#she died before getting to vol 2 leaving only some notes
rhaenin-time · 2 months
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Glimpse of Us ~Eddie Munson Imagine~
Summary: You can't help but think about Eddie every time you look into your daughter's eyes.
Author’s Note: Jumping on the Eddie angst train. Choo choo. Reader is also just a year younger than Eddie.
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: spoilers for season 4 vol. 2, mentions of character death, very much angst
Please do not repost this anywhere!!!
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
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'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes And that's where I find a glimpse of us
It was no doubt that everyone knew you were Eddie's girl. The two of you had made plans to move out of Hawkins right after you both graduated high school. However, since Eddie was held back yet again, you took up a job in Hawkins to earn money so the two of you could get out when he finally graduates.
But only one of those things came true. You left Hawkins. Just not with Eddie.
After Eddie was accused of murdering Chrissy, you didn't hear from him for days. Then came Eddie's freshman friend, Dustin Henderson, who asked you to come with him during your shift at work. When you got into the RV with him, you saw your boyfriend sitting there.
"Eddie? Where the hell have you been?" You asked as you flung your arms around him.
"I'll explain everything later. For now, I just needed to see you and hold you," Eddie told you as he held onto you.
"I missed you," you tell him.
"I missed you too."
"Eddie I need to tell you something," you tell him.
"What is it?" Eddie asked.
"I'm pregnant," you tell him.
"I just found out this morning," you tell him. Eddie quickly engulfed you in a kiss before holding you tightly in his arms.
"I promise I'll come back to the two of you. I just need to do something and I swear we'll get the hell out of here and we'll raise this baby and be the best parents this kid will ever have," Eddie tells you.
"I'm holding onto you on that promise," you smiled softly at him. Eddie quickly kissed you again.
"Go back to work and I promise I'll come back to you okay? Just promise me you'll stay safe," Eddie said.
"I promise. Just make sure you come back to me," you tell him.
"I will darling. I will."
After the "earthquake", you headed over towards the high school to drop off some things for donations. As you started to replace the vandalized poster of Eddie, you heard Dustin's voice.
"Dustin, you okay? Have you seen Eddie?" You asked him. Dustin's eyes filled up with tears as he took out a note from his pocket.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. Eddie wanted to give me to give you this."
You took the note from him before sitting down to read it.
To my love,
Y/n, I'm so sorry but if you're reading this, I didn't make it. I have loved you the moment we first met in English class and you lent me a pencil because you saw that I didn't have one and that you offered to help me with studying so I could pass the class. I have always loved you and that you were the person I wanted to be with forever and always. When you told me that you were pregnant, I was thrilled. But I also knew that I needed to protect our baby by having to make a difficult decision by leaving you two. I know you'll raise our baby as best as you can and that you will love them for the both of us. I'm sorry for leaving you but I will always love you and our child.
Love, Eddie
P.S. You should think about naming our kid after a metal band
You let out a few tears as you reread the note.
"I wish everyone had gotten to know him," Dustin tells you. You looked over at him before nodding in agreement.
"He was kind and so loyal. But this whole town is very small minded," you sobbed.
"Even in the end, he never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything. He talked about you and when you told him about you being pregnant, he fought and died to protect not only you two but this town who hated him. Y/n... he's... he's a hero," Dustin tell you. You cried softly as Dustin handed you something else.
"He wanted you to have this," Dustin said as he gave you Eddie's guitar pick necklace with a ring attachted to it.
"He told me how he was going to propose to you and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you," Dustin tells you.
"Thank you, Dustin."
You looked over to see Eddie's uncle walk in. The two of you made eye contact before you stood up and said your goodbye to Dustin. You walked over to Wayne before shaking your head. Wayne's eyes started to fill with tears before pulling you into a hug. Wayne had saw you as the daughter he never had. So when Eddie introduced the two of you at first, he was skeptical at first before seeing how much in love you and Eddie were in. Now, you both had just lost the one person you both knew was innocent and had deserved better.
You didn't wait for anything else after the news of Eddie. You left Hawkins for California where you both planned to leave to. Nine months later, you gave birth to your daughter, Judith.
You cried the moment she was born and opened her eyes. You could imagine Eddie cheering next to you as he was finally a dad. You could imagine Eddie being hesitant to hold her at first but never wanting to let her go the moment she was in his arms.
You cried harder when you saw that she had Eddie's eyes, making more memories of Eddie hit you in a rush.
Now, five years later, you watched as Judith look more like her father as she grew up. Her brown, doe like eyes stared happily at the elementary school in front of her as she gripped onto her backpack straps. Her curly hair was in pigtails to keep her hair out of her face.
You squatted down to look at her as she stared at the school. You smiled softly as her eyes always reminded you of Eddie.
"Make sure you make lots of friends okay?"
"Okay mommy."
"You know what, you should wear daddy's lucky charm," you tell her as you put Eddie's guitar pick necklace on her.
"I can wear daddy's lucky charm?"
"Yeah. You ready?" You asked her. Judith nodded before holding your hand so you could walk her inside.
Another two years have gone by and you watched as Judith play with a small guitar, trying to learn it. You teared up a little as she looked up at you. You imagine your teenage self learning how to play the guitar with Eddie sitting right behind you, his hands over yours as he taught you.
"You're just like your father," you tell your daughter, trying not to choke up.
"Yeah. Next thing I know, you're going to be in a band and play sold out concerts. That's what your father dreamed of," you tell her.
"Then I'm gonna do that! I'm going to be like daddy and become a rock star like he wanted to be!" She smiled.
"Then you gotta work hard on that okay," you tell her before walking over to kiss her head.
You sit on the couch as you stared at a picture of you and Eddie together. You smiled softly as now every time you looked into your daughter's eyes, you could see Eddie. So to you, he wasn't gone. You can always see him in your daughter's eyes. To you, you can always catch the glimpse of the two of you.
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
But also, I can’t get over the fact that they just cut to “two days later” like no way Dustin was okay with just leaving his body there. No way Dustin was the only one that shows any emotion about losing him. I at least thought they’d have the group be a little sad over it or show us that.
I can go on and on and on about how Eddie’s death shouldn’t have happened and how it has emotionally wrecked me. But in the end that just means the actor did an amazing job at what he did… I’m now going to Etsy to buy eddie Munson merch
Btw… his funko pop doll is going for like $100. That character was very very loved
That's another tiny little thing that gives me hope, though: when Bob died, we got a long, clear shot of his body being mauled by the Demodogs, of Joyce screaming because she didn't want to leave him there. When Billy died, we got a long shot of his corpse, all the gruesome wounds on display, with Max sobbing over him.
But with Eddie - there were no gruesome wounds. There was some blood, but we've seen Steve in a way worse condition every damn season. The Duffers LOVE displaying gruesome fatal wounds. We didn't get such a shot of Eddie (thankfully). We didn't see Dustin screaming because he didn't want to leave Eddie there. Nothing like that.
There are two people who died in this show and whose death scenes weren't followed by a long shot of all their fatal wounds - and those were Brenner and Hopper. They both returned - Brenner even without a single explanation after being mauled by the Demogorgon. Not Demobats but the big boss.
With Eddie, it always seemed so obvious. The tattoos hinting at what would happen, his repeated talking about running and not being a hero, his scene with Dustin (gosh I can't type the quote without sobbing again so I won't, you all know which one I mean). The only thing they didn't do is put a sticky note with "I WILL DIE" on his forehead. It was so damn obvious that it would have been a twist if he had survived. And Stranger Things normally isn't the epitome of obvious - at least that's what I thought before Vol 2. That's what's driving me crazy.
The funko going up for 100 made my day, ngl. Maybe it's not too late for them to realize they made a mistake.
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farlynthordens · 3 years
SKB Volume 2 Summary
exactly as the title says, it’s a summary of important points from the novels. I just finished vol 2, and I plan to do this for every volume! contains major spoilers, including new characters.
Volume 2 (here) | Volume 3 | Volume 4  | Volume 5  | Volume 6 | Volume 7
*Note that names of new charas and places haven’t been officially translated yet, so the way I write them may not end up being canon
Milo and bisco were headed to Shikoku, which is apparently where bisco is from
They learn about an undying Buddhist priest name Kelsinha who lives somewhere in Izumo’s 6 Great Towers - a town dominated by 6 towers each representing a branch of some religion (izumo is a real place but the towers are made up)
They go to a bar disguised as girls and run into some people who are impersonating them. Fake!bisco tries to flirt with milo, and milo gets upset when bisco doesn’t jump in to save him. Later, fake!milo (a woman) tries to flirt with bisco and milo is fucking PISSED. he threatens her and she runs away. bisco thought milo’s scary side was cool
we learn that bisco’s tattoo is the rust eater symbol
Near Izumo, they find a nearly dead old man. After nursing him, the old man pulls a killua move and steals bisco’s stomach. it turns out the old man was kelsinha
Amli amlini (14 years old) and ruskenny jau (an adult woman who amli calls “teacher”) are also after kelsinha. they all start working together to figure out a way to defeat him
amli has silver hair in a bob cut, has one purple eye and one green (the green eye is a prosthetic). ruskenny is noticeably tall, has spiky, long blonde hair in a braid, and has a mandala tattoo covering her entire upper torso
After bisco’s stomach is stolen, he has frequent convulsions that cause rust eaters to grow from his body due to the rust in the stomach wound and his mushroom powers fighting each other. amli can remove some rust from people’s bodies, so she helps bisco by doing this alongside milo’s rust eater injections
Amli tries to flirt with bisco and won’t stop touching him, causing milo to shout at her and lie that bisco is engaged
According to ruskenny and amli, kelsinha steals people’s stomachs and eats them to retain his strength. they estimate bisco only has about 5 days to live
The 6 towers are water, fire, earth, nature, gold, and a central giant rust tower. the team comes up with a plan to steal the sacred sutras from each tower to keep kelsinha from getting them, as he can absorb them into his body to become more powerful. when infiltrating the gold tower, milo and bisco run into tirol (who somehow became a priestess there) and she joins their group
Due to kelsinha’s powers, milo is blinded in one eye by rust, and hears kelsinha’s voice in his mind. this causes him to hallucinate, becoming violent and distrusting to anyone that comes close................ except bisco, who is able to calm him down
Bisco’s condition is rapidly getting worse, aggravated any time he’s stressed. even so, he keeps trying to handle everything himself and let milo rest. milo doesn’t accept this, accusing bisco of trusting ruskenny and amli more than him, before storming off alone
Bisco is good at scripture karuta (this was the only game mushroom keepers played in his village), but bad at shogi (can’t read the kanji on the pieces)
we learn one verse from a karuta card: 星割りて降り注ぐなり砂の海 - “break open a star, and out pours an ocean of sand”
A: “people travel to izumo because they fear rust, and death. why would you, who has achieved immortality, want to throw it away?” B: “a while ago, I made a promise to milo. i don’t know if he even remembers it, but... he asked if we would be together forever. and i... said yeah, we would. even though us mushroom keepers don’t really do that kinda thing. / i already broke my promise once, and died before he did... and it made him cry a lot. he cried, he was angry, he told me to never leave him behind again, so that’s why I...” As amli listens, she thinks of how bisco and milo are like a single life residing in 2 bodies.
Kelsinha reveals that bisco isn’t immortal, just that he has strong regenerative powers and slowed aging. he also says that rust is an agent of change - things that are weak will die to it, but things that are strong are able to take on the rust’s power and evolve into something new
Kelsinha tortures milo and threatens to kill him unless milo acknowledges him as a god. milo refuses, saying that he already has a god in his life and has no room for another: “ ... I’ve already given my entire heart and soul to him. / i desire nothing. i only exist for his sake. i don’t even care about becoming a martyr, as long as I died fighting for him...”
Bisco is able to hear milo’s screams from miles away. when he arrives, he beats the shit out of kelsinha: “Before I kill you, I’m going to pay you back for everything you did to my partner. Get the fuck up and tell me where you want me to tear you a new one.” / kelsinha stabs a spear into his own (aka bisco’s) stomach, causing both of them immense pain, but bisco only takes the spear and stabs it in deeper. kelsinha screams and bisco responds: “Milo screamed more than that. It was enough to make my ears bleed...”
After defeating kelsinha, both milo and bisco are on the verge of death. bisco rushes to milo’s side and cradles him, holding his hand as they talk: b: “think you’re not gonna make it?” m: “yeah, sorry... I tried, but... / bisco, i’m sorry... I wanted to protect you, but...” b: “it’s okay. we’re archers... i broke my promise to you once, but i won’t do it again. we’ll be together now, wherever we go.” m: “we’re... we’re definitely going to hell...” b: (to amli) “there you have it... this is as far as we go. you can leave our corpses here, but it might be dangerous. giant mushrooms will probably grow all around where we’re buried”
Amli uses bisco’s stomach, the 2 sacred sutras kelsinha had, and part of her own life force to awaken bisco’s rust eater powers. his regeneration ability is able to heal himself and milo. this also causes milo to become a half-immortal like bisco due to absorbing the rust eater’s power, so now their problem of differing lifespans is solved, yay!
when milo wakes up, he’s very unhappy that his hair turned green (his natural blue color + orange from the rust eater)
Ruskenny shows up. she’s pissed that amli used the rust eater’s powers because they’re supposed to be avid devotees of Mashouten (the rust god, aka kelsinha), and it’s revealed that she is amli’s mother
Ruskenny tries to take bisco’s stomach and the sacred sutras for herself
Pawoo shows up to save them! she frees milo and bisco from being tied up, and they chase after ruskenny. she’s also very upset about milo’s green hair
It turns out ruskenny is trying to fully revive kelsinha by giving him all 5 sacred sutras. this would let him perform the mantra of control, which could turn everyone in japan into his worshippers (thus able to obtain more power from their combined prayers). she makes amli perform the mantra of revival to bring him back to life
Ruskenny’s husband - amli’s father who she’s been desperately wishing to see but never knew who he was - is kelsinha
Ruskenny asks kelsinha to give amli immortality, but he tries to kill amli instead so he can have her incredible rust powers. when ruskenny tries to stop him, he kills her and turns her into one of his puppets. amli tries to take revenge, but isn’t nearly strong enough to do anything
Milo realizes he can use the power of mantras, having stolen the knowledge from kelsinha when he was inside milo’s mind. he is able to summon emerald green cubes (this is what’s shown on the cover of vol 2) that are formed from a balance between the rust and the rust eater’s power, which can re-form into various shapes or cause green mushrooms to grow in their target
Milo saves ruskenny from kelsinha’s rust that was controlling her
Amli kisses bisco during his final fight against kelsinha BUT it at least helps save his life. she did it to transfer some of her rust energy to bisco to revive him
Bisco’s bow breaks. milo tells bisco to imagine the most powerful bow he can, and creates a new, stronger bow with his emerald cubes based on bisco’s thoughts. bisco is able to shoot thru kelsinha’s defenses with it, piercing his chest. he then fires one last arrow that glows as bright as the sun, and finishes off the undying priest
This happens as kelsinha dies: ... In his bloodied vision, he saw two bright stars, red and blue, supporting each other [holding each other up so they wouldn’t fall] ... k: “I... was... mistaken... akaboshi himself was no god. the real god [godlike power]... resided in their bonds...” #power of friendship and love
All 6 towers are completely destroyed, replaced by giant rust eaters. the town becomes a place that worships mushrooms (kusabira-ism), and amli becomes the high priestess of this religion. she asks the 2 to stay and guide the people, but they of course refuse. amli lightly flirts with bisco again and milo Does Not Like It.
Bisco and milo head out toward shikoku again. milo still has some of kelsinha’s power in him and is able to summon the cubes a little, but it’s greatly faded away. also, his hair will go back to being blue as it grows out - the green was only a temporary effect
milo thinks about kelsinha’s last words. he had talked of someone far stronger than himself, who would likely come after the 2 of them in the future. he also mentioned the tokyo crater, but died before he could finish his sentence.
Other notes:
The “final battle” of this novel takes well over 100 pages, which is like 1/3 of the whole book................
we’re introduced to the new captain and vice captain of the imihama watch: nuts and plum (from the children’s fortress). I didn’t think their scenes were important enough to include above, but their intro is when we learn that pawoo is in izumo
😞 amli is definitely too young to be flirting with bisco. the fact she calls him “big brother” also makes it............weird.
there are some unnamed priest side characters who appear for all of 5 seconds who are labelled as ok*ma (a japanese slur/stereotype of gay men or trans women). i was REALLY hoping this series wouldn’t go there, but they did...
fake!bisco flirting with milo (p31 and 34):
The large, redhead man gave a creepy grin as he approached the girls, reaching out to the closer one, the one with sky-blue hair, and tilted her chin up towards him. “Look at this one. No way a girl this gorgeous is from a nowhere town like this. Hey little lady, where’d you come from? Hm? Say, wanna have a drink or two with us?” ... [when milo turns to bisco for help, he’s just eating without a care in the world. milo starts a fight and they beat the shit out of fake akaboshi] ... Milo seemed pouty as he put his bow on his back, and then shouted at Bisco as he ran over to frantically re-dress his wounds. “Real nice of you to just chill there and eat while I’m in trouble. Do you not worry about me at all?!” “Why should I worry? You can take care of guys like that, easy.” “You have zero compassion! No morals!”
fake!milo flirting with bisco (p36-37):
The “fake Nekoyanagi”, who up til now had been cowering in fear, spoke in a soft, coy voice as she slid up to Bisco and wrapped her arms around his neck. ... “Mhmm, no way you’re a girl with muscles like these. I can’t believe I fi~nally found you! Hey, you know, I was tricked by that fake Akaboshi. I’m also a victim here, yeah? I feel sooo safe, seeing the real Akaboshi here in front of me. How about you come back to our...” Bisco’s entire face went red as the fake Nekoyanagi whispered into his ear. Then, Milo put his hand on the woman’s shoulder, gripping her with unbelievable strength as he wrenched her off of him. ... “Your birthmark. It’s on the wrong side. It’s on the left. Not the right.” Milo glowered at her with a dark, piercing stare as he spoke, seeming the complete opposite of his usual self. “Want me to give you a real black eye?” ... Bisco was just as surprised as the woman was at his behavior. “You should use that threatening sorta voice more often!” “I don’t normally get that way.”
milo getting angry at amli (p85):
.. When her fingers reached Bisco’s chin, Milo could no longer stand it and shouted angrily from where he stood beside her. “Hey! No more of this!!! You’re done, aren’t you?! Get the fuck back from him! I’ll take care of doing his IVs and stuff!“ “You needn’t worry, this is also one of my healing procedures.” “Don’t lie to me! You can’t be doing this, because...! B... Bisco is already engaged!“ “Oh, I see. Pardon me, then. He was just so handsome...“ ... “Hey. Do I really have a fiancee?” Bisco asked. “I said that because I had to... but are you sure you didn’t get up to anything with Pawoo?” “The hell’d I even do with that gorilla? Have banana eating competitions?” “You might think she’s not paying attention to you since she’s busy running Imihama, but she actually put a listening device in this ring I wear.” “WHAT?!” “Kidding.”
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sapphirelass · 4 years
Oh, darling... - Remus LupinxDaughter!Reader, Harry PotterxReader
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Hey, would you look at that! It’s only been a week since last time! So, this might be a bit confusing if you have read “Deal?” and “I’ll be by your side”, but hear me out: “Deal?” is still part 1, but since “I’ll be by your side” takes place after this one, that will now be part 3, and this part 2. Does that make sense? I hope so :) That means that this takes place between OotP and the Battle of Hogwarts, but I’m sure you’ll understand! :)
Deal? (Part 1) | Oh, darling... (Part 2) | I’ll be by your side (Part 3)
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
You probably already know this, but still:
Y/N - Your name
Y/N/N - Your nickname
Word count: ≈ 5,5k (Ohhh, you’re in for a long one!)
