#post 15.20
deancasforcutie · 10 months
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*talks myself down from the The Horrors by remembering that Cas Fucking Helped* I am centered I am at peace I create my own path and walk in it fearlessly
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tgtbata · 10 months
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you will tell dean that you had a wife.
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wigglebox · 7 months
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“I know who you love… what you fear…”
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Nicole has spent her life, dreaming about her death. Now left alone to raise her late-husband's teenage daughter and an entire ranch to run, she finally has something to live for. She's still just surviving and not really living but she'll get there. Time getting away from her and seriously out of groceries, they head out for a late night snack run. Nine years ago, she embarked on a similar impromptu trip that changed the trajectory of her life, will tonight be the same?
You're getting this chapter very early as today is my 26th birthday and i really wanted to post this chapter today as i introduce an original character who may or may not be based on yours truly. What better way to celebrate your birthday than posting a new chapter on Ao3? I apologise (no, i don't) for my shameless self-insert, we all know it's annoying when writers insert themselves into a Destiel story *cough* Chuck *cough*
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roachingurcoach · 2 years
I think that Sam would go jogging to the town outside the bunker (if it wasn't very far away), with his and Eileen's kid strapped to his chest. Hand protectively over the baby's heart.
Dean would (have to) wake up early with Castiel, while Sam is still jogging, and the two of them would drive past him to go to a new bakery and try their pie on opening day.
Dean would see his gigantic brother running with a tiny-ass infant strapped to his chest, and laugh so hard he almost goes off the road and Castiel has to correct the wheel.
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musicalsilence · 3 months
how can I have your life?
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Live with two roommates and clean the bathrooms at a unionized grocery chain, and never buy new clothes.
I can only really maintain this because I don't ever want to buy stuff. It works out great for me because my main interests are writing and music, and I'm really good at pirating tv and video games.
But most people would probably not be able to make my budget work, lol.
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weidli · 1 year
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03:11 // 15:20
supernatural really said. none of us are getting out of this story all of us are stuck. dean voice you knew it was always gonna end like this for me. trickster voice how long will it take you to realize? you can’t save your brother. no matter what
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aliusfrater · 3 months
i dislike post-canon headcanons that describe sam and dean (or at least just sam) as still being hunters as a good thing and not it being something entirely horrific. like the show and hunting was originally horror and despite the shows genre change it could never shake that part of it off of the general culture of hunting. like even sam's canonical ending was horror to me. him naming his son dean jr. was horror, him dying in a big house that looked a little bit too much like bobby's, full of photos of ghosts was horror, dean dying and sam being unable to live past his presence in his life was horror. perpetual grief will always be horror. it is not comforting to think that dean is still alive and owns a roadhouse while sam is still chief of anyone he can help, all it says to me is that they didn't get out and the cycle continues in a different way than 15.20 did
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zepskies · 4 months
✍🏽 Writing Update
Hi friends!
If you follow this regularly scheduled program, you'll probably already know that I'm gearing up to start posting the new Russell Shaw (Tracker) series that will continue A Line and a Half, called Every Second Counts (next week!).
I also have a three-part story coming up for the Midnight Espresso-verse! ☕
It's going to see the return of Carter, the reader's ex-douchebag boyfriend. This will also be part of the "fix it" to 15.20, and will take place in that episode. (Thank you @siampie for stoking the flames of this idea!)
I'm still debating on when to start posting this one, either alongside or after Every Second Counts, but we'll see! Just wanted to let you guys know that it's coming up. 😘
Dream With Me
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-sized!Reader (Latina)
Summary: When your ex-boyfriend calls for help on a case, you have a tough decision to make. But Dean isn’t going to let you do anything alone. (AKA: The last hunt you, Sam, and Dean will ever go on together.)
👀 Sneak Peek:
Part 1 - "On the Drop of a Dime"
“Look…I’m the Job, you know? What the hell would I even do if not this?” he says.
You reach for his hand and lay a kiss over his knuckles. You know he thinks being a hunter is all he’s good for—all he’s equipped to do. You also know that he’s so much more than the Job. 
“Dean, you’re one of the smartest, most resourceful people I know. You can…restore cars, build cars,” you suggest. Your excitement grows as you brainstorm for him. You tap on his thigh.
“Oh! You could open up a bar. Call it the Roadhouse, after the one your friends had. Or hey, we could open up a bakery. We’ll sell pies and flan and whatever the hell else you want me to make.”
You say that last bit with a giggle. It earns his smile, but you know, looking into his eyes, that he’s not convinced. You grab his hand again with both of yours.
