#she had soooo much time
i KNOWW the point of the air balloon scene was to have a moment of drama where colin could be dashing and save penelope but cmon now… they couldn’t at least make it realistic that pen couldn’t get away fast, like if her dress or shoes got snagged by a nearby hook. she could struggle, then yank herself free, which causes her to fall. and THEN debling could’ve blocked her after that…
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book-lover85 · 7 days
fics where Inej tells Kaz it's ok if he can't always touch her or can't always bring his full armor down as long as he's trying >>>>>>>
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waywardted · 1 year
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I really do have love to give. I just don't know where to put it.                - Magnolia (1999)
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triglycercule · 24 days
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"killer. what is this supposed to be?"
"oh, i commissioned one of my fans to draw art of us! isn't it totally cute??"
"well, it's definitely... something."
"... no, it's cute. but how'd you pay for it? last i heard, your balance was..."
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possamble · 5 months
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i think she was the most annoying baby on earth i wouldnt be able to take it (affectionate)
there are only two kinds of autism. the one where it takes you so long to start talking that your parents are worried something's wrong with you and then you suddenly start speaking in full sentences when you're 2 years old (laios and falin) and the one where you simply Do Not Shut Up the second you can make even vaguely word-like sounds (marcille)
love her. she's so funny. im so sure she was babbling on with the full intonation of someone who knows what they're saying but in completely unintelligible noises, some half-words borrowed from elven and common lmao
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dreamaboutwhathappens · 3 months
the very last surprise songs of the whole tour are going to be mary’s song on guitar and the manuscript on piano. i said what i said.
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cocktailjjrs · 11 months
I'm late to the party. But...
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a few thing...
How can he look so good?
They both look sooooo shocked!!!
AND It's actually going just like the anime!!!
The only thing is with the Manga pacing i don't think we are getting any new content anytime soon. The earliest i can think of is maybe in February or March.
Though maybe we can get some new shots (or a much needed explanation) of Soukoku's prison break plan... As much as i love the whole Soukoku's undying trust in each other, i still need that mind-blowing logical plans that BSD is famous for.
But there must be some way the Chuuya knew how to act around Fyodor enough to fool him into believing that he was actually under vampirism, say like a character study, that every actor needs to do before they perform. Because in this chapter, the Shock on Fyodor's face was evident, more than in Anime (how that is possible i can't exactly say, but you know what i'm saying right?), and he really seemed out of cards till this moment at least.
(Not that i believe that Fyodor is dead or will remain dead)
It's also import to note that Soukoku are not completely out of hot waters.
They are still stranded just outside the best Prison in the world
Are away from their homeland, in a completely foreign country on the other side of the world.
One of them in injured (maybe heavily)
There is a group of dangerous ability users in the country they are stranded in
And the world is still in chaos after the whole vampirism and nukes and all
So, it's still as dangerous as it gets.
Not that its anything new for this duo.
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sheikahwarriork · 11 months
prompt for childhood enemies dimileth!!!
When Byleth was 6 years old, and Jeralt left her in the care of an inkeeper while he was doing merc jobs, a traveling caravan of rich people arrived to the inn, and she heard an ugly rich bowlcut blonde baby say his dad was the strongest and could beat anybody's dad and she choose violence.
Someone had to put the bowlcut in his place and make him understand Jeralt was the strongest.
Dimitri didn't want to fight back for his crest until Byleth called him a wussy... which is a word the mercs used around her and she didn't know what it meant.
(she fondly recalls this story as the first time she won a fight)
(dimitri still has bite scars from the incident and was very scared of girls for a long time)
(gustave was worried sick a commoner kid got the crown prince rabbies)
(they haven't connected the dots)
(This is the same anon who hates Dimitri's hair)
(hello dear dimitri's hair hater anon, i loved this prompt a lot! i changed some little points in the narration, but the main plotis the one you wrote. i really hope you'll like this :3)
wordcount: 1.2k
Byleth was extremely bored. Jeralt— no, he said to call him dad— Dad ­­went to do some cool mercenary stuff he said were 'too dangerous' for Byleth to attend. How silly! She was perfectly capable of taking care of enemies. She had the best teacher in the world, after all; the Blade Breaker’s abilities were well known along all Fodlan.
