to Mark, who concealed his laughter with a cough.
Higgins finally tore open the envelope as a hush fell over the gym. He unfolded the paper inside, and scanned the contents. He almost had the perfect poker face. Almost. His eyebrows flicked upwards for a fraction of a second before he pasted a guileless across his face.
April and Mark shared a hopeful look. He grabbed her wrist excitedly.
“In second place, your prince and princess: Jason Carver and Chrissy Cunningham!” Higgins’ mouth split into an ironic smile as if to say, “I’m just as surprised as the rest of you!”
The applause started hesitantly; a smattering of people confused as to how this could’ve happened. Second place? Jason and Chrissy?
April snuck a glance over to the couple, and barely held in her laughter. Jason looked absolutely gobsmacked, and Chrissy was smiling innocently. Jason managed a smile, tight smile and a wave to the audience. He swiveled his head to catch April’s gaze, eyes narrowing when he saw her lips pressed into a thin line to contain her amusement. 
Higgins gestured them forward, draping the prince and princess sashes over them. It was hilarious watching Chrissy shake Higgins’ hand and thank him gracefully as Jason gave him a curt “Thanks.”
“And your king and queen of Hawkin’s High 1985 prom: Mark Dorsey and April Jenkins!”
Their applause was twice as loud as Chrissy and Jason’s. Nerds and freaks from all factions cheered loudly as April and Mark jumped and hugged each other before stepping forward to receive their sashes and bouquets.
Mark, April, Jason and Chrissy stood center stage in a line as cameras appeared and pictures were taken. April tilted her head towards Jason, speaking softly so only he could hear her.
“Congrats, asshole. Eddie sends his regards. He can’t wait to see you again next year.”
His stiff smile fell immediately as her words sunk in. He didn’t look at her, but his eyes widened and his jaw tightened.
“Didn’t think that far, did you? Eddie gets to wreak havoc on your existence for a whole extra year, and it’s entirely your fault.”
Jason let out a strange strangled noise as the cameras continued to flash. April couldn’t wait to get her hands on the school paper when this article came out. She was going to cut out this picture and paste it on the wall of her college dorm.
. . .
Cars were already leaving the parking lot when Eddie pulled back in. He leaned against his van, watching the students trickling out of the gym. He spotted Jason, a think length of fabric crumpled in his fist, stalking towards his car. Chrissy was trailing behind him wearing a satisfied smile- practically a smirk- and a sash. Eddie squinted, straining to see the writing on it. Prom Princess 1985.
“Holy shit,” He breathed, a laugh escaping as he watched Jason slam his car door angrily while Chrissy climbed in and settled herself in the passenger seat gracefully.
Like a princess, Eddie thought with another laugh.
A sudden burst of chatter exploded from the gym doors. Following the sound, Eddie watched as a crush of students stumbled out, laughing and squealing. He recognized most of them as theater kids, and he pushed off his van to head towards them. 
He watched Mark exit the group with another boy, their arms thrown around each other’s shoulders. They shouted goodbye to the group, a chorus of farewells meeting them as they jogged off.
“Hi Eddie!” Mark said cheerfully as they passed. 
Eddie broke into a huge grin when he saw his Prom King 1985 sash. “Hey, congratulations. Does that mean what I think it does?”
“Hell yeah.” Mark laughed, waving as his friend tugged him away. “I’ll see you around!”
“We’ll see,” Eddie replied, waving back.
As the boys stumbled to a car, Eddie turned back to the group of students. As the crowd dissipated more and more, he started to see April’s blue dress in the center, a dazzling grin on her face, and a white sash across her torso.
“Fuck yeah!” He yelled, pumping both fists in the air. Everyone turned to look at him, but he didn’t care in the slightest. All that mattered was how April finally saw him, and how her eyes lit up.
She gathered her skirt, and made a beeline to him. “We did it, baby! We won!” She shouted as they collided.
He lifted her up in the air, twirling her around like the queen she was. “Of course you did! You fuckin’ worked for it, you earned it!”
