cupcakeshakesnake · 2 years
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A little about Will Turner:
Will mostly stays with Mr. Brown (close friend of Bill's) who is a locksmith/runs a hardware store. They live on the second floor of the store; Will has a small room of his own. Brown is often too busy to take proper care of him so he couch-surfs a lot. Elizabeth's place, Jack's place, Norrington's place, etc. It happens very often that Mr. Brown just leaves some money on the table for Will to buy himself dinner with while he's away fixing someone's keyhole. Sometimes Will comes home from school only to find a sticky note on the fridge saying "Away on business, 2-3 days, microwave dinners in freezer" and heads straight back out and on to a friend's house. He takes it pretty well, though; it's less of a "I hate being alone again" and more of a "YES TIME TO PLAY SMASH BROS WITH JACK ALL NIGHT"
While Will isn't an apprentice of any kind, Mr. Brown does give him small broken machines and such to tinker with, putting him on the hardware-savvy side for a kid.
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inlovewithquotes · 2 years
"Ask yourself this, captain: is this treasure worth dying for?"
"I'm a pirate. Always will be! So how do I save what be mine?"
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lesyeuxderemy · 24 days
imash samo 127 shansa s men,
sled tova prikluchvame
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How the potc characters would react if you were sick 🤒🤧
Jack sparrow🍺:
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Firstly Jack isn't oblivious, he could tell by your hoarse voice and sniffling you caught a fever throughout your adventure.
Jack would be softer and take you to his cabin.
He would spend time with you but at the same time trying to maintain the ship.
Sleeping on a ship is rather comforting depending if you get sea sick easily.
The pearl would rock up and down gently rocking you to sleep in the captains quarters.
You would hear the shingling of gold coins, dabloons and silver going side to side.
Jack would try to be kind and offer you rum, because of course rum "fixes" everything.
You would ask "Jack, thanks but I need real medicine".
Jack would understand and take you to tia dalmer in hope he could find something that could cure you.
Tia would give Jack a herb that would settle your sickness to say the least.
Jack entered the quarters with a cat like smile on his face "got something for you love".
You would take the medicine and it would only take a couple of moments before you feel as dandy as a sailor could be.
You try to kiss Jack but Jack backed away as he was worried about being sick himself.
None of the less you thanked Sparrow for his effort.
Hector barbossa🐒:
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Now when it comes to sickness, Barbossa laughs at the idea of it and ignores the feeling. He's a captain and even sickness can't hold him down.
You were in tortuga when you felt feverish; you coughed and sneezed in every sailors direction.
You weren't able to excitedly keep up with the other sailors victory.
Barbossa isn't the kind of man you would think would care but you were wrong.
Barbossa held you until you were at the captains quarters, it was lavished with a ton of blankets.
You thought that Jack wasn't kidding when Hector likes to make entrances and scenes.
He placed you lightly in the bed, you were having trouble breathing.
You sneezed and coughed everywhere, Barbossa would've been annoyed but he cared for you.
He raised your hand to his lips, pressing gently.
"Yer ta' stay ere' y/n, wait till I come back Aye, tha' be an order" he commanded.
You nodded weakly, barbossa ventured off to find the one person who could possibly cure you.
He entered through a small alley way and entered through a door, in the middle was a woman covered in tatoos.
Shansa without looking up spoke to the captain "and yet I didn't think you would return captain barbossa".
Barbossa standing went straight to the point "I need-."
"Y/n, you seek a cure for your beloved y/n, am I correct captain" shansa answered his question.
Barbossa didn't even answer as shansa already knew of the sickness.
"For you captain barbossa, I shall give you the antidote" shansa went straight to the point. She gave hector a brown liquid that seemed off putting to the touch, but he wasted no time.
Not even thanking the witch he left, heading back to the Queen Ann's revenge, he came to check in on you.
You were sleeping, Barbossa tried to wake you and gave you a liquid that would cure you from the witch.
You drank the liquid, at first you nearly spat it out but you swallowed it. Hector watched in fear yet fascination.
You held the captains hand, your breath becoming clearer and your nose less blocked.
Barbossa was glad to see you better, he smiled "I be glad yer better missy".
You smiled in response and leaned in to hold him.
Will turner🏴‍☠️:
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Will was visiting you when he heard you were sick. He rushed to see you, lying in bed.
You spoke weakly to will "will my love, I swear I'm alright-" you coughed by the last of your words.
Will kissed your forehead and muttered "I swear y/n, I will find a way to make you better".
Will sought-after Jack Sparrow in hope he would know of anything whether it was magic or myth.
"Jack, it's y/n she's sick, she may not make it" will said worried.
"Ah William good ta' see ya lad, don't worry mate, I know someone" Jack smiled with confidence.
First he tried doctors, they weren't exactly useful in terms of finding a cure.
Will and Jack went into the trenches of the Jungle to find Tia dalmer.
As the two entered, "Jack sparrow~, Will turner, I know what you both seek" Tia smiled eagerly.
"Give the girl the cure you seek and she shall be alive again" Tia gave will a vile containing a cure.
Will thanked Tia and travelled back with Jack to give you the cure.
You were in bed with a terrible fever "y/n, drink this, it'll help you" will smiled.
You drank what will gave you when suddenly you were able to breath again but unfortunately it didn't cure you straight away.
"W-will" you muttered, will rushed to your side holding you, he cradled your head.
The two of you held eachother as Jack drank the rum in background.
Henry turner🐶:
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Henry heard you were sick by carina, you were running a fever.
Henry rushed to find you in bed with a bucket and cloth sitting on your head.