Warnings: Blood, Torture & Capture (Malfoy Manor scenes from DH, not very descriptive, but consider yourself warned!), Greyback (both being violent and... intrusive?), use of the more offensive word for ‘Muggle-born’, angst, Bellatrix
And in case you were wondering, yes I did look up lunar charts from 1998 when writing this XD
Enjoy! :)
Oh, darling...
“He’s abroad! He’s still looking for the wand, I knew it!”
“Come on, Hermione, why are you so determined not to admit it? Vol-”
“-demort’s after the Elder Wand!”
“The name’s Taboo!”, Ron bellowed, leaping to his feet as a loud crack sounded outside the tent. “I told you, Harry, we can’t say it anymore! We’ve got to p-”
(Y/N/N) had appeared behind Ron and put her hand over his mouth.
“Ron, our chances are gonna be even slimmer if you keep howling!”
The redhead nodded to confirm that he had understood what his friend had whispered, and she removed her hand. For a few *wonderful moments* the four of them thought they had made it! They waited in complete silence - Harry standing protectively in front of the others with his wand in a firm grip.
“Come out of there with ye’ hands up!”, came a rasping voice through the darkness. “You’ve got half a dozen wands aimed at ya’ and we don’t care who we curse!”
Harry turned around slowly and noticed Hermione and (Y/N) coming to a silent agreement. He was just about to ask the others what they thought they should do when Hermione aimed her wand at his face. There was a bang, a burst of white light and Harry buckled in agony, unable to see, as heavy footfalls surrounded the gang.
(Y/N/N) let out a small whimper as someone grabbed a fistfull of her hair and pulled her out of the tent. Harry, Ron and Hermione were wrested outside as well, and all four of them were restrained to prevent their escape. (Y/N) and Hermione both got their wrists bound together, but they stood next to each other while the snatchers questioned the boys.
Harry suddenly let out a distressed shout, because Scabior had smirked evilly and made his way closer to (Y/N/N).
“Don’t touch her! Don’t you dare!”
“Fine”, he said. “I won’t”
He turned back towards the girls, raised his wand and a swift movement caused (Y/N)’s legs to give in. She fell to her knees, her hands still tied behind her back. Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Scabior got there first.
“Ey, like I promised, I didn’t touch ‘er.”
He took a few threatening steps towards the girls and stood towering over (Y/N) as she was forced to kneel by the snatcher’s feet.
“And your name, girly?”
(Y/N/N) swallowed nervously before answering.
“Katie Bell. Halfblood.”
Scabior smiled again and walked over to Hermione. He was just about to ask her the same question when another snatcher approached them from behind.
“That’s a lie”
“What?”, asked Scabior. “What ‘ru on about?”
“I might not remember every single one.”, said the voice. “But when people are bit as revenge, I tend not to forget their name… or smell”
Fenrir Greyback stepped into the moonlight looking absolutely wild. His dirty hair was full of leaves and small sticks, and he had dried blood on his hands.
Scabior grabbed (Y/N)’s hair again, pulled her to her feet and pushed her towards Greyback. Harry struggled ferociously against the snatcher holding him, but it was no use. This gang might not be the smartest, but they were big, and strong. The situation seemed oddly familiar to Harry, and he realized that it remembered him of the few times Dudley’s friends had caught him and held him back while Dudley himself put his boxing skills to ‘good use’. This was worse though, and he kept fighting to get out of the snatcher’s grip despite knowing that it was impossible.
“Don’t touch her! Back off!!”
Greyback didn’t seem to hear Harry’s protests and roughly seized the collar of (Y/N)’s torn, dirty shirt. She tried to push him away, but without the use of her hands that proved to be very difficult, and Grayback pulled her closer instead. He grabbed her by the throat, and, because the werewolf was so tall, her feet no longer touched the ground once he could look her in the eye.
Greyback laughed darkly and threw the girl to the ground.
“Lupin…”, he muttered. “Didn’t know that traitor had a pup. You think daddy would like you to join or… pack?”
He bent down to his knees and dragged a sharp claw along her neck, forcing her to lift her head.
Both Harry and Ron had, at this point however, had enough and were just about to shout again when Scabior spoke up.
“C’mon Greyback. We’re wastin’ time. ‘m sure the ministry will let ya keep ‘er if the others are valuable enough. You take the halfbreed and we’ll bind the rest to the other prisoners.”
Greyback grabbed hold of the rope securing (Y/N) hands behind her back, and Scabior turned towards Hermione again.
“And you, love? A name? And blood status if you’d be so kind.”
“Penelope Clearwater, halfblood.”
“Easy enough to check.”
Someone yanked Harry, Ron and Hermione up by the hair, dragged them a few feet, pushed them down into a sitting position, and started binding them back to back with some other people.
A few snatchers went into the tent, presumably looking for anything of value, and the others kept a close eye on the bound prisoners. The group seemed to be getting ready to leave, but suddenly Scabior approached, a copy of the Daily Prophet in his right hand.
“Ang on a minute, Greyback! Look at this, in the Prophet! ‘Ermione Granger, mudblood known to be travellin’’ with ‘Arry Potter.’”
Greyback lifted Hermione’s head using his boot and said, “You know what little girly? This picture looks a hell of a lot like you.”
“It’s not me!”, said Hermione, “I swear it’s n-”
“Well this changes things, doesn’t it?”, whispered Greyback. Harry could still barely see, but noticed (Y/N) trembling as Greyback tightened his grip around her wrist. She stumbled slightly when the werewolf took a few steps towards Harry and bent down to get a closer look at his face.
“Oi, Vernon, what’s that on ya’ forehead?”
“Don’t touch it!”
“I thought you wore glasses, Potter”
“I found glasses!”
Another snatcher came running from the tent and seconds later Harry’s glasses had been rammed back on to his face.
“It is!”, howled Greyback triumphantly. “We’ve caught Potter!”
“So? To the ministry?”
“To hell with the ministry. I say we take them directly to You-know-who. Let’s take the boy to the Malfoys’ place”
“‘ru completely sure? Cause-”
“Who’s in charge here?”, roared Greyback. “I say it’s Potter, that’s 200000 galleons, and with any luck I’ll get the girl thrown in.”
The prisoners were dragged to their feet.
“I’ll get Potter too”, said Greyback while grabbing a fistfull of Harry’s hair. He wasn’t overly excited about standing so close to the vicious werewolf, but felt somewhat relieved when he was held right by (Y/N)’s side and she carefully leant her head on his shoulder. The small action gave him a sense of comfort despite the danger and seriousness of the situation.
“1, 2, 3…”
They disapparated.
“I know ‘e’s swollen, ma’am, but it’s ‘im.”, Scabior said. “If you look a bit closer, you’ll see his scar.”
“Bring them in.”
Harry and the rest were brutally shoved and kicked up broad stone steps into a hallway lined with portraits. Two figures rose from chairs in front of an ornate marble fireplace as the prisoners were forced into the room by the snatchers. Lucius Malfoy took a step forward.
“What’s this?”
“They say they have got Potter”, answered Narcissa coldly. “Draco, come here.”
Draco approached the prisoners apprehensively, but claimed not to be sure whether it, in fact, was Harry.
“How ‘bout them others, then?”, growled Greyback while pushing Ron, Hermione, (Y/N), Dean and Griphook forwards. “‘tis at least one mudblood, a Weasley and an Order member’s kid - recognize either?”
Draco still didn’t know, however Lucius Malfoy felt sure enough, and was just about to call ‘The Dark Lord’ when Bellatrix Lestrange entered the room and walked up to the captives. She began arguing with Lucius, but stopped abruptly when noticing the sword of Gryffindor being held by one of the snatchers.
Bellatrix went to attack, but changed her mind once Greyback told her that they had found the sword in Harry, Ron, Hermione and (Y/N)’s tent. Narcissa, who seemed increasingly worried as her sister attacked various people in the room, turned to the group of ‘kids’ again.
“Take these prisoners down to the cellar, Greyback”
“Wait!”, screeched Bellatrix. “All except… except the girls.”
“NO!”, exclaimed Harry just as Ron, struggling violently against the ropes that bound him, let out a loud roar.
“NO! You can have me! Keep me!!”
Bellatrix simply cackled evilly and said, “If one of them dies under questioning, I’ll take you next. Mudbloods, offsprings of Halfbreeds and blood traitors - they’re all the same to me. Greyback, take them downstairs and make sure they’re secure. But don’t do anything else. Yet...”
She grabbed both (Y/N) and Hermione by the hair and dragged them into the middle of the room. She let go and they both fell face first into the hard, dark floor with a crack. With a swift wave of her wand, thick ropes wrapped themselves around the girls’ ankles, effectively preventing them from escaping, and she then turned towards Greyback.
“Hurry up! Get them down quickly and you can have the Halfbreed. ‘m sure her screams will be enough to keep you entertained for a while?”
Greyback forced the rest of them into a dark passageway, his wand held out in front of him, projecting an invisible and irresistible force.
“Reckon she’ll let me have a bit of the girls when she’s finished with ‘em?”, Greyback crooned as he forced them along the corridor. “I’d say at least a bite or two each, wouldn’t you, boys? I think I’ll save the Lupin girl for Saturday, huh? I bet the full moon will make her taste even better, don’t you think??”
Both Harry and Ron were shaking in anger, but the invisible force kept them all in place. They were forced down a steep flight of stairs, still tied back-to-back and in danger of slipping and breaking their necks at any moment. At the bottom of the stairs was a heavy door, and Greyback opened it, pushed them all inside and slammed the door shut, but just as they hit the ground, a loud, panicked, heart wrenching scream was heard from directly above them.
“HERMIONE!? (Y/N/N)!?”
“I’m going to ask you again! Where did you take this sword? WHERE?!”
“We found it! - We found it! - PLEASE!!”
“You’re lying, you filthy mudblood, and I know it. You have been inside my vault at Gringotts! Tell the truth! TELL THE TRUTH!!”
“It was my fault!”, cried (Y/N) desperately, hoping that Bellatrix wouldn’t be as harsh on her since she was a half blood. Deep down, she knew that this was highly improbable, but she couldn’t stand watching Hermione writhing in pain. “I found it, Hermione had nothing to do with it! Leave her alone!”
Bellatrix dropped Hermione, and (Y/N) was pulled off the ground for the umpteenth time that day.
“Don’t you worry. You’ll get your fair share too - Ah!”
In just that moment, Greyback walked the last few steps of the stairs and entered the big room.
“Right on time, Grayback! Do what you want with this one.”
She threw (Y/N) into Greyback’s arms and turned back to Hermione.
“See if you can get anything of value out of her first, though. If her father is part of the Order as you say, then surely enough… persuasion… should give us something.”
Greyback dragged (Y/N) by the hair so that they were a few feet away from Bellatrix, and bent over the girl standing on all four. His wild face was merely inches from hers, and she flinched involuntarily feeling his warm breath on her neck. The werewolf stroked his hairy hand across her cheek, and (Y/N) closed her eyes, desperately trying to imagine being somewhere else. She was, however, fully aware of the fact that this was only the beginning. Greyback was famous for his savagery and brutal methods, and her father had once told her the story of their first encounter. Remus had told her how her grandfather, Lyall, had insulted the werewolf, who would later take his revenge by biting Lyall’s son.
Suddenly, a burning sensation spread from her neck down to her waist - causing her to let out a pained scream. She had been so lost in thought that she failed to notice Greyback raising his hand, with nails like claws, and slashing it across her body. Her thin shirt went from light green to red in a matter of seconds and she scrambled to get away from him - ultimately failing when he caught some of her hair between his hand and the floor.
“You know”, growled Greyback. “I told Potter and the blood traitor I’d save my sample of yourself for Saturday but… why choose?”
He grabbed her hands and held them far away from the rest of her body, giving her little to no chance of protecting herself, bent closer and sank his sharp teeth deep into her shoulder.
(Y/N) let out yet another bloodcurdling scream and thrashed violently, which only caused Greyback to scratch his claws across her face before swiftly standing and landing a rough kick to her stomach.
She coughed slightly and tried to get up, but it was then Greyback finally seemed to remember the fact that he owned a wand.
“What do ya’ think you’re doin’? Stay on the floor, where ya’ belong! CRUCIO!”
(Y/N) began writhing in pain, just like Hermione had earlier, but the sheer strength of the curse combined with previous pain, blood loss and the mental trauma of having been bitten by a werewolf - though not transformed at the time - was enough to make her stop fighting. She didn’t fully pass out, but lay limp at the floor.
Bellatrix had bound Hermione to a pillar near the fireplace and was instead questioning a goblin about the Sword of Gryffindor.
“No”, said Griphook. “It is a fake”
“Are you sure? Quite sure?”
“Good”, she said, and with a casual flick of her wand she slashed another deep cut on the goblin’s face. “And now - we call the Dark Lord. I’m sure we can dispose of these two”. She used her foot to turn (Y/N) over and studied her broken being with a sly smile. “Keep ‘em if you want, Greyback!”
Ron and Harry dashed into the room, Ron disarming Bellatrix and Harry catching her wand while simultaneously stunning Lucius Malfoy.
Harry and Ron both looked at Bellatrix who held a struggling Hermione in one hand, and used the other to press a silver dagger to her neck - all while resting a high heeled boot millimetres above the throat of (Y/N)’s now unconscious form.
“Drop the wands, or I won’t hesitate to let them both die covered in their own filthy blood. I said DROP THEM!!!!”
The boys threw the wands to the floor and Draco, after being told to, picked them up. Harry could feel Voldemort approaching, and the situation felt quite hopeless… None of them had a wand, he and Ron stood with their hands by their shoulders and wands pointing in their direction, and Bellatrix - who had already taken Sirius from him - had both the girls in her grasp.
“Now, I think we ought to tie these little heroes up again.”, said Bellatrix softly. “While Greyback takes care of Miss Halfbreed. I suppose you could have the mudblood too, if you fancy it. I’m sure the Dark Lord won’t begrudge you that after all you have done tonight.”
Her speech was interrupted by a peculiar grinding noise from above. All of them looked up and noticed Dobby on the chandelier. Bellatrix dropped Hermione and jumped out of the way - the chandelier falling on top of Hermione, (Y/N) and Griphook. Harry took the chance and pulled their wands out of Draco’s hand and then joined Ron in trying to get the girls to safety. He pointed all the wands at Greyback at the same time and shouted “STUPIFY!”, before picking (Y/N/N) up into his arms. They all stood surrounding Dobby who apparated them all out of there.
A soft knock caused (Y/N) to immediately look towards the door, but she breathed a sigh of relief once realizing that it was safe. She had been rather jumpy since their capture, and she hated feeling so… weak? Fragile? Hopeless?
“Hey, you doing alright?”
“Hi, Bill. Yes, I’m good. How’s Hermione?”
Bill smiled. “She’ll be fine. I’m sure it must have been horrifying for her, but trust me, we’ve seen worse. With both Fleur and Ron by her side I can’t find a reason to be worried. Honestly, I’m much more concerned about you.”
“Bill, I’m f-”
“No, see, I don’t think you are. Purely based on what the others have told me, you’ve gone through both physical and mental torture beyond what even the least decent person should consider ‘acceptable’. Your silence, constant twitching and rapid breathing further supports that theory. We just want to help.”
“Look, I appreciate that, I really do bu-”
“Do you want me to send word to your dad?”
“I- Wha- No! No, I’ll manage. A day or two to rest and a chance to process all that happened should get me back on my feet. I don’t want to worry him… Please, Bill, do-”
“Okay, I won’t write”, said Bill hesitantly. “But then you must promise to let us help. And if Remus contacts us asking whether we know anything about the four of you - I won’t lie. He’s done that roughly twice a week since November, though weirdly enough not the last couple of days, and there’s a bond of trust there, (Y/N/N). I trust you can understand that?”
“Of course”, she said, managing a weak smile. “But surely you, if anyone, would understand that you have to move on. I mean, you were attacked in essentially the same way last year and you sti-”
But Bill just shook his head.
“No, (Y/N/N), they’re not ‘essentially the same’. Not at all. When Greyback-”, (Y/N) flinched at the name and Bill put a hand on her shoulder. “When he attacked me, it was quick. Sure, it hurt like hell, but it was over in less than a minute. And I know you won’t like me saying this, but I suspect that was the case even for your dad. What he’s had to endure since that night is a whole nother story, but the actual moment? For the two of us, he was out to kill, and thankfully interrupted before he got the chance, but in your case I wouldn’t call it an ‘attack’ but rather… An intrusion, or violation if you will. (Y/N/N), what you went through, I can’t even imagine.”
Bill could tell the young girl didn’t know what to say, so he simply pulled her in for a gentle hug.
“Do you want me to ask Harry to come up?”
“What are they doing? I don’t wanna interru-”
“Just having dinner. We’d have brought you downstairs too, but you were still unconscious or sleeping half an hour ago. Fleur didn’t feel the need to drag you out of bed then.” He paused and examined her for a moment before standing.
“I’ll get him, give me a minute.”
“Harry, what if Dumbledore wanted us to work out the symbol in time to get the wand? What i-”
“Ron, I-”
Their conversation was interrupted when Bill entered the kitchen.
“Harry? She’s up.”
Harry turned to his best friend’s brother, a look of utter confusion on his face.
“I.. Wha- How is she? Can I-”
“Go. She’s trying to be strong, of course, yet there’s something more there. Her bravery is admirable, but I don’t think it’s very healthy to keep it all bottled up. If anyone could get her to let it out it’d be you. Go.”
Harry carefully pushed the door open, and his eyes immediately found hers. They had been friends for so many years now, that reading each other’s thoughts was considered ‘normal’. Harry was instantaneously relieved when she didn’t jump, flinch or move away from the door. He walked over to the bed and was pulled into a loving hug before even sitting down. That was not what he had expected…! Sure, he had hoped that she wouldn’t be completely broken, but considering everything he - they - had been through, he hadn’t dared to imagine any best case scenario only to be completely crushed by the truth.
“(Y/N/N)? How a-”
But that was all it took - for him to say her name. She wasn’t sobbing, just crying silently - tears falling freely from her eyes.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry, Harry. Crying’s not going to help anyone I just-”
“(Y/N/N), don’t apologize, please. Just let it out, you’re safe. I’m here and I’m not leaving you again, okay? You’re safe now. You’re sa-”
There was a loud ‘BANG’ on the front door. Harry grabbed his wand and took a few careful steps down the stairs, constantly making sure that (Y/N/N) was right behind him. He grabbed her hand tightly and watched as Bill, with his wand pointing towards the door, made his way from the kitchen to the hallway.
“Who is it?”
“It is I, Remus John Lupin. I’m a werewolf, married to Nymphadora Tonks, and you, the Secret Keeper of Shell Cottage, told me the address, and bade me come in an emergency.”
Bill ran to the door and wretched it open. (Y/N/N) looked over Harry��s shoulder and saw her dad stumble over the threshold before standing up straight and exclaiming “It’s a boy! We’ve named him Ted after Dora’s father.”
“Wow, that’s amazing!”, sad Bill sounding uncharacteristically nervous as he met Fleur’s gaze. Tonks having her baby would explain Remus’ lack of messages for the past few days, and Bill was starting to regret not letting him know about his daughter’s condition as soon as she had arrived.
Remus seemed to calm down slightly as well, and suddenly noticed Ron, Hermione, Dean and Luna at the dining table
“Wha-”, he began, but Bill just nodded towards the living room.
“Remus, look, I think you better sit down and I-”
But the older man didn’t seem to agree with whatever Bill was going to suggest.