April wrapped her arms around Eddie’s neck, giggling into his hair. “Oh, the look on Carver’s face! He was stunned! Horrified! It was glorious.”
“Ugh, I wish I could’ve seen it.” He groaned, burying his face in her neck and planting sloppy kisses on her skin. 
“There’s gonna be a pretty sick photo in the school newspaper.” April grinned like a madwoman. “I hope they use the one where I told him you were gonna fuck with him next year. I think I put the fear of God in him.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie laughed. “Holy shit I fuckin’ love you so much, April.” He kissed her hard, tangling a hand in her hair. “You’re a goddamn angel.”
“I’m a queen, Edward.” She corrected, trying and failing to arrange her face into a serious expression.
“Hell yeah you are.” He cupped her face, kissing her again, slower this time. “You’re the Queen of Freaks, baby.”
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jouliejihan · 1 year
𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑶𝑵 𝑨𝑰𝑹! - hueningkai × fem reader
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𝑺𝒀𝑵𝑶𝑷𝑺𝑰𝑺: When Y/N and her eccentric friends decide to host the 'Love On Air' podcast, they think they can heal the heartaches of all HYBE Uni students.  But when love begins to bubble up behind the scenes, Y/N finds herself at the center of a messed up love triangle. While she tries to save broken hearts, a shy student, Hueningkai, does everything to win her heart. With clumsy dating advice, accidental encounters and a chaotic podcast, will love triumph or end up in a hilarious mess?
"Tune in with us guys, cause Love is On Air!"
TAGLIST (open, send ask or comment to be added) @full-sunnies @unh0ly-dr3am3r @enhacolor @mackjestic @beabeanice @beoms-sugar
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4 - heart on track
Subject: ANS: Dorm Room Request
Dear Kim Y/N,
We hereby inform you that a vacancy has opened in one of the rooms in our dorms. It is on the 2nd floor, room 47. The key is in our storage room, please pick it up to speed up your move. If in doubt, look in my office.
Yours sincerely,
Park Jiwon, Dean of HYBE University of Media, Technology and Arts
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⊹⊱•••《 💗 》•••⊰⊹
Y/N was immersed in her Excel spreadsheets, trying to find inspiration for the next episode of Love On Air. Sitting in her bedroom in Jay's apartment, she alternated between analyzing data and constantly playing soft Seventeen songs, trying to find that much-needed creative boost. She tried to resume the last song from the beginning before it ended, in an attempt to let her ideas flow, however, the ideas seemed to escape her hands, she typed a line in her spreadsheet, but it erased it, she tried to stipulate a time for each segment, but some she thought took too much time, others that it was insufficient, leaving her frustrated in this way. Y/N sighed and decided to take a break. At that moment, Jay knocked on the door.
"Noona, can I come in?"
Y/N paused the music, removed the headphones and allowed Jay to enter. The two sat together, discussing the progress of each segment of the podcast. Jay offered his support and contributed his own ideas, bringing a fresh perspective to the project. She opened Excel and showed him her work. At the top of the spreadsheet was a merged cell with the title: "Love On Air Schedule." Below it was another one filled in with the week of the broadcast and its time, 10 P.M. And in the final line, filtered columns with each day and its respective time, all painted with the pink palette corresponding to the page on Twitter, however, the only ones that were filled in corresponded to the moments of the first transmission, when she told her experience during her 2 th week at HYBE Uni, Beomgyu's gossip and closing at 10, 10:15 and 11:15 PM respectively. Other than that, all the others were empty, so Jay knew exactly what was going on.
"Couldn't think of anything?"
"No." she sighed "We didn't get any messages in our DM so it's harder to think of everything."
"I think we can start by changing the start time, why did you choose 10 PM?"
"Because that's when I'm most productive."
"It's an idea, but nobody listens to a podcast at that time. It explains why your listenership is so low."
"So what do you suggest?"
"Usually peak listening times are between 6 AM, 5 PM and 12 PM, but since our classes are in the morning, the best time for us would be between 12 PM."
