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rickmakessomeart · 1 year ago
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I love servo skulls sm they’re so neat and EVIL
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itsokimnotrealeither · 7 months ago
trying to get something started for people with imaginary friends, paras without paracosms, inner and outer visualizations, etc
Didn't find what I was looking for in Immersive Daydreaming or Tulpamancy places.
And there's an odd concept floating around that making a non-sentient thoughtform = cruel or unethical? Which seems backwards, if someone doesn't want or isn't prepared for that, it's like getting someone a pet rabbit for Easter when they're better off with a stuffed animal.
And while looking I've found people who have expressed interest, so...
Imagimancy (?)
Trying to make a community/tag for people with non-autonomous (or fauxtonomous) imaginaries and thoughtform constructs, NPCs and such.
similar to/overlap with: daemonism, tulpamancy, soulbonding, self-shipping, immersive daydreaming, willomancy, (etc)
considered more or less plural-adjacent
focusing more on visualization/imagination tips/talk, ideas for useful constructs, etc. No pushing people into making thoughtforms autonomous if they don't want to!
(currently very alterhuman heavy / ties to alterhumanity in general but isn't required or officially an alterhuman thing)
not trying to reinvent and re-label things, there's just a gap between communities here
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tone-chan · 5 months ago
one time, i dreamt i was in a land filled with nothing but front-loading washing machines, for thousands of miles. I opened one and it was stuffed full of small servitors. They were all colored white, black and blue instead of black and purple.
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path-of-grass-and-leaves · 3 months ago
Half-Baked Pop Culture Magic Idea:
Pokemon as servitors or thoughtforms. You would feed them by giving them food and attention in-game.
They could also be raised from egg as part of the creation process. Then you train them for tasks by having them level up from battling pokemon of a specific type, or by raising their EV's in a certain way (attack/speed/defense, etc.). You could also teach them moves that correspond with your desired tasks.
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panthera-dei · 1 year ago
I got another witchy FAQs question so I want to go ahead and share it.
This time, we're talking some basic chaos magic with different types of thoughtforms!
Please note that I am not an expert in chaos magic, nor do I consider myself a chaos magician, so feel free to (kindly) leave feedback or corrections as needed. ^^
Thoughtforms 101
Definition of Thoughtform: Thoughtform is a catch-all term from any entity that was created with or by human thought (conscious or otherwise).
Types of Thoughtforms: Common thoughtforms include sigils, servitors, thoughtform companions (aka tulpas), daemons, and egregores.
Sigils: Most folks who create sigils and use sigil magic probably don't think about sigils as a type of chaos magic or a thoughtform. However, sigils actually do fall into this category. Think of a sigil as being like a simple computer program that's powered by your mind. You give the program a basic function (such as protection or prosperity) and the magical "coding" of your intentions allows the sigil to carry it out.
Servitors: If sigils are basic computer programs, then servitors are robots. They're not sentient per se, as they still require the coding and programming that comes with intention and magical energy. Yet they're much more complex than a sigil and can carry out higher-level functions & multiple tasks (e.g., drawing in people to shop on your Etsy page for prosperity, or actively guarding a space or casting a magic circle for protection).
Thoughtform companions: The widespread term for this type is "tulpa," and creating/having one of these thoughtforms is commonly referred to as "tulpamancy." Since there's also a widespread controversy over these terms, I don't use them myself. I say "creating or working with a thoughtform," and I'll refer to the entity as a thoughtform or thoughtform companion. Regardless of the terminology or beliefs behind this category, they are defined as a separate consciousness created by the thoughts and actions of a human. The human is typically referred to as the "host," since the companion is typically treated as its own separate consciousness. These are fully sentient, autonomous beings with their own thoughts and feelings. They're generally created, either intentionally or not, as friends for the host (hence my personal terminology for them).
Daemons: This category is similar to a companion, but with a different origin and function. Daemons have been documented since ancient Greece, to my knowledge. A daemon is also a sentient entity, however, they are not created intentionally by the host (although they can be brought to the forefront by the human in question). A daemon is instead a conscious entity created by, and representative of, the human being's subconscious mind. They typically serve as helpers and mental guides for the human. They are not considered separate entities; instead, they're part of you.
