#she deserves everything Good.
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jenanigans1207 · 5 months ago
What I wanted so badly was for Mary to learn about her boys from Cas. Like that night where Cas finds her when she can’t sleep and she expresses that she just doesn’t know anything about her sons since she missed so much?? All I wanted was for Cas to sit down with her at the table and just start telling her about them. Basic stuff at first: their favorite foods, their sleeping habits, the stuff he’s just observed by being their passenger for years.
And then I want him to say something totally Cas, like “Dean always wears more layers but that’s because his body naturally runs two degrees colder than Sam’s. But that’s normal for him and not indicative of any illness, so it’s nothing to worry about.”
And as they talk, it starts to get a little deeper, and Cas tells her more. He tells her about what she missed, about all the horrible things that happened to her sons and how they coped; how it changed them. And he tells her about Sam, he does, but really it ends up being all about Dean.
He’ll tell her about how Dean clenches his fists when he’s upset, even as he tries to keep his face impassive. About how Dean drums his fingers on the steering wheel when he’s anxious. He’ll tell her about Dean’s nightmares, about the ways he’s chosen to cope. He’ll tell her how to know when to approach Dean and when to give him space, how to gently acknowledge what he’s feeling without pushing him too far.
And with every word he says, Mary’s curious head tilt from when she’d seen them hug in reunion turns into a bone deep type of certainty. Because Cas is telling her things that only someone who paid special attention would notice. He’s telling her things that only someone very, very close to her son’s heart would know.
Cas will tell her the cliff notes of what they’ve been through; will tell her how the whole world looked to Dean and he rose to the occasion over and over again. He’ll tell her about Dean’s doubts in himself and then vehemently declare them as wrong and explain, at length, why. He will tell her about the people Dean has loved— the people who loved him like he was their own— and lost. He will tell her about Bobby, Ellen, Jody, Donna, and Charlie. He’ll tell her about Claire, too, and how Dean stepped up.
And the whole time, Mary will have this realization that oh, she may not have been around to guide and protect her sons, but there was always someone there to care for them and support them when they needed it. She will realize that she and John may have left them, but they were never alone.
But more than that, there was someone there for Dean. Someone picking Dean over and over again while Dean picked Sam, or the world, over himself. There was someone fighting for Dean when he wasn’t fighting for himself. There was someone who saw Dean, and loved him unconditionally.
Sitting across from her, at the asscrack of dawn, filling her in on all the things she missed was every mother’s dream: someone who loved her child with the kind of devotion that would break the world. And from the sounds of the stories she was being told, it did break the world. Someone whose love is entirely untainted and comes without any strings attached.
It’s so clear to her as she listens to Cas talk that Cas loves Dean with no expectations. That loving Dean is something he just does, like he doesn’t know how not to love Dean, like the possibility of not loving him never occurred to Cas. He loves Dean in a way that Mary knows can and will soothe Dean’s sharp edges and battered heart. He loves Dean in the kind of pure way that tells Mary that it will continue to endure and overcome everything without ever diminishing, even the littlest amount.
Mary, through tears, will tell Cas how she always told Dean that there were angels watching over him. And before Cas can make some comment about Dean being the Righteous Man and the interest of most of Heaven, she will place a hand over his and give him a motherly look that will convey all the things she’s not sure how to say— and the things she’s not sure Cas is ready to hear yet. And Cas will flush and look away, mumbling about how her son is very special to him.
And when she pulls him into a hug and murmurs thank yous into his shoulder, she will be comforted in the knowledge that her sons turned out to be wonderful men, and that they managed to stay together through everything. She will be comforted to know that no matter what happens, no matter her shortcomings as she tries to fill a role she never meant to leave, Sam will have Dean and Dean will have Cas.
And this time, when Cas tells her that she belongs here, she will believe him. And she will tell him that he belongs here, too.
And when Dean wakes up a few hours later and wanders in to find Mary and Cas still chatting over the table, he’ll be surprised— but pleased— to find Mary looking more at ease. He’ll be pleased when she gives him a warm hug and pats him on the cheek and tell him with all the sincerity that only a mother can muster that she’s glad that he met Castiel. And when Dean agrees, a little confused, Mary will just smile at him.
“I always said I’d like a third son.” She says, “so give him a reason to take our last name, won’t you?”
And Dean will splutter and turn fifteen shades of red as he steadfastly doesn’t look at Cas but mumbles something that suggests he’s not against the idea at all.
And Mary will laugh again and wink at an equally red Cas before heading towards the kitchen like “Cas said waffles are your favorite, so I hope you’re hungry!”
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novelconcepts · 6 months ago
A thing I find really important about the way Kevin Can Fuck Himself goes about its job: Allison is kind of a mess. She’s self-centered, she doesn’t put other people’s needs first, she makes reckless choices that endanger herself and others. And the show says: yes. Right. She’s flawed as fuck. And she still does not deserve any of what’s happening to her. It could be argued that she is, in fact, this flawed as a direct product of her trauma. Her self-absorption, unlike Kevin’s, is actually self-preservation. It puts Patty in danger. It tunes out Diane’s pain. It capitalizes on Sam’s relationship problems. And still, the show says: yes. Right. She’s going about this in fumbling, worrying ways. And she still does not deserve any of what’s happening to her.