Carina pointed out "she's not in a good state henry".
Henry spoke back "don't worry y/n, I saved my father, I'll try and save you".
Henry left a kiss on your forehead, he left you with the doctors in the hospital wing.
Henry spend the countless days worrying for you, carina reassured him "don't worry Henry, y/n is in good hands, she should be fine".
Henry came by your bed, he would tell you the countless stories behind the legends of his father and mother; including a certain pirate called Jack sparrow.
Carina stayed by henry's side as a dear friend.
When you were feeling better, henry hugged you on the spot, he kissed you and told you how he missed you.
Carina smiled in the background.
You were rest assured, glad to feel better.
Davy Jones🐙:
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Davy was a cruel, mercilessly monster that roamed the seas. It was quite hard to see a captain so soft after all his cruel torture.
He kept you hidden, he kept you normal to make sure you weren't put to a terrible fate.
One day you caught a cold and even though it wasn't much, to him, it was a sign of death.
You didn't say anything as you thought it didn't mean anything, you needed to push on.
Davy caught on not so long after, he ordered you to be in your cabin.
He didn't visit you, of course, seems unlikely a cruel captain would care.
You had gotten worse over the course, soon it turned into a high fever.
Davy selfishly kept you locked away for two long, bootstrap bill looked after you.
Bootstrap told the captain, you weren't looking so good but in response, davy yelled "one life ain't warth tha' rast".
Davy stormed down the stairs however, he lied to his crew to keep his reputation high.
When he saw you in a bad state; his tentacles twirled with concern, he snorted from his tiniest tentacle and left.
He whispered to the sea "calypso, if yar be near, I bah ready ta' spare a life tha' be worthy".
The seas waves crashed with intention "save tha' lass" he whispered.
Over the course of the next few days, you started to feel better as if the fever were just a minor cold.
You opened your eyes to see the captain himself sitting I'm a barnacle infested chair.
You placed your hand over to the captains claw, he was asleep.
Davy had prayed to the sea goddess to save you and she answered.
You felt great and sat by the captains side curling into his grasp.
James norrington⚔️:
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You were absent from the commondores party, he was celebrating his second proposal to you.
You laid in bed as maids tendered you, you were ill from a fever.
When James got word, he excused himself to see you.
"My dear, you are ill" the persona he carried himself through pride faded.
You breathed heavily, sweat ran down your forehead as a wet cloth laid on top of you.
"The maids have been tending me, for I am so grateful toward their service under your care" you smiled.
James pressed his lips toward your cheek, he cared for you more then his own life.
You couldn't breath through your nose, you coughed at every hour.
James had every doctor tend to you, making sure you were better.
After a few days of rest, you woke up to see the commondore with no wig and to see he wore the same coat.
You pushed aside strands of his brown hair from his face.
A maid kindly greeted you at your bed "ah! Goodness" you jumped at the sight.
The maid spoke softly "he never left your side madam, he stayed with you for the entire time you were ill".
You smiled softly, you never knew how truly devoted he could be.
The maid left as you kissed him lightly, truly you were blissful for such a devoted husband.
Phillip swift📜:
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You had never been sick, no not once since you travelled the seas.
You had ran into Phillip from his hometown, he was known for being highly religious.
You were sick when you were kidnapped along with Phillip.
It was highly cruel to see the captain push you on despite you falling ill.
Phillip was close to you, never did he leave your side for any reason.
"By the lord himself I shall pray for your health y/n" Phillip swore, he gripped your hand and kissed it.
You were travelling to find the fountain of youth when you were sleeping in the crews quarters.
The men snored loudly and the smell was revolting.
Phillip stayed next to you and read from his bible to help you get better.
There was no possible medicine within the cabin but at least he prayed.
The captain complained about how slow you were and how you coughed too much.
He raised his sword when Phillip stepped in "by any light, have you no mercy toward a sick girl".
"You there boy, the girl is slowing us down and I plan to keep going" the captain held his sword toward your throat.
"Give her to me and I shall make sure she won't slow us down, I'll be the one to keep watch over her" Phillip pleaded.
The captain rolled his eyes and kept walking as the crew, angelica and jack followed.
Phillip carried you as he placed his coat over you "may god watch over you, for you are gods gift to the world".
Phillip kissed you while holding you not caring if you had a runny nose.
Cutler beckett🍷:
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Beckett, a man so cruel whom wishes the extinction of pirates.
You were betrothed to the cruel man as a lady and therefore you've grown a hatred toward him.
One night you were so sick that you couldn't get out of bed.
Your husband was absent for the most part, you felt sad, like being locked in a cage with a monster.
That was until you saw him after all the nurses left. You had a wet rag placed against your forehead.
Beckett came up with the same expression he had even on your wedding day.
"You know y/n, out of everyone to have fallen ill, it just had happened to be you" he coiled a smile.
You rolled your eyes "unfortunately it would seem, dear husband".
Beckett walked toward you in a formal manner, he pressed your hand toward his lips "a dying flower, foolish and yet beautiful".
You gazed at him with no words, how could you even fathom, a man like him showed no kindness.
"Just think, soon to be dead, a tragedy soon to be in tale" he whispered.
You breathed heavily in response "have you no care".
Beckett backed away with no intention to hurt you "of course my stupid girl, you were betrothed to me after all".
You gripped your husband in a harsh manner and kissed him out of spite.
In response he gasped, he placed a hand toward your precious head.
You gripped around his waist trying to find his pistol. What seemed odd however was how beckett leaned into it.
