#Oh my me why would i be dreaming of Trip Tucker. who do I know had bulkhead shattering sex with him last year??!
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year ago
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Hoshi knows exactly what's she doing and she's milking T'Pol on this for all she's worth
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bebepac · 5 years ago
Ghost Girl
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This is the 10th chapter of The Life of Riley.  To catch up on what’s been gong on, please click 
Riley Brooks and the Royal Family (via newscast) belong to Pixelberry.  Jason, Ren, and Jaiden Brooks are my own characters, along with Mrs. Raven, Tucker Adams and Mr. and Mrs Adams.  
We’re doing another age jump.  Riley starts this chapter as 7, but ends the chapter age 13.  Hence why this is a longer chapter,  most happens as she’s younger.  
Ok this one hits a little close to home for me, because there is a heavy bullying theme in this chapter. I was bullied a lot growing up.  I moved from the North (Long Island, NY)  to the South,  (North Carolina) so I was picked on for my accent being different from the southerners.  I wasn’t skinny so that was a picking point, and I was a nerdy, and  made really good grades, and on top of that I developed early and got my bra strap popped by a boy so hard one time, it broke. I even used a line that one of my bullies said to me here.  This was in grade school  and i won’t say my age, but I still remember it clear as day.  I asked him.  “Why do you hate me?”   His response was “Because you exist.”   This one was a tough one you guys.  
Word Count: 3325
Summary: Riley has show and tell at school, Riley is bullied by one of her classmates.  
Warnings:  Profanity, bullying, blood, broken nose, funeral of a character.  Oh and if you’re weirded out about the supernatural aspect of Jaiden being around I guess that’s worth a mention.  
Tagging: @queenjilian @dcbbw @loveellamae @bbrandy2002 @nomadics-stuff
@kimmiedoo5 @kingliam2019 @cordonianroyalty @lodberg @aestheticartwriting @glaimtruelovealways @custaroonie @janezillow  @annekebbphotography @queencordonia @cordonia-gothqueen @atha68 @lovemychoices @my0123456789universe @indiacater @losingbraincellseveryday @yukinagato2012 @furiousherringoperatortoad @marietrinmimi @sevenfuckslefttogive @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @flutistbyday2020 @mrsdrakewalkerblog @xpandabeardontcarex @acanthisorbis @axwalker @texaskitten30​
Then Riley heard her own voice in a way that she’d never heard it before.  Her voice was heavy, incredibly full of panic and pain.  Her heart raced in her chest.  
“Poor kid…her life will never be the same, if she ever wakes up..” She heard him say.  She felt a pin prick to her arm, and all the voices faded away.
Riley always knew she was different from her parents.  From an early age, she had always noticed some insensitive looks when she called her Mom “Mommy or her Dad, Daddy,” out in public.  It shouldn’t have been that way… but it was.  
Riley had light brown skin when her parents well…. didn’t.  Riley’s sweet smile would brighten the darkest night.  Ren had braided her hair tight round the crown of her head, and had adorable  ringlet curls falling  down her back.  Even though Ren didn’t know much about Riley’s hair type at first, her mom made sure she was an expert on it, as Riley aged.  
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Riley hopped off the bus, and leaped into the arms of her mother.
“My Jumping Jelly Bean!” Ren exclaimed, pulling Riley close, kissing her on both cheeks blowing raspberries. Riley’s high pitched giggle was so infectious her mother found herself chuckling too. She put her back down and took her hand.  Riley walked with her mom swinging their arms.  
Riley was at the breakfast nook working on homework when her dad walked in wearing his police officer  uniform.  Ren  busied herself chopping vegetables next to her.
“Is that for me?!?!?!?!” Riley exclaimed happily as she saw her dad standing in the doorway, with a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and a plush teddy bear in the other.  She jumped up and down finding it hard to contain her excitement.  
“It sure is!!!!”  He instead held out the bouquet of flowers to Riley.  “Here you go Jelly Bean.”
Ren giggled.  “For the most beautiful princess in the whole wide world.”
Disappointment filled in Riley’s eyes, as she glanced at the teddy bear in her dad’s right hand.
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“Jelly Bean,” he had a huge smile on his face, as he put the plush toy on the counter, “One day when you think you are all grown up, you will start liking boys.”
Riley made an ugly face, and said “Ewwwwwwwwww!” Sticking out her tongue.  Her father doubled over in laughter.   “Please stay exactly like this forever.  But if a boy you like one day does not bring you flowers for no reason, he doesn't deserve your heart.  You are my beautiful princess Riley, but the one who captures your heart, he should be a King, to make you his Queen.  You deserve nothing less than that, my darling beautiful girl.”
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Her father handed her the stuffed animal that she quickly took and hugged it tightly to her chest.  Before he gave the flowers to Ren though, he gently pulled out one of the roses from the bouquet and handed it to her.
Every time from that day on, if Riley’s dad brought her mom flowers, Riley got flowers as well.   Ren decided to get her a vase to keep all the perfectly dried flowers in.  
Riley’s mom helped her put on her pajamas and climb into bed.  
“Time to dream,” she said softly tucking her in and giving her eskimo kisses.  Riley giggled.
“We love you to the moon and back again, Jelly Bean.”  Jason gently stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.  
Riley snuggled down into the covers feeling loved and fell quickly asleep.
Riley had trouble making friends.  Jason never understood why.  Riley was so sweet and kind and playful.  He would find out though that next day.  
The next morning Jason had to get Riley ready for school.  He waited at the bus stop holding Riley’s hand until the bus came.  Jason noticed when Riley got on the bus, instead of sitting with someone she grabbed a seat by herself.  
Riley opened her back pack and quickly got her book  out to read, so no one would bother her, keeping to herself.
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“What?”  She remarked looking at him.  She wasn’t even on the bus a minute when he started bothering her.  Tucker Adams liked to bother her every day.  “Who was that you were with?”
“My Dad.”  Riley commented not looking up from her book.
“He is  not.”  
“He is so.”
“Then the lady you’re usually with isn’t your Mom.”
“She is too!!”  Riley exclaimed slamming her book down.  
“Riley you’re Black.”
“So what?”  
You can’t be you and have White parents..  Riley’s ADOPTED!”
“I AM NOT!!!”  She didn’t know what it meant, but he made it sound like it was a bad thing. As everyone was now laughing at her.
“You’re so stupid Riley.  You don’t even know what it means.  Being adopted means your real parents didn’t want you, and the people you were living with couldn’t have their own kids, so they were nice enough to keep you instead.”
“It doesn’t matter, my parents love me.” She screamed at them, turning towards the window.  She wouldn’t let them see her cry.  She quickly wiped her tears away.
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Every day was like this on the bus.  Every day Jaiden had to watch Riley cry, and get bullied by those idiots.  
Jaiden scooted a little closer to her.  Too close because Riley jumped.  Riley felt an ice cold wave hit her shoulder, and the only time she had ever felt that… she gasped.  
She looked right at him but couldn’t see him.  “Is that you Jaiden?” she whispered.
“Who are you talking to? There’s no one sitting with you Riley.  You’re so weird.”  
“Maybe she’s talking to an imaginary friend.”
“She doesn’t have any friends.  Even her imaginary ones won’t talk to her.”
"Why do you hate me?" Riley asked wondering what she did wrong to have to put up with this every day.
"Because you exist." Tucker laughed and all the others laughed with him.
“Just leave me alone.” Riley’s voice broke as she said it, her eyes filling with tears.  
As soon as the bus pulled to a stop at school,  Riley was the first one off the bus, running to her class.  
He would be there too. But at least she could be alone for a few minutes before he got there.  
Riley liked Miss Raven’s class.   Especially on Tuesdays they had Show and Tell.  Riley pulled out the framed sonogram pictures of Jaiden.
When Miss Raven asked for volunteers on who wanted to go first, Riley’s hand shot up into the air.  
“Riley you can go first.”  
Riley held up the picture so everyone could see.
“This is my brother Jaiden.  He doesn’t look like this anymore.  That’s how he looked when he was a baby.  He’s older than me."
“I didn’t know you had an older brother Riley. What grade is he in?”
She shook her head.  "This date is the date he went back to Heaven.  But then he came back!  We used to talk all the time.  He was my friend.  Then he had to go away again.  But I think he’s back!"
“Riley’s brother is a ghost!”
“Tucker! Don’t be mean!”  Miss Raven pointed to Tucker.
“Riley storytime is on Fridays.”  
“But it’s not a story, it's true Miss Raven it is.”
“You can take your seat now Riley.”  
Riley walked back to her desk, as she passed by Tucker, he said “GHOST GIRL!!!”
The whole class laughed at her.  
Her next two classes she sat there and didn’t say a word.  
Recess was one of her favorite things.  She could play on most of the equipment by herself and keep herself busy.  Riley’s favorite thing was the monkey bars.  Since she worked out with her Dad a lot Riley was strong and could pull herself up easy, and liked doing pullups on  the monkey bars.  She was next in line, and just when she was about to grab the equipment, she was pushed out of the way.
Riley fell to the ground. 
“Hey!  It was my turn.”  Riley got up off the ground and dusted off her clothes.
“Sorry I didn’t see you Ghost Girl.”   Tucker laughed at her.
“That’s not funny.”  
“What are you going to do about it, Ghost Girl?”
Riley balled up her fists.  Tears filled her eyes.  Her breathing quickened.
“Are you going to cry Ghost Girl?”  
Other people started saying it too.    They were laughing at her yet again.
As he started stepping close to her, it looked like he was tripped, and he fell flat in front of her.  She took a few steps back so he wouldn’t fall on her.  
Riley smiled. It had to be Jaiden. It had to be.
He jumped up looking around.  “What was that?”  Did your stupid big Ghost Brother just trip me, Ghost Girl?”  
"Hell yeah I did!"  Jaiden exclaimed. He was surprised it happened. But how did I do it? He wondered.  
“Don't push me down again, and he's not stupid!!!!!”  Riley screamed, taking her boxing stance her Dad had taught her and punched Tucker smack in his face, in the nose and he hit the ground, blood gushing everywhere.
"Ow!!! Riley you freak!”
The kids on the playground looked shocked at Riley.
Jaiden looked at Riley impressed.  “That’s it, defend yourself little sister.”
Riley wound up in the principal’s office.  
Jason showed up a little bit later along with Tucker’s Mother and Father.    Before he met with the parents he wanted to speak to Riley alone first.  
When she walked in the room, he knew something was wrong with her.  
“What’s wrong Jelly Bean?”  
Riley burst into tears.  “He picks on me every day. He calls me names.  Stupid and Adopted,  and Ghost Girl.  And he pushed me, So I hit him."  
The only words that stuck out in Riley’s rant was that he pushed her, adopted could wait until they were home.  They never told her,  but they were going to eventually talk about it.  
“Wait, he put his hands on you?”  
Riley nodded.  “He pushed me down.  I fell on the ground.”
“Riley how did he touch you?”  
She demonstrated how he pushed her down.
Jason was almost seized in anger.  
He was ready to meet with POS parents now.
"Sorry my wife could not be here."
“We’re going to send you his medical bills.”  
“Nope, not going to pay them.  Self defense for your piece of crap son pushing my daughter to the ground.”
“Piece of crap son?”  Mrs Adams remarked.
“Yes, piece of crap son.  What kind of example are you setting for your son Mr. Adams, that he thinks it’s perfectly okay to put his hands on a girl?”
“Are you accusing me of something Brooks?”
“If the shoe fits.  I’m glad she knocked the shit out of him.  You people here have been sitting idly by and letting her get bullied by him for months.  Finally my child has the courage to stand up for herself, and you come down on the person getting terrorized?"
"Mr. Brooks!"
"You're lucky we don't press charges on your son. I think it's ridiculous, Riley is getting suspended for 5 days for defending herself, which i taught her to do, and he gets a slap on the wrist."
"Three days suspension is not a slap on the wrist Mr. Brooks. Riley drew blood."
"You think the only pain is physical pain?  My child burst into tears the moment I saw her.  I'm done here."
He walked out of the office. Slamming the door behind him. He looked at Tucker Adams sitting on one side of the waiting room chairs, Riley was on the opposite side.   He walks up to him. "You put your hands on my daughter or bother her again, I will lock you up under the jail, and I'm a police officer, so I can do it."
Tucker’s eyes widened,  "Yes sir!"
Jason had never been happier to be wearing his police uniform. He glanced at Riley winking. Riley had a huge smile on her face. He held out his hand.
"Let's go Jelly Bean."
Riley took her dad's hand walking away with him.
Jason was driving his police cruiser.  He didn't want to put her in back so he put her in the passenger seat. "I thought I would be heading back to work. Now we have to go back to switch cars. It's okay though."
"Are you mad at me Daddy?"
He looked at Riley, and her lower lip was trembling.
"No Jelly Bean, I'm not.  I will never be mad at you for defending yourself when someone puts their hands on you.   No one should ever touch you without you telling them it is okay to. But you should have told us he was bothering you when it started."
"I thought he would just leave me alone."
"Next time come to us."
Riley nodded.
"After we drop by the station,  how about we stop for ice cream on the way home. Get some mint chocolate chip? Your favorite?"
"Before eating lunch?" Riley was flabbergasted.  
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"Don't tell mommy."
Jason drew a zipper across his lips, locked it, and threw away the key.  He started mumbling at Riley.
She giggled at him. He pointed to her lips. Riley did the same motions he had, and they spent the next 10 minutes mumbling at each other.
That afternoon Ren and Jason sat down with her and explained about her adoption. They showed her the hospital wrist band.  
"Why doesn't it say my name?"
"Because when your real  mom and dad brought you in they hadn't named you yet.  When they don't know the names of babies in the hospital they name them  Baby Girl Doe, or Baby Boy Doe."
"But mine says Baby Girl Doe 2?"
"That means there was another baby girl that didn't have a name either I guess. We never thought about it."
"Even though you didn't grow in Mommy's tummy, you grew in our hearts. We are still your parents."
"I know you love me." Ren and Jason hugged Riley tightly.
"That is just so sad,"  Ren commented watching the screen.  Riley walked over to the television as well.
"What is it mama?"
"The funeral for the Queen of Cordonia is today."
Riley sat next to her mom listening to the newscast.   "Cordonian flags fly at half-staff today as a country mourns the death of their beloved Queen Eleanor. We go earlier taped footage of the funeral procession."
Her casket was covered with brilliant beautiful flowers. Trailing behind the casket a man and two boys.  It was King Constantine to his right Crown Prince Leo, and Prince Liam.  Following them looked like a security detail. As the procession stopped for a second the camera panned to their faces. The last face they rested on was Prince Liam's. He was trying his hardest to look stoic during this sad event, but his eyes told the story of his hurt.
Tears pooled in his sky blue eyes. Riley burst into tears looking at him. "He looks so sad mama." Ren hugged her but Riley couldn't pull herself away from staring at Prince Liam's face.  He closed his eyes and tears fell in rivers down his face, causing Riley to cry harder.  “It’s like i can feel his sad and it hurts.” 
"Calm down Jelly Bean... I'm sure he is sad. He lost his mom. She wiped Riley's eyes. But he'll be fine. He has his Daddy, and his big brother to be there for him."
“Jason…. Maybe we should take Riley to see a professional.  She still believes that Jaiden is here.  She doesn’t have any friends, and she just burst into tears watching a little boy halfway across the world on television that she doesn’t even know, because he looked sad to her.”
“Riley is fine,  she doesn’t need a counselor.  There’s nothing wrong with being a loner.  Let me tuck her in tonight, I’ll talk to her. She’s had a very emotional day.   But no counselors Ren, she doesn’t need one.”
That night Jason tucked Riley in, he wanted to because he had also received a call from Miss Raven about show and tell.
"Miss Raven told me about Show and Tell Riley, about Jaiden."
"Daddy he's back. I know he is!"
"Can you see him?"
"No, but I can feel him, and he tripped Tucker after he pushed me. It had to be him."
Jason smiled.  "He's protecting you. Maybe he's your guardian angel Riley."
"That would be cool!"
"Riley, Mrs. Raven told me something else. She says you don't have any friends."
"I don't because I don't need them. Everyone thinks I'm weird anyway. And when I tell them about Jaiden, they leave. A real friend believes.  You're my only friend Daddy."
Jason's eyes teared up. "I believe you Jelly Bean."
"I know."
Riley liked activities that she could do alone. So over the years  that's what Jason got her involved in. She still liked to work out with him, and he had introduced her to some new fighting styles. She seemed to really pick up the bo staff which he liked too.  They practiced in the lawn in their back yard a lot. 
They tried horseback riding but he could tell Riley didn't really enjoy it. Riley didn't seem to mind track as long as they were individual activities.  Riley liked to compete with herself .  And then there was music. Riley had this innate ability to sing and play music. So much so that Jason took her to a Music and arts store for her to pick out an instrument, that he would get her lessons.
Riley tinkered along the aisles touching the instruments.  She stopped in front of a guitar.  She put the band over her shoulder.  The clerk ran over to her. "You're not going to be able to play that one."
"Why not?"
"You're a southpaw right?"
Riley nodded.
"Well that makes you’re special like me, and there are left handed and right handed guitars.  Here's how you tell which guitars you can play. Hold the guitar up facing you like this. Now you try."
Riley imitated how he held the guitar.
"Now look at your strings. The thickest string will be on the right or the left.  If it is on the left, that guitar is made for a right handed person. If it is on the right it's for a left handed person. Which kind is this….uh…"
"Riley, her name is Riley."
"Riley, she's already got a Rockstar name. Okay Rockin’ Riley, which kind of guitar is this?"
"It's a right handed guitar.”
"Give me some skin, half pint!" Riley looked at him confused.
“High five?”  Riley jumped to high five the clerk.
"We have a couple of leftys over here but they're more expensive.  Most people are right handed."
"Go pick one Riley," Jason nudged her.  
"Pick it up, try it out, you don't pick the guitar,  it picks you."
Riley's eyes were drawn to a pink fender acoustic guitar.
"Ahhhh, so the pink lady has caught your eye. Try her out."
He placed Riley’s  hands on the strings.
"Watch my hands Riley and move them just like mine.”
He picked up another guitar and strummed the chord.
Riley mimicked his hand motion and produced a nearly flawless chord.
Jason flipped the price tag and winced.
The clerk noticed, and called out, "It's a custom job that was never picked up."
"But is there really a high demand for left handed hot pink acoustic guitars right now? She's also gonna need a teacher. We could pay for that steady revenue stream."
"Half price and lessons for 6 months?"
"Yeah I could swing it."
Are we in a timewarp?  Jason thought to himself.  It didn’t matter.  Riley was beaming, and happy and that’s all that ever mattered to Jason.  He was dad of the year and Riley’s smile proved it.  
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By the time Riley was 13 she was playing guitar on her own, composing her own songs she had written in a small notebook. She was still running track, individual events only, and working out with Jason daily, and Riley was super strong.
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Jason knew it was only a matter of time before boys invaded the mix, and finally one did. Donovan Jacobs.
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jokerfan99 · 4 years ago
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Icebreaking (RWBY/RVB) by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
Grif: Ugh... Simmons: Grif. Grif? GRIF! Grif: Wha- Mom? Simmons: Nope it's your old pal, Simmons. Grif: Oh man, I had the weirdest dream. There was this blonde chick who emerged from this crashed ship. She was hot as hell, you could've seen her! But then all the sudden she started sabotaging everything just to cover her tracks because she claimed that Command kidnapped her because they chose her to be a new host for O'Malley. Yang: Who's O'Malley?
That was no dream!
Grif: O-oh fuck... me.
He faints again.
Ruby: Not again! That's the third time he fainted. Next one might end up a coma. Sarge: Dagnabbit. Lopez, get a bucket of hydrofluoric acid. Water won't work this time. Lopez: Sí señor. Ruby: Wait won't that kill him? Donut: Nah I think he'll be alright. Probably with just a few bald spots. Ruby: Okay... By the way, Yang, what is Omega? Yang: Hey don't ask me, I only heard it from the guards. But from the way your team reacted, it looks like they know what it is. Ruby: Do you? Sarge: Of course we know him. He's our greatest nemesis. A crazed computer program that tried to kill all of us with his rockets and his laughs. Ah, those were the good old day. Simmons: No it wasn't! He made me call, Sarge a cocksucker!
Simmons: OW! Sarge: Still haven't forgive you for that. Donut: He tried to kill us with a robot army. Lopez: Incluso me secuestró y me convirtió en su asistente personal del mal. Ruby and Yang:... Huuuuuh? Simmons: Christ, let me tell you in detail. Long story short, he's an angry unstable megalomaniac AI used by a mercenary the Blues hired years ago. He went loose and started trying to kill every last one of us while possessing the body of conscientious objector with a rocket launcher. He was destroyed when he went into a Pelican with a bomb rigged inside it. Do you get the jist? Ruby:... Yang:... Ruby: I got lost when you said 'conscientious objector with a rocket launcher'. Simmons: Ugh... you know, forget what I said! Donut: C'mon, Simmons. You'll have to try harder. Give a story a little... 'pizzazz'. Ruby: I don't know what they're talking about, but I really wanna be in their world for five minutes. Yang: Totally. It must've been very fun here before you came. Simmons: Sigh, I don't understand. How did Command get their hands on him? Didn't the Pelican blew up with him and Tex inside? Sarge: Of course it did. I made sure he stayed dead by adding more payload inside the ship, strong enough to obliterate everything in a fifteen mile radius into space dusts. That explosion was a huge sight to behold! Lopez: Realmente no era tan grande. Simmons: And did you remove the ship's radio before that?
Both stared at each other for a moment.
Sarge:... Ah fiddlesticks. Simmons: HOW COULD YOU FORGET ABOUT THE RADIO?! Caboose: Hello! Weiss: Quiet!
Someone's calling from outside.
Yang: Who's that? Simmons: The Blues. Sarge: Captain Ahab's Barnacles, they must be here to salvage the ship for themselves. Damn vultures! Donut, Rose, go handle them. Donut: Wha- what about you guys? Sarge: One: Me and Lopez are trying to wake Grif up with EXTRA pain. And Two: Simmons' is needed here to find where O'Malley is being held at. The black box might contain information where did was being headed. Simmons: I would love to do that, Sir. IF YANG DIDN'T DESTROY THE COMM'S ROOM! Yang: I said I was sorry! Ruby: Why not call, Vic? Maybe he can ask you. Simmons: Oh please. He isn't that dumb enough to give us, O'Malley's exact location... unless... Sarge, permission to rip out the Warthog's radio. I have an idea. Sarge: Now wait a minute, you can't just rip out a piece of the Warthog! That's a penalty of- Simmons: I can do extra shifts. Sarge: Deal! Yang: Hey what about me? I can also fight those guys too. I really need to stretch this punching muscles of mine. Sarge: Punching muscles, hmm? I see why not. Permission granted. Alright, Lopez. Ready to pour that acid on him. Ruby: Yes! It's good to have you fight by my side. Yang: Hey, you're not going to let me miss out the fun. So, Donut. How many out there? Donut: Two. Yang: Two?! I expected more than fifty. Donut: Nah just two. There was suppose to be three more but I'm not sure why they didn't come along. Ruby: Hmm... maybe it's a Blue tactic. The two waiting outside are acting as a distraction while the other three are prepared to ambush us. Yang: That means we'll be surrounded. But that ain't a problem for me once I kick their asses. Donut: You against five of them? Wow, you're a bigger badass than I thought. Ruby: Trust me, she is. Back at basic, she destroyed an entire team all by herself without needing any help. It was awesome. Yang: Thank you. So what do you know about those two? Donut: Well there's Caboose on the tank and then there's Weiss. Yang: A tank, huh? That'll be easy once I throw my homemade... who was the other person?
Weiss: This is the Blue team! Come out with your hands up or be destroyed. There's no point in fighting 'cause we have a tank that outguns your pathetic little Warthog. But if do you seek battle, that's fine by me. That is all.
She turns off the megaphone and turns to Caboose, sitting inside the tank.
Weiss: Alright, Michael. We're just here to talk about the ship, no need to go all guns blazing. Caboose: If we're here to talk with the Red, why did we bring, Sheila here? Weiss: Just for precaution. Plus, I intend to see a shell liquifying both Ruby's legs. Caboose: Okay. Hi, Donut!
Donut appeared on the roof alone. Where is the rest of the Reds?, Weiss thought. Something's up and good thing she brought the tank.
Donut: Hi, guys! Hey where's everybody else? Weiss: Busy scrubbing the floors with their toothbrushes. That's what happens when you don't report anything important to your leader. (whisper) Keep an eye out for, Ruby. We're here to talk about the ship. Do you know what happened to it and where it came from? Donut: Didn't you guy's hear the crash yesterday? Caboose: Weiss didn't hear it because she was singing in the bathroom when it happened. Donut: Ooh can she sing Mordern Major General? Weiss: No. Donut: Sorry, guys. But there's nothing left to trade with you except ash and stuff. And it wasn't carrying anything too. Weiss: We're not here to trade. We got enough SMGs in the armory. How can you be sure it wasn't carrying anything? Donut: Yang told us. Weiss: I-I-I'm sorry, can you repeat what you said? Donut: I said... Yang: (offscreen) Shh! Not now. Donut: I should go back inside. We're quite busy today. Grif fainted not too long ago. Sarge and Lopez are trying to wake him up. Simmons' working on a pet project on communication and I was sewing silk for the winter. Weiss: Silk?! You don't use silk for the winter, you idiot! And winter isn't coming in another six months. Donut: I mean- Sangheili silk. It's a very nice alternative to wool... kinda Weiss: Really? And tel me, what is Rose doing? Donut: Making runs around the base. Weiss: Oh you mean... HER?
