#shattered stars
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Older Hollyleaf and Foxfang(leap) and their kids. Wonder who they are lol.
#warriors#warrior au#warriors books#hollyleaf#warriors ashfur#jayfeather#lionblaze#brambleclaw#warriors squirrelflight#squrrielflight#foxleap#shattered stars#consequences of the stars
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shattered stars is a fantastic song to clean the kitchen to btw guys you should try it
#or just anything physically productive yk like cleaning#makes me wanna dance yeehaw#godbless being home alone#spg#steam powered giraffe#shattered stars#shattered stars spg#zer0 spg#productivity#kinda
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Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: None
War! The Separatist Alliance has begun attacking the Galactic Republic, sparking a galaxy-wide conflict. In an attempt to keep the peace and protect the Republic, the Jedi Council has begun deploying their Knights and Masters to fight the droid army. Young Knight Taska Rokanh is waiting anxiously to receive her assignment. Unbeknownst to her, her new attaché of clone troopers is doing the same.
Breathe in. Breathe out. When you breathe out, you are entrusting your worries to the Force. And when you breathe in, you are accepting the strength It offers you.
Taska hoped that the Force was generous with strength today.
The extremely temporary quarters the Kaminoans had offered her for the few days she would be on the planet really weren’t that different from her quarters at home—in the Jedi Temple, that is. The floor was made of durasteel, and so colder than the polished terracotta floor there. She hadn’t had the time to bring her mat. Instead, she spread her robe out on the floor and sat cross-legged there for her morning meditations.
This would be her last on Kamino for a while. This morning, she would be assigned troops and sent to whatever corner of the galaxy the Chancellor and the Council deemed necessary.
Her master had told her to stay planetside as she left to assist during the Battle of Geonosis, and despite her anxiety to help, she was grateful. She took the time to meditate, and, when she was ready, used the days before the Council would contact her to study the art of war. It was tedious, exhausting, nauseating, and wholly unpleasant. She was glad that her enemies would be battle droids—inanimate objects with no presence in the Force—but she was all too aware that the ones she would be directing were not. She didn’t know how she would react to the death of one of her own clones. She had been able to dimly feel the flickering-out of some of their presences during Geonosis, lightyears away, how it took away from the brightness of the massive combined glow of all the clones.
She could only imagine how painful it was up close.
She continued her deep breaths and reflexive smoothing of her tunic under her new armor all the way to the hangar, where she was to meet her troops and then board her new ship. It didn’t feel right, to be put in charge of a war vessel as an agent of peace. She tried to push the thoughts out of her mind. A Jedi had no doubts, and if the Council knew what they were doing—of course they did—she should trust them.
“Yes, Master, thank you,” she nodded and bowed. Master Mundi flickered out of view, and Taska sucked in another breath. He had just confirmed their plans for the morning. Taska did the math in her head—they would have three days in hyperspace to get to know each other and learn how to work together before arriving at their first planet, Zarrebar.
Taska had never provided reinforcement for a Republic military base, much less commanded troops for that purpose. She was just glad that there would be established military personnel already there at the strategic base. Hopefully they were willing to cooperate with “new blood,” as she had already been called.
She sensed the discord inside the hangar before the doors opened, and braced herself for overload. The hangar was bustling, with long lines of clones going to and from, but mostly to, ships, whether fighters or transports, to take them to the seven Star Destroyers or various light cruisers waiting in the upper atmosphere.
“Force,” she whispered to herself. She checked her holopad again, a nervous habit, to make sure she was headed in the right direction. Bay 37, Gunship 12. On the other side of the hangar. She expected to be making close calls as she wove through the dense melee, but the clones recognized her presence almost instinctively and halted to clear a path. She tried her best to thank all of them.
She got the sense that the clones thought the Jedi were quite far above them.
She didn’t like it.
“Are we all here?” Ace asked, taking another breath through his nose. He wasn’t going to start shaking this time. He could take this. He could do this.
