#she is gonna be a strawberry with anger issues
boorrger · 3 months
🌈THEORY🤓☝🏼🌈 i think vi's hair is going to turn a lighter shade of pink after her long time on Piltover and the sun ☀️(if they set it forward in time)
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maybankluvrrr · 5 months
rafe cameron x fem!reader (18+)
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warnings: dom!rafe (has soft moments), mentions of vaping, mentions of consent, oral sex (m receiving)
summary: rafe plays little games with you to win back your vape. you are sarah’s long time friend, but with her gone with the pogues, you’ve grown fond of spending time with rafe.
you and rafe have been hanging out as friends since sarah betrayed you guys and left obx with the john b and the rest of the pogues. you’ve always had a thing for rafe, but he’s rafe. first of all, he was your best friends brother and also he was known for his anger issues, freak outs, and overall fuck boy energy. you steered clear of ever catching real feelings for rafe so you wouldn’t ruin your friendship with sarah and to protect your own sanity from his issues. but now with ward and sarah gone, both of your “issues” have fleeted and it’s just the two of you.
rafe just got out of the shower and he gets dressed. when he leaves his room, he finds your vape sitting on the banister of the stairs. thinking you must be preoccupied with some other activity since your vape isn’t glued to your hand. he decides to put it into the pocket of his board shorts and play a little game with you.
he steps down the stairs and sees you’re lounging on the cameron’s big white couch in the living room in the house that now all belongs to rafe, meaning it’s just the two of you in the mansion. you’re watching the olympics gymnastics tournament. rafe couldn’t give a single fuck about whatever your watching and is just excited to mess with u.
“fuck!” you scream when the gymnast messes up on her routine on the bars.
“sheesh, someone’s pressed.” rafe walks in taunting you. “it’s just a fucking girl swinging on bars in a leotard.”
“rafe shut the fuck up, i’m watching.”
rafe’s tongues caves through his cheek, “shit, i thought you knew better than to speak to me this way.”
“i’m sorry just let me watch this.” all worked up, you start patting on your pockets, “for god’s sake, where’s my fucking vape.” you say to yourself.
rafe sits across from you with a smirk on his face, knowing he has your precious little nicotine in his back pocket. he lets you flail around and tear up the couch looking for it for a good 5 minutes until you scream, “jesus fucking christ!! where is this fucking thing.” at this point you’ve gone into the kitchen, sarah’s bedroom that you’ve been staying in some nights, and every bathroom and corner of this house looking for your vape.
you walk back into the living to find rafe man spreading on the couch with your vape hanging out of his mouth with a smirk painted on his face. he chuckles at you as the smoke flies out of his mouth. “this strawberry ice tastes mad good.” he mutters with that same stupid smirk on his face, taking the vape in his hand and looking at it, then back up at you.
“funny” you say sarcastically, walking over to rafe and reaching your hand out to grab the vape out of his hand when he tries to place it back into his mouth, but your stopped when his other hand grabs your wrist.
“sweetheart, it’s not gonna be that easy.” dropping your wrist from his grip.
“rafe, im not fucking around i need it right now” you say desperately, “im not playing fucking games right now. we can share if you want i just ne-”
“y/n” he cuts you off “i think we both know just what you need” he puts the vape into his mouth taking a long hit.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you say, scared he can read your mind. you’ve need rafe for a long time.
“don’t play dumb. why the fuck else would you be staying in my house like every other day for the past 2 weeks. you just have a need to sleep in your estranged best friends room all the fucking time? which happens to be 2 doors down from mine?”
“i-” you say speechless.
“you what.”
“rafe i always fucking liked you okay!!” you finally say.
“there she is.” rafe says dragging out the e at the end of there. taunting you. again.
“there. ok, i said it. can i have my vape back now??”
he continues to take puffs of it all while you’ve been talking, knowing you’ll do anything to get it back.
“i’m not fucking playing games rafe.” you say again.
“who’s the one with the vape? it’s me. sit.” he demands.
you’re weak for rafe and he knows this. you sit next to him on the couch. he waves the vape in front of his face, thinking of what you could do for him to earn your prized possession back. rafes been showing you his soft side the past couple weeks, thinking you were only there to you know, keep the memories of your old friend now that she ran away, but you knew he had to crack eventually. this sweet get up was not gonna last long.
“y/n, there’s one thing you could do to get this little thing back.”
“yeah..?” you say curiously.
“suck my dick.” he says an inch away from your ear.
“rafe..” you say while he kisses your jawline.
“baby, if you don’t want it just say that. i’m really fucking with you, i-if you don’t want to, that’s okay.” he stammers in between kisses. “can’t be playing too many games with you, gotta get consent.”
you turn to face him completely and smash your lips against his, confirming your consent.
you’re now straddling his lap, forgetting completely about your vape and why you ended up in this position. you’re making out sloppily and his hands are roaming around every inch of you body that is shown through your tee shirt and short-shorts. you begin to grind your needy cunt into his dick getting him hard. he knows he has you wrapped around his finger now. you’re blinded in a haze of lust, wanting this for so long.
“so do i have your consent?” he abruptly says breaking this kiss. you scoff and keep kissing him. wiping that stupid smirk off of his face.
“on the floor.” he says. you kneel down onto the floor and unbutton his shorts. stroking him through his thin boxers feeling his impressive length, you got him pretty hard during your make out session by all the grinding over his shorts. you rub his hard dick while looking up at him. “hurry up, baby” he says.
“who’s the needy one now?” you say with a smirk.
“yeah, yeah.” his hands stroking through your hair and bunching it up to keep his grip on your head.
you hastily pull down his boxers and his hard on springs up to hit his stomach. you stroke up and down his length watching the pre-cum spill out of his tip. you slowly lick up the sides of his cock, eliciting small grunts out of rafe. his hand grips your hair harder, hinting at you to hurry the fuck up.
your eyes meet his, and your mouth reaches the tip of his massive length and your hand works the base of his dick since your mouth can’t fit it all.
he pushes your head down further, fucking into your mouth while your hands fondle with his balls. “fuck why did we wait so long for this shit, your mouth his fucking amazing.”
you hum on his dick in response, sending vibrations through his body, letting out yet another grunt from his lips.
he continues fucking into your mouth, “i’m close i’m so fucking close. fuck!!” you feel his dick twitch in your mouth, your mouth finally bottoming him out due to the pressure of his hand on your head and the pleasure this is giving you. the tip of your nose is hitting his stomach while he fucks up into your mouth one last time before his load shoots up into your mouth. “swallow” he says. and of course, you do. “good fucking girl.”
you pick your head up from his long shaft, catching your breath. his hands stroking through your hair trying to calm you down. “shit was i too hard on you?”
you’re too foggy to respond to that question. “where’s my vape?” you say instead.
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honeylations · 1 year
- Angry Pupu -
Prompt: Chaewon is known for her anger issues, always yelling at the smallest things whereas you’re her calm and collected girlfriend, always so soft spoken and doing everything with a cute smile. Your members wonder how you two ended up dating despite the obvious opposite personalities.
Warnings/Notes: cute pupu, angry pupu, reader is adorable tooooo, soft and fluffy, a mix of comedy
The members lost count at the amount of times their leader had screamed today and you seemed to be the only person unbothered by it. Sakura had just finished taking pills for the headache she received from hearing the short girl’s anger.
“I swear this is her new record. How is her throat not hurting?” Sakura whined, rubbing her temple and flopping down on the couch next to you.
“How are you even dating her, Y/n?” Yunjin groans as she joins you two with a bowl of popcorn in her hand.
“Y/n is like the off switch for Chaewon’s tantrums” Kazuha appeared shortly after with a whisper, tensing when she heard Chaewon’s little feet stomp downstairs.
The youngest Japanese girl ran to you as a shield, angering the leader even more. “BACK OFF MY GIRLFRIEND, NAKAMURA!”
Kazuha squeaked and ran to Yunjin instead, not daring to say another word. Eunchae comes in with a bowl of strawberries and feeds you one before going upstairs to finish her Lilo and Stitch marathon. You hummed at the delicious taste of the fruit and turned to your girlfriend who got jealous of the hand feeding gesture between you and the maknae.
“We should buy more strawberries, love. They taste amazing” You spoke with a smile, Chaewon’s anger disappearing almost immediately.
She cupped your face and pecked your lips. “You’re so fricking cute. ISNT SHE GIRLS? SAY IT TO HER!”
The 3 girls sitting on the couch flinched and started complimenting you chaotically, voices going over each other, not wanting an ass beating from their short tempered leader.
“Love, calm down please” You said, caressing her arm and Chaewon obeyed, sitting in your lap.
“Ok, babe”
“Whipped” Yunjin commented, earning a couch cushion to the face. “OW! God Y/n, I want you to answer my question for real this time. How the hell are you dating this monster?”
“She’s not a monster. She’s my hero~” You cooed, hugging your short girlfriend tighter.
“I’ll be needing a hero if I get screamed at one more time” Kazuha muttered, seeing Chaewon glare at her.
“Chaewon? A hero? You’re saying this girl who’s scared of a mouse toy is your hero?” Sakura scoffed as the leader flipped her off.
“You’re just jealous” Chaewon hisses.
“And you’re a comedian.”
You held your girlfriend back down on your lap before she drop kicked the eldest member.
“Chae saved me from so many people before we debuted. Her yelling may be annoying to you girls but it always reminded me of why I love her! She’s so tough~ Without her anger, she wouldn’t have saved me from the bullies back in high school. She does the same now with anyone who shares hate comments about me. I’m too shy to stand up for myself like that” You explained, your heart swelling at the memories.
“Yeahhhh. Y/n was this cute little chubby nerd in high school” Chaewon grinned, pinching your cheeks again.
“Woah wait what, okay, this was something we haven’t been told before” Yunjin said, adjusting her sitting position and looking at you, Chaewon growling.
“Oh please, pull your head out of your tiny ass Kim, I’m not gonna take your girl. I just wanna know more about this cute little chubby nerd you were just talking about” The American added.
Chaewon got off your lap and sat next to you instead, pushing Sakura further into Kazuha who was already getting squished. The younger Japanese member gave up and sat on the ground instead, snatching Yunjin’s popcorn bowl.
“Yeah it’s true. I wasn’t that good looking in high school” You shyly smiled.
“Hey don’t say that. Nobody starts off as a hottie, like, me in high school with the dark ass eyebrows that didn’t match my hair colour? Goddamn” Yunjin joked, making you all laugh. (A/N: I’m not actually talking about Yunjin like that guyssss! The whole dark eyebrow thing is something I added based on my experience in high school💀💀)
“I’m being honest, I swear! I was super chubby, wore these thick purple glasses and always got bullied for reading books all the time. See?” You pulled out a photo of you in high school and all the girls (besides Chaewon) gasped.
In the photo was 14 year old Y/n with a bob cut and thick fringe, using one hand to hold a thick novel to her chest while the other put up a peace sign. Your purple glasses were indeed huge and you smiled widely, presenting the braces you had at the time.
“Oh and here’s Chae” You zoomed out of the photo and 14 year old Chaewon was exposed. She looked the same, only difference was the long hair in the photo. Sakura squinted her eyes and noticed how Chaewon’s hand was around your waist in the picture.
“Awwww! Chae did you have a crush on Y/n at this time?” The eldest asked as you closed your phone and returned it to your pocket.
