#she is a beautiful trans butch lesbian. to me.
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perigelion · 2 months ago
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jen joker your driving license has expired!!!
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illogicalghost · 1 year ago
#big gender rant ahead i just need to write down my thoughts#personal#so i think im a he/him trans lesbian??#i think ive been denying my feminine side for a long time now but middle school me was right. well. half right#idk why id built up some weird barrier in my mind about being trans and being a lesbian#but now im like more sure than ever#i still dont know if i could call myself a woman. and i thought i was so adamant about not using she/her again but it honestly?#doesn't bother me that much anymore. its not my preference but its not as soul crushing as it used to be#i have these weird subliminal gender rules for myself that ive been beating myself down with even though i#understand that theyre fake and dont hold anyone else to them. so why have a double standard? cant i have a fun gender?#ever since high school its been an uphill battle just letting myself live freely and having self confidence#i just turned 24. i dont have to be beholden to stupid hormonal teenage self loathing anymore#the world is a beautiful place and gender is just made up anyway. so why cant i be trans and butch? who cares??#i think i worded it well in my last personal post. ive been living a gender of convenience#but fuck that! i want the gender that makes sense to me! that makes me happy! its my life and i should live it how i want to!#...i still have some regrets about my top surgery. i wish i wasnt so weirdly flat chested now.#but hopefully the fat will redistribute eventually and itll look more natural as the years go on..#but i definitely dont regret going on T. i love my deep voice and my body hair#anyway if you've read this far thanks for listening to my mad ramblings#and dont forget you can have a fun gender too!
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plaidos · 2 months ago
It is genuinely insane to me the degree to which your involvement in the DTWF vs Homestuck poll has been telephoned into oblivion in such a (relatively) short amount of time. I'm a pretty new Tumblr user so when I started hearing "plaidos is racist" I assumed it was a result of OLD transmisogynist rumor-mongering as opposed to spawning from an event I bore direct witness to. It's especially baffling given how you were one of the only people in that flurry who was actively calling out the fact that Bechdel was ALSO very much racist!
it was telephoned into oblivion literally as it was happening because this website is full of cryptoterfs. the DTWOF/Homestuck fiasco is especially nuts because it proved that not only does nobody actually care whether or not Andrew Hussie is racist because everybody saying that in this case was also adamantly denying literally any of the decades long criticisms of Alison Bechdel (including the fact that she’s, you know, still friends with a bunch of terfs, went to Michfest for years and still talks about it like it was this beautiful wombyn’s event free of icky XY chromosomes etc). like it was very very clear that nobody involved had any interest in criticising racism in the comics sphere because they were totally just using the (justifiable) criticisms of Homestuck to smear a trans person in comparison to the historically racist & transphobic Alison Bechdel.
multiple people told me to kill myself because i said that Andrew, a non-binary person coercively assigned male who has published a visual novel about gender & transition, has more interesting things to say about gender than a liberal cis lesbian whose art peaked in the 90s. people were very very adamant that it was disgusting, evil & homophobic for me to say that a trans person coercively assigned male might have more interesting things to say about gender than a cis butch woman. yknow, because they’re a bunch of terfs just like Alison Bechdel is
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artigas · 11 months ago
I’m really happy that Black Sails is experiencing a bit of a renaissance, but (predictably) some of the takes I’m seeing online are so busted. It’s wild to me that anyone would complain about the fact that Anne Bonny kisses Jack after she’s developed this life-changing relationship with Max. It’s absolutely wild to see anyone roll their eyes or feel uncomfortable about the fact that Flint has sex with Miranda when he returns to her in season one or that Max is most likely a lesbian but actively has sex with men for pay and knows how to make that pleasurable. It’s crazy to me that some of the very audiences who claim to want queer representation feel so discomforted when they actually see the mess and seeming inconsistencies of queerness that they asked for.
The reality is that there are lesbians who have had (and will have!) meaningful, mutually-gratifying, and deeply sexual relationships with men. There are gay men who’ve enjoyed having sex with women, who are gay as the day is long and nevertheless feel sexually attracted to a woman or two and are nevertheless gay men, full stop. There are gay cis men who are happily married to trans women. There are femme dom tops and butch bottoms and there are mascs afab people who like femme boys. There are non-binary people and trans men who actively identify as lesbians. There are ace and aro people who enjoy thinking about and engaging with sex — sometimes in fiction and sometimes in real life. Queerness, in fiction and in reality, defies neat categorization. That is the beauty, power, and (perceived) unorthodoxy of queerness.
Now, I’ll say this — do I think the straight men behind Black Sails were actively thinking deeply and insightfully about the paradoxes and fuckery of queer identity when they wrote Black Sails? No! By their own admission, Steinberg and Levine have owned up to the fact that some of the writing of the show was really hinged on their own blind spots as people who are not (to my knowledge) members of the queer community. If I want to be generous, I think that the beautiful mess of Black Sails is that, in not feeling like experts enough to designate specific identity labels to any of their characters, the writers stumbled their way into more authentic representation of lived queer experience, which is to say that the notion that James Flint was actively thinking of himself as a gay man was anachronistic. As many lesbian archivists and theories have noted, the notion of a queer identity — as in, queerness is who you are, not what you do — was patently unthinkable for most cultures in the past. In other words, the idea that Anne Bonny operates in the eighteenth century as a lesbian and thus would not willingly engage in relationships with men is not only untrue of the series, but untrue of most recorded lesbian experiences in the real world. The notion that a lesbian would operate her entire life without engaging sexually or romantically with men, for instance, is a very new privilege that some of us are very lucky to enjoy, but it is not true for the vast majority of human history — hell, it’s not even true of our present world.