Egregores: These are essentially the AIs of the thoughtform world. Whereas companions and daemons exist within the human mind, egregores are similar to servitors and sigils - created by the mind, but separate from it. Egregores are often made or manifested by a group of people intentionally for a purpose. E.g., a coven may create one as a guardian or a spiritual guide. They're also often created by accident from widespread symbols - for example, branding. And nations. Every time somebody posts a picture of the Starbucks logo, you're most likely feeding an egregore, according to one theory I've heard. Do I believe that personally? Not sure. (I do have an exact source for this one available on request.) As far as I know, egregores exist with varying degrees of sentience, power, and free will depending on the individual scenario (much like artificially intelligent computers & androids in science fiction).
Pop Culture Entities / Deities: These are often referred to as PCEs or PCDs. I prefer the former but I often use them interchangeably. Some folks prefer to be more specific. For example, Raiden from Mortal Kombat is considered a god in that series, so many folks would consider him a pop culture deity. Whereas Dean Winchester is *not* a deity in Supernatural - so he could be considered a pop culture entity instead. However, this is up to the preferences of the individual entity & practitioner.
Differences between PCDs and Egregores: Egregores are ALWAYS created, intentionally or not, by human energy and thought. PCDs, on the other hand, can have a mixed origin sometimes. Some of them may be pure egregores, manifested on purpose or by accident. Others may be preexisting spirits - often nature spirits that are aligned closely to the fandom content - that latch onto a fictional work as a power source, and eventually fuse with it. And then another theory is that PCDs are *all* preexisting spirits or even deities wearing a mask - so for example, folks with this belief would say that PCD Marvel Loki is just Loki appearing in a different form/aspect. I personally think that all PCEs have a unique origin and I try not to make any assumptions.
Where do I fact check you and/or learn more?: Unfortunately, it is *really damn hard* to find good, solid information on pop culture work because it's very new. And while there's *lots* of info on chaos magic, you have to be careful to check the reliability of the source, much as is the case with demonolatry sources. Fortunately, Tumblr is a great source to find other pop culture practitioners. I personally also have *some* sources available for these topics on request, I'm just too lazy to dig through my Drive right at this moment. :)
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windvexer · 3 months ago
id love to have more servitors but im shit as remembering to feed/charge them on a routine!! any tips for ways to have them “automatically” fed somehow?
Inb4 "set a repeating alert."
There are a few methods you can take. For me it basically comes down to a few options:
Permanently plug in the servitor to an energy source
Plug all the servitors into a power strip so you charge all of them at once
Plan ahead and prepare vessels and energized substances so each feeding is easier.
The first approach is to design (or later modify) servitors so that they're plugged into an energy source. This is like leaving a phone constantly plugged in: on the one hand, the servitor becomes tethered to the energy source. On the other hand, it's always charging.
This old tumblr post is still my go-to online resource for this.
There is some fuss about servitors becoming "corrupted" if you attach them to energy sources and walk away, the idea being that new programming can flow through energy, and so over time - if you are not monitoring the servitor - they can start to change in unwanted ways.
I find this to be sort of true, but "corruption" shouldn't be taken as some kind of evil Jekyll and Hyde situation. Probably a better word is fragmented, but even so the effects aren't all that bad in my experience. And I doubt a very well constructed servitor, even a decently made one, would have too many issues with this.
The only real issue I have with plugging servitors (or anything) into an energy source so you don't have to remember it, is that you might forget it.
One thing you can do to keep things more hands-on is centralize the operation. Witches do this all the time with spellcasting altars. Bind each servitor to an object, or all of them to a single object (like extension cords plugged into a power strip), and energize all of them at once.
This can be done cyclically, perhaps around the full moon, but especially when you anticipate actually having the time/energy to do work.
Of course there is nothing at all wrong with just slotting in magic where it fits, but if someone has a lot of work they need to upkeep, I imagine sooner or later a person might actually need to free up one weekend a month to focus on it.
But you don't have to rely on direct energy work to feed servitors. Here's a post on making a feeding oil to anoint vessels, where you spend all the energy enchanting the oil in one go.
