ja3hwa · 7 months
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
got7 Yugyeom fic, where he's got a sneezy cold, and it's the first time being sick since Got7 left JYP, so he's all alone. And even though he's not super sick, he has enough of a fever that he's sad, lonely, emotional, and miserable.
so looking for comfort, he calls Bambam. While the two of them talk, Bambam realizes how sick Yugyeom is, and because she isn't in Korea, he informs one of the other members (whoever) to go check in on the maknae.
Sorry that this is so..... much
Here it is, hope you enjoy
Couch Cuddles
It had been around two months since the members of Got7 had collectively decided to leave JYPE. Some of the members were getting settled with their new companies, others were enjoying a time of respite before looking into other companies to sign with. Mark, Jackson, and BamBam had gone to the US, China, and Thailand respectively to spend time with family. Jinyoung and Youngjae had kickstarted their acting careers. Jaebeom was still working very hard as the group’s leader to finalize getting copyrights transferred over to the group proper. Meanwhile Yugyeom had an idea of what company he wanted to sign with, but was also taking some time for himself to just properly relax for a bit.
One morning near the beginning of April, Yugyeom woke up feeling like death. The first he noticed was that he was incredibly stuffed up. Then he noticed that his mouth was dry. He had apparently slept with his mouth open due to not being able to breathe. He also had a headache and he was overall achy. He groaned as he realized that he was sick. While he had been a bit stuffier and sneezier the past couple of days, he had attributed it to his hayfever. He really wished to stay in bed today, but he had a meeting with one of the labels he was interested in signing with, so that wasn't an option.
Yugyeom had sneezed ten times before even getting into the shower, so he decided to take his temperature. Stuck the thermometer under his tongue and began to wait. About five seconds after starting the thermometer, Yugyeom felt the tickle in his nose return. He immediately brought his hand up to his face and clamped his lips around the thermometer.
“Hihhngxt, hihhngxtt, hihhngxttsh.” He sniffled briefly and grabbed a square of toilet paper to wipe his nose. Shortly after the thermometer beeped and he removed the device from his mouth he sighed as he looked at the reading of 37.7. He had a borderline fever, which wasn’t great. He hopped into the shower to get ready for his meeting.
The drive to the company hadn’t been great. At one point, Yugyeom had to pull over so he could have a sneezing fit. He hadn’t thought to bring any tissues with him, so he looked in his glove compartment in hopes that he had something in there. Unfortunately, he didn’t, so he just had to live with putting a mask over his dripping face and hopefully he’d be able to use the bathroom before his meeting.
By the time Yugyeom had arrived home, he was feeling straight up exhausted. He was hoping that the meeting with the company had gone well, but he wasn’t sure. He found himself rather sniffly and sneezy throughout and he found himself getting cold. He honestly doesn’t doesn’t remember a whole lot of what was talked about, but he is fairly certain that his borderline fever had turned into an actual fever at some point. He looked at the clock and saw that it was lunch time. He was too lazy to do anything more complex than some instant ramen. He also kind of wished that he was with at least one of his hyungs, but half of them weren’t in the country and the other half he knew were busy with their own solo stuff.
As if the universe had been listening to his thoughts, Yugyeom’s phone rang just as he was sitting down to eat. He quickly rubbed at his itchy nose before answering the video call. “Hey Bammie.” He said as he placed his phone on the table and picked up his chopsticks to eat.
“Gyeommie, how did the meeting with the prospective company go?” BamBam asked. 
“I think i-it went ok-okay. I won’t hear any-thingxtshhh, heh-ngxshhh, hih-ngxt. Ugh, I won’t hear anything for a couple of days though.” Yugyeom sniffled and wiped at his philtrum with his hand.