Weiss sticks out her foot slightly up in the air. Then a flash of red accident trips on the leg and crashes on the tank, head first. Ouch, that did not go as plan.
Ruby: Ow...! Weiss: Ah, poor old, Rose. Always forget that I've read every move she makes back at Beacon. Alright, Donut, enough games...
The sound of hissing caught her attention. It came from next to her and... oh no. A plasma grenade is stuck onto the turret!
Caboose: Why do hear a snake hissing? Weiss: MICHAEL, GET OUT OFF THERE!
Caboose quicky jumps out from the tank. They both ran away until the grenade explodes, blowing the tank into pieces. Bye bye, Sheila (or her body), you will not be missed.
At Blue Base.
Church and Tucker could see the mushroom cloud erupted on the field. Must be one hell of a fight out there.
Tucker: Man I'm glad we're here cleaning up the base. Hey, Church can I burrow your toothbrush? Church: No.
Back at Red Base.
Weiss: KUFF KUFF... Michael, are you alright? Caboose: Yes, I'm fine. But Sheila... sniff... is dead. Weiss: What the hell was that? There's no way a plasma grenade can create an explosion that big! Yang: Unless it was made by me, YOU WHITE HAIRED BITCH!
That voice, that tone. No it couldn't be. She turned to the direction of the voice and sees a Red soldier carrying the same weapon that almost split her head into a bloody mess. And the only one carrying it is...
Weiss: Oh no...
Yang Xiao Long.
Yang: Hello, Weiss. Long time no see. Caboose: Weiss, is that the angry friend you talked about? Weiss: Yes. Yes she is... RUUUUN!
Weiss grabs Caboose's hand and run away from Yang. However they were stopped when three more plasma grenades land in front of them and exploded, creating two large craters roughly about 12 meters in diameter, six meters in depth.
Weiss: Oh crap! This is Weiss Schnee to Blue base, we require reinforcements, NOW! Yang: NO ONE'S COMING TO SAVE YOUR FIRST CLASS ASS, SCHNEE! Just you, me and these two babies, Mr. and Mrs Fisty.
Yang cracks her knuckles as she approaches towards them, with raging red eyes focused on the one and only teammate who ran away.
Weiss quickly hides behind Caboose, cowering herself away from that golden monster that tried to kill her. Yang stopped as her path is block by Caboose who stood calmly between her and Weiss.
Caboose: Hello... big scary lady... with big boobs. My name is, Caboose. You must be,... Yang. Yang:... Caboose:... Yang:... Uhm...hi? Do I know you? Caboose: Yeah, Weiss told me that t you are the angry friend. She also told me that you and Ruby are sisters and were part of a team in the letters R, W, B and Y. Ruby: Actually it's pronounced... ow my nose!... 'Ruby', with a 'W'. Caboose: Oooh! Wait if it's pronounce Ruby, shouldn't 'W' be a 'U'? Yang: (whisper) Who is this guy? Ruby: That's Caboose. Dumbest member in the Blue team here. Yang: A mentally retarded guy serving in the Blue army, huh? I'll deal with you later.
Yang glares at Weiss.
Yang: So, Weiss. This is where you've been. Stationed in a desolate box canyon with nothing but sand and rocks. I thought you'd be in the Atlesian army by now. Weiss: GULP! Yang: What's the matter, still afraid to face me after all these years? Hmph, how pathetic. To even call yourself a soldier is just embarrasing. Caboose: Hey you can't talk, Weiss like that! She's my best friend. Yang: You... her friend? Caboose: Yeah she may be a little noisy. Weiss: Gee, Michael. Thanks. Yang: SHUT UP! Weiss: EEK! Yang: So you know who I am, that's something. But do you know what she did before she came here? Caboose: Yeah she told me that she was in a base with you during an exam. But it got attack by space pirates who want to steal things, arrrgh. She was then given orders by her teacher to escape because she had to bring back important dates before the pirates steal it. You know I like the Egyptian ones. They're very chewy like gum. Ruby: Don't you mean 'data'? Caboose: Yeah that too. Yang: And what else did she tell you about us? Caboose: Well I know is that Ruby disobeyed her orders to save everybody, leaving the pirates to take over the base. And you kicked a guy's balls because he ordered you to tell everyone to fight back despite the pirates winning. And... Weiss, what did Blake do...? Yang: TO HELL WITH ORDERS! Caboose: Mommy!
Caboose stepped back away from Yang's explosive wrath.
Yang: Those soldiers back couldn't stand a chance against them! I don't give a damn what our superiors ordered us to do, but me and Ruby won't stand idly to see them get slaughtered. And Weiss over there, just left us and those people to die, just for what? A PLACE IN ATLAS' MILITARY! Is that something you would consider her a 'friend'? Caboose:... Yep. Yang: Good... wait, what? Caboose: Uhm... because, no matter what your friends did, he'll always be your friend. Yang: That... is the most stupidest quote I've ever heared. IT MATTERS WHAT SHE DID... TO US! Now move aside so I can pummel her bitchy face! Caboose: Nope. Yang: Sigh... then you left me no choice. EAT THIS!
Yang raises her fist and strikes Caboose, only for him to catch it mid air. His quick reflexes surprised everyone. Yang's tries to yank off her fist from his tight grasps...
... followed by the sound of a metallic crunch. Caboose finally lets go of her hand. Yang looks at her right hand and was shocked to see her hand has been crushed.
Yang: WHAT AND HOW?! Caboose: Sorry! I squeezed it too tight. Weiss: Holy... shit. Ruby: Is... that normal? Yang: No. This was supposed to be made out of titanium and he crushed it... as if it was paper. That's so... metal... RETREAT!!! Ruby: RUNAWAY!!!
Yang and Ruby, run like hell from Caboose. Oh the sweet irony.
Donut: (from afar) Hey, guys. Why are you running, aren't you supposed to fight them? Yang: We're not running. This is the Xiao Long secret technique! Ruby, you didn't tell me he was that strong! Ruby: I didn't know, just keep running!
Weiss emerged from the safety of Caboose's back. She can't believe, they're gone.
Weiss: My God, Michael. How did you do that? Caboose: Oh it was nothing. I don't like bullies harming my best friends. And I like catching hands. Weiss: Nothing? I've never seen Yang run away from fight before. That's was... AWESOME. Since when did you do workout? Caboose: I just drank a lot of milk till my muscles grow strong. That's what they said in the commercials. Weiss: Milk makes your bones stronger, not muscles you beautiful dope. Now then, let's get the hell out of here before Yang come's back!
In the caves.
Vic: Hello, Project Freelancer Operational Command Center. This is your friendly neighborhood, Virtual Intelligence Computer, calling from Blood Gulch. ???: This is Command. What seems to be the problem? Vic: Finally, been calling for ten minutes. Hey listen, your drunk driver called me last night and asked if he can parked right next to the Red base. I allowed and now the ship's here, burnt up to a crisp and sitting there like it's nobody's business. ???: Copy that, V.I.C. Is it the ship, Sanctuary? Vic: That's the one. ???: And what is the status of the subject? Vic: She is hot as hell. Where did you guys pick her up, the Red Light Outpost? ???: Ahem. Vic: Sorry. The good news is, she's a-ok. The bad news, she told the Reds what happened. They're willing to hide that fine body to stroll around their territory, tsk tsk. Send in those Recovery people to pick her up. Also get aclean up crew for this mess. Seeing that ship here is an eyesore. ???: Acknowledge. We'll send in a Recovery squad. And one more thing. How's the Alpha? Vic: Still a hot head as always. Why do you ask? ???: Nothing. We just want to know its current status, that's all. Hehehe... nyehehehehehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU FOOLS! THE DARKNESS WILL CONSUME YOU ALL! NYEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!... Command, out.
Vic: Hmm, must've said somethin' funny. Ah, oh well I'm sure it's nothing serious!
A/N: Sorry the is so rushed. My degree started and I've been busy lately
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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jockedguy · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
I wasnt always a Grunt. I never imagined I would be, I dont know how you can ever see somethin like that coming. I wish I had seen it earlier, because of how happy I am now.
All I have tosay is that I am in a crew, I have a Boss and I have a Chief. They give me orders and I do them because thats what Grunts do. Grunts are Crew Property.
Im what most people would call a Redneck. Even though I live in the city, my Boss and my Chief want me to be a sertain way. Its not good for me to make choices, because I always fuck it up. Its way easier to do what Im told.
Its been a slow process but in the last few months Its been goin faster. Now I wear a lot more leather and we branewash every night, wich is important to me because branewashin is good for me. Theres times when I kinda fall back into who I used to be, because I lived it for so long, but Chief and Boss always remind me that aint who I am anymore. People change, its not so wierd that Im who I am now. Its kinda always who I’ve been anyway underneath. Bossn Chief just help bring it out.
I never relax as good as when Im branewashin. I love hearin the leather creakin n shit when Boss puts me in the chanes and the coller. I love gettin a lil tripped out when the spirals come on the big screan. And all the pics, some of em even look like me. Or I look like them or somethin. Ether way, Its good for me.
Ive always liked dogs, but Im not sure why. Maybe cuz I just never liked cats, cuz they were kinda stupid and smelled bad. A good dog is a good frend, he always hangs out with you and licks your face and rolls around and is a good time. Thats what Im kinda like to my Boss n Chief as a Grunt, cuz Grunts is crew property. Im loyal as fuck and Ill fuck anyone up who trys to fuck with Boss or Chief. Like a dog too. I got a big ass wolf tatted on my arm an hes howlin, it looks badass. I got it cuz Boss told me to get it. Boss knows best.
Someday Boss tells me we wont be in the city anymore, itll be on big land probably in the South and ill work the land. Boss sez its okay that Im more like his employee. He marryed me because its the best way to own me. Theres even a contract that makes me like legaly owned by Boss n Chief. I signed it but I dont remember much about it cuz the words were really fuckin big and I got bored plus Chief said just sign it Grunt so i signed it Grunt and he wacked me on the head and said now he had to make a new one becuz I had to sign my REAL name but i forgot i had one.
Oh yea its Critter, I said when I remembered.
Boss and Chief laughed alot, then Boss took out my wallet from my pants and showed me my drivers ID and it said TUCKER JOHN PRICE.
So thats the name Im suposed to sign on the thing, Chief sez, and I think I get it, but now we gotta wait til he gets a new contract made up.
This is why I gotta dont think for myself, because like Boss n Chief say, its bad for me. I dont think, Boss n Chief think for me.
Slowly the way I think is changeing too. Every once in awhile Ill get a good brite flash of the way Im should be thinkin, slow n simple. Sometimes Ill realize that I wasnt even thinkin at all for a long time, jus kinda zonin out. Sometimes I wake up and Im all in leather and Im watchin the pics go by, all the spirals n shit. Sometimes Ieven think I see myself in those pics, but its goes by so fast that I cant tell.
Sometimes I dream Im in the yard, Im in the future, I feel the sun beatin down on my back and I see I got a shovel in my hand, Im doin some yardwork. I know my trailer aint too far away, and I know I got a shit ton of Coors Lite in the mini frige out there. Theres a piece of wood with the words CRITTERS PLACE painted on it that I did, hangin over the door. The Big House is behind me, and the Branewashin Room is downstairs, with the big screans and the chair with all the yellow straps and chanes. I can still taste the powedery pill that Boss gave me to eat before I sat down in it and can still feel the leather hood that he put over my face on my face now.
Soon we are goin to the South to see Chief. Chief sees me evry day tho, becauze they put a camera in my room. Crew Property gets wached by the higherups. I gotta do good cuz they allways wachin. Chief sez that when I get there Im gonna get more ink. Boss been sayin that he wants me to get a noes ring. That Im a Tattooed Low Life Leather Lovin Freak Dirty Fuckin Redneck, and I should act like it more, act like it better. He sez that if I dont shape up, Im gonna be wearin that muzzle alot more.
Sumtimes it feels a lil wierd, but I gotta remember that im a Grunt, im Crew Property. Even if I feel like maybe once bfore I was Smart or sumthin, even then I wasnt as Smart as Boss n Chief. Definly not now. Im such a good grunt that I even feel like I need to be punnished allot becuz of how often I let myself think im Smart like Boss n Chief. Cant see that on the camra so I gotta say it out loud.
Chief sez my believes will change eventualy. He sez Ive come so far. Boss sez Im a new person. I just know im Grunt, im Crew Property. I dont make choses cuz it hurts my brane. Thats why I need branewashin so that my brane can stop hurtin cuz I gotta think durin the day. I beleve what Chief sez and what Boss sez becuz they havent ben rong yet. Im sure Ill change evn more to what they want becuz Im a Grunt and Im Crew Property, and soon itll be on a contract as soon as I dont fuck it up on the paper.
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klynn-stormz · 5 years ago
Alone with My Heart
I know I should be working on Legally Swan, I really should. It’s been a rough month and well... Do you ever have those moments where you need angst and sadness and then you just start writing?! Yeah that happened. I am only planning on maybe three or four parts (crossing my fingers and laughing at my naivety) Any way I made this. Let me know what you think :)
Found on AO3: 1 I
To say that Killian Jones had lived a hard life was an understatement; to say that he was miserable because of it would be a lie. Having experienced so much loss, most would wonder why he still had so much life in him. It had occurred to him a time or two, just how alone he was, when those times came, he did what he did best - found the closest bar and drank until he forgot again. At 6 he had lost his mother to cancer, never having a chance to know her, vague memories of her hugging him sometime assailed him in his lonelier moments. At 8 his father left Killian and his sixteen year old brother Liam, they were separated, placed into different families by an unforgiving government. Within a few years he had lost his whole world. Four years later Liam found him; Liam was serving in the Royal Navy and had hired a private investigator to find his little brother, and took him in.
Killian had never expected to have a piece of his family back, for months afterwards he would wake up with nightmares that he was alone again. 30-year-old Killian liked to pretend that those nightmares didn’t still come at him. He was 15 when a naval officer came to their apartment with a flag in his arms and a solemn expression, and broke his world apart again. Three years of being bounced from orphanage to temporary homes gave him even less of a sense of stability. At 18 he met Milah, she took him on a whirlwind of an adventure. She made him feel loved, feel important, like he was somebody. That fell apart too, when he found out that she was married, that she had a child, and that she would never leave her husband for someone like him. At 20 he took everything he owned and sold it, except for the boat he and his brother had bought when he was 13, and without a thought to anything else, he moved across the world, to Boston Massachusetts.
He was reminded very clearly of everything he had lost as he stood in his nearly empty apartment. What had he been thinking? For a moment he had had hope, had felt happy and loved and everything. He had moved here for her, he had done everything for her, but now looking back he felt so foolish. He had been stupid to think that anything special could stay in his life. He was just meant to be alone, was meant to stay unloved. Everybody left.
Killian met Emma Swan six months after moving there. She was two years younger, just out of the system, beginning her career as a bounty hunter. Their meeting wasn’t anything to set off fireworks too, it wasn’t a meet cute, it wasn’t movie worthy or worth mentioning at first. Both of them had walls miles high and pain they couldn’t seem to move past. He was having lunch at the park and happened to look up, seeing a man running a full speed towards him, he was interested enough to take a closer look, and saw the blonde woman chasing after him. Deciding to be helpful he stuck out his foot and tripped the man as he was passing. The man went flying, the woman—no the girl, she could not be more than 18 maybe younger— ran to him and pulled cuffs out of her bag. Killian’s eyebrows had risen and he watched with interest as the police eventually arrived and took the man into custody. She had briefly introduced herself and thanked him for helping. When she walked away, neither thought about it again.
Until a few months later when Killian had just finished his shift at the docks and went to a small hole-in-the-wall bar for a small drink, nearly 21 and the fake id worked well enough for now. As he was cooling down, he saw the blonde from the park, rather than the torn jeans and band t-shirt she wore a short, tight, red dress, her hair was curled around her beautiful face, green eyes gleamed as she took stock of the bar. When she saw him she blinked and then smiled, moving towards him. He let her make her way towards him and calculated what the look in her eyes meant.
“Hey, you’re the guy who helped me at the park right?” She asked, sitting down across from him.
“Aye, Love.” He responded. He wasn’t in the mood for conversations, nor for someone who was almost certainly a minor to flirt with him. He admitted his attraction to her, but he just could not bring himself to care about relationships, one night stands or anything of the sort. His hand worked well enough, and it didn’t rip his heart to shreds.
The blonde tucker a piece of her hair behind her ear while she eyes him carefully. After a brief glance towards the bar entrance, she took a seat and smiled apologetically. “I hope you don’t mind me sitting here, you don’t look in the mood for company, but in this stupid dress no guy is going to leave me alone. Mind if I just sit here?”
His eyebrow rose as he stared at her, then spoke bluntly. “Love, forgive me for being a little confused. You’ll have to explain why you are in fact, wearing that dress, in a dive bar all alone.”
Her lips quirked slightly. “I’m a bailbondsperson and tracking a skip. Supposedly, this bar is a usual hangout for the bastard.”
“I’m Killian.” He smiled and held out his hand. She took it and shook.
“I’m Emma.”
Well, that had the park incident making more sense. They continued to talk for the rest of the night, she occasionally would glance at the entrance to watch for the guy, whom, Killian had found out, had skipped out on child support a few to many times. They both got to know each other a bit more, talking briefly about why they were in Boston, not going to deep. It was the beginning of a friendship that lasted longer than anything Killian had ever know.
He cared too much about her to risk her friendship by making a move, though he was deeply in love with her. She had a few relationships over the years, each one broke his heart a little more than the last, he had tried relationships as well, but no one compared to his best friend. Whenever she was in a relationship he could see her pulling away from him, she wouldn’t text him for days, she would ‘forget’ about their movie nights; then, inevitably, she would show up on his doorstep, broken hearted and in need of comfort. And no matter how much it hurt him, no matter how her silence had torn him up, he let her back in. Because Killian Jones was afraid, it was not something he would ever admit to anyone, not even his Swan, but he was afraid. Of being alone, of not being good enough, of failing. He had built up his personality to protect himself, flirting, teasing, pretending not to care. Because he couldn’t take the fear, and he couldn’t bear to let anyone see it.
Of course, that’s not to say he didn’t fight with her. Having a relationship with Emma Swan was in no way easy. Both had had a rough life, both were fairly untrusting at first, it took a few years before either were ready to admit that the other was all they had. They still had their spats, but for the most part, as the years had passed, they had cooled down. She was his whole world. At night, after she had gone back to her apartment, he would lay staring at the ceiling, praying to whatever was out there, that maybe he could become hers. And unbeknownst to him, Emma was wishing for the same thing, dreaming about piercing blue eyes and whispered words of love.
It had been a slow Tuesday, Killian had finished up work on the docks late. Emma had the week off, having caught a lucrative skip the previous Friday. They were on her couch binging The Witcher on Netflix, a pizza box was on the coffee table, one piece of meat supreme left, two hot chocolate mugs were placed haphazardly next to the box. Emma was curled into Killian’s side (she claimed it was the most comfortable position, it helped that it got her closer to him). They were both relaxed and on the verge of sleep when a knock sounded on her front door. She groaned while Killian shifted up to get the door. Once he was standing Emma dramatically fell sideways on the couch and buried her face in a pillow.
“Make them go away.” She groaned, making him laugh.
He wasn’t sure what to expect when opening the door, but it definitely wasn’t a couple in their early 40’s, clutching each other’s hands. The man stood taller than the woman, around Killian’s height, his brow was furrowed as he took in Killian, and his arm tightened subtly around the woman. Killian saw a glint of a wedding ring, and the way they were holding each other led him to believe they were married. The woman stared confused at Killian, he could see worry flickering through her eyes.
“Can I help you?” Killian asked, slightly annoyed at the silence of the two.
“We’re looking for Emma Swan.” The man stated.
“We were told she lives here. Who are you?” The woman piped in.
“What do you need her for?” Killian felt an urge to protect her, something inside him told him that this couple was going to change everything.
“It doesn’t matter to you,” The man snapped. “We want to see Emma, now.”
Killian narrowed his eyes at them. “You’re not talking to her until you tell me why you are here.”
“Killian? Who’s at the door?” Emma called, she had made her way off of the couch and walked up behind him, staring suspiciously at the couple.
“They’re here for you, won’t tell me why though.” He spoke without taking his eyes of the strangers. His gut was churning with anxiety.
“Emma.” The woman whispered, her eyes saucer wide and quickly filling with tears.
“That’s me, what do you want?” The tears made her uncomfortable, she sidled closer to Killian, not out of fear, but for support for whatever was going to come.
“Emma…” The man cleared his throat. “We—we’re your parents.”
“Excuse me?” Emma choked out.
“It’s true sweetheart!” Said the woman, “We are your parents, oh honey look at how grown you are.” The woman’s tears finally spilled over.
“I—I can’t… I need to go.” Emma looked sick, she turned and ran to her bedroom. Killian looked back to the couple, they looked hurt, but he didn’t really care.
“Please, just give her our number. We’ve been looking for her for a few years and we want—“
“It doesn’t matter what you want, it matters what she wants.” Killian cut them off.
“Who are you and what are you to my daughter?” The man demanded.
“You don’t have the right to that question, you lost that right when you abandoned her. If she wants to talk to you she will. If she wants you to leave her alone, you will.” Killian took the offered number from the woman’s hand, shut the door in their faces. He set the number on the table as he passed and rushed to Emma’s room. She was sitting curled on the bed, staring at the wall. He sat down on the bed and wrapped his arms around her, curling her into his side. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t need too. All he needed to do was sit right here and be with her, for as long as she'd let him.
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stories-mostly · 6 years ago
Starks Bug
Tony Stark x Son! Reader
This ones a bit short, sorry.
Words: 1664
Chapter 3
You were now two years old. And you were starting to create a bit of a mess around the house. Tony has recently been busy with a project so you spend most of your time downstairs in the lab with him. The small kitchen like part of the lab was now fenced in to keep you away from potentially dangerous things. Dum-E was also fenced in with you to keep you company.
Currently you were entertaining yourself with a recorder, it had a story cassette inside which wasn't playing since you used the microphone as you attempted sing along with ACDC. Which was played on a much lower volume than if you weren't in the lab.
Your dad was nodding his head along too.
You were having the time of your life performing Back in Black with lyrics that consisted of mumbling and dance moves that were basically just jumps.
Tony chuckled when he saw that. He was close to finishing the prototype he worked on, he already had a plan on what to do for the rest of the day.
And just as he put the last part into place his plan arrived.
"Uncle Rhodey!!!" you screamed as said man walked into the lab. You walked over and made grabby hands at him. He picked you up with one swift motion and began to tickle you.
"How's my favourite Stark? Still a little brat?" you screamed with laughter as he continued to tickle you before walking over to Tony.
"Are you two ready to go somewhere with me?" Rhodey asked as he hugged Tony.
"Mmmmh I don't know, I'm a bit busy at the moment... What do you think, Bug? You think we can go with him?"
"YES!" you shouted and threw your little fist up.
"Alright but only cause you said so, Bug. Go upstairs, get dressed with Uncle Rhodey I just have to clean some things up down here. See you in a minute."
Rhodey walked with you on his hip out of the lab and to your room to get you dressed for your adventure.
"Where do you think we're going?" He asked as he sat you down to rummage through your closet.
"... Park?"
"Close but not right. Try again."
"There is a playground nearby but that's not where we're going."
"I don know." You said in your cute pouty 'pwease get me what I want. I'm just a helpless little baby'-voice
"Well I guess you'll just have to wait and see. Which one do you like better this one or this one?" Rhodey said and asked about the two sweaters he was holding.
One was a green one without anything on it and the other was your Mickey mouse sweater so obviously you had to go with that one. He wasn't even slightly fazed by your cutesy tone.
"The rodent it is!"
Rhodey put the entire outfit on your bed and helped you change into it.
"Okay now, who do you like better? Uncle Rhodey or Daddy?"
"Daddy and uncle Rhodey!"
"Oh? It's a tie? Don't tell daddy but I like you better than him."
He was finished with dressing you and picked you up again. You could walk just fine but he liked to carry you and you liked to be carried.
"Daddy come quick!" You shouted as Rhodey walked into the lab.
Rhodey put you down so you could run over to your dad.
"Look! Is Micky!"
"Woah that's so cool! Are you ready to go out with Daddy and Uncle Rhodey?"
"Yes Yes Yes! Let's gooooo!"
They put you into your car seat and got into the car themselves. Tony had already put everything you needed into the trunk.
On the ride to your destination you were once again performing your little heart out this time in the confinement of your car seat.
After a handful of songs you pulled up at your destination.
"So last guess, where are we?" Rhodey asked. You looked out the window but didn't see anything that gave little young you any clue as to where you were.
You shrugged.
"Then you'll have to wait until we're inside." Tony sing songed and both of them got out of the car.
You were released from your seat and put on your coat before climbing out of the car. Your dad was getting the stroller and a bag out of the trunk.
"Okay, one thing before we go. You have to stay close, no running off. No screaming, and you politely ask for something you want. Understood?" Tony was serious while he would love to spoil you rotten he didn't want to turn you in one of those unbearable brats.
You nodded and held onto the stroller while following Rhodey.
As you finally left the car park you rounded the corner and were struck with the realization on where you are.
"THE ZOO!" You screeched and jumped up and down. You had heard about zoos in the stories that were read to you. And Tony had given you a picture book full of pictures of actual zoos. This was one of them.
"Exactly! What do you wanna see inside?" Rhodey asked cheerfully.
" arks!"
