#shadow being right about everything all the time is annoying and lame
pand1on · 1 year
What's your ideal Shadow characterization wise?
warning I am extremely bad at putting my thoughts into words and also this is a very normal and average take but I will try.
my ideal shadow characterization is a balance between the whole edgy rudeboy thing he has going now and the emotional sadboy of archie.
shadow doesn't feel like shadow if he's not kinda rude and mean on accident (or on purpose). which I think can be the issue in a lot of fan characterizations? when he's just kind of nice and/or sad and always makes appealing decisions it's like. who is that. he's gotta be blunt and making bad decisions for the sake of whatever goal he has in mind to feel like himself.
then the opposite side of it is that I personally find him more appealing when he has a softer side and his own little interests. pre-sgw sonic universe goes a bit overboard with it but I like how he tries to help people even though his communication skills aren't great and he's not great at convincing people of. anything really. the little bit about his bike in SU uhh...21 or 22 was adorable. he has a hobby!! the reason I don't completely love his portrayal there is just that he's a bit too soft and openly emotional, but I still like him a lot.
so. yeah. a little edgy guy who takes things too seriously and is mean on accident and cares about his friends and tries to do what he thinks he should be doing even if he makes really bad decisions along the way.
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sillymercury · 7 months
Totally Annoying and Not Funny at All
Azriel x reader
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Warnings: some swearing and suggestiveness
Word count: 6.7k (I’m so sorry??)
Summary: Azriel finds you annoying and he never laughs at your lame jokes… until he does.
Azriel tried his best to ignore the mumbling that was sounding behind him, tune it out like he did with everything else he didn't want to hear. He sighed rolling his shoulders as he continued to shlep up the uneven rocks.
He had been stuck with you... again. He tried raging against his brother’s order, insisting he could handle a simple recovery mission on his own but Rhys didn't budge, saying, "She's a fine scholar who has studied Marestone for years, with her help you can turn a three day mission into one and a half." But being here, with you, he couldn't help the but wondering on the implications of leaving you here and ditching the mission completely.
It started when you appeared in his doorway as he was getting ready to leave, his shadows alerted him of your presence and he stopped short to give you a hard look. Maybe if he looked mean enough you wouldn't want to go, he knew it wouldn't work but he had to try it anyway.
You let out a low whistle as your eyes tracked up and down his body, "Is that a sword in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" You had a devilish smile and your eyes shone with mischief. He just rolled his eyes at the words, the same line every time you see him. Last time you asked if it was a shadow, the time before that a dagger, and the time he was carrying training equipment you asked if it was a fighting dummy.
He didn't speak to you as you sauntered through his room uninvited and landed belly up on his bed, shadows darted around your face and you giggled "at least someone's happy to see me." You pawed at the shadows as they darted through your hands, a little cat and mouse with the naughty shadows that didn't listen when its master tried to call them back.
You rolled over and watched him as he continued to sheath daggers and swords all over his body as the shadows played in your hair. "You know," you started and he rolled his eyes again, knowing it was going to be a repeating offense since he had to spend the next day and a half with you, "The Northwood mountains are relatively safe, I don't think you'll be needing all that hardware."
He didn't have to look over to know you had a stupid grin plastered on your face as you watched him. He just huffed and responded coldly, "You never know." You didn't really and he knew that, you moved through the world like it was your playground and you were put on this planet for the sole reason of having fun, never worrying about the dangers life has to offer. Must be nice not having a dirty past he thought to himself.
You returned the sentiment by huffing in response as well, the only difference of yours was light and airy and not laced with annoyance. "Your right your right," you had opted to rolling back over and kicking your feet as the shadows swished around your ankles, "I hear badgers are particularly dangerous this time of year. I might need you to save me,” you laughed at your own dramatics and Azriel cut a glance in your direction only for his eyes to catch on your feet.
With two stomps he was next to the bed grabbing your ankles, he pulled you closer to the edge of the bed, earning and excited wooo from your lips before he threw your feet over the side. “No shoes on the bed,” was all he said before he went back to what he was doing, packing his sack with anything he could possibly need for the overnight trip.
You sat up straight and the shadow moved to curl around your neck like a scarf, “Sorry, I forgot that you’re a neat freak.” You were provoking him and he knew it but he still couldn’t help himself.
“I’m not a- I’m not a neat freak, I’m just not dirty,” his tone was meant to be offensive and he felt his anger rising at the fact that you didn’t take any.
“Pfft, says the guy who notices if his knives have been breathed on… you’d hate to see my room,” you seemed to remember the fact as you said it as you leaned over and started pushing around the things on his bed side table. You smiled at your actions as you could already see his reaction in your mind, meanwhile, a shiver when down Azriel spine. He didn’t even want to imagine your bedroom, the thought made his skin crawl. The one time he was tasked with picking you up from your apartment he saw through the crack in your door that you had clothes, shoes, books, and a bunch of random nick-nacks and toys strewn about haphazardly. “And I prefer to use the term messy. Not dirty.”
He was crossing the floor to the closet to grab his night sack when stopped to readjust his night table and he cut you a glare, “Shoes on the bed is dirty,” he gave you a once over before turning to walk in his closet. You made a face at his back before putting your feet on the bed again and kicking it wildly before moving back quickly as he came out. His shadows danced around you amused and you smiled at them. Laying back on your belly you made sure to keep your toes on the floor as you passed secrets back and forth with the shadows, giggling to yourself.
Azriel pulled the sack over a shoulder and looked over at your ass sticking up in the air, his eyes only lingered for a second but one of his shadows whispered to him, smack it, and with that he used all of his willpower to pull the shadows away from their bad influence. You frowned at the lost of your friend but stood up an asked “Ready Azzy baby?”
He frowned at the stupid nickname, he told you a million times not to use it but at this point he wasn’t sure if you even knew his real name. Looking you over clocking your attire he realized you didn’t have any belongings with you other than a small over the shoulder bag and his face morphed into a smirk at the thought of you sleeping on the ground. Your eyes shone at his reaction as he leaned towards you a whispered, “Don’t call me that.”
You shivered at his proximity and said, “Sir yes sir,” he leaned back and you bit your lip as he rounded you and walked toward the door, “I do as I’m told,” your tone was suggestive and his shadows tore from his grip to dance around your waist.
He didn’t turn but you could hear the smirk on his voice, “What if I told you to keep quiet for the rest of the trip?” He knew you would have some quick quip as to why you wouldn’t but alas a boys gotta try.
The suggestiveness lingered as you said, “Well then I might misbehave,” the shadows found your response amusing as they twisted up your torso but Azriel just responded with the shake of his head.
Now here you both were climbing up the Northwood mountains in search of a cave entrance, you had found two already but a quick sniff told you that it didn’t have what you were looking for. The flight was bearable, you didn’t talk much but when you did he would just fly faster so the wind would drown out your voice, you caught on and opted to spend the flight quietly leaning your head on his shoulder.
Being completely honest you liked Azriel but after your first meeting you knew he didn’t like you and never would, so the quips started off as a defense mechanism but you realized his shadows liked you and they seemed to love your teasing and playfulness so you settled for that; it also helped that Az looked so cute when he’s angry.
If Az was being honest he didn’t totally hate you, you were cute and your wit was unmatched but it was so much easier to act uninterested and distant.
At some point during your hike you were asking Az if he had heard the song that had been looping in your head, “Have you ever heard ‘Pl-“ was cut off by a swift no. You rolled your eyes and droned on and on about how you loved it and it was so amazing. You gave him a sample of what the song sounded like but since their wasn’t any lyrics you were just making noises with your mouth, you definitely weren’t doing the song justice and you knew he would find it terribly annoying but you couldn’t help yourself. You were just about to stop when he sent his shadows to muffle your voice and the act alone fueled you conviction so you kept going.
He had to use his entire mental capacity to force his shadows to quiet you, they didn’t want to because for some unholy reason he couldn’t discern, they liked the sound of your voice. They liked you in general but then again you were the only other person in the world who would talk and interact with them.
The mumbling stopped and he thanked the mother herself as he recalled the shadows that were quieting you but when he didn’t hear your footsteps he whipped around to scan the scene. For a brief second he thought with his luck you might have fallen over the side of the mountain, and he questioned whether that would be good luck or bad.
Instead you were face down in the dirt, he almost laughed at you splayed out on the ground like a starfish but stifled it and he walked over and nudged your arm with his foot. You rolled onto your back and stared directly at the sky, “I fell,” you said simply.
He bit back his laugh again, “Yea?”
“I was wondering how long it would take the Spymaster of the night court to notice, turns out 11 seconds.” He looked off into the distance so you wouldn’t see his smile, regaining control he looked back down but he couldn’t hide the amusement in his eye.
He shrugged down at her, “I guess your little friends didn’t see fit to tell me.” You sighed as you held out her hand, Az didn’t put much effort in trying to lift you but when you were dead weight he pulled harder. In that half second that he put all his force into pulling you up you brought your foot to his chest and pushed him over your head causing him to hit the ground with a thud.
You laughed heartily and he just stared at the sky listening to the sound. “Good one,” his voice was flat and that made you laugh harder. Rolling over you propped yourself up with your arms to witness the damage, it was his turn to be splayed like a starfish and you laughed so hard you thought your stomach would bust.
He tilted his head back to catch a glimpse and your smile was so broad he wondered if your cheeks hurt. He turned back to the sky and clocked the myriad of colors that dusted it, he had probably about an hour until sunset. He also propped himself up and scanned his surroundings once again, his shadows read his mind and told him this was as good of a place he would find to make camp. “It’s getting late, we should probably set up camp for the night.”
You moved to sit with your legs crossed and face the man who had his back to you. “Okay! What should I do?” Your not a camper, in fact you’ve never slept outside of a well established shelter with heating and cozy beds. For some reason when Rhys told you the trip would be overnight it didn’t even cross your mind that you would be sleeping outside.
“How about you just sit there and look pretty,” Az said as he got up and dusted himself off. You smiled at that, not only was it as close to a jest as he’s ever gotten but it’s also the closest to a compliment.
“Well I can definitely do that,” you leaned back onto the ground using our arm as cushions as watched the clouds glow as they moved across the painted sky. Azriel got to work, he collected sticks and logs to build a cozy little fire and catching a couple of small rabbits for food. He rummaged through his sack to pull out a pan and a pack of veggies to heat up with the meat before he pulled out his sack and tossed it to the side to unfold later.
When you smelled the food cooking you perked up and moved to crouch next to him and watch; you hadn’t even realized you were hungry until the smell hit. He looked at you out of the side of his eye, you were practically drooling as you stared at the food meant solely for him.
“I take it you didn’t pack any food,” he knew you didn’t, that’s why he caught the extra rabbits, he practically had magical foresight when it came to you. A vision of you begging for some of his food had him laughing to himself as his shadows did the hard work of catching the small creatures.
You purses your lips in thought before, “Oh!” You rummaged through your small bag and pulled out a baggie mixed with nuts, berries, and chocolates. “I brought trail mix, I’ll share if you do,” you sung the last part as you shook the baggie near his face.
He pushed the bag away lightly while shaking his head, “Fine. But I only like the chocolates,” it was a lie, he liked nuts and berries too but he had a feeling the chocolates were your favorite part so he opted to give you a taste of your own medicine. You grunted as you plopped down on your butt and mumbled a fine, whatever mostly to yourself. He smiled knowing you couldn’t see it as he finished cooking.
You two mostly ate in silence other than you offering up random facts about whatever popped in your head like how wombats poop squares or how peanuts can be used to make explosives. Azriel just nodded at whatever you said not admitting out loud what he didn’t know or what he found interesting. He offered you some of his water which turned out to be a mistake as you drank over half of it, he thanked his gift of foresight that told him to pack multiple canteens.
When you guys finished eating you both brushed your teeth with what was left of the water and Azriel was glad you at least packed your toothbrush even though you forgot toothpaste. Twilight was upon you when you finished, he rinsed off the dirty pan with the second canteen and shoved it to the bottom of his bag before rolling out his sleep sack. The corner of his eye caught you watching, awkwardly sat on your hands, lips pursed like you wanted to speak but were holding yourself back.
“Don’t even ask,” he said without looking at you as he slipped off his boots and the top layer of leather to reveal a tight fitted gray long sleeve.
“Oh come on! You don’t even have a second blanket?” When Az shook his head you groaned heavily, he made a slick comment about preparing better for overnight trips and you shook your head as you pulled your knees in close. “I didn’t know we’d be sleeping outside, I guess I assumed we’d have beds out here.”
“Oh yea,” Az said he climbed in, “Most mountains have rooms you can rent out, with heating and plumbing too. This one must just be defective.”
You couldn’t even be mad, he was making jokes, for the first time since you met him. All of your chipping must’ve cracked his icy exterior enough to make him open to shoot quips back at you. You thought about what else you might be able to pull from him as you curled into yourself on the hard ground with only your arm as a pillow.
It didn’t take long for the temperature to drop after the sun was completely gone and with the wind picking up the now small fire wasn’t doing much to help. Azriel couldn’t get to sleep, not with his shadows buzzing in his ear, she’s freezing, her lips are turning blue, she can’t feel her fingers. Not to mention your teeth chattering so hard he thought he would soon hear a crack. He got up and moved over to where you were attempting and failing to sleep and nudges your arm with his foot.
You rolled over to look at him and your lips were in fact tinged with blue, part of him felt bad at the sight as he purposely left his blankets just to spite you. “Go sleep in my sack.”
“Are you sure, what about you?” You sat up and looked at him to make sure he was serious, the light from the moon that shone on his face didn’t illuminate any semblance of a joke.
“I’ll be fine. It’s like you always say, I’m super hot,” you laughed at his words as you quickly moved to his sack.
“Thank you Azzy baby!” You called as you slipped off you shoes and windbreaker before sliding in, it was warm and it smelled like him and you let out a soft moan as you instantly felt warmer.
Az had wrapped his wings around himself in an attempt to make a barrier and the more he sat there the worse he felt for leaving you to the elements. You knew that despite what he said he would be just as freezing as you just were and you debated for a few minutes before speaking.
“You know this sack is big enough for two people,” you knew he was awake but when he didn’t answer you tried again, trying your hardest not to sound like a desperate creep, “I’m just saying, body heat will reduce the amount of heat loss. Survival 101.”
Az was freezing but he sat for a second as he debated whether or not to climb into that sack, how annoying could you be in your sleep? When a gust of wind blew against his back he just said screw it and silently made his way to you. He kicked off the untied boots before climbing in with you.
You kept your self from immediately scooting towards his warmth and let him get comfortable first. In a true gentlemanly fashion he offered his arm as a pillow and you silently swooned as you accepted it, he also brought he wing down over your body and it acted like a second blanket. Snaking your arms around his waist you tangled your legs with his and to your suprise he never stoped you or pulled away, in fact his other arm was secured around your middle. With his warmth and his smell shrouding you, you fell asleep quick and easy, much better than any bed.
Az didn’t sleep so easy, your body pressed to him was indeed keeping him warm but he wasn’t used to sleeping with someone like this. He had his share of lovers but he was never a cuddler and it didn’t help that you moved around a lot in your sleep, kicking him occasionally. With the moon higher above your heads he looked down at your sleeping face.
Though you still were finding a way to annoy him in your sleep, your state had him softening. Your skin looked so soft and pristine in the light from the moon and the hair pooled around your head glowed like a halo. You plump lips were slightly parted and you produced a light snore that had Az smiling to himself. He brought a scarred hand to caress the skin on your cheek while the arm that you layed on bent so he could twirled your hair, you let out a happy moan at the contact and he smiled as his hand took on a mind of its on. Trailing you from your cheek to your jaw, down the column of your neck and back up to swipe the soft skin of your lips.
You shifted and turned, he brought his hand back afraid he woke you, but when you just nuzzled your face deep into his chest he felt his heart jump. You inhaled his scent deeply and that seemed to settle your restlessness, his jumping heart felt a tug and he froze for a second. Looking down at you he couldn’t believe it, he felt around his heart and it wasn’t snapped but he was sure it was there.
“No,” he breathed as he looked at you wrapped around his body, “no way.” His shadows seemed excited by the revelation as they chanted yes, yes, yes, like they already knew. He wondered if the bond snapped for you already and that’s what you had been whispering to his shadows about, the thought made him shiver. He had been so cold and distasteful, you were a good fae and deserved better than that, you deserved a male who laughed at every stupid joke.
You registered his shiver in your sleep pulling him tighter to you and the simple thoughtless action made his eyes prickle. He held you tightly, memorizing the way your bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. He held back his tears by inhaling your scent of honeysuckle and roasted wood, with a gentle kiss on your brow he closed his eyes and promised his nosey shadows that he would be nice tomorrow.
Az was still asleep when you woke up, you didn’t want to move and even if you did you were trapped by his strong arm and wing. But you were content to stay like this forever, gazing up at his sleeping face. His tan skin was smooth and his nose and cheekbones were decorated with freckles, you brought your hand up to hover over his face, ghosting over the lines and ridges. His hair was tousled from sleep, falling like dominoes across his forehead and his plump lips were pouting . You let out a deep sigh as you pulled your hand back, why do you torture yourself this way. You wiggled around attempting to move away from him but your efforts were futile when his arm pulled you tighter to his body, he grunted as he turned his head to nuzzle into your hair.
Your stomach was doing flips at the action and you had to remind yourself he was asleep, the action was subconscious. You pulled your head back and laid your face inches from his and watched him breathe. His long eyelashes fluttered open and the first thing his golden eyes caught was you, the faint ghost of a smile touched his lips as his eyes roamed over your face. You smiled bright at him, “Good morning shadowsinger, is that a breakfast sausage in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
For the first time since you met him he chuckled lowly as he rolled on his back and stretched his arms behind his and, “aaand you ruined it.” You laughed as he watched you from the corner of his eyes and you sat up to looked directly at him. He must be in a good mood because he wasn’t scowling at you, in fact his face had an ease you’d never seen, he was positively yummy in his sleepy daze.
“My bad,” it was your turn to stretch since you were finally free from his iron grasp though his wing stayed splayed across your legs, “didn’t know there was anything to ruin.”
Az brought his fingers up to grab the ends of your hair, mindlessly twirling it around his fingers while you did the same to his shadows that excitedly came to greet you, “Your actually bareable when you sleep, you don’t talk and ruin it.” He meant his word as a joke but something clicked for you. Azriel is quiet and calm, he would probably prefer someone like him, maybe if you weren’t always badgering him for attention he could reciprocate your feelings. “Except for the fact that you’re a kicker.”
You laughed as his shadows danced away and you leaned back against your hand to look at his face again “Yea I probably should have warned you, my sisters refuse to share a bed with me for that exact reason.” When he didn’t look away or move your turned your attention back to your hands, the softness in his eyes was too much and you worried for your conviction. You reached out a finger to dance across the top of his wing which instantly retracted at your touch. He grunted as he moved to sit up, “Im sorry, I didn’t- I shouldn’t have-“
“Its fine,” He shook his head as he pushed the top of the sack off his body and made a move for his shoes, “I just don’t want to hear any more breakfast sausage jokes.” He smirked over his shoulder and you blushed at his suggestive tone, only able to nod as you noted the sensitivity of Illyrian wings. You pushed yourself up and grabbed your shoes as well before getting ready to hike again.
When your teeth were brushed, hair tied, and you finished reliving yourself Az had successfully packed up the rest of the camp as stood waiting for you. You began your hike and this time you remembered to keep your mouth shut, no suggestive jokes, no terrible singing, and no random facts. Just silence as you found another cave that didn’t have the distinct smell you were looking for. “I think we need to be higher up,” You said as you craned your neck to look up the mighty mountain that still lied ahead, “You could fly us up there and we could work our way down.”
He adjusting the sack on his shoulder and looked at you like you had a secret he was trying to figure out, after a few seconds of you shifting under his gaze he spoke, “Its fine,” he followed you eyes up the mountain, “I don’t mind walking.”
“Well I do,” you huffed walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his shoulder as you willed yourself to keep your eyes on the mountain, “my feet are killing me and I’d rather have a real bed tonight.” You didn’t mean for the first time you spoke since this morning to have a bite to it but you couldn’t help it, forcing yourself to shut up all day was like shaking up a beehive and then telling them they have to remain calm. You were buzzing under the surface but you hoped he would write it off as crankiness. Az got the message and just nodded, he scooped up your legs and shot into the air. You watched his powerful wings that your fingers itched to touch, instead you pressed your mouth to his shoulder and watched silently.
He landed near the top where the safe part of the trail ended and when he started walking without putting you down you pulled back to look at him, “You can put me down now.” He smirked at your words and tossed you up slightly to readjust you tighter against him.
“You don’t want to walk, I don’t mind walking,” he shrugged against you and you wanted to say ‘if you like me just say that’ but you bit your tongue as you were determined not to be annoying today. You just shook your head and put your mouth back to his shoulder, watching the sky over his back. “What? No comment?” When you shook your head he chuckled airily, “Must be my lucky day,” you could hear the smile in his voice and you just closed your eyes shaking your head lightly.
Az had tried to talk to you a couple times, recalling random facts you’ve told him or telling you his own. Each time you would either have a short response or just hum, channeling him and the way he reacted to you. You figured whatever your doing must’ve been working as he seemed much lighter and happier today, that hurt a deep part of you.
Az knew there was something wrong, you weren’t you, but he figured you must’ve been tired or cranky from the uncomfortable sleeping situation and all the walking. You were a scholar used to plushy couches and central air, you were totally out of your element. He eventually stopped trying so hard to get you to talk, he wanted to be good to you and that included reading the signs and not prying.
Eventually he came across a cave and when you hopped out of his arms and smelled the inside you were hit with the smell of rotten milk, you were in the right place. You beckoned him and as soon as he stepped in he started waving his hand in front of his nose, “Wooo, smells like Cass after too much dairy.” You bit your lip to hide your chuckle as you continued deeper into the cave, “Oh come on, that’s totally something you would say, I don’t even get a chuckle?”
Without turning around you just said “Ha ha,” in as stale of a voice you could muster, “Your almost as funny as me.”
Az’s small laugh echoed off the cave and your stomach turned as you memorized the formula; don’t speak too much, make jokes when prompted, keep a cool demeanor like him. “There she is,” he mused, and before he could go on you spoke.
“And there it is,” the smell was so pungent it was like the glass of toxic milk was right under your nose. You pointed up and thought a small whole in the ceiling there was sparkling lights shining through. Marestone despite its awful smell had a beautiful luminosity and many applications, it was embude I’m most magical technology as well as cured to be used in different medicines. The potent material would last for years as a single rock could be split between a hundred different uses.
“Give me a boost,” you said putting your hand on his shoulder and lifting your leg for him, he just looked at you dumbly.
“I’m not sending you up there,” he shook his head and moved your hand.
“Well your not gonna fit,” when he cut you a look your raised your hands defensively, you both knew it was true. There’s no way the big Illyrian warrior with the mega wingspan was fitting through that hole.
“Okay and what happens when you fall? Or the integrity of the cave gives out under you?” He put his hands on his hips in a mock attempt to show sincerity and you matched his movement.
“Ye of little faith,” you said wagging a finger, he just smiled. “Are you trying to extend this trip by another day? They grow on the ceiling, it’ll take forever to find another cave with rocks lower down.”
He just shrugged, “Okay,” he turned to walk away and your attempt to stay cool was thwarted when you groaned loudly.
“Fine, if you won’t help me up I’ll find my own way,” you started pawing at the cave wall, trying to find any wholes or cracks you could use to pull yourself up.
“Okay okay, with my luck you’ll kill yourself trying,” he came over and put his hands on your waist as he guided you away from the cave wall and easily lifted you up towards the whole. When that didn’t work he sat you on his shoulder before lifting you again at the knees, you stretched to reach through the whole and hoisted yourself up, sitting on the edge you had your feet dangling down towards Azriel who kept a hand on your ankle and watched from below.
You pulled out one of the four sealed canister and began pulling the soft rock out of the ceiling and filling it up. It didn’t take long to fill up the first, second, and third canister. The fourth is where you ran into trouble, you’d grabbed all the stone close to you so the rest was slightly out of reach. You pulled your ankle out of Azriel grasp and placed in on the other side of the hole as you stretched your body to reach the stones.
The canister was nearly full when your foot slid, “Are you okay? Can you reach it?” You called out letting him know you were fine and almost done, you moved to grab the last bit you could see when your foot slipped completely and the force dragged your body out of the whole.
Like the knight in shining armor he his Az caught you before you could hit the floor, clutching the glowing canister to your chest you stared up at him in awe. Sure, he would’ve caught anyone that fell but the way his arms were tight around you and his breathing ragged as he searched your face had your heart lurching.
When he caught you it snapped fully for him, you were his mate and there was no denying it. He felt like time slowed and all he could do was stare at your face, memorizing everything he missed before. He pulled on the bond and felt it was one sided and that caused his heart to surge, all of your flirting was because you wanted to and not because of a premature snapping of the bond.
Clearing your throat you jumped out of his arms and dusted yourself off before tucking the canister away. You mumbled your thanks before moving to the exit of the cave.
“Thanks?” He said genuinely sounding confused as he followed you, “No swooning and calling me ‘your hero,’” mocking your voice on the last part which earned him a scoff from you.
“I do know how to be serious Azriel”
“Yea but why would you want to? And since when do you use my real name?”
“Because I don’t want to make this trip miserable for you, and that was a stupid nickname anyway.” You squinted and used your hand as a shield when you stepped back in the sun, Az on your heels.
“Miser- what are you talking about?” He grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him but you couldn’t meet his eyes so you just shook your head and looked down.
“Nothing, it’s- it’s nothing at all,” you tried to pull your wrist back but his grip was like iron. Your breath hitched when an unexpected and gentle hand traced your jaw and stopped at your chin, lifting your head up and bringing your eyes to his golden ones.
“If it’s making you upset then it’s not nothing,” his hand slipped to cup your cheek and your delusion allowed you to lean into the touch, reveling in its warmth. Your eyes fluttered closed and for a blissful second you let yourself believe he cared, “Talk to me baby.”
The pet name had your eyes flying open and suddenly the spell was broken, you pulled his hand away and pushed him back. The hope his simple actions had given you had you biting back tears, “Don’t call me baby. I’m not a child that needs coddling,” you spat out your words like poison on your tongue
“No I’m not-“ he tried to step forward but you matched him with a step back.
“I know Azriel, I know you don’t like me. I know you find me unbearable and annoying. I know you can never like me for who I truly am,” the tears were getting harder to push back, “Today when I acted different you seemed so much happier but that hurts more- it hurts more than your cold glares because I like you. Every since I met you all I’ve wanted is to make you laugh but-“ you were cut off by your own hiccup and your balled fist came up to wipe your tears but his shadows beat you to it.
Like a flash of lightning he was on you, cupping your cheeks and staring with wide, scared eyes. “No, no, no,” his words were soft when he tilted his forehead down to meet yours, your hands instinctively tried to pull on his wrists but he held true.
“Baby,” his low voice called to you and you closed your eyes tight as more tears fell, “Baby please don’t cry. I’m sorry, this is all my fault.” Your eyes opened again when his voice cracked and you could see he had his own tears he was fighting to keep at bay. You never thought you would see him look so sad, so broken.
“I was so mean to you, I tried to block you out and push you away because you’re everything I’m not. Your bright and fun and so damn happy, I couldn’t figure out what you saw in me and the fact that you even liked me so brazenly made me hate you- but not because of you or who you are but because of me and all of the shit I’ve spent centuries running from.
“You are not the one who has to change, I am. I’m so so sorry I ever made you feel like the real you wasn’t good enough, it’s so much more than enough. I’ll spend forever proving it to you.”
Tears were still clouding your vision so you blinked quickly to let them fall before you brought your hands to his face, moving your head back so you could inspect him. He was serious, and that made your heart jump like it was trying to leave your chest and fly into his. You just shook your head when you brought his lips down to yours.
It was like throwing fresh meat to starving lions, the originally soft kiss dissolved into a mess of frenzied passion and primal hunger. His hand tangled into your hair pulling your head in while the other pressed your bodies together firmly before tracking the curves of your body. Your hands were just as wild as they moved between pulling the hair on his nape to clawing his shoulders and neck. When his tongue darted out to swipe across your bottom lip, it snapped.
You flew back out of his grasp and stared as your one hand felt the lips that were now swollen and the other was on your heart that was now being pulled towards the man in front of you- to your mate. Azriel was your mate. You almost didn’t believe it, tugging on the bond to make sure it was real. A laugh left your lips when he tugged back, twice. Stepping back into his arms you kissed him again, slower this time as you memorized the way your lips molded together.
“You’re my mate,” you said breathlessly when you finally pulled away. He smiled down and nodded, you were grinning like a kid in a candy store. From the moment you met him he was all you ever wanted and now you could feel the bond that tied your hearts together, the string that always pulled you to him even before you knew of its existence. You wished you could find the mother and thank her personally for the blessing that was looking down at you with pure unbridled love and sending his feelings of adoration down the bond.
“That is if you’ll have me,” his arms circled your waist and his nose moved to the column of your neck, brushing up and down as he breathed you deep into his lungs. He hummed lightly before going on, “Can you forgive me for being such an asshole?”
You smiled to yourself, “I don’t know Azzy baby, I think you’re going to have to make it up to me.” A playful growl bubbled up as he lightly nipped your throat, earning him a surprised yelp.
You ended up feeding him some of the trail mix you made and the frenzy kicked in at your newly accepted bond. It’s safe to say you two didn’t make it home that night, or any night for the next month as you basked in the joys of being mated.
A/N: AHHHHHHHHHH my first fic😭
It felt a little rushed and slightly juvenile but I had so much fun writing her. I hope if you enjoyed it and if you hated it… no you didn’t tf?
Lols but srsly I love genuine feedback and if you got this far I LOVE YOU!!
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17Darkwing episode concept script/original song - "I Love The Danger"
After reading both the Ducktales17 Art Book and Episode Guide, it kind of got me in a mood, so I experimented and tried to write the beginnings of a 17Based Darkwing Duck episode, as Morgana’s debut episode, with the Morgana being the absolute perfect one designed by @queenie-draws-stuff . Hope you enjoy.
[ Scene opens with pigeons cooing peacefully a branch, a few notes of calm music playing. Suddenly a hard rock chord blares out, startling them, shaking the screen - the birds fly away, cut to Drake, Launchpad, and Gosalyn walking alongside several goth-fashioned teens.]
Drake: Uh, I know I said I wanted to get to know you better, Gosalyn, but when you said you wanted to go to a concert, I kinda expected...
Gosalyn: Some bubblegum pop princess or a boyband where every guy looks the same?
Drake: Kiiiinda? N-Not that I have a problem with... who are they again?
[ The trio are inside the concert hall. The hard rock music is dimming, but still in the background. Noticeably, more than half of the seats remain empty.]
Gosalyn: Morgana and the Ghoulies! They're only the coolest goth rock band ever!
Launchpad: They're the best rock goth band I know! And the only one. Never heard of them until right this second.
Gosalyn: No one has. That's why it's important to be a fan now, so when they do get popular, I can be one of those annoying hipster people saying "I knew them before they were cool!"
