#sex and ed
animentality · 8 months
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schizhoebitch · 16 days
You and your partners kinks and desires probably won't match completely, but it's important to note and respect the difference between "I'm not super into this, but I don't mind doing it for my partner" and "engaging with this causes me distress and ruins my enjoyment"
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incognitopolls · 2 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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fluorescentbrains · 1 year
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this shit is soooooo infuriating to me like some people have trouble climaxing through NO fault of their own—maybe it’s a natural variation of their bodies maybe it’s medication side effects maybe it’s trauma—it’s actually really common and it’s something that makes a lot of people feel really ashamed and miserable… you haven’t “masturbated yourself into dysfunction” in fact masturbation often helps you get better at figuring out what makes you climax like !!!!!!! and even if you HAVE been hitting the vibe too hard recently you can always cool off for a week or two until you get in the mood again. your clit isn’t ruined forever. christ. this chewed-gum approach to sex simply does not have a basis in fact. pleasure is not a scarce resource
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hellyeahscarleteen · 1 month
We could use your help!
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If you support the groundbreaking, inclusive, affirming, feminist, comprehensive, young-people-centered, queer sex ed for all we've provided for 25+ years to over 90 million people, please help us raise the $15K we need to pay our bills in 2024, or become one of 250 new donors we need for 2025! You can do that at Scarleteen.com/contribute or by heading to our site and clicking ‘Pitch-In ’. 🎉 If you’re already donating (thank you!) please consider increasing your monthly amount, if you can, even a little bit. We’ll count any increases we get towards our two goals! You can do that by clicking 'Manage Your Donation' in your latest donation receipt. If you can’t donate yourself, can you tell your friends, family and followers who we are, why you value our work and ask them if they’d be willing to donate? You can share this post and the link above, but using your own words is the most effective! Despite leading the way in SRE online from the 1990s on, and always making sure young people have access to good information even when it is suppressed elsewhere in their lives, we remain underfunded, including funding to pay our staff a fair, living wage. We need to meet this $15K goal to fund our most basic needs and our tightest budget. If you can help us do that, we can focus on providing awesome SRE, growing, improving and kicking-ass, and finding more funding for 2025. Thank you! ❤️
- The Scarleteam
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florallylly · 3 months
robin buckley, freshly 21 and scheduled for her first pap smear, literally terrified of the concept of a speculum.
steve harrington, with no knowledge of the human body or medicine: don't worry we can get one together and i'll go first
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gibbearish · 9 months
got a good grade in physical therapy because i ordered a sex toy life is fun
editing this in case the original is showing up in ppls based on your likes / for you tab but if you check the notes this post has a lot of information on vaginismus treatment and therapy
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sustancy · 1 year
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aimee you were so strong. (sex education 2019-2023)
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schizhoebitch · 17 days
When it comes to sex and kink, it's okay to not be all in or all out. It's valid to want to suck their cock, but not want cum in your mouth. It's valid to want to be spanked, but not want to be verbally degraded. It's valid to want penetrative sex, but not be up for anal. It's valid to want to be pissed on, but not want to drink it. It's valid to want part of the package without agreeing to all of it
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
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"The number of teenage abortions in Finland fell by 66% between 2000 and 2023, its public health institute THL said on Monday, attributing the reduction to the offer of free contraception to adolescents and compulsory sex education in schools.
Finland also passed a law in 2022 liberalising abortion, at a time of deep divisions over abortion rights in Europe and court rulings in the U.S. that restricted access to terminations of unwanted pregnancies for millions of people there.
The number of abortions among women under 20 rose during the 1990s in Finland, which led the Nordic country to respond at the start of the 2000s by making morning-after pills available without prescription from 15 years of age and sexual education compulsory in all schools.
"We can assume that sexual education plays a significant role," THL's research professor Mika Gissler told Reuters, adding that increased access to contraception from a young age was another factor behind the change.
The number of abortions fell 66% to 722 in 2023 from 2,144 in 2000 among all teenagers aged 19 or younger in Finland, while the drop was even steeper at 78% among those under 18 in the same period, THL's statistics showed.
"Since the latter half of the 2010s, the decline in the number of young people's abortions has also been influenced by the introduction of free contraception in many welfare regions," THL wrote in a report...
Under the 2022 liberalisation, Finland from September 2023 stopped requiring women to give a reason for having an abortion, making it available upon a pregnant person's request during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
[Note: That's actually not a very long window for abortion! Many conservative states in the US have actually instituted 12-week bans, and it's caused terrible upheaval and limits to medical services. Sounds like Finland should liberalize further, imho! Still, important progress!]
THL said it was too early to conclude whether the legislative change, which took effect last year, will have an impact on the number of abortions."
-via Reuters, June 3, 2024
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papier-ciseaux · 2 years
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So let's talk about asexuality! This is an introduction trying to cover as much as possible in a little format, so its mostly surface level stuff. You're gonna have to dig on your own :P
For more information, I recommend checking out aceweek.org or acesandaros.org ! You can also read up on ace history through the Asexual Manifesto by Lisa Orlando !
Edit: Here are some links for more information:
An article about the Asexual Manifesto that links you to a transcript
An article about Asexuality's history
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hellyeahscarleteen · 11 months
What sex positivity IS
Believing that sex is not inherently dirty, sinful, shameful, or oppressive, but instead is something to be embraced, enjoyed, and celebrated.
Understanding that, beyond very basic things like consent, there is no single, "right" way to be sexual because human sexuality and sexual behavior are incredibly diverse.
Accepting the fact that your sexual preferences might be very different from someone else's, and that's okay! Part of acknowledging the diversity of human sexuality is being comfortable with the fact that there are sexual things out there that are not for you (or may even gross you out), and that the people who do like those things aren't doing anything wrong.
Rejecting the stigma attached to things like BDSM or sex work.
What sex positivity is NOT
Believing everyone should have as much sex as possible
Thinking that people who don't want to have sex, for any reason, are bad or repressed.
Insisting that no one gets to have boundaries around what kinds of sexual things--including conversations about sex--they're comfortable engaging in.
Believing that sex cannot be bad or traumatic, or that anyone who has negative or complicated feelings about sex is in the wrong.
Replicating the male gaze.
(From Sam's response to Is sex positivity just another version of the male gaze?)
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everybodysinvited · 4 months
Consent = F.R.I.E.S.🍟
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Consent! What is it and what does it look like? There are many aspects to giving consent, it's not just about saying "yes", so why not use the acronym 'FRIES' to remind yourself of all the things to consider when giving or asking for consent.
F - Consent is Freely given: you should never pressure, coerce or force someone into saying yes to something, this is not consent. You must respect when someone says no. You should feel confident and happy when you consent to any activity with your partner(s).
R - Consent is reversible: it is okay to consent to something and then change your mind, if you're not comfortable, say so and ask to stop. If your partner changes their mind on something you should respect their choice, and if they are willing, have a conversation about their decision.
I - Consent is informed: you should know what exactly you are consenting to and your partner(s) should too. It's good to discuss specifics beforehand and what you're both comfortable with.
E - Consent is enthusiastic: when someone is giving consent consider their tone and body language. Do they sound happy, upbeat and are they being proactive? Or do they sound hesitant, reluctant or closed-off?
S - Consent is specific: when someone says yes to one activity, it does not mean they consent to other activities. If someone has consented to something in the past, it does not mean that they have consented to doing that activity again in the future, you need renewed consent.
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nightsflawless · 1 year
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this was so this is me trying of her...
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whitefluffyyeti · 1 year
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Sex education 4x08
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arabellas · 1 year
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SEX EDUCATION (2019-2023)
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