“Are you okay Gyeommie? It’s still a little early for allergies to be affecting you.” BamBam furrowed his brow as he brought his phone closer to his face so he could get a closer look at his same age friend. “You don’t exactly look okay.” Yugyeom sniffled before taking a couple of bites of food. “It’s just a cold Bammie, I’m fine. How’s it being with your family?” The two ninety-seven liners spent several minutes talking. Although BamBam was getting concerned about Yugyeom. He was sniffling a lot and also sneezed several times. The second youngest also noticed the younger’s eyes watering, but wasn’t sure if it was from all the sneezing or if he was on the brink of tears. In the past Yeugyeom hasn’t liked being alone when sick, so BamBam was suspecting it could be both.
The duo continued to talk for about five minutes after Yugyeom finished eating. Yugyeom started yawning near the end of the five minutes, so BamBam decided to end the call. “Gyeommie, You look tired and I have some plans with my parents. I’ll talk to you later. Feel better soon.” Yugyeom muttered similar words before the call was hung up and Yugyeom threw his dirty dishes in the sink before sitting on the couch and turning on the tv to play some video games. It wasn’t long before the realization that he was alone in his apartment hit him, and tears began to flow down his cheeks.
Meanwhile in Thailand, BamBam sent a text message to the hyungs that were still in Korea. “Hyungs, Gyeommie is sick. I think one of you should check on him. You know he doesn’t like being alone when ill.” He wasn’t sure if any of his hyungs were actually free right now, but hopefully one of them would have some time to check on the maknae.
Jinyoung was packing up after filming wrapped for the day. It was only early afternoon but there was some kind of tech issue so all actors were sent home for the day. He grabbed his phone and saw a new group chat had been started in Kakao talk. He opened it up and his brows furrowed in mild concern. Yugyeom, being an adult, obviously didn’t actually need anyone checking up on him. However, it was one of the few times he actually craved kind of being treated like the maknae. Jinyoung texted the others that he was done with work and that he’d swing by the maknae’s apartment. He finished packing his things up before getting into his car.
Jinyoung arrived at the apartment in roughly half an hour and let himself in. The group had gotten close enough to each other, that they all had keys to each other’s place of residence. At first, Jinyoung didn’t hear anything, but as he walked further into the apartment, he began to hear some sniffling. He walked into the living room and found the tv paused on a video game and Yugyeom sitting on the couch with his knees pulled up to his chest. It was fairly clear that he had been crying. Jinyoung sat down on the couch next to the maknae and began rubbing his back.
“You’re okay Gyeommie.” He then took his other hand and placed it on Yugyeom's forehead. “You have a fever.” Jinyoung said. Although he was saying it more to himself than the maknae. He got up and went to the bathroom to find Yugyeom’s thermometer and medicine. He was a little bit surprised to see the thermometer already sitting on the counter. He returned to the living room and stuck the device in Yugyeom’s mouth as he poured a dose of medicine. Jinyoung looked at the device when it beeped.
“Yep, definitely a fever Gyeom. How long have you been feeling sick for?”
Yugyeom shook his head and grabbed a tissue from the box on the coffee table and blew his nose. “I’ve been sick for a couple of days, hyung, but I originally thought my allergies were hitting early.” Yugyeom stopped talking and held his hand in front of his nose. His breath hitched a couple of times, but nothing came out. “It wasn’t until this morning that I r-realized th-tha-ngxt, heh-ngxtshh, hih-ngxtshhh, heh-ngxtshhiew. Ugh, I didn’t realize that I was sick until I woke up this morning. I also didn’t have a fever, but my temperature was elevated.” Yugyeom blew his nose again then took the medicine that his hyung poured for him.
Yugyeom leaned back against the couch, feeling bad enough that his eyes were tearing up again. “Wait, hyung. Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be at work?” he asked as he sniffled, trying not to cry.
“There were some unexpected tech issues so filming ended a bit early.” Jinyoung noticed the maknae trying not to cry and pulled the younger into a hug. “It’s okay to cry Gyeom. Regardless of the reason. Let’s turn off the game and put on a movie instead.” Yugyeom nodded, but didn’t make a move towards the remote. Jinyoung leaned forward and grabbed the remote to change the channel.