"Once again my foolish wife, death shall not greet you at your door" beckett turned and left with no response.
You slept with tiredness, over the next few days you started to get better.
Right next to your side table you saw a gift with herbal tea with a letter written "to my foolish wife, a gift for your good health".
Joshamee Gibbs🌊:
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You laid in the crews quarters feeling crummy, you snorted, wheezed and coughed in every direction.
Gibbs asked how you felt and knew you weren't well, under his orders you were staying in bed.
Jack wondered where in the bloody blazes was master Gibbs.
Gibbs gifted you all sorts of medical supplies, you smiled at the kindness Gibbs gifted.
Gibbs valued you as a daughter figure or perhaps even a close friend.
"I remember when I was sick, Aye, I had nothin' but a bottle o' rum" Gibbs smiled "yer a tough lass, not many landlubbers would last like ye".
You nodded in agreement, Gibbs told you stories that would make you laugh, mostly of Jack's success and failure.
When you fell asleep, Gibbs watched over you. Jack on the other hand had wondered where he was.
Gibbs gifted you a bottle of rum.
Ragetti and pintel☠️:
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Ragetti and pintel were ordered by captain barbossa to start plundering.
However you were running a fever, coughing and sneezing.
Ragetti noticed you lying on the hanger looking sick "Hey-uh, y/n don't be looking so good".
Pintel growled "what's you's mean, the lass be fine".
Ragetti shook his head as he heard you cough "see, see I was right".
Pintel sneered "wha so she's dyin then".
Ragetti knew at least, he had something similar back in tortuga, he caught it from some sneezing sea dog.
"She's not dyin, she's got a fever" ragetti pointed out "she's needin' rest".
Pintel asked "so wha', tha lass needs a blanket and a bedtime story" he snickered.
Ragetti went over to get a drenched rag covered in ocean water, he placed it on your head with an extra sheet.
Eventually you asked "I, I need medicine" you said to the two.
Ragetti and pintel both went to the cargo hold to fetch some medicine. "You two whatcha doin" a bigger male asked.
"Gettin' medicine, captains orders" ragetti explained, "Yeah wha' he says".
The two awkwardly stood still, the bigger male sneered as he let them go.
Ragetti and pintel eventually wondered toward the cabin to tend to you.
"How's long til she's better" pintel asked, "I don' know, mabey days, weeks, years".
"Years, yer tellin' me I ave' ta look after er' fer years" pintel complained.
You heard the two men argue as you sleep, two days had gone by and you were feeling rather better.
"Look she's awake" ragetti elbowed pintel.
Pintel growled "i knows that, I have eyes".
You got out of bed and thanked the two for their hospitality.
"Well it was his idea" ragetti pointed to pintel "me? Yous the one ta' look after her".
You laughed as the two squabbled, you tended to your duties as you explained your abscense to captain barbossa.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
Requests: open
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
Knock knock. Goldy you alive? I feel like my brain was pulled out, twisted and put in backwards. WTF happened today? I came to BTS because of Park Jimin, and by God I have never regretted it. I don’t even have words to describe how “ Set me Free” made me feel. I am completely overcome. This man… I freaking LOVE him💜💕
Look, I'm trying not to overreact cos then I don't know what I would do when the main Album drops.
But your man lost his mind God damn!
He went insane! Lost his damn mind!
He pops up rapping first of all
Then that little head shake he does right after talking about the endless cycle of what he does sent chills down my spine la ilaha ailallah
I'm like what happened to dainty old Jimin😲
Then he says raise the glass to the past me and I'm like WELP HELPPP I NEED HELP
Forking hell!
He gives us the most punked version of himself for a minute I thought he was possessed by Jungkook😂
This level of madness is what you'd expect from Jungkook bruh the piercing, the tats, it's giving pretty much Mad Max, it's giving the sea witch from Pirates of the Caribbean, shansa is it? It's giving lord of the dark arts, it's giving voldemort, it's giving optimus prime
Also I love how they aren't confining him to Korea!!!!!!
He said he is in his Prime SIR YOUR PRIME HAS NOT EVEN YET BEGUN
This is not your prime Jimin this is the period before your prime, the dawn of it. the eve of your rising star.
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captainofthepearl · 1 year
*hands you a grimace shake* try it 😇
"What in tha blazin blue is this? Why is it purple?" He cringed at the bewildering drink. Twas it poison, a magical liquid, shansa's spell in the form of a drink.
He takes a quick sip, whilst not exactly swallowing the liquid. He could taste the Berry flavour on his tongue. Abliet, he debated, if it was worth the risk to swallow something sweet. He should've spat it out but instead risked swallowing it. He inhaled thinking he had made a very foolish mistake, but he wasn't dead.
He sipped some more thinking 'eh not bad'. Though it wasn't as spectacular as wine or the fine taste of tea. But twas a good drink nonetheless.
Perhaps it was for the best he had no clue where this magical purple shake came from. Jack, in the end, got an amusing sight at Hector's purple tongue.
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ask-de-writer · 1 year
WIND MEETS THE ROM : Part 8 of 27 :
MLP Fan Fiction
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Part 8 of 27
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Cover art by @wind-the-mama-cat
54212 words
© 2023 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 06/01/18
All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact. They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story? Read from Part 1, here!
Wind looked up from where she was sitting and replied, “Mama Dragon was out gathering some wild herbs. She heard me fall and found me. She took me back to her cottage and saw to my healing.
“There is a lot more, but you all have things to show or tell Shansa, too.”