[ The trio make their way to their seats. Drake still looks a little concerned about this. Launchpad is blissfully cheerful as always. Gosalyn is practically vibrating with excitement.]
Drake: Well, it does explain why the tickets were so cheap. And why they're playing in the middle of the day. [Again, a cut to just how empty the theater is. Emphasis on how small the audience is. Back to Drake.] I just want to make sure you don't wind up with the wrong kind of role model.
Gosalyn: Would you prefer my role model be a crazy actor from a failed show in the 90s? I could do a lot worse.
[ Drake gives her an annoyed look, and opens his mouth to make a retort, but the lights suddenly go out. There's the sound of a woman laughing evilly, as the camera pans across the concert hall.]
???: Well well well, boys and ghouls! What do we have here in this little ditty of a city called Saint Canard? I hear there's a bunch of weirdos here. A bunch of outsiders. I even hear there's some freak in a cape who fights crime!
[ Camera cut back to the family. Drake is offended.]
Drake: Hey!
Gosalyn: No, it's good! "Freak" is cool now!
Launchpad: Cool is freak?
Gosalyn: No, freak is cool!
Drake: Does that mean lame is good and awesome is bad?
Gosalyn: What - no!
Launchpad: So when the people on the bus saw me eating a three-week old sandwich, they were giving me compliments?
[ Gosalyn looks absolutely exasperated. The voice laughs again, and then the camera cuts to the stage. The other musicians have been there all this time, cloaked in shadow. A spotlight suddenly shines on each of them, one at a time, before shining on lone standing microphone, the laughter continuing all the while. A swarm of bats floods the stage - the camera spins around a figure in the bats, and then they suddenly fly off, there stands Morgana McCawber with her guitar. She flips her hair and then approaches the mike, grabbing it and speaking into it. ]
Morgana: Then it sounds like this is my kinda town!
[ Cut to the family. Background characters are cheering enthusiastically, some throwing up horn-fingers. In this moment, we understand what the initial 'relationship' of Morgana will be with these three : Gosalyn is so excited she is literally leaping up and down in her seat. Launchpad winces, looking rather afraid of everything and everyone. Drake's eyes are wide, and he's slowly smiling in wonder, as cupid's arrow took a pretty good shot.]
Gosalyn: That's her! That's Morgana McCawber!
[ cut back to Morgana. She's surveying the crowd, smirking, possibly in contempt. The first notes of the Darkwing Duck theme song plays before cutting to the opening theme song. Back in the episode proper, it focuses on Morgana's fingers rapidly strumming her guitar. Quick cut to each band-mate and what they play, ending with Morgana taking up the screen as the lyrics start.
Throughout the song, it cuts to Morgana singing and dancing this same song through the backdrops/scenes of classic Disney villains, such as Scar's rocky valley in Be Prepared, the Underworld from Hercules, Gaston’s tavern, etc. ]
Morgana: I'm not your damsel in distress,
I'm here to make a mess,
Gimmie chaos, gimmie rock,
Cause I ain't ever gunna stop!
I don't need your safety, and I don't need your rules,
I look at all these heroes but all I see are fools!
Be prepared for when I play, because you'll be singing all day!
Danger's where I need to be, danger's all of me,
Snuff out the light, don't try to make it right,
Danger is the only place where I can finally be free!
Gimmie the danger, I want the danger, I need the danger,
I love the danger!
[As the next batch of lyrics start, a burly dog-type shoves himself in front of Gosalyn. It keeps cutting back to the song and the family, with Morgana's eyes narrowing as she seems to see what's happening.]
Morgana: If you want to join me then clap your hands high,
Once you listen to my song, there's nothing I can't try -
Gosalyn: Hey!
Dog-Face: Can it, brat! I'm a real fan!
Drake: That's not fair, we paid for these seats!
Gosalyn: Move over, you big jerk!
Morgana: Gimmie everything shiny, hand it over quick,
Before the show is over, you'll never see the trick  -
Dog-Face: Why don't you make me, kid?
Gosalyn: Don't think I won't!
[Gosalyn takes a swing but misses by a mile. Dog-Face grabs Gosalyn by the scurff of her shirt, clearly ready to hurt her. Drake calls out her name, he and Launchpad are immediately out of their seat to try and save her. One more cut to Morgana playing.]
Morgana: If there is someone out there who sees me,
Then you have to believe me,
And only then will I finally be free!
[ Cut to Morgana's fingers on the guitar. She starts playing so rapidly that electric sparks appear, running up and down her arm. The camera follows the lightning as it meets Morgana's eyes, then it shoots out and suddenly flies to the Dog-Face bully, Gosalyn is dropped - The Dog Face is slammed into the back wall, charred black and he slides down with eyes big and white. The electric current suddenly runs a circle around the confused, frightened family, taking out all of the seats. Then it stops, there stands Morgana, who looms down at Gosalyn. Close up of a panicked Gosalyn, who is worried she's somehow ruined the concert.
Cut to Morgana, who smiles after a beat. She then leans in to Gosalyn, singing again.]
Morgana: Danger's where I need to be, danger's all of me!
[ Cut to Gosalyn's face, her eyes literally sparkly. She suddenly runs to be alongside Morgana, the two of them dancing and singing together. The audience circles around them, cheering them on.]
Morgana/Gosalyn: Snuff out the light, don't try to make it right,
Danger is the only place where I can finally be free!
[ Cut to standing Drake and Launchpad. Launchpad still seems a bit nervous, but he relaxes and smiles. Drake's smile is a little goofier than normal, a hand to his heart. Seeing this woman defend and then play with Gosalyn is just shooting more Cupid's arrows. A quick cut to the band - Ghoulia, the cyclops, grumbles in annoyance. The others look equally displeased. Back to the singing and dancing. ]
Morgana/Gosalyn: Danger's where I need to be, danger's all of me,
Snuff out the light, don't try to make it right,
Danger is the only place where I can finally be free!
[ For the final lyrics, Morgana pulls away from Gosalyn. Seeing Launchpad, she pulls off a monster face, with claws, fangs, and forked tongue. He quietly yelps, and then Morgana is normal again, playfully shoving his shoulder. As she passes Drake, she stops to give him a once over, smirks, and drags a finger under his beak as she walks away. He leans in to the touch and falls over when it's over, with Launchpad quickly catching him and springing Drake back to his feet.
Morgana grabs the shoulders of two of the audience members. They give her a boost as she stands on their shoulders, belting out the song.]
Morgana: Gimmie the danger, I want the danger, I need the danger,
I love the danger!
I love the danger!
[ She laughs manically, and then falls backwards - dissolving into a flurry of bats. One of the bats flies into the screen, and when it flies away we're outside of the concert hall. The doors burst open, and the audience is exiting. Audience members are chatting to one another, Gosalyn is laughing and jumping a bit. Launchpad is normal. Drake is walking in a daze, smiling like an idiot and staring at nothing with half-lidded eyes.]
Gosalyn: KEEN GEAR! That was SO COOL! Didn't I tell you? I can't believe those special effects!
Launchpad: Yeah, a lot of that looked so real. Wasn't that something, Drake?
Drake: [only half-listening, voice a bit dream-like.]  That was... something... all right...
Gosalyn: I've GOT to get Morgana's autograph! Dad, can I borrow your electric razor so I can get my hair just like hers?
Drake: Yeah. Sure. Why not.
[ Drake is clearly in La-La-Land. Launchpad gives him a worried look. The conversation is interrupted by beeping from Gosalyn's watch. She looks down, and gasps.]
Gosalyn: Oh, shoot! I totally forgot about hockey practice! If we don't hoof it now, I'll be late, and Coach will never let me hear the end of it!
[ Gosalyn looks back and forth between one of the concert doors and her watch, clearly pained at having to choose between Morgana's autograph and hockey practice. This seems to snap Drake out of his stupor. He glances over at the door, then smiles at Gosalyn.]
Drake: Well, hey! I've still got time before I have to do my [ arm over his beak, a brief Darkwing pose.] nightly adventuring, [back to normal] so why doesn't Launchpad take you to practice while I get you an autograph?
Gosalyn: [eyes widen, surprised by the offer.]  Really? You mean it?
Drake: Sure I do! We in the entertainment industry know how to talk to each other. It'd be no problem.
Gosalyn: Oh my gosh! [She leaps up into Drake's arms, hugging him around the neck. He makes a little yelp, catching her, having not expected that.] Thanks a million!
[ A pause, as Gosalyn suddenly realizes what she's doing. They both blush and smile - the whole parent/daughter dynamic is still new to them, so this affection is surprising. She has a shy but sincere laugh, and Launchpad picks her up and puts her on his shoulder.]
Launchpad: We'll see you later, Drake! Oh, and we should probably call an ambulance for that guy in the wall. Bye!
[ He and Gosalyn wave off as they exit the scene, Drake waves back. Drake walks up to the door, pauses, then smooths down his shirt, then his head feathers, and then breathes in and out, trying to psyche himself up.]
Drake: I've got this. [a pause, then with more vigor.] I've got this!
[ He puffs out his chest, then opens the door, walking in. The camera doesn't follow him at first, but there's immediately the sound of him crashing into many musical instruments as he yelps. He doesn't got this.]
-end for now
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lightdax · 2 years
So I think I just had the most coherent and craziest dream I ever had.
It first all started off with this mysterious family who are shown to be holding Leatherface prisoner in the attic for unknown reasons. They were shown to be greatly worried about this because they didn't want to get in trouble with the police for holding someone hostage against their will but…it's Leatherface. He's killed like a ton of people so I don't understand why they'd be scared of being caught having a serial killer captured in their attic. If anything they absolutely should notify the authorities. But I'm thinking this family are kinda dumb. They also need a new fan for their house. There is smoke everywhere.
We then shift to a B-Plot that feels like an RPG setting cause it involves four people going on an adventure. It involves Tails wielding Ichigo's sword from Bleach, Skye Prower from the Archie Comics, a female fox who had no name as far as I can remember, so I'm just calling her Mystery, and Shadow the Hedgehog himself. They were shown fighting…something I don't remember, I don't think it's important. They're just fighting standard RPG enemies. I got massive Stone Ocean vibes from the whole thing. There were also a lot of alternate costumes. I dunno.
But THEN the plot shifts to reveal the true villain of this entire dream. We see the Heffley family from Diary of the Wimpy Kid, as Greg and Rodrick are confronted by their father Frank, who wants to talk to them about something. He reveals to Greg that he has been looking at all of his diaries and he's noticed that not one of them mentions him. Not a single diary mentions Frank Heffley, and he claims he's not upset but he absolutely is. His subtle mannerisms scream pure outrage. He thinks it's fine that his own son doesn't wish to remember him because he says in his own words--and I can't make this shit up if I tried–-
"It means I can forget you too."
That's right, Frank Heffley has King Crimson as a Stand.
And then Tails and his party appear to challenge Frank and King Crimson and save the world! Do they win?
Shadow is the first to die, then Tails and Mystery, with Skye being the last to go.
With the entire party dead, I wake up from the dream at 3am and can only assume Frank Heffley…fucking won and killed everyone, including his entire family, especially his toddler kid Manny who once almost let his whole family freeze to death because they didn't tie his shoes. Don't believe me? Read the sixth book. I did when I was a child. Manny was a monster. A demon. But either way, Frank seemingly won.
But I personally like this story ended on an entirely different note.
Out of options and on the verge of being erased from existence, Greg frees Leatherface from his prison in the attic (thus revealing the mysterious family from the beginning was the Heffleys this entire time), and that lunatic with a chainsaw fights Frank and King Crimson in this climactic final battle. Who wins? I'm not sure but I ultimately think that the annoying lame dad was no match for Leatherface, even with fucking King Crimson on his side.
Also Leatherface isn't a Stand User (I hope). So that also means in this epic duel, he doesn't see King Crimson at all. He thinks he's just fighting this random guy, and that's just hilarious. Leatherface saved the day and honored the heroes who lost their lives...and the other Heffleys too, I guess.
…So at the end of the day…I learned that I perhaps shouldn't be drinking a full glass of Hawaiian Punch before bed...
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kimnjss · 4 years
signature sparkle | knj
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⤑  series: plot twist
⤑ pairing: rapper!namjoon x rich girl!reader
⤑ genre: let’s just call it angst, lmao.
⤑ rating: PG13
⤑ word count: 6.7K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: there aren’t any... 
⤑ chapter song: lonely eyes - lauv.
⤑ A/N: hiii! don’t have a lot to say expect thank you so much for everyone who’s enjoying this story!! this part came out later in the day than i planned, but thank you soo much for being patient!! hope you like it nd of course ., let me know what you think x
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APRIL 24TH, 2020 | 22:47
Namjoon spots you first. Through the crowd of smartly dressed mid-twenty-year-olds. The dress you wear hugs the subtle curves of your body nicely, very obviously outlining your figure. He pretends not to notice, but it's hard to ignore the look on your face when you laugh. Head tilted back, features contorting as you lean on the man beside you. His arm wrapped around your waist, a bit low if anyone cared to ask.
His breath catches when you're turning to face in his direction as if you've sensed his arrival. A pretty smile breaks onto your features as you lift your hand up to wave, and he can't help but think you had been waiting for him to show up. Obviously.
The man beside you nods, accepting the kiss you showily place on his cheek. Grinning wide up at him before you're turning to make your way over. It's subconscious, the way he shifts to straighten himself beside his friends. Letting his mind wonder what you'd compliment him about first. Probably a lame joke about his glasses, or maybe you'd annoyingly poke at his dimples.
He doesn't miss the switch in your hips as you approach, drink seemingly appearing in your hand as a waiter passes. You really did have everything handed to you. Your smile only grows as you get closer and just as he's fixing himself to derail one of your blatant flirting attempts, you're being engulfed in Yoongi's embrace.
Bent backward as he hugs you, laughing loudly and your drink sloshes. Falling in dark droplets on to the carefully polished floor. As soon as you stood straight up again, you're setting your sights on the other three people stood in front of you. Brow arching as your gaze zeros in on Taehyung. 
Outstretching your hand to set your drink in his palm, a sly smile spreads across your carefully glossed lips. “You're cute,” The remark is quick, thoughtless. But it still has Joon's stomach flipping, it only gets worse when while watching a flustered Taehyung fumble through a 'thanks'.
“Yn. This is Taehyung and that's Jimin,” Yoongi is pointing either of them out, all while moving to stand beside Taehyung an arm slung over his shoulder. Both of them are granted a short wave before you're turning your attention to Namjoon. Seemingly for the first time tonight.
His face is quickly shifting in a glare, hastily trying to cover up the fact that he had been watching you since you had walked over. Lips shifting into that flirty smirk of yours the moment your eyes lock, moving toward him with this bone-chilling slowness. “Hi, Joonie.” An instant shiver runs down his spine following the sweet tone of your voice.
The tips of your long fingers curl around the skinny fabric of his tie, tugging him down to eye level. “You look especially appetizing in your stuffy little monkey suit,” So close that your noses are barely touching, he can see the subtle sparkle detail in your eye shadow, fading into the sharp line of eyeliner. Lashes looking much longer than he remembers, probably stuck some on like he's seen some girls do from time to time. 
You smell nice too. Sweet. Like vanilla, but there's a bit of tang from the alcohol you've been sipping. “What, Joon? Aren't you gonna repay the compliment?” Brows furrowing slightly, lip jutting out to create a pout. You're leaning back, taking in the flustered look on his face.
“Don't you think I look good in my dress?” His eyes are huge, stammering for a response. There's a cute blush rising on his cheeks, paired with the pop of one of his deep dimples. “Oh!” Giggling, the tip of your finger pokes at the indent causing his cheeks to darken. He was so cute.
Jimin is quickly coming to his rescue, an arm looping around yours and pulling the two of you apart. “Alright, alright. Down, temptress. Let our poor Joonie collect his bearings. I think it's time you introduce me to some cute boys,” The last bit of his sentence is emphasized, thrown over his shoulder to the two boys cooing back and forth.
He's pulling you away, leaving no room for argument. Quickly falling into his rapid chatter about his plans for tonight of getting drunk and hooking up. Maybe even meet up with someone that'll make him swoon, so like the perfect little wing woman, you're walking him right to the man of the hour.
Jungkook is sat in the middle of a long leather couch, arms outstretched over the back of it. Jin and Hoseok are sat on either side of him, both with scarcely clothed girls perched on their laps. You've seen the girl with Jin many times before a model of some sort who feeds on the undivided attention from Mister Kim Seokjin.
The girl with Hoseok is different, though. They always were. A pretty girl with hair dyed red a pointed nose and dark painted lips. Her body shakes as she giggles, twirling a piece of hair around her manicured finger. She gives an obvious wiggle of her hips and Hobi eats it up, pulling her closer to him by her hips.
“Jhope and Jin? They're both cute, Yn. But I'm not exactly sure I'm their type.” Jimin is making a board gesture toward the two of them and you're quick to roll your eyes, tilting your head to look over at him. “Duh. Not them. Jungkook,”
You watch as his gaze shifts to the middle, landing on Jungkook. Who looks extremely handsome with his drink in his hand and a smile on his face. “That's Jeon Jungkook... you're going to hook me up with Jeon Jungkook?” 
If you had been any closer, you'd be sure he heard you with the way his head snaps up in your direction. Wide eyes focusing on the guy hanging off your arm. He's quick to stand as you approach, rattling the two men on his side. So wrapped up in their girls, they don't even notice his little outburst.
“Jungkookie, this is Jimin. His friends ditched him, isn't that so sad?” Pausing to show off your signature pout, paired with gently nudging Jimin forward. “Do you think you could entertain him for a bit?” 
Jungkook is nodding almost instantly, “Y-yeah. I can do that,”
“Great!” With a quick pat on Jimin's shoulder and a wide smile sent up to your friend, you're quickly turning to leave the two of them alone. Making a quick beeline straight to the bar.
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APRIL 24TH, 2020 | 22:59
Namjoon watches you walk away. Every dip and sway of your hips until you're disappearing out of sight. And even then he can't tear his eyes from that direction. 
You've invaded his space countless times before, he was beginning to wonder if you even knew what personal space was. But this time was different. This time had a stronger hammering rising in his chest, this incessant urge to revel in the fact that you're so close rather than push you away.
He nearly lost it when you laughed, breath brushing against his lips. Nearly lost his mind at the sound, although he's sure his mind was already gone. Blame it on the alcohol he intended to drink tonight, must've got a head start in his system. There's no other explanation for why he's feeling this way.
Yoongi lets out a snort, moving to stand in front of his friend, cutting off his view just as you're reaching the rest of your friends. He's got this shit-eating grin on his face, hands set on his hips. “You like her, huh?” He's not sure if it's the teasing tone in his friend's voice or the knowing look on his face, but Joon is filled with annoyance.
“Even if it's just a little bit,” He rushes, lifting his hands up in defense.
Namjoon is instantly rolling his eyes, arms crossing over his chest as he arches a brow down at his friend. “What are you even talking about?” Because there was no way he could be talking about what he thought. Suggesting that he might see you differently than he's seen you after all this time. That was insane.
“Come on, we all see how you get when we talk about her. And the way you look at her?” Taehyung is quickly jumping to his lover's side, dropping an arm around Joon's shoulder. His face shifting into a mock lovey-dovey expression, before he's bursting into a fit of giggles.
Joon is quick to shrug his arm off of him, pushing him away slightly. “I look at her like she's annoying the shit out of me,” They're both laughing this time, loud and obnoxious. Catching the attention of a few people nearby. 
Wheezing breaths leave their lips, chest heaving as their laughs calm down. “Yeah, okay,” Yoongi speaks through fainting laughter, straightening his back while shoving his fingers through his hair. He shares a silent look with Taehyung before he's shifting his gaze back on to Joon.
“Don't you think she looks cute in magenta?” Yoongi grins, the words barely leaving his mouth before Namjoon is speaking up. Almost automatically. “It's baby pink, actually. She wears it because she thinks it makes her nose look smaller,”
His response has the both of them breaking into fits of laughter again, hunching forward as their backs shake. “And how do you know that!?” Taehyung is managing through his laughs, only causing Joon's cheeks to flush pink.
Why did he know that? No doubt something you uttered to him mindlessly while the two of you were alone, but why did he remember? And why was it the first thing he noticed the moment you were making your way over to him? With another roll of his eyes, he's brushing past his friends with a mumble of going to meet up with some people.
“I'll go get us drinks, baby. Wait here,” Yoongi says with a short laugh, setting his hand on Taehyung's shoulder before he's turning around, walking in the direction of the bar.
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APRIL 24TH, 2020 | 23:19
Joon was so cute. You couldn't wrap your head around exactly what it was about him that made it so hard to not think of him, but it was like every free moment you had was filled with thoughts of him. He was so closed off and distant when it came to you, the dramatic show of annoyance he'd put on whenever you'd get close.
Yet, he wasn't as ambiguous as he liked to let on. You saw the little peaks in characters he'd have when the two of you were together. The lingering stare he'd give you while you'd look over his work or the spouts of jealously when you weren't given him your undivided attention.
Not sure exactly what it was Joon felt for you, but there had to be something there. He wanted you in some type of way and what were you supposed to do? Ignore it? Go to work every day and see him and just what?.. Do your job? 
That was what was expected of you. Getting your job done. Every single day. No more fucking up, no more fucking around. Just doing everything the exact way it should be done. Or else...
“Do you want me to get you a drink?” Yoongi's voice sounds from behind you, breaking through the raging thoughts clouding your mind. He shoots a large grin in your direction, lifting his body onto the stool beside you.
Tipping back your glass, you're sucking back the last bits of drink you had left. Face souring from the bitter taste. “It's fine. I'll get you one,” You're lifting your hand to flag the bartender over. “Each glass is at least sixty dollars,” The tip of your manicured nail taps the menu where the prices are listed.
His eyes go wide. “Why!?”
“We're celebrating!” A laugh falls from your lips at his surprise. In a room full of filthy rich artists and their even richer team, of course, the drinks would be expensive. Dropping a hundred or two was equivalent to shopping at the dollar store among the lot of you. “I'll just open a tab, you and your friends can get whatever. On me.”
Chasing your words with your drink order to the bartender, Yoongi does the same after you. Swiveling around in his chair to check out the crowd of party-goers quickly filling up the room. His eyes catch the man stood a few feet away from you, leaning over the back of a chair. 
Dark eyes squinted behind his thing rimmed glasses, glaring in your direction. One hand shoved in his pocket, the other holding a drink. It's obvious that he's watching every one of your movements, more than likely trying to read your lips. Yoongi is quick to avert his gaze, turning his attention back on to you.
“Is that your boyfriend?” He's subtle with the way he points him out, tipping his head in the direction of where he stood. You're not as discreet, whipping your body around to see where he's pointing. And then full-on lifting your hand to wave over at him.
Pure shock takes over his features, cheeks darkening as he waves back. Obviously caught in his staring. “One of them. Have you heard of him? His soundcloud name is IM,” Your drinks are brought out at that moment, set down on a pair of coasters.
“Wait. You're dating a soundcloud rapper?” You're familiar with the stigma and preconceived notions that come with soundcloud rappers and while most of them were true, Changkyun was different. Not only was he talented, but he was sweet, generous and he cared a lot.
About you especially. “Stop it. He's sweet. And he's a lot better than you'd think.” You're gearing up to further defend your man, but Yoongi is quick to lift his hand, shaking his head slightly at your protest.
“No, I mean. You literally own this place. Why don't you just sign him?” Pfft. Like you haven't thought of that before. “He says he wants to do it himself...” You're lifting your glass to your lips, taking a few sour sips before setting it back down. Leaning in close to whisper in his ear.
He's instantly engulfed in the sweet smell of you, cool breath tickling his flaming ears. “But sometimes, I think it's because of me.” Yoongi's getting a good look at your face when you're pulling back, the flash of sadness hidden deep in your eyes. It's gone before he can place it, masked with their normal pretty sparkle.
“What do you mean?”
Your fingers push through your hair as you lean back, letting a soft sigh fall past your lips. “I'm not dumb. I know how a lot of people view me and how it affects the company. If he were to sign and be dating me, it wouldn't be good for him.” The two of you never fully talked about it, but it didn't take a genius to put two and two together.
“You sound like you've thought about this before,” He's taking his first sip of whiskey, corners of his mouth lifting in a small smile. Obviously impressed by the taste. You're nodding at his words, gaze shifting from him over to where Changkyun had been standing before. “I used to feel really bad about it. I mean... I still do, I just...”
What were you supposed to do? It's not like he's ever even said that was the real reason behind his reluctance, so how were you supposed to know? “Why don't you change then? Actually, clean up your act and be serious.” He sounds exactly like Hoseok and your father.
“I don't want to,” It's like you're constantly being surrounded by people telling you what to do. “Why not?” Truthfully, you didn't know yourself. If you were to start listening and following the rules, what's the worse that could happen? There was just this insistent tug in the other direction, clutching to the bit of control that you had.
You don't get a chance to answer, though. Changkyun is walking straight up to you. An arm circling around your waist and stare closing in on Yoongi. He's shooting him one hard glare that has him instinctively backing away. Gaze shifting back onto you, he's hitting you with one of his sweet smiles. “Come sit, baby. Kookie is about to go up and talk,”
Allowing him to help you from your stool, you're sending a wave over your shoulder as he leads you toward the couches where you had first left Jungkook and Jimin. Only now, Jimin was sat by himself – Jungkook making his way up toward the speakers. Namjoon and Taehyung have found their way over, sat with Hoseok and Jin.
Changkyun is slouching onto the couch, pulling your body down onto his lap. With your legs on either side of his thigh and his arm secured around your waist. His chin finds home on your shoulder, lips placing soft kisses to your cheek.
You can feel a pair of eyes burning holes into the side of your face, but you can't be bothered to look as Jungkook reaches to click the button, releasing his new single. Cheers instantly wash over the crowd as purchases of the song begin to flood in, the number of plays following.
With a large grin, Jungkook's moving to the mic to speak.
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APRIL 25TH, 2020 | 00:12
Conversation bubbles between the lot of you. Mainly centered around Jungkook and his mixtape and it's projected success. Changkyun laughs along with everyone else, with both of his arms secured around your waist. Joon has moved from his spot beside you, disappearing somewhere within the crowd.
He had watched every one of you and Changkyun's movements, trying to hide his staring with large gulps of his beer. It wasn't annoyed glares that he had been shooting your way, those were obvious and really easy to read. But the way he was looking at you now, was something you hadn't seen before.
Something you couldn't easily place.
No time is given for you to decipher it because he's standing from his spot with a quick mumble to Yoongi about his whereabouts. And since he's walked away you can't seem to focus on the conversation happening around you. Can't help but wonder what he's up to and if he was having a good time.
And all at once, you're being hit with this urge to get something to drink. With a few taps to Changchun's arms, you're wiggling from his grip. Bending at your waist, you're planting a soft kiss on his cheek. “I'll be right back, baby.” 
You're heading straight to the bar, at least that's what you tell yourself when you're walking away from your friends. But you find yourself looking through the heads of the crowd for those familiar pair of glasses and deeply dimpled cheeks. Through your search, you find yourself in the record room.
Hidden from the rest of the building, a room filled with the highest-ranking records to ever come from this place. All hanging in glass frames, disks shiny gold, and the artists' names etched into the frame. Plush red carpet covering the floors, so soft you don't hear the footsteps approaching.
Not until you're feeling the brush against your shoulder, his tall presence makes you feel smaller, but at the same time secure beside him. Instantly. It's an odd feeling that you're not quite used to. “Hey.” For some reason your voice is caught, the only thing you can muster is a smile and a simple nod of your head.
“Why are you here away from anyone else?” You're not used to Namjoon actively trying to keep up a conversation with you, let alone starting them. You're not sure how to react, so your words come out awkward and your body language follows. “I came to get a drink... but, uhm. I got distracted... did you come to see the records?”
That had to be the reason why he was in here, right? Nothing else in here for him other than the history within these walls. You had planned to show him... and the other new signs, this room next week. Everyone got a kick out of seeing the records of their favorite artists hanging up on the walls, dreaming that their own would make it up there too. 
So, of course, you're surprised with the shake of his head. The shy smile he tries to hide with the drop of his head. “I was actually looking for you.” He mumbles out, avoiding your eyes as he speaks. It's like he can tell how his words affect you because he's quick to buffer them. “Not for any particular reason,” Wide eyes finally find yours, his cheeks blushed pink. “I just wanted to ask you...”
He's shuffling the beer bottle between his hands, eyes dancing along the walls as he tries to put the words together. He doesn't look up at you until he's properly fixed his sentence in his head. “What happened with your dad? I heard he came down to talk to you.” You didn't have to guess that Yoongi was the one that told him.
Not like it was some big secret. “Nothing. He just told me to get my act together.” Punctuating your words with a quick shrug of your shoulder, extending your hand to reach for his bottle. Slipping it from his grasp and bringing it to your lips to take a few gulps of the liquor. “Ugh, that's nasty.” Never really liked the taste of beer.
“Or else?” Joon urges, reaching for his bottle again. He's taking a sip and your middle school heart flutters, thoughts of an indirect kiss flooding your thoughts. Sure not to get too ahead of yourself. “Or else, none of your business. I'm getting my work done now. You should tell Hoseok that,”
“Do you want me to?” In just a few days, you really did change at work. Had started taking the job a bit more seriously and it only had him wondering what type of trouble you could've gotten into for a change so drastic. “It'll get them off my back,” You're saying through a sigh.
Joon sees something hidden in your eyes that he's easily recognizing. Has seen the same look in his own eyes countless times before. And the way you're quick to blink it away as if you're hiding it away. So quick, like it's something that you've trained yourself to do in the past. He knew what that was like too.
“Do you like working here?” He's asking as if you hadn't made it obvious. “No, I hate it.” Your words filter through a laugh, but it doesn't quite meet your eyes.
“Why don't you go and do something else?” It takes everything in you not to laugh right in his face. As if you didn't think of the most obvious solution to your issue. Why don't you go and something else? Gee, wish you thought of that one. “You don't think I'd like that?” Not once in your entire life did you show any type of interest in music.
It wasn't for you, sure you liked to listen to it – but you didn't? All the ins and out of creating and signing artists, that part just wasn't for you. And no matter how hard you were pushed, it wouldn't ward off your resistance. “My entire life has revolved around preparing for this company. I don't know how to do anything else. You know what I'd really like to do?”
“Yeah, tell me.” He's giving you this look, you can't quite place. Like he's hanging on to your every word, actually listening to you. It has a fuzzy feeling rising in your chest. “I wanted to be an actress. Had some small roles too, but then my dad was putting a stop to it. Said it was time for me to quit playing and get serious, so naturally I didn't listen. Tried to keep doing my thing, little did I know he had planned for that, made sure that nobody would hire me.”
You could still remember the sting when you were no longer getting callbacks and agencies turning you away, all because of one phone call. No means to live on your own, so you were packing your bags and heading home to daddy. How could someone do that to their own daughter? Just to follow along with some stupid dream that wasn't even hers.