This is all to say that think that there’s something really funny about how we want queer characters to fit into neatly organized boxes. This isn’t a new problem, either. When the show was still airing, the BS fandom would get itself into tizzies about wether or not Flint is gay or bisexual, wether or not Anne Bonny is a lesbian, wether or not Silver is queer when his only canonical relationship is with Madi, etc etc. We’ve been having these discourses for years and I don’t know. I get that much of it is fueled by how badly some people want to see themselves represented in media, but . . . well. The siloing of queer characters and queer narratives into neat little boxes has never felt very authentic to me and nine times out of ten, it’s also just so damn boring.
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cator99 · 4 months ago
please finish your wedding story, i so badly want to hear the rest of it. i await eagerly.
>everyone lived happily ever after
>a few weeks pass
>I write the brides a lengthy and detailed letter of recommendation to their immigration lawyer
>they're overjoyed and think its a beautiful letter, and I'm glad to help because I hope they last forever and get everything they want in life, if I may drop the act and be sincere for a moment
>a few days pass. the bride I've known for over 15 years messages me
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>however... she doesn't care. she's on her honeymoon. and I'm just some chick she was friends with as a kid. what does upset her is how she found out.
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>at first I assume that the woman who reached out to her (who I knew back in jr high, and is a few years older than me) was just trying to upset her
>bride tells me about how this woman was her best friend and then suddenly blocked her out of nowhere, which was (and is) still very painful for her
>the woman, who we will refer to as "A" whips up a story about being concerned for the bride's safety and privacy or something
>bride is confused. there's no identifying information. the post is a nothingburger to her. what's important here is that she's upset that this woman messaged her after 4 years, not to make things right..... but to talk about "zander"
>right, this is about me, because this is "A" we're talking about here...... hell hath no fury like a closet case scorned
how did she find my blog?
I assume it went like this:
>"A" goes to peek at her ex-bestie's wedding photos
>"Zander" Spotted
>runs to LC
>"hey does anyone remember Zander who I used to post about on here all the time 7 years ago? I may have found an update!"
>"that's terf cator99 who was posted about on the Women Youre Ashamed To Want To Fuck thread you fucking idiot that looks nothing like her"
>no here's proof!
>autism ensues
>several replies get deleted, other responses indicate they're "A" sperging and linking my blog
>people argue if I deserve to be there anymore
>"she's a tif"
> yes"
>"I used to know her" ["A" posting]
>"tell us more!"
>"she used to have this one pair of glasses and then she had this other pair of glasses that looked really good on her..."
>assume she's probably back on her LC shit
>find and link bride to the LC thread and explain to her that "A" has just been trolling for fun and to pay it no mind, you're better off without her in your life
>"hey bride-chan, not to be weird but I'm just trying to understand this shit, do you think A ever had a thing for me... I always kind of assumed she was bi or gay when we were younger and thought it was cool that she was androgynous and went to school dressed as Kaito from vocaloid all the time so I wanted to be her friend but she was pretty rude to people and I backed off"
>"well i dont know but she's married to a man now..."
>yet here she is trying to get under the skin of two women who are with other women
to be fair I earned the lolcow title fair and square years ago all on my own, and really do feel I owe "A" a favor for introducing me to the site. it was very formative for me to find out places like that existed right at the moment I was starting to have conflicting thoughts about the trans shit so I could gain some self-awareness (and general awareness overall) (shout out to "A"s friend who cowtipped to me.....)
meanwhile, on LC:
>"well done ladies, we've figured it all out. Butch Lesbian cator99 is currently partying with gay men, and It is common knowledge that "gay men" are all secretly bisexuals who are looking to hook up with women who say things like "I'm a lesbian" and "I am not attracted to males". That is their mating call, in fact. These words activate the Hetero gland in the Amygdala like a sleeper agent who has been biologically programmed– as we all are– to stop the kiki-ing and split off into heterosexual pairings at the end of a poppers-fuelled night assless-twerking to Britney."
>"good work. But I'll one-up you: look at this screenshot."
[photo from an instagram account, featuring a photo of 17 year old Zander's legs in the bath. "I Am Totally Into Epic Awesome Penis Now!!!!!!" (She had never seen a penis)]
>"yes, this is definitely a normal thing for a straight woman to say. I always knew she was a faker."
>"yes. as im sure you're all aware, there are many social and career benefits from pretending to be a lesbian."
>"doesn't that idiot know that she can't just lie and change her orientation? I can't believe she's been straight this whole time."
>"what does she have to gain from lying?"
>"She's so adamant about being a lesbian, which is a dead giveaway for a cover-up operation. The more they resist, the more evident it is that they are lying in order to gain access to that highly lauded Online Lesbian Following, which is something every straight woman wants deep down."
>call gf
>"bad news. I just found out I'm actually straight."
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lesbiansdv · 3 months ago
sdv bachelor(ette)s gender & orientation headcanons
yeah technically theyre all canon bi/pan but this is the truth in my heart <3 adding a readmore because im nice :)
Haley: cis. comphet lesbian, duhhh <33 good luck babe! she used to date Alex, but during that relationship she realized she didnt ACTUALLY feel as interested as she thought she should have. it wasnt until the farmer (if a woman) that she realized shes a lesbian.