"Sharks, Sh-arks. They're cool right?"
And with that your first adventure began. Once inside you were quieter, Rhodey had said how animals don't like screaming so you were nice and quiet.
You walked around and looked at all the different animals going about their day. Flamingos were one of your favorites.
"What color are they (y/n)?"
"No, they're pink!"
"Yes, you're so smart!"
You answered a lot of questions that day from colors to noises to what that animal actually is. You really couldn't figure out what the hell a king penguin was. Up until then you had no concept of size variations within a species. You really thought all penguins were small and cuddly. But they aren't. These penguins were your size. Maybe even bigger. It was sort of a scary experience.
Last stop was the aquarium. You walked past the different tanks mimicking some fish and laughing at others.
"Look, that looks like nemo! Remember when we watched that movie?" Tony pointed out. You were lifted by Rhodey to get a better view. And there he was. A clownfish! A real life Nemo!
"Why Nemo here? Nemos not in ocean?" You asked as you intensely stared at the fish.
"Thats not actually Nemo. That's uhm, Max his uncle. He likes it here better than in the ocean so he moved here with his girlfriend." Rhodey explained. "Nemo and his friends are still in the ocean don't worry."
You nodded it made sense to you that it was his uncle that lived here.
You moved on.
"Dad Dad look look! Shhharks!" you said trying to pronounce it right.
"Wow they're soooo big! How long do you think they are?"
"This long!" you said spreading out your small arms as far as possible.
"Look! That Magic!" You said pointing to the stingray in the same tank and holding your stuffed one you named Magic against the glass.
"Wow no way!" Rhodey said. You were smiling very brightly and didn't notice the clicks of your fathers camera going off behind you as you stared at the sharks and stingrays swimming past.
At the end of your trip you were all tuckered out only the trip to the gift shop woke you up for a short time again.
"You can have one thing." Tony said and send you off. You decided to make this one count and tried to lift a giant shark plushie that was conveniently placed at your level.
"This one this one this one Dada!"
"Okay but that's the only thing you're getting." He said picking it up and going to pay for it. At that moment you heard a child that was about you age cry. Having been told what you were you went over to her and told her.
"Shhhh. You cannot be loud in zoo!" You said and gave her a hug. In her hands she was holding a relatively life sized stuffed lion cub.
"You want that?" You asked her after letting her out of the hug.
She nodded.
"Did you ask nice?" She nodded again. Meanwhile her parents were beside the two of you looking at you sadly.
"(y/n)! Good god there you are! Tony he's here. (y/n) you can't just walk away without telling us!" Rhodey suddenly grabbed you interrupting your train of thought.
"Jeez bug you almost gave me a heart attack. Mind telling why you ran off?"
"She is sad. I'm helping." You explained yourself in an insistent tone.
Both of the girls parents were suddenly frozen.
The parents stammered to explain that they couldn't afford what she wanted after promising her to get her a stuffed lion. They could barely afford the trip to the zoo altogether.
"Well it's rude to break a promise right?" you nodded at your father's statement. "Let me pay for it. How much is it?"
"Yes! My daddy can buy it!"
Both parents tried to refuse but your dad insisted and even asked if she was sure she wanted this one and not another one. But she was sure and the 25 dollar lion was paid for.
You waved at her while walking away she had the biggest smile on her face.
"You know what (y/n)? You're a really nice kid. I bet you'll grow into a good man." Rhodey praised as you crawled into your car seat close to falling asleep. Rhodey took your coat off and handed you your shark before strapping you in and closing the door.
On the drive back the music was quiet as you fell asleep in the back. Probably dreaming about all the different animals you saw today.
At home you were brought to your bed that you only used for naps as you slept in Tony's at night.
Rhodes and Tony skipped through the pictures on the camera. Your first time at the zoo was a success. And now you had a shark and a bunch of pictures to remember that day as you will forget it once you're older.
Tags: @shannonr2003 @art-estrange @nicholasbich @tater-thottie @tonystanktheirondad @gaylemonshark
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to be tagged please say so. Have a great day :).
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illumynare · 6 years ago
Red vs Blue Fic: Gift of the Magi (10/12)
Summary: Wash has already gone through too much, been broken too often. So when they get captured by Hargrove together, Tucker figures he has one job: until the cavalry shows up, keep Wash alive and (relatively) sane. No matter the cost.
Unfortunately, Wash is just as determined to protect him.
Parings: None. Warnings: Rated M. Canon-typical language, aftermath of canonical character death, psychological torture, hallucinations, hallucinated child harm, mentions of torture and suicide, fake-out character death.
Notes: Also available on AO3!
I am so so so sorry it took me this long to update. 2018 was........a difficult year for me, creatively. But I am writing again and determined to finish this story. Huge thanks to @a-taller-tale​ for being a sweetheart beta, @saltsanford for screaming supportively, and everyone who let kudos/comments during the interim.
It’s day twenty-three of the worst camping trip ever, and Tucker has had it up to here with Agent Washington and his paranoid hard-on for drills. 
(Not to mention his obsession with how they should all stay in their armor 24/7. So what if Tucker needs fresh air to sleep? Wash wouldn’t have to see him naked if he didn’t come storming into his room at the ass-crack of dawn to haul him out of bed.)
“This is bullshit,” Tucker grumbles, dropping into another squat.
“Keep counting,” Wash drones.
“Twenty—urgghh—three.” Tucker hauls himself back to his feet, glaring at Wash. “I can’t feel my toes anymore.”
“Come on, private. Freelancer’s rejects could do better than this.”
“No, duh. They were rejected super-soldiers. We were Freelancer’s target practice!”
“Huh,” Wash says dryly. “Well, that’s an idea.” He unholsters his rifle. 
Tucker rolls his eyes. “Ooh, scary.” 
The next moment he jumps as a bullet hits the dirt next to his foot. “What the fuck, man? Didn’t you give us a lecture about gun safety last night?”
“Rule two.” Wash’s voice is ice cold now, his rifle leveled at Tucker’s face. “Never point a firearm at anything you aren’t willing to destroy.”
His armor is gray again. How the hell didn’t Tucker notice before? And despite the bright sunlight there’s snow falling all around them in dizzying swirls, just like on Sidewinder.
Oh shit. Tucker can’t move.
“Time to run, private,” Wash says, but Tucker can’t move. “Three. Two. One—”
His voice suddenly cuts off with a loud record-scratch, at the same moment the snowflakes freeze in the air.
Yep, it’s me. Church flickers into existence, glowing blue and tiny, floating just a couple feet in front of Tucker’s face. I bet you’re wondering how we got here.
Tucker stares at him. “. . . the fuck?”
You’re dreaming, dumbass. Lucky for you, I can actually control your dreams when it’s your subconscious running them and not that fucking machine.
The only word in that speech that makes sense is machine, and even that Tucker’s not sure about. “But Freckles isn’t here yet,” he says.
Oh yeah, also? WAKE UP.
—and Tucker comes awake, thrashing and fighting the restraints for the second it takes his brain to boot up, for him to remember what’s happening and where he is.
It’s night. The room is empty, and dark except for the faint glow of the healing units over his and Wash’s beds. 
“Church?” he says aloud.
This better work, Sheila, Church calls, and then appears beside Tucker’s head. In the darkness, he glows like a nightlight. “Okay, Tucker. Do you trust me?”
“The fuck?” Tucker says again, echoing his dream, because Church never says shit like this.
“Yeah, bad question. Actually, there is no question. Do what I say if you want to live.”
“I’m chained to a fucking hospital bed, I’m not doing anything!”
“I know. Just—STAY on the bed.”
Tucker rolls his eyes, automatically tugging at the restraints. “Wow, kinky. Do you want me to call you ‘daddy’ too?”
Before Church can reply, the door slides open. The lights come on, blinding bright, and Tucker has to blink for a few seconds before he can see that it’s the lemon-faced scientist who kept putting him in the machine, three Charon soldiers behind her.
“Come with me,” she says, and Tucker’s brain hysterically finishes, if you want to live. 
Which is technically true; he’s pretty sure that the scientist wants him alive for testing purposes, and he’s positive that she’ll kill him if he doesn’t obey. But going with her means being put into that machine means getting killed by Wash again, and Tucker would have every reason to refuse her command even if Church hadn’t told him to stay put.
Not that he’s gonna get a choice. As Tucker thinks this, two of the soldiers step forward and start undoing the restraints, one working at his ankles and the other at his wrists.
The moment that the last strap unlatches, Church yells, “Now, FILSS!”
The doors slam shut.
It takes Tucker a moment to realize that something strange is happening. Automatic doors close all the time. But then Sheila says aloud, “Deploying defensive measures,” and there’s a hiss as a pale cloud billows in through the air ducts.
“Uh, sir?” says one of the soldiers, but the scientist is already at the door, fumbling at the keypad. When it doesn’t respond, she starts pounding against the door. “Open, damn you!” she yells, then staggers. And falls to the ground, as the rest of the soldiers do.
Tucker’s gasping for breath, a weird cocktail of terror and triumph pounding through his veins. He nearly jumps out of the hospital bed, because fuck yeah, they’re down for the count, and he doesn’t even care how it could have happened.
But Church is hovering in front of him, waving glowing arms. “Wait. WAIT.”
At the same time, Tucker hears the tinny, nearly-subsonic hum from overhead, notices the bright green glow, and suddenly it all comes together. Sheila piped in some kind of knockout gas, and the only reason Tucker’s still conscious is that the alien healing unit is scrubbing the stuff from his bloodstream as fast as he can inhale it.
That’s why Church told him to stay on the bed. Except Church is just a hallucination, so he couldn’t have possibly known because Tucker, didn’t know—unless—
“Church?” Tucker says, and he hates how his voice has gone small and wavering, but crazy as it is, he can’t help suddenly, desperately hoping that he isn’t alone, that—
“Okay, atmosphere back to normal, you can get off the bed,” says Church, as if he hadn’t heard him.
Tucker doesn’t move. He’s dizzy and numb and reeling with the sudden thought of maybe maybe maybe, and also at this point he’s so used to everything being a killer hallucination that it’s hard to care about what he actually does.
“Seriously, Tucker, get the fuck off that bed and unstrap Wash, we don’t have all day.”
It isn’t Church that gets Tucker moving, it’s the memory of the Freelancer video footage he watched, where Wash was strapped down to a bed and screaming. He slides off his bed and staggers over to Wash's bed. There’s still a weird, numb tingling in his fingers, and he fumbles with the straps for several minutes before he manages to get them undone.
In all the weird, fucked-up simulations that Tucker has experienced, Wash was never like this: still and unconscious and silent, limp as Tucker hauls him up into the rescue carry that once upon a time Wash made Tucker and Caboose practice back in the canyon.
In all the simulations, Tucker had never been able to help Wash.
“What now?” Tucker asks Church, because why not trust the hallucination? (Why not believe that Church is really still alive somehow?)
“Go out into the hallway,” says Church. “There’s a storage closet five hundred feet to your left.”
Tucker does. He finds the door, and it swings open at a touch—Sheila? Church? A fucking miracle? He doesn’t care, just pulls it shut behind him and eases Wash to the ground.
He hears the lock snick shut behind him. “Now what?” he asks.
Church doesn’t appear again. But he whispers into Tucker’s mind, Now we just gotta have faith.
Faith is fucking boring.
That’s Tucker’s conclusion, twenty minutes or maybe fifty hours into waiting, he has no way to keep track and he really doesn’t care. However long it’s been, it sucks to sit here in the dark, waiting for rescue because a hallucination told him to.
Wash woke up once. He snorted, and clawed at Tucker’s face a little. When Tucker shook him and said, The others are coming to get us, he launched into a series of weird, slurred apologies before he passed out again.
Which left Tucker alone.
And bored.
Church isn’t talking to him anymore. Tucker’s tried talking to him, again and again, but he never responds. 
Of course he doesn’t, because Church doesn’t really exist. Except how did Tucker’s hallucination know what Sheila was planning to do? How did he know where Tucker and Wash could hide? What the fuck is going on?
Sirens go off, muffled through the door. Then they stop. Tucker hears a clatter of footsteps and gunfire, and then that stops.
Then the door slams open.
It takes a moment for Tucker’s eyes to adjust to the sudden rush of light. A moment before he sees who wrenched the door open.
It’s Carolina. She stands over him with a plasma rifle in each hand, an AI glowing over each shoulder. As much as Tucker's tried to avoid knowing anything about Church's fragments, he recognizes these two: the green one is Delta, Caboose's special buddy, and the red-gold one is Sigma, who Wash and Carolina thought might go crazy and evil for some reason.
Apparently Carolina isn't worried about that anymore.
“Can you walk?” she asks.
Tucker finds his voice, scrambling to his feet. “Duh,” he says. “How do you think we got here?”
He reaches for Wash at the same time Carolina does. Neither of them draws back, and for a moment he wonders wildly if they’re going to get into a tug-of-war.
Then Delta says, “I calculate an increased 57.8% chance of success if we allow Tucker to carry Agent Washington.”
Sigma flares brighter. “Agent Carolina, you excel at maneuvers that require maneuverability and speed.”
Carolina hesitates another second, but then she draws back, nodding in agreement.
“Don’t fall behind,” she tells Tucker, and turns away.
“That’s what she said!” Tucker says automatically, hauling Wash up into the rescue carry again. He staggers back out into the hallway after her, and then he doesn’t really have time to think of anything except how heavy Wash is, and how terrifying Carolina is. 
He’d known that she’d had two AI fragments back in Project Freelancer, but he hadn’t realized what a difference it made—not until now, when she charges a squad of Charon soldiers, grabs one by the leg, and swings him so precisely that the soldier's shots at her take out all his teammates instead, what the fuck.
It’s honestly really hot.
Then they run into Red Team plus a bunch of New Republic soldiers; Tucker has never been so happy to see Simmons or Palomo in his life. Apparently there’s a larger operation against Hargrove going on, now that Sheila has told them where his ship is hiding, but this team is tasked with just getting him and Wash back to safety. They immediately hustle them into a Pelican, and it’s great, Tucker is so relieved—
Except once he’s strapped in and the acceleration has slammed him into his seat, the memories are suddenly back with a vengeance. It’s too much like the time they were rescued and Wash killed him, the time that Tucker absolutely deserved to be killed because he had—he had—
“Where’s Junior?” Tucker blurts out, before he can get even more afraid.
"Junior? " Grif says blankly. Tucker's heart stops.
It's not real, he tells himself, but his brain is working too well and his memories are too whole for him to believe this is a simulation now. And Church is silent in his skull. Whatever Grif says next, Tucker will have to live with, and if—if—
"Isn't he still at that dumb prep school you won't shut up about?" Grif says.
And shit, Tucker thinks he might be crying, but it doesn't matter. Junior's okay. His kid is okay.
He doesn’t even mind the silence where Church once was. Tucker can stand anything, as long as Junior’s okay.
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twinklelightshorts · 6 years ago
Mean What You Mean (Colby Brock) - Part 5
Part 5:
"Hello and welcome back. I'm Josephine and today, I have to get ready for my Spring Break trip to Los Angeles. We leave in two days and neither Tucker nor I have even begun to pack. So, part of this video will be filmed in my room and the other part will be in his. Let's go." I turned and walked into my room. "So, this is my room. I actually have a bigger room than my parents because we tore down the wall between my original room and the office beside it. The office had a bathroom so now it's mine. So, I think I'm going to set up my camera and do a time lapse. I know some of you aren't a fan of it, but it's kind of my signature. So, here we go." I set up my camera and after pushing play, I pulled my suitcase out from under my bed. I began to pull outfits and undergarments and dropping them onto my bed. I skipped into my bathroom and bent down, looking under my sink for my extra toiletries. I frowned when I couldn't find the little bag I used when I traveled. My feet carried me to my camera and I looked into the lens. "I'm going to have to wait until I go to Tucker's to find the rest of my stuff, apparently. Some of it has gone missing and his house is the only other place I go." I went back to my suitcase and started folding the clothes and organizing everything I could. I put in a few accessories, including a couple of necklaces and a ring. When I felt I had as much as I could for now, I closed up the suitcase and put it on the floor next to my closet. I grabbed my camera and held it in front of me. "Now, I'm headed to Tucker's to pack his suitcase. His mother is home and she said I can just walk in. Let's go." I grabbed my tripod and headed next door. "Hi, love!" Maria called out. "Hi!" I joined her in the kitchen. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I'm packing for our trip to LA. I'm filming it." "Oh! That sounds exciting." She tapped the table next to her. "Let's chat a minute." "Okay." I made sure my camera was off and sat down next to her. Maria smiled softly. "Tell me about this YouTube channel of yours. I know all about Instagram but now you make full length videos?" I nodded. "Mhm. A lot of my fans and followers on Instagram want to see me do lifestyle videos and vlogs. It's a bunch of time lapses, just like my Instagram videos, but it's been fun so far." "And Tucker is in them with you?" "Yeah. He asked to do it with me and I figured "why not?" y'know? We're always together." "So, this video is just you packing for your trip?" "Mostly. I add in little bits and pieces of what I do during the week too." I pursed my lips. "Do you want me to send you the link to my page?" "Um, sure. Do I have YouTube on my phone?" She asked. "I can check, if you want." "Okay." She handed me her phone that had been face down on the table. I looked through her apps and found it at the end. I opened it to make sure she was logged in. "I'll look it up for you so you can find it anytime." I told her. Once I found my page, I put it in front of her. I showed her the different tabs I had and how to make the videos full screen. "Oh, look at that picture!" She exclaimed, pointing to my header. "That's my baby and my other baby!" I smiled softly. "I wanted him in my header. I hope it was okay that I used that picture." "Of course it is! Oh, Jo." Maria grinned. "You really are like a daughter to me. I love how close you and Tucker are." "Me too, honestly. I'd be so lost without him." She hugged me gently. "Alright, go make your video before you make me cry." "Okay." I jumped up and then ran up the steps. I turned on my camera. "Okay, for those of you who don't know, I have my own room at Tucker's since I'm here all the time." I showed the room as I walked in. "His parents are the most amazing people I've ever met. Since Tucker's older sister doesn't live in Minnesota anymore, his mother re-did the painting and decorating to fit my style better. A lot of people ask me if Tucker and I have ever slept in the same bed. And we used to, but since we hit puberty, our parents separate us. We understand where they're coming from even though we'd never go there." I walked to the closet and pulled down a basket from the top shelf and set it on the bed. "Oh! Here is my travel bottles! I knew they were here." I grabbed the Ziploc bag they were in and took it out to the hallway. I dropped it on the floor. "That will remind me to actually take it with me." I stepped into Tucker's room and put the camera on myself. "Okay. I'm going to set up the camera and then start packing Tucker's bag." * "Dude, look, I understand packing my stuff but did you have to add it to your video?" Tucker groaned when we met up later. "Yes. It put more time on my video. My last one, when I got my hair done, was over ten minutes long and it got monetized! I'm actually making money from that video, Tuck." I explained. "Besides, now you're all packed." He smiled. "Well, thank you for that. I'm trying to work as much as possible so that you're not paying for everything when it was my idea." I looked over at him. "You know I don't mind paying." "I know, but I mind. I'm the guy." "Tuck, I don't see it that way and I wish you wouldn't either." "It's hard not to think about it that way. We're raised in a society where men are supposed to provide and pay for everything." He sighed. "Even my dad got on my case about making sure I have enough money for LA." "Our dads are similar in that aspect. My dad is only okay with me going because you paid for the tickets and the hotel." I put my feet up on the bed. "But I want to pay for meals and stuff, okay?" "Yeah, okay." Tuck nodded. "Deal." "Thank you." I nudged his leg with my foot. He nudged me back. "You're welcome." * I rubbed my eyes as I turned the camera on and set it up on the bathroom counter. I squatted down and looked into the lens. "Today is the day that Tucker and I leave for Los Angeles. It's very early and Tucker is still asleep." I let out a deep breath. "I guess I'll just get ready and then wake him up right before I'm done. I think he showered last night so it won't take him long. I'll see you in a bit." I showered quickly and got dressed and then set my camera up on the tripod and do my makeup. It was quick and easy since we'd be on a plan for three and a half hours. I did last minute packing and then decided it was time to wake Tucker. "Alright. Now we wake Tucker." I whispered as I walked into his room. I put the camera on his dresser and then went over to his bed. "Tuck. It's time to wake up." I said, shaking him gently. He groaned. "No." "Excuse you." "Jo, it's early, babes." "And who's fault is that? You bought the tickets. Now get up." I shook him again. Tucker sighed. "Five more minutes?" "No. I already gave you all the time I could. Your mom is going to be ready before you at this rate." He sat up. "You're ready?" "Mhm." "Okay. I'm up." He crawled off his bed and rushed to the bathroom. "I promise I won't get back in bed." He called out. "You better not." I grabbed my camera and walked back to my room. "Success." I grinned. "He's awake and now I can take my bag out to the car and make our coffees." I skipped down the steps, carrying my bag in one arm and my camera, tripod and purse in the other. "Hey, Maria." I greeted Tuck's mom. "Hello, dear." She kissed my cheek. "How did you sleep?" "Great." I held up my tripod. "Can I keep this here?" "Of course. Just set it next to the piano. The cats can't go in there." "Alrighty." I put my bag down and took my tripod to the lounge. As I turned to leave, a picture caught my eye. I went over to it and smiled softly. It was taken when Tucker was five and I was four. We'd been friends for six months and we were attached at the hip. We were holding hands while swinging. I didn't even realize this picture existed. "Jo?" I looked to the doorway as Tucker stepped in. "Hey." "Hey." He stood next to me. "I like that picture." "I didn't know it was a thing." I said honestly. "Really? It's been in here for awhile. Mom found it in a roll of film about the time we went to middle school." "Oh." "I'm sure she can get you a copy." I nodded. "I'd like that." He took my hand. "C'mon, we should get going." "Yeah, we should." *** "Passengers, welcome to Los Angeles, California. The current time is eight-twenty am and the temperature is sixty-nine degrees. We hope you enjoyed your flight and that your time on California is even better. Thank you for flying with United Airlines." I glanced at Tucker. "We're here." "We are." He pecked my cheek. "You ready?" I nodded. "Yes!" "Alright. After you." I grabbed our backpacks while Tucker grabbed our carry-ons. I held my camera in my hand and filmed at my waist as we left the plane and walked through the airport. We found the car rental places and called his mom so she could verify the reservation she got for us. Usually they're not supposed to let eighteen year olds rent cars, but Tucker's dad works for the company we went with. We got the keys and someone walked us out to the car. "Have a great trip." The worker waved at us and walked away. "Thank you!" Tucker called out. He looked over at me. "Okay, this is it." "Are you nervous?" I asked. "A little." I looked around while he put our bags in the car. "Can we get breakfast? I'm starved." "Sure. Then we should find our hotel and freshen up." "Sounds good to me." * Los Angeles looked straight out of one of my dreams. The palm trees and seas of people made it real though. "What do you think so far?" Tuck asked as we enjoyed breakfast at a cute cafe we found. I nodded. "I love it." He chuckled. "I knew you would, babes." "Yeah." I glanced over at him. "Do you like it here?" "I like it here with you." I felt my face flush. "Would you ever move here with me?" My best friend nodded. "I definitely would. I think that'd be so much fun." "Me too." "Let's finish up. I need to take a piss." "Ew." I muttered. "I hate that phrase."
Thanks again for reading this story. I’m really sorry the parts are so short and that it’s taking a bit. Don’t worry though, Colby shows up soon!
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fisididrosa · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @vergne (ta muchly m’dear)
Rules: Answer 30 questions. Tag blogs you want to get to know better
Nickname(s): Joei, I guess is the nearest I have... does it count as a nickname if even you mother uses it? It’s not on my birth certificate so I guess so!
Gender: female
Sign: Leo
Height: 5′4″
Time: 18:14
Fave band(s): Steps (if you’re gonna judge me fuck right off right now!), Backstreet Boys... yes I am stuck in the 90′s what of it?
Fave solo artist(s): Enrique Iglesias (I’m gonna keep Lex’s answer there as a starter), Sarah McLachlan, Rachel Tucker, Kerry Ellis
Song stuck in my head: on the basis that it is currently playing - Scared of the Dark - Steps
Last movie I saw: In the cinema was Jurassic World 2 (Why yes, I am trash, why did you ask?), on DVD probably Thor Ragnarok (law of averages says it’s probably that)
Last show I watched: 24 hours in A+E
When did I create my blog: March 2011. Before that was Livejournal. Before that was message boards (Steps Official and AtlasF1 were my homes online!)
What do I post: a shit load of random.  MCU, Harry Potter, Torchwood, and all the motorsport if we’re defining it more exactly. Ish.
Last thing I googled: Columbia rocky horror make up
Do I have any other blogs: Nope, I do have twitter and Insta tho
Do I get asks: not as much as I would like
Why did I choose my url: I was originally fissijo, but events in the MotoGP world led me to realised the beautiful tiny man was equal in my affections to the very ‘appy Italian and I became fisidrosa
Following: 140
Followed by: 421 - that’s a lot of porn bots!! I appreciate each and every one of you mad fools who really do follow me though.
Average hours of sleep: 7-8, I think.
Lucky number: 28, 33
Instruments: I can roughly whack out a tune on the keyboard, I tried the flute once and was surprisingly good at it.
What I am wearing: crop top and shorts
Dream job: motorsports photography
Dream trip: Rome. Also Le Mans 24
Fave food: Rice
Nationality: British
Fav song: OMG do you have any idea how impossible that is to answer???!!??? Oh god. I can’t. I just can’t. 