It was fucked up. As if you weren't able to control your own life, he never even let you try. “He thinks I'll grow into liking this place, but I won't! It's not what I want, I'm not good at it. Every day I want to quit. And nobody cares,” No matter how hard you tried, how much you fought. It was no use.
“I care,” The words are falling from his lips before he has a chance to stop them, but you hardly believe him. You're scoffing out a laugh, eyes rolling at his words. “I'm serious. I also wanted to apologize,”
Without thinking, you're reaching for his bottle again. “Okay,” You shrug, bringing the bottle to your lips and taking long gulps. “So, uhm. Are you close? With your dad?” He's asking softly, reaching to pull his body from your grasp.
He has way too many questions and you're not sure how you feel about it. Why was he trying to meddle into your business when he's shown no interest in talking to you before this? And why did you feel so inclined to talk to him? As if you could trust him enough to confide in him.
It's weird, but you're not in the mood to fight it. “Not at all. Hoseok's his poster child, I just happened to come along for the ride.” You're finishing up the last few sips of his beer, setting the empty bottle down onto the table. “What do you mean?”
“When he was planning to have kids, he wanted one perfect boy to follow in his footsteps... and then when he heard his wife was pregnant with twins... he thought 'great two perfect boys to follow in my footsteps,'. Not a part of him wanted a little girl,”
A hand lifts to gesture at your figure, a hushed laugh leaving your lips. “But as you can see, I am not a boy.” Joon is nodding his head, giving you this pitiful look that you want so badly to wipe off his face.
You didn't need to be pitied. “So what? He was mad because you weren't a boy?” Was it really that bad? It was easy to see that Hoseok was treated differently in terms of your father, but was that not because of how you acted? Maybe you acted the way you did for a deeper reason? There was so much he didn't know about you.
“You ask a whole lot of questions,” All done sharing, not too keen on the look on his face. You weren't some poor girl that needed sympathy, you had everything under control. Could figure it all out on your own.
Joon is moving to stand a bit closer to you, his shoulder pressed against yours. There's this unexplainable warmth to him, that closes around your entire body just from him being close. It's weird. “Why?”
“Why what?”
Letting out a huff, you're moving back to create some distance between the two of you. “Why are you curious? You've shown zero desire to talk to me, so why now?” He's moving too close the space that you've created, the corners of his mouth lifting into a smile. It's the first time you've seen the slightest resemblance of one on his face.
“I don't know... you just seem different tonight. I feel like I might've missed something.” You wonder how long it took him to come to that conclusion, always so cautious and calculated with his thought. Never really forgetting his initial impression of someone. 
But it's like now he's looking past what you've worked so hard to obtain. You didn't like it one bit. “You didn't. What you see is what you get,” Body straightening, nose pointed toward the ceiling. He's letting out a laugh, obviously amused by your childish stance.
“I don't know if I believe you,” Your head lowers to look at him, eyes rolling dramatically as you lift your hand to toss your hair over your shoulder. “Well, that's your choice,” You reply, in the snobbiest tone you've ever used. “I'm going to get a drink,”
You're leaving him without another word, taking long strides down the hall. Actually, heading for the bar this time.
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APIRL 25TH, 2020 | 01:23
Namjoon knows he should probably give you some space. Not that you were pissed at him or anything, but the meddling was something he knew you weren't the biggest fan of. If your sudden departure was any proof of that. He should leave you alone, let you enjoy yourself with your friends... and your boyfriend.
He should really stop thinking about you.
That's easier said than done, though. All he can do is think about you. Only half-listening to Taehyung's words, eyes scanning the crowd for you. Any sign of you and he's certain he'd be rushing to follow behind you.
There really was something different about you tonight. Something underneath the facade you kept up with. The reckless behavior, the spoiled brat act. He hadn't been able to see it before, but now he was getting peaks of your personality he failed to notice before. Bits that reminded him a lot of himself.
Stood on the other side of the room, your arms are looped in Changkyun's. You've tied your hair up into a ponytail at the top of your head, long enough that the ends are tickling your elbows. He watches as you say something to him, flashing a cute smile up in his direction before you're turning to walk out of the room.
A few minutes pass before Changkyun is making his way over to where Namjoon is seated, plopping down in the vacant spot beside Jungkook. Who has been pretty much under Jimin's spell since the start of this whole night. “Where's Yn?” Yoongi's asking as if he can read his best friend's mind.
He really had no other reason to ask.
“She's in her office. Wanted to look over a few things,” For some reason, Joon is taking that as an invitation to go to you. Standing quickly, he's catching the attention of his friends seated beside him, “I'm gonna go, uh... go to the bathroom.”
He's earning an uninterested nod just before he's able to slip away, hurried steps taken out of the room and down the hallway leading straight to your office. The door's open when he approaches, you're sat at your desk scrolling through your laptop.
Soft knocks tap against the door, catching your attention. You're surprised to see Joon standing on the other side, that awkward smile playing on his lips. He's lifting his hand up to a wave, pushing his fingers through his hair as he steps past the threshold, shutting the door behind him. “Hey. I came to see if you were okay,”
Why wouldn't you be okay? “I'm fine,” A smile that doesn't quite meet your eyes, but still lights up your whole face. “Come here, listen to this.”
He was sure that when you had left you were sad, or at least a bit unhappy. But you were fine? And you looked fine too, completely focused on locating whatever song you planned to show him. Joon moves to take a seat beside you, in the same spot he sits each and every time he's in here with you. Thighs just barely touching.
“Can I ask you another question?” Humming out your response, head tilting toward him. The suit looked good on him, it really did. Different from the baggy jeans and t-shirts he normally wears, which are just the same amount of cute. This was just different, gave a different vibe to him. You just barely miss the way he was staring back at you. It has a heat rising in your cheeks. “W-what's your question?”
His eyes flicker from your lips to your eyes, teeth cutting into his lower lip gently. It's embarrassing, he's forgotten his question. Wrapped up in his thoughts of you, the things that he had failed to notice before. “What's so fun? You know about being impulsive and doing what you want?” He finds himself asking.
Never could he imagine himself doing it, just jumping at any chance without thinking everything through. Weighing out all of the possible outcomes, yet you were doing it all of the time without a second thought.
That's not what you were expecting him to ask. Not much thought was put into the decisions you made, which was why you found yourself getting into so much trouble. You just did what you felt like and dealt with the consequences later. Sometimes not at all. “I don't know, I just do what I want.” You're saying with a shrug.
“You're so calm. And calculating. I'd love to see you do one thing without thinking...” He's looking at you in that weird way again, moving closer until your knees are touching. Dark eyes scanning over your features gaze slowly dropping to your lips. “Just one thing. Completely on impulse, first thing that pops into your-”
His lips taste like the beer he's been sipping, a delicious mix to your shots of liquor. One large hand pressed onto the back of your neck, the other clutching the fabric of your dress. You can feel your heart hammering in your chest as he pulls back from your lips, your eyes wide as you look up at him.
“Did you just kiss me?” Your entire face is on fire and it's hard to hide the grin that threatens to split your face in half. “Yeah, I have no idea why.” He looks so cute and dazed, just from kissing you.
His lips were so soft too, could be addicting if you got enough of it. “Do it again.” A pretty smile brightens his face, cheeks lifting to show off his dimples. His fingers tangling in the loose hairs at the nape of your neck, grip tightening around your waist to pull you closer.
“You want me to?”
There's not a bit of hesitation from you, lower lip jutting out into a pout. “Please,” A soft laugh leaves his lips before he's leaning forward to capture yours with his.
He kisses you as if you're made of glass, cautious in the shift of his lips. Unsure of himself, worried if he's gone too far. And you're quickly deciding, he hasn't gone far enough. Moving closer, you reach up to bury your fingers in his hair. A bold swipe of your tongue has his jaw falling slack, allowing your tongue to sliver into his mouth.
A soft groan erupts from the back of his throat as your tongue twists and pushes against his. Even the way he kisses is calculated, timed movements of his tongue the mouth. The complete opposite of your unrhythmic advances. But, still, he moans.
Out loud for your greedy ears to soak up, it's the moment you're sinking your teeth into his lower lip. All at once, his hands are dropping onto your hips, easily lifting your body up and onto his lap. Legs on either side of his hips, you can feel the bulge of his cock through the fabric of his dress pants. And the thought of getting a peek at it has your body buzzing.
He's effortlessly positioning you, slowing the movements of your lips with his own. Fingers tracing down the sides of your body, dragging over the hem of your dress. Just as he's about to inch it up, the doorknob of your office jiggles. It's barely audible, but Namjoon has this type of supersonic hearing, his body reacting instantly to the sound.
A single line of saliva connects your lips as he tears away from you, your tongue slips out to break it. His head whips around to stare at the door, turned away so fast he missed the pout of protest that from on your lips.
“Someone's trying to get in,” He's whispering, eyes going wide when he sees how close your faces are. You shrug, reaching up to knit your fingers n the hair at the nape of his neck, holding his head still before he can move too far from you. “That's fine, it's locked. They'll just go away. I want another kiss,”
Your lips are swollen from his, shiny with your shared spit. Puckered cutely, waiting for him to satisfy your request. But reality has sunk in for Namjoon, the gravity of what he was just done hitting him like a ton of bricks.
He couldn't kiss you. There were so many reasons why it's wrong, starting with the incessant knock of whoever is on the other side of the door. He could only guess it's the man you showed up with your date. Your boyfriend. Cheating was something he took very seriously and the fact you'd just do it, without a second thought. No, he couldn't kiss you. Couldn't even be involved with you aside from a professional relationship.
Your eyes flutter open with the gentle nudge on your thigh, frowning as he shoos you off his lap. He's quick to stand, just in case you've got any ideas of climbing back on. “What's wrong?” He's avoiding your gaze, fingers shoving through his hair as he searches your office for something. Positive he brought a jacket along with him. Maybe he had a hat?
No matter how hard he looked, he could feel your stare burning in the side of his face. Forcing him to answer. “Nothing's wrong. I just shouldn't have kissed you.” It bothers you to hear him say that so easily, but you're not sure why.
“You didn't want to?” He's not sure he's heard you sound any sadder. He can't help but take a peak at your face, instantly looking it away when he catches the sad pout of your lips. He couldn't feel bad for you. Your feelings weren't his responsibility. You were an adult and his boss, he shouldn't have to coddle you.
Even still, he can't bring himself to lie. Because he had wanted to kiss you, wouldn't have done it if he didn't. “I did... I'm just. I gotta go,” He's turning from you, all at once forgetting what he had been looking for. Shaking off any thoughts of looking back and checking on you, instead, he's heading straight for the door. Tugging it open and stepping back into the crowd of the party.
Changkyun is just a few feet away from the door, had given up on knocking after a few minutes. He watches as Namjoon makes a beeline from your door to the crowd, the back of his hand wiping at his lips.
You're sat slouched in front of your computer when he walks in. Fingers typing away at the screen of your phone. He's not sure what to expect from you, knowing you had just been in here with Namjoon. If you had changed your mind and decided that you'd be going home with him instead, but he still tries.
“People are starting to leave. Are you ready to go?” You're hitting him with the brightest, prettiest smile he's ever seen. Sparkly eyes dancing over his features as you stand, taking long strides over to him. It's only when you're closer does he had mistaken the wetness as your signature sparkle. Your smile doesn't quite reach them either.
He doesn't say anything, though. Allows you to pull his hand around your waist, tucking yourself into his side. Shooting him another fake smile before you're nodding, leaning up on your toes to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Yeah. Let's get out of here,” 
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— daughter of the ceo of the biggest record label, it’s obvious she’d get whatever and whoever she wants. but what happens when she’s meeting the one person that refuses to play into her spoiled brat act?
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A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. if u want to be added to the tag list, send me an ask! + if you’ve asked to be on my permanent taglist, you do not need to ask to be added to this one !!
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gwynrielendgame · 3 years
Gwyncien part 5 (last part)
Thank you to all who supported this short little story! It really kept me motivated. This is the last part. I’m gonna be honest this part is not as edited at the other parts but I finished it and wanted to get it out to all of you so thank you!
Warning: the smallest amount possible of smut at the end.
Gwyn's body jolted as they hit the ground. Lucien let out an annoyed huff while straightening out his jacket. The wards around the House of Wind truly made winnowing in unfavorable. As soon as she stabled herself though, she felt a rush of happiness.
It was her only thought. She missed this place- the smell, the comfort, the people. She started to buzz with excitement at the thought of Nesta and Emerie.
"You made sure someone brought Emerie here?" Gwyn double checked with Lucien. He simply nodded while giving her a sad smile. The moment was bitter sweet. She was happy to be reunited with her sisters, but she would miss her newest friend. She threw her arms around him in a tight hug. He returned it just as fiercely.
"Thank you for all that you did for me. It means more than I could ever express." She buried her head in his hair and took a deep breath. He smelled of roasted chestnuts and a summers day. She would miss it.
"I know a way you could make it up to me." He said as he pulled away. Gwyn looked at him expectantly.
"Promise me I will see you again soon." A soft smile graced Gwyn's face.
"I promise." She wanted to show her sisters the Band of Exiles castle anyways. They would love it. Lucien smiled broadly before dropping a kiss on her forehead next to her invoking stone.
She finally decided to wear it as all the priestesses do. Lucien took her to Sangravah to see Catrin's grave. She had been so sad and angry that she almost destroyed the stone right then and there. She did not deserve the stone while her sister's body lay cold in a grave. But then Lucien took her to meet the priestesses and children that had rebuilt the temple. The children that Gwyn had saved. They all remembered her and flattered her in compliments and hugs. The called her their hero and said that they were petitioning to make that dreadful anniversary known as Berdara day. In honor of the twins who sacrificed so much to protect those children. Gwyn cried for a week straight after that. Once her emotions leveled out though, she began to wear the stone. The children had been a distant memory that she forgot about while grieving for her sister. Seeing them, happy and healthy, reminded her that the sacrifice was not in vein. She may have failed Catrin but she did not fail those children. It was one more thing that made her grateful for Lucien.
Gwyn took one last look at Lucien before he winnowed away. She turned back towards the door, took a deep breath, and headed straight for the personal library. She was so excited she thought she might throw up. She wished she had kept her composure to walk the entire way there, but as she came closer and closer to the library, her feet began moving faster and faster until she was practically running. The moment she burst through the doors she scanned the room for the two females. She found them sitting side by side, each with a book in their hands. It made Gwyn smile broadly. They both whipped their heads up at the same time- startled. Nesta reacted first, practically throwing herself at Gwyn. Emerie was close behind, and then they were crushing Gwyn in a hug.
"Gwyn!" Nesta cried. Emerie just squeezed her tighter.
Gwyn felt completely at ease now that she was reunited with her sisters. She had missed them so unbearably that she almost forced Lucien to bring her back several different times. She was afraid that if she came back, she would not have left again. After a very lengthy hug, the girls pulled apart. Nesta was subtly trying to wipe tears away which only served in making Gwyn start to cry herself.
"We missed you." Emerie said softly while running her hand over Gwyn's hair. It was such a comforting gesture that Gwyn forced another hug from the Illyrian female.
"I missed you two more than anything." Gwyn pulled back from Emerie so that she could grab both of their hands. She pulled them over to the couch and forced them to sit down next to her.
"You better explain why you ran off with Lucien and you better do it right now because I am angry with you so I want a good explanation before I start yelling." Nesta warned with a hardened expression. Gwyn squeezed her hand and gave her a small smile.
"Lucien helped me with some things." Gwyn did not even know how to start explaining everything that had happened. She knew Lucien did not want her telling anyone of their ancestry, but Emerie and Nesta did not count. At least in Gwyn's mind they didn't.
"Things we could not help you with?" Emerie asked. Gwyn could hear the touch of hurt in her voice and suddenly felt very guilty. She never imagined they would blame themselves. She should have known better though, especially with Nesta.
"You cannot repeat what I am about to tell you to anyone." She gave them both a pointed look but it got a snort from Nesta.
"Who would I possibly tell other than Cassian?" She rolled her eyes with a slight laugh. Gwyn continued to give her a serious look.
"You cannot tell Cassian or Mor either. They will feel obligated to tell Rhys. This information is dangerous for me and I need to know before I tell you that it will stay between us three." She squeezed both their hands again. Nesta and Emerie shared a look before giving her a concerned one.
"We promise. We would never do anything to endanger you, Gwyn." Emerie insisted as Nesta nodded in agreement. Gwyn took a deep breath before explaining.
"Lucien's my grandfather. After the autumn court high lord killed Lucien's lover, him and a brother hid my mother at Sangravah." Emerie's eyes widened comically while Nesta took this in with a straight face.
"Holy shit. That makes you the only living heir to the day court." Emerie muttered. Gwyn's brows furrowed in confusion.
"The day court?" Nesta inquired on the same topic that Gwyn was confused about. The winged female gave them a sheepish look.
"Shit. I wasn't supposed to say anything." She gave a deep sigh. "Mor told me that Helion is Lucien's real father and that would make Lucien the only known offspring of Helion." Gwyn wasn't sure how she felt about that.
"Does this mean you'll get a real Pegasus?" Nesta pondered. It made Gwyn smile thinking of the tiny Pegasus the house conjured for them.
"I would demand weekends with it if so." Emerie added while leaning back on the side of the couch to fully face the other two females.
"Well anyways, Lucien helped me with some things regarding Sangravah." Gwyn directed the conversation back on topic. She did not want to think about being the future heir to some random court. "I did not ask for your help because I did not want to be dependent on you two. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it on my own. Trust me, it had nothing to do with not wanting your help. There were so many times I almost forced Lucien to bring me back." Nesta looked at the priestess and a smile finally graced her face.
"You are wearing your invoking stone." Gwyn blushed and looked down at her hands. Nesta was one of the only people she had confided in about why she never wore it and she had only done that because she knew that Nesta would understand.
"I am."
"Are you happy?" Nesta asked wearily. The blunt female was not a fan of Lucien's for some reason.
"I am now that I am home. I have so much to tell you, but I might still need to process some of it before then." Gwyn warned. She may not be ready to give them all the answers that they needed or wanted. Gwyn put both her arms around both the females shoulders, tugging them in closer to her.
"You know just by the way, you could have given Az a heads up about your departure. I had to convince him that Papa Lucien did not kidnap you for nefarious revenge plans." Nesta responded after awhile of comfortable silence. Gwyn cringed while Emerie cackled over Lucien's new nickname.
"I figured his shadows told him." She shrugged. It's not her fault if he was being a bad spy master. He should have known Lucien did not kidnap her. Nesta gave a small smirk while nestling her head into the crook of Gwyn's neck. Emerie mimicked the gestured and suddenly all three of them were cuddling on the couch. It made the priestess feel safe.
"Mor said he finally confronted her about their situation." Nesta's eyebrows shot up into her hairline. Gwyn was just as surprised. The Shadowsinger practically ran screaming from emotions.
"How did that go?" The red headed female asked incredulously. She also had no idea why he would chose now when he was finally with Elain to have that conversation.
"Good? I did not get a lot of details but Mor seemed happy." They all sat in another comfortable silence again. There was so much to say on both sides. Gwyn was sure she had missed out on a lot, but they all knew they just wanted to enjoy each other's presence for a bit.
"Hey Nes-" Cassian stopped mid-sentence when he saw the priestess as he strode into the library. A huge smile broke out on his face. "Gwyn!"
"Hey Cas." She gave a small wave as all three girls sat upright on the couch. They all moved over some so Cassian could sit next to Nesta. It was a tight squeeze especially with his wings but they made it work.
"Shit, I have missed you, Berdara. Training is not the same without you. Please tell me you have kept up with it." He berated her like the good trainer he was.
Gwyn gave a short laugh. If only he knew what she had been doing to keep up with her training. She knew he would approve though. She truly had missed Cassian. Nesta and his bickering was a high quality form of entertainment for both Gwyn and Emerie. She also missed his quite encouragement and lame jokes, she would never admit to the latter, though.
"I have missed you as well." He gave Nesta a peck on the cheek which caused a smile to bloom on her face. They were sickeningly adorable.
"Are you coming tonight?" He asked.
"What's tonight?" He obviously did not know that Gwyn just arrived back. They had no time to discuss anything other than her trip.
"Oh I forgot to mention. Remember Balthazar? The guy that helped Emerie and I in the blood rite? Well Feyre and Rhys are throwing him a party in windhaven for not killing us." Nesta rolled her eyes. Clearly, she did not feel that was worth celebrating
"Seems kind of like the bare minimum." Emerie muttered the same thing that Nesta must be thinking. "No need to throw a party for letting us live." Emerie mimicked Nesta with an eye roll of her own.
"Sounds fun.” Gwyn could not stop the sarcasm that flooded her voice. “But I will go anyways.” She relented.
"Really?" Cassian was clearly surprised as he looked at her with raised eyebrows. Gwyn watched as he subtly set his hand on Nesta’s shoulder and rubbed his thumb back and forth. Part of Gwyn felt jealous. She wanted to experience that type of intimacy with someone- with Az. She let out a sigh.
"Yeah. I have had a very enlightening five months. I think I am ready to brave windhaven in a showy dress while everyone schmoozes the high lord and lady." Emerie and Nesta both cheered at that while Cassian gave her his biggest smile. It made her laugh.
"Azriel is at the River house. Want me to take you there?" Cassian suddenly changed the topic. Gwyn narrowed her eyes at him. She most definitely did not want to see the Shadowsinger right now. Besides, she still had so much to discuss with her sisters.
"I can only take so many reunions at once. Perhaps his could wait."
Gwyn had never felt this confident. Her normal anxieties were still there, but it was not nearly as overwhelming as it once had been. She felt a little guilty for crashing Balthazar's "thank you for not killing my sister in the blood rite" party, however, she knew the male would not care much. She glanced at herself one last time in the mirror- only to feel that a stranger was looking back at her. For the first time in front of her friends, she wore her invoking stone atop her head. The color matched her dress very well. It was quite a scandalous dress by her standards even if Nesta had said it had nothing on a few of Feyre's court of nightmare dresses. The neckline went up relatively high while the back dipped down low enough to barely reach her tailbone. It left her entire back exposed. There were very few scars there which made her much more comfortable than some of the dresses with low cut necklines. The waistline came in tight enough for Gwyn to struggle to breathe. Luckily, the skirt was flowy with a slit in the side that showed off one of her legs as well as her dagger which was sheathed to her thigh. It was very unlike Gwyn. She would not wear it again, but once for a grand entrance seemed like as good of a time as ever. Lucien bought the dress for her before realizing how scandalous it really was. He saw the color and was reminded of her eyes which she apparently got from Jesminda. She tried it on once for him which resulted in him stumbling over his words in a very un-Lucien manner. He told her he would return it at once and then begged for forgiveness. It was a bit of an overreaction that had her giggling for a decent amount of time. She told him she would keep it and wear it when she was ready. She knew she would be ready when she could walk out of the door without changing. She allowed herself five more minutes of staring before heading upstairs to the House of Wind. Cassian, Nesta, Emerie, and Mor would all be waiting for her up there. She did not quite expect the reaction she received. All four of them stared at her, wide-eyed, for longer than socially acceptable. Gwyn almost asked if she should change, but then Nesta and Emerie were gushing over the dress, Mor was demanding to know where she got it from, and Cassian gave her a shy compliment. The anxiety released her chest as everyone went back to discussing their original conversation.
It appeared the high lord and lady did not spare a single expense for this party. Food and alcohol was everywhere, music played loudly, and everyone was dancing. The dances were different than the ones Gwyn was used to, but Emerie showed her a few of the steps. She had gotten so good at one of them that a crowd formed around the three sisters as they held hands and danced around in a circle, adding in different kicks and twirls on beat. Gwyn had laughed more tonight than she had since Catrin’s death. Perhaps everything was finally falling into place for Gwyn to live her life unafraid. Exhaustion pulled Gwyn from the dance floor and back onto the dais where the high lord and lady stood- deep in discussion. Gwyn did not interrupt them, instead opting to stand by herself for a moment in order to catch her breathe. She chugged her cup of water that was much harder to find than it should have been. She was not alone long before a male approached her.
She recognized the red-haired fae. She was trying to remember how she knew him, but it just barely kept slipping her mind. Based on his looks, he was from the autumn court which made Gwyn wonder why he was even here in the first place. To Rhysand and Feyre's surprise, the male asked to dance with her. Before she could accept or decline though, her high lord interrupted.
"No." Gwyn's eyebrows raised to her hairline. He did not speak for her. Now or ever.
"Rhys," Feyre began, shifting her eyes from her mate to the quickly angering priestess. "I do believe Gwyn has a voice of her own." The couple shared a look before turning to her. The red haired male looked as annoyed as Gwyn felt.
"Gwyneth, I apologize for speaking on your behalf, but he is not to be trusted. He is dangerous." He continued to dig himself further into a hole. Gwyn was the last person to openly trust a strange male, but she could handle her own. Especially against him.
"And here I thought we were allies." The strange male rolled his eyes with his sarcastic comment. All three of them ignored him.
"Do you see me warning you away from every female in this room?" It was a rhetorical question, but her point was made. "How would you like me to throw Amarantha in your face every chance I got under the guise of protection? If I want your opinion on a dancing partner, I will ask." She was a blunt person, but she was not typically so harsh. The overwhelming pity that Rhysand sent her way brought the ugliness out of her in a way that many others have not been able to do. She could see the guilt on his face. She also saw the flinch when she uttered Amarantha's name and she wished more than anything that she could take it back. Just because he reminded her of Sangravah every chance he got did not mean she had to stoop to his level.
"I apologize. Obviously, you may dance with whomever you chose." He bowed his head to her and flourished an arm towards the waiting male. Feyre was too busy watching Rhysand to add anything more. Gwyn supposed they were having an internal conversation. She stepped down from the dais to follow the male onto the dancing floor. She did not want to dance with him in particular. Truly, she only wanted to dance with Azriel who had yet to make an appearance, but she was curious. That nagging feeling at the back of her mind said that she knew him. He grabbed one of her hands to hold and placed his other at her hip. The placement at her hip was odd. Typically, that was reserved for more intimate dances between couples, but that was not why he did it. Her back was completely exposed due to the dress. He must have figured this would be better for her. She narrowed her eyes at him. He must know Lucien and therefore who she is to him.
"Eris Vanserra." He finally announced as they began their dance. "Pleasure to officially meet you." Gwyn met his stare. It was surprisingly soft. Lucien's brother she realized. This could be good or bad depending on which brother he is she contemplated. She had only heard wicked things about all his brothers except when Lucien was discussing her mother. He mentioned a brother helped him hide her mother.
"We have met before." She said it as a statement of fact, but in truth it was a question. He gave her a wicked grin before twirling her.
"We have."
"Where?" He twirled her once more before glancing over his shoulder at Rhysand. He must be listening in.
"Sangravah." Was all he said. It was all she needed to remember. He came to the services Sangravah held on Sunday's. It was not every Sunday, but enough of them to recognize him. He sat in a pew in the back and watched. He never participated. Catrin complained one time that she felt he was watching her. Gwyn had brushed it off as mere paranoia- she knew better now though. She wanted to respond with a million different questions; however, she was expected to be vague with prying ears around.
"Why?" Was all she could muster. If Lucien was not willing to risk a visit, then why was he? She was searching his eyes for any clues only to discover a hint of sadness that was quickly covered up.
"To remind myself that it was worth it." The music stopped as the dance came to an end, so he moved his mouth to her ear to continue. It would have seemed an intimate moment to anyone watching. Truly, it was only an uncle speaking a secret to his great niece. "That all I had become to save her was worth it."
Before she could respond she felt a sharp tug on her mate bond, a whisper of a shadow on her wrist, and then Azriel launched himself at Eris.
"For fucks sake." Cassian could be heard muttering as a brawl ensued between the pair. Gwyn couldn't help but agree. Punches were thrown back and forth, but once truth teller had been drawn, Gwyn did the only thing she could think of. She lightly scraped her nails on the back of Azriel's wings. Almost immediately he wrenched himself away from Eris to give her a startled look- his wings tucking in tight. Luckily, Cassian chose that time to insert himself into the fight and hold Eris back.
"Do not do that again." Azriel gave her an intimidating look, but she did not balk from him. Not now.
"Do not give me that attitude, Shadowsinger." She returned his stare with such intensity that he finally looked away.
She turned to Eris who now looked much worse than her mate. He was wiping blood from his nose with the end of his sleeve. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and gave a tight squeeze. He barely had time to return the hug before she pulled away. Everyone was clearly shocked, but it mattered little to Gwyn. This dangerous and cruel male had gone against his abusive father to save her mother. He had risked his future as high lord by visiting her and Catrin. It was not all that long ago that Gwyn thought she had no family. Then she met Nesta and Emerie and now she had a grandfather who loved her despite knowing little of her and a great uncle who cared for her enough to risk all he had tried to achieve. It made her feel a little less alone in this world.
"Thank you." Was all she uttered before turning back to her mate who had the audacity to be glaring daggers at Eris. She narrowed her eyes at him before grabbing him by his hand and tugging him all the way to the exit. She could see him about to speak so she stopped him.
"No. No speaking. Show me to a private room so I can scream at you for a solid five minutes and then I shall allow you to speak." She was fuming mad at the arrogance of this male. He was in a completely committed relationship with another female and he had the audacity to attack her dance partner. He took her down a long hallway, his shadows twirling around him in chaos. His wings were tense even as his face gave off an air of cool indifference. He took a sharp turn and then they were in an empty bedroom.
"I have been back for a total of six hours and before I can even utter a word to you, you have gone and fought Eris Vanserra of all people? Really Azriel I am starting to get whiplash from you. One second you are proclaiming your love for Elain Archeron and the next you are attempting murder on my dance partner. What would you like from me? Because I was hoping we could start off with a pleasant conversation but I suppose that is too much to ask for?" She was glaring him down which was not something anyone else had ever done. While he was beautiful, his icy cruelty laid right beneath the surface. It was enough for everyone to walk on eggshells around him. Even some of his closest friends. Gwyn had never done that though and she would not start now. He looked down at his feet as his shadows went still. Perhaps they also realized they were in trouble.
"You are wearing your invoking stone." He peeked at the stone that lay across her forehead before glancing out the window. She huffed in frustration.
"This is the first you have seen of me in five months and that's all you have to say?" Her glare turned more incredulous.
"You never wore it before." He paused to glance up at her before continuing. "You look beautiful." Gwyn groaned in frustration. This male would be the death of her. She sat at the edge of the bed in the middle of the room. After a moments pause, he followed suit and sat next to her with a small gap in between them. It was silent for another moment.
"I am sorry Gwyneth. My shadows refuse to tell me anything about you and I assumed the worse when I saw Eris whispering into your ear. The mate bond has become harder to control the longer you have been gone as well." She could agree with that. Her own mate bond had become more and more incessant the longer she had been gone. It was like a buzzing in her mind that would not stop. She wondered how Elain managed.
"Lucien, and I suppose now Eris, are important to me Azriel. I cannot explain why quite yet, but it is important to me that you try to be polite specifically with Lucien. Okay?" It was probably more information than she should give. She wanted to be clear with him. He gave her a curious look. He wanted to ask more that was for sure.