Emily: pan but prefers girls. definitely something going on w her gender… i think shes genderfluid, mostly between woman and/or nonbinary identities
Abigail: BISEXUAL. huuuge bisexual. i feel like she’d be a demigirl or bigender (nb&f) or something, shes got some sort of nonbinary in her (me too girl)
Leah: total lesbian yall. proud too. definitely got a butchness to her. love her <33
Penny: shes cis, she THOUGHT she was straight and tries so so hard to suppress any sapphic thoughts but she does in fact like girls (and probably is aspec too). has lots of internalized homophobia and shes always wanted to be the perfect child, perfect teacher, someday the perfect wife and mother, etc and this freaks her out a bit because she worries it means shes “wrong” somehow. YOURE NOTTT PENNY ITS OK TO BE GAY!!! everyone thinks of Haley as Pelican Town’s #1 comphet lesbian but i bet Penny is struggling with this a lot as well, just in a different way. (didnt realize i had so many penny thoughts wow)
Maru: aroace!!! shed be open to a relationship but i think she’d mostly prefer qprs. though dating isnt entirely out of the question, its not a requirement or a big interest to her. probably nonbinary/agender as well, but gender doesnt matter that much to her (i dont think she gets any/much dysphoria)
Sam: PAN and prouddd lol. i could see him being trans or cis, i dont know as much about him though. he could have some nonbinaryism too as a treat <3
Sebastian: bi without a preference towards either, and hes a trans guy. sometimes i forget that this isnt canon 💀
Harvey: bisexual and a flustered MESS lmfao. he could be cis or trans. i think, as a doctor, him being trans would be pretty awesome 👍 it probably influenced his career choice as well, to better understand hrt and surgery and all. thats always a cool thing to look into :)
Elliott: this is a gay man. cant imagine him with a woman, sorry ladies. either cis or a trans man, either way i can feel the genderqueerness radiating off of him (ngl i thought he was a beautiful literary woman at first 💔💔)
Shane: i dont think he labels his sexuality. could be aroacespec, could be multisexual or monosexual, he doesnt know and doesnt care. if he gets a crush, then he has a crush, whatever. i dont think that happens often though. probably nonbinary too but hes got a job so he doesnt have time to think about that right now LMFAO
Alex: cis. gay man who had an experience much like Haley did. they thought they liked each other and dated for a while but that experience started their realizations that neither of them are actually straight lmfao. closeted mlm wlw friendship !!! i like to think it was also the male farmer that confirmed his gayness lol <3
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dalekofchaos · 10 months ago
Chloe Price is a lesbian
Every now and then I see people headcanon Chloe as Bi or pan. While that isn't bad, I just have to strongly disagree and I would just ignore people's opinions I disagree with. Then I see some disgusting people shipping Chloe with David, Nathan, Frank and Damon and....I just have to make this post.
Chloe Price is a lesbian. There is no evidence of her being interested in men. People can experiment and then realize they are gay and only interested in one specific gender. Just like Willow Rosenberg is a lesbian.
“But Joyce said Chloe had a boytoy phase and had condoms” Joyce is an idiot. Also, that really confirms that it was nothing ever really serious for Chloe. most lesbians dated/kissed/fucked guys before realizing they had no REAL attraction to guys or accepting that. Compulsory heterosexuality guys. If she really feels attraction to guys than yes she is bi but there is a possibility she was with guys because she didn’t realized she had no attraction to them or didn’t accept that.
As for condoms. Condoms aren’t used just on guy’s dicks, they can be used on sex toys to have safe sex with cis girls too (btw yes you can get stds by sharing sex toys in sex without using condoms or sharing the same condom while doing it). and also consider this: trans girls
Before you say Chloe said Jeffershit is “hot for a teacher” gay people can say someone of the opposite sex is attractive, that doesn’t make them Bi or straight. They can see beauty but know they aren’t really attracted, also she was just fucking with Max. You do realize Chloe was fucking with Max, right?
In the scene “boys are so gross”, calls her boy toy phase hella stupid and when max mentions that she couldn’t see Chloe with any of the boys there she says “that’s because you have a good eye” and that she was glad that Rachel had rescued her which to me sounds like a “I thought a had thing for boys and had boy toy phase (as she calls it) but then Rachel made me realize I actually like girls only”
There is literally enough evidence in BTS and LIS to deduce that Chloe Price is interested in girls only. 
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in 2015 Ashly Burch said “I think Chloe is sexually fluid. I don’t think she really likes to label herself in any particular way” buuuuuuut
in 2018 in the farewell stream:
“When they read over their predictions Ashly said (in reference to the thing about them each being on their 2nd boyfriend) ‘clearly Chloe hadn’t realized some stuff yet’ lol” (as in she didn’t realized yet that she didn’t like boys and liked girls aka lesbian)
Then in LIS:TC Wavelengths. Chloe says this in Steph's flashback
"Check out all these booths pretending they give a shit about us for one month out of the year."
Vocal confirmation about Chloe's sexuality.
Also Chloe's concept art, you literally couldn't get a more queer answer if Ann Bony rose from the grave and slapped you with a pride flag
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I blame DONTNOD/Deck 9 and Square Enix for not allowing Chloe to be more overtly forward with her queerness. To me, Chloe is a butch lesbian and Zak Garriss can go to hell with his "probably gay" bullshit.
Say it with me kids. Chloe Price is a lesbian.