“Yes, sir,” Lark answered. Ace could practically hear the laughter in his voice. Even after the past few years, it never felt natural for him to call his brother ‘sir’. “I think two headcounts is enough to prove that. We just have to wait for our general.”
“Bay thirty-seven… good, alright.” Ace would barely have been able to hear the muttering with his own ears, but the enhanced helmet picked it up clearly. A good thing, too, because it gave him time to straighten to proper attention.
“General Rokanh, sir!” He heard a small kriff before Lark clicked his heels and followed suit, followed by all the men in the gunship. He sighed and tried to focus on the general instead. She wore cream robes and tall dark brown boots, characteristic of the Jedi. The plates of armor on her chest and arms creased the fabric awkwardly, and the end of her long, slick braid was too close to getting caught in one of the junctions. She would have to get better armor soon.
“Oh! Um, hello,” she said, moving her arm almost as if she wanted to salute before thinking better of it. She stuck her hand out instead. “Taska Rokanh. And you are?”
“CC-3135, Captain of Hail Company, sir,” he answered, hesitantly grasping her forearm in greeting.
Her brows furrowed over her deep, dark eyes. “What’s your name? You must have something other than an ID number.”
“Right, it’s, um, Ace, sir,” he dropped his hand quickly to his side. “Nice to meet you,” he added as an afterthought.
She smiled warmly. “It’s good to meet you as well. Hello, I’m Taska Rokanh.”
“Lieutenant Lark,” his brother answered easily. “Excited to be working with you. Do you prefer sir or ma’am?”
I should’ve asked.
“Either is fine, whichever you like better,” Taska reassured him.
She stepped onto the gunship, the men giving her more room than they could really afford, sandwiching themselves into the back of the ship. She carried on in the same friendly fashion, shaking hands and introducing herself to each clone, and by the end, the weight was so evenly distributed on Gunship 12 that they no longer had to worry about their landing capabilities.
The general smiled as they went through the energy field over the hangar, the blue light playing strangely on her slightly crowded teeth and bronzy skin.
Funny. In all of Ace’s imaginations of Jedi, none of them smiled, and she had just done it twice.
The light cruiser Silverhawk was much smaller than the Star Destroyers, to be sure, but no less impressive. At least, that was what Taska thought, as it loomed closer and closer in view. “I’ve never been on a ship this big,” she said to no one in particular, and regretted it almost instantly. She didn’t want to put her men ill at ease, thinking she was incapable.
“This day is full of firsts, sir,” Lark added, and Taska smiled. At least he was being nice about her slip-up.
When they touched down in the hangar, Taska hopped out and stood to the side. It didn’t take long for the Captain to follow her lead. He looked at her as if he expected her to say something. “Give your orders, Captain, you know what you’re doing more than I do,” she lifted her hands. She had studied command, but she wanted an opportunity to check that her information was up-to-date.
“Right,” Ace said slowly. “Men, we have work to do. I want each ship that comes in after us arrayed, introduced to their superiors, and especially the general, before bunking up. We’ll have time to get bedding and kitchens set up after we leave atmosphere. Understood?”
“Yes, sir!” The call was ringingly loud, even from only nineteen clones.
“So I’ll stay here, then, get a chance to say hello to everyone,” Taska said, only half-questioning. It was a solid plan. Morale and unity depended on everyone knowing and trusting one another, and that meant introducing herself as soon as possible.
“Yes, sir, I’m sure the rest of us are… eager to meet you,” Ace said, clearly trying his best to be polite.
She wrung her hands. “Right,” she echoed. “It looks like the first transport is coming in,” she nodded up to the open hangar doors, where three transports were lowering in in quick succession.
“There’ll be four more in a minute,” the clone told her. “There are 165 men in Hail company, including command. There’s probably about half of that just running this ship.”
“That’s a lot of people,” she muttered.
“Not really,” Ace disagreed. “There are at least four times that aboard each of those Star Destroyers.”