Of course, she was still only six, while her father was… How many years old was Jeralt again? She realised she didn’t know exactly. Probably the same age all dads were. Like three-hundred years old or something like that.
Byleth frowned. Did she need to wait three-hundred years to become as powerful as Jeralt? No, it was too far away from now! The little girl stood up. She needed to go training now.
She went out the little inn where Jeralt— Dad left her some days ago, heading for that nice spot she found out the day before to train with her new super powerful sword. (Well, wood sword. After the last time Byleth tried to train by herself, she almost chopped her own leg, so Jeralt took precautions by giving her a weapon that 'woudn’t hurt his precious little girl'. How melodramatic! But he chose it precisely for her. It was special. She wasn’t gonna break it!)
Her wandering gaze stopped when she noticed some people a few meters from her. She frowned. A tall guy with dark hair and a younger blonde boy with an ugly bowlcut were talking under a tree, the very tree of her perfect nice training spot.
She frowned again. As people said, Byleth wasn’t… the best at social interactions. She didn’t like talking to people, especially strangers. And she hated when she had to. Like this moment. She needed those two to get out of her new special training spot. She needed to train! To become more powerful! Like, right now!
The urge to train was bigger than her despise for talking to strangers, so she got closer to the tree, holding hard her sword. Byleth repeated in her mind Jeralt— Dad’s lessons about how ‘not to be too scary with other people’. She had to act nice.
“Hi. Get out of my training spot”.
A greeting! Super nice. ‘Good job, me’, she thought, pleased with herself.
The taller boy looked at her with surprise, but his expression quickly changed in a smile. “Hello, you fellow warrior”, he said in a condescending tone, winking.
Ugh. That was one of the thing Byleth hated the most: grown-ups treating her like she was just a little child!
“Get out, I said! I need to train”, she said, pointing at her sword.
Bowlcut boy frowned. “But you’re too young to train by your own!”
“What?!” Byleth exclaimed to him, annoyed.
“Yes! My dad says children shouldn’t fight until they grow up. And you look almost my age! So, you can’t train”, Bowlcut boy explained, nodding.
Byleth crossed her arms. “It doesn’t make sense! My dad helps me train since I was… younger than you!”
Bowlcut boy looked troubled. “Why does you dad train you?”
“Because I want to become strong, and he’s the strongest mercenary of all Fodlan!”, Byleth said with a hint of pride.
Now Bowlcut boy looked annoyed. “That’s not true! My dad is the strongest one! Glenn, tell her!” he added, looking at the taller annoying guy.
Tall-annoying guy was watching at them holding a hand over his mouth as if he wanted to hide it, slightly shaking. Then he proceeded to burst into laughter, hitting the ground with his fist, without saying a thing.
Byleth frowned. What a weird guy.
Bowlcut boy frowned too, but apparently he decided to let the matter drop, as he looked at Byleth again. “My dad is stronger! He has big muscles, and he’s the only one that can use a super uper big powerful spear!” Then he looked down at Tall-annoying guy, who was still on the floor. “Glenn! Tell her!”
The guy tried to stop laughing, but miserably failed. “So… sorry, Dimitri… you’ll have to… deal with her yourself… PUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Byleth crossed her arms; then, she got an idea. “Let’s settle this with a fight. However wins, has the strongest dad!”
Bowlcut boy’s eyes widened. “N… no! I can’t! I’ll hurt you!”
Byleth was really annoyed now: how dared that little brat imply he could beat her?!
She lifted her sword, pointing at Bowlcut boy. “Prepare yourself!”
“Oh, fuck!” Tall-annoying guy stopped laughing and stood up between them. “Ok, party’s over. Let’s try to get along, shall we?”
Bowlcut boy sighed in relief. Byleth sticked her tongue out, looking at him. “Your dad’s just a… wussy!”
Byleth really liked the word ‘wussy’. The way it sounded was funny. She didn’t exactly know the meaning, but Jeralt’s mercenaries often used it when someone was arguing (usually when drinking that weird ‘grown-ups fruit juice’) with some other of the band, getting the latter very angry. And Byleth wanted to make Bowlcut boy angry.