“Come on, Dean. Dream with me for a second,” you implore. “I know we could do this. We could…we could have a different life. A peaceful life. We could have a family.”
Dean sighs, glancing down at his hands. They’re calloused and scarred, and he has the memories to match.
Coming on 6/30…
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So Destiny changed the shop name to Boo Autographs and is back to stealing our stuff, faking autos (that wobble... that Padagraph), and trying to rip you off.
Friends don't let friends get ripped off by con artists who are so stupid they put a fake Kripke autograph on The Winchesters pilot.
Archived links:
The Winchesters pilot
9.16 Blade Runners (we won the original one at auction a few years ago)
15.20 Carry On (Devil's Trap watermark from Russian eBay seller version)
Taylor Swift tour poster
(prev post)
Update (Sat Feb 3):
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Update Sun Feb 4: make that 5 complaints submitted, some poor soul paid a lot of money for a counterfeit item
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episodeoftv · 10 months
Round 1 of 6, Group 1 of 4
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Propaganda is under the cut (671 words) - may contain spoilers
summaries (pulled from imdb or wikis)
Chén Qíng Lìng/The Untamed - 1.50 Episode 50
The mastermind who plans everything has appeared. He's not someone who wouldn't think he would be the one who is behind everything, including Wei Wuxian's comeback. Who would that be?
I nominate this final on grounds of CCP information control, censorship and homophobia. They were so scared of the power of wangxian that they ended up banning ao3 in china and in the show they have to inexplicably have them part ways just to hammer home the no-homo. Plus the show is just kind of objectively bad.... but it rewires your brain all the same
Supernatural - 15.20 Carry On
cw: suicide
After Chuck is defeated and someone takes his place, Sam and Dean go about their life of hunting, but things don't turn out as expected.
1) you know why 2) god. where do i fucking start. this episode completely ignores this large cast of characters that were considered family in order to make it the "just two brothers" show again, scrapping basically every shred of character development shown throughout the course of the show, cutting out incredibly important characters at the last second (i.e. eileen being replaced with blurry wife for no fucking reason, cas not being there at all despite the whole love confession/ dying for dean that happened just two episodes before). in the penultimate episode the boys fight god. the finale? a random vampire from an episode of season one, who up until this point had never been mentioned again. then we have Dean being impaled on a very phallic looking spike and, after a speech about it just being about the brothers, dies. he then goes to heaven, where his father figure tells him his abusive dad is just down the road. he hops in his car (also in heaven, somehow) and drives for the next 60 odd years waiting for Sam to die. meanwhile, sam is moving on with blurry wife and i shown with a son named dean (as seen stitched onto his clothes), and we eventually see sam, now old and clad in the crustiest looking wig i have ever seen, die in the hospital. he goes to heaven, meets Dean on a bridge, and the last shot is the entire cast and crew on the bridge saying goodbye, completely shattering the fourth wall because fuck it, who cares anymore. and this isn't even mentioning everything that happened after. just an absolute mess the whole way through. 3) Random villain from season 1 kills one of the main characters, he goes to heaven and drives around while the other main character gets a montage of growing old a horrible wig. And that's not even all. 4) It abandoned 15 years of series theme and character growth, veered away from the natural story line and failed to resolve major plot threads. Dean deserved better, and so did Cas. See also Jared's terrible wig, Dean jr, Dean driving through heaven for five minutes... 5) Dean dies in the most anticlimactic way, cheap wig, blurry wife 6) There was no Castel :( 7) I mean... 8) destroyed every character arc in one fell swoop. the guy who tried to kill himself and struggled with depression throughout the show ended up killing himself anyway! was cas’s death even important? who was blurry wife? why was the absolute ugliest toddler imaginable cast to play Sam’s son? but in order to truly grasp how decimating this finale was, you have to understand the queerbaiting between 15.18 and the finale. why did Misha post that pic in the onion field with Uriel. why was Misha originally credited to be in 19 episodes of the final season on IMDb. why was . Hrrgghh. 9) Do I even need to write propaganda for this one? Even though it was the series finale we are still here after 3 years 😂 Title said 'carry on', but the fandom said 'nah, time for season 16'. 10) Bad old man makeup and no castiel 11) Everything had been neatly wrapped up in the previous episode. Then they decided "Hey you know what would be great? If we just killed one of the main characters." They killed him for no reason. He deserved to live a full life, have a family, retire, but nope! He met his match in a RUSTY NAIL. Not to mention that there were terrible wigs, blurry wives, and subtextual incest vibes involved.
+ After it aired, one of the actors unfollowed everyone who had anything to do with the episode.