Taska smoothed the front of her robe. “Right. I know. It’s… it’s just good that I’m starting small, I suppose.”
Ace hummed almost imperceptibly in agreement.
The general and captain stood off to the side as the transports unloaded, all the men proceeding in mostly orderly lines to their sergeants and then the sergeants to their lieutenants. Hail Company was nothing if not efficient. “It looks like they’re about ready,” Ace said, though it was so quiet that Taska couldn’t be sure it was intended for her. She made her way in front of the crowd anyway.
“Attention!” Ace bellowed, voice ringing through the hangar. There was a loud crash as 164 feet stomped and 164 hands went to temples at once. “Our new general wants to speak!”
Taska thanked him and seemed to nearly float onto a nearby crate—one full of bedrolls, a glance at the label told—and went from being a foot shorter than the clones to a foot taller.
“Hello. My name is Taska Rokanh. I am a Jedi Knight. I am twenty-two years old, and I was knighted just about six standard months ago. I’ve lived most of my life on Coruscant, but I’ve studied cultures and environments from all over the galaxy, and been fortunate enough to visit several worlds. I’ve started to and will continue to intensely study the art of war so that I can be the best possible leader for you.” She tried her best to look at each individual clone. “I would like to get to know you all, so please don’t be… afraid to approach me. Don’t think that I will turn away your questions or dismiss your thoughts. Thank you. I will speak to you all again when we’re closer to Zarrebar.”
She hopped down on her own, and mentally, Ace scolded himself. He had seen shows and movies before. He should have thought to offer her his hand. It was the polite thing to do, something she would probably expect from a professional.
“Get to your assigned bunks and set up! There will be no trading, and there will be no pranks. I want us settled in before 0900 and ready to ship out!” He barked, and the hangar dissolved into a flurry of activity.
“I suppose I should do the same,” Taska said. “I think I saw my bags over there. Walk with me? I prefer not to be all alone.”
Ace almost forgot to speak. She was… seeking out his company? But they had only just met. And she was his superior. “Of course, General.”
“And… would you mind removing your helmet? I haven’t had a chance to speak to you face-to-face.”
He silently obeyed.
“Hi,” she said with a smile before sobering a bit. “I hope that’s not intrusive of me. With the way I was raised, I like to make connections.”
“I understand, sir.”
“Actually, I had a question for you.” Ace calmed himself silently. He hoped it wasn’t a strange, intelligent Jedi question that he wouldn’t be able to answer. “Have you studied a lot of strategy?”
“Extensively, sir,” Ace answered easily. That was a question he knew the answer to.
“Naval strategy as well?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good,” she breathed. “I wasn’t… I had my studies growing up, but they were mostly of the engineering, investigative, diplomatic sort. Nothing about commanding armies,” she chuckled nervously. “And I probably shouldn’t tell you that, what with me being in command and all, but I think you have a right to know that I will need your help.”
“Our first assignment is a good one to learn on, especially if you’re unfamiliar with army structure and protocol, sir,” Ace tried to provide some form of relief. “And that’s what I’m here for. To help you.”
Yeah, that sounded good.
“Thank you, Captain.”
“General Rokanh, sir!” A clone painted in green ran up before planting his feet and saluting. “I’ve been sent with a crate for you, sir!” As he spoke, another clone pushed the levitating package toward the group.
“Oh?” Taska said inquisitively. “Well, thank you. Ah, what is your name?”
“CT-1516, Sergeant in charge of mechanics, sir!” The clone responded, not breaking attention.
“You can put your arm down, you know,” Taska said gently, and waited for him to do so. “What is your name, Sergeant?”
“Greaser, sir,” he responded, still looking unsure.
“Thank you, Greaser,” Taska smiled. “Now, do please open this crate, I wasn’t expecting a delivery.”
He did as he was asked, and pulled a stout cylindrical droid from its depths.