“What happened?! When?! And whe-”
He didn’t get to say much more before two arms wrapped around him from behind. He knew, given the current state of the Wizarding World, that he should grab his wand and push them away, but he already suspected who it was. His theory was confirmed by a hoarse whisper:
It was such a short word, but her voice broke nonetheless. He began turning around, desperate to get a good look at his daughter after over eight months apart, but she struggled against him.
“(Y/N/N), let me look at you?! Stop- NO, stop it I-”
He might just have travelled through a storm, but was still the stronger of the two. Physical strength would, however, prove to be essentially worthless, and the Marauder fell to his knees as soon as he laid eyes on his only daughter. He forced himself to look at her, but it must have been one of the most challenging things the man had ever had to do.
She was covered in deep wounds & scratches from head to toe. Her wrists were bloody and bruised and at least a few, red bite marks stood out against her otherwise pale skin. Her eyes were red, and her face was still covered in wet tears. She was trying her best to stand up straight, but no one knew (Y/N/N) like her father did - not even Harry - and Remus immediately sensed that something was wrong. She was crouching down ever so slightly - almost as if she had been curled up or forced into a fetal position for way too long.
“Oh, darling…”
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Those two words were the only ones he managed while his mind desperately worked on processing the sight in front of him. He had come with the intention of sharing some joyful news, but this - what had happened instead - was way beyond his worst nightmares. His boggart had been the full moon for as long as he could remember, but he was quite sure the silvery orb would not glide out from the cupboard the next time he had to face one.
“(Y/N/N)?”, mumbled Harry. “Do you want some help upstairs? I feel like you two could use some privacy..?”
She nodded, and Harry, who had now also noticed her unusual posture, placed her right arm over his shoulders and helped her back up. Her father - naturally - followed closely behind.
(Y/N/N) sat back on the bed from before, her gaze focused on a particularly interesting spot on the floor. Her father sat down next to her and gently placed an arm around her small body, expertly avoiding the many red or brownish lines. She wanted to look back at him. To put her arm around him and return the hug, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Sure, he did promise her not to blame himself for whatever fights she chose, but this was different. She hadn’t chosen this one, and her wounds were far worse than anything Umbridge had ever accomplished. Just the thought of having to tell him who was responsible and what he had said frightened her. Not that she was scared of her dad, but she knew he would claim that everything was his fault. She couldn’t lie, though. Not this time. He deserved to know exactly what happened.
“(Y/N/N)? Darling? Are you okay? What happened?”
His voice was now extremely gentle, which was comforting for (Y/N) too. She took a deep breath and turned to face him. She spoke barely above a whisper, her neck still bruised and sore from the countless times she had been grabbed and held by it.
“Yes. Yes, I’m good. Or fine at least.”
“I assume you understand that I want to hear the full story, but I must ask - when?”
He reached towards her shoulder and gently brought his hand over the bite marks.
“‘round Easter, I don’t know exactly… seventh? eight? ninth? Not the eleventh though, I’m sure of that.”
His facial expression went from terrified to slightly calmer as he rubbed his temple.
“Okay, that’s… that’s good. Given the circumstances, I mean. And you’re absolutely positive? Because sometimes traumatic events can make you forge-”
“Dad, I’m sure! If there’s one part of me that’s in prime condition it’s my memory...I- I remember every second.”
She shuddered at the thought of if all, and quickly added, “He wasn’t transformed…”
Remus looked at her sadly, the truth, or at least parts of it, now clear to him.
“Not Gre-”
“DoN’t! Please...”
She put her head on his torso when he pulled her closer.
“Please, I can’t-”
“Breathe, Darling. You’re safe. I’m sorry I… Blimey I should have guessed. Took me months and I was barely five… C’mere.”
They sat like that for a while, Remus resting his head on his daughter’s while humming quietly. He eventually decided he couldn’t take it anymore and cleared his throat to catch her attention.
“(Y/N/N)? You have to tell me what happened. Have you gotten these wounds treated? They don’t look very good…”
“Trust me, they were much worse back then. I think Fleur did her best to heal them. She’s really goo-”
He looked away and took a deep breath. “You’re avoiding the question, (Y/N/N)…”
“Dad, I do-”
He slammed his hands down on the bed as his voice grew angrier.
“(Y/N), you promised me you’d never hide any kind of pain from me ever again?! I-”
He suddenly noticed his daughter desperately cowering away and lowered his voice.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, but I trusted that promise! And don’t even try to tell me how ‘you’re fine’ or ‘it’s not really even hurting anymore’. (Y/N/N), I have known you your whole life, let me help. You must te-”
“I know. I will. I know you deserve that, just… I don’t know where to start? A lot has happened… And I also need you to know that I didn’t break my promise. Bill and Harry told me I’ve been drifting in and out of consciousness for days. I only properly woke up an hour or so before you came and haven’t had time to send a message.”
He looked at her, and she moved closer again.
“It’s good, dad. We’re good, don’t worry about it.”
Then she told him. The entire story - starting with breaking into the Ministry and then everything about Godric’s Hollow, The Lovegoods’ house - but came to an abrupt stop after that. She took a moment to collect her thoughts, but then shared the events of the past two weeks as well. She told her father all about Harry accidentally using You-Know-Who’s name, the group of snatchers surrounding them and their decision not to try to fight their way out.
“We were outnumbered, and had to hide the fact that they had just caught Harry. Hermione used a stinging jinx which, naturally, worked perfectly - they didn’t recognize him at first. They tied us all up and started asking questions about names, blood status and so on. None of us gave them our real names of course, and it worked well until… until he… until he stepped out of the shadows and told the others that the name I had given them was false. It took him a minute or two, but he claimed to… ‘recognize my smell’ - your smell, I suppose.”
“(Y/N/N), it’s m-”
“No! You can’t blame yourself. That was your part of the deal, remember?”
“Well, this time it seem like it actually was-”
“not your fault, exactly. The snatchers found some photographs in the Prophet, Harry’s glasses and a bunch of other stuff and kind of made the connection themselves.”
She explained how they were taken to Malfoy Manor. How Bellatrix had ordered everyone apart from the two girls down to the dungeons. How she had bound them even tighter before taking care of Hermione, and later Griphook, herself and leaving (Y/N) defenceless to deal with Greyback.
“Do you know what the worst part is? I barely even tried to defend myself. Merlin, I just felt so... weak!?! So worthless. He just stood there - right by my face - breathing and”, she shuddered again, “‘petting’. Then he hacked, and slashed, and bit, and kicked and pushed. Eventually realized he was in possession of a wand and… It was unbearable, I-I-I can’t even... ”
“Shhh, breathe, Darling, breathe! Easy there…”
He pulled her, if possible, even closer until she sat in her father’s lap. (Y/N) used to fall asleep in his lap when she was a little girl - the warmth and comfort calming her down - but it had been years since… She was, after all, a young adult now.
“Listen, and I need you to understand this because it is very important - you are not weak! Far from it! In a situation like what you have just described, if you are wandless and unable to practically defend yourself, coming with sly remarks and trying to argue with the one in possession of the wand would not only be dangerous, but also rather careless. If there was anything I could do to change what happened, then believe me, I would, but don’t for a second beat yourself up over your decisions.”
Remus looked at (Y/N/N), but chuckled slightly when he noticed his daughter slowly drifting off to sleep. He decided to shake her slightly and wake her before it was too late.
“(Y/N/N)? Don’t you think it’s better if we go home? You can go to sleep there instead?”
“What?”, she mumbled. “But, dad, we’re not done yet? Harry, Ron and Hermione-”
“-Will just have to do without you for a while. Listen to reason, darling. You are injured, shaken and can barely stand up straight - which is perfectly understandable! I’m just saying, the best thing you can do is probably to rest and let them go on for now. Who knows, maybe you will be able to go back after healing?”
Remus made a mental note to keep his daughter close to him from now on, and NOT to let her throw herself back into the war, but felt like this was the best way to convince her right away. He had missed her every minute since they had parted ways back in August, and dreamt of the day they’d reunite, but never had he imagined he’d find her in such a state. He swore to himself that he would always try to keep her safe.
His daughter
His darling
His (Y/N/N)
Never again…
~ L
Part 3 I’ll be by your side
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ammocharis · 3 years
Avvar History Reconstruction, Part 2
In this part, I’d like to pose a couple of questions: where exactly did Tyrdda’s tribe live? Why did she decide to break away from the Alamarri? Where did her people go? The answers are not as straightforward as it may seem.
The Seven Magisters weren’t the first people who tried to get into the Golden City.
Read >Part 1<
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The next major event in the timeline was the separation of the Avvar from the rest of the Alamarri tribes.
-1815 Ancient: The Alamarri living near Lake Calenhad break away, becoming known as the Avvar. The two groups war with each other for centuries.[1]
The reason why Tyrdda chose to break away from the Alamarri was a conflict with Thelm Gold-Handed, a chieftain who subjugated multiple lesser tribes.
(As a side note, Lake Calenhad obviously wasn’t known as such in the times before Calenhad, who lived during the Exalted Age - some 2300 years later. I’ll continue calling it Lake Calenhad so as not to cause too much confusion.)
“Thelm Gold-Handed, fingers greasy, jeweled rings with glitter shone,
Took in tribes in times of trouble, fed them fat to weaken bone.
Warriors great and great in number, sun-kissed swords to fight his wars
Drake-scaled shirts their bodies covered, heart-wine stained the salty shores.
Told his tribes a tale of treasure, over sea to north it gleamed,
Whispered words to drive the droves to golden city where he dreamed.
Counseled quick in dreams alone,
Voices wiser man ignores,
Pushed the tribes until they screamed,
Heed the dreams and cross the Waking.”[2]
As we can see, Thelm wished to cross the Waking Sea and collect a treasure within the golden city he had been promised by mysterious voices in his dreams. It appears that he controlled a large territory lying by the sea.
Personally, I subscribe to a theory that Kirkwall was the place where the Magister Sidereal breached the Veil to get to the Golden City. I won’t elaborate on the details here, but it’s a widely popular theory so I invite you to read about it on your own, if you haven’t come across it already. I mention it here because I believe that Thelm was one of the first people who were influenced by whatever is lurking inside the Golden City, and he was being prompted to follow the same steps as the Seven Magisters, which includes finding an entrance to the Fade -  an it just so happens that a there’s a suitable location, atop the Primeval Thaig, near the place where the City of Chains would once be built. Kirkwall is located north of the Fertile Valley, across the Waking Sea. Perhaps Thelm was contacted in his dreams because the area he controlled was located in the vicinity of a possible Fade entrance.
I’d also like to point out that Tyrdda was aware that the gilded city was nothing but a lie, a trap for the greedy. She received a warning from the Lady of the Skies.
We’re told that prior to the separation movement, Tyrdda’s tribe lived near the Lake that is now known as Lake Calenhad, but that’s the extent of the information we’re given. I want to propose a somewhat counterintuitive idea and say that Tyrdda’s tribe inhabited an area to the east of the Lake, not west.
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Figure 3. Green area - tribes led by Thelm Gold-Handed Blue area - tribes led by Tyrdda Bright-Axe (Disclaimer: All maps included in this write-up are meant to represent only rough estimations of areas that might’ve fallen under the influence of various tribes that belong to the Alamarri cultural group. These are not firm borders.)
Firstly, the Saga of Tyrdda mentions that:
“Tyrdda Bright-Axe, bold and bloodied, took her tribe from placid plains Tribes with blades by farming blunted chased and fought, their parting pains.”[3]
Which makes me think that her tribe lived in the Fertile Valley proper. West of the Lake is already a mountainous region, judging by the way it’s depicted on Thedosian maps.
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Figure 4. Lake Calenhad and the surrounding area on the Inquisition map
Furthermore, it stands to reason that the region controlled by Tyrdda was adjacent to the lands under Thelm’s rule, which, as I explained before, appear to have been located in the northernmost part of the Fertile Valley. Thelm was aiming to gather a massive number of warriors in order to cross the Waking Sea and claim the riches of the Golden City for himself. Naturally, he would first look for “allies” in the neighbouring tribes.
And so Tyrdda abandoned the other Alamarri tribes and led her people away from the plains.
“To the mountains, shorn of shelter, snow-slicked peaks gave wind its bite”[4]
Here I’d also like to pose another theory - Tyrdda didn’t lead her tribe west, to the area that’s considered the Frostbacks in modern Thedas. Instead, she took them south, following the shores of the Lake, until they reached the place that is now known as the Hinterlands. Let me explain why.
In Dragon Age: Inquisition, we explore a mountainous region called the Hinterlands, specifically the part that surrounds the settlement of Redcliffe. A storyteller encountered in the village describes it as such “Even before the sky fell open, this was a land of spirits and demons. Magic grows wild in the hills of Redcliffe.” During the exploration, we can find landmarks that reveal the Saga of Tyrdda Bright-Axe. After discovering all stanzas, a war table mission becomes available, titled “Locate Weapon of Tyrdda Bright-Axe”. Sister Dorcas Guerrin, a Fereldan scholar, explains that:
“The rich oral tradition of the Avvar has been largely lost, leaving only these rune-marked fragments. [...] Based on marker runes left at each of these locations, I may be able to find the site where Tyrdda’s legendary axe is located.”[5]
So it appears that there are Avvar marker runes sprinkled around the Hinterlands, which point to a place where Tyrdda’s staff, along with her other earthly possessions, were stored. It leads me to believe that the Avvar had presence in the Hinterlands after they separated from the Alamarri, since the Saga of the Avvar-Mother describes events from Tyrdda’s life up until her death. When Tyrdda died, her tribesmen (perhaps with the help from dwarves, as Tyrdda had allied with prince Hendir) installed marker runes in the Hinterlands that if combined together would reveal a path to the site where Tyrdda’s relics had been safely put away. This vault was located in another part of the highlands, but it’s unclear where exactly. In my mind, it just makes sense that the marker runes would be left in the place where the Avvar tribe settled after they separated from the Alamarri.
(As a side note, the Avvar do cultivate their oral traditions. Tyrdda’s identity as a mage wasn’t a shock to them - “the Avvar were completely unsurprised by Tyrdda being a mage. While it was lost to Fereldan history, it was evidently taken as an unspoken truth among the Avvar.”[6])
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Figure 5. The region where the Avvar might’ve settled after separating from the rest of the Alamarri
Another argument for why the Hinterlands were the place the Avvar relocated to is the tree dedicated to Tyrdda’s lover, which can be found on Dennet’s horse farm.
“The farmers remember the old ways and the old blood, and we’ll honor that [...] If the farmers want to leave that tree to honor Tyrdda’s leaf-eared lover, we’ll let it be, and whatever we lose from the land, we’ll gain in loyalty.”[7]
The age of the tree in question is unknown, I would assume it’s not from Tyrdda’s time since it’d have to be over 2500 years old (though it’s possible, the oldest known tree on Earth was almost 5000 years old) but it’s still a sign of the Avvar beliefs being present in the area for a substantial amount of time. Admittedly, the Alamarri also believed in the Lady of the Skies, though in this case, the importance seems to be attached to the deity being Tyrdda’s lover specifically, not the goddess of the skies.
In Jaws of Hakkon, Scout Lace Harding mentions that when she was a little girl “a lady in our village used to tell me Avvar tales” which is yet another hint of the Avvar influence on the Hinterlands, as Harding was born and raised in a settlement located near Redcliffe.
I imagine that for the Avvar lore to become so ingrained in the Hinterlands, the Avvar had to be present in the area for a long time, well after their separation from the Alamarri. I theorize they held it at least until the times of chieftain Morrighan’nan who lived around -355 Ancient (more on her and the area she might’ve controlled in Part 4).
To sum up - I think that “Frostback Mountains” used to refer to a much wider area. The highlands located west and south of the Lake were all included in its definition, while “Fertile Valley” was the name of the lowlands east and north of the Lake. When the Alamarri tribes first crossed the mountains, they settled in the Valley, and the Frostbacks remained largely uninhabited until the Avvar took them as their home.
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Figure 6.
Redefining regions Blue area - Frostback Mountains Green area - Fertile Valley
Next up - did the Avvar completely disappear from the Fertile Valley?
[1] Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 1, p. 13
[2][3][4] Codex entry: Saga of Tyrdda Bright-Axe, Avvar-Mother
[5] War Table mission: Locate Weapon of Tyrdda Bright-Axe
[6] War Table mission: Send Relics of Tyrdda Bright-Axe
[7] Note: Tyrdda's Lover, written by Elaina to her husband, horsemaster Dennet
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Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Azusa Mukami [Track 4]
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Original title: ただ、一緒に
Source: Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Azusa Mukami [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: ーー And once again, the power of true love prevails!! The plot of the Zero CDs is a perfect combination between angst, suspense and fluff, which is why it is one of my favorites. I felt like the ‘enemy’ they were fighting this time was not as extreme compared to some of the other CDs and I genuinely got some ~~feels~~ in the end. ;w;
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 4: Simply, Together
The two of you walk through the hallway of the museum.
“Oh...The hallway is...different from earlier...It used to be full of twists and turns, but now it’s just...one straight path...If this building is alive...I suppose it would easily be able to...change its interior...?”
You ask how much longer you’ll have to walk. 
“Mmh...I wonder how much longer this path goes on for...? I’m pretty sure...the museum is guiding us towards a place though...”
Azusa comes to a halt.
“Ah. ...A door. ...Let’s go! We have no...other choice.”
“...H-Huh...? We’ve returned here again...? The room filled with...art supplies...”
You seem confused. 
“Mmh...I wonder why? Is there something...important here? ...Oh! Wait.”
He looks around, suddenly spotting his doppelganger.
( Say, what’s wrong? Ah...You’re hungry, aren’ you? I’m sorry! I’ll prepare your meal in no time! )
“It’s his...voice...I can hear it from right up ahead...We should probably turn around, huh?”
You shake your head. 
“Ah...Right...It’s a one-way path...So we can’t go anywhere else...Ugh...In that case...Let’s quietly...sneak closer. There might be something in the back after all...”
You slowly step closer.
( Hey...Cheer up? Do you hate me now? )
“Eh...? W-What’s...that!?”
( ...Oh? Ah...You’ve come here. )
( Haah...How troublesome. I went through so much trouble to tie you both up too. )
“...!! Stay by my side...!”
Azusa protects you.
“We can’t die here...! We have to go back...no matter what!”
( Can’t do~ Just look at how grumpy she is. I’m sure it’s because she’s hungry. Therefore, I need you two to become her food. ...Say, you want to hurry up and eat too, right? )
( Oh...What’s wrong...Why won’t you rejoice...? )
“Ah...S-Say! The thing you’re...talking to...it’s shaped like a person but is it...a work of art?”
( ...Right. I made this. It’s the heart of the museum. )
“Oh...! Of the museum...?”
( Fufu~ Isn’t it pretty? I attached these tubes as well. All of the nutrients absorbed through the food come flowing in here. Because of this system, she can stay alive, even when reduced to just her heart. )
“What do you...mean...?”
( My precious someone...was killed a long time ago. Even though she was...so very, very important to me... )
“Are you perhaps talking...about the woman on those sketches?”
( ...Exactly. The one person who accepted me. Without her, I would lose even my reason to exist! Yet...! She almost took her last breath right in front of my own eyes! If she were to pass away I just...I wouldn’t know what to do! ...But you know, I realized! That I could simply move her still-beating heart... )
“Oh...Don’t tell me...That heart is inside...?”
“You transplanted the heart and...turned the person you loved into that thing? Is that why this museum is alive?”
( Yes. Right now...She is this building. )
“Say...Who are you? You’re not an ordinary painting...”
(  I’m a Vampire just like you. I just so happened to be well-versed in this department. (1) ...I was simply living a happy life painting pictures, accompanied by the person I loved. ) 
“Together with...the person you loved?”
( However, as you can see, I died too, staying by her side as a spirit to ensure she would not grow lonely. As a painting who hunts for her prey. ...To make sure she stays alive. )
“...!! What are you...going to do...?”