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deancasforcutie · 7 months
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when the surrogate dad in your found family accepts you
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DESTIEL TROPE COLLECTION 2023 | DAY 12 | Love Confessions
You're Not My Secret | @blessyourhondahurley
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,006 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - High School, Dean Winchester Has Self-Esteem Issues, Castiel Makes the First Move, First Kiss, Making Out Summary: Dean thinks he's an irredeemable bad boy, but Cas knows better.
Repeat Until Death | @huggybearsunshine
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,218 Main Tags/Warnings: Depression, grief, loss, displaced anger, Dean uses his words Summary: 15x3 The Rupture but with a bit more honesty
Belonging | @pluckydean
Rating: General Word Count: 1,300 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-canon, Love Confessions, human!Castiel, disregards 15.19 and 15.20 Summary: It would've been easier if Dean had said what he wanted to say the moment Cas got back from the Empty. Now it feels like every passing minute is another minute too late, and the words are harder to reach.
Manually Disengage | @aaronthe8thdemon
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2,192 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Episode: s10e14 The Executioner's Song, Dean Winchester Bears the Mark of Cain, First Kiss, Suffering Dean Winchester Summary: “My garrison was chosen to besiege Hell because of my disciplinary issues, Dean. You need to understand, Naomi and the intelligence division were exhausted by repeatedly reprogramming me over my fascination with and sympathy for humanity. It was a tactical choice.” “To get you outta the way?” “No.” A headshake. “Because they knew I would care enough about a human soul to do the job correctly. They were making strategic use of an unconventional asset. I was commended for it, actually. For raising you almost completely free of demonic taint and also for the meticulous restoration of your vessel. I wasn’t expecting that. I thought I’d be reprimanded for being too late and allowing the first seal to fall.” “Well, look what that got us,” Dean says bitterly. “A bunch’a near-misses for the world ending and now I’m gonna end up turning into a fucking demon anyway.”
A New Hive | @sunshine-zenith
Rating: General Word Count: 3,246 Main Tags/Warnings: Falling Angel Cas, References to Past Homelessness, Protective Dean Summary: Softly, Dean asks, “Well, what happens to her, now?” Castiel uses a small touch of his Grace to rejuvenate the bee so she’s no longer dehydrated or exhausted from her flight. The bee flicks her wings a couple times before taking off again. Castiel watches her, not quite jealous, but still filled with longing as he is reminded of his own wings, broken and flightless. He doesn’t look away as he replies, “There’s that community garden. Odds are, hers wasn’t the only colony in the area. If she’s lucky, she might be accepted into one of the other hives and find a new permanent home there.”
The Confession Constellation | @pointyearedelvishprincling
Rating: General Word Count: 3,735 Main Tags/Warnings: love confessions, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, just two dudes sitting under the stars, maybe they’ll kiss Summary: Something's up with Cas. It's been a long drive, and Dean is determined to get to the bottom of whatever he's done to piss off the angel. On a warm night on an empty road, they trade long-held secrets under the stars.
Downpour | @sunshine-zenith
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 3,737 Main Tags/Warnings: Self worth issues, Falling Angel Cas, First Kiss, Salt ‘N Burn Hunt Summary: Its raining, its cold, and Dean just wants this salt and burn hunt to be over with. The ghost they're hunting gets the jump on him, but luckily, its Cas to the rescue. Cas, driving his car, illuminated by the rain, and swinging like a badass. The sight has Dean longing to kiss his Angel.
it's golden like daylight | @watchinghimrakeleaves
Rating: Mature Word Count: 3,884 Main Tags/Warnings: Season/Series 10, canon divergent, dean winchester bears the mark of cain, love confessions, first time Summary: While hunting for a cure for the Mark of Cain, Castiel finds release in the arms of strangers. Dean is less than pleased when he finds out.
A Novak Family Reunion | @destielsuperfan
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,453 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Metatron (Supernatural), God | Chuck Shurley, Amara (Supernatural), Naomi (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Hannah (Supernatural), Anna Milton, Bobby Singer, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Charlie Bradbury, Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Human, Dysfunctional Family, Supernatural (TV) Characters, Heartwarming, Found Familiy, Protective Dean Winchester, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Openly Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Bisexual Dean Winchester, Homophobic Language, Castiel's POV, God | Chuck Shurley is Castiel's Parent, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending Summary: When Castiel receives the upsetting invite from his brother, he has to chose whether or not to endure a painfully long Novak family dinner. Dean persuades him that it could be a good idea to attend given their "special announcement" Castiel has yet to share. Cas thinks he is crazy, it's not like Dean hasn't experienced a dysfunctional family dinner with him before!
i fold in half so easily | @autisticandroids
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,806 Main Tags/Warnings: non-consensual voyeurism, hurt no comfort, grieving, cas & jack, dean saves cas from the empty, post-canon, destiel getting together Summary: A study in learned helplessness, set in the Men of Letters Bunker. Cas clings hard to what he has, and doesn't think about what he doesn't.