“Aree!” Taska said with a smile as the droid was booted up. The chromium-and-ice blue droid whirred and spun its head in greeting.
“Aree?” Ace asked timidly.
“Well, his full name is R2-E3, but I shortened it to R-E, or Aree, I just like the sound of it,” the Jedi explained with a shrug. “How are you, bud?”
The mech gave a couple of happy chirps, and Taska laughed. “Yeah, we’ll finally get to put all that training to good use,” she agreed. “If you haven’t guessed yet, Aree is my astromech,” she told Ace. “We’ve been flying together since my first sim when I was about fourteen. He’s very experienced with repairs, but neither of us has a lot of practice with weapons systems,” Taska’s face became more serious as she spoke. “That’s something we’ll have to brush up on, eh?”
Ace stood by silently, slowly realizing that this Jedi felt very similar to himself—entirely unprepared.
He supposed they’d learn together.
Ace seemed worried. That was what kept Taska from sleeping as she lay in her new quarters. The floor was durasteel again, but this time, it vibrated. The light cruiser wasn’t as large as it seemed, and the dull thrum of the three powerful engines spread throughout the cruiser. Not that she minded. She could thrive in much more uncomfortable conditions. She had her meditation mat now, a few changes of clothes that she would put away in the morning, and a small folding table that she thought would probably fit best under the mirror someone had recently installed. That was all she needed. More than enough, really, so it wasn’t that that bothered her.
It was the ill feeling that rolled off of Captain Ace from the moment she met him. It wasn’t sinister by any means—he was clearly sincere and wanted to do a good job. But he was worried. For some reason, Taska wasn’t sure what. When she finally got a chance to look him in his honey-like eyes, they were just… uneasy. Wary. There was anxiety everywhere on the ship, but nothing like his. She didn’t think she was the cause. She hoped she wasn’t the cause. The clones were battle-ready, but Ace taught her something that day—they were also still very young.
#star wars#star wars fanfiction#the clone wars#tcw#clone trooper oc#clone oc#jedi#jedi oc#sw oc#shattered stars#ace ct 3135#taska rokanh#long sw fic#star wars long fic
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A tragedy.
#if my coffee mug got shattered i think i'd have a mental breakdown too#star wars#the clone wars#tcw#coruscant guard#commander fox#commander thorn#commander thire#commander stone#aviiart#Chekhov's Mug
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Bless the screaming citadel and shattered empire for being the only comics to depict Luke as beautifully as he is










#I don't want to read the star wars series cause he just doesn't hit as hard#star wars#original trilogy#star wars comics#luke skywalker#the screaming citadel#shattered empire
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Star Wars Artober | Day 1: Jedi | Kanan Jarrus
#star wars#star wars rebels#swr#kanan jarrus#caleb dume#artober 2024#ignore that i'm over a week behind lol i've been busy#shattered tea art#using prompt list from instagram user libpaint!#LPSWO24#<- tag they're using on insta (they're not on tumblr)
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I think we as the LU fandom need to stop the whole "Sky gets mad at Wild for the Master Sword breaking in TOTK" and start going "Sky is going to throw hands with TOTK Ganondorf no matter what laws of magic he has to break to do so".
Bc let's be real here, if Sky ever found out that Ganondorf tried to kill Wild and literally destroyed Fi while attempting to do so bc she was protecting Wild the best she could, he really would just go and kill Ganondorf himself.
He would manifest himself into Tears of the Kingdom in any way he possibly could (as a ghost, via possession, literally forming a physical body out of pure spite and rage, fistfighting the Shadow to open a portal) and he would jump into the Hyrule Castle rift and murder Ganondorf single-handedly.
