sillysonny · 2 years
Bourgeoisie: Why the birth rate of our human wage slave down? Proletariat: *Get off work and too exhausted Mentally or Physically to even make dinner, let alone put in effort to procreate* Literally a self killing system of society. https://t.co/2Iczb9crB9
Bourgeoisie: Why the birth rate of our human wage slave down? Proletariat: *Get off work and too exhausted Mentally or Physically to even make dinner, let alone put in effort to procreate* Literally a self killing system of society. https://t.co/2Iczb9crB9
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) Jun 10, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
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sillysonny · 2 years
My brain is bad today. Doesn’t like the world at all…time for more work.
My brain is bad today. Doesn’t like the world at all…time for more work.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) Jun 10, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
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sillysonny · 2 years
Hey @Yuh_Stink I hope you are out somewhere having some fun today :)
Hey @Yuh_Stink I hope you are out somewhere having some fun today :)
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) Jun 10, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
Hey @elonmusk fuck you. I’m more productive at home and there are less distractions from walk ups and other annoyances. I also don’t have to drive 90 miles round trip everyday helping the environment. Additionally as an introvert this is the best working conditions for me.
Hey @elonmusk fuck you. I’m more productive at home and there are less distractions from walk ups and other annoyances. I also don’t have to drive 90 miles round trip everyday helping the environment. Additionally as an introvert this is the best working conditions for me.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) Jun 2, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
I would rather switch careers at this point than go back to the office (I have been in my current field for almost a decade.) I’m not going back. If company directors like you insist then they are going to lose a lot of talent and industries as a whole may suffer.
I would rather switch careers at this point than go back to the office (I have been in my current field for almost a decade.) I’m not going back. If company directors like you insist then they are going to lose a lot of talent and industries as a whole may suffer.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) Jun 2, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
I’m getting to a point in my career where I can say “I have been doing that longer than you have been alive” and I don’t like that.
I’m getting to a point in my career where I can say “I have been doing that longer than you have been alive” and I don’t like that.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) Jun 2, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
Man I wish I wasn’t so good at being a loner. Wish I had found someone nice to spend time with before they all found someone or I got too old. Oh well. Guess that’s the price of not conforming to the bullshit.
Man I wish I wasn’t so good at being a loner. Wish I had found someone nice to spend time with before they all found someone or I got too old. Oh well. Guess that’s the price of not conforming to the bullshit.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 30, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 25, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
Its Viking_Lass' birthday but I already wished her a happy one. It's someone else's too I think.
Its Viking_Lass' birthday but I already wished her a happy one. It's someone else's too I think.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 22, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
I KNOW its someone's Birthday this weekend but I can't remember who so whoever it is that I forgot your birthday I'm sorry and I love you.
I KNOW its someone's Birthday this weekend but I can't remember who so whoever it is that I forgot your birthday I'm sorry and I love you.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 22, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
How often do y’all wash your sheets?
How often do y’all wash your sheets?
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 18, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
The Future #Governor of #Texas @BetoORourke on @LateNightSeth Last Night talking about #RowVWade, #abortionrights, #healthcare, the #powergrid, The Rally in #Houston last weekend, and other #political #issues Part 1: https://t.co/iBXll3MPtK Part 2: https://t.co/nefxf9Hrs1
The Future #Governor of #Texas @BetoORourke on @LateNightSeth Last Night talking about #RowVWade, #abortionrights, #healthcare, the #powergrid, The Rally in #Houston last weekend, and other #political #issues Part 1: https://t.co/iBXll3MPtK Part 2: https://t.co/nefxf9Hrs1
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 11, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
#FedEx is #failing right now. #packages keep getting #delayed and being returned to sender. Almost everything on hold at my work right now is due to @FedEx. Everything sent via @UPS made it quickly. #UPS is winning.
#FedEx is #failing right now. #packages keep getting #delayed and being returned to sender. Almost everything on hold at my work right now is due to @FedEx. Everything sent via @UPS made it quickly. #UPS is winning.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 6, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
Person: What is your main Battle Royale type game SillySonny? Me: Twitter.
Person: What is your main Battle Royale type game SillySonny? Me: Twitter.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 4, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
If #bigbuisness is allowed to run amuck our planet will be stripped bare in a short manner of time. I always found it interesting and confounding that this ideal of no gov regulation on business is in direct opposition to the #Libertarian principle of environmental conservation.
If #bigbuisness is allowed to run amuck our planet will be stripped bare in a short manner of time. I always found it interesting and confounding that this ideal of no gov regulation on business is in direct opposition to the #Libertarian principle of environmental conservation.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 4, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
Look, sitting hear thinking about #RowVWade and how #Democrats seem powerless and #Republicans seem to want to hurt everyone genuinely has me wondering more about the #Libertarian party. Sure they have some quarky ideas, but there fundamental platform is personal freedom.
Look, sitting hear thinking about #RowVWade and how #Democrats seem powerless and #Republicans seem to want to hurt everyone genuinely has me wondering more about the #Libertarian party. Sure they have some quarky ideas, but there fundamental platform is personal freedom.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 4, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes
sillysonny · 2 years
Having someone represent me that just wants me to live my life as i see fit honestly doesn't sound too bad. My main concern is that in a #capitalist society #Libertarianism ideals fail to offer the working class any protection from the destructive nature of #BigBusiness.
Having someone represent me that just wants me to live my life as i see fit honestly doesn't sound too bad. My main concern is that in a #capitalist society #Libertarianism ideals fail to offer the working class any protection from the destructive nature of #BigBusiness.
— ☮️🇸️illy🇸️onny☮️ (@sillysonny01) May 4, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/sillysonny01
0 notes