Hanar nuzzled Wind again before saying, “I have been telling Mom all about you and how you came to us. I told her about our Pulls all the way up to Corbiestep fair and all the places in between, too. Now it is every other horse's turns.”
Old Marchhare stepped up to the edge of stones glittering in the sunlight and held out a small box of wood that was almost black. It was intricately carved and had a glossy finish. “I want to use your Blackwood in jewelry boxes and cases. For the last three years I have been trying to equal your finish. What am I doing wrong and what is right?”
He cocked his ears in what Wind had learned was a totally attentive way. Suddenly he pursed his lips in surprise. “That simple? Thank you, I am going to try it right away!”
He gave way to Tia who held out some strings in her magic. The conversation was inaudible but the strings, held in Tia's magic, unwound, stretched snug and plucked. They then flexed oddly and rolled up.
Tia's face was thoughtful as she examined the strings again, nodding in comprehension.
Midnight was brief and to the point. “I have a new recipe. Share it with you at the feast!”
Many of the others were simply respectful greetings. Some, like Marchhare or Tia took a while to clear up some thing or other.
Shansa, it appeared, was not a one trick horse.
It was not long before it was time for the feast. This time there were trestle tables and a serving line. Without hesitation, Wind took her place, serving up pie slices and helpings of several sorts of scrambles. And cautioning, “Not those pasties, they have my meats in them!”
Soon everyhorse was seated at the trestle tables and partaking of the plenteous feast that they had prepared. Hanar was sitting next to a plate at an empty place. Every sort of good thing that they had fixed piled it high. Shansa's place.
The guard Greenforest could not contain his contempt for the Rom and stomped straight into the camp! Midnight and Tia noticed. Signaling with their horns to Hanar, they quietly kept on eating. Greenforest barged right up and started to muscle his way into Shansa's place.
“Lots of good stuff here! I will just - “ was as far as he got. Hanar's magic, as softly yellow gold as her lovely eyes, had him wing bound, hoof bound and muzzled. In the irresistible grip of her magic, he was lifted and placed beside the Wayside trash bin, over twenty meters away.
Guard Major Hawkwing approached and requested, “Permission to enter the camp?”
Marchhare gestured magnanimously, “Feel free, Major Hawkwing! What can we do for you?”
“I would like to ask young Hanar a few questions. I want her to know that she has done no wrong in this.”
Hanar did look up, giving the Major her full attention. “What do you want to know, Major Hawkwing?”
“Um, first, why did you not put Greenforest in the trash bin?”
She grinned, “Because he is not trash. I did not want to give him such an insult. He is rude but that is likely temporary. Stupid ponies rarely get as far up as the Royal Guard. This is his first time serving when the Princesses are Rom, isn't it?”
“It is. Should he be removed from the Guard? I saw the Princesses put the case in your hooves.”
She chuckled, “No. I remember a younger Sargent Hawkwing's first experience with us. I was really little then, but I do remember you, Sir. You turned out great. Give Sargent Greenforest the same chance.”
She cocked an ear toward the empty place beside her and got up. She came back with a pie slice and offered it to Guard Major Hawkwing. “Mom says that is the last slice of Black Lotus's peach pie. You better have it so none of us fight over it!”
“Since you see and hear her, please thank Shansa Na Kili for me.”
“She heard you, Sir. Enjoy your pie. I gotta get back to mine.”
Wind was watching the entire event with delight. She was thinking, these are my kind of folks!
Stories of Shansa's life, escapades, and accomplishments were flying thick and fast about the feasting table. Wind was listening carefully and trying to commit them to memory. She determined to ask some of the horses telling them for better details. To her, this was the most amazing thing that she had found in any adventure.
She observed that the Guard had sent two of their number to intercept Sargent Greenforest. He was taken, protesting all the way, back to join the Guard formation.
The Rom were done with eating and the trestle tables put away. The dishes were washed. The serving line, with its many left over goodies was left for now.
The Rom started in with music, song and dancing. Wind was dragged into the dancing by Hanar's magic! By listening carefully to the unique nature of the Rom music, and following Hanar's patient lead with magic that did not rule, but rather showed and helped, at first, Wind was soon fitting into the dances. It was far more fun than she expected!
The Sky Dancers were experts on the ground, too. Besides hooves, legs, and bodies, they used their wings to great effect. Both Tia and Midnight were in the midst of the happily dancing Rom.
Wind noticed a small altercation developing among the Guard. She quietly left the dance to go and speak to them.
Greenforest saw her coming and snapped, “Whatever you are, Camp Privacy! Stay out!”
Guard Major Hawkwing overrode his rude guard Sargent, “Be welcome. How can we help you?”
Wind sat and pointed to Sargent Greenforest. “I came about him, actually.” She tapped her ear. “It happens that I have excellent hearing.
“I know that he is upset that Hanar put him down over by the trash bin.”
He interrupted, “She had no right! I am a noble, a baron! I got a right to what I wants from commoners!”
Wind cocked her head and grinned a sideways grin. “Even those commoners serving another noble? Say one who outranks you - - a LOT?”
“Who owns those dratted Rom that I should bend the knee to THEM?”
Wind shrugged, “As I understand it, could be wrong, I am new here, all the Rom EVERYWHERE, are subjects of the Princesses and MARCHHARE and HOOF DANCER, ROYAL DUKE AND DUCHESS of ROM.” She pointed over to where Marchhare was presently engaged in a couples dance with Midnight.
“ROYALTY. And you tried to barge into rites relating to the Rom beliefs in the afterlife and worse, take the place reserved to Shansa Na Kili, deceased as you understand it. They do not see life and death the same way that you do. You showed no trace of respect for the Rom beliefs. Beliefs that are so strong that the PRINCESSES made you a MANUAL relating to them.