"Okay." He whispered. They both looked down at their hands. His were laid loosely on his thighs while hers were clasped tightly together in her lap. "Elain and I decided it would be best if we stopped..." he trailed off at the end, braving a glimpse at her. She was surprised by this. Perhaps Elain's visit to the Band of Exile's was not to reject Lucien. Almost two weeks ago, Gwyn had bumped into Elain in the castle. Their conversation was awkward and brief, but Gwyn thought for sure that the beautiful female had come to reject the mating bond with Lucien.
"Why?" Was all Gwyn could muster. She suddenly felt so tired.
"After our kiss," he started. His hands ran up and down his thighs and she realized he was nervous. She grabbed one of his hands with her own and squeezed. "Nothing had ever lived up to that. I had been chasing what Elain represented that I forgot what I was missing out on. I don't want Elain now and maybe I never truly did. I know I don't deserve it, but I would like a chance to be with you Gwyn. We can go as slow as you like." His sudden proclamation was hurting her head. It was like sensory overload.
"What makes me different from Elain?" She didn't want him to make this decision solely because they were mated. She wanted this to be different. She squeezed his hand tighter.
"You see me for who I am and you aren't phased. You have never hesitated before grabbing my hands. You didn't even so much as blink at my shadows the first time you saw them. You understand why I hold myself to such high standards and you aren't scared of me." He looked directly into her eyes to make sure she understood that every word was true. He wanted her to see him be vulnerable. His stare was so intense that she had to look away before responding.
"I missed you." She gave him a small smile. "But I have been missing you for much longer than I have been gone. I miss my friend. You were so much more to me than just my mate when it snapped into place and I feel like we lost that along the way. This has nothing to do with what you deserve, Azriel. I want you to know that. But right now I would really love my friend back. We can see where the future leads us later." It was not the speech she planned to give him when she thought he was still with Elain, but it was true. They both still had so much to deal with even now. She wanted to deal with it with her friend by her side though. His shoulders slumped slightly which had the mate bond clenching tightly in her chest. After a moment though, his head lifted and he gave her a brilliant smile. One she had never seen from him before and she realized she would do just about anything to see it again.
"I would love to be your friend, Gwyneth Berdara." He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She let out a content sigh as she put her arms around his neck. Her head rest on his shoulder as his head lay atop hers. His shadows were moving languidly as though they were also happy.
"Can I ask a favor of you though?" He mumbled against her hair. She nodded slightly.
"Can I ask that you not touch my wings in public again?" His tone was almost pleading. She quickly looked up at him putting a couple inches between them.
"Oh gods! I'm sorry. Did it hurt? Nesta mentioned that they were sensitive once and I figured it would be the easiest way to stop you from killing Eris." She didn't mean to be too rough, but she also wasn't familiar with Illyrian wings. He gave her a sheepish look. A slight blush gracing his cheeks.
"Um, that's not what she meant by sensitive." He glanced at her before laying his head on top of hers again to avoid eye contact. "It's just not something that one does with Illyrian wings in public." There was heavy insinuation in his voice, but Gwyn could not figure out why. What could she possibly be missing?
"Well we aren't in public now? Could I do it now?" If he wouldn't outright tell her, perhaps she could threaten it out of him. She brought her hand up to his wing only for him to quickly grab it and push her away. She started to laugh as his face grew even redder. "Az, just tell me. Are you ticklish?" It was just too easy to tease him. He held both of her wrists between his hands to keep her at bay.
"Gwyn, I am begging you, which I never do if I must add, please do not touch them unless you would like to act out a scene from one of your romance novels." He truly was begging. She smiled until his words finally caught up to her. Now it was her that was blushing like crazy. Nesta was going to get an earful for being woefully stubborn with details.
"Sorry!" Was all she could splutter out like a fool. She quickly shoved her hands in her lap. Azriel began laughing very loudly as realization of what she almost did hit her. Oh, how the tables have turned she thought. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and tugged her closer, dropping a kiss on her head.
"I truly have missed you, Gwyn. Tell me everything."
Sometime in the future
Gwyn felt a tickle on her bare back. She tried to ignore it and go back to sleep by burying her head further into her pillow. Another tickle brushed against her. She swatted at her back which was more difficult than she wanted to admit considering she was laying on her stomach. One last tickle had her groaning as she finally popped her eyes open. She immediately gave the Shadowsinger a glare.
"I was trying to sleep." She mumbled, her voice still sleep laced. He gave her a charming smile back.
"Keep sleeping. I was just rubbing your back for you." He had the look of innocence perfected, but Gwyn new better.
It was hard to stay mad at him when he looked like that though. She moved closer to him while he laid on his side. She wrapped her arms and legs around him until she pushed him onto his back with her on top. An ornery grin graced his face as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. He began to run his hands up and down her bare thighs. It made her shutter. The warmth from his chest stopped her bare chest from being chilled by the temperature of the room. She loved waking up this way with her mate. She quickly discovered that neither of them slept too often- nightmares always finding them in their sleep. They stayed up most nights playing chess or singing or training or...doing other things. Gwyn was always curious about the scenes she read from Nesta and Emerie's romance books. Azriel was certainly willing to demonstrate for her. After one particular, evening session Gwyn profusely apologized for touching Azriel's wings in public all that time ago. It made her embarrass to know exactly how close she had been to bringing Azriel to his knees in front of all those people. She thought she might never live it down if it had happened.
"What are you thinking about?" Azriel asked while playing with Gwyn's hair. His shadows were wrapping all around her in a way that made her feel safe especially when they were being this intimate.
"You." She immediately answered with a grin while dropping a quick kiss on to his chin.
"I would hope so." He gave her one last devilish smile before leaning up to kiss her. Right as she began to grind though, Az pulled away.
"Sorry, Carynthian. That is not why I woke you." He teased. Gwyn rolled her eyes at the nickname. He loved to call her that simply to remind her of all she had accomplished. She felt he was bragging about her just a little too much.
"Well then why did you wake me?" She lifted a singular eyebrow but he only laughed her off. He sat up with her still in his lap and started to carry her towards their bathroom.
"Nyx's party will be starting soon." He set her down on the counter before getting the bath water ready. Gwyn lifted one of her legs, so that her foot could rest on the counter as well. If he was going to tease her, well then two could play at that game. Even during times like these, both of their competitive streaks came out. It was always a game to see who could get who to cave first. The look Az gave her when he turned around told her that she won this round. Before dropping to his knees in front of her though, he grabbed her face and pressed a harsh kiss to her lips.
"I love you, Gwyneth Berdara." And then she was screaming her love for Azriel, over and over again.
They were both late to the party. Neither of them cared.
The end
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tuanyiems · 4 years
Cookies and Cream
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Yugyeom x Reader (f) fluff x smut words: 4k plot: annoyed by some (really just one) of your gratuitous “self-care” rituals, he decides to teach you a little lesson about indulgence, established relationship!au warnings – dom!gyeom, oral (f receiving), fingering, teasing, overstimulation, praise kink, squirting a/n – sorry for the delay, coincidentally I also had to work overtime for work this week lol now if only I had Gyeom too…but in other news, got7 is coming back in 3.5 more hours!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited y’all!!! // part of Le Chocolatier drabble series, which you can find the masterlist for in my blog. feel free to read this as a one-shot or part of the series, in any order you want <3
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It’s 9PM on a Friday when you decide to turn off your work computer and call it quits. When you blink, the blue shadow of your screen still flickers behind your eyes and for the past two hours your right lid has been twitching every few minutes. When you stand up from your office chair, the world spins and you are briefly nauseated. You swallow down the feeling with a huff, throwing on your jacket and purse.
It’s quiet on your floor, everyone else having left already. It’s been like this the entire week ever since your project manager proposed a new venture and put you in charge of actually making it happen. Yugyeom tells you to just quit, but you figure it’s partially your fault too. You don’t know how to say no. 
So instead, you stop by the convenience store next door and buy yourself a couple of bath bombs. As an afterthought you throw in a box of Ferrero Rocher at checkout.
It’s another thirty minutes when you finally get home. Your whole body aches from being crouched at your desk. As you kick off your flats, Yugyeom greets you with a much too eager smile.
“Babe!” he exclaims, his black hair practically bouncing with every step towards you. “The boys are having game night tonight!”
You let out a yawn as you put your things down. “Sounds great, Gyeom, you go have fun.��
He let out a pout, “You don’t want to come with me?”
You answer with a tired smile and only grow even more weary when you see his infamous puppy dog eyes. “Gyeom,” you plead softly.
“I’ve barely seen you all week. Don’t you miss me?”
“Of course I missed you baby!” You pull him into your arms, nestling your face in his chest. You take a deep breath, his distinct warm bergamot tones filling your senses. You truly have missed him. Two years in and coming home to him every night still isn’t enough. Boy, are you in deep, huh?
“Then come with. Someone needs to put Bambam in his place. He bought a PC and suddenly thinks he’s a gamer,” you feel the rumble of his chest as he squeezes you closer.
And you feel your own resolve breaking the longer you stay in his arms, but when you blink, your eyes still sting from the strain of overuse and fatigue.
“But…I bought bath bombs.”
Yugyeom pulls away slightly and you offer up a weak smile. He knows you’ve been working hard this week. He assumed you would enjoy letting go and playing games for the rest of the night, so your rejection blindsides him. He was really looking forward to spending time with you and the guys. From above, he can see the bags under your eyes more clearly and you do look tired.
“Are you sure?” he offers up one final plea and you answer with a firm nod.
“Go and have fun for the both of us,” you assure, pulling away and heading towards your shared bedroom.
“Are you sure?” Yugyeom repeats, following after you like a shadow. “Want me to stay in with you?”
You chuckle, shaking your head as you pull out a pair of mismatched pajamas from your drawers. “Please, I don’t think I can handle all your energy right now.”
“You are the love of my life,” You press a kiss to his frown and watch how easily the corner of his lips lift. “I love you, I love you, I love you, but please Gyeom, go out and have fun and I’ll enjoy myself at home and when you come back, I will welcome you into my arms and we can have the whole weekend together, just us. Okay?”
Seeing your exasperation, Yugyeom puckers his lips before breaking out into a boyish grin. “Oh alright! Go have fun with your bubble bath, I guess.”
“I will,” you press one last kiss to his lips before shooing him away.
It’s not long before you finally have the apartment to yourself. Humming, you slowly disrobe as you make your way to the minibar, breaking out a glass of wine. And just as you are about to sashay over to the bathroom, you pause and decide to take the whole bottle with you.
Impeccably timed, the water you left running is filled to the perfect level as you enter. Taking in a deep breath, you smile as you sip at your wine. The bath bomb you bought fizzes in the water, dispersing in the hot liquid in pastel purple and pinks, and fills the small room with the aroma of vanilla and lavender. For a convenience store bath bomb, it does its job perfectly, which is great because you honestly needed this one win for the week.
When you finally sink into the water, it feels like heaven on your aching muscles. For the first time in what feels like this entire week, you feel your shoulders untensing from the heat of the water.
You close your eyes, taking in a deep breath. 
And you almost fall asleep right there before you remember the chocolates sitting at the edge of the tub. Picking up one of the golden orbs, you bite at the curve of your lips and admire the crinkled foil before your eyes shift furtively to the bathroom door like a thief. Despite being alone in the apartment, you can’t help feeling like a child up to no good.
Yugyeom has a, well, disliking towards convenience store chocolates. He believes they dishonor the art of chocolate making with their “sick capitalist greed” (even though he happens to own a chocolate store). As a result, you very rarely ever ate chocolates that were not made by Yugyeom, himself, which was great because who doesn’t love free, expensive chocolates? But sometimes, you missed the taste of other chocolates.
Especially, Ferrero Rocher. Back in high school, these were your “expensive” desserts. Almost every month, they were your go-to treat whenever you were nursing your period pains and hormonal mood swings. When you entered adulthood and your self-care treatments became more expensive, so did your taste in chocolates.
But now, here you are, savoring the chocolatey, nutty flavor of convenience store goodness on your tongue while your lover is away like a wife with a dirty secret. Your life has come full circle.
You giggle, hand already tearing the wrapper off another piece before the taste of the first is even fully gone. Man, did you miss this flavor. If you could have it your way, you’d put Nutella in everything! The hazelnut spread was like crack! You make a mental note to buy yourself a jar on your next grocery run. 
With the delicious taste of hazelnut glazed over your tongue, you sink back into the tub and watch mindlessly as the pastel water swirls around you. 
Suddenly, the door creaks open and a hand pops through with your pink bra hanging by the strap on a finger. Yugyeom pushes open the door, revealing his amused face.
“So eager to kick me out that you left a whole trail of your clothes on the floor?” 
You smile up at him before sinking your lips into the water.
“And here I was thinking you’d be so lonely by yourself,” he pouts, setting your bra on the sink counter and approaching you.
You sit up straighter, lifting your head fully out of the water, as he gets closer. “I left a trail so you could find me.”
“Too late for your lame excuses,” he chuckles, sitting at the edge of the tub. His eyes follow your movements as you hug your legs closer to your chest. Most of your makeup has washed off, though the ghost of your eyeliner still tints the ends of your eyes, and though your lipstick has rubbed off, the inside of your lip is awkwardly wine stained. The ends of your hair are wet by the water and the strands stick to your skin in clumps.
And you are so beautiful. Not because you look particularly different in this moment, but because you look so real. It makes him think back to when the two of you first started dating. You had been so nervous, waking up early to put on makeup before he could see you and wearing lingerie every time he slept over. Back then, you’d even refrained from your regular self-care routines because you had been so worried he would think you were too high maintenance. 
But now, he is blessed to have you here, completely bare to him, literally and figuratively. All curled up in the tub, smiling up at him without an ounce of fear—it makes his insides all gooey. You do that to him.
The guys had given him a hard time about leaving game night early, but now that he’s here, he’s sure he made the right choice. 
“Babe,” your soft whisper breaks him out of his reverie. Your eyes brighten when he meets your gaze. “Wanna join me?”
Yugyeom closes his eyes, tilting his head up, and lets out a loud exhale. “You are perfect.”
You giggle, nose scrunching, until you hear the sound of crunching plastic. You watch, in slow motion, as Yugyeom’s gaze drops to the floor and the both of you freeze.
You blink up, swallowing. The residue of chocolate suddenly tastes sour in your mouth.
“Is that…” The words get caught in Yugyeom’s throat. But his silence feels worse when he’s staring at you with wide, accusatory eyes.
“Gyeom, I-I can explain!” the words come jumbling out of you in a rush, your mouth suddenly dry.
“You…You…In our house, babe?” 
“All the stores were closed by the time I left work. I just-I just wanted a quick snack!”
You feel like drowning in your own guilt when Yugyeom looks at you so sadly.
“You could’ve asked me to bring you home chocolates. Unless,” he pauses and a frown forms on his face, “you didn’t want to?”
You hurry to stand in the tub, water splashing from the sudden movement, but you don’t care. You twine your wet, raisined fingers between his.
“Baby, I love your chocolates! They’re my favorite, you know that,” you squeeze his fingers, ignoring the cold air around your bare skin. 
“Do I?” he sulks, looking back at the half-eaten tray of Ferrero Rocher.
You sway to the side, angling your body so your eyes meet his again. “I went into the convenience store to buy bath bombs and grabbed these chocolates at checkout as an afterthought. If I knew I was going to crave chocolates when I saw it, I really would have called you. But it was already late at night and I didn’t want to bother you.”
Yugyeom sighs. “You don’t have to explain yourself. You’re allowed to eat and love whatever you want…but just so you know, you’re never bothering me. I will make you chocolates even if it’s the middle of the night and you’re on the other side of the world.”
“Gyeom,” you pout, endeared by his words even as he’s saying it with a frown on his face. You press your palm to his cheek, guiding his lips to yours. “I love your chocolates, and I love you.”
Finally, Yugyeom smiles and you meet his with your own. It’s not long before he’s edging his tongue through the seam of your lips, tangling in your mouth. It’s been too long since you’ve been able to taste him on your lips like this. The quick morning kiss goodbye could only keep you going for so long.
You’ve missed this so much. You’ve missed him. How long has it been since the two of you had sex? A week? No, ten days? For the both of you, that was like an eternity.
You can feel your hunger stirring against the pliant muscle of Yugyeom’s tongue. You forget to breathe as he sucks at the bottom of your lip until it is red and swollen. It’s not until your lungs feel like they are burning that the both of you break away with heaving breaths.
Yugyeom makes a face of disgust despite the shine of your saliva on his lips. “You taste like that stupid generic crap.”
He kicks at the tray of chocolates on the floor and you giggle.
“I don’t know, Gyeom, it seemed like you were enjoying the taste,” you tease, tongue poking slyly out the corner of your lips.
It’s then that he realizes your bare state and a smirk replaces his frown.
“You wanna have a self-care night, right? Let me teach you something about self-care.” Without another word, Yugyeom taps twice at your thigh and like a trained puppy, you jump for him. Clinging to his neck, you wrap your wet legs around his waist and let him carry you into your bedroom.
You let out a squeak of surprise when he tosses you roughly onto the mattress.
“If you want to indulge, I’ll give you something to indulge in,” Yugyeom grabs at the bottom of his t-shirt and pulls it over his head before flinging it across the room. You watch with hungry eyes as his hands move down to his jeans, veins protruding up his arms as he undoes his button. You can’t help the disappointment that fills you when he stops there.
His brows arch at your expression. “Only good girls get rewarded, baby.”
“I’ll be good for you,” you plead, crawling to the edge of the bed to meet him. He cups your face in his large hands sweetly.
“You promise?” You nod eagerly, making him scoff at your desperation. “Good girls don’t break their promises, so keep that in mind.”
“I promise,” you breathe out as Yugyeom trails his fingers down your cheek before grabbing you sharply by the chin.
“I don’t know, kitten, it seemed like earlier you didn’t even want me in the house. Feels like you didn’t miss me at all.” Your eyes flicker up to meet his gaze, brows arching with concern. He points his nose in the air haughtily, but if experience has taught you anything, there was definitely a hint of hurt in his words.
You touch your fingers to his wrist softly. “I missed you so much,” you utter softly. And contrary to the gentleness of your voice, your gaze is strong and sure. It’s only when Yugyeom’s lips twitch into the slightest of smiles that you relax into his touch again.
He pinches your chin between his thumb, forcing your head to tilt back further. His eyes returning to their dark, demanding gaze. “What exactly did you miss so much, kitten?”
“Everything—your touch, your taste, the way you make me feel wanted and loved and safe and warm,” your eyes glaze over, conflicted between giving into your lust or your love, and feeling it all jumbling inside your gut. Both your chest and your core aches for him and it’s so apparent in the way your body seems to melt into the grip of his hand. “I miss feeling you inside me. No one else can make me feel that good.”
“Oh, I’ll make you feel good tonight, kitten,” he smirks, releasing your chin. “Spread out for me baby.”
As soon as he utters the command, you are rushing to the pillows. With your head sinking into the silk pillowcase, you open your legs wide for Yugyeom to admire. And he admires, taking his sweet time to follow you onto the bed, eyes glued to the heavenly sight of your cunt just absolutely glistening with lust for him.
His mouth waters just looking at you spread out for him. “Pretty pussy, so wet for me already.”
He trails his hands slowly up your inner thighs and you are practically vibrating, careening for more of his touch. Yugyeom smirks as he stares at your pussy. Even in his peripheral vision, he can already tell you’re on edge. Brushing two fingers up your wet pussy lips, he spreads your folds apart with the V of his fingers.
Your shaky inhale is audible, much to Yugyeom’s satisfaction.
“So impatient, kitten,” he chuckles darkly, enjoying the way your cunt clenches around nothing. He lifts his fingers off of you and raises it to his mouth. He watches you closely before releasing a low moan at your taste on his tongue. When you bite your bottom lip and watch him quietly, Yugyeom releases his fingers with a pop and lifts his brow. “You’re really trying to keep your promise, aren’t you?”
You nod fervently, making him laugh.
“Then as I promised, good girls get rewarded,” he smiles, a shine in his eyes that promises mischief.
With that, Yugyeom presses his two fingers back between your legs and you release a loud sigh at the feeling of his fingers stretching your walls. The ache is delicious and you find yourself whining a little too loudly at just his two fingers alone. You’ve been so wound up this entire week, the sudden stretch of his two fingers is almost overwhelming. Already, your walls are quivering around his digits.
You feel your cheeks heat, eyes diverting from Yugyeom’s gaze to the ceiling. When you hear his dark chuckles, you know he’s noticed too. You’re already so close, it’s embarrassing. When Yugyeom curls his fingers into your soft, velvety flesh, a moan releases from your throat as you feel a fluttering straight in your core.
It feels too good too fast and soon you are whining, palms flying to cover your face as the knot in your core tightens.
“Gyeom, wait, I-”
“Aw, is kitten going to cum already?” Yugyeom coos sadistically, fingers curling faster against your walls. “What’s the rush baby? I haven’t even tasted you properly.”
“Please,” you whine, tensing at your abdomen in a sorry attempt to fight off your orgasm. 
“Missed me that much, baby?” he laughs, feeling your walls squeeze against his digits.
“Yes!” you admit, feeling the telltale signs of your cunt contracting, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Your back arches off the bed as your orgasm hits you, making your body quiver with pleasure. Heat spreads across your limbs as you ride out your high. 
Yugyeom’s fingers continue to stroke against your pulsing walls as he watches you cum on his fingers. His smirk grows when you open your eyes again, looking at him with surprise. Your hands come to his wrist.
“B-babe,” you stutter, body shaking from his continued ministrations. “It’s too much.”
“Shh,” he strokes his fingers softly against the swell of your walls while his other hand gently lifts your hand from his wrist. “You can do this, kitten. Be a good girl for me.”
You swallow, letting his fingers intertwine with yours as a thrill runs down your spine. Finally, you give a small nod, and he smiles at you with crescent eyes.
“That’s my girl,” he whispers encouragingly. “You’re so beautiful when you cum, baby. Show me how you cum, okay?”
You nod, squeezing his hand as he presses a third finger into your sopping hole. As soon as you’re stretched by his third finger, you can already feel your core tightening. Your heart races in your chest as Yugyeom curls his fingers into you faster, chasing the delicious high that is just tipping you at the very edge.
You let out a whimper, eyes squeezing as your walls tighten around him for the second time. His fingers dig into the perfect spot inside of you over and over until you are exploding with pleasure. All thoughts leave you as your mind fills with hot white pleasure.
As you ride the aftershocks of your orgasm, the fog slowly lifts from your mind and you are relieved to find Yugyeom’s fingers have stopped moving inside you.
“You did so great, baby,” he praises you and you feel yourself glowing from his words.
And then you feel his fingers move again.
“Gyeom,” you whine weakly.
He chuckles, pulling his fingers out of you. He smiles, coming up to press a kiss to your lips. 
“You’re amazing, baby,” he whispers against your lips. “I love seeing you cum around my fingers.”
You pout, running your fingers through his hair. “Only for you.”
You feel him smile against you before he moves to press a kiss to your forehead.
“You can do one more for me, kitten,” he murmurs, breath tickling the shell of your ear. It makes you shiver, and he can already feel you arching into him. “I missed your taste, baby.”
At those words, you groan. God, you missed his tongue on you.
“That’s a yes, isn’t it?” he chuckles, brushing his wet fingers between your folds. You whine, nodding. “Such a good girl. I’ll make you feel good, I promise.”
“I know,” you exhale, already shivering from his touch. You watch him with hooded eyes as he smiles from your admittance.
Slowly, he makes his way back down your body, tickling your skin with butterfly kisses down your neck and sucking red bruises down the valley of your chest. Planting a sweet kiss to your mound, Yugyeom pulls away to blow air at your glistening folds, admiring the way you shiver at the sensation.
Finally, with eyes on you, he dips down and licks a stripe up your pussy. He smirks with satisfaction as your eyes flutter close. He taps your thigh, bringing your attention back to him.
“Eyes on me, kitten.”
You whimper, nodding, and you rise on your elbows, gaze fixed on him. Pressing a kiss to your inner thigh, Yugyeom gives you one last smile before pressing his lips around your clit. You suck in a breath as he laps at the bundle of nerves, rolling his tongue in intoxicating circles. His mouth feels so warm and soft around you, you can’t help the sigh of pleasure that escapes you.
“God,” you moan, feeling the tightening of your core once again.
Yugyeom answers you with the press of his fingers at your entrance again. You let out a loud moan, feeling your walls quiver at the familiar intrusion. Despite yourself, you find your body clenching around his digits. 
The room fills with your heavy panting and the loud squelch of his fingers thrusting into your sopping entrance. But you can barely hear anything, your brain buzzing from oversensitivity. It almost hurts, how good he makes you feel. When he groans around your clit, it sends vibrations straight to your tightening core.
“Gyeom!” you whine, eyes prickling with tears as he sucks harder.
Your legs shake out of control when he curls his fingers against your g-spot, sending you hurtling into another orgasm. A guttural wail of his name leaves your throat as you squeeze your eyes shut. Tears run down your cheeks as your head hits the pillow and you shake against the mattress, overwhelmed by the wave of pleasure erupting throughout you. Wave after wave of hot pleasure spreads across your skin and Yugyeom watches in awe as your pussy squirts all over him and down his bare chest.
“Fuck, baby!” He laughs when you finally come to. “You just squirted!”
You feel your cheeks heat as you look down at his wet body and the mess on the sheets. “I-I did,” you mutter, suddenly shy.
“Don’t get embarrassed on me now, kitten,” he smiles reassuringly at you. “That’s the hottest thing you’ve ever done, babe. I just want to eat you out forever now!”
You suck in a breath when he dips down and laps at your cum. You shiver at the sting of oversensitivity, pushing his head away. 
“Too much, Gyeom,” you whine weakly.
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your thigh before sitting back up. 
The smirk returns to his face as his eyes darken again. “Too much, kitten? But I’m just taking care of you. I know you love your self-care nights so much.”
Your eyes grow wide as you follow his hands. You swallow, seeing the bulge of his jeans. And despite having orgasmed the hardest you ever have just moments ago, you find your pussy clenching against air.
And the ache for your boyfriend returns, tenfold. 
A shiver runs down your spine as he presses his red, hard cock to your swollen pussy. A little indulgence never hurt anyone right? After all, you had a very rough week. 
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happyk44 · 3 years
Reyna glanced up as Jason walked into the Principia. There was no meeting to be had, but she had just come down from her room after changing out of her clothes and grabbing her own sword polish.
He looked around briefly before asking, “No one else is here right?” She shook her head. Everything about him went slack as he groaned, “Thank fuck.”
She grinned. “Hey, Grace.” She picked up a handful of jellybeans and threw them at him.
He glared at her. “Seriously?” He pinched the bridge of his nose. The jellybeans were floating in the air around his head. “Fucking children, piss me off, hate all of you.”
“You pushed me into the river two months ago and this is the first time I’ve knowingly been aware of you.” She glanced down to her sword. “Revenge.”
“Jellybeans are not revenge, moron,” he muttered. They formed a tight ball and floated alongside his head as he walked over and sat down a good foot away from her. “Don’t you have a place to do that?”
“You seem like you want company.”
“I have enough fucking company.”
“Jason!” Dakota shouted, stumbling inside. “Oh, there you are!”
It was like magic.
It was meant to be covert. She knew that. She knew that sometimes she talked to Jason and it was Grace at the helm. They were supposed to be hidden, to protect the body from scrutiny, to avoid judgement and potential pain by pretending to be the host. As a little kid, terrified of his own shadow, JJ was incapable of that but Grace - Grace could fake until the cows came home.
And she could never tell until he dropped the mask.
In times like this, it was amazing to watch him go from “I hate everyone, everyone is a threat” to Jason’s “I will help everyone or die trying” in a snap. The mask slapped on without an ounce of hesitation. And if it weren’t for the lack of daze and dissociated slack, she wouldn’t have even suspected he were still around.
“Yeah, man, what’s up?” Even with puberty, Grace’s voice was still deeper than Jason’s, held to a lower register. So hearing the subtle shift, was amusing. She looked back down to her sword to stop from snorting. Grace elbowed her.
“Uh, you said you wanted something if I went into New Rome today.” Dakota squinted. “What was that again?”
Grace went tight. Reyna paused.
“Eh, it was, uh...”
She used to think Jason was a little scatterbrained or disorganized. She’d tell him something and then hours or days later he’d be confused if she brought it up again. Or it would take him a while to remember what she was talking about. Like the second time she made him mofongo because of how much “he” had enjoyed it the first time and he nodded along with her but stared at it like he’d never seen it before.
She could cook but the outcome wasn’t always the prettiest. She just thought he was being nice, pretending to be amazed. In reality, he’d never seen it before and had no idea what she was talking about until he tasted it and Grace was triggered in a co-conscious state, reminding him that he was the one who ate it last time and that he’d liked it, even if Jason didn’t.
“It was, uh-” Grace ran his hand over his forehead, pinching the bridge of his nose. He looked so tight and annoyed. “-a milkshake,” he finished lamely. “Mint chocolate chip.”
Dakota frowned and Reyna winced. “I thought you didn’t like mint chocolate chip.”
Grace tightened even more. “Uh-”
“I like it,” Reyna cut in. “And I mentioned it last night since someone-” She rolled her eyes. “-ate all of it at dinner and I didn’t get any.” She grinned at him. “Were you trying to surprise me?”
Grace laughed Jason’s laugh, so light and airy. “Yeah, I was,” he said, grinning. He scuffed her shoulder. “Surprise ruined, I guess.”
“I’ll still get it!” Dakota shouted as he ran off.
Grace gently waved him off before sighing low and leaning back with a groan. The grin slid off his face like butter. “Ah, fuck me.”
“I’m gay,” Reyna muttered. He rolled his eyes. “Also, do you just like everything Jason doesn’t or is that strictly my mofongo and mint chocolate chip?”
“Shut up.”
“You know, this is the part where you’re supposed to say thank you.” She fixed him with a steely gaze until he pressed a hand to his face and muttered a dejected and halfhearted thanks. She bumped his elbow with hers. “No problem. And, uh, he can go get whatever it actually is another day, alright?”
Grace nodded slowly, stooping forward to press his hands into his face. “Fucking garbage brain.”
She bit her lip. “You wanna spar?”
“Can I bite you?”
She scowled. “No.”
“Then what’s the fucking point?” He tilted his head and looked at her between his fingers. “Yeah, let’s go. Somewhere private, alright?” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Agh, why is this fucking kid so fucking friendly?”
“I don’t think he’d been promoted as easily if he were just like you.” Grace elbowed her again. She ducked out of the way of it, snorting. “You know I’m right.”
“I hate you.”
“Weird because I’m big fan,” she said, holstering her semi-polished sword. “Like a huge fan.” She giggled fake. ”Will you please kiss me, mister?”
He stared at her with the most horrified disgusted face she’d ever seen. “Don’t- don’t fucking do that.” He shook his finger. “What the fuck was that? Oh my shit, why is he your friend? I will push you right back into that fucking river.”
She laughed before stepping back over to him and slinging an arm around his shoulders. “Mask up, Grace.”
“You’re fucking gay,” he grumbled. “We had this talk two fucking months ago, idiot.” He inhaled deeply and then, with a big exhale, turned her and beamed. “Hey, Reyna, what’s up?”