And Wild would 100% be on board with this bc 1. now he has the best back-up he could possibly ask for; and 2. he knows that Sky murdering Ganondorf would be glorious to watch
#linked universe#lu wild#lu Sky#I'm very serious about this guys#if you think Sky would yell or get mad at Wild for surviving a direct attempt on his life#even if Fi needed who knows how long absorbing Zelda's magic to recover#instead of being angry at the person who literally Tries to Kill Wild on Multiple Occasions#I'm extremely concerned about you#totk#I guess#you know what imma try writing a fic about this hold up#god shattering star sky
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Addicted (Stephen x FemReader)
Summary: You love your sweet baby boy, but you know how much of a pretty little liar he can be. Especially when it comes to something he wants.
Warnings: 18+ (mdni), because there sooo much of the smut. Mission, refusal to pull out, slight mommy kink, and… Stephen’s cute, big dick.
Notes: I would love to hear what all you, lovelies, think! If you would like to see more of Stephen! If so...I already have another idea in mind! ❤️
- It’s in the way he exhales; breathy, laced with the sweetest whimper. Just barely audible over the lovely, lewd sounds of Stephen’s clumsy thrusts.
- You can practically feel his impatience. See the look of dizzy, drunk pleasure on his angelic face. Clearly on the verge of his orgasm with the way his compact muscles tense…how his neck strains deliciously. “Good…feel so good…”
- Sweat gleams on his skin in the faint light. As well as the angry, red scratches you left on his biceps…chest. “Sucking me back in…clenching around me…”
- The scent of sex lays heavy in the air when he begins to twitch. His calloused hands grip your hips harder. Pace picks up, drives grow more erratic. While he sputters out… “S-shit. You’re g-going to make me…make m-me…”
- “P-pull out, baby,” you pant softly. Writhing beneath him, head tilted slightly to the side. Showing off all the adorable marks he left behind. “You need to p-pull out.”
- Strokes become uneven, sloppy. He shakes his head and something wild, defiant flashes in those blue eyes. “N-no. Please, m-mommy. I want to m-make a mess of this p-pretty pussy…”
- Instinctively you try to push him off, but his hold tightens. Pinning you to the bed, pressing you into it with his weight. “Coat these t-thighs; cover those s-swollen folds…”
- You know you shouldn’t. That you should be more forceful; attempt to fight back, put him in his place. Demand he releases on your stomach, like always. But he looks so sweet, so desperate…you can’t deny him.
- Legs wind, lock securely. Hands cling to his shoulders, pulling him close. Walls flutter while your lips ghost over the shell of his ear. “All right…just this one time though…”
- “T-thank you…thank y-you… I p-promise… Only…only…” Movements falter, stutter. Long fingers digging in, bruising you. As he buries his face into the side of your neck, hot breath and soft curls tickling your skin.
- “O-one…onnnce…” Slamming awkwardly, brutally. Strangled moan flies from his mouth and he cutely cums. His warm seed pumping you all full, making you…
- Wail out at the sudden load. Coil in your stomach finally snapping, sending you crashing over the edge. Crying out; gushing all over his cock, milking him for every drop. Head reeling in the best way possible, barely able to think…because it’s just too good. Not that you'll admit it.
- He babbles, whimpers. Tongue lapping, teeth nibbling gently. Continuing to pound and fuck you through his high. “Warm…s-so warm…” Until the last spurt paints your walls and he stills.
- Propping himself, he hovers above you. Chest heaving, face all flushed and splotchy. Glasses crooked and completely fogged up. “That…that was a-amazing.”
- Try as you might, you can't help but giggle at his adorably, pathetic state. Cupping his pink cheek, tapping it gently. “Glad you enjoyed yourself, but don't get used to it though. One time only…got it?”