“You saw what happened to Wiltin but you don't seem to realize just how close you came to joining him.”
Guard Major Hawkwing interposed, “She is right, Greenforest. The Princesses put your case into the hooves of Hanar Na Kili, the daughter of the horse that they came here to honor.”
He paused to let that sink in. “The same filly who did not even need to look up to put you beside a trash bin twenty meters away, had the final judgment of your case.
“She could have had you removed from the Guard. Was asked specifically about that.”
“WHAT! That filly? Who gave her the right!?”
Hawkwing replied with some relish, “BOTH Princess Celestia and Princess Luna did. Shansa Na Kili was, and according to Rom beliefs still is, her mother.
“Her judgment was that you were rude, but that was likely temporary and that you should be given another chance.”
Sargent Greenforest sat hard. In a plaintive voice he whined, “Don't she realize that I worked my tail off for five years to get this post?”
Wind nodded. “Yes, she does. That is why you got a second chance. I just wanted to make sure that you are properly grateful for it. One word from her and you would have lost this post.”
Wind paused, thinking something over before asking, “I have no experience with the unicorns of this world except for the Rom. I do know of one other Equestria, but it is largely corrupted. Those unicorns, at least most of them, could not support your weight at twenty meters. Is Hanar exceptionally strong?”
Major Hawkwing immediately answered, “All of you, listen up! What has just been breached is Official State Secret. Greenforest, and the rest of you too, what Hanar did, lifting the Sargent in his armor that twenty meters DID NOT HAPPEN, got that?
“The sheer power of Rom unicorns is, and has been in the past, a hole card that has helped to keep this realm safe. If enemies learn of it, we could be in over our withers before we know it.
“They use their power like it is nothing special and for that reason, nobody thinks twice about it. Actually questioning it opens up a whole different kettle of rotten fish.”
The Guards all turned their heads over to look at the happily dancing and singing Rom. One quietly pointed out, “That was a filly did that. Wonder what one of the grown ups could do, right?”
A quiet voice said with absolute authority, “Best not to think of that, Sargent. I have come to collect our wayward friend. We are teaching her to sing our songs and she won't learn them here, with you.”
Celestia smiled down and suggested, “Come, Wind. The singing will help your pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, besides just being plain old fun. I still remember what it was like for Midnight and I to learn Gyptian.
“Besides, seeing how you dance will inspire us to make new dances and steps. For us, dance is a thing that never stops growing and changing.”
Wind chuckled as she was being led away. In Gyptian she said, “They do not seem to understand anything. They have wealth that all comes from the labor of commoners, yet they seem to have no respect for those commoners that make them wealthy.”
Celestia nodded. “A fair point, Wind. It slightly misses the mark, though. When the whole system is working properly, the nobles are the brains that direct the labor and not only for themselves. The commoners are the hands, muscle and bone, it is true, but without a proper brain, the other parts do not work well.
“They will plant and harvest. They will build homes. They will bicker and withhold work on a dam and waterworks that would benefit all, in the hope that they can benefit from the labor of the others, for example.
“That castle that the noble's grandsire raised by the directed labor of commoners? If there is trouble in the land, that castle and its stores are the refuge for the commoners. It may seem unfairly divided at times but it is a two way street.
Wind said thoughtfully, “Let me guess. The prosperity of this land comes about because you and your sister actually keep a pretty close eye on those nobles?”
Eyes twinkling, Celestia agreed, “We do. We watch the commoners too. And yes, accepting that no system is perfect, we do try to make it as good as we can for all levels of society.”
It was a thoughtful Wind who returned to the songs and dancing of the Rom.
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lighthouseborn · 6 months
If you could sum up your character with one sentence, what would it be?
Canon Questionnaire
Unpopular(?) opinion but I actually think this is an impossible task for any writer with any character — any character with even ankle deep depth, that isn't a function character, anyway.
Like you could describe function characters (the cabbage man from ATLA, Lt. Scarfield and the witch Shansa from DMTNT) with this method, because their identities are actually plot functions as far as the story being told is concerned. Sure they have names, sometimes, but even then they're likely to be there more to further something along than to have their inner worlds mapped out. (Pintel and Ragetti wobble on this line; they're almost one-sentence characters, but little bits poke through anyway). If a character is actually a part of things, has goals, gets to express nuance etc., I don't think it can be done. Or rather I think it can be done but it will always be an incomplete image. I know that's kind of the point, to cut to the 'most important' parts but I really think.. all the parts are important? Real people will have entire swathes of similarities and what makes them distinctly who they are is the little parts. I think people who lean on single-sentence type identifiers too hard end up losing sight of their characters anyway, in a different direction than what happens when they close their eyes to canon. Single sentencing too hard leads directly to flanderization. If they started flat to begin with, and don't need to be anything else, it's fine! If not, be careful.