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notedchampagne · 2 years ago
holds gun to your head. what are your the locked tomb gender hcs. i like your art
thank you!! in no particular order:
harrowhark: thats a Thing. being she/her is like a thing that came with being reverend daughter as a job and she refuses to acknowledge gender beyond that- but she would fucking kill it with it/its pronouns lets be real
gideon: butch. thats all. kind of that middle ground between being gnc and transgender in any direction but shes fine being a girl its moreso the focus on being a lesbian. ive seen some top surgery gideon art which i love but thats not my primary hc because i think A) she loves boobs on other girls so much it goes back around to appreciating her own B) im gay
camilla: boygirl. shes transmasc but also still a woman mostly due to nonchalance about the whole thing. shares she/he with palamedes thats my dream
palamedes: sorry i meant girlamedes. girlboy. also like if he was a girl but still a boy, but contrary to cams side its because hes both, like if you overlaid two layers at 50% opacity to make a new color. blue-green. shares she/he with camilla. quinn @thatneoncrisis once said hes soft butch which is so real i adore that
tridentarii: the twins to me are cis (dont leave yet) primarily because i think if i stick to the bit of them being cis white women everything they do is a fucking riot and it simply is the height of all humor. that aside sometimes i do get tired of the bit and corona is so trans woman to me and i know with certainty that when ianthe was in babs body she was doing drag.
naberius: i dont think about him LMFAO
second: i also dont think about the second much due to lack of substance, but i can get behind judy. nonbinary woman to me
fourth: jeannemary baby butch for SURE. thats canon. maybe a she & sir if i think about it. in modern aus gideon will babysit them and immediately clock isaac as a future he/they
fifth: t4t
seventh: dulcie has woman swag. not sure if shes cis i feel as if im intruding if i wonder about it. protesilaus is some guy
eighth: who cares
pash: worlds most beautiful trans woman ever to ME. i love her dearly there needs to be more representation of women just absolutely fucking coated in dirt and motor oil with bad manners if you offer them water. she is not fucking cis that is in the hair
nona: she just decided to be a girl because she thinks girls are pretty and she likes them. hope this makes sense <3 shed fucking adore some neos
john: karkat vantas
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dhs-in-disguise · 6 months ago
You know what I‘m sad so I‘ll make a post about all the characters that are lesbians to me.
(Reminder: these are just silly headcanons, please be respectful, thanks)
1. Kevin Levin and Gwen Tennyson, enough said.
2. AppleTV, aka Vox and Lucifer. They should be butch 4 butch specifically.
3. Link and Zelda. I know absolutely nothing about these games but them? They are lesbians.
4. Ratchet and Arcee in TFA. Idk who started it but yes I‘ve seen the art and I 100% agree. Butch 4 femme, beautiful, perfect.
5. Lugnut and Blitzwing, also TFA obviously. Not with each other, just in general. Ever since seeing Cyberverse Lugnut has been trans femme to me so that’s what she is (a trans femme lesbian I mean). Oh and I hc Blitzwing as trans masc nonbinary specifically, but yes, lesbian.
6. V2 and the Ferryman (yes from ULTRAKILL). Especially when that one person (eyebaus I think?) draws them. Doomed yuri my love.
7. Cyclonus, Tailgate and Whirl. They are literally that „it‘s lesbian Halloween at Michael‘s“ video (if you‘ve not seen it I‘m so sorry idk how else to describe it) to me.
8. Hookfang and Meatlug. Not even necessarily with each other, but yeah, lesbians.
9. Soundwave and Cosmos, but especially Soundwave. Like always. I do believe in lesbian Soundwave supremacy
… and in lesbian supremacy in general, and I‘m like the opposite of a lesbian.
Anyway, if a lesbian sees this: hi, I love you, lesbians rule.
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blankcest · 25 days ago
Stan’s whole actor motif is so fucking important to me and the idea that everything has been a mask up to that point is painfully accurate. Even before taking up Ford’s identity. He was constantly selling something, constantly acting and buttering people up just for a chance at a meal. Hell, he even lies to try and get his father’s affection.
The only time he’s ever truly been himself has been around Ford, and about his dream with the Stan o’ War. With everyone else has always been a mask.
I also love Stan growing his hair out during the Sea Grunkle era, it’s shown he has done it multiple times throughout his life and I could easily see it as a form of rebellion against Fillbrick in a way.
I love trans-ing characters like beautiful amazing showstopping.
Personally I find it sort of difficult to wrap my head around Transfem Stan similarly to how I had to be convinced of Constance as a concept before falling in love with her.
It could be my own experience with toxic masculinity that often times draws me to Stan that also relates a lot to my own transhood, which though very messy and doesn’t map onto transmasculinity perfectly, is very transmasc coded.
So it’s easier for me to see Trans Man/Masc stan then transfem stan.
Similarly the only reason I’m really into transfem ford is because of the Constance fic by devilspedicure (which also made me fall in love with Constance) and the transfem/lesbian coding that Ford has in that fic.
THIS IS NOT TO SAY I CANT BE CONVINCED. Hell I read a really good thing I reblogged exploring transfem stan that i really enjoyed. Mainly because it kept stan’s masculinity intact while she explored her femininity.
I suppose the way I would write transfem stan is that at first she’d try to be the girlest girl that ever girled and then just
Give up, realize that just isnt who she is. That’s shes gross and tomboy-ish and really really likes being butch.
That even though she goes on E, she likes her face and voice and even stubble. It feels integral. As well as she’s an old dog and isn’t really up for learning new tricks.
I think she’d also just not give a shit about how people perceive her. Maybe when she was younger it woulda been a bigger deal but shes old and tired and has lost allll the fucks she has to give. The only time it matters is with Ford, and Ford loves her for the woman she is so what’s it too ya that she looks like a man.
Shes been a man for so long, it doesn’t matter if people still see her as one. She knows who she is, and Ford knows, and thats all that matters.