And she succeded! Bowlcut boy’s eyes widened, and he proceeded to run towards her. Byleth was ready, and promptly dodged the boy. She grabbed his arm, and sinked her teeth in it.
The boy screamed in pain until Tall-annoying boy managed to pull him away. “Shit shit shit! What the hell is wrong with you two?!” he said in a high-pitched tone. Bowlcut boy started crying.
‘Pathetic’, Byleth thought.
“Okay, little girl, we’re leaving, but promise me you’ll stay away from Dimitri!” Tall-annoying guy said, while taking Bowlcut boy in his arms. “We’re leaving soon anyway, so forget about this and do not tell anyone!” he added, going inside the inn, without waiting for Byleth to respond. “Shit! I did tell Gustave I’m not a good babysitter…” she heard him muttering, while Bowlcut boy was still crying.
She looked at the now closed door for a few seconds more, then turned around. “Okay. Melee training for day: done. I should practice with my sword now…”
“You did what?!” Jeralt—Dad screamed in shock.
Byleth crossed her arms. “I bit him, I told you! He was saying some crap about you!”
Dad looked at her in disbelief, and then bursted into laughter.
‘Why is everyone laughing at me today?!’
“You… you bit him… you bit the… freaking… AHAHAHAHAHA!” Dad was laughing so hard he didn’t finish the phrase.
Byleth shrugged, deciding to let him be. ‘It’s not like I’m gonna ever see Bowlcut boy again…’
15 years later
Byleth didn’t know if she was getting better at reading people, or if Jeralt was acting strange more than usual. Since she told him she chose to lead the Blue Lion House, her father started to make a soft giggle everytime she mentioned the house-leader, Dimitri. It was getting annoying.
“Are you going to tell me why do you make that sound everytime I mention Dimitri, dad?!” she finally said one afternoon, while her and Jeralt were having tea in her room.
Jeralt smiled. “Ah! Never. But maybe, you’ll have your answer if you’ll ever see his arm… Summer is starting, after all…”
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roe-and-memory · 1 year
you guys are SO right for pushing red haired lightning . tired of the blonde blasphemy like i’ve been saying this forever. any sally doodles/headcanons?, maybe her life before meeting lightning, or even before coming to radiator springs ? we get a loose backstory for her in the movie but i always felt like there could be more there! love this blog by the wayeeee:)
and REAL where is all the ginger lmq?.? he’s red!! give him some freckles and red hair and boom you’ve got the silly
we havent talked much about sally aside from her life with lightning.. which, on our part, i must say is disappointing because we both love her dearly, BUT we do have backstory for our girl and a couple headcanons
hi this is roe, here are some doodles, thanks for the request!!
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for backstory
we think sally was a STUDENT in university when she came to radiator springs - went to berkeley for law, was two years into her courses when she decided she just Couldnt anymore. she packed all her stuff into a bag and left one morning and just drove until her car broke down in the middle of nowhere, otherwise known as about 10 miles away from radiator springs on route 66
before i go any further i usher you to read the backstory fic i made for her because self promo is real and it goes much more in depth about how utterly miserable i made her:
ANYWAYS we think she had a boyfriend previous to this, not really sure the details but they broke up, she was 19 when she came to radiator springs, 21 when lightning came around, etc.
headcanons wise
- she really loves flowers and plants. her favourite flowers are dahlias. she can make flower crowns like she created the concept of them herself, absolutely zero effort
- doc taught her law using his own knowledge from law school and the books she has from her own courses, she wasn’t too upset about not being able to be a big lawyer because in radiator springs she had other things to do — like bring her vision for the cozy cone to life
- she designed the cozy cone motel with the help of ramone and built it with the help of red
- her love language is physical touch
- (personal favourite) she loves hugging lmq, sometimes whenever the crew is sitting around and he’s sitting criss cross on the floor, she’ll sit behind him, arms around him, also criss cross, sound asleep with her head resting against his back and he is completely unbothered by it
- she doesnt cry much, her and lightning are similar that way, and it takes a LOT for her to get emotional. thats not saying she wont bawl her eyes out if lightning gets hurt because she loves him
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californiaquail · 2 months
was hanging out with someone today and she was talking about how she would shoot the hawks and eagles if they went after her indoor/outdoor cat and i had to struggle to keep a straight face. there is an EASY fucking solution to this problem that doesn't involve killing federally protected wildlife OR your poor damn cat. who got in a fight last night and left fur all over the place.