Last book I read: A re-read of Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce was probably last... currently reading a Mercedes Lackey Valdemar omnibus
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Harry Potter, TP’s Tortall and I’ll probably go MCU as well
I tag: anyone who want’s to!! 
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winryofresembool · 7 years ago
Survivor’s guilt
Happy holidays @agoldentimelover!! I am your secret santa :D You said you like EdWin and angst so this fic contains both of those things, although it should be noted that faithful to my style, there might be a decent amount of fluff as well ;) This fic takes place 3ish years after the Promised Day, when Ed has already returned from his trip to East (well, that’s a personal headcanon of mine), and he and Winry have been married for a little while. Huge thanks to my beta @mysticdelphox97 for making sure this doesn’t entirely suck! I hope you enjoy :)
(word count: 2466 words)
Edward didn’t know where he was. He looked around, trying to find some clues about his whereabouts, like a familiar building or something, but he didn’t succeed. All he saw around him was a yard with a swing, a sandbox, some toys in there, a high fence, and a grey brick house. Not a particularly beautiful sight. Ed was about to leave the yard, although he still didn’t understand how he had gotten there in the first place, when the door behind him opened, and out ran a little girl with brown braids, and a light-furred dog. They seemed surprised about the unexpected guest, as if they didn’t have guests here very often, but nevertheless very excited. Finally, someone who might play with them! The girl told Ed that her mother had left a couple of years earlier and her father was so absorbed by his work that he didn’t have time for playing.
Since Ed wasn’t in a hurry at that moment, he promised to stay with the girl for a while. He knew firsthand how awful loneliness felt, because he himself hadn’t gotten the attention he would have needed from adults after his mother’s death. At least he had had Al. And Winry. And Granny Pinako. And a bit after that (before Al and his lives changed in a dramatic way on that one faithful day), Izumi and her husband Sig had kept the boys busy. But this girl—Nina, she had told him—only had her dog, and for this reason Ed didn’t want to leave her alone. They played ball and tag, tried to get as high as possible on the swing, and laughed and told each other stories, and during that time Ed decided that he had to talk with the girl’s father. Perhaps tell him what it felt when your own father neglected you. If only he could have done that to his own old man…
Before that though, Ed decided he would just quickly drop by a local restaurant because he didn’t even how long it had been since his last meal. It felt like he was away from Nina’s house only for a moment, but when he came back, it was too late. When Ed rang the doorbell, the door wasn’t opened by Nina, but instead a man with glasses and a tired expression, his hair color like the girl’s. Ed asked where she was, but he didn’t get a proper answer. The man simply stated that he didn’t know, but he had just finished an experiment, and wanted to show it to the boy. He led Edward to the basement of the house, but Ed couldn’t help but feel something creepy was going on. Finally, the man, Shou Tucker, pointed out what he had wanted to show. A chimera. With light fur. It seemed like a mix of a dog and a girl. It was quiet for a moment, but then the thing spoke. “Play with me,” it requested.
Edward screamed as loud as he could.
He was woken up by his own screaming. His throat felt as if he had been yelling for a good while before waking up. His heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was trying to get out of his chest. He was covered in sweat and tears, and he couldn’t decide if it was hot or cold in the room. At last he calmed down enough to register that Winry had pinned him down, stopping him from thrashing about. She was looking at him with a worried and sad expression, her blue eyes dark and tear-filled. Finally, Winry decided Ed had recovered enough for her speech to get through to him.
“A nightmare? You haven’t seen them in a while…” the young woman asked quietly.
“Yeah…” Ed admitted when he finally managed to speak.
After a little while he asked: “Did I… hurt you?” Panic was audible in his voice. He wouldn’t forgive himself if he had accidentally hurt her. Or the baby, he thought, his gaze resting on the visible bump of his wife’s belly.
“No! I was afraid you were gonna hurt yourself if you continue thrashing like that… That’s why I tried to stop you.”
“Winry, we have been talking about this, you shouldn’t be near me, when… you know… I could accidentally do something!”
“Ed, I’m not afraid of you. Not even during your night terrors. And I care about you too damn much to just leave you alone when you have one of those.”
“Do I need to brain you, so you’ll understand?” she asked threateningly.
“Gosh, no! But you still know my opinion.”
“I do. But I don’t agree with it.” Her voice softened when she added: “Listen, I once read that it helps you if you talk about it. What was your dream about?”
It was about her again,” Ed whispered.
“Who?” Winry stared at her husband in confusion. It had been three years since Ed and Al’s return to Resembool, but he had never talked about any particular “her”. Did he still see nightmares about their mother? Or the creature he and Al had created when they tried to get her back....
“Oh. I didn’t realize I haven’t ever talked about her to you… It’s a long story.” His golden eyes had turned from shocked to sorrowful at the mention of ‘her’.
“Ed. You know I want to know what’s bothering you. Please.”
“Fine,” he sighed, trying to gather himself.
“When Al and I were traveling… we heard about this ‘sewing-life alchemist’. He had managed to create a talking chimera, so of course we thought getting some information from him might help us to get closer to returning Al back into his body.”
“Go on,” Winry encouraged when Ed stopped talking. She knew that what he was about to tell her must be something terrible, but carrying that burden just by himself was something Ed always did – and it hurt him more than he knew himself. Talking about it would hopefully help him to relieve some of the pain.
“Um. I’ll try. I want to be honest with you, this isn’t gonna be easy. It’s one of my most painful memories.”
He had never been good with words, but after that nightmare it felt even harder. But some voice in him told him it would be the right thing to do.
“I understand,” she reassured him, and took his left hand into hers while he was trying to find the right words.
“We went to that alchemist’s house, and found out that he had a 4-year-old daughter, Nina. And a dog. His wife had supposedly left a couple of years earlier. We studied a lot while in there. Tucker had a lot of books that we couldn’t find from the library, but during our breaks we played with the girl and the dog. She was such an innocent little thing, but so lonely, because her father was doing his tests all the time.”
Ed felt chills going through his spine just thinking about what he was about to say, but Winry deserved to know. She needed to know why her current condition made him see nightmares.
“Then one day, when we came back to Tucker’s house, Nina and Alexander, the dog, weren’t greeting us at the door anymore. I should have read the signs earlier, I should have noticed something was badly wrong… But I didn’t. Tucker had his state alchemist assessment coming, and he was desperate to finish his project, so he would continue to get funding from the military. And that day, he had finally finished it.”
His voice broke, and he had to take a few deep breaths before he was able to continue his story.
“He… wanted to show us his test results… He… he had managed to create another chimera. He took us to see it, and… the chimera spoke. It said my name… and it said… it wanted to play with us. And then… I just knew.”
Ed was shaking now, looking physically ill, but somehow, he still managed to say the thing that explained it all:
“The… the chimera was made of… Nina… and Alexander.”
“What?” For a moment Winry didn’t know what else to say. This was even worse than she had imagined. What kind of person would do anything like that?
“I’m so, so, so sorry Ed. If I had known… I would have made you tell this.”
“It’s OK. You need to know. It explains why I saw this particular nightmare tonight.”
“Is it… because of the baby?”
Ed didn’t answer for a long while. He just stared at something she couldn’t see.
“When it happened… It was the first time I felt I could honestly kill someone. Hell, I might have if Al hadn’t been there. We left, and people were coming to arrest Tucker… but later we found out both he and Nina had been killed.”
“I can’t even imagine… how that must have felt.”
“No one… should… ever…” Ed didn’t need to finish his sentence. She understood.
Winry knew Ed hated her tears more than anything, but she couldn’t stop them, particularly not because there was a brand-new life growing inside her. She held Ed tightly in her arms and just cried, and let him cry in his own way, just shaking and burying his head on her shoulder.
They were in that position for a good while, but suddenly Winry realized Ed hadn’t answered her question earlier, and asked carefully:
“You haven’t seen nightmares in a while… but now you did. Do you… maybe think that the baby triggered it?”
“I don’t… I think… It’s possible.”
“When that incident with Nina happened, I felt so helpless. I let it happen. I couldn’t save her. It made me realize how insignificant I was. And now? I am afraid that the same thing will happen again. If something happened to our child, even though I could stop it, I would never, ever, forgive myself.
“Edward Elric. Please, look at me right now,” Winry said with a tone that was harsher than she had intended. “What makes you think anything would happen? You may have your flaws, but you have never, not once, hurt me intentionally. You would never do it to our child. When it comes to that Nina… you can’t keep blaming yourself. You just said /no one/ knew about that man’s true intentions. You need to stop carrying burdens that don’t belong to you.”
“It’s much easier said than done, Winry.” Ed growled, getting a bit frustrated. He couldn’t help but feel responsible for what had happened because he had been there when Tucker had been planning on everything. She hadn’t been there, she couldn’t understand…
“Ed? Why do you think I really was so angry every time you showed up with a broken automail?”
“Well, why?”
“Because all those times I felt I had failed you. Building your automail was the only way I knew how to help you, and when I saw it had broken, I felt useless. I felt I had betrayed you. I had failed to protect you. I felt I could have done more… It’s really not that different from how you feel.”
“Oh…” he had never really thought about it from that point of view. It was his turn to reassure her, so he said with a sad smile on his face:
“You didn’t fail me, though. I’m still right here.”
“I’m so happy you are,” Winry murmured and snuggled her head against his chest.
“You know, Ed…” she continued with the earlier topic, “What happened, happened, and you can’t change that. What you can change is your future. Our future.” She blushed a bit when she added: “I just know that you are going to be an amazing father.”
“How do you know that?” Ed asked, genuinely surprised by Winry’s statement. Not having had a proper father figure, the young man was constantly worried about not knowing how to be a father. But now his wife was saying he’d be just fine?
“Because I’ve known you my entire life, you silly, and I know you’re just petty enough to show everyone that you are not like your father,” Winry tried to lighten the mood, and earned a pillow on her face.
“Hey! I’m not petty! I’ll show you!” he exclaimed, but instead of starting a pillow fight, he threw the pillow away and it was Winry’s turn to get pinned down (he did it carefully, though, because there was no way he’d hurt the baby even by accident). He leaned his head close to hers and asked: “Well? Still petty?”
“Not at all,” his wife rolled her eyes, but Ed ignored that and made her a bit light-headed by kissing her with the amount of passion Edward Elric was capable of.
“Thanks for cheering me up. You are pretty awesome. Sometimes,” he said when he pulled away to get some air.
“And you are a big dumb-o,” Winry giggled and showed him her tongue.
“Why did you marry you?” he asked, but the gleam in his eyes told her he wasn’t being serious at all.
“Believe me, I ask myself the same question every day. But whether you like it or not, you are stuck with me… no, stuck with us, forever. And once the baby grows up, I’m gonna teach it to kick your ass every time you start blaming yourself for things that are not in your hands.”
“I’d like to see that,” Ed answered mischievously, and lifted Winry’s night shirt a bit so he could see the little baby bump. “Hey little guy, did you hear that?” he asked as he leaned to give it a light kiss. “Your mother is threatening me.”
“Oh, for god’s sake, Ed…”
“He needs to know the facts even before his birth.”
“He? How can you be so sure?”
“I just am. I am the one who transmuted him, after all.”
“Again with the alchemy terms… you nerd.”
“You love this gearhead,” Winry said, though it was more of a question than a statement.
“I do,” Ed answered without a second thought (he thanked the Truth for learning to not blush every time he said that).
“Ugh, come here,” Winry said with a soft voice and Ed gave her stomach one more kiss and rose from his spot, accepting Winry’s hug.
“I love you too, alchemy freak. And you know… I’m glad you told me what you told tonight… I don’t want you to carry all of that inside you, alone, ever again.”
“Thanks, Winry.” he said quietly, but the kiss that followed told her more than he was ever able to tell with words.
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buckybarnesstar · 7 years ago
Tag game
Thank you for tagging me, @marvelousheroes!
Rules: answer 28 questions and tag (at least) 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
nicknames: Case, Pebbles, Tinkerbell
gender: female, hehe
star sign: Gemini
height: 5'0
time: it is currently 1:21AM in Georgia (USA)
birthday: June 8th
favorite bands: oh my gosh, so many!! I’ll list 3 off the top of my head! The 1975, Sleeping With Sirens, Atilla
song stuck in my head: Tug of War by POLARITY
last movie i watched: Stuck In The Suburbs (my childhood y’all I cried so much)
last show i watched: The Flash 
when did i create my blog: October 2016, I think! so over a year now!
last thing i googled: Targets website! lol
do i have any other blogs: I do! it’s my main! @lolcase I don’t use it very often
do i get asks: pretty often and I would love to receive more of them! I love talking to you guys!
why i chose my url: ok I know Bucky won’t have it anymore but....his red star. literally that’s it. his name and red star. it was the first thing that came to mind.
following: 28 
followers: 5, 995 (i can’t tell you guys how much every single one of you mean to me!!!)
average hours of sleep: between 9-11 hours lmao
Lucky number: interesting enough, I actually don’t have one!
instruments: I took piano lessons years ago and I’ve always felt drawn to it, so maybe one day I’ll start again!
what am i wearing: Olaf pajamas. sexy, I know. 
dream job: actress
dream trip: Paris , Italy, or New York City!
favorite food: spaghetti and meatballs!
nationality: American
favorite song right now: Weather by Novo Amor
I am tagging: @theassetseyeliner, @debbielovesbucky, @thatsportyavengerpower, @tatteredbooksandinkypages, @pegasusdragontiger, @papi-chulo-bucky, @lovelyttom, @sanjariti, @alohabucky, @armpratt, @avasparks, @fvckingbuckyandsteve, @lance-the-fvcker-tucker
okay, I wasn’t sure who else, but anyone feel free to do this! If you don’t want to and you’re tagged, that’s okay, too! 
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ilovedyoubananakin · 7 years ago
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @rogerdelgado and @jonpertwee
1. nicknames: Rouge
2. gender: Don’t ask me hard questions.
3. star sign: Leo
4. height: Like...almost 5′6″
5. time: 10:18PM
6. birthday: August 5th
7. favourite bands: Tricky Pixie, The Beatles, Green Day, Panic! at the Disco, and My Chemical Romance, and Faun....too many to count.
8. favourite solo artists: David Bowie, SJ Tucker, Billy Joel, Panic! at the Disco? (Get it?...because it’s basically just Brendan now? *sigh*)
9. song stuck in my head: Got to Get you into my Life by the Beatles
10. last movie i watched: Thor: Ragnarok 
11. last show i watched: The Clone Wars (Episode: Dooku Captured)
12. when did i create my blog: Like April/May of 2011? A long, long time ago. 
13. what do i post: ...Star Wars everything, fic stuff, sometimes harry potter stuff, sometimes political stuff..., Dnd (RPG d20 stuff)
14. last thing i googled: reddit larege dnd final boss video
15. do i have any other blogs: Nope!
16. do i get asks: Not really...
17. why i chose my url: umm, because it’s amazing and honestly the best joke in the entire world.
18. following: 679
19. followers: 547 (but like idk how many of those blogs are active, I used to be a Beatles fan blog after all).
20. average hours of sleep: 7ish
21. lucky number: 3, 7, and 10
22. instruments: Ukulele, my voice, and I used to play trumpet (and a little little bit piano) 
23. what I’m wearing: leggings and my “princess leia” inspired wrap sweater. 
24. dream job: “Witchy shop” -- like co-own and co-operate one up in a small but touristy town. 
25. dream trip: Oh boy....umm, right now? Isle of Skye in Scotland, or like...Morocco. Norway...
26. favourite food: Pho
27. nationality: American 
28: favourite song right now: Oh boy...um probably Daughter of the Glade by Tricky Pixie, or Horseshoes & Hand-grenades by Green Day
29. last book I read: I started “From a Certain Point of View” Various Authors, mostly I’ve been reading fan fiction. (Of a Linear Circle by flamethrower...it’s amazing). 
30. top three fictional universe: Star Wars (go figure), Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and....Pokemon? or Elder Scrolls?
I tag @poplitealqueen, @angrygoomba, @punsbulletsandpointythings, @frayedpatches, @peskylilcritter, @guardian-of-hope, annnnnddddd @bronwinning.
And obviously anyone else who is bored and wants to do this!
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the-jade-goblin · 7 years ago
Butterfly Effect - chapter 1
It wasn’t often Shaye found herself in danger. Not any serious danger anyhow.
There was always a chance a spy could go awry, or she could wander down the wrong street and get lost, but the consequences of that were seldom dire.
This time wasn’t like that.
Oh she didn’t go looking for trouble, it had been a stroke of bad luck. Although she seemed to have a lot of bad luck these days.
Asra had always been worried about losing her in crowds, but without him around she could wander as she liked, and the sudden freedom invigorated her as much as it worried her. Maybe Asra kept her close for a reason.
The Countess had no need of her that day, and having retired from a sudden bout of headaches she had given Shaye the liberty to check on the shop.
As much as Shaye liked the palace, she did miss the familiar feeling of home, and was excited to go back for a little bit.
Of course nothing could be as simple as that. That would be too easy, and fate couldn’t have that, it might get bored.
Her old clothes had been forever stained by that courtier, so again Shaye was clad in rich fabric she would never dream of wearing under normal circumstances.
This time it was a sapphire blue outfit that the Countess insisted brought out her eyes. Well, the one blue eye she had anyway, the violet one complimented it she had said.
It must so difficult for the Countess to find colours to compliment Shaye’s mismatched eyes, but she managed to do it quite well, not that Shaye had any particular opinions on her appearance either way.
The silk of her outfit was light and airy and nothing like anything she owned.
She had her emerald necklace hidden securely beneath her blouse, and Asra’s card deck packed into her satchel.
The only thing she wore that wasn’t borrowed or given were her anklets and bangles.
She had acquired many over the years, some with different gemstones encrusted in them, some plain gold, and some with tiny little bells that tinkled while she walked.
She was quite proud of her collection, and Asra said it made her look quite the perfect fortune-teller.
However, her jewelry, coupled with her brilliant clothes, drew much unwanted attention.
No one usually bothered Shaye when she wore her plain, cheap clothing, but of course she had to be wearing the expensive stuff while she unescorted and only half paying attention to her surroundings.
Shaye took a shortcut from the markets to her shop, down a secluded alley. Not the wisest choice in hindsight.
A sudden bolting cat startled her, streaking through her steps like a whirl of black ink, and causing her to trip and drop her bag.
Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Shaye got to her knees, brushing off her scraped palms onto her skirts.
She sighed, and reach for her bag, when a foot stepped in between them. She paused.
“Well, what’s a lovely lady like you doing down there?”
Shaye glanced up to see an unfamiliar face. A bald man, with a grizzle beard towered over her.
She heard footsteps behind her and turned her head back, to see another man with wild blond hair stepping out from the gloom.
Shaye reached for her bag again, but the bald bad grasped her wrist, and dragged her to her feet.
“Those clothes looking mighty expensive, you wouldn’t want to soil them in the dirt would you?” he said. “I should carry you instead, keep your feet out of the muck.”
“I am fine thank you.” Shaye said stiffly. “I just need t oget home.”
“Home? Where’s home then? The upper district?” the blond man squeaked. “You got someone waiting for you? Someone who might pay a hefty price to get you back?”
“No!” Shaye cried. “No, I don’t have anyone waiting for me. Let go of me!”
She pulled against the bald man, but he just shook his head and tutted in disapointement.
“Now little miss don’t be so rude, we’ve only just met.”
Shaye glared up at him, and summoned heat to her skin, burning the hand that gripped her arm. The bald man leapt back with a pained cry as Shaye dived for her bag.
“What’s that, magic? You’re a witch!” the man snatched Shaye’s bag out of her hands, and she whirled around to take it back.
“Give me that!” she demanded.
“Oh I don’t think so. A pretty little witch will fetch a fine price in Prakar,”
“I’d wager.” The blond man grinned. “But surely we can have a little fun with the witch first?”
“I don’t see why not? Here miss, your bag.”
When Shaye grabbed the bag back off the man, he pushed his body closer and closer until she was backed up against the wall.
She held her bag tightly to her as if to shield herself from him, staring up at him in a sudden panic.
The bald man groped the exposed skin of her belly, his other hand digging into her hip painfully.
Panicked, Shaye brought her knee up sharply, connecting to the man’s delicate parts. He went down with a groan, and Shaye took the opportunity to run.
It wasn’t long before she heard the two men in hot pursuit. Shaye ran as fast as she could, her breathes coming in short pants and her body heaving with strain.
Looking back to see how far her pursuers were behind her, she made a series of quick turns and twists, before realizing she had run into a part of town she wasn’t familiar with.
She continued to run, the men close behind her, even as she ducked and weaved into and through an all-manner of different streets and alleyways, until she was so hopelessly lost and so frightfully tired she couldn’t do it anymore.
But she kept going, trying to ignore the straining of her limbs as she ran.
The chase couldn’t have lasted forever though. Eventually, she hit a dead-end.
Oh no, oh dammit no! Think fast, quick Shaye think of something! What would Asra do? What would Asra do…
She turned as she heard footsteps catching up to her. The bald man chuckled darkly.
“Looks like it’s the end of the line witch.”
“Aw, she looks all tuckered out. Why don’t you take the load off your feet sweetheart and lie down for a while?” the blond man smirked.
Shaye backed up against the wall, still trying to think of a way to escape.
“I have spells that can freeze your face off, don’t come any closer.” She threatened.
She was bluffing, and the men knew it too.
“You would have already done it by now if you did. Now just be a good little witch and hold still, it’ll be over soon.”
She gasped as he grabbed her, pulling her away from the wall, the blond man ripping her bag away from her and roughly removing the shawl from around her hair, making it tumble out over her shoulders.
“Help!” Shaye shrieked. “Someone help!”
“No one can hear you little witch,” the blond man said producing a carving knife and working his way at the buttons of her blouse.
With her struggling the knife cut through her blouse easily, and nicked her skin quite a few times too. The pain and the fear only made her struggle harder.
“Get off me! Let me go let go!” she hollered.
The bald man snickered. “Or what?”
“I do believe the lady told you to let her go.”
And then Shaye felt for sure she was dreaming, that voice sounded so familiar. She was dropped to the ground, and there she stayed.
Everything was a blur after that, a whirl of black leather and the sounds of fighting.
“That’ll teach you to prey on innocent women! Now then – Shaye? Oh my – Shaye is that you?”
She felt, rather than saw, her savior fall to his knees beside her fallen form.
But she paralyzed with shock on the cold cobblestones, and clumsily reached up to her tattered blouse to cover herself before looking up.
His worried face came into her view, though her vision was blurred by unshed tears. His hands hovered, itching to touch, to comfort, but unsure if he should touch her in this state.
He seemed to decide checking her for injuries the priority, and reach forward to examine her.
“Are you hurt? Are you alright?” he asked feverently, looking up from his inspection when Shaye didn’t answer him. “Shaye?”
Shaye didn’t speak, nor did she shy away from his inspecting. This behavior was most unlike her, and it unnerved Julian.
“Shaye. My dear, please speak to me. I need to know if you’re alright.” His voice was pressing, but gentle, most likely practiced through his bedside manner when dealing with patients.
She swallowed thickly, before turned her frozen eyes towards him.
“I’m…not hurt.” She rasped.
Julian let out a sigh. “Well that is a relief. Can you stand Shaye? Can you get up?”
Shaye got to wobbly feet with Julian’s help, but shivered violently and fell forward slightly, Julian catching her in his arms.
Shaye desperately sought the warmth of his embrace, the steady arms locked around her to calm her down. She needed to feel safe.
“Woah, hey now it’s okay.” Julian held her tightly in his arms as Shaye buried herself closer to him, his hands gently stroking her hair and back. “You’re okay, I’m right here. I’ve got you.”
Shaye let out a small whimper, shivering uncontrollably.
“Shaye? Shaye sweetheart you’re scaring me. Are you okay? What can I do? Tell me what you need.”
His concern touched her, and it brought a hesitant smile to her lips. She shook her head against his chest.
“I’m sorry, I’m okay I’m just…a bit shaken.”
“Understandably.” Julian sighed, running a hand through her hair soothingly. “Come with me, I’ll take you home and you can get cleaned up. You’ll feel much better trust me.”
Shaye let out a shaky ‘okay’ and pulled away from Julian. Julian looked down to see blood and cursed.
“You told me you were fine Shaye, this is not fine,” he scolded as he came to inspect her wounds.
“Julian please I’m fine really they’re just little – ”
“No Shaye, you are not fine, do not call this fine.” Julian’s voice was hard and almost cold, taking Shaye aback.
“You’re bleeding and in shock because of the vermin that dared to lay a hand on you. If I wasn’t so worried about you I would have gone after them and made sure they were sent to an early grave.”
The rage in his eye frightened Shaye, even as his hands were ever so gentle in their mending of the cuts along her abdomen.
“Julian you’re no murderer,” Shaye murmured.
“It’s not murder. It’s pest control.” Julian hissed. “I will remember their faces, and if I see them again they’ll get what’s coming to them for daring to hurt you. That’s a promise.”
Julian finally sighed, and pulled away from Shaye, blood seeping from fresh wounds that mirrored hers. She watched her cuts disappear, and Julian’s grow. It wouldn’t last, but it never made it any easier to watch him put himself in pain.
Shaye pressed a hand to his chest. “I wish you didn’t have to do that just to help me.”
Julian covered her hand with his and looked into her eyes with a fiery look. “I would do so again in a heartbeat my dear Shaye.”
Shaye felt her face flush at the declaration. Julian released her hand, and removed his coat before handing to her.
She murmured a thankyou before covering herself with the coat, and following close behind Julian as he silently lead her out of the alley.