She has moments of weakness, as all trans people do, but i think generally she’d be happy as she is. Happy to be on the Boat of her dreams :]
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simurghed · 1 year ago
taylor: repressedly bisexual but the repression itself is also repressed in that she subconsciously feels the way she thinks abt women is strange (bc she subconsciously feels / fears / believes that she herself is inherently strange) but justifies & then re-justifies it to herself every few weeks .. to everybody else this just looks like her glancing at lisa’s tits & then thousand-yard staring off into the distance for a solid five minutes .. wildbow made her a trans girl on accident (like he did w most beautiful & true things in worm) but nobody tell him because he does not deserve to know
brian: i do legitimately believe he is both straight & cis bc if he wasn’t he would palpably b much stranger abt manhood & masculinity than he already is in-text .. he has considered kissing a man at least once but figured after hefty deliberation that sort of thing just wasn’t for him .. however i do think cherish should have called him gay not bc he rly is but bc it would have made him pause & afterwards fall into a period of rumination & actually i think this is how his summer of the forest could have happened
lisa: in love w taylor in every sense of the phrase but i wouldn’t say “attraction” itself is a factor there / that love isn’t predicated on romance or attraction or what one might typically attribute to love .. sexuality isn’t something she herself would rly care to put labels on nor something i think has much merit here but for shorthand i would just call her an arospec / acespec / etc lesbian .. cis but i think the only value gender has to her is wrt its social connotations (in business & persona) .. if she woke up one day in magical boy universe i think she would just adapt & adjust but she would grieve the loss of being able to go “look at this sweet face! would this girl lie to u :(” when that girl is in fact lying to u
rachel: butch lesbian & it is embedded into every aspect of her character & i will never ever ever ever listen to that foul man’s words he doesn’t know her he doesn’t even know her he is nothing he is nothing he is nothing he is nothing he isn’t real he can’t hurt me he isn’t real he isn’t real & canada is an elaborate ploy by the first pioneers of the parahumans wordpress to account for worm’s esoteric undetermined origins
aisha: bisexual (for realsies apparently) but i don’t think it rly comes into play much other than as cudgel for her jests & japes bc she will b hung up on her best friend from when she was 13 until the day after she dies .. whether or not she was srs when she rated cherie fuck in fuck marry kill is up to u tho i do think she has a tendency to either dramatise or just completely make things up when talking abt her own attraction / preferences for eeshy reasons (see: asking defiant is the robot pussy was rly that good) .. gender is whatever she feels like in the moment
alec: i think i have to delegate to lakesbian here seeing as they r his professor / lawyer / doyen / ambassador .. my only thoughts on this matter r i don’t think u could even call him a hedonist sexuality-wise bc there is absolutely zero demonstration of him expressing attraction / engaging in any romantic or sexual pursuits based off sheer opportunity & desire for pleasure besides vague comments abt his sexual abuse as a child
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f4unlette · 4 months ago
𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒 ♡꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱
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꒰ 𝑑𝑛𝑖! p3dophiles/ddlg accounts run by men, right wing propaganda (racism, misogyny, homphobia, transphobia, any form of hatred), plagarists
i’m fine with light nsfw, mental health and body horror
꒰ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜: i go by nana, i use they/them pronouns and i’m bisexual ♡ in terms of gender identity, i identify as genderqueer, although i’m quite ‘feminine.’
i’m eighteen, an aquarius sun, capricorn moon and leo rising.
i’m an intp-t, atheist, feminist (trans inclusive) and leftist.
i have a cherub tattoo on my forearm and a long hydrangea tattoo on my upper arm ♡ i personally dislike small lined/pinterest tattoos, especially when they’re grouped together
although i do keep up a personal weight tracking post, this is no longer an 3d blog. i do not want to expose outside people to such an unhealthy lifestyle. i’m pro recovery ♡
꒰ my pinterest ꒱
꒰ how to stay occupied ꒱♡꒰ low cal meals ꒱
꒰ 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑖 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒: super sonico figurines, vanilla, peach, cinnamon or strawberry scented stuff, big dogs, stuffed animals (really want a djungelskog bear), hair accessories, side swept bangs, pyjamas, antiques, queer media, tawog, pink hair, hydrangeas, pink sparkly nails, car rides, hand holding, pastel colors (my faves are #c3d4e7 and most shades of light pink), late autumn and winter, dove products, glade candles, fragrances/perfume, lip balm (vaseline rose and burt’s bees honey), sol de janeiro ‘71.
i loveee butch and masc lesbians sm, and that’s my taste in women basically ♡
i’m a long time fan of sanrio and my favorite character is pompompurin ૮ - ﻌ - ა⁩ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
꒰ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠: gaming, music, psychology, sociology and history (art, political, fashion, morbid), photography, crafting (clay), baking, writing, organizing things, beauty/self care and fashion (rococo and victorian, vintage, gothic, lolita, jojifuku, coquette/dollette, mori kei, winter clothing), shopping (mostly looking at whatever’s on sale and debating whether i should buy it or not. rarely ever give in).
my absolute favorite youtube channel is kubz scouts (been a fan of jay for years :D)
꒰ 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠: my homemade tomato and tuna cream pasta, chocolate éclair with almond cream filling, sweet strawberries, s’mores, chocolate cookies, warm milk with honey, pain au chocolat, chocolate, milka choco wafer, kfc’s strawberry milkshake and o’cheddar burger, cinnamon rolls, chai latte.
i’m also a fan of portuguese, italian and chinese cuisine.