- “Y-Yeah…” He mumbles, reluctantly pulling out. Gaze locked on, entranced from the way that creamy whiteness seeps from your core. “O-only once…”
- That something wild, defiant flashes in those blue eyes once more and you know… That by the end of the night you’ll have lost count of how many times he’s cummed inside you… That it’s too late to stop Stephen now… Now that he’s addicted…
- Oh, well… Maybe you'll get a cute baby or two out of this, out of your pretty little liar…
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen, @adorbzliz, @sythethecarrot, @divineani, @decaffeinatedunicorn, @fuckmyskywalker
#hayden christensen#hayden christensen x reader#hayden christensen fanfiction#hayden christensen smut#anakin skywalker#anakin#anakin skywalker x reader#anakin x reader#star wars anakin#sw anakin#anakin skywalker fanfiction#anakin fanfiction#anakin smut#star wars#star wars prequels#star wars fanfiction#star wars smut#darth vader#darth vader x reader#dart vader fanfiction#darth vader smut#stephen glass#stephen glass x reader#stephen glass fanfiction#stephen glass smut#shattered glass#shattered glass fanfiction#shattered glass smut
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the only good thing that came out of this episode
#THEYRE SAFE#LULA AND TECHS GOGGLES ARE SAFE 😭#MY HEART SHATTERED WHEN SHE PULLED HIS GOGGLES OUT#the bad batch#tbb#the bad batch spoilers#tbb spoilers#the bad batch season 3#star wars
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felt like redrawing this panel bc these two live rent-free in my mind oughhhh
#sg star makes my cuteness aggression go GGRRGGRRR#transformers#maccadam#shattered glass#transformers shattered glass#starscream#jetfire#skyfire#sg starscream#sg jetfire#sg starfire#skystar#sg skystar#my art
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The dusty orange she-cat bounced along the fence following after Ash.
"So where are you from? I know you're not from around here! I know everybody from around here!" she mewed excitedly.
Ash stifled a growl.
"Somewhere far away." he grunted not looking at her. His belly continued to yowl hungrily. He needed food soon or he wouldn't last much longer. He couldn't even remember the last time he ate.
"You have a lot of scars! Did you leave where you're from because it was dangerous?" The she-cat asked continuing to follow him.
"No." Ash snarled. He stopped and looked up at the rouge. Her blue eyes beamed at him excitedly. "Shouldn't you be chasing me off your territory?"
The she-cat chuckled.
"Why would I do that? We have plenty to eat around here! Also you look like you need some help! If you want I can take you back to where my family is and we can get you something to eat!"
Ash snorted.
"I don't need help from some rouge. Leave me alone!" he growled before storming off.
"Can you at least tell me your name? Mines Ember!" The she-cat called.
"Ash!" Ash called back rolling his eyes.
He lashed his tail. Ember reminded him of Squirrelflight as an apprentice. Memories of the old forest and lake flooded his mind. He excepted rage to twist his belly once more. Yet to his surprise it didn't. Instead his belly twisted with sadness, wrenching his gut. He thought of his sister and mother and his fond kit-hood. What he would give to go back to those days. Before he knew it he found himself feeling home sick.
Uh yeah scene from Ashfur's exile in my au. I just wanted to do this little doodle for fun. I don't think I'll go back and add like shading or anything. So yeah Ash journeys through leaf-bare while absolutely getting the shit kick out of him by the elements and other obstacles. He tries to make it back to the old forest to live out his days but he becomes lost and ends up in an poverty stricken mountain town that was once a large coal mining operation. He meets a group of local cats who take him in. There he is able to process what hes done and come to terms with how terrible of a cat hes been. He then starts working towards being better and getting redemption.
#warriors#warrior au#warriors books#hollyleaf#warriors ashfur#jayfeather#lionblaze#brambleclaw#warriors squirrelflight#squrrielflight#ashfur#shattered stars#consequences of the stars
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Hoshi knows exactly what's she doing and she's milking T'Pol on this for all she's worth
#Oh my me why would i be dreaming of Trip Tucker. who do I know had bulkhead shattering sex with him last year??!#Trust me Hoshi's gotten better at ship's gossip. If she could find out abt Reed's favourite cake....#Star Trek Enterprise#Enterprise#Affliction#Affliction (episode)#T'Pol#Hoshi Sato#Secret Enterprise Rewatch
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Jedi Knight Taska Rokanh has only just been knighted, six months prior to the discovery of a large army of clones on the planet Kamino. What will this discovery mean for the young knight, and the Jedi Order as a whole?