“Yeah I did. Couldn’t tell if she liked me back though”
You blushed and slapped your girlfriend’s arm. “I did! I told you before, I just thought you were too good for a nerd like me”
“Nerdy y/n is cute, don’t get me wrong, but you’re absolutely stunning right now. Hellooooo? Your body? Your abs? Your facial structure? It’s so hard to believe that was you in the picture” Kazuha complimented.
“I just finally took the initiative in eating healthier and working out” You shrugged, letting Chaewon play with your fingers.
“Was Chaewon this loud back in highschool too?” Yunjin asked with a blunt tone.
“YAH IM GONNA KILL YOU, HUH YUNJIN!” The shortest member screamed and jumped onto the tallest member, shoving the couch pillow into her face.
You rolled your eyes with a smile and looked at Sakura. “You grab her legs, I’ll grab her arms”
“Absolutely not, she kicked my face last time we did that. Get Kazuha”
The said member stood up. “Sorry I don’t speak nor understand Korean very well so imma just go” Kazuha quickly says and runs upstairs to join Eunchae.
“Stop pretending you loser!” You screamed out to Kazuha in Japanese, knowing damn well this wasn’t the first time she’s done that. (A/N: Fun fact for everyone, Kazuha sometimes pretends that she doesn’t understand what the members are saying to her in Korean😭)
You sighed and stood up, patting down your pants. “Come on, babe, let’s go to bed”
“WHY DO YOU ALWAYS PISS ME OFF WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAY!” Chaewon continued to scream while violating Yunjin with the pillow.
This was gonna be a long night.
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jksslutprincess · 17 days
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The Enigma [2]
Synopsis: You are his everything. He breathes for you, lives for you, kills for you.
{college!au, strangers to lovers!au, obsessed crazy jk, fluff, smut, angst, stalking, toxic, family issues, making out, dirty talking, loads of hickies, hair pulling, voilence, both need help, strict 18+, alocohol, smoking, manipulation, blackmailing, kinda kidnapping, foreignerreader, a bit of dark,anger issues!jk, spitting, forced kissing, masochist!jk, both are 24, reader is a few months older than jk}
Jungkook's Perspective
The aroma of roasted coffee beans and sugary pastries hung heavy in the air as I entered the cafe. The ambience screamed "old-school diner," a stark contrast to my usual preferences. Why was I here, you ask? Because my best friend, Taehyung, had dragged me all the way across town – a forty-minute trek just for a slice of strawberry cake, a dessert readily available anywhere else. Yet, here I was.
Sometimes, the urge to rearrange his handsome face with my fist flared up, but affection held me back. With a sigh, I sank into the chair he'd pushed towards me. "Alright, man, what are you having?" If murder weren't frowned upon, I might have been tempted to test the legal system on him. "This is your supposed 'favorite strawberry cheesecake,'" I deadpanned, pointing a finger at him. "So why don't you order it? Let's see if this mythical dessert lives up to the hype. Because if it doesn't taste like the eighth wonder of the world, as you've bragged, I'm gonna make you taste my fist."
Taehyung, unfazed by my threat, merely smirked. "Chill, dude. Trust me, it's good. Like, 'really good' good."
"We'll see about that," I muttered.
A chipper "Excuse me!" announced the arrival of our server. The sound of approaching footsteps clued me in, and I glanced away from the window, my gaze landing on a woman with a deep, feminine voice. Turning my head from the window, I saw a tanned woman with a professional smile gracing Taehyung's side. She was tall and statuesque, with a European air about her. Dressed in a white turtleneck and blue pants, she exuded elegance and an undeniable beauty. Despite her smile, her demeanor remained calm and composed, bordering on intimidating.
"Good evening! What would you like to have?" she inquired in a smooth voice.
"Two strawberry cheesecakes with extra syrup, and two medium Americanos," Taehyung rattled off.
"Certainly, sir. Anything else you'd like with that?"
"Yeah, five strawberry macarons – but later, please."
"Of course. It'll be about ten minutes," she replied, jotting down the order before bowing slightly and retreating to the counter.
There was something undeniably magnetic about her. Maybe it was the exotic air she carried, a hint of somewhere faraway clinging to her like a forgotten perfume. But there was more to it than just her foreignness. The way she held herself, the depths of her eyes, the melody of her voice – each detail felt like a brushstroke painting a captivating portrait that set her apart from the rest.
"Looks like someone's smitten," Taehyung teased, his voice a low murmur in my ear. I whipped my head towards him, expression schooled into a blank slate. This guy. He had a knack for getting under my skin, despite my affection for him. "Do you know her?" I blurted out.
"I said, do you know her?"
"No," came his curt reply.
"Well, then I guess I'll have to do the job myself," I muttered under my breath.
"Don't tell me you actually like her?"
The entire cafe visit was a blur of stolen glances in the waitress' direction. While Taehyung and I chatted, my attention kept drifting towards her. She moved with a quiet efficiency, catering to customers with a practiced professionalism. From teenagers to office workers, everyone seemed satisfied with her service. It was as if she held the room in the palm of her hand.
Even after we left the cafe, the image of the waitress, whom Taehyung had dubbed "Miss Foreigner," lingered in my mind. Her cool demeanor and quiet confidence had captivated me. Back in my place, I couldn't shake the feeling that she hadn't recognized me. Was it because she was a foreigner, unfamiliar with the social circles I usually ran in? Maybe. Her interactions with me felt devoid of any special treatment, treating me simply as another customer, not the son of a multimillionaire.
Yes, my father was a renowned business magnate, and by a strange twist of fate (or lack thereof), I was his only heir. My grandfather had been a culinary maestro in his time, his food legendary for its ambrosial quality. People flocked to his restaurant, urging him to expand into a chain and a full-fledged company. He did, and his success skyrocketed. This legacy then passed to my father, an even more astute businessman than my grandfather. Partnering with my mother, they built the Jeon Empire, a towering titan in the industry.
My mother, a doctor who graduated from the prestigious Harvard University, returned to her native Korea. There, she met my father, and their love story began. Life partners soon became business partners. Eomma offered invaluable advice and support to Appa, helping him run his successful food company. In turn, Appa encouraged Eomma to pursue her own ambitions, leading her to establish a network of hospitals and later, a thriving pharmaceutical branch. Once their careers reached new heights, they realized the need for an heir to carry on their impressive legacy. And that's how I came into the picture.
Not just a son, but an heir.
Growing up, I was primarily raised by nannies and caretakers. My parents, consumed by their work, were rarely present during my childhood milestones. Our family's connections to other wealthy families meant I was pressured to befriend other affluent children. One such connection led me to Kim Taehyung, my best friend.
We met at the tender ages of seven and eight, forced to attend a wealthy man's (coincidentally) third wedding that also doubled as his 42nd birthday celebration. There he was, a whirlwind of energy, running around with his toy car and bumping into everyone in sight. And then me. Our eyes met. "Oh, I am so sorry, brother," he apologized, reaching for my hand. "Brother." That simple word solidified our bond. I knew from that moment he would be my lifelong companion, my ride-or-die friend.
Growing up with Taehyung eased the burden of feeling unloved by my parents. He truly filled the role of an older brother. That's why I rarely challenge his decisions, even when they frustrate me to no end.
Perhaps my childhood explains my abandonment issues and limited patience. The truth is, I've never truly experienced the profound love I craved, neither in receiving it nor giving it freely. Maybe that's why Taehyung believes my first love will be the purest, most intense, and ultimately, the most challenging experience of all. Maybe he's right. Only time will tell.
The lingering image of the European barista continued to occupy my thoughts even as I munched on toast perched precariously on the kitchen counter. A harsh thought cut through my reverie, a self-deprecating admonishment: "Snap out of it, she's not that extraordinary to warrant such rumination."
The weekend had finally relinquished its hold, replaced by the stark reality of Monday. The semester loomed large, its shadow lengthening with each passing day. Assignments loomed just a week away, practical exams in two, and finals a daunting four weeks . The sole source of frustration during this academic crucible was the obstinate coach, who, in a misguided attempt to safeguard our academic performance, had vetoed basketball practice, fearing it would distract us from our studies. While I acknowledged the rationale behind his decision, sports served as a crucial outlet, a cathartic release for the emotional turmoil that constantly threatened to bubble over.
"Time to buckle down," I muttered, steeling myself for the day ahead. Briefly addressing Bam, my canine companion (a loyal, if not particularly intelligent presence in this cavernous mansion), I dispensed some parting instructions. "Take care, Bam. You already know the drill, so don't cause any trouble. Good boy!"
There was a certain exhilaration in riding my bike through the rain, despite the unwelcome spray drenching me. Parking with practiced ease, I slung my backpack over one shoulder while clutching my helmet in the other. A playful shove against my back signaled Taehyung's arrival, his customary boisterous greeting echoing in the damp air. "Hey there, brother! How'd you sleep?" he boomed. "Like a log," I replied, returning the pleasantry. "You?" "Same here, man," he chimed, easily falling into step beside me as we navigated the stairs.
Taehyung wasn't just my confidante; he was also my academic compatriot. Both of us, destined to inherit our respective family empires, were pursuing Master's degrees in Business Administration. Given the trajectory of our lives, majoring in business was as preordained as sunrise following night.
"Let's hit class," Taehyung announced, gesturing towards a well-worn book tucked under his arm. "Afterward, I need to swing by the library to return this." He held up the book, revealing the title: "The Letters of Vincent van Gogh." This eccentric individual harbored a deep fascination with all things vintage, particularly art. This undoubtedly explained our recent foray to the quaint cafe – a venture I secretly appreciated, for it had led me to the captivating barista.
Stepping into the library, I was enveloped by a reverent silence. Students hunched over desks, their tools of learning – books, notebooks, laptops – splayed before them. The rhythmic murmur of focused activity filled the air: the rustle of turning pages, the quiet click-clack of keyboards, the occasional murmur of shared understanding. Librarians busied themselves arranging new arrivals on the towering shelves, while the head librarian, a woman with a countenance etched with experience, presided over the front desk.
As I lingered near one of the aisles, a safe distance from the watchful gaze at the reception, Taehyung conversed animatedly with the librarian, returning his borrowed book. My gaze drifted aimlessly, taking in the familiar scene, until it snagged on something curiously recognizable. Across the vast expanse of the library, four tables away, sat a figure I recognized instantly. Hunched over a notebook, their hand danced across the page in a flurry of activity. Every few seconds, their gaze would flick upwards to the laptop screen, then return to the task at hand. It was her, the barista, a vision both unexpected and captivating in this scholarly sanctuary.
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sentimuse · 8 months
Ever After High X Twisted Wonderland.
I was high when I made this please forgive the babble. I needed it to be said.
OKay so arguably the TWSTverse goes the best with the EAHverse. I may rant about Descendants later but lemme get this out first via Headcanon.
Riddle Rosehearts:
Pre OB! Royal Post OB! Rebel
The hedgehogs get along.
He and Lizzie have an odd relationship. They both have mommy issues but they both want to live up to their mothers' standards. Riddle has a hyperfixation for her mom and a deep seeded pride regarding her, that gets strained when he and Lizzie commiserate about shitty moms. Lizzie feels weird cuz he's nice but he idolizes her mom and that's awkward when you both have bad moms you still love in a strained almost begrudging way. They're good friends but don't seem like it due to the awkwardness of it all
He really gets along with Kitty and Maddie. Strangely Maddie is the one that reminds him of Che'Nya (Kitty does too because duh but personality wise). Always talking in riddles and rhymes but still a very good friend.