꒰ 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑐: mostly radiohead, lana del rey, deftones, dazey and the scouts, she wants revenge, megan thee stallion, nicole dollanganger, hole, fiona apple, jack off jill, elliott smith, the cure, jeff buckley, lalleshwari, kali uchis, mars argo, chet baker, icp, msi, poison girl friend, tommy february6, mitski, system of a down, slipknot, korn, tool, type o negative, doors, frank sinatra, billie marten, mazzy star, clairo, cocteau twins
꒰ 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑠: peaonyo, ggrr_ook (twt), mitsuna vinilo, narumi hosokawa, trash kitty, alberto vargas, neil brinkley, aya takano, nikolay tolmachev, takato yamamoto, whyn lewis, shozo ozaki, bridget davies, élisabeth louise vigée le brun, paul césar helleu, jean baptiste greuze, alice rey colaço, josé malhoa (painter)
꒰ 𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠: nintendogs, mysims (nintendo ds/3ds), shoujo city 3d, mouthwashing, schoolgirl supervisor, needy streamer overload, genshin impact (tartaglia and kazuha main, ar59), animal crossing: pocket camp (going strong for over 6 years! frett and daisy are my favorite villagers), class of ‘09, ddlc, fnaf sl, dead plate and cold front, re7 and village, outlast, chilla’s art and puppet combo games. anything indie horror, survival, choice.
꒰ 𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑠: helter skelter, girl interrupted, brokeback mountain, but i’m a cheerleader, the children’s hour, call me by your name, donnie darko, buffalo ‘66, requiem for a dream, fight club, the basketball diaries, stay (2005), nightcrawler, bubble boy (it’s one of my absolute favorites, it’s adorable despite what the reviews say. highly reccommended!). any movie where jake gyllenhaal takes on a leading role ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
꒰ 𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑎: banana fish, bloom into you, kase-san and morning glories, mob psycho 100, devilman crybaby, moriarty the patriot, bungou stray dogs, tokyo revengers (i♡ senju and kazutora a lottt, and i wish shion could’ve been more relevant), junji ito manga, classmates/doukyusei, brutal satsujin, boy meets maria, the summer hikaru died. my favorite genre is girls’ love.
𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
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pyrrhicpoison · 11 months ago
tw // self harm mention + scars
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WOOHOOO THEYRE FINALLY DONE!! team rwby are here and real after nearly 23 hours spent on them in total 😵‍💫
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^ versions without the text&arrows
vvv hc transcript + hcs not mentioned vvv:
Butch Lesbian
goggles: ‘Goggles to protect remaining eye (+they make crescent look cool as hell)
right eye: ‘Eye scratched out by Cinder’s grimm arm’
green hairband: ‘For Penny :(‘
nose: ‘Shares nose shape, skin tone & freckles with their Dad & Yang’
upper chest: ‘scars on chest from CC’s attempted possession’
chest 1: ‘Yang bought their binder & had it customised for her (+ Blake)’
chest 2: ‘Binds their chest most of the time except from when she’s in Vacuo. Then they borrow trans tape from Blake and bind with that instead’
sash: ‘CR hooks onto the back of sash and sits diagonally across crescent’s back’
shirt and shorts: ‘Stole one of Yang’s goofy shirts & cut his cargos into shorts’
4’11 (5’2 w/ heels)
Transfem lesbian
hair: ‘Hair cut shorter & she wears it down more often’
green hair tie: ‘For Penny :,)’
nose: ‘Shares nose shape with her brother + got her beauty mark from her mother who has one in the same place (TO ME!!)’
face: ‘On E’
red bandana: ‘gift from Ruby :)’
right arm: ‘Heavily scarred arms from SH & fighting grimm’
left eye: ‘Blind in this eye’
left shoulder: ‘Wears shawl to protect shoulders from the sun (burns easily)’
right side: ‘Chest scar carries over to her back & she has no feeling in the skin there — the nerves were burned away and caused permanent damage’ then off that ‘Doesn’t cope well in hot climates (Vacuo) too well because of this’
myrtenaster: ‘Has a strict routine she keeps with maintaining Myrtenaster and if she doesn’t do it, it’ll send her into a spiral’
Non-binary bisexual
Autistic + PTSD
ears: ‘Gold jewellery like her mum’s’
right eye: ‘Eyes shine in the dark due to faunus night vision’
left eye: ‘More prominent faunus facial features (slit pupils, fangs, nose, etc.)
hood: ‘Hood has cat ear shaped pockets that unzip so she can choose whether to have her ears out or covered’
chest: ‘wearing trans tape under crop top’
left bicep: ‘Has big, strong arm & shoulder muscles from throwing Yang around with Gambol, but a softer tummy cause she’s healing from all the bad habits they picked up in the WF’
orange scarf: ‘Wears orange scarf to mirror where Yang’s arm ends and where metal begins’
tummy: ‘happy trail and STRETCH MARKS!!!”
shoulder+elbow: ‘More furry like their Dad’
forearm: ‘Scars from WF training, SH & grimm’
waist straps: ‘Yang uses these to pull her in for a kiss all the time :)’
chaps: ‘chaps + cowboy boots = sapphic devastation’
tummy scar: ‘The scar on her hip is the only one that still looks fairly gruesome, and the only one that burns and stings even long after the initial injury is healed. She thinks it’s because technically she was stabbed there twice, even if the second time she managed to use her semblance to get away.’