With that in mind, I think the closest you can possibly get to a single-sentence for Henry is to simply take him at his own self evaluation (which the fact it was him who said it is in itself is an important part of things–), which is to say: “I'lll never stop, and if you throw me over, I'll come straight back.” This leaves a bunch of other things out but it does, also, cut to a really core drive of him, at any rate — a piece you couldn't remove without completely undoing the character. Arguably he doesn't have to be a storyteller, or even technically a pirate, but he does have to be confident, and persistent, and bold. And he has to be kind as well, and earnest; willing to listen, and to start causing problems if other people aren't listening, aren't paying attention. He has to be prepared to break things in order to fix them. (Running away to bring his family together; defying chain of command to (attempt to) prevent deaths.) He has to love so hard, all the way into it being a flaw. You take those and you've just... invented a different kid you're calling Henry. (Which, if you are just writing a different Henry, go ham! Do whatever! If you're calling him Henry though I feel like DMTNT should at least be on your radar a little bit though, and if you want to ignore it exists then maybe. Don't call him Henry. But that's a big fat fandom opinion on things that don't actually have any consequences or fallout s;dflkjg;wlrtkjg;sldkjfg) He cannot be resentful toward Will for his absence, I don't think. You'd have to be really really good at toeing a line for that one to work (and me personally I think that veers too far into just rehashing Will himself, which is boring. Parallels don't have to be carbon copies tyvm, let him love wildly and without anyone having had to 'earn' it.) And obviously I'm devolving into many many more than one sentence but I do think a lot of that that I just said can be, in some way, linked to his "I'll come straight back" which is why I think it's probably the closest a person can get to one-sentence'ing him. Or as close as I can get anyway, but I'm bad at it. (Kind of on purpose.)
For the ways I've written him I think the little epithets given at the top of the source material/divergences section of his bio page are also a good centering place? "Son of the Pirate King. Blood of a Turner, feathers of a Sparrow." It's more ... poetic? Ambiguous? Than a direct description, but nevertheless it tells you where I've focused him, what I'm pulling into it. Good short description only in that it evokes the entire complex history of three other characters that came before him in order to even get him on the page!
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trickstercaptain · 1 year
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CONTINUITY WITH OST AND THE TRILOGY Jack and Henry KNOW each other. Jack was a sporadic presence in the young boy’s early life and became a surrogate father to him in Will’s absence ( but never did he seek to replace Will. Jack was always the one telling Henry stories about his father ). Therefore, when Henry receives the message from Salazar to find Jack, and he encounters Jack in that jail cell, the two of them already have a strong relationship and rapport. This also means that Jack is in favour of using the trident not only to defeat Salazar, but to free Will from the Dutchman’s curse.
POST-AWE: Jack briefly meets Margaret Smyth during this post-AWE period, because Carina is the same age as Henry in the novelisation ( they’re both nineteen ). this is also around about the time that she’s conceived and later left in an orphanage by Hector. this is also why I lean towards the headcanon that Jack and Barbossa spent more time together leading this joint crew than is implied right at the end of AWE, and therefore Jack does not immediately lose the Pearl following the third movie.
PRE-OST: during the time between AWE and OST, Jack would have been pirating, regularly ( ish ) visiting Elizabeth and Henry on Shipwreck Cove but, most importantly, looking for the Fountain of Youth. he does eventually find it – or at least locates the caves past Whitecap Bay, hence why he is in a position to lead an expedition there during the fourth movie – but he does not know of the ritual at this point, nor does he actually see the fountain himself.
The events of OST take place SEVEN years after AWE.
The events of DMTNT take place TWELVE years after OST, meaning that is the length of time in which the Black Pearl has been locked away in bottle-form.
To explain away Jack being in his late fifties at this point yet looking and acting like a man no older than his late forties, even though he doesn’t drink from the Fountain himself in OST, some of the youthful properties of the water rub off on him and slow his ageing process after this point. Jack wonders at whether he has somehow unlocked the secret of effective immortality.
He is depressed at the very beginning of the film, which results from a curse placed on him by Shansa at Barbossa's request to 'curse his enemies.' This curse is placed on him around a year or two before the events of DMTNT, and immediately hampers his cultivated legend by causing repeated bad luck and disaster at every turn.
Every attempt he makes at getting the Black Pearl out of the bottle or tracking Barbossa down with the intention of using his sword to do so ( in the twelve years since OST I refuse to believe that thought does not cross Jack's mind ) ends in failure. He attempts to barter and scheme for another ship and instead ends up with the Dying Gull, which is so unseaworthy that it strands Jack and his crew on the island of Saint Martin.
Jack has spent roughly six months on Saint Martin prior to the events of DMTNT, and his grand plan to secure passage off of it is to steal from the bank ( with the aid of the mayor's wife, Francis, with whom he is having an affair and intends to accompany him ) and use the funds to refit the Dying Gull and make her seaworthy again.
I am also stating right here that Jack does not demand tribute of his crew following this failed bank robbery and, when it comes to his execution scene, Gibbs does not have to be paid to come and rescue him. That's nonsense I want nothing to do with, thank you.
When that ends in failure, Jack, in a moment of desperation and amplified by the effects of Shansa's curse, gives away his compass for another drink. For a fleeting moment, he gives it away with no intention of getting it back, and that is all the compass needs to lash out and free Salazar.
The compass' reaction is the first moment of realisation for Jack of how far he has sunk in the last couple of years. When Henry reaches him with Salazar's warning, he actually sits up and takes notice and, for the rest of the film, is the same Jack we know and love and actually cares about seeing Henry reunited with his father.
With the trident of Poseidon destroyed, Shansa's curse is lifted and Jack is once again free to do as he pleases.
Jack goes with Henry and Carina on land where they are united with Will at the end of the movie.
To explain away that Jack has given away his compass MULTIPLE times throughout the trilogy without any serious repercussions such as... whatever the Devil's Triangle is, I'll firstly note that each time he has bartered it away to somebody, the intention on his part has never been permanent. He has always intended to get it back somehow or use the bartering away to further his own ends, and through whatever laws of magic or physics has always obtained it again.