Gets introduced to Ginger via Trey and has to fight himself internally to not fucking ask for a strawberry tart from her. He's genuinely curious as to what it tastes like but knows that Trey would grill his ass into knowing which one was better and would face Dorm Card Trey Consequences. 
Trey Clover:
Rebel and always has been.
He's great friends with Lizzie due to her being kinda just a tamer Riddle.
Friends with Kitty and Maddie as well.
Has had baking contests with Ginger. (Friendly? maybe.)
Midkey respects Daring for having that pearly white of teeth. He's a little jealous, but Trey has the leg up because Daring is kinda vapid.
Is weirdly close with Mad Hatter cuz Trey is always able to concoct whatever weird flavor he's asked for.
Cater Diamond:
He's a Rebel 4lifer
He and Goldie are fucking ride or die besties. Swapping influencer tips? Yes. I bet they even got matching endorsements.
Him and Maddie are besties but not as much. He likes how bubbly she is.
Cater also really gets along with Briar and they're able to connect a little about insecurities and socializing stress.
Cater would fucking love it here everything is so aesthetic and his Magicam would blow tf up plus he's so girlie pop I don't think the transition would be that hard for him. He fits in really well.
Deuce Spade:
NGL him and Ace also fit into EAH really well they're good people (most of the time) and their flaws are light hearted enough to survive transplanting. Deuce is just a lil ditzy and has some anger issues but really loves his mom and baby chickens??? Just a little guy energy.
He would get along well with Cerise imo. Their vibes are similar to me, that is the best explanation I have.
Probably has a crush on Raven he also relates somewhat to the bad past but wants to be good things.
Ace Trappola:
Ace is a shitter. Fucking asshole goofster. But he has a pretty decent head on his shoulders.
Really gets along with Kitty being two shitsers.
Strangely good friends with Lizzie. I mean if you're gonna rule at least be fair yeah?
Epel Felmier:
He's absolute BESTIES with Darling. Because they're both feminine and want to break out of what life has assigned them. 
He's also pretty tight with Cedar.
Wants to be friends with Ramona so so so so so fucking bad.
Vil Schoenheit:
I hate to say it but my man is a centrist.
He understands and respects the audacity the royals have to think they can force others into roles they aren't meant for. However that's kinda his whole fucking issue in life. He doesn't mind some of the Royals, Apple is certainly more bearable than Neige and I'm certain that Vil can see right through her.
Sympathizes with Apple honestly. He'd want to like this Evil Queen and has pointed out her good points like being strong at magic and a good manipulator but also she's kinda a bitch so womp womp.
Totally gets along with Raven he's like the midpoint between the two.
Is very annoyed by Goldie.
Hangs out with Cupid and Rook sometimes. 
Good friends with and commiserates with Duchess.
Rook Hunt:
Rebel ofc bb
Bro if so girly pop and hangs out with Cupid. They go on about pretty things and love together. He and Vil encourage her to go after Dexter.
He's aloof enough to fit into the EAH verse.
Does his rounds with the cast susing them out. Has the Leona infatuation with Ramona. 
Isn't fond of Goldie she's too keen to pry into his life.
Idia Shroud:
Is a Doomer Royal with Rebel sentiments.
Bro is maybe too sad for EAH but the books are a lil kwazy soo…
He hangs out with the gamer boys sometimes like Humphrey and Dexter if he has to socialize.
Would rather hang with Ortho but Ortho is hanging out with Cedar.
Fucking hates it here.
Ortho Shroud:
Bro fucking LOVES it here. Absolute Rebel.
He and Cedar are FAST FAST friends for being non human humans.
Loves hanging with Maddie and the girls.
Probably has like a shitpost Snap/Insta with the wackiest fucking pictures of himself, Cedar. Briar, Raven and Maddie. Like drunk college kid shit, tiddlywinks and necromancy.
Is everyone's little brother and he fucking THRIVES being able to be an enabled little shitter. No clue who helped Kitty and Ace with their latest prank. Couldn't be sweet Ortho! He's just a little guy!
Azul Ashengrotto:
Considered a neutral student for business, but is very much a pragmatist about it whatever the fuck that means lmao. He's a Rebel
Is both sad and relieved there aren't more eels.
He and Hopper are besties tho.
Suave cool guys sometimes and fucking trainwrecks otherwise? Kinnies even
Becomes lowkey midkey hydrophobic upon learning Meeshell turns fishy when wet.
Jade and Floyd:
Both Rebels ofc
Floyd and Jade are living it tf up.
Jade is investigating new mushrooms
Floyd is fucking shit up everywhere he goes and teaching them basketball or learning their basketball.
OFC Floyd has the nicknames on DECK
Maddie likes Floyd's silly nicknames and isn't so fond of him being mean sometimes.
She's also like mildly scared of Jade but he's nice to her dad and they talk about mushroom tea and treats so he's okay in her book.
Floyd always be racing Ramona or Cerise or doing some dumb shit with Briar.
Jade does his girlboss info gathering like in the one vignette with Vil where he looks so pathetically malewife.
Cedar is kept very very far from them.
Jamil Viper:
Rebel and honestly most of them are.
Surprisingly hangs out with Justine and Duchess. 
They be dancing N shit y'know.
Surprisingly gets along with Ashlynn.
Hangs out with Duchess when she gets fed up with Leona.
They vent about Kalim and Princess.
Kalim Al-Asim
Rebel but is so bubbly and sympathetic he's almost a centrist.
Kalim is so sweet he'd be like "Yeah Apple I totally get you wanna be queen and stuff but it makes Raven sad. :((("
Man is living it UP per usual.
He's hanging with every single person he can.
Absolute besties with Briar and Melody.
He's such a ball of sunshine.
He'd be so fucking happy here.
Leona Kingscholar:
Rebel ofc and would be a lot more dramatic about it than Raven is/was.
She ripped the page out of the Book of Legends? Bestie Leona would've dusted the whole thing like Azul's contracts. 👀 👀
Okay that's exaggerating he would've done the same thing.. Maybe
Honestly jokes aside he'd be more akin to Idia. A doomer rebel. 
He bothers tf out of Duchess and they're actually good friends.
Her drive to succeed kinda invigorates him.
Honestly bro is the same as ever. He eeps, he eats, he makes Ruggie do shit. 
Leona in the EAHverse would come to be like a god-tier version of himself. It would force his character development into being better than Falena imo. Yeah you could look at him and say he's just laze around, but in the middle of not only a class, but a life threatening conflict that is so deeply entwined with his actual life? If you ask me a PostOB! Leona would be all OVER this shit. He would be making full on plans and figuring shit out like well…a king. *laugh track*
Maybe then he'd like leave Ruggie alone or have a heart to heart with Ruggie or some cool emotionally mature shit. 
Ruggie Bucchi:
So audaciously a Rebel.
He hangs a lot with Maddie and Ashlynn.
Rosabella is also very nice to him. They're like sibs imo. She tells him to be nicer he tells her she's short or smthn and gives her backbone a boost.
Ruggie with a more developed Leona and with something solid to stand for would be a force to be reckoned with ngl. Even tho I think Ruggie has the weird trauma impulse that he has to earn his keep or earn others love for him so while I think Leona would be nicer to Ruggie part of that kindness is the unspoken way Leona lets Ruggie "steal" from him or do his laundry or whatever to feel like he has "earned" that money or food when those are just things people should do for you or do their best to provide for you because you exist and you are loved and cared for.
Anyway I just think we'd get a softer and a bit less cynical Ruggie. Not less crafty tho.
Jack Howl:
Rebel obvi.
Absolute besties with the Wolf sisters.
They do wolf things together.
Honestly I don't think much would change for him.
He'd be with the Savannaclaw boys being huge Rebel activists because of course they are. <3
Malleus Draconia:
Conflicted but ultimately a Rebel. Understands that people have things they need to do but they should be afforded the choice if possible.
HUGE HUGE BESTIES with Raven. Goth Girlies Unite!!!
Being around Raven and Maddie alot does WONDERS with him being more social and approachable. Maddie is their "cute item"
Hangs out with Cupid a lot after hearing about an old Gargoyle friend she had and REALLY wants to go to Monster High and meet her.
Fucking hates Faybelle. Thinks it's uncouth to crash parties.
Gets so so sad just looking or thinking about Briar.
They're mega besties tho and he like apologizes several times over even though it wasn't his Thorn Fairy that caused this. Immortality sucks dick.
She tells him to chill and shows him how to work a phone. /hj
They cry into ice cream and go on adventures a lot.
Lilia Vanrouge:
Rebel silly
Bro loves it here. The people are so spookable and he's just a cute little guy y'know!
He dispenses his wisdom and has an official ban from all kitchens so decreed by a combined front of (everyone) but mostly Ginger, Trey, and the Crumbs.
Hangs out mostly gaming but also with Poppy!
Poppy does his hair all the time, mostly via magic for funsies.
Also hangs with Kitty and Courtly.
Rebel (He's his father's son)
Fits in so well. Really looks like one of the Charmings.
Hangs out mostly with Darling and Chase.
He has a one sided blood feud with both Hunter and Apple.
He's so princely and he's surrounded by birds and is in nature all the time??
Apple thinks he's coming for her place being so pretty when sleeping and surrounded by forest animals and flowers?? C'mon man wtf??
Hunter thinks he's coming for his girlfriend because Silver was nice to/talked to Ashlynn ONCE.
Bro can't catch a break from Briar either. She's the opp of his sleepiness. 
Sebek Zigvolt:
Sebek would be whatever Malleus is because loyalty. He is in all honesty so truly deeply conflicted.
All he wants to do is be a good knight for Malleus. He has wanted this forever. It's like his destiny. But then again he kinda (maybe? Idk I haven't read chapter 7 anything) got to choose this. But he should be loyal to whatever it is Malleus chooses, but what if in this world the book chose some STRANGER to be Malleus' knight and not him? AND THEN WHAT IF
In short he's very likely a Rebel he's just gotta get their. 
Crisis of Identity part 2 aka (I've conquered my internalized racism at being part human but now I'm not sure who I am personality and morality wise. What a conundrum! The Musical The Series The Musical.)
He hangs out with Darling and Chase as well.
Is also pretty close with Cerise and Raven.
All in all things would go pretty well together not that ANY of what I said explains that, but in long:
EAH is based on the idea of Destiny v.s Free Will and talks about the deep seeded fears and problems that would come from a society that tells you you must be one thing your whole life when you want to be another. Which goes very well with how the Overblots happen. 
Riddle is pressured and abused by his mother to be a perfect star child and that pressure is too much for him and he snaps. 
Leona is always considered second best and less than his brother. 
Azul has a poorly written (imo) overblot but he wants to feel comfortable in his own skin and feels he needs to do so by being in total control of every situation so he can look good and not feel inferior, as he was bullied in his childhood.
Jamil has to downplay himself to make Kalim look better and is made to live a life where he can never be his true self. 
Vil also has a poorly written overblot (imo) but he wants to feel loved and appreciated and to not be the villain he's always casted as. (Literally Raven's ENTIRE thing)
Idia wants to be a hero, and cope with the guilt of feeling like he killed his brother.
Malleus is grappling with mortality and not having a "proper" family. (Briar does the first half of this in the show)
EAH also does bend and change these "destinies"
Darling being Apple's "Prince"
Daring being with Rosabella when he was certain he'd be with Apple.
In the books, Cedar coming to terms with "being human" without having to be made of physical flesh and bone or being actually human. Thus disregarding the need for her story. 