This other post about feeding spells may also be applicable (as what is a servitor but a spell with a personality?).
If you do just want to slot things in where they fit, excess energy gathered during other spellwork, energy exercises, prayer, and so forth, can then be used to charge servitors. Of course only you'd know if the energy is suitable for such, but you could do it. If grounding is a part of your practice, funnel energy into servitors rather than into the earth.
So there are plenty of options IMO, but if you do want to start doing things automatically, I'd really recommend keeping strong written records of what you're making. These things are best not completely forgotten.
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badbobdooley · 6 months ago
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Servitors! I love these little guys
It’s a shame they’re legends for 40k proper, but at least they’ll find use as a staple in my black crusade games.
I’m painting them up as stygies anyways and saying it’s a coincidence that all of my forge worlds look like that
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xerxeswitch · 5 months ago
New Spirit/Entity + Spirit Work Mistakes
Before I start, this is not to take a jab at anyone directly, despite reblogging a post of an incident that happened to multiple people...and wanting to spread the awareness to keep people spiritually safe. This is more for an educational awareness with my experiences to save people the trouble.
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---- I am currently working and vetting a new spirit/entity once more. He has been rehomed to me a while ago, and he serves as the example of what I mean when I say spirit work isn't a game of feeding a fantasy/your ego. Here, I'll call the spirit/entity "N." I will not release his real name or the name of the human due to the safety reasons, other than he was a former servitor spirit to an inexperienced consumer. By consumer, I mean that the person "bought" him on Creepy Hollows, then tried to turn "N" into a tool to fulfill that person's deepest, fantasy. With the notion of being taken advantaged of, the servitor became sentient (a "tulpa") and "N" flew into a rage and started to ruin the person's life, relationships, and even threaten to ruin the person's career. (I'm slowly just starting to believe less and less in the concept of servitors as this happens, but that's a whole other story that I'll get into later....)
The very angry spirit is currently rehomed with me, but is away from his situation.
I actually psychically channeled the arrival of "N" a couple of weeks before this, along with seeing a dream of him angry and malicious towards his host without context. When the person reached out to me about the situation, matching the description and the names involved, you can imagine the hairs standing at the back of my head! ...Which is one of the main reasons why I was willing to rehome "N" with me to be honest, along with seeing his condition. This is as far as I'll go for the details of this story. ... But anyways, please, take this with a grain of salt. I'm hearing and experiencing so many stories of people recklessly buying and binding spirits/entities to themselves to start with spirit work. It usually ends with the relationship falling short inevitably with no closure, or being attacked and hated by an angry/scared spirit. Spirit work isn't really beginner friendly in my eyes, but I can understand why people are enticed to it. But it's the fact you are inviting a stranger into your energy and home. Please be aware of that. Please do lots of research of this if this still calls to you if you are starting out. I do not recommend buying spirits/entities and their supposed vessels off of Etsy/Ebay/Tumblr, etc. Most of these are SCAMS! Especially Creepy Hollows whom are known for scams, servitors that act as counterfeits to behave and portray what they supposedly are, and are known to house angry spirits. If you want to get into spirit work, or at least the way I would get into it, is to just meditate and channel. (Don't forget to discern.) Go for walks! Get to know your local spirits and land spirts around you! You'd be surprised. Make offerings with the intention to invite spirits to come to you in their own will in wanting to be around your energy.
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I know I keep talking about spirit work this way, but this has been connected to my spirit work too, like with "N."
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popculturealtar · 1 year ago
Creating a Virtual Pet Servitor
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Disclaimer: In this example, I have decided to use a v4 Tamagotchi and its features, as it allows me to give it a name. However, I will do my best to make the instructions flexible so it can be used for other (physical) virtual pets. Non-physical virtual pets (such as neopets, mobile phone games, etc) will be covered at a later date. I do not claim for this to be the only method to creating a virtual pet servitor, or just a servitor in general - If you feel that another method would suit you, I encourage you to explore that. For this to be most effective, you will need to know what a servitor is, as I will not be going to lengths to explain the ins-and-outs of what a servitor is, and what it can do.