“Perfect,” she clicked. She patted his shoulder. “Just for a bit. Then you can hate me to my face again.”
“Wonderful!” he breathed and off they went.
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
It was a sunny day
SO, I finally wrote the accident. God I had so so many doubts about this part. But hey, its ok. its just for fun. 778900´s POV first before we dip into Robert´s.
This is a series, here´s the Masterlist
Taglist: @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @giggly-evil-puppy @cowboysrappin @haro-whumps @burtlederp @neuro-whump @comfortforthepain @whumps-the-word @whole-and-apart-and-between @broken-horn @ashintheairlikesnow @rosesareviolentlyread @crowned-avery @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @as-a-matter-of-whump  @whumpasaurus101 @grizzlie70 @boxboysandotherwhump
TW// dehumanization, slavery, human trafficking, narcotics and syranges, death, child death, car accidents, dub-con, dub con touching (sexual), kind of spicy, blood, conditioning, defiant whumpee, curse words, This one is messed up, so please be careful when going through it.
It had been two years.
778900 had been waiting for two years for someone to take him. As the days passed, as he tried completing his training with as little “incidents” that ended up in him getting yet another set of fresh bruises, the hope of getting out was starting to die out.
He tried being good.
He tried to do everything the handlers ordered him to do. Did his positions, however humilliating they were, ate the flavorless nutrition meals, kept his head down and his attention sharp. But it was useless. One way or another, he would fail.
So he payed attention to even the tiniest detail.
How the handler´s watch would always mark 5 am when they were told it was night, how the blond handler´s hands always stayed a moment longer than necessary when he was on position training, how the cooking classroom was essentially the handler´s meal prep, the direction all handlers walked to when they talked about “going for some fresh air”; How the handlers would shift the camera in the hallway next to the handler´s room after taking a boy with them for whatever lame excuse they would put and finally, how the medic at the facility kept syringes with a powerful narcotic in her coat´s pocket just in case.
You signed up for this
A voice inside his head told him, before he stared at the handler´s clock and found the needle pointing at five, just as expected. As he went to the medic´s office to receive his daily dosis of vitamins. “Special treatment” was not quite the reason he had to take them. It was just them making sure the precious money and time spent training him, wasn´t wasted on a defective product.
He didn´t remember anymore, but he had come weighting half the acceptable for a boy his age and size. It was no surprise he fainted with just a stretching routine. It had gotten better with the vitamins, but the handlers were forced by the medic to not beat him if he fell to the ground.
He was deeply thankful for the woman to go that far for him even with the handler´s threats. So, so very thankful he got vitamins thanks to her kindness. Or so he made it seem, as she allowed him to give her a hug. Not sensing at all his hand taking out the syringe before responding to her “take care” with a bright smile on his face that distracted her from his hands.
You wanted to not make any decisions for yourself.
He heard deep inside his head as he added something to the sauce for the dish they cooked at class that day. The trainee sneaked glances at the blond handler coming to his table to watch him clean up after cooking, noticing the last boy went through the door with his handler, he knocked the sauce all over him. Loudly. So fashionably eye catching, the blond whipped his head to laugh at him.
“I-I´m sorry, I didn´t see it and…I´m so sorry” He stumbled on his words, acting as if he was cleaning himself up. Smirking to himself, the man pulled him up and started cleaning him.
“Jesus, what a waste. How can you be that clumsy?” he asked him, not exactly sounding annoyed to put his hand over his chest. Slowly, 778900 took the man´s hand and passed it down his torso.
“Thank you…” he said with a honey toned voice, making sure he pressed his hand right above his crutch, noticing the hungry look the man gave him, he rocked his hips on his hand, letting out a breathy moan. With his hand teasing the edge of his trainee shorts, the albino leaned to whisper on his ear, “…For helping me clean up” he finished with a little pop, “We have position training after this, but I will need a bath…” almost to emphasize,  The boy pulled the man´s dripping hand and pressed it to his lips. 778900 gave him a kiss on the cheek as he pushed one glaced digit into the stunned man´s mouth. “Please. I wouldn´t like anyone but you to do it” he had said in that needy voice he would hear romantics talk in sometimes.
He took off his finger to let him speak, but he could still feel the warmth of his tongue licking him clean.
“Where did you learn to talk like that?” the man asked him wetting his lips, before the trainee gave him a bratty pout and leaned on slightly closer.
“Does it matter?”
The man had bitten the bait. Or more accurately, licked it. Directly or from his hands. The boy had even moaned to encourage him to continue. In his bliss, the man was completely taken by surprise when the albino put his hand over his mouth and felt something puncturing his skin and then warmth began spreading through his body. He felt his limbs growing so heavy suddenly, he slouched over the boy. 
“Shh” the albino trainee whispered on his ear as he passed his fingers through his hair “Be a good boy and go to sleep for me” he said, putting away the empty syringe while staring at the turned off camera on the edge of the room the whole time.
A moment later he had crawled below the man and started undressing him after futilely trying to cut off the shock collar on his neck with a kitchen knife. The boy took his clothes and covered his hair with the little cap with “WRU” embroided in bright blue, making sure to cover his neck properly.
You signed up for this
His mind rocked back and forth as he kept his head down. Navigating the halls to the handler´s room in a quick, anxious pace that tried to avoid every suspicious eye. The trainee waited a second for the men to come out of the handler´s room to sneak inside. He couldn´t make up any letters as words without a migraine attacking him. So he guided himself with the drawings on the level map.
Silently, he came out of the room with the elevator on the far right on mind. He walked the same direction as them when they said they would “go get some fresh air” but found a handler and a few boys cleaning the halls. It was part of their training. He quickly noticed the handler´s eyes fixing on him. So, he took one boy and quietly directed him to clean over a spot on the other side. Far from them. The boy obediently followed his instructions and he patted his back before walking to the elevator.
I signed for this
He told himself as he extended the card over what he assumed was a card reader. There were no buttons but to open and close, so the only way to get out was only through the handler´s and executives cards, each designated to an specific floor. Of course, that was something the panicking, albino trainee didn´t know. He only had the Handler´s card by pure chance, but for his audacity, he was rewarded with the doors closing to feel the vertigo from going up.
And I fucking regret it.
There was a loud ring when the doors opened up again to a floor, and he prayed, it was the highest point. That there was a door conducting outside.
And it was.
He pushed it open and found above, the almost forgotten sky. The sun was already high up and just a few clouds spotted the vast blue.
It was a sunny day.
He stepped out without letting go. The view of trees, the sun on his skin and seeing how blue the sky was, drove him to tears quick enough that he didn´t notice there were other handlers smoking there.
“Hey, got some reds? I ran out” one of them asked, eyeing him for a second before a frown formed on his face, “Who are you? I have never seen you” He ignored him, heart throbbing on his ears as he tried walking past them, into the woods, “Hey!” one of them launched himself to grab his wrist, pulling on the uniform enough to find the barcode and numbers. “HOLY SH-” the man couldn´t finish before 778900 whipped his hand back and sprinted towards the forest. As quickly and as far away from their screams and their batons and the range from his collar as his feet could carry him.
Unknowingly, going straight into the highway.
He could hear their yelling getting lost behind him. Adrenaline helping him to outrun them. He jumped and knocked over a few bushes on his way. Tearing the clothes apart in his rush. Sweat made his forehead slippery enough for the cap to get lost somewhere on the way, but he couldn´t stop.
So he kept running until finally, he felt concrete under his oversized boots. He didn´t know how far he had run, but he knew he wanted to collapse right there and then as the haziness of hunger overcame him. He couldn´t stop now, but he allowed himself to catch his breath with his hands on his knees.
It was a second.
Just one second.
However, it was all it took to pass from breathing triumphantly that he was out to be in front of a van driving pass the limit.
It was one second when he curled into himself and the van turned to his right, avoiding him by mere centimeters and crashing violently into the other side of the highway. Turning and turning and turning.
The boy rose to his feet when he stopped hearing the metal crashing into the pavement. The world seemed to slow down then. As his chest heaved making his wayt to the turned around car, hoping there had only been one person aboard, his heart leaped. He had seen too many shadows, too many clothes scattered around.
Then, he heard the screams.
For a hot second he stayed still, considering he could simply turn his back on it. He would be in serious problems if they found him… but he had provoked it, hadn´t he? It would be his fault if something happened to the poor people inside the van. If they died… they would have died on a sunny day.
People shouldn´t die on sunny days.
A voice different from the usual, a voice that made him irrationally sad, told him.
So, he tried to rush to help, but felt the familiar bolt of pain on his neck. So much stronger than normal, he fell to the ground, his hands up on his neck before he could register he had screamed. There were a row of convulsing bolts that pinned him down. The electrifying pain took away his consciousness bit by bit.
He let out a whimper as someone grabbed him by the uniform´s shirt and started beating him. Reflexes too slow to put up his hands to defend his head or face. It took little more than two hits to draw out blood. To make his ears ring and his eyes to mud everything. But he didn´t need to see or hear to know it was the blond handler, pissed out of his mind.
He was barely awake when his head was pressed against the concrete, while he was roughly handcuffed on his back, before being pulled up. Only to be slapped when he couldn´t stand for himself, and then, thrown into the unforgiving cold of the van´s floor.
The car started so quickly, as he tried to pull himself up the ground, he couldn´t avoid slamming the back of his head against the door´s sharp edged lock.
From then on, it was black.
“Yeah, yeah. I called an ambulance” the man shouted into his phone as he drove back to the facility. A pissed voice on the other side yelled at him loud enough to make him separate the phone from his ear, “Do you fucking think this was on the manual? They´re supposed to be fucking broken! How the hell did he get his hands on a narcotic? How the hell did no one notice? He´s white like a paper sheet for fucks sake!” he screamed back, hearing attentively to the voice “What? No, he´s fine. Just some scratches and- FUCK” The wheels burnt when he stopped the car to whip his head towards the blood pond on the back of the van. Fuming, he passed his hands through his hair, failing to hold a frustrated scream as he slammed open the doors and checked for a pulse. 
He sighed in relief before he passed the barely breathing boy to the front, wrapping a discarded scarf around his head before fastening the seatbelt and driving back.
“Jesus, kid” he shook his head, eyeing the unconscious boy next to him   “Couldn´t you have tried to escape in a less flashy way?”
When he got back, he begged the doctor he had stolen the narcotric from, to treat the boxie. To give him the strongest serum they had, because it wasn´t only him risking losing his job or worse.
She had no other choice than to agree. In the worst case, he would have brain damage. Putting aside the possible motor damage luckily they would be able to fix before anyone noticed, however, a colateral would be damage to his short term memory. Meaning, he would do things without being able to recall them later. In the optimistic side, it wouldn´t last forever. He would remember some things eventually. Hopefully much time after he was bought. When he wouldn´t be the company´s problem anymore.
Hoping it would be that way, she began treatment.
The man made his way to the handlers above, then. The men laughed at his incompetence, but he had made up his mind.
“I´m gonna quit”
“Right call” one of them said.
“None of you will talk about this. EVER. Nothing happened. I´ll even pay you, but none of this ever happened, understood?”
The men exchanged looks before smiling at their ex coworker “And what are you gonna do about the van?”
“Bad accident, four people died in situ. A four year old between them I heard”
“And the doctor too. The one that CEO´, was marrying on March. Heard CEO´s on the hospital as well” the blond handler gulped. “Guilty, Sanders? Want some serum to forget like the boxie?”
“Nothing. Happened” The men said through gritted teeth. The other two stared at him before pulling their hands up. What did they care anyways? If they had cared about humans pain, they wouldn´t be in that line of work. Well, beyond their own amusement.
When Sanders went away to write his resignation letter, both handlers stayed there for a while. Looking at the sun go higher and higher. No clouds on sight. It was the kind of day kids would use as an excuse to go outside. The perfect day to go on a picnic. To grab your partner and have a nice date. One of them wondered if they people on the van were going to do just that when the boxie jumped on the highway.
“What a pretty day to die though” he said, sipping on their cigarette looking up at the sky.
A few months later, “nothing happened” made the freckled twenty year old college student, the costume order box boy for a broken hearted CEO and two years later, a lonely, grieving woman take out 778900 out of his box.
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fallowdoe · 4 years
All roads lead to Hell
MC gets kidnapped and has to make their way through Hell to reunite with everyone.
GN!reader x everyone (can be treated as platonic/romantic)
Trigger warnings for this chapter: none
I apologise for the quality of writing however this is a translated version of my fic.
If anyone is interested in that I was listening to Casey tells the truth, the whole Split soundtrack is my big inspiration for this story. I’d advise onto playing it in the background while reading.
Chapter 1 - Prolouge  ⇒
A few candles lit up the room. The gentle light was adding to its already mysterious aura. Solomon’s dorm was filled with all kind of grimoires and spellbooks. The floor was covered with tons of torn-out pages and patterns drawn on a yellowish paper.
Trying out one spell after another MC seemed to grow more and more annoyed. The upcoming exam was one of the most important ones and Solomon’s constant teasing wasn’t the most helpful.
"Focus or you won’t get anything done, MC." The sorcerer stated while leaning against a wall. He wasn’t even trying to hide the amusement in his voice.
"I am focused" They mumbled irritated. It was their ninth try of casting this, so-called easy, spell. A marble laying on the table seemed to look at them pitifully. It was a one bastard piece of glass. Even more irritated MC moved their hand above it once again. 
"Neque ultra intuebitur eum" they mumbled. The space around them seemed to start drawing energy towards their hand. A quiet electric buzz filled their ears and they could feel their cheeks heat up. But just as they were about to direct the energy towards the toy it would suddenly unload. The marble remained untouched, and MC could bet that if it was possible it’d poke its tongue at them. Or maybe even raise a very specific finger up. "Neque ultra intuebitur eum!"
"No! It’s impossible! It’s impossible and that’s it! You gave me a broken marble." They grunted and dramatically sat on a chair pouting. 
Solomon snickered at them and approached the table. He muttered the words of the spell and the marble was gone immediately. 
"Cheater. I bet it was enchanted or something." 
"Maybe." He smirked. "Try again."
MC groaned under their breath but stood up again. The sorcerer walked up to them and placed his hand on their arm giving them a reassuring look. "That’s gonna be seriously lame if you fail again tho.” 
They replied with a huff and tried to refocus. Closing their eyes, MC began collecting energy again. It was a weird feeling. Suddenly they’d notice that the whole room was in fact like a river full of it. Their task was to change its current toward themself. This spell didn’t require a lot of effort, only a bit of thought. Stronger spells could even sweep someone off with an uncontrolled current.
 They’d never admit it but sorcerer’s touch was rather helpful. It made them feel grounded. Goosebumps rose on their hand. They cast the spell again. 
"Lame." He chuckled.
"Huh?!” Their eyes shot open searching for the marble but the table was empty. They laughed and playfully punched his chest, making him laugh. "Asshole.”
Content, MC threw themself on the bed as a mark of their victory, Solomon was quick to follow. 
"You realize that this was shit compared to regular magic?” watching them struggle was incredibly amusing to him, apparently. 
"Like I don’t know" They frowned. He smiled in response and laid back next to them. 
The silence of the room, moving flames of the candles and its overall aura was really comforting.
"You should be able to pass the exam tho" he mentioned. 
"It’s a lot, you know? Everything." MC wondered. 
"I know." 
"I just can’t wrap my mind around it.” They began playing with their hair. 
"You could do much more without a hassle.” He stated like it was something obvious and leaned on his elbows while looking at them with a smirk.
"Wow, thanks for being an asshole.” They muttered, the hair they were playing with fell on their face. 
"A supportive asshole.” 
"I’m not sure if I could do more.” They spoke trying to blow the curl off. Hesitation making its way in their voice. "It’s still too new and…” 
"Yeah… Convincing someone that hell is real is one thing but throwing them inside is something else.” They followed gentle shadows of the flames on the ceiling with their eyes.
"Why? You’d prefer a flaming river and little red devils instead of your seven demon boyfriends?” 
Both of them laughed at the image of the brothers' with spiked tails and tridents. 
"No, I don’t think I would.”
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 Empty walls of RAD were enhancing every sound, making every single word echo for a few seconds before disappearing.
 "MC, ya comin’ or what?" Mammon was standing at the end of the hallway talking with Beel. 
"Just a second!" they screamed while taking stuff out of their locker and putting it in a bag. They were planning on returning to the House of Lamentation as soon as the school day was over to prepare for an exam. But their Devildom History textbook was nowhere to be seen. "Ugh, I left a textbook in the classroom. Wait for me, I’ll go get it!" 
"Just hurry up! I’m not explainin’ to Lucifer why we’re late again!" 
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The palace garden was full of exotic flowers, nothing like what they’d seen before. The number of colours and shapes worked wonders, some of the plants were gently glowing and lighting up the eternal night. Some had spots and some seemed to move on their own. MC could swear that they could even hear glassy sounds of a few.
"No matter how many times I see those flowers they always amaze me.” Diavolo was lazily examining the garden grounds. "Some of them only grow here. I’m doing what I can to keep them from going extinct. The species come from all of the three realms. That’s why you can spot some familiar ones.” He explained. ”I’m hoping to replant them one day on its original grounds.” 
"Thanks to magic?” MC was sipping on some tea. 
"Thanks to a good gardener, actually.” Barbatos smiled.
"Oh.” Both men laughed at their confusion. 
The quiet evenings in Lord Diavolo’s castle were a nice change from their usual ones. Their small chats quickly turned into a regular thing, always accompanied by a nice tea made by Barbatos.
"Magic definitely helps as well.” 
The wind was shyly blowing between the palace columns. Moth-alike creatures were roaming the garden, their wings glooming in the soft darkness. 
"I don’t think I can get used to it. The magic.” 
"Maybe, it’s a good thing. Living in constant awe of something." The Demon Lord smiled and gave them a soothing look. 
They quietly hummed in response.
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 Lucky for them, the classroom was open. They entered not bothering to turn the lights on. The lost textbook was waiting for them on their desk. A dark and empty classroom felt really heavy, MC grabbed the book and just as they were about to return to the hallway they noticed an envelope that must have been hidden underneath it. 
"What? " They muttered. An elegant paper and a wax stamp made it look important. If not for their name written on the back they’d probably leave it alone in fear of getting hexed or pranked. Instead, curiosity made them break the stamp. 
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 "Geez, what is taking ‘em so long?" Mammon huffed. They were gone for only a few minutes but making HIM wait was quite an offence.
"Maybe we should go and check on them" Beel mumbled from between his sandwich bites. 
"Hm, to get lost on your way for a textbook. Dumb human." Mammon stated annoyed. He was energetically tapping his foot.
"Come on, they probably locked themself in the classroom or something."
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   As soon as MC fished the sheet of paper from inside the letter, they started shivering. Cold air began circling them, their vision fading. All the sounds of the world around them suddenly gone. Sudden exhaustion taking over them, an empty void. It was a calm, soothing sensation. Like falling asleep…
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  "It’s empty” Beel stated exiting another classroom. 
"Ow, come on! They gotta be somewhere ‘ere!" anxiety was slowly making its way in Mammon’s voice. 
"Try this one – he pointed at the door on the other side of the hallway." 
"If they’re not in the…" a powerful charge of energy went off when he tried to reach for the doorknob leaving both demons in shock for a second. 
"MC!" Mammon bailed inside an empty classroom. 
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Loud voices filling the House of Lamentation kept the atmosphere tense.
"So they forgot a textbook…" Lucifer tried to keep calm, but his furrowed brows showed how tense he actually was. "…and went to get it…"
"…alone." He shot his brother a disapproving look. 
A guilty nod. 
"So, you went after them and discovered a sudden burst of energy in the classroom." The whole situation was more than inconvenient. It was a tragedy to be specific. An exchange student disappearing on the grounds of the academy. The exact one who couldn’t protect themself from any magic. The foreign trace of a powerful spell didn’t make the situation any better. The eldest took a quick glance across the room.
"We found this." Beel pointed at their textbook laying on the table. 
"Are you sure that they just didn’t go somewhere?" Satan uttered.     
"I’m tellin’ ya how it went! They’re just gone like that!”
"They sure can’t be far, right?" Asmo’s question was left unanswered. 
A motion of loud voices filled the room, everyone discussing what might have happened.
Lord Diavolo approached the table with a stern look on his face. If it was true that something happened to MC while they were at RAD then he was the one at fault for not keeping the academy grounds safe for them. He took the book and examined it. Devildom history. It had MC’s name written on the first page. Nothing appeared to be wrong with it. Just a regular textbook. "It’s just a textbook if anything had to do with their disappearance it couldn’t be it. Is Solomon on his way here?" 
"Yes, I called him a while ago he should be here anytime." Lucifer confirmed. 
It wasn’t even about the project anymore, MC was missing and it filled all of them with an unpleasant feeling of guilt.
"Can’t Barbatos use his powers and find them?”
The butler sadly shook his head.
What previously was a state of anxiety, now was slowly shifting into a panic whit every passing hour. As long as they were alone in Devildom, they definitely weren’t safe. 
"Something happened to MC?!" Luke’s voice caught their attention. 
Both angels and Solomon were standing in the entrance to the dining room, looking rather startled. 
"We don’t know yet." Diavolo stated calmly. 
They joined everyone by the table and Solomon took the textbook. He gave Diavolo a specific look and the demon lord nodded in response. He started studying it. 
"Are they safe?! Why aren’t you worried?!" the young angel kept questioning. 
"I’m sure that MC’s okay." Simeon’s white lies weren’t exactly suited for an angel. 
"Of course, everyone is worried." Belphegor stated irritated. "That’s why we called you!" 
Solomon tried to quiet out the rambling and kept examining the book, but just like Diavolo confirmed, there wasn’t anything extraordinary about it. That was unless he opened it and a single sheet of paper fell out.
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Superstar | Julie Molina
JATP x BTR crossover week, Day 4: Elevate
Song used: Superstar - Big Time Rush | Also a tiny bit of This Is Gospel (piano version) - Panic! At The Disco 
Pairing: Julie x reader
Summary: For a psychology project, the students have to shadow someone completely opposite from their own personality to notice difference, similarities and other things they notice. Julie knows exactly who she’d want to pair up for this. Though it doesn’t quite go the way she thought it would. 
A/N: Thanks @jatp-btr​, @meangirlsx​ and @darlingsteveharrington​ for this amazing idea! Honored to be a part of this! 
Warnings: Mention of abusive parents
Words:  5,107
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Fire and ice. Good and bad. Dark and light. Hot and cold. Black and white. 
All polar opposites. All words that perfectly describe Julie and y/n. Which is exactly why Julie immediately looked at the girl with the smokey makeup and all-black outfit when their psychology teacher told them to pair up with someone that wasn’t anything like yourself. 
While Julie is all light and fluttery like a butterfly, y/n is dark and sturdy like a castle. But Julie knew that even castles can have the most beautiful interiors even if their exterior seems nothing but stone and impenetrable.
Y/N started packing up her stuff at the ringing of the bell, signaling the end of class when she felt a presence in front of her. Slowly, she looked up from her bookbag where she’d just stuffed a binder into and her eyes landed on the overly sweet Latina girl the entire school knew as Julie, from Julie and The Phantoms. She was a celebrity at Los Feliz High School, though y/n didn’t really care about that. It wasn’t quite her scene. 
“What are you looking at me for?” she asked, her tone annoyed at the preppiness of the widely smiling girl. 
“I think we should do the project together for miss Silburn.” 
Y/N let out a loud cackle as she stood up from her chair, shouldering her black bookbag. “Good one, Angel Face.” Y/N moved to navigate past Julie, but the persistent girl mirrored  her movements, blocking the way. “You’re kidding,” y/n deadpanned. 
“I am not. I think it would be super interesting to do this project together, we’re the complete opposite of one another! I think we could learn something from this!” Julie was way too chipper for a first period, which was indication enough for y/n to know that it would indeed be an interesting project to do together. But y/n wouldn’t be y/n if she let this girl waltz all over her. She had to put up a fight, even if she knew she was going to lose. 
“Yeah, I’m learning that you’re annoying and are gonna make me late for PE.” She pushed past Julie, but the girl didn’t give up. 
Julie crossed her arms over her chest. “I know for a fact you don’t go to PE.” Y/N stopped in her tracks in the doorway. “You suffer from migraines and thus don’t participate in PE because the physical activity triggers them.” A silence fell for a few heartbeats, five, to be exact. Y/N counted them until the loud, thumping heartbeats in her chest were drowned out by the girl’s voice. “If I can find out this information from just a few sources, imagine what else I can uncover. I’m gonna do this project about you, y/n, with or without your help. So, take your pick.” 
Y/N whirled around to face the Latina girl again, her head tilted to the right ever so slightly as her eyebrows pinched together. “Why?” she asked and crossed her arms in hopes to come off as more intimidating, though it didn’t seem to phase Julie too much. 
 Julie shrugged. “Because I find you fascinating. You don’t seem to give a crap about anything, nothing ever phases you. You don’t seem to have very many friends besides Damian, who’s practically glued to your side. Nobody knows anything about you, not even Damian.” 
“Then how do you know about my migraines?” Y/N asked as if all the other words she had spoken didn’t make the tips of her ears go warm. 
“Connie,” Julie replied. Y/N nodded her head at the mention of the principal’s secretary. The woman knew everything about everyone. It was kind of terrifying. “So… Will you do this project with me?” 
Y/N considered her options. It was either not participating and have Julie uncover everything about her or participate and have a say in what goes into the report and what doesn’t. 
She inhaled deeply before finally muttering, “Fine. I’m in. But we start tomorrow.” 
Julie’s face lit up as she nodded her head vigorously. This was too good to be true. Y/N, the mystery no one knew anything about was going to work on a project with her. A very intimate and mentally challenging project. This was about the best thing that had happened to her all day and it was only ten in the morning. 
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Julie had decided for the both of them that they’d start with her, so she texted y/n her address to make sure they really started from the first second of the day up until the last. Though none of it was without a whole bunch of whining from y/n as she never spoke to anyone in the mornings. 
But Julie knew exactly what she needed to do to change that. She had to bribe the woman with pastries and a hot mocha. That’s all y/n needed to be ready to go on Julie’s porch at eight in the morning. 
For a whole day, y/n ran behind Julie like a little shadow. She stood back whenever she spoke to any of her friends, not feeling like engaging with strangers, ever. Or at least not until Flynn complimented her black suede jacket and in particular the pin that she’d stuck on it. It was a pin she’d made herself that read “Your ‘everything better plan’, somewhere in Neverland”, one of y/n’s favorite All Time Low lyrics. 
“I love All Time Low!” she said with a wide smile. “Where’d you get that pin?” 
“I made it myself.” 
Conversations normally ended there for y/n. It was enough for people to find her weird or a nerd. Enough for people to suddenly lose all interest in her. But Flynn surprised her when she uttered her next words. 
“Can you make me one?” 
Y/N looked at the big, brown-eyed girl in front of her, then glanced down at her best friend who was looking at y/n with expectant eyes. She knew her coffee order and she knew about migraines, but she did not know about people not furthering conversation after that confession. She did not know all of this was new to her. 
“Uhm, yeah. Sure,” she tried to be as indifferent as she could to try and keep up her persona of being the bad girl of Los Feliz high. Of course being with two angels, the polar opposites of y/n’s own personality, she had to go soft at some point of the day. “Just message me on Instagram or something with your general idea of what you’d like and I’ll see what I can do.” 
“Cool! Thanks!” Flynn beamed. 
The bell rang and the three girls dispersed. One of them heading to drama class, the other two heading down to maths together. Miss Silburn had Connie adapt her students' schedules to match one another’s, so that they could actually spend the entire day together for the project. So, y/n and Julie could just stick by each other’s side for a day. 
Y/N had to admit it was a nice change of pace for once. People smiled at her and said hello, while they would normally avoid all eye contact or they wouldn’t even notice she was in the room as she always sat in the back everywhere. She was happy when the final bell rang and Julie and y/n could head home together. 
“You wanna come and sit into my band rehearsal?” Julie asked as they exited the school building, heading into the cool October air. As the wind picked up, y/n’s long hair swept up, giving her an angel-like glow, almost. Julie had yet to see her in another light other than the broody, black-all-day-all-the-way girl, but even as the wind swept her hair back, Julie could see a sliver of the tranquility that rested on her face. 
Y/N felt Julie’s gaze on her, and to not show the Latina girl the back of her neck heated up, she asked a question instead. “So, I heard your band consists of holograms from Sweden?” 
Julie nodded her head as they walked down the sidewalk into the direction of Julie’s house. “Yep, they are… From Sweden. And holograms.” Y/N raised her eyebrow at the girl before a chuckle tumbled out of her mouth, causing Julie to look up in confusion. 
“You don’t think I believe that, do you?” 
“Uhm…” Julie scratched her temple. Her brown eyes stared up into y/n’s suddenly brighter ones. 
“I see you talking to them in school all the time. I know they’re ghosts. My grandmother used to be into some voodoo shit. She used to try to convince us she saw ‘shadow people’ all around the house all the time and we never believed her. But when I saw your little stunt you pulled a few months back and I could still see them when they weren’t on the stage, I guess I figured gran must’ve been right and she had some sort of gift that she passed onto me.” 
Julie had a tender smile on her face as she listened to every word y/n spoke. She loved how the normally closed-off girl was blossoming like a beautiful flower in spring right in front of her eyes. She would’ve never blurted any of that out to somebody else. 
“I don’t know, sounds kinda lame, I know.” 
“No! No, it doesn’t sound lame. I wonder all the time why I can see them and no one else can…” Julie trailed off a little as her mind went over a thousand questions at the same time. “Do you think I have a gift like yours or your grandma’s?” she finally settled on. 
“I’m not sure. I don’t know enough about that to tell you for sure. And my gran passed away last year, so I can’t ask her either.” 
Julie pressed her lips together and a silence fell over the both of them. For the first time in an entire day, the quiet didn’t feel like a dark looming shadow that hovered over them. This time, it felt comfortable. Like they were wrapped up together in a fuzzy blanket of silence. 
The curly-haired girl broke said comfortable silence when she walked into the garage with y/n in tow, where three boys sat chilling on the sofas. Two of which with an instrument in their lap. “Hey boys!” 
The three boys looked up, all smiles and lit up eyes, glad their friend was home after a long day at school. Until their eyes fell upon the girl behind their friend and their happy faces were replaced with confused, curious faces. 
“Who’s the new girl?” The dark-haired one with the rosy cheeks asked. 
“I’m y/n, Julie and I are working on a psychology project together.” Her answer had the boys’ eyes widen and sputter some exclamations of confusion as they scrambled up from their spots and rushed towards the two girls to investigate a little further. 
“She can see us?” the blondie finally spoke up. He was tall and skinny, a healthy glow on his face. “Jules, why can she see us?” 
Julie and y/n exchanged glances, both trying to withhold their laughter. “We’re not sure.” 
“Yeah, I mean, it might have to do with my grandma being gifted with the paranormal things, but we’re not sure,” the new girl explained, “I saw you guys after you performed that song at the pep-rally.” 