Jinyoung turned on Wonder Woman and Yugyeom was crying off and on for the first half hour. It just showed how the fever was affecting him, so Jinyoung wasn’t worried about it. He did however, pull him into a tighter hug to help comfort him further. He also began running his hand through the younger’s hair. After half an hour, the maknae fell asleep and Jinyoung messaged the others giving an update that the maknae while definitely emotional, was being cared for and was sleeping. BamBam responded with a thumbs up and JayB and Youngjae began discussing with Jinyoung about taking shifts to stay with Yugyeom until he was feeling better.
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cosmicangst · 2 years
Hi!! I can’t remember if it’s you who made that post about Run On being an ArtemRosa drama, and if it’s not you, please feel free to ignore this. But if it IS you, I am respectfully, enthusiastically agreeing.
Artem and Rosa may not have the most similar personalities to Seon Gyeom and Mi Joo, but the dynamics of both pairs have something so similar. I think it’s the emphasis that they both give to communication, with both women initiating the importance of clear communication. Mi Joo, being her film translator self, and Rosa having been the one to start the agreement in Two Hearts as One.
There’s also just the care they show each other. I think it’s pretty funny that both of the guys have come to the girls’ respective houses, very politely said “Damn, you live like this???”, and then proceeded to cook for their partner. I love how Seon Gyeom has to write “eat” in Mi Joo’s planner, and how Artem has say “you have to eat proper meals.” Coincidentally, both of the girls in retaliation have lessened the mental burden of both guys. Mi Joo teaches Seon Gyeom to get in touch with his feelings, going as far as to get him a diary. Rosa, by virtue of being Artem’s partner, is the one to help him shoulder his burdens, and he opens up to her too!
There are also other things too, I think. The way both pairs are both such awkward ducks around the other at the beginning. Artem and Seon Gyeom being regarded as the most competent in their fields, but not being the most socially skilled. Mi Joo and Rosa being headstrong and having the initiative to move forward, more often than not. Artem and Mi Joo are also very closely tied to film, while Rosa and Seon Gyeom, though not as invested as their partners, are fully supportive of the interest. (Though I think Rosa is a lot more immersed than Seon Gyeom???) Ahhhh. I’m sure there’s more, but your post got me thinking about why I immediately agreed, and I think this is why. ArtemRosa and Gyeommi are, in a way, subtle variants of each other.
Anyway, that’s all, thank you for letting me ramble. Hope you have a good day!
yeah that was me and wow this was such a fun and insightful read! i was rly going more by vibes when i made that comparison and didn’t rly ascribe that sentiment to anything in particular aside from the thematic function of movies as a medium of translation (ie connection/rapport) in both relationships and the emphasis of vulnerable and honest communication that you noted. so i’m very happy you’ve verbalized my more general feelings that i couldn’t specifically rationalize at the time.
run on has a specific kind of tone and mood as a romance kdrama in that it’s very lighthearted but never facetious and grounded but never cynical which i think is artem and rosa’s dynamic at its core. anyway brain to brain moment anon very happy that we’re in the same wavelengths so thanks for sending me this!
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dirtykpopsnaps · 10 months
Is it possible for you to do a Yugyeom smut? Like you had been feeling sick lately and you didn't tell him and you took a test while he was on tour and you decided to post on your story hoping that he'll see it?
Thank you!! We all love you and the work you do!!
Gyeommie!! I haven’t got a request for Gyeommie in a whiiiile! It’ll be up later on tonight🥰🥰
Snap 5/5
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I loved this final scene. She looks at him, he looks at her. He makes a question mark with his face, she shakes her head to say “nothing”. They both look at the screen, he then looks at her hand and grabs it and squeezes it. She tries to hold back a very happy smile. It is all just so natural. Looking back at earlier episodes, right after his confession, and he couldn’t make himself to take the initiative in grabbing her hand when they were walking side by side. These two grew so much and built one of the healthiest relationships I have seen on tv. They are so comfortable with each other throughout that final episode.
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fandomdough · 4 years
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#RUNONWEEK Day Five: It’s About the Hands
Let’s touch upon some of my favourite motifs that I incorporated into this in-progress Gyeom-Mi fanart!