Butch lesbian
nose: ‘Got his nose scar while fighting a jabber walker’
eye: ‘Eyes have specs of crimson in them even when his semblance isn’t active’
ear: ‘Shares skin tone, nose and hair with his dad’
facial hair: ‘On T’
left bicep: wears scarf on left bicep to mirror Blake’
arm,legs,tummy,chest: ‘HAIRY!!! :D’
leg: ‘Heavily scarred from SH, grimm and bar fights’
shorts: ‘Can sew and likes to decorate his trousers/shorts with patches & pins. He also likes to sew things for his team (he’s the reason they all have the team colours somewhere on their outfits)’
chest 1: ‘Scar across chest from Neo’s blade’
chest 2: ‘Got top surgery at some point in Vacuo (he likes to joke around and say that her semblance blew his tits off).
HCS NOT PUT HERE (i forgor):
•takes tips and advice from Yang on how to dress but mainly just throws clothes on and hopes for the best. she hasn’t quite got the hang of things looking… cohesive… yet.
•strong arms from swinging CR around.
•Was quite slender, but began gaining a bit of weight once she got back to Remnant. Starting to heal :,).
•has chronic pain that stems from her tummy scar and radiates up her spine. Overworking, stress & the cold cause most flare-ups.
•has a collection of goofy shirts (That ruby always steals from).
•has weapons hidden in her prosthetic arm in case he’s ever out of dust or in a bind.
•still experiences phantom pain in his stump and pain from some of the scars he’s acquired over the course of the war.
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homesickheat · 1 month ago
nav post. orion, it/he/she, 22. lesbian & butch.
im pretty bad at replying to dms in a timely manner (i get shy) asks are much more effective if u want me to respond descriptively (& multiple asks is ok!)
24/7 stoner, anal whore, ssri-enhanced edgeslut. sub & bottom for anyone, occasional t4t dom & top. kinks & limits under cut
yes: anal, asphyxiation, begging, bloodplay, biting, bondage, breeding, burning/branding, blackmail, cheating, clit torture, coerced consent, collaring, corruption, cutting/scars, degradation, denial, dysphoria, edging, emotional abuse, exhibitionism, facefucking, fauxcest, fisting, forced/unwilling orgasms, gags, gangbang/group, groping, grooming/conditioning, helplessness, hickies, humiliation, impact, inexperience, inspection, intoxication, kissing, knifeplay, manipulation, musk, objectification oral, orientation play (het->les, lgetsd), overstimulation, oviposition, painplay, play-fighting, petplay, rape/cnc, rough, somno, stalking, torture, trans(fem) supremacy, worship
i'm into being forced to do any/all of these things. i like being uncomfortable, feeling scared, & being intentionally made dysphoric. i <3 normal situations turning into rape.
my #1 kink is intox, especially with drugs that aren't weed. beautiful women please roofie me.
ask: pregnancy (in great detail), snuff, watersports
no: ageplay, committed/long-term forcefem/detrans, necro, raceplay, scat, vomit
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lavendershowcase · 7 months ago
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Queer Hispanic Stories for Hispanic Heritage Month
Summaries and notes under cut
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera
Juliet Milagros Palante is leaving the Bronx and headed to Portland, Oregon. She just came out to her family and isn’t sure if her mom will ever speak to her again. But Juliet has a plan, sort of, one that’s going to help her figure out this whole “Puerto Rican lesbian” thing. She’s interning with the author of her favorite book: Harlowe Brisbane, the ultimate authority on feminism, women’s bodies, and other gay-sounding stuff. Will Juliet be able to figure out her life over the course of one magical summer? Is that even possible? Or is she running away from all the problems that seem too big to handle? With more questions than answers, Juliet takes on Portland, Harlowe, and most importantly, herself.
Winner of 2017 Silver IPPY Award for best LGBTQ Fiction, selected by the ALA for the Amelia Bloomer List in 2017
The Prince and the Coyote by David Bowles, illustrated by Amanda Mijangos*
Fifteen-year old crown prince Acolmiztli wants nothing more than to see his city-state of Tetzcoco thrive. A singer, poet, and burgeoning philosophical mind, he has big plans about infrastructure projects and cultural initiatives that will bring honor to his family and help his people flourish. But the two sides of his family, the kingdoms of Mexico and Acolhuacan, have been at war his entire life – after his father risked the wrath of the Tepanec emperor to win his mother’s love. When a power struggle leaves his father dead and his mother and siblings in exile, Acolmiztli must run for his life, seeking refuge in the wilderness. After a coyote helps him find his way in the wild, he takes on a new name – Nezahualcoyotl, or “fasting coyote” (“Neza” for short). Biding his time until he can form new alliances and reconnect with his family, Neza goes undercover, and falls in love with a commoner girl, Sekalli. Can Neza survive his plotting uncles’ scheme to wipe out his line for good? Will the empire he dreams of in Tetzcoco ever come to life? And is he willing to risk the lives of those he loves in the process? This action-packed tale blends prose and poetry – including translations of surviving poems by Nezahualcoytl himself, translated from classical Nahuatl by the author. And the book is packed with queer rep: queer love stories, and a thoughtful exploration of pre-columbian understandings of gender that defy the contemporary Western gender binary.