Know how we know this? How we really know this, outside of our own objectivity, our own awareness of the abuse she’s enduring even to the soundtrack of laughter?
Because Tammy is the one to find her. Because Tammy is the one holding the cards at the end of the game. Tammy, who does not like Allison. Who sees so clearly the complicated, messy, dangerous person Allison can be. The mistakes she is prone to making in the name of desperation. How imperfect she is at every level. And Tammy, who is the character most explicitly set to call Allison on all of her shit, to drag her before a court of law, to lean on that hot-button of whether or not she’s a “good person” until it breaks—lets her go. Folds the cards up, puts them in her pocket, and leaves.
Because Tammy, like the show, like the thesis statement of abuse is never earned, never deserved, never warranted, understands. This is a world that so often sanitizes women after it’s too late to save them. A world that insists she should have done more to get out. A world that insists you should be kind and moral and perfect, or maybe you got what was coming to you. This is a world that sees fighting back as an equally heinous crime. As punishable, if not more so, than the actions of the instigator.
But this show doesn’t want to play that game. This show doesn’t want to fuck with it at all. Allison doesn’t have to be perfect and moral and above reproach. Allison has blood on her hands, and a DUI neatly ignored, and knowingly has an affair with her married boss. Allison hurts her friends sometimes, and she makes awful decisions out of desperation, and she doesn’t always pay attention to other people’s plotlines. And the show says: yes. Right. She’s making choices you probably should not agree with.
And she still does not deserve any of what is happening to her.
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ptewie · 1 month ago
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really enjoying the mindwave demo for a variety of reasons but my favorite microgame so far is unquestionably the ME WHEN I FUCKING GET YOU one
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youbutstupid · 10 months ago
Elle Greenaway’s past experience meant that she was often a voice for female victims where they didn’t have one in the short time that she was on the show. She cared so much about the dignity of the women around her and making sure that they felt safe and it kills me that the valuable insight that she had was tossed away after one season
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gearchronocle · 1 year ago
YUZU BETTER WIN especially in the beginning she was more of the main character than yuya honestly. the entire plot of arc v HINGES on her and if she wasn't there than arc v would be a completely different series. yuzu also has such a good character design and motif and this may be petty but her color scheme is just better than yuna sorry not sorry i'm right. she may not be the best WRITTEN yugioh girl but she is by far the best DESIGNED and that has to count for something. i love yuzu she's wonderful she's cute and girly while being able to hold her own as she should!!!!! yuzu is incredibly based and wonderful and deserves the world she is wonderful.
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 3, Group B
Match 1
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Yuzu Hiragi
The entire show would not work if the cast wasn't obsessed with her, and they're all right to stan her, literally gets Sora and Serena to defect from Academia with her sheer charisma, beat Masumi at their gay little rivalry, Yugo spends a few days with her and is ready to die for her, Yuya is simply just the loudest about adoring her And why not? She is so clever and determined, doing the most work out of anyone to figure out the myth plot. Actively trains to keep up with the rest of cast. Even when the universe is conspiring against her and trying to keep her down, she fucking headbutts Roger and tells him off or manifests to help save the world in the ultimate girlboss team-up that was the Arc V finale. Truly any dimension without her is worth upending. - The mysterious magical bracelet that isekai's her to different worlds, the Can-Do attitude, the cool poses (fusion summoning), the ADORABLE character design, AND she was 1/4 of a world-saving hero in the past?? If it weren't for the meddling writers, she would have been the main character - yuzu is everything. literally the plot of arc v hinges on the fact everyone who meets her become just as obsessed with her. and they are totally right to do so
Yuna Goha
Yuna is great. She's an absolute bully whenever she's in conflict with the other characters (so sorry to Sky), which honestly? fun. Amazing energy. and then she has gay energy with Rovian and Asaka. Yuna has a surprisingly dynamic character arc, going from just following Rovian around in between bullying people, to taking on the task of inventing a new card (which is very hard work in this universe), and maturing to being one of the town's leaders. She's clearly someone in the process of learning who she is and I've really enjoyed seeing her get to go on that journey. SHE HAS A BASICALLY CANON GIRLFRIEND PLEASE I AM BEGGING BECAUSE ROVIAN GOT ELIMINATED ALREADY
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elation-station · 2 years ago
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the town bisexuals are at your door it is time for you to pick a bride
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sweetvillainjude · 1 year ago
actually wild of holly black to write cardan’s arc so powerfully that I went from genuinely hating him and never believing I’d like him to thinking “ok so maybe he’s not awful ALL the time” to desperately rooting for him and furiously wanting him to be loved and happy over the span of three books. like tfota was WILD for doing that (and doing it so well)
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year ago
what was with cameron house md she spends 90% of the episode saying she wants their patient to die bc he's a genocidal dictator and her colleague husband says "babe it bothers me for ethical reasons that you want our patient to die :(" and she said "hm maybe you're right :/" but when it comes down to it the genocidal dictator lays a finger on her in an aggressive manner and chase instantly commits medical malpractice to murder the guy and then when he tells her she LEAVES HIM bc boo hoo he's a murderer now like GIRL he killed a man for you!!! he's wracked with catholic guilt!!! he's being crushed beneath the weight of his sins because he chose his devotion to you over his devotion to god!!! he literally could not get any sexier at this moment in time!!!