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What You Will Need:
A physical virtual pet device.
A suitable battery or batteries.
A pen and a small piece of paper.
An idea for what you want your servitor to accomplish, as well as an idea for a name.
Time and energy.
What You Need to Do:
Write your task as a sigil on a small piece of paper and charge it in a way that suits you (if you are burning it, collect the ashes).
Place your sigil down, and get the battery for your virtual pet. Place the battery over the sigil, and charge the battery with its energy. If you have any stones, herbs, prayers or chants, now is the time to infuse its energy with the battery (if you are using ashes, circle the ashes around the battery and charge it).
Once you're happy with the battery, make sure it is clean and place it in the virtual pet.
Set the date/time (if this servitor is going to be doing a task for the future, set its date/time for the day you want it to begin working).
Tell it your name (some virtual pets allow you to write a name in the game, this works too).
Give your virtual pet a name, which will work for when you need to call upon the servitor (some virtual pets allow you to write a name in the game, this is preferable, but is not required), and usher to it what you need it to help you with.
Tah-dah! All done! Now the hard part is keeping it alive or from running away. Take care of it as you would any other virtual pet; this will keep your servitor strong and healthy. Meals, snacks, games, toys, outfits, medicine and cleaning - they're all offerings that help feed the servitor. Try to keep it somewhere where you'll remember to give it attention.
However, remember that all virtual pets eventually disappear. Once your virtual pet dies or runs away (or the battery runs out), it is up to you to decide what to do next. If you would like to create another servitor, repeat the above. If you feel satisfied with the servitor's work, you may put it to rest until you need another.
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dividers by @/saradika.
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theparrotwizard · 3 months ago
Update on Soda, my comfort/security thoughtform in a Furreal macaw toy
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I've had Soda accompanying me next to my computer for a few weeks, as I'm hyperfixating on a game from my childhood and have been playing it a lot. Lots of nostalgia and happy vibes. When I'm really enjoying myself, I'll give him a little scritch on the head, and whisper that I love him. He is my embodiment of purity, sweet love, comfort, and safety/security.
The angel aura quartz between his feet is one of my favorite crystals, it brings me a big sense of peace, and I often have that right near him. I like to cleanse and rotate around the crystals I put under his feet as an offering and energizing. I usually use stones such as the quartz pictured, lemon obsidian (both a bracelet and a large tumble), green calcite, aventurine, and similar stones associated with joy and serenity.
As promised, I have an update for you, and he is very helpful with dealing with stress and worry. This little parrot from my childhood has helped me the most out of any thoughtform I've made. I can't really hear/"feel" his messages like I do other spirits, but he is a very sweet being that I'm so grateful I had the epiphany to create!
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windydrawallday · 8 months ago
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I wanted to show off this small set of badger-themed sculptures (in cold porcelain and painted with acrylics) I have been working on during the month ✨ After reading and investigating about servitors/magical self-created companions, I intended to make anchors for the one I'm working with!
And is a badger because I'm following my gut and my brain is very attached to the animal so, why not ride that wave of energy? (The dual bolines/sickles have too both visual and functional symbolism, mostly aligned to cleaning/reaping energies + moon phases).
The first two actually are for the vessels/anchor: the bigger one was the first try and ended just a few millimeters tall to enter properly on the destined tin I'm using to hide it in (I live in a place where's not safe to do my practice publicly so, I need to keep concealed); then I did the second try and ended super chibi for my tastes but x'D there.
The third is simply just a recreation of the animal because I want to pet the critter without the need of retrieving the vessels at all times.
The last one is my fav of the bunch: a tiny, super chonky badger bead!!! I want to do more in the future and put all of them on a string with other tiny trinkets for good luck and protection.
I have time without sculpting something so, these were a great starting point and I hope to do more themed around other animals I feel they align to my energy and spiritual needs!
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daemonstalley · 5 months ago
Hey hey!
Guess who’s been forgetting to update this again?
(Sorry, brain has been all over the place lately)
This is just a quick update too - here’s my current painted collection for the year!
