#seriously what is tumblr help
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toonydoodles · 2 years ago
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i want to cement myself as a bona fide janner enjoyer + figure out how the heck this site works so here's a random sketch of him (plus all the references because i want you to look at him)
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ellooo0ooo · 7 months ago
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Watching it tomorrow, wish me luck!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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agenericfae · 1 month ago
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i rewatched martyns pirates smp yesterday! (and i'm probbaly gonna watch at least part of it again today lmao)
the nightmare episode stuck with me lmao. i can't really describe why... it's not *really* spooky, just kinda reminds me of my own dreams i guess (also c!martyn flipping out about the nightmare shards and wanting to hold each one to make sure they weren't loot shards AGGGGGGHHHHH)
(the screenshot i used for the background is from here >:) (assuming youtube likes me and actually directs this to the exact time stamp ;-;)
this is also my lock screen for my phone lmao (screenshot under cut)
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rahhhh i'm super happy with this lol
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chaoticamelay · 3 months ago
last night i dreamt that folks were making sheitels out of barbie doll hair except the heads remained attached so each wig was just a ton of doll heads. and people were walking around like that in their daily lives and it was a fucked up new tzniut fashion trend
And because longer wigs meant more doll heads which cost more money to produce, it quickly became a status symbol to have more doll heads on your sheitel, because capitalism. but it also caused problems, because in the dream there was a limited supply of barbie doll heads since they were only manufactured in a tiny town in saskatchewan (which to my knowledge does not exist in real life and thus cannot produce barbies). and there was like a barbie version of PETA and they had done a protest preventing more barbies from being made (or something, that part of the dream is pretty fuzzy) so there was a shortage.
there was a jewish women's group picketing against the doll head sheitel factory (which was different than the one in saskatchewan) and i was going to join them and then that's when i woke up
yes i am on a medication that is associated with weird dreams what of it
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lilacsandvenus · 3 months ago
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does this mean i made it as an artist??? 😭
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ettadunham · 5 months ago
sometimes i remember the hunger games and how nobody actually paid attention to what was in those books
#americans close your eyes and ears right now#i'm well aware that my political takes are way too spicy for you all#and i really do wish my media diet didn't contain so much us-centric shit#but alas we're all suffering here#and i could say that 'oh actually it does matter who your president is for us in the world'#but it doesn't. it really fucking doesn't. that's kind of the point.#oh i'm sorry my spicy takes are already starting#anyway it is wild that you all can understand katniss assassinating coin at the end of mockingjay#but get super upsetty that chappell roan won't support your favorite presidential candidate with her full chest#like come on none of you actually thought that her using the phrase both sides meant that she was a republican or even a centrist#that's just copium#you all knew exactly what she meant#but i guess encouraging people to think critically and get involved with their local elections and politics as well is... bad now?#also... why do you all care so much about a random pop star's opinion and whether or not she dares to criticize a government#like... she's right but i'm sure 5 years from now if she survives in the limelight her edges will be completely chipped away#by all this insane reaction#and before anyone comes for me... no i'm not saying you shouldn't vote. please fucking do.#neither am i saying you shouldn't vote strategically or encourage other people to do so#but if all your energy is spent policing people who criticize your chosen party because of their own principles#then there's something seriously wrong with your politics#and all you're signalling is that you truly do not fucking care about the issues that they care about#if anything..... you RESENT them#and then the same people bring up the parable of the 'unjust man'#or how it's never the right time to talk about gun violence in your country#harm reduction is all good and based but attacking people who are leveraging their support to push your party left#is not. it's not even fucking helpful#anyway. don't base your lives and politics around pop stars.#even if they are more based than you 🤷#i think i'm done now thank you tumblr for letting me have insane rants in my tags that hopefully no one reads#idk i just find this all depressing. i wish you all cared more about the world outside of your bubble. i wish we all did - myself included.
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thatcasualgamergirl · 1 month ago
Wtf else are you supposed to do with Pinterest?!
I’ve always used it to find references and funny memes but I’ve heard some people use it to promote their art.
And now I’m stuck cuz I DO want that instant validation, but I’m already post my art on Tumblr and Reddit.
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tepidti · 6 months ago
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[wip] pelcrow on art fight fundamentally changed the way i've been drawing zacarias. it's like they took him from my brain on to my screen.