#by hanging out with i mean she is the owner of the quarter horse mare that was here and she wanted me to come down when the farrier came?#the farrier is cool but he did give her some stupid fucking fearmongering pamphlet written by this idiot racist ~whistleblower~ about how#“They” (?) are going to be rationing peoples water and the dude is like blaming the local tribe for it....get the fuck over yourself buddy#the entire state is in a drought. disrespectfully. go fuck yourself#trump ass county for fucking real this is why i wanted to move to the next county over or at least the next town over in this county#like. not to dox myself but i live in thee bellwether county for presidential elections and these cunts are not voting blue let me tell you#it's all these retired fucking republicans!!!! god damn it there are so manyyyyyyyyy i don't know if i can do it guys#also i was talking to this woman about biking/hiking on the olympic discovery trail and she was like oh i've had some bad shit happen to me#on that trail and i'm like oh like what? and shes like#oh well one time this guy was living in the woods and i called the cops on him but they didn't care or do anything about it.#and instead of saying “why the fuck did you call the cops on somebody who wasn't even bothering you” and “what the fuck is your problem”#and “can't believe i'm saying this but the cop was actually the correct one in this situation” i had to be like oh huh :/#anyway literally nothing bad happened to her on the odt and people are kind of just heartless about homeless people#ALSO she was talking about when she was very sick on her recent trip to hawaii (...) and “not caring” about people worrying about her havin#covid like well actually the way you say that does reveal that you Do actually have a little dust bunny of shame about your shitty behavior#somewhere deep under the laminate tile of your soul and you fucking Know that's a shitty fucking way to act but youre doing it anyway. lol!#and this is such a very standard example of almost everyone i've met here. i'm going insane none of you have basic compassion or decency#for people you don't already care about. We Live In A Fucking Society WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.#i have to stop bitching it's after midnight but this was my first real contact with another person for the last 12 days#(BECAUSE i fucking had covid and i was isolating like a normal person instead of being a dumb entitled fucking asshole about it)#and it was just soooo peppered with this selfish fucking libertarian nonsense the whole time it is SO frustrating holy shit#i have to be nice to this woman because she wants my help with her horse (who needs my help frankly) and she's lived here her whole life so#she has thee connections and has also offered to help me get a car which i can't tell how serious she is but we need to be on good terms#jesus christ. hey if anyone is reading this and you read the whole thing and you read my tag essays regularly we have to get legally marrie#you know too much. wedding in november#me
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How do I even go back to being friends with her quite honestly lmao
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triglycercule · 23 days
Murder trio
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i actually cried seeing this in my inbox i will not lie. like actually fucking cried tears of joy /srs absolutely no words can express just how absolutely thralled i am that you drew this. i'm actually ACTUALLY so so overjoyed and flattered and so happy that someone could manage to encapsulate just how much i love the jk!trio and just how silly they are and how you put your own spin on this and made them just as cute and silly and amazing as i've always wanted to see I'M ACTUALLY CRYING THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DRAWING THE JK!MTT 😭😭😭
im so sorry for the late answer i have literally had no time to draw but TYSM FOR THIS I DREW MORE JK AU 4 YOU TO THANK YOU❤️❤️💜💜💙💙 ‼️‼️