She gripped his arm to keep herself steady and calm.
Shaye suddenly felt very tired, and her feet were dragging as she walked, which didn’t go unnoticed by Julian, who stopped walking, making her look up quizzically.
“May I?” he asked. “I wouldn’t be much of a gentlemen if I made you walk on such shaky legs.”
“O-Oh. I – I um…sure?” Shaye flushed beet red as Julian scooped her up in his arms, and carried her out into the street.
Her eyelids drooped as she made herself comfortable in Julian’s arms. It slightly concerned her how quickly she’d become accustomed to the feeling of being in Julian’s embraced.
If she was more awake, she’d probably make a joke about it, but she was far too weary for that.
She nestled herself against his chest and closed her eyes, her fists tight on the cloak that covered her. It wasn’t long before she was unconscious.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years ago
from new sturm members, to etta’s past, to the agency’s sympathies
also Fyodor continues to be a dick
[cont from part 84]
-the next day- kyouko: *making breakfast* Rin: =______= *yawn* "Gouda mornin'..." kyouko: mornin' Rin: "How's breakfast goin'?" *looks around* kyouko: just started. Rin: "Hmm..." *opens the fridge, pours orange juice* "Where's everyone?" kyouko: yukio's at the school already. Rin: O________O; *looks at the clock* "AM I LATE?!" kyouko: yeah. Rin: "OH, FUDGE!" *grabs his school jackets, and runs--in pajama bottoms and slippers* kyouko:....*grin* -elsewhere- Mephisto: *pours tea* "Here you are, lovelies~" *he's wearing...glasses* felisia: thank you. (niiiice) -elsewhere- Damon: "...Is he still asleep?" becky: yeah. but the room looks cool. Damon: "Yeah!" *opens the toy chest* becky: wooah. *shiny eyes* Damon: "..." *takes out a doll* "..." *smiles* "Cool!" -elsewhere- Lucy: "??? You look exhausted." *sets down a cola and some chips* atsushi: busy running errands the other day. *The restaurant is pretty much empty* Lucy: *sits down* "Secret hush-hush stuff?" atsushi: more or less, i guess. *nom* Lucy: "Ah...Atsushi? You like this?" atsushi: ?? Lucy: "The work you do?" atsushi:...yeah. Lucy: "It's still dangerous...With the news..." atsushi: .....*holds her hand* of course it's scary, but someone has to do it, right? Lucy: "..." *small squeeze, nods* "I still worry. After what I've seen in the Guild, there's a lot out there." atsushi:...yeah... Lucy: "...Be careful. And if you need help...would you ask?" atsushi:...i will. Lucy: *smiles, nods* -elsewhere- shiori: *walking and drinking from her sippy cup* Kid: *following* shiori: *looks up at the cookie jar* Kid: "Oh? See something you like, Shiori?" shiori: that. *points to the jar* can i? Kid: "How about I bring it down for you? Sound good?" shiori: yes peas! Kid: "That's the magic word!" *brings down the cookie jar, sets it on the floor, opens the top* "Take one." shiori: *takes one and eats it* ^u^ Kid: ^^ *takes one as well* "Good, right?" *nom* "Chocolate!" shiori: hehehe! ^u^ Kid: "Maybe we can make some tomorrow--like oatmeal--" shiori: >Xp Kid: ._. "...I mean, it's healthy? What would you want?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "How did class go?" sonia: it was nice. im glad Q's here now... Chuuya: "You are?" sonia: *nod* maybe we can help him not be as broken. Chuuya: "...I...suppose we can." ("...Rain...Just listen to her...") sonia:....is the demon broken too? Chuuya: "...I don't know what he is..." sonia:...oh..... Chuuya: "He...may not recover." sonia:.....i cant forgive him for what he did to mama......but at the same time, i pity him...the young boy i mean.... Chuuya: " 'Young boy'?" sonia: i see him in my dreams too sometimes. he always seems so sad, and he's trapped inside the demon... Chuuya: "..." *hug* sonia: ..... Chuuya: "You're very kind-hearted." sonia:.....*hug* Chuuya: "I just don't want you to...ignore all of a person...what they are capable of." *as he talks, he sees himself in a mirror* corruption?: *smiles at him* Chuuya: "..." *shudders* sonia:......*pap pap* Chuuya: "I-I'm sorry..." sonia: its ok.... Chuuya: "I-I want to be a good father to you..." sonia: .... Chuuya: "...Sorry. I don't mean to put that pressure on you." sonia: its alright.... Chuuya: "...Let me...see if someone can talk to...him." sonia:....*nod* -elsewhere- Magaki: *sits on the couch, reading* "..." tsubaki: how was school? Magaki: "...Fine. A lot of reading..." *looks away* -elsewhere- Kuro: "...They make us...do work from home. ...Monsters." mahiru: well get used to it. Kuro: >_< "I don't wanna...Can't I copy yours?" -elsewhere- Joker: *passed out at the bar* scarlet: of course. -_-; Joker: "Fluffernutters..." -elsewhere- Anya: "...'Trust exercises'?" EF: *she nods* you'll fall back and the person behind you will catch you. Anya: "I feel like we did this before--and it didn't turn out well. Why do we need this?" EF: ao and tsugumi said they'd be willing. Anya: "..." *sighs* "Okay...Who's catching me?" ao: *wave* Anya: -____- "...Don't drop me." ao: i wont.. Anya: "..." *turns...closes her eyes* "Say when to fall back..." ao: now. Anya: … *falls back* -nice catch- ao: see? no ulterior motives here. Anya: "..." *nods* "F-Fine...Thanks." tsugumi:...*smile* Meme: "Tsugumi, how about you next?" tsugumi: ok! -elsewhere- Emine: "--and that's pretty much what happened when we were kids." mana: wow... Shotaro: *nods* "...Rough." mana: ..... Emine: "..." *sniff* lin-kimpur: *hug* Emine: "..." *hug* Shotaro: TwT -elsewhere- Konro: *humming as he puts together flowers* kabuki: ^^~ Konro: "There! Good practice for the big day." -elsewhere- Walter: "Yo, G.E.! How you fitting in?" george: alright i guess. still trying to find out what the heck my ability is. also i have this weird tattoo on my stomach? Walter; "Yep! Part of the contract. Goethe didn't mention that, huh?" george: no. no he did not. Walter: "I mean, it'll make swimsuit season a little bad, but you can work it...You see everyone else's abilities?" george: not really. Walter: "Well, I can make an illusion of myself, Etta can control people's movements..." george: i see.... Walter: "The twins show you theirs?" george: no. Walter: "Wilhelm can make animals appear--" george: huh. *two children pop up beside George* george: GWEH! wilhelm: that sure startled him, eh bro? Jakob: "Indeed, bro." Hansel: *griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin* gretel: hehehe~ george:....yeeeah totally not creepy in the slightest... -elsewhere- Rin: *sitting in an empty classroom* *tick tick tick* Rin: "...Son of a gun!" shura: hn? rin? the heck're you doing? Rin: "I thought it was a school day!" >_< shura: well as you can see, it isnt. but on the bright side, no one has to see you in your pjs and slippers. Rin: "..." .\\\\~\\\\. "Ah, nut-butter." -elsewhere- Justin: *opens the window, looks outside* -seems like a nice day out- Justin: "..." *smiles* "Time for a walk." oriko: *nod* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "You know I want you to be safe, yes?" aya: of course i know, dad. Kunikida: "... ... ..." aya:..... *realizing what she just said* t-that was a slip of the tongue, really! Kunikida: "..." *nods* "...Although..." aya: ? Kunikida: "...I may not be your father, but I am concerned for you." aya:...t-thanks. Kunikida: "..." *pat pat* "Let's make sure you stay protected out there." -elsewhere- Patty: *spies over the back of the couch* OwO kirika: .... *staring at homework* uuugh, how am i still in school yet? Patty: "Need help?!" kirika: HIUFIUIHSJBHIFLHJBKBJ Patty: OwO "...So, yes?" kirika:... -elsewhere- Allison: "Hey, welcome back!" erina: hey... Allison: "Settling into work?" erina: i think so. Allison: "Well, you got tonight off, right? Any plans?" erina: not sure... Allison: "I got some leftover pasta..." erina: cool.... Allison: *smiles* "Any interesting things happen?" *places meal in the microwave* erina: usual work stuff. Allison: "...That sounds like an improvement." *small smile* erina:...yeah... Allison: "I'm happy you got away from the prison..." erina:.......*stares at the floor* Allison: "..." *shoulder pat* erina: t-thanks... Allison: *smiles* "Any time, buddy." erina: .........*looks at her phone* *A phone number is on the screen* Allison: "??? Missed call?" erina:......*dials a number* -elsewhere- Jordan: *shifting the joystick on his 3DS* "Just a bit more..." *LOUD RING* Jordan: "!!!" *The Golden Stag is lost* Jordan: Q___Q *looks at the phone* "...!!!" *answers* "H-H-Hello?" erina: hey jordan...is this a bad time to call? Jordan: "Erina! N-Nah, not at all! What up?" erina: did you...want to come over at all? Jordan: OWO "Yeah. Sure. Wh-Where at?" Allison: *shiny eyes* -she tells him where the apartment is- Jordan: "That'll be about 20 minutes. C U then!" erina: see ya....*hangs up* .... Allison: :3 erina:....did i...do the right thing? Allison: "Depends--just looking for some company?" erina:....i guess.... n-not that i dont like you here or anything like that, thats not what im saying- Allison: "But wanting to have something a little more intimate?" erina: *blush* a-alli! Allison: "I meant just one-on-one relationshipping--wherever that goes." ^w^ erina: 7////7;;; Allison: "So, what you going to wear? Casual? Spruced up?" erina:....too tired to change into clothes. Allison: "Well, it's an informal visit--I'm sure your attire suits it." *opens the fridge* "I'll get another plate." -elsewhere- Yumi: *sets Shiori into bed* "All tuckered out?" shiori: *yaaaawn* Yumi: *tucks her in* "We'll see you in the morning, sweetie." -morning- Takehisa: *rotate his shoulder* "Sore..." komori: [lots of training today?] Takehisa: "Yes. Continuing from yesterday. The Commander expects something big will happen..." komori: [i see.] Takehisa: "Sorry to ask, but can you keep an eye for any injuries today?" komori: [that is my job, isnt it?] Takehisa: *nods* "Thank you." -elswhere- sayaka: it's been like, forever since we saw you last, hitomi! hitomi: it sure has, hasnt it? sayaka: so what brings you to the DWMA hitomi: i've heard a lot about your's and madoka's adventures, and i felt...a bit lonely, for lack of a better comparison. madoka: aw, hitomi... sayaka: well we have lots to tell you. and lots of cool people to introduce you to! madoka: that reminds me, how's kyousuke doing? hitomi: oh, that... sayaka: something wrong? hitomi: not to bring the mood down but, kyousuke and i actually broke up. sayaka:.... madoka:.... sayaka + madoka: *feeling awkward* madoka: well, there's a nice cafe not far from school. maybe we can go there? hitomi: ^^; sound nice. -elsewhere- erina: *looking around* *panting and running is heard* erina: ?? Jordan: "I-I'm here! I'm here! I'm--" *trips--and falls on his face* "..." erina: oh, hey jordan. come to visit me at work? Jordan: *lifts up his head--his nose is bleeding* "I wanted to return the container from the leftovers your roommate gave me!" *holds it up* erina: oh, thanks. Jordan: "How's work going?" erina: alright. Jordan: ^w^ "...Well, while I'm here, I'm gonna use my lunch break for a pretzel and an amiibo." erina: well, you do that, ok? Jordan: .w. "...You had lunch?" erina: in a few minutes. Jordan: "Ah..." *scratches his cheek* erina:....sooooo..... Jordan: "...Well, um, I'll...leave you to it!" erina: you too. *small wave* Jordan: ^w^; *wave* -elsewhere- etta: *brushing her hair* {???: "Perfection."} etta: ?! *turns.....nothing*... {etta: *whimper*} {???: "Now, now...You know pretty girls don't cry like that. Look at your eyes..."} {etta: *sniff* my feet hurt, papa...} {Mr. Hoffman: "That is to be expected. After all, you cannot reach beauty without pain."} {etta: .....} -my life, is a cruel one- {etta: *looking out the window*} {*There are children playing in the snow*} {etta:....*goes to get her coat*} {*Mr. Hoffman is sitting at the fireplace, his chair facing it...There's no way he can see behind him where she walks, and there's no way he can see the door leading outside...He is so still he sounds like he's asleep*} {etta:....*slowly creeping, trying to keep silent*} {*Mr. Hoffman reminds silent*} {etta:...*reaches for the doorknob*} {*heat hits her ankle, like a flaming coal*} {etta: AH!} {*There are tiny embers on the floor, having just left a quick touch on her ankle*} {Mr. Hoffman: *stands, turns...he holds a hot poker from the fireplace...* "Can't have that perfect skin blemished..."} {etta: *trembling, trying to reach for the door*} {Mr. Hoffman: "Etta, really?" *marches forward* "You cannot. Unclean urchins outside. Failure to keep to a schedule. This is not the perfection I imagined for you..." *holds the poker more tightly* "Do you need...to be punished?"} {etta: *trembling, crying*} {Mr. Hoffman: "...No tears. They will ruin those eyes..."} -i was a prisoner of my own home- {etta: can i do to school?} {Mr. Hoffman: "...Why would you need school?"} {etta: maybe i could....make friends?} {Mr. Hoffman: "Etta...You have friends. What about Mr. and Mrs. Coppelius? Or Mr. Gaiman?"} {etta: but they're grown ups. i want friends my age...} {Mr. Hoffman: "And children are fools. You do better without them."} {etta:....} -im not your doll- {etta: *collapses from exhaustion*} {Mr. Hoffman: "Imperfect. Again."} {etta: *pant* p-please...may i stop now?} {Mr. Hoffman: "Other dancers practice nine hours daily. Again."} -i want to get out- {etta: *heads back into the dressing room and sits down, weeping* i dont want to go home....*looks at a nutcracker doll on the desk....hugs it*} {*it sounds like someone is pacing outside*} {etta:......*shaking*} {???: "...Zzzzz..."} {*is that...snoring?*} {etta: ?? *looks out the door*} {*Down the hall is...a vagrant? Collapsed asleep?*} {etta:....*pokes him with her foot*} {???: *grunts* "Quit it...Let me sleep."} {etta: the hallway isnt a place to sleep, sir.} {???: "..." *opens his eyes* "I'm tired. _Anywhere_ is a place to sleep if you do it right."} {etta: ....} {???: *yawns* "Man...When does that darn play start, anyway?"} {etta: it just finished.} {???: "..." <Dammit.>} {etta: ......} {???: "...Wait...You were in the play?"} {etta:...yes, i was.} {???: "How you think it went?"} {etta:....alright i guess....*rubs her eyes*} {???: "...And it looks like it took a lot out of you."} {etta:....whats it to you?} {???: *shrugs* "Passes the time. My ride isn't here."} {etta: .....right...} {???: "How about you? Someone waiting to pick you up?"} {etta:....just my f-...my father...} {???: "...He didn't attend your performance?"} {etta: i'm rather happy he didnt...not that it would satisfy him...} {???: "...What, you're not good at this?"} {etta: i-its not that im not good, but even if i do 100%, he'd _still_ want me to do better and look pretty doing it. *tears up* im only a human being, im not some doll...} {???: "...That's a lot of pressure to put onto a kid."} {etta: ...it's not fair! i wasnt allowed to have a normal childhood like the other kids. i wasnt allowed to go to school or have a pet, all he wanted was a perfect doll for a daughter. i hate him!} {???: "...I'm sorry."} {etta:....*sniff* s-sorry....i was just....i guess i lost it there, huh? and do someone i dont even know....} {???: "Goethe."} {etta: ??} {Goethe: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe."} {etta: i see. well, i assume you know who i am then, given the posters.} {Goethe: "Etta Hoffman, right? The sugar plum fairy of the stage?"} {etta: yes. that would be correct} {Goethe: "...You have another performance tomorrow or next week?"} {etta:...most likely....} {Goethe: "...Then I'll have to stay awake that time."} {etta:......right...} -I was given that chance- {etta: ......} {*knock knock*} {etta: its open...} {Goethe: *opens the door* "Hey." *he's holding flowers*} {etta: oh... thank you....} {Goethe: "You're welcome. It was deserved--you've gotten better."} {etta: ....} {Goethe: "I mean it. That was a tremendous performance."} {etta: ...... *she seems drained*} {Goethe: "...Need some water?"} {etta:....it's getting worse and worse....am i going to be trapped this way forever?} {Goethe: "Nothing is forever--it has to end, one way or another."} {etta: maybe if i just drank this ink and poisoned myself...} {Goethe: "Stop."} {etta: *looks at him*} {Goethe: *deadly serious* "Don't do that."} {etta: then what should i do then, huh? im tired of being controlled by him!} {Goethe: "...That dancing has made you stronger than you think..."} {etta: what do you mean?} {Goethe: "Stamina. Flexibility. Speed. Strength. You have enough in you to accomplish anything--but your greatest skill is your willpower."} {etta: .....} {Goethe: "And all you need...is the opportunity to take that willpower to the next level...to exert control over _others_ for a change."} {etta: ?? what do you mean?} {Goethe: "Well...I haven't been entirely honest. How do I put it...I have an ability."} {etta: an ability?} {Goethe: *nods* "I have this power to give people powers..."} {etta: ...are you offering me an ability then?} {Goethe: *nods*} {etta:...whats the catch?} {Goethe: "Well, you'd be under my employ..."} {etta: so then i'll have to retire early then, huh?} {Goethe: "I know it's a lot to juggle multiple jobs--but nothing would stop you from performing on stage. I'd make sure of that."} {etta:...and if i do so, i'll be freed from my father?} {Goethe: "Yes."} {etta:...alright, i'll do it.} {Goethe: "Then let's get the contract done." *holds out his hand*} -and I took it without hesitation- {etta: ......} {*a crash is heard downstairs*} {etta: ?? *heads downstairs* ??} {Mr. Hoffman: "That lying tramp!"} {etta: f-father?} {Mr. Hoffman: *turns, holding the card attached to Goethe's flowers* "How dare you!"} {etta: f-father, i can explain-} {*SLAP*} {etta: AH! *stumbles*} {Mr. Hoffman: "No wonder your dancing has been off! You have made yourself impure!"} {etta: b-but i havent-} {Mr. Hoffman: "These silly notions! They infest your head! Just fantasies of men doing...doing..." *shudders* "It's awful! Who would ever put those notions into--" *spots the Nutcracker* "..." *looks at the poker by the fireplace*} {etta: you're wrong! t-they were from a fan! i havent been with anyone!} {Mr. Hoffman: "...I knew it was a mistake to let you have this...Men...They are all that's on your mind." *picks up the poker, raises it over the Nutcracker*} {etta: !!! STOP IT! *holds hand out*} {Mr. Hoffman: *brings the poker down at the Nutcracker--before his hand stops in mid-motion* ??!!} {etta: !!!....(so this is........) *cold glare at her father*} {Mr. Hoffman: "...Etta--"} {etta: *moves her hand*} {Mr. Hoffman: *his hand moves on its own* "!!!"} {etta:..... *glances at the fire*} {Mr. Hoffman: "Etta! For the love of God--"} {etta: shut up. you dont have the right to beg for mercy! after all the misery and pain you put me through, IM SICK! AND TIRED! OF BEING YOUR PUPPET!} {Mr. Hoffman: "I'm begging you! Don't--"} {etta: i will give you one last thing.......an early preview of hell.} {Mr. Hoffman: "No--"} {-she makes him get onto his knees at the fireplace and then....-} {Mr. Hoffman: "No! I--"} {etta: *she ignores him......and makes him stick his head in*} {Mr. Hoffman: *screams, unable to move*} {etta: *just stares*} etta:....(right...im not his to control...) *smiles* (if i am to dance, then i dance for myself.) *Music can be heard...* etta:....*dancing along* Walter: *in the living room, turns it up a bit louder* etta: *smiles* Kafka: "..." *taps his foot* -elsewhere- Damon: "Wow...We can see the whole city!" becky: woah... soul: awesome view, right? Damon: *nods* "It's the biggest city ever!" soul: *smiles* Damon: *points to a ferris wheel* "What's that?" soul: that's a ferris wheel. you can see from really high up. becky: cool. Damon: "It's a ride? Like a park?" soul: sort of. there's lots of parks in the city. Damon: "...Are they scary?" soul: not all of them. Damon: "...Some of this city is." soul: sure, some of the things people say here can be a bit scary, but its normal for the locals. the people who lived their whole lives here are often called 'death children', but dont let that scare you, they're pretty nice most of the time. becky: ... Damon: "Like that 'Kid' guy?" soul: *nods* yep. Damon: "...Why does everyone here talk about 'death'?" soul: well this is 'death city'... Damon: *pouts, crosses his arms* soul: owo;;; becky: *raises a brow at him* Damon: "I don't like hearing about it..." soul:...i know, its scary, but you two are going to be safe....this is a city of second chances... Damon: "??? What do you mean?" soul: in death, there comes new life. becky: like in nature? soul: like that. *nod* Damon: "??? I don't understand..." soul: take flowers for example. they bloom, and then they wilt and leave seeds, which then become new flowers....sometimes its bulbs instead of seeds, but thats beside the point. Damon: "...And then the seeds...?" soul: they become new flowers...new life, and the cycle starts over again. Damon: "..." *reaches for Soul's hand* soul:...*small squeeze of both their hands* Damon: *small smile* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Hold up--you're a nun, too?" tamaki: *step step step* *faceplant* ow...frick. Vulcan: "...You're a _clumsy_ nun?" tamaki: where do i get this thing hemmed? -_-; Relan: "..." *takes out a sewing kit* tamaki: thank you. TTATT -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looks up* "Need to run an errand." higuchi: it'll be risky... Akutagawa: "..." *takes his coat, and--* *FWOOP* *The coat is now more of a hoodie, hiding his face...He slumps forward* Akutagawa: "I'll disguise myself well enough..." higuchi:....be careful... Akutagawa: *nods* "Thank you." *steps into the tunnels...* -elsewhere- Spirit: *lying on the couch* "Ug..." sachiko: *puts washcloth on his forehead* Spirit: "Th-Thanks...This migraine..." sachiko: *pats his head* Spirit: "Mmmm..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Anything interesting you saw?" atsushi: well......*remembers the mysterious person on the train*....just the usual stuff... Kunikida: "...Have you been practicing?" atsushi: yes sir. Kunikida: "...Let's see about that--" *opens the desk drawer, reaches for something--* atsushi:....*DODGE* Kunikida: "..." -_-; *he's holding a deck of cards* atsushi:...*takes a seat* .w.;;; Kunikida: *cuts the deck, shuffles* "Keep an eye on the cards...Memorize them..." *spread out five cards* "Let me know when you have them memorized." *The cards even match different members of the Agency...with Dazai as the Joker* atsushi: are these custom? Kunikida: "I assume so. And it answers the odd item on the budget Dazai charged..." atsushi: ah.. Kunikida: "Got them memorized?" atsushi: i think so... Kunikida: "Then keep your eye on the cards..." *with one flip, the cards are face-down, and he slides them along the table, slowly at first--then faster and faster at blinding speed* atsushi: ._.;;; yosano: oh, poker night already? Kunikida: *finishes passing the cards around, looks at Yosano* "No, that'll be tomorrow. Now we're trying to see whether Atsushi can find the Jack." atsushi: ._.;;; hmmmm..........is it.. this one? Kunikida: *flips, revealing the Jack* atsushi: (success!) Kunikida: "And how did you do that?" atsushi:...by the smell? Kunikida: "...Interesting. You trusted your smell more than your sight?" atsushi: in that case, yeah. Kunikida: "...Doctor, could you get a blindfold and the leftover curry?" atsushi: ._.;; -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *scrounging in a dumpster* lucy: *walking back to the agency apartments* Akutagawa: *pulls out a loaf of bread, wrapped, just one day past the "best buy" date--and tosses it behind him into a basket below* lucy:....*sympathetic glance* Akutagawa: *pops up again--turns* "..." lucy:.... !!! Akutagawa: "...Oh. You." lucy: *whispers* what are you doing? Akutagawa: "We're low on supplies. And this food is still good." lucy:....is it...has it really gotten that bad? Akutagawa: *shrugs* "Just a daily routine." lucy:..... Akutagawa: "...If you want what's in this trash receptacle, forget it--I've already claimed it." lucy:....*sigh* i'll see if i can talk to the others to arrange something... Akutagawa: "...You would do so?" lucy: yeah...it's just pitiful looking at you like this. Akutagawa: -____-; "...Thanks." -elsewhere- twain: so who's next on our list of former guild members to search for? Steinbeck: "Irving, in Terrytown." emily: according to rumors, his residence has a lot of traps in it, so be careful... Hemingway: "??? Like 'Home Alone'? Or 'Home Alone 2'?" emily: more or less. Hemingway: "...I hate those movies." *grabs a harpoon* emily: ._.;;; Steinbeck: "Let's save the threats until after we determine how cooperative Mr. Irving will be..." -elsewhere- Poe: *shivers, looking around the room* lenore: *watches from her perch* something bothering you? Poe: "Th-The room feels cold, and just trying to find a book I misplaced..." lenore: i see. Poe: "It was a book on cosmology, for a poem I had wanted to finish..." -elsewhere- Damon: *asleep on the couch* "Zzz..." soul:....*picks him up and carries him to the kid's room* Damon: "Zzz..." *sleep-hug* soul:.... *smiles and tucks him in* Becky: "???" *walks in* soul:...hey kiddo. Becky: "..." *whispers* "He's really tired." soul: yeah...you doing alright? Becky: "...I don't know." soul:...you want something to eat? Becky: "...Okay. What can I have?" soul: lets see, we got ourselvesss....cereal, chips, etc....what do you like? Becky: "..." -___-; "Cereal, then." soul: sounds good. Becky: "...Do you have a girlfriend?" soul:...........