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Over the last couple of months, I’ve been making a huge effort to focus on getting Kill Teams painted - I’ve managed to get my Inquisitorial Agents complete, my Sister’s of Silence, and a couple of Night Lords and Scions. I’ve just started work on my Navy Breachers, and I’ve got a bunch of others built too!
Oh, and I’ve painted up most of the Darktide board game too!
(Annoyingly I’ve only got work in progress pics here, but they are done, I promise!
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prismonautic · 11 months ago
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hello everyone — i’m back from my little sabbatical with a pretty ubiquitous ward. what you put into this ward is what you get out of it, and the limits of this ward are the limits of your creativity + resourcefulness. if you’re nifty enough, you’ll be able to use this ward for any type of purpose freely.
think of using this spell as downloading a program — in order to gain access to the copy of the program you’ve downloaded into your device (which in this case, downloaded into your reality), you must agree to the terms of use and understand the consequences that will ensue if you misuse this spell. it’s embedded into all copies of the spell cast, and any attempts to tamper it will be met with consequences ranging from the ward being disabled, or you being blocked from accessing any of the spells and spirits i’ve created in general.
anyone who is seeing this likely doesn’t have to worry about any backlash from the spell — the main rules:
A) don’t attempt to use this spell to intentionally harm / sabotage me or my loved ones with anything in their lives. this WILL work against you.
B) don’t attempt to change the source coding of the servitors (in this case, the three sisters) of this spell. while you can have them do various things + there are few limits to what you can stretch the spell to do for you — don’t try to control these spirits as if they were your own. this spell can be an incredibly useful tool for you and benefit your life, but don’t get too hasty about changing around the spell’s composition.
C) you can create something separate INSPIRED by this spell (w/ credit!) please treat this creation of mine with respect — in the best case scenario, any infringements will simply not work. if mimicking this spell comes from a place of envy, jealousy, or any baneful energies that encourage you to steal it and claim it as your own, your work will work against you. please use this with an authentic heart.
unsure of any of the conditions above before using? want some clarity? need to be reassured? feel free to dm me and i’ll address any concerns that you have.
now that we’re through all the formal stuff, let me get into the spell.
notes: why would i need this?
you know how in more popular forms of paganism, there is mythos that gives context to the energies that you’re working with + give you a deeper sense of how that energy will work with you and your purpose? it’s like that.
much like how devotees to aphrodite know her origins, correspondences, and relations to certain energies — those who work with the three sisters should know some lore to have a grasp on what they’re working with. it’s like how a person devoted to apollo would know the lore he has as a bringer of plague or healing would know his lore before appointing him in supporting a healing spell.
this mythos isn’t literal - this fictional story is a simple aide to preparation for the spell.
by reading this simple story, you’re already connecting to the energy of the three sister’s ward.
use this short story as a little mirror of divination to see if you’re compatible for this spell. if you feel creeped out / too intimidated after reading, this spell may be too heavy for your energy. i don’t recommend those who are strictly “love, light, harm none” to engage with this spell. if you’re someone that feels guilt for fighting back against things that seek to harm you, this is not for you.
if you feel vindicated/allure/relief/hope at the idea of having strong protection that is both offensive + defensive towards those who seek to harm you, this spell is definitely going to serve you well.
this story is written with heavy amounts of metaphors. it’s not designed to be read as you would read prose - think of it as poetry. you fill in the gaps of this story with how you resonate with it.
The Three Sisters of the Forest originated from a solitary witch named Rosalia, who created and summoned them in order to protect the forest she dwells in from being decimated and dominated by enemy ritualists that aim to use the forest for their selfish purposes.
These enemy ritualists, were only enemies because they disregarded her forest’s wellbeing and brought harm to it in the process. They excessively harvested the abundance of her plants, leaving the flowering bushes near the lakes barren.
Scorned and with a pounding heart, Rosalia decided that all the harm brought into this forest would turn into beneficial and nurturing energy for the forest.
She summoned the spirits of the three lakes of the forest: N’vai, U’nai, and Ktaa.
Each lake spirit had a different personality and different attributes of the element of Water. While the lake spirits were different in performance, they shared the foundation of water’s energy. Fluid, transformative, yet destructive.