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they just got out of an extreme gaming session at the boardwalk arcade and now the suns setting and killer wants to get ice cream before it sets so they can watch the sunset but as usual she's a bit too excited for horror and dust to keep up and dust is absolutely dying (she gets ZERO excercise and killer is FAST) and horror just wants to take her time and also spare dust from killer's wrathful running speed. its ok though they manage to eat the icecream while watching the sunset even while slowed down (the vibes in this one are immaculate this is what jk fashion au stands for. silly fluffy important friendship bonding memories. i love. it's not full effort because i wanted to get this done quickly so i wouldnt respond late but im UNFORTUNATELY busy and now its been a day,,,,, I STILL LOVE THE ART YOU SENT ME THANM YKJ SO MUCH)
#nobody understands just how much i love this#NOBODY DOES. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU. NONE.#this means so much to me i actually cant even explain#i NEVER expected that someone would ACTUALLY DRAW JK FASHION MTT. I NEVER DID#I JUST MADR JK AU BECAUSE I WAS FEELING LONELY AND BORED AND I LIKED THE CONCEPT#AND SOMEONE COMES OUT HERE AND MAKES ART OF SOMETHING I DIDN'T EVEN PUT THAT MUCH EFFORT INTO#IM ACTUALLY OVERJOYED I CANT BELIEVE THIS#i love art i love expression i love experiencing joy from the kindness of others#i don't even cry that much but this legitimately made me cry. like seriously#and theyre so cute and theyre so happy and sweet and amazing#and the rendering on this is absolutely fucking gorgeous#and i love how horror looks cute but she's giving dirty looks and all that#and killer is JUST SO HAPPY AND GO LUCKY AND STUPID I LOVE HER#DUST MY ANTISOCIAL BABY SHE LOOKS SO EMBARRASSED TO BE HERE#THIS IS SOOOO CUTE I CSNT HELP IM CDRYING IM DYING#how long did this take. i need to know. i can't believe you actually made art of my cheap concept and it looks so good#god now i need to draw more jk!mtt. just knowing that there's someone out there that likes the au so much makes me wanna create#goddamn ink and his joy of creating. he's cheering me on in my head right now#THIS IS LITERALLY THEM. THE MUTED COLOR PALETTES LOOK SO GOOD FOR THE FIRST 2#AND THEN THE BRIGHT PASTEL THIRS ONE??? ITS EXACTLY THE KIND OF GIRLY PASTEL CUTE I LOVE WITH THEM#unrelated but when i saw this in my inbox and it was censored i was expecting to see gore or something. not THIS. christmas came early#i had to whip up a thank you response quick and fast because this is the biggest mkst flattering thing ever. how can i not be thankful#how much art will it take to repay you for your time and effort. i will keep making jk au art until its been repaid#i really wanna use this as my pfp but i dont wanna not credit you so can i pls use it for my pfp.....???? will credit!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PL#maybe i'll just redraw one of these and use it as my pfp instead if that's ok. i need to change my pfp anyways#ITS STOLEN ART AND I CANT FFIND THR OG ARTIST AND ITS BOTHERING ME I SHOULD CHANG IT#i get all giddy and happy and giggly when i see this it means so much to me. this is the best thing thats happened in ever#tricule asks#tricule art#jk fashion au
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giulolosblackmail · 24 days
Willow's Bio
Though Willow is over a century old, he has still lived most of his life in Finsel and formed many meaningful relationships with the humans that live there. It is, perhaps, because of his love of individual humans that he despises humans as a whole. Around eighty years ago Willow came to know a boxer and his daughter living in the slums. The boxer’s daughter fell ill and they couldn’t afford to pay for her treatment, so the boxer began to gamble his life for a chance at saving his daughter, going up against opponents that were far larger and stronger than he was. Inevitably, he was beaten nearly to death and could no longer work. Willow, having not nearly enough money to help them himself, began writing poetry about the boxer and his daughter in a desperate attempt to bring attention to his friend’s situation. The poems became wildly popular among nobles, but the real-life inspirations behind the poems were ignored and died in poverty. Willow decided that humans don’t care about tragedy in the literal, only the theoretical where it serves as entertainment, and - finding the pen to be useless - turned to his much more reliable fists and fell into the Gang Territory. Willow’s worldview changed, and he came to believe that, “although the power of art leads to eternity, but to grasp the present, we must have force. Without the present, there would be no eternity.”