Pura Belpré honoree, Kirkus Best of the Year, Bookpage top 10 Book of 2023
*Personally recommended by me
The House of Impossible Beauties by Joseph Cassara
It’s 1980 in New York City, and nowhere is the city’s glamour and energy better reflected than in the burgeoning Harlem ball scene, where seventeen-year-old Angel first comes into her own. Burned by her traumatic past, Angel is new to the drag world, new to ball culture, and has a yearning inside of her to help create family for those without. When she falls in love with Hector, a beautiful young man who dreams of becoming a professional dancer, the two decide to form the House of Xtravaganza, the first-ever all-Latino house in the Harlem ball circuit. But when Hector dies of AIDS-related complications, Angel must bear the responsibility of tending to their house alone. As mother of the house, Angel recruits Venus, a whip-fast trans girl who dreams of finding a rich man to take care of her; Juanito, a quiet boy who loves fabrics and design; and Daniel, a butch queen who accidentally saves Venus’s life. The Xtravaganzas must learn to navigate sex work, addiction, and persistent abuse, leaning on each other as bulwarks against a world that resists them. All are ambitious, resilient, and determined to control their own fates, even as they hurtle toward devastating consequences. 
Born Both: An Intersex Life by Hida Viloria
My name is Hida Viloria. I was raised as a girl but discovered at a young age that my body looked different. Having endured an often turbulent home life as a kid, there were many times when I felt scared and alone, especially given my attraction to girls. But unlike most people in the first world who are born intersex–meaning they have genitals, reproductive organs, hormones, and/or chromosomal patterns that do not fit standard definitions of male or female–I grew up in the body I was born with because my parents did not have my sex characteristics surgically altered at birth. It wasn’t until I was twenty-six and encountered the term intersex in a San Francisco newspaper that I finally had a name for my difference. That’s when I began to explore what it means to live in the space between genders–to be both and neither. I tried living as a feminine woman, an androgynous person, and even for a brief period of time as a man. Good friends would not recognize me, and gay men would hit on me. My gender fluidity was exciting, and in many ways freeing–but it could also be isolating. I had to know if there were other intersex people like me, but when I finally found an intersex community to connect with I was shocked, and then deeply upset, to learn that most of the people I met had been scarred, both physically and psychologically, by infant surgeries and hormone treatments meant to “correct” their bodies. Realizing that the invisibility of intersex people in society facilitated these practices, I made it my mission to bring an end to it–and became one of the first people to voluntarily come out as intersex at a national and then international level. Born Both is the story of my lifelong journey toward finding love and embracing my authentic identity in a world that insists on categorizing people into either/or, and of my decades-long fight for human rights and equality for intersex people everywhere.
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
In Her Body and Other Parties, Carmen Maria Machado blithely demolishes the arbitrary borders between psychological realism and science fiction, comedy and horror, fantasy and fabulism. While her work has earned her comparisons to Karen Russell and Kelly Link, she has a voice that is all her own. In this electric and provocative debut, Machado bends genre to shape startling narratives that map the realities of women’s lives and the violence visited upon their bodies. A wife refuses her husband’s entreaties to remove the green ribbon from around her neck. A woman recounts her sexual encounters as a plague slowly consumes humanity. A salesclerk in a mall makes a horrifying discovery within the seams of the store’s prom dresses. One woman’s surgery-induced weight loss results in an unwanted houseguest. And in the bravura novella “Especially Heinous,” Machado reimagines every episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, a show we naively assumed had shown it all, generating a phantasmagoric police procedural full of doppelgängers, ghosts, and girls-with-bells-for-eyes.
Finalist for the 2017 National Book Award for Fiction, Winner of the National Book Critics Circle's 2017 John Leonard Prize, Winner of the 2017 Bard Fiction Prize, Finalist for the 2017 Kirkus Prize, Finalist for the 2017 PEN/Robert Bingham Award
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goldenflowerceo · 4 months ago
have any warrior cats headcannons you'd like to share? :3 /genq, curious
ooooo i'm gonna talk abt a few design ones i have that i've been meaning to share!!
so ofc the tiger clones look like. tigerstar. but i do like to dream about going all in with the tiger motif for his descendents. tigerclaw looks like a pseudo-melanistic tiger, swiftpaw looks like a white tiger (he's a tiger son to me), brambleclaw looks like a regular tiger, tawnypelt is a tortie of a pseudo-melanistic and golden tiger, hawkfrost looks like a pseudo-melanistic white tiger, mothwing looks like a golden tiger, tadpole looks a pseudo-melanistic tiger, tigerheart looks like a regular tiger, dawnpelt looks like a golden tiger, and flametail also looks like a golden tiger. i just think it's fun :3
sparkpelt is not orange. she is not red either. she is this vibrant golden-yellow and i will not be taking criticism. think like a yellow highlighter.
dilute yellow/gray yellowfang... but also rattier. i agree a LOT with runn1ngn0se’s post about her hygiene. give her mats and bottom canines that stick out like boar tusks. also i think we should design her with the trope where her brows are so thick they completely cover her eyes. those peepers only come out during times of great emotion.
oh!! not design-related, but willowpelt and whitestorm are a QPR to me. aroace woman and her gay best friend lol
also !!! i have to mention frostfur here... i think she kinda looks like the burmilla cat breed, with the sort of "frosty" gray top coloring. also i can see her as both trans female and also trans male. slowly blorboifying her in my brain... another thing to add. i think as bluestar starts to lose her faith in starclan and trust in her clanmates, she keeps slipping up and calling frostfur "snowfur" ... [keels over and dies]
i don't like the briarjay ship, unless it's a QPR or jayfeather is trans fem. briarlight is a beautiful butch lesbian
ohh!!! final headcanon i'll mention here, and it's something i want to draw one day so i can fully explain: ever since i picked up the first book back in fifth grade, i’ve only been able to picture redtail as a ruddy, brick red tabby with dark, blackish stripes and a wonderfully thick tail. he's also gained a mullet in my mind over time. i've never been able to see him as a tortoiseshell, lol
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