The ET touch: arguably the cutest motif, showing their willingness to reach out and connect with each other. I am still debating whether or not their fingers should touch in the final version; not yet touching emphasizes reaching out as a continuous state while touching emphasizes an established connection.
Running: the obvious motif, but I love how it takes on so much more meaning. As 2D forward motion tends to go from left-to-right (for Western audiences), Mi-joo runs in that direction. She pushes through her physical exhaustion and pushes past her internal relationship barriers, with Seon-gyeom as her finish line.
Waiting: this might be my favourite motif, oddly enough, as a seemingly passive action that is chock full of intention. Seon-gyeom, who has been running his entire life, learns to stop, wait, and introspect. He looks back to examine how his past has hurt him. He also waits for Mi-joo, so they can move forward together, keeping pace with each other.
The other stages of this piece: Day Three: OTP (lines) Day Seven: Free Day (final)
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happysolitude · 4 years
Ki Seon Gyeom's smile after dragging by Oh Mi Joo is so precious. He's so happy because she's not wavered by their status differences as stated by his father and she's not giving him up so easily. The most important thing, he's no longer alone. He always feels lonely and struggles alone all this while. So he's definitely found solace in her presence. Awwww I love how they will complete each other. GyeomMi💞
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softchaoticmuse · 4 years
Do you ever think about how Oh Mijoo asked "What if I lose the sight of you?" And Ki Seongyeom replied, "I'll wait, I'll wait until you come around."
And then in the later episodes when he said, "I waited for you, I waited until I could see you."
Yes, I'm having a breakdown. Ttyl.
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byvdu · 4 years
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My GyeomMi 
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Moisturiser FTW
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At this point, we have no idea that for Seon-Gyeom, there's terrible pain and trauma folded into the muscle memory of this javelin throw. His reward for trying? A path that leads him to Mi-Joo.
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She's still figuring out how to translate Seon-Gyeom.
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Also, May (Lee Bong-Ryun) is a queen right from the first episode.
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tumcialovebot · 4 years
i think the best part in Run On was when Seon gyeom tells his dad that Mijoo and Wooshik aren't his weaknesses, but actually his strength so the threatening won't work on him
applause to the writer for such an eye opening dialogue i just cant stop thinking about this it's too epic aaaaaaaaaa
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sikyung-gyeommi · 4 years
The sweetness 😍💕💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
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jihuxblog · 4 years
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Ki Seongyeom:
When you run, you don't think about what's behind you. The only thing that matters is what's right in front of you. Normally, it's the finish line. But today, it was you.
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jakbum · 3 years
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YUGYEOM - All Your Fault (FT GRAY) MV 
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kookyeonsus · 4 years
i love how balanced mijoo and seon gyeom's relationship is. when i say they are the healthiest couple in kdramas, i mean it. you see both of them doing things the other likes simply because they want to spend time with each other.
movies are a huge part of mijoo's lives so seon gyeom is always trying to watch movies with her but he doesn't do it to impress her. he always mentions what exactly he thinks about the movie, is always honest.
running is a huge part of seon gyeom's life so it's nice to see them go running together, now participate together in a marathon. mijoo doesn't push herself to impress him, she mentions how tired running makes her. there's no ego.
this show is about them running/walking together and im constantly in awe of how well potrayed it is
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fandomdough · 4 years
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#RUNONWEEK Day Seven: Free Day
to finally meet you
This scene from the end of episode 14/beginning of episode 15 is one of my favourites. At last, both Mi-joo and Seon-gyeom have found forms of closure with their pasts and have nothing left to hold them back. From this point onward, they are completely in sync.
The earlier stages of this piece: Day Three: OTP (present selves lines) Day Five: motifs (present selves colours)
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With that, it’s the end of #runonweek! Thank you so much to @melonatures for putting this event together and thanks to everyone who participated, whether creating, commenting on, reblogging, and/or liking posts. It was so much fun hanging out with everyone ♥♥♥
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