( What do you mean? I have to restrain you two with pins to make sure the food doesn’t run away? )
The fake Azusa uses his magic to make the pins float in the air.
( Hm~ I’m glad I brought a bunch of these large pins with me. ...I’ll turn you both in skewers, okay? )
“...!! Step back!! ...Ugh!”
“Aaargh...!! Uu...Ugh...”
( Ahaha~ My live specimen is complete~ We’ll do this in order, so you’ll have to wait till later. ...First up, we’ll start with the more delicious-looking one~ )
He approaches you.
( Woah there...~ Struggle all you want, but you can’t run. ...The sheer white canvas over there, that’s the museum’s mouth. Once you get thrown inside, you will melt away and become nutrients. ...You seem to have a thing for pain, so I’ll make sure you dissolve slowly, okay? Fufu~ )
The painting demon starts dragging you towards the canvas.
*Rustle rustle* 
“You...can’t...Let...go of her...!”
( Ah...! )
“...The museum is...crying...again...Perhaps...S-Say...! Couldn’t your...girlfriend be weeping because...she wants you to...stop this already...?”
( ...Hah? )
“When you...fed off her or...even when I did it...Every time...there was the scent of blood...the museum cried...Even when you tried to get her eaten...as if she’s...begging you not to do this...”
( ...You’re wrong. That can’t be. )
( She would never disagree with what I do...! I love her this much! It’d definitely make her happy! ...Ugh. She has simply grown impatient because I’m such a slowpoke. Come on! Get inside the painting...!! )
He pushes you against the canvas.
( It’ll be all over once she sinks into the canvas. I’m sure she’ll feel better once she has had her meal~ )
“...Eve...Kuh...You can’t...I won’t let you go...!! I definitely...won’t let you go all by yourself...!”
( Eh...!? There’s just no way he could stand up right now!? )
“Ugh...Kuh...To me...She is my special someone...She is the only one I have...! I definitely don’t want her...to go...!!!!”
Azusa frees himself.
*Cling clang*
He rushes over to you, trying to pull you out of the canvas.
“I won’t let you go...Never...! Argh...!!”
The two of you get absorbed by the painting.
“...Where are we...? I can’t see...anything...? Haah, haah...Am I...inside the painting?”
You call out for Azusa.
“...! Eve...!? Are you there...!?”
You call for him again and Azusa runs to you. 
“Ugh...Haah, haah...! You’re here...”
He grabs hold of your hand.
“...Why are you apologizing...? I didn’t want to leave your side...so that’s why I followed you. I don’t want us to be separated...”
You ask if you will get eaten now. 
“Mmh...It’s all over once you...get absorbed by the painting...We might get...consumed. But you know, this is way better...than losing just you...Neither of us...should have to be lonely. We always have to be together...Right?”
You nod.
“Yeah. ...That’s why...I don’t regret anything. Let’s be together in life and death.”
*Rumble rumble*
“Oh...Eh!? It’s...shaking?”
*Rumble rumble*
“...Ah! I’m being...pulled in...! ...Eve! ...Hang on tight...! Don’t...leave me...!! Aaaaah...!!!”
The two of you get sucked out of the canvas again. 
“Ugh...Ow...A-Are you...okay?”
You nod.
“Thank god...Give me your hand. Can you stand?”
Azusa helps you get up.
“...Where are we...?”
“...We made it...out of the canvas...!?”
( ...Why!? How come!? How did you get out!? This has never happened before...!? )
“Oh...I see. She let us out...The museum let us...go...”
( ...!! N-No way...No...I don’t believe this. She is always happy with my work! There is no way she would get in my way! )
“That might be true...I’m sure she really does love you...But couldn’t that be...why she’s sad now?”
( ...Eh? )
“You see...I saddened the person important to me in the past as well. Time after time...”
You frown.
“That girl was a...kind person so...she was worried about me and hurt herself too...That’s why I sort of understand...I’m sure your girlfriend is worried about you...Since you’ve taken many lives for her sake. ...I’m sure she doesn’t want you...to continue this...So don’t you think that could be why...she’s crying?”
( ...! ...Say...Is he right...? Are you crying because of me...? )
*Rumble rumble*
( ...!! I-I see...I was wrong... )
He drops to his knees.
( I’m sorry...I...I’m so sorry...! I never meant to make you suffer...! I just...I didn’t want to let you die! I thought that...You’d be happy if I did this...! But...I was wrong, huh? I had forgotten. That you were always the type of person who would worry about me, instead of about yourself. I made you worry a lot, didn’t I? ...I’ll no longer repeat the same mistake. I’ll stop doing this. So please...! Will you stay by my side? )
( Aah...I see...Mmh. Thank you. )
He stands up again.
( I have a...request to make. Could you please...burn me down together with this museum. )
You seem shocked.
( She wants things to end. Because she can’t become happy, even if she were to remain alive. However, I can’t let her go alone, so I will perish alongside her. No matter where it takes us, I don’t want to leave her side. )
“I...see. ...Mmh. Understood.”
You tell Azusa not to do it.
“I...can’t stop them. The two of them...seem happy after all. That’s why...Eve...”
You nod.
“Mmh. Let’s go...outside. If we stay here...We’ll get swallowed by the flames...after all...”
( ...Hey! Can I ask one last thing? )
( What would you do...If she were to die on you? )
“I would...”
You look up at Azusa.
“i cannot...fantom that...But! However...I might have just done...the exact same thing you did...”
“...Oh. It has stopped raining. The nearby greenery is still wet, so the fire probably won’t spread...”
You ask him if this is truly the right thing to do.
“Mmh. They wished for this themselves...So I think this was for the best. Besides...I’m sure that nobody can decide...whether this is good or bad...This is the path they have chosen for themselves after all...Nobody should interfere with that...”
He turns his head towards you.
“It’s the same for us, right...? No matter what happens...We don’t want anyone to get in our way...We’d want to be together forever...Don’t we?”
You agree.
“Mmh...I pray (2) that as they meet their end, and even after that...they will never be torn apart...Farewell.”
Azusa sets the museum on fire.
Translation notes 
(1) This sentence is quite vague, but I suppose he refers to having the necessary knowledge to know that if he preserved his lover’s heart and put it into something else, he could keep her alive that way. 
(2) He ends his sentence with ように or ‘you ni’ which implies that he is making some sort of wish. 
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borkthemork · 5 years
In Dreams - Steven’s Dream Analysis
The episodes have taken out my kneecaps, so it’s now time for another symbolism analysis post!
Of course, I’ve been waiting for a long time for an episode such as this so I’m gladly jumping it; however, what we should keep noting is how dream interpretation will always branch out when it comes to connotations. So when we discuss “In Dreams”, any interpretation could be plausible since the elements found in the reveries could be viewed in differing ways depending on the angle of perspective.
I’ll be jumping around a lot since this won’t be the casual essay type of thing with transitions, it’ll more so be different portions where I bring my own interpretations into the mix and feel free to add onto it!
Anyway, let us begin!
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Dream One (The Beginning)
For dreams, we usually have an intention or metaphorical usage found in different ways actions or scenes are being portrayed. The first dream is able to encapsulate a great deal of what Steven wants: the ability to live his life without feeling like his purpose of being present could only be done in the circumstances of heroism.
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You see this play out with how Steven arrives at his own home, a place of familiarity. What is being shown is the ideal situation, what Steven wants to attain in the conscious world; it even shows the feeling of comfort or homeliness in the characters found inside of the building too!
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Most of the people found inside are perceived by Steven to be enjoying luxury or a path of success. Lars definitely emphasizes this if we go back to how Steven, no matter how composed he had to be for Lars’s departure, still has a harm time coping with the fact that Lars is out there with his own objectives and goals — something new to pursue without Steven in the picture.
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This opportunity of entry disappears from him. In dream interpretation, this is actually seen as a lack of entry towards a goal or objective and how one sees their ability to get to it.
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The cookie cat has a chock full of content when it comes tothe placement of where it is in the dream. For one, there’s always the consideration of size difference, which always perpetuated the emphasis towards control, stability, the amount of domination in the situation.
What we’re seeing here is cookie cat looming down on him, while he’s very small compared to it, a classic showing of lack of control, the inability to feel dominant in a situation.
Secondly, the cookie cat is a specific symbol because if we could connect this to Steven, this could be seen in a few ways: his childhood innocence or his past.
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“Steven, no one needs your help. So why are you still here?”
Cookie cats were always some form of correlation to a younger time, a childhood where it wasn’t tainted by the responsibilities towards the Crystal Gem motto, and since it’s been told numerous times by people that cookie cat has a backstory that parallels Pink Diamond (seen in the lyrics of leaving his family behind and the visual division of cookie cat’s colors) it is akin to seeing the past come back to tell him that he’s not allowed, that he doesn’t deserve, the opportunity of being happy with his friends and family.
That the only way for him to be happy with them is to be useful, helpful, and seeing the cookie cat — being very domineering and controlling of this principle — remove him from any access to that opportunity goes to show what Steven is internally feeling at the moment.
And then there’s the falling.
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Falling in dreams always came back to the feeling of control in one’s situation, and Steven doesn’t feel that way (no shit).
He’s been told by his childhood paradigm that he can’t be happy, that people won’t be with him now that he’s perceived worthless in their eyes, and having him fall into an endless abyss away from his source of happiness and opportunity shows that feeling of helplessness so well.
Dreams 2-5 (CPH Dreams)
Now, there’s a post that explains the second dream a lot more for the potential dream symbolism of the Diamonds appearing. I’ll link it in the reblogs just so we can get it out of the way.
However, there’s a lot of significance in a few key pieces of imagery being seen that point to the fact that the past is coming back, and repression won’t help him now that it’s slipping into the conscious.
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For psychology, repression and suppression are always an interesting topic to discuss because there’s always discussion on the idea of how even if someone attempts to cope and push away the origins of one’s anxieties into the unconscious, there’s always a way for them to slip into the forefront. What we’re seeing here is that: Steven finding the sources of his pain (or events he never had full closure over) being brought up again into remembrance.
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What I also find interesting is that even though the montage shows such a comedic viewpoint, there’s an underlined grizzly context to many of the other occurrences found throughout it. 
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The use ofDogcopter (another piece from Steven’s childhood) as a form of visual symbolism of separation, especially when it’s integrated into the shape of his three main caretakers (who influenced his Atlas complex heavily), continues the underlying fear that Steven still believes that he will be alone — that overall his childhood is disappearing and his connections are assumed to follow suit in that matter.
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The imagery of baby Steven brings up an interesting tidbit about Carl Jung’s view of children when it comes to adulthood and care, especially if it seeps out of one’s subconscious into the conscious mind.
In every adult there lurks a child — an eternal child, something that is always becoming, is never completed, and calls for unceasing care, attention, and education. That is the part of the personality which wants to develop and become whole. -Carl Jung (Vol X. No. 10)
In other words, there’s a potential for yearning for care that hasn’t been fully given ever since childhood or that there’s a wanting for development, for something that can fulfill one’s character to its full completion until we can go into the next cycle of our life.
We could also interpret symbols to the state of hopelessness, lack of control, etcetera, so there are many more ways to view this when it comes to Steven and his current storyline. However, for the sake of keeping it short, I’ll bring the sources to the reblogs.
Dream 6 (The End)
Prior to the beginning of dream six, the fear of Steven’s usefulness to Peridot becomes a major concern for him as the episode goes on. He doesn’t want to lose another friend or become distant to them, and sadly, it shows a lot with this last dream shown.
However, before we can do that, let’s talk about Connie.
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Now, I could joke that this is dream symbolism for Steven wanting to be stepped on, but there are a few ways to interpret this fully.
For one, this is another example of size difference being used as a form of dichotomy between control and lack thereof. For the first interpretation, since Connie is imprinted into the face of Obsidian, we could see this as another concern in Steven’s mind: that Connie has a handle on her life and what she plans to do while Steven feels helpless to what he even plans to enjoy or partake in now that his main task of Crystal Gem recovery has now been completed.
One could also say that this is another form of anxiety wrapped in another source of concern when we remember that Steven and his family got stepped on in CYM before Sunstone could save them. That was another moment where he almost died so it wouldn’t be surprising to see the idea of it getting placed into his subconscious as well, even if it’s very unlikely for me to interpret it as such.
Now let’s go to Peridot.
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Before the introduction of her dream self, use of childhood imagery comes back once again with Steven’s old bedroom. Waking up in it could be seen as one harboring thoughts or a mindset that still permeates in the past and the prior, something that still hangs in one’s thoughts even in adulthood.
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For Peridot’s dream self, even though the static is from real Peridot’s attempts to disconnect Steven from the dream, this plays once again to the imagery of vision and the soul in Steven Universe’s world. The disconnect to one’s person (soul and mindset), the feeling of being unable to reach out to a person, is there. He’s afraid; this is what he feared: Peridot is going to leave him now that he has failed, that he didn’t play the part for what she wanted him to do — he’s scared shitless of another person leaving him behind to pick up the pieces.
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He believes that she has the opportunity to go forward into the future, to her own life, while there’s him, his opportunities closed off, unable to climb them from how arduous they are in scale.
Unable to touch her, to be able to keep close contact.
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Unable to stop her from leaving.
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But these are all fears, assumptions, and anxieties.
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It doesn’t have to be like that. It doesn’t have to define you.
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flowerflamestars · 4 years
Hey hey hey. I hope you're doing well!! With A court of Silver Flames coming soon, I was wondering what your opinion is about it. Personally I'm rather worried with how the book will go and I just really don't want Nesta to go to the Illyrians Mountains. I want her to say fuck it and whatever happens she does on her own terms. But I don't believe that's very likely and well, 😔. Here's to hoping that Sarah is going to do a great job with the book.
Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year!! ❤️❤️
Hey! I had lovely holidays, I hope you did too :)
I am of...so many minds about the next book. Overall, I really do think its going to be a lot like reading acowar: I’ll enjoy reading it in a light way, but retrospective awareness of plot holes/weird character stuff will keep me from loving it. Fun book not...a masterful book that holds up?
I have MANY wishes for how Nesta’s story would play out, but the ground work for a very different series of events is where acofas left us. 
I’ve talked at length about how the Illyria thing seems...bad. I initially tried to be excited?? GOD do I want a nessian book! an Illyrian revolution! But the framework is just..fucked? I’m not down with a romance starting with the woman in the pairing (who has already told her male counterpart to leave her alone) being passed like a recalcitrant pet into his custody. 
Do I love a situation with strife and limitations that forces people to see each other? Yes. Do I like this one? Eh.
In particular the setup of this one is functioning on multiple bad levels. Feyre, sending her sister away because she’s decided personal offense? Is the response? To someone clearly at rock bottom and suicidal? Taking away another home, this one Nesta was always sure didn’t want her, proving to Nesta that her sister can’t stand to have her even in the same city.
Rhysand, who I’ve talked about before in this instance. Who wants Nesta gone. If Nesta dies in Illyria, fine. She’ll probably take out some of rebels when she goes. She’s Cassian’s mate? Cool maybe she’ll kill whoever inevitable comes at him. It’s sending an armed nuclear weapon into a failing peace talk. Rhys knows Illyria is on the edge of rebellion.
Cassian. Just- jesus christ, Cassian. It’s like he can’t get it right because he doesn’t trust himself enough, ever, to just go with his first impulse where Nesta is concerned. (See, following Rhysands threat to the letter and NOT SAYING A WORD TO HER AT SOLSTICE, BUT THEN FOLLOWING HER OUT INTO THE DARK BECAUSE HE DID, IN FACT, WANT HOLIDAY TIME WITH HER). He’s maybe hurt her the most? 
Which leads me to something else. I am very, very excited to have both of their canon POVs. Because I have questions! 
Like, okay, the big failure is obviously the end of that last terrible battle. We see them decide to die together. The kiss. The bloody embrace. Hybern’s death. The promise that probably meant quite literally everything to Nesta.
And then...all we know, from like, a little throwaway sentence is that somehow, the next time we see Cas, moments later, he is a)well enough to stagger off the field (did Nesta try to heal him?), and b) arm in arm with Morrigan.
Mor was, I think, supposed to be protecting Elain? It’s her only action through the entire war, and we never see it happen, and then she.... showed up somewhere behind her charge, who’d just stabbed Hybern...to... rip Cassian out of Nesta’s arms and heal him? Once again be a physical, vicious barrier, while Nesta is too in shock to say anything and Cassian...lets her?
And lets be clear, he had to have let her. I know he’s half dead, but one book before we have Cassian unconscious, scrabbling in a pool of his own blood, completely unaware but still trying to respond to Nesta being tossed in the Cauldron.
He’s aware. Present. 
And I want to know why it happened! I want someone to reveal this terrible break, that is, I think, quite literally where Nesta fractured. 
Illyrian promises are a Big Deal in-universe. Cassian promised her- and then, does it just not count, because they did not, in fact, die? 
He’s not stupid, or cruel- though Cassian’s pride and wounded ego temper does cockblock him CONSTANTLY- what the hell happened?
I’m getting way off topic- but the thing is, as much as I want them together, I think the best outcome for Nesta is to have an ally that isn’t Cassian. 
Hello, Emerie. 
But! Much like the mountain set up at all, that’s also totally fraught? I’ve said it before, but could there be any bigger insult to Illyrian ladies denied their power, fighting unsuccessfully for rights, for the privilege to be Illyrian...than yet another High Fae lady, this one clearly unwilling, living in their mountains, learning their techniques, from a legendary general???
So yes, I agree, Nesta’s banishment was a pretty shitty call on all accounts.
I like the idea of the Queens being her enemies. That it wasn’t just done, what happened to her and destroyed her life, with Hybern. That Nesta has to face what else the Cauldron made. 
(A note though, on power: the narrative needs to decide, SO BADLY, what Nesta’s powers are. Primordial? Deadly? Cool, then Rhysand shouldn’t be pushing her around. The Cauldron canonically made the world, and Nesta canonically took so much of its magic she permanently damaged its function.)
What I would do, if I were writing it, is this: I’d have Cassian let Nesta go. 
He takes her out of Velaris. Away from Rhys and Feyre, from everything, and says, you don’t have to come with me.
And it’ll mean- you don’t have to come with me, because I know you don’t want to. I won’t trap you. Now or ever. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Cassian, going in one direction, free in the sky. Nesta, going another, unmoored but choosing it. Cassian handles the Illyrian rebellion, and figuring out what he needs. Nesta heals slow, falls in with the Band of Exiles, whose closeness to human causes leads her back to helping her people, to eventual collision course with the Queens.
SEPARATE journeys in parallel that come together in peril. They meet again strong. Free of the Night Court. Trying to do what is right.
And then, they fight. Because it’s still the easiest language they both speak. But they ALSO still love each other- and isn’t this, after all, so very nearly another life? It’s time, to fight side by side.
But what I think is going to happen is a lot more...painful? They’re going to go to Illyria and Cassian is going to make Nesta train. They’re going to fight and fuck, hurt each other with both those things way before they’re ready for something real. The rebellion might not happen? Nesta’s going to get a Feyre 2.0 fighting course. It’ll empower her...but it’s still not her choice. 
She’s then either going to a) go rogue and go after the Queens herself, b) get kidnapped again, or c)Rhysand is going to send her and Cassian after them, banishment matchmaking vol. 2: the assassination assignation, maybe with backseat Azriel, who has also had goddamn enough of everything.
Love is, of course, going to prevail, but really at this point, what I want most (aside from ANSWERS)is just...Nesta’s health? For her to spend time around people who treat her with even the slightest modicum of respect?
And I do have hope! The advertising has emphasized found family specifically. I hope, so badly, that that means Nesta gets her own family. That her journey takes her to a place she chooses. 