Apple being the more ruthless between her and Raven when she is supposed to be kind and sweet.
Red and Big Bad being together.
In the books again, Brooke interacting with the story. 
So in long with shit for details and no real argument. I think Ever After High and TWST would make a great crossover and maybe I just want more people to do more idk modern(??) things with EAH. But also I'm a sucker for X but a Highschool/College thing.
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missmitchieg · 8 months
5 Times Penelope Hugged Luke + 1 Time Luke Hugged Penelope - Ch 1
"The newbie what?" Penelope snapped at Emily, her fists clenched tightly at her sides. She was grinding her teeth as her heart pounded in her chest, the thought of Luke getting shot making her head spin.
Luke's hurt. Luke's hurt. Luke's hurt. Luke's hurt. Luke's hurt.
"H-he got shot in hi-" Emily startled as Penelope pushed past her, her magenta heels clicking as she stomped toward Luke, who was standing at his desk talking to the rest of the team.
Oh, boy.
She ran after her, reaching for her arm. "It's ok, Garcia. He's-" She grimaced as Penelope wedged herself in between Tara and Dave, watching her approach Luke.
But Penelope didn't hear it. All she could hear was the sound of her heart pounding and the boom of a gunshot ringing in her ears. "Alvez!" She called, crossing her arms. "Have you lost your marbles, newbie?!"
He's hurt. He's hurt. He's hurt. He's hurt. He's hurt.
Dave pressed his lips together as he took a step back, trying not to laugh as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
"When a guy with serious anger issues is pointing a gun at you and he pulls the trigger, that's when you jump out of the way!"
With an amused smile, Jennifer raised her eyebrows and shot a glance at Emily.
Emily shrugged, giving an I tried look.
"Garcia, I'm ok-" Luke started to talk, left arm held over his stomach protectively. He tried his best not to wince as he straightened his back, his teeth clenched to keep the grunt of pain from escaping his mouth.
"Yeah, like hell you're ok!" Penelope scoffed, shaking her head. "You got shot! With bullets!" She emphasized, her hand trembling as she gestured to the arm covering his stomach.
Spencer grimaced, lifting both hands to sign at Luke. You are in trouble.
Luke shot him an unamused I know look before his gaze returned to the very pretty and very angry blonde in front of him.
Jennifer let out a snicker, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as she realized why the sequence of event she was watching seemed very familiar.
"Listen, you may have just gotten here, but I- my family likes having you around," she pointed a finger at the crowd around them, "and I am not just gonna stand back and let your reckless little derriere get hurt, or worse! I-" She was cut off by a soft chuckle from the frustratingly handsome man, scoffing at him.
"Oh, how sweet. She's worried about him." Dave whispered to Tara who gave a quiet snort and slapped a hand over her mouth, nodding her agreement.
"This is the funniest thing I've seen all week." Spencer commented, making Tara laugh again.
"All three bullets hit my vest, Garcia." Luke explained with a fond smile. "Well, the fourth one actually just missed me by an inch." He shrugged, lifting his olive green Henley to show her the bruises. And a peek at his abs. "I'm a little bruised up, but I am just fine."
She eyed his red bruises, her tense shoulders dropped in relief. The scowl never left her flushed face as Penelope breathed a sigh of relief through her nose. "Good." She nodded curtly and turned to walk away, not even two feet away before she sighed and stomped back toward the man. Her eyes were soft as she looked at him, giving him a gentle hug.
Jennifer couldn't help it as she let out a small gasp, her hand flying to grab Emily's bicep. The two shared a look of shock, watching Penelope hug the newbie she'd been giving a hard time since he'd arrived.
Luke blinked as he slowly returned the hug, wrapping his arms around her waist. He buried his face in her soft blonde curls, breathing in her strawberry shampoo. "Hey." He whispered so only she would hear. "Look, I'm sorry. I'll get out of the way next time." He promised, his lip curling into a smile when that seemed to alleviate any lingering worries in her head. He relaxed into her touch, his eyes fluttering closed.
Slowly, Penelope peeled herself away from Luke and stalked away toward her office, leaving the rest of her team in shock.
Luke pointed a finger toward her as she left his side, still processing what just happened. "She just hugged me."
"She did." Jennifer nodded. "She... Did." She repeated, putting her hands on her hips.
Luke quirked an eyebrow. "JJ."
"Um..." She snickered. "Uh, that just reminded me of something that happened a few years back with Morgan."
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plutobutartsy · 2 months
Hi, please talk about your ocs <3 I don’t know anything about them, but I want to properly appreciate your art of them in context.
PEARRRR 🤧 i'm gonna cry that's so sweet of you, you have no idea how happy that makes me <33
i have 3 main ocs! Evie (Evelyn), Briar and Nate (Nathan). i don't have a proper story in mind for them, they're just there to live their lives, figure out their issues and fall in love with each other lol
i tried to keep it brief with just the basics but i have a sideblog for my ocs if you want to check that out! it's @plutobutsilly . or you can always swnd me more asks 🤭
Evie is 18 and a witch! She has 5 adopted siblings, all of which are different magical creatures. Her dad is human and perpetually stressed lol. She has anxiety and depression and is overall a bit of a pushover because of it, but she's also quick to anger and can really hold a grudge. She likes all things that are pink, sparkly and cute. Her hobbies are baking and sewing and she wants to be a fashion designer one day! For now, she's in charge of the costumes for her school's drama club. She had an emo phase in middle school where ahe painstakingly straightened (cough FRIED) her hair every morning 👎🏽. She still listens to a lot of emo bands and appreciates the fashion! Her favourite foods are strawberries and chicken curry.
Briar is a born vampire, so not turned, and he's 17 now! He has 3 older sisters that baby him and that he really looks up to. Huuuge perfectionist. Inferiority complex that he tries to hide by being mean and is awful at expressing himself. His family is well-off but made him get a part-time job at a grocery store where he eventually meets Evie. He is secretly obsessed with human-made media about vampires and trashy romance manga! He likes cooking but is Capital W weird about food. Student Body President at the fancy private vampire school he goes to BUT he went to middle school with Nate and they have had beef ever since (they get over it eventually <3). His favourite artist is Megan Thee Stallion. Cares so so so much about everything but will never say it </3
Nate is a werewolf and also 17! He has two older siblings, Selah and Isaiah. His mom is the pack Alpha and a very stern, no nonsense woman but she is very affectionate with her kids. Nate has severe daddy issues and is constantly scared that he'll turn out like his dad so he used to repress his feelings, wether good or bad. Now they're a very cheerful guy but they still suppress their anger and struggle to fit in with their pack. Goes to the same regular human highschool as Evie! He lovesss animals, his favourite are cows <3. Really really into literature and writes his own poems. They also like all things artsy. Seriously, name a craft and they most likely do it lol but their favourites are probably knitting and pottery. They're also very good with kids. Wants to become a farmer one day.
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Rottmnt oc headcannons
Part four : Angie
Alright, I officially finished Angie’s head-cannons. Akdjdak sorry it took me so long, I’ve been really busy for the past few months and got kind of distracted. Plus I was trying to add a few more headcannons for her and I couldn’t settle on how many I wanted to add.
Anyways here they are ^W^ also gonna be linking each of my four rise oc’s headcannons in my introduction post as well
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- she learned to cook mostly on her own. Kind of observing from afar by watching her mother and sisters work when she was younger at first and then doing it herself as she got older. Slowly learning more and more along the way.
- let’s Mikey paint her nails to match her outfit, mood or just for the randomness of it after she taught him how to paint nails or let’s him paint a few random little shapes on her using her graphic liners for the exact same reasons. He may or may not love adding flowers across her cheeks and nose like freckles.
- her sisters and Mikey’s brothers swear the pair share a brain cell
- they like to give each other piggyback rides. Bought one of those oversized hoodies so they could both wear it at the same time for cuddles on the go
- Angie likes to collect squish-mallows or just plushies in general. Like A LOT of them. Has one of those little hammocks hanging above one side of her room where she keeps them. She will lend them out to Mikey, her sisters, April, the other turtles if they want one. Her favorite is a strawberry frog squish-mallow that she found at a thrift store and likes to hold it to calm down from being overstimulated.
- hates. Hates. Absolutely hates Being sick because she hates being stuck in bed and she’s hates the sensory issues that come with it. Mainly the fact she can barely smell or taste anything when she’s sick.
- always willing to try new foods, baked goods, drinks ect. Her and Mikey like to cook or bake together
- loves cozy games, her favorite would have to be animal crossing or Minecraft, she made an entire candy land themed carnival in Minecraft
- owns a lot of pastel clothing, also a lot of different aesthetics inhabit her closer but a common theme with a lot of her clothes is prints, embroidery or cute patterns.
- is currently learning knitting, and trying to teach raph and sunny how to knit
- a lot of dates she and Mikey go on once they start dating involve going to small bakeries or random places to paint. Picnic dates on the rooftops or at the park are a must with them
- if Mikey is hiding in his shell, Angie will literally just sit down beside him and watch random videos or listen to music together until he comes out. However if he wants to be carried around, she will do that as well
- adores stickers, buying them and making them, collecting them and giving them to her friends and family as a kind gesture. She and Mikey literally somehow give each other a new sticker like three to four times a week
- her favorite bag is a pink Shiba Inu boba bag, puts a punch of pins and charms in the spaces where pins and charms can be put
- Has an entire little office in her room just dedicated to her working on art. Organized drawers of markers, colored pencils, paints ect. A shelf of sketchbooks and canvases, a drawing tablet always charged and ready for hours of drawing
- is absolutely terrified of hippos. (loves the pigmy hippo) she has a phobia of hippos after one nearly bit her arm at a zoo when she tried to feed it watermelon when she was little
- A bad habit of hers is pushing down/setting aside her own feeling of sadness or anger to comfort and tend to others. So much so that sometimes, when she gets to a quiet spot where no one can bother her, after a rough situation she will just sit there and cry and this is something that honestly takes her awhile to officially work on,
- enjoys sitting up on the roof or any spot with a good view of the sunrise or sunset. Something about seeing all the colors fade in together brings her a sense of joy
- has a big fear of anything sharp or anything that could burn her eyes getting near her face after the whole incident with the kraang, where she was nearly splattered in the face by the slightly acidic blood. The only reason she was saved is because she managed to duck down just in the nick of time
- has three pet rats named princess peach, princess Daisy and princess Rosalina
- Her favorite pizza is just plain cheese pizza with some spices and peppers added on
- absolutely loves boba, her fav flavors are usually sweet like cotton candy, chocolate, vanilla, birthday cake ect.
- when the girls go to their grandparents farm, she immediately goes running to her favorite spot to go explore-which is an abandoned cabin she fashioned into a cottage
- Absolutely loves doing her hair, she has a notebook of all the styles she wants to give her curls. She’s got organized drawers for all her cute hair ties, scrunchies and hair clips. Her hair care routine is a something that actually brings her a lot of comfort when she’s stressed
- she loves shopping and visiting farmers markets and art fairs. She has to stop and look at every booth she can and when she’s at the farmers market? Except her to come home with at least one new plant or some homemade goods
- was diagnosed with autism and adhd when she was about fix or six
- After the kraang incident, she has a hard time with people moving their hands near the right side of her face without warning for a long while (a kraang blood almost got in her eyes and damn near blinded her) the only person she trusts to do that is honestly Mikey, because he quite literally was the one to shield her from getting directly hit head on when she lost the shield she’d been holding
- She and mikey confessed to eachother when he invited her over to the lair for a movie marathon and they had their first kiss on their first date, which was a rooftop picnic
- She doesn’t have too many nightmares after the kraang incident….just a specific two nightmares that come every once in awhile that are very very vivid that honestly freak her out. After she has them she usually either stays up for a little while and hangs out with her sisters in the living room for comfort or she goes out on a walk. If Mikey’s awake she’ll just pop over to the lair and talk with him for a while. Especially if they’ve both been having a rough night dealing with nightmares.