"That's when we have our lunch break and when our afternoon colleagues arrive! Jay, you're a genius!"
His face reddened with his friend's praise, but he thanked her, so they changed the time of transmission in the spreadsheet, leaving now, the subjects for each time, but in this topic, she still had difficulties, fortunately, Jay was there to clear your doubts.
"First of all, a brief introduction to the podcast shouldn't be missing, with you or more anchors. 10 minutes for that alone is enough."
"And then?"
"How about song requests? It's great for our listeners to get in the mood."
"I love this idea! But how many will we take per day?"
"It depends on how many stories and advice they send us, but since this is the first week, we're going for 20 minutes for song requests."
So he continued to contribute his own ideas, bringing a fresh perspective to the project.
However, hunger began to tighten, and fatigue began to set in. She rubbed her eyes, feeling the weight of exhaustion. Jay noticed and suggested they take a break to eat and get some rest.
"Noona, I think we need some time to recharge. Let's get some snacks and then you can take a nap right here before moving into the dorms."
She nodded, feeling grateful for his suggestion. He took out his cell phone and opened his delivery app.
"Want something to eat, noona? It's on me."
"No Jay, I can't take it!"
"But I insist! You deserve it!"
"Alright!" she grinned "Then I'll go for some tuna kimbap with cola, you?"
"Don't worry, there's plenty of ramen here, but I'll take your order first, okay?"
Half an hour later, the two were sitting on the living room floor, enjoying their snacks, to break the ice, Jay introduced a new subject, praising his friend's dedication.
"Did you make that spreadsheet?"
"I did." she smiled as she took a sip of her cola. "I have this habit of organizing every detail of the day into lists or spreadsheets, so I can feel productive and have more pleasure in following the routine."
"Not all people have that kind of mindset, you know? That's one of the things that makes her so special."
"Thanks, Jay."
When the two finished eating, they threw the disposable packaging in the trash and she went straight to her room, wearing his blue Snoopy pajamas with plaid pants of the same tone and laying down on his bed. After getting into bed, Jay remained beside her, knowing her habit of falling asleep listening to her Seventeen playlist. Carefully, he placed the headphones in his ears, turned the volume down a bit, and picked up the music where it had left off.
Peaceful melodies filled the room, enveloping her in a serene atmosphere. Jay put the dolphin plushie he got from Jake in her arms, knowing it would be comforting for her.
Before leaving, Jay leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, wishing her a good night's sleep.
"Sweet dreams noona, I'll miss having you here."
With a gentle smile, he left the room, leaving her to rest in peace. Seventeen's songs continued to play softly, enveloping her in a peaceful atmosphere as she drifted off to sleep, feeling protected and supported by Jay's comforting presence.
⊹⊱•••《 💗 》•••⊰⊹
Y/N was excited to finally settle into her new room in HYBE's dorm. However, her excitement turned to frustration as soon as she set foot in the room and was faced with a chaotic mess. Wet towels on the bed, dirty tiger-print clothes strewn across the floor, and misplaced gym gear.
She couldn't believe the decayed state of the room and, without hesitation, started to clean up the mess. She was determined to make the environment pleasant and orderly. However, her mission was cut short by a surprising encounter.
As she was folding one of the T-shirts, the bedroom door slammed open, revealing a visibly irritated young man. It was none other than Kwon Soonyoung, her new roommate.
"Ya, what are you doing?!"
"Cleaning up this mess! Who can stand living in a pigpen?!"
"But no one gave you permission to go through my stuff, girl, get the fuck out!"
"Fuck no! I'm your roommate so you must live by my rules!"
"I can't believe I'm forced to live with a controlling freak who doesn't understand the concept of personal space! It's unacceptable!"
"And I can't believe I have to live with a pig that feels good living in its own filth! It's unbearable!"
The discussion intensified, with Y/N ​​and Soonyoung exchanging heated words. The tension and stress of the situation built up in loud screams that drew the attention of the entire hallway, an entire crowd formed at the bedroom door, causing her to finally get tired.