Cassian needs to heal too- and really, really, decide to live for himself and make his own choices. My greatest hope isn’t just that it’s a sexy love story, but that they end up better, freer, and more appreciated by the end. 
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asfaltics · 3 years
and yet we went on reading
  Flim, sb. Obs. Sc[otch]. A whim; an illusion.       1   in the manufactory of these flimsy things       2 had hung a basket of fodder underneath for these flimsy things       3                                                 Poor indeed are their prospects of continued protection, if they rest upon these flimsy things alone.       4   will you never learn to choose good, useful, lasting articles, instead of these flimsy things that do good to no one, and that a breath       5 took hold of these flimsy things, Oh!       6 the discomfort, the positive misery of these flimsy things       7   wretchedly printed on bad paper, with few or no literary expenses, these flimsy things drag on       8 “These flimsy things don’t last long, they soon break,” said he. “Of course they do!” declared Madame Guibal, with an air of indifference. “I’m tired of having mine mended.”       9 In all her looks the words we see, These flimsy things are not for me And I with them do not agree.       10   of these flimsy things       11       the ice floes ran in under and cut out these flimsy things.       12                         about 12 inch in being evident that these flimsy things are depth, which projects over the top of the difficult       13                           He knew “Well, it’s a good deal warmer than when to leave a man unhindered and to these flimsy things” he said, lifting the       14 attempt to hit some of these flimsy things, you will put your screwdriver through them.       15 You undertake to fix some of these flimsy things and you put a screw driver into them and they go to pieces.       16   You undertake to fix some of these flimsy things and you put a it in the same condition although I know       17                                                                         Lucy gave her skirts a toss “I am getting tired of these flimsy things, and am trying to wear them out”       18 “I must get some more,” he said, “stronger than these flimsy things.”       19   First of all, I know now what it means to travel “light.” These flimsy things       20 These letters, these unintelligible flowers, these bits of lace and of paper, what are they? Around these flimsy things what is there left ?   And yet we went on reading. But something strange is growing gradually greater...       21 “Why, if I put these flimsy things on now they’d be in holes before I ...”                                                                                     Thorough Young Lady enters. Thorough Young Lady — “Good morning... I’d like a dozen”       22   They had seen it as a whim, Agnes knew; a flimsy, floating thing which scientists might examine under a microscope. But if that were what it was she was full of them.       23  
sources (all but the last pre-1923)
1 Joseph Wright (1855-1930), The English dialect dictionary (London, 1898) vol. 2 : 405 2 OCR cross-column misread (on forged bank notes, and banks), at The Black Dwarf (“A London weekly publication, edited, printed, and published by T.J. Wooler”; January 13, 1819) : columns 21-22 “The Black Dwarf (1817–1824) was a satirical radical journal... published by Thomas Jonathan Wooler, starting in January 1817 as an eight-page newspaper, then later becoming a 32-page pamphlet. It was priced at 4d a week until the Six Acts brought in by the Government in 1819 to suppress radical unrest forced a price increase to 6d. In 1819 it was selling in issues of roughly 12,000 to working people such as James Wilson at a time when the reputable upper-middle class journal Blackwood’s Magazine sold in issues of roughly 4,000 copies.” wikipedia on Thomas Jonathan Wooler (1786-1853), also see wikipedia 3 OCR cross-column misread, at ���Mrs. Perewinkle’s Visit to Boston,” by “Muhitable Holyoke,” in Frank Leslie’s New Family Magazine 3:2 (August 1858) : 161-167 (162) 4 ex The Chronicle (“An insurance journal”) 10:18 (October 31, 1872) : 274 on the mismanagement of The Globe Mutual Life Insurance Company under Frederick A. Freeman, its president, and/or other members of the Freeman family (including Pliny Freeman). 5 ex Out of the world, by M. Healy vol. 2 (of 3; London, 1875) : 27 asides — this would be Mary Healy Bigot (1843-1936), daughter of the painter George P. A Healy (1813-94 *) A brief entry on Mary Healy is found at A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837-1901; rather more, including an extensive list of her publications (journalism, fiction, translations, &c.) is found at her French wikipedia page — “Mary Healy utilisa le pseudonyme de Jeanne Mairet, mais aussi celui de « Madame Charles Bigot » et de « Mary Healy-Bigot ». On trouve des écrits non seulement publiés en français (souvent par Paul Ollendorff), mais aussi en anglais et en allemand. Elle produisit aussi de nombreuses traductions avec parfois l'aide de sa soeur Edith Healy.” in his autobiography is to be found the reason he (and later his daughter after the death of her husband Charles Bigot (1840-93 *)) would move to Chicago — George P. A. Healy, his Reminiscences of a Portrait Painter (Chicago, 1894) : 57 6 ex Alex(ander). Mackenzie, The Life and Speeches of Hon. George Brown (Toronto, 1882), in Chapter 19, The reform convention of 1867. Resolution of thanks to Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown’s reply : 113 7 ex correspondence to the editor (on the subject of “new restrictions in dress”), by “Freedom,” in The Meteor (“Ed. by members of Rugby School”) 175 (May 18, 1882) : 60 8 ex John Bull’s Neighbor in Her True Light : Being an Answer to some recent French criticisms. By a “Brutal Saxon.” Veluti in Speculum. (Third edition. London, 1884), in Chapter 11, The French Press: its Vanity—Le Temps and London Telegraph contrasted—Des Debats—Le Figaro—Le Clairon—Press Laws—Fear of Actions for Libel—Want of Freedom : 87 9 ex conversation about a fan, in Émile Zola (1840-1902 *), The Ladies’ Paradise : A Realistic Novel (London, 1886) : 74 aside — The novel is set in the world of the department store... (wikipedia) 10 “The Village Wedding,” in Poems by Chas. F(rederick). Forshaw, LL.D. (Bradford, 1889) : 28-33 (30) 11 from Act 2, Scene 4 of John Lesslie Hall (1856-1928) his Judas : A Drama in Five Acts (Williamsburg, Virginia; 1894) : 73 aside — “also known as J. Lesslie Hall, was an American literary scholar and poet known for his translation of Beowulf” (wikipedia); (some) papers at the College of William and Mary 12 ex “He saved others” (from Brotherhood Star), at Herald and Presbyter (“A Presbyterian family paper”) 68:46 (Cincinnati and St. Louis, November 17, 1897) : 15 in full — “When ice was running in the North River at New York, a ferryboat was crushed in, under the water line. An employe was sent down to stop the leak, or hold it until the boat could be run into the slip. Bedding, clothing and anything available were passed to him, but the ice floes ran in under and cut out these flimsy things. The boat reached the dock. Passengers were all hastened ashore. The boat was raised up by chains, so that the break was above the water, but the man did not come up on deck. They hastened below and found a bruised body of an unconscious man, pressed close against the opening. Careful nursing brought back life, but broken health and a disfigured body were his. ‘Even Christ pleased not himself.’” 13 OCR cross-column misread at J. B. Fulton, “Faulty Concrete Construction,” in Fireproof 3:6 (December 1903) : 31-33 (32) 14 ex OCR cross-column misread, at Francis Prevost (H. F. P. Battersby, 1862-1949 *), “The Siege of Sar,” in Ainslee’s (“A magazine of clever fiction”) vol. 12 (January 1904) : 1-44 (22) 15 ex Arthur H. Elliott, “The Gas Range in the Kitchen” In Light, Heat and Power 5:12 (February 1906) : 942-946 (944) self-described as “A monthly magazine devoted to the fields of illumination, and also combustion for producing heat and power, wherein the elements employed are natural, artificial, acetylene, gasolene, or petroleum gases.” 16 ex “The Gas Range in the Kitchen," in report of Elliott paper, in The Metal Worker, Plumber and Steam Fitter (March 3, 1906) : 52 17 same as no.s 14 and 15 above, but OCR cross-column misread, at Arthur H. Elliott, “The Gas Range in the Kitchen,” Progressive Age (Gas-Electricity-Water), 24:4 (February 15, 1906) : 96-99 (97) 97 Paper delivered at the First Annual Convention of the National Commercial Gas Association, held at the Cadillac Hotel, New York City, January 24th and 25th, 1906. 18 ex Mrs. Mary Dudeney. All Times Pass Over (London, 1909) : 75 (snippet view only, but entire at hathitrust) aside — little is found, biographically; author of poems, stories, even songs as Mary Du Deney (BL catalogue); are these of the same Mary? — “A novelty appeared in Judge Allen’s court in the shape of a woman, Mrs. Mary du Deney, who sought solace and mental refreshment in a book while her fate was being decided in a divorce proceeding. After reciting the grounds upon which she sought the divorce, the lady was lost to the world until the Judge cut the knot and she again felt the thrill of single blessedness.” (Los Angeles Herald (23 December 1900) : here); and   ◾ “...Old Lady Was Swaying, Fatal Collision with Cyclist At Bridgwater. Returning a verdict of Accidental Death at the inquest on Thursday on Mrg. Mary Du Deney. aged 85, of 2. Holmes Buildings. St. Mary-street, Bridgwater, who died in the hospital on Tuesday...” (Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser (20 September 1947) : here) 19 ex William Caine (1873-1925 *), The Devil in Solution, (nicely) Illustrated by George Morrow (London, 1911) : 68 (snippet view only, but opens to same page at hathitrust 20 from this longer passage — “First of all, I know now what it means to travel ‘light.’ These flimsy things which the Japanese make are wonderfully serviceable. For instance, I purchased a silk Japanese raincoat which sheds rain perfectly, and yet when not in use I carry it in the pocket of my light overcoat.” ex “Japanese Milling, and Weather,” in Rosenbaum Review 2:39 (Chicago; September 15, 1917) : 8-10 asides — devoted to grain trade; at some point title changes to The Round-Up; published by the J. Rosenbaum Grain Company; this would be Joseph Rosenbaum (1838-1919), whose interesting life is sketched by Arba Nelson Waterman, in “Historical Review of Chicago and Cook County and Selected Biography," found here   ◾ perhaps more interesting is the editor of Rosenbaum Review (and its successor Round-Up), J. Ralph Pickell (1881-1939? *).   ◾ see, for example — “Senate Asks Jardine of Chicago ‘College’” ¶ Secretary Jarine was asked Friday, June 25, by the Senate to explain his connection with the Roundup College of Scientific Price Forecasting of Chicago. ¶ A resolution making the request was offered by Senator Caraway (Dem. Ark.), and adopted. Caraway said the secretary had accepted appoitment as a member of the faculty of the college to teach students “how to speculate and get around the rules of the grain futures act which he administers.” ¶ The resolution asked the Secretary to state whether his information on grain futures markets was obtained as a result of his official connection with the department of agriculture, and what compensation he has received from the college. ¶ The Roundup College school for price broadcasting [sic, should be “forecasting” ?] was held at the Congress Hotel four weeks ago. Secretary Jardine was announced in publicity as the principal speaker. The school is run by J. Ralph Pickell, listed in the telephone book with offices at 1848 West Washington Boulevard and 328 Ashland Boulevard. It is said, however, that the offices have moved to Western Springs, Ill., near Chicago. ¶ Pickell at the time the school was held, said about 500 students would be in attendance. Each student, he said would pay $50 for the course. ex The Illinois Agricultural Association Record (July 1, 1926) : 3 21 ex chapter 23 (the last) in Henri Barbusse (1873-1935 *), Light (Fitzwater Wray, trans.; 1919) : 301 several scans of the same at hathitrust 22 ex Fashions for Men (this passage) and The Swan (in one volume, subtitled Two Plays by Franz Molnar (both comedies in three acts; English texts by Benjamin Glazer); (Liveright, 1922) : 117 Ferenc Molnár (1878-1952), at wikipedia 23 ex Rachel Cusk, Saving Agnes (1993; Picador 1995) : 2
subject to change, corrections, &c.  
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precious-whumps · 4 years
a rokka no yuusha/braves of the six flowers whump summary
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hey all, i didn’t know there was such a thing as whumplr until recently. my excitement is immeasurable and my day is made, and i thought it’d be fun to join the community with this offering~
i see that y’all know about rokka and gif the boy a lot, but it seems like most don’t even know about anything that came after the anime. i was so obsessed with the characters and the story that i purchased the light novels and was not disappointed — at least on the whump front. the books are kinda pricey since barnes and noble was the only retailer i found that had it and the author never continued after volume 6, so if you happened to want to know the whumpy details, i’ve got them for you right c’here.
be warned though! there’s major spoilers from this, not limited to the identity of the seventh and the climax to the first (lol only...) main conflict since context, at least for me, adds everything to the moment. i also don’t have the books with me, so the descriptions here are just off the top of my head. small plot details might be wrong. once i get my books out of storage, i’m happy to post excerpts if anyone’s interested in that :)
alrighty so vol 2 picks up right after the end of the anime. the braves make it into the howling vilelands (book translation, i can’t remember what they called it in the anime), but they’re soon accosted by tgurneu. adlet has this spike thing with crystallized saint blood on the tip. after some desperate fighting and help from hans and mora, he manages to get close enough to stab tgurneu with it. the beautiful dumbass just stands there though, watching, waiting for that sweet sweet vengeance. tgurneu looks up at him and says, “are you seriously trying to kill me?” then, lightning fast and with inhuman strength, he punches adlet square in the face. the hit fractures his skull, knocking him out instantly, and sends him flying into the woods. he rolls and hits a tree i think. fremy screams for him :’c
mora gets to him first. i definitely remember that she feels his neck for breaks. it might have been my imaginings, but i’m pretty sure she pulls his arm across her shoulder and carries him in a semicircle around tgurneu who hasn’t died yet. hans comes up and takes adlet from her, saying he’ll get everyone to the next checkpoint which is a cave that has a special protective barrier the saint of the single flower made however long ago it was. he runs with both adlet and chamo (who’s been poisoned) on his shoulders all the way there. tough kitty. the others catch up eventually ‘cause they were dealing with more fiends attacking them and having trust arguments with each other, fremy and mora specifically with fremy ending it by outright saying that she’s worried about adlet. at the cave, they’ve laid him down by the spring, and mora heals him with the power of the mountain since bones aren’t rolonia’s forte. he’s still unconscious for a few more hours, until evening i think. she notes his resilience when he wakes up.
this volume also introduced me to the joys of hans whump..he gets my absolute favorite kind here. it’s revealed that tgurneu got to mora some years before, threatening to murder her young daughter if she doesn’t kill “at least one brave.” but she’s smart and dedicated, so she recruited rolonia, trained her to be both a strong enough fighter to be chosen as a brave, but also to be an insanely powerful healer too, because mora’s plan is to kill a brave to free the daughter but then immediately have rolonia resurrect them. she’d decided to use adlet since he was both healthy (had the best chances of being revived) and the easiest for her to deal with (lol), but there’s a hiccup in her attempt to separate him from the group. she ends up with hans instead because he sensed something was fishy, wanted to scope the situation out himself. it’s too late to fix it, so she fights her little heart out with him, finally managing to get a solid, heavy punch to his chest, stopping his own heart. she collapses from the licks he got on her and has to drag herself to his body. she pricks his jugular, all the while rolonia’s freaking out cause she wasn’t in on the plan, and the rest of the team swarms them. mora just yells at rolonia to pump hans’ spilled blood until his heart starts up again even as the others are yelling at her, believing she’s the seventh. i think adlet gathers the situation a bit and kneels by hans’ side across from rolonia, asks her if she needs him to do anything. i don’t remember the dialogue exchange, i just know that he’s holding hans as he comes back to life, and the poor guy, this hardened, i-ain’t-scare-of-no-things assassin, touches his neck where he was pricked, then starts screaming from the realization that he was dead. i love it. i’m so unbelievably salty we didn’t at least get the second season for this scene alone.
oh i also remember a flashback scene from when adlet met rolonia on atro’s mountain, it might’ve been in this book. it was one night, after a long day of struggling just to get nowhere with his training, he lamented that he was born a man, meaning he could never be a saint and have the power he needed to get revenge for his village. rolonia had her own issues at the time too, mainly that she didn’t want to be a saint, so the two ended up sobbing together all night.
vol 3 didn’t have a whole lot of…anything really. it was mostly goldov’s backstory (he takes a beating, i think, with nashe by his side for a little bit while he’s recovering) and the braves running around in circles like idiots trying to find nashetania. she loses her arm *shrug*. i guess i can say this one was important since it was showing the first signs of adlet’s strong man veneer cracking. boy’s getting stressed out by this whole leadership thing.
vol 4 also didn’t have much physical whump, but the emotional is pretty nice. it’s actually my fave in the series because it made me cry ;-;
the braves push deeper into the vilelands and come across the ruins of human villages. now, there’s a fiend with the special ability to implant parasites into the brain stem of humans and control them. they can still be ‘alive’ even after they should be dead, like this small army of zombies have long since starved to death, but their minds are sort of still there. and one of them just so happens to be adlet’s childhood friend rainer, the kid that he thought died with his sister. rainer heard information from the fiends that he knows the braves need, so most of the book is him trying find a way to tell them. he’s not able to until the very end as he’s lying in the woods, dying for real and singing a song from their village because it’s the last thing he can think of. he sort of recognizes adlet, saying, “you look like someone i know,” just before he’s gone. hans tells adlet it’s okay to cry if he needs to, and he’s all, ‘no i’m fine, we need to go.’ he takes a few steps away then stops and says, “actually, hold on,” then “presses his face to a tree trunk and weeps.”
vol 5…i gotta admit, i honestly don’t remember this one very well. adlet gets “beat to a bloody pulp,” but i can’t visualize it since some of the plot was hard to follow, and he’s honestly had worse already so i was barely registering it. the braves suspect him again of being the seventh, and real evidence comes forth showing that he likely is, and fremy tries to kill herself to protect the braves? like it’s just a big dramatic thing. so it’s kinda half revealed that tgurneu, who ~somehow~ still isn’t dead, has some kind of control over adlet involving ~the power of looove~, and it’s starting to be more clear that he has an unnatural compulsion to protect fremy. so like, yeah, he’s having to do a bunch of shit to stop her from killing herself, stop the braves from trying to help her with that, and stop them from suspecting him. i think fremy shoots him in the leg? i legitimately cannot recall. i do remember that he finally manages to craft a lie that convinces them that hans is the seventh and that fremy doesn’t have to kill herself, that her death might actually hurt them. she’s kneeling on the ground for some reason, he runs over to her, just stands there again looking at her, asks if she’s okay. she feels bad about him being injured and gently places her hands on his torso to keep him steady. it’s a super sweet image to me, yeet. he drinks some potion thing goldov uses to keep pain at bay with the warning that he’ll “be in hell once it wears off.” that’s all i got for this one, sorry >.<
and finally vol 6. it’s fully revealed that yeah, tgurneu is mind controlling him to love fremy so that she can fulfill her engineered purpose (she wasn’t aware of it. she’s such a brilliant, sweet girl, i love her so much), which is to drain the magic from the braves’ crests while they’re in the vilelands. of course, this will kill them as soon as the protection from the land’s poison is gone. so adlet’s for sure the seventh but he never knew it until now (or he didn’t accept it, i think he did realize it back in 5). his entire life was manipulated for this scenario. most of his POV in the book is his mental breakdown dealing with all of this. like he tries to force himself to stop loving fremy and being willing to betray his friends and destroy the world for her, but he just can’t shake the control, making him cry again from the stress.
at some point, he and hans are cornered by tgurneu’s special forces. they’d reverted to enemies after the previous book’s shenanigans but when hans realizes what’s going on in adlet’s head, he feels bad for him. adlet doesn’t do much fighting, leaving hans to deal with it. “not an inch of his skin is clean of blood” as this fight goes on. later, to keep adlet from causing any problems, tgurneu has one of the big fiends swallow him. he’s stuck in there a good while with its weird prehensile organ cinched around his throat and the potion wearing off.
finally towards the end with the rest of the braves coming to the rescue, he finds the will to escape and attack tgurneu, thanks to some clever situation-manipulation by mora once again.
a good slash to hans’ gut takes him out. adlet holds him again for a minute before chamo has one of her swamp fiends also swallow him for safe keeping lol.
oh i should probably mention that the prologue for this one showed a younger adlet still in training with atro. he’s told to ‘surprise me or gtfo’ because up to this point, he’s shown zero promise or skill, relying only on his need for vengeance. this is when he’s first given the saint blood spike, and it’s also shown that this was when the love spell took effect - a dream about a girl he doesn’t know but wants to protect at all costs. he has to figure out how to use the weapon in a way that no fiend would see coming. so he holds it up and stabs his own chest.
now back to his final battle with tgurneu. he conveniently had two spikes only, used one already that didn’t work because tgurneu is actually a fig-tree thing that controls any fiend that like..vores him, so the saint blood only killed his meatsuit before (he’s now in a large bird-like one). adlet knows he won’t get another lucky stab in, so he lets tgurneu rip his stomach open. he slips the crystal from the second spike into the wound, then grabs tgurneu by the face. his now toxic non-saint blood bubbles up into his throat. tgurneu, ridiculous fool that he is, can only watch dumbfounded as adlet pries his beak open and spits a mouthful of that blood into him. it reaches the fig portion of his body, killing the new meatsuit and forcing him to retreat. he’s helpless like this. adlet only has to go pick him up, tear the fruit-body apart to reach the fiend’s core. adlet stands there, holding the core in his palm. it’s occurring to him that everything he’s become is about to be gone because the love spell was the only reason he became the strongest man in the world. then he crushes the core and collapses, half dead.
fremy goes to him and tries to treat his wounds, but his blood burns her hands. the fiend army is still bearing down on them, so she wraps him in her cloak and carries him on her back herself to the next safe zone. at some point, he wakes up a little bit while they’re still running. his mind is so scrambled, and he feels an indescribable terror that knocks him back out. five hours pass, and when he wakes up to the others arguing about what they should do with him, he finds that he doesn’t feel anything for fremy anymore. he looks at her sitting next to him, says her name like three times, but he can’t summon back that love he felt so strongly.
hans is just in the background sleeping off the second healing session he must’ve had with rolonia. everyone’s pretty worn to the bone.
and that’s basically it. there’s cliffhanger plot stuff that i’m sad i’ll probably never see developed further. oof not to mention the destruction of adlet’s character and his romance with fremy. i can only assume yamagata-sensei intended to rebuild it in the next arc considering tgurneu truly believed that adlet’s capable of achieving the impossible. but yeah, i’ll compile some excerpts for y’all when i can xx
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snowtimeisbesttime · 4 years
Thoughts and questions on Hiveswap Act 2– Part 1.