Mister Rosy Cheeks’ eyes widened as he remembered what he’d done that day. “Y-you mean you saw… You saw….” he sputtered in absolute horror. Y/N chuckled and nodded her head, remembering how she saw the guy in the flannel run up the steps and shake his booty, presumably to check if no one could see them anymore. 
“You got moves, bro,” she simply said and held out her fist for a fist bump. 
Without thinking about it twice, Mister Rosy Cheeks pounded his fist against hers, only for his hand to go right through the girl’s. “Oh… right…” the boy muttered and returned to his spot beside the brunette with the beanie. 
“I’m Luke, by the way,” he said and saluted y/n. 
“Alex,” the tall blonde said with a kind smile as his eyes scanned y/n’s entire body as if trying to detect something. 
She ignored it and let her eyes land on Mister Rosy Cheeks. “I’m Reggie.” 
“Let’s get rehearsing, yeah?” Julie suggested, clapping her hands together. All three boys nodded curtly before getting to their usual spots in the garage whilst y/n took a seat on the big couch on the opposite side of the space.
“What song do you want us to play, y/n?” Reggie asked as he plucked a few strings on his bass. The girl raised an eyebrow at the boy. She knew exactly what song she wanted them to play, but for some reason, she felt the need to be defensive over the fact she liked their music. 
“What makes you think I know any of your songs?” she asked. 
Reggie stuttered and incomprehensive sounds tumbled out of his mouth. Luke then took the lead from his buddy. “Let’s just do Finally Free,” he said. Y/N’s mouth curved up on one side as the song she wanted them to play came off Luke’s lips. Either he can see right through her or she’s just so predictable, which is a word no one would use to describe y/n. Ever. 
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“That was pretty decent,” y/n half-complimented when they finished their rehearsal. 
Truth be told, she was having a difficult time trying to keep still to the beats Alex was creating on his drums. She’d always had a weakness for the drums. As a kid, she wanted to play the drums, but her parents never let her. Instead, they sent her off to piano lessons instead and though she loved the instrument, she’s always loved the drums a little more. 
“Decent?” Luke exclaimed as he placed his guitar on its stand. “You know you’re talking to the band who opened for Panic! At The Disco at the Orpheum, right?” 
Y/N stared at him, an unimpressed look plastered onto her features. “Do you even know who Panic! is?” This question rendered Luke silent. “That’s what I thought.” 
Y/N got up and made a beeline to the grand piano. As she took a seat on the stool behind it, intrigue peaked within the band and they gathered around the piano, leaving their instruments behind. 
Her fingers softly caressed some of the white keys, sending a high-pitched note through the studio before properly placing her fingers and creating a beautiful melody. Soon thereafter, her voice rang out into the space as well, blowing the very talented band in front of her away, especially Julie. She did not expect this girl to be this talented. 
“This is Gospel for the fallen ones Locked away in permanent slumber Assembling their philosophies From pieces of broken memories”
She had her eyes shut the entire time, not daring to even take a peek at the reactions of the small audience in front of her. It had been a while since she even sang in front of her parents, let alone strangers she had met not even an hour prior. 
“The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues Conspire against the odds But they haven't seen the best of us yet”
Finally, she opened her eyes to find Luke resting his head in his hand, his elbow propped up on the piano wing while Reggie and Alex had just dropped their hands on the top. Julie’s eyes were wide as she had her hands wrapped around Alex’s arm and an endeared smile resting comfortably on her lips. 
Y/N smiled before taking her voice up a notch, belting out the chorus.
“If you love me let me go If you love me let me go Cause these words are knives that often leave scars The fear of falling apart And truth be told I never was yours The fear, the fear of falling apart”
Her hands came to a halt and she pressed her lips together, anticipating their reaction. Julie took a sharp breath in while letting go of Alex’s arm. 
“You have the voice of an angel,” Luke whispered as he stood up straight again. 
Both Alex and Reggie nodded their heads in agreement while Julie stayed silent. Y/N braced herself for the girl’s critique, the only critique that really mattered to her right now. They were doing this project together, so y/n wanted to give her something to write about in the report, especially if it was something Julie herself was really good at. 
“You…” Julie whispered. Y/N heart beated in her throat. “You are one big mystery and you keep surprising me.” The girl behind the piano allowed herself to breathe again. She stood up and came out from behind the piano to where the others were. 
“I had to give you something to write about in your essay for psych, right?” she said nonchalantly as if her heart wasn’t beating faster with every glance and smile Julie gave her right now. 
“Right…” Julie mumbled, unable to take her eyes off the girl. 
She grabbed her bookbag from the couch and slung it over her shoulder. “I’m gonna get going. Meet me tomorrow at my place, Julie?” 
The Latina girl didn’t entirely trust her own voice to speak right now, so she just nodded. Y/N waved at the boys, muttering a ‘bye’ before exiting the garage, leaving Julie and her phantoms by themselves. 
All three boys whipped around simultaneously with the exact same expression on their face. 
“What?” Julie asked. 
“Someone has a crush…” Reggie replied, a smirk playing at his lips. 
Julie’s face flushed red. “What? No! We’re just doing a project together.” 
The boys raised their eyebrows. They knew Julie well enough to know when she had a crush. She looked at y/n the same way she used to look at Luke when they were dating a few months back. 
And they were definitely right. Julie was developing a crush on the mysterious girl but she didn’t think y/n would ever feel the same way about her. She didn’t even know if she was queer or not. She knew barely anything about the girl, and still, she felt intrigued by her. She felt like she needed to get to know her better. Especially after having uncovered so much today already. 
Maybe tomorrow would bring more clarity. 
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 The next day was pretty similar to the first with Julie following y/n around to her classes instead. Though this time, they sat with Damian at lunch instead of Flynn. And while y/n was a bit more subdued around Flynn, Julie definitely wasn’t around Damian. The two chatted all-things music the entire lunch break long. 
Y/N couldn’t help but admire Julie. She was so easy-going and chatty with everyone, a characteristic y/n wished she possessed. It was a good move of Julie’s to partner up for this project. The differences were immaculate. 
“There’s a party tonight at Carrie’s, wanna go?” Damian asked the two girls, making y/n snap out of her thoughts. 
“Uhm, sure,” she replied, then turned to Julie who gave her a pained expression. “Come on, Molina! You kinda have to for the purpose of the project.” Julie glared at the girl next to her before letting out a deep sigh. 
“Fine. But I’m not gonna drink!” 
“That’s what I always say, but never hold myself to,” y/n muttered and although Julie rolled her eyes, she couldn’t hide the smile that was threatening to spill on her face. 
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That night, after a lot of discussion as to why they couldn’t get ready at y/n’s house, Julie agreed to let it happen at her place. She had snacks and drinks at the ready upstairs and her makeup all laid out for them to start working on their faces. 
When the bell rang, Julie sprinted down the stairs to make sure she’d beat her dad or brother, but by the time she reached the bottom of the stairs, y/n was already inside with the boys by her side. Julie raised her eyebrows at her band members before letting her eyes land on the girl in their midst.
She was dressed in dark red military pants with a chunky belt and a silver chain hung from the belt loops. A black mesh top covered the top half of her torso, a black crop top underneath it, and just a fragment of her stomach exposed, which revealed the tattoo that decorated her skin. 
“That’s a banging outfit, y/n,” Julie beamed before turning to the boys. “And what are you guys doing here?” 
The boys sputtered, exchanging panicked glances. Neither of them had thought of a well-enough excuse for them to be there besides to see the girls’ crushes on each other blossom. “They’re coming with us,” y/n then said, unaware of the real reason why they were waiting for her on the driveway. 
“Uhm… Okay?” Julie narrowed her eyes at the boys, who all tried to avoid her inspecting gaze. “Let’s go then, y/n. Make me pretty!” She said and added a ‘like you’ in her mind. 
“That won’t be too hard,” y/n muttered before following behind the Latina girl. 
About half an hour later, y/n had finally finished Julie’s makeup look. Though she didn’t need that much at all, her skin was practically flawless and her eyes were too pretty to heavy it up with lots of eyeshadow. So, she simply added some highlighter and a bit of contour, and used only nude tints on her eyelids. To finish off, she added a toned-down winged eyeliner. 
 “There you go!” the makeup artist stated and placed the brush on Julie’s vanity table. The girl opened her eyes and looked into the mirror in front of her. A gasp left her lips as she inspected her entire face. The gleaming highlighter on her cheekbones, the chiseled look the contour gave her, the eye-makeup. All of it looked perfect. And not at all like the no-makeup makeup look Julie normally sported. 
“What can’t you do?” Julie mumbled. 
Y/N giggled at the compliment before starting on her own makeup, hoping to mask the fact that she was blushing like crazy. While she did her makeup, Julie admired her in the mirror. She watched her every move like a hawk. Not because she wanted to see everything y/n was doing, but because she just thought it looked incredibly attractive to watch the girl pour out her art in such a unique way. 
At this moment, Julie saw a completely different version of her. She wasn’t the dark, mysterious girl the school made her out to be. She didn’t even look like the girl in the studio, playing the piano. No, this girl had different levels to her personality and Julie had only been awarded with a few. 
Though she might be the biggest subject of the school’s gossip cliques and she lets herself go wild more than the average teenager in Los Feliz, Julie could see that there was more to her than just that. Y/N was a star, but only Julie could see that. She only let it out around her.  
It had already been an hour past the time the party would commence by the time y/n and Julie rolled up to the Wilson house. Music was thumping through the speakers, the bass palpitating through the floor and the girls’ lungs. It was one of y/n’s favorite feelings in the world. No matter what party she went to, it was always the best way to forget about anything that’s happening at home. 
For the entire night, y/n let herself go with Luke and Reggie quietly by her side. They were dancing beside her, giving her enough space to move freely without having to accidentally run through them. All while Julie stood on the sideline, watching, when Alex poofed in beside her. 
“You still gonna deny you have a crush on her, or?” 
“I’m--” she cut herself off, knowing she can’t fool anyone. “Just look at her, Alex. She acts all mysterious and dark when in reality, she’s the brightest star out there. She’s so talented and so intelligent and kind and not at all what the rocklike exterior makes her out to be. Someone snuffed out that light of hers and it makes me sad, you know?” 
“Then why don’t you tell her that?” 
Julie looked up at her friend, her mouth opening without any words coming out. “I don’t know how to tell her all that?” she finally settled on. 
Alex shrugged. “Sure you do.” Julie’s eyebrows rose to her hairline. “What’s the one thing you both have in common?” Her face fell and was exchanged for a bright smile that lit up her entire face as the idea seeped in. 
“You are a genius, Drummer Boy.” 
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For the entirety of the week, the two girls spend every waking hour together. They wrote the essay together and spent a lot of time writing a few songs together. But there was one song Julie wrote all by herself and kept away from the prying eyes of y/n and her three boys until it was the right time. 
And the right time was their gig at a local food festival. To say Julie was nervous was a big understatement. After all the gigs they’d done, this one was the most nerve-wracking one out of all of them. Even more nerve-wracking than opening for Panic! at the Orpheum. Only because of the girl that stood in the crowd, awaiting their arrival on the stage. 
“Hi, I’m Julie,” she said into the microphone. The festival quieted down as her soft voice flowed through the air. “From Julie and The Phantoms.” 
Y/N cupped her mouth with her hands and whooped, sending a blush to Julie cheeks as she immediately recognized the voice. With a smile tugging on her lips, she placed her fingers on the right keys. 
“This is a new song of ours, called Superstar.” 
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed. She did not know this song. They’d played her the entire set during rehearsal except for this one song. Julie’s eyes landed on y/n with an intense stare. Her friend in the crowd shot her an encouraging smile that told Julie she was there. No matter what. 
“It’s about a girl I know. A girl that shines like the brightest star. A star of which the light was snuffed out. I hope you like it.” Y/N now realized Julie had her eyes on her because the words were directed towards her. Her heart started beating faster while her hands became clammy and her face heated up. 
Julie started playing the synth-like notes on her keyboard and just before she started singing, the boys appeared with her on the stage, playing their instruments. 
“Oh no, it's on tonight Here we go You're looking right, I know you know So go ahead and let it go, go, go, go”
Julie’s eyes locked on y/n’s as she came out from behind her keyboard and made her way towards the middle of the stage. 
“You're shining like a star I wanna be where you are, are Oh no, oh no Let's take over this club You're shining bright in the dark, dark You light up the night”
The boys sang along with her on the chorus and got the crowd to their feet to dance. 
“You wanna wil' out, then wil' out All eyes on you It's going down, down, right now You can't lose You wanna wil' out, then wil' out That's what you do Talk of the town now And you already know that you're a star A superstar That you're a star, a superstar That you're a star, that you're a star, a superstar And you already know”
Luke then took over the singing, looking at Julie as he did. She was dancing around the stage, interacting with the others or the crowd. 
“It's time, I love this feeling Can we rewind To the beginning of this crazy night So, baby, we can let it go, go, go Hey-ey-ey”
Julie’s voice chimed through the speakers then, her eyes locking with Luke’s as they did. 
“You're shining like a star I wanna be where you are, are Oh no, oh no Let's take over this club You're shining bright in the dark You light up the night”
Y/N couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride welling up inside her, mixed with a rush of jealousy. She realized she wanted Julie to look at her the way she was looking at Luke. 
“You wanna wil' out, then wil' out All eyes on you It's going down, down, right now You can't lose You wanna wil' out, then wil' out That's what you do Talk of the town now And you already know that you're a star A superstar That you're a star, a superstar And you already know”
The music slowed down as Reggie worked Julie’s keyboard whilst she sang the bridge to y/n. It almost seemed as though the entire crowd vanished and it was just Julie and y/n in there. 
“Forget the moon, ignore the sky 'Cause the whole world is all yours tonight Get it girl, it's your time Shine until the morning light The light The morning light 'Cause you're a star A superstar”
They picked up the pace again and as Julie threw her fist in the air on the high note, y/n mimicked her, a bright smile lighting up her entire face. A smile the neighborhood had never been graced with, but Julie had. 
“You wanna wil' out, then wil' out All eyes on you It's going down, down, right now You can't lose You wanna wil' out, then wil' out That's what you do Talk of the town now And you already know that you're a star A superstar That you're a star, a superstar That you're a star, that you're a star, a superstar And you already know”
As the crowd roared and the boys vanished after having taken their bows, Julie rushed off the stage towards y/n, who was already running up to her. They met in the middle of the room, wrapping their arms around one another. 
“That was magical!” y/n whispered as she burried her face into Julie’s soft curls. They smelled of violets and honey, she noticed. 
“I meant every word of it.” 
“You did?” 
Julie pulled away from the hug and let her hands glide down from her shoulders to her hands, intertwining their fingers together as she spoke. “Of course. Y/N, you  are so special and so freaking talented, seriously. I see how you shine on that dancefloor the other night or even when you’re playing the piano. I hate to see you hide all that talent away. I don’t know who snuffed out your light, but what I do know is that you are a superstar that can shine so brightly if only she surrounded herself by the right people, if only she let herself shine.” 
Y/N wasn’t sure what this girl had done to her, but she felt changed. She felt as though she could conquer an entire world. As though she could conquer her abusive parents. She felt like a superstar. 
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JATP Taglist: @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @bookdealer5​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @hemmingsness​ @iainttakingshitfromnobody​ @ifilwtmfc​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​ @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon​​ @caitsymichelle13​​ @calamitykaty​ @wiselight​ @kcd15​​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​ @stars-soph​ @kinda-really-lost​ @notasofti​ @alexpjoyner​ @n0wornever​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @tefilovesreading​ @happinessinthedarkesttimes @pxperphxntom​ @crybabyddl​ @happinessinthedarkesttimes​
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luhlust · 4 years
Hey, uh idk if I asked this already but can you do a Hatsuharu x Reader based on episode 4 season 2 of Fruits Basket? Because, in that episode Hatsuharu had his meltdown. But instead of him having a meltdown because of Rin it’s because you two and dating and had an argument? And uhm basically instead of him grabbing Tohru, he grabs you. And Kyo like punches him bc y’all are good friends~ and the ending is all fluffy and him apologizing for the argument or whatever. (Sorry if this is confusing)~~
Choose Me
Anime: Fruits Basket
Pairing: Soma Hatsuharu x Reader
Overview: Hatsuharu has been spending a lot of time with Rin making you, his girlfriend, jealous ending up with a huge rampage.
You really understand Hatsuharu's relationship with Rin. Maybe, a little too much. You were there for him afterall, helping him cope up with her behaviour, letting him cry on you, you supported Hatsuharu. You love him.
You grew to love him just by being together with him was enough for you so when Hatsuharu confessed he too, fell for you, you couldn't believe it, until his lips touched yours, cloud of smoke blinded your eye, laughing as you stared at his Ox form.
You knew Hatsuharu would need a lot of time to fully move on from Rin so you were okay with letting Hatsuharu settle the phase for your relationship.
Lately, Hatsuharu has been spending less time with you to take care of Rin who once again, escaped from the hospital. You didn't mind how he would abruptly go to her side, you didn't mind how he called you to cancel your plans with a short apology, you didn't mind if he kept choosing her over you.
That is before you reached your tipping point.
When Hatsuharu went back to your shared apartment, he really just wanted to sleep. Rin's words continued to ring in his ear, he is beyond exhaustion. He is not in the right state to hear your complaints.
"So, I just want to have your time! I bought us some tickets to th-" "God, can you just please shut up!"
Hatsuharu glared at you, slamming his bag across the room. Your throat suddenly became dry, hands balled into a fist. Hatsuharu immediately wanted to punch himself for bursting on you like that, he was just so annoyed but even he, himself knew it was not a good excuse.
"(y/n)..." He fumbled on his words, what can he say in a situation like this? He wanted to comfort you, his hands were shaking. Wiping the tears from your eyes, you walked passed him and entered the bedroom, leaving Hatsuharu to contemplate on his actions.
"Fuck.." He clicked his tongue.
Hatsuharu grabbed a bottle of water and drank to calm himself down. When he heard the door opened, he turned around and was ready to apologise but his eyes trailed to the duffel bag you were carrying.
"Where are you going?" He questioned softly, even if he already knew the answer. He was hoping it wasn't what he was thinking. "Away." You smiled at him, masking your emotions like you always did.
"Let's break up, Haru. No, Sohma-kun." Hatsuharu's eyes widened, speechless. You took his silence as a que to leave. Mustering up all your strength, you grabbed the doorknob, twisting it to open the door. Hatsuharu acted fast, he slammed the door close, trapping you against it.
"No. You're not going anywhere! C-Can't we fix this?" His voice cracked, he can't let you leave him. You were the only one who understood him, only one who accepted him as a whole! "Please...(y/n)..." Tears streamed down his face, the sight of him broke you more, you had to be strong. Cupping his face, you wiped his tears, trying to soothe him.
"I'm sorry Haru. You kept on choosing her and I kept on choosing you." Biting your lip, you kissed his forehead, Hatsuharu melted against your touch.
"Let me choose myself this time."
Hatsuharu felt like time slowed down as you slipped away from his grasp.
The door closed and he broked down.
He hasn't heard from you for a week.
It was difficult to be away from him, everything just screamed for you to go back and wrap your arms around him. You stayed with Kyo for the mean time, telling them that your apartment was undergoing a few construction and Hatsuharu decided to stay at the main state.
They really didn't question you a lot, you were that good at lying and hiding plus they are your friends too. You continued on with your life, trying to distract yourself. You were currently asked to bring some materials to Tohru's room. "Oh, (y/n)! That looks heavy!" She mused, standing up to help you settle the materials on the teacher's desk.
You stayed for a while, laughing at how they teased Kyo with Tohru. Sometimes you just want to smack the two at how oblivious these two are to their feelings. Seeing them, reminded you of Hatsuharu. Your heart dropped, spacing out of the window, you wondered if he's doing well.
There's something off about the day, you just felt anxious, like something bad is going to happen.
"Oh, Haru turned dark and is currently on a rampage during the homeroom!" Momiji grinned. "What? Why didn't you say earlier!?" You and the others dashed out of the room, bumping towards several people.
You could hear him breaking the windows, the other students and teacher were ourside frightened. You entered the room, everything was a mess.
Kyo immediately tried to talk some sense into him. "Shut up stupid cat. You're very existence causes trouble for us, all! Stupid cat!" His remarked annoyed Kyo immediately.
"Haru, I don't know why you're causing a rampage, but you shouldn't do that here." Hatsuharu clicked his tongue. You knew this was your fault, you knew why he was angry. Seeing him at this state, made you doubt if your decision was right. "Princess Yuki is such a worry-wart. Afraid I'll accidentally transform on my rampage?" His eyes met yours, a frown replacing his smirk.
"What? You're here? How lame." You stepped closer, hands up in surrender. "Haru, stop it. Calm down." Your voice angered him even more. "Stupid. Stupid. So damn, stupid! You're so twitchy, you'll feel a lot better if everyone would know." He reached out to you, grabbing your arm roughly.
"H-Haru...it hurts..." His grip around you tightened, pulling you closer until Kyo punched him. "I don't care what's your problem but is that how you should treat your girl?!" Kyo placed you behind him, shielding you from Hatsuharu.
"What's it to you? She's not my girl anymore." Hatsuharu's words struck you, you felt yourself losing your composure. "Oh I see. You went for the kitty cat didn't you? I shou-" You cut him off with a slap. His cheeks immediately became swollen, everyone stood shocked at the scene. "Enough, Haru..." You walked out of the room, eyes following you everywhere.
Your steps became faster as the time passed, slowly turning into a full sprint. You didn't know where you were going, you just wanted to get out of there.
The teacher managed to settle the issue down by pouring water to both of them, calming Hatsuharu in a snap. After some counselling, Hatsuharu met up with the others, apologizing for his behavior before noticing you were not there. "Where's (y/n)?" He managed to choke out, it was clear to them that he was very anxious.
"She ran out and we haven't seen her since earlier." Tohru answered, fidgeting, not knowing how he would react.
Hatsuharu excused himself, wanting to look for you. You couldn't have gotten that far, he knows you enough to know where you would go. He reached the door to the rooftop, staring at it blankly. You were crying, he was sure of it, so why can't he just open the damn door?
He was scared.
Scared of what you would say to him, scared to lose you more.
"Triple shit." He cussed, letting the door open, hands shielding his eyes from bright rays. He immediately saw you sitting down, music blasting through your phone.
Your eyes were closed but you knew he was there, a shadow loomed over you. You refused to open your eyes, you too were afraid.
Is this what happens when you fall inlove? Is this what love really is? To be afraid of one another yet still want to cling to one another even knowing the fact that they can hurt you anytime?
Hatsuharu doesn't care about anything anymore, he can't let you go, he could never let you go. You were more important to him, he was just selfish. He couldn't let go of the past but he wants a presen and a future with you.
Hatsuharu is more than willing to put his past behind and put you first, that's what he realised during those days of solitude.
He grabbed your arm, pulling you closer to him, still being wary of not hugging you to close in order to prevent himself from transforming despite how startled you were. "Haru...?" You whispered, hands automatically finding its way around his body.
"Ah, I know now.." He smiled, enjoying the way your body tangled. "Home. I never realised it before. (y/n), you're my home." He buried his head against your neck, letting himself succumb to your scent.
"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry for not being a good boyfriend. I know, I don't deserve you but you can count on me to make me deserve you, if you let me. Will you let me back?" You stared at him, nodding softly, before leaning in for a kiss.
Hatsuharu pulled you closer, his hand behind your head, deepening the kiss. It was desperate but passionate, the two of you missed each other. You love him, even if it hurts.
But is it really love if it doesn't hurt at all?
Your back was against the concrete, Hatsuharu straddled you, pinning you down as he continued to place kissed along your neck. "H-Haru! We can't do this he-ahh." Smirking upon seeing the purple hue on your neck, you smacked his chest. "But (y/n), let me show you how much I love you." He pouted, why did he have to be cute. Your fingeres played with his two-colored hair, you're really an idiot to this idiot.
"Yeah, yeah. Save it in closed doors will 'ya?" You stiffened, seeing Kyo and Yuki in the other side with a small tint of pink dusted on their cheeks. You immediately became flustered unlike Hatsuharu who calmly complained. "You guys are a cockblocker."
Tohru peered in, confused at why they are standing si stiffly. "Kyo? Yuki? Did you find the-" "IDIOT! DON'T LOOK!"
Hatsuharu had to leave to continue talking with his parents. He got suspended for a week while you were "sick" for a week as well.
Hatsuharu made it up to you for a whole week, assuring you that you will now be his first choice. You didn't have to worry about Rin anymore becuase everytime he needed to visit her, it was with you. He would always shield you if things became a little complicated, covering your ears when she said spiteful words, making me drag you out. That was the last time he visited Rin.
Now he's very clingy to you! Devoting his time and energy to you and only you. "(y/n), why are you too close with Yuki. I don't like it." Hatsuharu held you close, glaring at Yuki who just let out a sigh.
"Love birds."
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bcdrawsandwrites · 4 years
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Rating: T
Genre: Angst
Characters: Ernesto and Héctor, though Imelda, Coco, and Miguel also make brief appearances
Warnings: Uhh... depictions of PTSD/trauma, I guess?
Description: Seizing his moment only took seconds to execute, and left scars that lasted for a lifetime and beyond. 
Beta Readers: @jaywings​ and @pengychan​
Notes: Uhhh... nightmares suck, that’s all I have to say.
The first night, he doesn't dream at all, for his waking state has become dreamlike.
There's an eerie, almost peaceful stillness all around him, the quietness of the city and the hotel and the room. The sole exception is the distant whistle of the train, but he's been hearing it for hours now, though the train has long since moved on.
In fact, reality itself feels like it has moved on, leaving him in an untouched bubble locked in time. He sits on his bed, holding the book in his hands, but it doesn't feel real--if he were to open it again, he feels like it would just contain the useless garble of dream writing, so he does not. Though its color reminds him of something that he will not let himself remember. He sets it aside.
He feels he should sleep, not because he is tired, but because it is what he would normally be doing at this time, and he's starting to feel a faint desperation on the edges of his consciousness--a desperation to come back, to wake up. Quickly he washes it down with a gulp of tequila, and lays down.
Yet he cannot sleep. How can one sleep on a bed that is not real, in a room that is not real, in a reality that does not exist?
But he must. He must sleep, for they have a tour to continue in the morning.
So he closes his eyes, slowly letting the numbness of sleep take him... until he is brutally pulled from it, his heart thudding against his ribs, his eyes staring wide and blank at the ceiling above him.
He has a tour to continue.
Just him.
Just him.
Sleep fails to reach him that night.
The first time he does sleep after it happens, it is after a day of pacing, of gnawing on his knuckles, of biting back screams, of copious drinking.
Initially his sleep is empty and dreamless, and he welcomes it openly.
But as the night creeps over the city, he awakens to moonlight blanketing his bed. At first he is annoyed, and merely rolls over with a grunt.
"I'm not doing this anymore!"
Immediately he sits bolt upright, looking for the source of the voice, but there is nothing, and he remembers why there is nothing. He scrambles for a bottle, but a memory flashes through his mind of a dash of something being put into a glass, and for a terrified moment he wonders if some of it could have splashed into the bottle. It makes no sense as to how that could have happened--he was careful as could be--and yet the thought won't leave his mind. He tosses the bottle on the ground, where it hits with a dull clunk, some of its contents spilling on the floor.
Still he remains awake, curled upon a bed that may as well be soft as stone, for how little it comforts him. He must sleep though--he is exhausted, he did not sleep last night, he must sleep, he must move on, he's already seized his moment, he cannot waste it...
The darkness shifts erratically between shadows and the void of unconsciousness, and between those moments there are voices, scents, feelings.
"Ugh, what town is this again...?"
It's heavier than he had thought, and numbly he realizes the meaning of the term 'dead weight.'
"Ah, don't act so jealous. That'll be us one day, right?"
There's something sticky and acrid coating his shoulder, and he tries his best to ignore it.
"I wish I didn't have to miss her birthday..."
Don't be seen, don't be seen, don't be seen.
"Oh, the crowd really loved you tonight, hermano!"
Unfamiliar buildings rise around him, and every turn feels like it will make his heart either stop or explode.
"You said this was the last one!"
It'll be over soon. It has to be.
"A toast! To another step on our journey!"
Nothing feels real other than the ground beneath his feet, and even that feels like it could suddenly cave in beneath him.
"I'm sorry... It was the little girl there--she reminded me of..."
The night is a hell of endless streets and what feels like an increasingly heavy weight in his arms and heart.
"I can't wait to see them again!"
He awakens to finding his pillow damp, and spends the morning screaming into it.
"Where to today, then?"
The suitcase is snapped shut, and he's staring down at him expectantly.
Something about this unnerves him, though he's not sure why, and merely shrugs, throwing a few more things into his own suitcase. "Oh, the next train stop should do. I've heard it's a nice city."
"They all seem the same to me," he replies, rolling his shoulders. "Oh, do you think we'll see a pretty dress there? I wanted to send something back home since I won't be there for..."
"Bah, better save your money. You send them enough as it is, hermano. You need to think about your future!" He snaps his own suitcase shut, and hoists it off the bed, his guitar case on his back. Together they step out of the room, having their breakfast at a nearby fonda before heading to the train station.
The whistle sounds overly-loud for reasons he can't place, and he can't recall handing anyone a ticket, but they board the train regardless. Together they sit, talking fondly of the successful shows they've had, of the sights they've seen, of what they'll do when they finally reach stardom.
He's looking out the window when he hears the voice, hesitant and sorrowful:
"By the way... I'm sorry, amigo, for that fight last night. I should have listened to you."
"Oh, it's all..."
He pauses, his blood going cold.
And at once he blinks awake, finding his head resting against the train window. Quickly he turns to the side to find a stranger in the seat beside him, looking at him in concern.
"Are you all right, señor? You look as though you've seen a ghost."
One day he finds himself back home, at their front door. He hardly remembers the trip itself, but then, everything's been a blur. What he does remember, however, is why he's there.
His heart is fluttering in panic--singing in front of dozens never frightened him, yet the idea of speaking before one person makes his stomach wrench. Before he can even compose himself, the door is open, and the woman is standing before him.
"Where is he?"
"I... he..."
His tongue is lame in his mouth, and he fumbles with his words. Coming up with a quick lie was never difficult before, and yet now it seems impossible. Suddenly he is overcome with the terror that if he should speak, he would tell the truth, and his risk, his cost, his moment would all at once be for nothing.
"¡Tío! Where is Papá?"
The little girl tugs at his pant leg, and he has no answer.
Without a word he turns to leave, hurrying away from the house, but she is immediately following.
"Where is he? Why isn't he with you?!"
Panic overcomes him, and he tries to run.
"¡Tío! Come back!"
His legs grow heavier and heavier, as though he is treading through mud, and the two of them are right behind him, the woman's voice growing louder and more enraged all the while, and the girl's degenerating into hysterical sobs:
"Where is he?! Where is my husband?"
"Where's papá?! I want him back!"
He has to get away, but he can't run fast enough, and their voices are so loud, they seem to come from everywhere at once.
"¡¿POR QUÉ, TÍO?!"
Why did he even do this in the first place? He never should have done this, for they will surely find out--
She grabs his shoulder, her nails piercing into him.