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wander-wren · 6 months ago
sad that people are talking about “alternatives to NaNo” (as in alternative challenges, not alternative websites/trackers/etc) when like…why?
if you are personally uncomfortable with taking part in NaNoWriMo, as in, the 50k words in a month challenge, that is FINE and very understandable. to each their own. but personally i don’t see why we (writers, as a broad community) should let NaNo the Company steal an entire challenge. it’s so bleak to me. maybe because i never spent much time on the site after my first year, pretty much just sporadically using the tracker or looking something up in the forums, but NaNo to me was never the company or the website or any of that. it was about my work and my friends and the dopamine rush of doing something kind of insane every year.
i refuse to let NaNoWriMo Dot Org being a shitty, shitty organization take that away from me. i am not going to be pushed into abandoning something that legitimately changed my life, maybe even saved it, just because some corporate entity decided to lay claim to it and run it into the ground. NaNo is mine. it’s ours. that monstrosity of a company does not get to take it to its grave
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jaymari-lyn · 8 months ago
Ok quick question, what is my uncle's ex wife to me because my friend started laughing at me after I called her my "ex-aunt"??
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marclef · 1 year ago
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art trade for @woobab yippee!!! oops my gay self might've bled into this one slightly
can i be real. drawing people's sona's has actually helped me feel better about drawing humans. please give me all of your sonas. i love them.
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etheral-moon · 10 months ago
I just got the info that my ex and the girl he said he didn't like are out on a study date. I'm not ok.
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remescient · 1 year ago
This is my cat Hank. He's 9 years old and I love him like the stars.
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Hank was diagnosed with lymphoma this week. It took about a month of blood tests, ultrasounds, a cytology, and an oncology visit.
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I adopted Hank when I was in the middle of a mental health crisis, and I just needed something to give me a reason to be here. I drove from Los Angeles to Riverside CA because I had seen a gorgeous long-haired lilac pointed kitten that was going to be at a rescue event. By the time I got to the event, that kitten had already been adopted, but I stuck around to look at the others. My sister had come out to help me choose a kitten, and she was actually the one who picked up Hank. He crawled all over my sister and I and sat on my shoulder purring, and that's when I decided to take him home.
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My sister is also the one who named him. We were both watching The Vlogbrothers together, and she named him Hank because he was curious, friendly, and loved "talking". He hates being alone, and you can always find him in a five foot radius of me or mom.
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It doesn't matter what you're doing, he needs to be the center of attention. Which is only fair, I mean look at him:
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Hank has seen me through a severe mental health crisis, my mother's stroke, two years of treatment for an autoimmune disorder that wrecked my body, the worst of the pandemic, and my bother's suicide. He means the world to me. The fact that a bunch of imaginary numbers in a computer somewhere can determine whether he even gets a CHANCE to beat this cancer is a horrific, awful thing that is tearing my heart apart. I can't do this alone.
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Please reblog this.
Please share it.
If you're in a place to do so, please consider donating.
I know he's just one small cat in a world full of people and animals in need. But I'm the only voice this little furball has, so I'm pleading on his behalf: please help me help him have a fighting chance. There's no guarantee he can beat it, but without treatment then there's no chance at all. I am doing everything I can, but I can't do it alone.
Thank you.
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sojourner-between-worlds · 8 months ago
Okay, here we go, niche 5Ds poll time:
How much of Yusei and Z-ONE's conversations during their duel did the entire city actually hear?
The simplest answer is "every single word" but if that's the case, there would have been no reason for Unnamed Announcer to go back and narrate the duel so everyone would keep evacuating instead of watching. If they could hear everything then they would hear Z-ONE and Yusei calling their own plays. On the other hand, there are times where it's clear that everyone can hear them and it's being broadcast. (There's a moment where Z-ONE literally addresses everyone, even, iirc.)
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kiwiorcore · 7 months ago
how do i like myself no glue no borax
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a-halo-for-you · 1 year ago
I'm miffed
Do you ever be writing a book and suddenly you're 130-something pages in and you can't write anymore? Or suddenly a characer that you made up feels so unfamiliar to you it's like you keep staring at a painting of a person you've never seen and you just feel nothing?
I'm so stuck right now and I've only recently realised its because I seem to have fallen out of touch with my main character, like I just feel tired for her now rather than anything else...
I suppose its a type of burn out but I really don't need this shit right now gahhhhh
If anyone has any advice in how to overcome this bs please let me know cause I'm trying to focus but I feel so flat when it comes to the book and my mind keeps wandering to other projects instead
I wish I could just focus on one thing at a time instead of my mind being a ferris wheel of thoughts
I guess I'll just have to try again tomorrow but still this feeling sucks, it's like my writing doesn't feel like mine atm and its really impersonal? or shallow? or just not me?
I don't know how to explain it
Writing is hard and thinking hurts, so maybe I should take a little break... find something fun and enriching to do where I won't have to worry so much
Sorry for the ramble, just need a place to go with my despair cause my skin is beginning to feel bad and that means I'm getting anxious
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