The difference in DMTNT is that Jack gives it away with no such intention, and that is what constitutes as betraying it. Jack and the compass are inextricably linked and have been ever since he was given it by Tia Dalma as a child: the compass is a powerful enough magical artefact in my opinion to have a consciousness or soul of some kind, in the same way that the Black Pearl is implied to have. In betraying it, the compass is spurred to react.
I don't like the idea that the compass directly caused Salazar to be trapped inside of the Devil's Triangle ( since Salazar and his crew went down as they entered -- that had nothing to do with the compass ), but instead I interpret that freeing Salazar is the compass' reaction to being betrayed. It lashes out and causes the earthquake in order to punish Jack and, on some level, spur him on to restore his reputation and break his own curse that's plaguing him.
The ship Jack is on is NOT the Wicked Wench. Nor is he made captain of it through his actions against Captain Salazar. Instead, he is a sometimes crewman on an unspecified ship sailing from Shipwreck Cove and comes up against the Silent Mary in battle. Jack's actions and quick thinking save the lives of those on his ship and others trying to escape the carnage.
Jack does not gain his 'sparrow' moniker from Captain Salazar. Firstly, there is no plausible way for Jack to overhear or know that Salazar refers to him as a sparrow given that they do not say a single word to each other ( other than Jack shouting in the crow's nest ) and Salazar spends the next several decades trapped inside of the Devil's Triangle, and secondly my own interpretation is that Jack obtains his last name from his mother.
Jack did not receive his compass from the captain of the ship he's on in the flashback, but from Tia Dalma as per trilogy canon. He also does not receive pieces of his costume from the crew as tribute.
Jack did not realise that Salazar would end up trapped inside the Triangle. He saw the ship get destroyed by the rocks and go down once it entered the cavern and so Jack assumed, for the next forty years, that he’d killed both Salazar and the rest of his crew.
Over the next forty years, the Devil’s Triangle became a place of legend ( enough for Henry to be able to recognise it ). It was rumoured that any ship who strayed too close would disappear without trace ( much like the Bermuda Triangle myth ). Jack eventually hears about the rumours but thinks nothing of them, and certainly doesn’t put two and two together that his compass could potentially lead to their escape.
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HOT & FREE ALIEN ROMANCE Download Alien Pleasures by Sinistre Ange while it's #free this week only!
Universal: https://geni.us/Alien_Pleasures
She'll bargain her body and end up falling in love...
Desperate to escape Earth and the overbearing chieftan who wants to make her one of his miserable wives, Shansa's only option is to flee with the Torians who visit her village regularly. The alien traders are willing to do just about anything for the right price, and Shansa's in no position to bargain over their terms.
Fortunately for Shansa, working off her transport debt in a luxury pleasure house turns out to be anything but a hardship. Every alien she meets has some new and fantastic way to drive her wild with ecstasy. It's not long before she begins to see herself living this life long after the Torians are repaid.
But when Shansa meets an alien who wants her all to himself, he threatens a lot more than just her very enjoyable gig.
This book is a standalone and contains a lot of aliens and a lot of pleasure!
About Sinistre Ange
Sinistre Ange is a USA Today Bestselling author and the alter ego of Golden Angel. She explores some of the darker sides of romance and erotica - kink, fetish, supernatural creatures, breeding fantasies, etc. You might find some love in these books, but they are not necessarily romances; the focus is on the fantasy and the physical interactions between characters. Come to the dark side... we have cookies.
Follow Sinistre Ange Online! Amazon: https://amzn.to/2VCus8V BookBub: http://bit.ly/2GEo3lc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SinistreAnge Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2HmTKy5 Website: https://www.sinistreange.com
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misiganao no'ao sase hwoasa mwnpinbai arw jebla ang bikwo kudumgasinw obla beyw jack baidi jaywl benikainw ang bitangnw bungdwngmwn di ang bitangni lwgwpwrkwo mablababw mwjang mwnakwimwn dayw biyw tangbai, arw biyw angkwo arwbao sase swima linghorpinbai baganni raijwao sase hwoa tayw arw bitanga angnw bungdwngmwn di jwng grejuwet janaisim bekwo banaigwn benikainw ang bitangnw bungdwngmwn di dengkwa nenaini takai besen gwsa jagwn natai biyw angkwo wngkam songrayao dinnar plate lana lubwiyw ang fwtaiw, ang fwtaiw, ang fwtaiw, ang fwtaiyw jwng janw gwnang natai irshya, irshya, irshya, irshya angni sabsinkwo laao nai, ang gwsw bainw nangwa, natai ang jeblabw ekhe rwkwmni gwrwntipwr kalam, hayw jeblabw ekhe rwkwmni gwrwntipwr kalam 'cause ang mwjang mwnnayao gajri (uh-uh) natai nwng angkwo najanaini takai daay hwnw hayar nwng mitigwo ang togaigwn' nwngtanga sasemwn (ooh-ooh) beyw jwbnaiyao angkwo mwjang kalamnw hagwo angni jariminkwo nayo ang somaikira lanayao gajri californiani megon gwnang sase hinjaosa mwndwng arw ang sandwngmwn di be khebao biyw tarwinw sase janw hagwo natai ang bikwo angni kalamnw mablababw khabu mwnakwimwn manwna biyw phisa gufur hangkwpwrjwng mwjang mwnlaidwngmwn londonni siklajwng