*he seems sad* Becky: "...Oh. Sorry." soul: ....guess i'll take it from the top. -he tells her the whole story- Becky: "...So Mr. Spirit's daughter?" soul:...yeah...*wipes his eyes* Becky: "Is-Is that why y-you took us?" soul:...*hug* sort of...but i knew you and your brother needed a home, someone to care for you. so i decided to do it. Becky: "..." *cries, hugs him* soul: i want to be a good dad for you guys... Becky: "..." *shakes her head* soul: ..... Becky: "Can you...just take care of us?" soul: ok. i will. Becky: "...Thank you..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "All this?" atsushi: *nod* *hands him two bags of groceries* Akutagawa: "...You didn't have to." atsushi: well, lucy told us about your situation and we felt kind of bad for you. Akutagawa: "I don't need your pity." *small pout* atsushi: ^^; Akutagawa: "...Tell the ill-tempered girl I appreciate it. I'll make sure the Mafia don't break her leg." atsushi: sure thing, akutagawa. Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "And thank you...Atsushi." atsushi:...*awkward smile* Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. atsushi:....see ya then? Akutagawa: "...Right." -\\\\- *takes the bags, turns, walks* -elsewhere- Jordan: *crying into his glass of Mountain Dew at the bar* louisa: did...something happen? Jordan: *blubbers* "I don't know how to flirt..." louisa: ? Jordan: "She seems so nice--but I can't get with her! Look at me!" louisa: um... *pat pat* m-maybe we could speak with her? Jordan: "L-Like a group activity?" louisa: sure! Jordan: QwQ *whimper whimper* "Thank you!" *snot comes out his nose* louisa: ._.; Jordan: "Wh-What should it be? Smash tournament? Or hit up the manga shop? Or ramen?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "..." *smiles* lord death: *napping on the couch* Yumi: *keeps his head on her lap, strokes his head* lord death: =w= *purr* Yumi: ^\\\^ ("Kitten...") -elsewhere- Yukio: *packs his books into his satchel, opens the door out of the school* ???: good to see you, mr yukio~ Yukio: "...It's been a long time." *holds his bag close* pazuzu: whatcha got there, cutie~? Yukio: "My readings, of course. What are you doing here?" pazuzu: im here to make an offer of course....we've taken quite an interest in you~ Yukio: "...The Illuminati?" pazuzu: indeed. your flames has mr lulu quite intrigued~ Yukio: "!!! What?" pazuzu: dont you want a family reunion~? Yukio: "...I have enough of that as it is." pazuzu: pweeease~? Yukio: "Why? I have no interest in him, or his organization...And you can tell him..." *his glasses reflect light...or is it a reflection?* pazuzu: tell him what~? Yukio: "...Tell him I don't want anything..." pazuzu: *pout* the offer still stands~ *flies off* Yukio: "..." *takes off his glasses...his hand shakes...he rubs his eyes* shiemi: yuki? i heard a noise...is everything ok? Yukio: "..." *puts on his glasses, smiles* "It was just a squirrel." shiemi:...oh...*worried* Yukio: "...You were here at school as well?" shiemi: *nods* miss seiya asked me and izumo to help out with some things. Yukio: "How did it go?" -elsewhere- Kafka: *in the kitchen, pours himself some milk...and grabs a plate of cookies* =\\\\= wilhelm: *peeeek* OvO Kafka: *turns, walks* wilhelm: *stomach grumble* Kafka: "???" *turns* wilhelm: can i have one? OvO Kafka: "..." *sigh* "Just one." wilhelm: for real? *shiny eyes* Kafka: "I said yes, didn't I?" -_-# wilhelm: yay! can jakob have one too? Kafka: "Yes, yes..." wilhelm: thanks~! *takes the two cookies and walks off* jakob, i got you one too! Jakob: "Yay! What kind?" Kafka: "..." *sighs* hans:...*small smile* Kafka: *walks to his room* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *walks inside* higuchi: woah! where did you get all this? Akutagawa: "...I'm not sure you would believe me, but the Agency." higuchi:...ah. Akutagawa: "It took me by surprise as well: that ill-tempered waitress helped." higuchi: *smiles* Akutagawa: "..." *clears his throat* "...I'll go shelve these and get dinner going." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *packing* baum: isnt this exciting, dorothy? dorothy: yaaaaay =A= Steinbeck: "??? You never been to New York?" baum: once i think when i was younger, but dorothy hasnt. Steinbeck: *smiles* "It'll be quite an encounter. May need a guide there..." emily: *nod* Steinbeck: "How about you, Emily?" emily: m-me? Steinbeck: "Ever been to New York?" emily: a few times to visit family. Steinbeck: "Great! Then I hope you can help us." -elsewhere- stocking: TT~TT Kid: *holds the hot pad* stocking: thank you...*whine* Kid: *nods* "You're welcome..." *rests the pad onto her* "Like this?" stocking: *nod* Kid: *holds it there...lies with her* stocking: *smile* Kid: *strokes her back* -elsewhere- Motojiro: *looking in one room* "..." katya: ? Motojiro: "...Think this would be a good spot for the nursery?" katya:...i guess? Motojiro: "...I'll have to put something together to decontaminate this room before putting the baby here..." katya: i guess.... Motojiro: "..." *starts shaking, over-ventilating* katya: *pulls him down by the shirt and slaps him* GET A DAMN GRIP, MAN! Motojiro: Q____Q "What was that for?!" katya: you need to just breathe and focus right now. i know, im not the kind of person to be going on about being calm when i fly off the handle so easy, but you seem to have a better handle on things, especially given that lev and your kid are counting on you. Motojiro: "..." *nods* *inhales more calmly* leo: motojiro? Motojiro: *smiles at her...his eyes still look a little red* "Yes~?" leo: are you alright? *worried and strokes his cheek* Motojiro: "..." *holds her hand* "With you, yes." leo:...*smiles* Motojiro: "Katya and I were just looking at rooms for the nursery!" leo: ah. Motojiro: "And we can start prepping it!" -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Here's dinner, all!" kenji: yay! Kyoka: *sniffs* "Smells good..." Tanizaki: "We got some quiche, some roasted vegetables--" sylvia: ... Tanizaki: "...Sylvia? Anything you wanted?" sylvia: um.... Kyoka: "Ever had quiche?" sylvia: *shakes head* not that i remember Kyoka: "Well, do you like cake?" sylvia: mr ted never let me- Kyoka: "...Well...It's like that. Only with spinach and cheese and maybe meat." Tanizaki: "..." *walks back to the kitchen, checking in the fridge for dessert* sylvia: um... Kyoka: "Well...What did you like to eat?" sylvia: i usually was given egg toast... Kyoka: "Oh. Quiche has egg and bread, so it's like egg toast." sylvia: oh... Kyoka: "Try it. For us?" sylvia: hmm....*nom*.. Kyoka: "...How is it?" sylvia:..it's alright. i-i didnt die at least... Kyoka: "...Yay." naomi: ^^ -elsewhere- Lucy: "...Think it was the right thing to do?" atsushi: i think so. Lucy: "...He just looked so...pathetic. Like feeding a stray." atsushi:...like a stray dog, i guess... Lucy: *nods* "Scrawny..." *looks at Atsushi's arm...and pokes* atsushi:... .-.; Lucy: "Have you been keeping to a diet to stay toned and fit?" atsushi: yes ma'am. *pulls up his shirt slightly to examine himself* .... Lucy: "..." .\\\\\\\\\. atsushi:.... .////. Lucy: >\\\\\< "Put it down--we're trying to have a meal!" atsushi: right! ^-^;;;; Lucy: -\\\\\- *picks up her water--and drinks* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "??? What's all this?" mary: jordan needed help asking a mall cop on a date. Fitzgerald: "I see...Well, fashion choices will be one improvement needed..." louisa: his hair could use some work too... ^-^; Jordan: Q____Q "I'm right here." Daisy: "We know." bram: ... -elsewhere- elizaveta: *humming* Gogol: <How's it going?> elizaveta: <ok. kinda bored though.> =3= Gogol: <Yeah, without Child 1 and Child 2.> elizaveta:.... <got anything cool in your cape?> Gogol: "..." *shiny eyes* <What did you have in mind?> lydia: <most likely anything a young child would have interest in.> elizaveta: =3= <he knooows thaaat.> Gogol: *nods* <I'm no fool.> *takes out a bottle marked with a skull on it* elizaveta: ...? lydia: ............. Gogol: "...Oh! Sorry. The poison was for someone else..." *puts it back, and takes out a pair of Nerf guns* elizaveta: YAY! ^o^ Gogol: "Search and destroy!" elizaveta: who's the target, sir? Gogol: "Hmm...Ivan?" elizaveta: yessir! Ivan: *walking down the hall with a cup of tea* -pew- Ivan: *suction cup dart at his forehead* O_o elizaveta: hehehe *runs* Ivan: "..." =_= "What even is--" -pew pew pew- Ivan: *darts on his head, chest, and butt* "..." elizaveta *giggle* Ivan: "CEASE THIS ABSURDITY--" Gogol: *leaps, slow motion, twin guns--and fires* Ivan: Q_____Q zoey:...*giggle* Gogol: ^_^ Ivan: "THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" *rips the darts off* lydia: now now, let him be. Gogol: -3- "Fine..." lydia: <you alright, vanya?> Ivan: <I have sore spots on my head, chest, and bottom...> lydia: <want me to patch you up?> Ivan: *nod nod* lydia: <ok> Gogol: "No one lets us have any fun..." yana: you will soon. Gogol: *shiny eyes* "Like a mission?" yana: *nod nod* time for number 3. Gogol: "..." *wide smile* -elsewhere- Yohei: "Okay, Akaderu has dishwashing tonight--" akaderu: *groooooan* Kepuri: ^^; "I'll help with that." *pat pat* akaderu: thanks babe... Yohei: "And that leaves Emine to take out the trash." Emine: "..." *looks at Mono* mono: boi you better not. Emine: "I said noth--" ((Mana, help her.)) mana: *gives emine the 'im watching you look'* Emine: "...Fine." *picks up the trash can* "I'm putting half of this into the recyclable can as my bad deed." Tool: "THE HELL YOU ARE!" -elsewhere- Tachihara: *arms crossed* Gin: *shakes her head* higuchi: what did mori do this time? Chuuya: "???" Gin: "Just...noises." Tachihara: -_______- higuchi: ....*listens*........eugh... WHY did i do that?! Gin: "We warned you." higuchi: TT___TT; Gin: *pat pat* Chuuya: "...In any case, don't let the noise distract you from the task." higuchi: right. Tachihara: "What, should we have someone sitting in there now?" Chuuya: "..." *looks at Higuchi* -elsewhere- minoura: alright, im only going to ask you this again, dostoevsky. *shows him a photo of zoey when she was still a nurse* do you know of her location? Fyodor: "Yes." minoura: where is she? Fyodor: "She is where Rats go." minoura: is that some kind of damn riddle or not? with you, we cant be certain... Fyodor: "Think about it. Rats scurry for whatever dark location they can find with sustenance and away from predators, yes?" minoura: ..... Fyodor: "...What, do I need to draw maps for you now?" -some noise is in the hallway- minoura: ??? officer: mr lewis, please calm down, this area is for authorized perso- Mr. Lewis: "Let me go! Let me go!" Fyodor: "???" officer: sir, please- *The door is kicked open, as Mr. Lewis tries to get inside the room* Mr. Lewis: "You bastard!" Fyodor: "..." officer: *holding him back* sir, please! calm down! Mr. Lewis: "Give her back! Give me back my daughter!" Fyodor: "Oh. I should have recognized you." *smiles* minoura: we're trying to find her now, we're _trying_ to get a location from him... Mr. Lewis: "He knows! Make him talk, damn it!" officer: sir, you arent allowed to be in here! Mr. Lewis: "Why?! You bastards can't even get a word out of him! Let me at him--I'LL KILL HIM!" Fyodor: *smiles* "Best be careful, sir. It would be horrible for you to not live long enough to meet your grandchild." officer: !!! minoura:....son of a- *A chair is tossed* officer: !!! *The chair slams into Fyodor's head* Mr. Lewis: *panting* "You son of a bitch!" *leaps* officer: *trying to hold mr lewis back* Mr. Lewis: *sobbing* "How dare you! How fucking dare you!" Officer #2: "Shit! He's bleeding!" minoura: i knew you were a sick fuck, but to r-...do _that_ to- Fyodor: *smiles, despite bleeding* "And she was quite good at it." Mr. Lewis: *not even struggling to move...just sobbing* minoura: that's going on the list of charges... Fyodor: "??? What? She seemed enthusiastic about it." officer: *trying to move mr lewis out of the room* Mr. Lewis: *sobbing, as he's practically carried away, his body limp* Fyodor: *smiles* "So long, 'Dad.'" minoura: i have half the mind to have you thrown in the chair right now... Fyodor: "Yet that would defy the very laws you hold yourself to. And the idea of such hypocrisy...Well, it makes my skin crawl." minoura: ......*hard glare* Fyodor: "But at least you provided something I've lacked for some time." *smiles* "Entertainment." minoura: ........... -elsewhere- Poe: "Lana? Are you okay?" lana: y-yeah. just old memories...*wipes her eyes* Poe: "..." *offers his handkerchief* lana: thanks edgar... Poe: *nods* "You're welcome..." *offers his hand* lana: *hug* Poe: "!!! ..." *pats, strokes her back* lana: ...... Poe: *hums lightly* -elsewhere- Rin: "Jeez...He's still locked up in there." momo sakura: is he sick? D8> Rin: "Nah, I don't think so--just really grouchy." momo sakura: ..... Rin: "...Want to help me make something to help him feel better?" momo sakura: ok! Rin: ^^ "I think this calls for cupcakes." momo sakura: yay! Rin: *walks with her to the kitchen* "And we can make some frosting..." -elsewhere- Magaki: *lying in bed, looking up at the ceiling* "..." -silence- Magaki: "..." *gets out of bed, walks downstairs* -...naho's door is open- Magaki: "???" *looks inside* -naho is asleep in her bed, with sakuya asleep next to her- Magaki: "..." *looks away* -one book is on the table- Magaki: "..." ("I am out of reading...Maybe Naho wouldn't mind...") *tip-toes inside* naho: zzzzz Sakuya: "Zzz..." Magaki: *looks at the cover* -it seems to be two guys- Magaki: "???" *flips it open* -too lewd to show- Magaki: "... ... ..." *closes the book carefully...sets it back exactly where they saw it* "......" *turns, carefully steps towards the exit...* naho: TuT *smug grin* Magaki: *gets outside into the hallway...* @_@ -morning- Kid: *making waffles* "..." stocking: *yaaaawn* Kid: *sets out a plate* "And I'll get the fruit..." -elsewhere- Panda: *poke poke* "Wakey-wakey..." inka: *snooooore* Panda: "..." *presses cold bag of frozen strawberries to her face* sasori: *asleep on the windowsill* inka: *SCREEEEEE* *PAWNCH* Panda: *K.O.* *collapses* XwX inka: =_= ...... ?? oh, she's asleep? Sancho: *runs into the room* "What happened?!" inka: cold strawberries. Sancho: "...He didn't put them on your feet this time, did he?" inka: -__- Sancho: " 'Cause I'm not having foot-tasting cereal again." *opens the fridge* *looks at Sasori* "...She's out like a light..." inka: yeah... Sancho: "...Huh. Well, I'll get the rest of breakfast going--then we can plan the day." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *rings a tiny set of bells* "Time for class~!" sonia: come on Q. Q: "..." *follows* -elsewhere- Damon: *asleep next to his bowl of cereal* "Zzz..." soul:...hey kiddo, sleep enough? Damon: "Hmph..." *looks up* "..." *shakes his head* "Bad dreams..." soul: *pats his back* Damon: "..." *hug* soul: *hug* -elsewhere- kirika: *nommin on pancakes* lord death: *hair ruffle* mornin, sport! kirika: *grunt of response* Yumi: "Shiori, sit still--" *splat* -_-; shiori: uups. lord death: *hands her a paper towel* Yumi: *wipes her face* "Thank you..." *sigh* "She'll need some more solids to try." shiori: sowy mama... Yumi: "..." *smiles* "It's okay, sweetie. Just watch where the food goes..." shiori: okaaay Yumi: *wipes Shiori's face* "Kirika, what's on your agenda today?" kirika: *shrug* is it the weekend yet? Yumi: "Yes, it is. Are you going out?" kirika: yep. Yumi: "With your boyfriend?" kirika: *noms on pancakes* Yumi: "..." *smiles* "And you will see your sister?" kirika:...yeah. Yumi: *nods* "Let us know if you need anything." kirika: kay... Yumi: "And make sure your phone is charged." kirika: yes mom. lord death: make sure it's on. kirika: i hear ya. -elsewhere- Tool: "And let's get your sweater on, kiddo." io: okay! ^o^ Tool: *slips it over Io's head and arms* "There you go...Ready to head to the park?" io: ya! saki: ^^ Tool: *opens the door for Io and Saki* "Then we're off!" io: ^o^ -elsewhere- Rin: *looking in a shop window* *shiny eyes* "LOOK AT THEM ALL!" kyouko: woooah. madoka: ^^; sayaka: neatooooo.... hitomi: oh wow. Rin: "That shirt with those jeans, then that badass necklace--I'd look choice!" madoka: ^///^ kyouko: lets remember why were here, ok? Rin: "..." *nods* "I mean, maybe he needs a new book..." -elsewhere- baum: so john, what was it like at home for you? Steinbeck: "Quite crowded, really." baum: *listening* oh? Steinbeck: "My younger brother and I had a room." baum: ah, i see. emily: was it nice? Steinbeck: "...You never felt alone." emily:..*smile* Steinbeck: "It's been a bit since I've heard from them...I did mail a bit of money after the treasure hunt." emily: that's nice. Steinbeck: "...How 'bout you, Em? How were things growing up?" emily: it was rather quiet. Steinbeck: "Peaceful kind of quiet?" emily: i suppose...a bit lonely though. Steinbeck: "...How about parents?" emily: it was decent enough, even if they did forget i existed sometimes. they're busy a lot. Steinbeck: "...You talk with them?" emily: sometimes. baum: what about you, ernest? Hemingway: "...Not much." dorothy:.... Steinbeck: "..." ^^; "At least Baum and Dorothy are here..." -elsewhere- goethe: ....... Kafka: "...Yes? What?" goethe: contact the agency, they live here, dont they? Kafka: "Yes, they do..." *sigh* *pulls up their number* "Am I supposed to speak with them?" goethe: tell them to bring their leader and the blonde guy with them. also tell that dazai guy to fuck off. Kafka: "..." *dials* *waiting for someone to pick up* naomi: armed detective agency. may i help you? Kafka: "Hello. I am calling to set up a meeting with your supervisor and the one named Kunikida." naomi: ah, yes. *writing this down* and may i ask who is calling? Kafka: "Kafka, with Sturm und drang." naomi: O_O y-you're calling all the way from germany?! Kafka: "No. And even if I was, we could afford it." naomi: wait, where are you calling from then?! Kafka: "Death City." naomi: ._____. kunikida? phone for you. Kunikida: "???" *takes it* "Who is it?" naomi: sturm. Kunikida: "..." ._. *answers* "Hello?" Kafka: "We need to talk." Kunikida: "..." Kafka: "Also, my boss wants the one named Dazai to be aware he should pleasure himself in an unfavorable manner." goethe: no, i didnt say it like that. i want him to simply 'fuck off', off he will fuck. atsushi:...? Kunikida: "...Understood. Who should be present?" Kafka: "You and your supervisor. Meet us at--One moment." *hand over the receiver* "First, I am not saying that. Second, where should they meet us?" goethe: kafka, you go pick them up and bring them here. Kafka: "Very well." *back on the phone* "I'll pick you up in-- ... ..." *turns, glares at Goethe* "NOT WALTER'S VAN--" atsushi: ?? -elsewhere- etta: *looking at a map* Leroux: "Which way?" etta: should be... ah! there it is! -the manhasset building is just ahead- Jordan: *seated on a bench outside* "And she's so pretty..." Assi: *nod nod* "I know, fam..." -the doors open- bram: hm? Daisy: *looks up* "...Are those...theater nerds?" etta: hello, we have an appointment with mr fitzgerald? ^^ Leroux: ^w^ Daisy: "...Name?" etta: hoffman and leroux. Daisy: "Hmm...I see...You're a bit early. Fitz's office is on the top floor." *gets up, takes out key card* "I'll let you in..." etta: ^u^ mary: who do you think they are? bram: not sure... Leroux: "???" *sees the children* "..." *actor persona* "Oh, joy! For we may meet with the glorious majesty of the occupant of this find edifice!" bram:....um....a pleasure to meet you as well, sir. mary:.....huh? Leroux: *sparkling eyes* "Lead us, young maiden!" Daisy: -____-# "Okay. Shut him up, or I'm tossing him out the 42nd story window." etta: ^^; bram: oh this should be just a thrill... *sigh* mary: yay! new friends! *drags bram along* Leroux: *follows Daisy* "What is the gentleman like~?" Daisy: "He spends his days counting money and clipping coupons. We all love him." -_- bram: have you heard the term 'upper class twit'? Leroux: "Ah...I know the role well!" Daisy: -_______- "He's still talking..." bram: thats mr fitzgerald in a nutshe-*COUGHING UP BLOOD* grk-... etta: O-O;;;;;; Leroux: D: Daisy: *sighs* *offers a tissue* bram:...im fine, just a side effect of my ability. *COUGH* dont mind me.... Leroux: "..." *looks at Etta* *practically squeeing* "Another ability user!" etta: that's why we're here. but lets save that for the meeting, ok? Leroux: ^w^ bram: ?? (ability users, huh? just what are they here for?) Daisy: *presses the top button, slides the key-card* -and so- Fitzgerald: *clipping coupons, humming* -knock- Fitzgerald: "??? Someone answer that..." *returns to clipping* louisa: yes? etta: hello~ Leroux: ^w^ Fitzgerald: "..." *looks at Louisa* "You hired circus performers?" etta: >3< Leroux: Q_Q "...We are the-at-er..." etta: easy roro. easy. we're here from sturm und drang to discuss business with you. you are ability users here. right? Fitzgerald: "...Among the remnants of former Guild associates, yes..." etta: in that case, we would like to make an offer. are you familiar with the rats in the house of the dead? Fitzgerald: "...They forced my giant whale ship to crash." etta: well as it would seem, the rats are an enemy of sturm, amongst other organizations. which brings us to why we are here. we would like to form an alliance. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...What does your organization have in terms of exterminating those Rats?" etta: while we have resources, we're small in numbers. our leader, goethe, wishes to bring together the ability user groups of this city as a task force to deal with the rats, as well as anyone who would be considered a threat to ability users as a whole. Fitzgerald: "I see what is it in for us ability users...but I also am a businessman. I need to know I am not footing the bill on my own." etta: as we said, we do have resources. Fitzgerald: "For example?" etta: we may be small in numbers, but we have ways of recruiting easily. Fitzgerald: "...Hm...Who's your recruiter? You?" etta: *looks at leroux* Leroux: ^^; "Our benefactor, actually. He's quite persuasive. And benevolent." Fitzgerald: "..." etta: soooo....please? OuO Fitzgerald: "I will have a contract for your supervisor's review--after I can meet with him." etta: of course. -elsewhere- Kuro: *in a baby bjorn* =\\\\= mahiru: *shopping* ???: "Oh, so cute!" mahiru: ?? Meme: "What a cute kitty!" >w< mahiru: thanks. ^^ Meme: *pet pet stroke* "Hee hee..." Kuro: =\\\\\= *purr* tsugumi: hehe. ^^ mahiru: you're sure popular, huh kuro? Kuro: -\\\\-; Anya: "You're the new student, aren't you? Mahiru?" mahiru: yeah. Meme: "How are you and your friend fitting in?" mahiru: pretty good. ^^; Anya: "Where is your friend? You seemed joined at the hip in classes." mahiru: oh, he's closer than you think. ^^;;;;; Anya: "...Oh, shopping elsewhere." mahiru: yeeeeah.... ^^;;;;;;;;; ao: say anya, i think your friend hyde works here~ mahiru: oh? *INTERNAL SCREAMING* Anya: "!!!" .\\\. "Oh...I wonder whether Licht is around, too..." Hyde: "MA-HI-RU! Yo! Over here!" *waves* mahiru: o_O;;;;;;;;;; licht: keep it down, shit rat. -_-; oh. hello princess. Hyde: ^^ "Hey, buddy! I see you enough at school, now you're here too--" *spots Licht and Anya* "..." Anya: "!!!!" .\\\\\. "It-It's Anast--Anya. Um...Hello." ao: 7u7 mahiru: um..hey hyde, licht. good to see you. ^^;;; (is something going on here?) Kuro: -_- *yawn* ("Too loud...") Hyde: *staring at Anya* "Yeah, hey, buddy. Cute bjorn." licht: .....? Hyde: "...New hair, Anya?" Anya: *voice cracks* "...Same hair..." mio: he means the ponytail. Anya: >\\\< "I know what he meant..." mahiru:....*looks at licht* am i missing something here? Licht: "I have no idea. That's because, when standing before my majesty, everyone gets nervous--" *dramatic pose* "--because I am an angel." Anya: "..." .