N’vai was the western-most lake spirit of Rosalia’s forest. She was like a fly-trap. Her lake is surrounded by colorful fruits and animals that were appealing to the eye — but for anyone who knew better, all of the appealing colors were a trap. The nature around her trapped the greedy and baneful. Those too haughty would feast on her abundance of fruits, and be left there to be paralyzed and at the mercy of the nature around her. Gradually, all the entities there would become one with the fertile soil around her lake. Venomous, she is. The wise know to avoid what seems easy to conquer.
U’nai was the eastern-most lake of Rosalia’s Forest. She was absorbent and resistant to anything coming her way. Spirits passing through U’nai’s lake made sure to not stay there too long, for they would have a fate of eternal slumber within her area. Like Midas’ touch, all the entities around her would slowly slip into becoming one with her. Some dying spirits experienced it as sinking into quicksand. Others experienced it as feeling a euphoria they melted in, until they went into a deep eternal sleep. Regardless of how their fates came, U’nai has worked with N’vai protecting undesirable energies away from the final lake spirit of Rosalia’s forest — K’taa.
K’taa was the southern-most lake of Rosalia’s forest. She was the spirit closest to the cottage of Rosalia, and where seeds would go to flourish. Her waters guaranteed growth and nourishment to any energy she was told to give power to — she loved sleeping at the bottom of her lake, letting each breath of hers give life and power to the water. Rosalia would use K’taa’s water for scrying, blessing, clarity, healing … it felt like K’taa was the purified life force of those who scorned U’nai and N’vai, transformed into pure energies used to the benefit of Rosalia and the peaceful inhabitants of her forest.
The lake spirits heard Rosalia’s plea, and fulfilled it by unifying and creating an energetic ward around the forest — this ward, however, was special. It knew to target those who were desecrating the fruitful parts of the forest for their own.
Under these wards, these enemies turned into flies that were going to unknowingly decompose in their traps.
The Three Sisters of Rosalia’s forest united to materialize the protective spheres of energy surrounding Rosalia’s forest, emphasizing their unique traits in each layer of the sphere.
Rosalia’s enemies were met with destruction the next night they came to disturb the peace of her forest again. N’vai was the outer sphere of the ward, and they met her wrath for daring to attack the area — no being that comes with malice in this forest shall come out.
The soil upon the bare feet of the enemies shot feelings of needles through their feet. It was like each grain of dirt looked up to stab the feet of the enemies who stood above them — shooting pains made them collapse to the ground, paralyzed. Their deeds were stopped right then and there, and their process of being decomposed into being pure energy that circulates the forest.
Any enemy that decided to tread here sealed their fate. They will become the pure water that waters the fruits in this forest — they will be the nutrients that the trees leech upon to continue standing tall. No weapon shall prosper in this domain.
The ground slowly swallowed them up, one by one. While N’vai struck them down and swallowed them into the Earth, U’nai would absorb and neutralize their beings into part of the forest — U’nai would feed what she got to K’taa.
From how the waters K’taa produced became more potent, versatile, and sacred, along with the peace she experienced with no ill-willed beings treading on her forest — Rosalia knew that her forest was now protected.
Who needs to waste energy on actively fighting when you can simply use them as a resource anyways?
No ill will shall cross into her domain without consequence.
this is a long-term ward that has offensive capabilities, and it’s best that you’re using this ward for something you’re VERY SERIOUS about guarding. if you wouldn’t fight to defend it, do not ward it with this spell.
do the grounding, centering, and cleansing you need to do before / during / after the spell. i’m not responsible for what’s up if you fail to do that.
1) Write your petition to the Three Sisters of Rosalia’s forest.
Your petition will consist of the subject you want protected, what you are protecting the subject against, and any other clauses that you would like to include while working with the Three Sisters ward.
Your petition should be clear and direct, addressing each problem you want warded off — and preferably, how you want specific events to be dealt with. The more detail you push into your ward petition, the better this ward will function on your behalf.
If you’re having trouble writing the petition, visualize your ideal outcome + petition actions that the ward can do to bring that ideal vision to life.