"You know what? I don't need this shit! I'm done trying to be polite and living with someone who devalues ​​shared space. Bye!"
She pushed through all those people and slammed the door hard, the sound echoing throughout the hall. She felt a mixture of relief and frustration as she left the room, leaving Soonyoung behind.
In the heat of the moment, she didn't know where she was going to go, but she was determined to find a solution to this untenable situation. She knew she needed a more harmonious living environment to fully enjoy her college life at HYBE.
Still furious from her argument with Soonyoung, she was determined to find a place where she could calm down. As she walked down the hall, her mind was still seething with frustration, causing her not to pay much attention to her surroundings.
Unintentionally, she bumped into someone coming from the opposite direction.
"ARGH, C'MON YOUR RASCAL! Oh…" Y/N's face flushed and her voice trembled.
Joshua, who had just been hit by the sudden scream, was momentarily startled and confused. He looked at her and then his surprised expression gave way to a mixture of embarrassment and nervousness.
"Oh… Hi. Y/N, right?"
"Yeah. How do you know your name?"
"From Love On Air. I saw some tweets in my timeline and then…"
"Oh my god! I hope you don't think I'm a pathological liar!"
"Why would I think that when I barely know you?" he snorted
"I'm sorry! I'm such an idiot!"
He shook his head, a shy smile creeping across his face.
"It's okay. It happens."
The two were silent for a moment, feeling the tension of the situation and the presence of the past that enveloped them. Joshua looked more embarrassed, remembering the rumors spread by Beomgyu and broadcast in her podcast's 1st episode.
Noticing the uncomfortable atmosphere, she tried to diffuse the tension with a forced smile.
"Well, I guess... let's try to forget about this disastrous encounter, shall we? After all, we have a university life ahead of us."
"Yeah, definitely. Let's move on and leave the past in the past. Good luck!"
She nodded and the two went their separate ways, each carrying with them the memory of that brief but embarrassing encounter. But when realization hit her, she realized the mess she'd made.
"Shit! I forgot to ask his name!"
A/N: Bold of you to assume that I WOULDN'T bring our gentle sexy to the team...
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... when Lee Youngji spilled the tea right before I wrote the 1st chapter!
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A/N ²: You had ONE JOB, Kim Y/N 🤦🏽‍♀️
11 notes · View notes
prose-among-the-trees · 11 months
I missed you when I was five
We would play together and you’d hand me your boy clothes and toys and I’d hand you my girl ones, and our parents would oversimplify it and tell people we were just two kids who wanted to share the world with each other, even if we didn’t belong in the things we received. We’d know though, in furtive glances at the other to make sure the clothes fit, to putting pretty bows in your hair and dresses on your body, to letting you adjust a necktie that’s far too big for both of us around my small neck. We’d know exactly why we gave what we did to each other, exactly the meaning behind it, and exactly what the future would hold. Our parents would joke that we would be destined for marriage, the sort of story all childhood friends get told, but we know will never really happen, especially if I liked boys and you liked girls, because I wasn’t a girl and you were never a boy. You’d tell me all about being in a grade higher than kindergarten, and I’d be so so jealous.
I missed you when I was eight
We would be at school together and a boy wouldn’t like the fact that I wanted to play all the boy games and not wear girl clothes, and I’d cry because he didn’t like me. I was too much of a boy for him. You’d sit with me and tell me jokes and help me tuck my hair into a baseball cap. You’d teach me how do undo it quickly before we went home. A girl would call you names and I’d naively try everything I could to ruin her life, a shallow definition of a life at eight, telling girls that she steals others lunches and that she likes a boy who the whole class thinks is mean. We’d stick up for each other. When my parents split up you’d be there for me through all of the turmoil. You’d convince your parents to let me come over and start sleeping over like I did when we were little so I wouldn’t have to hear or see the fighting. You’d be at the summer camp with me when I got picked up illegally and you’d be the first to call my guardian to let them know what had happened.