He awakens in bed, drenched in sweat, his face once again damp with tears.
And he vows to never tell them, never confront them, to pretend he never knew them. Never will he even return to Santa Cecilia--he will avoid it for the rest of his life.
He doesn't need that family anymore, anyway, he tells himself. He has a better one, after all.
The winter chill has gone, the weather is perfect, and he's playing to a cheering audience in an unfamiliar plaza.
"¡Otra! ¡Otra! ¡Otra!" they call, and he obliges them, singing them his new song.
And then he sees it.
There's a man in the crowd. It's one he's never seen before, and one that would not typically stand out to him... except for the fact that he's not cheering. He's staring straight at him, the whites of his eyes visible even in the distance.
Eventually he realizes he is no longer singing, his hands hanging limp at his sides. The crowd has gone silent, only watching, while the strange man amongst them reaches out, pointing an accusing finger.
"That is not your song."
His heart jumps into his throat, and his legs threaten to buckle.
"I saw what you did."
He takes a step back, and the man steps forward.
"You killed him!"
He takes another step back, and he falls, and the man is suddenly standing over him, along with a dozen other sets of eyes.
"You poisoned him for his songs! You did it! I know you did it! It was you!"
"No, no," he stammers, but the man's voice booms over his:
"I know you did it! I know you did it! I KNOW!"
The second he awakens, he scrambles out of bed, dresses himself, and leaves immediately. A few items are left behind in his haste, but not the book (not the book), and he boards the first train he can find, immediately heading for his next destination. As he rides, he tucks the book into his coat pocket, and checks it several times during the journey.
They will not find it. They will not find it.
They will never know.
He's talking with the agent, who is once again going on about movies and films.
"...and they will love it! I'm sure we can work in some of your own songs too, of course..."
He's only been half-listening, almost dazed with the idea that he will be in moving pictures. This is far beyond anything he's ever dreamed of, and he almost feels weightless.
"And that song! Oh, we must include that one."
Nodding, he smiles at the man, only to pause. Someone else is in the room, which is very strange. He hadn't heard anyone else come in...
"No," he breathes upon seeing the hollow face staring down at him. "Are you really...?!"
The man nods.
Frantically he turns back to his agent and gestures behind him. "Señor, I-I think someone has..."
They both turn, but to his shock, nothing is there.
And everything moves on, shifting between one scene and another, one person and another, but the unnerved feeling remains even when he awakens.
A year or so later he's sitting at the table, the director and his co-stars laughing and drinking, celebrating the release of their film. He can't fully understand what they're all saying, but he doesn't care, basking in the euphoric joy of success, gazing around the room at all of the others who are experiencing a similar joy.
Until his eyes fall upon someone who was not invited to the party.
Someone who was not invited, for he should not exist.
"You," he says, rising from his seat and keeping his eyes on him. "What are you doing here?"
"Who are you talking to?"
He turns back to his table, to find it inhabited by different people. Glancing over his shoulder, he finds the apparition gone. None of this is right, but it doesn't feel entirely wrong either, so he moves on... until he finds himself awakening next to one of his co-stars.
If that's how it would be, then so be it. He would remember next time.
It is during a performance that he sees him again, standing just to the side of the curtain, and this time he knows. The stage, the dancers, the audience--none of it is real. He sets aside his guitar and marches offstage, keeping his eyes locked upon him.
This is a dream, he knows. Yet another nightmare. Though he is standing before him, he knows that he is not alive, but instead a corpse left in a ditch somewhere on the outskirts of Mexico City.
The face before him is not that of a beloved friend, of a brother, but of a specter that is insistent on haunting his dreams. And while it is here, he may as well speak his mind.
"This is your doing," he states, jabbing a finger into the ghost's chest. "You haunt me for something that you brought upon yourself."
The ghost only stares at him. Though it appears alive, its hair is the same color, not with the streaks of silver that his own has attained.
He gestures back at the now-empty stage and the darkened theater. "This--all of this--could have been yours, if you'd only listened. We could have shared this together."
Though the specter is still silent, its expression has changed, its eyes glaring, its lips pulled back with the rage of a wild animal.
Yet he finds himself grinning victoriously. "Be as angry as you want, old friend. The most you can do is taunt me. You can never hurt me, or abandon me, or hold me back. Never again."
As though to challenge him, the ghost suddenly lunges forward with a snarl, knocking him to the floor.
He awakens tangled in his own bed sheets, struggling with them on the floor. A woman scrambles to the edge of the bed, looking down at him in alarm... but for once, he has not woken in fear, or anger, or anguish.
Instead, he has woken in laughter.
There will be no more nightmares haunting him, no more ghosts lurking at the edge of his dreams, awake or asleep.
Or so he thinks.
It is a few years later that he is suddenly and violently freed from the mortal coil. At first he fears he has been plunged into another nightmare, but... no. This is no nightmare--not even a "living" one. In fact, in the afterlife he is living his dreams, holding concerts, starring in films, holding parties in a mansion larger than the one he'd had in life.
Of course there is one slight problem, he discovers shortly after death, but it is easily taken care of with a few words and a few payments. After that, he never has to think about it again.
Never again, until one night, many many years later, when a very strange thing happens.
A boy, a living one, appears in the afterlife, looking for him.
“I’m Miguel, your g-great great grandson.”
Not something he'd considered, but a likely result of some of his... actions in the living world. But even so, could this really be true? How could a living child enter the Land of the dead? Surely this must be another one of his strange dreams… and so he rolls with it, reveling in the joy (and brief elevated stardom) that comes with having a living great-great grandson in the Land of the Dead, enjoying the presence of a descendant with as much talent as he.
Until something changes.
The night is nearing its end when a new figure enters the dream. A figure that stands at the edge of the room, draped in shadows, and yet... familiar. It cannot be, though--he dealt with this years ago.
“We had a deal, chamaco!”
But soon the figure steps forward, revealing itself as a dusty skeleton with a drooping frame and torn clothing and an old, old photo of himself... and that's when he remembers. He knows this man.
Of course. Of course he was not done haunting his nightmares, but he knows how he can deal with this.
Yet… he’s never seen that photo in his dreams.
He snatches it away, looking it over--he remembers this, but why is it showing up in his dreams now? He hadn’t thought of this specter in so long…
As he continues to stare at the photo, he hears the child draw attention to the movies being played, and the ghost watches one in particular.
“...That night, Ernesto…”
And he looks up from the photo, a terrible chill filling him.
As the skeleton recounts the story of what happened so many nights ago, that night that he’d tried everything, everything to bury, to justify, to forget, he realizes...
Yes, the ghost has finished haunting his dreams.
Because he is about to make his afterlife a living nightmare.
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just-jordie-things · 4 years
Wherever I Go - John B Routledge
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word count: 8075 warnings: swearing, fighting summary: John B is fleeing the country without saying goodbye to the girl he’s been in love with his whole life.  this is a collection of their memories (I guess) + loosely based on this song kinda ish idk ___
[ i know i could lie, but i’m telling the truth // wherever i go, there’s a shadow of you ]
(y/n) always thought it was kind of unoriginal, and lamely expected, falling for John B.  Even the moment she’d realized that she was catching feelings for her childhood best friend, she’d wanted to face palm.  Because of course she did.  She had to fall for the same guy that every girl has a crush on at some point.
It was kind of funny to her sometimes.
Like when he did his stupid shit, whether it was trying to con CPS, or when he would find a vacant Kook house for the Pogues to party in until they got chased out by security.
(y/n) missed the days when they were running from a security guard that would stop chasing them when they got to their side of the island.  She missed when John B wasn’t a wanted suspect, she missed life before this whole stupid treasure hunt.
Had she known there was an equal chance of the gold ruining their lives as there was it being the best thing that ever happened to them, she would have convinced her friends to drop it.
Because so far, it wasn’t worth it.
[ i know i could try looking for something new // but wherever i go, i’ll be looking for you ]
“I don’t want to stay here forever”
(y/n) glanced over at John B, surprised to hear something so profound seeing as they’d been sitting on the sofa, watching a kids movie.
She knew that he meant it in the same way all the Pogues meant it when they said they wanted to get out.  He’d say it all his life, but in the end he’d settle down and stay in the Outer Banks, because in the end, it’s home.
But nonetheless, the words tugged at her heartstrings.
“Where do you want to go?” She asked, angling towards him to better give him her attention.
It was at that point that they gave up on the movie completely.
“Anywhere,” John B huffed, turning towards her as well.  “Maybe Florida.  Maybe north, I don’t really care”
(y/n) gave him a sad sort of smile, but she entertained the idea anyways.  It was important to have dreams, she thought, even if they were unattainable.
“I’d go to Florida with you” She said sweetly, making him grin back at her.
“Yeah,” She affirmed.  “We could like… I don’t know, open up a canoe shop or something.  Then we could still be on the water every day,”
John B’s smiling even wider now, enjoying her little made up plan.  He doesn’t say anything, hoping that she’ll say more nice things so he can pretend he lives anywhere but the OBX.
“We’d probably have to share a studio apartment or something,” She added, catching the way he was waiting for her to continue.  “I don’t think we’d be able to afford anything else.  Oh, what if it was just above the canoe shop?”
Her eyes lit up at the idea of having their own place above their own shop.  It could be completely theirs, and suddenly she too was falling in love with the idea of escaping.
“You’d live with me?” John B asked, and she giggled, gesturing around herself at the Chateau.
“I pretty much live with you now, dork,” She told him.  “I don’t think it’d be that much of an adjustment”
“Good point” John B chuckled.
It was quiet for a minute, the both of them daydreaming about their imagined place in Florida.  In their minds, it was perfect.  There was no DCS trying to put John B in the system, there were no Kooks, no Pogues, they could live there freely, and happily.
“We could walk everywhere,” John B added his own little fantasy.  “It’d be a small enough town.  I’d take you to the farmer’s market on the weekends, and then we could surf…”
(y/n) could feel her heart swelling up as a bittersweet feeling settled over her.  As lovely as this sounded, she knew deep down it would never happen.  Her and John B had grown up on this island, they would grow old on this island, and they would die on this island, it was just the Pogue way.
“I’d love that,” She tells him anyway.  “Maybe we could have a pet, or something.  Something weird”
“If you say something like a lizard-”
“Lizards are cool!” (y/n) laughs, and he laughs with her.
It’s a happy moment, her heart is full and her smile is genuine.  She’s reminded of all the reasons why she’s fallen for the boy in front of her, especially because of how his charisma makes his happiness contagious.
“That’s the plan then,” John B murmurs after their laughter dies down.
(y/n’s) eyebrows raise slightly, but she doesn’t shoot him down.  She would never.
“Florida” He finishes.
“Florida” She agrees in her own whisper. ___
[ some people lie, but they’re looking for magic // others get down on their knees and they pray ]
This treasure hunt had quickly gone from a fun summer adventure to a life altering and probably traumatic nightmare.  John B had pretty much prepared himself to lose his life looking for this gold, and somehow that was a reality that didn’t scare him.
The plan was simple, for an escape plan.  JJ and Kiara would steal his dad’s speedboat, Pope was discreetly getting supplies needed for a getaway, and (y/n) was back at the Chateau, packing up everything of value that John B had listed off to her.
Then at three o’clock, on the dot, they were supposed to meet at the docks.  No exceptions.  John B needed to get off the island as fast as possible, and they’d made it clear before splitting up that if anyone wasn’t there on time, he couldn’t wait around.  It was too risky to be out in the open with a speedboat and a wanted man.
That was why they’d all shared a quick group hug before breaking apart and running their errands.  Just in case.  But they’d all promised to be on time.
She promised.
“Dude, you have to go,” Pope said, shoving the bag of emergency supplies into John B’s hands.  “We can’t hang around here-”
“No we have to- we have to,” John B argued as panic settled over him.  “I can’t leave without saying goodbye-”
“I’ll tell her,” JJ cut in.  “We all will, and she knows, JB-”
“No she doesn’t- look- I’m not going without seeing her”
“You don’t have that choice!” Pope hissed.  “If you don’t get on that boat now, you’re going to get caught.  You have to go, we don’t have the time”
John B shook his head, too stubborn to listen to reason.
It was 3:10 now, and (y/n) still hadn’t arrived with his things from the Chateau.  And with every passing minute, John B only started to freak out worse.
“What if they arrested her?” He thought out loud.  “What if she’s hurt? Maybe I should go back-”
Before he could take a step JJ had stepped in front of him, both hands on his chest.
“Don’t even think about it- do you hear yourself man?” He asked.  “Get on the boat, you can’t afford to wait around for her-”
“I told you, I’m not leaving without saying goodbye-”
“Look, we get that you feel bad, I get it, but you can’t risk losing this chance dude-”
“We’ll tell her that you waited as long as you could!” Kiara shouted, annoyed that they were still standing around arguing about this.  “She’ll understand, John B, she knows just like the rest of us that we couldn’t do exactly this.  You need to get off this island, now”
As usual, Kiara was the voice of reason, and as his stubbornness faded, his heart started to break.
But he shakily nodded his head, and slung his backpack over his shoulder.
“Tell her- um- tell her I..” His voice trailed off as his throat swelled up and began to burn.
“I know,” Kiara nodded.  “I’ll tell her, I promise”
John B couldn’t say anything, just nodded his head as he stared down at the ground, trying not to cry.  He couldn’t believe he was about to leave without seeing her one more time.
And he’d probably never see her again. ___
[ i feel alive when i’m close to the madness // no easy love could ever make me feel the same ]
Parties were hit or miss with (y/n).  When it was just the Pogues, she always enjoyed them, no matter what they did.  But when they threw beach parties that the whole island was invited to, she was usually too anxious about the mix of Kooks and Pogues to fully enjoy herself.
But she always went, she wouldn’t miss the chance to hang out with her friends, or have free beer.
Currently she was sitting in the sand, her shoes had long been missing, and a half empty cup of cheap beer in her hand.  She tended not to drink too much at these things, always worried that something terrible would happen, and someone had to be sober enough to handle those situations.
She’d been chilling by herself for quite some time, eyes roaming the swarms of people, pretty much expecting the worse.  It wasn’t a great mindset, or a healthy one for that matter, but she couldn’t help it.
Besides, there was plenty of drama that she could watch that most people missed.
Like the Touron couple that was about to break up because the boyfriend had been grinding on some random Kook girl.  That was pretty entertaining.
Or Rafe Cameron, who was trying way too hard to look like he wasn’t high out of his mind.  There was still a little bit of coke visible under his nose, that even (y/n) could see from ten feet away.  She made a mental note to keep a close eye on him.
“What are you doing down there?”
Despite her watchful eye, she hadn’t noticed John B walking right up to her, and now standing before her, looking down at her with an amused half-grin.
“Keeping an eye on things, like usual,” She shrugged, and then nodded to where Rafe Cameron was hitting on an entire group of Touron girls at once,  “Rafe looks kind of-”
“Come dance with me” He cut her off, and her eyes darted back up to his.
“Come dance with me,” He repeated, sticking his hand down towards her now.  “You gotta loosen up a bit, and I haven’t seen you all night”
“I don’t know, I kinda think that he’s gonna pull something,” (y/n) explained.  “And when he does I want him out of here immediately-”
“Then I’ll help you keep an eye on him while we’re out there,” John B reasoned with her.  “But you can’t just sit here by yourself all night, so come on”
He tapped his fingers to the palm of his hand, beckoning her silently to give in.
“Fine,” She sighed, and placed her hand in his, letting him pull her up off the ground.  “But as soon as he-”
“I got it, I got it, we kick him out when he goes full asshole,” He said.  “Now just relax for a little bit, won’t you?”
(y/n) rolled her eyes, and despite something telling her deep down that her attention should be on the reckless, known-to-ruin-the-night Rafe, she allowed herself to be distracted by John B.
It was just so easy.
He twirled her around under his arm, trying to get her to let the tension in her shoulders go, but it took quite some prompting to really get her to dance with him.  He pretty much had to grab her by the hips and move them to the beat for her in order to get her moving.
But by the time a new song started to play, she started getting into it, and soon any worries about Rafe or Tourons were far from her mind, and all she cared about was dancing with John B.
He laughed and cheered with her, eagerly twirling the girl around under his arm over and over just so that she’d keep on giggling.
It was cheesy, but it was so, so worth it.
“Okay John B quit it, you’re gonna make me sick” She finally grabbed at his wrist so he would stop.  The dizziness lingered, and she swayed slightly while trying to get it to settle.
John B was still chuckling as he reached his free hang out towards her shoulder, holding onto her with a strong enough grip so she would stand still.
It only lasted a second longer before she was grinning up at him, letting him know she was fine.
“Drinks?” She asked, and he agreed instantly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they walked towards the keg.
JJ and Kiara were currently in charge of the beer, which was good news because if it weren’t for Kiara, JJ would be pouring drinks for anyone no matter how intoxicated they already were.
“Look at you two,” Kiara giggled before hiccuping, and then giggling some more.  
Her finger pointed at (y/n) and John B, waving unsteadily.
“All cute and shit.  Jay- look how f’ckin’ cute they are”
Alright, so maybe tonight Kiara had more to drink than usual and her judgment was a bit off, but it was funny nonetheless.
“Is there any beer left in that keg or did you two hog it all?” John B asked, trying to ignore Kie’s comment.
Kiara and JJ shared a look, before snorting and bursting into more giggles.  That wasn’t a great answer.  But neither (y/n) or John B cared much, they just happily accepted their beer.
“Where have you been, anyways?” JJ asked, throwing back his own drink and immediately pouring himself another.  “We haven’t seen you guys all night… you’re not macking are you?”
John B’s face went pink at the accusation, even though there was no truth to it.  But (y/n) burst out into giggles.  Nervous giggles, but no one else knew that.  John B thought that she just found the idea so preposterous that it was funny to her.  It made him blush harder, but no one seemed to notice.
He supposed that was the positive effects of alcohol.
“No!” (y/n) screeched between her giggles.  “We were just dancing” She told their friends.
“Awww” Kiara cooed, folding her hands together and placing them against her cheek.
JJ rolled his eyes and shook his head, but didn’t say anything about it.
“Usually you’re inside going to bed,” JJ said, glancing at (y/n) with his eyebrows raised in surprise.  “You up for the night tonight?”
“I am not,” (y/n) argued back.  “I just like to sit back and people-watch, that’s all”
“Well, still, you’re out here drinking with us instead.  Not so much of a goodie goodie now are ya?” JJ smirked.
He was only teasing, the Pogues knew that (y/n) wasn’t uptight like that, she just worried about her friends.  She’d proven time and time again that she could handle herself if necessary.  
In the tenth grade Topper Thornton had a broken nose to prove it… he also had a limp for a few days because of how hard the girl had swung her boot between his legs.  But that’s what he got for saying the nasty things he did about her and her friends.
And she’d do it again if she had to.
So she knew that JJ was just messing around, he’d never say anything to genuinely upset her anyways.  But she noticed the way John B glared at the blonde.
“I’m just messing, calm down” JJ laughed it off, also seeing the look on John B’s face.
“Hey, speaking of sitting around, where’s Pope?” (y/n) asked, quickly changing the subject out of discomfort.
“I think he’s still flirting with a Touron,” Kiara said, wiggling her eyebrows.  “He’s been chatting up the same girl all night, I think he might have finally found someone who’s interested in the shit he talks about”
She pointed off to where Pope and a pretty girl with brightly dyed hair were sitting in the sand.  Whoever she was, she was definitely interested in him, and (y/n) couldn’t help but think Pope struck gold.
“Wow, look at how into him she is,” She said with a click of her tongue.  “Good for Pope”
“I know right, it’s about time” Kiara muttered in agreement, grinning at the sight.
“What do you mean?” John B asked, taking a sip of his beer and leaning down slightly as he spoke to (y/n).  He was looking at the same scene, but he just couldn’t see what she was talking about.
“What do you mean what do I mean?” (y/n) retorted, and John B had to stop and think through her slight tongue twister.  She giggled, looking up at him and enjoying his ‘thinking’ face.
“I meant what are you talking about?” He asked, semi quietly.
(y/n’s) brow furrowed a bit at his dropped volume.  Pope was pretty far away, there was no way he could have heard his friends talking about him, but she didn’t understand why John B was still whispering.  Did he not want JJ and Kiara to hear? Why didn’t it matter?
She took a large swig of her beer after realizing she’d been overthinking far too much, and then turned back to John B.
“I mean, look at her,” She said, nodding off to the girl with pink hair.  “Look at how close she’s leaning to him,”
John B nodded, checking that off in his head.  Leaning.
“And she’s making eye contact, and smiling, and talking enthusiastically,” (y/n) continued her list.  “I mean, Pope’s a pretty oblivious guy so he probably doesn’t see it, but she definitely wants him to kiss her”
“You can tell all that from all the way over here?” He asked, amused.
(y/n) shrugged, looking up at him again.
“What can I say? I’ve got a natural talent for reading people,” She said proudly, and then finished her beer.  “Hey, Jay, be a doll and pour me another?”
She handed her cup back to the blonde before turning to John B again when he tapped on her arm.
“Do someone else,” He says, but she clearly doesn’t get what he’s trying to say.  “Your reading thing, do it on someone else”
“Alright,” (y/n) shrugged, eyes roaming over the crowd around them.  “Who?”
She wanted to show him the Touron couple that were still arguing and on the verge of breaking up, and tell him about what she saw earlier, but he already had someone in mind.
“Her” He said, pointing to a blonde girl down by the water.  She was wearing a pretty floral dress, and was wading around barefoot where the water barely reached the shore.  Her boyfriend was standing further away from the water, obviously yelling at her to get out of it, even though he couldn’t be heard from where (y/n) was standing.
“Sarah Cameron?” She asked him, and he nodded his head.  “I mean, I don’t know what she’d thinking going out with Topper-”
“That’s not the same thing, you’ve gotta read her from afar, forget about what you already know about her” John B instructed.
(y/n) huffed, but nodded in agreement, and focused on the pair that were some thirty feet away.
“She’s pretty free spirited…” She finally told him, it was something she’d never noticed before.  “And seems pretty happy, genuinely happy.  For a Kook,”
John B chuckled as she added in that last part hastily.
“But I don’t think her and Topper will last long, really,” (y/n) continued.  “I mean, he keeps trying to hold her back, look at him,”
(y/n’s) eyes wandered to John B, only to realize he wasn’t watching Sarah and Topper’s interaction with her, instead he’d been staring at her the whole time, mesmerized by the way she could read body language like it were in a book.
(y/n’s) cheeks tinted pink, but she ignored it, pointing off to Sarah and Topper to redirect John B’s attention.
“See how he’s just pouting like that? He does it a lot.  He gets frustrated with her very easily.  Pretty much whenever they’re not doing what he wants to do”
With that, (y/n) took her refilled cup from JJ, and took a swig.
John B had a wide grin on his face as he nodded at her with respect.
“That’s pretty cool.  I didn’t know you were so good at that” He said.
“I’m full of surprises” (y/n) giggled back, hiccuping a bit.
She drank more beer in hopes of getting rid of the hiccup.  It didn’t work.
“Me too,” John B, suddenly taking hold of her hand.  He was right, that did surprise her.  Usually she was the one to initiate physical affection, not him.  “Come on, let’s dance some more”
Shrugging, she followed him as he began to walk backwards, away from the keg.
They both drank some more, so that when they danced with their cups it wouldn’t spill over.  Now they were properly tipsy, borderlining on drunk.  That perfect in-between that would last the next fifteen minutes or so before they got truly drunk.
But for now, as they danced wildly and without rhythm, it was perfect.
At one point, John B ditched his beer completely, dropping the cup to the sand, so that he could wrap both arms around (y/n’s) waist.  She was just about to reach her hands up to his shoulders, thinking they were still dancing, when he abruptly lifted her up off the sand.
The squeal she let out caught the attention of a few surrounding party goers, but no one paid them any mind.
John B proceeded to spin her around a few times before he set her back down.  She was giggling again, just like when they were dancing before, soft and calculated, like she was trying not to laugh too much.
He laughed with her as she regained her balance and hooked one of her arms around his neck, continuing to dance without a care in the world.
She still had her beer in her other hand, not much of it was left, but there was enough for her to take a swig and then let John B throw back the rest.  Her now free hand landed on his chest haphazardly.  The button down he wore wasn’t buttoned anymore, so her palm rested on his warm chest while her fingers dug into the soft fabric.
There was no denying that the feeling of her skin against his made him heat up more.
After he drank the remnants of her beer, John B tossed her cup to the ground next to where his had landed earlier.
“We gotta remember -hic- to pick those up later,” (y/n) told him, her eyes hooded slightly as she tried to keep eye contact.  “Or Kie will kill us” She finished, and then hiccuped again.
John B laughed at the hiccuping, but nodded his head.
“Okay, I’ll remember”
“No you won’t” (y/n) said knowingly.
“I’ll try to remember” John B replied, but the slight slur in his voice as he tried to properly pronounce ‘remember’ said otherwise.
“You’re not gonna remember” (y/n) argued again, and this time he nodded his head.
“Yeah, I’m not gonna remember.  You should remember for me”
They were both laughing again, just because it was a stupid conversation but it was the funniest thing in the world to them, at the moment anyways.
But then suddenly everything changed.
She looked up at him and her laughter died.
He was the only thing she could see.  The party was in the background, their friends, the Touron couple fighting just a few feet away, the music that had previously been blasting in her ears, it all faded away.  She was intently focused on the slope of John B’s nose.  Followed by the way his eyes kind of turned green in the dim lighting.  Then the curve of his jaw.  And the few freckles scattered over his cheeks and down his neck.  And lastly the fullness of his lips.
His lips had never looked that kissable before.  Sure, she’s always wanted to kiss them, but right now it dawned on her that she absolutely could if she wanted to.  They were right there, it would be easy to reach up and plant her lips on his.  Even if it was just for a second.
John B must have picked up on her change in demeanor, because his arms around her waist tighten in the slightest, drawing her in closer.  The action made her heart skip a beat, because she knew.  She knew he knew.  They were thinking the same thing, consequences be damned, it just had to be done this once, the mood was just right.
Subconsciously, (y/n) licked her lips, cursing at herself for drinking so much beer that she could still taste it on herself, but the thought was fleeting as her eyes met John B’s for the shortest of seconds, just to make sure that they were thinking the same thing, before they lowered back down to his lips.
When she stood on the tips of her toes, they were almost eye level, which was close enough.  And when she stood on the tips of her toes, John B pulled her in until her chest hit his.
And finally, she let her eyes fall shut, leaning in to let nature take it’s course.  Or maybe it was fate- it certainly felt like fate was guiding her right now.
But just as she could feel his nose prod against hers, a loud shout broke the pair from their hypnotized state.
“I’m sick and tired of you dirty Pogues thinking you own this island!”
Suddenly, the party was back in the picture, and it wasn’t just the two of them on the beach.
(y/n) pulled away from John B with more force than she meant to, but Rafe Cameron yelling something like that was not a good sign, and she was certain that he was picking a fight with someone.
Of course, as her eyes finally found him, that ‘someone’ was JJ.  Of course.
“Oh, shit”
John B came back down to earth and was moving before he could think.  (y/n) followed right after him, hoping to get to the arguing pair before it could escalate.  Topper was walking up to defend Rafe if needed, and if any other Kooks closed in, then this party was going downhill fast.
Before either of them could get to him, JJ took the first swing, knocking Rafe on his ass right away with the blow.  And despite the slight pride that John B and (y/n) felt, they knew that it wouldn’t be good if the fight continued.
So John B got in front of JJ, putting his hands on his shoulders, while (y/n) wrapped her hands around his arm.
She’d learned some time ago that touching him gently, carefully, was a quick way to calming JJ down.  He had a bad temper, but if he was reminded of the consequences of his actions- like getting arrested again and being away from his friends, which were his safe haven- then he could calm down faster and it made it easier for him to walk away.
“Maybank, you hitting that?” Topper asked, nodding to where (y/n) was still at his side, trying to whisper nice things to calm him down.
Apparently she’d been soothing the wrong person.  Because as soon as Topper spoke, John B was abandoning JJ, and whirling around to punch the Kook across the jaw.
“John!” You shrieked in a mixture of fear and shock.
John B didn’t start fights, ever.  He’s ended them before, and gotten his ass handed to him before, but he never threw the first punch, no matter what.  Normally it was JJ, and sometimes it was a stupid Kook.  But him decking Topper just now, that was the first time (y/n’s) ever seen him swing without hesitation.
JJ whooped beside her, and she stopped her comforting caress to smack his bicep in nonverbal scolding.
Next thing she knew, Topper swung back, and he and John B were full on brawling.  Rafe had even stepped back, cheering Topper on as he landed a couple punches in a row.
And then there was Sarah Cameron, who must have just shown up, because she was screaming at her boyfriend with the entirety of her lungs.
“Get off him! Topper! Cut it out!”
She continued to scream until she realized that Topper wasn’t going to listen no matter what she said.
He hit John B again, sending him to his knees.  (y/n) gasped, her hands flying over her mouth as she flinched at the pain he must be in.  It was a tough punch, to get knocked down like that.
John B didn’t stay down though, just as Topper was winding back to deck him again, John B was lunging forward, tackling him to the ground.
(y/n) had forgotten that she was supposed to be keeping JJ grounded, because suddenly he was in the picture, sending a kick into Topper’s side as John B kept him down.
“JJ!” She called, her eyes darting between John B and JJ, not knowing who to yell at currently.  “John B!”
Frustration grew inside of her as a pit in her stomach.  It mixed in with the fear of her boys getting themselves hurt, again, and she felt like she might throw up right then and there.
Rafe came back into the picture then, as if on cue, grabbing JJ by the shoulders and prying him away from Topper and John B, sparking a completely different fight.
Without JJ helping John B to keep Topper down, the Kook was shooting forward, pinning John B to his back, completely knocking the wind out of him.  Enough so that when Topper threw his fist against his face again, it completely disoriented him.
It was when Topper started dragging John B towards the water that (y/n) snapped and finally stepped in, consequences of getting hurt be damned, whatever Topper was about to do wasn’t good.
“Topper! Let go of him!” She cried out, and then screamed in terror as she watched him force John B’s head under the water.
There wasn’t a moment of hesitation before she threw herself onto Topper’s back, trying to throw off his balance and force him away from John B.  Her body weight wasn’t enough to bring him down though, and he pulled John B back up just to push him under again.
“Let him go! Let him go you dick!” (y/n) continued to scream in his ear, throwing her fists anywhere she could before Topper got annoyed of her.
“Get the fuck off me, bitch” He growled, and with ease was able to maneuver her into falling off him, her body crashing into the shallow water.
“You’ll kill him!” (y/n) cried out, kicking at his legs as she tried to get back up.  “You’re going to kill him!” Her words fell on deaf ears, and now her fear had morphed into something far worse than worrying John B will get a black eye.
“JJ! Pope!” She screamed out, hoping one of the boys would be able to stop Topper from drowning John B.  “Topper get the fuck off of him!”
The next part is always a little fuzzy in her memory, either because there was plenty of alcohol in her system, or because it was just too much for her brain to process at the time it happened, but suddenly JJ was there.