**DISCLAIMER** I haven't played through the entire game yet! I got to the intermission in the whole trial thingy, and will continue tomorrow! Therefore, I Am Not Looking at anything yet, only posting. I'll probably come back and edit this once I've actually finished the game.
-Did the default names for Xefros & Dammek's lusii change?? I loaded my Act 1 save, and I'm sure they had their default names (Zoosmell and Cornibuster) there, though I'm also pretty sure i accidentally unlocked the “name the lusii” achievement on that save by clicking on the text windows without actually changing their names so... Dammek's lusus is called Toothy now i guess?
-On that note, if Xefros' lusus died I'm going to fucking scream. Even though I'm pretty sure we've barely seen him on screen since like the end of Act 1 but Regardless.
-We see Charun's cave, and it turns out they were neighbours with Zebede all this time, but they're nowhere to be seen at the train?? unless they grabbed an earlier one... Charun did get a death flag the size of the pacific ocean, when interacting with their weird sculpture with a lot of legs and arms surrounding a mouth, but Zebede's just gone without a trace? The bees are gone and there's a hole in the side of his hive, but his lusus doesn't seem to be particularly upset? And neither is Charun's, assuming that huge bug near the cave is their lusus. (Idarat the canon fantroll #3 doesn't appear at the train either, but that's probably for the same reason there aren't any jade or teal background characters: to keep the court scene neat)
-The drones are supposed to be en route to the station, supposedly to fix the ticket machines but probably to cull whoever tripped the alarm on them... i sure hope they don't follow the train or anything orz
-Mostly everyone seems to resemble their respective Friendsims, more or less:
Fozzer appears to be scratched still, yet more philosophical. Also he's not in the train either.
Folykl seems just a touch friendlier than in her friendsim (and Kuprum's still just as hyped about becoming a helmsman as before, even if he seems to know more details about it now).
Chixie's more anxious, probably because it seems she's been doing stuff as The Mask for a while now, and she's going to fuck shit up at Jeevik Week. She says she's not alone in that, and considering it's apparently confirmed that the random troll from her good end Was Dammek all this time... is she also actively in the rebellion? Also is it just me or does her sprite look somewhat scribblier than everyone else's? Even the background characters??
Elwurd's pretty much the same, and it does seem her flirting with Joey was mostly to try and get her to buy something. Also... if her fake tickets were so good, why didn't she just use them, instead of giving them to Joey and Xefros? Like, I get Marvus and Boldir Knowing Stuff, but her?
Zebruh's paying attention to Marvus instead of Chixie, which. Small mercies. He's still a dick, and we're still doing the whole “clowns are peak oppressed” thing.
Marvus seems to still be perfectly nice to the main characters, and perfectly willing to let other people die in order to help them advance (getting Zebruh to sign up for Slam or Get Culled, Daraya if you fuck up in the trial thing, Hopefully Not Any More Cases...) He is helping Tyzias out with her defensive legislaceration experiments, though, and basically everyone who isn't Joey seems to think he might flip his shit and murder someone, as clowns do. At least people don’t seem to lose their minds around him anymore.
Vikare's basically the same, but Joey immediately picks up on his Jake Vibes and instinctively dislikes him.
Diemen eats people???????? as in, actively????????? wtf?????????
Skylla seems to be pretty much the same, but she's obviously worried because Ladyy's sick!! God I fucking hope we do get to help her out before the end of the game.
Marsti's also friendlier than she was in her volume, though I remember MSPAR was particularly prone to sticking their foot in their mouth in that one.
Cirava's surprisingly more trusting than they were in their volume (and also, their eye's light green and not teal). Also, apparently they gouged their other eye out on stream?????? as in live???? besides that, good to see not All of the powerful psionics get succesfully indoctrinated.
Polypa's also rather willing to help out, though we still don't know what the heck happened to her.
Boldir's suitably mysterious, and probably also involved with the rebellion... she does call Xefros “burgundy figurehead”.
Konyyl and Azdaja are still having relationship stuffs, but in the end they clearly care the most about each other. (he still doesn't seem to give a fuck about helm stuffs so far?) The question is, who exactly were they hunting down??
The jades and the teals are basically the same as their Friendsim incarnations, as far as I've seen. The one major change to the jades (besides jade lore which i'll discuss further down) seems to be that hatched2dance is now one of the biggest reasons for their fights, and Bronya does get a crunchy bit of Backstory (the jade from her past that got culled because of the Rainbow Hemotions saga, which is also the reason she's so hard on Daraya now)
On the teals, Stelsa and Tyzias seem to have a teensy bit of quadrant vacillation going on?? Tirona seems to be more focused on becoming a history revisionist than a memeagandist now, and it would also seem that Tegiri's the one into vampires now (or at least, Tagora's better at hiding it And a lot better at not getting involved with the whole mess that is whatever the heck the jades are doing)
-Psionics can have single-colored eyes!! tbh we'd already seen this back in Tegiri's route in Friendsim but it's good to Actually See it visually.
-Also, nice to see that Xefros *can* go toe to toe with the strongest psionic we know in all of Hiveswap! (95% sure that I've seen someone theorize something like this might happen?? I personally wasn't expecting it here but anyways Xefros you're doing amazing sweetie) What's not so nice is that he's only shown this strength when Azdaja hurt Joey (as far as i've played of course)... so unless he like unlocks his potential or something so he can do Big Psychics without seeing his friends get hurt beforehand we're in for some Angst.
-Also if Marvus got his ticket from Cridea (and Chixie won hers in like a raffle or something) then why couldn't she have given Xefros and Dammek some?? like, Dammek's been to one Jeevik Week already. Fiamet also told her about Joey, but by then they were already in the train.
-Me: Xefros' microphone's going to be important in act 2! Also me: *has to give it to fucking Zebruh to get his ticket*. Oh well, that's one thing for the Second Playthrough of Achievement Getting (plus: wearing the cone horns, having Joey introduce herself to Boldir, getting through the whole ace attorney segment without game overs...)
-We get the Quadrant Explanation #1000, sans auspisticism.
-It's vaguely implied that Dammek has also read some Soldier Purrbeasts books?? He's told Xefros the whole “death creates a bond deeper than matespritship or kismessisitude” thing, apparently! So if he's not secretly into troll warrior cats then. That sentence's more than mildly worrying??
-JADEBLOOD LOREDUMP PART THE NTEENTH: Okay first of all it's implied that More cloisters exist? Which in retrospect is pretty much obvious because you can't expect only six trolls to take care of All the troll grubs in existence. Also, the reason jades can't sneak out of the caverns anymore is “because they get Drone'd”, and it seems to be implied that they Can't go out At All*, which kinda contrasts with Friendsim (where literally all the jades snuck out of the caverns at least once: Lanque, Daraya and Wanshi in their own routes, Lynera in Vol 18, and Bronya in Vols 6 & 18). One of their tasks seems to be guarding Forbidden Literature, and Xefros states that they either cull or indoctrinate the most powerful psychic grubs.
-It's also stated that all of our jades were chosen for the cloister when they were basically wrigglers, while Lynera states in Friendsim that she's only been 2,43 sweeps in the caverns. (Considering Bronya's new backstory, it seems that capability to become a rainbow drinker ISN'T the qualifying factor for getting cloistered– depending on how exactly that jade died). It comes to mind that regular, non-cloistered jades might not really know about all these logistics, as it seems that at least Bronya wants to keep them secret– and therefore I don't have to go back and re-rewrite yet another chunk of Mirrorbent orz.
-Lastly, Xefros says they will all become nuns (btw, space church was mentioned in Lanque's route!) when they reach their Ordeals, and we already knew they'd be forced to live in isolation from Friendsim, but during the ace attorney thingy Lynera says she's NOT going to leave the planet because she'll become a midwife and tend to the Mother Grub (basically what we all thought jadebloods did back when we only had the ancestor stuff on Homestuck)... but either Daraya or Lanque told her that they weren't real? So either there's more jade propaganda that we didn't know about, or...
-*The one exception to this is, coincidentally, Jeevik Week, and it's apparently because Trizza herself made it so jades could go too, 3 or 4 sweeps before Hiveswap... why's that? What's so important about Jeevik Week that Trizza would do this? Iirc Cridea and Trizza were sort of set up as opposing forces (?? words), all the way back from the first bunch of concept arts we saw of them? The first thing we learnt from Trizza was that she was the “second best at memes”, and on Cridea's first appearance, when troll twitter was still Prongle, she said that some chick was stealing her memes... and now, Cridea has exactly one follower less than Trizza, who everyone in Alternia's forced to follow... would that person be the heiress herself?
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365days365movies · 4 years
January 3, 2021: Cliffhanger (1993)
Sylvester Stallone.
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The Italian Stallion here is one of the most prominent action movie stars of the ‘80s and ‘90s, coming to prominence with Rocky in 1976. And before we even start this review, here’s the deal: I refuse to make fun of the man’s iconic voice. Yeah, I get it, we’ve all shouted “YOADRIAAAAAAH!” at some point, but his voice and face is due to a botched birth, which pinched a nerve and caused permanent facial paralysis. We all got something, and I’m not gonna target him for it. It’s been done enough.
I also can’t really comment on his acting ability. Why? Well...OK, some confession time. I’ve BARELY seen Stallone in a film. That’s going to be fixed this year, as I’ve added many of his films to the list for 2021. So, what have and haven’t I seen? Let’s start with haven’t, shall we?
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I haven’t seen:
Rocky (1976): Sports November
Rocky II (1979): maybe Sports November
First Blood (1982): later this month
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992): Please. Please don’t make me.
Cliffhanger (1993): Give it a minute.
Demolition Man (1993): Science Fiction September
Judge Dredd (1995): maybe Science Fiction September
The Expendables (2010): later this month
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I have seen:
Tango and Cash (1989): Dumbass buddy cop movie with Stallone and Russell; 2/5.
Antz (1998): Sub-par Dreamworks rip-off of an already kinda sub-par Pixar movie; 2/5
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (2003): Yeah...I saw this in theaters, on my birthday. I saw everything in red and green for, like, an hour afterwards. Worth it. 2/5.
Rocky Balboa (2006): Somehow, this is the only Rocky movie I’ve seen, Creed included. And from what I remember, it was fine. 3/5.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017): The ONE good Stallone movie I’ve seen, and it isn’t even a Stallone movie. 5/5.
So, yeah, I haven’t seen any good Stallone movies, sans the one. But now, some of you are probably asking another question: “Why Cliffhanger? You literally haven’t seen any major Stallone movie, so WHY CLIFFHANGER?”
First of all, I think everybody’s kinda slept on this movie. It was a big success back in the day, but people have basically forgotten it at this point. You’ll see in this review that there aren’t even many GIFs from the movie made, and it wasn’t easy to find enough clips to make my own, honestly. Does it deserve to get slept on? I mean, we’ll see, right? 
Secondly, I just watched a Tom Cruise movie where he dangles off of a rope, and I liked that, so why not do that for the next one, I guess! And third...honestly, I saw this on the list, and it kinda just spoke to me. It called to me, like a boxer calling to his love. Hey, look, a reference to a movie I’ve never seen. We’ll get there. We’ll get there. Oh, and SPOILERS from here on out, by the way.
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We start on a cliff. Surprise.
Michael Rooker (y’know, Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy) is hanging out (HA!) with his girlfriend Sarah on a cliff called the Tower. Y’know, third date kinda stuff. First date is dinner, second date is dinner and a movie, and third date is free-climbing up a cliff to your near death. Well...near is a strong word…
ANYHOOOO, We meet Gabe, played by the big man himself, Sly Stallion, who’s a rescue ranger in the Rocky Mountains. So, Rocky, the Rockies Rescue Ranger is sent to save Yondu and Sarah. Unfortunately...someone forgot to check the equipment before the rescue mission…
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Not gonna lie, this scene is actually heart-wrenchingly tense. And the ending...well, if you’ve seen Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls...you know what happens here. And it’s actually somewhat traumatic, for Gabe and for me. Seriously. It’s a roughie.
Cut to almost a year later, and Gabe is...NOT OK. He and his wife, Jessie (who is a pilot for the Rescue Rangers, and was there when Sarah fell), have been separate, and Gabe just can’t do it anymore. And I get it, honestly. That was a hard experience, losing someone and blaming yourself. And no, it wasn’t Gabe’s fault. But to add insult to injury, he has NO SUPPORT SYSTEM. His wife doesn’t seem to understand, his former best friend Yondu hates him (getting GotG Vol. 2 flashbacks), and he’s basically all alone. Geez. You guys are jerks.
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Meanwhile, a plot is afoot! And hey, it’s Tripp from CSI: Miami, AKA Rex Linn! I always liked him, so it’s cool to see him in other roles. Turns out, though, that Tripp is working with a group of thugs to steal from the US Treasury. This villainous group of 8 thugs is led by John Lithgow, AKA Lord Farquaad from Shrek, who is channeling Hans Gruber from Die Hard, and trying super-hard on that British accent. Anyway, after a pretty great mid-flight action sequence, the group of thugs loses 3 suitcases of money, amounting to millions. In the process, they also lose Expendable Thugs #1 and #2. This will be a trend. 
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The thugs crash their plane into the mountain, killing Expendable Thug #3 in the process. They stage a rescue situation to get some expert mountain climbers to help them find the money. Jessie, after having just told her hubby to suck it up like a big boy (I don’t really like Jessie, by the way), begs him to help find these people. Reluctantly, he agrees, and has a tension filled reunion with his former best friend, who blames him (unfairly, in my opinion). That animosity disappears as soon as they find themselves held hostage by the thugs. And so, the money hunt begins!
First suitcase is on a cliffside, and Stallone goes to get it. Some shenanigans quickly ensure, and the thugs shoot at him. An avalanche occurs because these dumbasses have never seen a movie, and in the process, we lose a suitcase of money, Expendable Thug #4 goes the way of Sarah, and Gabe is presumed dead. Farquaad tells Yondu to tell his coworkers that everything is fine, and he’s gonna stay on the mountain to ride out the storm. Which is #5 in the list of “moments in this movie where I would 100% die” I grew up in a warm climate, this is not a comfortable hypothetical situation for me.
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Anyway, our intrepid team of criminals takes Yondu to find the next suitcase, while Jessie and Gabe separately make their way to the cabin that Yondu was talking about. They catch each other up, and they can’t contact the main office because...Jessie’s radio died in the cold? You...you work amongst mountains as a rescue officer for stranded hikers. That’s the best excuse the writers came up with? Why the hell didn’t she bring a better radio? They HAD to have spares, right? RIGHT? Geez, no wonder you needed Gabe’s help.
The tracker, with its marvelously outdated computer graphics technology (IT’S A UNIX SYSTEM IKNOWTHIS), leads the thugs to the next package, but not before Gabe and Jesse get there! Gabe leaves a ransom note for the money, holding it hostage. This eventually leads to a nighttime chase in the snow, leading to Expendable Thug #5 going The Way of Sarah.
By the way, it’s also at this point that I notice that it is VERY bright...for being in the middle of the mountains at night. And I get it, you can’t exactly have your movie be shot in darkness, but...look at this.
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Like...wow. That’s the fakest outdoor shot I’ve ever seen. I guess I’m glad it isn’t a day-for-night shot, but...yeah. Wow.
Jesse and Gabe find themselves in a cave full of the cutest goddamn bats I’ve ever seen. This is supposed to be a harrowing experience, but simply makes me jealous. They’re fruit bats, by the way, and they’re also WAY too high up, altitude-wise. At least, that’s what I assume. I’m a bird-guy, not a bat-guy. Eventually, they make it out of the cave after Stallone does some free-climbing...loudly. Loud enough for the super-violent, sociopathic, knife-and-gun-loving Expendable Thug #6 to hear them. And that’s when Gabe ICE-PICKS HIM IN THE LEG DAMN
Understandably pissed, and not as understandably still walking around without crying (#6 in that list of me-dying moments), the thug finds and beats the SHIT out of Gabe, handily.  But then, he calls Jessie a bitch, and Gabe is, above all things a feminist. Which leads to him, and read this CLOSELY:
This leads to Stallone, bloodied and beaten, PICKING THE THUG UP OVER HIS HEAD, AND IMPALING HIM ONTO A STALACTITE. Not a stalagmite, a STALACTITE. HOLY SHIT!.
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Well, Expendable Thug #6 is dead, there’s a bomb on the mountaintop, Jesse almost goes The Way of Sarah, and Frank (another guy who works with them, don’t know if I mentioned him) gets lured into a trap where he gets killed. An “Aww” moment from me; I liked Frank, he seemed like a really nice guy. This eventually leads to Farquaad and Tripp out-crazy-ing each other, and Farquaad winning by killing Expendable Thug #7, who does not go The Way of Sarah (blessed be her fall).