vzekh momce u doma vieu michigan i ima vkus na dzhak, kogato go tseluvam zatova mu kazakh, che nikoga nay sum kharesvala priyatelite mu sega go nyama i otnovo may naricha kuchka. ima yedin covek, koito zhiveye vieu gradinskiya shchat i my kaza, che shche izderzhim, dokato zavrshim. zatova mu kazakh, che musicians shche si zasluzhava ciacaneto neaux toy may iska vieu kuchniata s chinia za vecherya. varvam, varvam, varvam, varvam. tova, coeto ni a pisano da budham. neaux revnost, revnost, revnost, revnost, revnost vzemi nai-dobroto ot main. viz, nay eskam da razocharovam, neaux az vinagi pravete edney i sashchi greshki, da vinagi pravete edney i sashchi greshki, zashchyoto az sum losch vieu lyubovta (ooo neaux nay mozhesh da may obvinavas, che sie opitam. znayesh, che shche izluzha, kazvayki. te besche edinstveniate (oo) tova nai-nakraya mozhe da may opravi poglezhdayki cum istoriyata si. nay umeya da obeshchavam imam momice s californius oci i si pomislikh, che tozi putt the naistina mozhe da budde tazi. neaux nikoga nay sum imal shansa da ya napravya moya. zashchyoto sie vljuby vieu malki tunkey beli linia londonsko momice sВзех момче у дома в Мичиган И има вкус на Джак, когато го целувам Затова му казах, че никога не съм харесвала приятелите му Сега го няма и отново ме нарича кучка. Има един човек, който живее в градинския щат И ми каза, че ще издържим, докато завършим. Затова му казах, че музиката ще си заслужава чакането Но той ме иска в кухнята с чиния за вечеря. Вярвам, вярвам, вярвам, вярвам. Това, което ни е писано да бъдем. Но ревност, ревност, ревност, ревност, ревност Вземи най-доброто от мен. Виж, не искам да разочаровам, но аз Винаги правете едни и същи грешки, да Винаги правете едни и същи грешки, защото Аз съм лош в любовта (ооооо Но не можеш да ме обвиняваш, че се опитам. Знаеш, че ще излъжа, казвайки. Ти беше единственият (ооо) Това най-накрая може да ме оправи Поглеждайки към историята си. Не умея да обещавам Имам момиче с калифорнийски очи И си помислих, че този път тя наистина може да бъде тази. Но никога не съм имал шанса да я направя моя. Защото се влюби в малки тънки бели линии Лондонско момиче с
Imam dečka kod kuće u Michiganu I ima ukus kao Jack kad ga ljubim Pa sam mu rekla da nikad nisam voljela njegove prijatelje Sad ga više nema, i opet me naziva kučkom Ima čovjek koji živi u državi Garden I rekao mi je da ćemo izdržati dok ne diplomiramo. Pa sam mu rekao da će muzika biti vrijedna čekanja Ali on želi da budem u kuhinji sa tanjirom Vjerujem, vjerujem, vjerujem, vjerujem To nam je suđeno da budemo Ali ljubomora, ljubomora, ljubomora, ljubomora Izvuci najbolje iz mene Vidi, ne želim da frustriram, ali ja Uvijek pravite iste greške, da Uvijek pravite iste greške jer Loš sam u ljubavi (ooh-ooh) Ali ne možeš me kriviti što pokušavam Znaš da bih lagao govoreći Ti si bio taj (ooh-ooh) To bi me konačno moglo popraviti Gledajući moju istoriju Loš sam u obećavanju Imam djevojku s kalifornijskim očima I mislio sam da bi ona mogla biti ta ovaj put Ali nikad nisam imao priliku da je učinim mojom Zato što se zaljubila u tanke bijele linije Londonska devojka sa
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7ooo-ru · 1 year
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Разработчики Diablo 4 выпустили срочный фикс с увеличением шанса выпадения сезонных предметов
Студия Blizzard Entertainment не оставляет свои постоянные попытки исправить проблемные аспекты игрового баланса в Diablo 4. В этот раз разработчики выпустили хотфи��с, который в основном направлен на улучшение качества жизни персонажей в сезонном мире. Небольшой...
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/08/10/604-razrabotchiki-diablo-4-vypustili-srochnyy-fiks-s-uvelicheniem-shansa-vypadeniya-sezonnyh-predmetov-grss-229745544.html
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shansa · 1 year
Yes I like this ap
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isausmanmohd · 1 year
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Mafiya yawan matasa suna yin asarar ladan azuminsu ta hanyoyi da dama. Misali kamar: QARYA: ANNABI (S.A.W) yace: "DUK WANDA BAI BAR QARYA DA QAULUZ ZUR DA KUMA AIKI DA ITA BA, TO BABU RUWAN ALLAH DASHI DON YA BAR ABINCINSA DA ABIN SHANSA". Amma zaka ga Matasa da dama sun zauna a Majalisai da wuraren zamansu, amma basu da wani aiki sai Gulma, Qarya, zancen Mutane, da kuma yada Jita-jita. Duk mai yin haka idan bai dena ba, aranar Alkiyamah ba zai samu ladan azumi acikin Mizaninsa ba. Wannan sakon Yana zuwa muku ne daga taskar Umar Chobbe✍️ Allah shi kiyayemu, Allah shi karbi dukkan Aiyukanmu, kuma ya gafarta mana dukkan Zunubanmu Gaba Daya Albarkan ANNABI S.A.W https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTXuA2IkWr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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afza147 · 4 years
First time buying a drama fankit..
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it's so beautiful😍😍😍
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love the photostrip of gyeomi and danhwa🥰🥰🥰🥰
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Thanks to pentastore for making this beautiful run on fankit🥰
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sikyung-gyeommi · 4 years
The sweetness 😍💕💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
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