\\\\\\. *steam comes off her head, as she falls back* tsugumi: *sweatdrop* *Anya lands in Tsugumi's arms* Hyde: -\\\\\-;;; ochako: *casually putting products on the shelves, blissfully unaware of what's going on* Meme: ^^; "So, Licht, what brings you here?" licht: due to a long boring story, im stuck with him. Meme: "Like a partner?" licht: to an extent. Meme: "Neat!" Death the Kid: Hyde: >\\\\> Anya: @\\\\@ mahiru: yeeeeah... ^^;;;;; Kuro: *yawns--and slight paw at Mahiru* ("Get a move on...") Hyde: "Oh, you brought Kuro out!" Kuro: O____O mahiru: yep. i sure did. licht: we meet again, mr kitty. *shiny eyes and paw hold* Kuro: >_> Meme: "...Isn't your classmate named 'Kuro'?" mahiru: what a coincidence. ^^;;;; Kuro: "..." *his paw grips him--with claws* mahiru: Qw<;;; Anya: *snaps back to attention* "Maybe declaw him?" Kuro: -_-# -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...You actually paid to have the van imported--" Kafka: "I SAID NOT TO BRING IT UP." >_<# goethe: *laying on the couch* greetings. masuji: hello ^u^ Fukuzawa: "Ah, Ibuse--this is a surprise." *looks at Goethe* "And you are our host?" goethe: that would be correct. thank you for your time gentlemen. masuji: of course. hoho! Kunikida: "This is surprising to see you now in this city. May I ask what prompted this move?" goethe: consider it instinct that the rats are planning something big. so we've decided to form an alliance with the ability user organizations in this city as a contingency plan. Fukuzawa: "...Which ones?" goethe: anyone who is an enemy of that prick dostoevsky, pretty much. masuji: that's be just about everybody, lad. Fukuzawa: "I had heard from my subordinates your offer to assist us, your promise to help. However, how do you imagine this alliance?" hans: *glances at kafka* goethe: we all share a common enemy, do we not? Kafka: *arms crossed* Fukuzawa: "We do..." goethe: then is that not reason enough? Fukuzawa: "Depends on methods...and additional goals you have in mind. Is that all you want, to stop Dostoyevsky?" goethe: well, do you know what he wants? Fukuzawa: "...It's rather oblique, a madness to destroy ability users." goethe: my goal over all is to make the world a better place for ability users, and to share those abilities with those who are less fortunate. all of the members of sturm had rather difficult situations that they were in, many on the verge of despair, i simply granted them their abilities and saved them from their suffering. im not trying some cliche 'take over the world' scheme, im just trying to be a good Samaritan. Fukuzawa: "And where did Ted Hughes fit into that?" goethe:..... 7_7 im only human, i can make mistakes sometimes. Fukuzawa: "...It takes an adult to admit to that. And our Agency hardly has perfect people in it." *looks to Masuji* "What do you think?" masuji: it's normal to make mistakes. it's a part of life, lad. such things do happen. goethe:...i appreciate that, i think. Fukuzawa: "Yet these can't be the only ability organizations you have contacted." hans: we're making contact with Manhasset, the guild remnants and the port mafia. as well as the special abilities department. masuji: hmm, all the major players, eh? Fukuzawa: "...Thorough." Kafka: ^^ *beaming with arrogance* hans: the mafia is a bit hard to track, however... Fukuzawa: "...We can present this proposal to them." -elsewhere- Poe: "Oh, you're having a meeting?" ranpo: yeah. fukuzawa is meeting with those guys the others met in europe. Poe: "Interesting...Even the roach man?" ranpo: yep. Poe: "Should be exciting--getting to see new abilities..." ranpo: yeah... sylvia: .~.;;; Poe: "Miss Sylvia, you were part of the group, yes?" sylvia: s-sort of...i just worked for m-mr ted, though.... Poe: "How was that?" sylvia:....*she looks down and begins to tear up, shaking* Poe: "!!! I-I'm sorry..." ranpo:...*pap pap* Poe: Q_Q -elsewhere- Justin: *opens the door* kirika: yo. oriko: *smiles* Justin: "Hello! Please, come in." kirika:...*takes a seat* oriko: shall i prepare some tea? Justin: "I would like some." *smiles* oriko: *smiles and goes to do so* kirika:...she's a lot more talkative now... Justin: *nods* "We've been talking about many topics during walks...and it seems a few memories are returning..." kirika:...*smiles* Justin: "I think you can ask her a few more questions...so she starts associating you less as just someone she knew...and as her sister." kirika:...right....*pulls something out of her bag, a rabbit doll* hey oriko? you remember this, right? oriko:...how cute. ^^ kirika: you gave this to me when i was taken in. oriko: i did?.... kirika: *nod* oriko: ......it feels....familiar.... Justin: "..." *nods* oriko:....ah..*she has tears falling down her cheeks* Justin: "!!!" kirika: y-you remember a little girl, right? {???: here, this is for you k#r##a.} oriko:....f-faintly... kirika: *HUG* a-at least that's something, right? Justin: "..." *goes to the kitchen* -elsewhere- Mr. Lewis: "..." *staring at the floor* mrs lewis: .....*hug*.... Mr. Lewis: "..." *shivering* mrs lewis: ...... *she doesnt know what to say* Mr. Lewis: "..." *voice cracking* "Z-Zoey...What did we do..." mrs lewis: ..... Mr. Lewis: "Where did we go wrong..." -elsewhere- stocking: *smile* Kid: *holds her hand* "Weather is warming up a bit." stocking: yeah. Kid: "Care to take a vacation trip soon?" stocking: sounds lovely~ Kid: "Great...Maybe somewhere scenic?" stocking: *nod* Kid: "Were you thinking the woods, or maybe the beach when it warms up more?" stocking: how about camping? Kid: *nods* "That would be good." -elsewhere- Tool: *pushing Io on the swing* io: *laugh* saki: *smiles* ^^ Tool: "Careful how high you go..." *smaller push* -elsewhere- Leroux: ^w^ hans: so how did it go? etta: i think it was more or less successful! Leroux: "They were enthralled by our performance." hans: i see. Leroux: "How did things go here?" hans: it went fairly well, i think. Kafka: "I thought they asked too many questions..." etta: ^^; hans: well, no one said it'd be easy.... the agency's leader said he would consider it, but he didnt seem to trust goethe... Leroux: "Maybe we can convince him?" hans: that man, kunikida said he and the other agency members would discuss it. Leroux: "Even that bandaged man?" hans: -_-; yes, even him. -elsewhere- Dazai: *walking past shops* *hums* atsushi:...hey, dazai? Dazai: "Hmm?" atsushi: are you sure you're alright? Dazai: "As good as I can be..." *false smile* atsushi:...things havent been going well for you recently, have they? Dazai: "...I suppose there have been setbacks..." atsushi:....is it still the incident with the rats that's bothering you? Dazai: "...Ever play Risk?" atsushi: *shakes head* Dazai: "Well, it's like chess or checkers, only you're trying to take over entire countries." atsushi: .....oh... Dazai: "And it requires a lot of careful attention to how you want to win. Which nations do you take over? Which alliances do you form? But if you want a strategy to bring the game to the end, there is one thing you can do..." atsushi: what's that? Dazai: "Blow it all up." atsushi: ...... Dazai: "There's an idea that, if you can't win, make sure no one else does. It's suicidal..." atsushi:....what does this have to do with the rats? Dazai: "Because when I think about what Dostoyevsky is capable of, if he is really losing, he wouldn't be locked up in a jail cell: he would be destroying everything right now." atsushi:....... Dazai: "And that's why I'm bothered." atsushi: ....*phone buzzes* ??....oh, we're being called back for a meeting. Dazai: "...Right." *looks around* "Walk it or cab it?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Miss Alcott." louisa: yes sir? Fitzgerald: "Have Eckleburg examine the security footage of those two guests through the facial recognition software." louisa: yes sir. Fitzgerald: *smiles* -elsewhere- Fukuzawa: "..." *walks forward* -inside- naoya:...we got someone coming... Chuuya: "...Well, would you look at that...Who wants to greet them?" hirotsu: i'll speak with them. higuchi: same. Chuuya: "And we'll monitor from here...And I want someone around the corner, in case we need protection." higuchi: *nod* Fukuzawa: "..." hirotsu: fukuzawa, what brings you here? Fukuzawa: "We wanted to check on you..." hirotsu: well we're doing alright, as you can see. higuchi: and we did appreciate the donation.. Fukuzawa: *nods* "Thank Miss Montgomery as well...We also had an offer from a third party to your benefit." higuchi: ?? hirotsu: oh? Kunikida: "Your colleagues remember their trip to Germany, and any encounters with a group called Sturm und drang?" higuchi: i.....think i've heard the name in passing? it's been a long time… Kunikida: "While we were in Germany, we had encountered a few of them: the dancer who can control people's movements, the swordsman, a giant cockroach-man--" hirotsu: hmm... Kunikida: "--and they are all ability users. And they want our assistance against a common threat." hirotsu: the rats? Kunikida: *nods* hirotsu: hmmm... higuchi: katya would be more than willing if it means going up against dostoevsky. Fukuzawa: "I can not ascertain the trustworthiness of their organization, yet having additional resources against the Rats cannot be a bad thing." hirotsu: that is a good point... Fukuzawa: "What should I say is your response?" hirotsu: we'd have to speak with them in person. Fukuzawa: "We will go about setting up a time and place." -elsewhere- Fyodor: "..." *smiles* -silence- Fyodor: "Guard?" guard: ..... Fyodor: "Have I any new visitors?" guard:.....*not answering* Fyodor: "No? What a shame. It gets so lonely here." guard: .... Fyodor: "...How is the nursing home treating your mother, Brian?" brian: *biting his lip* Fyodor: "Alzheimer's is awful. And her lungs...I hope she can get some good deep breaths." brian: shut up... Fyodor: "??? I'm just saying that to see your parent so elderly is a terrible situation for a young person--" brian: just stop, ok?! Fyodor: "Oh, I can stop at any time, Brian. But I like conversing...and you are not as good a conversationalist as the earlier guard, Erina." brian: .... Fyodor: "You know what I want to know." brian: *shakes his head* Fyodor: "Tell me where she is." brian: like you can do anything from inside your cell! Fyodor: *smiles* "Sure." brian: ..... Fyodor: *hums a song* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *looking through an old hard drive* nea: looking through some old stuff? Kepuri: *nods* "Wanted to see if there were any contacts I missed..." nea: oh? Kepuri: "You never know who is tracking and harassing old friends, and I haven't heard from some in a while." nea: ah, gotcha... Kepuri: "Ever see this one?" *pulls up a photo* nea: nah... Kepuri: "Damn it...More of us keep disappearing." -elsewhere- Gopher: "Oh! That looks really good!" kotone: *shiny eyes* Gopher: "Want one?" kotone: *nod nod* Gopher: *holds up two fingers* "Two cupcakes, please!" -elsewhere- Walter: ^^; "Kiddos...Um...Maybe you need to calm down a bit?" wilhelm: IM GONNA DIIIIIE!! DX> *he pinched his finger* george: ._.; Jakob: "GET ALL THE ICE!" *pushes George to the kitchen* george: -_-; Jakob: "Get a cold cloth! It's at the sink! Wet it!" *dragging a chair to the fridge* george: ok! ok! *turns on the sink and sticks a hand in....it vanishes into the water* ._. um... Jakob: *shoves frozen meat aside, then ice cream--* "...HOLD UP!" *takes the ice cream out* "For later~!" *goes back to pulling out ice cube trays* "Got the cloth, George?" george: *pulls out hand* um. yeah! Jakob: *grabs the ice cubes and ice cream carton* "Then let's go!" *heads back to Wilhelm* george:... (just now...what was....) -elsewhere- Yumi: "Any new black blood locations?" nygus: thankfully not. Yumi: "What about the earlier site?" nygus: it seems to have lessened... Yumi: "What caused it in the first place? Any potential kishins discovered?" nygus: it's still under investigation. Yumi: "I'll review the files, see if I can spot something..." -elsewhere- Magaki: "--so I want books. Other books." tsubaki: ok. what kind? Magaki: "Hmm...History?" tsubaki: ok. ^^ -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Feel better?" sylvia: *sniff* y-yeah.. Kyoka: *pats her back* "Did you...want to see any of them?" sylvia: i-i guess so...n-none of them were p-particularly cruel to me.... Kyoka: "..." ("But why would they let her be hurt so long...") "Even those kids?" sylvia: i-im s-s-sure they...meant no real harm... Kyoka: "Did you get to play with them?" sylvia: s-s-sometimes... Kyoka: "...That's good. It's important to get to play with people around your age...And Walter seemed nice." sylvia: y-yeah... Kyoka: "But that Kafka man seemed irritable. And Naomi was grossed out from the encounter." sylvia: .... Kyoka: "...Can this man, Goethe, be trusted?" sylvia: i-i think so... Kyoka: "...Then that's good enough for now." *smiles* sylvia:...*faint smile* r-right... Kyoka: "Want to play?" sylvia: w-what did you h-have in mind? Kyoka: "Whatever you want. We could play basketball." sylvia: i-i dont know how to play... Kyoka: "I can show you. You just have to toss a ball into the air to get it into a hole high up above." sylvia: o-ok.... Kyoka: "I'll get the ball from the closet--" *opens it...and it's a mess* "..." sylvia: ._. -elsewhere- sonia: *drawing* Q: *glances at her drawing* "Got any red crayon?" *drawing as well* sonia: *hands him one* here. -she's drawing several people in the mafia, including herself, Q, chuuya, gin, higuchi, motojiro, leo, and rain- Q: "Thanks." *he's drawing Zoey and Aya* "..." sonia:....she was the nurse, back underground, right? Q: *nods* "My new mommy." sonia: ....when i came out of the tube, she told me she was my mother....but i knew she was lying....*points to rain in the picture* this is my mommy. i see her in my dreams sometimes... Q: "The lady secretary?" sonia: *she nods* she died...the demon hurt her a lot. Q: "..." *nods* "I saw the damage..." sonia: ..... Q: "...Does Chuuya miss her?" sonia: *she nods* sometimes i can hear him crying at night because he misses her so much. Q: "...That's really sad." sonia:...*nod* Q: "Do you think he'll stay alone?" sonia:.... Q: "Like, date anyone else?" sonia:...i dont think so... Q: "..." *sad sigh* sonia:..... Q: "Love sucks." sonia:...*pap pap* Q: T~T "I haven't seen Aya, and I've been here for a whole, like, four days..." sonia:....do you like this person? Q: "With all my heart!" sonia: why do you like her? Q: =\\\w\\\= "She's pretty and feisty..." sonia: ....she kind of looks like grandma's photos of papa...he had the same kinda hair... Q: "...Huh...Really?" sonia: i can ask grandma to show us. Q: "Okay!" -elsewhere- Yukio: *wearing a party hat, seated in front of a tray of cupcakes and a wrapped gift* "..." Rin: *shiny eyes* kyouko: ta-dah! shiemi: ^^ Yukio: "...What's the occasion? It's not our birthday." kyouko: you've been working really hard, and we wanted to show our appreciation. Yukio: "..." *nods* "That is very kind..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Hey, kids!" becky: hey uncle star. Black Star: "..." *looks at Soul, whispers* " 'Uncle'!" soul: *small smile* Damon: "..." Black Star: "What you two up to today?" becky: homework mostly. Black Star: "Oh, you started class?" Damon: "..." *looks down* becky: yeah. Black Star: "How's the teacher?" becky: she's nice. Damon: "..." soul:.... *pap pap* Damon: *shudders* "I-I don't know..." becky: *pap pap* Damon: "It-It's fine...I don't know..." -elsewhere- Kafka: *walking up the street, holing a stack of papers* ango: *also walking* Kafka: "...Hello." ango: *nod* Kafka: "You are Ango Sakaguchi, correct?" ango: who's asking? Kafka: "An ability user." ango: .... -elsewhere- Katai: *outside the door to the Agency* Q____Q naomi: oh, katai. come on in. Katai: "Is-Is it alright? We don't mean to impose..." *he's holding his futon* naomi: its fine. ^^ Katai: *enters* "Where is everyone?" naomi: doing work and stuff. -elsewhere- Rin: *pats his belly* "So good." =w= Yukio: *dabs his mouth with a napkin* "...Thank you." shiemi: ^^ kyouko: oh, and happy birthday, shiemi. Yukio: "..." ._. Rin: "..." .__. shiemi: thanks, kyouko. ^^; Yukio: "... ..." ("...Keep calm...You can still get a gift...") Rin: (*loud internal panic noises*) -elsewhere- Ivan: *whistling* lydia: <who has lunch duty?> Gogol: <What shall I prepare? Caviar? Pizza bagels? Flan?> lydia: <whatever we have on hand> Gogol: *opens the cupboard* "...Sardines and peanut butter." lydia: ..... *sigh* elizaveta: *raises hand* Gogol: ^w^ "Yes, Elizaveta?" elizaveta: can i go get some? Gogol: "Okay, but bring a weapon." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *holding ice to a basketball-shaped bruise* sylvia: Q____Q Kyoka: "It's okay. Games sometimes have injuries..." sylvia: i-im sorryyyy... Kyoka: "..." *pat pat* "Apology accepted." sylvia: *sniff* Kyoka: "..." *hands her a tissue* "It's okay..." -elsewhere- elizaveta: *returning with groceries and crashes out on the floor asleep* Gogol: "???" *looks at Lydia, quietly* <Put the groceries away...> *picks up Elizaveta carefully* elizaveta: zzzzz lydia: *nods* Gogol: *carries her to her bed* elizaveta: =w= Gogol: *tucks her in* elizaveta: ..... Gogol: *looks at the nightstand--and spots a doll* "..." *picks it up, tucks it with Elizaveta* elizaveta: *hugging leila* =w= Gogol: *smooths her hair away from her forehead* elizaveta: zzzz Gogol: *forehead kiss* <Good night...> -elsewhere- Kepuri: *staring at her screen* "..." {Kepuri: "What's on the agenda?"} {akaderu: *shrug* i dunno...} {Kepuri: *groans* "So boring...Hardly the best use of a genius mind like mine..."} {akaderu: *grunt of reply*} {Kepuri: "..." -3- "Anything going on with you?"} {akaderu: other than a general lack of motivation, not much} {Kepuri: "..." *pat pat* "Hang in there. It has to get better..."} {akaderu:....*tiny blush*} {Kepuri: "..." *looks away* "If you need motivation, I got a task for you." *shoves a file to him* "It-It's another Dokeshi Hunt thug to monitor..."} {akaderu: .....} Kepuri: *staring at the file...It's Yohei's* chie: whats up? Kepuri: "Not much." *switches windows, smiles at Chie* "Just looking through old stuff." chie: ah. -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *pulls over* "..." emily: zzzz twain: zzzzz -baum siblings are asleep as well- Steinbeck: *parks* "..." Heminigway: *sipping coffee* *whispers* "We staying here?" Steinbeck: *nods* Hemingway: *nudges Baum* baum: nghugh? Hemingway: "We're here. Help me get the others inside." -elsewhere- Jakob: "IS MY BROTHER GOING TO LIVE?!" Walter: ^^; "Of course." wilhelm: all better now. ^^ Jakob: *sad ugly tears as he hugs Wilhelm* T~T george: ^^;..... ....... Walter: "How you holding up, G?" george: f-fine...*looks at their hand* Walter: "...Oh! You stare at your hand, too?" george: i-im fine. just thinking.. ^^; Walter: "...About why we have ten fingers instead of 12?" george: um... Jakob: " 'Cause your hands would look bigger!" *playfully pats a hand on Wilhelm's cheek* wilhelm: =n=; bro please. george: ^^; -elsewhere- Kafka: "And that's what we can provide, for now." ango: hmm.. what do you think, mr taneda? Taneda: "..." *slides a paper to Ango* "Fukuzawa already had a similar discussion." ango: hmm... Taneda: "From all feedback, this sounds like an alliance worth considering. I will issue a recommendation above me." Kafka: *nods* ango: ? Taneda: "Ango, please see Mr. Kafka out." *holds out his hand to Kafka* "We'll speak soon." Kafka: *shakes his hand* Taneda: *turns, leaves* Kafka: "..." *whips out antibacterial wipes, wipes thoroughly* >_< ango: -_.-; Kafka: *finishes...sighs* "Aaah..." *looks at Ango* "...What? I like to be neat and tidy." ango: i get you there. *adjusts glasses* Kafka: "... ... ...Tell me. Did you encounter someone named Dazai?" ango: *tenses* yes. he's-....an old friend. why do you ask? Kafka: "Hmm. He does not seemed well liked. Even among his allies." ango: .... Kafka: "Why do people work with him?" ango: despite his many shortcomings, he has proven himself a skilled tactician. Kafka: "Ah. So, crafty." ango: precisely. Kafka: "Still, his behavior is erratic. He even approached one of our members for a suicide pact." ango: that sound like classic him. Kafka: "As for the other Agency members...they seem reliable. They are tending to one of our former members." ango: is that right? Kafka: "Yes...You have an ability?" ango: yes. Kafka: "Then you can imagine what it feels like to be under threat for who we are." ango:.... Kafka: "...There are those who would hurt us, even those who are ability users." ango: so i've heard... Kafka: "And what do you plan to do about it?" ango:....still figuring that out... -elsewhere- Kid: "We're home!" lord death: welcome back. ^^ kirika: yo. Kid: "How was your visit?" kirika:..it went well. *wipes eyes* Kid: "..." *pat pat* kirika: =//,//= Yumi: "..." *group hug* lord death: ^////^ Kid: ^\\\^; shiori: bubu! ^o^ Yumi: *picks up Shiori* "Hug your sister?" kirika *tiny awkward hug* shiori: yay! Yumi: ^w^ -morning- Sakuya: *yawns* *stretches* naho: zzzzz Sakuya: "..." *brushes a hand over her forehead* naho: =w= Sakuya: *forehead smooch* -at school- Kuro: *flipping mindlessly through the book* "..." mahiru: *taking notes* Stein: "As your guest lecturer, I'm here to introduce you to the challenges that await you at this academy." hitomi: *listening* Stein: "We begin with a serious one..." *takes out a cage, which has an aye-aye bat inside* Aye-Aye: OwO;;;; Stein: *sneers* "With vivisection..." Kuro: "!!!" mahiru: im sorry what? hitomi: O-O;;; -chop- nygus: no. Stein: >_< "Hmph. Fine, we'll save that for an extracurricular..." *puts the Aye-Aye away* Aye-Aye: =w=;;;;; mahiru: ._.; Kuro: "So annoying...What are we learning anyway?" Stein: "We can move onto a demonstration of battle..." hitomi: ... Stein: "Come in." *The door is kicked open* madoka: ^-^; Kuro: "??? A sailor scout?" hitomi *waves to madoka, smiling* madoka: *smiles back* Arthur: *holding his hilt* "Is this where warriors demonstrate their mettle in combat?" nygus: yes, this is battle demonstration, yes Arthur: *charges up Excalibur* "Then I will hold nothing back, mage [Madoka]." madoka: *nods and takes her bow out* -she also put a barrier up to keep the students from being harmed- Arthur: *swings his blade along the floor towards Madoka* madoka: *jumps up and fires 3 shots* Arthur: *dodges* "Impressive..." *runs past them, leaps up--and swings* madoka: *dodges to the left* Arthur: *swings his leg under her* madoka: *jump and kick to the face* Arthur: "UMPH!" *falls back, swinging his sword--slicing into the floor* hitomi: *watching, nervous* Arthur: "KNIGHTLY LIGHTNING STRIKE!" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Mono, you busy?" mono: *doing homework* Yohei: "??? Okay...Guess you're busy..." mono:..whats up? Yohei: "I wanted to check how things were going." mono:...alright i guess. Yohei: *nods* "Keeping up on homework even while working at the cafe?" mono: yeah. Yohei: "...Need any help with the homework?" mono: just this one. *points to a problem* Yohei: *reads it* "Oh. It's cosine's? I can help with that..." mono: *nod* Yohei: "So it's a right triangle...and the smaller angle is 60 degrees. That means you write the equation 'adjacent side divided by hypothenuse'..." mono: right... Yohei: "We know the adjacent side is 'x,' and the hypotenuse is 20, so we are solving for x...You got your scientific calculator?" mono: hold on... -elsewhere- Rin: ^^; "All forgiven?" shiemi: i wasnt exactly mad at you guys. but i do appreciate it. ^^ izumo: 7-7 Rin: "And you get to go with Stocking, Seiya, Shura--" *spots Izumo* "Polka Brows--" izumo: =_=# shiemi: and what are you guys gonna do? Rin: "Camping! Male bonding! Reaffirm the chains of friendship!" konekomaru: ^^; Bon: =^= "Who said I was going?" konekomaru: ? Bon: "Some of us have studying to do--" konekomaru: im sure it wouldnt hurt. izumo: yeah, letting loose wouldnt kill you, you know. Bon: -___- "You too, Kamiki? Don't you have work to catch up on?" izumo: i already did it. Bon: "D-Don't try to show me up!" >_< izumo: *smirk* Bon: "..." >\\\\> "I'm not getting roped up into any dumb during this camping--" Rin: "Super!" *arm around his shoulder* "We're doing so much stupid stuff!" Bon: -_____-# -elsewhere- Leroux: *hanging up paper lanterns* hans: *dusting shelves* Kafka: *re-enters--carrying a plastic shopping bag* "I have returned." hans: welcome back. Kafka: "Hello. I met with the governmental agency." hans: and how did it go? Kafka: "They seemed amenable. I expect we will receive confirmation within days." hans: ah... Kafka: *takes out a jar of jelly beans* *nods* *opens it* "..." *starts munching* *nom nom nom--* etta: hi guys~ Leroux: "Hello~!" Kafka: O\\\\O "GRK--" *swallows hard* hans: *gives him the Heimlich* Kafka: *coughs up a mess of jelly beans* "Th-Thanks..." etta: you ok, franzy? Kafka: "I AM NORMAL!" O\\\\O etta: ovo~? Leroux: ^w^; "Franz brought us candy!" Kafka: "?!!!" wilhelm: OuO Jakob: "Really?!" Kafka: *growling low at Leroux* "Who told you this was okay...?" Leroux: *smirks* "You'll thank me~" etta: aww, how sweet. ^u^ Kafka: "..." .\\\\\. "I was nothing..._IT_ was nothing..." >\\\< etta: *giggle* Leroux: ^w^ Jakob: *munching on a chocolate bar* "George, grab them!" Kafka: "..." *offers Etta chocolate* etta: *nom* george: um....thanks? Kafka: "..." *nods* "Of course..." goethe: ....at least share some with me. -elsewhere- Toby: *pawing at papers about Etta and Leroux* eckleburg: *picks him up and puts him in his little bed* *pet pet* Toby: -_-; *soft fox purr, before shifting under blanket* -elsewhere- tatsuya: *writing things down* Damon: "..." teacher:....mr evans? Damon: "...Wh-What?" teacher: is everything alright? Damon: "..." *nods* "I'm sorry." teacher: well, try to pay attention, alright? Damon: "..." *stares at a blank sheet of paper--moves his hand to grab his pencil--and accidentally knocks it to the floor* "..." boy: shhh. -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *sits up in bed...* twain: *halfway off his bed asleep* Steinbeck: "..." *sighs* *gets out, goes to Twain, tries to nudge him back into his bed* twain: *snore* thank you mr davis, you saved my life. again. Zzzzz Steinbeck: "??? ..." *tucks him in* dorothy: morning... Steinbeck: "???" *turns* "Hey..." dorothy: couldnt sleep. Steinbeck: "Sorry...Want to get some water?" dorothy:...