I missed you when I was twelve
I’d cry when I went over to your house about how awful middle school was. The teachers were unfair and the girls didn’t make sense and boys didn’t make sense either, and what if I liked girls too? I wanted girls to see me as a boy, and what did that even mean? I’d tell you about how my parents are on me about grades I can’t remember let alone keep up with, and how my grandma was dying. You’d explain that high school wasn’t much better, that teachers expected so much, and the cliques were almost as bad as how they’re shown in movies. You’d tell me how girls there were really pretty and how you wouldn’t be able to take all the art classes, but you’d teach me everything you were taught. You’ll reassure me that it’ll be okay and that even if we went to different schools, we’ll still be best friends.
I missed you when I was 14
You’d navigate me through where to sit, and where to avoid if you want to dodge senior couples making out during passing period. I’ll join the theatre program and make a few friends there, and one of them will absolutely adore you and put flowers in your hair and draw in sharpie on my chin for facial hair. We’ll both look at each other and understand what we knew at as young as five and seven years old. You’ll show me this new book series you found and how well you draw all of the characters. You’ll watch the plays and musicals I act in and I’ll come to every single art show you have. When parents continue to fail us, we’ll know we have each other. You and I will continue this corrupted little pastime of trying to act like the ‘wrong’ sex, never in front of family of course. We’ll sit in your room in the middle of the night and listen to the foxes, and I’ll silently put makeup on your nervous lips with my shaking hands as we make sure your mother won’t hear us.
I missed you when I was 17
I’d explain to you that things didn’t make sense in my head, that I didn’t know who or what I was at any given moment. You’d feel the same. We’d mourn one of my guardians moving away so I’d have to live with the other full time. You’d take me on long drives at night to avoid them, and you’d plan out the life we’d live together, best friends, fighting the world. You’d confide in me the feelings of hopelessness and I’d have us make an agreement to stay alive at least as long as the other person did. I’d scream and kick and fight and sob at every corner of my senior year, and you’d hold me and tell me you believed me, and that the lies I’d been told about myself were just that. You’d plan for both of us to get help for the problems with our heads and we’d spend nights laughing at the absurdity of it all after crying our eyes out about it just ten minutes prior.
I miss you now
Speaking with you nightly, knowing that we understand each other better than any person on earth. We collectively know each other inside and out. We never lived together, never laughed together before I turned 18, and yet, I miss the childhood I never got with you. I miss sleepovers and exploring in nature, I miss stargazing and taking you to restaurants you could eat at. I miss us both cursing about our parents behind their backs and laughing at how sneaky we were. I miss the child you never got to see in me, and I miss the life we never shared until it was 18 years too late for me, and 20 for you.
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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Today was fine overall. I had some big emotions. It was a struggle at times. But I am feeling mostly better. My ear still hurts but I slept better and that made things easier.
When I woke up this morning I actually felt pretty good. I got dressed and put on very warm clothes. I would be outside a lot today and I didnt want to be uncomfortable. And for the most part I succeeded.
James walked downstairs with me when it was time to go because they couldn't find the mask they like to wear for biking in the cold. I knew I saw it in the backseat. They went and looked and then gave up and I opened the door and it was right there. James is not great at searching for things. But we laughed and said goodbye. And I headed to work.
I felt like I was driving directly into the sun both to and from work today. But I was alright. I would survive, I would just complain a lot. Hurt my eyeballs.
When I got to camp I was surprised by how frosty and icy everything was. I drove around making sure everything was set up and good to go. I was a little stressed but was also trying to be chill. I had to make a few drives back and forth from the art building to the lodge but in the end everything got set up by 9 and and I went to the office to have breakfast.
Celia was pulling up the same time I was. We hung out in the warm office until everyone else came through. Elizabeth let us know that the group was going to be running late. Which was fine with me. I didn't mind cutting the fibers program, that's the whole point. That it can be cut if needed. And everyone still gets all the rotations.