- she painted a mural in each of her sisters rooms. A sunny field for her sister sunny, the beach for her sister Skye and a fairy garden for her sister Marcy
- absolutely hates getting sick, like she tries to avoid getting sick when she can. However she doesn’t mind helping others out when they are sick…she just seems a little more cautious than usual
- Has a irrational fear of fire ants due to an incident she had when she was a child
- When the turtles had to defeat the shredder, Angie got a small scar from the incident on her left side when she pushed mikey out of the way of getting hit, which she covers up with some tattoos later on
- Has always wanted to cosplay princess peach. She’s got a whole vision board and everything
- Current champion of Mario party among her sisters (shes just oddly good at Mario party for some reason)
- She likes to bring her friends and family little gifts that remind her of them. Like for example she made April a set of flower charms for her bag or she brought Mikey a new apron after his old one got ruined while he was cooking
- She does talk in her sleep and girl says the most out of context random sentences when that happens
- her biggest goal is to one day open and run her own bakery
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zeeposting · 2 months
stupid rambling about oc lore. warning its probably going to be very long so dont press "keep reading" or whatever it says if you dont want to read a lot
okok who do we start with. fries!
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lookie look, theres fries!! so they kind of put up a silly and carefree act to disguise their worries. what are their worries, you ask? haha. parental issues. fries has an older sibling, curly fries. uhh i actually need to develop some lore and characters so curly fries needs pronouns ermmm *stares at the video im watching for like two minutes.* xe/her for curly fries!! ANYWAYS. their parents are potato (f) and onion rings (m) and they got into arguments a lot. like. a lot. fries is maybe two years younger than curly, so fries was a lot more sensitive to it. they were always scared of the yelling and often found the most comforting place was their closet. yes they hid in the closet. curly was the only one who knew about this and sometimes would try to comfort them, but most times would just lay in xeir bed unbothered by the yelling. this ended up with potato (fries and curly's mother) leaving the family. fries' fear of the yelling carried on into adulthood.
now to skip on over to smoothie for further explanation on fries i guess!1 so smoothie uerhmmm she has 2 siblings. Lemonade, she/her, and uhh mango something hang on google helpme uhh ok anyways as i was saying, Mango Juice, he/they. mango is younger than smoothie (or Strawberry Banana Smoothie but who wants to type that 300 times) while lemonade is older. mango would often BEG smoothie to play or talk to something else while lemonade would always tease and affectionately bully smoothie. all this landed smoothie with something like anger issues! as an adult, it often gets angry at her coworkers and gets into arguments over call with them.
and now can you guess why we had to quickly switch to smoothie? heeahh. yeah sometimes it yells at its coworker which overwhelms fries. when smoothie's having an argument fries often hides in the bedroom (cheeb, fries and smoothie share an apartment) and if cheeb is there, he'll usually comfort fries until smoothie is done.
cheeb lore!??! haha you wish! yeah no cheeb doesnt get lore. no siblings though
smoothie, cheeb and fries all met in lets say uhh late middle school? yeah uhh. fries' parents really started getting in arguments when they were 14. they put up a sillier act so that their few friends didn't worry about their personal life (it was very complicated, and a few months into highschool is when fries' mother left) smoothie is the one who started the relationship like early highschool id say. smoothie and cheeb moved into fries' apartment eventually, but fries' bed didnt have room for them all soo they basically rotated someone sleeping on the couch until they could save up for a bigger bed. now they all sleep together woohoo
yeah! thats. mdbonncalds lore!!
okay who else hmm
night and spike are currently lore-less but i think inki is cooking somethng up for them
i would do scroll and quill but i feel like their lore would be best explained through writing the whole thing or writing certain scenes (couhg cough, scroll attacking inkpad, cough cough) <- wait what no who said that not me those arent spoilers at all inki doesnt even know the lore and shes practically the reason theyre still here!! i drew them once and she drew them so i was like "WOAH OC APPRECIATION??!?! THEYRE GONNA STAY!!" and. yeah! they have lore and yeah.
hmm hmm.. i could to laptop but shes basically a mephone knockoff... except featuring firey beefy die... (dont ask)
rat cage uhh i havent really figured out everything for her but i know the basis! nerd. she didnt have a home so she just lived in various alleyways and got in many fights. eventually, guess what?! her leg got cut off! because of her nerdiness she managed to find a whole lot of metal scraps and other stuff and built herself a new leg! woohoo! uhh and now she has a girlfriend. ferret cage. also they both have their respective animals, a rat named riley and a ferret named felicity. because i said so.
ok so they started out working idk somewhere shrugs and thats where they met. wet floor sign, due to having no arms (HAHA L FOR HIM!! L!!) was just used to mark out messes. mop, due to being a mop (HAHA L FOR THEM!! L!! HAHA!!) was the one who cleaned these messes. because they saw each other so often, they decided to start talking. they went on break together and stuff and exchanged phone numbers. fast forward a bit and theyre really close (though wet floor sign isnt a fan of mop's gen alpha slang but honestly finds it amusing) and uhh mop asks (that whole thing i wrote? remmeber that?) and uhh yeah they started dating and suddenly wet floor sign just. seemed depresed. so mop went over to their apartment and it was pretty much a mess. "dang bro you live like this" after talking for a bit and mop helping comfort wet floor sign, WFS (i dont want to type it anymore im sorry 😭) admits that his mother passed away eventually they get a job as janitors at scroll and quill's library hang on i have like a whole scene planned out shrieks chat hold on i cant play horse game and ramble at the same time 💔💔
ok uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so scroll and quill do something and mop (to WFS) is like "i wish we had a bond like that" (they love ecahother but they still get in playful arguments a fair amount of the time) "they're married" "so whats the next step towards marriage?" "uhhhhhhhhhhhh idk moving in" "so can i move into your apartment? :]" "uhhhhhhmhmhahahhhhhh" "okay thanks" and mop moves into WFS' apartment! woohoo! yeha. n othing more than that.
hmhmhmhm what other ocs exist... i mean i can kinda go into globe
globe time!! ryu come get ya girl (not tagged because idk if you want to read this whole thing)
so uhh one time scroll and quill went to a park. quill wantwed to get ice cream because yes and uhh globe was just. there and started flirting with scroll who was extremely freaked out. when quill got back, he was weirded out because who is this and what are they doing with his husband. uhh and then globe embarrasses herself because she was into scroll but she just cant stop thinking about him thats basically how globe was introduced!! she has no childhood lore she develops weird obsessions with those that love her, so she scares off people, which makes the obsessions worse she has two cork boards to fill with pictures of people she likes only 3 people were actually (romantically) interested in her. soda bottle cap, MG and mug (made by ryu! woohoo!). soda bottle cap was freaked out with how she has a lot of pictures of people around her house, so he left her. MG was freaked out SHOOT MY FRIEND FOUND ME IN THE SILLY HORSE GAME anwyays MG was freaked out by globes weird obsessive personality and she fearfully left her. mug, though he literally mugged multiple people and is probably a criminal, was freaked out by how clingy and obsessive she was and left her. when she saw scroll, for some reason she just. fell so deeply in love. she stalks him. she has so many pictures of him that she took (WITHOUT HIS CONSENT) and most definitely has a body pillow of scroll MASSIVE OBSESSION. she even got herself banned from their library. quill absolutely hates her.
shes tried other people, shes tried dating apps, but no one was interested. no one really loved her (romantically)
yeha thats all her lore. who else... looks at my oc list
stanley? anyone want stanley? hhhhhhmmmm nah. i dont feel like her lore rn because its not quite developed..
oh golly lets do drawing pen. alcoholic idiot
so he was best friends with drawing pad since they were young kids. eventually, theyre young adults, and playing truth or dare beacuse theyre stupid and on the side of the road. seeing the road was empty, drawing pen dared her to cross the road. but RUH ROH RAGGY!!! SPEEDING CAR COMES AND SHES DEAD. haha corpse. drawing pen is so broken by this, he doesnt know how to cope. so guess what he does? gets a drinking addiction, of course! yeah. he needs it to stay sane i guess. because if he doesnt then he sees illusions of drawing pad! woohoo! yeha. kind of a father-daughter relationship with laptop i guess.
hmm who else
who is cord why are they on my list 💀 i gotta go through this list dawg idk who half these idiots are
*stares at percy on my list*
ok whats happening uhh scratch art paper!! she doesnt really have too much lore but she does have some! so her best friend is chalk, a blue piece of chalk uhh and yk her epick marks? well. they hurt to be made most of them she made herself its something like S/H. chalk helps her not do it again and LIGHTLY did one mark, but sometimes rainbow is tempted
ok hm oh theres activity hang on save as draft!
ok uhh what else theres no one else i think... origami has no lore... theres a lot without lore. what if i go into my non-osc oc's.
my warrior cats ocs...
my star stable ocs... (star stable is silly horse game!!)
dude my last warrior cats art was of this character i just made up and made no lore for
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ok uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
waitwait what if i make up an oc on the spot with yall. and lore. ok woah my friend just came back and is in peach stuff thats cute anyways random object generator go!!
bandana? wait hmm... no im just thinking bandana ii alternate reality reroll pleas... I GOT HANDCUFFS. BANDANA AND HANDCUFFS. no inspo plus they seem kind of hard to work with (how would i draw the handcuffs?) sooo reroll again
IDEA!!! school bell. like one of those stereotypical school bells.
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like this!!
okay. im thinkinggggg he/him? very loud. very obnoxious. only a few friends, lets say uhh... lunch tray (she/her), eraser cap (they/it) and hmmmm lets make him someone whos interested in him! paperclip? paperclip. she/her. paperclip has a crush on school bell and tries to appear cool to him but fails. shes close friends with eraser cap and tries to learn how she could get him to like her but in the end she thinks she'd embarrass herself. this is becoming too much about paper clip lets go back to school bell!! so he's kind of oblivious to paper clip (adiren agreste style) (<- sorry if that reference is outdated i never finished watching mlb i got like the first few episodes of season four and i havent seen it since 😭) and he uhh... im throwing them into school because i want to. theyre in highschool. anyways school bell is like a basic jock and tries to make his friends laugh over an actual grade. paper clip finds this cute. he has some sort of a crush on paper clip but he doesnt really realize it because i like torturing my characters that are in love uhh yeha eventually paperclip convinces eraser cap to give school bell a note from her (wow a lot of names) and uhh school bell kind of confronts her but uhh in the end they date. wow a lot of lore made up on the spot!! lunch tray only mentioned once. shes the most supportive of paper clip and school bell.
chat what am i doing 😭 why is there so much about lore? wait let me find out how many words this is
i hope you enjoyed this idk if ill make more but uhh for scroll and quill if you guys want me to write like uhh... scroll attacking inkpad, the confession, the first encounter with inkpad, any other scenes im thinking of but idk how to describe. like i would just summarize it as "nightmares" but honey thats not enough context ok yeah anyways if you want me to write some of those scenes i might thumbs up emogi im done this is a lot of writing woohoo! oc lore. fun. if you want to see any of them i will (HOPEFULLY) be able to provide you with art or at least their asset!!1 any other characters i forgot feel free to ask for their lore. i dont know what im doing shrieks YEAH THATS OC LORE FOR YA!!! i forgot penny, barnes and vanille (idk her last name. the desert tissue box.) but idk what their apocalypse situation is, they just exist with brief ideas as of now the other dream characters dont have lore sorry guys ok im going to stop rambling now. bye bye!!