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moeblob · 4 months ago
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synth-ab · 1 year ago
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Zelink is taking over my brain again
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lopeirce · 3 months ago
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo: best celeb ↳ ali krieger
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some-pers0n · 9 months ago
I'm gonna stop with even attempting nuance and reason anymore and just say whatever I want. Albatross did absolutely nothing wrong he's a lil' blorbo goober he's just a silly guy you're all just mean to him </3
"He killed so many dragons though??? He did the massacre?" Sheesh you're really hung up on that whole "killing three dozen people" part like he was just cranky and grumpy from the party and his bitch sister talking about replacing him after years of her using him for his magic alone. He was just tired and eepy and there was too much noise and people and he got overstimulated and upset :( He did nothing wrong he was just a bit silly
Like look at him! Lovely little smile of an innocent dragon :] Don't mind the randoms in the back they're just playing dead for fun
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etherealess · 2 months ago
all recent interviews for S7 point to lucy chen getting paid dust and remaining as the punching bag for a second season in a row (fourth season if we’re being real) and i don’t know if i have it in me to watch her go through it again.
no promotion, but she’ll temporarily train a rookie who will most likely put her in situations that may get her in trouble (clown incident anyone?) which will again deter her road to promotion.
melissa says in a recent interview that the stakes for lucy take a bit of a backseat this season, which to me sounds like she’s getting pushed to the sidelines AGAIN. it is most likely she’ll still be there to support everyone else though AND she’ll probably be helping tim a lot despite him being the one who did the hurting and does not deserve any sort of gestures from her. we won’t be seeing her navigate the aftermath of everything she went through last season ON SCREEN because alexi wants to give that precious screen-time to other characters.
alexi wanted to go into S7 with positivity, because you can’t really focus on timmy b’s beautiful mental health storyline if lucy is still rightfully upset about timmy dumping her for absolutely no reason, right?
we’ll spend S7 watching the man who broke her heart go through therapy, have some character development and possibly be happy as a result, but her? we might not even get to see any of her sl play out, we’ll probably only get a scene of her doing that cute exasperated thing she does, if we’re lucky.
so much for giving her back her agency and not making her a doormat to everyone on this show, right alexi?
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months ago
i feel like a big important part of having media literacy is understanding that theres a difference between liking or hating a character as a person and liking or hating a character as a character
i just feel like people confuse the two a lot, and it sparks really weird conversations like "i love kusuke" "?? thats so fucking weird hes a bad person" and "i hate kusuke so much for hurting kusuo" "but hes such a well-written character!"
you can hate a character as a person and love them as a character and love how theyre written, you can also not like a characters actions but sympathize with them as a person, this is what most people do with popular antagonist characters 🤷🏻‍♀️ its also what was INTENDED when characters like this are written, youre SUPPOSED to understand the character, maybe sympathize with them, but still be able to judge their actions and morality. its also okay if YOU dont like the way a character is written but understand that they exist for a reason and youre most likely biased when you talk about them and the parts of the story theyre involved in
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parkitaco · 4 months ago
my high school’s theatre department is funded and supported by a professional local shakespeare festival and they win the state theatre competition so consistently that they’re only permitted to submit their plays for consideration there every two years to give other schools with fewer resources a shot and i guess what i’m saying is give chappell roan the goddamn grammy i promise taylor will survive
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 7 months ago
got bored, nekoma ship wheel + sexuality hcs (explanations under cut along with empty templates in case anyone wants them)
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This is self-explainatory. They're basically 90% of my account. If you go to the fukutora tag its just me talking to myself because no one else has posted in it since 2022
Kuroken - I have specific opinions on Kuroken because I'm a fan of unrequited Kenhina in highschool. Don't get me wrong, I still like how most of the fandom portrays them, but I much prefer them getting together after the timeskip when everyone's settled into their new jobs. I also really like it queerplatonic, as much or even more than romantic.
Inushiba- Idk man they're just silly, no deeper reasoning. Funny guys doing funny things with a cute height difference
Kuroyaku/Levyaku - Honestly I like these two about equally, i think they're both shitpost-able and that's my top priority for a ship. My gf likes Levyaku so i lean towards them but i've seen some good Kuroyaku art too so i can be won over. I'm a firm believer that Kuroo and Yaku were each other's first kiss
Fukutoraken - I think Kenma being a serial third-wheel is infinitely funnier but i dont mind it, as long as fukutora aren't separated i'm chilling. Kenma getting dragged along despite not being part of the relationship is my ideal for them tho, also i think Kenma being Tora's unwilling wingman/the recipient of his sexuality crisis rambles is hillarious
Anything else i'm neutral on or haven't heard of
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