So we waited. A little before 10 I went to the lodge to wait for the group and discovered the water was off in the bathrooms?? So I had to call Elizabeth and then do some googling to learn how to turn the water back on on toilets and sinks. So I have that skill now. Neat.
Ceila was waiting at the bottom of the hill to direct the buses but they accidentally went in the back. Which was fine but then when I talked to them they complained that we should really have a sign. And I was like. Well if you would have gone a mile up the road to the entrance you would have seen the sign? I realize now that may have come across more snarky then I meant.
But the group, though very late, was lovely. Super well behaved kids, just a joy even when they were being so bouncy. The teachers didn't have them in groups and I suggested we just go by table but that memo wasn't told to everyone I guess so there was some confusion and pushback but it was fine. We did the intro, they had good questions, and then they were off.
For the first hour I did a lot of rotations. Circling from the lodge to the office to the art building, the Hogan, the chickee, back to the lodge. I was walking to much I got sweaty and had to take my jacket off. The rest of me was fine but the coat was just a bit much. Once I cooled down during the second program I got my coat back on but a few teachers were surprised when they saw me in just my sweater directing people outside. It was truly a wintery day.
Which all things considered was nice. It is a little scary how warm it's been. It is supposed to be cold it's winter! I am glad I get to wear my winter things.
Sarah was running the fire station and right at lunch I noticed there was a concerning amount of smoke coming from that side of camp. So I called her and did not get an answer form her, instead getting one from Elizabeth asking me to head over there. I was a little concerned.
We don't exactly know what happened but the quick log had gone out (it's supposed to be a 4 hour burn) and started smoking like crazy and everyone has to leave the building. We didn't really understand but to try to mitigate she would shovel out the big part while I wejt to find some dry wood she could use after lunch. I had a fire starter on my desk and that seemed to work for the rest of the day.
We walked back to the office together to have a little lunch. And Elizabeth printed the invoice/receipt for the lead teacher. I would go and deliver that and give the group a five minute warning.
Which was also where my water turning off ability came on clutch because they someone overturned the sink handle and the water would not stop. But I turned off the water at the source and saved the day. Impressed the teacher even.
The afternoon went smoothly and I had some nice conversations with the adults. Everyone seemed to have a great time. I would take a little time to knit while waiting for the last program to wrap up. And at the end I was able to say thank you to everyone and talk a little about summer camp with the kids. It was just really nice. A really good day.
It took them a while to get together to leave. But they didn't seem like they were in a rush. After they were all out of the building I went to get my car and drove it over but since the bus hasn't come down the hill yet I waited at the bottom so I could wave to all the kids again. I hope this school comes back for other programs because they were awesome.
I was a little exhausted at this point. I appreciated my coworkers for packing up the materials for me to pick up and put away but they kind of did a messy job and it upset me to have to redo it. I was particularly upset by my organized markers getting messed up again. But I cooled down and things would be okay.
Dad called me to confirm a question I had and get an answer from the financial guy about buying a house. And we continue to move forward with that because we went to look at another tonight.
I was still thinking about the one form Sunday. But something seems to have happened because it was taken off the market this afternoon. Not sold. Just taken off the market. I'm pretty disappointed. I'm trying to not be to sad because that just means the perfect one is waiting for us somewhere.
After eveything was cleaned up I went to vent to Elizabeth for a few minutes. She told me about lotto tickets being a scam. And then she said if I wanted to leave early I could. I had a few things I needed to do first but I was going to take her up on that offer.
She printed a form for me and I worked on filling that out and sending it off. Played with a floor plan for the house, that I didn't get know was not going to work out, and then I headed home.
Again, driving directly into the sun. But it was fine. Minimal traffic. I had a podcast to listen to. I was in a good mood.
When I got home James came down to meet me and bring in some stuff from the car. The last of my market things mostly. And we would go upstairs for them to finish their bread making they had been working on today and pan fry some dumplings for me for dinner. I would also have some roast of their bread which came out really nice! Not as airy as Jess's but I think they are getting better every time.