Gabe finds the remaining money, while Tripp, Yondu, and Expendable Thug #7 get there just after. Tripp leaves, and Yondu then delivers my favorite line of the movie:
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Oh, sorry, no, it’s, “In a minute, I’ll be dead. You will always be an asshole.” Thug #7 beats the shit out of Yondu, I get flashbacks to GotG 2, and Thug #8 goes THE WAY OF SARAH, BLESSED BE HER FALL. Tripp finds the tracker without the money, and officially loses it, outing himself and Farquaad to the government officials who FINALLY get here.
Tripp finds Gabe, they make their way to a frozen mountain lake, and Gabe SHOOTS TRIPP FROM UNDERNEATH THE ICE. That shouldn’t have worked for many reasons, but that was cool, so fuck it. Now, it’s just Farquaad, BUT HE HAS JESSIE! OH NOOOOOOOooooooo.
This whole thing culminates in a tense, cool chase sequence between Gabe and Farquad in the helicopter. The helicopter crashes into the mountainside, and the two fight while on the helicopter, which is now hanging from the cliff.
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Oh. Oh, I get it.
This inevitably leads to Farquaad and the helicopter going, of course, The Way of Sarah. Blessed Be Her Fall. #BBHF. 
And that’s it. Our three heroes are, themselves, rescued by the government agents, and we pan away from the cliffside, as the credits roll. Boom. Cliffhanger.
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Stay tuned for the epilogue, which contains the review!
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sapphirelass · 4 years
Oh, darling - Remus LupinxDaughter, Harry PotterxOC
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Hey, would you look at that! It’s only been a week since last time! So, this might be a bit confusing if you have read “Deal?” and “I’ll be by your side”, but hear me out: “Deal?” is still part 1, but since “I’ll be by your side” takes place after this one, that will now be part 3, and this part 2. Does that make sense? I hope so :) That means that this takes place between OotP and the Battle of Hogwarts, but I’m sure you’ll understand! :)
Deal? (Part 1) | Oh, darling... (Part 2) | I’ll be by your side (Part 3) 
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
Word count: ≈ 5,5k (Ohhh, you’re in for a long one!)
Warnings: Blood, Torture & Capture (Malfoy Manor scenes from DH, not very descriptive, but consider yourself warned!), Greyback (both being violent and... intrusive?), use of the more offensive word for ‘Muggle-born’, angst, Bellatrix
And in case you were wondering, yes I did look up lunar charts from 1998 when writing this XD
Enjoy! :)
Oh, darling... 
“He’s abroad! He’s still looking for the wand, I knew it!”
“Come on, Hermione, why are you so determined not to admit it? Vol-”
“-demort’s after the Elder Wand!”
“The name’s Taboo!”, Ron bellowed, leaping to his feet as a loud crack sounded outside the tent. “I told you, Harry, we can’t say it anymore! We’ve got to p-”
Bree had appeared behind Ron and put her hand over his mouth. 
“Ron, our chances are gonna be even slimmer if you keep howling!”
The redhead nodded to confirm that he had understood what his friend had whispered, and she removed her hand. For a few *wonderful moments* the four of them thought they had made it! They waited in complete silence - Harry standing protectively in front of the others with his wand in a firm grip.
“Come out of there with ye’ hands up!”, came a rasping voice through the darkness. “You’ve got half a dozen wands aimed at ya’ and we don’t care who we curse!”
Harry turned around slowly and noticed Hermione and Breanna coming to a silent agreement. He was just about to ask the others what they thought they should do when Hermione aimed her wand at his face. There was a bang, a burst of white light and Harry buckled in agony, unable to see, as heavy footfalls surrounded the gang.
Bree let out a small whimper as someone grabbed a fistfull of her hair and pulled her out of the tent. Harry, Ron and Hermione were wrested outside as well, and all four of them were restrained to prevent their escape. Breanna and Hermione both got their wrists bound together, but they stood next to each other while the snatchers questioned the boys.
Harry suddenly let out a distressed shout, because Scabior had smirked evilly and made his way closer to Bree.
“Don’t touch her! Don’t you dare!”
“Fine”, he said. “I won’t”
He turned back towards the girls, raised his wand and a swift movement caused Breanna’s legs to give in. She fell to her knees, her hands still tied behind her back. Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Scabior got there first. 
“Ey, like I promised, I didn’t touch ‘er.”
He took a few threatening steps towards the girls and stood towering over Breanna as she was forced to kneel by the snatcher’s feet.
“And your name, girly?”
Bree swallowed nervously before answering.
“Katie Bell. Halfblood.”
Scabior smiled again and walked over to Hermione. He was just about to ask her the same question when another snatcher approached them from behind.
“That’s a lie”
“What?”, asked Scabior. “What ‘ru on about?”
“I might not remember every single one.”, said the voice. “But when people are bit as revenge, I tend not to forget their name… or smell”
Fenrir Greyback stepped into the moonlight looking absolutely wild. His dirty hair was full of leaves and small sticks, and he had dried blood on his hands. 
Scabior grabbed Breanna’s hair again, pulled her to her feet and pushed her towards Greyback. Harry struggled ferociously against the snatcher holding him, but it was no use. This gang might not be the smartest, but they were big, and strong. The situation seemed oddly familiar to Harry, and he realized that it remembered him of the few times Dudley’s friends had caught him and held him back while Dudley himself put his boxing skills to ‘good use’. This was worse though, and he kept fighting to get out of the snatcher’s grip despite knowing that it was impossible.
“Don’t touch her! Back off!!”
Greyback didn’t seem to hear Harry’s protests and roughly seized the collar of Breanna’s torn, dirty shirt. She tried to push him away, but without the use of her hands that proved to be very difficult, and Grayback pulled her closer instead. He grabbed her by the throat, and, because the werewolf was so tall, her feet no longer touched the ground once he could look her in the eye.
Greyback laughed darkly and threw the girl to the ground. 
“Lupin…”, he muttered. “Didn’t know that traitor had a pup. You think daddy would like you to join or… pack?”
He bent down to his knees and dragged a sharp claw along her neck, forcing her to lift her head.
Both Harry and Ron had, at this point however, had enough and were just about to shout again when Scabior spoke up.
“C’mon Greyback. We’re wastin’ time. ‘m sure the ministry will let ya keep ‘er if the others are valuable enough. You take the halfbreed and we’ll bind the rest to the other prisoners.”
Greyback grabbed hold of the rope securing Breanna’s hands behind her back, and Scabior turned towards Hermione again.
“And you, love? A name? And blood status if you’d be so kind.”
“Penelope Clearwater, halfblood.”
“Easy enough to check.”
Someone yanked Harry, Ron and Hermione up by the hair, dragged them a few feet, pushed them down into a sitting position, and started binding them back to back with some other people.
A few snatchers went into the tent, presumably looking for anything of value, and the others kept a close eye on the bound prisoners. The group seemed to be getting ready to leave, but suddenly Scabior approached, a copy of the Daily Prophet in his right hand.
“Ang on a minute, Greyback! Look at this, in the Prophet! ‘Ermione Granger, mudblood known to be travellin’’ with ‘Arry Potter.’”
Greyback lifted Hermione’s head using his boot and said, “You know what little girly? This picture looks a hell of a lot like you.”
“It’s not me!”, said Hermione, “I swear it’s n-”
“Well this changes things, doesn’t it?”, whispered Greyback. Harry could still barely see, but noticed Breanna trembling as Greyback tightened his grip around her wrist. She stumbled slightly when the werewolf took a few steps towards Harry and bent down to get a closer look at his face.
“Oi, Vernon, what’s that on ya’ forehead?”
“Don’t touch it!”
“I thought you wore glasses, Potter”
“I found glasses!”
Another snatcher came running from the tent and seconds later Harry’s glasses had been rammed back on to his face. 
“It is!”, howled Greyback triumphantly. “We’ve caught Potter!”
“So? To the ministry?”
“To hell with the ministry. I say we take them directly to You-know-who. Let’s take the boy to the Malfoys’ place”
“‘ru completely sure? Cause-”
“Who’s in charge here?”, roared Greyback. “I say it’s Potter, that’s 200000 galleons, and with any luck I’ll get the girl thrown in.”
The prisoners were dragged to their feet.
“I’ll get Potter too”, said Greyback while grabbing a fistfull of Harry’s hair. He wasn’t overly excited about standing so close to the vicious werewolf, but felt somewhat relieved when he was held right by Breanna’s side and she carefully leant her head on his shoulder. The small action gave him a sense of comfort despite the danger and seriousness of the situation.
“1, 2, 3…”
They disapparated.
“I know ‘e’s swollen, ma’am, but it’s ‘im.”, Scabior said. “If you look a bit closer, you’ll see his scar.”
“Bring them in.”
Harry and the rest were brutally shoved and kicked up broad stone steps into a hallway lined with portraits. Two figures rose from chairs in front of an ornate marble fireplace as the prisoners were forced into the room by the snatchers. Lucius Malfoy took a step forward.
“What’s this?”
“They say they have got Potter”, answered Narcissa coldly. “Draco, come here.”
Draco approached the prisoners apprehensively, but claimed not to be sure whether it, in fact, was Harry.
“How ‘bout them others, then?”, growled Greyback while pushing Ron, Hermione, Breanna, Dean and Griphook forwards. “‘tis at least one mudblood, a Weasley and an Order member’s kid - recognize either?”
Draco still didn’t know, however Lucius Malfoy felt sure enough, and was just about to call ‘The Dark Lord’ when Bellatrix Lestrange entered the room and walked up to the captives. She began arguing with Lucius, but stopped abruptly when noticing the sword of Gryffindor being held by one of the snatchers. 
Bellatrix went to attack, but changed her mind once Greyback told her that they had found the sword in Harry, Ron, Hermione and Breanna’s tent. Narcissa, who seemed increasingly worried as her sister attacked various people in the room, turned to the group of ‘kids’ again. 
“Take these prisoners down to the cellar, Greyback”
“Wait!”, screeched Bellatrix. “All except… except the girls.”
“NO!”, exclaimed Harry just as Ron, struggling violently against the ropes that bound him, let out a loud roar.
“NO! You can have me! Keep me!!”
Bellatrix simply cackled evilly and said, “If one of them dies under questioning, I’ll take you next. Mudbloods, offsprings of Halfbreeds and blood traitors - they’re all the same to me. Greyback, take them downstairs and make sure they’re secure. But don’t do anything else. Yet...”
She grabbed both Breanna and Hermione by the hair and dragged them into the middle of the room. She let go and they both fell face first into the hard, dark floor with a crack. With a swift wave of her wand, thick ropes wrapped themselves around the girls’ ankles, effectively preventing them from escaping, and she then turned towards Greyback.
“Hurry up! Get them down quickly and you can have the Halfbreed. ‘m sure her screams will be enough to keep you entertained for a while?” 
Greyback forced the rest of them into a dark passageway, his wand held out in front of him, projecting an invisible and irresistible force.
“Reckon she’ll let me have a bit of the girls when she’s finished with ‘em?”, Greyback crooned as he forced them along the corridor. “I’d say at least a bite or two each, wouldn’t you, boys? I think I’ll save the Lupin girl for Saturday, huh? I bet the full moon will make her taste even better, don’t you think??”
Both Harry and Ron were shaking in anger, but the invisible force kept them all in place. They were forced down a steep flight of stairs, still tied back-to-back and in danger of slipping and breaking their necks at any moment. At the bottom of the stairs was a heavy door, and Greyback opened it, pushed them all inside and slammed the door shut, but just as they hit the ground, a loud, panicked, heart wrenching scream was heard from directly above them.
“I’m going to ask you again! Where did you take this sword? WHERE?!”
“We found it! - We found it! - PLEASE!!”
“You’re lying, you filthy mudblood, and I know it. You have been inside my vault at Gringotts! Tell the truth! TELL THE TRUTH!!”
“It was my fault!”, cried Breanna desperately, hoping that Bellatrix wouldn’t be as harsh on her since she was a half blood. Deep down, she knew that this was highly improbable, but she couldn’t stand watching Hermione writhing in pain. “I found it, Hermione had nothing to do with it! Leave her alone!”
Bellatrix dropped Hermione, and Breanna was pulled off the ground for the umpteenth time that day.
“Don’t you worry. You’ll get your fair share too - Ah!”
In just that moment, Greyback walked the last few steps of the stairs and entered the big room.
“Right on time, Grayback! Do what you want with this one.”
She threw Breanna into Greyback’s arms and turned back to Hermione.
“See if you can get anything of value out of her first, though. If her father is part of the Order as you say, then surely enough… persuasion… should give us something.”
Greyback dragged Breana by the hair so that they were a few feet away from Bellatrix, and bent over the girl standing on all four. His wild face was merely inches from hers, and she flinched involuntarily feeling his warm breath on her neck. The werewolf stroked his hairy hand across her cheek, and Breanna closed her eyes, desperately trying to imagine being somewhere else. She was, however, fully aware of the fact that this was only the beginning. Greyback was famous for his savagery and brutal methods, and her father had once told her the story of their first encounter. Remus had told her how her grandfather, Lyall, had insulted the werewolf, who would later take his revenge by biting Lyall’s son. 
Suddenly, a burning sensation spread from her neck down to her waist - causing her to let out a pained scream. She had been so lost in thought that she failed to notice Greyback raising his hand, with nails like claws, and slashing it across her body. Her thin shirt went from light green to red in a matter of seconds and she scrambled to get away from him - ultimately failing when he caught some of her hair between his hand and the floor. 
“You know”, growled Greyback. “I told Potter and the blood traitor I’d save my sample of yourself for Saturday but… why choose?”
He grabbed her hands and held them far away from the rest of her body, giving her little to no chance of protecting herself, bent closer and sank his sharp teeth deep into her shoulder.
Breanna let out yet another bloodcurdling scream and thrashed violently, which only caused Greyback to scratch his claws across her face before swiftly standing and landing a rough kick to her stomach. 
She coughed slightly and tried to get up, but it was then Greyback finally seemed to remember the fact that he owned a wand.
“What do ya’ think you’re doin’? Stay on the floor, where ya’ belong! CRUCIO!”
Breanna began writhing in pain, just like Hermione had earlier, but the sheer strength of the curse combined with previous pain, blood loss and the mental trauma of having been bitten by a werewolf - though not transformed at the time - was enough to make her stop fighting. She didn’t fully pass out, but lay limp at the floor.
Bellatrix had bound Hermione to a pillar near the fireplace and was instead questioning a goblin about the Sword of Gryffindor.
“No”, said Griphook. “It is a fake”
“Are you sure? Quite sure?”
“Good”, she said, and with a casual flick of her wand she slashed another deep cut on the goblin’s face. “And now - we call the Dark Lord. I’m sure we can dispose of these two”. She used her foot to turn Breanna over and studied her broken being with a sly smile. “Keep ‘em if you want, Greyback!”
Ron and Harry dashed into the room, Ron disarming Bellatrix and Harry catching her wand while simultaneously stunning Lucius Malfoy.
Harry and Ron both looked at Bellatrix who held a struggling Hermione in one hand, and used the other to press a silver dagger to her neck - all while resting a high heeled boot millimetres above the throat of Breanna’s now unconscious form. 
“Drop the wands, or I won’t hesitate to let them both die covered in their own filthy blood. I said DROP THEM!!!!”
The boys threw the wands to the floor and Draco, after being told to, picked them up. Harry could feel Voldemort approaching, and the situation felt quite hopeless… None of them had a wand, he and Ron stood with their hands by their shoulders and wands pointing in their direction, and Bellatrix - who had already taken Sirius from him - had both the girls in her grasp.
“Now, I think we ought to tie these little heroes up again.”, said Bellatrix softly. “While Greyback takes care of Miss Halfbreed. I suppose you could have the mudblood too, if you fancy it. I’m sure the Dark Lord won’t begrudge you that after all you have done tonight.”
Her speech was interrupted by a peculiar grinding noise from above. All of them looked up and noticed Dobby on the chandelier. Bellatrix dropped Hermione and jumped out of the way - the chandelier falling on top of Hermione, Breanna and Griphook. Harry took the chance and pulled their wands out of Draco’s hand and then joined Ron in trying to get the girls to safety. He pointed all the wands at Greyback at the same time and shouted “STUPIFY!”, before picking Bree up into his arms. They all stood surrounding Dobby who apparated them all out of there. 
A soft knock caused Breanna to immediately look towards the door, but she breathed a sigh of relief once realizing that it was safe. She had been rather jumpy since their capture, and she hated feeling so… weak? Fragile? Hopeless?
“Hey, you doing alright?”
“Hi, Bill. Yes, I’m good. How’s Hermione?”
Bill smiled. “She’ll be fine. I’m sure it must have been horrifying for her, but trust me, we’ve seen worse. With both Fleur and Ron by her side I can’t find a reason to be worried. Honestly, I’m much more concerned about you.”
“Bill, I’m f-”
“No, see, I don’t think you are. Purely based on what the others have told me, you’ve gone through both physical and mental torture beyond what even the least decent person should consider ‘acceptable’. Your silence, constant twitching and rapid breathing further supports that theory. We just want to help.”
“Look, I appreciate that, I really do bu-”
“Do you want me to send word to your dad?”
“I- Wha- No! No, I’ll manage. A day or two to rest and a chance to process all that happened should get me back on my feet. I don’t want to worry him… Please, Bill, do-”
“Okay, I won’t write”, said Bill hesitantly. “But then you must promise to let us help. And if Remus contacts us asking whether we know anything about the four of you - I won’t lie. He’s done that roughly twice a week since November, though weirdly enough not the last couple of days, and there’s a bond of trust there, Bree. I trust you can understand that?”
“Of course”, she said, managing a weak smile. “But surely you, if anyone, would understand that you have to move on. I mean, you were attacked in essentially the same way last year and you sti-”
But Bill just shook his head.
“No, Bree, they’re not ‘essentially the same’. Not at all. When Greyback-”, Breanna flinched at the name and Bill put a hand on her shoulder. “When he attacked me, it was quick. Sure, it hurt like hell, but it was over in less than a minute. And I know you won’t like me saying this, but I suspect that was the case even for your dad. What he’s had to endure since that night is a whole nother story, but the actual moment? For the two of us, he was out to kill, and thankfully interrupted before he got the chance, but in your case I wouldn’t call it an ‘attack’ but rather… An intrusion, or violation if you will. Bree, what you went through, I can’t even imagine.”
Bill could tell the young girl didn’t know what to say, so he simply pulled her in for a gentle hug.
“Do you want me to ask Harry to come up?”
“What are they doing? I don’t wanna interru-”
“Just having dinner. We’d have brought you downstairs too, but you were still unconscious or sleeping half an hour ago. Fleur didn’t feel the need to drag you out of bed then.” He paused and examined her for a moment before standing.
“I’ll get him, give me a minute.”
“Harry, what if Dumbledore wanted us to work out the symbol in time to get the wand? What i-”
“Ron, I-”
Their conversation was interrupted when Bill entered the kitchen.
“Harry? She’s up.”
Harry turned to his best friend’s brother, a look of utter confusion on his face.
“I.. Wha- How is she? Can I-”
“Go. She’s trying to be strong, of course, yet there’s something more there. Her bravery is admirable, but I don’t think it’s very healthy to keep it all bottled up. If anyone could get her to let it out it’d be you. Go.”
Harry carefully pushed the door open, and his eyes immediately found hers. They had been friends for so many years now, that reading each other’s thoughts was considered ‘normal’. Harry was instantaneously relieved when she didn’t jump, flinch or move away from the door. He walked over to the bed and was pulled into a loving hug before even sitting down. That was not what he had expected…! Sure, he had hoped that she wouldn’t be completely broken, but considering everything he - they - had been through, he hadn’t dared to imagine any best case scenario only to be completely crushed by the truth.