Stupid | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: General Word Count: 4,831 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Love Confessions, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Mistaken Identity, First Kiss Summary: Since he forgot his phone at work Dean borrows Charlie's cell to send Cas a quick message. What follows turns his world upside down. (In which Cas thinks he's talking with Charlie and reveals way more about his true feelings than Dean is able to handle.)
Tell Me We're Real | @aaronthe8thdemon
Rating: Mature Word Count: 5,851 Main Tags/Warnings: Episode Fix-It: s15e20 Carry On, Suicide Attempt, Hurt/Comfort, Emotionally Repressed Dean Winchester, Psychological Trauma, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: *You’re not real,* Dean thinks idly. *But that’s okay. I’ll still take it.* “I’m real, Dean,” Cas whispers, so quietly that Dean almost can’t hear him. These words are just for Dean. Sam’s not allowed to have them. “Jack rescued me. Now I’m here to rescue you. Everything’s going to be fine.”
Mine, Yours, and Ours | @huggybearsunshine
Rating: Mature Word Count: 5,982 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel possessing Dean Winchester, consensual possession, angelic grace, hurt/comfort, accidental confession, sharing a body Summary: Castiel is badly hurt, and Dean has to make a difficult choice.
Smoky Mountain Angel | @notastupidbird
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,906 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Childhood Friends, Estranged Friends to Lovers, Getting Back Together, Dead John Winchester, Grief/Mourning, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Top Castiel (Supernatural), Bottom Dean Winchester, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Barebacking, Rain Sex, Power Outage, First Kiss, First Time, Marriage Proposal, Love Confessions, POV Dean Winchester Summary: “Hey, uh,” Dean says, clearing his throat. “Thanks for coming up here with me, man. I know you never liked the guy, but ... when I heard you were in town, I....” Dean trails off, not sure where he was going with that thought. Cas looks over at him. “It’s no trouble,” he says. His voice is low and rough, but quiet and gentle in that way it always was before. It’s the same way that used to make Dean’s chest ache. “And I’m sorry for your loss.” - + - After his father’s death, Dean finds himself back in his hometown, once again boxed in by mountains and his own personal demons. When his childhood best friend Cas agrees to help Dean clean out John’s old cabin, the two of them are forced to reconcile old feelings after a thunderstorm leaves them trapped there overnight.
Saharaa | @deanabean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 6,951 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Farm/Ranch, Alternate Universe - Western, Drifter CastielHurt Dean Winchester, Starry nights, Campfires, Sunrises, Declarations Of Love, Discussion of feelings, Parent Dean Winchester, Emotionally Competent Dean Winchester, Forehead Touching, First Kiss, Happy Ending, Non-Linear Narrative Summary: The stars were bright as they were high, the fire was warming the air between them. Castiel doesn't know why or when did this "trip" of theirs first developed into a habit. He also doesn't remember how it went and grew itself into a fully fleshed sacred tradition. but it did, and he is nothing else is eternally grateful for that.
The Eastern Tower | @twinone1221
Rating: Mature Word Count: 10,370 Main Tags/Warnings: Dystopian AU, Canon Typical Violence, Chased through the woods, Headshot, Kill It With Fire, run for your life, broken arm, Tortured for information, Beheading Summary: In the post-apocalyptic town of Bunker Down there are four towers that must be guarded. Dean is 8 months into his two years of guard duty on the Eastern Tower, where nothing ever happens. Cas is a runner that uses the path connecting his town, New Haven, with the Eastern Tower of Bunker Down. As he’s running the path after the first snow of the season he realizes that something is following him. Will he reach safety in time?
The Tempest | @whichstiel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 33,264 Main Tags/Warnings: Shakespeare, Verse, The Tempest, Canon divergent Summary: When Team Free Will learns that Bobby is in Heaven’s lockup, they mobilize to spring him out. Dean knows that nothing is ever easy, which is why he drags Castiel along for a last-night-on-Earth extravaganza just before the heist to free Bobby goes down. That evening shifts their relationship in new and unsettling ways, but there’s no time to explore it. They’ve got a mission. This tale, told half in prose and half in the style of a Shakespearean play, follows our players as they try to enact their rescue. The plan is simple: get in, get Bobby, get out again. When the rescue goes sideways, Dean, Sam, and Castiel find themselves trapped in a version of Shakespeare’s The Tempest - and the world is populated with some very familiar faces.