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darkcloud-kcalifornia · 5 months
Now bouncing over to 100 Girlfriends vol. 4 it looks like we’ve got our first post-anime waifu, Haraga Kurumi, whose exaggerated character trait is “Hangry”. Like, really hangry. To a level that I wish I could do art or mod games, because Rentaro comparing her metabolism to Kirby’s makes me wanna see her as the protagonist of Squeek Squad. Because if there’s anybody who would tear the world apart looking for whoever stole their strawberry shortcake it’s… well it’s Kirby, but she’d at least be in the top ten of others who might do that!
On a more serious note, I think Kurumi might want to see a doctor. If she gets hungry again that soon after eating she might have some kind of actual medical condition preventing her from feeling satiated. I dunno if that can be treated, but still, worth a shot. …Also might want to see a psychiatrist about her anger issues and self-loathing, but finding a character in a comedy harem who could use a therapist is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Now on a few far sillier notes…
Probably for the best Kurumi didn’t join the Rentaro family until after the kiss zombie incident. I have the distinct impression her “kisses” would’ve involved a more traditional zombie approach.
I hate to picture what this girl is gonna be like if Rentaro ever gets her pregnant. Those odd food cravings are gonna hit HARD.
“Now would be a good time for you to get hangry.”
“That’s my secret, Rentaro. I’m always hangry.”
I swear if we ever have a chef join the harem this girl is going to give one heck of a Food Wars character impersonation. And possibly wish she’d had one of Kusuri’s diapers on afterward.
Do you think she’d help capture the vice principal for a Scooby Snack?
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prometheanglory · 2 years
FUYVUVUY i may uh...went a lil overboard so if you wanna skip some honestly?UNDERSTABLE LMAO BUT 💢🥞🍰🌙🕷️🌹🙉🙈🙊🌏🪤✂️🎡🎀♥️💙💔 for um Lola,guts n maybe hahaha chase def not bcuz I'm a simp for two n the other one UUUUH ANYWAY SORRY IF IS A LOT KISSY HAVE A GOOD DAY ON UR SPECIAL DAY
also this got so long but i wanfed to answer it all bc im impulsive . HOPEFULLY I DIDNT FORGET ANY
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💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
chase and guts have the very similar issue of locking people out of their lives and just? never actually telling ppl what’s up with them if smth’s the matter at all. chase is 10x more secretive and defensive than guts, but guts is a lot more abrasive when it comes to getting people off his tail.
chase is also a very prolific ‘ghoster’ of sorts — has a very prolific tendency to just disappear for a while out of nowhere, be it a few hours or a few days in some cases. never really tells people what he was doing or where he went, if he even went anywhere or if he was avoiding/ignoring them… and doesn’t even recognize that it’s kinda rude to randomly drop ppl for extended periods at a time and to come waltzing back in (if ever). by recognize i mean ‘acknowledge that hes in the wrong’ and not ‘does not know he’s wrong’
guts on the other hand — while not much of a ghoster in the same sense chase is, he is pretty aggressively antisocial. he doesn’t hang out, usually declines all invitations, never initiates or reciprocates attempts to maintain relationships, and has a tendency to actively push people out of his life.
lola is by far, one of the most touchy-feely and strong-handed ppl in my roster. she has a bit of a tendency to muscle people into doing things, and an even worse tendency of talking over others. she can be a bit of a bully when it comes to her jokes and can overstep quite a few personal boundaries when it comes down to it. it’s not quite out of a place of immaturity or naivety, so it comes off as pretty malicious.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
chase -> not much of a sweets guy, but he likes the classic american breakfast platter as a rare treat. you know like. pancakes, sausage, eggs, syrup, bacon. nice.
guts -> feel like he doesn’t eat breakfast much as a default, but baked eggs with sausage…… or any leftovers from the night before.
lola -> A SWEETS LOVER…. LOVER OF ALL THINGS DECADENT AS A TREAT…… she likes having soapaipilla or anything sugary.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
chase -> something in my heart is telling me he’s a carrot cake man and i cannot ignore its call…!! he doesn’t like super heavy cakes/super sweet ones, he’s good with the basics. not a fan of icecream cakes.
guts -> if it’s a cake, he’s gonna eat it. no preference at all, but he rly enjoys the sweeter side of things. maybe go easy on the frosting bc it’s a bit of a mess, but he’ll still eat it regardless.
lola -> SOMETHING FRUITY BUT NOT TOO HEAVY ON THE SWEETNESS… a little cinnamon-y with a fruit like mango or strawberry. maybe a lemon cake. she likes tres lèches but she’s also always down for a good fruit cheesecake.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
two out of three of these guys aren’t very ‘grand’ in their ambitions, and the other one purposefully leaves his wish as vague as possible. can you guess who. (it’s chase)
chase -> he wants to pave a better future, a guaranteed future. be it for himself, his friends, his family, or just other people in a situation like him — he wants something More than what they have now. the question of ‘how far he’s willing to go’ is entirely dependent on how far he can get without being questioned by the people close to him.
guts -> a very general desire to exist quietly and without much thought or disturbance. he doesn’t have that much gusto in him to ensure it happens, but he does what he can. it’s unpleasant if it won’t happen, but he really can’t fight that hard.
lola -> live big, live splendidly 😌 that’s all that matters. there’s no need to overexert yourself for grandeur when the fun exists on all corners! she’ll go as far as she feels bothered to, it’s really not that serious. don’t get so butthurt about it!
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
chase -> grossed out by maggots, and gets a bit paranoid when his door is neither locked or closed. not rly scared of much else.
guts -> nervous about most matters related to bureaucracy. like… paperwork? permits? registering and keeping track of shit…? dear lord. also he’s mildly claustrophobic.
lola -> super horrific and gross body injury stuff, but minor bloody things are whatever. doesn’t like being chased, zombies, and or ghosts. doesn’t mind other horror clichés much.
🌹 ROSE - do they like valentines day? have they been confessed to before? have they confessed to anyone before?
chase -> very indifferent to valentines day. he has been confessed to before (for valentines day), but that was in elementary school and it didn’t really matter much to him. being confessed to nowadays is way more uncommon. hasn’t confessed to anyone before, but that’s also bc he hasn’t rly felt the need to before.
guts -> also indifferent to valentines day, but NRC days wise he dreads it a bit. he’s gonna be swamped on that day for work…. but it’s not like he has a life, so why not. he’s been flirted with before, but not incredibly seriously. also has never asked anyone out just bc its not rly his place go ask.
lola -> a lover of most things pink and heart-shaped, she must love valentines day like it is her flesh and blood! there’s so much cute stuff going on around those days, how could you hate it? lola gets asked out on an infrequent basis, but that’s also largely because lola tends to make the first move anytime someone catches her eye.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
chase -> would prefer that ppl don’t catch onto some of his more meticulous or malicious patterns, bc it’s not like he’s going out of his way to be despicable but he knows some parts of himself are definitely not . healthy. he’d prefer for the ppl who he cares about to not have to interact with that aspect of him.
guts -> tbh. ppl have already seen the worst parts of him and he’s pretty sure his current self is no better, so there’s nothing rly to hide about himself.
lola -> nothing really…? she’s not really ashamed of herself and thinks most, if not all, parts of herself are pretty admirable, so why tuck it away? take a gander at will 😎
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
chase -> the funny thing about him is that he’ll stay quiet even about the things he cares about. it’s not like being outspoken was ever a requirement for him to do the things he wanted to do. he’s always done his best work behind closed doors.
guts -> the middleman between these two fr. he’ll take a lot of bullshit, but he’s always been very particular of where he stakes himself — and even if it’s not the most vocal protest, guts tries his best to put himself between ‘civilian’ types (even if they are ‘troublemakers’) and certain settings he knows they don’t belong in. there’s nothing to be gained from picking fights with either side.
lola -> it could be the slightest inconvenience and lola wouldn’t take it sitting down. not to say she’d flip a table over a minor annoyance, but she’s a lady of snide comments and more provocations that are always itching to come to the surface.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
chase -> ITS GOTTA BE SMTH THAT RLY STRIPS HIM OF HIS DIGNITY… not that he’d burst a vein over being called a hick or broke, but i think he’d get pretty pissed off if someone, in any way, talks down on the circumstances of his birth or his foster home history.
guts -> not that he’ll get furious and start throwing shit and having an emo meltdown or anything if anyone calls him this (disclaimer pt 2) but it’s still pretty shit for guts if anyone can recognize him as a finn. and it’s even deeper shit if they call him brutus.
lola -> not that it’s hurtful, but it does piss her off (disclaimer pt 3)— she has never hated anything more than being called baby girl and everything adjacent to it. call her a scavenger or whatever, that’s fine but for the love of god….! WHO IS KITTEN? ANGEL BABY? DOLL? DADDY’S PRINCESS….????? IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE HER??? TO BE LOLA????😨😨😨😨😨🤢🤮🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮
🌏 EARTH - will they give up the world for someone they love? is this decision easy for them?
chase -> no. not really. in terms of semantics, i guess he comes close to it but…? at the end of the day, pretty resound no. as important as they may be to him, they could never be so important that they could take from him. it’s an easy decision for him, but i feel some would wish it was a little harder if he rly did care that much :,-)
guts -> maybe? he’s not capable enough to give them the entire world, but he could try and give them his world. not like he’s rly been doing much with it — and it’s not exactly like he’s not used to giving his shit up. it’s a bit of a rough choice, it’s not like he’s a masochist with a metaphorical death wish, but he doesn’t really have much else outside of them, so why not.
lola -> not the world, no way! it’s not like she doesn’t care about them enough to not sacrifice smth big but like, does she rly care thaaaaaat much? the world is kinda important yknow, she needs her life to have room for improvement too — it’s not going to be all for her s/o.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
chase -> never the type to act recklessly or go in blind — if he’s doing something dangerous then it’s entirely bc he has something to gain. a favor, some sort of leverage… proving a point is viable for him too, but he still needs something directly out of it. he has people he cares about for sure, people he’d get into some deal of trouble for but to go out of his way to risk himself needs a little bit more than just his affection.
guts -> i mean, he’s always been a bit of a meatshield. for azul, for the finns, for… whoever is convincing enough or just happens fo be in the right place. not the type to go prancing into danger unknowingly, but if he feels like someone’s got leverage over him then he’s obligated to go in wherever they’re telling him to go.
lola -> well she’s not always the sharpest tool in the shed so it’s not like waltzing into danger is foreign to her. party girls live as party girls do…. and keeping an eye out for things is tough! she’ll typically go in for her own material gain, more often than not. food to eat, cash in her pocket, fun in her brain — whatever! self-preservation is only important when it’s a situation she can’t guarantee some means of escape or surrender.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
chase -> the moment he deems them a lost cause is when he’s cutting them out immediately. the exact definition of ‘lost cause’ is pretty flexible, but more often than not — it means that they’re not likely to believe him or follow his lead anymore; they overstepped and either got too close to a grisly truth about him of tried too hard to get that truth out of him; and or he just doesn’t think they’re worth any effort investing in. he seems to let go easily enough and in most cases, he’s content with just brushing it under the rug. but he never forgets, and he probably was lying about forgiving.
guts -> a bit hard for guts to cut people out if they’re in close with him. it’s coming largely from a place of cowardice, that he really doesn’t trust himself enough to think he’s doing the right thing even if he’s been mistreated prior. it’d really take a lot of damage for guts to really feel that he should run, but that damage would also have to extend to other people for him to feel more secure in his choice of bailing. he doesn’t let go easily, he’s always a bit too wary of them and what they’ve done after he gets out — and it’ll likely stay like that for good long while.
lola -> she leaves the moment she knows they don’t respect her enough. it’s fine to not take her so seriously, it’s fine to treat her like the irresponsible one — but when the jokes get a little too close to treating her like she’s expendable, there’s gonna be a problem. she’ll sort it out if she can, but more often than not she’s fine with burning bridges. she doesn’t cling much onto the thought after she cuts them out, but she neither forgives nor forgets.
🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
chase -> no, not really. not much of a kissing or pda guy…. and doesn’t really get why people think the ferris wheel is so special, but he’s fine with enjoying the ferris wheel views.
guts -> no… he’s way more bashful than chase about pda. but also, why at the top of the ferris wheel. was any other spot not romantic enough. also it’s a bit too small for him to feel comfortable.
lola -> omg yeth 😋 she’s down for anything corny or new — she’d kiss at the peak of a roller coaster if she got the chance. she thinks it’s cute! pda isn’t a must for her, but you gotta at least cooperate with her demands (of give her a kiss rn)
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
I HAVE SO MANY AUS…. SO MANY….. and tbh, my method of swapping to fit charas into aus just preserves the core of their character so that they can fit pretty much anywhere.
i don’t have any hard no’s for aus aside from hargle pooter, but i’m a bitch for any and all aus outside of that B)
aus i think would be fun to explore for all of them… i’ll give two for now :-)
wild west:
chase -> cattle rustler (former miner) — breaking your back for the big man with nothing to gain but black in your lungs…. maybe it’ll push men towards less savory deals.
guts -> carriage driver (former gunslinger) — the highlife of crime isn’t really for everyone… maybe it’s time to pass the reigns off to someone else and just do some sight-seeing… (or just getting roped into more people’s trouble)
lola -> bounty hunter (former bronco rider) — the exhilaration of bucking in the same old circle can sometimes be rekindled by breaking out entirely and dedicating your life to roughhousing for a hearty, unpromised buck.
soul eater:
chase -> rifle meister: a skilled marksman with a startlingly wide range of abilities within demon weapons… however he proves to be an incredibly capricious soul to resonate with (swinging between unremarkable and totally incompatible) and being an even worse partner, his hardheadedness often getting in the way. exhibits some mastery of soul menace. despite his talents, he keeps an astoundingly low profile within the academy.
guts -> demon machine gun: a cumbersome and destructive weapon, but pretty simple when you actually think about it. shocking to most, he’s not a challenge to synchronize with at all (accredited to his person’s stability and predictability) — however outside of presented circumstances required for partnerships, he’s not that chummy. a bit of a problem child in regards to his grades and performance, but he’s def not the worst weapon out there at least.
lola -> bat meister: a simple and unruly weapon for a straightforward gal ❤️ another fellow user of soul menace, however she’s a lot less lethal than chase is… however she makes up for a lot of that through quick wits and a great deal of force (and technique, don’t worry). pretty adaptable for a meister, however it’s easy to fall out of sync with her if ur not paying enough attention to her beat.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
chase -> service, quality time
guts -> service, gift-giving
lola -> affirmation, physical touch
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
chase -> no not really 🥲 he acts pretty much the same when his partner isn’t around — regardless of whether he’s with ppl he likes or not, the change isn’t all that grand aside from some minor shift in how sociable he is? aka if he’s with his s/o then he’s a little more willing to entertain their conversations, but if it’s anyone else then it’s more like talking to a scarecrow.
guts -> not easily, but he can get worried? if they’re away for a time-frame longer than like… 2 weeks, then he has a mild tendency to zone out briefly before he snaps back (and slips back in), but after that 3 weeks mark he should be largely functional and normal again. he’s the same as chase in terms of being unsociable and mildly intimidating, except he’s much more… awkward without his s/o as a buffer.
lola -> sure, if you could call it missing them? as affectionate as she is, she’s not incredibly clingy. she’s curious about them, maybe misses a few hugs here and there, and of course she’s keeping them in her thoughts, but if they’re not gonna be missing for months on end or something… what loss is there to mourn exactly? modern technology exists, she could just call them! she’s exactly the same without her s/o around, however you can bet that there isn’t a single chance she’ll skip out on mentioning her s/o.
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
chase -> let him down: he’s not the type to entrust his faith so freely, even if he should trust them. it hurts all the more when someone close to him begins to falter and fall through the bare minimum of expectations he set on them. it’s nothing to make him break down in tears but it makes him shut them out a lot harsher than before.
guts -> sell him out: ok this ones a bit hard to pinpoint but for the most part he does Not care what happens to him to a certain point but the moment it registers that he’s been used (and is still being used) and is considered expendable. smth abt that, he still prolly won’t find the heart to leave but it still hurts him. smth abt how the finn family has ways of making its rounds back into his life even if his partner is entirely unaffiliated :,)
lola -> demean her: she’s got tough skin but a line that she refuses to have crossed is in regards to her personhood. she is not to be coerced, devalued, or shrunken! she’ll take plenty of pointed jokes, but the moment those ‘jokes’ get way too comfortable about how dumb or useless she is, or how bratty or bimbo-ish she is — she’s gonna have a few choice words with her partner about respect ^_^ (🤭)
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neyomiyi · 1 year
The Chronicles Behind My Purple Pink Skies
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The First Strand of the Rainbow 
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Even though I do not remember how it started, my parents told me all about it. 
This is mostly how I am hard to raise. From how I was born until I got in my hospital phase. I was born with jaundice and blood problems. Later on, I developed some kidney problems. I was hospitalized for a year. That’s why at such a young age, injections are something I do not fear. I remember how nurses play with me or how I show my arm just to get the medicine my body needs to intake. Until now, I have had a lot of medical problems but it did not become a hindrance for me to try new things or be adventurous in any way. I am the baby who doesn't finish any meal, until now I do that. But instead of wasting food, I am sharing it with people I love. Or mostly I gave it to them to finish it and not waste any. Either way, the first years of my life were hard but it never stopped me from taking the rainbow and its first strand.
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The Strawberry Morning Shower
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I was born on Wednesday of November 17, 2004. And based on that little rhyme, “Wednesday's child is full of woe.” When I was four, all I did was weeping on the floor. I am used to shed tears until my eyes are sore. I have 3 siblings with a 2 years age gap continuously. I was the 3rd among the four. I have an older sister, older brother, and a younger sister. Being 5 years old and growing up with my younger sister was not easy to do. She and I fight until we go to bed. If she pulls my hair, I’m gonna push her down the stairs. That kind of reciprocating the energy back. After being weak because of my medicine intakes, my siblings made me strong by bickering with them every other day. Because of that I became a strawberry who’s as sweet and a little sour (only with my younger sister) with the freshness of morning shower as I get to live like a kid again. 
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The Sunshine in the Yellow Rain
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I am sunny as the sun and active as the clouds. I am happy like the color yellow and mellow like a cello. 
Being 10 and trying to fit in was something I never knew I would actually do. Staying in the province for 8 years then switching in the city was terrifying enough if you would ask a child. They have this fancy stuff that I did not fancy at all when I was in my sub-urban hometown. I was raised with my cousins and siblings. I was raised in an extended family with my neighborhood casually coming in our house and kids my age playing everyday outside. This city was not good for me in my first years. I was bullied on my first day and I did not foresee many happenings in our new house. We have a lot of problems financially and about house management. More like a maid who has real anger issues to be honest. Yellow rains are toxic, like my life in these years. But I never lose hope nor happiness in those days, I am still the sunshine of my own life. 
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The Blue Gray Clouds Entering 
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The blue gray clouds are entering simultaneously with my menstruation and more serious problems with my family. 
All happened when I was thirteen in 2017. I was starting my years as a junior high school student, one thing in these years I wish I was told. “You have to strengthen your heart for every rain that might turn into a hurricane.” We had this family problem that was made when I was not even born. It was made by my grandmother and my parents and their siblings have piled up more problems above it. Now, me and my cousins also have to carry the burden of it. Doing it while struggling to be the top of the class was my own kind of torture, if you would asked me. I have one aim in junior high school and that is to be one of the director’s list. I strive for that validation. I think as a teenager, I thought a lot about how to help but I ended up crying day after day because I cannot solve anything. 2019 came and things became the worst. My parents’ mothers were both hospitalized and me and my siblings were left behind. All along in that dinner table waiting for them to get home. 3 months of waiting was too long. So I seeked some attention from some guy… yup, ew. It did not go well. My mental stabiltiy? Wreck. My heart? Broken. My reputation? Ruined. My solution? Death. But I didn't do it. I’m still writing this piece to tell my story. 
These days were awfully painful. Just like how the rain makes anything sad. The blue gray clouds remind me of how everything is painful at night. Begging for everything to change and make it alright. 
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The Purple Pink Skies Devouring 
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As I tried to bury myself while looking at the gray sky, I never thought that I could rise up to look up at my favorite purple pink skies. 
The pandemic started as well as picking my broken pieces. I have read and read romance books to get other perspectives to understand why I deserve to be treated the way people treat me. Online class started and I hung out with my friends while doing schoolworks. The only goal was to survive and to focus on academics. No other things until I was healed. 1 year has passed and I feel like I was stuck on the loop of the trauma I was in 2019. I thought I’ll never get better not until I finally have to get out again and meet people again. I have learned a lot of things by watching my friends grow up, they have created themselves and I was so proud. The sister I always fought with when I was a little kid was now one of the closest people I’m with. We are better at communicating now. The family problem was still the same but I can handle it better now. I have friends I can rely on and who can protect me from things I fear and dislike. I completely gave up reaching that director’s list. But just when I don’t give any thought to it, the universe gives it to me. I am enjoying my studies as well as the company I have in school. 
The thing I feared a lot was being alone but there is a rainbow after the rain. I feared that it would never be better. But at the end of the day, there would be purple pink sunsets that would not mark as an ending but a sign that there is going to be a new beginning. 
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rex101111 · 2 years
Hoooow about a ✚ ♆ ✄ ☂ for Baiken as an easy one, and for a slightly funkier one how about ♕ ␛ ☂ for Uraraka?
niiiice, my two girlssss!
✚ HEALTH: Getting Baiken to take care of herself beyond the absolute bare minimum is like pulling teeth. For the longest time she'd probably make a sport out of seeing how long she can go without eating anything at all, and she only really stopped when Anji joined her. He'd always frame her taking better care of herself as her making concessions so he'd be less annoying: stop at this city and eat or he'll whine about an empty stomach, go to the doctor because sure SHE can handle that massive bleeding cut on her eyebrow with mud BUT LOOK AT HIS FRACTURED FINGER etc. When Delilah enters the picture she gets a sudden flash of "oh shit i gotta set a better example SHIT" and actually takes better care of her general health. Baiken treated her body as a machine for killing things for so long that in her old(er) age it'll for sure come back to bite her on the ass with aching joints and the like.