Taking his anger, grief, and frustration out on all those who stood before him by throwing himself recklessly into every fight he could find, Willow created a legend in the Gang Territory and amassed wealth and power. His symbol became the emerald studded brass knuckles that came to be known as the Legendary Seal of the Gang Territory, the weapon of the undefeated Champion of the Underground Arena. Legend has it that when the Gang Territory fell into a turf war fifty years ago, the battle raged for three days in what would later be called the Battle of Gang Territory. And from the chaos rose the victor, the Champion, the man with the ability to command wind and lightning, the strongest warrior in the Gang Territory. Willow won the right to rule, but found that it brought him no joy to amass power or wealth, and so he gave away his wealth freely and shied away from the spotlight; eventually the legend faded into obscurity after the Champion vanished, and now only rumors remain that that once great man has ended up working for a noble. There are many in the slums who remember the Champion not as a warrior, but as a man who gave away everything he owned to friends and strangers alike, who defended the weak with his own fists, bleeding for anyone who could not fight for themselves. It had never been his intention to help, only to find relief for himself. “I just thought they needed those things more than I did. Fighting made me happy enough.” Perhaps that is why he was eventually lured away from the Gang Territory.
A hollow life spent ever in fear of the next conflict and wounded from the last is difficult to maintain, who knows what the Duke Bavlenka of the time promised Willow to buy his loyalty, but Willow has been working under the Bavlenka Family ever since. He became something of a fancy pet, only ever seen draped in finery and singing sweetly for nobles at luxurious balls filled to the brim with wealth and excess. He lived well, but it was a life that made him sick. To cope, he spent all his free time sneaking away to the Slums to drink and fight to excess, even disguising himself to return to the Colosseum in secret. “Singing makes me feel less alone. And fighting, I feel as if I'm truly alive. When your life is almost eternal, time loses its meaning.” It was not until he met Magda Ellenstein that he began to find the dull routine of his life new and exciting again. Striking up a friendship, Willow found himself chasing after Miss Ellenstein as she caused trouble and shook Finsel by its roots, even going into battle during the climax of the Sulla War to help her. The Finsel that emerged from the rubble of war was changed, though it was unclear if it was for the better.
Whatever promise Willow had made with Duke Bavlenka all those years ago must have been somewhat shaken with the late Duke’s death, for Willow began to hide himself away from the new head of house, well enough that it took some time before Duke Gaelan Bavlenka learned of his existence. Willow seemed to hold a particular disdain for Gaelan Bavlenka, though was not alone in his dislike for the man attempting to navigate Finsel’s political landscape with entirely unearned confidence. It was not just Willow’s rebellion chipping away at the Bavlenka family’s united front and social prestige, though his was one of the first to be ended. Eventually Lou Bavlenka dragged him back to his duties, though Willow did not go gently. The first song he sang under the new Bavlenka head was the infamous Cursed Aria, a legendary song among the elves that had largely been lost to time, as no one wished to gamble their life just to perform it. Dedicating his performance to Lady Magda Ellenstein, Willow told her, "Once life loses its meaning, we must find a new one. I never cared about the future. It's unpredictable,” before confessing his love for her in no uncertain terms. It was his conviction and passionate love for Lady Ellenstein that weathered him through the song’s curse, and until his love for her fades, he can sing it as often as she will listen.
Like many others, Willow found himself falling for the charming Miss Ellenstein soon after making her acquaintance, pledging to come whenever she called so that he could fight her battles for her, this being both something of a confession and an attempt to keep Miss Magda from getting into trouble in the Gang Territory. He could only fall for her more as he watched her monumentous rise to power, and would continue to be enthralled by her care for people and her stubborn drive to improve Finsel, bridging the gap between the nobility and the Slums. In an ultimate act of passionate love, Willow placed his life on the line to sing Lady Ellenstein the Cursed Aria, though when she could not find the words to respond, he instead asked her to listen as he kept singing for her and her alone. Regardless of the direction Lady Ellenstein’s heart will follow, Willow will continue to be inspired by her, striving to improve himself as a man and a singer, and go on to dedicate himself to improving the lives of elves in Finsel.
link to wiki page
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autoneurotic · 27 days
shout out to the little old lady who, when some guy called me a dyke at the kroger, said ‘that’s too much!’ and when he flipped HER off, she doubled down with ‘now, THATS too much!’