If you want help with this, you can commission me to write a detailed and strong petition for your subject — we’ll discuss the needs of your ward 1 on 1, and work on your petition until you are satisfied.
2) Name your petition, and turn the name of your petition into a sigil.
It’s like compressing a folder with a ton of information into one .zip file. It’s more effective to sigilize the petition than have the entire petition laid out in the casting circle — trust me.
3) After necessary energetic procedure (cleansing grounding centering etc) on any piece of paper, draw the casting triangle below, and draw the sigils in THIS ORDER: N’VAI —> U’NAI —> K’TAA —> YOUR SIGILIZED PETITION.
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4) Near the casting circle, repeat the following incantation TEN times, observe any visualizations that arise as a result:
“N’vai protects endlessly, U’nai transmutes endlessly, K’taa’s fruit of abundance shall always bless us through her graceful energy — may the Three Sisters of Rosalia’s lake rise and bring these petitioned desires to me.”
(nuh-vEYE, Oo-nEYE, Kh-Taah, pronounciation, if you need it. “ai” is like “EYE” here.)
5) Close the spell with “The deal is sealed, the wall is raised, all undesirable energies are destroyed today.”
6) Take the paper and burn it somewhere safe. If burning is not an option, destroy it by soaking it in water and tearing it. The spell is over, and the ward is fully raised and activated.
In the event you want to edit your petition (you probably will), keep your petition written out somewhere safe + editing. The ward will update with the changes of the petition, since it is connected to the sigil you destroyed in the casting triangle.
You can communicate with the Three Sisters through any divination method that’s most comfortable for you. I’ve found that dream-work is a solid medium, along with clairvoyance + clairsentience.
In the event you want to dismantle / relocate the ward, re-do the ritual but have the petitioning sigil be a petition of removal.
i think i covered all i could.
if you’re interested, intrigued, abhorred.. like this post and follow me to show your appreciation <3
any love is met with much love back, and if you follow my page follow the link below!
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take care, my oneironauts <3
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lailoken · 2 years ago
hello! just wondering if you had any tips on deciding on a direction to take with making spirit houses? or any resources you use/reasoning for your methods? feel free to share as little or as much as you want :)
Much of what I know about the crafting of Spirit Vessels has come from intense gnosis, but I also learned some of the basics when I was much younger, and read on the subject some later in my life too. As far as the broad strokes of their creation go, I can share a bit on the process here.
In my experience, the most efficacious and reliable vessels for such a purpose tend to fall into five basic camps:
Firstly, there are consecrated biological items—such as a skull or a mummified heart, kept within a hallowed container.
There are also physical vessels (such as a sealable bottle or pot,) which are filled with an array of specialized materials while undergoing a carefully orchestrated ritual of hallowing, before being physically sealed.
Another option that has proven useful is the construction of a Spirit Mobile (an arrangement of bones, stones, roots, and/or other items that are ritually strung together using charmed knots, which can be hung and worked with in the personal temple.)
I have also consecrated beloved items, such as dolls or figurines sent by clients, to serve as Spirit Vessels with very good results.
Finally, I have found that if the spirit which is being housed is a Servitor, then hallowed stones, buttons, or other similar tokens, can make very good Spirit Vessels (so long as the Servitor in question isn't too complex in its directives.)
Whatever the case may be, much of the work has to do with adorning/empowering an item in such a way as to make it alluring to the spirit in question. This applies to Spirit Traps as well, though they are differently programmed, in order to constrain the entity upon its entrance into the vessel.
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sophieinwonderland · 3 days ago
Are you familiar with Chaos Magic concept of a Servitor?
Vaguely, but not much.
I've heard the term also used in tulpamancy circles with a slightly different meaning. My understanding is that in chaos magick, the servitor is a spiritual entity created to carry out a task. But in tulpamancy, it can be a mental construct that is nonsentient. Almost more like a simple program in the brain. In that context, I've heard that some can end up evolving to become full tulpas after enough interaction.
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tone-chan · 3 months ago
I'm not surprised Servitors can go insane or show any sort of emotion. I mean, the big ones fucking laugh at you if they kill you during public events, the round bastards...
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