“Bree? How a-”
But that was all it took - for him to say her name. She wasn’t sobbing, just crying silently - tears falling freely from her eyes.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry, Harry. Crying’s not going to help anyone I just-”
“Bree, don’t apologize, please. Just let it out, you’re safe. I’m here and I’m not leaving you again, okay? You’re safe now. You’re sa-”
There was a loud ‘BANG’ on the front door. Harry grabbed his wand and took a few careful steps down the stairs, constantly making sure that Bree was right behind him. He grabbed her hand tightly and watched as Bill, with his wand pointing towards the door, made his way from the kitchen to the hallway.
“Who is it?”
“It is I, Remus John Lupin. I’m a werewolf, married to Nymphadora Tonks, and you, the Secret Keeper of Shell Cottage, told me the address, and bade me come in an emergency.”
Bill ran to the door and wretched it open. Bree looked over Harry’s shoulder and saw her dad stumble over the threshold before standing up straight and exclaiming “It’s a boy! We’ve named him Ted after Dora’s father.”
“Wow, that’s amazing!”, sad Bill sounding uncharacteristically nervous as he met Fleur’s gaze. Tonks having her baby would explain Remus’ lack of messages for the past few days, and Bill was starting to regret not letting him know about his daughter’s condition as soon as she had arrived.
Remus seemed to calm down slightly as well, and suddenly noticed Ron, Hermione, Dean and Luna at the dining table
“Wha-”, he began, but Bill just nodded towards the living room.
“Remus, look, I think you better sit down and I-”
But the older man didn’t seem to agree with whatever Bill was going to suggest.
“What happened?! When?! And whe-”
He didn’t get to say much more before two arms wrapped around him from behind. He knew, given the current state of the Wizarding World, that he should grab his wand and push them away, but he already suspected who it was. His theory was confirmed by a hoarse whisper:
It was such a short word, but her voice broke nonetheless. He began turning around, desperate to get a good look at his daughter after over eight months apart, but she struggled against him.
“Bree, let me look at you?! Stop- NO, stop it I-”
He might just have travelled through a storm, but was still the stronger of the two. Physical strength would, however, prove to be essentially worthless, and the Marauder fell to his knees as soon as he laid eyes on his only daughter. He forced himself to look at her, but it must have been one of the most challenging things the man had ever had to do.
She was covered in deep wounds & scratches from head to toe. Her wrists were bloody and bruised and at least a few, red bite marks stood out against her otherwise pale skin. Her eyes were red, and her face was still covered in wet tears. She was trying her best to stand up straight, but no one knew Bree like her father did - not even Harry - and Remus immediately sensed that something was wrong. She was crouching down ever so slightly - almost as if she had been curled up or forced into a fetal position for way too long.
“Oh, darling…”
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Those two words were the only ones he managed while his mind desperately worked on processing the sight in front of him. He had come with the intention of sharing some joyful news, but this - what had happened instead - was way beyond his worst nightmares. His boggart had been the full moon for as long as he could remember, but he was quite sure the silvery orb would not glide out from the cupboard the next time he had to face one.
“Bree?”, mumbled Harry. “Do you want some help upstairs? I feel like you two could use some privacy..?”
She nodded, and Harry, who had now also noticed her unusual posture, placed her right arm over his shoulders and helped her back up. Her father - naturally - followed closely behind.
Bree sat back on the bed from before, her gaze focused on a particularly interesting spot on the floor. Her father sat down next to her and gently placed an arm around her small body, expertly avoiding the many red or brownish lines. She wanted to look back at him. To put her arm around him and return the hug, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Sure, he did promise her not to blame himself for whatever fights she chose, but this was different. She hadn’t chosen this one, and her wounds were far worse than anything Umbridge had ever accomplished. Just the thought of having to tell him who was responsible and what he had said frightened her. Not that she was scared of her dad, but she knew he would claim that everything was his fault. She couldn’t lie, though. Not this time. He deserved to know exactly what happened. 
“Bree? Darling? Are you okay? What happened?”
His voice was now extremely gentle, which was comforting for Breanna too. She took a deep breath and turned to face him. She spoke barely above a whisper, her neck still bruised and sore from the countless times she had been grabbed and held by it.
“Yes. Yes, I’m good. Or fine at least.”
“I assume you understand that I want to hear the full story, but I must ask - when?”
He reached towards her shoulder and gently brought his hand over the bite marks.
“‘round Easter, I don’t know exactly… seventh? eight? ninth? Not the eleventh though, I’m sure of that.”
His facial expression went from terrified to slightly calmer as he rubbed his temple.
“Okay, that’s… that’s good. Given the circumstances, I mean. And you’re absolutely positive? Because sometimes traumatic events can make you forge-”
“Dad, I’m sure! If there’s one part of me that’s in prime condition it’s my memory...I- I remember every second.”
She shuddered at the thought of if all, and quickly added, “He wasn’t transformed…”
Remus looked at her sadly, the truth, or at least parts of it, now clear to him.
“Not Gre-”
“DoN’t! Please...”
She put her head on his torso when he pulled her closer.
“Please, I can’t-”
“Breathe, Darling. You’re safe. I’m sorry I… Blimey I should have guessed. Took me months and I was barely five… C’mere.”
They sat like that for a while, Remus resting his head on his daughter’s while humming quietly. He eventually decided he couldn’t take it anymore and cleared his throat to catch her attention.
“Bree? You have to tell me what happened. Have you gotten these wounds treated? They don’t look very good…”
“Trust me, they were much worse back then. I think Fleur did her best to heal them. She’s really goo-”
He looked away and took a deep breath. “You’re avoiding the question, Bree…”
“Dad, I do-”
He slammed his hands down on the bed as his voice grew angrier.
“Breanna, you promised me you’d never hide any kind of pain from me ever again?! I-”
He suddenly noticed his daughter desperately cowering away and lowered his voice.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, but I trusted that promise! And don’t even try to tell me how ‘you’re fine’ or ‘it’s not really even hurting anymore’. Bree, I have known you your whole life, let me help. You must te-”
“I know. I will. I know you deserve that, just… I don’t know where to start? A lot has happened… And I also need you to know that I didn’t break my promise. Bill and Harry told me I’ve been drifting in and out of consciousness for days. I only properly woke up an hour or so before you came and haven’t had time to send a message.”
He looked at her, and she moved closer again.
“It’s good, dad. We’re good, don’t worry about it.”
Then she told him. The entire story - starting with breaking into the Ministry and then everything about Godric’s Hollow, The Lovegoods’ house - but came to an abrupt stop after that. She took a moment to collect her thoughts, but then shared the events of the past two weeks as well. She told her father all about Harry accidentally using You-Know-Who’s name, the group of snatchers surrounding them and their decision not to try to fight their way out.
“We were outnumbered, and had to hide the fact that they had just caught Harry. Hermione used a stinging jinx which, naturally, worked perfectly - they didn’t recognize him at first. They tied us all up and started asking questions about names, blood status and so on. None of us gave them our real names of course, and it worked well until… until he… until he stepped out of the shadows and told the others that the name I had given them was false. It took him a minute or two, but he claimed to… ‘recognize my smell’ - your smell, I suppose.”
“Bree, it’s m-”
“No! You can’t blame yourself. That was your part of the deal, remember?”
“Well, this time it seem like it actually was-”
“not your fault, exactly. The snatchers found some photographs in the Prophet, Harry’s glasses and a bunch of other stuff and kind of made the connection themselves.”
She explained how they were taken to Malfoy Manor. How Bellatrix had ordered everyone apart from the two girls down to the dungeons. How she had bound them even tighter before taking care of Hermione, and later Griphook, herself and leaving Breanna defenceless to deal with Greyback.
“Do you know what the worst part is? I barely even tried to defend myself. Merlin, I just felt so... weak!?! So worthless. He just stood there - right by my face - breathing and”, she shuddered again, “‘petting’. Then he hacked, and slashed, and bit, and kicked and pushed. Eventually realized he was in possession of a wand and… It was unbearable, I-I-I can’t even... ” 
“Shhh, breathe, Darling, breathe! Easy there…” 
He pulled her, if possible, even closer until she sat in her father’s lap. Breanna used to fall asleep in his lap when she was a little girl - the warmth and comfort calming her down - but it had been years since… She was, after all, a young adult now.
“Listen, and I need you to understand this because it is very important - you are not weak! Far from it! In a situation like what you have just described, if you are wandless and unable to practically defend yourself, coming with sly remarks and trying to argue with the one in possession of the wand would not only be dangerous, but also rather careless. If there was anything I could do to change what happened, then believe me, I would, but don’t for a second beat yourself up over your decisions.”
Remus looked at Bree, but chuckled slightly when he noticed his daughter slowly drifting off to sleep. He decided to shake her slightly and wake her before it was too late.
“Bree? Don’t you think it’s better if we go home? You can go to sleep there instead?”
“What?”, she mumbled. “But, dad, we’re not done yet? Harry, Ron and Hermione-”
“-Will just have to do without you for a while. Listen to reason, darling. You are injured, shaken and can barely stand up straight - which is perfectly understandable! I’m just saying, the best thing you can do is probably to rest and let them go on for now. Who knows, maybe you will be able to go back after healing?”
Remus made a mental note to keep his daughter close to him from now on, and NOT to let her throw herself back into the war, but felt like this was the best way to convince her right away. He had missed her every minute since they had parted ways back in August, and dreamt of the day they’d reunite, but never had he imagined he’d find her in such a state. He swore to himself that he would always try to keep her safe.
His daughter
His darling
His Bree
Never again… 
~ L
Part 3 I’ll be by your side
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makerkenzie · 4 years
A Song of Mischief and Shit-Stirring: She likes the dragon.
In Arianne’s first chapter in TWOW, she gets three signs that her family’s project of hitching their wagon to the new dragon is a bad idea. One by one, she disregards them.
First, she’s dining with the Tolands of Ghost Hill. Whoa there: Ghost Hill? Think that may be foreshadowing something? Anyway, the Toland ladies seem fine. Brilliant? No. Perfect? No. But they seem to have their heads screwed on straight, and a princess needs friends like that. The first sign is this one, from Lady Toland’s younger daughter:
It was then that pasty, pudgy Teora raised her eyes from the creamcakes on her plate.  
"It is dragons."         
"Dragons?"  said her mother.  "Teora, don't be mad."     
"I'm not.  They're coming."     
"How could you possibly know that?" her sister asked, with a note of scorn in her voice.  "One of your little dreams?"     
Teora gave a tiny nod, chin trembling.  "They were dancing.  In my dream.  And everywhere the dragons danced the people died."
We know what dancing dragons portend. The Targaryens are in conflict, and there are fields full of bodies on both sides. 
Second, a little later at the same meal:
"From the days of Aegon's Conquest.  He did not conquer here.  Elsewhere he burned his foes, him and his sisters, but here we melted away before them, leaving only stone and sand for them to burn.  And round and round the dragons went, snapping at their tails for want of any other food, till they were tied in knots."     
"Our forebears played their part in that," Lady Nymella said proudly.  "Bold deeds were done, and brave men died.  All of it was written down by the maesters who served us.  We have books, if my princess would like to know more."     
"Some other time, perhaps," said Arianne.
This is the one that I keep thinking about since reading Fire & Blood Vol. 1. Dorne resisted the Targaryen conquest, and they resisted very effectively, long after all the other kingdoms bent the knee. They kept their independence by refusing to fight on the Targaryens’ terms. 
This, here! This is why I’m so critical of the Martells’ plot to punish the Lannisters by empowering the Targaryens. It’s not that I think so little of the Martells. It’s because they could do so much better than this. Princess Meria would be disgusted if she saw what Doran and Oberyn have been doing since Robert’s Rebellion. This shit is not what “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” looks like. They’ve forgotten where they came from.
Anyway. The most revealing sign is later that evening:
Arianne played a game of cyvasse with Ser Daemon, and another one with Garibald Shells, and somehow managed to lose both.  Ser Garibald was kind enough to say that she played a gallant game, but Daemon mocked her.  "You have other pieces beside the dragon, princess.  Try moving them sometime." 
    "I like the dragon."  She wanted to slap the smile off his face.  Or kiss it off, perhaps.  The man was as smug as he was comely.  Of all the knights in Dorne, why did my father chose this one to be my shield?  He knows our history.  "It is just a game.  Tell me of Prince Viserys."     
"The Beggar King?"  Ser Daemon seemed surprised.     
"Everyone says that Prince Rhaegar was beautiful.  Was Viserys beautiful as well?"     
"I suppose.  He was Targaryen.  I never saw the man."     
The secret pact that Prince Doran had made all those years called for Arianne to be wed to Prince Viserys, not Quentyn to Daenerys.  It had all come undone on the Dothraki sea, when he was murdered.  Crowned with a pot of molten gold.  "He was killed by a Dothraki khal," said Arianne.  "The dragon queen's own husband."     
"So I've heard.  What of it?"         
"Just... why did Daenerys let it happen?  Viserys was her brother.  All that remained of her own blood."     
"The Dothraki are a savage folk.  Who can know why they kill?  Perhaps Viserys wiped his arse with the wrong hand."     
Perhaps, thought Arianne, or perhaps Daenerys realized that once her brother was crowned and wed to me, she would be doomed to spend the rest of her life sleeping in a tent and smelling like a horse.  "She is the Mad King's daughter," the princess said.  "How do we do know -- "     
"We cannot know," Ser Daemon said.  "We can only hope."
She’s literally losing the game because she’s over-invested in the dragon piece. Then it’s time to talk about Viserys. This is a problem the Martells have had for decades: they vastly overestimate their family’s importance to the Targaryens. Arianne figures Dany let her husband kill her brother because Dany was jealous of Arianne’s betrothal to Viserys. Never once does it cross her mind that Dany let her husband melt her brother’s brains because he was garbage. 
No, Dany was not jealous of any arrangement involving Arianne. Dany knew nothing about the arrangement because Viserys never mentioned it to her. 
Rhaegar deserted Elia and their children. Aerys used them as hostages rather than get them out of harm’s way. Viserys did not care about the offer to wed Arianne. The Targaryens will not go to bat for the Martells. The the last time the Targaryens cared for the Martells was when Doran and Oberyn’s mother was buddies with Princess Rhaella. The rest of the family don’t give a fuck. 
Arianne gets this much in one chapter: 1. The Targaryens bring death and destruction wherever they go. 2. The Martells do not need the Targaryens. 3. The Targaryens do not care about the Martells. 
Then in Arianne’s second chapter, Daemon Sand tells her straight out: don’t go any farther with these people.
“Your brother is not at Storm’s End, we know that now,” Ser Daemon said, as soon as they were behind closed doors.  “If Daenerys Targaryen has dragons, they are half a world away, and of no use to Dorne. There is nothing for us at Storm’s End, princess. If Prince Doran meant to send you into the middle of a battle, he would have given you three hundred knights, not three.”
Do not be so certain of that, ser. He sent my brother off to Slaver’s Bay with five knights and a maester.   “I need to speak with Connington.”   Arianne undid the interlocked sun and spear that clasped her cloak, and let the rain-soaked garment slip from her shoulders to puddle on the floor. “And I want to see this dragon prince of his. If he is truly Elia’s son…”
“Whoever’s son he is, if Connington challenges Mace Tyrell in open battle he may soon be a captive, or a corpse.”
“Tyrell is not a man to fear. My uncle Oberyn– “
” –is dead, princess. And ten thousand men is equal to the whole strength of the Golden Company.”
“Lord Connington knows his own strength, surely. If he means to risk battle, he must believe that he can win it.”
“And how many men have died in battles they believed that they could win?”  Ser Daemon asked her.  “Refuse them, princess. I mistrust these sellswords. Do not go to Storm’s End.”
Arianne’s reason for plowing on is understandable, and sympathetic: she wants her daddy to be proud of her. Quentyn wanted their daddy to be proud of him when he tried to get acquainted with the (literal) dragons. I suspect this one will go about as well for Arianne.
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strxngersmind · 5 years
so my dad just finished all of rwby... here are some highlights
my favorites are bolded for a quick read.
“why... do they look like that” at the animation in the red trailer.
“shes 15?!”
“why is she fighting a giant knight while singing”
“she can fly??” before i explained her glyphs a little lol
“okay thats blake but whats the guys name”
“workers dont deserve to die!!”
“shes 17!” at the lets kiss and make up bit in the yellow trailer
“look she’s captain marvel!”
“i like her... whats her name again?” yang, dad. her name is yang. “that’s carol danvers.”
volumes 1 and 2
his favorite characters were yang, pyrrha, and nora. also glynda.
although he hated weiss until about mid vol 2.
liked blake but kept talking about how he wants to know more about her.
liked blake and sun’s “forming relationship” as he called it.
started saying “meow” anytime blake was on screen.
said he liked roman but cinder was a cooler villain. “she has minions!”
volume 3
oh this was fun to watch
“look she’s thor!” about nora during the jnpr fight.
he was very excited to see pyrrha become a maiden.
called adam “a fucking bitch-man” when he hurt blake. screamed “fuck you!” when he hurt yang.
the adam “fight” is the only time my dad didn’t say meow when blake was on screen. he was on the edge of his seat really.
cried when pyrrha died (my dad almost never cries at tv shows)
"why did meow [blake] run?? why didnt she stay?”
“who the fuck is that?!” to salems reveal.
“you’re mean...” said to Me because i got him into rwby in the first place.
“i dont want to watch anymore...” [5 minutes pass] “put on the next season already.”
volumes 4-5
he said he was grateful for the animation change and that he liked it better.
he was very happy when he saw yang with the new arm.
“she’s back! captain marvel is back!”
“look at her ears! they move!!” after blake threw away her bow
laughed A Lot when blake slapped sun for following her.
he called ghira “daddy meow” and i choked on my drink ngl
he became very protective(?) of weiss while she was in atlas and also called jacques a “bitch-man”.
“so are ruby and jaune gonna end up together now? because he belongs with pyrrha!” pyrrha is dead, dad. “still!”
he rolled his eyes just about every time adam spoke.
called the nuckelavee “the horse bitch”
also,, he genuinely believed that oscar was a maiden (before ozpin started talking) for some reason???
oscar is a boy... ”but what if he’s not?” but he is. he is a boy. maidens can’t be boys. ”he’s a maiden.”
[v4] “can qrow turn into a bird?” keep watching and find out. “if he can’t, thats dumb” why? “because his name is the bird!”
“ohhh the cowardly lion! i get it.” when lionheart talked with salem.
he was very excited every time raven showed up. he really liked her.
yelled “kill him” when adam was cornered during the battle for haven. was very disappointed when he ended up running away.
“why didnt yang tell them raven was the spring maiden? what do they think happened to the powers if vernal died?”
volume 6
“but what did ruby get her??”
he was pretty sad that sun was leaving. he also really liked him.
“can she be dead now” when cinder was revealed to be alive
noted that all the characters were really mastering their semblances over time.
“please be blue will smith” to jinn being summoned
he LOVED the salem/oz backstory. “now it makes sense”
jumped on the “hate ozpin” train.
“she cant be killed?? he’s using kids to fight and he knew they couldn’t win!” pyrrha died for this cause, too. ”he killed her!!”
also, he still says meow every time blake is on screen. he never stopped... for 6 volumes...
[at saphron/terra reveal] “how many lesbians are on this show? not that its bad but how many?” [tells him about the *confirmed* lgbt characters] there’s a few more that are unconfirmed but its looking like they will be eventually. “is it meow [blake]?”
dramatically gasped when adam showed up at the comm tower
“noo bumblebee!” when yang yeeted her bike at adam
“shes using a giant robot to fight kids?? is she okay?!”
[”we’re protecting each other” scene] “same shit but that’s sweet”
cheered when yang caught adam’s sword
[adam falls off the cliff] “well damn. i think he’s dead dead.”
[first bee scene in airship] “so are they together now?”
“now i have to wait until october? thats 3 months!” ive been waiting since january! “yeah but now i have to wait!”
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