BODY: She adamantly against getting a prosthetic because she thinks it'll just slow her down, she's USED to only having one arm give her a fucking break. Eventually Delilah, of course, convinces her to get one if only when she isn't in fight mode but as soon something goes down enemies get a shock as the samurai seemingly rips her OWN ARM OFF, which is usually enough to get the weaklings who don't notice that there's isn't any blood coming out of the limb to back off and run away. She's also against getting a conformer, and this she ain't budging on for a long while. Part of her worries if she just "covers up" that particular aspect of her past it'll be like trying to forget it or try to run away from it, and she knows she won't be able to do that.
✄ PET PEEVE: One that hasn't had a chance to annoy her for a while; people overcooking their rice. Rice should be JUST soft enough to bite into, any more than that and you might as well just take a pestle and make mochi out of that fucking mush because it sure ain't rice.
FOOD: Big into meat stuff. Or anything that pairs well with sake. She can run a pretty mean BBQ party if given enough motivation and time. Wants to take Delilah and Anji to one of those yakiniku joints that are opening up in the colonies, soon as she figures out which one is worth a damn.
♕ CHILDHOOD: Gonna call back to one of the VERY FIRST FANFICS I ever wrote for bnha and say that she used to buy really cheap hero knickknacks before her family really got into financial issues, and AFTER that she stopped cold and even sold some of the stuff she already had so she could help out. People in her elementary and middle schools shared what they had with her, but it took a long while before she got back into collecting anything of her own.
␛ ANGER: She doesn't like being underestimated, but she HATES when someone puts down someone for their station or lack of money. For all her efforts to earn a lot of money she doesn't place much moral value into being rich, so people flaunting their wealth and not doing anything constructive without gets on her nerves something fierce. Being rich by itself? No, she's friends with Momo after all, but being a lay about who leaches off others is enough to really get her steaming.
FOOD: Mochi. Obviously. She's also big into anything strawberry flavored or really sweet. She's also a wiz when it comes to making the most out of a limited grocery budget. If you're looking for a cheaper alternative to some name brand snack, she's your gal.
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My New Pinned Post
Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! I’m making a new pinned post, but I’ll link to old one at the bottom so you guys can see it. Call me E. I’m gonna try and make my blog more strawberry themed, so get it? Strawberry? Straw-bere-E? I try too hard. Or just put 🍓. She/her, they/them, please only use feminine titles when referring to me, guy or bro or ‘my guy’ is fine though, they’re more terms of endearment than anything to me.
I am a cis bisexual female, TERFs can fuck right off thinking that I’m anything other than my assigned sex at birth. And I know some of you think ‘bitch’ is a misogynistic slur; it’s really not. Please, just call me a cunt already, I know all that pent up anger makes you want to. Hating on trans people for just existing must be exhausting, right? Jk Rowling is secretly an alien who’s spreading propaganda to recruit susceptible humans to start a civil war and colonize earth, cant believe some of you still like xer after knowing that (totally not joking you guys!!!!)
Minors, listen; I’m not your mom, I can’t control where you lurk. Do as you please at your own risk. Just know that while this blog is generally sfw, I’m not going to reblog porn or anything sexual intentionally, that doesn’t mean you won’t see certain things that may or may not be graphic, because my blog does contain posts about Palestine, Sudan, Congo, etc. I don’t condone any harassment of minors, nor will I accept it if I catch you doing so, any harassment or abuse/anything that could be interpreted as violent or sexual in nature towards minors will have you blocked on site, immediately. I don’t fuck around with that.
I proudly stand with Palestine. Zionists, you’re goofy. Point and laugh 🫵
I’m in a few fandoms, I used to be a hazbin hotel and helluva boss fan, but I just can’t bring myself to like the show after what the creators as well as the fandom has done.
I used to be pretty suicidal, and mental health has always been a struggle for me. Please, if you feel yourself slipping, reach out. It’s better than being confined in a hospital bed, believe me. Everything will be okay.
I’m atheist and have Irish roots, as well as red hair and a basic to moderate comprehension of the language, (I can write it, speaking it? Still working on that) Local leprechaun, come get your blessings 🍀🌈🧚 (still hate being called a leprechaun btw)
Basic dni list, I know regardless people are going to interact, but this is more of just the people I don’t fw.
• Racists (any person can be racist, you’re not excluded just because you’re a certain race)
• Homophobia/transphobia/radical feminism
• Pro lifers/victim blamers, to any degree
• Radqueers/Pro Paras, zoophiles, etc. I’m not comfortable around you guys, I’d rather you just block me first. Especially if you believe in public kink. Just hit the dang block button
•Zionists, should go without saying
• Anti feminist, anti men’s mental health issues. Neither of ya’ll are slick. Shut up, *please*
• Like really, really religious people. Evangelicals. I’m completely fine with regular religious people. Like I said, I’m atheist myself, but I’m not gonna disrespect your religion though, I understand it’s important to you. I’m not going to participate in any discussions of it though, because I do have trauma associated with the church.
• Either with me or against me mentality. There is such a thing as nuance. HOWEVER; this does *not* apply to mostly anything political. I’m talking like, would you rather eat apples or oranges as a snack for a year. Not something like Palestine. Remaining neutral is still a political decision, and it showcases how comfortable you are, being in a situation where you can be politically neutral in the first place.
• I may add more, depends though. Goodbye for now!
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OG pinned post, I may not have added everything ➡️ https://www.tumblr.com/attractivesteaminghunkofflesh69/744047512263000064/about-me?source=share
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(ALSO NONE OF THIS PROOF READ SO IT MAY NOT BE LEGIABLE I just wroet this and i already forgot half the stuff i wrote)
y'know the mix of horrid chronic fatigue and insatiable numbness and the dissociation just makes me feel like I missing out on life, I yearn to go outside, to go play, to have fun, just run around but I cant. I sit in my room on tumblr or youtube wasting the day away wishing I did something more productive. I feel like a husk of person I feel like Im in a movie theater alone watching the most boring movie ive ever seen, I feel lonely while also being too socially drained to watch and respond the the video my friend sent me. Not to mention when my parents used to fight, my moms road rage/anger issues, it caused me to fucking terrifed of conflict so sometimes I minimize my needs when around other people and constantly asking about things and if im doing it right but also worrying if im annoying them with all my questions because my grandma has gotton mad at me for that before i think either that or it was me asking why she loved my cousin more than me because she yelled and fought with my dad because i wouldnt give my cousin my fukcing chicken nuggets my dad bought for me like fuck you i mean im sorry grandma
The anxiety and hyperactivity of my ADHD spikes up at night so either i got to sleep and wake up in 13 hours or I can stay up till 4am, go to sleep and wake 13 hours (Just feeling a lot worse). Im literally shaking as I write this and i can tell if im just so fucking restless even if im fucking tired (its 3:38am) or anxiety or the entire kiwi strawberry monster I just drank Its ok im drinking water a lot of it i just need to get my thoughts out of my head because its like a thousond of the dvd bouncing tv screen in my head rn idk if its getting better idk if im gonna post this too maybe idk any ways im shaking oh btw i might have non-diabetic hypoglycemia and i have to get a bunch shots next week and I really hate the doctors it always makes me really scared and uncomfy n shit and idk why damn im shaking a lot. I almost freaked out bc i cant find my charger and my tablet almost died but i have another one ive been using so i just used that but i want to know where my charger went :(
istg ive been eating fucking pasta for the lat 3 weeks and i hate it i hate it i hate it HATE it every. fucking. meal. I cant. I have comfort foods I like and its mostly carby food like pasta so i eat pasta alot but since our oven stopped workin its all i know i can make that easy and i laike it but i secretly dread it so i have been eating a lot of candy to keep my brain happy but im not i should be happy ive been hanging with my frinds and its summr break but im just numb, i always am, yk the year I just finished? yeah for the majority of the i was fighting autopilot mode and disassociation but i was constantly in it i dont think i cant handle going to high school this year i think i might act pass out from exhaustion I barely survived middle school Im not okay i need something meds? idk I should not be this messed up i mean my family is great (yk...apart from the fighting which isnt that common anymore and moms anger issues) but theu love me so whats the problem? school school why is it so unoccomidating to neurodivergents same with ppl with social anxiety like i have had MULTIPLE bad panic attcks in class cause i had to do smthin in front of the class I fukcing hate the school system fuckfukcufkyoiuu school fuck the emercian school system FUCKYOUUUUUUUUU
Im too conflict avoident I cant
the afternoon feels so tiring in a stuffy way if that maks and sense i need to treat my FUCKING adhd already i can have music playing at all times thats not a good long term strategy to shut up my brain i mean ffuck i have music on rn and you can see my insane ramblings
anyyways I kinda think im a daave fiction kin (like DSAF) but im 90% sure im just and otherlinker and I just want to feel speacial or some shit but whos know i have the worst imposter syndrome known to man (I have almost every symptom of Cfs and my friend has asked if i have it but nahhh i defs dont) but also i had a weird experience once. I was like listen (its getting hard to type with the shakiness :0) ing to 2 dave and henry playlists and i kept listening to the henry one and I was in the car and i was falling and out of sleep when i saw like flash of dave but it didnt look like cannon dave he looked different he was mush more blue and he was leaning against a wall with messy longish hair and he had a hat and scars all over him and he had a purple buttoned shit that was fulled buttoned up and the perspective i saw was like a photo someone had taken and he seemed just chilling perhaps talking to jack? idfk but yeah theres my weird experience like the best way i can explain this feeling towards dave is "Idkk if i was you but probably mightve at some point like most likely at some point"
i hope i sound legiable (if i do post this AND someone actually reads this all) it is 4:08am and I feel too many things once i probably will sleep at 5 or 6 anyways byebye
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aurelian-university · 9 months
Incorrect Quotes - Marcelline Edition
Marcy time!
This girl is pretty interesting... she's both a social outcast and technically arguably the most popular person in this cast lol. Everyone knows of her... it's just that nobody likes her.
Girl's all over the place haha. But hopefully still fun!
Marcelline: I’ve made a spreadsheet of all the crime in Brooklyn. Marcelline: There’s so much crime in New York, no one should live here.
Marcelline: Do you even, cuddle, bro? Do you even lift, bro… each other up with kindness? Do you tell your loved ones that you care about them regardless of who is listening? DO YOU EVER RESOLVE CONFLICTS, EMOTIONAL ISSUES THROUGH COMPROMISE AND COMPASSION RATHER THAN ANGER AND DENIAL?!
Marcelline: So, I heard you like bad girls… I time travel in Animal Crossing.
Marcelline: "What are you into?" is such a broad question, like do I reply with a TV series or choking?
Marcelline: I’ve been described as a ‘heartless villain’ and a 'little sh*t’, but I prefer… 'has alternative ways of having fun’.
Cop: Can you describe the person who stabbed you? Marcelline: Lithe, spirited, outgoing, and not afraid to speak their mind. They were a raw, powerful force and they knew it. They were a dandelion fluff on a summer day, gone in an instant, leaving you with nothing but a memory of their touch and the faint taste of strawberries on your lips. Cop: …Great, we have a motive, but we still need a description.
Marcelline: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I've been the same height since I was twelve!
Marcelline: Could you maybe just like… stab me… right in the gut. Just REALLY twist it in there. ‘Cause that honestly seems less painful than this conversation.
Marcelline: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities. Marcelline, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
Marcelline: Tired of just deserving better. Gonna start taking it by force.
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