*nods* Steinbeck: *opens the cooler they brought with them, takes out two bottles of water* "Cheers." dorothy: *siiiip* thanks mr steinbeck. Steinbeck: *smiles* "You're welcome. Were you hungry at all?" dorothy: i'll eat later. Steinbeck: "...Anything on your mind?" dorothy: *shrug* big bro's probably gonna want pancakes. Steinbeck: "Do you like pancakes?" dorothy: i guess. Steinbeck: "...What kind of foods do you like?" dorothy: ..... Steinbeck: "..." *sips water* "...I like a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” dorothy:.....sure. Steinbeck: *smiles* "I'm going to make one. I think we still have some bread left over..." dorothy: ok. Steinbeck: *gets to work* "..." ("Wonder why she's this quiet...") "Wish the rest of us could sleep as soundly as that guy..." *thumbs at Twain* twain: *leg twitch and dopey grin* dorothy: .... Steinbeck: *finishes, cuts it in half, holds up a half to her* dorothy:... *nom* Steinbeck: ^^ "I remember we used to make jelly...And preserves." dorothy: was it nice? Steinbeck: *nods* "Until one of the kids flung a spoonful of grape jelly at my face..." ^^; dorothy: yikes. Steinbeck: "It's all in fun--you know how kids are." dorothy: yeah, seeing as i still am one, sorta... Steinbeck: "...And a kid deserves to have fun, with whatever time they have." dorothy:....are they nice? Steinbeck: "Most part, yeah!" *takes out his wallet, holds up a photo* dorothy: *examines the photos* ... *The photographs show Steinbeck tending to the kids since babies...They look happy* dorothy:...you seem to be a good brother. Steinbeck: "...Thanks. That means a lot..." *studies her face* -she seems to be thinking about something- Steinbeck: "Still thinking?" dorothy: yeah... Steinbeck: "What about?" dorothy: my brother. our family. Steinbeck: "...How is he doing?" dorothy: right now he's still asleep. -elsewhere- Kid: *walking through the DWMA halls* kirika: *sneaking up* Kid: *comes to a stop* kirika: *ducks behind locker* Kid: *looks left to right...then keeps walking* kirika: *runs up and blows an airhorn at his ear* Kid: O_________O *leaps up--and doesn't descend* kirika: 8\ *looks up* *There is a Kid-shaped hole in the ceiling...and the floor above...and the floor above...all the way to the roof* kirika:.... *snaps a pic* Kid: *in the sky, clinging to Beelzebub like a cat to a ceiling fan* Q~Q -elsewhere- Justin: "I have to run an errand...Did you want to stay?" oriko: *nod* Justin: "Okay. Don't let anyone you don't know in..." oriko: ok. Justin: "And I can bring back something from the grocery if you want. Any requests?" oriko: im alright. Justin: *nods, grabs his tote bag and keys, opens the door* oriko: be safe. Justin: *smiles, nods* "Thank you." *closes and locks the door* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." emily: *driving* Hemingway: "He seems really worn out." twain: he was up pretty early. Hemingway: "??? Must've been a good reason, I hope." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Remember this?" akaderu: ?? Kepuri: One of the files we had while investigating..." *it's Yohei* akaderu: oh yeah... Kepuri: "...A lot has changed." akaderu: yeah...*hug* Kepuri: "!!! ..." *hug* =\\\\= akaderu: love you, babe. Kepuri: "Love you, too..." *squeeze* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *tapping the walls* naoya: ?? Chuuya: "...Which other surveillance devices did the Agency keep here?" naoya: hmm, my ability doesnt work on any cameras, just living beings. Chuuya: "After the last infiltration, I want to go through the building more carefully...May need some tech help." naoya: no dice with keek. she's pretty much cut ties with the mafia after...y'know. Chuuya: "..." *nods* "Kajii and his assistant?" naoya: *shrug* bleeeegh it sucks we cant go out hiring people right now. Chuuya: "Yeah... ..." *kicks the wall* naoya: 0-0 Chuuya: "This is awful...Just..." naoya:....*pap pap* Chuuya: "..." *sniff* naoya:.... Chuuya: "This shouldn't be like this..." naoya: yeah...damn those rats... Chuuya: "...When we find Fyodor...We're stopping this." naoya:...well we know he's in prison, but are we really about to break _in_ to prison? Chuuya: "If you think he's staying in there...No. He won't. So we need to find him as soon as he makes his escape." naoya:...right. -elsewhere- soul: have fun today? Becky: "It was alright. Kind of dull." Damon: "..." soul: i see....so, i made a call to the therapist today. Damon: "?!" Becky: "...Why?" soul: ...to help you feel better. *smile* Becky: *small frown* Damon: "...How? What would they want?" soul: they'd talk to you about how you're feeling, and maybe find a way to make you feel better. Damon: "Really?" Becky: "...That's all?" soul: yep. that's all. dont worry, i'll go with you. Damon: "...Okay." Becky: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Walter: *reading emails* "Mom's doing well!" hans: glad to know. *smiles* Walter: ^w^ Kafka: *putting files away* "..." hans: ...so how about you, leroux? any news from your sister? Leroux: *sighs* "Little good, I'm afraid." etta: oh no! D:> Leroux: "..." *nods* "He keeps himself locked away..." etta: ... Leroux: "...He's incredibly morose." hans: i could imagine... Leroux: "...I don't know what help is available." hans: he is in psychiatric, isnt he? Leroux: *nods* "But is that enough?" hans: .... etta: *hug* TT^TT Leroux: *hug* T~T Kafka: "..." >_> *awkward pat on Leroux's shoulder* -elsewhere- Lily: "How are things?" mahiru: they've been well. Kuro: *nom nom nom* Lily: "Excellent! We'll have to celebrate your admittance before your have midterms~" mahiru: aww, thanks. misono: it's the least we can do. -elsewhere- Rin: "All packed!" kyouko: you guys be safe, you hear? Yukio: "...Right." Rin: "Not a problem! Even got bug repellent!" kyouko: *nod* Yukio: "What about the tent?" Rin: "...I'll be right back." *goes back to his room* kyouko: ...^^; Yukio: "You'll hold down the fort while we're out?" kyouko: you bet. Yukio: "And keep up with homework." kyouko: i know. Yukio: "And keep an eye on Father. And bring in the trash, water the plants, patrol the perimet--" kyouko: got it all in here. *points to her head* i've been doing this for years now. Yukio: "...Right. Sorry." Rin: "I got it!" *holds up his 3DS* Yukio: "...Rin. Tent." Rin: "...Oh!" *runs back* kyouko: *sweatdrop* Yukio: "Maybe I should put Post It Notes on him..." kyouko: *chuckles* -elsewhere- yana: *doing some browsing* Ivan: "???" yana: <just looking up some stuff.> Ivan: <Anything interesting?> yana: <i did find this one website. death city rumor file> Ivan: <Any juicy material?> yana: <well, i found a bit of info regarding that shibusawa person.> Ivan: <Best keep it away from Gogol, then...> ^^; yana: <well it wouldnt be much, because this only gives me like, three facts about them. number 1, do you recall the 'dragon's head rush' incident?> Ivan: *nods* yana: <apparently this shibusawa person was the mastermind behind that, at least according to this.> *shrugs* <number 2, they're called 'the collector'. not sure why that is. and number 3, and this is speculation mind you, they are theorized to have connection to the rumor of the white eyed princess of the mysterious tower.> Ivan: <That old tale?> yana: *nods* <wasnt that one of the rumors pushkin's sister and uncle were investigating? then again, they research a lot of urban legends and stuff like that, so...> Ivan: <...It was probably just a tall tale.> yana: <maybe> .... *updating the file* <but i at least have all the profiles up to date.> Ivan: <Master will be so pleased~> yana: *nod* ...... Ivan: <Any additional information?> yana: <at the moment, nothing...> *sigh* <actually, i did find something. info on one of the boss's subgroups, 'the angels of decay'. we know the boss and kolya are part of it, but the info on the other 3 members is password protected.> Ivan: <...Try 'Ivan'?> yana: <tried that, didnt work. i've asked the boss, and he told me to figure it out myself.> *grooooan* <dont get me wrong, i do respect him as our leader, but does he have to be so damn cryptic all the damn time?> Ivan: <Adds to the mystique~> yana: ... Gogol: <What you talkin' about?> yana: 0-0 *clicks out of the angels of decay file....which returns to the rumor file page on shibusawa* (SHIT) Gogol: O\\\\\\\O "..." *faints* yana:.... -_-; <unprofessional.> -elsewhere-
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beta-synch · 8 years ago
A Punderful Proposal (SansxReader One-shot)
Hey, everybody! This is somethings I wrote up based on a dream I had a while back. I wanted to write out the idea, cuz I’m a sucker for fluff. Hope everyone enjoys!
Ao3 Link
Title: A Punderful Proposal Pairing: Sans/Reader Word count: 2598 Warnings: Fluff overload. Terrible shitty puns and jokes. No pronouns used for Reader. Otherwise, none.
Laughter rang out as the sun shined brightly from the cloudless sky. Waves rolled softly back and forth on the golden sand. The heat was eased by a gentle, cool, ocean breeze.
It was a glorious summer day and you and all your friends had been able to organize a beach house getaway for the next couple of days.
You never expected to become such great friends with all of these wonderful Monsters and their little Ambassador. It stared with Alphys. You had helped her find the local nerd shop and ended up in a very long discussion about anime inside the shop. Through her you met Undyne, when Alphys had invited you out for lunch one day to meet her girlfriend. Next had actually been Toriel and Frisk. You were invited to a sleepover at Alphys’ that Frisk had been invited to as well, and you instantly loved the determined child to pieces and Toriel became a pseudo-mom to you. Finally, you met Papyrus, and in turn, Sans. Undyne was taking you to one of their training session and Papyrus had dragged Sans along this one time because Undyne had said you would be there. Papyrus was the coolest, sweetest person you had ever met, and Sans…
Something seemed to just click with you two.
Maybe it was the way you treated his brother. Or maybe how friendly you were with his friends.
Or maybe the mutual love of puns.
“the beach is quite the sand-sation, isn’t it?”
“I sea what you did there, but don’t star fishing for compliments.” You giggled. He laughed and planted a kiss on your cheek.
“stars, you’re wonderful.” He sighed dreamily, “how did i become so lucky to be allowed to date someone like you?”
“i know, i know… no self-depreciation. but still, i sometimes still wonder how you’re real. you’re so incredible and beautiful and smart and funny and i love you so much…” He pulls you into a hug that you quickly return.
What ever it was that clicked between you two, it grew and grew. You became closer and closer, Sans eventually admitting to you his darkest thoughts, and you in turn being a light to guide him back from them. When you were having a hard time and stressing out over everything, he would pull you back and help you unwind. Mutual give and take. There were bumps here and there as with anything, but neither of you wanted to leave the other.
Two years in and Sans realized he loved you far more than a friend. It took another year though for Sans finally find the courage to ask you out. Part of it was the fear you wouldn’t return his feelings. Another, bigger part was that he didn’t think he deserved you. He was still trying to recover from everything the resets had done to him. He was getting better yes, but he was still a mess sometimes. Even if his HP had finally stared rising again, it was still rather precariously low at the time, and he had been sure the heartbreak of being rejected by you would have dusted him where he stood. He couldn’t do that to you.
You had figured out Sans feelings for you a little after he did, and even though you returned them, you were going to wait for Sans to ask you out. You dropped little hints that you returned his affections, but never pushed him. You waited for him to accept that it was ok to take this chance with you. To take a chance at letting himself have a bit of happiness. When he finally did, via a pun in true Sans fashion, you had laughed with the biggest smile on your face and said yes.
You ended up admitting that you had been waiting for him to ask and explained why you had done so. Because Sans deserved to be happy too. You wanted him to believe he deserved it. He asked if he could kiss you right then and there. You answered by taking his face in your hand and pressing your lips to his.
It’s been three years since then and the two of you couldn’t be more of a happy couple if you tried. Papyrus was over the moon with how happy the two of you were, so relieved that his brother was no longer on the verge of Falling Down and so very excited about you joining the family. (The two of you had also given Alphys and Undyne plenty of material for their growing Doujinshi and Fanfiction archives.) Everyone couldn’t have been more happy for the two of you.
“Shell we?”
“we shell.”
You both giggle like the dorks you were.
It was a great time. You got roped into many shenanigans with your friends; making sandcastles (and burying a sleeping Sans in the sand), collecting shells, playing a rather erm… passionate game of volleyball with Undyne and Papyrus.
“Pap, I’m fine. Got the wind knocked out of me, but no harm done.” You try and comfort the tall skele, despite the ball shaped bruises on your arms stating otherwise. Papyrus tearful shuffles in place, still guilty for the incident. You sigh and reach up to take his face in your hands. You gently pull him down to your level and place a chaste kiss on his forehead.
“It’s ok, Pap. It was an accident, and no one is mad. No more tears, ok? We’re supposed to be having fun.” You coo, softly wiping away his tears. He sniffles, but nods and gives you a small smile. “Now, come here.”
You pull him into a hug and he returns it, burying his face in your shoulder. You hear him mutter a ‘thank you’ and something else you almost didn-
Did he…
Did Papyrus just call you his sibling?
You pull back from him, wide-eyed. Even after so long of Pap saying he considered you such, that’s the first time he’s actually called you it. It seems he finally registered his own words as his face begins to tint orange.
“I-I MEAN- THAT IS- UM-” you cut off his embarrassed stuttering by making little keening noises.
“Oh my god, Pap! You’ve never called me that! I’m so happy!” You sniffled, your heart about to burt with joy.
“NOW LOOK WHO’S CRYING.” Papyrus chuckles. You do as well at the turn of events.
“You have?” You tip your head in curiosity. “What changed?”
“NYEHEHEHE.” Papyrus holds a finger up to his lips and winks. “SORRY, DEAR SIBLING, BUT THAT, I CANNOT SAY.”
You blinked in confusion. Papyrus? Keeping secrets?? What has the world come to.
“Ok then, Pap. I’ll trust you on that.”
It was two days in of your three day trip, and the sun had finally set. Everyone had gathered outside around a bonfire to relax after the long day of playing.
Well, almost everyone. Frisk had passed out on one of the couches, completely tuckered out, and was put to bed. But that didn’t explain who else was missing.
“Where’s Sans?” You ask, looking around for your missing boney boyfriend.
“I think he said he was going up to the Cabana.” Toriel offered. “Though, he has been gone for a while…”
“I’ll go get him.” You say, standing from your seat. “I heard the Cabana has a really good view of the stars, so he probably wanted to see them and lost track of time.”
“Alright, call if you need anything.”
You then turned from the group to head up the cobblestone path to the Cabana. You didn’t notice the faint giggling of your other favorite skeleton.
“What’s gotten into you Pap?” Undyne quirked a brow at her friend. Papyrus continued to giggle like an excited child.
“Aww, not even a hint?” She tried elbowing him in the side, but he avoided it and rolled his eyes.
“ONLY THAT THIS IS SOMETHING THAT SANS HAS BEEN PLANNING TO DO FOR A WHILE.” Alphys blink in confusion for a second, then her eyes went wide as she gasped.
“Y-You mean he’s-!? Right n-now!? Oh my gosh!!!” She bounced excitedly in place. It didn’t take Undyne much longer to figure out what was mean either.
“Ooooh-ho-holy cheese balls, really?! The nerd is finally going through with it?! Why the heck ain’t we up there?!” Undyne hopped up to go march after you, but Papyrus’ voice stopped her dead.
“NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING.” All eyes turned to Papyrus. “SANS HAD ENOUGH TROUBLE CONVINCING HIMSELF TO DO THIS WITHOUT ANYONE PRESSURING HIM TO DO SO. HE DOES NOT NEED IT NOW. I WILL NOT HAVE ANYONE RUIN THIS FOR HIM.” He was entirely serious about this, and though he didn’t say it, he was also prepared to forcefully keep his friends from spying on Sans and you. Sans almost didn’t end up asking you out all those years ago because their friends kept nagging him about it. He was not letting Sans get cold feet because of stage fright or nerves. Not when Sans was so close to what used to be nothing but an unachievable dream.
“Alright Papyrus.” Toriel, ever the voice of reason. “We’ll stay here and wait for the good news.”
“why did the proton blush? it was positively attracted to the electron.”
You snorted and laughed. Ok, so you had found Sans at the Cabana, just like Tori had said. You had initially just sat and started making small talk, then Sans threw some puns, then you did, and now the whole thing has dissolved into a joke war. By now, the stars were in their full glory.
“Ok, I saw this one on the Internet and I thought of you.”
“awww, babe.”
“So, two fonts, Arial and Calibri, were in the midst of a bad breakup. Calibri said, ‘I’m sorry, you’re personality is too bold.’ Arial responded, ‘You’re just not my type…’”
You both dissolved into a fit of giggles.
“ok, ok, I got one. two nuclear technicians got married. she was radiant and he was glowing.”
Oh? Relationship jokes now? Well ok then.
“I bet they were a fastidious couple. She was fast, he was tedious.”
“an invisible man marries an invisible woman. the kids were nothing to look at either.”
“When a psychic showed me the person I’ll marry, it was love at second sight.”
“what do you call a melon that’s not allowed to get married? a cant-elope.”
You throw your head back and laugh, your side starting to get a stich. You two continued this trend of marriage, wedding, and relationship puns for a bit. But you started to get curious. He’s never made these kinds of puns before. You laughed until it was quiet.
“Sans…?” He seemed nervous now. “What’s wrong?”
“nothing, i just…” He takes a deep breath and steels himself. “knock, knock.”
“… Who’s there?”
Wait. Was this…?
Being alone with Sans in a beautiful place. The theme of the puns.
Your eyes are wide and your hands are trembling.
“M-marry who…?”
He slids off his chair and down on one knee in front of you. Out of his shorts pocket he pulls a little black box. His own hands shake as he holds it out to you. You can hear the soft rattle of his bones.
How long were you waiting, Sans?
“Marry… me…?” He opens the box and inside is a simple but absolutely gorgeous ring. Nothing more than a simple gold band with a single small gem embedded in it, and you think you see engravings on the inside. But you really didn’t want anything else, Sans and you were both simple people. It sparkled in the moonlight and your breath had left you. You brought a hand to your mouth, your eyes going misty as you continued to gaze at the ring.
The silence stretched for several more seconds and Sans didn’t seem to take that as a good sign. He started to pull back, tears beginning to fill his sockets, and your brain finally caught up with you to say something, you idiot!
“What did the melons say when they were being married?” You blurted out quickly, making Sans freeze.
You carefully pluck the ring from the box and slide it onto your finger. Then you take Sans’s face in your hands and peck him quickly on the lips.
“Honey, I do.”
He blinks dumbly at you for a few seconds. Then you giggle and your words finally register. All the tension falls out of him as he starts tearfully laughing. You pull him to you and he wraps his arms around your middle, face pressed to your stomach.
“you can’t go doing that to me babe.” He blubbers between watery chuckles. “i thought i messed up. thought you would…”
“I’m so sorry, Sansy.” You apologize, pressing kisses to the top of his skull. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I love you too much… I don’t think it’s possible for me to say no to you.”
“you did just say yes to marrying me.” Sans mutters. That sentence them seems to strike him all over again, his arms wrapping tighter around you as he begins to laugh in ernest.
“you said yes!! you said yes!!!!” He cheers. He pulls back suddenly, only to jump up on his feet, take your face in his hands, and smash your lips together. You’re quick to return it, crushing him to you the best you can. When he pulls back, he gives you the biggest, most joyful smile you’ve ever seen on him. You laugh as he nuzzles his face to yours.
“You’re never getting rid of me, you know.”
“i should be the one saying that.” He chuckles, then gets this almost wistful look. “i don’t know if i’d be able to live without you now.”
“i know, self-depreciation. but…” Sans gently takes your hands in his and presses a kiss to your fingers, just below your ring. “we’ve got the rest of our lives for you to keep reminding me.”
All you could do was pull him into another kiss.
Your ring continued to glitter in the moonlight.
“No one knew he was doing so except for Papyrus, and he wasn’t letting anyone see Sans propose. So you weren’t the only one who didn’t get to see, my child.” Toriel soothed, not looking up from cooking breakfast. Frisk stomped their foot once in frustration, then rushed over to you and Sans, who were eating breakfast together in the living room. They nearly tackled their skeleton uncle, causing him to grunt and try to not fall over.
“whoa there kiddo, easy on these old bones.”
'I had better get to be the Ring Bearer at the wedding!’
“Sure Frisk, whatever will keep you from bearing grudges.”
Papyrus then looks up from his breakfast with a flat face.
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natural--trash · 8 years ago
@chanyeolingss tagged me thank owo
rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better!
get to know me:
nicknames: susu, mym (technically tsu is one but it doesnt count anymore, thats basically my name now) gender: me  star sign: libra height: 160cm or something like that time: 17:20 birthday: 16.10. favourite bands: bts, the oral cigarettes, frederic, and more favourite solo artists: agust d, nqrse, daoko, casper song stuck in my head: currently none, I’m listening to Toberumono tho (The Last Story OST) last movie watched: Tucker and Dale vs Evil last show watched: idk some Turkish drama while sitting in the living room probably when did i create my blog: id have to check, somewhen last year? what do i post: kpop on this blog last thing i googled: i think it was the suspicious add on that appeared one day outta nothing i dont even use chrome that often so why and how do you have any other blogs: yes. many. just ask i guess why did you choose your url: bc natural-trash was already taken im trash  following: 182 (but thats already kinda overwhelming sometimes, thats why i dont follow all my friends im sorry :c) followers: 24 favourite colours: black, pastel, stuffs average hours of sleep: atm 7 lucky number: i dont really have one instruments: used to play piano and e-bass what am i wearing: a tshirt with blue n white stripes how many blankets i sleep with: 1 dream job: video game developer (character design!! world building! cHARACTER DESIGN!!!) dream trip: toyko again or somewhere else in asia favourite food: too much, im not rly picky unless paprika, eggplant and big onions oh wait i love lamb nationality: wait this is about citizenship right im turkish-german favourite song rn: House of Cards, House of Cards [OUTRO], House of Crads (full length ver.), Hou-...
bts would you rather:
build a snowman with taehyung OR have a snowball fight with hoseok
get coffee with yoongi OR get ice cream with yoongi
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with hoseok OR sing a duet with jin
kiss namjoon OR cuddle yoongi
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with taehyung
meet hoseok’s family OR have taehyung meet your family
film a commerical with hoseok OR film a sketch with taehyung
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook
go to paris with jin OR to london with yoongi
film a drama with jin OR do a photoshoot with namjoon
attend an award show with namjoon OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook 
spend a lazy day with yoongi OR explore a city with hoseok
fall asleep next to jimin  OR wake up next to jungkook
have a fun picnic with hoseok OR a fancy date with jin (I#d say that one but embarras myself so nope)
have jungkook serenade you OR have taehyung sing you to sleep
have a dance party with hoseok OR sing karaoke with yoongi
go camping with jimin and tae OR go to the beach with namjoon and yoongi
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with jungkook, yoongi, tae, and hoseok OR christmas with namjoon, jimin and jin
@mama-kisu @perpetually-jungshook @fluffyliontae + anyone who sees this: feel free to do it ig?
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