We would hang out on the couch until around 6. When it was time to drive to Greektown to meet with Harold.
The gps took us a very strange way to avoid some traffic. Which was fine. We weren't in a rush. The neighborhood was super cute but smelled a bit like burning rubber. James said it's from the ports, being near the water. I was slightly afraid living there would give me a headache all the time.
But I really did like the house! I don't think we will move forward with it but it was so cute. So many cute details. And a full finished basement. And two kitchens?? Because the basement was acting as a grandmother's suite. I loved so many of the details but I can't let that cloud my judgement. This was a little more money and a little more out of the way.
We talked in the basement. About the house from Sunday and looking at other things moving forward. I said I think we should make an offer. Harold said he would look into the permits that went into the build to make sure it was all okay before we did that but we left in high spirits.
Which were immediately crushed when in the car ride back I realized the listing has been "canceled" and pulled off the market. I have faith that it just means that wasn't for us but I am a little heart broken. Third house that I was ready to move forward with that didn't work. And James blames themself for not saying yes right away. But we also dont want to rush anything. It's all very hard.
We got home and we were both a little bummed. But pretty quickly I found 4 more in Patterson to look at. And emailed them straight to Harold. Hopefully he can give us some answers and a plan tomorrow.
I went and took a shower and James and me have been chilling in bed. It's cold outside but it's cozy in here. And I know things will work out how they are supposed to.
I love you all. I hope you are warm tonight. Sleep well. Until tomorrow!
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novelmonger · 1 year
Character ask for Minerva McGonagall, Alastor Moody, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Molly Weasley, Albus Dumbledore and... Mundungus Fletcher, why not
From this ask game
Oh boy, HP characters!
Go grocery shopping with - Molly! I'd love to help her do her shopping for her enormous family, and I bet you anything she would help me find good deals on what I need, with some excellent life advice thrown in too. And she would just be such warm, homey company, as if I were shopping with my mom.
Have lunch with - I think Professor Lupin would be a great person to have lunch with. Lupin knows how to make you feel comfortable and seen, and he's great at listening. The conversation would be so interesting; he could tell me all about interesting magical creatures or useful little spells. I don't know if he'd feel comfortable discussing this or not, but I would also love to hear more about his experiences as a werewolf, and what his daily life is like. Maybe he could tell some stories about good times with the other Marauders. Maybe I'd ask him how he and Tonks met. All in all, I think lunch with him would just be warm and cozy. Hopefully we could schedule it during a good phase of the moon.
Have coffee with - Sirius Black! No, not as a date. I have no idea what we'd talk about, but it would just be really cool to meet him. I've always felt drawn to his protective uncle/older brother vibes, and if somehow in this hypothetical scenario I were friends with Harry, I think we'd be comfortable with each other. Maybe we'd break the ice by talking about him first. Maybe, in the end, we'd just sit in silence, but that would be okay too.
Go thrift shopping with - Okay...to be completely honest, I don't think I'd want to go anywhere with Mundungus Fletcher, but this is as good an option as any, I guess. He probably knows all the best places and how to get great deals from the back rooms where most people wouldn't be allowed. The only trouble would be getting him out of the place without shoplifting anything of value.
Explore a museum/art gallery/aquarium with - Originally, I was going to pick Lupin for this one. While I do think he'd be a good pick, it would also be interesting to go on a field trip, of sorts, with Moody. I'm not sure exactly what kind of museum we'd go to - do wizards have museums? Maybe it would be a history museum of some kind, and Moody would be able to tell me about all the secret magical side of historical events I thought I knew all about. It would be kind of scary to be around someone like Moody, what with his eye swiveling all over the place, and he'd probably keep me on my toes with his gruff manners and occasional cries of "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" But I bet I'd learn a lot.
Go the library/bookstore with - Professor McGonagall would be an excellent companion to the bookstore. I would be very intimidated by her, but I bet she could give great reading recommendations. She'd probably also accompany that with mini-lectures on anything touching upon her field of study, but like...that would be super interesting too!