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dotthings · 5 months
More context for my posts: the invalidation and belittling about Destiel from bitter accounts in the Destiel lane didn't begin after 15.20. There's a history to this.
From S12 through most of S15, there were Destiel shippers who mocked and denigrated Destiel shippers who noticed the increasingly loud queer coding and noticed it pushing towards surface text. They mocked common lit crit methods the Destiel lane still uses today. They mocked Dean and Cas scenes that many shippers found meaningful. They mocked any Destiel shippers who took Destiel seriously as something the show was weaving as part of the canon. Fandom fights over what would be enough, what would count, for Destiel to be considered "canon," and that entailed an awful lot of invalidation and goalpost moving and "it's not canon unless they make out." Meanwhile the creatives at spn were using Hays code methods to tell the love story canonically. If you recognized that was happening, it didn't go over well with a good portion of the Destiel lane.
The lightbulb seems to have gone on for a whole lot more Destiel shippers than before about the role network censorship played, but there was a wave, immediately after 15.20, of Destiel shippers accusing Destiel shippers of being "conspiracy theorists" for being able to add 2 + 2 and get 4 and talking about the role the network interference played. (Only a few accounts still seem to be dragging that out, it does seem by now very few people in the Destiel lane are still playing denialism games about corporate queer censorship as a real thing done to Destiel.)
Old fandom history--the precursor to modern era Destiel lane problems along these lines was The Good Destiel Shipper era. Before "canon Destiel" was a serious talking point. But there was a time period of some Destiel shippers self-styling as "I'm not like those other Destiel shippers, I'm a good Destiel shipper, I know Destiel isn't canon and never will be and that the show is about the two brothers, so I'm going to stay in my place and not get uppity like those weirdos who talk about subtext." & admittedly, way back when, I fell a little into that trap myself. I've got some early posts (on LJ and maybe even on tumblr) where I kept making apologias for how I discussed Dean/Cas. It was years ago but no sense denying it. Thank goodness I got over that.
So. When I say sometimes the worst calls come from inside the house...
There are people who think they're advocating for representation and being supportive but instead are eating their own face, demeaning creatives who tell queer love stories within a restrictive industry, or demeaning fans who acknowledge queer coding. It's undermining the causes they claim to support and and it contributed to deepening the mood of invalidation and othering for other Destiel shippers.
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kittykittyanon · 18 days
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click on the image and up your brightness for the second pic!!! it came out darker than i expected it to LMAO ((it looks lighter on my laptop screen :<))
@starsinthenigth i'm not sure what the context of this is,, maybe your sona got caught snatching donnie's stuff (つω`。)?? it's supposed to be present dontron,, but he looks like future donnie so i guess he can also be that...? whatever you want!!! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ(((o(*°▽°*)o)) (((o(*°▽°*)o)))
((alt context could be that steren accidentally vwooped themself into the bad end future and was noticed by future purple man? (•⩊•)))
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from left to right;; it's the reference i used for the fisheye lens thingy ((brock lee,, found it after searching 'fisheye' on pinterest HSHFKDJF)),, the original donnie looking down at steren before i realized it doesn't quite make sense and extended it with the addition of tilting everything,,, and the height difference between steren and donnie ((6 inches is 15.20 cm and 5'3 is 160 cm)) that i used!!!
sorry if i'm annoying you with these random art posts,, i don't want to make you feel like you have to respond every time (#><) (#><) !!!
i remember seeing you say something about a first-person g/t horror game and i thought of this a while after!! i think i drew this two to three days ago?? i drew steren first then donatello;; but after that i realized that if i wanted it to be from the pov of steren looking up at him; i'd have to either redraw the entire thing ((i realized it only after i finished rendering)) or duplicate everything and use the transform thingy to fix the perspective and move the color layers to fit into the lineart :PP
it made me take a break from it for like a day or two cause i got a little overwhelmed after shrimping over my pc screen for a few hours but i finished it!! ta-daahhh!!!! it still kinda doesn't look right to me ((i feel like donnie should still be a little bigger than that..? not sure though,, i can't exactly visualize how it would look very well)) but i don't feel like editing it a second time (ノ*°▽°*) (ノ*°▽°*) !!!! /lh
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soft-pine · 8 months
dean & john
set to Vampire by olivia rodrigo (radio edit)
CN: scenes from 15.20 (but none post rebar)
on twitter
on youtube
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