What fate does this bode for the clones now being used in battle?
Breathe in, breathe out. Her exhale coincided with the ignition of the short green saber behind her head. She slowed her pulse as much as she could control.
Breathe in, breathe out.
This is what you’ve been waiting for your whole life.
Don’t shift, keep your heels under your hips and your knees next to each other on the mat.
You can’t just let it go to waste.
Breathe in. Breathe out. It all had a purpose.
The lightsaber sliced quickly and easily through the braid at the back of her head, the heat tickling her neck. She inhaled with the buzz as it moved through the air.
“Thank you, Master,” Taska said, bowing to Master Yoda as she stood.
Turning around, she nodded to all of the masters and fellow students around her, who kindly nodded back.
“Welcome to the Knighthood, Master Rokanh,” Master Windu said.
And they sent her on her way.
* * *
She thought by then, she had matured. She had achieved knighthood, sure that the trials were the most harrowing thing she could have faced.
Of course, the 22-year-old never imagined she would have ended up here.
“It’s… you can feel it too, I imagine,” she breathed, restraining herself from standing from her seat to gaze out the transparisteel.
“It’s quite something,” her former master, Shaak Ti, agreed with a small smile.
“There’s so many of them,” she said with a similar look on her face. “And yet… they almost seem to be one? I’ve never felt anything like it,” she shook her head. “It’s incredible.” The heat coming off of the planet from the Force rivalled the gentle shine of a young star.
“Yes,” her master agreed, unable to share her enthusiasm.
Through that one word, Taska could follow her master’s train of thought. This was incredible, to be sure. But who had commissioned this clone army? Who were each of these clones? And—more importantly—when were they going to need them?
* * *
Tipoca City swarmed with more activity than any of the clones, and most likely the scientists as well, had ever seen. This was the largest cloning effort in centuries, and it was finally time to make use of it.
In the midst of all the chaos stood a clone, frozen in the corner of the armory. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe.
This was not supposed to happen. Oh, this was definitely the exact opposite of what was supposed to happen.
He remembered what Nala Se had told him three weeks ago. The choice is yours.
The choice. Clones never got many of those.
A snap broke his stupor.
“You have to make the choice now, vod, there’s no more time! We’re shipping out in ten minutes, we’ve gotta make it to Geonosis before it’s too late!”
The clone couldn’t let his brother see the anxiety settling in the pit of his stomach, traveling up his esophagus, and spreading into his lungs. Making the nerves in his arms burn. Damn his trigger finger—when he needed it most, it wouldn’t work.
“Tell them to send Rex instead,” he commanded when he was sure he could speak without shaking. “Tell them to send Rex, he’s been waiting for this chance.”
He’ll do better than I could.
#star wars#star wars fanfiction#the clone wars#tcw#clone trooper oc#clone oc#jedi#jedi oc#sw oc#shattered stars#taska rokanh#ace ct-3135#prologue#star wars long fic
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Caria Manor at some point. Probably. Potentially.
#elden ring#shitposting#shadow of the erdtree#count ymir#starscourge radahn#rykard lord of blasphemy#ranni the witch#miquella the unalloyed#general radahn#praetor rykard#miquella the kind#lunar princess ranni#witch renna#give radahn a round of applause for inspiring his brother to star in “the most appalling battle of the shattering”#kat why did you make me do this it's so godawful lol#I do wonder if ymir's the reason ranni got the ick about fingers tho...#val-post
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clayfrin be upon ye
#isat#in stars and time#isat fanart#the urge to chuck them across my room is strong but my heart is not strong enough to potentially see him shatter in front of my eyes
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finally watching Star Wars
why did nobody warn me about Anakin Skywalker
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