He had a gun in his hand, a gun that (y/n) thought he had hidden in the Chateau after he found it, but apparently he’d kept it on him.
That gun was pressed against the back of Topper’s head, and the click of JJ turning off the safety rang in everyone’s ears.  Topper let go of John B.
(y/n) wouldn’t admit it, but in that moment, all she could think was thank fucking god.
Ignoring whatever JJ was saying to threaten Topper, she scrambled past them, reaching for John B and holding him up out of the water.  It was then that she realized she was crying- sobbing, really- because her vision was blurry and watery while she tried to assess the damage.
“Oh- oh my god, John B,” She mumbled, her lip trembling with her words.  Even her hands were shaking as they reached for his face, and then patted from his shoulders to his chest.  “Oh my god, oh my fucking god”
She continued to repeat herself while John B coughed up water, unable to say anything even if he could breathe.  His head was spinning and everything was fuzzy.  But he could feel (y/n) grabbing at him and touching him everywhere she could.
And then three gunshots rang out, and the pair jolted, both heads turning to the sound, assuming the worst.
“Everyone get off our side of the island, now!” JJ howled.
John B sighed in relief, while Pope and Kiara yelled at JJ.  He was just glad someone didn’t get shot.
His head fell forward, hitting (y/n’s) shoulder as he heaved.
Her hands smoothed up his arms, squeezing gently, prompting him to get up.
It took quiet an effort to get him to his feet, but by then Pope was at his side, helping (y/n) get him to walk.
“What the fuck happened?” Pope asked, looking over at the girl for answers.
“Rafe- and then Topper- and John B hit him-” She was still crying, and most of what she was trying to explain was incoherent, but Pope did his best to listen.  “He was drowning him-” She whimpered, taking in short gasps of air after every word.  “He was- he was gonna- k-kill him”
“He’ll be fine, he’ll be just fine,” Pope said, realizing that now wasn’t the best time to get details.  “He just needs rest”
(y/n) nodded her head shakily, pulling John B’s arm tighter around her shoulder, her other hand pressed against his stomach, hoping that he knew she was right there for him.
They got him inside and on the sofa, where he groaned as soon as he landed on the cushions.  He’d stopped coughing, and although his breathing was a bit ragged, it had at least evened out.  Pope continued to assure (y/n) that he would be fine, because it didn’t seem to click for her yet.
[ i know i could lie, but i won’t lie to you // wherever i go, you’re the ghost in the room ]
Kiara ushered JJ towards the guest room, leaving Pope and (y/n) to tend to John B.
While Pope went to the kitchen to find something frozen, (y/n) dropped to her knees on the floor, grabbing hold of John B’s hand and holding it close to her chest.
“Are you okay? Does it hurt?” She murmured before pressing her lips to the back of his hand.
John B’s eyes were closed, and he didn’t bother to open them.
“When we move to Florida,” He mumbled quietly, “I’m gonna get a tattoo”
(y/n) paused for a moment, thrown off by the comment, but a second later a slight smile tugged on her lips.
“A tattoo of what?” She murmured.
Pope came back to the room with a bag of frozen vegetables.  Wordlessly, (y/n) took it from him and gently laid it against John B’s bruising eye.  It was red and swollen now, but by morning it was definitely going to be a dark purple.
He hissed, from the cold or pain she wasn’t sure, but she whispered softly to soothe him anyways.
“I know, it’s just for a little bit”
“Maybe a surfboard, on my ankle or somethin’,” John B finally answered her tattoo question, his jaw clenched and his teeth grinding, but he spoke through the pain anyways.  “Or when we get the treasure, for every gold bar we find, I’ll tattoo it somewhere”
(y/n) forced out a light laugh, smiling at him again.
He finally opened his eyes, pleasantly surprised to see her smile, but not so delighted to see the flow of tears falling from her eyes, and the streaks already stained on her cheeks.
“You look rough honey” He muttered, lazily bringing up a hand to graze the back of his fingers over the tears.
(y/n) scoffed, rolling her eyes.
“That’s real hot coming from you” She retorted, glancing over the bruises on his body, and the split in his lip.
Pope chuckled from where he’d sat himself on the chair in the living room.  He hadn’t wanted to disturb the peace that (y/n) had worked so hard to create in the atmosphere, but he was also genuinely amused by how the pair got along when no one else was around.  It was much more… intimate.
“I can’t look that bad,” John B mumbled, tiredness evident in his voice.  “I walked to the house, didn’t I?”
“You only got here cause Pope and I practically carried you, you baby” (y/n) reminded him.  The laugh she let out was watery, but she was finally calming down enough that her tears stopped.
“Thanks for carrying me” He mumbled, his eyes falling shut again.
(y/n) just hummed in response, sitting down more comfortably.
Her free hand, the one that wasn’t holding onto his, rested against his head.  Her fingers twirled around the long strands of hair, curling the brown locks before letting them go, and repeating the action.  His head rolled to the side, eyes still closed as he was slowly falling asleep, but leaning more into her touch.
After a few minutes of silence, Pope got up from his seat, announcing that he was heading to bed, and if anything changed with his pain, to get him.  (y/n) nodded, and thanked him quietly as he bent over to kiss the top of her head before he left the room.
Almost as soon as he was gone, John B was talking again.
“Come up here and lay with me”
“John B, you’re taking up the entire sofa,” (y/n) whispered back, laughing softly.  “But I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep-”
“No,” He whined, and tugged limply on her hand.  “Come lay with me and stay the whole night”
She huffed out a sigh, and his eyes opened to meet hers.
“Please?” He added hopefully.
She was silent as she gave in, standing up and crawling into the small space on the couch.  John B moved as best as he could to lay on his side, his back against the cushions so that (y/n) could have just enough space to lay on her side before him.
He wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her tight so that she wouldn’t roll off in the middle of the night.
She sighed again as she rested her head against his chest, being careful to stay away from the bruises that were slowly starting to darken, but this time the soft exhale was one of content, and relief.
“It doesn’t hurt?” She murmured.
John B took the frozen vegetables off his eye, and dropped the bag somewhere on the ground carelessly.
“It’s not that bad,” He lied.  “Really”
She didn’t know if she should believe him, because she knew he would lie just to ease her worries.  But she decided to just nuzzle further into him, her own arm sliding around his hips, her hand splaying out flat against his back.
“I thought he was gonna fuckin’ kill you” She admitted, her voice barely a whisper, but he still heard her.
“It’s Topper, he just wanted to prove a point, (y/n/n),” John B said, even though there had been a moment where he’d thought the same thing.  “You probably scared him, though.  He probably thought you were gonna break his dick again”
The girl let out a small laugh.  It was momentary, but it was worth it, and John B relaxed a bit against her.
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” She mumbled, starting to fall asleep in his arms.  “I don’t like seeing you hurt.  It was stupid of you to hit him, not that he didn’t deserve it,”
She was on a bit of a confession spree, the remaining alcohol in her system mixing in with the adrenaline of the fight and her exhaustion.  But John B didn’t mind, he’d stay up to listen to her talk all night.
“Someday we’ll get out of here, and never have to see him again”
That was the last thing she’d said before falling asleep, and it warmed John B’s heart.  It was relieving to hear that she thought about their dream of getting off the island too, and not just to entertain him.
He told her goodnight and kissed her forehead before allowing himself to go to sleep too.
[ i know i could try looking for something new // but wherever i go, i’ll be looking for you ]
Kiara had told (y/n) a few weeks after that incident that her and the Pogues had found John B and (y/n) completely intertwined the next morning.
Apparently JJ had been the first to get up that morning, bright and early, the aches and pains that he had as consequences to fighting the night before made sure that he wasn’t able to comfortably sleep through the night.  
And apparently when he’d headed for the kitchen to make breakfast, he’d come across the pair on the sofa, and just about laughed so hard he risked waking them up.
He did, however, wake Kiara and Pope.
The boys laughed into their hands while whacking each other in the sides, calling John B a simp among other teasing names.
But Kiara just smiled, silently getting a blanket from John B’s bedroom and covering the two.  
(y/n) was completely wrapped up in John B’s arms, her head buried in the crook of his neck and both of her legs tangled with one of his.  While John B was peacefully snoring, head resting against hers.
It was kind of a miracle that his snoring alone didn’t wake up (y/n).  It wasn’t that loud, but it definitely wasn’t soft, and it was right next to her ear.  Kiara thought it was adorable that the two slept so perfectly in each other’s arms.
When she’d told (y/n) about it, the girl blushed and had a hard time keeping eye contact.  She was adamant about staring down at her shoes and insisting that there was nothing between them.
But deep down, she got butterflies just thinking about cuddling up with John B again.
It was a good memory, despite the fight and Topper being a psychopath, when (y/n) looked back on it, it made her feel soft inside.
[ you think it’s a lie when i’m telling the truth // wherever i go i’ll be looking for you ]
“John B! Wait!”
The shriek was desperate.  It was tearful and fearful, full of pure terror and worry.  It was also hopeful, and it was relieved, but it was mostly desperate.
As (y/n) came up to the dock on JJ’s dirtbike, driving terribly as her balance was shit and she didn’t technically have a license so her ability was already in the toilet, the whole gang swiveled in surprise, not having expected to see her.
John B especially, he had been trying to prepare himself for the fact that he might never see her again, but here she was, nearly crashing the bike as she came to a stop, and throwing JJ’s helmet to the ground.
“Hey!” JJ shouted, quickly grabbing the gear and dusting off the dirt.
(y/n) practically scrambled to get off the bike, careless letting it fall to the ground as she swung her leg over it, and then sprinted towards  her outlaw of a best friend.
“You were just gonna leave without saying goodbye?” She spoke breathlessly, her arms already extended for him before she actually reached him.
But John B was quicker than her, lunging forward and literally scooping her up in his arms, hugging her tightly.  (y/n’s) feet couldn’t touch the ground, but she didn’t care, she reciprocated the tight embrace, beyond thankful that she got to him in time.
“I didn’t want to leave without seeing you,” He mumbled, burying his face in her hair  as he set her back down on the ground.  (y/n) could tell he was crying.  “I thought you weren’t going to make it in time, I thought-”
“John B,”
(y/n) pulled him away, her hands cupping his face as she smiled at him, her grin stretching ear to ear, and tears shined in her own eyes as well.  He smiled back at her, letting out a sigh of relief.  Bittersweet relief, as he would still have to leave her in a minute, but at least he got to look at her one last time.  Maybe he could  memorize her face, so that when he got lonely on the other side of the border he could think of her, and imagine she was there with him.
(y/n) didn’t say anything, just pulled him down to be level with her, and then pressed her lips against his.
It was a fast kiss, harsh and desperate, just like her arrival, but it was everything either of them needed.
His hands had a tight grip on her waist before trailing lower, pulling her roughly into his chest.  If this was the last time he saw her, and this was the only chance he’d get at kissing her, he was gonna have to make it worth it.
Pope and Kiara quickly averted their gaze, and JJ let out a low whistle in amusement.
Finally, they parted, only because they needed air, and because John B knew his time for getting away was running out.
(y/n’s) forehead was glued to his, her hands still splayed over his face, nose still pushed up against his, it was like she couldn’t bear to ever be apart from him again.  
And she couldn’t.
“You’re not leaving without me” She murmured.
John B sharply pulled away then, his brows furrowed as his eyes flickered over her features, assessing her expression to make sure she was serious.
When she shrugged the backpack of her shoulders to show him that it was very full, definitely with more than the things he’d asked her to get from the Chateau, his eyes blew wide.
“Really?” He asked, full of hope and excitement, but then the reality of her choice hit him.  “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure” (y/n) nodded affirmatively.
“I’ll be on the run- probably for the rest of my life, I could get picked up and arrested at any moment-”
“We’ll be on the run together then,” (y/n) told him, voice unwavering.  He could tell that she was being as genuine as she could be.  “I love you.  And I  don’t ever want to be apart again” She stated.
John B’s smile returned, and he nodded his head back at her.
(y/n) hugged the Pogues as quickly as she could, crying out her last goodbyes, and as the sound of sirens grew nearer, her and John B hastily made their way onto the speedboat.
It was difficult saying goodbye, but they had a good feeling this wasn’t the end.  Their story had only just started, and they’d only hit the tip of the greatest adventure of their lives.
As John B expertly sped off into the storm, he pulled (y/n) into his side, kissing her cheek affectionately.
“I know the plan was Florida,” He told her, “But how do you feel about the Bahamas?”
She grinned back at him.
“I’ll follow you wherever you go”
[ wherever i go, i’ll be looking for you ] ___
idk what this was, just wanted to write it so i did
xoxo ~ jordie
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lo-55 · 4 years
Playing With Fire Ch. 2
What Do You Know?
When dawn breaks through the window and assaults your eyes you take a few long minutes to relish the feeling of obliviousness. 
If you lay here for long enough and pretend hard enough that yesterday never happened maybe you can open your eyes to your own living room, or even a hospital room where they’ll tell you you took too many Benadryl and hallucinated everything. 
Eventually you have to open your eyes and look to the ceiling. 
You really don’t wanna do this, but here you are. Doing this. 
You really, really wanna open your eyes and find yourself home, with the storm blown over and your life back to normal. You wanna call your parents, who you never knew you could miss quite this bad. 
You can’t do any of these things. 
All you can do is open your eyes and look at the unfamiliar ceiling.
There’s a few cracks in it that you count while you remind yourself how to breathe. Eventually you have to get up and change into the school uniform instead of the blinding orange jumpsuit. If you remember right you were all supposed to meet in a classroom to get your final assignments, and then jump on a train and go to your new company with a resume in hand. 
You ended up following a pair of girls to the classroom, where you plopped yourself next to Shinra. You didn’t see Arthur or Ogun anywhere, which was weird. If you recalled right Ogun stayed in the fourth after graduation, and he and Arthur were close friends of Shinra, even if Arthus disagreed with that fact for the most part. 
You shoot Shinra a quick grin, and turn to face the front again. 
If you remember right, this was where your were assigned the fourth in the game, along with Ogun. You (or the MAIN character) got in trouble snooping around and Ogun, after hearing your reasoning, turned himself into your own personal body guard. 
Now that you were thinking about it, it might be a good idea to start writing everything you know down. 
God knows you’re gonna forget something important when you need to remember it. 
Er, Sol knows? 
This is stupid. 
You look up at some nameless teacher who paces the front, holding a stack of assignments for you and copies of the applications that had been sent to each of the companies. 
This is it. 
You sit a bit straighter. 
The teacher hands out each person a form. When you look to the side you see Shinra grinning that huge, nervous smile of his and it’s all you can do not to pinch his cheeks and tell him how cute he is. 
The teacher finally hands you your assignment. 
Company 8. 
You do a fist pump. 
“Hell yeah! First choice!” 
A few of your classmates shoot you startled looks. Was your character really so quiet before? 
“Hey, I got the same one,” Shinra poked his head over to see. The list was pretty simple. All it said was the company number, their captain, leuitenant, and address. A glance around revealed that everyone else had a whole packet of information on their new companies. But 8 was so small, and so new, apparently they didn’t warrant it. 
That was fine. You already knew enough it hardly mattered. 
“We’ll be together then,” you say cheerfully. “Wanna take the train together?” 
Please say yes. I don’t know where the train station is. Or how to ride one. 
Shinra nodded, “Yeah. Sounds like fun.” 
“Wanna meet at my room and we’ll go? It says we’re supposed to meet them at their station this afternoon.” 
“Are you sure?” Shinra looked startled. You poked his cheek. 
“I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t, babe.” 
Shinra suddenly looked unsettled. “You’re not just doing this to mess with me, right?” 
“Mess with you?” You cocked your head. “What would I do that for?” 
He didn’t have an answer for that, but it made you sad. You knew he got teased a lot, but was it really so bad he thought you being friendly was a trick? 
You were so gonna get in a fight here someday. 
You flipped your company eight paper around so you could take a look at the copy of your resume that they’d be getting there. It was pretty bare bones. It had your name, age, weight, height, blood type, and listed you as a Second Class Fire Soldier, as well as your grades. They were all pretty average, but apparently you were good at math. 
You didn’t have a home address, but it did say you were Ueno, but that part you knew already. In the game you’d gone to Asakusa on an errand, done a bunch of side quests, and found out that Ueno was your home town and it was nearby. It was mostly made of museums and old buildings. 
Still nothing about your pyrokinesis. Damn it. 
This was starting to get annoying. 
“So I’ll see you in a few hours, right?” You clarify quickly, looking up at Shinra. 
Shinra still looks surprised, but he nods quickly, with another small smile. “Yeah. I’ll see you then.” 
You bump fists with him again before you retreat to your room. 
You take to your desk and grab a pencil and paper to try to write down everything you remember, in english for good measure. You don’t know how you know japanese now, but then again you don’t know a lot of things lately. 
What I know for sure: 
MAIN CHARACTER’s family is from Ueno. They died in an infernal fire. They had a sister they’re looking for. They have their sisters ring, a scar on their wrist, and lighter that’s connected to the Tragic Back Story. After the fire SISTER enrolled in the Fire Force Special Academy, leaving MAIN on their own for a few years. She disappeared not long after graduating, and MAIN joined to try to find her in turn. 
In the original game MAIN joins fourth company, which their sister was a part of before her disappearance. In their first night there they dream of a man in a red suit who smiles and pats their head. He’s probably important. Maybe dad??? Likely dead. They snoop around and get in trouble a couple of times, but the captain is on their side and let’s it slide with a slap on the wrist? And no mention of wanting to be lit on fire. He’s a cool, if weird old dude. 
Ogun takes it upon himself to look after MAIN after they nearly get arrested looking into 5th company. 
    Note, avoid the Princess until after Shinra works his magic. 
A choice is made: agree to let Ogun help or ditch him. 
MAIN chose help and together THEY snuck into the Holy Sol Temple. While Ogun looks above, MAIN manages to find a door leading down to old training grounds.
    Note. MAIN didn’t know they were for the shadow sun whatever they were called training. 
MAIN gets lost and pops out at the end of a tunnel, where Joker happens to be setting some cards up. 
    Note . Why???? 
A choice is made ; Tell Joker the truth or lie. 
MAIN admits to Joker that they’re looking into a disappearance, and suspect the church of having something to do with it. They admit that they think the entire situation is a little hazy, and the history is a fragile thing. After that Joker is considered a Friend.  
MAIN returns to Ogun, but only hints at what they found underground. That night they dream of the Man in Red, who tries to speak to them and pats them again. They notice he has a ring with the same design as their own. 
MAIN also spent time in Asakusa with Benimaru Shinmon and Konro. MAIN was little more than an over glorified messenger at the time, but took advantage of the opportunity to see their old home. (UENO) 
    Note. Benimaru is hot
A choice is maid ; leave at once or help out. 
Did a buncha side quests in Asakusa when MAIN stumbled on an old subway entrance in the basement of a restaurant they were working in. The owner says it’s dangerous to go down, but there are a few other holes around the city. Most have been boarded up long ago. 
MAIN, not knowing what they are, leaves them be. 
    Note. Were the subways part of the underground church forbidden place??? Asakusa doesn’t follow the church? So they don’t think they’d curses just dark and flooded? 
MAIN goes home. Rumors of the White Clad begin to circulate, and MAIN goes to company eight to ask Shinra about them directly, thinking that their sister might have been taken by them. 
. . . 
You look at your paper and realize something vital. 
You’ve misspelled maid. 
Fuck it. 
You also write the three powers you could have picked down in blue ink, taking the last pen in your drawer out.
The fire wings, Phoenix in the game. They were support type, with heavy defense properties and minor healing powers, but you couldn't fly which was lame. 
The fire spear, the Sun Lance, was a damage type power. It took fire from around you and made a blade at the end of a long stick. Technically it was a spear, but if you flipped it upside down you could ride it like a witches broom. That one you could fly with, but not the wings. 
The magnet sand, Dark Desert, was a tank type. They made a lot of long range weapons and smashed through fire pretty easily and made strong walls, but it couldn't get too close to you or you yourself will take damage, and you can’t move while you use it. 
They’re all really cool, but you still don’t know which you have and you have no idea how to find out. And you can’t ask anyone or you’ll look crazy! 
...Maybe you should arrange an ‘accidental’ fall down the stairs and claim anmesia. 
Just when you’re seriously considering that option a harsh knock sounds on the door. 
You jump and smash your arm so hard into the drawer you actually break the bottom out of it. 
“Shit! Just a second!” You yell at the door. You scramble to try to hide the evidence when you realize ; the drawer isn’t broken. The bottom is fake. 
You carefully extract, from within, a thin, red, leatherbound book. A look at the inside cover shows you a note. 
To keep your thoughts in order, you scatter brain. 
<3 Fuyuki
Another knock sounds. 
“Hey! Are you ready to go?” Calls Shinra from the other side. 
“Y-yeah! Just a second!” You stuff the book into the front pocket of your bag and throw yourself to the door. You swing it open and throw Shinra back with your blinding grin. 
“Let’s go!” 
When the two of you board the train, each clutching your bag close, you’re forced to stand shoulder to shoulder with Shinra, who ends up keeping up his grin the whole time even though you can see him visibly straining to stop it. 
It probably doesn’t help that you keep looking at him, but oh well. 
The second you step out on the platform the screaming starts. A burning train is on its way. An infernal. You and Shinra scramble towards the sound, with Shinra in the lead, and come to a halt just in time to see the train stop. Fire streams out the windows and a creature from a nightmare crawls out of door. 
You swallow thickly. You can smell burning flesh. You can feel heat on your skin. 
This is real. 
You tear your eyes away from the walking corpse in time to see Company 8’s bad ass entrance. They’re all so cool! Maki is such a badass, and Obi is way too strong, and Iris is sweet faced and determined- 
You’re barely able to focus on the infernal itself, and you actually forget that the big metal sign is going to fall up until it happens. 
Shinra shoots off like a bullet. 
You’re left behind, your hair whipping behind you and your arm raised to protect your face while Shinra saves Iris for not-the-last-time. 
You watch him introduce himself, for a moment feeling like you’re just an observer. Its not really intruding, but the familiarity of it all doesn’t help anything. 
It’s not until Shinra points at you and says your name that you snap to attention. Your body knows to salute even if you don’t. 
“Sir!” You echo. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. That was totally awesome, sir.” 
Obi gives you a brief once over before he nods, seriously. 
“Yes. Yes it was. It’s good to have the two of you. Come on. We should get going, back to the cathedral.” 
You and Shinra hurry to grab your things and follow after the four of them. 
When they’re not looking you elbow Shinra. 
“That was so cool!” You hiss. “I didn’t even have time to react and you totally saved the sister!” 
“A-ah, you really think so?” Shinra looked away, his cheeks pink and his grin huge. He scratched his cheek in embarrassment. “ I just did what any hero would!” 
You laugh and swing your arm around his shoulder. “True! Still, it was really awesome. I know I can count on you to help me in the future, right?” 
Shinra nods quickly, however embarrassed he might be.
“Yeah! Or I’m not-” 
You don’t get to hear his new, weird nickname. You’re cut off by the fact that instead of loading into a matchbox the captain has called you a cab. 
That’s weird. 
You know that’s weird. 
“...I don’t get it, but I’m not fighting it,” you say after a minute, and crawl inside. Shinra follows suit and the two of you finally make your way to the run down cathedral. 
Home suite home. 
 ~  ~
A/N So which power do you guys wanna see?
Dark Desert, Phoenix, or Sun Lance? Please let me know!
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adhdeancas · 4 years
A Bump in the Night
Dean and Cas are finally together and the world is finally at peace, but neither one can shake their anxieties that everything could fall apart at any second. Or sleep. They’ve been through a lot, but they’ll get through it together.
(fluffy, post 15.20, talks about anxiety/anxiety attacks) read on AO3
The first thought Dean had when he woke up was that it was happening again. His heart was pounding, and something in the back of his head was screaming alarm bells at him. The rest of his head was still heavy and disoriented from sleep and whatever nightmare had so obviously caused this. Again. He took a deep shuddering breath, trying to slow down his heart, but the second he thought about it, it sped up again. Oh, the life of a hunter was glamorous.
His hearing was alert up from the anxiety flowing through his veins, so when he heard a noise coming from somewhere in the bunker it sounded significant. A dull thud, maybe the sound of a boot coming down the stairs, or a body against a wall. Could be the sound of someone falling, or maybe it was the sound of the kitchen door shutting in its heavy frame. Someone was in the bunker.
“No, Dean,” he scolded himself quietly. “Nobody can get in, nobody even knows this place exists.” 
But what if someone did? Was he just gonna sit there in bed like an idiot and wait for them to barge in? Kill his family? Dread gripped his chest and he eased out of bed with a sigh. It happened every night. But there was always a chance that this time… this time it would be real. He grabbed his gun from under his pillow and padded into the hall, being careful to shut his well-oiled door quietly. It was the only door in the place that he’d ensured was silent; all the others squeaked like an old bird. For protection. Nothing better to alert you to an intruder than a squeaky hinge.
Okay, so he was a little paranoid. Dean crept along the hallway, keeping a careful eye on all the shadows he saw move in the dim lighting of the wall sconces. Nothing yet. He could hear Sam snoring through his bedroom door. “Jeesh, thank god Eileen is deaf.” He snickered to himself. Next came Jack’s door. Jack slept like a freaking rock, so Dean felt alright peeking into his bedroom to check. Safe and sound, a book folded on top of his chest and his lamp still on. Dean tiptoed to his bedside, turning it off and laying the book on his nightstand before he left. Dork. He was gonna turn out just like Sam, a little bookworm. He’d been really into this nerdy science-fiction series, something about aliens and pirates, maybe. Cas really was the better listener when it came to that kind of thing.
His heartbeat picked up again the second he got out the door, so much that Dean had to lean against the wall and force himself to breathe. There was nothing even happening, goddamnit. 
The kitchen was clear, the Dean Cave was empty and dark, but there was a dim light shining down at the end of the hallway. The library. “Sam probably just forgot to turn off a lamp again.” He told himself, so quietly he could barely hear it. He raised his gun anyway, sneaking up the hall until he could turn the corner and have the element of surprise. That would be the first room someone searched if they’d broken in, after all. He jumped out from the corner, gun pointed…
At Cas. 
“Dean!” Cas gasped. He put the book in his hand down, looking up at Dean. “It’s just me.” 
Dean let out a breath which felt like a relief. He was pretty sure he’d stopped breathing about halfway down the hall. For stealth, you know. He relaxed the grip on his gun and let it drop to his side. “Sorry, Cas,” 
“Did you think I was an intruder?” 
“No, I-” That would be ridiculous. No one could get in here. No one knew this place existed. “I heard a noise.”
“And you thought it was trouble.” 
“No, I just… I wanted to make sure.” He hoped his face wasn’t getting as red as it felt. “This place has all sorts of weird stuff,” God, that excuse was lame. He silently begged Cas to agree. They’d just started dating. This was not a hot look. His heart beat agreed with him. He felt nauseous. 
“The bunker is safe, Dean. We searched through everything.” Cas beckoned him over, and Dean reluctantly sat down. With his boxer briefs, t-shirt, and gun, he felt a lot silly sitting next to Cas. Cas, fully dressed and lounging in the middle of the night.
“Yeah, I know.” Dean ducked his head, hoping Cas wouldn’t hear how hard he was trying to keep his breathing even. “Old habits.” He huffed and set the gun down on the table. “What are you doing up, anyway?”
Cas shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep. I guess I’m not quite as used to human processes as Jack yet.” 
Dean grinned slightly. “Yeah, well, the kid’s a teenager. He needs it.”
“The kid’s three.” Cas corrected. He crossed his legs and faced Dean on the couch like he was the kid.
“Makes my point even better then.” Cas just smiled at him in reply. Dean fidgeted, uncomfortable with the attention, even though he was sure Cas was just as tired as he was.
Cas seemed to recognize it. He frowned and took Dean’s hand in his, running his fingers over the creases of his palm. Luckily he either didn’t notice or ignored how clammy they were. “Dean… do you feel okay?” He spoke softly and calmly, but Dean recognized the tone. It was something new they’d developed since Cas had come back from The Empty, since they’d started dating. It was this tone that they used when they wanted the truth, even though they knew it was uncomfortable.
Dean felt dumb answering. “Yeah, I mean… I’m fine. I mean… look at me, all my fingers and toes are there and everything.” he wiggled his fingers in Cas’s grip, which earned him a little smile. “I just… I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Cas. I know it’s all over, but…  I still get nervous. Over nothing.” He rubbed at his eyes tiredly, letting the anxiety settle into place. “I’ve woken up every night this week and cleared the bunker.” 
The admission didn’t take Cas off guard at all. At least, not that he showed. He squeezed Dean’s hand and put another on the back of his neck. His hands were cool and steady, and they made Dean feel a little more anchored. “Are you anxious right now?” Dean took the hand away from his face and nodded. He gripped Cas’s hand and raised it to his chest so he could feel his heartbeat racing away. Cas nodded. He leaned in to Dean, kissing his soft and sweet.
“I haven’t been able to sleep because I keep thinking I’m going to come out of my room and it’ll all be gone.” He admitted quietly. “You, Jack, Sam, Eileen. It feels like if I stay out here, in the open, there isn’t a chance for it all to disappear.” 
Dean furrowed his eyebrows. He understood, of course he did. But the thought of Cas staying out here all night feeling bad, it made him hurt. “Why didn’t you come get me?” 
Cas smiled, quirking an eyebrow. “Why didn’t you?”
Dean shrugged and kissed his knuckles. “Touche.” He couldn’t tell if touching Cas like this was making his anxiety better or worse. On the one hand, getting to touch Cas and be soft with him made him feel giddy and scarily lucky. On the other hand, it also made him feel all kinds of butterflies, the sense of disbelief that this man loved him still lingering. He decided it was worth it either way, and knocked his knuckles against Cas’s leg. “Come on, come to bed with me.” 
Cas paused, eyebrows raising.
“Oh come on, I don’t mean like that.” he grinned easily. “At least, not right now.” The blush crept up his cheeks again. Flirting with Cas was his newest extreme sport. “Just, maybe if I’m there you won’t feel like everything’s about to disappear.” 
Cas looked way too flattered at the proposition. God he was cute. “On one condition. Wake me up if you hear a noise?” 
Dean laughed. “Are you sure? You need your beauty rest.” 
Cas scowled at him. “Is that an insult?”
“Eh, you’ve looked worse.” Dean quirked his lips. He was almost cuter when he was annoyed.
“Oh really? Like when?” 
“Like that one time in the barn when you told me you loved me?” 
“Oh, you mean the time I was dying?” Cas scoffed.
Dean nodded. “Yeah. You looked like shit.”
Cas shook his head and seemed to remember their conversation. “I mean it. Wake me up.” 
Dean’s smile faded as he thought it over. Maybe he could wake Cas up with a few kisses, convince him to go for a night drive or something instead of stalking around the house. “Okay, fine. But no being grumpy.” 
“Me? Dean, you are a nightmare to wake up.” 
“Is that an insult?” 
Dean laughed and grabbed Cas by the hand, leading him to his bedroom. That sleep was the best either of them had gotten in weeks.
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