Have as a plus-one at a wedding - Okay...I doubt this would be most people's choice...but I can't escape the thought of accompanying Professor Dumbledore to a wedding. For one thing, there wouldn't be the slightest worry about anyone taking anything the wrong way or unrealistic expectations or anything - it would be like going to a wedding with my grandpa. Also, Dumbledore is just so funny and unpredictable and witty and knowledgeable about so many things! It would be so fun to sit at a table with him during the reception and just listen to his conversation, or share little jokes with him. Also, we know that he likes to dance, and I could definitely see him coaxing me out onto the dance floor to dance some silly, improvised dance or teach me some incredibly outdated ballroom dance from his youth or something.
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Illumicrate Unboxing
Live Like Legends March 2023
I was so excited when this theme was announced - a completely fandom neutral box based entirely around Greek Mythology?! I love the idea, and actually I'm pretty pleased with the box. However, it isn't what I was imagining, and I think Illumicrate could have done better with this one.
With a Greek Mythology theme, I was anticipating a really cohesive box, and I was sort of thinking it would be a gold and cream colour scheme - and that all the items would look like they'd been designed to fit together. That's just not what we got, we got the usual Illumicrate mishmash of colour and design.
Interestingly, FairyLoot have recently also announced a fandom-neutral Greek Mythology box, which will drop in May. So it's going to be very interesting to see if they improve on this idea!
The featured book is "Lies we Sing to the Sea" by Sarah Underwood. There's been a bit of discouraging talk around this book, which absolutely put me off from buying it, and makes me very dubious about reading it too. This is an Odyssey retelling - and the author openly admits she didn't read the Odyssey! I don't like to rely on second hand information, so I did go looking for the infamous interview, thinking perhaps that in fact she'd read abridgements and just hadn't read the full translation. Which would be understandable, even though I do believe research is an important part of writing. However, she genuinely said that the Odyssey was too long, and that she knew about Greek Mythology because it's in kids' books like Percy Jackson. She wrote this because, apparently, she saw a gap in the market for Greek retellings. Seriously. I really don't have any interest in an author who doesn't genuinely care about their subject matter - writing should be a passion. But, book choice aside - this is a brilliant special edition! This exclusive is a hundred times better than the original design - there's so much gold foiling! It's got beautiful sprayed edges, foiling on the hardcase, and incredible artwork endpapers, one of which also includes the author signature.
The first item is a teapot! What an incredible item, I was so excited when I unboxed this! My first thought on seeing the outer box was that it was a ceramic mug, then when I saw the word "teapot" on the outside, I couldn't get it out the box fast enough! This is a tiny cute little single-cup teapot - I think this is supposed to go with the collection of Greek mythology cup-and-saucers they've done, although unfortunately I only have one of those. But it's a beautiful item, featuring Mount Olympus on one side, and the Underworld on the other!
The next item is a book pot. I've only got one other pot from this collection, the art history one, and they go for a bomb on eBay. I don't know why I like these so much, because there's only so many of these you can use, but they're just so gorgeous, I'd gladly have a dozen of them! This one is orange, so both the colour and the theme go great with my decor - I'm thrilled!
Next is a sticker sheet. It's not exactly what I'd want from a Greek mythology sticker sheet - I'd have liked plain cream or ivory stickers, with gold foiling outlines and detailing - I think this would have been really striking. And I'd definitely want them to be less cartoonish. Stickers based on classic Grecian pottery designs would have been way better! Still, I enjoyed trying to match each sticker to the myth it was based on, and some of them are really cute, I'll definitely use them.
The last item is a lunch bag, inspired by the Underworld. This is the only item that lets the box down a bit. It's not particularly good quality, which is a shame. However, the design is really nice, and I do use a lunch bag at work during the summer, so it's a useful item to get!
This is a really good box, I like every item, and the book (despite not being one I wanted) has some great customisations. I just think they could have done more with the theme. I'll be really interested to see how FairyLoot do with the same theme in a couple of months!
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