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knbposting · 3 months
i wish taiga had an older sister so bad
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protect-namine · 4 months
I was thinking the other day that man, kokuto neji is such a character and I haven't liked a writer character like this since... shang qinghua?
which naturally led me to this thought: jj fic with svsss-style au where neji transmigrates/gets isekai'd into the world of havenna. as domina, of course.
it's extra fucked up imo because at least when sqh transmigrated in his book, he made up all of those characters and they mostly stayed in the realm of fantasy. like, sure, lbh was kinda based on himself in some ways and mbj was his ideal fantasy, but they still mostly stayed fictional, you know? sqq (sy) had to fix his plots because the characters sqh wrote strayed too far from their original plotlines
but theater makes a fictional world a bit too real and personal, especially when you use real people as inspirations for your writing. with neji, he'd be looking at rukiora and see three different people (mitsuki acting as rukiora; rukiora who was written based on a younger version of neji; rukiora who is her own person in this weirdly real world of havenna). neji would see fugio and to him that is both sou acting as fugio and the fugio who grew up with poison flowers. miguel is both fumi and the guy who ran away from his neshiromi fields. the only constant would probably be chicchi. she is too much like kisa in that... well. neji didn't really have a backstory for chicchi. chicchi is a blank canvas just like kisa is as an actor.
anyway. yeah, very sv-style character arc where neji, much like shen yuan in sv, is forced to humanize the villain. except this villain was his creation and is also tied to a bunch of personal issues for neji that he Doesn't Want To Think About and also he doesn't? really understand the character he wrote tbh?
isn't art supposed to process your emotions for you!! why must he process these himself!!
can you imagine neji, who always casts himself as a seer of some sort (fortune teller, ushinoko) or someone who generally has some control over his future or his "creation" (who is mary if not just another side of neji anyway; she's takihime redux, and takihime is also. neji). imagine this dude being transported inside the play he wrote but he doesn't understand it and he has no control over it and everyone's acting both in character and out of character. he both knows and doesn't know these people. they're fictional but also... real? does he treat them as real people? is domina real? he wanted his actors to imbue parts of themselves into his characters. are these people really just characters from a script? are they his quartz classmates? is he allowed to even hope that that's the case?
it's both THE improv exercise of his dreams and also. a nightmare
#mine musings#liveblogging jj#jack jeanne#i do kinda want to write this eventually. like separate from a njmtsks fic#oh god. not me wanting to write a fic about a story within another story. oh rama havenna...#we can even throw in the whole prayer theme. like yes the priest preaches in a godless town and he carries a bible but hear me out#what if the god he's preaching about is himehiko instead#like. prayers and confession as offerings to a theater god. said theater god put you in your own play to “help” you fix it bc you#as the scriptwriter don't even understand anything about your own play#i kinda envision this as a neji & kai fic#though neji mostly struggles with rukiora and chicchi and the way domina prevents him from reacting authentically#neji knows everyone's backstories and inspiration but them BAM he has to face chicchi and he doesn't know anything about her#bc he was banking on kisa making chicchi her own character and being the 'transparent vessel' that helps everyone improve#and also he just had zero notes about chicchi lmao#neji every night at pontartia: is she being ooc right now or is this how chicchi was supposed to be all this time#like remember that time when he said to sou that he only realized what mukai's character was about after kisa got her act together#it's happening agaaainnnnn with chicchi#meanwhile rukiora hates him soooo much and neji is sad that he can't even confess about this to the priest bc it would be ooc for domina#mikki hates him!! except that's not mikki. but she looks and sounds and acts like mikki!! and also like a younger version of neji!!#he'll look to jire and he's all sad and mopey and neji is like. suzu having nuance is GREAT but also suzu not being cheery feels so bad man#where's my moodmaker? hachipochi missing hours :(#he tries to talk to sou but that's not sou that's fugio and also. fugio only cares about chicchi#domina barely even interacts with miguel so neji has to devise ways for domina to talk to him while being in character#but the minute he gets close rukiora is there and miguel would never talk to someone that makes rukiora upset. go away madame!!#neji is left to commiserate with otori/facchio and himehiko is laughing in the background
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